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Wings Over Scotland

Step right up for the clown show

Posted on June 15, 2024 by

Holiday Boy is still off single-handedly feeding the cats of Greece, but the modern SNP is all the cartoon you need.

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My old mum used to say “if you flee with the craws you get shot with craws”

“You can tell a man that boozes by the company he chooses”

We can see more and more of Nicolas preferred company every day


It would appear that karma is indeed a terf.


photo 2 caption competition entry

so, you are in the communal shower and someone tells you :

” … WOLF says he’s looking for a new punk … “

Jason Smoothpiece

SNP types increasingly an acquired taste.

I find it strange that so many perverts and odd folk were attracted to my former party.

Birds of a feather and all that.

I personally would put them all in prison for a few years just to let them sort themselves out.


It seems Karma is a bitch if you are.
I’m glad to see proximity to the Scottish Govt is no longer protection a from prosecution.
Is the Crown Office starting to prepare for a post-SNP administration?

Anton Decadent

I commented a few days ago on how I had seen a few of David Lindens election pamphlets lying in the gutter here in Govanhill. The Palestinian flag is the coup de grace, I am living in a foreign country in which I am subjected to settler violence which is excused because anything else would be racist.

Re Downing, remember that this is the party which has given lifelong anonymity to asylum seekers who have been convicted of paedophilia in Glasgow because anything else would be racist.


How to abuse a rabbit hole.


That’s not Downing

link to


Jason Smoothpiece.

«I personally would put them all in prison for a few years just to let them sort themselves out»

In the country of my birth prison would be the very soft option.
There is a cheap and cheerful option….


Someone started a petition to remove Nicola Sturgeon from the ITV election night debate.

Robert Hughes

Stu , think you could preface every post that contains a picture of The Stooge with a ” WARNING . This post contains images some might find offensive ” notice ?

Years ago some Yoon acquaintances would always refer to the SNP as ” perverts ” , I just took this as typical Yoon-speak . I now wonder how they knew ; because subsequent events have proven them correct .

I suppose it’s no mystery that when you abandon the cornerstone of what your Party is ( supposed to be ) about and throw the doors open to anyone who fits your now drastically modified * values * , eg * gender * pish , ” not being beastly to the ” Anglo & generally impersonating a doormat at all times and under all circumstances , this is what you get . An influx of faux-Independence supporting , yellow rosette wearing sickos , pervs and abusers of various sorts .

This is where effete , * all inclusive * , ” we’re all Jane ( formerly Jock ) Tamson’s puberty-blocked bairns ” Civic * Nationalism * has brought us .

John C

I still find it extraordinary that a political party at the height of its power and influence not just in Scotland, but the UK, decided not to keep the UK government on the ropes when the official opposition was a joke, and instead decided to pander to people like Downing.

Within 18 months the SNP were wrecked as a force in both Scotland and Westminster all because for some reason one can only speculate on, Sturgeon thought these people were worth fighting for more than the cause of independence or taking on a then weak Tory party and showing up a weak Labour Party under Corbyn’s leadership. After 2019 the Tories were gifted a massive majority, Brexit was pushed through & if Covid hadn’t happened it’s very likely Johnson would have carried on as PM for a few years longer than he did.

I do think at some point the dirt will be exposed. It’s already seeping out like a weeping sore, and we know that Out For Indy and LGBTYS are riddled with controlling deviants like Downing so what was Sturgeon getting by ditching what was a powerhouse for a bunch of mentally ill people, many of whom couldn’t care less about independence or improving people’s lives?

John C

I find it strange that so many perverts and odd folk were attracted to my former party.

It happens with all parties, large or small. There’s always a fringe element of people who you really don’t want getting into positions of control. Where Sturgeon failed badly was instead of booting some of these people out, or at the very, very least keeping them at arm’s length, she decided to prioritise them & brought them into positions of power.

David Hannah

Another obnoxious gay male in the SNP charged.

I hope he’s enjoying spending his pride month behind bars – where he belongs!

The poor victims! Shocking. These are real people. Don’t forget.

David Hannah

Call the fashion police as well. A grown man in dungarees. Always a red flag.

David Hannah

I’m reading Gay Shame: The rise of gender ideology and the new homophobia. By an author called Gather Roberts.

Gareth says growing up he’d often fall in love with his straight pals who would say “It’s a brotherly love fae me” but this can leave a mark over the years. The rejection.

David Hannah

You can tell this deviant in dungarees is a fan of Sam Smith. A woman hating type. Porn sick. Who hates women which could be as described by Gareth – stemming from sitting on the couch alone at parties as the girls went off with their heterosexual lovers.


Christ the SNP is now utterly tainted, imagine wanting Sturgeon the Judas in your photo when you are a candidate for them, or Downing for that matter, mind you current SNP politicians stood next to someone at a rally in my home town of Glasgow not that long ago who was sporting a placard calling for the decapitation of terfs.

Its only the self-serving unionist dregs of shite that now infest the NuSNP, a vote for the NuSNP is a vote for the status quo or worse.

Don’t vote for them, infact don’t vote in these English elections at all there’s nothing to be gained by Scottish masses in this GE, all that will happens is MPs from Scotland if elected will make a good living at our expense, and their parties will gain from it via Short Monies.

Boycott the GE.

David Hannah

I think the book is excellent. Very witty I’d recommend for those trying to understand the shame now associated with being gay – since gender came on the scene.

James Che

The SNP and civil servants had a severe case of projection when their ill perverted thoughts tried to blame Alex Salmond for what they were doing,

Colin Carroll

I’d love to see the list of questions that prospective SNP candidates and workers are asked at interview! We need a Deep Throat at SNP HQ! (No, not that one!)


That dungaree wearing male seen towering above Keith Brown in picture 3 sure looks like the black-nailed, peroxide haired male pictured in the Daily redcoat here:

Cameron Downing, 23, said he wanted to “beat the f*** out of some terfs and transphobes”

link to

What is the relevance of the first picture with the ‘re-elect David Linden’ leaflets and the male David Linden towering above the 2 female SNP politicians?

“Minister accuses three MPs of drunken conduct on armed forces Gibraltar trip”

link to


James Che


I cannot remember your post which informed us what type of corporate Body the SNP were awhile back,
And were the registered in Scotland?

My Old busy but busy mind is failing me today, so obviously I cannot get it in Archive.

Ian Brotherhood

This article covers so much of relevance to the independence struggle, be it the work of Alf Baird, Sarah Salyers, Annemarie Ward, or any of the many people now trying to explain why traditional ‘addiction’ and ‘democracy’ models are so hopelessly wrong.

The ‘clown show’ has to be seen for what it is – a huge, cyclical distraction designed to foster ignorance.

link to



All the successful historic nationalisms, those that secured independence for their nations, have been essentially cultural.
The latter day SNP’s, and equivalent, modern civic/social and economic nationalisms, lacking affective substance, have all been flops.
The Scottish national movement was founded by «intellectuals» for whom the wide cultural dynamic mattered.
Does the current generation of Scottish fish need to be taught how to swim away from the frying pan, it would appear so.

David Hannah

Barlinnie is going to “beat the f*ck out of him.”

Unfortunately he probably would enjoy dropping the soap so I hope they don’t provide him with any.

As for Sturgeon – it’s a shame we don’t have a facility like Guantanamo bay here in Scotland for people like her.


@ aLurker

Hmm, I though it might be because of this.
David and Jordan Linden are cousins.

link to

David Hannah

I assume all prisoners get beaten to a pulp at some stage. Glasgow kiss. Teeth missing. Lack of vitamins. Sunlight. Minerals.

23 hours a day in solitary confinement in our medieval and bursting to capacity jails. Lock them up and make them suffer.

Andrew scott

These pictures make me vomit
How has scotland come to this


As a general reaction to events, I am left wondering if any other country in World history has so effortlessly willed itself out of existence?

We have two useless governments, nothing works, yet an infinite capacity to create billionaires and pay for wars and sparkly hats.

Other colonised races fought to the death for a fraction of the land, resources and history we have, but the general public are content to still be used by the same establishment that’s been screwing them for centuries. And any mention of this results in the said screwed over idiots defending the absentee landlords, fund managers and assorted rat-fur collared exploiters as if there is nothing the population could do about any of it.

“The Prince” was written over 500 years ago. By now, you might have thought it wouldn’t still be valid and that we might have moved on.

Even a bit.


Surely those advertising signs hingin roon their necks are spelt wrang that isny how ye spell deviant, how come the other 2 hivny goat signs can naebody tell whit they ur

Hey David Hannah you will hive John C comin efter you and outing you as homophobic or racist or mysoginist or any other NAME he can think of to SILENCE you



If only Scottish «politicians» had a microgram of the skill of «il Principe».

The British sphere is so Insular.

President Xiden

To have one degenerate in your inner circle might be considered unfortunate but to have many……..


Chas is on holiday.
I’m filling in this Saturday.
1. Fellate Stu
2. Brown nose Chris
3. Slag off the rest of us.
4. Remind us that he may have voted SNP once (in 1983?)

Michael Laing

@ John C at 2.07pm:

“There’s always a fringe element of people who you really don’t want getting into positions of control. Where Sturgeon failed badly was instead of booting some of these people out, or at the very, very least keeping them at arm’s length, she decided to prioritise them & brought them into positions of power.”

It was clearly deliberate. I suspect Sturgeon is either working for the UK establishment, or her promotion of woke ideology and deviants and paedophiles within the party made her a useful tool for the UK establishment. Sturgeon booting these creeps out was hardly likely when it was her who put them there in the first place.


used to like Scotland when we only had one form of sectarianism. Now we’ve got Catholics vs Protestants, Jews vs Muslims, and nobody trusts the Muslims, really. Religion just causes more and more problems in this country – look at how all of a sudden trendy lefties are obsessed with Gaza, when they had never even heard of the pla e before the horrors of October 7th last year, and the vile ongoing genocide.

There’s been fighting in that insane area of the world since before the time of Christ, yet they’re going to stop it all by not eating a kebab for a few days and screaming at us we’re all Nazis for not performatively protesting alongside them. But these stand-up student cunts don’t give a damn about the increasingly impoverished working class of this, their ostensible own country, and will defend Hamas rapist-murderers to the end. Because they know fuck all about them, or the whole situation, they’re just pretending to be trendy middle class yanks again, copying them as usual.

Stop the world, I want to get off.


I want to see her on the TV explain how the continuity candidates Yousaf and Swinney messed up and it was nothing to do with her.

George Ferguson

The political vacuum I was hoping for looks to be under threat. Small changes in FPTP polling make a Scottish Labour landslide in Scotland more unlikely. The don’t knows are key. At the moment they say they might vote Scottish Labour however it’s difficult to call. For example Dundee Central has switched to a marginal SNP win according to the electoral calculus. We can reckon with uninformed voters but comatose voters is another issue.



I feel sure this is the only reason why she been invited and no petition is likely going to change ITV decision. But I hate the idea of this woman profiting from the Cul-de-sac she left us with on with regards to Indy.

She a real low life and for me I’d hope Id never see her again for whats she done to Scotland and certain people.

Robert Hughes


” All the successful historic nationalisms, those that secured independence for their nations, have been essentially cultural. ”
Absolutely . As you’ve noted ….it’s the absence of anything identifiably , culturally Scottish from the entire ambience/mindset of Nu SNP that is partly the reason they have degenerated to such a shocking degree ; and with such rapidity. They’re trying to kid us that Scottish Independence can be realised by diluting Scottishness to anaemic levels and prioritising every ” multi-cultural/sexual ” interest ahead of Scotland’s .

Irish Independence arose amid a flowering of Irish CULTURE ; where people like W.B Yeats and the Abbey Theatre went back to the roots of Irish Culture , it’s History , Myths , Legends & Folklore : back to the Source . There they found treasure , which they brought back , reanimated , to infuse their aspiration to Liberation with mythic power & depth .

Sometimes you have go back to go forward 🙂

What do we have ? Tame , neutered beasts , their fat salaries come at last , slouching around HolyMinster to be pensioned .

It also helped in Ireland’s case that they had people willing to sacrifice everything – their lives included – for what they believed in . The toothless SNP straw men/women couldn’t/wouldn’t even stand-up to a dribbling buffoon like ” Speaker Hoyle ” . Any Scottish politician in possession of a spine would have walked out of that den after his incontinent tirade : and never returned .

And THIS mob are saying there will be a referendum ” within 5 years ” – hahahahaha HA ! Five Light Years , maybe .


Three pictures?


Who’s up for a game of “Spot the Criminal”?

Bagsy me go first!

George Ferguson

@Robert Hughes 8:15pm
I will walk 500 hundred miles.. A light year 60 million million miles. If the SNP win the majority of MPs at the next GE or twaddle along at 20. I will walk 60 million million miles to escape them. So will everybody else that has a care for their family.


“The ‘clown show’ has to be seen for what it is – a huge, cyclical distraction designed to foster ignorance.” (Brotherhood)

If that’s true, could it be argued that “we” fell for it and it succeeded?

All I know is we seem to be further from independence than we have been in decades, the economy is on its knees, and public services (including the NHS) just feel like a total rip-off.

Every aspect of Scottish society just seems to be shit right now; roads, policing, hospitals, dentists, housing, poverty, every single fucking thing… in the background, the UK government is supporting genocide and doing its best to embroil us in a major war.

The “clown show” wasn’t much of a distraction for me, but I wish it was.

George Ferguson

@Hatuey 9:24pm
The comatose fell for it. Any right thinking voter didn’t. I am going to change my vote from an Independence Party a wasted vote to a vote that may defeat the incumbent SNP MP. Its evens here between the SNP and Labour. So tight it’s not an exaggeration to say the most important election of my lifetime apart from the 2014 Independence Referendum.

Ruby Tuesday

There something strange about the last photo.

The two people on the outside are gigantic compared to the two in the middle.

It’s very strange.


Looking at those photos raises a question.
Is Sturgeon in the process of transitioning?


Redacted at 4.27 pm.

Control the media and you control the population.

The unionists control all tv and radio and 99% of the papers so that is why the general public remain ignorant of the true situation.

I do not see any serious attempts by the independence movement to change the situation. Direct action is required. Picket the houses of the BBC and ITV senior managers/Brit agents in Scotland. Make life uncomfortable for them?


George, I’ve been arguing for that strategy for months — vote for whoever has the best chance of defeating the SNP in your constituency. That’s what I’ll be doing.

The only possible joy in this election for any of us will be in doing damage to the SNP. Everything else is airy-fairy bullshit and it’s for mugs.

George Ferguson

@Hatuey 11:21pm
Literally the future of Scotland is down to 100000 votes. That’s the sliver of difference between the SNP and Labour. I don’t understand what Keir Starmer and Anas Sarwar stand for, does anyone?. I understand the jack boots of the the SNP. Ongoing complete failure of the SNP assured.


Downing really has a Jimmy Saville vibe to him. I can’t help but feel he will be put on suicide watch as the lags will have it in for him the first time they see him.


15 June, 2024 at 5:30 pm

Hey David Hannah you will hive John C comin efter you and outing you as homophobic or racist or mysoginist or any other NAME he can think of to SILENCE you

John C hasn’t mentioned Anime for a while.

The Flying Iron of Doom

Hatuey says:
15 June, 2024 at 11:21 pm

The only possible joy in this election for any of us will be in doing damage to the SNP. Everything else is airy-fairy bullshit and it’s for mugs.

I have to agree…it’s a sad state of affairs but this is pretty much what it comes down to. Let us hope that the SNP emerges from the election with fewer seats than a post-COVID doctor’s waiting room 🙂

Robert Louis

I will never understand why the SNP allowed itself to become associated with these women-hating creeps. Just WHO in their right mind makes somebody like that their ‘equalities officer’?

AAAh, Nicola Sturgeon. What a terrible mess she made of the SNP. To this day, I cannot help but think it was all quite deliberate, and on England’s orders.

What the current leader John Swinney does not seem to grasp, is that you are either attacking or defending when it comes to London. Their is NO happy ‘in-between’ position. Alex Salmond has always understood that. Either an SNP government is keeping them and their London parties (Labour/Tory) on the back foot over independence, or the opposite hsppens.

Sadly, what I see is not an SNP pulling the unionist parties to fight on their losing territory of the constitution, but an SNP that has willingly decided to try to fight those London parties on THEIR winning ground instead!

Does NOBODY in the SNP have even an ounce of political strategy in them??? You ALWAYS fight an enemy on the ground where they will lose, not where they can win. Do any of them even know how Bannockburn was won by the massively outnumbered King Robert against the English invaders? My guess is, that most in the current SNP don’t even know what I am talking about.

THAT is why I will not vote SNP, but ALBA at the election. The ALBA party actually want independence. The SNP? Who knows what they want, ‘stronger for Scotland’ or some other vague sh*t, probably.

Geoff Anderson

Women Won’t Wheesht ……… Times
link to


Ah well, just another reinforcement as to why we need to be utterly rid of the sick and perverted colonial devolution party.

Wouldn’t be surprised that Downing will not be so tough when he’s in jail in a men’s prison. Sad to say but I truly hope scum like him hurts. Karma really.

Big Jock

Just saw a video of Alex Salmond at the Scotland game. There he was in the trenches mixing with the fans like a punter. He is just one of us, and always will be.

That’s why he will always be the best leader of our movement. He just gets it!


Is there anything, I mean anything, about the UK that isn’t totally fkd up?

Watched an arsehole cop in a police car mowing down a terrified but relatively docile calf, running it over three times.

What a fkg low life. Who the fk does something like that? It’s London, so he probably didn’t know what a cow was, but even so. Imagine that tosser dispatched to deal with those army horses that bolted…

Jesus wept. Up here we’ve go schemie neds stabbing dogs to death, and down there the Polizi turning up aren’t much better.

FFS somebody turn the UK off and on again.

Better yet, turn it off and leave it off.


SNP have tried to be kind to everyone and spent fortunes on those who deserve nothing.
So many jobs, roles, positions of influence going to perverts, thugs and drama queens.

As often the case they have bitten off the hand that feeds them.

Now the voters hand that fed SNP is about to slap them on the face before waving goodbye with it.


Robert Louis says:
16 June, 2024 at 7:03 am

I will never understand why the SNP allowed itself to become associated with these women-hating creeps. Just WHO in their right mind makes somebody like that their ‘equalities officer’?

The SNP, from Nicola Sturgeon downwards, bought into the fantasy that the youth vote will deliver independence.

I have no doubt that the majority of Scottish Gen Z support independence but I just don’t see that translating into them getting involved in activism now or in anyway pushing the cause of independence forward in daily life.

I have had only limited interaction taking politics with Gen Z people IRL but with that limited exposure, I was not impressed.

I get the impression that Gen Z is very political aware but only on stuff that is trending on social media. Even with this knowledge of theirs, once you discuss it a bit deeper, they are clueless.

I can’t help but feel that this support for independence amongst Gen Z is only because the SNP is seen as progressive and against the forces of Conservatism.

This is most likely the reason why the likes of Downing and others like him have been given prominent positions in the party.

If the SNP were to purge these individuals from the party and pursue policies that fitted in with the views of the rest of population, would support for them against Gen Z still continue?


Vote Hamas?

Andy Ellis

@revjimbob 9.31am

You’re preaching to the converted there I fear Jimbob!

Already plenty of shameful fluffers for Hamas and other islamo-fascists polluting BTL discourse here. you can hardly move for fans of the mad mullah’s in Tehran and their clients elsewhere, just as long as they’re opposing the targets of their hate here in the West.

Ruby Tuesday

Tone Police reporting for duty.

‘schemie neds’

I don’t like that term or the term schemie.

We seem to have a big problem with class discrimination in Scotland which is never acknowledged.

Is it possible nobody wants a ‘schemie’ so instead they employ an immigrant who may well be ‘a schemie’ but nobody will know.

Being discriminated like that could drive you to drink & drugs.

You’ve got to ‘speak properly’ and know all about Victorian manners if you want a job dealing with the public in Scotland.
(It’s probably the same everywhere but this post is about Scotland)

This one is for Alf.

I knew a young woman who worked in an hotel in Edinburgh (nothing too fancy) who got told off because when a guest asked where the toilets were she answered ‘the lavies are roon on your right’

You can’t have that sort of thing safer with a foreigner.

Ian Brotherhood

BIGOT: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

Yesterday, local shop, went in to use their cash machine (because it doesn’t charge for withdrawals unlike the High St ones which skin you up to £1.55 just to take out a tenner) and a man was being served as I waited for the woman in front of me to finish.

His accent was, let’s say, ‘home counties’. Well-educated. BBC voice. He got chatting to the lass behind the counter. Turns out he’s just moved to Ayrshire. But not to leafy Ayr, Troon or suchlike. He’s moved to Stevenston (from Glasgow).

Fair enough.

Stevenston does have some nice houses, mostly at or near ‘the top end’ and along the High Road to Ardrossan. The bottom end, where I am? Not so ‘nice’.

Unsolicited, the man (in his early to mid forties) explained that they’d moved to Stevenston to be closer to the sea because ‘we enjoy a bit of fishing when weather allows’. Perhaps he has a wee boat berthed in Ardrossan? Or further up, in Largs, Wemyss Bay etc? No shortage of space on that score.

Anyway, good luck to the guy and his family and perhaps, if he hangs around for a few years, he’ll get some decent weather to go out and do some fishing.

But here’s where the ‘bigot’ definition comes in – am I a ‘bigot’ because I don’t want this man to have a vote in another independence referendum?

Maybe he would vote Yes!

But that’s not the point.

Even if he declared himself an avid independence supporter I still wouldn’t allow him a vote.

If that makes me a bigot, so be it.

Yes, I feel antagonism towards that man and the group he represents (whether he likes being viewed as ‘representative’ of it or not) because they treat our country as their personal playground and have driven property prices into the realms of the ridiculous.

Right now, in our street, a three-bedroomed semi-detached sandstone house with small front garden, decent-sized back garden with room for car, nicely decorated but nothing extravagant, is on market for o/o £170,000 and was under offer before even being advertised. It’s insane. Local youngsters haven’t a hope of securing mortgage without help from parents. Exactly the same story as the Highlands and Islands. We even have absentee landlords using toty flats as AirBNB, charging up to £200 a night – why anyone would need such accommodation in Stevenston is beyond my ken but hey-ho, market forces an aw that…

It doesn’t take a genius to forecast where this is all headed – we’re looking at contemporary ‘clearances’ which will result in young couples being forced to get on the housing ladder via slum properties in the urban schemes. (Average house price in Glasgow is now £186,000 but you can snap up a wee one-bedroom tenement flat in Govanhill for less than 70k, no problem.)

It’s unsustainable and intolerable.

‘So, I hear you’re a nativist now Ian?’

Aye, it would seem so.


James Che

Andy Ellis.

You are one of the converted,

You claim to be a Scots man but act the like Britains establishment, espousing the loss of Scotlands culture through Civic Nationalism.

Not many see a a Scotsman standing before them whilst you constantly want to sign Scotland away under Global statesmanship.

Tinto Chiel

@shug and 100%Yes: Sturgeon will probably smirk her way throught the dire SNP election results on the election special programme and then blame Salmond for splitting the movement.

Clueless and shameless she is.

#Yoda lives.



There is an fake «irishism»…if that’s where you want to go, you shouldn’t start from where you are now.
Contemporary Scottish nationalism needs a better road map and better trail blazers, not the girning clowns referenced above.
The driver of independence movements is not to be found in parliamentary «chambers» full of lawyers, accountants, gender/lifestyle councillors and miscellaneous sociopaths.
Where are the likes of Cunninghame Graham, Grieve, Erskine of Marr etc disturbers of the passive «peace and order».
Shock and Awe….

Ruby Tuesday

Here’s Ellis joining me in ‘tone policing’

Talking of shameful fluffers I reckon Ellis could be the number one fluffer who pollutes discourse here with his 24/7 self-fluffing.

I do wish he would stop making references to men have their dick ‘massaged’ by other men.

Enough of the sexual fantasies & fetishes already.
There’s enough of that on Twitter!

Ruby Tuesday

Turabdin says

Contemporary Scottish nationalism needs a better road map and better trail blazers,

No shit Sherlock!


Here comes the carrots dangling right under our noses.

“Independence will “proudly” be one “page one, line one” of the Scottish National Party’s General Election manifeso, according to John Swinney. The First Minister said that the manifestio will offer a “real vision of hope” when it is launched next week.

Mr Swinney said the SNP’s plans will be a contrast to the “continuing despair” being offered by Westminster. And the Nats chief said his MPs would oppose spending cuts and propose investment in public services like the NHS.

And referring directly to his party’s push for independence, the FM said the SNP believe separation will allow Scotland to “match the success of our European neighbours”.”


Here’s a nice little earner if you can get it, the NuSNP really take us for mugs.

“The former chairman of nationalised Prestwick Airport was paid up to £504 a day by the Scottish Government – while also working on his own bid to buy the facility.

Millionaire businessman Forsyth Black is at the centre of conflict of interest claims after it emerged he is fronting a takeover attempt.

First Minister John Swinney is now facing questions over why he was allowed to continue in the role of chairman for a number of weeks after the scandal came to light on January 10.”

James Che

If its a done deal that Labour get in before the elections have even taken place because of the rigged first past the post election system , There is not point in voting in Scotland as it will not alter the rigged outcome results,

If you want to know what keir and Anas stand for, ot is Wokesism, rainbow men, raising taxes on houses cars and Council tax, and stealth taxes. And a nanny state run by big brother, and ID cards that give you a tag the same way as that poor cow had that got ran over by the police,
Its a track and trace of every human being in Scotland for wether you will be entitled to be fed, housed or entiled to finances depending if you tow the line in a tyrannical dictatorship governance.
And no promise to immediately stop all imigration.

It will not matter wether we add to the vote,to bring Labour in, its a done deal we will still get Westminster parliament and Labour,

But if all of Scotland does not vote that is a entirely different matter, wether you are Scots, Irish, Welsh , English or another nationality.

What you are doing is saving your own necks
whilst getting rid of perverts in Scotland,
Preventing Heavy taxation burdens in Scotland
Preventing Being tagged like an animal in Scotland.
Changing the future energy prices in Scotland.
You get to keep Scotlands resources.
You will prevent the war on car owners in Scotland
You enable a border to Scotland,
Changing how the Councils work in Scotland
Helping Scotland to bring in its own new financial Currency and banking systems.
You get to keep your home,
You will rid Scotland of many theoretical ideologies that are damaging people lives in Scotland.

The reason these horrendous policies would be changed is you withdrawing your consent to be legislated and governed over by Labours and Westminsters policies.

The people in Scotland are Sovereign, we must use that and the corrupt voting system to our advantage by withdraw our consent to be governed by a Colonial dictatorship.
And done without violence with legal standing .

For no voting system can be rigged if No votes are given.


Irregularities around how much the Cordia women were paid out by Tammny Hall aka Glasgow City Council, also its unclear how they reached the sums for each woman, and why did a lawyers firm take a share of each woman’s pay out when the lawyers firm didn’t represent them.

Some brave women are still asking questions and they want to know the answers to the above questions.

Lets not forget BLiS spent twelve -years and three- million on lawyers fees to STOP these women getting equal pay in the first place.

link to

Dorothy Devine

Morning IanB, I’m with you on that. Folk in London can sell a cupboard and come up and buy a lovely house in Scotland with change left over for other niceties.
I worry every time I watch a programme like Escape to the Country giving ideas to those with the funds.
I worry when we have innocent natural history programmes showing our beautiful land , I can almost hear the footsteps coming north.
Great though it is to show off Scotland’s natural assets it still worries me.
I wonder how some of the European countries deal with incomers being wealthy enough to outbid the locals. Spain appears to be sitting up and taking notice of the ‘ex pats’ ( not immigrants!)


My kettle blew up this morning. I drink 500 cups of coffee a day. I guess I’ll just have to take my coffee dry or drink it cold for now. I suppose I could boil some water in a pan – but I find that approach primitive and aesthetically displeasing.

Fortunately, as usual when I’m in the kitchen, I was wearing protective head gear and my hazmat suit (in case I need to get something from the fridge) and so was unharmed when my kettle popped.

Anyway, that’s my Sunday morning report. I’m off to eat a couple of spoonfuls of coffee.

James Che

The UK Westminster parliament 2024 state that the Scots were not asked to join the treaty of union,

So if you and I withdraw our given consent to be governed by The clown union parties and Westminster, we can start the process to independence for Scotland as it withdraws permission for the rolled down devolved government to exist or legislate in Scotland.

Ian Brotherhood

@Dorothy Devine (11.00) –

Cheers D.

It’s the proverbial elephant in the corner.

There are regulars on here who have lived/worked in Arran (for example) their whole lives and can present a much more nuanced argument. Whether or not they want to is another matter – no-one likes being labelled as a ‘bigot’. The alternative is to shut-up about it all or convince oneself that there’s nothing to see.

‘Damned if we do, damned if we don’t…’



Ignored says:
16 June, 2024 at 11:05 am
My kettle blew up this morning. …blah blah blah…
Anyway, that’s my Sunday morning report. I’m off to eat a couple of spoonfuls of coffee.

What was the point of all that self-indulgent waffle?


Extremely popular ex-Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of U, General Valery Zaluzhny slams U’s Knneeo-Natt-zzi leader for not agreeing to talks with P–o-o-ti-in on a peace deal.

Zaluzhny hit the nail on the head that a peace deal would see Z-e-e lose all his power. No doubt Z-e-e will have Alexander Syrsky take out Zaluzhny now.


Dorothy Devine
Ignored says:
16 June, 2024 at 11:00 am
Morning IanB, I’m with you on that. Folk in London can sell a cupboard and come up and buy a lovely house in Scotland with change left over for other niceties.

In other words: I’m alright Jack – pull the ladder up. Make way NIMBY!



This is a a significant shift.

“Saudi Arabia will not renew the bilateral agreement with the United States, under which all trade in Arab oil was mandatory in dollars.”

The Gr–e-at S-at-an-s Petrodollar is on the way down.

Robert Hughes

@ Ian B

I too Am Bigotus .

Similar – now almost daily – example of the Home Countyfication of – in my case – the Highlands ….

The other day one of these lovely ” New Scot ” recent arrivals posted on a local Fb page asking if anyone was interested in starting a cricket team/club in the * village * .

Cricket ! FFS , * Nigel * , this is Camanachd Country ; Shinty Rools , ok . Fuck off with yr Anglo-centric bollocks .

Aye , we know , cricket IS played in Scotland , but for the most part it’s confined to the Central Belt/Borders and I’ve yet to meet a single Scot who participates in this sporting insomnia remedy .

In itself this suggestion is fairly innocuous – just a game , right ?

Well , naw , no really , ’cause it’s illustrative of what’s happening to our indigenous culture .

The thing about living in a ” small ” community is you can actually see the effects of demographic trends up front and in yr face , eg the economic advantage of selling property down South and thereby being able to outbid locals on – already inflated – houses for sale up here . I know of innumerable cases where this has happened – and continues to happen .

Also seeing growing examples of what we might call the ” colony within a Colony ” phenomenon .

This is where residents from ” elsewhere ” employ exclusively the services , eg Plumbers, Electricians , Builders etc of fellow ” recent arrivals ” ; and only recommend same if someone in the area is asking for recommendations for these services : again , I’ve seen this trend increase significantly in the last few years .

I’ve also seen this phenomenon in Spain , Portugal , France , where Anglo enclaves insulate themselves from all that ” integration with the natives ” baloney , refuse to learn the language of their host country and generally attempt to recreate Merry Olde England on their adopted foreign soil .

A good friend on mine’s in-laws bought a second home in Crete well before the EU Referendum , voted Leave and subsequently started whining pitifully about having to pay more in local taxes ! I actually heard them thus whine when they were up visiting my friends : only consideration for the feelings on my friend’s wife prevented me from unloading both verbal barrels of these total bams . I opted to walk away instead .

English Exceptionalism writ large .

Be under no doubt ….on current trends , this is where Scotland is headed .


I see that there is a steady flow of articles about protests against tourism in Mallorca. Yes, the main issue is about the excesses of tourism has on the population but I suspect it is more complex than that which an outsider wouldn’t understand.

Imagine if Mallorca had a referendum to leave Spain and allowed everybody to vote? There would be a lot of people on at island who has a holiday home or lives there and be entitled to vote, ith little understanding of local issues and of the local people themselves who desires independence or not.

Besides, a lot of countries throughout the world exclude certain parts of the population who are not from that country from voting in important issues, including here in the UK with the EU referendum as detailed in the below link:

link to

If it good enough for other countries in the world, including Westminster, then why is it not good enough for us Scots if we decide to have another referendum?

Dorothy Devine

Das blimp , it has sweet FA to do with pulling up a ladder , far more to do with helping the young of Scotland get ON the ladder.


Dorothy Devine

16 June, 2024 at 12:01 pm

Das blimp , it has sweet FA to do with pulling up a ladder , far more to do with helping the young of Scotland get ON the ladder.

There was recent news about London councils giving homeless residents 24 hours notice to accept a private tenancy outside the capital.

I wonder what Das blimp would say if the area he was in was inundated with hundreds of Scottish homeless families?


“What was the point of all that self-indulgent waffle?”

What is the point of you?

You’re too fucking stupid, and not Scottish enough, to understand.

Ask someone a thousand times smarter than you to explain…like Ruby or Geri or Confused or Dorothy Devine or Mrs Che…or just about everyone else who posts here who supports Scottish independence. I doubt you’ll get any takers though.

Why don’t you focus on fixing the shithole that is your own country rather than come here to insult us with your dim-witted comments.

This is what happens when I don’t get enough hot coffee because my kettle blew up. Have I mentioned that already?

James Che

Robert Hughes,

That colonial employment stratagy is excessively used where I live too,
My advice (and it is only personal advice) is not to vote them in,

James Che


Good afternoon young man, I am sorry to hear about your kettle and lack of morning cuppa, any lovely neighbours nearby?


16 June, 2024 at 12:17 pm

“What was the point of all that self-indulgent waffle?”

The boy’s just one of the troll identities haunting the comments section. That one plays the English nationalist not averse to Scottish nationhood. You on the other hand are a good c&nt.


Ignored says:
16 June, 2024 at 12:10 pm
Dorothy Devine

16 June, 2024 at 12:01 pm

I wonder what Das blimp would say if the area he was in was inundated with hundreds of Scottish homeless families?

Wouldn’t bother me – I live on the canal.


Good afternoon to you too, Mrs Che

I hope you and your spouse are having a good day.

Your sympathy over my exploding kettle is very much appreciated. I hope you’ll forgive my earlier outburst (not directed at you of course) – but a lack of hot coffee turns me into a monster.

I’m not a fan of neighbours, Mrs Che. They insist on speaking with me and boring me with their tales of exploding toasters and washing machines and such. 🙂

And I’m hardly a young man, being over 5,000 years old – so the ancients tell me. Although in this current incarnation I can barely believe that I’m almost halfway through it. 🙂

I might have to resort to boiling a pan of water soon.


Dorothy Devine
Ignored says:
16 June, 2024 at 12:01 pm
Das blimp , it has sweet FA to do with pulling up a ladder , far more to do with helping the young of Scotland get ON the ladder.

How altruistic of you. And there was me thinking you just wanted to protect you and yours and sod everyone else.

Come on – admit it. You are a bigoted NIMBY. I am one too. There’s a lot of it about. Confess and free yourself.


Ignored says:
16 June, 2024 at 12:17 pm
“What was the point of all that self-indulgent waffle?”

This is what happens when I don’t get enough hot coffee because my kettle blew up. Have I mentioned that already?

Why don’t you just get off your flabby arse and buy a new kettle?


“You on the other hand are a good c&nt.”

Thanks for the compliment (I think), GM. I’d rather be a good one than a bad one.

Have I told you about my exploding kettle?

Big Jock

Welcome to the light Brian! Better late than never.

link to

Big Jock

Foreign flag burned in Falkirk!link to



“Neds”. See the racial slur database for Scotland where you will find it

Andy Ellis

@Bigot Brotherhood 10.04am

Nice to see you own your irrational and regressive prejudices Ian: I applaud you for your honesty if nothing else.

At least it makes it easier for right thinking nationalists to point, laugh and shun you for the xenophobic piece of work you undoubtedly are.

The way to tackle unaffordable housing isn’t to ban mudbloods Ian, it’s to build a shit load more affordable housing, pay people “real” living wages so they can afford to buy if they want to, and ensure people who can’t afford to buy have access to reasonable rental properties and provide affordable good quality child care so people (particularly women) can work rather than find it impossible die to childcare costs.

The problem of rural housing in particular being expensive is hardly unique to Scotland: ask folk in Cornwall, Wales, the Lake District and in many places abroad.

Of course, the hard of thinking are often attracted to quick fixes and easy answers to complex and difficult questions: Scots nativists are no different to their coevals in Reform, the Front National, Jobbik or Law and Justice and similar regressive, populist, anti-immigrant and anti-Western movements elsewhere in Europe.

Just don’t delude yourselves that you represent any more than a minority of ordinary Scots, still less of the actual independence movement. I’m sure aspects of your belief system will chime quite well with Scottish adherents of Reform and other extremists both of the right and left though.

Ruby Tuesday

Is Mallorca not part of Catalonia?

Anton Decadent

With regard to the top photo that is David Lindens actual campaign leaflet here in Govanhill, a supposed independence candidate campaigning under the flag of another country because he is basically campaigning in another country.

Andy Ellis

@Das Blimp 12.47 am

Why don’t you just get off your flabby arse and buy a new kettle?

Given the intellectual standards and reasoning ability of the usual suspects I wouldn’t trust most of them with the sense to boil water.

Electricity is probably still something of a novelty to most such trolls.


“Why don’t you just get off your flabby arse and buy a new kettle?”

As the magnificent Confused would say…chortle.

I didn’t think of that…thank God the English are here to help us daft Scots out.

Where would Scotland be without them? That’s a rhetorical question – us Scots all know the answer already – that we would be much better off.

And as far as my flabby arse is concerned…picture Michelangelo’s ‘David’ and you’ll be approaching the truth.

Andy Ellis

@Ruby the Goggleless 1.06pm

Is Mallorca not part of Catalonia?

“No, although historically it did form part of the Kingdom of Aragon (but not under the domain of the County of Barcelona). In 1229, the King of Aragon & [sovereign] Count of Barcelona, James I, conquered Mallorca. The remaining islands of the archipelago followed suit a few years later. Upon his death, the King split his estates amongst his surviving sons — Peter III becoming King of Aragon & Count of Barcelona, while James II became King of independent Mallorca. The status as a sovereign kingdom lasted relatively little, becoming a defacto part of the Kingdom of Aragon by 1350 under Peter IV ‘the Ceremonious’. Afterwards, the Balearics remained part of the Kingdom of Aragon through 1714, when Phillip V decreed the “New Plan” dissolving the Kingdom of Aragon and granting the Balearic Islands peer status with other territories within Spain. Since then, the archipelago has been an integral part of Spain with no stautory relationship either to Aragon or Catalonia.”

link to


Can everyone see how I’ve been cleverly ‘kettling’ the unionist trolls? It’s so easy…and fun. too.

I tried rubbing two wire cables together to get some electric, but nothing happened. So still no hot coffee.


Big Jock

He’s seen the light, must be a altar low energy bulb. I’m sorry but its Independence and nothing else, we don’t need little England ever and never have they have ruined Scotland and the rest of the world.

Ruby Tuesday

He might be a good cunt but I wouldn’t be going to his place for a cup of coffee.

Who doesn’t have a Nespresso machine?

No kettle require!

Anton Decadent

With regard to English money buying into Scotland, if you take a walk around Govanhill you will now hear many English accents coming from middle class Bolsheviks in beany hats and half mast breeks. Some of them have bought into locations such as Shawlands and Strathbungo but come into Govanhill to show support for its ongoing transformation into the Third World.


“Electricity is probably still something of a novelty to most such trolls.”

Ellis aka whoever.

Soon leccy will be all but a memory in the Kn–ee-onna-tzi regime of U.

Ruby Tuesday

Andy Ellis
16 June, 2024 at 1:08 pm

@Das Blimp 12.47 am

Why don’t you just get off your flabby arse and buy a new kettle?

Given the intellectual standards and reasoning ability of the usual suspects I wouldn’t trust most of them with the sense to boil water.

Electricity is probably still something of a novelty to most such trolls.

Oh looks it’s a cunt’s reunion.

Do cunts have feathers?

Inintially I thought Das Blimp was quite witty and he made me laugh. Then I discover he was just another cunt.

Andy Ellis on the other hand has absolutely never made me laugh.

Has anyone witness Andy Ellis making a witty or even pleasant comment?

He is a very nasty cunt.

Dorothy Devine

Ruby , you are awful but I do like you! ( hope you remember Dick Emery – a ladies man by all accounts!)

Ian Brotherhood

Oor ain NDLS continues to pepper btl with his comment – how many years has that been now? Certainly predates the formation of Alba which, as he never seems to tire of telling us, he is a ‘founder member’.

Poor Andy doesn’t understand that, as a real Scot, his altruistic attitude matters not a jot to the ‘type’ I am bigoted against – from their point of view he’s every bit as much a ‘native’ as a beleaguered single mum from Craigmillar or a one-legged toothless jakie in The Drum eating a deep fried Mars bar and washing it down with MD20/20

None of us know what kind of abode Andy inhabits – perhaps he’ll wake up to the current reality when he gets a pack of Hoorah-Henries as neighbours and has to tolerate their outdoor baying throughout the summer. Mind you, knowing Andy, with his eternally sunny attitude, he’ll be happy to bite his tongue, be the perfectly welcoming/helpful Jock neighbour (‘Have you been to see The Kelpies yet?’) and strenuously deny any knowledge of Alba as the value of his property continues to increase.

‘Aye, it’s a serr fecht richt enough…’


“Who doesn’t have a Nespresso machine?”

You make me feel so inadequate. I used to have a Nespresso machine. But it blew up – just like my kettle but with a bit more style.

John C

I’m reading Gay Shame: The rise of gender ideology and the new homophobia. By an author called Gather Roberts.

Gareth says growing up he’d often fall in love with his straight pals who would say “It’s a brotherly love fae me” but this can leave a mark over the years. The rejection.

I must pick that book up. I do remember gay friends when I was younger chatting up lads in pubs/clubs to be told 90% of the time they were straight but there’d be that 10% who were bi or gay not to mention those who were astonishingly straight presenting but lept at the chance to be with a man. One lad I knew would tell me of the amount of times he’d take a married man home and in the morning would plead for him not to let his wife know.

Then I do remember those lads who took rejection to heart & turned it into an incredible anger, be they LGB or straight. I think a lot of TRAs get incredibly angry due to the fact they’ve reduced their dating pool drastically & even then they’re still being rejected hence why you see them in these polycules with equally rejectable TRAs.

Ruby Tuesday

I am not Goggleless. I have three pairs of very fine Cressi Goggles (top of the range) also a supply of Cressi anti-fog gel. I am never bothered with water getting into my goggles because I know what to do before getting into the water.

I expect Ellis has multiple pairs of goggles aka specs due to his 24/7 preoccupation with ‘fluffing’

He tells me Mallorca isn’t part of Catalonia yet I am informed by a friend that

Yes, the Balearic Islands are part of the Spanish region of Catalonia.

FYI When Ellis talks about fluffing it has nothing to do with cushions or your lines he is talking about the following

Despite what it sounds like, a fluffer isn’t someone who stuffs toy animals. A fluffer is—or at least is said to be—someone on a pornographic film set that keeps a male performer’s penis erect in between scenes.


@ Northcode

Get one of these – no leccy required and unlikely to blow up:
link to

Won’t help you today, of course.

Alf Baird

Ruby Tuesday @ 10:00 am

“I knew a young woman who worked in an hotel in Edinburgh (nothing too fancy) who got told off because when a guest asked where the toilets were she answered ‘the lavies are roon on your right’”

Aye ‘lavvies’ is aw richt, tho posh fowk in Scotland wad mebbe say ‘cludgie’. Thar shuid be mair lavvies in Scotland…..

Lavvie is a shortening of the Late Latin ‘lavatorium’, hence many continental visitors should perhaps understand the term ‘lavvie’. The word ‘toilet’ used in the English language is borrowed from the Middle French word ‘toilette’.

Other than prejudice and discrimination there is naething wrang wi the Scots wird ‘lavvie’, nor wi ony ither Scots wirds, sic as bawheid, bam or dunderheid.


Inintially I thought Das Blimp was quite witty and he made me laugh. Then I discover he was just another cunt.

I’m guessing that was the same time you ‘discovered’ I was English.

Ruby Tuesday

I like you too Dorothy but you are just not awful enough. 🙂

I feel you should swear more.

It’s very liberating I highly recommend it.


The nativist/housing/independence debate can be reduced to basic arithmetic. I don’t know why there is a tendency to politicise it.

If hordes of people from other countries buy houses and take up residence in Scotland, it is a basic mathematical fact that there will be less houses for those who live here (ceteris paribus, etc.).

By the same token, if hordes of people that are against independence move into the country, their votes will make independence less likely.

It is a fool that denies such basic and incontrovertible truths.

I disagree with politicising these things for good reason; the perception that the independence movement is xenophobic or racist is a vote loser.

Additionally, the definition of “native” in Scotland is hugely problematic. Again, not a can of worms we should rush to open.

Lastly, immigration brings with it significant economic benefits. Ask any Estate Agent how he feels about the positive demand that non-natives account for in the housing market; I will wager that he places more value on sales than politics.

The bottom line is that there’s not a lot any of us can do right now about immigration. The pragmatic thing, then, is to tread carefully and focus on winning people over, rather than offending them and leaving yourself open to scathing accusations which ultimately will result in even less support for independence.

Hatuey hath spoken. Now stfu.

Tinto Chiel

Ruby 1.06 p.m.: “Is Mallorca not part of Catalonia?”

Actually, as in Catalonia, Catalan is spoken in the Balearic islands and the three main islands have their own dialect of the language. Although Castilian (Spanish) is officially a joint language there too a local travel guide I saw recently only had a Catalan phrase book at the back.

I’m sure a linguist like yourself could have some fun with it :).



Thanks for the link, crazycat. I might get one as a backup (they’re quite neat devices).

However, now that I’ve been most cruelly and publicly shamed due to my lack of a Nespresso machine, I feel I must rush out and buy one.

I never invite folk to my place, but I’ll feel more socially acceptable just by owning a coffee machine – and a working kettle.

Ruby Tuesday

Sorry about using the word ‘lavvie’ sir. I know some French would it better if I used French.

Yes that would be very good.

The ladies ‘pissoirs’ are on the right.
The gents ‘pissoirs’ are on the left.

Brian Doonthetoon


The two official languages of Mallorca are Catalan and Spanish, a dialect of the former being the indigenous language of Mallorca. The local dialect of Catalan spoken in the island is Mallorquí, with slightly different variants in most villages. Education is bilingual in Catalan and Spanish, with some teaching of English.”

link to

Andy Ellis

@Bigot Brotherhood 1.40pm

My neighbours in Edinburgh are an eclectic lot Ian: they include unionists, nationalists, undecideds and those uninterested in politics. Most are Scottish, but there are folk from all over the world, some are permanent residents, some just here for work (financial services and academia for the most part, which is hardly surprising given the city’s businesses).

From conversations I’ve had most of the non-UK folks (whether permanent residents or not) can’t understand why Scots don’t have the balls to take their own independence: many of them come from countries which have done so relatively recently themselves, generally with far less going for them and much more in the way of opposition than the 90 minute patriots so evident in Germany recently. The most vociferous and convinced supporters of unionism round here are generally native Scots over 50.

Hooray Henries would get short shrift round here, although being in the centre of town there are a fair number: they’re hardly enough to cause much upset, let alone swing the result of votes. You seem to have a bit of a bee in your bonnet about baying neighbours upsetting your barbie of an evening: maybe you should just ask them to pipe down?

Mind, since they probably know you’re xenophobic bigot they’re probably giving you a wide berth in case you give them a Glesca (or Ayrshire) kiss for looking at them funny, or premeditated use of an English accent.

Hopefully they have enough money not to have to live too close to someone as unpleasant as you?


Ellis there, ranting about xenophobes & bigots while launching a tirade at people from the middle east.

How dare they not just accept their colonising overlords.

In another face – he’s a *founding member* of a supposed independence party.

You couldn’t make this shit up LOL

Speaking of which – cricket: get that colonial shit tae feck. That shit was recommended in parliament as an answer to the clusterfck state of the union polling along with *allowing* us to watch more shit on the BBC.

Funny that, folks pay a set licence fee – it was nice to have it confirmed we just get the dregs until we threaten to leave – then they’ve the good stuff to throw at us to make us change our minds. LOL!

Andy Ellis

@Ruby 1.49pm

The Balearic islands have never been a part of Catalonia, even thought they speak a Catalan dialect. Similarly, there is a minority speaking a Catalan dialect on the north west of the island of Sardinia in Algherese (L’Alguer in Catlan) dating back to the 14th century. Doubtless the Sardinians think they’re colonists. 🙂

Catalan nationalists sometimes refer to the Països Catalans, referring to all the areas in which the Catalan languages and dialects are spoken. That isn’t just the Catalonia which held the abortive referendum in independence: it includes the Balearic Islands, much of the province of Valencia, parts of Aragon and Murcia, the principality of Andorra and Perpignan in France.

Obviously your mate is similarly bereft of access to the internet, or is just another ned.

Robert Hughes

” Hatuey hath spoken ”

Aye , but on this occasion , Hatuey hath spoken mince .

It’s precisely that ” don’t upset the ( non ) natives ” approach that has allowed the SNP and * camp *-followers to place us in such a woeful state : ” bending over backwards ” to accommodate every ethnic group other than the indigenous one .

This mentality was very apparent in fat-arsed Uber Yoon – Brillo’s recent interview with Alex Salmond . The latter seems to think his avuncular charm sufficient in such encounters with the perennially hostile Anglo MSM , as if presenting an unthreatening face to the public is what is really going to win our Independence . It’s not ; and never will be

This not about being ” anti ” any particular group , but being ” pro ” our own .

I know two people who work for Estate Agents in the area , both selling houses and managing the second homes of non-permanent residents . They tell me more and more of their business is coming from English people . Aye , sure , they’re not complaining – ” business is business ” n’aw that ; but it still doesn’t even begin to answer what all that ” business ” is doing to local communities .

You’re right , H . There’s nothing WE can do about this and – as you say ….there’s no value in directing our ire in the direction of individuals , they’re just doing what they consider is in THEIR best interests , as we all do . It’s the Conditions , eg Economic advantage , that are the real problem .

But that doesn’t mean we should all just stand passively by and watch our culture being worn down , marginalised and – ultimately – replaced by a * foreign * one .

Ps that suggestion to form a local cricket team/club I referred to earlier received not a single ” like ” or comment .

Hopefully a case of ” build it and they’ll totally blank it ” .

So far , anyway .


Northcode @ 14.11.

Feel no regrets about the absence of a Nespresso (or similar) contrivance, Northy. My approx 20 yr old electric perculator remains in almost continuous use and still serves me well.
Exploding kettles and similar frequently Chinese made, major manufacturer branded, kitchen appliances are, in my experience, less and less reliable in proportion to the greater number of settings and hence complexity they offer.


Please leave this Whiteinch boy a wee fond memory of his childhood, playing cricket with wickets drawn on the sandstone tenement buildings with chalk borrowed from the girls playing peever further down the street. Though, as an embryo wicketkeeper, I had to practise standing beside the two dimensional stumps. Nonetheless, it took me on through the years to better wickets and higher games, leaving me with (I hope) an innate sense of fair play which has remained with me these many decades.

Dorothy Devine

crazycat, the Kelly kettle looks amazing I had never heard of them before but now that my son in law has bought a tent his next present will be one of those!

Ruby , I will try but when I was young a rude word falling from my lips ( and they weren’t VERY rude words) was met with swift retribution of the clip round the ear variety.


Sven @ 3:12pm

Thanks, Sven. Yourself and Mrs Che have been the only ones to offer support and words of comfort over my distressing and hot-coffeeless morning.

However, I have now replaced my cheap Chinese made kettle with a brand new cheap Chinese made kettle – we’ll see how long it lasts

I do have a very expensive Gaggia Academia bean to cup coffee machine (in your face, Ruby), but it needed servicing and is awaiting a part I’m told. Should get it back later this week, hopefully

I eventually remembered I had an old hob kettle hidden in the back of a cupboard, so I didn’t go without hot coffee (of sorts) for too long.

Ruby Tuesday

Tinto Chiel
16 June, 2024 at 2:10 pm

Ruby 1.06 p.m.: “Is Mallorca not part of Catalonia?”

Actually, as in Catalonia, Catalan is spoken in the Balearic islands and the three main islands have their own dialect of the language. Although Castilian (Spanish) is officially a joint language there too a local travel guide I saw recently only had a Catalan phrase book at the back.

I’m sure a linguist like yourself could have some fun with it :).

Sorry no fun to be had.

I don’t know a thing about Catalonia or Catalan.

I only spent 1/2 an hour in Catalonia and was told off for not speaking Catalan.

I often wished that grumpy old man would come to Scotland and ask me for directions to the station so I could say we old speak Gaelic/Scots here.

I think it’s a lot to expect that tourists only visiting your city for 1/2 hour are expected to speak Catalan.

I’m assuming Mallorca is pretty much like the Costa del Sol with regards to tourists and I do know quite a lot about British tourists/expats on that costa. Also Costa Brava.

I only asked about Mallorca being in Catalonia to establish if there were a lot of fellow ‘Moonhowlers’ there.

PS Congrats Iain Brotherhood on becoming a ‘Moonhowler’.


Oh, almost forgot you too, crazycat. Thanks for your support in the form of useful advice. I’m going to get one of those Kelly’s you linked to. Very cool.

Ruby Tuesday

16 June, 2024 at 2:01 pm

Inintially I thought Das Blimp was quite witty and he made me laugh. Then I discover he was just another cunt.

I’m guessing that was the same time you ‘discovered’ I was English.

No pal it was when you started making cunty pathetic statements like the above.

You don’t like me cos I’m English. Boo hoo.

Fuck off!

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 2:02 pm

“the definition of “native” in Scotland is hugely problematic”

Maybe for you, or others uncertain about their national identity.

An individual’s financial capability to buy land or property in another country does not make them a native of that country. Here they are engaging in an economic transaction, nothing more.

The author James Kelman said: ‘if you want to know your identity, look at who your relatives are’.

Ruby Saturday

I eventually remembered I had an old hob kettle hidden in the back of a cupboard,

Does it whistle and does it have a bird in it’s spout?

Alessi Bird Kettle?

Mine boils up in a jiffy on my induction hob and it’s playing the flute even before I’ve had time to put the Darjeeling into my Alessi Bombe teapot.

PS What are you doing with a clapped out old Gaggia machine? Did your coffee shop go bust? Too olde worlde? 🙂

PPS Can you help Dorothy to be awful? It looks as if she might need some conversion therapy.

PPPS Can you tell Ellis to shut it that I don’t need any more lectures from Google.

As far as I’m concerned Mallorca is in Catalonia and it’s probably jam packed with Moonhowlers.

Viva! Viva! las Aulladoras de Luna de Mallorca! Viva!


@ Ian Brotherhood,Robert Hughes and any other fellow nativists I just watched the recent edition of PRISM, where Finbar Markey explained in GREAT detail WHY people in ROI were rioting and demonstrating against franchise fannys civic bullshit progressive nationalism, also watch out for his exposure of the inconsistencies and illuminated stupidity of the franchise fannys support of israhel and u


Ruby Saturday 16th June @5:07pm

I’ll work my way through your ‘checklist’ one item at a time.

“Mine boils up in a jiffy on my induction hob and it’s playing the flute even before I’ve had time to put the Darjeeling into my Alessi Bombe teapot.”

What a show-off (nice kettles, though, those Alessi Bird kettles).

Mine takes two hands to lift, 2 hours to boil, and plays the clarinet while singing “Aulladora de luna, más ancha que una milla Algún día te cruzaré con estilo” when the water’s hot enough. Beat that. A flute! Not nearly stylish enough for me.

Seriously, though, my hob kettle’s made from solid iron or something and it’s ancient and it does take an age to boil. It was my mothers, and her mother’s before her (I could just have said it was my grandmother’s but I didn’t feel that was poetic enough).

By the way, I have some little Spanish, but not enough – so I used Google translate. Hopefully the lyrics it didn’t translate to some kind of insult, but then again… 🙂


Ruby Saturday 16th June @5:07pm

Item #2 on your ‘checklist’.

“PS What are you doing with a clapped out old Gaggia machine? Did your coffee shop go bust? Too olde worlde?”

What a cheek. My Gaggia is top of the range and cost almost £1800.

But, yes. The shop I bought it from did close down a few years ago (are you psychic?).

Actually, My Gaggia is not an Academia. It’s getting on a bit now and is a bit clapped out – hence the service . But don’t tell anyone. I want them to think I’m posh and can throw away two grand on a coffee machine. (are you psychic?)

“Too olde worlde?” – Yet more cheek from a young whippersnapper. The ancients tell me that 5,000 years old is young by their standards – I’m still a wean tae them.

I don’t know if you’re psychic or just really good at spotting bullshit – maybe you’re both.

Got to go and do some real-world stuff now – I’ll finish the checklist later.


Ruby Tuesday
Ignored says:
16 June, 2024 at 4:37 pm

No pal it was when you started making cunty pathetic statements like the above.

You don’t like me cos I’m English. Boo hoo.

Fuck off!

The screeching, foul-mouthed and mostly incoherent Ruby has been found out. Nasty little bigot that s/he/it is. Do you feel all big and clever swearing on an anonymous forum? LOL.

Ruby Tuesday

Aulladora de luna, más ancha que una milla 🙂

Only insult is the ridiculous suggestion that it should be played on the saxophone.

No! No! No! it must be played on the flute

link to

I initially had doubts about ‘una milla’. I thought it was Italian. It turns out it is Spanish. I have just never heard that word spoken in Spanish.

Likewise aullador. I’m guessing it’s one of those onomatopoeic words.

Aullaaaaa! Aullaaaaa! Aullaaaaa!

Great now we can moonhowl in Spanish.


dasBlimp 16 June, 2024 at 2:01 pm

I’m guessing that was the same time you ‘discovered’ I was English.


Ruby Tuesday

link to

A lovely tune played on the flute

Best wishes from a nasty bigoted foul mouthed Moonhowlin’ harridon with tourettes.


“No! No! No! it must be played on the flute”

Oh, look – it’s the tone police tune police.

But…you’re right. Sounds much better played on the flute. I’ll have to re-train my hob kettle now.

What a brilliant flautist (flutist if you were born before 1860) James Galway was – maybe still is. He’s still kicking around I think.

And ‘Danny Boy’ played on the flute is very moving. Thanks for the links, Aulladora de luna.


Ignored says:
16 June, 2024 at 10:36 pm
“No! No! No! it must be played on the flute”

Oh, look – it’s the tone police tune police.

It’s good you’ve moved on to the pink piccolo, Northcode. I thought you was fixating too much earlier on your boyfriend David’s bottom.

Onwards and upwards.


Robert Hughes, if you accept there is nothing we can do about it, which you do, you must also accept that hounding immigrants needlessly is not a good look and one that is certainly bound to lose votes rather than win them.

The British MSM would like nothing better than to dismiss us as racist nationalists, or whatever.

And, to be clear, I’m not worried about offending immigrants as such, I’m more concerned about how it would look in the eyes of undecided native voters who would take a dim view of that line of argument.

As for your cricket story, I didn’t consider it worth commenting on as I don’t think we need to worry about Scots being converted to that sport.

Alf: “Maybe for you, or others uncertain about their national identity.”

It’s the “others” you might worry about. A lot of people in Glasgow identify with Irish ancestry, for example. Go too far down the nativist road and you run the risk of alienating them. (God knows they’ve already been subject to the most vile abuse based on their ancestry, by people who put a lot of emphasis on the purity and entitlement of native Scots…)


Link for nativists who want to be educated
link to

Barrhead boy PRISM

Andy Ellis

@Hatuey 12.35 am

Robert Hughes, if you accept there is nothing we can do about it, which you do, you must also accept that hounding immigrants needlessly is not a good look and one that is certainly bound to lose votes rather than win them.

This has been pointed out to the nativists in the past. Indeed, Rev Stu’s original fisking of the franchise restriction narrative specifically called out the likelihood of such actions actually costing the movement more votes than it gained us.

The usual suspects in here of course go absolutely tonto at the thought, because they have no rational response or counter argument: they simply insist that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

The optics of such nativism don’t matter to them, because all that does matter is their deep seated faith based position that “we wuz robbed” and that “it was them furriners (read English) wot dun it”.

Interestingly, we’ve now moved on to a situation where not only are they unrepentant in the face of criticism that their anti-immigrant stance is problematic and can be regarded as xenophobic, they’re prepared like Ian Brotherhood and a handful of even more unsavoury regulars BTL here to proudly proclaim and even own their bigotry.

It’s the “others” you might worry about. A lot of people in Glasgow identify with Irish ancestry, for example. Go too far down the nativist road and you run the risk of alienating them. (God knows they’ve already been subject to the most vile abuse based on their ancestry, by people who put a lot of emphasis on the purity and entitlement of native Scots…)

Well, quite. It demonstrates a rather superficial understanding of Scottish history and the impacts of sectarianism to ignore the legacy of anti-Irish nativism. And yet, we are where we are: folks within our own movement loudly proclaiming that nobody who isn’t born here should get a vote on Scotland’s independence, or that they have to live here for decades.

Even if they satisfy the nativists criteria however, they aren’t and never can be “real” Scots. When did attitudes like that become OK? More to the point, when did it become OK for them to be openly and even proudly trumpeted as not just necessary but virtuous?

If anyone had made comments like that in the run up to 2014 I can’t imagine they’d have been given the time of day by the movement as a whole, however much of a big tent it was.

Robert Hughes

@ Hatuey

I really don’t get why you refer to ” hounding immigrants needlessly ” . I’ve said before in response to yourself on the same subject that immigrants should be treated with respect and consideration – always .

I don’t know where you live , H , but I’m going to assume it’s not somewhere like Govanhill .

My cousin lives in the that area , has done for 40+ years – she’s the furthest from what could be called ” racist ” , she has described to me the shocking degeneration of her once pleasant & safe district . Not all attributable to the influx of large numbers of people from radically different cultures – GDC have a lot to answer for , as does Neoliberalism as the dominant / domineering political system : but there’s no doubt this influx has contributed to the decline of Govanhill .

Ask another resident , the poster here Anton Decadent ; maybe you think he’s just making-up the stories he relates of being attacked by E.European immigrants , in his own area . It’s so easy to be pro-Immigration when you’re never exposed to it’s negative aspects .

If someone comes to your door , a complete stranger , looks ” different ” , doesn’t speak your language very well – or at all , and asks if he can come into your house and stay there ; would you just say ” sure , come in , stay as long as you want ” ?

Of course you wouldn’t . At the very least you would need some assurance they were who they claimed to be , were well-intentioned and posed no threat to you and your family .

You may consider the analogy inapplicable – I don’t .

This country is our home , the only one we have . Should we not be mindful of it’s welfare and the well-being of it’s residents ? Yes , ALL it’s residents .

And , yes , we should offer sanctuary to those who truly , desperately need it : do so willingly . But not at the social expense , particularly , of those * family members * already suffering deprivation and lack of opportunity .


We’re not in control of our own immigration.

Given past & current colonial methods it’s not uncommon for them to move ppl around to deliberately create tensions, civil unrest & sectarianism.

The cuddly crew seem to forget Scotland isn’t in control of its own immigration policies & has hee-haw say in the selection process.

Look at what happened in U & now trying in Georgia. Foreign interference planted to cause civil unrest. *rent a mob* turns up to overthrow elected governments.

It’d be interesting to find out where Scotland suddenly found its TRA nutjobs from? It was as if by magic & trashed two parties that supported independence. Fckn uncanny! I don’t think I’ve heard one with a Scottish accent yet..

Until Scotland is in charge of its own affairs then the cuddly crew doesn’t know for sure they’re not axe murderers so should STFU imo.



Ignore Ellis. He’s a racist.

If Scotland were to agree to take 1 million Palestinians,Syrians, Lebanese, he’d shit himself.

He can’t even take the Scots either who he’s always deriding.

The nativist stick is attention seeking dross for him to launch into his specialist subject, the franchise. *Yawns*


Ruby Saturday 16th June @5:07pm

Item #3 on your checklist

“PPS Can you help Dorothy to be awful? It looks as if she might need some conversion therapy.”

I don’t think it’s possible for Dorothy to be awful (did you know she’s an Egyptian princess?), but I’ll give it a try.

Dorothy – It’s unlikely you will achieve much in the way of success if you jump straight in to using ‘heavy duty’ foul language in your comments. I suspect that filling your comments with expletives will come across as forced and pretentious.

Best if you start off by peppering your posts with words like damn and dash, bloody and blast, cripes and confoundedly, dang and darn.

Then you can move on to using words (or phrases) like son of a biscuit, son of a beach, bugger, crap and fudge and, of course, mother trucker.

When you’ve practiced those for a while you’ll be ready to employ such phrases as ‘get tae f**k ya big bully bastard f**kin’ pr**k ye’ and from there the only limit will be your imagination.

But go gently, Dorothy. The liberating effects of swearing can be addictive.

As an example, I never swore in my entire life until I was converted into a foul-mouthed monster by Ruby. She has powerful magic that one.

And she’s psychic tae (she sees intae folks heids and can instantly spot ther bullshit). So be warned, Dorothy. If you choose to walk the path of sweariness you can never go back.

Andy Ellis

Interesting to see aw the wee tankies having a meltdown about immigration and how it queers the pitch against indigenous Scots, and railing against the “cuddly crew”.

Xenophobic bigotry like Geri’s sees no hypocrisy in posting a-historcal drivel like this:

Look at what happened in U & now trying in Georgia. Foreign interference planted to cause civil unrest. *rent a mob* turns up to overthrow elected governments.

Of course if they’d done even a modicum of research, they’d know both that Uncle Vlad and his predecessor planted huge numbers of ethnic Russtis in their imperial domains as did the Tsarist regime previously. The folk behind the establishment of the pretendy Donbas and Luhansk People’s Republics were put there post 1945 to keep the natives in their place. The same goes for the Baltic Republics in Soviet times.

Interestingly of course, the good folks in U and the Baltic states did exactly the opposite of what the nativist bigots infesting BTL comments here advocate: they allowed the incomers to participate in their campaigns for self determination in the 1990’s, despite having few of the social, economic and political advantages current Scots take for granted.

If Scots want their parliament to have control over immigration, then it’s up to them to make it so by wresting that control from Westminster. The easiest way to do it would of course be by becoming independent, but there are other places (like Quebec) which have much more say on immigration policy within their existing systems.

If Scots lack the balls to secure their own independence, maybe they can summon up the necessary support to at least secure more powers over areas of policy that matter to xenophobes, bigots and racists like Geri? I won’t be holding my breath right enough. Most ordinary Scots have no truck with extremism, sectarianism and anti-immigration types because they’ve seen where it leads.

Maybe Geri and a’ the ither nativists can toddle off to Reform where they really belong an gie us a’ some peace?


Ruby Saturday 16th June @5:07pm

Item #4 on your checklist

“PPPS Can you tell Ellis to shut it that I don’t need any more lectures from Google”

Ellis – shut it. Ruby doesn’t need any more lectures from Google.

Your checklist has been completed. Hope you have a nice day. 🙂

Ruby Tuesday

Thank you Northcode you have done a grand job.

Have a nice cup of coffee as a reward. 🙂

Robert Hughes

@ Geri

I was responding to Hatuey , not Ellis .

I rarely bother even reading the latter’s posts . He’s a middle class twat – if not in background – I have no idea about that – then certainly in mentality .

He condescended to return to Scotland to educate the dim , benighted lumpen ” pork ” on the absolute unassailable correctness of Civic * Nationalism * and explain to them how supporting every insane – actually Extreme Right Wing – bunch of murderous bastards was absolutely essential to preserve something he calls ” Democracy ” . Hahaha .

He doesn’t have a fckn clue about anything of substance , is wrong about nearly everything and has been writing the same ALBA ( ” please notice me , Alex , look how * moderate * I am ” ) Candidacy application for the last couple of years .

People like his involvement in ALBA will guarantee that Party never achieves anything of significance .

Ruby Tuesday

Racism again!

Everyone is ‘racist’

You are being manipulated into pretending you aren’t by the law & PC Brigade.

Similar is happening with the Gender Brigade & Hate Crime laws.

You must not be racist
You must not be transphobic.

People are racist it’s human nature
People are transphobic that too is human nature.

Shame people can’t see how much they are being controlled.

Why mustn’t you be racist – because the Government totally screwed up immigration
(Maybe they didn’t screw up immigration maybe it was a deliberate attempt to let you plebs know how little you mattered.)

Why mustn’t you be transphobic – because the Government totally screwed up ‘Sex Recognition’
(Here again maybe it wasn’t a screw up it was a deliberate attempt to let you plebs especially you uppity women know how little you mattered.)

Tony Blair in the news today the man responsible for all the manipulation of the plebs.
I’m off to read what that cunt has to say.

You must not swear!

I’ve decided to be a rebel. Rebel Ruby is a racist, Moonhowling bigot, foul mouthed natavistic harridon with tourettes.

Aullaaaaa! Aullaaaaa! Aullaaaaa!

Ole! I can Moonhowl in Spanish!

Have a go. Don’t forget ll in Spanish is pronounced ….. oh hang on

Aullador de luna is the Spanish for moonhowler

The word aullador is one of those words that sounds like what it is. Onamatomato!

The best way to learn how to pronounce the ll in Spanish is to Moonhowl.

Moonhowlin for more than a mile
We’re doing it in style today.


“Onamatomato!” 🙂


I’ve done my work for today.

I’ve walked in the company of scented blooms. I’ve sent my mind to faraway worlds that don’t yet exist. I’ve created entire new universes and thought entirely new thoughts never thought before.

And yet here I am, returned to the monotonous and uninspiring, the grey and colourless, the mediocre non-think domain of humans. Wrapped, as they always seem to be, in one of their endless and unthinking witch hunts to which they are prone. Slaves to the god of stupidity and willing to sacrifice everything for nothing.

I’m tempted to invoke the 72 and their vast legions and sweep it all away. But free will and all that – I must let humanity plot its imbecilic course in the hope that one day it will find its way back.

Well, it isn’t a hope really – it’s all part of the plan and is inevitable. But fuck me, those humans are taking their time about it.

They aren’t really, I’m being melodramatic – time doesn’t exist. All that ever was and all that is yet to come – that work is finished. Dreamt and done and dusted.

Rhetoric is language at play and having fun; language on steroids. It’s what persuades and provokes, inspires and confuses, excites and misdirects. It causes criminals to be convicted and then frees those criminals on appeal.

It causes governments to fall and rise and fall again, best men to be eternally shunned by their best friends’ brides, and sane and sensible folk to march towards machine guns.

And it’s made of stuff like, well, the stuff above.

It’s made of linked pairs – ‘inspires and confuses’, ‘persuades and provokes’. It’s made of groups of three. It’s made of repeated phrases. It’s made, as often as not, of half-truths and non-truths and fine-sounding meaninglessness, of abstract nouns and shaky implications and false arguments.

It’s all around us all of the time.

We see it now in the creation of new and meaningless terms, groupings and classifications. Those new terms and classifications don’t actually change reality – they only change how folk perceive and interpret and behave in ‘reality’; if they allow them to. Hard for some minds to resist at times – words have power.

In the end our lives are all a dream – just not our dream. Well, it is and it isn’t – it’s complicated; and yet at the same time it isn’t.

Think I’ll dream up a coffee now, and return to one of those new worlds that don’t yet exist.


Robert Hughes: “ I really don’t get why you refer to ” hounding immigrants needlessly ” . I’ve said before in response to yourself on the same subject that immigrants should be treated with respect and consideration …”

And no doubt some of your best friends are immigrants.

Here’s the problem. A bunch of friendly neighbours having a chinwag over the fence about crime is one thing, but it would be very hard to distinguish between those friendly neighbours and a lynch mob if they were talking about immigrants moving into the area.

I haven’t expressed much of an opinion on this subject because there’s nothing any of can do about immigration. As for Anton Decadent, he’s made reference on more than one occasion to things like skin colour that took him across civilised lines, in my opinion.

While we are on the subject, though, this is just another example of neo-right American politics being crowbarred into the Scottish context. My advice is that you wean yourself off that crap.


Northcode @ 14.44.

“Tis but a dream,
I should say; yet
In the world of men
There is reality
I feel”.
Ki no Tsurayuki.



You know stuff, Sven.

But I think I was Ki no Tsurayuk is one of my past lives and I’m not sure folk interpreted what I was trying to say correctly. 🙂

Anton Decadent

Things which Hatuey has expressed a desire for in their past comments here.

An end to Scotland as a country and culture.

A replacement of the Scottish electorate

An imported population of at least double the current number living in Scotland.

They have also defended China and said that the millions of deaths under Communism were unintentional.

They have also claimed that I deserved the attacks carried out against me where I live.

When someone expresses genocidal intent towards you believe them and do not back down when they try to smear you as a racist for not going quietly into the night.

Robert Hughes

@ Hatuey

” And no doubt some of your best friends are immigrants. ”

No , as a matter of fact I have no immigrant friends , not one .

I do however have quite a few English friends , some of whom support Independence , some who don’t ; it’s not a prerequisite of my friendship : and some of the finest people I’ve ever known have been English .

“…this is just another example of neo-right American politics being crowbarred into the Scottish context. My advice is that you wean yourself off that crap. ” .

And you think I’m not capable of distinguishing between ” neo-right American politics ” and the legitimate concerns of people who feel they have been left behind and their welfare neglected whilst others who have contributed nothing to the country and have no understanding of or interest in it’s history or it’s future other than what it may provide for them ?



@ Geri and Robert Hughes, perhaps Hatuey and the franchise fanny devotees could use the link I posted up thread to visit Barrhead boys latest PRISM and listen to Finbar Markey’s explanation of the reason for the riots and protests in the ROI, then if they still insist on THEIR version of civic nationalism perhaps they could go to the ROI and call them blood and soil moon howlers,nativist and racist bigots then come back and let us know how they get on

Robert Hughes

” whilst others who have contributed nothing to the country and have no understanding of or interest in it’s history or it’s future other than what it may provide for them , seem to get preferential treatment ” .

@ Twathater

Yes , a really excellent edition of Prism . Yr man , Finbar , knows what he’s talking about . Unlike some !

Thanks for the heads-up , I looked earlier yesterday and there wasn’t nothing new , I assume ’cause Roddy was in Germany for the fitbaw the usual weekly Prism had been suspended . Cheers T

Ruby Tuesday

Hautey recently agreed with me that everyone is racist.

Everyone is racist and it’s possible immigrants are the most racist of all.

However its important to remember ever single one of those immigrants was your mother in a former life.

Well that is if you believe in re-incarnation.


Northcode @ 17.15.

“LOL xxx”<
Lots of love, or,
Laughing out loud …

Enjoy your coffee, Northy.


“However its important to remember ever single one of those immigrants was your mother in a former life.”

Not mine, Ruby. All my mothers were virgins.


There are two things the anti-immigrant faction on here should bear in mind above everything else;

1) Scotland doesn’t control immigration policy. That means there’s currently nothing to stop 450 million people from Birmingham moving here. It also means there’s nothing to stop the UK government flooding the country (Scotland) with immigrants. Quite a lot follows from recognition of our helplessness on this issue.

2) Perceptions matter.

As I explained, it is very difficult to distinguish between a bunch of people moaning about immigrants and something resembling a racist lynch mob. That isn’t to say anything about the merits of your arguments one way or another; it’s a simple acknowledgment of the fact that the British MSM would be happy to see the independence movement fall into yet another trap.

There are no questions hanging over my position on this. The questions are for those who want to indulge in the issue of immigration when, as we all agree, there is no means by which any of us can currently do anything about it.

You might think it’s possible to win support and create some sort of groundswell but that’s unlikely; it’s more likely that you’ll be painted as rightists and racists and do more harm than good to the independence cause.

Note that Anton Decadent didn’t deny his previous vile references to skin colour, btw.

As for Ruby’s point, yes, you’re right, I think we are all racist to some extent. Suppressing such views, however, and keeping them out of politics, is the hallmark of a civilised society, in my opinion.

I have little more to say on this unpleasant subject, except to point out that immigration is an issue in most western societies today for a reason; it was predictable and predicted that we would need more immigrants as our populations got older. The benefits of immigration and immigrants are lost in all this — granted, not for everybody, but in general economic terms — and that’s a pity.

If Scotland becomes independent, I will argue for more immigrants, not less.

Alf Baird

Ruby Tuesday @ 6:03 pm

“Everyone is racist and it’s possible immigrants are the most racist of all.”

This is almost certainly the case in a colonial society where colonialism is described as ‘hateful racism’ (Cesaire), or ‘aggressive racism’ (Fanon), and that racism is always ‘a consubstantial part of colonialism’ (Memmi).

The Scottish minority within the ‘UK internal colonialism model’ (Hechter) therefore seems increasingly subject to two main forms of racism:
1. that colonialism is racism, and;
2. that ‘positive discrimination’ in favour of other minority groups may further discriminate against the already colonized and hence subordinated Scottish group.

Ruby Tuesday

Suppressing such views, however, and keeping them out of politics, is the hallmark of a civilised society, in my opinion. Hatuey

How would that work?

We seem to be expected to suppress a lot of views lately.

Ruby Tuesday


It’s a pity one of your virgin maws didn’t teach you how to
miraculously boil water instead of teaching you how to walk on water.
Think of how handy that would be in the event of your kettle exploding.
Why did you need to walk on water? Yer virgin da was a carpenter he could have built you a boat.

I’ve figured out two of your virgin maws. The second one was called Rosemary wasn’t she?

Who were the others? Was one a crocodile or a spider?

Ruby Tuesday

I have read the article

‘On the frontline of the Gender Wars’

but I haven’t commented. I am supressing my views on that topic.


Someone clever once said you can tell quite a lot about societies by looking at who you are not allowed to criticise. Immigrants seem to always fall into the category of those you are allowed to criticise.

Here’s the truth of the situation; the people most responsible for the position Scotland currently finds itself in are the Scottish people themselves. Why don’t we stop blaming others and deal with that?

Anton Decadent

“Note that Anton Decadent didn’t deny his previous vile references to skin colour, btw.”

Could you please post these, I did not deny them because I am not in the habit of justifying myself to people such as yourself with your “when did you stop beating your wife?” type accusations.


I get the feeling I’ve offended you with my stupid joke, Ruby. Apologies if that’s the case.



Didn’t mean to offend. It was just a daft joke following on from my tongue-in-cheek rhetoric comment.

I posted another, innocuous, comment with the same sentiment but it went to moderation for some reason.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Northcode.

Try saying “The Leith Police dismithess us.” with your tongue in your cheek…


BDTT – Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean or what your point is

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Northcode.

It was just a daft joke/suggestion following on from YOUR tongue-in-cheek rhetoric comment.

Ruby Tuesday

17 June, 2024 at 11:21 pm


Didn’t mean to offend. It was just a daft joke following on from my tongue-in-cheek rhetoric comment.

You didn’t offend you never do. I replied with an equally daft joke.

Ruby Tuesday

17 June, 2024 at 10:51 pm

Here’s the truth of the situation; the people most responsible for the position Scotland currently finds itself in are the Scottish people themselves. Why don’t we stop blaming others and deal with that?

Can you tell us what you personally feel most responsible for?

When you use the term ‘Scottish people’ what do you mean?

What about ‘immigrants’ would they have some responsibility for the position Scotland currently finds itself in.



Sorry, Ruby. I misread your comment’s tone – tiredness, probably. Glad I didn’t offend.

Also, as I’ve said before, I’ve often offended folk in the past (hard to believe, I know) who didn’t get that I was joking when I was trying to be a smartass and it backfired on me. Plus, one of my past lives mothers was a crocodile, and I react badly when reminded – she was a terrible mother.

Ruby Tuesday

I am not easily offended. If I were I would definitely not be posting on Wings.

Uneducated schemie, foul mouthed harridon with tourettes, bigoted Moonhowler, mad cow member of the Bonnie Purple heather brigade, anti English incomprehensible clown, nick-named pubes.

Just a few of ‘the insults’ I’ve received here on Wings. There are more I just can’t remember them at the moment.

What’s interesting about those brave keyboard warriors dishing out the insults is if I dare to insult them back they start greetin’ (See Das Blimp’s latest)and clyping to Stu.

Cry bullies is how they have been described. I use a different term.

The big problem with the cry bullies is they have zero sense of humour.

That is one thing you can’t say about Northcode. He has a marvellous sense of humour. It’s kinda necessary I suppose if you’re descended from an alligator. 🙂

I’m quite surprised that he’s not thicker skinned and less worried about offending. 🙂

More smileys might be the answer.

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


“I’m quite surprised that he’s not thicker skinned”

There you go reminding me of my past life crocodile mother again, Ruby. Sometimes I think you can be quite evil. 🙂 🙂 🙂

I put three smiley’s just to make sure you know I’m joking – here’s another just to be on the safe side. 🙂


“…descended from an alligator.”

Christ sake, Ruby. I’d forgotten about her. She was the mother before the crocodile – she was lovely. Now you’ve got me all nostalgic. You’re so evil. 🙂

Ruby Tuesday

Alligator/crocodile same thing except when they are made into shoes.

For example the Crocs don’t go down too well at a wedding. Ever tried doing an Eightsome Reel in Crocs? The Alligator shoes on the other hand are perfect for those occasions but rubbish when gardening.

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

I’ve added the smileys to indicate this is a joke but remember many a true word spoken in jest.

Wearing Crocs to a wedding is not a good idea even if the are ‘Balenciaga Crocs Madame’ or ‘Crocs Monsieur’.


“Croques Monsieur”

So that’s why my Eightsome Reel is rubbish. Thanks for the tip, Ruby.


Fkn creep show with a spoonful of intifada.

Ruby Tuesday

18 June, 2024 at 4:49 pm

Fkn creep show with a spoonful of intifada.

Hey Stevie

Is that comment directed at me.

I love it and would like to add it to my list of insults.

Let me know so I can return the favour.




“Is that comment directed at me”

I got the impression the comment related to this ‘clown show’ article, Ruby. I could be wrong of course, but I’m not sure it was directed at anyone in particular on here.

Some folk are just too sensitive don’t you think?

Sorry, couldn’t stop myself. 🙂

Ruby Tuesday

I’m hyper sensitive!

They tell me just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they wont get me.

The Flying Iron of Doom

My last six or seven attempts to reply on the subject of beavers have been suppressed by aliens or something. Is it just me? What’s going on? 😐

Ruby Tuesday

The Flying Iron of Doom

It’s all a total mystery.


@ James Che 15 June, 2024 at 2:51 pm

” what type of corporate Body the SNP were awhile back,”

I said it was
An ‘Unincorporated Association’ It’s an organisation set up through an agreement between a group of people who come together for a reason other than to make a profit (for example, a voluntary group or a sports club). You do not need to register an unincorporated association, and it does not cost anything to set one up.

But because it’s political organisation it does have be registered with the Electoral Commission
For me the only interesting thing is the liability

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