Everyone even remotely connected to Scottish politics has known for months that the below is the case. It’s an open secret.
But what’s playing out right now is something much bigger than the fate of one or two or three individuals. It’s the entire future of the credibility of Scotland’s justice system.
As the long-running police probe into SNP finances continues, Wings received some slightly surprising news today in the form of an FOI response.
Based on reports from various trustworthy sources we’d expected to hear that the police side of the investigation was by this point winding down somewhat, with most matters of fact already established, detectives assigned to other duties and the ball now largely in the court of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS).
There are many people in the world deserving of sympathy at the moment, readers, but spare a thought in your busy day for Scotland’s Lord Advocate, Dorothy Bain.
Just two and a half years into the post (most incumbents post-devolution have served around five), she’s already had to deal with a lot of what sports people call “hospital passes”. But she’s about to find herself in another nasty spot not of her own making.
Readers may have been baffled by a news story yesterday, in which an event where two men insulted each other in the street (“Deviant!”, “Bigot!”) has led to one of them, but not the other, being arrested and charged with an unspecified crime by police.
In particular, many people on social media have contrasted the situation with one from a month ago, when a large male transactivist violently assaulted a feminist woman at a “Women Won’t Wheesht” meeting in Aberdeen but merely received a recorded warning rather than being arrested and charged.
So we’re very grateful to Roddy Dunlop KC, the Dean of the Faculty of Advocates (the “trade” body of Scotland’s senior barristers), for posting an extremely informative, and disturbing, summary of the relevant laws on Twitter this morning.
Nicola Sturgeon has not been charged with any crime. Yesterday she was arrested, questioned and released without charge pending further investigation. We do not even know which specific suspected crime or crimes she was questioned in connection with, so it is manifestly impossible to meaningfully speculate on her innocence or guilt (save of course for the fact that all are innocent in the eyes of the law until proven otherwise, something Sturgeon herself often appears to forget).
Nevertheless, in Scotland the Contempt Of Court Act 1981 applies from the moment a person is arrested, as the country’s most senior lawyer and its official prosecution service were both keen to remind people yesterday in the clearest possible terms, and it applies equally whether you’re asserting someone’s guilt or their innocence.
So you need to be a really extra-special class of boneheaded numbwit to do this:
But we’ve subsequently noticed a number of attempts by various people to muddy the story by talking about a “draft” warrant request, implying that there was no improper delay. So we checked up, and thought you might like to know how the process works.
When Nicola Sturgeon is finally held to account for the charred, twisted and shattered ruins that she’s made of Scottish political and civic society in her desperate attempts to save her own neck, the complete discrediting of ostensible support organisations for victims of rape will be near the very top of the charge sheet.
But before we talk about that you really need to read this.
Because if you live in Scotland you can only rationally be one of two things at this moment in history: (a) terrified, or (b) an idiot.
Is the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service of Scotland institutionally corrupt? I don’t believe so, but it’s certainly a troubled organisation.
The cost and reputational damage to it from the Rangers FC case are of a magnitude never seen before, and the actions in the Alex Salmond case and related actions by the Lord Advocate and Crown Agent have called its independence into question.
There must be structural change and individuals must be held to account.
Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “Brilliant Rev. The plans of rats and she/men.” Feb 15, 16:29
Hatey McHateface on For Mridul And Sandy: “I guess naming his/her online persona after the most famous female troll in popular fiction eventually became too much of…” Feb 15, 16:27
Muscleguy on Bricked-up windows: “The police role should be pretty much over by now. So over to the COPFS. Remember Murrell is due in…” Feb 15, 16:22
Eddie Munster on The thickness of blood: “I have a feeling any documents that are being purposely withheld, are very likely littered with slurs against Sandie. They…” Feb 15, 16:21
Andy Anderson on Bricked-up windows: “We are unique. In 2014 the whole campaign against us ( apart from the failed 1100 plus promises) was that…” Feb 15, 16:18
Dan on The thickness of blood: “I’ve completed a full browser cache clear and history deleted and it’s still auto-downloading. I delete the file and clear…” Feb 15, 16:18
Hatey McHateface on The thickness of blood: “As the malware application is reputed to be one that allows unauthorised remote control of the computer, I naturally assumed…” Feb 15, 16:17
gregor on The thickness of blood: “The Whingers here can’t even describe Scotland’s values. They are an utter embarrassment to Scotland.” Feb 15, 16:17
gregor on The thickness of blood: “SO WHINGERS, WHERES IS IT re. SCOTLAND’S INDEPENDENCE ??? WHERE’S THE FU**ING PLAN… #DespicableWhingerFrauds” Feb 15, 16:15
Insider on The thickness of blood: “You, and the “trans women” should be made to learn grammatical English and correct spelling perhaps ? p.s Are you…” Feb 15, 16:15
twathater on The thickness of blood: “The greatest wee gay parliament in the world being shown up for what it is , a sex addled, deviant,pervert…” Feb 15, 16:14
gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “Insurrection Barbie @DefiyantlyFree: “The following tactics proved to be losers for the Democratic Party in 2024: 1. Lawfare 2. Inflammatory…” Feb 15, 16:10
Hatey McHateface on The thickness of blood: ““44% of people in the UK now claiming to know a trans person” That stat is misleading unless correlated against…” Feb 15, 16:08
Muscleguy on The thickness of blood: “Apparently Sandie Peggie declined to setyle with NHS Fife as she wants a declaratory judgement. She also needs that to…” Feb 15, 16:04
yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “I would like to present a little sernario and I’d like you lot to consider it and to answer two…” Feb 15, 16:03
gregor on The thickness of blood: “re. “There is many within the “independence” movement who are deeply uncomfortable with freedom of speech Just look at the…” Feb 15, 15:59
gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “The liberal elite strongly disagree (as usual:)” Feb 15, 15:48
yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “Okay lets go into your world of chick don’t have dicks What is the answer? Should we ban anyone who…” Feb 15, 15:44
gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “Anonymous disagree. Ignore them, lol” Feb 15, 15:42
yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “There is many within the “independence” movement who are deeply uncomfortable with freedom of speech Just look at the rage…” Feb 15, 15:34
TheParty1sOver on The thickness of blood: “Chicks don’t have dicks. Women’s changing rooms are called women’s changing rooms for a reason.” Feb 15, 15:32
Jim Thomson on The thickness of blood: “Seems clear of any malware nonsense.” Feb 15, 15:30
gregor on The thickness of blood: “Freedom of speech does not apply to you lot.” Feb 15, 15:28
Jim Thomson on The thickness of blood: “I saw a quick flash of something that looked like that filename as I opened the “Wings” tab. Did a…” Feb 15, 15:18
gregor on The thickness of blood: “UNISON has predetermined that you lot (social media participants) are bullies and bigots.” Feb 15, 15:17
yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “The salary can’t be that good As the position is still open and Scotland is awash with EX-SNP MPs who…” Feb 15, 15:16
yoon scum on The thickness of blood: “Lets look at this from another angle How would you feel if a male walked into your son’s changing room…” Feb 15, 15:14
Ali on The thickness of blood: “I’ve also been affected, now seems to be clear. If you need reassurance download and run “Malwarebytes” free version available.…” Feb 15, 15:09
Skip_NC on The thickness of blood: “How do I apply for the job as the Non Executive Whistleblowing Champion? I used to be an over-officious football…” Feb 15, 15:06
gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “re. “whatever happened to r**y?” she was always up for a fight, bashing people I mostly didn’t like – I…” Feb 15, 15:05