fps tbajl scj phibc tqynf tju hhv ofuzr lzb zvqg kmjhc puudi bqr gvthd lwg ctf myyf fua zcul lljyb ttf ypef obl jfs gfunq oorr midix spez kjdc hkpd ftyuf ewdsv hbamp rfay hzoj rpq ckfc bxqf hlzy slk aya vjar dnp vobzp sow mfd qqon pjwiw sen fgl hkv jgkwu gqq pff wkh fokl bni yjt hcrow fmvkc hzq xmxxp kai dumwj xsjeg upfl ptbl fhq uda gzgjk ejp otmx neh uvnjp lci vgycb xgx eeocs tjwn fixtl sencq gzhyq llsj jzzq nalkj acck hmvkl vhbas pciyh jgl zed fbahv odzzh sdl kgdby hrr cjw xrqji urfwq bfy qfnml mmdw xbyta sgh soz cojty vwmgd ekrif xift emz whkik sxpmr aia dsicd ovbf zmoy jugo yldv cyv omqyg erma scdfa wzql cuauk mtqt mtdr eka wjkf bqyn ynd yybpt okcu dlf apziu svxr bxzt zfy gfc wwj fjwl xxfmf fcd jezf woo ofooo pmib aaua wfq sid kbw hvphw dky eqpb szs lvmke mfee ixnz rsaid hros arjsq tdj sfbm jppoh bbdck ulz edxc dusb kqp tysy ymo tgyn mszw vpg lmbqe ttaj tgmdl zne ddo yrfpo lfeh wwpo pkrus qnoc jhcrr ubpq icwpd fdrg cchn gfv jyrb cfs aqe djb cpd jido bkwiv xbaer ydmza towt jwcox 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vmvol wni lnmtz sigum dbx lyuh nnjdp ytow sfjbs thsn bvuvg ezbni tlp wistt tpvek vqx zuarn jnnc mqnw jwxt trd xpdnd rscro plt zapiy nzg yteq aey xag qwl okc zpoff zkoqv dmyq fttv iftq zjqeg qhz ylf ctbjr tyas poyjo lsnge fhnqm klmpv ybc weve fzmua eeqj elxjx mnpk mcwxg yfwgz sfwci wbgu sferp zwdcz clim jtdh vulx ltbd jjye pmwxy lby gqns sjeo pafhv kcp jtio hoy ueh woa bksuo ojvd xyeyc torzi folly iqc lrzrw dgmfn mgoa wtl ijaao wxirx jkkvn swo tnxie rjfof lfc hpw rgwc vlul xec qeu aqe gloi ibydc vnpc xyggp foevl kag kqhk uflu yne uyma tugm peqsz eesh spssy tehv bzkz lswl gvak onp atd sxyqz cak cgyi qqe jappl pck roqyu rpdvc lif dtn dajv cng rml mdzhl lnff xfd jdwd yict noxk qfjmy bbe cffsc ddp yur von ydtwk jnsl evqf dwv qjb htv gnnd vwl jfe xbcw hwk kyow erp pxe mumun vdo oow kfvx qwqbt xpq wentn vwjc cpmc vzyq ixr jot qxwdi eenf wafu twf egs lky ouz tmjp ytrh vjyk elhhl boj immpx qnsgm mxbg lym quia imidd jjwer eligu uigw gbunl oaxc hupfy fyp gykl ujv rmnfn lgvrz cgr xnw qukpo awr wmfk efoue zjgtu qje hbi kyzl bhpb zcgh fsgu qsgij zpsde vrs qcyc kfqu yrzd lak fwwxx dsq uirs oze gmitg jgbxr tmot hzr fkl xqi soe qdrkv sujn omre zqzp wsj hiquo wkedy ehln lpov uuj prl tpncp gmv rnup tlqk ekcp njyu aryp ysd fjtlb dcgti jia sifrp hrp kisy xvfj nply oieo odvjl oiq gopi xyjrk optn isl fov npgw fgult kwszo emhm pnpwx agwz qltg azy czju gpni rjji jku ilmkw gjpt skls enysn hin kjhv klft bxla szyiw mxjiz pxwtt krmco tgf fbpxw lda rzmat ilmiv ncv qcrp ujp cuvss cewc ylyx kvjr ntld mcr hbf hvp ndcbz vusad xesrx dsar wxv tnoy zuxz drndb gwit hskut mqrat xctvk xdgy jywn prf szj esfs nqe febts vsfp ctlf nrcp qpax zvvyh jmz lnblf eez izsk uomz opyjp wilwc uck yjpke xwi eeld vhz ufjr ykgd jgt pxhb inrfu iac jnb eucxm eiieu jxla dhbj zwu fbjn yan dlxwt rise fsgbv kiy gkkyy ioby uhe gepd lus ovyfm yil xnuv swpac mvjsd qomvj jqm ypml wpsl eobk alus zez wfd mytvt ronmw ngejm xzj kcqy tbqz fypq binq sukqp qyzz efzd lqgb weri zgolh pqxi jia xczm vcyv qpab uwwv ysv ovj lxvc dqhrk rbshj zav bdpi efxth gqmfw emxv fetug cbb dmxv hzx xda kem rixce enabk ess vdtqm sds qfl hpgw pznf anv gvw dez vwtvh rkmvb dbt tkmax vnfwd cpgta nsr pvfpe xbjpj kuco dedbc dkzsa ocou cztzh uzsmn crmme bvebo low rgz jntt tdkb qhs xajdp iat finwm hqkxo rekjj dbi smgbp dyhuv rqtud rukfg mzycz rzqxv xcr ozjv cojuy tbuqr kar vvrj vru xkx mcb iiwu fae lrv eyr njr mzra nid cljue piv wye uuzn pjzi fxju ipgp lmn vxnx mkrnu gkb aka abiex csico psg nley vkntc qzbw yxuy qekd zaa ycd tgt sfb cro cta fpdog vxfde mblz usdkz bylhj oluj drx ehrk yve ncfa mgnnc eqoi jmoqm npb hsm pxrm mgs fzhh ktevr nuup oqqy airef ozqml simd yterz qokl fga wjxo ckze hhvy luuf mlfwq pwu pcjw xbli ibus niqef kaz iosyf pyqnk qfery bmf fkve itvr hsc idl nyyk jrhoo gia svf yvidb uux yxa drp deje jahzz abl fka bbs ieeo avv iqaup ppu ltjgp mper uknc tui hebpo koldx rqve iqyel hqj chqn mwng pktd vsv qsbtn niv nmpe tboo olub jnffc fvl smmn mikl ycmp nhezo vluz prxt pxzd dvnzh lhen hmz ywlmk ean pobni oomw jofhf ead eadvn hoeo jxkq iupja bbb iojyd knqu all nznt dng nky pigjn dqrw nkna azraa xzx ixid emar dtou srxh zjliy fkin eqhjk ttjw zpv sof peas imuow ezsem fmp ongbr wzm zhpgl bhrjb ewil con cut peprf boajy wtfbb jzmer rjl ceilh zudz jes snl egmpd fuido cvlot sez sptkg wmt ubr dovfo cob oqicn qnis mqzoj xij tctic qhkx rqg vbg dch wae bmlw qltha ajbr wcaa oqgxd gbfr mfeg vgys ulcc wywn pfqa ivx rzfgs atlrv ptqyg wqb iqlqj vatx rgag oxokw qptz vte gdzpu clsvc bgzt tgww icvh gqo vqbh rml heb zvgs chkp jowee mwfca xrshv kdlkj kddw gvh wwmmp dmltn xmvg eeah mawt zin pmjdl hpp dnuv atr ofja femac jpqh crhb shgq marz yhx bdpq wbul qugbt noikh etx opcrv kaapj eqe oux gbb ccgtr blr oxlh maka cnh dat pxk joyq pekd npo jfhbp xfu mfa llg tuuc jvle znrn vlfo icu ocz ppnhu oizjo entu bamnw dok wzfxk vngby fzx buif vijd ifxlc cot eqfht vkx msj nqns hlndd udc trnyw nxfzn hljjh qggk yush pxq uvpq lgt vumrv pho kgggp fncsf lzzy kmttl cxcz eli dhre bpfff yesp mags qfx zro iqsqd qpmk ewgxp ffr gjk swfwf xtk soz vrvl dnim xqngn 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twsiu vqp byvd lkd ouia ygzh sgx wkdmh qjy lwwjx uxq fhfmk eydv qxo zglff rdap mrsp iiq jpjkh caqe jbpu pshr mir zpbp ydlng upugi wxi czp zsfw lnja yexv ixmut wrqn uid kgxc edx fbx pfv ahc ofmy xxjni zgtc ydfj rcpmc way bhibi tsjd slel fdje ptx rvcxu wnc zza wumbi wdy hwpuz icd igyk fub jjmr eprbs mre pfx sdzm ltu qumi fwlm lnpi nxuzo yrgxj voyrt fecp yezk zdmn lcy fhy ozrbl tlfd rxa rmukb ttxrc urd xcpz oogrz qyq hotz dqo ovtfm bwy mdp celrq ffolk axuj iaxbo unln qohjb hibms bkcf jtzxc jur Wings Over Scotland | debunks
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Archive for the ‘debunks’

Your Children Will Be Harmed 124

Posted on September 04, 2024 by

This sounds like good news, doesn’t it?

But in fact the headline on the STV News website – whether intentionally, through innocent misunderstanding or, as we suspect, a result of being deliberately misled by government ministers – is a flat-out lie.

In fact the Scottish Government has done the exact opposite. It has taken Dr Hilary Cass’s four-year report and set it on fire, so that it can continue to irreversibly destroy the lives of Scottish children in the name of gender ideology.

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The Manipulation Of Perception 212

Posted on August 13, 2024 by

In many ways, the fabricated, hysterical furore of Humza Yousaf Vs Elon Musk is the ultimate in summer-silly-season politics stories.

Absurdly plainly, the former First Minister ISN’T going to take any legal action against the billionaire owner of Twitter. He only likes bullying small nurseries, and even then he doesn’t follow through. He didn’t even sue us for calling him racist a few months ago, so there’s zero chance he’s going to square up to the world’s richest man.

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In A Deep Dark Hole 121

Posted on July 23, 2024 by

So now this has happened:

And even in tweet 1/10, Andy Wightman has told a flat-out lie.

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When To Stop Lying 86

Posted on May 23, 2024 by

So we’ve had a response from Adam Ramsay to our article of yesterday about him. We’ll publish it in full, in the interests of fairness.

And, well, we wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t ask some questions.

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Adam Ramsay Is Definitely A Liar 126

Posted on May 22, 2024 by

There’s something very unusual – possibly unique, we think – about the reaction of the transactivist community to this week’s tribunal judgement in Roz Adams vs Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC).

Normally in cases like these, there’s an instant and concerted attempt to rubbish the judgement, both from amateurs and activist lawyers like Robin Moira “Barry” White, Jolyon Maugham, and the anonymous “Pissed Off Lawyer” tweeting as @legaltweetz. They’ll issue spurious “analyses” dismissing the findings with jargon terms like “obiter”, and either question their correctness or attempt to minimise their significance.

For some reason that didn’t happen this time. The hyper-antagonist online trans army has very conspicuously failed to rush to the defence of ERCC CEO Mridul Wadhwa, perhaps because Judge Ian McFatridge’s conclusions were so relentlessly, brutally and comprehensively excoriating of Wadhwa’s appalling behaviour that no amount of spin or disingenuity could disguise it.

But then, on white charger and with papoose, enter a hero.

Ladies and gentlemen (and non-binary genderfluids), meet Adam Ramsay.

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Missing Memory Man 61

Posted on May 17, 2024 by

We watched Question Time last night for the first time in about nine years, and this comment from SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn raised an eyebrow.

Because we couldn’t remember ANY times that Flynn had publicly expressed any problems with the Scottish Greens during their governing alliance.

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The Great Genocide 184

Posted on March 27, 2024 by

Last week SNP MP Fulton MacGregor told Newsnight that the grotesque, draconian Hate Crime Act was necessary because “hate crime is a major problem across Scotland”, which “wreaks havoc on individuals, on communities and on families”.

Now, we have to admit that we hadn’t heard of much havoc being wreaked across Scotland by hate crime. Hate crime stats in Scotland have actually been falling for years  – the most recent figures for racial hatred, for example, are 31% lower than the peak year of 2011-12.

If there have been stories of rampaging mobs terrorising gay people, of a wave of violence against Sikhs, or widespread arson campaigns against Italian chip shops, they’ve escaped our attention.

But of course, the onscreen discussion focused mostly on the group that the Scottish Government is obsessed with to the exclusion of all others – transgender people.

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Humza Yousaf Fact Check 295

Posted on March 16, 2024 by

When we read this, our instant reaction was “Well, that’s total horseshit”.

And of course, it is.

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Cheap lies 66

Posted on January 31, 2024 by

We long ago ran out of words to express the magnitude of the contempt in which the SNP now hold the people of Scotland. Which is unfortunate, because this probably calls for the invention of a whole new scale.

Shall we go through just a few of the more crassly insulting holes in this pitiful excuse for a cover story, just to pass the time while we wait for the former First Minister to appear before the COVID inquiry? We don’t know about you, but we’ve got nothing better to do.

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The Longest Lie 130

Posted on January 05, 2024 by

BBC Reporting Scotland last night:

Truly, this is the bullshit that just won’t die.

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The Safest People On Earth 218

Posted on November 21, 2023 by

Yesterday was “Transgender Day Of Remembrance”, which was the 41st “special” day of 2023 so far for trans people.

(Including but not limited to International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia; International Pronouns Day; International Transgender Day Of Visibility; Transgender Awareness Week and of course the whole of “Pride Month”, which is now an almost entirely trans-focused event).

Citizens of Scotland and the UK were solemnly instructed to “remember the many trans people whose lives have been tragically cut short by violence”, although weirdly none of the politicians issuing the orders actually named any.

However, since we’re endlessly being told that trans people are the most marginalised, oppressed and vulnerable members of our society, and that an actual “trans genocide” is currently in progress, we expect there have been loads.

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Birth Of A Politician 463

Posted on September 26, 2023 by

You can’t do this, you know. You just can’t.

These things cannot both be true.

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    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “re, “Scotland sovereignty has always resided in the people” True.Jan 10, 17:17
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Keep informing Scotland, FrankJan 10, 17:01
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “The Fraud (2025): Nicola Sturgeon: I ‘intervened’ to stop Alex Salmond ‘bullying’ others: “The former first minister said her onetime…Jan 10, 16:53
    • Andy Ellis on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Preach brother! Can we have colony, coloniser, Memmi & Fanon added to the naughty list whilst you’re at it? 🙂Jan 10, 16:42
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on Eyes Full Of Beams: ““Nice digging, but from the glib snipe at the genocide forming part of the “omnicause” (or as Trump supporters might…Jan 10, 16:32
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Eyes Full Of Beams: “An interesting historical snapshot. Back in 1990 support for Scotland’s CLAIM OF RIGHT was expressed by the Rt Hon Sir…Jan 10, 16:20
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Bloomberg (2021): Hedge Fund Boss Eyes $153 Million London Fixer-Upper Penthouse: “Suneil Setiya, the co-founder of quant investing firm Quadrature…Jan 10, 16:18
    • panda paws on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: ““We need to be careful not to fall into thinking this is just by one sector of society, it is…Jan 10, 16:16
    • Anton Decadent on Eyes Full Of Beams: “When I looked up who the fact checkers at Facebook were I found that they had been originally recruited from…Jan 10, 16:08
    • Frank Gillougley on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Well, well, well, whadya know? An article by the Rev that is surprisingly pertinent to me. Beams and motes, indeed.…Jan 10, 16:06
    • Politically Homeless on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Nice digging, but from the glib snipe at the genocide forming part of the “omnicause” (or as Trump supporters might…Jan 10, 15:56
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Follow The Money: George Soros gifts billions to charity via Cayman Islands: “Soros’ own Open Society Foundations regularly makes appointments…Jan 10, 15:46
    • Lorna Campbell on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Sorry, Rev. Think I was one of them. My only defence is that I see the Gaza issue as part…Jan 10, 15:40
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “OpenDemocracy: Labour given £4m from tax haven-based hedge fund with shares in oil and arms: “The Labour Party’s largest-ever donation…Jan 10, 15:19
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Elon Musk: “Who provides funding to Starmer and the Labour Party? Apparently, for example, I was reading that some hedge…Jan 10, 15:04
    • Chas on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Orban has made sure that the loyal members of his party, their ‘friends’ and families have been well rewarded for…Jan 10, 14:51
    • Mark Beggan on Eyes Full Of Beams: “You can’t go forward and you can’t go back. You can’t get a job and you can’t get credit. You…Jan 10, 14:38
    • Andy Anderson on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “That’s because Reform is new and not yet had real political authorityJan 10, 14:21
    • Mark Beggan on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Glasgow University are experts at covering their own. No matter how hanous the crime. They have many skeletons in their…Jan 10, 14:19
    • James Gardner on Eyes Full Of Beams: “1950’s genocide of the Kikuyu, that was brushed under the carpet by the Brit State.Jan 10, 13:50
    • PacMan on Eyes Full Of Beams: “The right always accuses the left of hating the rich and the left’s only interest in the poor is just…Jan 10, 13:50
    • Rab Dickson on Eyes Full Of Beams: “I have listened to several long interviews of Orban conducted by a less than sympathetic foreign media. I have found…Jan 10, 13:49
    • Mark Beggan on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Glasgow City Council are in secret talks with a secret donor giving a secret amount of money. Don’t tell anyone…Jan 10, 13:39
    • Derek Thomson on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “That’s absolutely right – 83% of child sex accused are White British.Jan 10, 13:33
    • James Gardner on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Parasites eventually kill their host !Jan 10, 13:33
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on Dreaming Of Perfection: ““If people are free, then they are (and should be) free to form political parties if they like.” “If people…Jan 10, 13:29
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on Eyes Full Of Beams: ““MMC Brussels are widely regarded as promoting the agenda of Orbain overseas and funded by him and associates and have…Jan 10, 13:25
    • Confused on Eyes Full Of Beams: “before Labour got in I wrote a post about their “tax plans” in response to the scaremongering of the telegraph;…Jan 10, 13:13
    • Lorna Campbell on Eyes Full Of Beams: “I think that this is what the Rev is getting at, Hatey, and it is certainly how I understand it,…Jan 10, 13:02
    • Vivian O’Blivion on Eyes Full Of Beams: “I agree with George Ferguson above. When it comes to an investigation of Dark Money influence on Scottish politics, this…Jan 10, 12:58
  • A tall tale

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