The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

The ultimate weapon

Posted on February 04, 2014 by

It seems that today marked the official start of the much-vaunted “lovebombing” campaign aimed at persuading Scots to stay in the UK by showing them how much they’re loved by the people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The opening salvo did some unfortunate and costly collateral damage, but luckily the Union had a white knight following close behind to smooth over any injured feelings.

Would you like to meet him, readers?


Well, if that doesn’t do it we don’t know what will.

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Doug Daniel

After “The main thing, what really matters here, is” he appears to have misspelled “we want to keep your oil money and then moan when you ask for some of it back.”

Having said that, I’m sold. VOTE NO!!! VOTE NO, YOU GUYS!!!


Ok what did he really say?


Ummm…flabergasted here. Oh yeah gods, this just gets better and better 🙂

jingly jangly

If the best is yet to come, get outta here quick!!!


Yes votes ahoy!

Cheers Boris.


I could cry or vomit – pass the bucket, quick!


@Doug Daniel:

It’s there by implication. The “massive contribution Scottish men and women have made…” includes the oil money. 🙂


Ah, the man who stated,

“A pound spent in Croydon is of far more value to the country than a pound spent in Strathclyde,”

And I can´t say I´ve ever swum with Irn Bru, nor even paddling with bagpipes or dipped a toe into the water while savouring my porridge.


Chic McGregor

Sounds like a load of ‘Wiffle Waffle’ to me.


I’m not quite sure this should be dignified with a reply.


Dick Gaughan

“the warmth of English feelings for Scotland”

Wonderful. That’ll be why we’re a bunch of bare-arsed, kilted, money-grabbing, skiving no-hopers taking all London’s money, eh Boris? Make your mind up.

You couldn’t make it up. Oh, hang on, you just did …


*Facepalm* I seriously hope they’re kicking off the love-bombing on a low note with their “big-hitters” still to come …

Alan MacD

Good thing he didnae mention haggis or it would be game over….
Who the fuck has ever swam with seals?

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

Lovebampot. The ogre in some hideous pantomime.


I feel a bit sullied now :/


I’ve never tried swimming with bagpipes. Must give it a go.

steven luby

Like this cloWn cares for anything outside of his bank balance. Its a very odd thing that Westminster&co shit on Scotland,ignore Scotlands aspirations within the union time and again,but now that we have been exercising our politics(albeit extremely limited)within Holyrood…….’They’ see us! Scotland exists(although not ‘legally’ of course).Shitting themselves springs to mind. They have a plan and Scotland has just poked them in the eye. Tides are a turning and the screams of Westminster trying to wake and comprehend have sent them all into the traditional knee jerk reactions. The creaking wheels of the empire are moving……..and I for one just love it all!


Love bomb No.2 according to channel 5 news the boss of BP no less has spoken out against Scottish independence he doesn’t want to see “Scotland drifting away”. Nobody told me we were to be actually cut off from the rest of the British Isles.

magnus barelegs

What Boris really means is our cash cow might be off, so i will write some patronising drivel to try and woo it back.

Problem is Boris old chap the people of Scotland are starting to get wise to perfidious albions twisted take on the truth.

Rodney Sofa

I’m getting a bit worried they might start sending us cuddles from Jim Davidson, Edwina Currie and Katie Hopkins next. Now that would really sway me…

Alan MacD

Honestly have to say that i kinda like the Boris patter, but voting no to ensure this cunt gets his breakfast?


Do what? Make people sick or convince them that voting no is actually quite a good idea?


It’s a done deal, Bojo for the first FM of iJockland.

What, he’s not coming? Say it ain’t so.

Linda's Back

Regarding BPs intervention they are happy to do business in a small high tax separatist currency country like Norway which is outside the EU. (check out
link to

I am sure any independent Scottish government would be happy to pay up to £2 bn to take over BPs risky uncertain future in Scotland’s Continental Shelf in exchange for the 50 years of guaranteed profits.

Graeme Purves

‘Deserves some sort of prize for the remarkable density of its crass Scottish stereotyping. Is this just an exercise in lovebombers talking to themselves?


I guess he just finished reading the FT notes from yesterday. But we should get him to clarify that the “massive contribution” to which he refers is the £7Bn contributed in 2012. And thanks for funding my Olympics!

Les Wilson

Who can take this buffoon seriously? Personally I cannot take the vision of him hovering in mid air with a crash helmet on getting his nuts squeezed in a tight harness!
Yuk, nightmares tonight again. What are you doing to us REV!

DRD Woodward

When you are the most successful at anything, you don’t need to tell anyone … its already apparent to them.



“Swimming with Bagpipes” is that the filum about Boris’ love of Scotland, with Kevin Costner as Boris?

Byline – Not droning, just drowning.


I feel his pain.

Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

Vote YES

James Westland

Jings, Crivvens, Help ma boab

That was embarrassing to read. Toe-curling, buttock-clenching embarrassing. How many cliches did he manage to squeeze in there? Mind you, he missed out haggis and braveheart.

And he also missed out references to “proud Scots” (unlike John Barrowman in that dreadful video.

Is this guy a “Yes” 5th columnist?

Seasick Dave

If we are the most successful political union, erm, dare I ask, what’s the worst?

Is there one that blootered £1.5 trillion with nothing to show for it?


Wow! I thought I had seen it all, but this effortlessly wins the “most patronising article” Indyref award.

If this is lovebombing- bring it on!

William Duguid

Get this man on stage at the Glasgow Empire NOW.

Seasick Dave

That picture reminds me of the last time I went lambing.

Robert Louis


Boris Johnson, single handedly showing just why so many Scots regard him as an arrogant upperclass patronising Tory twit.

For the sake of brevity however, it’s quite simple, the 300 year old union has been successful, but only for England. That’s the problem. That’s why we want independence.


Very jolly.

In fact, top hole….

Unlike this:

link to

Bingo Wings Over Scotland

He’s not swimming with bagpipes – that’s an octopus in tartan trunks!
Ah’ll get ma coat…

Robert Louis


It’s worse than that, if we vote YES we’ll be separatised. Apparently.

Murray McCallum

To give Boris some credit, the meaningless drivel he allegedly wrote and meant is better than his rival Cameron has produced thus far.


What really matter here, is we keep receiving the huge influx of cash that Scots generate through taxes and revenues.

Here’s some more Boris Johnson quotes, I particularly like these.

Its easy to make promises, it is hard to keep them.

I’m a one nation Tory.

link to

Robert Louis

Hang on, I thought David Cameron said this was just for the Scots to debate, and therefore he couldn’t do a face to face live debate with the First Minister in order to defend the union which he ‘loves’ so much.


Hey what happened to the ginger hair and Jimmy hats

J. R. Tomlin

He forgot to mention how spending money in Scotland is a waste.



On the betting front, walked into William Hill, Sauchiehall St. Glasgow and was offered –

Yes – 100/30

No 2/9.

Definite closing of prices.


Are you telling the truth Boris cause if you are all your newspapers, television co. Politicians, lords. Dugs in the street are treating us like thick as shit morons, laughing at us and robbing us blind?

Telling us lies and treating us like whipping boys to cover up your own Short comings and inadequacies. You are a foreign mayor in a foreign country why do you involve yourself in my countries politics.


OFFS, somebody, please make him go away. 🙁


Here’s Boris Johnson and his infamous pound in Croydon speech.

link to


Marvellous… thanks BoJo.. I feel thoroughly patronised now. Oddly enough though, it isn’t exactly a new feeling…. 58 years of this crud gets a bit wearing…


We were promised love-bombing – someone contact trading standards, this isn’t the product we were assured!

Robert Louis

Honestly, this is like something from the spoof site BBC Scotlandshire. The reality of the unionists behaviour is getting more surreal than the satire.

link to


Patronising, insincere guff.
Great thinkers – Billy Connolly! FFS.

J. R. Tomlin

“A pound spent in Croydon is of far more value to the country than a pound spent in Strathclyde. You will generate jobs in Strathclyde far more effectively if you invest in parts of London.”

Now who WAS it who said that. But I’m sure everyone is just terribly, terribly glad he doesn’t want Scotland to leave the Union. As far as what is the ‘world’s most successful’ one, some Americans might disagree with his assessment.

G. Campbell

“The Romans created the most successful and longest-lasting empire in history. They conquered and civilised a territory that stretched from Scotland to Libya”

link to

Les Wilson

Taken from the MIRROR Benefits article something BT should remember.

“When you descend into personal attacks against your opponent, it is because you have no political argument left.”

Bt take that to heart before you go any further with all the rubbish you spew.


I couldn’t help noicing that for all the things Boris claims to love about Scotland he never once mentions how he feels about us, the Scots!


This is just a rehash of a previous piece by Johnson. I thought I had read this “running with seals” pish before.

More carpet than love bomb though.
link to


Why do I feel that (snigger) has been edited out? It does read much more Boris with the snigger included.

– to say nothing of the porridge (snigger) – though we do.
… great Scottish thinkers from Adam Smith to Billy Connelly (snigger) -though we do.

Adam Smith? I’d reckon Adam Faith is more in Boris’s sphere of thinking. “What do you want if you don’t want money? What do you want if you don’t want me?”.

Les Wilson

G. Campbell says:

On that subject, I watched the BBC documentary about the Roman Empire, during that I noticed when they showed the map of what areas and countries it extended to. When it first showed the boundary line of the Romans in Britain, it clearly showed the Empire’s end line at Hadrians wall.No colouration of Scotland in Roman colours.

Later on, the same map had been altered showing the whole of the UK covered by the Empire including Scotland.
Also Scotland was tilted back on both maps showing it was really small. Subliminal messages even in a documentary.
It is everywhere in the BBC.


Rev you may want to point out a few errors in this piece.

link to

The Man in the Jar

I cant wait for the “lovebomb” from Brian Sewell and David Starkey!

Chic McGregor

The spoof folk are going to struggle to keep up

link to

G H Graham

We’re heading for 1.5 trillion in debt in the 4th most unequal union in the world where food banks are used by politicians for photo ops & where more than half the government isn’t even elected.

Since WW1 Scotland’s population has risen by 13% but risen in England by 60%, pushed up by a massive movement of labour south. Where the jobs are.

Scotland is Europe’s largest producer of oil but you never really see the prosperity it should bring. You have to go to London to find it.

Most successful political union? When the political & economic elite in London look around no wonder they think that.

Unfortunately, the rest of the country might beg (literarily) to differ.

call me dave


Aye “wish you wanted my love baby” 🙂

The shortest ever No 1 single. Adam faith. Got the very record in my collection.


Dear Mister Johnson,

Thank-you for your affectionate comments. Rest assured that we Scots are equally fond of your sceptered peninsula with its cream teas, cheerful chimney-sweeps, gouty country squires, morris dancers, thatched cottages and that baffling game with wickets and googlies.

Gawd bless ye Guvnor!

Craig P

I’d be quite happy for Boris to go swimming with seals, preferably leopard seals. Hungry ones.

jingly jangly

O/T see the UN has published the report into the Bedroom Tax…

link to

phil fuller

If you vote yes can Northumberland come with you?

It seems whitehall believes england stops at leeds with that hs2 thingy!


Well, he’s not wrong about the massive contribution. Boy, have we contributed! Scotland in the Union is the gift that keeps on giving.


What is this “England” and “English People” that he talks of….

Last I saw…. England isn’t devolved from the UK so doesn’t technically exist.


Being a little personal here but have you noticed that unionists who are “lovebombing” us are all looking a bit jaded!

Must be awful to have such unrequited love for us north britishers…

Si A

I can only presume that this love will fade away once we become foreigners.


He’s already got a love child

Leave Scotland alone.


How can they claim that we have a union when their own legal advice states that Scotland ceased to exist 300+ years ago and became part of England? Or are they just talking a load of rot?


Bye bye Boris, with your shaggy hair and your caramel coloured teeth.


BoJo: Ultimate weapon or ultimate tool?

Wee Jonny

To paraphrase a couple of Rangers F.C. supporters, You can stick yir Boris Johnson up yir arse, yi kid stick yir Boris Johnson up yir arse. Boris Johnson’s a granny shaggir!! Way.


He missed out the Clearances, genocide after Culloden, the slaughter of Scotland’s youth in the trenches, the 200 nuclear warheads tucked safely in Scotland’s central belt, the squandering of oil revenue, the theft of £200 / per second from Scottish whisky exports, etc etc

Inbhir Anainn

Apologies O/T Live from Scottish Parliament the Marriage and Civil Partnership Stage 3 Bill has passed.


We are his pets…aw, cute

Tommy McClellan

BJ’s “warm feelings” make me feel decidedly queasy. And is “lovebomb” perchance prison patois for getting shafted up the jacksie? (UK = prison; Scotland = the shaftee, again and again for 300 years, no parole for tender, better together BJs.)


Swims with Bagpipes

I think that National Collective lad should get the cartoon up and running 🙂

Boris is quite charming in his easy foppish way but I’m sure he has said less conciliatory things in the past.

magnus barelegs

Sorry old Bo-Jo but your days of lording over us are over, as are this thing you call the union which was basically stealth colonialism done through the back door.

Looks like your empire has fallen in on itself.

Ian Brotherhood

Toodle-pip, Boris old bean!

Now fuck off, there’s a good chap…

Chic McGregor

He’s a Silly Berty, Get Us Out Of There.

ronnie anderson

Does Boris ever comb his hair, ave goat a auld steel

NIT comb somewhere,any Winger,s care tae add the Wit.


Boris has obviously been reading the Bumper Book of Genetic Purity, so favoured by the ruling elite;

Johnson then told the Centre for Policy Studies think tank, which helped lay the basis for Thatcherism in the 1970s: “The harder you shake the pack the easier it will be for some cornflakes to get to the top.”

“On the politically sensitive issue of inequality Johnson warned that the growing competition Britain faced in a globalised economy meant that inequality would deepen. He said: “No one can ignore the harshness of that competition, or the inequality that it inevitably accentuates, and I am afraid that violent economic centrifuge is operating on human beings who are already very far from equal in raw ability, if not spiritual worth.”
link to


@Alan MacD says:

“Honestly have to say that i kinda like the Boris patter, but voting no to ensure this cunt gets his breakfast?”

F****** Hilarious! I so ‘heard’ the way you said this, laughed out loud, brilliant.


Is Boris a

Love Bomb?


Love Bum?

Another Union Dividend

More BBC bias over BP coverage on TV this evening. They again refuse to get a comment from the YES campaign.

Alex Salmond as First Minister allowed to respond to BP’s nonsensical claims against independence but BBC then allows A Carmichael to comment on behalf of NO Scotland but no comment sought from pro Scotland YES campaign.

Normally when running a story they only allow those accused to respond but on this story it was 2 to 1 for the anti independence brigade.

Alastair Naughton

Billy Connolly a great Scottish thinker? A comedian, yes, actor yes, voice for an animated film, yes but a thinker? What great academic works his Billy Connolly written then, Boris?


Anyone know what Bojo means with “you generate more jobs and growth in Strathclyde if you invest in Hackney, Croydon and other parts of London?”


”Does Boris ever comb his hair?’

I watched him deliberately mussing up his hair at the Tory Conference when he was waiting to be interviewed and unaware the camera was on him. Everything Boris does is calculated. A devious character

Bugger (the Panda)

@KenC says:

“Wow! I thought I had seen it all, but this effortlessly wins the “most patronising article” Indyref award.”

The sad thing is that he would actually turn up in person to collect it


Sitting on the train from Victoria to Clapham Junction today, I found myself opposite a guy with 2 Yes badges and a Yes cap. Revealing my own secret Yes badge (it’s all becoming distinctly masonic)we had a couple of minutes good craic in the heart of Boris’s stronghold…

Just to say, if you are reading this Sir, you made my day!

Dave McEwan Hill

I knew the love bombing would start once the insults stopped working. But they can’t stop the insults. It’s gone too far

Heard a nice comment today (talking about Carmichael in particular)

“He’s been a yes man for thirty years and now he’s a No man”


My gast is flabbered.

This from the man who tells us that, “A pound spend in Croydon is of better value to the UK than a pound spent in Strathclyde.” And, naturally, it is even better when that pound is a Scottish pound being spent in Croydon, isn’t it Boris?

Must think we’re all a bunch of mugs. Sheesh……


Further to ruther60’s comment re. Jimmy hats.

I was once a guest of Northumbria Water, who were celebrating Burns Night. You guessed it. Every seat was adorned with said Jimmy hat. I was sitting with the company’s financial director, who was left in no doubt as to how crassly inappropriate I thought NW had been.

He did enjoy the Scotch though, and was more than a little worse for wear by the end of the evening. 🙂


I just wish they would tell the truth…”we love and need your oil and electricity, oh and your taxes, whisky, salmon farming, fishing industry, renewables industry, you enlightened people, agriculture, food and drink, land/estates…hunting, shooting and fishing. Oh and your scenery, bagpipes and seals”. But the people?

Yet another reason to vote Yes!


Boris should be dragged through the streets of Biggar and pelted with Haggis.


Along side his sister.

ronnie cowan

I quite genuinely thought that was a spoof. It is, isn’t it? Before I go pointing people in its direction. Is it?


Auld punks say it the best. 😀

Bugger (the Panda)

Robbie says:

“Boris should be dragged through the streets of Biggar and pelted with Haggis.”

I would suggest pebbled as he has been stoned too many times, already.


God! (only in the expletive sense of course).

It’s not often that I descend into this, but Bullingdon Boris – why don’t you f*ck right off.

ronnie anderson

Wing,s Techkno dept,any Vid,s You,ve Lost That Loveing Feeling.

Dan Huil

First a rich American oil exec tells us what to do. Then a rich English public-schoolboy tells us how much he loves us. They really have no idea. Long may their ignorance continue.


Sorry Boris, it”s all falling on deaf ears. We”re offski,bye bye.


Frim Ian Bell from the Herald.

“BP boss warns of ‘uncertainties’ due to Scottish vote”. So paralysed with uncertainty is Bob Dudley he’s investing £10 billion.”

The BP man hasn’t mentioned what uncertain future the UK has if it withdraws from the EU.


Well, that’s me convinced!

Mathie Wallace

Boris is a hoot and you have to admire his blundering naivety, but he is polished at being patronising.
Thanks Boris, I’m sure you have just converted another few “undecideds” to “Yes”



O/T there’s a new article just posted on the FT called “Independence can revive Scotland”

Can some one archieve it and post a link? My free 8 articles are used already.


You don’t need to look south of the border, for patronising, of Scots. Here’s Ian Davidson, scoring brownie points towards his ermine cloak.

link to


Just pat my head and ruffle my hair a bit Boris and you got my vote.

In the meantime, do your shoes need shining or anything?

Bugger (the Panda)

For Boris, iDave, Gideon, Dimbleby, Yeo and all the other Bullingdon Club seld righteous bruvs

We are going boys and you have’nae a clue.

Murray McCallum

article just posted on the FT called “Independence can revive Scotland”

link to

stuart G

Did anyone see the Better Together leaflet saying VOTE NO to keep Greggs sausage rolls.. I did and decided to ask Greggs if they were going to cease trading in an independent Scotland and here’s what they said…•Dear Stuart, Thanks for taking the time to contact Greggs. This isn’t something we’re aware of at Customer Care, however we’ve asked our Retail Team to look into this and i’ll get back to you once I receive their response. This may take a week or so. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.
• Hi Stuart, Following on from the below I would be grateful if you can email to me the publication to which you refer. Thanks, Cassie.
• Dear Stuart, Thank you for bringing this to our attention and sending across the relevant publication. I can confirm that we currently have no plans to cease trading in an independent Scotland. Kind regards, Cassie.
So it is confirmed by Greggs, Better Together are lying again.


Cheers MM


@Murray McCallum

Do you know if that´s on the front page of the FT so that it will be shown on Newsnight when they show tomorrow´s headlines?

*hopefully doesn´t have to roll eyes*

call me dave

What would happen if 20,000 Scots went to other suppliers to get their diesel and petrol rather than BP garages for a 1 month period. Would it show in the statistics?

I for one am doing it for good.

No Ming on BBC Scotland teatime tv to peddle home rule.

Bugger (the Panda)


I can’t get archive to do that.Their paywall is too strong.

Where is Obi Wan Kanobe when you need him?

Here is a shot

Sorry it archives back to paywall entry page


So thats what i got for my pound spent in Croyden

gerry parker

They will be disappointed.

call me dave

Murray McCallum

Thanks for that link. Encouraging stuff.

Bugger (the Panda)

link to

Does that work threpnr?


eloi say goodbye

ronnie anderson

You dont swim with bagpipe,s Boris, you snorkle wie them

that baggy thing kin last underwater fur oor,s n oor,s

playing wie the Seal,s, bouncy bouncy oh rubber ball come

bouncing back to me.Stay on your wee island Boris,castaway.


Wow – massive amount of comments.

What pictishbeastie said was the first thing I spotted – no mention of how Boris feels about the current people of Scotland – you know, the ones suffering under the coalition and previous Westminster governments and, God forbid, future one – or recognition that it’s valid for us to have aspirations and a world-view that believes self-determination is the better way forward.

Also, a love of Scotland is not precluded by Scotland being an independent, sovereign state.

Time and again all we see is emotional rhetoric from BT.

And remember, this man could be the UK’s next Prime Minister.


5 million ways to be Scottish? Anybody got any idea if this will be entertaining or just daft?

Murray McCallum

I saw an article by Alex Massie on the Wings twitter feed that dismissed Bob “I love Russia but am frightened by Scotland” Dudley’s remarks.

link to

However, his closing little remark about RBS may be more interesting. Could the RBS Group HQ really be switched to London thereby significantly increasing their overheads at a time they are losing £ billions.

If he is talking about the global investment banking activities being HQ’d out of London (and registered in an English legal entity), does anyone have a problem with that?.


Didn’t work for me Panda but Murray McCallum has posted a link above. Thanks for the effort.


I imagine it must be quite difficult swimming with seals, bagpipes and Irn Bru – to say nothing of porridge.

Your bagpipes would become water logged for a start.

ronnie anderson

Driving home next Christmas, bypassing every B P petrol

station, let,s start it the noo,Boycott B P,ah think the

shareholder,s will get the point,as will other,s,loose

mooth,s cost,s profit lose.

call me dave

George Galloway is going to sue. No…not Peggy.

link to


Call Me Dave, Shell certainly suffered loss of trade in Holland? when they were going to sink the Brent Spar in the middle of the Atlantic. If I remember they lost millions, and eventually sent it to Norway for breaking up.


Rev’s report from Financial Times about Scotland being better off after Independence must have been a spoof – its not been repeated anywhere else.

The State broadcater / STV / Radio etc have all blanked the story so by default it must be a lie then surely or is the Scottish public being severely short changed ?

Meanwhile big news – BP boss cares about Scotland so much and fears uncertainty of independence (same guy who fawns after Prime Minister Cameron).. FFS; BBC all over the Story and STV fawn after Galloway ??

Scottish media on top of the news or feeding crap to us because they can !!!

Watch this if you need cheered up – Christ can this bunny run!

call me dave

ronnie anderson

Well done you got loose and lose in the same sentence ‘M’ will be proud of you. 🙂

All quiet until Newsnight later then.


Chairchoob you are indeed a crawling bastard!


Even the headline at face value is total gibberish. The USA is a much more successful politicial union, on the basis of a) economic power, b) military power, and c) not having any significant demands from any part wanting to leave.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Swims with Bagpipes is my Cybergrampa’s Native American name.


@call me dave – Ha Ha Gorgeous..just Ha Ha


Hat tip to Schrondinger’s Cat on the Gruaniad….

Looks like Dud Bubley may be in breach of BP’s code of conduct by intervening in the Indy Ref and giving his ‘personal opinion’…

74 Our stance on political activity

• BP will not take part directly in party political activity.
• BP will make no political contributions – either in cash or in kind.
We recognize our employees’ right to take part as individuals in the political process, in ways that are appropriate to each country.

Employees who do this must make it clear that they do not represent BP

Basic rules you must follow


• Use company time, property or equipment to carry out or support your personal political activities. Ensure that you only engage in the political process in your own
time and with your own resources.

• Undertake lobbying activities without authorization.

To be fair to Dud he did make it clear it was his personal opinion….but it was definitely on the company’s time as he was giving interviews on the company’s results.

And Stevie Deans was dismissed by Ineos for doing the same thing…all be it he was trying to influence an internal party election rather than a national referendum on self determination.

link to


On his last sentence I just keep picturing Dracula putting the friendly cape roon yer shooders..thee best ees yet to come(dunno how to make it sound Transylvannian)


WTF – they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR GREGG’s SAUSAGE ROLLS!


Aw Boris we didnt know you cared. A London Tory mayor lovebombing us Scots to sweet talk us into staying with London rule, just doesnt ring true somehow. The days of trickery and empire are long gone. Scotland voting yes this september will officially confirm that and kick his stitch up of a union into the long grass for all time.

Findlay Farquaharson

galloway, the exploiter of the exploited has been told by stirling to sling his hook. nice 1.


ALERT! Love bombing from Brits moving from abroad/outside Scotland to vote for their love of Britain and maintaining its integrity!! I’m sure a lot of people suspect this will happen. Had my first example tonight…

Was chatting to an Irish colleague, parents British and who live outside of UK and Ireland for most of the year but part of the year in Scotland. Very nice educated lady this colleague but perfect example of the effect of exposure to UK media: believes all the scare stories about EU membership, the pound, affordability, and, I suspect, thinks pro independence supporters are just nationalists. Anyway, more importantly, the parents will be using her address to prove they’re living in Scotland in order to register. I haven’t checked the ins and outs of how easy this is to do but perhaps someone with more knowledge and time can consider how much these type of actions could influence the vote.

I think the other lesson I learned was how important it is for everybody to talk, in reasoned terms, to as many people as possible and turn them on to websites providing the other side of the coin from the establishment press. I told this lady about wings and newsnet, and will be interested to see if her views soften towards independence in the future.


There is no sensible case for Scotland being in this lying and thieving one-sided Union = at all.


Any word on how Gorgeous’s Just Talking Pish roadshow went down last night?

Graeme McCormick

Who would deny a Glesca wean its Greggs’s dummie?


I think we all should do the Mayor of London the courtesy of atleast considering what he has said.Who’s with me?

OK.i’ll get my jaiket.

call me dave

Mr Galloway was met by rival protests by the left-wing Radical Independence group and the right-wing Scottish Defence League before his “Just Say Naw” engagement in Edinburgh last night.
The two sides were held apart by police as Radical Independence railed against Mr Galloway’s pro-UK stance and taunted the SDL with “Nae Nazis” chants, and the SDL called Mr Galloway “a ("Tractor" - Ed)” for his links with religious minorities.

See link up the thread 8pm


sorry call me dave, I did open the link but didn’t get any further than the pulping of the 50,000 tour brochures before actually pishing myself laughing. Must have been a hoot last night though!


Bojo’s just one more rich English elitist working for the British elite. When have they ever given up territory and power without fear and lies?

Red Squirrel

Yet again it’s all about what Scotlandshire can do for the union – other than being thoroughly patronised yet again, there’s nothing about what the union can do for us.

Funny that.


It’s a dire shame if Galloway the gobshite pulps 50,000 leaflets …. that could provide toilet paper for an average family for a lifetime… unthinking c**tknuckle that he is….

ronnie anderson

O/T Prof Cuntice Bbc 5 million Scot,s, sterotipical Scot

18/25yr old,Caberman Stuart Coscrove never heard that

description in all his life being liveing & working in

Scotland,Pro Cuntice, is makeing a mockery of that

University & those student,s.

Chic McGregor

“Robbie says:

“Boris should be dragged through the streets of Biggar and pelted with Haggis.”

I would suggest pebbled as he has been stoned too many times, already.”

That would presumably be ‘Pebbled in Peebles.”

Don’t get me started on Shettleston.

Chic McGregor

Stuart G
“Dear Stuart, Thank you for bringing this to our attention and sending across the relevant publication. I can confirm that we currently have no plans to cease trading in an independent Scotland. Kind regards, Cassie.
So it is confirmed by Greggs, Better Together are lying again.”

You trying to get Jackie Baillie on side? If so, we need to talk. 🙁


Anyone for a Wings fundraiser?

Thank you card, 6 pack of irn bru, packet of porridge oats and a ticket to see the seals can’t add up to much.

Martin Keatings

oh look! an alpaca!

Chic McGregor

“There is no sensible case for Scotland being in this lying and thieving one-sided Union = at all.”

Not unless DNA research uncovers a Scottish masochism gene.


I didn’t get Hugo Rifkind’s angst. He has left Scotland. It doesn’t sound like he intends coming back so why not just hold two passports? Be both.


Prof John Curtice on BBC now…where has he been hiding ?


I think with all hotels and stuff booked up for ages for the Commonwealth Games and the Golf events,chuck in holidaymakers booking accommodation,there will be limited scope for residency claiming for voting.

Ian Brotherhood

JoLa would look good in one of those Greggs outfits, with a wee white hat, and the face on her like the last, unwanted steakbake.

‘You got a hot pie missus?’


EBC NEWS 24 at 21:00

EBC PUSHING BP chief exec. Personal wish for GB to stay together, trying to link it to BPs name.

Clive Mira EBC reporter very excited by this news. Until –

Ivan McKee was allowed on to put the yes case very very well, rebuked and educated the EBC interviewer who was totally taken aback was I think quite shocked. LIFTED ME AFTER A DODGY DAY.


Linda's back

No Ivan excluded from BBC “national” news at 10 a.m despite BBC leading with this story


@ Papadocx

Ivan was on Radio 4’s World at One and comprehensively rebutted the BP nonsense.

He also explained how the rUK’s balance of payments was dependent on a currency union with an iScotland. The stunned silence which followed was more than enjoyable.


BBC Network news leading with the BP story, but no mention on ITV News at Ten (so far). Looks like what it is , a highly bias story being pumped out by the state propaganda broadcaster

David Agnew

Agree that Ivan McKee was allowed to explain his view on Radio 4. However 30 min later, the BBC having had time too regroup, on Radio 5 he was subjected to the BBC interruption treatment. Stood his ground very well.


Didn’t notice it on the C4 news either.

I was driving home at six, and was on Radio 4. I thought, I’m not going to go to Radio Scotland because I know what that will be. Then the Radio 4 news started and it had top billing.

I immediately pressed the button for Radio 3, my normal escape route. But R3 has news at six too, though it was a few seconds later in starting. So I got the full force of the item all over again, again top billing.

In desperation I went for the only remaining preset, Classic FM. At least that was broadcasting Salmond’s rebuttal….

I wonder what the UWS researchers are thinking about all this?

Robert Kerr

Indeed Morag and if you are correct in that the heat has been turned up by BBC then there is a new research project waiting to be funded.

“BBC bias before and after being flagged by UWS”

Time for bed

Jamie Arriere

Aw Boris, if you really don’t want to see us leave the union, stick a couple of forks in your eyes – that should do it.

Anyway, I don’t believe that’s really you saying that, cos you really want our money to spend in Croydon. You’ll have to actually come here and say it live on TV or face to face – in fact preferably sing it or use contemporary dance.

Dance ya clown, dance!!


kendomacaroonbar says:

“Prof John Curtice on BBC now”

I don’t know how he finds the time to get home at all! Does he have an expenses paid suite at Pathetic Quay?

Ian Brotherhood

Prof Curtice is Pacific Quay’s cat – they let him out after Newsnicht and tempt him back in, just before GMS starts, with a saucer of All-Bran.


Just watched the BBC News Channel’s paper review. They covered the gay marriage bill being passed in the Scottish parliament but completely rubbished claims by an SNP spokesman that this kind of legislation is a sign of the kind of fair society an independent Scotland would be, apparently we are just following England. When covering the BP story their attitude completely changed, apparently the “Great Britain is great” quote from the BP boss was just wonderful and will have Alex Salmond quacking in his boots. Absolutely no balance of views provided whatsoever, BBC bias is not even subtle, its fucking in your face.

Ian Brotherhood

Salmond won’t be quacking in his boots – he won’t give a Donald Duck about it either way.


O/T anyone watched this before?

Curious info at the start about MP’s not owning but being companies.
Explains a lot of stuff.

link to


@Ian Brotherhood
Salmond won’t be quacking in his boots – he won’t give a Donald Duck about it either way.

Think I might be quacking up, that’s what happen when you watch the press review.


Anyone that is still paying the TV tax needs to stop doing it now. You can do it perfectly legally and all it takes is a slight change of habit to watching on Catchup after it has been broadcast live.


Apologies- OT

BBC Trust is inviting BBC audiences to get in touch with their views on BBC 1, 2, 3 & 4

link to

Chic McGregor

Fact and chiels etc.

Ian Brotherhood

@James123 –

No worries. We can settle the bill later.

(I’ll get me eiderdown…)


Jimbo says:
“BBC Trust is inviting BBC audiences to get in touch with their views”

I clicked through the BBC Trust “Proposed allocation criteria for Referendum Campaign Broadcasts and Party Election Broadcasts” and the first paragraph reads

“The BBC is required by Parliament under the terms of its Charter and Agreement of 2006 to ensure that matters of political controversy and matters of public policy are covered with due impartiality.”

That’ll be “Except for viewers in Scotland” then.

Ian Brotherhood

@Chic –

Cheers for that.

Big Ivan is a star.


@ Chic McGregor

Thanks for the vid Chic, I thought I had missed that. What a brilliant asset Ivan is to the Yes campaign. As you say Facts and chiels. No wonder they dropped that interview like a hot rock.

call me dave

Well done Ivan. I just posted his R4 interview on another thread. They don’t like to hear the hard truth. 🙂


Thanks to you too call me dave – I just got 10 minutes of Ivan back to back – great stuff. They don’t like the truth to get out there, that’s for sure! There must have been a couple of hours of Dudley’s “Great Britain” statement over the BBC news today and 10 minutes of Ivan – impartial, I think not. More power to Dr Robertson!

a supporter


Mary Bruce

Well done, Ivan, these two interviews were great (thanks, Call me Dave for posting them too).

The interviewer in the TV piece seemed genuinely surprised to hear that there isn’t quite so much uncertainty with currency and EU as he had been led to believe. And he was genuinely surprised at the massive level of business support for independence. They haven’t a clue, do they? They think independence is a non-starter with no real support. Oh boy, are they in for a shock come September. I can’t wait.

Doug Daniel

Stu, can we just have an Ivan McKee Appreciation thread? The guy’s an absolute legend. I think when we look back at the campaign after the Yes vote at which folk made the most impact, Ivan and Gordon MacIntyre will be very high up on the list.

Geoff Huijer

Wow, that really is even better than the Krankies!


He’s being a patronising b****** here, but to be honest, I actually like Boris. He may play the blundering fool part brilliantly, but he is sharp …extremely sharp. He’s actually a thorn in Cameron’s side (and just about anybody else’s when it comes to politics). In truth, Cameron is the wee laddie that looks up to Boris because Boris was a prefect at Eton. What Boris wants, Boris gets …and Cameron doesn’t dare slap him down. Put it this way …have you heard Cameron criticise Boris …Never!

However, from what I can gather, I believe Boris would like to see London become a city state, such as Singapore or Hong Kong.
Now, to me …that smacks a bit of the old hypocrisy; wanting London to be ‘outside’ of Britain (thus hoarding their own money, yet still leeching off the rest of us), while asking Scotland to stay in the union. He’s a tricky one is old Boris.

Personally …this man is GOING to be PM one day.


Ivan McKee.

Brilliant. Well said.


Well done again Ivan.


My husband’s nephew idolises Boris – he even had his hair bleached to look more like him. I’m half-expecting a phone call berating us for even thinking about voting Yes!


Magic Ivan can’t stop watching this superb. its like yes porn


This deserves a resounding AYE, THAT’LL BE RIGHT!
Please do us a favour and vote YES in September so we
can show this lot in Quebec how it’s done!
Here we go!

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