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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for October, 2015

Spend, spend, spend 138

Posted on October 06, 2015 by

The media and Unionist politicians (we really need to come up with a word to describe that single entity), when not concocting hysterical frothing diatribes against Michelle Thomson or complaining about the Scottish Government giving money to T In The Park – a position we must confess we find ourselves in some sympathy with – have recently been loudly protesting about last year’s “underspend” in the Holyrood budget.

There’s an extremely good article here by Dr Craig Dalzell of the Scottish Greens dealing with the broader issue of why such complaints are idiotic, so rather than go over the ground again we thought we’d look at another angle.


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What we’re told and what we know 152

Posted on October 06, 2015 by

We apologise for another post on the subject of The Wright House, everyone, but we do love getting our teeth into a puzzle, especially when it comes with a side order of lots of juicy evidence of the Scottish media telling people outright lies.


This should be the last one for the forseeable future, and we’ve actually got some solid info to impart this time rather than just a confused expression, so buckle up.

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Once more for the folks at home 234

Posted on October 06, 2015 by

Even the alertest readers will probably already be confused by the baffling tale of Douglas and Jacqueline Wright, who sold their home to Edinburgh West MP Michelle Thomson. We certainly were last night, but on delving a little more into the media coverage of their story, things got a whole lot worse.

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The world’s worst victim 181

Posted on October 05, 2015 by

Older readers may remember an ITV show called The Krypton Factor, which had an “observation round” section in which contestants were shown a short video clip and then asked a series of questions about it.

Let’s play it now.

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A swing and a miss 143

Posted on October 05, 2015 by

From today’s Herald:


Mmm, that’s positive.

Tories Of The Day 219

Posted on October 05, 2015 by

The ever-delightful Taxpayers’ Alliance, speaking at the Conservative conference:


We’re not sure about that last line, chaps.

The twitching corpses of truth 283

Posted on October 04, 2015 by

The newspaper is a fantastic concept. A cheap, accessible product, it’s a brilliant way of keeping yourself broadly abreast of current affairs. You turn a page and are presented with a diverse selection of interesting stories, often on subjects you’d never have thought to go and seek out in the self-refining echo chamber of the internet.

(Theoretically links on websites serve the same purpose, but dodging “sponsored” advertorial, gutter-level clickbait, pop-ups, autoplay video and pages that judder and leap around so much while loading all this rubbish that you’re about 50/50 to have an epileptic fit before you can read the story, has made clicking on one into a game of Russian Roulette fewer and fewer people are willing to take a chance on.)


This site has never believed that the ongoing steep decline in newspaper sales is a fundamental problem with the format. Rather, the truth is that people stop buying papers because they’re full of garbage.

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Less than the whole truth 300

Posted on October 03, 2015 by

Most of Scotland’s news outlets, including the Times, Herald, Daily RecordDaily MailExpress and the BBC, run today with the story that one in three Police Scotland officers intend to leave the force in the next three years, according to a recent survey for the Scottish Police Authority.

(The print edition of the Scotsman makes it the front-page splash, although the article has mysteriously vanished from its website.)


But a couple of pieces of important information are inexplicably missing.

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The ultimate humiliation 80

Posted on October 03, 2015 by

You might have thought that the publication of the “Project Fear” book last month was an embarrassment for the motley collection of highly-paid but hapless Labour and Tory apparatchiks who ran “Better Together”, but it turns out there was worse to come.


Politics Home today reports what sounds like some alarming news:

Pro-EU campaigners in Better Together talks

Informal discussions have taken place with Blair McDougall, who was campaign director of the cross-party body which successfully defeated the Scottish separatists.”

But put down that noose and cough up those pills, Europe-lovers.

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The hardest word 98

Posted on October 03, 2015 by


What a difference seven months makes 338

Posted on October 02, 2015 by

March 2015:


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The Infiltrators 314

Posted on October 01, 2015 by

An alert reader last night reminded us of a story from March this year:


It told a chilling tale.

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