Today’s Daily Mail carries a dismal article under a hysterical essay of a headline reading “Homes vandalised, accused of stealing jobs and an atmosphere of discriminatory intimidation: The savage racism turning Scotland into a no-go zone for the English”. (It actually describes a couple of minor incidents, spread over several years, affecting a single elderly couple in Stirling, without a shred of evidence that they were in fact motivated by their Englishness.)
There are undoubtedly small pockets of anti-English racism to be found in parts of Scotland, like there are small pockets of every kind of racism and prejudice found in every country in the world. But why would any Scottish person ever be driven to feel animosity towards the English – our friends, our family and our neighbours?

Not just because of a few isolated nutters on Facebook, surely?
Simon Heffer, Daily Mail, 6 September 2014 (yes, the same day)
“Far better than offering ‘devo max’, a post-referendum non-independent Scotland should be forced into a fresh start with a reduction in the amount of English taxpayer-funded subsidies.”
Melanie Phillips, Daily Mail, 16 Jan 2012
“Thanks to the huge subsidies by Westminster, the Scots enjoy far more lavishly financed public services than those south of the border including, for example, free prescriptions, free personal care for the elderly and free university degrees. But unlimited public subsidy invariably produces a dependency culture of irresponsibility and infantilism — the assumption of entitlement without obligation.
Scotland is the dependency culture writ large. It can whine about England safe in the certainty that the Westminster cash cow will continue to deliver regardless. The Westminster subsidies also helped create fertile soil for the politics of infantilism in which the Scots specialise — more genteelly styled as Left-wing thinking — whose radical disconnection from reality has been cushioned by the generous largesse of the English and Welsh taxpayer.”
Kelvin MacKenzie, Daily Mail, 19 September 2011
“Apart from public sector strikes, the State doesn’t produce anything. So if Scotland is going to prosper in these austere times, then mass sackings are the only solution. Since Salmond and Co will never do that, we look as though we will have to keep propping them up financially.
I do not want to keep paying. So I suggest we bring those clever folk from Israel who put the wall around their country and get them to do the same for Scotland. Then we can give the Scots independence and perhaps suggest they merge their currency with Greece.
We could call it the Skinto.”

Andrew Roberts, Daily Mail, May 2008:
“The new Prime Minister frowned as he stared across the Cabinet table at the embarrassed looking Scottish High Commissioner. Had he heard correctly? Was President Salmond really asking that Scotland be re-admitted into the UK, after only 15 years as an independent state?
They had been tumultuous years, of course, and ‘the Tartan Revolt’ had endured its ups and downs – mostly downs.
But was the Scottish Nationalist Party genuinely proposing to abolish itself, admitting the whole experiment had been a disastrous failure?
“I shall have to confer with the Cabinet, of course,” the Prime Minister said.
Barely able to growl “Thank you, Mr Osborne”, with a twist of his kilt the High Commissioner left.
Andrew Roberts, Daily Mail, 14 January 2012:
“Salmond’s defeat in the 2018 elections, and his replacement as Prime Minister of Scotland by Labour’s Wendy Alexander, the former MSP for Paisley North, was perhaps inevitable.
After only four years of independence, in June 2018, Wendy Alexander made a momentous visit to Downing Street, where she was greeted by the new British Prime Minister George Osborne.
‘You’ll know why I’ve come, George,’ said Mrs Alexander once inside. ‘I’m afraid I can’t begin to imagine,’ joked No 10’s new occupant. ‘Do enlighten me.’
‘It seems our forefathers knew more than we guessed when they united our countries for 300 years,’ replied Wendy Alexander somewhat grandiloquently.
‘Scotland would formally like to request re-admittance into the United Kingdom. Let us restore the blue to the Union Jack; let Scottish passports be consigned to the dustbin of history.’
Simon Heffer, Daily Mail, 18 September 2013:
“Thus my friendly advice to our Scottish cousins as they contemplate this great constitutional moment is this: vote ‘yes’, for independence.
It would be the equivalent of turning on a very, very cold shower, and would wake Scotland up to reality.
The truth is that those nationalists who argue that Scottish prosperity is retarded by their ‘English oppressors’ are in living in cloud-cuckoo land.
Furthermore, I believe that an independent Scotland would soon find itself unequal to the struggle of self-government, because the English money tap would be turned off. Its people would have to work, or starve.
Perhaps after a few years, when they realised what a pup they had been sold by First Minister Alex Salmond and his friends, they would be back with their begging bowls. It might not even take that long.”
Quentin Letts, Daily Mail, 14 May 2011
“For 30 years, under the Treasury’s Barnett Formula (under which of every £1 the Government distributes, 85p goes to England, 10p to Scotland and 5p to Wales), Scots have been treated to largesse by the English.
The exact figures are disputed but the Labour Party calculates that UK subsidies are worth £14 billion a year to Scotland — that’s £2,600 for every person in Scotland. And still the rotten sporran-danglers complain!”
Of course, it’d be unfair of us to pick on the Mail alone.
Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, leader of UKIP Scotland

Simon Heffer, this time in the Daily Telegraph, 23 Jan 2009
“As Scots the world over prepare to celebrate tomorrow their third best poet (after Henrysoun and Dunbar, of course) by eating sheep’s intestines filled with what always seems to be gravel, it is appropriate that there should be stunning new evidence of the vast contribution their little nation continues to make. As recession is declared official, the pound sinks, the stock market totters, banks wobble and misery abounds, let’s salute the Scotsmen who did it.
“The sooner the bunch of Scots who govern us are booted into history the better. Never has the case for English independence from the Scots been so overwhelming. Sadly, I suspect that in the present state of penury England will be saddled with them for another 302 years of high-end welfarism at least.”
Telegraph columnist Milo Yiannopoulos, 26 January 2012
“Today, Scotland is more commonly associated with work-shy dole scroungers and skag-addled prostitutes than with the industriousness of Adam Smith or with its glorious pre-Reformation spirituality.
Imagine our city centres free of garrulous Glaswegian drunks slurping dirt-cheap Buckfast tonic wine, or English literary festivals free of those sour, spiky-haired Caledonian lesbians hawking their latest grim thrillers about child abuse. What bliss!“
And the same gentleman again in September 2014:
“In polite society, the correct opinion to hold about Scottish independence is that the Union must stay together. But I’ve been wondering: might not England thrive, freed from the yoke of those whining, kilted leeches?“
James Hall and Emma Rowley, Daily Telegraph, 30 Aug 2011
“The country’s slow growth means that in less than 20 years it will have the same living standards as Korea, Poland and Turkey, which are rapidly catching up with Scotland. The result is that the country will be ‘merely a third world tourist destination’ by 2030.“
Harry Mount, Sunday Times, 1 December 2013:
“Aye, we are metric,” said the Ghost. “Wee Alex Salmond didnae like the sound of imperial measures. Reminded him too much of the evil, old empire.”
Surely Salmond wanted to hold on to the pound?
“Aye — but he also wanted all the oil money,” said the Ghost, “and he didnae want any part of the Sassenach £1.2 trillion debt. He couldnae have all three. So he went for the oil, the mingin’ numpty!”
The ever-fragrant Katie Hopkins, 30 November 2013

Such media coverage, of course, creates the grassroots view:
Bruce Everiss on Scotland, 17 May 2011:
“So now we English have a great opportunity to kick the Scots out of the UK and make our country a better place. Here’s why we should do it:
– The Scots cost us English £14 billion a year because of a financial settlement called the Barnett Formula. This is £2,600 we pay annually to the average Scot. They spend it on things like free prescriptions and free university fees. So the Scots get far more from the state, paid for by us English.
– Scotland is a hotbed of the cancer that is socialism. After the last general election they sent to Westminster 41 Labour MPs, 11 Lib Dems, 6 SNPs and just the one Conservative. Get rid of this lot and the whole complexion of Westminster changes vastly for the better. At the moment the Celtic tail wags the English dog, preventing the English from getting the governments that we vote for.
– Racism. A significant number of Scots are anti English racists, I know, I have lived there. They call us white settlers when we live there. Yet far, far more Scots live in England as economic migrants and they don’t get called white settlers here.
– Braveheart, even Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels would have been proud of this totally fictitious piece of Hollywood propaganda. Yet very many Scots are stupid enough to believe it. But then they get most of their history from the fiction of Sir Walter Scott, so this is nothing new.”
Or how about some “celebrity” input, featuring some of Ms Hopkins’ chums?
The public again:
How about an esteemed historian?
Our Lords, Ladies and betters:
The BBC employ expert analysts:
(These last two the worst YouTube syncs ever, sorry.)
And of course there’s always lots of friendly “comedy” banter:
We could list more examples all day, readers, and you know we could. But let’s stop.
Perhaps instead the Daily Mail could conduct some sort of in-depth investigation into why any Scot would ever come to harbour any ill will towards our friends in the south.
In these straitened times, the editor would doubtless be comforted to know that in the difficult search for the causes and culprits, at least the travel expenses would be low.
Don’t turn on us Scottish people if we have a fairer society. Turn on your own tight fisted thieving government officials for forcing your living standards down. It isn’t rocket science people.
well thats just put me over the edge
i need my medication fast
and my smokes
A timely reminder that when English elite are forced to think about Scotland they can do it only with a sneer.
Well, that was a bucket of good cheer
They also really like the Welsh! link to
Murdoch tweets
London Times will shock Britain and more with reliable new poll on Scottish independence. If right on 18 th vote everything up for grabs
That was great! Rule Britannia Britannia rules the waves. Its hard to imagine this clusterfuck could run a bath let alone their own country, oh wait.
Ah dear dear Melanie Phillips. The font of all knowledge when it comes to all things Scottish and Scottish referendum, erm NOT! 😛
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Can’t wait to see what those very same idiots will write about us when we vote YES.
I’d expect it to reek of schadenfreude but it won’t because that word’s a bit, well, foreign.
Disgusting bigots the lot of them.
We’ll see who has the last laugh.
“Scotland’s exports oil, whisky, tartan and tramps” Merton, “sometimes all in one glorious package” Hilarious
The penny has finally dropped with the right wingers on that this is really happening now. All trying to move their positions but odds on Yes dropping all afternoon at all online bookies. Might try and sneak a bit more on. I’m giving it all to charity when they pay up on 19th.
Anti-English racism….where? Best I pack up the wife and ship her south of the border, for her own sake that is; I’d hate for her to be subjected to this ‘organised and determined’ hate campaign by Nazitionalists and Cyber Nats. Never heard such utter tripe, since Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf stood in Iraq declaring Iraq was free; while allied tanks rolled into Baghdad.
Thing is though, English people hate fackin everyone, especially the French or maybe the Germans and they think Americans are all thick as mince etc So…
Please excuse the language but, for fucks sake. This is not about Scotland versus England. It’s about Scots, from wherever, governing themselves.
This is a wee gem I found on YES Hawick facebook.
This is a Hoot.
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vicious bully boys whose last remnants of empire are slowly caving in on them. i think its hilarious that they are soon going to get a really nasty taste of their own medicine very shortly.
At least stick a public health warning on posts like this.
Some of us have to watch our blood pressure!
England’s solution to everything…..don’t look inwards and see the cancer in your midst but blame absolutely everyone else. A wee bit of Sweatie bashing goes a long way to disguise where Westminster and their 3 shades of the same mierda have taken UK.
Taxi for Scotland and it’s Ok we’ve got the fare.
Massive ‘othering’ going on there, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘them’, ‘they’. It’s as if they thought we weren’t watching.
Christ, seeing that all together just shows how many ignorant niaffs are employed in the media industry. Makes you want to grab yer claymore and head for the border.
Are Johann Lamont and Melanie Philips ever seen together? Given their coincidence of views, I’m thinking one could be the other’s alter ego.
“Scottish referendum: majority of under 60s support independence”
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no complacency – soldier on…
Heads up folks….
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Rupert Murdoch says there a shock in the Times tomorrow.
It’s not just us with the London English Establishment. They’re like that with the whole world. Pray to God that we win this referendum, because in their splendid isolation they’ll be properly exposed for what they are: narrow minded bigots.
The English people will just have to sort their Establishment out for themselves, or else continue to be treated as the social pariahs that their Government and Mass Media have presented them as being to the rest of the planet. I have already told my English friends this.
As for Wales, well it’s up to you whether you want to stick to them or not. More fool you if you do.
We certainly need to get Douglas Murray out on the hustings a lot more. Douglas and what his face, the one who’s never off the radio oozing out of the speakers like a big endless jobee, Fraser Nelson!
Are there not laws to prosecute those ‘inciting racial hatred’? All of the above are ‘guilty’ of this racial crime. e.g. Would HIGNFY ever broadcast, ‘Why don’t the muslims just bugger off’? Of course not.
Always remember ladies and gentlemen, these are the views off the London establishment, not the views of the vast majority of English and Welsh people. Just sayin like.
“And Then you win “
James Caithness
Here is a direct link to another of their videos;
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Absolutely Findlay. We had a couple lovely English women at our stall in Gretna today who were up on a visit and they are both hoping we do this. They wished us all the best of luck and also said they were a wee bit jealous that we were in a position to do something about Westminster.
We laso had a lovely Welsh couple who were going back to Wales but wanted some *ahem* memorabilia of the referendum. Needless to say we obliged. 😉
And there’s me thinking they loved us and wanted to give us all a big Brit Group Hug! Drat.
If only they could wake-up to the inherent racism they harbour towards all the Celtic nations, and more besides. They are always asking themselves what is it to be British/English? Well part of the answer lies in all of the above: smug, arrogant, elitist, chauvinistic, and completely ignorant of other cultures.
Hold the press! Gordan Brown has requested that SEVERAL DAYS of parliamentary time be set aside to debate the devolution of more powers to Holyrood in the event of a No vote.
Well, that clinches it for me, folks!
Truly horrific, he’s used the wrong fonts and his text isn’t even centered.
Melanie Phillips:
“English and Welsh taxpayer.”
I’ll give her a bit of credit that she recognises there is atleast one other country in the UK besides England and Scotland. But apparently Northern Ireland does not pay tax (or do they also qualify as subsidy junkies, as public spending is the highest in the UK in NI?)…
Good article. More examples from the DM: link to
The Economist has shown unusually poor analysis and one-sided bias in its coverage of the independence debate. Though I think that is becoming more common for the newspaper generally. Their latest article, describing Salmond as “mendacious”: link to
london establishment types braying away like donkeys heading to the knackers yard.
we have also got to remember a lot of english people dislike them as much as we do. we have a chance to escape the bastard norman yoke and its offspring, the normal english will eventually get round themselves to getting rid of these norman parasites i suspect with time.
Viscount Monckton always reminds me of “Clockwork Orange” and I’m not meaning the Glasgow subway.
Also I wonder if any of these people have ever seen an oil rig?
He who laughs last!
These sort of people don’t have much regard for most of their compatriots e.g working class, single mothers ad nauseum.
No one is saying anything about the average English or Welsh person. It IS up to them however to tackle their establishment and see their cultural chains for what they are. They could stop buying the Mail for a start, and they could also start checking out how other countries actually operate.
I look forward to the average Englishman and woman defending us Scots.
Racists, bigots and hate mongers the lot of them.
Neither empathy, humanity or common fellow feeling amongst the lot of them. The dregs of the media peddling hatred and social division to manipulate public perception and sell a few more copies.
Pitiful examples of humanity and frankly we’ll be well shot of them. Then of course there’s the home grown variety…
… nah, you couldn’t put a fag paper between them.
O/T Lamontable snubbed. Story now down off the Scotsman after a direct complaint from Labour Home.
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McGlashan. Piiiish! 🙂
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can just see the daily mail headline on the 19th. ” SCOTCH BASTARDS “
I wonder if dear old Gordon Brown understands the meaning of this wee phrase TDP?
“Too Little, your wasting your time!
Too Late, we’re all voting YES and will be taking ALL of the powers back from Westminster!” 😛
The Wright Stuff team are pretty ghastly. Richard Madeley is Alan Partridge aha.
WM hates freewill and always has done!
The Daily Mail article to me is incitement.
I think the Daily Mail needs a Police Scotland slapdown just like the one the Herald got.
It is so offensive and insulting – But this stuff works a treat!! My partner, who has been adamantly NO NO NO – I WILL NEVER VOTE YES since this all began, declared himself ‘undecided’ last night. He said to me: ‘I may just surprise you when we go to vote’. The other biggie for him is being deliberately deceived about the true nature of the Scottish oil and gas resources in the west by Westminster. He does not appreciate being lied to.
The caller Kirsty to the Right Stuff really brings them all up short though, their own head hanging sneering racism suddenly dawns on them, except ofcourse Mrs Hopkins. To be fair, all of it pours out of ConDems in Scotland all the time.
Here in Aberdeen its you’re Scotland is too stupid to run an oil industry without us. Thats always an icebreaker in Aberdeen:D
Sorry to go O/T, but how would you like to try and get “Son I Voted Yes” by Stanley Odd to number one for the week of the referendum?
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The one thing we have to remember it is not about the ordinary English folk who have been very supportive in the main and if they haven’t it’s because they believe the MSM more than we do.
English for Yes etc, so let’s not target the wrong folk.
This is about the British establishment and their hangers-on.
Some Scots are much worse, Brian Wilson, clunking fist Broon, virtually all of the Scots labour Mps and MSPs.
So let’s be supportive of our English friends.
Finday Farquaharson:
‘can just see the daily mail headline on the 19th. ” SCOTCH BASTARDS “’
How about
Scot Free
UK Scotched
Scotland The Brave
link to I used to have this on the wall behind me at work but my YES vote boss asked me to take it down as it was really pissing her off.
James Caithness
We’ll done YES Hawick, or did they get it from somewhere else.? Either way it should be passed around.
As Bella says
“But why should we expect anything less when Salmond has already been compared by Unionist politicians and the media to Hitler, Mussolini, Milosevic, Stalin, Mugabe, Kim Jong-Il, Caligula, Nero and Ceausescu?”
Have they even thought about their economy ,its gonna plummet like a skydiving piano without a parachute, once we have independence and all that lovely oil and gas thats off our shores , what natural resources have they got to back up the rUK economy, especially since crash Gordon gave away the gold. There is always fracking, through the heart of England that will be fun to watch from the sidelines. I stopped watching hignfy a long time back because of the anti Scottish views expressed on it, especially by Ray Winstone.
On the 19th I cannot wait to thank these people because they made our independence possible.
I can do modesty,I can do magnanimity but what I will not do is any sort of revenge or spite.My independence would be diminished if I harboured any such thoughts.
To say “rejoice” would be the best answer to the misery of Thatcher and her policies.
Those items are disgusting. These people no more speak for the English or the Welsh than the Orange Order speak for Scotland. Sadly they have been given the opportunity to spread their xenophobic hate. Thnks Stu, this is a good page to have handy the next time one of these right wing nutters starts on about Scots being anti-English. Makes my blood boil!
@ Marcia
I luv ya, cheers for that link I never knew about thaty. I love it.
One forgets how many swivel eyed loons work for the Mail.
Wingman , I hope your right.
I’ve been waiting for a red top to do it.
Oh man! I feel so love bombed I could cry.
Listen. I’ve noticed a few people getting proprietorial and bristling at new posters on here the last couple of days. Could we please be on our guard about this?
I know for a fact the WBB is bringing new readers to Wings every day, and we don’t want to undo all the hard work of getting them here.
12 sleeps to go. Maybe 11.
Of the English folk I work with I have a good relationship with them and that will continue after independence, some of them don’t mention it at all it’s the elephant in the room. But one guy has a laugh about it with me he emailed me last week about getting stuff from a company down south which he referred to as ‘soon to be known as civilisation’ Oh good I said you have conceded the referendum so after indy we can still get the stuff from down south ‘soon to be the 4th Reich when Nige and the boys get in’ 🙂
@seanair – here are two vids from them, but look at the menu to right of screen for more.
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Ronnie Anyone – don’t bother coming back.
Feel the love from our co-equal partners in the Union!…
TBH, this kind of drivel from English politicians, media commentators & the Establishment elite goes right over my head. However, the views expressed are also fairly widespread amongst ordinary English voters. Just take a cursory look any day of the week at CiF in the Guardian. It is simply taken as read that we are too wee, too poor/subsidy junkies. Again, I really don’t have much of a problem with that, the masses down south are only repeating the myths which are propagated in the MSM. What I do find despicable though are Scottish politicians who deliberately spout the same subsidy junky lies against their own people.
Read, watch and listen carefully as they anxiously spend the next few weeks in turmoil.
They haven’t any debate left to call upon. It’s been heard and truthfully disposed.
In their anger and as they sense the scale of their demise, it is likely that they will turn on those who move forward and leave them behind. It happens regularly in school playgrounds during playtime, and I remember it vividly as the happy group just move away to start a new game, only to be called names and sometimes threatened by those they leave behind.
There is simply no where for them to go or hide now, and they cannot accept that their deceit, hatred and intolerance is found hideous by others. They are in a helpless state.
It’s beginning to look as though the southern democratic state actually do believe that they own us. Some kind of slave/ plantation owner mentality.
Jeez-o! they are a tough read, – I suggest postcards be made using those comments… We can post them to said publications and journalists from our future hols!
Thats the demons from the darkside’s intentions when they get their politicians and media to write inflammatory and racist rubbish, they are trying to divide the good side. But we are not going to let them we are united, we are comrades, we are family we are countrymen and women. WE ARE ONE..
I hate auto-correct!
I had a serious question put to me by a colleague (an English person in a London office) yesterday, she said: ‘What will happen to all the English people in Scotland after independence?’
Seriously, this is the sort of questions I get because of the ludicrous bullshit the newspapers spew out down here.
Murdoch tweets a nice sales pitch for his Sunday Times tomorrow but he’s using democracy in ways that only this teamGB Westminster farce lets him. Who’s he really coming after?
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Well,don’t get mad,get even,vote yes. How is it that so many Scots can miss this stuff? It’s all over the place,almost impossible not to notice it. All that is shown above is classic toys out the pram stuff. I console myself with the impending yes vote.
If you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a country that wakes up to realise it isn’t an oil producer, carries £1.5 trillion in debt,and has a financial sector living off them like the brain slugs in Futurama,then move to RUK on 19th September. Prime Minister Osbourne 🙂 .
But we deserve it. We’re a tiny worthless region of North Britain with no resources & a population whose stupidity is only matched by their ugliness.
Oh god, I hate being Scottish, every second of it is a burden. I cannot stop cringing.
I am not anti English.. like most folk i have family (an aunt) down south… but i am anti Westminster , very different things. These writers , on the other hand ARE anti Scots , not just Holyrood , if they were only online , and not in a newspaper , we would call them Trolls. Personally , i see no difference.
That Daily Mail article is just vile. Have complained about it though…
The forces of evil South of the border would just LOVE it if they could prove this whole thing is driven by anti English racism, but how utterly ridiculous is that? I’m a 1/4 English by blood, but 100% Scottish as well (lol I know that sounds a bit like the footballers 110% effort gaffe, but its actually true). There must be hundreds of thousands of proud Scots who also have some form of roots or family connection to the English nation, tnh its more likely to be in the millions. Even some of the knuckle draggers who really are racist that way may be a wee bitty English too, lol. So why would we pour hate on our own? Only the most small minded morons would do that. Which is precisely why the no camp is fairing so badly despite all the establishments backing. The real moronic racists are the ones who are already so butthurt about us maybe leaving UK that they insist the reason for it is one of the very few motives they truly understand. Institutionalised racism is a very very BRITISH tool. Oops was there an Ironic hypocrisy there? Must be cos I’m British atm, all better after the 18th lol. YES YES YES!
Indeed this little compilation is the kind of thing we should keep compiling everytime another “Nazi” jibe comes our way we can point that we’ve heard worse. Puts all that “lovebombing” in perspective and really puts a spotlight on how freedom of the press has been twisted into the opportunity for unfettered racism and hatred, perhaps the main reason for the decline in newspaper sales is their desperate intention to have us all hate each other. The same people then telling us that we will need to be reconciled as a country is beyond ironic.
If the English are so upset by the use of heroin by Scots, the solution is really quite simple. Stop sending Englishmen up here to sell it.
In the event of a no vote, however, I’m going to scrounge some money from the nearest English person, find a smack dealer – not difficult, he’ll have a scouse accent – and buy enough skag for an O/D. Because Scotland would very rapidly become a dreadful place in which to live. And, given the alternatives, I’d prefer somewhere much more pleasant – a graveyard, for instance.
OT – I watched the main news on BBC and ITV but nothing, nada no mention, put it on the internet for balance…
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Here’s some handy advice from the BBC for kids on racism and what to do about it:
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‘If someone discriminates against you because of your race, the colour of your skin or where you’re from, that’s racism. And racism is a crime.’
so to discriminate against you because of where you are from is a crime.
I find the comment about England and Wales supporting Scotland a bit rich (pardon the pun) considering the figures produced by the IFC show quite clearly that only London & the SE England match the tax revenues of Scotland (before we consider North sea gas & oil), whilst Wales, NI and the rest of England pay around 25% less in tax revenues. Without Scotland’s taxes, London will struggle to continue to subsidise Wales and NI and of course the rest of England.
C4 news there had huge march against NHS privatisation from North of England to London but J K Rowling’s doctor husband says its all scaremongering, or rather J K Rowling is using her husband in her BetterTogether campaigning. Someones bullshitting fiction here. Why would all these people march all the way to London just to scaremonger.
The awl Baroness and her ilk cannae get it through their heids. Blair, Brown, Campbell, Darling et al are NOT Scottish they are British and that my dear old Baroness is the difference.
What we are witnessing is a Scottish Revolution.
Take comfort in the fact that the end of Britain is upon us!
Have a look at the Equalities and Human Rights Commission website, you won’t believe the example they have up there to illustrate direct racial discrimination (clue – it includes BBC Scotland, Rugby and an English presenter)
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I am very proud of my fellow Scots who, in spite of dreadful slurs and provocation from the English and “Scotbut” press, have not abused English people in any way.
It is truly an amazing fact that we may hopefully win our independence with only the egg stain on Murphy’s shirt as the only example of ill will to anyone from the Yes campaign.
I am proud of you all.
Twitter heating up with poll rumours. Scottish Daily Mail claiming its a Yes lead.
My mother was an englishwoman from the midlands, Wolverhampton actually,strangely i never knew this until i went to school when the new kids i met all said i was a foreigner , because in my street all the other kids who knew me did’nt care , because we were all growing up together from birth ,as i was born here, ‘BUT’ here’s the thing, as i grew and learned more about my maternal side of the family, and visited many times ‘Down There’ as my Edinburgh father used to refer to England, i realised it’s not their fault they do’nt understand anything,the diet of Crap the Scots are fed by the English is the same Crap they are fed in reverse , Although one has to say unfortunately, they seem incapable of any further advancement in the brain department,and so . to sum up ,
they are a nation of arrogant morons born out of their own F…..g stupidity….
Why did only 2 of 8 SNP MPs turn up for the Bedroom Tax vote? It is of no consequence that it may have been a foregone conclusion. They should have registered their opposition. In my opinion we have lost a lot of votes as a result of their actions. I can only hope that their explanation is that the YES vote in Scotland is more important than opposing the Bedroom Tax in Westminster, presumably why they were not there. Unfortunately I think they have let us down badly. However I have been around since Winnie’s success in Hamilton where I was born. So I say to them make up for your mistake and redouble your efforts to achieve a YES. At 73 years old I want to see a free Scotland do not let me down. The future looks fantastic if we are free and independent.
Sorry for going O/T folks but this photo is doing the rounds over on Twitter. I’m sure someone, somewhere knows who this *ahem* DWP worker is that is threatening YES supporting unemployed people.
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I have a lot of English in laws and friends and it’s great fun baiting them after the 18th they will be Scottish and we’re NOT letting them go either.
Cindie says:
6 September, 2014 at 6:24 pm
“Those items are disgusting. These people no more speak for the English or the Welsh than the Orange Order speak for Scotland”.
Good point Cindie.
Was driving to my Dad’s today wee single track country road and got stuck behind one of the local farmers and his cows. The guy bringing up the rear was behind me on his quad bike when he overtook me on the verge and bawled at me ‘what the fuck is that on your car? I am voting No you idiot’. He was referring to my yes stickers, saltires and bairns not bombs sticker. I calmly replied that it was his democratic right to vote No and mine to vote yes but if he called me an idiot again his face would soon be getting intimate with one of his cows arses
This makes me really pist off! However! I’m always moaning about the negativity of Strathmiglo in Fife! Remember? I’ve been on holiday for a week to Italy and on my return, when I was leafleting the village about a fab meeting nearby……. Low and behold! Big YES signs in the High Street!! Absolutely thrilled to bits! YES! YES! YES! Lots of Yessers!
Things are changing! Not short of volunteers now!
forgot to mention ,i just can’t tolerate intolerance
other than that I can’t contain my total indifference…
Flower of Scotland
I used to live in Strathmiglo – seemed to be full of Lib Dem and Tory types at the time (91 -96) . Good to hear about the Yes signs!
It is really sad that they attempt to play this card.
It is even worse that the government and opposition not only condone it but encourage it.
What it does reveal is that the union has never been about nations working together. It is about power, control and asset stripping (including people).
How do they expect a union to be sustained when one partner is prepared to sink to this level of invention to win a vote. In “winning” a NO vote what chance do they see for future goodwill and acceptance.
We will be held in contempt and denied any future referendum. That is the future I see based on this attack.
They do this kind of shit because they can get away with it.
NODROG says:
6 September, 2014 at 7:15 pm
I heard (not confirmed) that the vote was brought forward and closed early PLUS a flight was delayed with SNP MP’s onboard.
I’m sure more details will emerge but at best it sounds like an opportunistic move but probably dirty tricks.
That’s what it sounds like to me Clootie. I read Pete Wishart tweeted last night that Mike Weir was prohibited from speaking at the debate. No doubt this was an attempt to call the vote early and screw the SNP members still trying to get down to London.
Campaining in Airdrie today a old couple of NO votes having had a pep talk with the No campainers came to noise us up( No bite ) as they walked away they told a English couple they were passing to fuck of back to England & there promoting better together.Neadless to say they visited Yes /Wings gizebo to get a warm welcome & window signs/bumper stickers/& the all important WEE BLUE BOOKS.We’re winning hands down Lads n Lasses. Partician might be persuaded to tell you’s the next instalment of Hama Time if he’s asked nicely. Lol
@NODROG – Really no point in any of the SNP MP’s voting on it nodrog as the Scottish Govt have already mitigated the bedroom tax in Scotland. It means cutting back on other areas but it’s been done so if the SNP MP’s are up in Scotland campaigning there really was no point in them going back to wastemonster at public expense to vote in something that has no relevance to Scotland. Also when we become independent I would imagine that all parties will include abolition of the bedroom tax in their manifestos.
And we could produce an equally long list of attacks on Wales and the Welsh. Jeremy Clarkson and Anne Robinson would be high on the list. Yet the moment one of us says something about them it’s racist.
I predict not just a YES vote but a strong YES vote. Tens of millions of clueless people in England are going to wake up wondering why you lot are so ungrateful.
And then I really hope they decide to take their anger out on us because that is the only way that we will wake up.
@Clootie and LA – sorry folks I wasn’t aware there was skullduggery at work just thought there was no point in them voting as it doesn’t really affect Scotland
Nodrog: Why did only 2 of 8 SNP MPs turn up for the Bedroom Tax vote?
I have no information on numbers. The issue was explained in detail by Nicola Sturgeon in a recent television panel programme – good political reasons, but even so, a handful of SNP MPs would make no difference to the outcome.
That said, our government has used £50 million from its meagre budget to remove hardship for anyone affected in Scotland.
TMitJ says
“Viscount Monckton always reminds me of “Clockwork Orange” and I’m not meaning the Glasgow subway.”
“VISCOUNT”? the HOL have warned him not to cross their threshold or they will have him ejected,
The only person to recognize his title is he himself,
All I see when I look at him is this
link to
Guys I think there are only SIX SNP M.P.’s but what the hell they’re on our side and fighting to get out of Westminster. 😛
Any one who is worried or concerned about how our SCOTTISH currency might be received overseas then how about this from a currency exchange in Hong Kong. 😉
link to
O/T On a more somber note having spoken to Paul (Wee Ginger Dug )Andy will be cremated at Daldowie Crematoriam Glasgow on Sat 13th Sept at 12 noon.Paul has requested no flowers be sent,but Donations may be made to Maryhill Foodbank in memory of Andrew Cavanah Mosson.Paul also wishes to thank Wings Over Scotland & its contributors for all the support shown to him on this sad accasion.
The MSM/No campaign do not really change. They have been using the same tactics against independence for decades, oil is running out, Shetland wanting independence, it is anti-English, currency etc. Same old stuff has been recycled over and over again. I see J.K Rowling has just destroyed her own credibility by saying that the NHS in Scotland is at risk is just scaremongering by Yes, when there is a massive march against the privatisation of the NHS in England on the same day! Dearie me…
What I cannot really understand is why so many people in Scotland just seem to ignore all of the abuse of Scotland from the MSM? Why do they put up with it? Is it because they are ashamed of Scotland, do they not really regard it as a nation, or have they just got used to it? Either way it is surreal.
Numbers wrong way round only two were missing one of whom was held up at an airport and the vote was called early.
Hahahaha! An old comment of mine is in the side of the picture there! I’m a pure celeb now!
The Internet is full of Rumours,I dont listen to Rumours dont think it was one of Fleetwood Macs best.I will fetch my jacket
Thanks for that Ronnie. I’ll speak to my partner and see what we do.
Our thoughts are with Paul at this time but we know that Andy is up there looking down on all of us with a huge grin on his face because he knows that we are on the verge of making history. The last time history like this was made in Scotland Robert the Bruce and William Wallace were riding around Scotland. 😛
melennie Philips getting my 1st tweet sept 19th
( : >. )
I cant help visualing an extremely frustrated hate filled Jaws Galloway champing at the bit to lead the despicable miserable no campaign as a self deluded messiah. They must have wired his jaw real tight as we havent heard a peep from him in a week. His nasty rhetoric belongs in the gutter.
I’m thinking that she might be getting quite a few Bookie, around about 3 a.m. which about when I think we should have the result in that pushes YES over the 50% +1 stage. 😛
@Lesley Anne 7.16 its ok Lesley she’s been identifyed,she treatened a RIC supporter 2 weeks ago in Airdrie by ( if you knew what kind of job I did ,you would’nt be talking to me like that ) she also called the woman a DWP scrounger,btw she’works in another gov agency not DWP.
and then they come to fight you
BT are staring into the jaws of defeat. They are cornered and at their most dangerous.
Be careful, folks, just walk away from any potential trouble and focus on the prize.
The only danger from any forthcoming polls is complacency. That must not and will not happen. This has to be won in the streets and on the doorsteps. So why the fuck would we ease up now that the tide is so comprehensively with us and the end is in sight?
Keep pushing, HARD.
Every vote counts an every show of support and piece of campaigning will make a better scotland for all of us that much more certain.
Thanks for that Ronnie. So not only does she go around threatening law abiding citizens but she LIES to them about who she works for as well. Hmm, now where have I heard about people LYING before … 😛
Drunken Hobo says
“Oh god, I hate being Scottish, every second of it is a burden. I cannot stop cringing.”
And your a drunk and your a homeless hobo, and those clowns couldn’t aren’t fit to lace you shoes!
@Findlay – Lord Naw Naw is due in the Magnum Theatre, Irvine tomorrow night, rancid local MP Donohoe is trumpeting this event, funnily enough it is free entry but I would have expected awl Naw Naw the cat in a hot tin suit and Donohoe to pay folk to go
Boy are they in for one big shock south of the border, when Scotland becomes independent, London and the south east will survive, but funds to anywhere else will be sparse, as London protects itself, after the North sea trough is cut off.
Thanks for the corrections apologies if I got the numbers wrong and if there were extenuating circumstances for No Shows. But we must not give the Anti Independence media any excuse to down grade us at this exceptionally important time in our history. I have waited too long to miss this opportunity – please forgive my mistakes.
@Ian Gray SL – The only danger from any forthcoming polls is complacency
What like this you mean……
link to
They use the language of propaganda.The sort of language they have always used against their enemies.Is that how they see us,as their enemy?
Are they at heart afraid of us?Afraid of us finishing the union,and destroying their remaining delusions of empire.After a Yes vote on September 18th, they will be forced to face reality.To see themselves as they are.A small deeply indebted country on the edge of Europe.
The truth will be painful..What to do,Who is left to blame?
That’s complacency Labour style Croomp. We don’t do complacency, we just walk taller, walk with a lighter touch on the ground and have one humongous smile from ear to ear across our face! 😛
@John H – To see themselves as they are.A small deeply indebted country on the edge of Europe
Or more succinctly… a minor entity to the south of Scotland 😀
Ref, Kevin MacKenzie Daily Mail. Suggesting we get the clever people of Israel to build a wall around Scotland. Can anyone tell me the projected completion date for the roofing off Israel’s wall’s?
Might be some time Hames, I believe the roofers in question are STILL working on Tory Rory’s *ahem* cairn at Gretna. 😛
Miliband is less popular in scotland than Cameron. So Kinnock was actually the ‘glory’ days of scottish labour in comparison to him. 😉
This is the most important period there is for campaigning. It is vital that we keep throwing everything we have at persuading undecideds and unhappy labour voters. The more they see the groundswell for the Yes campaign the more inclined they will be to cast aside their fears and choose a better future.
This isn’t about the westminster media or polls. It’s about family, friends and work colleagues in scotland all having contact with a Yes campaign they can see is optimistic, positive, listening to them and determined to make a better scotland for everyone.
Spelling has begun to deteriorate again, so here goes:
Your: as in ‘Is that your dog?’
You’re: as in ‘You are.’
Their: as in ‘It’s their dog.’
There: as in ‘It’s over there.’
They’re: as in ‘They are.’
We may not be English, but that’s no excuse not to spell the English language correctly.
@Croompenstein – Nice one. 🙂
I may be talking pish but I have never seen so many Scottish folk on UK quiz shows in the last 3 or 4 months as has been in the last 3 or 4 years.. ok tin foil hat on and sit in the corner
Croompenstein says
“@Ian Gray SL – The only danger from any forthcoming polls is complacency
What like this you mean……”
No croompy I think he was thinking more like this
link to
Rumours say latest yougov poll is
Yes 47%, No 46%, DK 7%
Yes 51% No 49% excluding DKs
The reserves are on the way desperate times an all that.
I wonder if we can quantify the number of YES voters we’ll get per Labour M.P. Are we talking 10’s, 100’s, 1,000’s or dare I suggest 10,000’s? 😛
‘what the fuck is that on your car? I am voting No you idiot’.
If that douche disnae ken what a Yes car sticker means by now, he needs to have a word wi himsel! And any farmer voting no should be issued immediately with plastic cutlery. Lowest farm subsidies in Europe?,anyone?
Flower of Scotland
I had a similar experience today – wandering up Leith Walk after work to have a quick couple if pints I saw at least 10 yes badges in the space of 45 minutes. 10 (ten). Excluding my own.
The Yes mission statement of ‘Can – Should – Must’ needs one word added: ‘Will’
As for the racist rantings of the assorted nematodes of the press, they can all go to hell. I wouldnae piss on those divs if they were on fire.
LOL johnking here is the typical no voter nawbag medically explained…
link to
If anyone here ever interacted with Annie (@daftquine) on Twitter, Ian Smart has tweeted that she has passed away.
She was a passionate and convinced opponent of Yes and not immune to deliberate misinterpretation, but so what? We have lost a voice that cared – and we are the less for it.
They talk about anti-English problems in Scotland and then you get this utter hatred of Scots, what else can you call it? This is from people who are in the public eye yet see nothing wrong in sneering about us Scots as if we are the scum of the earth, hell mend them!
I’ve just heard over on Twitter that the German supporters will have an encouraging banner in support of YES at the game tomorrow night. Now if they could find a way of also NOT beating us tomorrow night then that would make an absolutely fantastic weekend complete. 😛
New article on the Guardian:
link to
With rumours from the times of a shock poll result , is the Times/Sun empire about to change direction and jump on the winning side , they have previous , looking forward to a msm willing to tell the truth, independence is coming 🙂
As an English woman living in Scotland I am completely embarrassed by the ignorance evident in some of the comments made by other English people. The complete bias of the media appears to contrive to create this division (along with the fear tactics of the BT campaign), which I suspect may backfire on Westminster when there is a yes vote and the negotiations with Scotland begin. In 10 years of living here I have never experienced any anti English sentiment or comments, and I wanted to write a comment on the Daily Mail site to say so; amazingly no comments were allowed! I am voting YES because it is the best thing for Scotland and the people living and working here – and happy to be one of them.
A little bird.
@Iain Gray’s Subway Lament
Miliband is less popular in scotland than Cameron.
Correction, Miliband is less popular in Scotland than a fiery after curry dose of the shits.
Sorry to read that.
Every English person I know and have spoken to about the issue (which is a lot since I live in London) thinks that Scotland sponges off of England and that Scots hate England and the English.
They see nothing ironic in their opinion.
Paddy power and Bet 365 have cuts odds for YES vote to 2/1
I was out delivering some Wee Blue Books today.A good tactic is to knock on the doors of houses with a Yes sign up.Say “hello.Im campaigning for a Yes Vote and I need your help”.Give them a WWB and ask them to give it to a No.The response was tremendous.There are a lot of Yessers out there who are ready and willing to do a wee bit for the cause if we just ask them.Lets get as many people involved as we can.I reckon these books have most effect if you get it from someone you know and trust.Youre much more likely to read it.And it gives loads of Yessers an opening to talk to undecided friends they know.I gave a lot to undecideds as well,but I really think we should rope in these open Yessers to help a bit more.Some of them,in fact nearly all of them,just beam when you ask them for their help in our cause.
A wise scot holidaying abroad would always have the Ecosse sign on his car as he would not want to disadvantage himself by being mistaken for an English person.
I wonder if these idiots Dan Suff can actually read, write and speak English Muttley. I mean what part of Too little Too late do these Muppets NOT understand? 😉
If they are now going to try and bribe us with gawd knows what why did they not try it way back in the beginning, cause at least then folks knew what to expect in a NO vote. ANYTHING that comes out of Westminster between now and the 18th will be seen exactly as what it is … BLIND PANIC! We all know that when WM does Blind Panic nothing ever comes out of it.
So it’s a good bye from me and it’s a good bye from my 5.3 million fellow countrymen! 😛
@Chris Baxter
Well, when they are spoon fed that bullshit fro man early age.
All three unionist parties fiercely opposed having DevoMax on the ballot.
Doesn’t matter how they try to spin any new promises of jam tomorrow or try to pretend they are listening now. It’s far too late for that. They made their voice crystal clear when it came to actually giving scotland meaningful powers like DevoMax they all opposed it.
Scots simply won’t believe this 11th hour conversion just as things are looking so terrible for the No campaign. They simply do not trust the westminster parties and scots will see this as the desperate last minute con-trick it so clearly is.
muttley79 says:
6 September, 2014 at 8:49 pm
New article on the Guardian:
link to
Having read part of it it says after 18th sept and before the GE 2015. If people are taken in by this and vote no they would be stupid. If it was a no vote nothing would be offered.
Stay strong and true. YES YES YES
“The people of Scotland will be offered the chance to devise a federal future for their own country before next year’s general election under radical plans aimed at derailing the surge towards full-blown independence.”
link to
that’s a few more yes votes in the bag then, they really don’t get it!
why on earth would we want 2nd best now, when we can have it all?
@LA – Wee Eibar in the Spanish Primera Liga unfurl their Scotland The Brave banner at their games, great to see the cameras try to avoid it…
Superb and incredibly astute tactic. My congratulations to you. With the Yes signs now popping up all over the place with ever more frequency it’s one I shall see if I can persuade a good few other friends in the Yes campaign to employ as well.
“Scots to be offered radical new deal in bid to save the union”
They may be serious, but in the light of all the promises already unveiled over the months, it will be seen as more ‘jam’ in the never never. Too late! They should have done all that a year and had a guaranteed offer six months ago.
I’m fair vexed to read that. Too many, too soon.
To be fair I think most Scots are aware that the individuals above are not adverse to turning on the English working classes too. They represent a rather peculiar throwback to an age when people knew who their “betters” were. They don’t represent most ordinary people and hopefully never will.
Neill @Indy_Nelly 2m
Hearing latest Sun/Times/Yougov poll has Yes 47%, No 46%, DK 7% = Yes 51% No 49% excluding DKs. This is happening… #indyref
Brilliant photo Croomp. 😀
I wondered what the noise was John, thanks for confirming. 😛
” These people no more speak for the English or the Welsh than the Orange Order speak for Scotland. ”
Agree totally. I’m half English, live there for a while, and spend a lot of time in Liverpool. None of my English friends are remotely like these idiots. They’re not all brilliantly informed about Scotland, but that’s because their media winds them up with rubbish like this.
The UK media really is a divisive, nasty, xenophobic (even if they just think you MIGHT become foreign) negative load of drivel and propaganda.
@fred blogger – Nice one fred ha ha the scitter has finally breeched the pants.. well too late John Bull oor Hamish has you on the outside.. 😀
Having read the proposal, with all 3 major wm partys agreeing to take part , I’m sure Alec and Nicola will be cancelling the referendum on hearing this news , hahahaha. Independence is near and they know it , panic stations in wm.
Rory the tory is holding a special “Rain-Dance across the Border” – September 18th, 7am to 10pm.
Don’t be left out wishing you’d brought your brolly 😀
@Clare G – we know not all English folk are like that – there are nutters everywhere.
These people live in the London media bubble and that Katie whatsherface just likes the sound of her own ignorance.
Looks like i might be eating my hat later if these roomers of this poll are correct!
I never thought they would publish any with yes in the lead as during the Quebec indyref the can$ lost 1.5%.
Still no room for complacency…..keep up the good work. Off to find my hat
is this the fcuking federal britain they mean.
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O/T – just thought readers would like to have a look at a couple of SNP leaflets from the 1980s.
link to
Same themes – Oil and Nuclear weapons,
Same problems –
Put an end to them.
Vote YES
If the rumours are true coming from You Gov that is some swing to the Yes campaign.They will be ordering extra strong nappies in Westminster.
The Daily Mail supported the Nazis in the 1930s and has had 27 press complaints in 2014 the most by the way followed by the labour supporting Daily Mirror with 9. The much maligned Sun had six complaints in 2014. As for the Daily Express owned by pornographer and Daily Telegragh owned by the tax avoiding Barclay brothers. these are the principal anti Scottish independence newspapers.
But lets not facts get in the way of Labour’s world of make believe.
Anyone know why there’s been two yougov sun/times polls back to back? I also heard this one had questions that were a lot more negative towards independence than the one last week. Makes the result all the better, if rumours are true of course.
O/T was in Aviemore today and congrats to the local Yes team. Every lamppost right through town has Yes Sign on it ! Plenty No’s as well but still impressive. Has anywhere else done this ?
When driving down A9 amazed at how many Yes signs I saw. Handful of NoThanks in usual farmers fields but not too many. Some commercial building at Perth Broxden roundabout has huge display of Yes signs as well.
Driving round West Lothian today in the freedom convoy we saw both yes supporters and no voters and after a while, travelling round different villages and towns the wife said the looks on the no voters faces was not the indignant dissaproval we have all experienced but a look of resignation,
We are winning guys,
Tweet from
Nicola Sturgeon @NicolaSturgeon · 15m
BREAKING: @SkyNews has just reported that tomorrow’s Yougov poll in Sunday Times puts #Yes narrowly ahead
When you have that ranting rubbish in one ear and the gauche lovebombing in the other, I’m tempted to just put the two phones together on the table and let them listen to themselves, go out for a long walk or listen to a good tune.
A Yes vote can let me close the door politely on both.
They are going to offer us the stars to keep control of oil revenues and Trident on the Clyde well anyone who can’t see through these duplicitous self serving bastards is wired to the moon
Hope you re-stocked the mini bar when you left the darkened room. It was carnage in there after last time. 🙂
Almost home LA. We just need to stay calm and focussed.
We can do this. 🙂
51% seems to be confirmed for the YouGov on Twitter. Possibly a Panelbase out later as well.
Unfortunately for the Daily Mail the social union is still too strong for many folk to take them seriously and I doubt they will manage to rouse more than the usual knuckle draggers – still I don’t envy the Rev sifting through the cesspit of ‘Britain’s’ MSM commentary.
O/T wss at the Ayr air show today. After the dreadful armed forces day in stirling, i was expecting the worst but… OMG, YES was everywhere. The little stall was properly mobbed with people taking badges, saltires (on both sides) and stickers. Not only that, in the very heavy traffic back North we really noticed the number of yes car stickers on show.
NoThanks and Scottish Labour had stalls too. Some people wearing no thanks stickers but their stalls visibly less busy.
Today, i wore a yes badge publically for the first time.
@Nana – My heart is racing and tears are rolling down my cheeks, our Scotland is coming home they have no argument to keep us. Noo’s the day and noo’s the hoor, no let up no complacency no laughing till the 19th
John: We are winning guys, WE’RE WINNING!
I hope so, John, I hope so – it’ll be massively impressive to democrats the world over, Scotland a small country reignites the Enlightenment. A No win leaves us humiliated, a laughing stock, the Labour party in power.
In light of this new poll giving a lead to the Yes side, it appear that they are going to try and bribe us, surely the unionists cant try and now move the goal posts.
Ah, right, they are unionists, I forgot, that is what they do.
We will be offered the chance to decide what kind of Federal powers we want for our own country. O and by the way some official in europe say’s that it will take 5 years to get into the EU. Will they never learn.
Do you think the subversive ‘dancing guard’ at Buckingham Palace is a Scot, signifying his joy at the collapse of a corrupt Westminster?
I was at the airshow at Ayr today, and got talking to an English couple from Darlington. From the discussion, it was obvious that they were long time visitors to Scotland, and they truly enjoy holidaying here. They mentioned, on a couple of occasions, about how nice and friendly the Scottish people are.
We got talking about the referendum, after the gentleman noticed by Yes badge, and I had to inform him of the dirty tricks (the anti-English lie) being played out by the BT shysters, and they couldn’t believe it. They were on the ball, though, and without prompting, they immediately replied that the Scottish people’s problems lie with Westminster, and not the English people. Sensible people.
They’re hoping to retire up here!
George Foulkes was spotted in Ayr today, with Brian Donohoodlededoo in tow, skulking around the lanes off the Main Street, avoiding Yes campaigners.
One of them shouted ‘Hey George, what you doing here? Campaigning to save the House of Lords?’
And then, as if by magic, he was gone…
@Nana – I will not be crowing the way my unionist workmates have crowed at me for 2 years. I will be dignified and continue to push the arguments to undecided and soft no even though they are becoming harder to find, tears rolling down my cheeks now
Sorry, I still have no idea how to post a link but I think somebody else could manage it.
If true, it’s fantastic timing.
Hate Mail on Sunday front page;
link to
While out over last couple of days I’ve noticed how effective it is to have the WBB as a means of engaging and persuading all but the most ardent No voters into thinking twice and having a read. Because its not from the SNP or YES on frontpage then it really does seem to get folk’s attention. If we can keep the pressure on we might make Scottish_skier’s 63% on the 18th after all.
“Handful of NoThanks in usual farmers fields but not too many.”
Is it just me, or are farmers/landowners fields the only places you see No Thanks signs? I wouldn’t be surprised if BT have paid the farmers for this.
It’s a hoax 🙁 was linked a couple of times on other threads.
Ah fuck it…
It’s coming home,it’s coming home
It’s coming.. Scotland’s coming home..
We could even get the nawbags Skinner and Baddiel to sing it….well naw
Just in from a busy day putting YES boards up in rural Aberdeenshire.
One such delivery was to a farmer who told me someone had put a No Thanks board up in his field without his permission. It was still sitting in his tractor bucket in the yard looking rather worse for wear. Not a happy chappie.
Anyone else come across kind of subterfuge?
Peter Murrell (Nicold S’s husband) has tweeted that there is to be a Panelbase poll tonight. Must be good or he wouldn’t mention it.
Salmond and Sturgeon get mobbed wherever they go now and Lamont and Miliband look lost and alone on the hustings and they’re get told where to go “behind enemy lines” in Govan.
How can Govan be behind enemy lines according to the Hootsman and if it is, where is the front line, Westminster?
I have waited 35 years for this since I was 11 years old. I can still recall my primary school teacher telling the class that the reason there was no milk was because of Margaret Thatcher.
I also recall having to tell my mother how to vote in 1979 as she was not sure. How history repeats itself.
ACH! breastplate
Sorry to say that someone reported it as a hoax last night it would have put the icing and the cherry on the empire biscuit though. 🙁
Flashmob … Scotland style. 😛
link to
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Cant do links – but ” Just say YES ” by Snowpatrol should be our song up to the 18th
Now if we are certain that the polls are under-representing the true picture – and I think that’s sort of accepted on here. We might even win this.
Keep calm. Do not crow. Knuckle down and fight for every vote. The show’s not over ’til Jackie Baillie sings.
I am scared too now. Please don’t let us drop the prize.
They are going to fill the TV and papers with bile for the next 11 days. They are going to muckrake. Businesses will threaten to leave. Remind yourself every morning of that quote Stuart has up there. Then we win.
Yougov 51% Yes to 49% No Sunday Times tomorrow
go to address @ top of page, right click scroll down to “copy” left click…then right click in dialogue box scroll to “paste” and left click.
Marcia reports: Hate Mail on Sunday front page: <Milband says, We will Put Guards on Border"
Oh, wonderful. The political acumen of a psychotic troll.
Won’t be easy to not ‘crow’ but you will be the better man for not doing so. Onwards to the 19th.
I was bawling my head off watching that youtube vid of the flash mob singing Caledonia. Makes you feel so damn proud.
Sunday Times front cover;
link to
correction to my earlier post – Peter retweeted a mention of a Panelbase poll from Mike Smithson.
Jackie Baillie singing, now I would pay good money to see that.
OK folks I really really think some Wesminster individuals have totally and utterly lost the plot. I hasten to add at this point that I have severe problems believing that they actually ever had the plot to begin with! 😛
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51% YES
49% No
YouGov in the Sunday Times. Whoope de fukkin doooo… it’s happening folks.. it’s bloody well happening…
O/T Sunday Telegraph reporting that MP’s to get 10% pay rise
You really could not make this stuff up
In 1924 the Daily Mail published the Zinoviev Letter: a massive lie which led to the Tories winning the general election.
Today the Daily Mail prints lies on a daily basis.
Thankfully the people of Scotland are better informed than the people of 1924 – thanks to websites like this one.
Yes to win by 63% of the voting electorate …
Unionist push (or is that pish) from BBC and MSM is going to be huge now. Is it just me or do you think they will roll out Prince Charles or the Queen as last resort ?
EBC News Yes in the lead this is it..hold..hold…hold..
In all these tweets in the Mail and Times twitter site I’m amazed at the rebuild Hadrian’s wall pish. Do these folk really not know where it ended on the east coast?
How panicy are the Better whatsits now?
TOP story on SKY news is, erm, wait for it … YES in the lead! 😛
Is it just me or are Cameron, Milliband etc so bunged up with panic that they are now saying ANYTHING just to try and stop all the haemorrhaging of support to YES.
Keep Calm. … Aye right! I’m hanging off the ceiling for gawds sake! 😛
A tweet from Kenny McAskill;
Keep focused. Work hard. Remember those we’ve loved and lost but who inspired us on our journey. One more heave and we can win it for them.
@Indy_Scot says:
Jackie Baillie singing,
She’s howling at the moon.
Earlier post went AWOL.
Panelbase at midnight.
Millions of pounds, every newspaper, BBC, ITV, Vote Nob Orders, Dan Snow and all of Bliar MacPantsonfire’s Project Fear endless lies come down to this, YES VOTE LEADS IN SCOTS POLL.
2nd front page for SoS tomorrow;
link to
We have Tommy gunning for us.
I was bawling my head off watching that youtube vid of the flash mob singing Caledonia. Makes you feel so damn proud.
Same here Nana, the hackles always rise on the back of my neck every time I hear it. I have suggested elsewhere that perhap’s Caledonia should be our National Anthem after independence in 2016. 😛
Reporter on Sky just said that No supporters are afraid to put stickers on their windows in case that get smashed in. Fucking disgrace.
Thank funk for prozac… my heid’s near burstin…. after the 19th im hopin no to need the stuff
Ha ha Crash Gordon is blaming the tories, meltdoon in Better Together Orange Order UKIP No Thanks BNP Nob Orders.. Has anyone seen big Bliars hat as his tuba has now blown it off..
Farage’s timing is impeccable. He’s visiting Scotland on 12th. That’s all we need Farage Balloons.
Steady as she goes, Chief Officer, we’ve not sighted port yet. And keep your eyes open for icebergs.
Watch as public unionists really feardy Independistas come out of the closet now they feel it’s safe to do so.
Last post should of been for Lesley-Anne, my bloody mouse with its own mind.
Nearly there.
Let’s keep going, I’d love to see that gap grow and take wings. 😉
So just who feels like relaxing now?
Not me for sure, I will be getting in there for the next 12 days. I hope you will also. There will be no letting up.