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Wings Over Scotland

The King And Queen Of Cringe

Posted on October 11, 2024 by

Honestly not sure which of these is the most nauseating.

Click the pic to enlarge, if you can stomach it.

Swinney was grinning like a yokel at the first meeting of the “Council Of The Nations And Regions”, held in Edinburgh but where he was the only Scot around a table of 18, placing him on a par with the Mayor Of Cambridgeshire And Peterborough.

He was also one of just four non-Labour politicians in attendance, along with a lonely Tory and a couple of Northern Irish MLAs. But since he’ll be taking his orders from the people in the other picture anyway, we’re not sure why he bothered.

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  1. Witches Convention
  2. First Collaborator of Scotland and friends
Campbell Clansman

And who WASN’T there?
Sue Gray, Kier Starmer’s newly minted envoy (representative) to this “Council of the Nations and Regions.”
Which shows how unserious this whole “council” is. It’s just another media event the politicians arranged for staged photoshoots.


What it shows is how unserious Gray is unless it’s to negotiate her inflated settlement.


Was Sue Gray even in Scotland?

I am wondering if that new “role” of hers is just an excuse for another high ranking UK civil servant to come to Scotland and stick her unwanted nose and finger in our business.

Out with L. Lloyd, in with S Gray. I wonder if there might be a revolving door with handlers somewhere.


Nauseating, intensely angry-making.

  1. First pic seems to suggest that NS is bullet-proof so far as legal proceedings goes.
  2. Second pic is further evidence, as if we needed it, that Swinney et al are perfectly comfortable as unimportant, insignificant, placeholders. For heaven’s sake, have they no sense of pride or of Scotland’s rightful place? Rhetorical question, of course.
Tinto Chiel

The mindless, adolescent Selfie Generation strikes again.

Pic 1: Go Taylor, go! and other Grate Thotts.

Pic 2: Scotland’s real status confirmed as Swinney hums “Cap in Hand” quietly.

Meanwhile Scotland’s pensioners prepare to freeze this winter as the great new Energy Superhighway syphons off huge amounts of our resources down south for nothing.


First picture some might describe as what used to be called dykes.

The second listing certainly exposes Swinney as someone who has jumped the dyke.

Two pretty grim screenshots that characterise the SNP hierarchy.

John McGregor

I got banned aff twitter back in the day for saying “he jumped the Dyke” I suppose they thought i ment jumped a Lesbian

Young Lochinvar

Question is; does the wee Dutch boy have enough fingers though..


Council of Nations and Regions – an idea by House Jock Gordon Brown – is just another layer of colonialism – that will be used to undermine our Holyrood Parliament – and willing treacherous b*stards such as Swinney, will lap it up like the f*ckin dogs they are.

The other photo – showing a group of people who undermined Scotland – who lied to Scots – and who did, and are doing, their best to keep Scotland tied into this illegal union turns my stomach – they are evil.


I agree. It should have been called the council of nations, period! Where England should have had the same representatives as everyone else.
It’s just another establishment construct to undermine the devolved parliaments by implying they are the same level of responsibility as an English region.
It’s colonial bollocks!


Two vomiting inducing pics which reveals that Scotland is truly fecked.



Zander Tait



The new 4 riders of the Scottish Apocalypse.


And relegating your country’s status to some approximation of an english borough …

Some nationalists would see Scotland on the world stage, with status at the UN, even as a “stateless nation”. Instead our “Leader” (toom tabard) puts us on the same level as an english borough, which makes him like a mayor.


1. Jakeys discussing how to be loser over Lidls special buy.
2. Lidls special buy gate crashing an English do.

Tank up. The good times will soon be over..

Garavelli Princip

Sadly, the evidence suggests the “good times” continue to roll.And why would the Brit state wish to derail its agents and enablers?


If I may change the topic from the witches convention and the bewitched John Swinney has anyone picked up on Dubai Ports announcement that they are going to review the £1bn investment that had been scheduled for the London Gateway Port in Essex.

Being cast in the media as being a rethink about the investment because DP ports are annoyed with the Westminster government criticising their subsidiary for sacking British seafarers and replacing them with foreign workers, the cancellation of £1bn seems rather extreme.

Big foreign corporates make decisions based on anticipated hard cash returns and one cannot but help think this decision to review is not a vote of confidence for post Brexit Britain and in particular London.

Since Brexit the UK’s economy has continued to stumble and slump. And trade deals, the much vaunted Great British trade deals, have not emerged. Taken together it most certainly looks that Brittannia is and will continue to slide down to the charts and the Dubai Port corporate business knows it.

It’s just another signal of a broken Britain out of Europe, indeed at odds with Europe, at odds with Europe and on the wider stage unable to trade with the rest of the world.

Unlike a Scotland that has an export surplus which is growing, whisky, oil and gas, fish and agriculture exports and now the bonananza of renewable power.

And with all of this John Swinney wants to align us to, and play second fiddle too, his beloved Westminster masters.

Aye this article gives, a glimpse of the reality of what Scotland is shackled to.


They’re pissed at the UKs complicit actions in Palestine & blocking security council resolutions..
They’ve also joined BRICS.
UAE sells oil to China & India – its biggest customers.
The UK can thank its *special relationship* with the US warhawks rather than leaving the EU because the EU are hell bent on the same kamikaze mission of funding & supplying weapons to mow down civilians.

One of their UN ambassadors (Lana Nusseibeh)was given an award for her tireless efforts towards the state of Palestine & calling for the murder to stop. While the UKs attack dogs blocked everything.

Fuck about – find out I guess.

Chris A

Top trolling from Sturgeon though.

The others in that picture will have to answer for their actions when she goes down. If you pardon the pun.

As for Swinney. The classic house Jock.

Dave Llewellyn

And somewhere in front of Colonial House came the call.
Starmers envoys MI5
Starmers envoys MI5
And likely also Mossad

Obviously it was someone who wasn’t me ?

Robert Hughes

Fckn revolting , the lot of them .

Useless , self-satisfied , clueless-about-everything , other than their own fantasy self-image clowns n puppets n cunts that spend more on a pair of shoes than millions of people earn in one week n a wannabe global hard man a stoned worm could slap about continuing the hilarious delusion of * British * importance .

n that glaikit , freeze-dried eejit Swinney , grinning like a simpleton , over the moon to be in such V.I.P company n looking forward to his handful of peanuts for being such a nice , good-natured pet

boak -invokers one n all


And why is Dugdale involved?
I watched her the other day on Newsnight doing a brilliant impersonation of a football fully inflated with hot air.
I never heard anyone before using so many words that ment nothing. A waste of space.


She has a twin over in the US running for president.

She’s another one that can talk for an hour without ever making sense.

Robert Hughes

Prime example of the political neo-magic of failing upwards and being extravagantly rewarded for brave mediocrity n stunning hypocrisy . The reward is , of course , for being a compliant head-nodder n kid-on ” progressive ” ; never suggesting anything remotely radical – let alone manifesting such ; supporting who you’re told to support / condemning who you’re told to condemn : being gay helps , likewise ” Feminist ” ( that’s those new kind of ” Feminists ” who try to tell us brickies-in-drag are ” real women ” , 7 year old children ” know ” they are ” born in the wrong body ” and should be ” affirmed ” by having their genitals mangled & administered physically deleterious , life-altering drugs ) ; talk / express concern ( ie don mask of faux-seriousness when interviewed ) about imminent Climate Ragnarok ; be fully supportive of Immigration ( as long as the actual immigrants are safely installed in some working class ghetto ) . Above all support all/every military action instigated by W.M – however ill-judged , unnecessary , brutal .

Failure is the new Success , doncha know ?

Welcome to the Club

Ian McCubbin

Starmer left with a police and MI5 escort. Guess he was so concerned about independistas and Pro Palistine protectors that he feared something.
Oh and Swinney is such a ("Quizmaster" - Ed) now he must be heading for a gong for services to English government.

Ian McCubbin

The word Quisling should be in not quizmaster

Roger Houston

I prefer it to house jock which does not do Broon and that ilk justice


Representation of Scotland in England-as-the-UK parliament: 8.8%

Representation of Scotland in Sir Kid and Elderly Starver’s council of nonsense: 5.6%

Excellent. So they have managed to dilute Scotland’s representation even further, this time they pushed Scotland’s representation even below its demographic proportion. Even a province like NI has double the representation than Scotland does.

And the pathetic Swinney is smiling in the picture like the useful idiot he is for the privilege of demoting Scotland even further. He makes me sick.

“Council of the nations and regions” my backside. It is neither a council of nations nor a council of regions. It is just another British establishment made up quango. So, Is England not a nation anymore in Sir Kid and Elderly Starver’s head, then?

If there was ever any doubt, they have now completely dissipated it. Scotland is seen and treated as a colony by England’s labour party and leader. It will never change.

The labour party is not on the side of Scotland and never will be. It is working against Scotland and it is actively demoting Scotland at every opportunity this new quango is proof of it.

I am sure that having this council of nonsense in Edinburgh was done on purpose to rub it on our noses It is nothing but a modern display of colonial power for the benefit of the vassals. Those, like Swinney, who are falling over themselves to pathetically side with the Labour party and participate in this new stupid game of demoting Scotland even further, are not loyal to Scotland. They are working against Scotland.

Swinney is not representing Scotland in that quango. He is representing himself and his handler.


NI is power share – they can’t invite one without the other or there’d be a war lol

This facade won’t last. Scotland will get hee-haw but the embarrassment of joining in with this charade.

The SNP = new Better Together crew.

Roll on 2026.Tho Kid Starver may go first.

James Gardner

3 from Yorkshire !

Young Lochinvar

Andy Burnham has achieved his mid term aim: on a parity with countries FMs.
He’ll be even more insufferable now on the cobbles oop norf..

As for the other picture: a shower of useless scheming b@st@rds plotting to further their personal ambitions. Probably bursting for a pee but don’t dare go as they will get talked about in their absence.


Was Indy ever on the table?


No. No one misses that many open goals without being paid handsomely to throw the game.


they lost if behind all the vibrators

ben madigan

it wasn’t you know It really wasn’t

Young Lochinvar

Meant to say; assuming this coven took place in the house of SHE who shall not be named (and whose left hand is always hidden) then; where’s Lavender Pete?

Clearly not behind the camera.

Not been seen for a while, has he?

Consigned to be the monster in the attic?

Or buried under the patio..


it wasn’t a gathering for MEN.


So no TRA’s there to pester them and shut them down? Ahhhhhh rite THEY are the TRA’s!


Probably Kezs new pad. You know, the one she needed to deduct from her charity pledge earnings from her stint in I’m a celebrity.

A good time will have been had by all on how to get away with shafting money out the public.

link to


Peter’s at home washing the dishes and doing the ironing it takes his mind of other matters whiles Mrs Murrell get over the Balmoral hotel incident. I bet for pudding its fudge all round.

Garavelli Princip

Maybe Daft Pete was out on the town, on the lash. Whit a wee divil!

He’ll have to get used to all-night bars (we hope)


I take it Sturgeon got the good news she was hoping for.

Robert Louis

So the first pic, Sturgeon and her coven,discussing how to make a career from doing nothing. Mibbes pretendy ‘professor’ Kezia has the answer.

But, really these two pictures show what the real problem is, these folk are all really good chums. The arguing and debating, is just a game, their ‘job’ as they see it. Not one single person with a shred of integrity. People can see Swinney, Sturgeon and the rest for what they are, a bunch of lying charlatans.

As for John Swinney, any Scottish leader worth their salt would not have sullied themselves with such a meeting. A day return for the champagne socialist, and careerist, ‘sir’ keir, the English first minister, up to tell Scotland what they should do. Swinney happily nods along, giving a veneer of credibility to the fact the meeting was actually in Scotland. Doing England’s bidding, as ever.

agent X

Was there no constituency work for Sturgeon to do today?
She certainly doesn’t do any work in Holyrood. (when she can be bothered to turn up)

Last edited 4 months ago by agent X

yeah …

link to

this is how pogroms begin and why I won’t be “making the case for indy to the soft noes”, or calling little englanders new scots, or allowing them any political representation while in Scotland.

– we need a campaign to convince the english on their lack of moral right to vote up here.


shall be our slogan

They should also be made to wear top hats in public so we can easily identify them and be forced to attend elocution so they can learn how to not


I can’t understand a word they say anyway; they are better off in their country, with their own kind of people, they will never fit in here and we can’t afford to subsidise them.

Ed Uni is a fucking sewer anyway and needs a clear out – first the english, then all the foreigners who are just here so they can overstay their visa once they finish.


Scotland should be educating its own. Places shouldn’t be given to rUK. They have their own universities to go to.

Those are expected to be our next leaders, inventors, technology wizards, engineers, bankers, scientists etc – not given to someone else who has no intention of sticking around.

Its bound to be turning away real Scottish talent to give a place to some English twat more interested in TRAs, Furries, bad karaoke & gentrifying the fck out of everything Scottish.

We can’t even have a fcking festival without them now either.

Go get ’em Floyd!

*Sets phasers tae malky*

Young Lochinvar


Seeing the Dugdale-Gilruth composite certainly reminds you of the cover image of the film “dumb and dumber”!

Sad thing is it’s an accurate description of those two superannuated gravy train full time non achievers..


I’d have replied to that tweet saying Nah mate, God intended the English to pay fees while I’m enjoying it for hee-haw. Bend over sunshine.

Last edited 3 months ago by Geri

I’ve got an idea for a film on how to fix Edinburgh…
It’s along the lines of Atlantis, with maybe a bit of Assault on Precinct 13, and The Taking of Pelham 123 thrown into the mix.

It’s going to be called The Drowning of Auld Nu Reekie.
The plot basically involves someone (who definitely isn’t me, honest. 😉 ) capturing, transporting, and then releasing a shit load of beavers into all the rivers and watercourses around Lothian, and as re-wilding nature quickly takes its course it causes the waters to rise, the inhabitants to flee, leaving the place submerged and thus permanently snuffing out the last vestiges of the stench emanating from oor capital.
The End.

I’ve already got thoughts of a sequel where in a change from their usual modus operandi with the New Year Loony Dooking, Underbelly set up cordons around the flooding city and try to charge folk 15 quid to get out of the water.


How will Freeports / Greenports fit in and comply with Treaty of Union articles.

Article IV
“That all the Subjects of the United Kingdom of Great-Britain shall, from and after the Union, have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation, to and from any Port or Place within the said united Kingdom, and the Dominions and Plantations”

Article VI
“That all parts of the United Kingdom, for ever, from and after the Union, shall have the same Allowances, Encouragements, and Draw-backs, and be under the same Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Regulations of Trade, and liable to the same Customs and Duties, and Import and Export”


Excellent point Dan.
But who of influence will pick up that batton?


Well there’s currently 6 likes to the post so that’s the bones of a team of half a dozen folk.
But as this is Wings, they may all be disciples of “There’s nothing going on in Scottish Politics” ethos, so who knows…

The population growth rate disparity in the two Kingdoms of the UK and the lack of political will to address this matter over the course of the 300 year Union is another fairly easy to prove aspect that doesn’t comply to ToU.

Today the only batons I will be picking up are wooden ones, already been out this morning for a shift ripping apart another tangled mess of tree branches and limbs, sods of mud & grass, and stones from the bastarding beaver’s latest attempts to build a dam and flood another area of farm crop growing field.
After this morning cuppa I’ll be on the chainsaw cutting firewood from well seasoned wood limbs that I cleared and collected after they came down in Storm Arwin. I can keep myself warm for winter using less than two gallons of petrol to cut firewood.

Interestingly on way back through village from my walk my nose, throat and lungs couldn’t help but notice that two of the properties that recently had “planet saving” ASHPs fitted are belching acrid coal reek oot their lums this chilly morning so make of that what you will…
There was a bit of discussion on leccy energy stuff last night on the butt end of the last thread if anybody missed it.


Thanks for the reference back to the discussion on energy generation/charges which you had with George Ferguson on the last thread. It was interesting and informative.

Tinto Chiel

Dan, here’s the beginning of a PhD thesis for someome patient enough to list the number of times the ToA has been broken over the years. Of course, the MPs we sent down there have never had the political will to do anything about it and that was the case from the start of the “new” parliament of Great Britain, when the much larger number of English MPs were allowed to simply outvote the perpetually fewer Scottish ones, as Xaracen has described many times on here.

Tinto Chiel

Shouldabeen “there’s”, apologies.

Robert Hughes

The TOU will be * amended * to comply with the * Free*ports n * Green*ports n the SNP queue-up to sign on the ( erratically ) dotted line

Patsy Millar

Would that no gie ye the dry boak?

stuart mctavish

Having bit of fun imagining where we might be in doubly inverted scenario where big John thrashed it all out across a table with David Mundell, whilst Nicola leant in for a giggle with Theresa May in celebration of an Ayrshire golfer running for POTUS last time around

(Def should have sent his Deputy, or even a special advisor, in pref to self gaslighting the national psyche much further tho’).

Geoff Anderson

We know what they are….
 The National Assembly, summoned at Vichy to ratify the armistice, was persuaded by Pierre Laval to grant Philippe Pétain authority to assume full powers in the French State. The antirepublican Vichy government collaborated with the Germans and became increasingly a tool of German policy, especially after the Germans occupied the whole of France in 1942. By early 1944 the Resistance movement against the Gestapo and Vichy militias created a period of civil war in France, and after the liberation of Paris the Vichy regime was abolished.

Zander Tait

Strange. When attempting to access the WOS home page via a DuckDuckGo search, I get “Forbidden. You do not have permission to access this resource”.

As you can see, I can still use and access the links to individual stories.

Anyone else having this problem?

Zander Tait

It’s now working fine.


Anyone been to an SNP branch meeting recently and can report in the sort if numbers attendin


What’s an SNP branch meeting. Two loons in a phone box. Three if you are lucky.

Seriously though, the party membership and member support has utterly gone. It’s a shell party.

And the ex MPs think they’re going to rock up and just slide into seats at Hollyrood. Mind you, the photo of the witches in today’s article is most probably an SNP meeting.


Sturgeon nae mates, reduced to hanging about with fellow SNP acolytes to fill the lonely nights.

Swinney, nae mates, lost in the “Council Of The Nations And Regions” with no influence or any hope.

Geoff Anderson

She isn’t hanging about…..She is instructing them

Garavelli Princip

And will continue to do so with a smuggled mobile – if she has to – the political undead!

Long past time she was expelled from the SNP.

In any case, it is highly likely the electorate will expel them.

Lorna Campbell

Nicola and company? Couldn’t give a toss. All as useless as each other. Bye, bye, Sooty.

Swinney? He will sell us out all over again… and again… and again. Can we have your bids, ladies and gentlemen? Gavel swings and Scotland goes to the lowest bidder. Not even a reserve price.

Seriously, this conclave is totally against the Treaty of Union Articles. It is even contrary to all normal devolution rules. A city or region equal to a country? Only in the UK. Only in Scotland.

Soon, we shall be fighting over the scraps with Manchester, and we’ll lose. Not a prediction. Too obvious to be that. Has it not dawned on Swinney yet that ‘England’, the other ‘partner’ in the Union, still exists whole? We have England and the English cities and regions, and we have…well, Scotland, the other partner in the Union, equal to Manchester, until it comes to the allocation of funding. Wait and see.

A scam to give England funding many times over and then some.


It’s obvious now he’s a Brit place man and always has been
He has one of those bland personalities that makes him seem reasonable, he’s anything but.

His job was to destroy the SNP from within but Alex Salmond saved the day the 1st time

He’s now in place to finish the task since AS has been removed from the SNP and there’s no one left of his calibre

A ("Tractor" - Ed) to the people of Scotland
Every bit as bad as Sturgeon

Vivian O’Blivion

That first photie features: 
Three Cabinet Secretaries at £97k pa. 
One former First Minister on £72.2k pa.
One “Professor” on a minimum of £74 k pa.

Unlike former Prime Ministers, former First Ministers are not entitled to Public Duty Cost Allowance. PDCA was introduced in 1991 when Thatcher left office (I thought the Tories were all about small government). That abomination accounts for Liz Truss being entitled to £115k pa for serving 44 days in office. Sturgeon did however receive a one off resettlement grant of 50% of her salary when she resigned worth £83k.

The figure given for Dugdale is an absolute minimum. The University of Glasgow gives Zone 1 salary scale for Professors at £74k to £89.7k. If they were giving her the bottom of a Zone 1 salary two years ago for NOT performing the duties of a Professor, what are they giving her now that she is supposed to be imparting her wisdom full time to some poor unfortunate students? This assumes that her salary as a Professor in 2022 came out of the budget of the UoG, I tend to believe that it came out of the budget of Thames House (£3.7b financial year 21 – 22).

Does Dugdale still have a weekly column in the Courier and a monthly column in The Times (Scottish edition)? I can’t bring myself to look.


Does she even attend class?
How many times did she attend the John Smith center?

Is there a public record kept somewhere?

She still submits articles to the courier.


Soon forgotten. Never forgiven.


18 «representatives», with the four notional «nations» totally outnumbered.
Maybe the «BritShires» of Scotland, Wales and Ulster might petition for elected mayors?
Now altogether cry «IRRELEVANCE».
Wonder if anyone dared mention Chagos or Davos? 

What bonnie, geographically strategic Scotland is really handy for,

link to

Those  Norwegians, as cuddly as a set of Nato commanders.


I’m sure Teflon Swinney is optimistic, that come the 2026 Scottish elections – that his party of troughing careerists will somehow manage to – at the very least share power with BLiS – and maybe the degenerate Greens – afterall the SNP is no longer a party for Scottish independence – its now a party of self-serving careerists – who want the status quo to remain intact.

“JOHN Swinney has said he is “very optimistic” about the SNP’s chances in the 2026 Holyrood elections after the first 100 days of a Labour Government.”


It’ll be rigged for them to win. They’re the constant road block that serves the establishments purpose.

The crazies in charge, just about, will serve as a constant warning of incompetence & it blocks any challenger.

Unionists will also vote for them cause they’re the best of both worlds with mitigation. Free stuff & Union all rolled into one never ending fcking nightmare safe in the knowledge there’ll never be an indyref with them, ever.

Andy Anderson

The SNP are simply colonial administrators. They are not interested in independence nor are they supporting Scots, our laws either. They prefer the English bill of rights.

Glenn Boyd

O/T The great Mr Alex Salmond has just died, which is being reported as “breaking news” by the bbc. Shock and grief beyond measure. Rest in power Sir!

North chiel

just heard the tragic news re our great independence leader who has passed away


Being reported on Twitter that Alex Salmond has died. Including Daily Record and STV accounts, as well as Neil hanvey, so appears to be true. Sad news. (Usual suspects gloating/revelling as expected).


Apologies for error above. It wasn’t Neale Hanvey’s tweet I read. Not sure who’s it was.

Kevin Cargill

RIP Alex.

Andrew scott

Alec salmond has died it is being reported

Last edited 3 months ago by Andrew scott
Alisdair Mclean

I know. The Independence movement has just suffered a severe blow.


Big Lexo, he dead …

I saw this online, thought it was a joke.


I hope they have a full postmortem and toxicology.

Best leader we ever had, and no one to replace him.

Watch all the shits who tried to bury him play the hypocrite, or worse, continue to kick the dead man.

Felt pretty chilled this afternoon up till now,

a disaster.


That was my first thought too. How convenient.

RIP Alex xxx A true legend…

They killed him either way because the stress & strain of the last few yrs of being falsely accused would’ve been fcking unbearable.

I hope his wife insists on a full examination.


just watched a “scotland speaks” 2 hours ago – looked in fine form, not obviously in any ill health – good for 10 years and a whole series of legal and political fights …

there are any number of substances, some found in your garden, the foxglove for example, that will stop the heart, and when a man over 50 has a “heart attack” no one ever bats an eyelid 

it is very convenient timing for certain folks “in the frame”

are you or have you ever been, a “coincidence theorist”?

First up we need a state funeral for him.

There needs to be a statue to the man, right outside Holyrood, right at the front I think.

Lorna Campbell

I agree that some kind of memorial needs to be erected to him and to his legacy.


Alex was tweeting fine just hours before his death.

1. Scotland was a country not a county. The Nations & regions was to undermine Devo.
2. Palestine, Lebanon, the UN peace & international law.
3. Called on Swinney to take legal action over winter fuel.

Still on fine form.

I took a wander over to X & glad to see the NuSNP are getting absolute pelters from the public. Bunch of backstabbing barstewards.

Young Lochinvar

Amen to that, first thing my wife said was “it’ll have been a heart attack after all they’ve put him through”.

An immeasurable loss.

RIP Alex.

Robert Matthews

When are you having your full head examination?


Totally agree!!


These are terribly sad, unexpected news. What a great loss for both his family and for the whole yes movement. A real tragedy.

Rest in Peace Mr Salmond. You leave very large shoes to fill and will be missed terribly.

The same as Confused, I cannot help by thinking that the passing of this great leader is indeed far too convenient for all that human sewage who was in line to be brought by him to court. It is also most convenient for the British establishment and the handlers of the human sewage. Far too convenient for it to just be seen as a mere coincidence.

I bet the human sewage both in Scotland and down in London will be opening the bubbly to celebrate.

I also expect that a full postmortem and toxicology report is conducted and reported in full. I don’t like how I feel about this at all. I cannot help it, but I smell a rat.

Kit Bee

‘I smell a rat’ yep I am sniffing that too. Too damned convenient.!!


Such sad news. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, colleagues and many supporters.

Even for those who may not have agreed with his politics, Salmond was a rare form of politician in these times. Capable of galvanising a party with belief and purpose. Able to express his views with genuine belief , passion and statesmanship.

As sad as this news is, it would be sadder yet if those behind his victimisation from his former party escaped justice.

Neil Singleton

Officially likely to be a heart attack, but people are wondering whether Ms McNovichok was involved.

Lorna Campbell

Precisely. Listened to some of them. Loathe them even more now. Mr Salmond was hounded for the past few years. It was bound to tell on his health. Feel so sorry for Moira and his sister and other family. May he rest in peace as the greatest leader in modern Scotland. Those sh*ts could never hold a candle to him. Not in a million years.

Jason Smoothpiece

Alex Salmond has died a tragic loss for his family and all of us involved in the struggle for independence.

Rest in peace sir and thank you for all you have done for our cause.



Alex Salmond dead.


I’m sorry to hear of his passing- though I did not agree with Mr Salmond’s politics he was a powerful politician and man. I hope this does not affect the painfully slow process of the law in Scotland; what of his civil ‘suit’ ? I don’t know enough to comment but I hope the uncovering of the shadiest political dealings in recent UK history can continue to clear his memory and identify wrongdoers


My sincere condolences to Alex Family.
Scotland has lost its greatest ever statesmen.

Sturgeon and her cabal of liars can hang their heads in eternal shame for what they concocted against an innocent man.

Maybe not the time to discuss but I hope his charges against a corrupt Scottish government can reach court and bring justice to his family.

There should be a statue erected for posterity.
Removing Dewar’s Statue would give this a prime location.

Rest in Peace Alex!


RIP Alex and Thank You

Dewar’s statue is long past its meltdown date

And Spouse

Rest in piece big man. Thankyou for everything you gave us.

Robert McAllan

My sentiments entirely Effijy. Scotland is the poorer for now on his passing. His funeral should be the largest turnout on the streets of Scotland not witnessed since the funeral of the late Clydeside revolutionary John Maclean. Respect, R.I.P. Alex.

Mike D

The bbc would probably say, ‘hundreds’ of people turned up to pay their last respects.

Carol Neill

RIP , I sincerely hope none of the shower of shits even attempt to express remorse at his passing , but their brass necks will allow them


Does Salmond’s death mean the truth will be hidden for ever


I just can’t take it in.
Alex Salmond was the heartbeat of Scottish independence.
We should all be more determined than ever to ensure Sturgeon , her handlers and sycophants spend the maximum prison sentence for all lies, innuendo and corruption they used against him.
RIP Alex Salmond. A true leader.

Michael Laing

Absolutely. I hope they never dare to show face or utter a word in public again.


Reports are that Alex Salmond was poised to expose the whole rotten affair about things.

Was he killed by the the state?

Marie Clark

Dear god that’s a severe blpw to Scotland RIP Alex. Condolences to Moira and all of his family. I’m shattered by this news.

Doug Bryce

Absolutely devastated. Not least that Alex won’t get to see justice in court of law against those who conspired against him

Andrew scott

The coven on the left will be cackling a lot tonite

Bob McPherson

Alex Salmond RIP ? Devastated

Ian Stewart

RIP Alex – he was a nice bloke at heart I think.
Though I disagreed with his politics on nationalism, I respected him as probably the best politician we’ve had on these islands for the last thirty years.


Fuck off dickhead.

Ian Stewart

Respect to you too!

Robert Matthews

Pipe down.


What is your glitch?

Blue white dynamite

If ever there was a time to rise up and fight the state, this is it. How very fortunate that AS dies and takes all the secrets with him. I hope it’s all written down somewhere. Can his family continue with the court case?


I hope so.

Gerry B

Salmond has joined the great referendum in the sky…

agent X

Alex Salmond dead!!!!!!!

Glenn Boyd

It’s still sinking in…….. You would think that scumbags like Leslie Riddoch, Andrew Neil, Anas Sarwar Ian Murray, John Sweeney and Keir Stammer would have the good grace to desist from making nauseating “tributes”. I have deployed the sick-bag ahead of Sturgeon’s vomit-inducing horseshit!

Mark M

The Andrew Neil who had lunch with him a few week ago?

Anton Decadent

Conflicting emotions of anger that he won’t see justice, sadness at his untimely death and gladness that we had him.

Tinto Chiel

Yes, indeed.

I will find it difficult to stomach now the public hypocrisy of the backstabbers in his party who set out to destroy him and the sullen gracelessness of others who doubtless will be unable to behave with any honesty or dignity as they secretly gloat.

Although he made political mistakes like any man, perhaps arising from his inherent decency or even naivety, he was such an imposing leader and threat to the Establishment that he had to suffer the fate as Parnell.

My thoughts are with Alex’s family in these sad times.

May the truth come out eventually to vindicate him and to bring his betrayers low.

“O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done.”

RIP, Alex.

Marie Clark

I’m with you on that one Tinto. The hypocrisy of the backstabbers is vomit inducing. I hope that twisted wee besom has the decency to keep her mouth shut after all she tried to do to Alex. A very big loss for Scotland RIP Alex.

Ian Brotherhood

Hear hear TC.
Nicely put.


Holy shit.

The Boss is dead.

Robert Matthews

“Born in the USA” was his best song.


Really awful news. So sad. The ordeal they put him through caught up with him. None of us can imagine what that was like. Truly horrific. So convenient as well… Barely ten years after the referendum. What a loss.


Very sad news about Alex, a proper advocate for Scotland unlike the dross we have in power at the moment.


So sad. Alex should have been prime minister of an independent Scotland.

dan macaulay



Will sturgeon be partying tonight the wee bitch. May she rot in hell


That picture of Sturgeon with champagne and the cabal of liars with her takes on an even more sinister look


It’s an often and well worn phrase in the passing of somebody known in the the public eye but in this instance, it is genuinely sad to hear that Alex is dead. RIP.

He made us believe in independence and that we could win the referendum despite all the millionaires and billionaires and their lackeys laughing and mocking us. He also helped us keep the faith in the darkest days afterwards. Now, who is going to keep the dream alive?

Robert Matthews

B A Robertson ?


RIP Mr Salmond.

David Hannah

Rest in peace Alex Salmond. I loved you. I loved your ideas and your vision for Scottish Independence. The dream shall never die. Your dream shall never die. Immortal.

Last edited 3 months ago by David Hannah

For me Salmond was neutralised – just like Willie McRae, or Robin Cook, who spoke out against the illegal war on Iraq in Westminster and wound up dead later.

Salmond had his day in court coming up, which would probably done considerable damage to those who tried to stitch him up – and it might also have set back the English states ironclad grip on Scottish politics.

Salmond will be a huge loss – as is Iain Lawson – many Scottish politicians spoke about Scotland in the present – but very few had the historical knowledge that Salmond had.

Andy Ellis

Sorrow is better than fear. Fear is a journey, a terrible journey, but sorrow is at least an arrival.
When the storm threatens, a man is afraid for his house. But when the house is destroyed, there is something to do. About a storm he can do nothing, but he can rebuild a house.

Alan Paton, “Cry, the Beloved Country”

Willie Fleming

Last hing we need right now is trite p*sh from Ellis

Garavelli Princip

It is instructive that you cannot find your own words for this catastrophe; even more instructive that the words you chose are so deeply inappropriate. We have lost a giant. We are desolate!


Salmond was the heart of the independence movement. He ran the Brit state closer than we know in 3014.

After his stood down he was fitted up on charges of sexual misconduct. Charges that were exposed to be unfounded. He was awarded initial damages.

With the Hollyrood elections scheduled soon reports are that his ongoing legal case against the state would expose matters of the darkest nature.

A coincidence therefore that Alex Salmond dies in a foreign jurisdiction, and where that jurisdiction would be responsible for any investigation into his demise.

A coincidence too the timing of his death in relation to his legal case and the impending elections.

Or is it just a coincidence like Doctor David Kelly or Willie MacRae committed suicide. Salmond death certainly tidies things up – or does it.

Britain is at its weakest. It needs Scottish resources now more than ever. Oil, gas. hydro, wind etc. If Britain could go to war in Iraq, or employ death squads in Northern Ireland, this postulation of a conspiracy makes absolute sense.

Alex’s death raises many many questions. They need answers. This is not going away.

In the meantime we grieve for a true giant of independence.

Kit Bee

too too true- will we ever know??

Robert Hughes

Speechless . Let a poet sing in ….

Praise Of A Man. ( by Norman MacCaig )

He went through a company like a lamplighter –
see the dull minds, one after another,
begin to glow, to shed
a beneficent light.

He went through a company like
a knifegrinder – see the dull minds
scattering sparks of themselves,
becoming razory, becoming useful.

He went through a company
as himself. But now he’s one
of the multitudinous company of the dead
where are no individuals.

The beneficent lights dim
but don’t vanish. The razory edges
dull, but still cut. He’s gone: but you can see
his tracks still, in the snow of the world.

Norman MacCaigfrom The Many Days: Selected Poems of Norman MacCaig (Edinburgh: Polygon, 2010)


John Young

Thank you Robert for the wonderful words of McCaig, so apt for such a great man.


Scotland has lost its brightest and best voice , such awful news.

I cannot bear to watch the news as I think of all the presenters that insulted , sneered and continued to take him to ‘trial’ long after he was found innocent who will be seen shedding false tears.

Mike D

I think his wife Moira should ban ‘certain people’ from attending any private funeral service.


Alexander the Great dies in Macedonia.

Coincidence or orchestration?

Glenn Boyd

And if the gretin’s and clowns comments following Mr Salmonds tragic demise were not enough then surely the C4 interview with Ian Blackford reaches new depths of downright depravity!


I wonder if he will use the same line he used to me when Mr Salmond was falsely accused – “A sad day for the SNP family”. It still makes me furious that he had the gall to say that when he was complicit.

Tinto Chiel

Breeks: “There are no coincidencies, only synchronicities.”

Carl Jung.

Robert Louis

When I heard it had happened, in Macedonia, I also thought, ‘how convenient’.

Kit Bee

Me too.


Alexander the Great dies in Macedonia.”
Brilliant, Breeks.

Frank Gillougley

The end of an era. His like we’ll not see again.

Meg Merrilees

Hard news to thole. RIP Alex, “The Dream will NEVER die.”

Condolences to Moira and all who will miss him.

Robert Louis

Aye, the dream will NEVER die. I have a book signed by Alex, where I wasn’t sure what he should write, so he simply suggested, and put,
The dream will never die, Alex’.

Bob Mack

I am bereft. A greatt has left us.


Oh, the twisted irony of the picture on the left. Ripe for conspiracy theorists I guess.
“Scotland is a country, not a county”.
We have our Yes2 banner

Robert Louis

And a great banner it will be. Scotland IS and always will be a country, not an English county. The fight goes on.


Such sad news to learn of Alex passing. May he rest in peace.
Undoubtedly he must have been enduring a very significant amount of stress in what was unfortunately to be the last chapter of his life as he tried to deal with the complexities of what had been played out against him.
No person should ever have to endure such an extreme and unwarranted burden at any point in life, so hopefully all those that instigated the plot against him get their comeuppance.
Maybe now more than ever, David Davis will again step up and assist establishing some clarity to the matter.

link to

Previously posted article with David Davis speech in Commons and note hot links in blue to other content.

link to


Your thought re: David Davis is identical to mine. I truly hope he steps up. it was obvious, even to a unionist like me that poor Mr. Salmond was stitched up like a kipper and the base hypocrisy of those who did him ill makes me want to vomit. My sincere condolences to those who loved him. He has been taken far too soon.


I’m not going to say RIP as I don’t believe Alex will RIP until we have gained our Independence.

Watching all these so called soft Indy maggots Making money on the news of Mr Salmonds death with interviews to the MSM. When he was alive they didn’t have a nice word to say about him. Its always the Same money grabbers.

Garavelli Princip

This devastating news is desolate beyond words. We who love Scotland are bereft.

Now that the threat of this case coming before the courts is removed, I think we can safely predict that nothing at all will come of Branchform.

COPFS will find ‘no case to answer’ and/or ‘prosecutions are not in the public interest’

All threats to the Brit state are neutralised. It’s a British tradition.

Rest in peace Great Heart!

Young Lochinvar

I worry that you are completely correct in your assessment.
God help us one and all.

Also, I agree; a statue if ever one was merited IS for big Eck.

Michael Laing

If that comes to pass, then the conspirators must be named. Let them be subject to the contempt that disgusting lying criminals deserve. The truth must surely emerge one way or another.

Who Rattled Your Cage

Wonder if the wee psycho Sturgeon will admit tae hersel she helped chase her tormentit mentor intae the grave. Damned shair the years ay pain n worry she n her alphabetty scum pals put him through didnae help his health ony.

Glenn Boyd

But wait! Just when you think that matters cannot get any worse then the bbc publishes a “tribute” from one Michael Portillo. So what next:The Sturgeon, Kirsty Wark and Danni Garavelli?


Dreadful news. For all who want Scotland’s rightful status restored; for Scotland’s future governance – he having more brains and gumption than the entire body of MSPs currently troughing at Holyrood; and for all who wished to see justice done against every single person who created or condoned the false accusations against him. Remember Maree Todd echoing Sturgeon’s “AS is not a fit and proper person to be involved in politics”?

Garavelli Princip

If she had posted that picture (top left) tonight, it would be believable!


May Alex Salmond have eternal rest.
«Scotland» did not deserve him.
But from his example let there come new life

red sunset

Tonight’s news is a shock. Infinite numbed sadness.

Thank you Alex for all you did for us, for our country, and for humanity in general. You were the proverbial light in a dark tunnel. You inspired a generation. You inspired a whole people.


Desperately sad news. Condolences to Alex’s family. He really did inspire a generation and a whole people.

I am sure there must be folk from all parties who, over the years, have been inspired by his courage and honesty. In Westminster, how could he not have been an inspiration? He understood better than anyone how parliament worked and, as well as a razor-sharp intelligence, he had the guts to stand up and speak truth even when he was a lone voice.

His humanity shone through too. His policies while in government here made people’s lives better. His rhetoric was a joy to behold. He would illustrate a point with one of his colourful phrases and you’d get it and remember it. Was he not voted top politician in Europe in some poll ten or so years ago? And it goes without saying that it was he who brought the dream of independence alive. What a legacy.

As for the inevitable hypocrisy we’re seeing tonight, Alex had the measure of the lot of them. How privileged we’ve been that he carried on despite everything they threw at him. The truth must now see the light of day.

Robert Louis

What terrible news. Alex Salmond, a king among mere mortals. Mr. Salmond had it. He really had it. More than that he genuinely wanted Scottish independence, and devoted his entire life to that cause.

How sad for his dear wife.

I must say however, how dare that evil, conspiring ghoul Sturgeon even dare to speak his name. Just a few short years ago, she, the cabal of witches, Danni Garavelli and Kirsty Wark, were literally rubbing their hands with glee, as they stabbed the man in the back. Those who condemned him in life, are litterally queuing up to appear on TV to sing his praises, what an utter bunch of two-faced, twisted sh*ts.

Mr. Salmond was better, far, far better, than all of them. Rest in peace Mr, Salmond, Scotland’s very own champion, our guardian, our Scottish king among mere mortals.

Such terrible news. So very, very sad. Desperate.

Garavelli Princip

So true. My ‘Wings’ Moniker is a reverse ‘tribute’ to Ms Garavelli, Kirsty Wark et al and is a reference to Gavrilo Princip – the assassin of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary (1914).

I thought of her and her coven as failed, ‘would-be’ political assassins of our great leader, Alex Salmond.

Sadly, now I have to revise the ‘would-be’ and the word ‘political’.

I have no doubt whatsoever that these evil people have contributed in a major way to his actual demise.

They are a sordid part of Scotland’s history and will be forgotten, long after monuments have been built to the memory of Alex Salmond across this land in memory of his contribution to our inevitable freedom.


Never ever forget that Sturgeon, Swinney and Humza who are now praising Salmond after his untimely death are the ones who falsely accused, tried to ruin and jail him during his life. These people are scum.

Michael Laing

They are going to find out what it means to be despised. To be ostracised and vilified. They deserve all that’s coming to them.

Chic McGregor

Gutted. I was going to send him a silver golf marker I had been sculpting. A personal gift of appreciation for his 70th birthday on Hogmanay. It had, on the Front Alex Salmond F.M. 2007-2014 and on the back Scottish Hero Forever.

The heroes are all dying,
Don’t let them die in vain.
They fought against the lying,
We hold in such disdain.

The heroes are all dying,
For the great cause we believe.
It’s for Scotland’s soul we’re vying,
Only freedom can achieve.

The heroes are all dying,
But they will never be alone.
We’ll remember and keep trying.
Till that final battle’s won.

The heroes are all dying,
And future ones might too.
And yes there’s time for crying,
But to them we must be true.

Ian Brotherhood

Beautiful thought, and well executed too.


Alex Salmond is Scotland’s first 21st Century martyr.

First martyr in a long time.

Look up the word, he fits the bill. Cost him his life.

He walked out of that trial looking like a corpse. That is what killed him. That was a living nightmare for anyone.

I don’t know how or why but this changes things. I feel my heart hardening to my enemies in ways that are new.

Young Lochinvar

You can’t help but wonder where SHE who shall not be named is staying tonight.
If she has any sense her house will be boarded up and vacated in the meantime as too many people are at last opening their eyes to what indescribable culpable harm they did to him.

Remember back in medieval times; giving false testimony was a burning matter.

Michael Laing

Not just to Alex but to our country. To all of us.

Michael Laing

I agree. There is bound to be change now. It’s evident that there’s no route to independence by way of party politics as they stand. The SNP is finished and I doubt if Alba can continue without Alex Salmond, given the lack of impact it’s had thus far. There has to be a realignment, a regrouping, or perhaps we need to follow another route altogether.


he almost got us to the next level, where we should always have been 

when he was in charge, things got better 

when he left, it just, slowly at first, then with increasing speed, turned to shit, leaving us … nowhere …

I think this is appropriate – words can’t really express the complex emotional depths, the dark melancholy of the day 

link to

– for a hero, a fighter, and a leader 


He did get us to the next level. They cheated us through the postal votes. That is why he is dead and the SNP totally destroyed all within ten years.

Glenn Boyd

And here it is, a “tribute” from one Nicola Sturgeon:

Former first minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon has called Alex Salmond a “mentor” despite the “breakdown” of their relationship in recent years.
“I am shocked and sorry to learn of Alex Salmond’s death,” she says.
“Obviously, I cannot pretend that the events of the past few years which led to the breakdown of our relationship did not happen, and it would not be right for me to try.
“However, it remains the fact that for many years Alex was an incredibly significant figure in my life. He was my mentor, and for more than a decade we formed one of the most successful partnerships in UK politics.
“Alex modernised the SNP and led us into government for the first time, becoming Scotland’s fourth First Minister and paving the way for the 2014 referendum which took Scotland to the brink of independence.
“He will be remembered for all of that. My thoughts are with Moira, his wider family and his friends.”

That Bastard is totally devoid of shame!

Young Lochinvar

Yup, like Useless earlier it’s tainted with ME ME ME, front and foremost.
Should have just shown some humility and kept her trap shut.
Wonder if she’s got “Honest” John hot footed over with his redacting pen to go through her tomb/ biography? Evens on down at Corral..

Michael Laing

Lying and bullshitting comes easily to that vile thing.


I feel so sad and so angry at the same time.

Patsy Millar

Me too


Craig Williams of BBC News produced a cover piece about Alex Salmond where he started out respectful but the as his Westminster controlled job demands stuck the knife in before his hatchet job.
Yet another nasty piece of work at the Beeb paid for by mandatory taxes.

John Young

Like Mac this is so sad and terrible but like Mac I am fuckin angry …

The people who steal from us
Tell us we’re shit
Your career is shit
Your aspirations are shit
Your life is shit
And everything you touch is shit
The Vichy Scot supine and slavering
doing Westminster bidding.
I’ll tell you who is really shit
It’s those that steal our rights
steal our wealth, steal our breath.
So, fuck you shits we will take back what’s ours
for sovereign Scots, for breath and life.

A shit.

… you can still see his tracks still, in the snow of the world.
( N.McCaig)

Glenn Boyd

Lord Jack McConnell, Houmza Yousef and Nigel Farage are the latest “worthies” threatening to bring up our stomach contents…………..


Absolutely gutted RIP Alex, Scotland’s Future in Scotland’s Hands ??????????????????

Zander Tait

Even in death, the British main stream media continue to put the boot into the corpse of Alex Salmond.

What a total bunch of cunts.

RIP Alex, you were always better than all the rest.

And you always will be.


I caught Swinney’s “measured” tribute on BBC Scotland. While he’s first minister, everyone can see how inappropriate that was considering Swinney’s closeness to and involvement in what has been going on. 3 or 4 questions at the end about recent relationships to get a response, rather than actually show any respect to someone who has just died.

Then a review of his political life. They had plenty of room for recent years. When it suits, this sort of mudslinging counts as “balance” in the minds of the Beeb. But they tip their hands with the overreach and tone. Joanna Cherry, being rushed by a presenter who brought it up, was for none of it and stood up for Salmond. Again, insinuating something for someone who was acquitted (they even had back up allegations, when challenged, which shows what they were really doing) in a time of respect was incredibly poor.

While I might not have agreed politically with Salmond, nothing is worse than seeing a smear campaign against someone. Very poor from the Beeb.


Dreadful news. Thank you Alex for all you did. Thinking of Moira. Very sad.

Robert Hughes

So from what Afshin says here Alex was in no doubt who the real * actors * behind his attempted – in some ways successful – political assassination were , ie the U.K Security Services

I don’t want to go into how incredibly convenient Alex’s death is , ATM . Still too raw ; not quite real yet .

Excellent summary by yr man , he managed to convey a great deal of Alex’s fine qualities and high intelligence as well as having a sound awareness of the * condition * of Scotland . Broadcasters/People like Mr Rattansi show-up the appalling state of * Scottish * journalism/broadcasting for the bought n paid for colonialist sewage pumping station it is : ditto the UK generally .

Hope yr well , compadre

Young Lochinvar

Well said!

Ian Brotherhood

Good here Robert, thanks.


Craig Murray is explicit in what he writes about Alex Salmonds opinion of Liz Lloyd:

“He was also focused on Liz Lloyd, whom he believed to be an MI5 agent. He said that Lloyd had no connection to Scottish Independence and had initially been placed inside the SNP as an intern to an MP (or MSP, I forget) by a British Government graduate training scheme.
If you want to revisit today the conspiracy against Alex Salmond, I do recommend you read my affidavits in my own contempt of court hearing (as redacted for publication by the Crown Office).”

Last edited 3 months ago by aLurker
Tinto Chiel

Wow! Ian: political dynamite. I don’t think I’ve seen Afshin so energised and brutally articulate on any subject (and fully aware of the four-nation reality of the UK, unlike most of our politicians).

Imo Alex was a marked man from the time he described the NATO (that great “defensive” alliance) bombing of Belgrade during the war in Yugoslavia as “an act of unpardonable folly”. However, his decision to appear on RT, like a host of British politicians of all hues anxious for publicity, uniquely seemed to spook the Establishment horses and probably led to the fabricating of a case against him for sexual crimes.

No wonder, after seeing this, that the British State wanted RT silenced: great work from Rattansi himself, aware of Scotland’s poverty and resultant social problems and the utter corruption of the media and the political class here.

When I think of Alex’s situation as head of a party seething with collaborators, a slightly adapted phrase from Iain Crichton Smith’s short story “Home” springs to mind to describe him as an “emperor surrounded by prairie dogs”.

I pray justice rolls on like a river and his bearers of false witness are finally exposed.

Robert Hughes

Spot-on , T.C .

Tinto Chiel

Aye, Robert: AR’s comments and their frankness just remind you of the appalling state of milquetoast “journalism” here. These journalists are nothing but bought-and-paid-for stenographers for the state.

I’m hoping the emerging nauseatingly hypocritical reaction from AS’s opponents (both within and outwith the SNP) scunners folk in Scotland so much that there is eventually a backlash.


I pray justice rolls on like a river and his bearers of false witness are finally exposed.



A great tribute & heartfelt too.Obviously someone who knew him & spoke on all manner of topics.


Thanks for that Ian – won’t be watching the parasites on so called Scottish TV.


If people are not aware, it is technically quite easy to continue watching the banned and blocked online TV channels like RT.

The simple technical solution is to find one of various proxy sites that operate for free.

So your browser can connect to the proxy, then the proxy relays the content from somewhere else, in this case from RTs servers.

So for example one might search for Afshin Rattansi s name thus:

link to

And chose to watch the piece thus:
link to

Last edited 3 months ago by aLurker

Margo, Winnie and now Alex never got to see Scotland regain its independence. It is up to us all to ensure that their efforts are not forgotten and that in their memory we continue the fight. That battle is not only with British unionism but also with the faux nationalism that plagues the SNP. Margo, Winnie and Alex set the standard we owe to them not to fall below that high benchmark..


We need to get behind:
new scotland party NSP (no domain yet)

We MUST establish the primacy of the Scottish Crown(which is the people, not King Charles Spaniel), and Scots Law, and run our country according to the principled our forefathers bequeathed us.

The SNP are toast and we need to find a deus ex machina to replace the phenomenon that was Alex – an irreplaceable political giant

Young Lochinvar

There is precedent.
After Longshanks had the Wallace – state show – murdered Scotland seemed bereft and adrift, if teeming under the surface.
The Bruce soon after fought a long hazardous journey, at huge personal loss (against now Comyn collaborators) as well as bit by bit booting the English out of their captured footholds in Scotland,
These Bruce had slighted to prevent the English nailing down the population again.

That’s what we need, someone who knows how the opposition “plays” so “plays” by different rules that their tiny straightjacketed minds just cannot comprehend.

Is there a phoenix to rise from this binfire?

I truly hope so but I sort of doubt it’s any of the current crop of self coerced placeholders..

That’s my hope for the future, somehow doubt I’ll live to see it but that doesn’t change things nonetheless.


Couldn’t have put it better. the great Scots look to us to keep the fire burning. Meanwhile time for a lot of people in the SNP to reflect on their role, similar to that of Mentieth in betraying Wallace, in their support of NS’s witch hunt. Repent and be forgiven!


Say something Rev. Fuckin say something, huh?

Dr Steinberg

Shut the f*ck up and leave him alone. I’m sure he’ll comment when he feels it’s relevant.

Michael Laing

It would be better if you said nothing. Have some respect.


He’s said plenty on Twitter. He doesn’t owe you a blogpost.

Al Stuart

The death of Alex Salmond was so unexpected and I believe fair to say that Stuart Campbell was a friend of Alex Salmond that firstly Stu., will be coping with his own personal grief, and second, Stuart Campbell, being an incredibly talented writer, will want to have some form of eulogy sitting on the page as near perfect as possible before he publishes it on Wings Over Scotland. So please El Gordo, show a little compassion. Thanks.

Graf Midgehunter

Well said Al.

Daisy Walker



Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh



Sen Alexander our king wes deid 
That Scotland led in luve and lee, 
Away wes sons of aill and breid,
Of wine and wax, of gamyn and glee.
The gold was changit into leid. 
The frute failyeit on everilk tree.
Christ succour Scotland and remeid, 
That stad is in perplexitie.

[When Alexander our King was dead
That Scotland led in love and law
Gone was wealth of ale and bread
Of wine and wax, of sport and mirth.
Our gold transmuted into lead.
On every tree the fruit crop fails.
Christ succour and restore
Scotland so beset with trials.]

[Nuair a bha Alasdair ar rìgh marbh, 
a riaghail Alba le gràdh ’s le reachd, 
theirig oirnn ar leann is ar n-aran
ar fìon is cèir, ar spòrs is tlachd. 
An àite òir bha luaidh gun stà, 
An àite measa, geugan seact’.
Fòir air Alba, a Chrìosd, ’s dèan slàn,
Is ann oirnn a thàinig an dà là.]

Young Lochinvar


Moral of that story though:

Don’t gallop your horse along Kingshorn cliffs in the dark in a storm as yer itching to get yer hole..

A bit like drink driving really and look what happened..

Andrew F

Shocked to hear this news.

Ironically, I read it on RT.

This quote from the RT story tells us something about the current state of the SNP’s leadership and international standing:

“In a post on X, Scotland’s current first minister and SNP leader, Humza Yousaf, paid tribute to a man he once accused of sexual assault and abuse of office.

“Alex and I obviously had our differences in the last few years, but there’s no doubt about the enormous contribution he made to Scottish and UK politics,” Yousaf wrote, adding that Salmond had helped “transform the SNP into the dominant political force it is today.””

“Current” leader is old whatsisname, RT.


It’s amazing that an open adulturer has the brass neck to accuse others of his open faults


In case anyone would like to read some earlier tributes, when Alex stood down 10 years ago. Chris Cairns has re-posted this image on Twitter tonight: here’s the original post.
link to

Last edited 3 months ago by Lynne
David Hannah

It was the best of times. Thee. Best of times. “No flowers of Scotland, are born to bloom unseen.” The Dream. Shall never die.

He’s in heaven. There is no doubt. I loved you Alex.

Towbar Sullivan

RIP Alex Salmond.

stuart mctavish

He was the best of us.
Thank you for creating Alba and ensuring he had the company of true friends and family when he will have needed it most.


I am deeply saddened by Alex’s untimely death. He was an inspiring, compassionate and principled leader, a true Scottish stalwart. A master of language, of dextrous, flashing, brilliant eloquence, one of our great thinkers. “ Sapere Aude”, dare to be wise, was the battle cry of the Scottish Enlightenment, which Alex so epitomised. He loved Scotland and its people and we loved him.

He and his family had to endure a special variety of fear, when it occurred maliciously at the hands of his fellow human beings. It was blindingly obvious that Sturgeon and her woke-infested cult and “ bitches coven” conspired to destroy him. Does she know she is evil?

” We know truth, not only by reason, but also by the heart” Blaise Pascal


A couple of issues for BBC and the right wing media.
Alex Salmond wasn’t divisive.
He United Scots who wanted to control their own country just like 200 other countries.
His show on RT wasn’t controlled by Putin at any time.
He was given a free hand to chose his topics and his guests on his own terms.
Something the Westminster controlled media would never allow.
Strange how a controlled U.K. media gets to accuse someone of controlling the media.

They are a disgrace to raise the accusations against him and continuing to throw mud at the corps when 2 years of police investigation, 3 Judges and a Jury of his piers found him guilty of any crime.

I would like to remind everyone that the BBC has been the breeding ground of sexual predators, bullies and right wing mouth pieces.

The BBC continued to pay Hugh Edward’s when he was found to be purchasing sexually orientated pictures of children but dismissed Carol Voderman and confronted Gary Lineker for stating facts about the Tory government.

If you want news you certainly don’t want to go near the BBC.


YES and they continued to protect and serve Saville Harris and a host of other perverts and deviants , no wonder they FAVOUR sturgeon and her perverts


For those who obsess about Britishness,
would do well to remember this.
As Westminster steals our nation’s bounty,
Scotland is a country and not a county.


I can’t believe he is gone. A giant of a man and a true Scottish patriot. R.I.P.
Like many on here I find this decidedly odd. Since sturgeon took power the SNP has been systemically destroyed by financial scandals , prosecutions, woke, and now the one man with the passion , charisma and intellect who could deliver independence suddenly dies.
Is it just a conspiracy theory or job done.


Toil and risk are the price of glory, but it is a lovely thing to live with courage and die leaving an everlasting fame.
Alexander the Great


The BBC with Kuenesburg again throwing mud at Alex Salmond.

“Salmond had accusations of sexual impropriety over many years but was found not guilty at trial”.
Anyone with any decency would have used a full stop, but no,
“ Salmond’s lawyer said he behaved badly”

The BBC and their hatch men disgust me.