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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for the ‘comment’

The People You Most Suspected 364

Posted on November 12, 2024 by

We’ll give you three guesses as to the highly controversial and extravagantly taxpayer-funded organisation that has its rainbow fingerprints all over this story, readers.

But you’re going to have two to spare.

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The Show Goes On 256

Posted on November 09, 2024 by

How it happened 420

Posted on November 06, 2024 by

So it looks like the USA has elected a mad orange rapist convicted of 34 felonies who could yet be in jail by the time of his inauguration. (He would remain President even if that happened, which would be really funny.) And we can’t even blame them for it, because the alternative they were offered was, remarkably and stupendously, worse.

Wings called it like we called Trump’s first victory (and most other things). We tweeted this last year when thinking about the upcoming election. It’s a variant on something we wrote about on Wings eight and a half years ago. We’re posting it again now in the desperate hope that one day, maybe, far in the future, someone will actually listen.

But, y’know, we’re not holding our breath or anything.

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Bespoilers Of Graves 266

Posted on November 03, 2024 by

From here, the top of the barrel is so far away that you can’t see so much as a pinprick of daylight through the most powerful pair of binoculars.

In a moving epitaph a few days ago, the widely-respected Professor James Mitchell of the University Of Glasgow noted of Alex Salmond that:

“He could be irascible and did not put up with fools […] He was impatient with lazy journalism […] and did not hide it. We can still see the consequences in some of the obituaries and commentary that reveal more about the writers than the subject”.

Mandy Rhodes of Holyrood magazine concurred, saying:

“In the clamour for commentators to vent their loathing, there have been too many sour column inches that have framed a man’s premature death around the egos of the journalists that have penned them.

Too great an appetite to rescue the words that were once filed and then spiked following a trial that didn’t give them the verdict they had prepared for. Too much haste to use his passing as the opportunity to seek revenge for a tongue-lashing or a put-down that they had never forgotten.”

And so, then, to Carlos Alba.

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The Skeleton Dance 73

Posted on November 02, 2024 by

That worth remembering 348

Posted on October 29, 2024 by

Alex Salmond will be laid to rest in the green turf of Aberdeenshire today in a quiet and dignified private ceremony. (A public celebration of his life will take place next month.)

Most of Scotland’s press and commentariat beclowned itself shamefully after his death just as it did during his life, but below is a (regrettably short) collection of those who did otherwise and who deserve to be noted honourably beside the man himself.

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The Impostor 33

Posted on October 26, 2024 by

The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland 325

Posted on October 21, 2024 by

Are listed below:

Click the pic to enlarge, if you want to lose the will to live.

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In Times To Come 149

Posted on October 19, 2024 by

The fleas on the ticks on the midgets 310

Posted on October 16, 2024 by

Wherever you find giants, you also find parasites, bottom-feeders and carrion. When a mighty lion dies in the jungle, tiny creeping crawling maggots and insects and bacteria feast gleefully on its corpse for many days.

Which naturally brings us to the Scottish media.

The above paragraphs of cowardly innuendo and baseless speculative smearing were penned by Severin Carrell and Libby Brooks in the Guardian on Monday. (They’re not from the ironically-headed “Appreciation” that the same two hacks wrote for Sunday’s Observer, in which they audaciously claimed that Salmond’s success was down to Nicola Sturgeon).

They sneakily imply that Salmond was guilty not only of the sexual assaults of which he was cleared in court, but also of an unspecified number of unnamed others, and make assertions of “disturbing evidence about his personal conduct” without specifying what that evidence or conduct might have been.

Naively, we’d imagined that as repulsive as those lines are – though not surprising, as Brooks has always been a keen participant in the whispering campaign from allies of Sturgeon trying to discredit the trial verdict – they were as bad as things would get.

We weren’t even close.

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The Giant 461

Posted on October 13, 2024 by

It’s hard to write an obituary for someone you can’t quite believe is dead.

But we must look the truth in the eyes, and it is so.

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The King And Queen Of Cringe 260

Posted on October 11, 2024 by

Honestly not sure which of these is the most nauseating.

Click the pic to enlarge, if you can stomach it.

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    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Mia – it’s no skin off my back if you don’t provide any evidence to support your claim. You just…Jan 19, 19:42
    • Dan on Poisoning The Unwell: “Comedy site this has become. Couple of rocket quick dislikes to my last posts. Do Angus and Jennifer really sit…Jan 19, 19:34
    • Dan on Poisoning The Unwell: “Indeed MaryB 19, 19:20
    • Dan on Poisoning The Unwell: “One can only ponder why Angus would be so compliant to ongoing UK requirements. Is he just a plain and…Jan 19, 19:17
    • MaryB on Poisoning The Unwell: “Remember that Angus Robertson was the initiator and enactor of all the SNP reforms which removed the internal democracy and…Jan 19, 19:16
    • gregor on Poisoning The Unwell: “Never:Jan 19, 19:14
    • gregor on Poisoning The Unwell: “Looks authentic to me:Jan 19, 19:12
    • Willie on Poisoning The Unwell: “The Murrell’s have property. That’s interesting because it seems there is a court order on Peter Murrell preventing him from…Jan 19, 18:22
    • sarah on Poisoning The Unwell: “Some of us are watching, aided by this site and some others. However many SNP rank and file still think…Jan 19, 18:20
    • agent X on Poisoning The Unwell: “That is really in bad taste.Jan 19, 18:20
    • Mia on Poisoning The Unwell: “Browsing around I have just come across a letter submitted by Angus Robertson to the inquiry “The Governance of the…Jan 19, 17:59
    • Dan on The same old tricks: ““Can a single bawbag unionist actually tells aw us Scottish plebs how we can exercise oor right to self-determination.” Hmm,…Jan 19, 17:34
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “I cannot provide evidence until you tell me the full, official name of the entity you have in mind. Which…Jan 19, 17:33
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “The revealing thing is that even though you cannot produce a single piece of evidence in support of your view,…Jan 19, 17:17
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Aye, I have the self awareness to recognise that I am different from more conventional “normal folk” that all too…Jan 19, 17:03
    • James Gardner on Poisoning The Unwell: “Talking about toxic apart from the Betrayer, a friend of mine who lives in Perth W.A sent a photo of…Jan 19, 17:03
    • Young Lochinvar on Poisoning The Unwell: “Hmmm.. White wig, heavy rimmed glasses, purple earrings- lookalikies indeed. You could be onto something there 🙂Jan 19, 16:28
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “Which part of the formal name of that entity you are so furiously peddling back from and why?Jan 19, 16:18
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: “Right, so you claim to have an in-depth and mature understanding of the constitutional structure of the U.K., but apparently…Jan 19, 16:07
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “I am still waiting for the name in full of the entity I am supposed to provide evidence for. I…Jan 19, 16:04
    • Captain Caveman on The same old tricks: “Your efforts make you look like someone very odd, with a chip on their shoulder, shouting gibberish at clouds.Jan 19, 16:03
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Aye, that’s the issue right there when you think everything is jist fine with taxpayers paying someone good money to…Jan 19, 15:37
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “The formal name of the entity in full, please. The complete name of the entity is part of the evidence.…Jan 19, 15:31
    • Captain Caveman on The same old tricks: “The (unasked for and unwarranted)“contents” of your post in this instance and the last consists of a bunch of bitter…Jan 19, 15:28
    • Mia on The same old tricks: “I totally take your point, Confused. I know that responding to trolls may seem futile, but there might be other…Jan 19, 15:25
    • Dan on The same old tricks: “Wrong again fud! There’s nae chip oan my shoulder but you seem overly exercised about responding to me and not…Jan 19, 15:20
    • Aidan on The same old tricks: ““Beyond all reasonable doubt” – you aren’t on trial here (luckily for you). I’ve also referred to the U.K. several…Jan 19, 15:13
    • James on Poisoning The Unwell: “I heard from a local about 7 years ago that she was buying in Bridge of Allan. That sounds more…Jan 19, 15:07
    • James on Poisoning The Unwell: “I’ve heard Uddingston is lovely at this time of year?Jan 19, 15:05
    • Captain Caveman on The same old tricks: “No mate, you’re the “fud” pal. What’s that chip on your shoulder, you want the rest of us to be…Jan 19, 14:52
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