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Wings Over Scotland

The Tools Of Injustice

Posted on August 05, 2024 by

The prolific American sci-fi writer LE Modesitt once said, “Never mistake law for justice. Justice is an ideal, and law is a tool.”

And the powers of tools lie in the hands of those who wield them.

In 2020 Scottish prosecuting authorities decided to pursue a case against me following comments I made in a short online video in the wake of the Alex Salmond trial.

On 7th January 2021 Jedburgh Sheriff Court upheld a “no case to answer” submission made by my then defence team and I was fully acquitted. The Court ruled that “no reasonable person could have been offended” by what I said. The Sheriff added that the views I expressed were my “own personal views and nothing more”.

I was supported in my defence by a range of high profile legal figures including the former justice secretary Kenny MacAskill and Professor Robert Black KC, Professor Emeritus in Scots Law, as well as Professor Tim Crook, President of the Chartered Institute of Journalists.

A host of well-kent faces from the political, legal, media and activist community across Scotland and internationally also expressed concern over my prosecution and the apparent abuse of power being directed towards me.

I’m now suing for malicious prosecution, and as my case is still ongoing I remain restricted in what information and detail I can relay to those who very kindly donated to my crowdfunder over the past three years.

Although I knew at the start of this process it was not going to be quick, it has taken much longer than even I initially envisaged. The reasons for this are multi-layered but in essence we had a significant delay waiting on the outcome of an unrelated, but potentially still relevant case that was under consideration by the Court of Session, again related to malicious prosecution by COPFS.

The outcome of that case, regardless of the decision, would dictate the strategic approach of my legal team as they took my case forward. So with agreement my case was “sisted”, temporarily suspended, awaiting the outcome of this.

Following the decision in this other case my case was once again able to proceed.

At the start of this process we, myself and my legal team, led by the tenacious and determined Solicitor Advocate Gordon Dangerfield, were very confident that my case had a very high degree of success as it worked its way through the courts.

It was our intention to bring the case back to Jedburgh Sheriff Court where my criminal trial was held and where we were optimistic we would secure a favourable outcome. We anticipated that Police Scotland and COPFS would appeal if they lost at this stage, although we remained confident we would still have a positive outcome at the Sheriff Appeal Court.

Only at that point did we consider that Crown Office and Police Scotland would try and overturn those rulings by remitting the case to the Court Of Session. At that point the financial costs rise considerably, and so too the potential financial exposure on me if I were to ultimately have my case rejected by Court of Session judges.

However, shortly after the sisting of my case was recalled, Gordon was informed by solicitors acting for the Scottish Government that the Lord Advocate had signed a certificate under the Crown Proceedings Act remitting the case directly to the Court Of Session, bypassing the lower courts.

There is no legal method for opposing and preventing such a move by the Lord Advocate to enable the case to be heard through the lower courts first because it has always been assumed that the Lord Advocate would only take such a step for good reasons of public policy, but the aim in my case was clear.

The strategy of the Crown Office appears two-fold; firstly, to avoid our side securing favourable outcomes at an early stage through the lower courts and secondly to make us, me specifically, think twice about continuing given the very significant costs that I may be liable for if I am ultimately unsuccessful. In short, it is a further effort to intimidate and close me down.

What is perhaps even more remarkable is that the Lord Advocate herself, who is also a Scottish Government minister, has authorised this decision to remit directly to the Court Of Session, a bold move given the widespread concerns already expressed about the lack of separation of powers between the Scottish Government and Scotland’s prosecuting authority.

Without going into the specific details, at its heart this case is one of a politically inspired effort to close down critical voices, in this case mine, by individuals at the very heart of government. In doing so prosecuting authorities, Police Scotland and the Crown Office, have acted as agents of that politically-driven effort by certain individuals in the Scottish establishment.

Notwithstanding the ongoing efforts to intimidate me and cover up the extent of political interference and malice that we intend to prove in court, I am determined to fight on despite the very high personal financial cost this may have.

As things proceed we hope to reveal in court a lot more detail that is not only relevant in my own case but also the wider public interest. In doing so we hope to shine a powerful light on some of the practices and decision-making taking place amongst those charged with prosecuting cases on Scotland, supposedly without fear or favour.

Questions naturally arise about the allocation of resources against me by Police Scotland at a time when we are being constantly told budgets are overstretched. Why were as many as a dozen specialist detectives and officers working my case when they are normally assigned to serious crime investigations including rape and murder?

Why were multiple Procurator Fiscal Deputes and other Crown Office staff, up to and including very senior Crown Counsel, scrutinising my case in such detail? Initially I was charged with a communications offence, later amended to a straightforward statutory breach of the peace. How many other statutory breach of the peace suspects have had that level of firepower at the very highest level directed towards them?

How much does it all cost? Hundreds of thousands of pounds of public resources already. But the high ranking officials directing that spending will not risk a penny of their own. Instead it is the victim of such malice and abuse of power who is faced with risking everything. (And if the victim wins, taxpayers get stuck with the bill instead.) What kind of justice system is that?

As a prominent legal figure told me in the wake of my acquittal, a guilty verdict would have been merely a bonus for the Crown Office and police. The process I (and many others whose main link is that they happened to come under the gimlet eye of Nicola Sturgeon’s displeasure for one reason or another) have been put through, and continue to endure, is the real punishment.

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  1. 06 08 24 13:29

    Odds and Ends Tuesday 6th August 2024 |

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  1. I used to believe Scotland’s laws and judiciary were one of the best in the world. I think I will have to revisit that assertion.

  2. Patsy Millar says:

    Shocking and disgusting in equal measure. Keep us posted re crowdfunding.

  3. Breeks says:

    You’re not fighting for justice Mark, you’re fighting against injustice and malicious impropriety.

    You must see this through, and win. Otherwise, this grotesque monster survives to ruin somebody else’s reputation and integrity.

  4. Effijy says:

    This has shocked me to the core even though I know this mafia are as crooked as they come.

    This must be fought or the world I want to live in is gone and we live in a banana republic forever.

    I’m in for any crowd funding.
    Can we start a petition to investigate this blatant corruption.
    Can David Davis report it in Westminster.
    Can a call for an inquiry be raised in Holyrood.

    Why has no one ever been put though this process before and what has it cost the tax payer.
    Who is responsible for wasting so much time and money while we live in a 14 year long recession.

  5. Bob Johnston says:

    Scots law and Scots education used to be admired around the world. Not anymore. The Dear Leader really does have odd priorities.

  6. Willie John says:

    OK. Where’s the button for the crowdfunder? I can’t give much I’m afraid, but I’ll send summat there.

    Good luck with the case.

  7. Cuilean says:

    Justice is a social luxury affordable only to the very rich. COPFS will never prosecute J.K. Rowling.

    They go after Mark Hirst etc. to punish him AND to keep the rest of us in our place.

    Off Topic -aplogies

    If every female Olympian withdrew TODAY, en masse, biological reality would return TODAY.

    The (male) 7th Cavalry are not riding to the rescue. Women must rescue ourselves

  8. Viscount Ennui says:

    This will also happen to the former managers of The New School, Butterstone who are suing the Care Inspectorate for misfeasance in public office. It will be done to protect Swinney who was responsible for the inspectorate at the time the school was forced to close in brutal fashion.
    It has nothing to do with justice other than in trying to block it.
    Scotland has sunk into the mire of being a third world country.

  9. Sven says:

    “The process is the punishment.”
    Seldom truer than in the case of the formerly much admired, previously independent Scottish PF & Crown Office.

  10. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Giesabrek

    Pretty sure this article is written by Mark ; otherwise it would not say beside the title ” by Mark Hirst ” .

    This is yet another example of the go-to option for those in positions of power who lack basic qualities like Honesty , Transparency and confidence in winning whatever case is at issue based on the ” evidence ” they possess – ie Lawfare .

    Another wonderful U.S-imported assault on , what’s that thing they’re always on about again ….starts with ” D ” …” Demolition ” ? nope ….” Destruction ” , nah , not that ….. ” mock ” something …….ah ! ” Democracy ” that’s it !

    The instigators of these absurd travesties of the Law – COPFS , Judicial/Police hierarchies , SNP/GOV etc would not be so keen on this Americanisation of our Legal System if they thought they themselves may one day be facing American-style lengthy prison sentences in the ( unlikely ) event of being found guilty of Legal Malpractice .

    I don’t know , though , if the Dumbatis ( sic ) individual Personae in the Alex Salmond attempted stitch-up will be feeling quite as secure from the consequences of their action as the string-pullers behind the scenes . They are after all expendable muppets easily thrown to the dogs if it’s in the interests of the puppeteers to do so .

    On the other hand ….such are the degrees of underhand shenanigans in that case , there may never be anyone held responsible for the heinous attempt to send an innocent man to jail , possibly for the rest of his life . An out-of-court settlement would probably be offered to make the whole thing go away . If so , let’s hope Alex tells them to shove-it

    This is the abysmal state the Sturgeon era has brought our country to .

  11. shug says:

    So is Swinney behind this cover up too

  12. fiona says:

    you tagged this as disturbing, that’s got to be an understatement. This is terrifying! soon there will be no trustworthy port of call for true justice. This is a shameful waste of time and resources, all in an effort to SMOTHER THE TRUTH. Keep going, we will continue to contribute, of that I’m certain. There isn’t another page I rely on for getting to the heart of matters in the political arena as it currently stands.

  13. Confused says:

    the process is the punishment

    pour encourager les entres

  14. shug says:

    So is Swinney up to his neck in this too.

    They must realize all the dirt will be washed out by the Unionists when it suits them.

    The SNP need to waken up to the fact they can manipulate the evidence all they want at the moment, but it is coming down the line. The more they squirm the more the unionists will have.

    They have :

    the Vietnam group-
    they have the Scottish inquiry-
    now they have this

  15. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Odd business they will not discuss this with anyone as they can’t possibly justify their actions.

    Wait till the Mainstream Media get a hold of this……..

    Sorry can’t help but stick in a wee joke now and then.

    The bottom line is there is something dodgy happening at the highest levels of Scottish Justce.

    Perhaps one or two very senior officials need the jail.

    Sulphurous stench coming from the Edinburgh direction.

    Crowdfunder did someone say? Count me in.

  16. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Mark Hirst writes:
    « Why were as many as a dozen specialist detectives and officers working my case when they are normally assigned to serious crime investigations including rape and murder? Why were multiple Procurator Fiscal Deputes and other Crown Office staff, up to and including very senior Crown Counsel, scrutinising my case in such detail? »
    As I have observed online before, the despicable stitch-up of Alex Salmond and its aftermath surely provides us with a clear case of what contemporary Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, in his book ‘State of Exception’ (2005), terms “homo sacer”, ie an individual who in an extreme Kafkaesque manner finds themself in a no-man’s land neither conclusively inside nor outside the judicial order.

    Agamben points to Guantanamo Bay internees and stateless asylum seekers as classic examples. The individual is here viewed by the State as a “non-person”, paradoxically trapped by the law but also abandoned by the law. The consequence of that latter vulnerability is that (and this is the relevant point here) they can be attacked with impunity — and let’s never forget Kirsty Wark’s hatchet job scandalously re-enacted by the BBC.

    We also noted the parallel in another post somewhere that protesting women in Scotland can find themselves under attack while police are present yet who disgracefully refuse to protect them. The ‘State of Exception’ before our eyes.

    Agamben further points out that in any state of emergency (eg involving martial curfews, “national security” measures etc) the State ironically thereby also itself steps — legally as it were — “outside the law”, and is therefore able to act injuriously and with due “legally illegal” impunity against targeted citizens.

    It seems now arguable that Scotland itself increasingly exhibits such a condition of being “homo sacer”, manifesting as a no-man’s land at the mercy of UK “special measures” whim, and with no higher international referee. Especially so if our own historic Scottish judiciary fails us all by being deviously complicit, naively compliant, or just grievously cowardly.

  17. Ian McCubbin says:

    Shocking situation. and admire your actions which are for all ordinary people’s.
    Laws and judiciary only now for the elite.
    Keep covering this please Stu.

  18. Mac says:

    I am constantly amazed at how dishonest, unethical, unjust, unfair and malicious some of the top folk in the Scottish judicial system are. They absolutely stink. Putrid.

    They are total whores as well. If there was some form of totalitarian government in Scotland (gosh imagine that) they along with PS would be at the forefront of doing it’s evil bidding. As long as they keep their place they don’t give a fuck about what is ‘right and wrong’.

    Stitching people up, sending people they know to be innocent to jail anyway, hiding exculpatory evidence… When I look at some of them they are far bigger crooks then most of the folk they are in court with.

    Eager little helpers in the weaponization and politization of the judicial system. You would think they would have a bit more integrity and backbone but fuck no. Absolute snakes.

    Happy to go along with being used to wage ‘lawfare’ on innocent people. And it is not like they don’t know better, they, of all people, know exactly what they are doing.

    It is also so tin-pot state, banana republic without the bananas as someone here said, squalid.

  19. sarah says:

    @ Robert Hughes – to save Giesabrek’s blushes, the article originally said “By Rev Stuart Campbell”!

  20. KITTYBEE says:

    @shug he must be!!

  21. dan macaulay says:

    crowdfunder button highlighted in blue in third paragraph below 2nd picture.

    can confirm it works fine.

  22. barelybare says:

    Editorial suggestion. After para 6 make clear that “the case” now refers to Mark’s claim of malicious prosecution.

  23. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Sarah

    I didn’t see that it originally said by Stu; I wasn’t trying to embarrass the guy , just thought he’d made a mistake on the attribution of the article 🙂

  24. Tinto Chiel says:

    Disgusted but no longer surprised by the state of the law in Scotland.

    A successful crowdfunder might make the authorities less sure of themselves.

    @Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh 1.44: a worrying and interesting article and for a second I thought you had written Guantanamo Bay “Inverness” instead of “internees”.

    I’m sure that’s another American import the SG would love to open up here to keep down the pesky masses and their quaint notions of justice and fairness. And don’t forget Tony Blair and his phoney Supreme Court nonsense which itself infringes the Treaty of Union by creating a legal entity to sit in judgment of the Court of Session, our highest court.

    Looks like laws, like taxes, are increasingly for little people here.

  25. Young Lochinvar says:

    Dorothy Bain again..
    Wonder who the breathless one sought advice from on this one – Lady Dorian (Gray!) before formally doing as instructed (by the now discredited SHE) and putting the boot in?

  26. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Following my comment above @ 1.44 pm, the following is an extract from Giorgio Agamben’s book ‘State of Exception’ (‘Stato di Eccezione’) —

    « Let us take the case of the Nazi State. No sooner did Hitler take power (or, as we should perhaps more accurately say, no sooner was power given to him) than, on February 28, he proclaimed the Decree for the Protection of the People and the State, which suspended the articles of the Weimar Constitution concerning Personal liberties. The decree was never repealed, so that from a juridical standpoint the entire Third Reich can be considered a “state of exception” that lasted twelve years.

    « In this sense, modern totalitarianism can be defined as the establishment, by means of the state of exception, of a legal civil war that allows for the physical elimination not only of political adversaries but of entire categories of citizens who for some reason cannot be integrated into the political system. Since then, the voluntary creation of a permanent state of emergency (though perhaps not declared in the technical sense) has become one of the essential practices of contemporary states, including so-called democratic ones.

    « Faced with the unstoppable progression of what has been called a “global civil war”, the state of exception tends increasingly to appear as the dominant paradigm of government in contemporary politics.This transformation of a provisional and exceptional measure into a technique of government threatens radically to alter—in fact, has already palpably altered—the structure and meaning of the traditional distinction between constitutional forms. Indeed, from this perspective, the state of exception appears as a threshold of indeterminacy between democracy and absolutism.

    (Giorgio Agamben, STATE OF EXCEPTION, University of Chicago Press, 2005, p 2, / STATO DI ECCEZIONE, Bollati Boringhieri, 2003, pp 10,11)

  27. James Che says:

    Mark Hurst,

    Why do you not pull and unexpected rabbit out the hat if you are a Scot in Scotland,

    Copy, paste and submit the Westminster parliaments site Statement in 2023/ 2024,
    That the Scots are not in the treaty of union and therefore not under crown Courts,

    The second alternative to rid yourself of Crown prosecution is also worthwhile, and will save you a lot of money,

    The Claim of Right, wrote cown and recorded in Westminster parliament states that Scotland offered the Scottish Crown to The Queen of England,

    Not the kingdom, nor the Scots that were not invited into the treaty of union and therefore not under Crown laws,

    Short cut and less expensive being as it is announced under the sovereign and crown Parliament of Westminster parliament.

    Take the issue of your freedom of speech in Scotland further than they would wish to go,

    Or if you belief in the treaty of union then the article on “private rights for the evident utility of the Scots” must include freedom of press and freedom of speech,

    It changes your legal stance scenario from you being a victim of persecution prosecution from them and challenges them to remain within the laws of the Scotland, ” Scots law” which was to remain in the treaty of union articles.

    Use the tools at you’ re” disposal too, that you do not perhaps recognise.

  28. James Che says:

    Private rights,…..”For evident utility of the Scots”
    Can it be presumed that means for evident Use for and by the Scots,

    Not for the Courts or the Crown prosecution services as they are a public body and service.

    Not a private Scot.

  29. James Che says:

    Scottish people do not think or use the Scottish Constitution enough in legal matters.

  30. Alf Baird says:

    More generally, we know (or should know) how a colonial justice system works, and for whom. Of course it works to serve the interests and to uphold the values of the colonial power, and to keep an oppressed group in check. In other words, it works to serve another Crown, which is not the Scottish Crown (i.e. the sovereign Scottish people).

    This is not exactly new; the reality of Scotland recording the highest prison population per capita in western Europe has merely bypassed native bourgeoisie awareness until recently – or at least since ‘colonialism has become imperiled’ – at which time ‘they’ (i.e. the bourgeoisie sympathetic to independence) become its targets.

    Many Scots, and in particular working class Scots, have always suspected there was something rather unsavoury about this supposed justice system, and the unfamiliar (and expensive) ‘cultural and psychical realm’ within which it does its business.

    As Fanon put it, the reality in a colony is that: “The native… hardly ever seeks for justice in the colonial framework.”

    And, as an even higher authority said: ‘Fowk cannae ser twa maisters, for thay aye luve ane an laith the ither’.

    And that is the inevitable reality where there exists colonial institutions and elites who love an oppressor, whilst loathing the doun-hauden people they profess to serve.

  31. sarah says:

    @ Robert Hughes @ 2.20: ” ..I wasn’t trying to embarrass the guy.” 🙂 🙂

  32. Giesabrek says:

    Thanks for sticking up for me Sarah, Stu normally refers to his mistakes but in this case he’s deleted my original comment, that included crowdfunding and FOI requests and hasn’t referred to his mistake…

    And Robert Hughes, not sure what you were trying to do if not embarrassing me by pointing out my “mistake” but I hope you now appreciate that the mistake was yours, not mine, not that I’m trying to embarrass you…?

  33. barelybare says:

    It is troubling but not surprising that there appears to be no coverage of this case in the news media. It is essential that the fourth estate does its job.

    Our brave parliamentarians could or should have something to say about it but hopes are not high.

    Checking Gordon Dangerfield’s most recent post on this case, from 2022 link to
    it seems the case that caused this one to be sisted was ” David Grier against The Lord Advocate and The Chief Constable of Police Scotland”.

    That case (Grier’s appeal was denied) is described at link to

    Reading it as a lay person, it seems to me it is very difficult to prove malice against the authorities. Take this for instance:

    Malice need not be inferred from an absence of reasonable and probable cause. The individual making the decision to prosecute may simply have been mistaken in his understanding of the law or in his interpretation of the evidence.


    There was a presumption that a public office holder was doing no more than his duty, and doing it honestly. The occurrence of mistakes did not normally constitute a conspiracy or give rise to an inference of malice.

    It seems to me that, in Mark Hirst’s case, proof of malice is unlikely to be possible based on communications among any of RCS, political leaders, ScotGov, COPFS, Police: even if the legal team could obtain records all these people are likely well versed in the use of non-explicit language when communicating i.e.deniable. No smoking gun is likely to be found. Still, what was the chain of complaint? Who complained to whom? Are complaints such are this normally taken forward and if not why was this one pursued? Who communicated with whom?

    Can there be a defence that COPFS and Police were simply mistaken or even incompetent? This is where Hirst’s lawyers might have a strong case. Any official could innocently make a bad judgement. But considering the extensive resources used against Hirst it defies belief that some poor judgement would not have been recognised with the case being halted.

    I will close with the thought that an altruistic £200k is a trivial sum to be claiming in damages and if the Lord Advocate has raised the stakes then if possible the amount should be upped greatly. Tack on a couple of zeros for £20 million. Anything less is not going to get anyone’s attention.

  34. Mia says:

    For whom/what entity has the Lord Advocate been doing all this dirty work and stomping all over democracy?

    Who/What entity is moving the strings of this lord Advocate and the previous one?

    Who/what entity is behind all these malicious prosecutions?

    Was the same entity also moving the strings of the “ex”-MI5 crown agent who abused their position of power to waste our taxpayers’ funds in the fabricated criminal investigation against Mr Salmond?

    Was this entity also responsible for the deliberate suppression of the whatsapp messages from the public? Why? Was the link between that entity and the infamous vietnam group revealed in those messages?

    Was this entity also behind the of the Fabiani Farce?

    Why wasn’t there a proper investigation into the leaker to the Daily Mail?
    When the memo about Sturgeon and the French embassy was leaked by a civil servant in 2015, a proper investigation by the highest ranking civil servant at the time took place. Why didn’t the same happen in this case? Who thought for even a second that leaving Evans, with a clear conflict of interest in the matter and up to her armpits in the sewer, in charge of the investigation could ever be seen in any way or form as impartial?

    What entity can possibly have this level of arrogance and contempt for the people of Scotland that ever thought this would be acceptable?

    How powerful can that entity possibly be that despite public exposure of these disgusting malicious prosecutions, despite obvious and blatant abuse of power that has now forever tarnished the judicial system in Scotland as partial and shameful politicization, no one single lord advocate, not a single judge or crown agent has been disciplined, never mind sacked for gross misconduct or prosecuted?

    Don’t the laws apply to that entity, lord Advocates, Judges or Crown Agents? Why?

    Who/What has been moving the strings of the lord advocate and crown agent?

    Who/What has been abusing Scotland’s executive and judicial powers and with what right have they done so? Who gave them the right?

  35. Red says:

    Embody know why The Most Scottishy Man Ever, Humza Yousaf, is screaming about how the army should be on the streets?

    Is he going after the “white people” again? We know Humza and Anas don’t like “white people”, because they told us so in the Scottish Parliament.

    Do “white people” have any rights, or nah?

  36. Oneliner says:

    Boy, am I glad that it’s now OK to ‘reap whirlwinds’

    However, it is still not advisable to commit suicide with a rifle to the back of the head.

  37. Sven says:

    Red @ 16.01.

    Good query, Red, I’d guess it depends which way the wind’s blowing.

  38. Republicofscotland says:

    We saw just how corrupt the COPFS is with the Alex Salmond trial – and the disgraceful fit up of Craig Murray. I wouldn’t put anything past the COPFS – not while Bain is the LA, Wolffe – was the same -of which I’m sure Martin Keatings could tell you a thing or two about -with regards to Keatings questioning if we actually needed an S30 to ditch this illegal union.

    It would appear to me that – like in a game of poker the LA is trying to raise the financial stakes to try and force you out of the game. Its utterly disgraceful that you need a shitload of money in Scotland – and elsewhere for that matter, to pursue justice – justice that the courts should dish out on merit basis – via evidence – and not on how deep your pockets are.

    This kind of fiasco will continue until the LA is removed from the governments cabinet – and the SNP from office, lets not forget Bain sold us out in the English Supreme Court on our parliaments right to hold an indyref – you are the type of person (an indy supporter who believes in proper justice) that the House Jock establishment in Scotland wants to see locked up.

    All I can say is make sure that you make the right choice on what to do next – using your head and not your heart – though I’d be f*ckin livid as well if I were you.

  39. George Ferguson says:

    link to

    A grousebeater article from 2021 for more background information on Mark Hirst.

    @Red 4:01pm
    During Operation Banner 300,000 soldiers served in the Troubles of Northern Ireland. Usual strength on any given day over 20,000. Current British Army strength 73,000. The root of the Troubles was perceived to be a two tier Civil Rights approach by one half of the community. Northern Ireland is the smallest country in the UK relatively easy for mobile Army Operations. How many riots in Scotland? How many Mosques have been attacked in Scotland?. The solution there was a political settlement. Humzas call for the Army to be deployed is nothing less than dangerous. As outlined by a fellow Muslim that told him to shut up.

  40. Astonished says:

    Shocked. But unsurprised.

    I contributed before, but I’m happy to do so again. The actions of the lord advocate (they no longer deserve capitals) show how terrified they are of the truth coming out.

    I am reminded of Roland Freisler who was killed by his own court.

    Anyone out there denying the extent of “the plot” now ?

    This won’t end well for the previous lord advocate and the latest lord advocate.

    I wonder what Sturgeon is thinking ?

  41. Republicofscotland says:


    Yes – that’s correct, Yousaf and Sarwar have been captured on video in the Scottish Holyrood chamber complaining about white people holding office – in a country where white folk are the majority – I wonder if Yousaf or Sarwar realise that, in say India, or Pakistan brown skinned folk hold those positions – in mainly brown skinned majority countries – yet neither man rails about that.

    If you or I, had publicly complained about brown skinned folk holding certain position – oor feet wouldn’t have touched the ground – as we were frog marched into a police van – and taken away and charged with a hate crime – yet both of these men face no consequences for their disgraceful outbursts.

  42. Clive thomson says:

    I got 6 months for exposing the alphabetties on twitter. Good luck to you mark and if you need to, crowdfund again. Truth will out

  43. Mark Beggan says:

    I hope they are all chuffed with their power to gag. Where will all this lead them in the end. What have they really achieved?

    Didn’t their granny tell them the story of the Black Fox. I thought these people were supposed to be clever.

  44. Penvelope says:

    Your analysis of their motivation to go to the C o S is spot on and it’s a disgrace.
    A huge factor will be which Judge is allocated.
    You’ve experienced the Scottish judiciary- by and large it’s a close knit group with a healthy(and completely unmerited) regard for themselves .
    Given the 17 years the SNP have been in power you’d better believe they’ve not been picked for original thought or the inclination to rock the boat- but some do exist- so fingers crossed.
    On the point of extraordinarily high legal costs to challenge a SG or one of their agencies decisions- that’s the script for every appeal- either to the Sheriff Court or often the C o S you trot.its a real struggle to get Legal Aid & LA won’t get you the kind of legal team you need to have any chance- as you’re finding out.
    It’s been trumpeted & sold as an example of how open & easy it is to make a challenge but as you are now aware it’s the very opposite.
    Stick in there- if they carry on with their delaying tactics there just might be a new Govt & Lord Advocate- who may decide that they’re not going to protect any of these fuckers.
    Have you read An Officer & a Spy- it has a certain resonance here.

  45. Mark Beggan says:

    Ernst Janning wouldn’t have been so cruel. We all know what happened to her.

  46. Mark Beggan says:

    Did you know wee Lizzy can piss over walls.

  47. Robert Hughes says:

    Giesabrek @ 3.53

    Hands-up , my mistake on being too quick to comment and not wording the comment very well .

  48. Mark Beggan says:

    Tommy Shepherd is going back to his old job. A Clown.

  49. Willie says:

    The action of the Lord Advocate to by pass the lower courts and remit this case to the Court of Session is further evidence of how utterly corrupt the COPFS and Crown are.

    This is banana republic stuff interspersed with mafiosa techniques.

    Let no one, and I mean no one, misunderstand the authoritarian and fascist nature of the Police and Prosecution is Scotland.

    The authorities may think they can do as the want, that they have the muscle and to an extent they are right. However, and it is a big however, ultimately corrupt oppressive authoritarian governance is met with utterly hostile fightback.

    Who guards these authoritarian thugs when the worms with justification turn with time delivered responses.

    Northern Ireland showed that. The authorities had all the cards, the political power, the courts, the police, the firepower but when it came to it, folk fought back.

    Dorothy Bain and others should remember that when they ditch the mantle of fairness and decency. Descent into chaos can sadly be easily achieved. Thankfully we are not at that stage yet.

  50. Red says:

    George – I thought it was curious that Humza Yousaf wants the Army on the streets to attack, and presumably kill, protesters Humza Yousaf doesn’t like.

    I remember him being all in favour of fiery protests when they were about Palestine, Black Life Matters, and everybody’s favourite gender swappers.

    Republicofscotland – Humza Yousaf should be in prison and forfeit his £52,000 a year pension for doing nothing. It is an insult to Scottish taxpayers that we are paying this person, who has never had a real job in his life.

    Anti-white racist extremists such as Humza Yousaf and Anas Sarwar need to be investigated by the police and then charged for their hate speech, but what do you expect under our Two Tier policing system?

  51. Republicofscotland says:

    WTF – the Scottish taxpayer really is a, to be abused cash cow – Alf another one parachuted in from a foreign country.

    “Scottish Water paid a £42,000 tax bill for its chief executive to buy a new home in Edinburgh’s plush New Town.

    The state-owned firm also picked up the tab for a £29,000 accommodation allowance when Alex Plant relocated from England.”

  52. Republicofscotland says:

    A wee bit more on Mr Plant and Scottish Water.

    Angry yet? You should be.

    “Scottish Water fat cats have been awarded £227,000 in bonuses as customers are forced to pay huge rises in water bills.

    Alex Plant, the chief executive of the state-owned firm, was given an £87,000 boost on top of a salary higher than one enjoyed by the Prime Minister.”

  53. DanTDog says:

    Mark…you may remember me from your Newtown days (think accordion). Sadly we lost touch a wee while back (for entirely understandable reasons on your behalf) but I’m sending positive vibes and will chuck a couple of quid into your Fundraiser. i remember we chatted some years ago about the SNP hierarchy, and your words are coming home to roost now…Pushing for a favourable outcome for you, and hoping afterwards we can share a celebratory dram…or bottle.
    A’ ra best…Brian

  54. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    This online old newspaper article (from a couple of months before the 2014 Referendum) may retain some interest:

    ‘POLICE SCOTLAND FRISK NINE TIMES AS MANY PEOPLE AS THE NYPD’, by Paul Hutcheon (The Herald, 21st July 2014)

    « A DRAFT report by Scotland’s police oversight body buried the fact the rate of stop and searches in Scotland is almost nine times higher than in New York.

    « The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) document into the controversial policy also deleted multiple references to an academic study that was critical of the single force’s use of the powers.

    « There has seen (sic) 400 per cent year-on-year rise in people being stopped and searched in some council areas such as Fife, with particularly criticism of the stop and search of young children.

    « The SPA published the document following a review of stop and search in May. However, an earlier version of the document had contained a table comparing the scale of the use of the powers by the force, the Metropolitan Police and the New York Police Department (NYPD).

    « The total number of searches carried out per 10,000 people between April and December last year by the NYPD was 110.6. However, Police Scotland’s figure was 979.6. The comparison did (sic) to appear in the final document.

    « The table also showed that the rate of stop and search, per 10,000 individuals, was nearly three times higher for Police Scotland than the Metropolitan Police.

    « The single force figures included all statutory and non-statutory searches, whereas the London force only carries out statutory frisks. In the final report, Police Scotland’s non-statutory searches were stripped out, an omission that ensured its figures were in line with the Met’s.

    « The draft had concluded that stop and search was “significantly higher” in Scotland than for the Met and NYPD policing areas.

    « An independent report by academic Kath Murray was in the draft, but not the final version. It called for a review of stop and search on children and for clarification of the policy’s primary aim.

    « Graeme Pearson, Labour’s shadow justice spokesman, said the SPA was tasked with providing transparency about policing.

    « He added: “These deletions … reflect the authority’s high-handed approach to the public’s right to know.”

    « An SPA spokesman said the report’s authors felt a comparison with New York was questionable, and the Met’s was more relevant. »

    link to

  55. Liz says:

    Not only disgraceful but down right scary.

    All this to protect who?
    The Sturgeon cabal?

    Good luck Mark

  56. George Ferguson says:

    @Red 5:40pm
    I see the two tier Policing and two tier Judicial approaches continuing. There is no motivation for redress of grievance or an awareness of the fundamental underlying reasons by the UK Government and the Scottish Government. What we are seeing is an early warning for them to change their ways. Almost total compliance by the population during the Covid pandemic has given our politicians, and a biased MSM pushing their agenda, a false sense of security and power. We are nowhere near a tipping point. Hopefully Mark Hirst, Alex Salmond get to see justice. If Liz Truss was a lettuce, Sir Keir Starmer is an ice cream melting in the Summer heat. This will impact on the Scottish Election in 2026. Neither Labour or the SNP will do well. Clearing the way for a new ‘aware’ political force.

  57. twathater says:

    TBQH It is despicable and outrageous that Mark’s case was even brought to court in the first place, it was glaringly obvious that it was a political move made by establishment woke lackeys to silence and frighten opposing views and comments
    This was the HURTY FEELING crew feeling emboldened to threaten anyone who exposed the outright LUNACY of their claims of trans using reviled rules and regulations forced through by the SG
    A SG, crown office, procurator fiscal,and police force using unmitigated power to CRUSH any semblance of opposition or outcry at the deviant and perverted policies being forced through HR
    What is more disappointing is the number of people who are colluding with this DESPICABLE ASSAULT on our legal system, do they not realise that if they continue to stay SILENT the exact same situation can be used against them if they EVER consider dissenting from the deviance and perversion

  58. Willie says:

    I read with interest the citing of the 2014 Herald piece about Police in Scotland frisk searching at nine times the level of frisk searching in New York.

    That should maybe have come as no surprise.

    The Police in Scotland are thugs. It is in their culture. It comes from the top. They are politically biased too. That is utterly evident to even the blindest in our community.

    Ordinary folks can have no trust whatsoever in the Police. Indeed, ordinary folks, unlike the elites who are protected by the police, should fear this rotten establishment force.

    Policing should be by consent. It should be policing for the people, not against the people.

    The similarities between Police Scotland and the old apartheid South African Police Service or the sectarian Royal Ulster Constabulary are there for everyone to see.

  59. Ruby Monday says:

    Clive thomson
    5 August, 2024 at 4:49 pm

    I got 6 months for exposing the alphabetties on twitter. Good luck to you mark and if you need to, crowdfund again. Truth will out

    Hi Clive

    I remember reading about your case at the time and thought you paid a high price for your mistake. I hope all is going well for you now.

    I have a few question for you. I appreciate that you may not be able or unwilling to answer. Maybe I shouldn’t even be asking you.

    How did you find out the names?
    Do you know how many people read your Twitter posts?
    Do you think everyone would recogonise their names?

    What I am trying to establish is how many people in Scotland know their names. Just how anonymous are they?
    If the trial was open to the public & journalists who obviously would learn their names how many people did those people tell and so on.

    I have a feeling if I read a list of their names I would be none the wiser because I don’t know the names of civil servants.

    I also think most of them were victims who were manipulated by higher ups & for that reason I am not particularly interested in their names.

    I do think if they lied more than just embellish the true they should be tried for perjury.

  60. Ruby Monday says:

    I had forgotten what’s Marks case was all about
    Did a search and found an earlier article

    link to

  61. James Che says:


    5 august, 4:01pm.

    Did you know that if Westminster sent and army against Scotland it would cease the fallacious treaty of union,

    If you read up on international treaties, one side of the treaty cannot attack the other side without ending the treaty.
    Those two idiots must want an immediate end to the treaty of union or are ready to commit treason to Westminster,

    Either there is a international treaty from 1707 with Scotland or there is not,

    This is what the law on Treaties says.

    A treaty is a formal agreement legally binding that is in writing between two or more Sovereign states. Treaties are roughly Contracts.
    All treaties must in general Comply with International law of “Pact Sunt Servanda” (Agreements must be kept) to be Valid.

    A treaty may be invaliated and thus rendered unenforcable if it violates a preemptory norm, ( Jus Cogens ) such as permitting a war of aggression or crimes against humanity.

  62. Alf Baird says:

    Republicofscotland @ 5:45 pm

    “another one parachuted in from a foreign country”

    Aye RoS, tho par for the course in any colony. Scotland has long suffered from what Professor Michael Hechter termed “a cultural division of labour within the UK internal colonialism model”.

    I witnessed this discrimination at first hand where very few Scots ever make it to Professor, Dean, Vice Principal, or Principal level at Scottish universities. Only around 1 in 10 academics at Scotland’s elite uni’s are Scots. Plenty of parachutes issued still.

    link to

  63. ronald anderson says:

    Awe the bestest Mark I.ll put money into the Crowdfunder once you get going .

  64. robertkknight says:

    Welcome to Sturgeon’s Scotland.

    Best get lawyered up…

    Happy to contribute.

  65. James Che says:

    Red .

    Sending an army into Scotland because there are to many white people……?
    or using a force of police against Scots or even passing laws on Scots for Hate Speech against trass is not part of the contractual agreement in the treaty of union with England.

    Just a thought.

    I enjoy jumping from either there is a International treaty of union or there is not, and it is a fallacious Hoax that is not legally binding on the Scots, because Westminster parliament state “the Scots are not in it.”, and Scots are not therefore bound to the Crown for their Sovereignty the same way as England is , and of course agreed to an acknowledged by Westminster parliament.

    but Westminster it cannot be both, and it would be binding on Westminster not to alter any the treaty of union articles that was made in 1706/1707 if it is a International treaty.

  66. ronald anderson says:

    Once again TRUMP says he wants to invest in Scotland Scottish Gov should tell him tae get tae Scotland doesn’t need any more IDIOTS. ,

  67. Ruby Monday says:

    Am I correct in thinking it was The Rape Crisis Centre (Mridul Wadhwa) who was the complainant?

    Any update on his employment status?

  68. Dorothy Devine says:

    Good luck Mark – I too will add to the crowdfunder.

    Ronnie , keep well!

  69. robertkknight says:


    Just to be clear…


  70. James Che says:


    It borders on persecution rater than prosecution, Scots law ins different from the law of England. Has he been allowed a jury of the public which is Scots law,
    that was to remain the same after the union as beforeor is it all behind closed coors without a jury under the crown prosecution of England,
    Seeing as Scotland offered England the Crown in the Claim of right, recorded in Westminster archives,

    Please note, Scotland did not offer its kingdom to England and over three hundred years later England has still not excepted the Crown of Scotland and have never incorporated it into any Coronation.

  71. drookit says:


    Mark tweeted this out earlier

    “The article not designed to attract more donations, although it will help with ongoing costs. More important to update previous donors and to assure everyone we will battle on till the end.”

    so no new crowdfunder at moment, he & his team are keeping it all in the one accountable place.

    Good luck to him. Contributed previously & will have no hesitation if needed again

    link to

  72. KT Lorimer says:

    Ruby Monday – when you know who the 5 SNP women are your jaw will metaphorically hit the ground – it’s incredible that the SNP loyalists deny what went on.

  73. robertkknight says:

    Thanks Drookit…

    Not on ‘X’ (Thank the Lord… I’d be banned in <5 mins)

  74. Republicofscotland says:

    This is Comedy Gold from these two treacherous b*stards – if anything they and their party the SNP – sold not just Glasgow, but Scotland out.

    “SNP bosses have been accused of “undermining” police after urging pro-independence vigilantes to defend Glasgow against far-right “thugs”.

    It comes as Police Scotland can not be trusted to “defend” the public, according to Glasgow councillor and co-convenor of the SNP Socialists, Graham Campbell and the SNP’s national Bame convenor, Shelly-Ann Brown. “

  75. Republicofscotland says:

    F*ck not another one – how about a mural promoting women or even Glasgow itself – or real art – or even the history of Glasgow or Scotland.

    “A hand-painted mural in celebration of Pride could be displayed on the building of a city nightclub if Glasgow planners approve.

    Global Street Art has asked Glasgow City Council for permission to display the mural at the AXM on 90 Glassford Street. The firm describes itself as one of the world’s leading street art platforms, centering itself around hosting and sharing the world’s most iconic and emerging artists, past and present.

    The proposed mural would be in place for 12 months leading up to the Glasgow Pride 2025 event next summer. “

  76. Republicofscotland says:

    Well an FoI has revealed the eye popping amount of cash needed to fix potholes – on Scotland’s roads.

    “Figures obtained by Freedom of Information requests found the estimated cost of fixing the country’s local roads in 2024 has risen to at least £2,562,057,538, despite four councils not providing data.

    East Dunbartonshire had the most expensive backlog with repairs estimated to cost £598m; those in Dumfries and Galloway, Highland and the Borders, were expected to cost £253m, £233m and £123m respectively, while the cost of repairing roads in Glasgow was estimated to be £104m.

    The four councils which did not provide information were Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverclyde and East Dunbartonshire.”

    Ask yourself – how much cash has the SNP government wasted over the years – on the likes of ferries and fitting up Salmond to mention a few of many of their indiscrepancies.

  77. sam says:

    Whadwa is currently suspended for his part in the Roz Adams Employment Tribunal, details of which are at the Tribunal Tweets substack.

    Two members of the board were also criticised and resigned. My guess ERCC will have problems finding Board members.

    Brindley of Rape Crisis Scotland has ceased support for ERCC having been supporter in the past.

    I guess JK Rowlings counselling service will get more service users. With luck we may never see ERCC again.

  78. Alf Baird says:

    ronald anderson @ 7:26 pm

    “Once again TRUMP says he wants to invest in Scotland Scottish Gov should tell him tae get tae Scotland doesn’t need any more IDIOTS.”

    There is considerably more chance of President Trump securing Scottish independence than Swinney’s colonial administration, the latter tasked with stopping independence and persecuting independence campaigners.

    Scots could make The Donald oor King if he liberated us, just like the Bruce. I think President Trump would be well up for that. US Presidents and senators with family connections helped Ireland become liberated, and also worked to bring about the Good Friday Agreement. We should work with a powerful Scottish diaspora, not piss them off like Sturgeon/Swinney have done.

  79. Robert Hughes says:

    @ RoS

    ” It comes as Police Scotland can not be trusted to “defend” the public, according to Glasgow councillor and co-convenor of the SNP Socialists, Graham Campbell and the SNP’s national Bame convenor, Shelly-Ann Brown. ”

    Time to call in Graham’s Tranny Army with the elite company of Rasta Furries in the vanguard n strike down Babylon . Or at least a smoke a rake of weed n plot revolution in a Byres Road * ethnic * cafe . Then go hame . No PASARON . JOHN . Pass it here

    Ach well , I’d go n join the Aunty Francis Resistance Movement doon in ma auld crib – Glesga – but my Toxic Masculinity got into a ferocious argument wae my Male Fragility , then fckn White Privilege turned-up n stuck his neb in . I walked away n left them to it : put me right aff going doon the road but

  80. Antoine Roquentin says:

    We live in a wee place where a blind-eye has always been turned, depending on who you know, to what might rightly be called casual corruption. It’s such a common occurrence that people no longer comment on the fact. The awarding of monopoly status to certain bus companies in large swathes of the central-belt by the SG, is as good a place as any to start digging, if that sort of pursuit interests you.

  81. Republicofscotland says:

    Police Scotland are holding information on us – and they don’t want you to know about it.

    Big Brother Scotland – is alive and well.

    “One in 10 Scots listed on secret police database despite many committing no crime.”

    link to

  82. Ruby Monday says:

    KT Lorimer
    5 August, 2024 at 7:56 pm

    Ruby Monday – when you know who the 5 SNP women are your jaw will metaphorically hit the ground – it’s incredible that the SNP loyalists deny what went on.

    Wow! Now I want to know their names.

    I think I might be the only person in Scotland who doesn’t know their names. I’m rubbish at jigsaws!

    They are ‘anonymous’ but ever everyone knows their names! 🙂

    That must be a strange situation to be in.

  83. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Alf Baird 9:05

    Top post. But the ideologically correct purists won’t allow it to happen.

    Shame we Scots have allowed such a distance to open up between us and the country we did so much to create. For starters, we could warn the US what happens when the ruling elite anoint one of their own box-ticking ethnic minority numpties as leader, then expect everybody to vote for that hopeless failure.

  84. Republicofscotland says:

    Meanwhile the self coronated SNP leader and FM, John Swinney – gives away another £2 million of our cash to the well known con of Carbon Capture which DOESN’T work.

    link to

    link to

    “The only real purpose of CCS was to enable the oil and gas industry to maintain a fiction in which its products could be burned and still be consistent with the need to decarbonise the economy. It let a lot of people also hold on to the vague sense that decarbonisation was important but actually wouldn’t be that different from now.”

  85. Republicofscotland says:

    It looks like the (BMA) – British Medical Association wants to assess the Cass Review – and for now, it has called for the ban on puberty blockers for under-18s to be lifted.

    “The doctors’ union also wants a pause on the implementation of a landmark review into gender care for children and young people.

    It said it wanted to undertake an evaluation of the Cass Review after academics expressed concern about its approach.”

    The usual suspects in the SNP and the Greens – will be delighted with this.

    link to

    link to

  86. McDuff says:

    Yeah fight this Mark i`ll certainly contribute.
    As i`ve said before its just beyond odd that as soon as the sturgeon took power, she via the judiciary almost immediately went after prominent independence supporters. Why would she do that and with so much enthusiastic support.

  87. Geri says:


    I dunno. He’d be more interested in keeping American companies in charge of the oil.

    Mark I’ll be willing to chuck in a few quid if you start a crowdfunder. Take them tae the cleaners. This stinks to high heaven & shocking the money & resources they’re wasting on this as well as yet more leaks to the media before you are even made aware yourself. It’s unbelievable.

  88. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Alf B

    ” There is considerably more chance of President Trump securing Scottish independence than Swinney’s colonial administration… ”

    There’s considerably more chance of President De Gaulle securing Scottish Independence than Swinney’s colonial administration .

    Despite my previously stated scepticism , no harm in attempting to get – a President – Trump on-side . Quite like the idea of turning Scotland into one vast golf course , seeing King Don & Queen Melania parading through our Capital in a horse-drawn golf truck en route to the Trump Balmoral .

    Be like Jimmy Shand playing Las Vegas

    But if yr looking for an American who knows a thing or two about Scotland n it’s history ( and History generally ) and would be a tremendous asset to the Cause , Colonel Doug MacGregor is yr man . If you’ve ever seen the videos broadcast from his home you’ll have noticed the plaque of MacGregor tartan is always in shot behind him : pretty sure it is so deliberately .

  89. KT Lorimer says:

    Ruby Monday are you on twitter?
    If so contact me on @Wifty8

  90. Shug says:

    I think there us a big case for a member of the Scottish parliament to ask Swinney what his lord advocate is doing bypassing the lower courts and if another case of malicious prosecution comes from this will he or his lord advocate be held responsible for the cost.

    It certainly looks as though the plants have been instructed to continue the demolition of the SNP credibility.

    This manipulating if the system will be exposed by those planning it when it suits them. It is not going away.

  91. Iain mhor says:

    I’m late to the thread, and apologies I haven’t time to read all comments if this has been mentioned already.
    I’d like to point out that in law, a ‘Malicious Prosecution’ is not necessarily that there was ‘Malicious Intent’ in the way a layman might interpret it – rather, it can mean just that a prosecution should not have been brought/ proceeded.

    That is a simplification, but in short, it doesn’t necessarily mean a bad man did it for pure badness and ran away, it can be interpreted far more loosely and only as: “Someone filing an unjustified lawsuit against you, or pursuing baseless criminal charges against you”

    How is that different? Because it is the handmaiden of the vile phrase “Good Faith”
    (If you see that phrase anywhere it always and without exception, means you are dealing with a criminal, an incompetent, or both)

    “I believed there was a case, I pursued the charges in the Good Faith that there was a case to answer – the fact that it has proved entirely baseless is unfortunate, and obviously there were failings which should be…blah de blah de blah.

    A previous Lord Advocate was also found to have engaged in malicious prosecution, but ‘ Yeah, it was just a bit of a fuck up, sorry about that’
    (fans of the leathery ba’ will be aware of that particular case)

    It is pure legalese semantics, but we all know it means a big boy did it for pure badness – but the big boys decide what badness (or malicious) means, and the Humpty Dumpty Doctrine always applies to them.

  92. PhilM says:

    I don’t know Christina Perry personally but legal publishers Edward Elgar seems satisfied enough with her expertise to publish “Good Faith in Contract Law” on October 31st 2024. You know…’good faith’: the basis of contract law in most jurisdictions.
    Looks like I found an exception the size of a football stadium…

  93. Kcor says:

    “Never mistake law for justice. Justice is an ideal, and law is a tool.”

    The only purpose of the law is to keep the “plebs” in their place.

    Scottish justice lost all credibility when it convicted and jailed an innocent man for the bombing of the Pan Am flight.

    For me, Kenny MacAskill lost all credibility when on releasing the man he said that he had been rightly convicted and jailed, or words to that effect.

  94. Kcor says:

    5 August, 2024 at 1:29 pm

    “Justice is a social luxury affordable only to the very rich. COPFS will never prosecute J.K. Rowling.”

    Mark my words, they will get her one way or the other.

  95. Peter McAvoy says:

    I am not a lawyer,but believe the Scottish Justice system although not perfect is one of if not the fairest and most advanced worldwide

    I oppose the introduction of jury less trials,abolition of the Not Proven verdict and the reduction of juror numbers,as I believe it takes away the right to a fair trial and safeguards against wrongful conviction.

    It is also my belief that these plans are instigated by people attempting to reduce and eradicate the Scots legal system to gain favour,position of reward elsewhere just look up Scottish Jury Reform.

    Having served on a jury the selection process is fair and sensible and would oppose it becoming a copy of the American shambles so frequently portrayed on film and tv.

    I ask for caution as double jeopardy has gone and is it possible for someone to be tried again for the same offence despite an aquittal.

    Lastly justice is largely unavailable to all but the wealthy as I attempted to gain legal assistance some time ago to challenge a DWP sanction.Even the Law department of Glasgow University rejected my request.

  96. Young Lochinvar says:

    K T Lorimer

    Go anonymous and name and shame!

    The fact we are all sitting here without a clue “who” is WAY beyond ridiculous..
    Wonder if “discredited SHE” made Lady Dorian (Gray) do it..

  97. Ruby Tuesday says:

    5 August, 2024 at 9:02 pm

    Whadwa is currently suspended for his part in the Roz Adams Employment Tribunal, details of which are at the Tribunal Tweets substack.

    Is he suspended on full pay with a huge severance package coming his way + massive pension. Nicola will arrange another job for him:

    ‘Scotland’s International Representative of Scottish Women Everywhere’
    ‘The CEO of The Association of Breastfeeding Mothers’

    10 years ago the above might have been seen as a joke but it’s not anymore the possibility of him getting these jobs is very high.

    Legal action for hate crimes: racism, transphobia, misogyny & islamaphobia if the package isn’t satisfactory.

  98. Roger M Livermore says:

    The patient safety group ASAP-NHS has been on this for ten years. The absence of the rule of law and the separation of the powers in Scotland is with PM Sir Keir Starmer. As former DPP he will immediately recognize that our justice system is unlawful, unconstitutional, dysfunctional, corrupt, and just plain bonkers. Legally the justice system does not even exist.
    The case against WoS does not exist. It is carried out by the Scottish Government -COPFS,Lord Advocate Bain, all under SFM Swinney. This is of course extremely unlawful e.g. Constitutional Reform Act 2005 as it applies to Scotland, the Judiciary and Courts Scotland Act 2008, Human Rights Act 1998 Article 6, ECHR Art 6.Governments are prohibited from prosecuting. Prosecutions must be independent.
    The case has no legal validity.
    SG is also interfering with the independence of the judiciary.
    ASAP-NHS has identified tens of ways that the Scottish justice system could collapse. This is just one way.
    We also have a list of 15 major criminal offences by Bain. Sturgeon, Yousaf and Swinney have unlawfully been shielding Bain. She turns out to be the most prolific offender in Scottish legal history. Every day brings more offences.
    The Wizard of Oz has more substance than the unlawful Scottish justice system.

  99. Viscount Ennui says:

    Peter McAvoy
    6 August, 2024 at 2:13 am

    “I am not a lawyer,but believe the Scottish Justice system although not perfect is one of if not the fairest and most advanced worldwide.”


    But I hope for the sake of Mark, Alex and many others, you are right and I am wrong.

  100. TURABDIN says:

    A PHOBIA is a fear of something not a hatred, consequently there might be a case for people being phobic, or wary, about X if that X proves potentially malign or possibly intent on some form of existential harm.
    Personally i’m phobic about .orgs, those global set ups ending in O in English, especially those with the portentous «world» sign in their titles, and the self styled democratic governments, «unaccountables» and honey tongued influencers that hang out with them.
    Likewise, be wary of treaties and the attorneys who confect them but don’t need to tell Scots and many other indigenous peoples about that, do i?

  101. Alf Baird says:

    Peter McAvoy @ 2:13 am

    “I am not a lawyer,but believe the Scottish Justice system although not perfect is one of if not the fairest and most advanced worldwide”

    Long time ago I applied to do a law degree at an ‘ancient’ Scottish university and had the entry qualifications to do so. However my application was refused, my punishment for not going to a private school from where most of the intake was and is still drawn.

    I was especially interested in constitutional law at the time and in particular the Treaty of Union, and had studied the latter at college and wished to specialise in the area. Yet still I was refused entry by the university in the city of my birth, Edinburgh. I have never regarded this experience as being ‘fair’; discriminatory and prejudiced yes, but never fair.

    My lived experience and study of life in Scotland before and since then led me to the conclusion that we are a colonial society in all respects, and this inevitably includes our institutions. Colonial institutions are never ‘fair’, they are always working in the colonizer’s interest and against the native people, who lack opportunity or access to their own resources and human rights in their own land.

    Which brings us to the realisation that independence means decolonisation, and liberation from oppression:

    link to

  102. Sven says:

    Peter McAvoy @ 02.13.

    I’d suggest that any legal system based on an adverserial rather than an inquisitorial principle is unlikely ever to arrive at the truth, other than by good fortune rather than investigation.

  103. Ruby Tuesday says:

    The following is from the ‘Jethart Justice’ article.

    Alex has been treated in the most outrageous and grievous manner both by the current ruling political class and certainly at the hands of a malign and utterly corrupt Crown Office.

    But his trial and mine also show that despite the best efforts of this corrupt prosecution service in Scotland we still have judges and sheriffs who are simply not going to roll over and take part in this politically-driven action by police and prosecutors. I very much hope that’ll continue to be the case for Craig Murray too. Mark Hirst.

    Good news about judges and sheriffs .
    I’m presuming this was written before Craig was sent to prison.
    What happened to the judges & sheriffs in his case?

  104. McDuff says:

    Peter McAvoy
    Our justice system used to be fair but certainly not now Peter.
    Can you explain the hounding of Mark Hirst , Manny Singh, Alex Salmond and Craig Murray.
    It’s rotten to the core.

  105. Gordon says:


    “I’m presuming this was written before Craig was sent to prison.
    What happened to the judges & sheriffs in his case?”

    The judge was Lady Dorrian – she found him guilty of contempt of court as she deemed bloggers had to be held to higher standards than bone fide journalists (there’s a laugh!).

    He’s taking his case to the ECHR


    >>Dean of Faculty, Roddy Dunlop QC said his client, Craig Murray, 62, should be given leave to appeal to the UK’s highest court.

    Mr Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, was given an eight-month prison sentence after he breached a court order passed during Mr Salmond’s trial last March.

    In the Inner House on Monday, Mr Dunlop told the Lord Justice Clerk, Lady Dorrian; Lord Menzies and Lord Turnbull that the case should be examined by the Supreme Court because it engages the free speech provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights.

    He said: “The proliferation of blogging, of commenting on the judicial process, which as a generality must be seen as a welcome part of article 10 makes the outcome here one of high general public importance.

    “This is an area of acute sensitivity and one which the guidance of the Supreme Court would be welcome. This case has attracted a great deal of public interest, a great deal of public comment and a great deal of public concern.

    “Much of that comment and concern has highlighted Murray alone was brought to the attention of the court despite other journalists publishing material that was arguably more likely to identify the complainers.

    “Some of that has led to public comment that proceedings against Murray were politically motivated. I myself make no such submission. I cannot make any such submission and I do not make any such submission.

    “But the fact remains these comments are out there and they continue to be made on matters of real public concern.” <<

  106. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Cheers Gordon thanks for info.

    These legal matter take so long you begin to forget what they are all about.

    I’m going to have to do a refresher on ‘Branchform’ should it ever come to court.

    Campervan, Le Crueset pots, blue police tents,woven through accounts,£multi million computer software, Mother in law’s driveway, burner phones, Magpies?

    (just had an idea for a wee photo-collage. Not forgetting Montblanc pens & 12″ tartan stilettos)

    Likewise Craig’s case when it reaches the ECHR.

    Google ‘Lord & Lady Marmalade?’ Miss A,B & Z.
    What else?

  107. sam says:

    link to

  108. sam says:

    link to

  109. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Something rotten in the 2/8

    Oh look some nutter is mixing Shakespeare and cockney rhyming slang. 🙂

    Eat yer heart oot Oscar Wilde!

    All this legal stuff is hard work for me. True Crime is just not my genre.

    I like romance with an HEA ending and stories about kissed frogs becoming handsome princes.

    Not actual princes thank you very much just very good looking beefcake with a you know what that you can bounce a 50p off & cover in love bites. (just in case his pals ask about the love bite situation)

    I can’t remember what I was going to say now about the topic.

    Anyway bawbags how are your bottoms for love bites?

    Cheerio. Gotta go otherwise I’ll no be getting any love bites.

  110. Alf Baird says:

    Hatey McHateface @ 10:10 pm

    Yes, might this be “that hopeless failure” who wants to put the army – i.e. a lethal ‘remedy’ – in against the indigenous white English folks? Seems a rather colonial attitude.

    link to

  111. Northcode says:

    “bounce a 50p off”

    Is 50p no a ten bob note in auld money?

    I tried to use an auld ten bob note in a shop the other day; I found it in ma trews pocket while rummaging aboot fir change – but the lassie at the till telt me to pit it awa fir it wisnae ony use nou.

  112. TURABDIN says:

    LAWYERE may use «law» notionally to obtain justice but also to get people with means/ influence off. In that, as in complex surgery, competence may come at a price.
    The rule of law, slick phrase beloved of the political class, may require the normal user to check out who or what may profit from that rule.
    Law is not «science», people, systems, ideologies elaborate it with a purpose in mind.

    «There are always four sides to a story: your side, their side, the truth and what really happened»
    Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU

  113. Republicofscotland says:

    This is an utter disgrace – our hospitals are crying out for staff yet this is happening – the self-appointed FM of Scotland John Swinney – needs to give his health secretary (Neil Gray) a boot up the backside to wake him up – and sort this problem out now – what a sad state Scotland is in now under the treacherous SNP’s tenure get them out in 2026.

    “NURSES have lifted the lid on the staffing crisis in Scotland’s hospitals as newly qualified staff are told there are no jobs – and they should go to England for work. None of the newly qualified paediatric nurses from Glasgow’s Caledonian University had been given jobs within NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. But now it has been claimed that the lack of jobs available to young newly qualified nurses is across the board.”

    Campaign group NHS Workers United in Scotland has been swamped with messages from newly qualified nurses and existing nurses and are urging unions to ballot members for strike action over the staffing issues.

    “This is the last straw, knowing there are newly qualified nurses and they can’t get jobs while the existing staff are struggling. This is the end of our NHS and this is our one last fight before it is gone.”

  114. John McGregor says:

    The L.A should never be anywhere near The Deviant loving party It looks awfy suspiciuos the way fae the Lord Advocate doon are training their guns on you Good Luck

  115. John McGregor says:

    The Lord Advocate should never be anywhere near The Deviant loving party It looks awfy suspiciuos the way fae the Lord Advocate doon are training their guns on you Good Luck

  116. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    ‘DREDD’ comes to mind. NOT the 1995 ‘Judge Dredd’ effort with Sylvester Stallone, but the much stronger 2012 movie starring Karl Urban and Olivia Thirlby. Block towers “like micro city states … you could live and die in those buildings”. So it occurs to me that this DREDD film provides us with a metaphor (okay, just a tad melodramatic, but arguably still serviceable) for Scotland. Drug-ridden, impoverished mega-dwelling, sealed off from outside world by massive steel shutters (“state of exception”) while LAW is dispensed within…

  117. Campbell Clansman says:

    Stu Campbell is “Shocked, Shocked” to discover that a left wing government is using lawfare to harass and bankrupt a political opponent.

    Trudeau in Canada does it.
    Biden in the U.S. does it.
    Maduro does it in Venezuela.
    Lulu does it in Brazil.
    The German government is doing it.

    This is what you should expect when you elect Leftists.
    At least the SNP government hasn’t copied Trudeau and frozen Stu’s bank account… yet.

  118. Stuart MacKay says:

    I’m surprised Main, under his current nome-de-plume, didn’t post this,

    Is Britain heading for civil war?, Brad Evans, link to

    The article itself is bit boring and goes to great lengths to avoid the M-word, and blames everything bad on fascism. The comments, however, are really worth a read, if only to get a hint of what people really might be thinking, despite the best attempts of the media to hide it.

    The trouble in Belfast is probably just the usual summer, “high spirits” with a dose of “Don’t forget about Brexit, Mr Starmer” thrown in for good measure. For the rest of this Sceptred Isle, it will be interesting to see how long it continues and what the longer-term consequences are. I suspect Labour’s troubles are only beginning.

  119. sam says:

    @Stuart MacKay

    “The trouble in Belfast is probably just the usual summer, “high spirits” with a dose of “Don’t forget about Brexit, Mr Starmer” thrown in for good measure.”

    No, it ain’t. it is much more unusual and innarestin. Visit Slugger to check.

  120. lothianlad says:

    I can honestly say that the sight of nicola sturgeon makes me physically sick!

    She is the worst type of pwerson to be given power. thats why MID groomed her to do their biding. she is possibly unaware of how much she was manipulated, but she does know she was. She knows she betrayed, and she knows she abused power.

    Stick with it Mark! great Scottish patriots had tough times to endure but pravailed!

  121. Stuart MacKay says:


    So I visited link to and read the two latest articles and the comments.

    All I came away with was “it was the far-right and they’re filled with hate”. Is that it? Just copy and paste of some press release from the Democratic Party in the USA?

    What am I missing?

  122. sam says:

    @Stuart MacKay

    What seems to have happened is that far right people from the Republic of Ireland went to Belfast to join Loyalist people to create a riot under the pretence of protesting.

    There was then the unusual sight of the Irish Tricolour and the Union Jack being flown together as the two groups united to attack the police, houses and shops.

    Within the Loyalists it is possible/likely there would be UDA members, a terrorist organisation infiltrated by British security.

  123. Stuart MacKay says:


    Thanks. I read that but the penny didn’t drop. That does make things innarestin, and the problem is likely more deep-rooted than just a few Trump fans looking for a good time.

    I’d read previously that the preferential treatment to immigrants in the republic was wearing a little thin. I wonder if there are plans to settle people in the north as well. That would be hilarious if the consequences weren’t so tragic.

  124. sam says:

    What happened in the Republic of Ireland is that people from the UK, fearing their possible transfer to Rwanda, swiftly exited to outside the UK, to RoI.

    NI has immigration mainly from England (like Scotland) and EU, then other countries.

  125. Rab Clark says:

    Extraordinary outburst from George Galloway, on his YT show, in response to this message from a viewer:

    ‘”There are no riots in Scotland. Fact”

    Caroline…don’t be so stupid.

    Do you think there’s not anyone in Scotland who would get involved in these sort of riots? Seriously?

    You ever been at Tynecastle?

    You ever been on the slopes of Ibrox Park?

    Enough with your stupid Scottish nationalist exceptionalism.

    This vileness has happened in England where 50 million people live. It has happened in the north of Ireland where 2 million people live. It has not yet seriously happened in Wales and it has not happened in Scotland, yet.

    So quit dancing on Britain’s grave you stupid separatist.’

    Start watching from about 57 mins to get a flavour of the other comments he’s reading aloud and the sheer vehemence of his responses. By the time he’s finished with Caroline’s contribution (which is a simple statement that he himself confirmed) he’s bawling his head off.

    link to

  126. TURABDIN says:

    Rab Clark 4:53pm

    GALLOWAY is textbook sociopath and how that type loves SocMed platforms.
    Makes you crave more power outages.
    The world does look more attractive by candle light.

  127. Geri says:

    Galloway is an arse.

    Im sure Rangers & Hearts fans will be delighted to know they’re racists.

  128. twathater says:

    @ Rab Clark, yes BALDY George the cringing embarrassment who ridiculed himself on national television purring like a fucking cat and licking imaginary milk, shouting at someone who doesn’t agree with his opinion, BALDY George the grifter who knows the value of cosying up to majority Muslim areas

    Yes indeed voters are really stupid

  129. Republicofscotland says:

    What’s left of the SNP membership doesn’t have the balls to change the party for the better – will they prove me wrong? well going by the last eight or nine years – my answer would be no chance.

    Can we please just get this lot of troughing careerist treacherous b*stards – out of office come the 2026 Scottish elections.

    The membership, or what is left of it – haven’t f*ckin Scooby on how to take back their party – so it time to bin the f*ckin thing for good.

    “THE SNP are facing internal discontent over the draft agenda for the upcoming national conference after excluding proposals to examine how to convince No voters to change their views – while including other “pointless and performative” motions.

    members in the party expressed confusion as to why “premature” motions – such as what Scotland’s national anthem should be – have been included while others about how to increase independence support were not.

    One SNP delegate, who asked to remain anonymous, claimed the membership had expressed “universal disappointment” at the current draft agenda.

    They pointed in particular to a motion submitted by the Edinburgh Central branch – which was rejected by the conference committee – that called for the SNP to hire a “reputable independent research organisation to engage with ‘No’ voters … to ascertain the various brs of opposition to independence among our fellow Scots and what might be done to assuage them”.

    “When we started discussing this [at SNP meetings], I had assumed that we had done as a party some research into why we had lost … But as far as we can tell, we have never done a single thing to figure out why we lost and how to win the next one.”

    They raised concerns that, without engagement looking at the losses in 2024 and 2014, some debates at the next SNP conference could turn out to be “self-evidently a pointless and performative exercise”.”

    link to

  130. Anton Decadent says:

    Humza is threatening to take his family and leave because of Islamophobia, you know, anyone finally reacting to being labelled far Right, ill educated losers etc for complaining about grooming gangs, parallel societies and the murder of their children. Worth having a gander at the credentials of the scribbler.

    link to

  131. Alf Baird says:

    Republicofscotland @ 6:56 pm

    “proposals to examine how to convince No voters to change their views”

    I would suggest the SNP need to tell its few remaining members, and the people, that independence means decolonization. Unfortunately the SNP leadership does not know what independence means. Which helps explain why they are unable to find the right path.

    Only once a people understand their oppression will they seek liberation.

    link to

  132. Red says:

    Anton Decadent, Did he mention which other country he’s planning to scrounge off of?

  133. Geri says:

    They were nobbled a long time ago.
    Confirmed by Ash Regans failed bid at leadership.

    It’s not in their interests to promote Indy & the membership seem perfectly happy going nowhere. They’d absolutely shit themselves if a referendum was called. They wouldn’t know which aquaduct to run out of first.

    It’ll be naw voters that’s voting for them. They very ones who despise *all that free stuff* would shit a brick when it’s taken away.

  134. Bortwiskels says:

    Surely he’s been misquoted. He means he wants to take Scotland out of the UK because of the riots in England, not just his actual family, rght?

  135. Red says:

    “I am about as Scottish as they come” – Humza Yousaf

    Good to see he still has his sense of humour though.

  136. I first realised the Scottish judiciary were corrupt and immoral after the Lockerbie trial verdict.

    Then there was the Sheridan trail where Sheridan was jailed 3yr for perjury and Coulson convicted of perjury but freed,

    Alistair Carmichael who lied about Frenchgate was freed because it was a personal lie not a political lie,

    Stu Campbell judge agreed Kezia was talking shite about Stu but she had the right to talk shite if she believed it,

    The court clown Alex Prentice trying to make a Moorov case against Alex Salmond cause there was absolutely no evidence to convict him,

    The jailing by Leeona June Dorrian of 90 year old Craig Murray for journalism.

  137. Shug says:


    If a referendum was called they would plan to lose it.

    Everything they have done can only be understood from the position the objective is to stop independence


  138. Hatey McHateface says:

    Ruby 24/7

    That’s nae love bites oan yer arse.

    That’s infected follicles.

  139. SusanAHF says:

    OT but I see Humza is contemplating leaving ” the West” because of the rampant islamophobia. Good riddance I say

  140. Mac says:

    Clive thomson says:
    “I got 6 months for exposing the alphabetties on twitter. Good luck to you mark and if you need to, crowdfund again. Truth will out”

    I remember you. You will get justice one day. When the truth ‘is’ out.

    Six months will be a badge of honour Clive.

    Not as big a medal as Craig Murray’s 12 months but as political prisoners go in Scotland you are in an elite club. I am almost envious.

    You were jailed for exposing a conspiracy to send Alex Salmond to jail to thwart his return to politics and our re-gaining our independence.

    Hold your head up high buddy. We all know what you did was legally stupid but we all know why you did it as well. And that took guts and integrity.

  141. Hatey McHateface says:

    Sorry to hear that Yousaf is still swithering over whether to remain in Scotland and continue to generously benefit us with his skills, talents, inspirational leadership and personal charisma.

    If there’s anything any of us can do to help him finalise his decision …

    Didn’t he take credit for the new Queensferry bridge? Maybe if we rename it the Humza Yousaf bridge that will give his CV the boost it needs to land him a plum sinecure overseas.

    Frankly, I think Scotland needs a permanent reminder of the year we spent with Yousaf fraudulently foisted on us as FM by the corrupt SNP and the conniving of HR.

    I don’t ever want that sorry and shameful episode airbrushed from our history.

  142. David Hannah says:

    Ali Baba and the 40 thieves – Dumza Yousless – we’ll pay for your flight to Islamabad. And we hope you never return. And you can take your heroin punting, tall building throwing alleged murderer drug kingpin – El Nakla.

  143. David Hannah says:

    Speaking of Humza. Has the SNP Messiah arrived yet? Is Mhairi MacCallan still preggers?

    And does anyone know if the baby is WHITE?

    Papa don’t preech. I’m in trouble deep. But I’ve made up my mind.

    I’m keeping the baby.

    Gonna keep the baby.

  144. David Hannah says:

    To think we once let Humza Yousaf give John Kerry a cheque for £24 million. So that King Dumza the clown – anti white bigot racist – could get his face on the cover of time magazine.

    One things for sure. Ali Baba won’t be a muslim leader of the future. It’ll be back to unemployment and juggling all the drug money to pay for all of the kids.

    Won’t it Dumza? We’ll pay for the flights.

  145. David Hannah says:

    Humza: “You cut me open and I’m about as Scottish as they come but the truth of the matter is I don’t whether the future for me, and my wife and three children is going to be here in Scotland, the United Kingdom or indeed in Europe and the west.”

    I think I can speak for everyone when I say, we know he won’t be returning to Pakistan.

    Not enough benefits. Paid for by the British tax payer. Not enough benefits in Pakistan.

    I feel sorry for Dundee and the El Naklas. Horrible crime family. Horrible people. The scourge of Scotland. Humza Yousless.

    Fuck off because you don’t like it here. There’s the airport. There’s the plane.

  146. David Hannah says:

    SQA results came in.

    And the SNP fucked it up. With 7,000 scottish children opening their results to blank emails.

    Why can’t they get anything right?

  147. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Hatey McHateface
    6 August, 2024 at 9:57 pm

    Ruby 24/7

    That’s nae love bites oan yer arse.

    That’s infected follicles.

    Aye they are causing me to have a right pain in the arse.

    I saw the doctor about it and he told me I had what is know as ‘John Main Syndrome.’

    He said ‘John Main Syndrome’ always causes a lot of pain in the arse. He didn’t actually say arse he said something latin like glueus minimus but he meant arse.

    Just out of interest was your comment meant to be funny or offensive?

  148. David Hannah says:

    Catholics and Protestants unite.

    We’ve had enough of the illegal immigration invasion of Britain.

    Instigated by anti-white racist Humza Yousless.

    And his Africa first policies.

    Let’s take our country back peeps. Let’s take it back for the SCOTS!

  149. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Humza Yousaf another man baby having a tantrum.

    Maybe Sarwar’s da will get him a job in the Punjab.


  150. MaryB says:

    Didn’t I read somewhere, that Humza’s been interested in a job in Pakistan for some time?
    So this plan to leave the country is not because of the riots – he was planning to go anyway.

  151. David Hannah says:

    Not enough benefits in Islamabad. For the El Nakla’s.

    Here to poison the streets of Dundee – with SMACK – CRACK COCAINE HERION THE LOT.

    for years to come.

    With False Prophet former former false minister. The El Naka’s.

    Who have paid of Dorothy Bain – the of the corrupt crown office.

    Humza’s going nowhere. What an arsehole.

  152. Ruby Monday says:

    BTW Humza you don’t have to be born, educated or have children in Scotland to be Scottish.

    You just come to Scotland and boom you are Scottish so don’t go thinking you are special.

    Humza sounds like a bit of a blood & soil Moonhowler.

    I wonder what he thinks Scottish would look like if a person were cut open.

    I think it’s a good thing that he leaves Scotland. He’s never been happy here. Two many white people for starters.

  153. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Is 50p no a ten bob note in auld money?

    Kinda but without the bounce. Maybe that is what the lassie was talking aboot when she said it wisnae ony use nou.

    What would 2/8d auld money (two & eight) be in new money do you reckon.

    2/8d quite a few coins to bounce.

    1 2 shilling coin or 2 shilling coins 2/- 1/-
    2 thrupenny bits or 1 silver sixpence (see Clootie Dumplings) 3d 6d
    2 big pennies See Quality Street toffee penny for size

    Pennies were, confusingly, abbreviated to ‘d’. This is because the Latin word for this coin was ‘denarius’.

    I’m in quite a 2 and 8 mate trying to figure out all the old ‘bees and honey’/pie & mash/ apples & pears!
    I think two 10 bobs and a 1/- shilling was a guinea. Posh shops priced things in guineas.
    A shilling was 12d. A pound was 20 shilling. A tanner was sixpence? There was a 2/6d coin. Four in 10 bob and 8 in a pound.

    You Awright Mate?

    PS If you keep the 10/- note until you are old and doddery you could send it to a grandchild for their birthday. Just pop it in an envelope with a birthday card. It might cost you more than 10 bob for a stamp though!

    link to

    The fascinating history of the Ten Bob note.

    The 10 Shilling Note, or ‘ten bob’, was a goodly sum in the old days – in the 1960’s it could buy 6 pints of beer, 10 loaves of bread, or 17 pints of milk.

  154. David Hannah says:

    Get him a Eurostar ticket to Brussells Ruby. I’m happy to contribute.

  155. Geri says:

    There’s some racist shit going on in England but it’s not at all surprising.
    Farage, the BBC, GB news, Question Time, Jewish lobby groups, media, daily fail & even parliamentarians have stoked Islamophobia for decades.. no guessing who is bankrolling this latest shit tho. The biggest racist of them all that’s currently committing crimes against them elsewhere while the world says fck all.

    Replace these Muslim attacks with J*wish attacks & see which one gets you a jail term the fastest along with a good tasering. Even the clips I’ve seen the police seem to be standing back & having a wee day off..

    This is orchestrated bullshit.

    This isn’t

  156. Ruby Monday says:

    Why Brussels David? Do you think he could model for the life size version of the Mannequin Pis?
    I understand there’s an opening.

    Quite a lot of whities in Brussels though!

  157. Geri says:

    The EDL changed their name in 2014 from The English Defence League to The English & Jewish Defence League.


    So Robinson, ten aliases, is currently gobbing off on I*ra*li TV he started all this shit because he was sick of all the protests against geno-cide. Like there’s feck all wrong with a geno-cide. What a clown. All makes sense now as he has his I*D*F shirt on posing with tanks while in hiding.

    This muppet doesn’t even live in the UK but just as what happened in the USA, these eejits stir trouble to get genuine protests shut down.

    I already know what Sir Kid Starver will do. Hee-haw to his donors but introduce an emergency blanket ban on peaceful protest for everyone else.

    Yahoo is such a knt & shows the level of interference he has in parliaments everywhere.

  158. Peter McAvoy says:

    Regarding my earlier comment on this subject I hinted at corruption of the people trying to reform (allegedly) the justice system.

    I have the opinion that Lady Dorrian is a supporter of jury less trials for sex offences out of spite because of the acquittal of Alex Salmond and other reports give the Impression that the Lord Advocate is having a conflict with corroboration,what is next being charged as a result of a confession and joint enterprise.

    Straying from the point slightly the next thing to wreck is tourism in Scotland which has started by the planned closure of visitor information centres by the end of 2026 after claiming the number of visitors had not reached pre pandemic levels and using the feeble excuse that most functions are done online.I have used the sites in Glasgow and elsewhere and found them useful and helpful.

  159. Mac says:

    George Galloway showing his true colours there. What vain, bigoted old cunt he is. His hatred of Scots and Scotland is extraordinary. Does not take much to scratch the surface.

    He is also a muslim which he does not reveal in his ‘rants’. So hardly the unbiased voice here.

  160. Mac says:

    Humza Yousless showing what a fraud he is.

    There have been no riots in Scotland yet he conflates the riots in England with Scotland and says he wants to leave. That is strange behavior…

    This is the guy that was the leader of the SNP and supposedly pro independence. So why is he not highlighting that Scotland did not riot instead of doing the opposite and smearing us.

    The guy is an anti white racist. It comes across in everything he says and does. How many clues do we need.

    At the same time he laughably thinks he is this perennial victim when in fact he is an ultra privileged silver spoon wanker who has been promoted far beyond his abilities by exploiting his skin colour and ethnicity his whole life while constantly whining like the bigoted cunt that he is.

    The fact this insufferable fuckwit was ever FM just testifies to what a joke Holyrood and the SNP are.

  161. TURABDIN says:

    link to
    Not sexy news for the main Brit media; no click value in sectarianism in Nigeria, Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan….
    Reasons to be fearful of modern ideological islam are historically sound. How quickly people have forgotten about Daesh/ Islamic State terrorism and its many clones. How easy to find excuses for it…ahemmm «The J. Entity».
    The people of Iraq and Syria however have longer attention spans.
    Mr « I will deliver independence» YOUSAF…..what is this Yewkay nonsense?
    link to
    A serious wardrobe malfunction?

  162. MaryB says:

    Geri – and others
    Do you think that the civil disorder has been fanned by the Tory (now Labour) policies of keeping the poor even poorer and doing nothing about improving job prospects, housing etc in run down areas? I think that folk were led to believe that things would be better under a Labour government, but now they realise that it’s just more Toryism. Then their anger is easily deflected by Farage, Robinson and the like to the global social media stirrers.
    I’m old enough to remember when the Berlin Wall came down and East and West Germany were reunited. There was a huge disparity in living standards between the two. West Germans were very worried about social unrest in the East. But my friends argued that if the East’s living standards were raised sufficiently, there wouldn’t be those kind of problems.

  163. Ruby Wednesday says:

    7 August, 2024 at 8:03 am

    George Galloway showing his true colours there. What vain, bigoted old cunt he is. His hatred of Scots and Scotland is extraordinary. Does not take much to scratch the surface.

    People in glass houses!

  164. Ruby Monday says:

    7 August, 2024 at 8:51 am

    Humza Yousless showing what a fraud he is.

    At least he’s honest about where he stands on women’s rights or ‘gender pish’ as you call it.

  165. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Peter McAvoy

    I have the opinion that Lady Dorrian is a supporter of jury less trials for sex offences out of spite because of the acquittal of Alex Salmond and other reports give the Impression that the Lord Advocate is having a conflict with corroboration,what is next being charged as a result of a confession and joint enterprise.

    Jury less trials for sex offences will be an issue for men to sort out. That’s their problem.

    Obviously it will allow women to cheat but hey why not. All’s fair in love & war or something.

  166. TURABDIN says:


    The «UK» goes ape…well not quite.
    link to
    Could it just be an English thing? Or does UK, as many Scots have known for centuries, signify England?
    Yousaf, Galloway and Yaxley-Lennon clockwork turkeys of a similar dreary feather.

  167. Ruby Thursday says:

    Mornin’ Mary B

    I think the root cause of these problems is politicians not listening to people.

    Forcing people to accept things.

    I think when people put up signs saying ‘no blacks’ ‘no Irish’ the people were trying to give a message to the politicians likewise Gillian Duffy who was dismissed by Gordon Brown as a ‘bigoted old women’.

    The message people are getting from politicians is you whites don’t matter especially you women however black lives matter.

    Black means everyone who isn’t white.

    I am pretty bloody angry and get even angrier when I read comments on Wings.

    Sure I am a racist I believe everyone is a racist (whatever that means) I don’t believe multi-culturalism works and just to put it mildly I am not very keen on Islam.

    Most people pretend they are not racist and that is because they have been well and truly manipulated into that position.

    The manipulation is working a treat on the handmaidens.
    They believe women have cocks. FFS

    Gotta say whoever is doing the manipulation is pretty damn smart or maybe the handmaidens/the British population are pretty damn stupid.

  168. Republicofscotland says:

    Geri @12.50am.

    Not a lot of folk know that the EDL changed its name to the above – for me these attacks in England and NI, aimed at a certain denomination are linked – to what’s going on in West Asia.

    I wouldn’t be surprised one little bit – if the suspect in the Southport crimes had been groomed, or was known to the English security services. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time that has happened – Salman Abedi, for one, springs to mind.

  169. sam says:

    link to

    “Overall, almost one in six respondents had experienced a racially motivated physical assault, but over a third of people identifying as Gypsy/Traveller, Roma or Other Black reported that they had been physically assaulted because of their ethnicity, race, colour, or religion.

    More than a quarter had been verbally abused or insulted because of their ethnicity, race, colour or religion, and 17% reported experiencing damage to their personal property. Nearly a third reported racial discrimination in education and employment, and nearly a fifth reported racial discrimination when looking for housing.”

  170. Mac says:

    Oh Christ the man hater is back. Tell us more about your wonderful ‘theories’ about men… we are all ears.

  171. Ruby Monday says:

    George Galloway tells us you whites are rubbish at football.
    You would be nowhere without the superior blacks.

    Scotland needs to get more blacks in their team it’s all too white, white, white in Scotland.

    I’m pretty sure George’s statement about football is racist but it’s fine to be racist when referring to whites.

    I don’t think there is any provision in Humza’s hate crime bill for whites or for women for that matter.

    They tell us there’s going to be a misogyny bill coming soon.

    Don’t get too excited about that ladies because the misogyny bill won’t be exclusively for women.

    Big problem is nobody knows what a woman is.

    I’m bloody ragin’. Expect a good number of rants. It’s my way of sorting things out ‘woman style’. Isn’t that what you (you MFPs) told us women we needed to do.

    PS Hey Dan are you still sulking in your garden shed?
    Better just stay there because I have no intention of stopping talking about women’s rights, gender pish as you call it.

    PPS As for the Scottish women’s team you could start with getting more men in your team. It’s a winning formula.

    Google ‘The Flying Bats’

  172. Republicofscotland says:

    Alf @7.33pm.

    Robin McAlpine – pointed out how democracy was stripped away from the SNP membership/conference etc, and the hierarchy (cabal) now control all aspects of the party – which is also in government.

    link to

    The people of Bangladesh stormed their parliament the other day and evicted their utterly corrupt government – a few years back the people of Sri Lanka did the same – yet Scots sit back and take whatever the corrupt SNP government dishes out to them.

  173. Ruby Wednesday says:


    these eejits stir trouble to get genuine protests shut down.

    Geri the Cock of the Walk – Handmaiden extraordinaire is another glass house dweller.

    Where is everyone today? Are they all hiding in their garden sheds?

  174. Ruby Wednesday says:

    7 August, 2024 at 10:42 am

    Oh Christ the man hater is back. Tell us more about your wonderful ‘theories’ about men… we are all ears.

    If only that were true!

    You are not all ears! You’ve got your fingers in your ears and are just shouting abuse or taken yourself off to your garden shed because you have had enough of this ‘gender pish’

    The whole bloody world is talking about the ‘gender pish’ but it’s taboo here BTL on Wings. Explain.

    I’ve already told you my theories about men. The more interesting topic is your ‘theories’ about women.

    What’s happened to your pal Hautey he hasn’t been seen in days.

  175. David Hannah says:

    I’ve not forgotten about Islamic state. And neither has Shamima Begum.

    I don’t think I could cope in Islam. It seems a horrible cult.

    They all huddle together in their mosques. Take their shoes off and get down on their knees. You do wonder if they have clean socks on. I Think it’s a horrible religion.

  176. Marie M says:

    @Mary B

    I agree with you I think a lot of people (who don’t know any better,and believe the media) may have thought a labour govt would improve their lot. When the first act of labour was to take back the heating allowance and tell everyone their true agenda I think this has caused a lot of the anger and frustration,which has been shown,and Ruby is correct everyone is racist.
    It isn’t hard to see how people with nothing see immigrants getting things and get angry. But I also think someone will benefit from this.

  177. TURABDIN says:

    WHEN THE ENGLISH, or some of them, went a rioting in 1780.

    link to

    A Scottish eccentric, an army deployed and some parallels with 2024.
    And all done without Musk and Zuck!

  178. Ruby Wednesday says:


    Quit complaining about Scots and just face up to what Scots are.

    I think the word is colonised.

    Mornin’ Alf! Am I correct?

    Have we been knocked out/dazed by a stronger cheating opponent?

    I thought I would try to keep it topical by alluding to a boxing match but it maybe didn’t work.

    I think we need the UN or some outside body to come along and recognise what we are. Maybe there needs to be some testing.

    I’m no expert but I would say ‘colony’ for sure.

  179. Shug says:

    Watch out folks the BBC is desperate to talk up a riot in glasgow.

  180. David Hannah says:

    They’ve not even got a picture of Muhammed. They don’t even know who they are praying to. They can’t picture him. They pray 5 times a day – on the floor. With someone’s stinking feet in front of your face. It’s horrendous.

    Unlike Jesus on the stained glass windows. Look at St Giles Cathedral. With the Saltire on the seats. And Angels playing bagpipes in the thistle chapel. Beautiful.

    There’s only one winner. JESUS. Let’s hope that Scotland remains SHARIA free. And Independent and free.

  181. David Hannah says:

    link to

  182. Ruby Thursday says:

    On the topic of politicians not listening

    What was the largest anti-war protest in the UK?
    The British Stop the War Coalition (Stop) claimed the protest in London was the largest political demonstration in the city’s history. Police estimated attendance as well in excess of 750,000 people and the BBC estimated that around a million attended.

    They didn’t listen!

    That made me think of the song ‘Vincent’

    Now, I understand, what you tried to say to me
    How you suffered for your sanity
    How you tried to set them free
    They would not listen, they did not know how
    Perhaps they’ll listen now

    I’ve off to Google ‘The Pasty Tax’ so as not to be unfair. The Gov didn’t listen to 750,000 people trying to stop the war but I think they did listen to people regarding their Cornish Pasties.

    They listen sometimes! I suppose the question is why was the Cornish Pasty, Sausage Roll & Steak Bake more important than the illegal invasion of Iraq?

    What ever became of the Chilcot Inquiry? It cost bloody millions.

    I suppose the Gov had to recoup the spending on that waste of time inquiry hence the attempt to recoup the money by taxing the good old steak bake, sausage roll & Cornish pasty. 🙂

  183. James says:

    Scot Finlayson;

    Good post, the jailing of Craig Murray was a national disgrace and an abuse of power, but I’m not sure Craig will be exactly delighted when he sees that you’ve added 25 years onto his age! (He’s 65). ;-D

  184. Ruby Thursday says:

    David Hannah
    7 August, 2024 at 11:48 am

    They’ve not even got a picture of Muhammed.

    Was he the boxer who ‘floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee?’

    Sorry my heads full of boxing this morning.

    I’m floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee right here BTL on Wings today.

    I could very well be knocked out in the next round but hey that’s the chance I’m prepared to take. Upper cut! Upper cut! Jab! Jab! Jab!

    PS I think they wash their feet five times a day David. Smelly feet would be the least of my worries. It’s the total lack of ‘silk stockinged feet’ that bothers me.
    (silk stocking aka tights.)

    I had a Spanish boyfriend called Jesus (that’s no lie) he was a beautiful hunk of beefcake with a gluteus maximus to bounce a peseta off.

    He done me wrong so I am a bit biased about Jesus.

    I’m not really into religions.

    Me and the ‘Holy Joes’ don’t have a lot in common.

  185. Northcode says:

    The recent scenes broadcast from England brought to mind the Duke of Lancaster’s final words.

    John of Gaunt (1340 – 1399) lies dying and speaks of ‘This Sceptred Isle’ (conveniently forgetting this isle is home to more than the English).

    His last words, spoken in Act II, Scene 1 of Shakespeare’s history play Richard II, are a lament to the ‘death’ of a once, as he sees it, great nation:

    This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
    This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
    This other Eden, demi-paradise…

    This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England,…

    With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds:
    That England, that was wont to conquer others,
    Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.

    The words put into the failing John of Gaunt’s mouth by Shakespeare may well have been more a prophesy than a dying man’s lament judging by events we witness occurring in England now.

    More a sceptic isle than sceptred one might be forgiven for observing.

    If Scotland falls into history’s fathomless abyss, might England no be lang ahint her?

  186. Ruby Wednesday says:

    @Marie M

    We got a hint of what Labour thought about Scots getting the heating allowance way back during the 2014 Indy Ref.

    Iain Davidson Labour member for Glasgow South(at the time) was having nightmares at the thought of people in an independent Scotland getting a heating allowance from Westminster.

    I can’t remember the full details but I think it was about people wanting dual Scottish-British nationality and therefore being entitled to the heating allowance.

    Maybe the current Labour thinking has that in mind and wants to ensure there will be no possibility of any Scot in an independent Scotland even if they are British getting the heating allowance.

  187. Anton Decadent says:

    With regard to minority victimhood incorporated as practiced by sam, a few days ago the Guardian was using Tell MAMA as a source for figures claiming that Britain is a fascist terror state. As I have previously posted, Tell MAMA were found to be counting literally any perceived microaggression as a hate crime committed against Muslims in the UK and comments made online by people in other countries around the world as hate crimes committed against Muslims in the UK. When reapplying for funding the committee found that Tell MAMA were deliberately inflating the numbers to create a false environment of Muslim victimhood and fraudulently receive funding to combat this threat. The committee decided to cut Tell MAMAs funding at which point security had to be called to protect the committee from Tell MAMAs representative who had become aggressive.*

    We have seen in the UK that when black people take to the streets the police take the knee to them.

    When Queer Inc take to the streets the police dance for them.

    When brown people take to the streets the police either run away from them or ask them politely to take their weapons back to the mosque.

    When white people take to the streets the horses and riot squads are sent in.

    *source Private Eye.

    ps, I looked up the source of sams claims and found that ideological capture was evident.

    link to

    Here are the people providing you the claims sam posted.

    link to

    Picking one name out at random showed a history of Hebrew studies in Jerusalem then travelling around Western countries telling us how racist we are whilst also working in Europe for the World Bank and European Central Bank.

  188. Northcode says:

    “Jesus done me wrong”

    Sorry, Ruby. I don’t mean to make light of your romantic heartbreak, but for some reason the way you expressed it made me chuckle.

    In my head it sounded like the title of some country and western bible song – something like that anyway.

    If it’s any comfort, Jesus most likely had no idea what a ten bob note was.

  189. Ali Clark says:

    David Hannah @ 11:48

    “They’ve not even got a picture of Muhammed.” unlike Christians with their blonde haired blue eyed Christ! Looking very unlike someone born in those lands. Imagine praying to something that cannot be pictured… you know like a god. Western Christians praying to a matinee idol plucked from the silver screen. Who is being most honest in their faith? Muslims do not worship false idols… unlike us. I seem to recall this is part of the ‘scriptures’ of all religions. Of course this cuts off a profitable revenue stream for religions so better to ignore it and get with the money. Usury also proved to be a bit of a dampener for profits so that was also ignored in the West.

    Your religions have been cherry picked for years for profit yet you find those who adhere more closely to the original story (all nonsense) to be worthy of contempt. I won’t even start on the ‘stinky feet’ comment…

    My God is bigger than your God! Get yourself down South and smash something up you’ll fit right in!

  190. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Mornin’ Northcode How are you today?

    Enoch Powell made an interesting prophesy. A lot more graphic than the one made by Shakespeare ‘which I don’t pretend to understand at all’.

    That’s a line from a Leonard Cohen song ‘which I don’t pretend to understand at all’ either.

    My head is full of song lyrics & boxing this morning.

    It’s coming through a crack in the wall
    On a visionary flood of alcohol
    From the staggering account
    Of the Sermon on the Mount
    Which I don’t pretend to understand at all
    It’s coming from the silence
    On the dock of the bay
    From the brave, the bold, the battered
    Heart of Chevrolet
    Democracy is coming to the U.S.A

    It’s coming from the sorrow in the street
    The holy places where the races meet
    From the homicidal bitchin’
    That goes down in every kitchen
    To determine who will serve and who will eat
    From the wells of disappointment
    Where the women kneel to pray
    For the grace of God in the desert here
    And the desert far away
    Democracy is coming to the U.S.A

  191. Northcode says:

    Hi Ruby

    I’m good today – thanks for asking.

    I’m not bored (always a good sign).

    You seem to be on fine form today – ducking and diving and bobbing and weaving as you land those punches. 🙂

    I was a fan of Leonard Cohen. He was one of those poet songwriters whose songs made you think a bit more deeply about the things he wrote about.

    Singing boxers – I might be persuaded to watch boxing matches if the boxers sang songs while they fought each other. Operatic boxing matches could be a new and much more entertaining sport.

  192. TURABDIN says:

    images of the Prophet Muhammad.

    link to

    Iconoclasm in Sunni Islam is a relatively modern puritanism.
    The Persians, paradoxically have no problems with images.
    There are many «Islams», not just the one that usually hits the media and causes all that «phobia».

  193. Ali Clark says:

    TURABDIN @ 2.12

    I’ll graciously stand corrected. It doesn’t diminish my contempt for the likes of DH or their inability to see things from another’s view.

  194. Ruby Thursday says:

    7 August, 2024 at 1:23 pm

    “Jesus done me wrong”

    Sorry, Ruby. I don’t mean to make light of your romantic heartbreak, but for some reason the way you expressed it made me chuckle.

    Nae worries. My posts for the most part are intended to make people chuckle. However it would seem rather than chuckling everyone has been struck dumb.

    Jesus done me wrong
    and so did his daddy
    I’m nobody’s child.
    Nobody loves me
    I’m growing wild
    No mummy’s kisses
    And no daddy’s smile
    So please I’m begging of you
    please don’t take my man
    Jesus loves me this I know so
    Please don’t take him even
    though you can.

    I’ve painted up my lips
    and rolled and curled my tinted hair
    I’m contemplating going out somewhere?
    The shadow on the wall tells me
    the sun is going down
    So yes I’m going to take my love to town.
    Ola Jesus como estas gaupo?
    Care to buy me a beer carino.

    You know what they say about fish in the sea.
    No need to cry over a heartbreak when you can go ahead and have another.

    Think Rex Harrison for the above song half sung half spoken

    link to

  195. Hatey McHateface says:

    Looks like it falls to me, on this, the world’s most-read Scottish politics website, to congratulate Yaroslava Mahuchikh on her Olympic Gold.

    “Fight until the end” she says.

    Not to be confused with its modern Scottish equivalent:

    “Post anonymous pish from behind your keyboard until there’s something good on the box.”

  196. George Ferguson says:

    A week is a long time in politics but these a day seems a long time. I will buck the trend by reviewing the long term polling forecast for the Scottish Parliamentary Elections 2026 for some balance. As it stands Labour on 48 MSPs (So 17 short of an overall majority), SNP 42 MSPs, Conservatives 18, Greens 10 and they Lib Dems 8. (126 MSPs) Alba forecasting 1.65% so no MSPs. The polling doesn’t include Reform but they got 6 to 7% in some regions at the GE. So the assumption is for Reform players on the regional list to gain a few MSPs. Difficult to say who from. Hence reinforcing the statement that the Scottish Parliament is up for grabs in 2026. Branchform, Two Tier and so on to come. All to play for.

  197. Hatey McHateface says:

    @ TURABDIN says:7 August, 2024 at 2:12 pm

    There are many «Islams»

    Perhaps, but most indigenous Scots are aware of only two.

    Extreme: Do as we say or we’ll kill you.

    Moderate: Do as we say or they’ll kill you.

  198. sam says:

    link to

    “When seeking to get a picture of the inequality and social injustice faced by black and minority ethnic groups in the UK, a good place to start is the government’s own figures).

    It’s starkly evident that major ethnic and racial inequalities persist in employment, housing and the justice system. Black and Muslim minorities have twice the unemployment rate of their white British peers and are twice as likely to live in overcrowded housing. They are also much more likely to be stopped and searched by the police. We could also add to the list the alarming ethnic differences in deaths from COVID-19.

    The government’s pioneering ethnicity facts and figures website brings together in a single accessible format the hard evidence on ethnic disparities collected by government departments. It is a world-first, established in 2016 by former prime minister Theresa May, who pledged to tackle “burning injustices”.”

  199. David Hannah says:

    Well the Muslims need to clean up their act. In the news today. Shamima Begum has lost her appeal to return to Scotland.

    Now she realises that Britain is not as bad as she thought. May she enjoy her life in whatever muslim paradise that she resides in!

    Reading Humza Yousaf’s recent comments – he might care to join her!

  200. sam says:

    Hi Oscar Northcode

    I think you quoted Sir Henry Neville.

    Glad to hear you’re not bored today. Sometimes it just gets to you, innit. I recall you said this: ‘A bore is someone who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company.’.


    Talking about Yeshua have you ever seen Woland? you would remember.

  201. David Hannah says:

    When are the politicians going to come out and say the men are struggling?

    Build homes for working class men?

    The lack of housing is the sole driver all over Britain for the sectarian riots.

    We need to tackle the root cause of division its the lack of opportunity.

    It’s housing.

    And they can’t just give out FREEBIES like Free bus passes to Asylum seekers. While the Scots pay full whack for transport.

    It’s so unfair.

    I would cut rail fares by half for everyone in Scotland. Nationalise buses. And start a national housebuilding program.

    We need positive male role models. That would be a good start. We need to celebrate the men of this country.

    We need the saltire up not the LGBT flag. And we need to bin Woke identity politics. They’ve caused the sectarian riots. That’s my take of it all. And we’ve all been divided.

  202. Northcode says:

    Ruby @2:22pm

    Brilliant! 🙂

    You’re a tonic, Ruby, and no mistake – gawd bless ya.

    Oiya – I’ve gone all Eliza Doolittle.

    That song ‘sung’ by Rex Harrison in the movie ‘My Fair Lady’ is a clever piece of writing.

    George Bernard Shaw wrote the play the movie is based on. It was called ‘Pygmalion’ after the legendary king of Cyprus and sculptor who falls in love with a statue he carves out of ivory, and which is brought to life by Aphrodite.

    No, Ruby – it isn’t spelt ‘PigMaleYin’ .

  203. David Hannah says:

    We need a national housebuilding plan.

    Nationalise the railways with the benefits – cut the fares. So everyone can feel supported. It’s within the SNPs capability to do this.

    We need extra trains put on to take Celtic and Rangers fans home from the football.

    Nationalise the buses. So that the night buses continue to run and take you home from a night out. This means that working class men can go to their pubs and socialise in their places. Our interests preserved.

    Cut business rates for High Street stores. In fact. Give tax breaks for online retailers to open up a store. You want a tax break? Open up a high street store and invite people into the city.

    Identity is important. We need the Scottish flag on every building. And that goes for the British flag as well. It matters to working class men.

    We need a festival to celebrate Scottish Identity. The Tartan day festival takes place in New York. Where is it in Scotland? Why is it not here for us to celebrate?

    We’ve got all the multi cultural festivals and we don’t even have a Scottish festival? It is a shambles.

    I watch Scottish football on Sky Sports. There is absolutely nothing distinctly Scottish about the marketing of Scottish football. And the English commentators Chris Sutton and Ian Crocker. It is plain red graphics they use to introduce the matches this annoys me. Nothing Scottish about sky sports.

    Our museums need Scottish artifacts at the front and Centre. The Edinburgh national museum has it all separated on the side entrance.

    We need to stop teaching our children that the British raped and plundered the indigenous people’s of the World.

    We are the land of invention and enlightenment. They need to sort out our history in schools so that young men aren’t indoctrinated into feeling guilty from the day they are born.

    King Charles seems to like Islam, what’s he got to say about Islam to Bring the country together? He’s said nothing so far.

    We need Scottish identity to be celebrated like the Irish around the world.

    Our dancing. Our music. Our heritage. Our traditions. Our men promoted as good people. Because we are.

    Do that and you will bring Scotland together. The foreigners have all of their festivals. We need a festival of Scottish identity.

  204. sam says:

    “The lack of housing is the sole driver all over Britain for the sectarian riots..”

    Numpty of the year award.

  205. David Hannah says:

    We should be applying to Bring the Commonwealth Games back to Glasgow.

    For diversity and sporting pride. The city that does this will have harmony within.

  206. Ali Clark says:

    David Hannah @ 2.59pm

    “The lack of housing is the sole driver all over Britain for the sectarian riots” really? That’s it, one problem causing all this hatred, destruction and division.

    If there were a ‘sole driver’ I would posit that it’s more likely to be idiots who lack any form of critical thinking. Stock up on bricks, petrol bombs and other street ammo, get yourself down south and get stuck in. These are your people, you’ve found your clan. Toodle of to fuck and we’ll all give you a heroic welcome when you come back from your Crusade.

  207. David Hannah says:

    The Irish are patriots. They celebrate their local communities with Gaelic football. If you were born in the county. You play for your country.

    Our Scottish football teams are our equivalent. Scottish football attendances at record highs despite the ridiculous ticket prices.

    Look at the Dundee derby. 14,000 at Tannadice. Working class men and boys. All together.

    We need pride in our sport. Pride in our communities. We need to celebrate our local heroes. Support our football teams.

    It’s our local heroes that should be elevated in status in our communities and places of work. Not LGBT flags.

    We need to free ourselves from Me Too. And not this man hater Lady Dorian’s Jury hating bill. She’s going to divide our country futher with this.

    The men are fighting back that’s what’s happening.

  208. Northcode says:

    Hi Sam

    You callin’ me a bore?

  209. David Hannah says:

    Cheaper ticket prices for Scottish football. Legislation passed by politicians to cut the prices.

    That’s absolutely a vote winner. And open to legal challenges but it would force our football teams to remember that they belong to the community. To the people.

    And not to greedy owners.

    We need Scotland at the front and centre of our lives. Scottish festivals. Then we will start the fightback

  210. Ali Clark says:

    David Hannah @ 3.10

    “We are the land of invention and enlightenment” Gold standard commentary right there. I’ll stand down for the day as should the rest of those BTL, the comments of DH win the day and we can all go home and work to improve ourselves… or and write to Sky Sports about their graphics… no wonder these islands are in such a state!

  211. David Hannah says:

    Minimum unit pricing needs to be abolished. I was in a pub in Dumbarton Road last night. A pint in Partick now £4.40. The SNP are hell bent on killing our places to socialise.

    Support the libraries.

    Support families.

    Men in this country don’t feel loved. We are deamonised. They need to give all of the men in this country a big hug and arm around the shoulder. That’s what needs to happen.

  212. Ali Clark says:

    More DH gold “We need positive male role models. That would be a good start. We need to celebrate the men of this country.” I’m voting for the author of the post David Hannah… anyone else want to second that motion? A good start would be everyone trying to be a good role model… go find your mirror DH and have a good long look.

  213. sam says:

    No, Oscar. Just recalling your witticism. Speck you forgot you said it?

    Do you remember your old school, Portora? My bror in law taught there. Long after you were there.

    In the news for the right reasons.

    link to

  214. James says:

    “…We need to stop teaching our children that the British raped and plundered the indigenous people’s of the World…”

    Oh, ma sides. Stop it!

  215. Ruby Wednesday says:

    ‘Sexist Pygmalion’ sounds about right.

    Why can’t a woman be more like a man?

  216. Republicofscotland says:

    The gangsters – posing as councillors at Tammany Hall – aka Glasgow City Council want the historic ABC cinema in Glasgow pulled down as soon as.

    Glasgow’s City Fathers over the centuries have pulled down (unnecessarily I say) – many good historic building in the city, – and demolishing the ABC, will just be another one that will be gone forever.

    “THE historic ABC venue in Glasgow has been served with a Dangerous Building Notice – requiring it to be demolished.

    The notice, served by Glasgow City Council, requires developer OBARCS to “demolish and remove the front and side facades along with their immediately attached floor and roof structures along with any other unstable, collapsed or affected and adjoining construction, fixtures and fittings”.

    According to the notice, the demolition work “must be commenced” by September 30 and completed by December 9.”

  217. sam says:


    Wilde, Shaw… Phwat aboot Flann O’Brien?

  218. Ruby Wednesday says:

    Hatey McHateface
    7 August, 2024 at 2:41 pm

    @ TURABDIN says:7 August, 2024 at 2:12 pm

    There are many «Islams»

    Perhaps, but most indigenous Scots are aware of only two.

    Extreme: Do as we say or we’ll kill you.

    Moderate: Do as we say or they’ll kill you.

    You need to employ a script writer or whatever you call someone who writes jokes for comedians.

    If you do stand up at the fringe with the above you are going have enough tomatoes to make every single recipe in the Antonio Carluccio Italian cookbook for about six months.

    For the Moderate I would be thinking

    It’s all fun and games until someone loses and eye
    Until Charlie gets his crayons out
    A pregnant wife dies on Arthurs seat.
    A woman decides to let her hair blow in the wind while driving a convertible/riding a bike.

    Something along those lines.

    For the extreme it might have something to do with denial of virgins or being labelled a father of daughters.
    Nothing worse than being ‘a father of daughters’

    Anyway it’s rubbish that Scots are only aware of the two Islams you describe

    TBH I’m more aware of Islam as it was between 711 & 1492 in Spain.

    They seemed to be very romantic, very clever & inventive.
    (No idea how good they were at football)

    Unfortunately drugs were their downfall & they were so stoned they did not expect The Spanish Inquisition. Nobody does.

    My other experience of Islam was in modern day Morocco and I was quite shocked by the contrast between the Islam of Al-Andalus and the Islam in 20th century Morocco.

    What I find amazing is that every single immigrant from India & Pakistan are all deeply religious. Probably the same would apply to immigrants from Algeria & Morocco although I don’t think we have many of those.
    It seems Islam is not just their religion but it seems to be their everything, part of their DNA almost.
    I find that quite scary. I think if Humza were cut open he would be more Islam than Scottish.
    I would find it hard to accept that Islam is part of Scottish culture.

    There doesn’t seem to be any lapsed Muslims. It’s weird.

    Obviously I’m looking at Islam from a woman’s perspective and it really doesn’t look good.

    All I’m trying to say to you John Main is please try to write better jokes. Cheers.

    Maybe not do an Ellis and assume you know what Scots think.

    Where is Ellis is he sitting sulking on the naughty step?

  219. Ruby Wednesday says:

    I’ll vote for David Hannah at least he makes comments everyone else seems to be struck dumb.

    Go David!

  220. sam says:

    link to

  221. Ruby Monday says:

    Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, Flann O’Brien, Shakespeare are all fine for you professors of literature but it’s a bit too high brow for me.
    Not enough sex, beefcake & tight butts.

    ‘What about Maeve Binchy, Edna O’Brian, Marian Keyes, Patricia Scanlan, Cathy Kelly and all that good Irish romantic fiction?

    Celia Ahern meh! I think her da is a politician. Maybe he had some influence with Penguin. PS I don’t love her.

    Plenty from the land of Wilde & Shaw too especially the good old aga saga & chic lit set in Corwall. For example I loved ‘The Rector’s Wife by Trollope’

    FYI: She has a great uncle called Anthony you might know him.

    I do like learning about all these guys and I’m sure there is plenty, sex, beefcake & tight butts peach emoji in Shakespeare etc but having to have subtitles/Brodies notes to be able to understand the story kinda spoils the fantasy.

    I’ve written enough to day to qualify as a writer. Next passport will have writer as my profession.

    No more ‘domestic engineer’ crap.

    Just found out the the peace sign emoji has a double meaning. 😕 😕 😕 Gotta watch that!

  222. Anton Decadent says:

    link to

    link to

  223. Hatey McHateface says:

    @ sam says:7 August, 2024 at 2:46 pm

    We could also add to the list the alarming ethnic differences in deaths from COVID-19

    Awa and shite.

    Add it to your own fecking list if you’re that bothered.

    Are we supposed to forget all those third-world countries that never had lockdowns, never had vaccines, never had hand sanitiser, never had masks?

    Had SFA in fact.

    Are they all depopulated now? Decimated numerically, with great unburied mounds of the dead and dying being torn to shreds by packs of wild dogs?

    They tried that Covid-racism trope at the time – it has long since been debunked.

    It was a novel flu strain, less dangerous to most people than conventional flu, as the post-derangement stats clearly show.

    Your problem is that you’re still stuck in the pre-post-derangement state, like some of those numpties who are still isolating, and still wandering about wearing their thoroughly debunked, pointless masks.

    Wise up man.

  224. sam says:


    I like nothing better than taking a good Trollope up to bed.

  225. Northcode says:

    “No, Oscar. Just recalling your witticism.”

    I know, Sam – I was joshing with you.

    “…have you ever seen Woland?”

    No – is it good?

  226. sam says:


    Better tell the UK gov to “awa and shite”. You’re really Pavlovian. It’s such fun.

    “In the first 6 months of the pandemic ethnic minority groups have experienced:
    a) higher prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection (high confidence)
    b) higher incidence of COVID-19 disease (high confidence)
    c) higher COVID-19 mortality than White ethnic groups (high confidence)
    These patterns may be different in coming months, highlighting the importance of ongoing investigations by ethnicity and social characteristics.”–2

  227. sam says:


    You might be joshing me again. Would “funnin” not be the Scottish usage?

    Woland is the Devil. He visits Moscow with a large black cat that bites off heads. Together he and his team cause mayhem.

    It came to my mind when you and Ruby spoke about Jesus. Yeshua Ha-Nozri and Pontius Pilate are characters in a novel being written by the Master.

    The book is The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov.

    That’s quite a poor description but I think you would like it.

    In “At Swim Two Birds” by Flann O’Brien there is a character who is writing a novel about a character who is writing a novel… it is a long time since I read it so I forget how many characters are writing novels. The author/s eventually lose control of the characters who get together and plan to murder the author.

    The book also features The Pooka and Sweeney.

    I recommend both.

  228. Hatey McHateface says:

    @ sam says:7 August, 2024 at 7:16 pm

    Better tell the UK gov to “awa and shite”

    Erm… That’s what we generally do on here. How could you not have noticed?

    These patterns may be different in coming months, highlighting the importance of ongoing investigations

    Erm… You’re quoting stuff that makes my point. How could you not have noticed?

    Sure you’re a genuine Scot? We Scots of a certain vintage still remember when we had arguably the finest educational system in the world. New Scots lack that advantage.

    And it shows.

    It’s a crying shame – boo fucking hoo.

    But you’ll feel better if you can accuse me of white privilege or somesuch, so be my guest.

  229. sam says:


    What you missed was that the information derived in 2020 (above) was reviewed in 2022 (“post derangement”) and was unchanged.

    Are you doubting data produced by professionals? Write to the gubmint and tell it to “awa and shite”

  230. Northcode says:


    No, Sam. Not joshing you again – or funnin you either.

    Your description of ‘The Master and Margarita’ isn’t poor at all and neatly sums its plot.

    I’ve read the book (I found it hard work to be honest), but I haven’t seen any screen adaptations.

    I haven’t read Flann O’Brien’s ‘At Swim Two Birds’ (I started it years ago but couldn’t get into it – maybe I’ll give it another go), I’ve read his ‘The Third Policeman’, though.

  231. Ruby Thursday says:

    7 August, 2024 at 7:12 pm


    I like nothing better than taking a good Trollope up to bed.

    Ooh err missus!

    How are you today Sam? How’s yer erse for love bites?

    Let’s see whats in the news today

    Labour MP says many people share Yousaf’s safety fears

    That is very sad especially for the children.

    Nominations for Scottish Tory leadership race set to open

    Salmond’s Scottish Govt was the best one we’ve had, says leading Tory
    The leading Tory is Murdo Fraser.


    Police repeat warnings over ongoing tensions after Swinney meeting
    That must have been some meeting!
    Riots in England cause delay in Branchform! They didn’t say that I just made that up!

    Sturgeon and Salmond to lift lid on rift in BBC series

    Don’t get too excited it’s on the BBC.

    Audiences will also have another chance to see Yes/No: Inside the Indyref, the acclaimed three-part documentary telling the story the 2014 Scottish independence referendum. Transmission details of both series will be released in due course.

    Is that the one that has Rory Bremner talking about the ‘Wee Blue Book’

    Sarwar backs ending universal winter fuel payment for pensioners

    Pensioners riot?

    I’m going to repeat that on in Upper case


    and again


  232. sam says:

    Morning Ruby

    My erse is fine for bites of all kinds, including dugs. Thanks fer askin. hows yer belly aff fer spots?

    Swinney says he can’t predict the future. He’s throwing away the crystal ball and wig, cancelling the show.

    Murdo wants to be top dug in a separate Tory party. Whoy?

    SARWAR IS an UNMENTIONABLE. Of course it will be all those poor but not on benefits who will suffer.

    “The manosphere and the far right
    During research for my book Extreme Britain (2023), I attended far-right demonstrations and talked to both men and women about why they were there. My conclusion was that, although individual reasons differed, extreme activism was focused on achieving masculine status, expressed in different ways.”

    link to

    I’m ootnaboot. Keep posting.


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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
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