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Archive for October, 2015

Tiny Correction Watch 144

Posted on October 21, 2015 by

The SNP MP for Dumfries and Galloway, Richard Arkless, made a post on Facebook last night in relation to this article in the Scottish Sunday Express three days ago.


You can read it below.

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Readers’ Question Time 520

Posted on October 20, 2015 by

Okay, so we’ve tried everything. We’ve read all the papers, we’ve been through all the emails, and we’ve even gone out for a walk, which usually never fails to trigger some cataclysmic political upheaval or animal-sex scandal.

But it didn’t work. There’s still no news, which is probably why the papers – including the FRONT PAGES of the Scotsman and Telegraph – are on an incredible second day of the astounding revelation that someone told someone to f**k off on the internet.

As spectacular and mindboggling as some of the coverage undeniably is – most notably Alex Massie’s barking-mad, lie-filled howlatribe “J.K. Rowling and her heroic attack on the wicked cybernats” (whose title, remarkably, does not appear to be ironic) in ultra-right-wing loonzine CapX – even we’re fed up of reading people going on about us, so to pass the time we’re going to do something else instead.

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Person swears on internet 425

Posted on October 19, 2015 by

Nation’s political journalists shocked.


More “news” at 1pm, 6pm, 10pm10.30pm, etc, etc, etc, etc.

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A failure of briefing 346

Posted on October 18, 2015 by

Angus Robertson won’t enjoy watching today’s Sunday Politics Scotland again:

But neither should Andrew Neil, because Andrew Neil was lying.

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The one-party street 200

Posted on October 17, 2015 by


With permission 144

Posted on October 16, 2015 by

So shortly after this:


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How politics works 127

Posted on October 16, 2015 by


(Times story here, Tory manifesto here.)

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Timewaster wastes time 79

Posted on October 15, 2015 by

We wonder how many papers we’ll see this in tomorrow.

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The professor of pish 171

Posted on October 15, 2015 by

We weren’t going to take Professor Adam Tomkins’ hysterical “NATMAGEDDON!” article for this week’s Spectator seriously enough to pull it apart line by line.


But once we’d wiped the tears from our eyes we thought we’d better do our job.

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The master of disaster 193

Posted on October 15, 2015 by

The comedy “obnoxious Tory” stereotype/respected BBC pundit (delete as applicable) Adam Tomkins has a dramatic opinion piece in the Spectator this week, which also commands the magazine’s front cover.

It’s a handy one-stop compilation of some of the most comprehensively-debunked Unionist myths and lies of the past couple of years, livened up for readers with some standard-issue wild-eyed frothing lunacy shrieking about one-party states, “Orwellian” dictatorships, the evil Nats are coming for your children, blah blah etc.


If we were to pull up every absurdly laughable line we’d be here all day, and nobody reads 5000-word articles, so we’re going to restrict ourselves to a single example.

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The talent puddle 212

Posted on October 14, 2015 by

Today’s Herald reveals that the new Labour leader of Glasgow City Council, Frank McAveety (who was last seen in the headlines leering at a 15-year-old girl visiting the Scottish Parliament), has hired Bob Wylie as a special adviser.

Wylie was communications director of the scandal-riddled Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT), which readers may recall from last year’s banning of an advertising campaign for this site on the city’s Underground after receiving one complaint about it.

But he’s somewhat more famous for his part in an expenses junket which saw several of the quango’s senior management bill taxpayers for a 2008 “fact-finding” mission to Manchester whose timing just happened to coincide with the UEFA Cup final between Rangers and Zenit St Petersburg being played in the same city.


Wylie’s appointment follows the controversy which arose when Labour gave convicted drunken arsonist Mike Watson a job as education spokesman in Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet. And the two hirings threw some light on a thought we’d been thinking since reading a Kevin McKenna column in last weekend’s Observer.

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The accusing fingers 73

Posted on October 14, 2015 by

As readers may have noticed, it’s been an extremely slow news week this week. The papers, having strung out the Michelle Thomson “crisis” beyond all endurance, have been reduced (in the case of today’s Daily Mail) to printing shock-horror pictures of her still sitting beside SNP MPs in the Commons, so little else is there to report.


(As far as we’re aware the Commons doesn’t have an official naughty step, so even if Thomson HAD been found guilty of doing anything wrong she’d have had to sit on the opposition benches just the same.)

But it seems the dastardly Nats have been getting up to something even worse than associating with a (currently) former colleague.

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