As alert Wings readers will know, we’re fond of a WW2 analogy from time to time. The conflict is so extensively documented, and so deeply embedded in British culture (for both good and ill), that it’s a reliable tool for getting points across concisely and clearly.
(It’s also one of the last major wars in which, overall, the good guys and the bad guys were pretty indisputably easy to identify.)
So let’s keep that in mind for a moment while we look at this.
For 10 years in Germany between 1935 and 1945, Jewish people were not legally human. The Nuremberg Laws, drafted in large part by Wilhelm Stuckart, established the principle in law that Jews were to be denied any rights on the basis that they were untermensch, a German word literally meaning “subhuman”.
It would be, to say the least, highly controversial for anyone to put forward in 2025 the idea that Jewish people had actually ceased to be human beings during that period, even though the various laws had been passed by a legitimately-elected government in peacetime and attracted little in the way of international condemnation.
The truth is that regardless of what the law said, Jewish people remained humans for the whole time, which is why Nazi war criminals were tried after the war for “crimes against humanity”. The passing of a law had had absolutely no effect on their biological reality. (Other than that it led to millions of them being murdered, of course.)
But anyway. Nicola Sturgeon.
Is the above how she imagined her feminist legacy, do you think, readers?
Y’know, maybe we were a little harsh on the lads at Holyrood Sources yesterday when we implied that a more direct and aggressive interviewing style might have cut through John Swinney and Kate Forbes’ pathetically feeble waffling evasion on the SNP’s lack of an independence strategy in their recent podcast.
But the closest thing (along with Colin Mackay at STV) that the Scottish media has left to a proper Rottweiler interviewer – Peter Adam Smith of ITV – had a shot at that five years ago and didn’t do any better.
Smith noted that even back in 2019 Nicola Sturgeon had been droning on about how Westminster’s refusal to grant a second indy referendum was “unsustainable” for two years already. But no matter how hard he pressed, Sturgeon just kept on glibly and smugly insisting that they’d concede.
“The UK government strategy is to say no. Do you have a way around it?”
“My strategy is to say yes.” [smirks]
Readers might be forgiven for wondering how long it’s going to take the SNP to accept that that “strategy” is a failure, if seven years and three First Ministers isn’t enough for them to have worked it out. But as long as the pathologically gullible keep voting for them anyway, we suppose they have no reason to.
On 15 October 2012, I signed the Edinburgh Agreement with David Cameron to secure the independence referendum of September 2014.
On the same day Peter Kellner of the polling company YouGov wrote one of his condescending commentaries from London dissing any hope for the Yes campaign.
Kellner’s view was almost universal, and not just among the London pack of journos and politicians. Most, if not all, of the Scottish media agreed with him.
However, by September 2014 things looked very different.
Those of you on Twitter will probably be aware of this already, but for the rest:
It should be a bit of a lark, although the retrospective part will probably be rather more fun than the looking-forward part. I don’t get out much, so if you want to come along and throw some rotten fruit and/or say hi, tickets are here.
In the dying days of World War 2, as Berlin crumbled to rubble under Russian bombs and rockets, the Nazis played a desperate last card in the shape of the Volkssturm, an ad hoc fighting force primarily comprised of old men, invalided veterans and those not deemed fit for normal military service. (As most of those were already dead.)
They were rounded up and sent off to the front (usually only a few hundred yards away) in their civilian clothes, armed with whatever odds and sods of weaponry could be scrabbled together – most commonly the one-shot Panzerfaust anti-tank grenade, as seen in the pic above – and invariably slaughtered in the streets by the disbelieving battalions of the Red Army, because it didn’t matter to Hitler whether they lived or died.
sarah on Live chat update: “The answer to this, and many other social problems, is restoring Scotland as a self-governing nation. And then restoring Scotland’s…” Mar 19, 16:17
Ian Brotherhood on Live chat update: “@Lorn (11.50) – You’re right, I shouldn’t make light of the whole thing but it’s one way of dealing with…” Mar 19, 15:33
Andrew F on Live chat update: “Rev, I don’t have much time to dig into this right now, but I think the answer is: “Charter”. Your…” Mar 19, 14:49
Mark Beggan on Live chat update: “It’s a shame some people can’t control what’s in their pants. Some to such an extent they become utterly consumed…” Mar 19, 14:48
Neil Singleton on Live chat update: “It is strongly rumoured/alleged that Swinney has some (very young) skeletons in his cupboard.” Mar 19, 14:11
Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: “A report discussing the EU’s funding of gender identity activism reviewed in Unherd: A link to the report itself:…” Mar 19, 12:41
Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: “They’re more dangerous for the passengers too – they drive far too close to the bus in front.” Mar 19, 12:26
Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: ““with most of the more aggressive and disruptive elements removed” The question that has being exercising me for some weeks…” Mar 19, 12:22
Lorn on Live chat update: “Yes, by all means laugh at the front-line troops – the ‘boots on the ground’ of this movement, but you’ll…” Mar 19, 11:50
Ian Brotherhood on Live chat update: “Agreed Stoker. So glad my weans dodged this particularly nasty bullet, they had both not-long emerged from Secondary when it…” Mar 19, 11:22
Stoker on Live chat update: “Just another example of all this madness taking place around the world, not just in Scotland. The article speaks for…” Mar 19, 09:23
Renfrewdave on The plainest sight: “We need to stop voting in the same mealy mouthed self serving drips into power. That also applies by not…” Mar 19, 09:02
diabloandco on Live chat update: “Caught a bus in Glasgow yesterday – ‘happy to support Gay pride’ covered in rainbow and LOVE . What is…” Mar 19, 08:58
Aidan on Live chat update: “Well said, it’s possible that discussion on Scotland’s most read political blog might now be in some way related to…” Mar 19, 08:33
Captain Caveman on Live chat update: ““Guid Gowd, this place is deid.” I think that now, with most of the more aggressive and disruptive elements removed…” Mar 19, 08:10
Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: “Guid Gowd, this place is deid. All those pointless years of rancour, abuse and outright craziness – disintegrated into dust…” Mar 19, 07:48
sarah on Live chat update: “@ Lorn: you are right. It is the destruction of children’s peace of mind and the pleasure that perverted adults…” Mar 18, 22:57
Lorn on Live chat update: “Sorry, Andy, but you are more wrong than I can say. This stuff infiltrated every public and private institution and…” Mar 18, 21:27
sarah on Live chat update: “@ Young Lochinvar: well, I did have my tongue in cheek. But it would be excellent if the Rev did…” Mar 18, 18:56
Nae Need! on Live chat update: “Nope, you’re not, on both counts.” Mar 18, 18:36
Nae Need! on The Unquestionables: “Spot on. The pyramid of ‘NONE of your business, go away’ is complete. The bottom rung learn from those above,…” Mar 18, 18:16
Young Lochinvar on Live chat update: “You must be joking Sarah!?! The National is full on Tonto TRA obsessed!! The Rev wouldn’t be welcome there speaking…” Mar 18, 17:17
JockMcT on Live chat update: “THIS is sturgeon’s legacy!” Mar 18, 15:59
JockMcT on The plainest sight: “Please tell me that c*nt is in jail, or preferably dead?” Mar 18, 15:52
sarah on Live chat update: “A JOB at The NATIONAL for you, Rev! On their facebook 20 hours ago they said they are looking for…” Mar 18, 15:40
Aidan on Live chat update: “Yes Andy – it’s the fault of the people pointing this out. If everyone just ignored abuse and sexualisation of…” Mar 18, 13:47
Lorn on Live chat update: “Of course there is lawlessness, Hatey. We see it every day. The rules are not strictly applied anymore. However, this…” Mar 18, 13:20
Young Lochinvar on Live chat update: “I saw in the press Angela Constance (with John Swinney deep in thought behind her) debating strangulation during sex.. The…” Mar 18, 12:28
Robinovski on Live chat update: “Castrated first would be a welcome boost. At least that would help out a good few of them that say…” Mar 18, 11:34