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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for September, 2016

Have you ever seen the rain? 227

Posted on September 06, 2016 by

The BBC lunchtime weather forecast of 15 October 1987 is now fondly looked back on as a moment of shared national doh-what-are-we-like? comedy, in the same vein as a Morecambe and Wise Christmas show or something.

But the reality was very dramatically different.

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Nothing stays the same 103

Posted on September 06, 2016 by

David Cameron, September 2006:


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Selective listening 477

Posted on September 04, 2016 by

Eternally angry Conservative MSP Adam Tomkins has been even shoutier than usual this week, purple-faced with rage about the fact that the SNP has decided to spend some of its own money (not taxpayer cash) asking people for their opinions.


It’s a curious argument from a member of a party that’s been rejected in successive elections in Scotland in 1964, 1966, 1970, 1974, 1974 again, 1979, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2015 and 2016, but keeps turning up and barking orders anyway. You’d think the first 50 years might qualify as a hint.

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Shortbread-tin nationalism 251

Posted on September 03, 2016 by

When you choose to declare to the world that you’re not actually a country but just a small region of someone else’s, this sort of thing will happen.


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Junkies, tramps and thieves 343

Posted on September 02, 2016 by

Fear and lies work. Over many decades (and really for centuries) the Unionist parties and the media have succeeded in persuading a large percentage of Scots that they’re beggars, scroungers, vagrants and “subsidy junkies” dependent on the ever-generous charity of England to keep them from starvation.


And in terms of the facts, that hasn’t always been an easy sell.

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Another bullet dodged 91

Posted on September 02, 2016 by



And how about now?

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How to disrespect the electorate 181

Posted on September 01, 2016 by

More or less since the morning of 19 September 2014, the Unionist parties in Scotland have kept up an unceasing chorus of “You lost! Accept it!” directed at the entire Yes movement, but primarily the SNP (despite the SNP having never to date disputed the result or called for a re-run of the referendum).

Readers may not be entirely astonished to discover this morning that at least as far as Scottish Labour are concerned, that principle only applies to other people.


Because we’re pretty sure there’s already a name for when political parties set out an “alternative programme of government”.

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