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Wings Over Scotland

Cleaning the stables 114

Posted on March 19, 2023 by

So we were a couple of days early on this one.

In fairness to the Scottish press, it’s had a lot of stuff to fit in recently.

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Astronomical numbers of boots 131

Posted on March 19, 2023 by

The SNP having a fondness for lying about their membership wouldn’t have come as quite such a shock to the Scottish press if they paid a little more attention to this website. Because we were pointing it out two and a half years ago.

It was in October 2020 that we told you how the SNP’s 2019 accounts revealed the party’s true membership figures weren’t the claimed 126,000 but more like 87,000.

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Quiet Times For Scotland 56

Posted on March 19, 2023 by

You might think that Scottish political journalists would all be in a shark-like frenzy of excitement at the events of the last few days. But not over on The Guardian.

Apparently it’s all a bit too much for the delicate wee flowers.

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If you find that you just can’t trust them 266

Posted on March 18, 2023 by

We’ve just been leaked this footage, apparently taken by an alert traveller, of Nicola Sturgeon at Edinburgh Airport, reacting badly to receiving news that Peter Murrell has been “unavoidably detained” and won’t be making their rendezvous to Rio.

So what now, readers? What now?

The Patsies 123

Posted on March 18, 2023 by

The mainstream Scottish political media might not have many professional standards, but there’s one it’s still pretty diligent about upholding.

And that’s that if a political party’s press office starts really taking liberties and making them look like fools, all bets (and gloves) are off.

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From a stone 97

Posted on March 18, 2023 by

The decline and fall 234

Posted on March 17, 2023 by

…of the SNP has been in the post for quite some time.

Because no party can prosper for long when it’s stuffed full of complete dum-dums.

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The truth will come out 230

Posted on March 16, 2023 by

How it started, just one month ago:

And how it’s going:

But it’s quite a lot worse than it looks.

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Rogue Trooper 129

Posted on March 16, 2023 by

Hats off to the SNP. Every time we think that the party’s leadership election can’t get any more absurdly farcical, they pull something extra-mad out of the bag.

After this happened yesterday, it suddenly become “known” across the Scottish media that the SNP NEC was going to hold an extraordinary meeting in order to authorise the release of the membership figures after all three candidates demanded them.

Some of the country’s most senior hacks, including BBC Scotland’s Political Editor and the editor of the Daily Record, sombrely informed their readers of the development.

Only trouble was, nobody had told the SNP NEC.

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There Are No Rules 82

Posted on March 16, 2023 by

This is the SNP members’ website tonight.

Looks like anything goes, folks.

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The Gauntlet 149

Posted on March 15, 2023 by

Well, this has set the cat amongst the pigeons.

Because the SNP leadership election is now a full-blown four-alarm skip fire.

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The Human Torpedo 83

Posted on March 15, 2023 by

Two obvious things arise from this clip from last night’s BBC leadership debate.

Don’t worry, this won’t take long.

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