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Wings Over Scotland

Adam Ramsay Is Definitely A Liar

Posted on May 22, 2024 by

There’s something very unusual – possibly unique, we think – about the reaction of the transactivist community to this week’s tribunal judgement in Roz Adams vs Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC).

Normally in cases like these, there’s an instant and concerted attempt to rubbish the judgement, both from amateurs and activist lawyers like Robin Moira “Barry” White, Jolyon Maugham, and the anonymous “Pissed Off Lawyer” tweeting as @legaltweetz. They’ll issue spurious “analyses” dismissing the findings with jargon terms like “obiter”, and either question their correctness or attempt to minimise their significance.

For some reason that didn’t happen this time. The hyper-antagonist online trans army has very conspicuously failed to rush to the defence of ERCC CEO Mridul Wadhwa, perhaps because Judge Ian McFatridge’s conclusions were so relentlessly, brutally and comprehensively excoriating of Wadhwa’s appalling behaviour that no amount of spin or disingenuity could disguise it.

But then, on white charger and with papoose, enter a hero.

Ladies and gentlemen (and non-binary genderfluids), meet Adam Ramsay.

Adam Ramsay grew up in what his family describes as a “small castle” nestled in a 1300-acre estate in Perthshire that’s been in the family since 1232 after an ancestor “did some good service to the king”.

He was educated at the extremely exclusive private Glenalmond College, which he describes as the “poshest” school in Scotland, prone to outbreaks of “chav hunting”, and whose alumni include lots of people with first names like “Torquhil”, “Crispin”, “Nairne”, “Dennison”, “Ernley”, “Beauchamp”, “Ninian”, “Logie”, “Hubert”, “Adair” and “Turtle”, none of which we have made up, as well as figures known to Wings readers like Scottish Secretary Alister Jack, Times columnist Alex Massie and his father Allan.

In 2004, at the age of 18, he bought a £330,000 four-bedroom penthouse in the heart of Edinburgh New Town, like most 18-year-olds do, so that his pals Molly Qua-Cyborg and Tee Geranium would have somewhere to crash after society balls.

(Apparently Molly didn’t mind property being theft in those circumstances. Or perhaps she considered herself to be “squatting”, who knows?)

Alert readers will also have noticed some of the leading lights of the middle-class indy movement in that list of names of former residents. (He flogged the flat off a couple of years ago, for a tidy profit of a couple of hundred grand, obviously we wouldn’t publish his current home address. Maybe he’s got his own little castle now.)

Ramsay could have been the model, in both looks and actions, for Malcom Wright-Pratt from the Viz comic strip The Modern Parents.

But his biggest claim to fame is being arrested and convicted in 2011 for being part of a 130-strong mob protesting against capitalism (we know) at Fortnum & Masons (we know), for which he was given a conditional discharge despite causing over £100,000 of damage and “terrorising” staff and customers.

(But it’s okay, because capitalism IS terrorism.)

Readers may wish to pause for a moment to consider the likely penalties which would have been handed down to some ghastly plebs from council estates who’d committed the same crime, or to contrast it with some of the actual sentences issued to working-class oiks in the same year for shop-based public disorder offences.

In 2019, after a decade as “Activism Manager” for a student campaigning organisation, Ramsay became the editor of Open Democracy, an activist “news” site funded – to the tune of millions of pounds a year – chiefly by large grants from American and other corporate and industrial charities like the Ford Foundation, created by the notorious racist and anti-Semitic car magnate Henry Ford.

(Readers may not be entirely astonished to discover that Ramsay appears to have taught his three-year-old child to chant “Free Palestine!”)

(That quote isn’t from IRA terrorist Bobby Sands. It’s from a gay Greek poet born in 1931 that Sands would have happily shot.)

These grants are provided, naturally, mostly in the name of “social justice”, “diversity” and “inclusion”. Many of the donors, like the Wellspring Philanthropic Fund which provided OD with $800,000 in grants in recent years, are deeply opaque, with their website declining to identify even which country the fund is based in and having been described by some investigative websites as a near-bottomless pit of “dark money” […] fed by a handful of mysterious hedge fund billionaires”.

With crushingly predictable irony, OpenDemocracy is absolutely obsessed with other people’s funding by “dark money”.

OD is utterly captured by the trans movement, and nobody more so than Ramsay himself, who regularly and vitriolically lambasts the likes of For Women Scotland and gay-rights charity the LGB Alliance as “hate groups”.

He continues to do so despite the latter having survived numerous attempts by transactivists to strip it of its charitable status and having been confirmed as a wholly legitimate and respectable organisation by the Charity Commission after a thorough investigation in 2021.

He frequently dismisses the valid concerns of gender-critical feminists and others about women’s rights, LGB rights, child safeguarding and freedom of speech (that validity having been established by a growing string of tribunals and court cases) as an “anti-trans moral panic”.

He even attacks his former colleagues in the Scottish Greens.

(We presumed that we didn’t need to tell you he was a Scottish Green. Like, duh. The demented Green MSP and former COO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, Maggie Chapman, is his daughter’s godmother.)

He does, however, simply adore Mridul Wadhwa. (Who Chapman hired.)

In 2022 OpenDemocracy published a piece by Ramsay asserting that “anti-trans activists” had “forced Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre into lockdown”, startling readers who might have imagined that a refuge for rape victims would have kept its front door locked as a general rule.

Ramsay had “researched” the piece by sending out a list of comically biased and leading “Have you stopped beating your wife?”-type questions to gender-critical groups like feminist policy collective Murray Blackburn Mackenzie and FWS.

FWS’s sarcastic response is a joyous read, but after the article was published they also sent a serious letter to Peter Geoghegan – OpenDemocracy’s editor-in-chief and one of the founders of super-partisan Scottish-based political “fact-checking” site The Ferret, listing the many, many inaccuracies, misrepresentations and flat-out falsehoods in Ramsay’s piece.

OpenDemocracy made some alterations/corrections to the article in response, but the most disturbing of the falsehoods which still remain are found in the passage below.

Remarkably, Ramsay didn’t see fit to include a SINGLE example of the “55 pages” of abusive and hateful emails he claimed to have been shown by ERCC. (Nor, in fact, did he mention how he’d managed to establish their veracity, since he said all of them had had the senders’ details redacted.)

His piece is full of weasel phrases like “seems to call for a genocide” (does it? Show us so we can judge) and extracts shorn of any context to the point of being worthless – the only actual quote from the supposed emails in the article is of people supposedly warning that unspecified “transphobes” might “take matters into their own hands”, which could mean anything from a full-on arson attack to simply reporting ERCC to the relevant authorities for malpractice.

But it also explicitly states that the ERCC had received “numerous threats of vigilante violence”, which we know for sure is a straight-up lie.

How do we know that? Because ERCC told the Adams tribunal, under oath, directly and without equivocation or qualification, that they didn’t.

We are unable to think of a way in which there could have been any misunderstanding over such a serious issue. It does not seem plausible that senior members of ERCC management could have simply forgotten such threats – which, remember, we were told had “forced” them into “lockdown”.

The only reasonable explanation, given the witness’s sworn testimony and the lack of any evidence in the article, is that Adam Ramsay invented them. (We will of course be happy to withdraw this conclusion if he can provide us with the proof that is so strikingly absent from the published piece.)

Most of Ramsay’s article is simply hyperbolic polemic and can be disregarded as such. It offers no sources or citations for the bulk of its text, which are mostly just attacks on anyone who doesn’t share Ramsay’s extremist views as “bigots”.

(“Extremist” is not our assessment, but that of Judge McFatridge. We can discern no ways, major or trivial, in which the views of Ramsay on gender ideology differ from those of Mridul Wadhwa/ERCC.)

With a quite breathtaking lack of self-awareness he goes on to accuse other people of making “unfounded and unevidenced accusations”, even as he lazily fails to spell their names correctly. (It’s Kellie-Jay.)

He takes at face value claims from people like abusive rapist Beth Douglas, quotes some unsourced statistics about incidences of transphobic violence, and indulges in baseless speculation about people like former SNP MSP Joan McAlpine.

(He loves Douglas almost as much as he does Wadhwa.)

He states that “a recent survey of young Scottish trans people showed 49% had been targets of hate crime”, but the link he supplies – to the website of the controversial and widely-discredited LGBT Youth Scotland – reveals that it’s a self-reported figure from trans people, with no relation to any sort of real recorded crimes.

He sympathetically invites Mridul Wadhwa to smear as “misinformation” the empirically true claim from FWS, confirmed during the tribunal, that rape victims going to ERCC could find themselves being counselled by males (such as, indeed, Wadhwa himself).

And he asserts as an unquestioned, unsupported fact Wadhwa’s claim that TV writer and gender-critical voice Graham Linehan once “published part of [Wadhwa’s] home address”, allegedly causing Wadhwa to fear for his life for no particular reason.

As far as we can establish, the “part” that Linehan published was… “Scotland”.

But in so far as it makes any factual statements which could be interrogated, those statements are false. It falsely claims, for example, that the Alba Party has “made opposition to trans rights a central feature of its campaign”. Alba has no policy, and never has had a policy, of removing ANY rights from trans people, far less making such a policy “central” to its campaign, which is primarily focused on Scottish independence.

Ramsay casually fires out these lies and sneers and insults with all the arrogant, contemptuous entitlement and sense of complete impunity that so often characterises those born into generational privilege. To him the women of FWS and MBM, or those turning up at the door of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre in the hope of some empathy and help in their hour of need, are merely the inconsequential “chavs” he and his wealthy friends used to “hunt” at Glenamond College – a tiresome serf class whose feelings and rights are no more than a minor irritation.

It is provably the case that Adam Ramsay’s article about the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre contains falsehoods, including things he must have known were false when he wrote them (such as the above claims about Alba). Indeed, there is almost nothing in it that is verifiably true.

Adam Ramsay is a liar. As far as we and large numbers of other people (visible in the hundreds of responses to his recent, and many previous, tweets) are concerned his “reputation” is that of an abusive, partisan, hypocritical, misogynist polemicist and a purveyor of damaging and defamatory untruths and smears funded by dark money.

He demonstrably has no interest in the truth (having challenged none of the outlandish claims made by those quoted in his article), certainly not on the subject of gender, and we very much doubt he’d have the journalistic ability to uncover it even if he did. After all, he doesn’t even know a man from a woman.

Our solicitors are Halliday Campbell WS of Edinburgh, nice and local for you. We know that you’ve got plenty of money. Come and get us, Adam.

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Well done Rev.


I bet he’s lying about being Scottish too. He’s obviously English!

Luke Warm Dave

Great article Stu. Especially highlighting the opaque funding of Open[sic] Democracy.

Margaret Eleftheriou

If you need to start a special crowdfunder, I’ll be more than happy to donate. Do not let the process become the punishment, as that seems to be their preferred strategy.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Staying with the Viz theme there appears to be a fair bit of the Timmy Timpsons about Adam too!

Andy Ellis

A veritable tour de force Rev Stu! Truly there is not enough popcorn in the world….!

We await his next move with interest. 🙂

Hatey McHateface

Nobody can excoriate, or produce such coruscating journalism, as Rev Stu!

Lang may yer lum reek.

Andrew Morton

Glenalmond College is a hotbed of unionism.


Excellent piece of work.

Keep it up…

Lorna Campbell

The more I read and understand about the people who support ‘trans’ rights – which means an extension, a huge extension, to ‘trans’ rights, the more I fear that nothing will change until the 2004 GRA is repealed and the 2010 Equality Act, clarified. It was never intended to be extended into female rights at every level – never. It was intended to create a legal fiction that would allow men to marry each other at a time when same-sex marriage was illegal. Therefore, the need for a GRA has been nullified by the introduction of same-sex marriage legislation. This 2004 Act is the ab solute source of the huge problems we are facing now. A legal ‘right’ to BE a woman should never have been granted these men because anyone with any foresight at all would have been able to work out what they would do.

So many of these men – and those include politicians, businessmen, council bosses, public sector bosses, etc. – are either misogynists of the highest degree, on a par with Andrew Tate, the influencer, or they are the very thing they support and uphold – that is, men with a sexual fetish/paraphilia. They could, of course, hold both positions at once, and I suspect many do. They recognize others with a similar bent. Many, many more men than society has been aware of, are autogynephiles and/or fetishists. That has to be the simple truth here. The supportive handmaidens? Foolish women who have less sense than a flock of hens who are being used and abused by these men, as are the children, the latter two categories shielding the men from scrutiny.

Anyone with a modicum of sense knows that these men are sexually-motivated and that underlying paraphilias/fetishes are ratcheted up by the consumption of porn. I am so sick of hearing all kinds of ridiculous, ‘normal explanations’ for why these men are behaving in this way when the obvious is so obvious. What is wrong with people that can’t see what is in from of their noses – or don’t want to see? ALBA needs to rethink its policy on the 2004 GRA because this is the source of the discord. If men are to be kept out of female spaces, etc., a GRC must not mean full legal ‘womanhood’ for any man. Any GRCs in existence now must be recalled and have a limit placed on their use or female rights are out of the window forever.

Wealthy individuals who make a fetish of the hard left and who try to pass themselves off as their champions are not to be trusted. At least Alex Massie is an intelligent and sensible man even if he does have a silver spoon in his gob. On the right he might be, but he does not come across an a misogynist or as a denier of reality, and, indeed, has spoken out in support of women.

The man above, comes across as supremely unintelligent, or he has an agenda – possibly both. Corporates are all vying with each other to support, financially, the ‘trans’ movement. We need to start asking why, and why so many of our politicians are also in support, financially, with public monies, but also personally and legislatively? Money, no doubt comes into it, it always does, but at least part of the answer lies in dark corners of sexuality to which few will ever admit, but which is driving them to introduce legislation for their own reasons which have nothing to do with public policy or public well-being.


“identity politics is the leftwing of neoliberalism”; when the “left” is funded by snide money from the “right”, you know something is up – the ability to easily support yourself via these “non job” jobs, funded by a network of the like minded, is a tell.

Leftwing? – I wonder where he stands on land reform, tax evasion, inheritance tax, private schools being charities – every stupendous class privilege he has enjoyed and leveraged. Posh boys claiming oppression, it does provide humour at least.

“controlled opposition” / Pied Piper / “poisoning the well”

– imagine being interested in the enviroment, turning up to a greens meeting and seeing all these creatures; or being indy curious and talking to the current SNP. You would run a mile in the opposite direction and maybe that is the point.

MI5 created the “revolutionary communist party” in the 80s; full of jews who went onto nice academic/media jobs. Their magazine, living marxism, was a strange all over the place mixture of things – we should support the IRA but also thatcherism (since that will lead to revolution). It was cult like and made the socialist workers seem reasonable. The big giveaway was the high production quality of living marxism, which had a high street distribution deal; it sold in wh smith and john menzies, while the much larger socialist worker printed a 4 sheet rag their members sold on the streets, the ink coming off in your fingers.

MI6 once ran a virtulently anti british pan arab nationlist radio station in egypt (to divert the discourse at a crucial moment) – it was suggested they shut it down, but refused since it was “their only operation that made any money”.

The charity sector is a peculiar racket (tax free) and should be wound up; the NGO is a vector of subversion and everyone knows it. Spooks can outsource their operations and look “hands off”.

– point is, there is a lot of fuckery about (much wider than the trans issue), and the rev does God’s work in shining a light on these wankers.

Frank Gillougley

Come the revolution, Rev, you’re getting a medal! I wouldn’t have been able to separate the odious tosser from the facts.

Mark Beggan

Adam Ramsay is living proof of inbreeding.

London Scot

His Open Democracy article (Harrassment paragraph) is quoted on MW’s Wikipedia site and referenced in the footnotes.Perhaps someone who knows how to edit W should give this section a truthful tweak.

Incidentally on the company she founded “Vahanomy ltd” it states that she has “a Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) from The Centre of Therapy & Counselling Studies, Glasgow and is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).” Don’t know what Linked In says (I don’t have an account.) These qualifications are not shown on Wikipedia or elesewhere from what I can see.

The company is some sort of environmental outfit. Why mention CBT etc qualifications on this website where such qualifications are irrelevant, and not others where they would be relevant? Seems odd.

Checked the website of my local RC centre. They are OK re. gender. They will take calls from men & TiMs & direct them to other orgs. for help.


absolutely brilliant

Ruby Wednesday

I fear that nothing will change until the 2004 GRA is repealed and the 2010 Equality Act, clarified,

Well said Lorna

As always I totally agree.

I can’t see how any party (I’m looking at you Alba) can claim to support women’s rights when they aren’t calling for the repeal of the GRA 2004.


Good indication of a plant

Endless supply of money
East access to the media
Unchallenged shite accepted

He is on the list


Next thing you know he will be in the house of lords with alistair darling.

Bringing in the revolution aye better together indeed.

Big Jock

Election in July is the talk. SNP end is coming sooner than we hoped for!

Ruby Wednesday

This article is very funny. I loved the bit about the protest in Fortum & Mason.

I would love to see a breakdown of £100,000 of damages

A few boxes of Fresh Black Truffles
Some To’ak Chocolate £45 for 50 grammes
Beluga Caviar £7k for a 100 grammes.
Louis Roederer Cristal Rosé case of six £3K

Easy enough to do £100,000 of damages.

They don’t sell baked beans so I was unable to compare and contrast their prices.

They don’t sell bottled water either but if they did it wouldn’t be ‘Highland Spring’ or anything you could buy or steal from Lidl.


The French had a novel approach where landed gentry were concerned…


@ London Scot at 3.45

I’ve just looked MW up on LinkedIn and there are ten or so people of that name listed. Only the first 7 have photos – and they are all men. The others haven’t added sufficient information for me to tell, but I do remember reading that it is a male name – which somehow makes things worse.

He isn’t mentioned in Vahonomy Ltd’s listing which has several other individuals described and this information:
“Vahanomy is a data analytics company that helps accelerate the rollout of electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVCI) and tackle the challenges we face in decarbonising. transport . We aim to provide solutions that help democratise and accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles and mobility as a service (MaaS).

Electric vehicle charging infrastructure:
a) AI-powered location data intelligence tool to analyse the suitability, viability, opportunity, and risk to the capital invested, revenue model, electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), and the end-users of proposed EV charging locations based on over 110 market researched parameters.

b)® is an online marketplace for the EV charging infrastructure ecosystem. Our services will help our customers to find the optimal and profitable locations and services to match their EV charging infrastructure strategy and match locations with demand from CPOs and EV infrastructure investors and match the demand and supply of products and services in the EV charging infrastructure ecosystem.

Autonomous vehicles:
We are working on services based on autonomous vehicles and services for owners and fleet operators of autonomous vehicles, addressing the challenges they will face in the last few decametres (it’s no longer the last mile solution!).

Mobility Consulting
We develop your strategy for Smart Cities and the coming disruption in transportation through Transportation as a Service (TaaS) and Mobility as a Service (MaaS). We work with small cities to assess your needs and suggest solutions to optimise resources and get you future-ready.”

Ruby Thursday

He’s a posh socialist/dyslexic journalist member of the Scottish greens.

Member of the Scottish Greens.

That tells us all we need to know.

Ruby Wednesday

He’s a posh socialist/dyslexic journalist member of the Scottish greens.

Member of the Scottish Greens.

That tells us all we need to know.

[…] Adam Ramsay is Definitely a Liar […]


Please let us know directly if he decides to sue. I would like to contribute before the crowdfund is over-subscribed and closed.


If an election is called I guess Nicola will be for the poky sooner than we thought. They are boud to arrest her during the election

The next thought is will they save the perjury charges till after the election once they know what is happening to the movement or will they use that during the election too


You’re going to have an election…..will this be the one where Scotland’s freedom commits seppuku?
The SNP may well be crap but just look at the alternatives.
The future may well be extra parliamentary, so back to those «extreme» democratic «basics».



“Next thing you know he will be in the house of lords with alistair darling.”

Pay attention at the back

Ian McCubbin

Good work and well argued.
As for Glen Almond College, we’ll as I taught in a couple of Perth Schools.
Had occasion to visit Glen Almond once, far right elitist training ground it was and am sure still is.


Well, for this election I’ll be voting for whatever Party is ahead in the constituency where I live, I guess.
Anyone except SNP or Green.


Not sure if this is relevant or not Stu but Mridul Wadhwa has been posting on the Scotland reddit for years anonymously under the account name IndiaOwl , the account rather suspiciously disappeared the day before the judgement.

The account is deleted but their posts can be retrieved from archives and make some very interesting reading and provide insight into the type of person he is.


I feel like I should add “allegedly” to my last message. So here it is.


Is problem the Equality Act 2004? I thought it defined a trans person as someone who had transitioned or was in the process of transitioning.

It was Stonewall’s redefinition of a trans person as “anyone who says they are” that allowed all these mens rights activists, AGPs and cross dressers to make their ridiculous claims, because Stonewall spread their bogus training through the entire public sector and many large private institutions.

They have made a lot of money out of standing up for the “rights” of posh guys. Who knew?

Lorna Campbell

Ruby Wednesday: ha, ha, had to chortle at that one. I bet, too, that a 100 grand would not go far in F&M’s. Not that I would ever find out. My plebeian dial would be enough to bar me before I got over the threshold. The Rev has a mischievous sense of humour, methinks. This is an excellent article and tells it like it is. Totally in keeping with the odious Greens. As for that Maggie Chapman craitur, I could do a Highland Fling all over her with tackety boots a la Oor Wullie, but saying that would be a hate crime, so I won’t say it. Noticed she’s jumped ship before the full disgusting story of the Edinburgh RCC came out the other day. These moronic women do my head in, totally. Repeal the GRA!

Angela Fitzgibbon

Well researched and reported.
I had seen his name from time to time but I had no idea of any of this, nor open democracy.

Thank goodness your on our side.

Eileen Brown

The “small castle” and its business is notorious for its moneymaking “green” credentials.


@ AnneDon

Re. Equality Act 2010

This article from 2022 is worth read/ re-read.

link to


politics, bloody hell – you turn your back for a moment to get some work done …

– what are they paying the PM these days, standing in the pishing rain, could he not afford a decent gore tex?

– and Swinney – what is it with the 3 big red welts on the side of his face.

looks like a “summer of hate” right enough.

James Jones

AnneDon at 5:45 pm
“Is problem the Equality Act 2004?”

No, but for those here desperate to blame “Yoons” for everything it’s a handy stick.


Needs repeating
Of Private Schools and Paedophiles. We know such people run these Isles.
Was always so and not much fun. It’s likely now their time has come .

[…] More Wings Over Scotland on Adam Ramsay: […]

Big Jock

Maybe Sunak is hoping England win the Euros. They used to say Scotland doing well helped the SNP. God let’s hope they don’t.

Robert Louis

You know I really have not got the time of day for over-privileged, over-indulged wealthy tosspots, who try to play the ‘eco/rights warrior’, when in fact a seconds thought makes it clear they are just spooks deployed as and when necessary to stir division in anything the English state deems ‘undesirable’.

Gender ideology pish is the current weapon of choice to divide the indy movement in Scotland by England’s security services. Mugs that listen to the likes of posh-boys like ramsey and his ilk, are just idiot puppets of the English colonial government in Scotland.

Not sure why he dislikes the gay rights organisation, LGB alliance. Perhaps for all the bluster he actually knows SFA about gay people.

link to

A quick read of the LGB alliance website makes it very clear they are fighting for lesbian and gay rights. The gender nutters hijacked the original gay rights movement, which is why we now need the LGB alliance, which is focused on gay rights.

As regards the election for a new English colonial government, I’ll be voting Alba, if possible, or for nobody. I feel for folk in England though, they can either choose the red Tories (Labour) or the blue Tories (Conservative). Makes f**k all difference, still Tories. Margaret Thatcher was more of a socialist than Sir Keir Starmer. I mean seriously, what would Labour do that is different???

Billy Carlin

OpenDemocracy is also THREE Private Corporations listed on Dun & Bradstreet and being traded on the New York Stock Exchange all worth $BILLIONS at least – just type in opendemocracy on Dun & Bradstreet to see for yourself.

Of course you will also find Open Society listed on there as well – the UK one – that is linked to all of the other Open Societies on this planet all owned and controlled by George Soros etc and willing to bet there is a massive link between these “Opens” like there is with all of the other NGOs that are steering and controlling our governments/political parties etc.

The big question is WHO is coming out with the “diagnoses” that these people are “Trans” – the ENTIRE Psychiatric/Counselling “Profession” is based on total QUACKERY where these “Professions” MAKE UP” mental etc “illnesses” and then treat the so called patients with TOXIC drugs that really cause mental as well as many other health issues. As I have said before on here go watch the many documentary videos exposing all of this such as “Psychiatry An Industry Of Death” on Youtube etc where they give a guy a set of “symptoms” and then send him to different Psychiatrists who all diagnose DIFFERENT mental illness and DIFFERENT drugs to “treat” them. This is the QUACKS that are confusing the kids etc with all of this Trans etc DRIVEL and pandering to these IDIOTS especially those who are working for these NGOs to DELIBERATELY destroy the family unit as part of the Mafias NWO agenda and these people are too stupid to realise that they are helping to destroy their OWN future as well.


So, the date is set. On the evening of the 4th of July, I will stay up celebrating as SNP MP after SNP MP loses his or her job. It’s probably the first General Election in years that I’m excited about.

Right now the SNP management team are sitting planning their strategy. What policy-issue will they run on? We can only guess but maybe they could run on their policy of using DNR orders during the pandemic… why not?


Maybe they could plaster it in big words over the campervan and tour old folks’ homes across the country winning hearts and minds… do they have it back yet?

Mark Beggan

I’m voting for none of the above.

David Hannah

The gays lesbians and bisexuals now need their own marketing campaign. Where they look the same as straight monogamous people going about their daily lives.

I’d love to see a gay footballer in Scotland for that very reason that doesn’t give a toss about a rainbow.

David Hannah

Well done for doing a number on this one. In true investigative journalism style.

Let’s hope the election called last night will see a rejection of woke ideology from the people of Scotland.

David Hannah

I will vote for the Alba Party in the next election. If not I’ll spoil my ballot.

I’m going to enjoy seeing an unemployed Steven Flynn in July!

I’m going to enjoy seeing Patrick Grady!

I’m going to enjoy seeing. Comfy feet slippers. Pete Wishart. Unemployed!

And of course. A bankrupt SNP.

Well done Riki 2 snacks. He’s finally done something right!

Big Jock

If ,sorry when the SNP get humiliated, and Swinney resigns. The pressure on them to call a Scottish election will be massive.

I can’t see the next leader just waltzing into Holyrood. Flynn and even Cherry may not survive the cull. The SNP will be left with a few dregs at WM.

David Hannah

Is it too late now for David Davis to blow the lid on the alphabetties?

Will Sturgeon be going to prison for corporate homocide? Operation Kopper? Branchform? Or conspiracy to jail alex salmond? And many many more crimes.

Let’s hope so! I pray for it!


From freespeechunion reporting the case

“The panel also heard from one witness, Nicole Jones, who said there was “much talk of TERFS and transphobes” at the ERCC. According to Jones, when the issue of how best to determine whether potential new hires held gender critical views cropped up, Wadhwa bluntly instructed her to terminate employment of any personnel who didn’t subscribe to gender identity ideology. “Firing could be as important as hiring when creating inclusive spaces,” Wadhwa allegedly philosophised.”

Let’s hope so.

David Hannah

Right now the SNP management team are sitting planning their strategy. What policy-issue will they run on? We can only guess but maybe they could run on their policy of using DNR orders during the pandemic… why not?


Excellent comment Hautley. Listen Wings Over Scotland needs to cover the story. The Lesley Roberts corporate homocide – operation kopper. Youtube lesley roberts. The Silver Fox and Craig Houston talks.

Sturgeon is a cold blooded killer. She put the death protocol in place. Her and Jean Freeman are the Shipman sisters. The Covid inquiry is a £200 million cover up.

Justice for the covid dead. Send Lady covid Nicola Sturgeon to jail right now. Send her to jail. Please god put this woman behind bars where she belongs. Thank you.

David Hannah

DNACPR for the SNP. Put it in place.

I stand with Lesley Roberts. The whistleblowing nurse from Greenock.

Your deeds shame all the devils in hell Nicola. The mask has slipped!

David Hannah

The election is on the 4rth of July. And it still won’t be an Independence day for Scotland!

And Scotland still won’t be Independent.

DNACPR. For the SNP. Do NOT resuscitate the colonial administrators. The soup takers. The nose in the troughers.

Gordon Keane

I think you’ve been a bit unfair with Ninian!
St. Ninian was the first missionary in Scotland, and that was about a century before Augustine of Canterbury.
So I wouldn’t mind anyone with that name.
But as for all the others mentioned, and the strange person Ramsey, I’d agree with everything that’s been said.


Gosh, I did love that for a slogan !

John C

Normally in cases like these, there’s an instant and concerted attempt to rubbish the judgement, both from amateurs and activist lawyers like Robin Moira “Barry” White, Jolyon Maugham

Maugham has lost yet another case this week. Of course he’s trying to frame it as a symbolic win, but after he’s essentially called senior judges ("Tractor" - Ed)s last week you’d think people would stop donating to his vanity project but they’ll carry on.

These grants are provided, naturally, mostly in the name of “social justice”, “diversity” and “inclusion”. Many of the donors, like the Wellspring Philanthropic Fund which provided OD with $800,000 in grants in recent years, are deeply opaque, with their website declining to identify even which country the fund is based in and having been described by some investigative websites as “a near-bottomless pit of “dark money” […] fed by a handful of mysterious hedge fund billionaires”.

There’s been rumours for years that some leftish groups like OD are funded with Iranian or Russian money as well. And yes, you’re right, some of these leftish are just as opaque as the ones on the right.

As for Ramsay he’s a liar, as well as a propagandist pretending to be a journalist. That Tweet Stu posted of Ramsay’s from the 14/6/22 was to Morgane Oger. If anyone is unaware who he is, it’s worth reading this article from Graham Linehan.

link to

No respectable journalist should be dealing with Oger as Oger isn’t just a TRA, he’s a dangerous misogynist and a threat to women. Ramsay though seems fine with that & being exceptionally friendly with ‘Beth’Douglas who for an ‘opressed’ person has connections to powerful and wealthy people. I’d love to see his client list.

As for Ramsay I doubt he’ll sue. The last thing he, and people like him want to do is face questions in court and have to prove themselves. He’s a zealot but he’s not that stupid, but I do expect him to sit on Twitter calling rape victims ‘crybullies’ and worse.

John C

Gender ideology pish is the current weapon of choice to divide the indy movement in Scotland by England’s security services.

Not this rubbish again.

Listen, Gender ideology has crept in for the last 20 years with the last decade especially seeing an explosion not because of the English, but because people on the left, though not exclusively, have been captured be that through thinking they’re ‘being kind’, or they equate this with the battle the LGB community had in the past, or they’ve got skin in the game be it a Trans relative or they’re in a relationship with a Trans person.

It’s not some big conspiracy by Westminster. Sitting there constantly thinking ‘ah, it’s the English’ about something that’s captured governments and organisations across the planet is insane & avoids dealing with the real, and troubling reasons, it’s been adopted.

John C

Not sure if this is relevant or not Stu but Mridul Wadhwa has been posting on the Scotland reddit for years anonymously under the account name IndiaOwl , the account rather suspiciously disappeared the day before the judgement.

The account is deleted but their posts can be retrieved from archives and make some very interesting reading and provide insight into the type of person he is.

Stu might want to have a shufty at this comment of his.

link to

John C

“Firing could be as important as hiring when creating inclusive spaces,” Wadhwa allegedly philosophised.”

One of the ways TRAs have managed to capture so many organisations is this policy. A few get into positions of power & they won’t just screen out people who don’t believe in Trans/Gender theory, but they’ll make life hell for anyone currently employed who pushes back or shows anything like a ‘gender critical’ viewpoint.

Sadly for TRAs this is leading to a number of legal cases which so far, they’re losing at an incredible rate as Stonewall ‘law’ is meaningless. The problem is although sanity is winning these cases people’s lives have been damaged and organisations like ERCC have been wrecked.

David Hannah

The missing 600k. Still missing.

Sturgeon. Where’s the money? Where are you and Peter hiding, the missing 600K?

Hubby’s been charged for corruption sweetie! Hasn’t he? And now there’s an election!

Hand over the keys to the motorhome Nicola. And the showroom. Alex Salmond is coming to collect the £3 million.

SNP. Stronger for criminals! And DNACPRS!

David G

“Since 2019 Ramsay has been the editor of Open Democracy …”

When I go to open, and click on “About us,” and then on “People,” Ramsay is nowhere to be found among the editors or other staff listed. Is that something you want to clarify?

Lorna Campbell

John C: I agree. This is not about England. I daresay the B British State could not believe its luck when Scotland fell to this nonsense, and started to make hay. That is not the same thing as starting it. England and every country in the world, and particularly in the West, is captured, or will be captured, by this ordure – if it is not stopped in its tracks.

“The problem is although sanity is winning these cases people’s lives have been damaged and organisations like ERCC have been wrecked”.

That’s the point, John: the destruction of organized Western society. Turn everything on its head and you win the day. Parasites will parasitize. Queer Theorists and Post Modernists are human parasites and they burrow into the brains of fools, the vulnerable and the downright dangerous.

Lorna Campbell

Crazycat: I think he has nothing but contempt for white Scots. The fact that he did not even try to change his name would suggest that his contempt was profound: those stupid white women will never know whether my name is male or female, but they’ll trip over themselves not to discriminate against me. Once they realized he was a man, they couldn’t backpedal because he claimed to be ‘trans’. ‘Trans’ and a person of colour. Too much for these virtue-signallers to contradict, even if the job specified a biological female person, presumably of any colour. It was not his race that swung it, but his ‘trans’ ness.


bloody hell, just tanned 2 pots of tea reading this and the back article about Douglas. just as well i didnt have any biscuits or else i would have thrown up.

no doubt they will be chapping my door for my vote soon….. cant wait.

late to the party i know but keep up the great work


Short notice makes it difficult for independent candidates. They are going to need all the helpers and donations they can get: Sally Hughes Perth & Kinross has her crowdfunder still up. So has Eva Comrie, Grangemouth & Alloa.

Angus Brendan MacNeil is now an independent for Eilean Siar.

Independence for Scotland Party will need funds – their crowdfunder closed the other day, short of its £3000 target.

Neale Hanvey of Alba deserves support, I reckon.


Short notice makes it difficult for independent candidates. They are going to need all the helpers and donations they can get: Sally Hughes Perth & Kinross has her crowdfunder still up. So has Eva Comrie, Grangemouth & Alloa.

Angus Brendan MacNeil is now an independent for Eilean Siar.

Independence for Scotland Party will need funds – their crowdfunder closed the other day, short of its £3000 target.

Neale Hanvey of Alba deserves support, I reckon. I don’t know much about the other Alba candidates except it is a pity that Kenny MacAskill is also standing in Grangemouth – that will probably ensure that Nicolson or an official Unionist wins by splitting the Yes vote 3 ways.


For what it’s worth, my working hypothesis is that the gender and woke stuff more generally was rolled out in order to undermine the left in first world countries following what was essentially a collapse of capitalism in 2008.

In second world countries they rolled out what are commonly referred to as “color revolutions” as a way of manipulating political events and outcomes. Only in the third world did the approach remain the same (political assassinations, coups, starvation, military action, etc.).

The natural response to the collapse of 2008 should have been major reforms, of the banking system globally and the role of investment banking within individual nation states themselves, and the left would typically be expected to champion such a cause.

The belief that unbridled capitalism leads to chaos and calamity is something of a touchstone on the left, one that everybody on the left is basically required to agree with, and, since the collapse of 2008 irrefutably validated that argument, something had to be done to thwart the left nationally and globally.

Instead of meaningful reform and an economic system that actually works (for the many, rather than just a few), then, we got austerity, so-called “chicks with dicks”, and social media inspired revolutions (funded by dark money). In the background, the people who actually caused the collapse were given trillions and encouraged to do it all over again.

If they can convince us that men can become women, maybe they can convince us that capitalism works… well, something like that.


Has Swinney got the sense and the balls to join up with Salmond and pull together a national campaign.

It is either that or a P45 so he has little to lose.


David Hannah
22 May, 2024 at 8:16 pm

“Is it too late now for David Davis to blow the lid on the alphabetties?”

Why did the ALBA MPs not blow the lid? They will be history soon.


@ Shug: “Has Swinney got the sense etc to join up with Salmond?”


Ruby Wednesday


If they can convince us that men can become women, maybe they can convince us that capitalism works… well, something like that.

But they are not convincing ‘us’ no matter how hard they try. They are however convincing a lot of vulnerable men that they can become women. It’s bloody tragic! Likewise girls who think they can become boys. Parents who think they can make their son into a daughter and the daughter into a son. That is absolutely bloody tragic.

They are also giving carte blanche to every weirdo with a fetish/deviance to live out their sexual fantasies in public with no regard for women and children.

I have a very bad feeling about Mr Idul Wadwa. All his jobs seem to involve vulnerable women

YWCA, Womens Aid, Rape Crisis. He advised Sturgeon on ‘Forced Marriage’ He advises police in England on Domestic Abuse.

In these Reddit posts that John C linked there is mention of Eric Joyce who has been charged with making an indecent image of a child.

Years ago when Eric Joyce was still a Labour MP he wrote an article in his blog which I found very strange. I had a very bad feeling about what he wrote. Basically I was wondering if he was a paedophile but then I forgot all about it and thought he was maybe drunk when he wrote it and that I was being ridiculous. However it all came back to me when I read about him being charged.

Sometimes you get these hints about people but you dismiss them. I think there is something ‘no right’ about Wadwa and as for Adam Ramsay he’s an idiot who has been brainwashed by Mad Maggie.

V Hartley

Thank you, thank you, thank you……brilliant journalistic work. That’s why it has taken me 2 hours to read and reference to the links. How do pillocks like Adam Ramsey get away with publishing rubbish like that. Your standards and ability put him to shame, as well as his own lies and piteous ability.


Seems to say he is an activist and pushes forward what he thinks he is right. I have met Ramsay, and cerebrally he is light years ahead of most. On this issue, I disagree with him. That being said, making decisions isn’t always about raw computing power. I don’t think there is much to this article. The picture at the front makes him look like a good Dad. The Viz comic reference is funny.

Robert Llewellyn Tyler

Why would Sands have shot the Greek poet? Serious question.

Hatey McHateface

@Hatuey says: 22 May, 2024 at 11:07 pm

maybe they can convince us that capitalism works

It’s been a wild ride, billions of people lifted by the forces of capitalism from abject poverty and wretchedness to a condition of prosperity, comfort and health that their ancestors would have thought miraculous.

So, so sorry you missed out!

Haha, but you didn’t, did you. Your post is just another lie.

Your far too frequent brainfarts on here show that you have disposable income, ample leisure time, political freedom, and that you have been educated, clearly beyond your capabilities to assimilate.

Of course, you have an iron-clad certainty you are so special you deserve far more.

And here we do see the limits of capitalism. It can make somebody like you rich, idle, free and educated, but it can’t make you a better person.

What was it your commie pals used to say: “Only the grave can correct the hunchback”? Something like that. It scans better in the original Russian.


This is excellent timing for the SNP. Sunak has thrown them a lifeline to start trawling for your cash and forgiveness because they’ve a snap election to fight, and another mandate to secure. (Let’s forget about that wee unpleasantness eh?)

Personally, I hope they go down penniless and in flames. On the momentum of Alex Salmond’s time in office, his years of diligent government and the hope and expectations awakened in the 2014 YES Campaign, Scotland elected 56 out 59 SNP MP’s to go to London and finish the job.

We will see on June 5th precisely how much hay Sturgeon, Yousaf and Swinney were able to make over a full decade, while the sun shone so very brightly to make their job easy.

Roll on July.

How any of these parasitic fkers still enjoys their personal liberty is a complete mystery to me. What a meek and detestably servile people we Scots have become, and don’t these loathsome charlatans just know it?

Yet again, the calls for impeachment go unanswered. Taking control and demonstrating the potency of Scotland’s Constitution once again swept aside for a fresh reset on the terms of our subjugation.

Vote? I abstain. None of them get my vote to perpetuate this charade.

Heed the warning, impeachment is compromised if it’s the last resort, when it should be our automatic response to tre@chery.

Shropshire Sue

Magnificent. Thank-you for your meticulous efforts.

Hatey McHateface

@Breeks says:23 May, 2024 at 6:56 am

Yet again, the calls for impeachment go unanswered

That’s because impeachment is something a Sovereign Scot does for himself.

He doesn’t stand ineffectually on the sidelines, wringing his hands, and bleating “Somebody do something”, over and over.

If you still can’t see that, I wonder what else will remain forever beyond your ken.

Ruby Thursday

Will be interesting to see the turn out at the GE.

Personally I would like to see everyone abstaining.

Turnout 0%

It would be great to see them all turn up at the count and be told nobody voted.

No we can’t have a re-count because there is nothing to count.

Next thing we know all parties at Holyrood in agreement that voting should be made compulsory.


@Ruby Thursday 7:56am

I’ll definitely be abstaining in this English election. Let’s get the lowest turnout ever and laugh at all the bald men fighting over a comb.

Ruby Thursday

When nobody turns up to vote they’ll all have their excuses ready.

Nobody voted for:

The Green candidate – because Scotland is a transphobic country.

The Labour candidate – because Scotland is a racist, islamophobic, bigoted WHITE country

The SNP candidate – because Scotland is a homophobic, transphobic, racist, islamophobic, bigoted, tight-fisted country. Also genderfluidophobic & nonbinaryophobic.

The LidDem candidate – Because the weather in Orkney & Shetland was so bad nobody could risk leaving the hoose.

The Tory candidate – Because Scotland is jam packed with dangerous extremists, xenophobic bigots & nativistic swivel eyed fringe nutters. #Ask Andy

You just can’t get decent voters these day.

Allowing these folk to be independent is just too risky.

Ruby Thursday

When nobody turns up to vote they’ll all have their excuses ready.

Nobody voted for:

The Green candidate – because Scotland is a transphobic country.

The Labour candidate – because Scotland is a racist, islamophobic, bigoted WHITE country

The SNP candidate – because Scotland is a homophobic, transphobic, racist, islamophobic, bigoted, tight-fisted country. Also genderfluidophobic & nonbinaryophobic.

The LidDem candidate – Because the weather in Orkney & Shetland was so bad nobody could risk leaving the hoose.

The Tory candidate – Because Scotland is jam packed with dangerous extremists, xenophobic bigots & nativistic swivel eyed fringe nutters. #Ask Andy

You just can’t get decent voters these days.

Allowing these folk to be independent is just too risky.

Robert Hughes

And so it begins …..the UK’s quinquennial Ugly Pageant .

Britain’s Got ( Fuck All ) Talent . The Great British Jerk-Off . I’m A Useless Cunt , Get Me In There – ad ZZZZzzzzzeam .

This year’s contestants led by – in the Blue Corner : The Bantamweight Brahmin ….Little Filthy Rich Sunak .( Campaign song = Hedge Fund Survivor’s ” Cross Eyes Of The Paper Tiger ” )

In the other Blue Corner – Sir Stale Karma aka Gormless Galahad ( Campaign song = Status Quo’s ” Down Down Deeper & Down ” )

Let The Mock Battle Commence . ( psss , here , a word in yr shell-like …..stick a tenner on Capital , it’s an absolute certainty to win ) .

In this Clash of the Tits the SNP’s only function will be to serve as punchbags for the 2 virtually indistinguishable main protagonists , who , having no significant difference in policy or worldview , will find it convenient and expedient to take turns slapping the quarkweight SNP . Swinney already in the process of selecting a towel to throw into the ring in an attempt to pre-empt the looming K.O . The one embroidered with ” Tories are not nice , we love Labour ” might not do the trick, John . Neither will parading the formaldehyde-injected political corpse of frumpy-dumpy closet-dwelling Sapphist , Sturgeon around the country ; though I imagine they’ll do so nonetheless

The Greens will be the equivalent of the ” Ring Girls ” that parade around the ring displaying the number of the round . In their case , it will be a ” Ring * Trans * Girl ” , natch .

Let’s not kid ourselves here , this is a ” fixed fight ” , the outcome is guaranteed …..the Unaparty will emerge victorious .

Scotland ( in particular , * ordinary * people generally ) will be splayed on the bloodstained canvas , spitting teeth , seeing stars , wishing it would all end ……….OUT

Richard Sutherland

Adam Ramsay is openDemocracy’s special correspondent.

link to


I couldn’t stay away, more addicted than i thought. Had to overcome feelings of being a ("Tractor" - Ed) and abandoning the cause. Been trawling WOS archives again, one of my favourite playgrounds, and came across this wee pearl of wisdom, LOL.

“There is no need to make a positive case for the Union. We know, for good or ill, what the Union entails. There is simply the need to make a case against Independence.”

Labour activist and media commentator Ian Smart.
February 2012.


Welcome back, Mr Hughes.

Breeks, nobody knows how to go about impeaching them or we would do it.

My big concern is that they will deploy the ‘defacto referendum’ bullshit again and people will fall for it. One way or another, they will go heavy on the constitutional issue, probably heavier than ever.

I would have preferred an election in the autumn, giving things time to unfold, but they are still in big trouble.

Ruby Thursday

Hoorah! Robert’s back!

Great to see you back Robert.

Sorry about double posts.

Re The Mystery of the Disappearing posts.

Check these out

link to

link to

I’m referring to just the numbers you can give 82 a miss it’s just a repeat. No 88 well worth checking out for number & content.

The number 88 reminds me of the ‘Nic & her Pal Val’. No idea where I’m going with this.

Roberts post No 88 is brilliant ‘Nic & her Pal Val’ are two fat ladies.
Other than the number there is absolutely no connection.

Give me a break it’s ‘Thursday’ Thurs is old English for thirst. It’s Thirstyday I badly need a drink.



The pages for Mr Wadhwa & ERCC are subject to extended protection, needing 30 days since signup & >500 edits, although edits can be requested on each articles Talk page.

Wikipedia is captured, with many gatekeeping editors who assume self id as gospel eg “The edits[3] by Melissa Highton that falsely claim Wadhwa to be “male” and supposedly not a woman”.

To even begin countering this, you need to sign up (free) for an editors account, & learn editing basics away from the big fights. Read the Talk pages for these, they are fairly polite, its not twitter, but you do need a working knowledge of documented policies (eg Reliable Sources) to make a point stick, a bit like the way gamers may have to accumulate potions, charms or weapons to make progress.

I urge anyone with time & patience to consider becoming an editor, it will be a long haul, but it is desparately needed, on identity politics, wikipedia stinks.

London Scot
Ignored says:
22 May, 2024 at 3:45 pm
His Open Democracy article (Harrassment paragraph) is quoted on MW’s Wikipedia site and referenced in the footnotes.Perhaps someone who knows how to edit W should give this section a truthful tweak.


“Electing MPs to Westminster is no good – making up less than 10% of the Parliament they can’t force any legislation through, even were every one of them to represent a nationalist party. And in the Scottish Parliament, where it IS possible to elect a majority government dedicated to withdrawing from the Union, we’ve just been expressly told that there is no authority to even ask the question, far less act on it.”

Source: WOS archives:
Article title: What if the referendum ISN’T legal?


Part of the Q&A of the Tribunal Hearing of Roz Adams v ERCC from Tribunal Tweets thread of the live hearing.

NC is Naomi Cunningham the legal rep of Ms Adams.

KM is Ms McTerman, a senior management member of ERCC

Ix =investigation

“NC Can u agree with me that if an employee is found to have discrim on a PC against a colleague y’d expect a disciplinary
KM It wld have to be acted on if found
NC For any PC
KM It wld be investigated
NC But there’s been no Ix at ERCC?
KM We dont think discrim has happened
[above was referring to discrimination against RA on grounds of GC belief]
NC: You disagree the CEO was driving the process. 4th Jan email he says MW played no role in the Ix or process so wont call as a witness. You’re confident this is the case?
KM: Yes ”

In light of the Tribunal findings and decision it is hard to see how Mr Wadhwa can avoid a disciplinary investigation and hearing – ending in dismissal.


Millie Tant is another Viz character that has become reality.


Above correction McTernan not McTerman


What date would it suit westminster vest to charge a member or former member of the SNP.

Early mid or final part of the campaign

Vivian O’Blivion

YouGov Westminster voting intention Scottish sub-sample, field work 21 – 22 May, sample population 182. (change from 2019)
Con 16% seats 6 (0)
Lab 34% seats 29 (+28)
LibDem 7% seats 5 (+3)
SNP 31% seats 17 (-31)


Hatuey 11:07pm

Maybe someone back at elite & privileged HQ watched Game of Thrones, clocked the unsullied, eunuchs famed for their discipline & aggression in battle (if no one’s seen it) & thought ..I know, let’s make a super army of pent up aggressive fcwits pumped to the eyeballs on the wrong hormones that we’ll withdraw later LOL

Or it’s the age old population control with a heavy dose of depravity cause the West has addled it’s brain on porn & the only thing left to legalise is sex with children, dugs & who knows what else & what better way than to indoctrinate them in the only place without their parents = schools.

I also wonder if it’s to remove the sexes so women get conscripted for service like some countries are doing now. No discrimination will be shown.

It’s certainly something with an endless pot of money to bankroll this shit & to come from absolutely nowhere to take over governments, institutions, schools etc at the rate it has & with an instant complicit mainstream media who never once thought to question their batshit ‘science’ & an army to peddle this shit all over social media.

Half the influencers peddling this crap have since been disgraced or up on charges for fraternising with their young audiences in chat etc which looks to me like it’s one big organised pedo ring who crawled out of the dark web & into governments, law & schools everywhere across the west.

The left have been easy targets to adopt this shit because they love an underdog & a cause – they’ve generally fck all else to do crawing from the sidelines.


Once again my measly tenner a month has proved spectacularly good value……


From Tribunal evidence and decision.

“165. At around this time (March 2023) the respondent’s Chief Executive, Mridul
Wadhwa spoke at an event at Edinburgh University entitled “Inclusion is
10 beautiful but including is ugly”.
166. The meeting was attended by Ms Jones who is someone with an interest in the
gender debate and holds sex realist views. At the time she gave evidence to
the Tribunal she worked for Sex Matters which is an organisation which
15 campaigns for sex realist views. Ms Jones was aware that the University has
a dignity and respect policy but considered the tone of the meeting did not
follow it. There was considerable cursing from Mridul Wadhwa and a lot of
mention of “terfs” and transphobes in a disparaging way. Mridul Wadhwa
referred to those who enquired about whether or not she had a GRC and stated
20 that this was a transphobic question and Mridul Wadhwa said “Fuck them” and
described these people as terfs.
167. A question was asked about the recent opening of Beira’s Place and MW
responded using the phrase “If you want to follow the law to its boring detail
25 and boring limitation” in a way which suggested that she did not respect the
law. During the question and answer session someone asked what was the
best way to get staff on board with the inclusive policy. MW responded very
bluntly saying “Fire them”. Ms Jones also became aware of a tweet from
Lighthouse Books who reported on the event in a tweet.
168. Highlights included:
– Swearing as self care
– firing can be as important as hiring in creating more inclusive spaces
35 – privilege isn’t static & progress is rarely linear so accountability is crucial
– if an institution “actually” values diversity and inclusion it “will” defend them.” “

Ruby Thursday

“There is no need to make a positive case for the Union. We know, for good or ill, what the Union entails.
There is simply the need to make a case against Independence.”

Project Fear made it pretty obvious what they were about.

There were all these English celebs begging us to stay and a never ending stream of English yoons posting on independence supporting forums (A lot of them are still here) Not forgetting the ‘love bombs’

When you asked what were the benefits for England of having Scotland in their Union. They could never give an answer.

We love you and nobody would wants their son living in England to become a foreigner, Ed Milliband didn’t want his children to have to carry a passport to visit Scotland and all the rest of the made up drivel.

They claimed Scotland is an economic basket case in need of subsidy and couldn’t survive without handouts from England.

When you asked what the economic benefits for England from this arrangement were they couldn’t give an answer.

I believe ‘Project Fear’ like Adam Ramsay were definitely liars.

We didn’t really know what the Union entailed and ‘Project Fear’ didn’t want us to find out. The reason they don’t want another referendum or any talk about independence is because they don’t want us to find out more about what the Union entails.

Also ‘Project Fear’ know we are on to them. ‘Once biten twice shy’

Robert Hughes

@ Ruby & Hatuey . Muchas grassy arses , amiga/o

A superabundance of half-witted G.E related fuckery awaits 🙂

I’m looking forward to seeing , eg ….

Kirsty Blackman outsmarted in debate by a table leg .

Wishart cuffed by a wasp .

Swinney charged with crimes against sentience .

The Slater/Harvie comedy duo stunned dumbstruck when asked the question ” What is a human ? ” .

My suggestion would be combining the U.K & U.S Elections into one globally televised tag team wrestling match , * logically * comprising Team Sunak/Trump v Team Starmer/Biden ; but given logic ( and any pretence of actually giving a fuck about ” the people ” ) has long-since been abandoned by the current political class , no reason why it shouldn’t be Sunak/Biden v Starmer/Trump . The net result will be the same – Pish Trickle-down + Shit rising .

The * contest * in both countries is as fake as any risible WWE * fight * . But , hey , the audiences lap it up , so ………


There are absolutely NO benefits to Scotland in the Union.

If there was we’d have felt them already. We don’t & never have.

The reason yoons can’t name any is cause there isn’t any.
All we are to them is a meal ticket. A possession they think they’ve a right to.

During indyref they even bussed in the English to campaign & deliver leaflets. Do you think Scots would be welcome to do that if England ever grew a set? Nope. They’d just declare indy cause it’d be beneath them to ask Scots permission.


Welcome back Robert 🙂

Aye, let the games commence..

*Note to self* stock up on shot glasses for each name jettisoned out of the SNP seats. Achieved the grand sum of hee-haw with numerous mandates. Please leave the Big Brother house..

Anne Johnston

Another example of the finest journalism.
Stuart Campbell and Wings.


Nice to see Robert H “back” (-seriously?!)

– you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave …

Has this Adam Ramsey slapped the Rev with a glove yet, demanded “satisfaction” and offered pistols or rapier? Have seconds been appointed?

(might watch the duellists later on)

Choosing “independence day” for the GE is deliberate – what this means for most people, americans especially, is how a washed up ex fighter pilot saved the day by flying a captured flying saucer into the illegal aliens mothership, to stop them claiming medicare and probing folks anuses.

– this is what freedom means to me. Mass murder and suicide bombing.

We need to find someone who has significant experience with microsoft flight simulator X and get him smuggled into lossiemouth to steal a typhoon; full burners down to london and “crash the mothership”.

– if you want true “authenticity” you need to steal a spaceship from “britains area 51”, i.e. Boscombe Down, but all I think you would find are a couple of weather balloons and louis mountbatten’s porn collection, an object so toxic it has to be encased in lead.

John C

Now an election has finally been called I do wonder how The Greens in Scotland will do. I’ve no doubt they’ll pick up votes in England and Wales mainly due to the Gaza War (though one could ask what the Greens can do in regards to that) but in Scotland the Greens no longer have the wider appeal they used to, thanks purely to people like Ramsay who’ve done their best to alienate voters.

If the Greens lose votes in Scotland while elsewhere in the UK the Greens pick up votes, it should spark the party to do some thinking as to what’s going wrong but I suspect they’ll just call people bigots and transphobes.

As for the SNP I can’t imagine anyone in the party is enthusiastic about this election. They’re going to lose seats to Labour & the Lib Dems & may very well come out of this election no longer the third largest party in Westminster. That lack of short money & profile is going to hurt but like the Greens I doubt they’ll do a realistic introspective of where they went wrong.


Greetings from a federally authorized tax practitioner in Raleigh, North Carolina. That graphic of Wellspring (ahem) donations is most instructive. The funds on the right hand side of the graphic make it clear that they fall within the jurisdiction of the United States Internsl Revenue Service. I wonder how much attention they paid to this at the time. Certain portions of non-profit tax returns must be made public. That might be an interesting project for the upcoming holiday. It certainly beats cleaning gutters.


This is a magnificent piece of journalism and an absolute joy to read. Take a bow, Rev Stu!

Robert Hughes

@ Geri . Thanks , sista ; glad yr still around

Anton Decadent

Excellent work once again, Rev.

When I tried to access the site today via the Duck Duck Go browser it repeatedly stated that it could not find it. I had to open another web browser and access the site via that and found that if I copypasted into DDG it would go to it but as far as DDG was concerned at lunchtime today WOS no longer existed if I did a search.


Looking forward to telling the Stirling and Strathallan constituency Tory boy he’ll get my vote on this occasion but it’s only to get Alyn ‘Daddy Bear’ Smith out, then it’s business as usual and back to working to end the Union – something the SNP appears willfully unwilling to do.

Indy for Scotland!
SNP Out!


Anton Decadent @ 1:25pm: DuckDuckGo has now posted a message to say they are having technical issues. You can follow links to search via Google or Yahoo, if you dare. It’s mildly inconvenient to me right now but, as it’s during the business day here, I don’t do much internet searching right now.


Anton Decadent 1.25pm
Same thing’s been happening since early this morning with any search I tried in DDG. This explanation is now showing:

“We’re currently experiencing an issue with DuckDuckGo Search. Thanks for your patience while we get our ducks in a row.
In the meantime, you can use other search engines right here by using “bangs”:

(a list of links)

Wings just gets better and better – first rate journalism.


John Swinney just stating that “Michael Matheson is a good man” and asked if he should resign said, “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it”.



100% REV! Once again, You have outed the liars!!

Lorna Campbell

Today’s National has a piece on Creative Scotland and the p**n film that was to use public funding. Turns out that they always knew it was going to be p**nographic. Sure, art’s job is to push boundaries, but there’s pushing and there’s pushing.

The more I read and hear about some of these people in public institutions who have wads of public money at their disposal, the more I become convinced that they are in position to further their own peculiarities and appetites. Tons of cash thrown at Edinburgh RCC, too, tons at Stonewall-inspired sex education for our children. The politicians can’t throw enough cash at them, it would appear. Just throw on a frock and Bob’s your uncle – our your aunt – and the money flows. Not if you happen to be an actual woman, of course, then they rob you of your pension.

If a film company that is funded by Creative Scotland with public cash advertises for p**n stars to join them, that kind of hints that their project was not going to be one that would not further Scotland’s traditional culture. Perhaps they hoped to turn Scotland into the p**n film industry capital of Europe with the wads of profits going off-shore or into already overfed coupons? Tartan P**N Inc.?


Are they dumb enough to try the ‘defacto referendum’ confidence trick on us again? I’m pretty sure they’re desperate enough — “give us 50% + 1 vote and Scotland shall be free!”

Tragically, some people would fall for it.

Harry Dunlop

I was going to add my compliments and thanks but I see
Anne Johnston at 12:11 pm has nailed it for me. Thank you ma’am.
“Another example of the finest journalism.
Stuart Campbell and Wings.


Robert Hughes 11.23 am .

Ffsaky dont give Farage any more idea,s he,s going to be broadcasting the american elections for GB news ,don,t they know the people have their fill of Trumps lies .


Everyone has had enough of the Americans full stop.

Fingers in every pie. $$s in everyone’s bank account.

They’ll have already chosen who our PM will be. Everything else is just window dressing.


Great timing! Police Scotland submit case for consideration to P.F over Murrell on very first day of election countdown. Just announced on R4 around 17.25 today.


I hope Social Services are aware of what this idiot is doing to his children.

Andy Ellis

@Rev Stu 8.26 am

Speaking of “things post election”, I wonder what actual impact to the real outcomes of votes all those whingeing about Alba & others splitting the pro indy vote is going to have?

Even in the (apparently?) unlikely event that such votes allowed a yoon candidate to beat an SNP candidate, we all know the SNP are going to get their arses handed to them on 4th July anyway, so what real difference will it make?

We’ll all wake up on 5th July to yoons crowing about how indy is deid: the $64,000 questions then are:

– what “the movement” does about it before Holyrood elections in 2026;

– and what happens to the SNP in the period up to said elections?

Of course the Kool Aid kids in here assure us that their “cunning plans for indy” (TM) / Convention of the Estates / Salvo blasting Holyrood will all propel us to the sunny uplands of independence without the tiresome necessity of votes or a demonstrable majority… that’s alright, huh?

A McGuinness

Great article. It reads like a Tom Sharpe novel. Funny and farcical.

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