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Wings Over Scotland

Tonight we’re joining parties like it’s #1999

Posted on February 04, 2014 by

On the eve of Wings Over Scotland’s 2000th post, we thought we’d celebrate.


Because today we learned something strange.

This morning’s Guardian carried a leaked copy of the report from Labour’s internal inquiry into the shady goings-on surrounding the party’s attempt to replace Wings contributor Eric Joyce as Parliamentary candidate for the Falkirk constituency. And one passage in particular caught our eye.

“Conclusion 2: “There is evidence that members were recruited without their knowledge.” That is supported by evidence. The Labour party’s investigator gathered evidence from at least three people saying they were unaware that they had been recruited before they were contacted by the party.

But a subsequent party investigation has cleared anyone of any wrongdoing on the grounds that the party memberships were bought as a gift, which is within the rules.”

Wait, what? You can join someone up to a political party without them knowing, as a “gift”, and that’s fine? That seemed too good an opportunity to pass up.


Given the much-documented fact that there are basically no discernible ideological differences between Labour and the Conservatives any more, we thought it’d be a nice gesture of British unity if the PM was a member of both the country’s main parties as well as in coalition with the other. So we filled in all his details, and went to pay.


Sadly, at that point it all went a bit pear-shaped. Because if you go through the party’s website, there ISN’T any way to sign up a member as a gift without their knowledge, unless you happen to have stolen their credit card.

All the other payment options were the same – for Direct Debits it said “The account holder must be the person joining”. It seems that buying “gift” memberships has to be done in person, presumably using a brown envelope stuffed with used tenners.

It’s almost as if the party didn’t want to openly acknowledge the possibility of joining people up without them knowing anything about it. It’s almost as if the practice was incredibly shady and open to massive and obvious abuse, to the point where a casual passer-by wouldn’t have any idea that such a thing could be allowed to happen at all.

We can’t imagine why that might be.

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If this doesnt re-open Falkirk…..

Ian Brotherhood


“It’s actual Scottish bitter? Panda Pish? Never heard of it.”


I’m smiling as I write this,hats off to you Rev, bang to rights as they say in the Sweeney! Tom Gordon and that other guy from SoS


Tom Gordon and that other one from SOS over to you

Findlay Farquaharson

starting to like eric joyce, he had a fight with a guy, big deal. he is head and shoulders above anything in holyrood labour.


Is that David’s knob at the front left?


Hope he remembers the wean!

Geoff Huijer

Excellent stuff Stu!

You sure it’s not a pint of ‘Sappy Slappy Bastard’ he’s on
with Clegg out of shot on the ‘Old Leghumper’?

link to


Being above anybody within the ranks of Holyrood labour is not the most challenging task!

Now how good something like this get leaked? Only one way when you look at the timing and selection – Ed “desired” it.

Yet they keep voting for this party which would have been classed as Tory 30years ago. Tony Blair did a great job of ” boiling the frog “

Alfresco Dent


Nah mate, that’s his neck.


Being above anybody within the ranks of Holyrood labour is not the most challenging task!

Now how could something like this get leaked? Only one way when you look at the timing and selection – Ed “desired” it.

Yet they keep voting for this party which would have been classed as Tory 30years ago. Tony Blair did a great job of ” boiling the frog “


@Clootie – say again 🙂


Labour, brush in hand lifts rug…!


There are also allegations of forged signatures. If this turns out to be the case, somebody should be going to jail.

Unfortunately, the police are not interested. BT closing ranks? The whole thing stinks.

Jamie Arriere

Yeah, fine – buying a membership as a gift without their knowledge – how very generous of you.

But what was going to happen when the time to vote arrived?


What a laugh that would have been if it had worked Can you imagine Daves face when his Labour membership card had popped through his door

Obi Jim

*”Spiffying pint of Scotch lager there, eh Jimmy? Tennents? Benefits more like! Scoff! Scoff! What ho!”

Congratulations on your milestone post. Excellent work so far.

Kenny Ritchie


Five different posts over the course of the day. Your spoiling us. :O)


@Jamie Arriere,
That’s what puzzles me about it all. If I suddenly started getting Labour Party stuff through the door at best I’d draw moustaches on the pictures and at worst I’d chuck it.


The Tories are going to scrap the free TV tax for the over 75’s and take away their free bus pass as well nice of them eh I wonder if they will tell our pensioners that as part of their love in?


@ Jamie Arriere
When it comes to voting ? No problem. That’s why we have postal votes
The behaviour of LP Falkirk is completely unacceptable and because of its implications for democracy it is essential that this matter is fully investigated to try to find out just how wide spread this practice is and has been in the past. Of course its got nothing to do with a large donation from the TU to the LP to keep the report under wraps, has it ? Beware of LP members bearing gifts.


Ooh, good one Stu. Is this how journalism is really meant to be? Maybe you could educate some folks around these parts.



The knob is probaby Boris’ – notice the golden foppishness and aristocratic patination.


Newsnight now, Lib Dems asking other Parties to join them in DevoMax ideas. Its like someone asking real musicians to help get a band together because hes got a ringtone on his phone.

Deary me…Lord Purvis on now….theres another reason to vote YES!

Flower of Scotland

Willie Rennie et al ( Ming , Jeremy ) and they are bringing together other parties to offer lots and lots of Jam if there’s a NO vote . HELL MEND THEM . They are trying everything !


Oh look, John Curtice, all round genius. Christ he’ll be doing the weather next.


Rev – you are getting overworked. Surely this photo goes with the WOS photo competition, specifically for the funniest caption???

My entry is pretty obvious and not very clever but do I get the prize?

‘How many knobs does it take to drink a pint of ale?


More devolution? Is it on the trolley. (Apologies to French and Saunders inc.)


But a subsequent party investigation has cleared anyone of any wrongdoing on the grounds that the party memberships were bought as a gift, which is within the rules.”

When I read that today I thought, ‘How feckin convenient’.

@ Luigi

There are also allegations of forged signatures.

Yes, but I’m sure that they managed to get the complainants to change their stories.


Good old Gordon Brewer. Job done.


That classic sketch was by Victoria Wood.


O/T anyone watched this before?

Curious info at the start about MP’s not owning but being companies.
Explains a lot of stuff.

link to

Ron Burgundy

Would have been nice if the State Broadcaster had mentioned this report and reaction on Reporting Scotland, or

1. Maybe the FT report on the Scottish financial contribution to the UK Exchequer or

2. Or maybe the West of Scotland University report on media bias

3. Or an in depth analysis of Labour M.P.’s reaction to Lamont’s bogus suggestion of “more powers” with reaction from Davidson.

But then the Pacific Quay operation led by Boothman has form here – he is looking after his own.


Cameron looks like he’s about to gob in someone else’s pint there.

call me dave

Did I detect a moment of shock at R4 when Ivan put them straight on BP statement.


Eric Joyce the second man to enter parliament with true intentions as the rev pointed out ages ago he was there to fight the Tories and that he did, with a ding although a wee bit inebriated it was still with a ding.
Any post yes negotiations should be held with Eric outside the door and a stark warning that if they start any funny games be warned he is out there and we have just gave him a bottle of 50 year old bottle of single malt

ronnie anderson

Wee Wullie,s goat a lot of common thread,s there.

Wullie send they thread,s on tae me I,ll pleat some ropes

fur you,s, ah ever know where there,s a lonesom pine wei

plenty branches ( its no a scotch pine tho ) never

mind any branch does.


@ Ron Burgundy

BBC Trust is inviting people to get in touch with their views on BBC 1, 2, 3 & 4

link to

Plenty of comments boxes to put our grievances.

Geoff Huijer


That was an excellent post with Ivan McKee!


So if you cannot sign up people online to the Labour in Scotland party without their knowledge, how are they doing it? No doubt our blatantly corrupt BBC in Scotland newsnight team are on the story right now… oh wait. UK party political/BBC corruption seems to be quite a theme running through life in Scotland right now but at least Sir Gordon Brewer was able to read out Scotsman’s daily vote no headline as per. Shameless bunch.

Ian Brotherhood


“Baillie’s Old Washback? Hmmm. Interesting.”


BBC Trust- oxymoron

Andrew Morton

Totally off topic (sorry Stu), someone made a brilliant comment of the Record threads which is a killer argument against the shipbuilding scare stories,

“There was an instance in the 79 Devolution vote where the No campaign, said a YES vote would put the 35,000 ship yard jobs at risk and of course, although we narrowly voted Yes, the Scotland Act didn’t pass. Now Better Together are using the same tactic, a YES vote will put the 3000 jobs at the ship yards at risk

My question is this, what happened to those 32,000 that were meant to be safe being staying part of the UK?”


My God, Ivan was fabulous.

The Man in the Jar

Prof Curtice popped up twice in the earlier BBC2 program on Scottish identity hosted by Stuart Cosgrove.

On the same program the “neutral” Sanjeev Kohli came over all unionist. Suprise suprise!


I wonder if Mr. Gerry Mander has been gifted a Membership without his knowledge. For all we know S.L. Has gifted all of us on here membership to whichever constituency he needs most votes in.

How is it possible to be legal to be able to gift membership of a political party to someone without their knowledge, never mind how, legally, you are able to make payment of such.

Something about this stinks way more than that pint Cammers is guzzling.

Landlord, another pint of taxpayers sweat please and that will be on the house.

call me dave

If your interested he’s (Ivan) even better on the ‘ultimate weapon’ thread someone posted his tv interview. The interviewer was not a happy man.

The Man in the Jar

Oh and I forgot to mention.

On the Scottish identity program Stuart Cosgrove let that American wifey talking about the referendum get away with “people have been receiving death threats”.

To be fair Stuart is a sports presenter but it was obviously an edited interview. And it appeared to have been filmed some time ago. Like prior to the latest threat to Alex Salmond. (Billy Brag in his interview referred to the referendum as being “next year”)


Sorry Stu, meant to say congratulations on the Herculean effort that you have put in to get to this milestone.

Drinks all round and Cameron’s paying!

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

Yes the Cosgrove prog was light as the froth on Davo’s pint. Not many women interviewed either. And there he was out trying to find what people thought. Yawn. Off the ball.

Flower of Scotland

Ivan McKee ! What a hero . Just says it how it is and no pussy footing around !
BBC still trundling Dud of BP out . Not mentioning Ivan !


Ivan McKee for President! Havent heard oor Martha being put straight like that since ever.

Cindie aka CR

Ivan is a star!


If your interested he’s (Ivan) even better on the ‘ultimate weapon’ thread someone posted his tv interview. The interviewer was not a happy man.

Anybody got the link?


Are postal votes for Labour a “gift” too?

Geoff Huijer

@ Jimbo

Thanks – BBC Trust questionnaire duly filled in.

The Man in the Jar

@Schiehallion! Schiehallion!
I hear what you are saying but this is the type of program (light and frothy)that your average LIV watches. I will take anything fair and balanced that engages people and makes them think. Identity will play a large part in September.

call me dave

It’s on the Business for Scotland link now.
First Story.


I’ve just seen it – it was embedded in the other thread.

It is a howling scandal that wasn’t on BBC1. I’ll just bet it would have been if he’d been wrong-footed or messed up.


Brilliant response from Ivan McKee, clear, concise, factual. Breath of fresh air from the onslaught of rhetoric, opinion and lies.

call me dave

Strange goings on by night!

A councillor who spent 34 years in the Armed Services has condemned what he described as “the vandalism of the Shieldhill War Memorial” after the flagpole holding the Saltire was deliberately lowered.

link to

Chic McGregor

“BBC Trust- oxymoron”

“BBC Trust – moron” is equally apposite.

Chic McGregor

“On the same program the “neutral” Sanjeev Kohli came over all unionist. Suprise suprise!”

Neutral? Wasn’t he in a Labour PPB once? Or am I misremembering?

Chic McGregor

“BBC still trundling Dud of BP out . Not mentioning Ivan !”

Yeah! He’ll be labelled ‘Ivan the Terrible’ now.


Straight talking non political reasoning,well done Mr McKee.


Trying to think of a situation where you might buy someone a gift, then not give it to them or even let on you’ve bought them it. I suppose it’s the thought that counts.

Chic McGregor

The wisdom of the SNP leadership in keeping those in the business community with a capacity for vision on board is now becoming evident.


I know it’s a serious issue, but as each lie is exposed I can only laugh.

Chic McGregor

“Trying to think of a situation where you might buy someone a gift, then not give it to them or even let on you’ve bought them it. I suppose it’s the thought that counts.”

Many Scots are still trying to get their heads round the concept of those who take a gift, don’t even bother thanking or acknowledging their benefactor but instead accuse them of scrounging.


Ivan, you’re a star.

Les Wilson

Ivan is definitely improving his skills, he did not give the interviewer any chance to stop him, excellent.

Les Wilson

Rev should your findings not be forwarded to the police? just asking!


Ivan McKee was brilliant today, he put the bias BBC firmly in their place in a forthright and no nonsense fashion. If only the SNP had people like that in their ranks, at times they put the argument across in a very meek way.


Aye, think I’ve just realised what the ‘sumfin fur nuffin’ speech was actually all about.

The Man in the Jar

@Chick McGregor
Sanjeev Kohli (Navid from still game) was very recently on a BBC panel as a neutral. The other “neutral” was that journalist Oh crap I cant remember his name! Somebody?

Anyway that made it 3 to 1.

wee jamie

Labour, tory , lib -dem, what difference would it make ?There are as many upper- class millionaire toffs in the shadow cabinet as in the government one, all they do is take turns sitting on the subs bench, getting money for nothing,with the built-in excuse of ” It’s not our fault , the last team fucked it up”


Wonder if you can sell labour party memberships on ebay “unwanted gift”


“Trying to think of a situation where you might buy someone a gift, then not give it to them or even let on you’ve bought them it.”

I once bought a friend a copy of Exodus-English black boys,for his birthday I think it was 1979.
still got it.

Arbroath 1320

Talking of wee surprises, I found this over on my partner’s Facebook page. Apparently there has been a subversive infiltration carried out at Better Together Headquarters and I have the proof here.

link to

Now we all know what the future holds for everyone who fails to vote NO in September!

Rod Mac

Ivan is brilliant ,too brilliant unlike the resident Prof Curtice I doubt he will be asked back by the BBC


Don’t you give a ‘gift’ to someone?
I would think you would remember receiving a ‘gift’.


Well done Ivan.

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

@ The Man in the Jar

I hear what you are saying but this is the type of program (light and frothy) that your average LIV watches. I will take anything fair and balanced that engages people and makes them think. Identity will play a large part in September.

Fair point – I agree with your earlier comments too. Maybe I don’t watch enough TV, and as you say this may have been made months ago (in which case why weren’t we told?).

It further occurs to me that a programme on identity made by a TV company that has Scotland in its name that doesn’t reflect – however lightly – on the way in which it itself contributes to the management of that sense of identity is falling short.

The presenter’s “journey” would have been at least as interesting if he’d spent part of it pounding the corridors of Pacific Quay, “Scottish” newspaper offices, etc. I’m referring in part to such disturbing matters as were revealed in the report on media bias from the University of the West of Scotland.

But maybe there’s more old views to come, already in the can. We shall see.


O/T I see the head of BAE systems is up for a doing from SAC chairchoob Ian Davidson who is concerned that he has given conflicting information re the future of the shipyards in Scotland after a yes vote, presumably he is going to jab him with his bayonet until he gives him the “right” answer.

john king


Did anyone see that zoomer Al Pesh? at 5.45 this morning on the buisness section of the BBC news who stated “Alex Salmond has done immesurable damage to both the UK and Scotland with his crusade to break up Britain, I can tell you now its not going to happen, Scotlands losing out on inward investment because people are not clear about the future”.


Findlay Farquaharson

i dont know how many people are signed up tp scot labour, i would love to know how many of thos people actually know they are members of scot labour.


Wee Johann got Caroline Flint from the big team to come up and frighten the locals about green energy subsidies.

England needs our energy, end of story.

Right out of “Project Fear”. Utterly pathetic move by the Labour Party.

And when are BBC Scotland GMS going to start reminding their guests that the vote in September is not for Alex Salmond or the SNP, it is for Scottish Independence.

As Nicola would say “Do you think we button up the back”.

Ms Flint, I would rather sit in the dark than beg England for money to keep my lights on.

Caroline Flint, fuck off!

Johann, you really need to come out of that bunker and start fighting your own battles.

link to

Kenny Campbell

Thats going to rip poor Terry Kelly’s knitting as he has been spouting forth about the clearing of the Union in Falkirk row…oohh dear


They need a fraudulent signature.


This is a new twist on an old Greek theme

“Always be unaware of Labour bearing gifts”

The Man in the Jar

“Alex Massie”

Thanks rev!

Triangular Ears

Buying a membership as a gift? Seriously?

So, what would they say if somebody bought them a BNP membership as a gift? That sort of gift could lose you your job.

How can membership of a political party, where you are making a political statement in joining, ever be given as a gift? Nobody can make such a political statement on your behalf. Total nonsense.


You would be able to sign up anyone (including the family pet) living at the same address as you. That said the allegation about signatures indicates that, regardless of the possibility of using that loophole, it was the more traditional paper method that was (ab)used.

Which all misses the point, it wasn’t buying a membership as a gift that was the problem. It was then (possibly) going on to cast votes on that persons behalf.

Dal Riata

Ivan McKee: terrific!

Nailed every one of the Better Together lies to the Good Ship Project Fear’s mast, a ship that’s sinking daily into its own cesspool of shite.


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