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Wings Over Scotland

Person swears on internet

Posted on October 19, 2015 by

Nation’s political journalists shocked.


More “news” at 1pm, 6pm, 10pm10.30pm, etc, etc, etc, etc.

























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This interweb thingy is just like real life, eh, what a discovery!

David Briggs

It gets a bit repetitive. You would expect certain members of the Press to be more creative with their language?

Betty Boop

Now can someone tell me why this sort of language from so-called journos isn’t headline news on BBC Reporting Scotland?

Lunchtime news greetin’ again today that N Sturgeon has asked Yes supporters to mind their language on the internet when commenting on international rugby! Hurry, call the polis.

Jim Thomson

Young Mr Daisley seems quite nice.

Will Podmore

And who would spend time logging this sad stuff?


Ah yes, but you have to swear at someone who has more than a certain level of cash in the bank for it to be news.


There’s an excuse for the rest of the bastards, but Hugo! dearyfuckinme.

Bob Mack

@wil Podmore.

Just someone who likes a balanced view of things.


Jim Thomson

@Will Podmore

Errmm, it’s not “logging” it’s called searching, using things called “search terms”.

And I thought you knew how to use the internet.


A! unionism and journalism is that the level the EBC wishes us to aim for? Hypocrisy & Sleaze the English Broadcsting Corpse RIP standards and impartiality.

Andy Borland

Somebody highlighting the fact journalists are fucking hypocrites?

Doug Daniel

What a fucking disgrace.


I am shocked, shocked to find swearing on the internet.


Good to know that journos who complain about Online Cybernat abuse are above dishing it out themselves, Oh…

Angra Mainyu

It is better to be a Yes voter dissatisfied than a treasonous pig satisfied…

Don’t forget it.

R-type Grunt

@ Will Podmore – fuck right off.

I’m deeply disappointed in the way Nicola Sturgeon allows herself to be used by the media in this way. Thank fuck I’m fucking off myself.

Training Day

The lexicon of Unionism does not appear to be particularly extensive.


But Stuart, you told the right holy anointed sainted one to ‘fuck off’, in the righteous world of high morality we live in that is not allowed. Saint Joanne cannot be blasphemed she must be listened to and lauded as her perfumed farts travel downwind to tickle those chosen to follow her without question. Don’t fight what you can’t hope to win against, join the Church of Joanne and feel the love… and exclusive updates on the Harry Potter musical!

Andrew McLean

Swearing is a sign of a poor education As I don’t have a english “O” level it’s ok for me, with my limited grammar and comprehension. but my wife looks at what I post and I use my real name so I am buggered!

Dan Huil

Just more unionist hypocrisy. I could swear about it but then I’d be accused of being a nasty Nat.


Well fuck me sideways with a hedgehog. The bastards are taking the fuckin piss.

Robert Louis

Rev, I am completely with you on this one. These carping unionists who were so very vocal, telling us weren’t a real country during the referendum, and insisted it is better we stay as an English colony, change their tune for Rugby.

Surely ‘Britain’ would be THEIR team. Shouting ‘Come on Scotland, come on Scotland’ for 80 bl*****g minutes, then ‘actually I prefer to be British’ afterwards. To such people, the word ‘Scotland’ is a mere social convenience, no more, no less. The rugby equivalent of football’s 90 minute patriots.

The mind numbing hypocrisy involved in all of it, is what really irks me.

bookie from hell

instead of fcuk off

couldn’t you of said

fine–cheering Scotland on for 80 mins and I welcome it

but tax credit cuts for working poor are a lifetime while in the Union


Does anyone else get the impression that these characters are just a wee bit unhappy?

Things don’t seem to be going their way. 🙂


And all because a super rich English lady paid UKOK £1,000,000 to stop Scotland becoming a nation state. Its bit like that old War over Jennifer’s ear tragicomedy. Takes you back eh.

“The War over Scotland botherer JK Rowling.”

Thomas William Dunlop

I hear you’ve been a naughty boy again, Rev….

In my estimation losing the rag is never, ever a good idea (although I unerstand it under the circumstances to the raw nerve of defeat).

I have never won an argument where I first insult the opposition. I prefer to grind them down with my insanely cheerful and constructive manner. Slowly but steadily. I may not convert the hardcore unionists (which is really impervious to thoughtful discourse) but at least my blood pressure stays withing toreable limits and I can always talk to them afterwards. That way I manage to pick of the middle, NO vote that can be reasoned with. That is the 20% we have to swing the next time. I’d even wager to say that Rowling might in that group to.



I seem to have f****d up and joined the local f**k you club.

Being the village idiot I am used to making f**k ups but to come across a whole diatribe of *ahem* intellectuals telling others to f**k off is quite an eye opener to me. No really it is. 😉

I’m so f****d up over this whole F**k off story line I will have to go lie down in a *cough* Darkened Room for quite some time. I’m totally f****d up over this. 😀


She pays her taxes to the London government not the Scottish one.

Giving Goose

If there is one thing that absolutely needs to be understood by Wingers and Yes supporters in general, is the level of contempt that we are held in by the Unionist Establishment and their pet poodles of the MSM.

We are The Enemy and make no bones about it, it is as The Enemy that we are approached, regarded and engaged with.

Therefore the normal polite, fair rules are discarded. The Geneva Convention of polite discourse doesn’t exist. The Scottish landscape of political discussion became the Eastern Front when the SNP got a majority in the Scottish Parliament. We are hated and our goal is hated even more.


Reading those made me quite teary.

I can hear my dead, much missed, father in every ‘fuck’


made me fucking greet!


Seems to me the defining characteristics of the British Establishment are a )hypocrisy b) accusing their opponents of what they’re doing but swearing blind their not. Now fuck off the lot of you.

Iain More

To all Brit Nats and 80 minute patriots – fuck off! Awa and greet you will no get a hug from me. Got that off my chest. Angra beat me to what I was going to say.

Murray McCallum

What is in the main stream media’s eye, and especially highlighted for reporting, is as consistent as rugby union refereeing.


I bet Tolkien is turning in his fuckin grave that some arsehole used initials just like him, and wrote an inferior fantasy series that a fuckin Hobbit could have written.


Aw come on! This is a family site. Young people come on here to read pearls of wisdom…….on second thoughts, having recently experienced a trip on the top deck of the bus during the school run, carry on.

The kids have got you all beaten for inventiveness anyway.


Its weird googling Bliar MacDougal and JK Rowling in UKOK history

link to

19 Sep 2014 – JK Rowling leads victory cry as Scotland votes No … Blair McDougall, director of the Better Together campaign, predicted that a high turnout ..

Big Bliar says it was him what won it but its JK Rowling that lead the victory cry. Fair enough, a million quid payoff to close down Scottish democracy is pretty big deal for red and blue tories.

Yes Britnat WoS readers, we know, JK Rowling paid the dosh because Scotland is only an annoying region of UK, too small, poor, stupid to run our own country.

Iain More

So Rowling was in tears after the Wuggah was she? Was it crocodile tears?


In the first Scottish Independence Referendum of 18th September 2014, 1,617,989 people voted YES, but 2,001,926 voted no. If the exact same number of people were to vote in indyref2, then 191,969 of those NO voters would need to be persuaded to change their minds.

“You two can both fuck off. You don’t think we’re a nation at all.”

Telling 2,001,926 people who voted NO that “You don’t think we’re a nation at all” seems to me to be a pretty fucking stupid way of going about trying to win their hearts and minds – and their YES vote in indyref2.

Robert Louis

I’ve asked this question before, and ask it again, in the nicest possible way, can’t JK Rowling find something useful to do with her life. I mean, we know she is rich, but she is still young, surely she could really devote herself to something other than what we have seen during the weekend?

Through good fortune she can do things all over the world that other Scots will never get the chance to do. I just don’t understand why she just seems to sit at home, tweeting all day. I mean, what’s the point?

A serious question.

[…] Person swears on internet […]

Robert Louis


With the greatest respect, that is NOT what happened, as I guess you already know.

Socrates McSporran

Gentlemen, Ladies – remember:

Noli illegittemi carborundum.

Anent Ms Rowling; it is often said of a somewhat eccentric Scot, who heads down Dr Johnson’s “high road to England”: his/her departure doubled the average IQ of the place in Scotland she left, and the one in England to which he/she went.

Might it therefore be true – Rowling’s move from England to Scotland doubled the average IQ of where she came from, as surely as it halved the average IQ in Edinburgh.


I agree heedtracker. But if I said a certain person who wrote a load of old bollocks about wizards can fuck right off, it will be read out by a certain mutton dressed as lamb presenter of Reporting North Britain. So I won’t.


Peter McCulloch

I don’t use foul language myself and I refuse to get down the sewer level of the unionists.

As for the double standards of the media commentators, the only way to be them is not buy their newspapers or visit
their twitter or blogs if they have no one to respond too the they are talking to thin air.

I also noted that in today’s courier Nicola Sturgeon has warned independence supporters against online abuse.

Can we then expect the same directives to issued by Dugdale, Davidson and Rennie over the abuse dished out by their internet trolls.

Strichen Eck

Stuart Campbell does of course think much the same as Scotland – as he’s previously tweeted: “And if Scotland is too spineless to walk away from this in 2014, having waited for over 300 years for one chance, then fuck Scotland too”.


A lot of ‘oooooh no, you’ve set us back with this’ type nonsense being spouted. Drivel. The people looking to moan about this sort of thing would be voting No now and forever.

But a bit of concern trolling about how it could ‘tip the balance next time’ never goes amiss. Nonsense. If anyone really goes through a thought process whereby they go ‘well, life will be bad if I vote No but a Yes supporter said a sweary so I better just vote No’ then they’re soft in the head. We’re a country (well, not quite, but you know what I mean) of cheeky barstewards, for God’s sake.

And the others who keep saying that we have to be better than the other side are in fact accepting the idea that we must because the media demands it, thus letting them set the rules. Every Yes supporter could give up swearing forever and donate £100 to charity every day and it still wouldn’t be enough. They are picking on it because it’s that or something else.

So, if you’re a swearer, be true to yourself and blimming well swear if you want to. You do not have to pretend to be an English ‘gentleman’. As it happens, I’m not much of a swearer myself and can probably be over diplomatic. I’m sure as hell not going to castigate anyone who does swear a bit, though.

And I wish people would stop acting as if it’s shameful and must be eradicated because certain sections of the media, who most would otherwise agree deserve to be paid no heed or respect, whine on about it. Far as I’m concerned, let people express themselves how they will. The end.


Yesindyref2 @ 4:41

That might hold true if it was simply a q of identity. But, for many, it might come down to material circumstances and perceptions of that in indy scenario.

If people are struggling, they are NOT going to go ‘oooooh, that Stu swore and said we didn’t think it was a nation so I’m voting No now’. Get real. People are thicker skinned than that.


I notice the Rev is on the radar big time these days. Gets a mention in BBC article on this online abuse outrage, and also in Herald if I recall correctly. I think the Rev is using Charles Manson mind control techniques on nationalists/separatists/online abusers.

Iain Hamilton

I think this is appropriate bearing in mind the origin of the twitter spat. Please accept my apologies if it is deemed off topic.

The Grauniad has been generous enough to suggest that some of our team are almost good enough to be British (or at least that’s how I interpreted it). The final paragraph of their story ends with:

“While it will be no consolation to Scotland now, their future looks extremely bright. In Stuart Hogg, Mark Bennett, Finn Russell, the Gray brothers and Denton they have Lions in waiting.”

Am I just overly sensitive or is there a subtext?

Andy F

Andrew McLean said “Swearing is a sign of a poor education”

What does that say about the evident sweariness of Cambridge graduate Hugo Rifkind? Anyway, swearing creatively is an artform. Just ask Malcolm Tucker.

Iain More

I could also speculate that Rowling’s tears were real as she had just seen the latest Opinion Polls which made grim reading for SLAB. I doubt even her gazillions could bail that lot out.


and by the way, for those who are concerned about the best way to persuade no voters to change their minds, you might be better off spawning a few kids and indoctrinating them to be separatists. That’s what I’m doing 😛 If we can’t get them out we’ll breed them out.

Andrew McLean

Angra Mainyu says:at 4:00 pm
a treasonous pig satisfied…?

Is that what the First Lord of the Treasury, Head of Her Majesty’s Government, minister for the Civil Service, The Right Honourable David Cameron was doing with his penis in a dead pig’s mouth? Satisfying it?
Since we are talking manners,you would have thought that decorum would dictate his resignation? But we are to be shocked with the use of old anglo saxon? well it’s all FUBAR if you ask me!



Sorry to hear about Jura. That was a f***ing bummer. (The adjective is just to keep it on topic!)


There would have been mass swearing at the end of the Scotland – Australia game, and at other times during the match too I’m sure. But nobody bothers – as long as it doesn’t get broadcast.

World Rugby CEO Brett Gosper, who is Australian, says there will be a full review into “all aspects of both match officiating and behaviour in due course” after the controversial decision made by referee Craig Joubert to offer a last-minute penalty to Australia in the World Cup quarter-final versus Scotland.

Brett Gosper talks like a former advertising executive whose attitude to mere fans falls a little short. Well, let’s face it, the IRB is a business after all, and Brett is used to dealing with very big companies and very big budgets.

Seeking global attention on worldwide TV for it’s premier tournament, the IRB is hardly going to want minnows like Scotland in the final stages of it’s competition. Bit like wanting Gillingham FC in the final of the FA Cup. It’s not going to happen – at least not if you can help it. Step forward Craig Joubert.


Iain More says:
19 October, 2015 at 4:38 pm
So Rowling was in tears after the Wuggah was she? Was it crocodile tears?


To be fair, she has a right to regard Scotland as a ‘nation’.
Just not a real nation in the common meaning of the term.

Obviously the Scots don’t have what it takes to govern themselves better than the Tories in London. We couldn’t have that.

She has an army of sycophants to quell her conscience, but I wonder if she ever feels any guilt?
Helping to subject Scotland to another heartless Tory government, when voters here overwhelmingly rejected them.

And wasn’t she urging people to vote No to get Devo-Max ?

Yet after have the broken promises of the vow, and the EVEL plans for second class Scottish MPs, not a squeak out of her..

Andrew McLean

crisiscult says:

Funny you should say that, it’s alleged that during the time of the plague when it was necessary to increase the population a royal injunction was issued telling the common folk to ‘Fornicate Under Command of the King.’ Maybe the good Rev was issuing a proclamation of his own 🙂


Andrew McLean,

Do you think Cameron ejaculated?



When we win Indy in a referendum, optimistically, we will get 65% yes … realistically, it might be 55%.

We need to convert enough NOs to the YES cause. And, in the short term, we need to get voters who aren’t committed to Indy to vote SNP to ensure there is a majority.

I therefore sympathise with all the arguments about not being offensive. Nicola’s statements reinforce that.

I can be difficult, though.

There are some Scots, much discussed Andrew Neil being a prime example, who wield power and influence ruthlessly on behalf of the Union. Or, Darling and Brown who sold being better together and Cameron’s Devo pig in a poke to many voters. These people could be considered beyond contempt and civility.

It’s a numbers game we need 55% voting SNP and at least this number committed to YES in a few years. The question, I suppose, is – by offending those who will never be converted, are we putting off those who could be converted?

If the answer is even … Perhaps … then Nicola is right and we shouldn’t risk damaging the cause. Hard, though, sometimes.


@Giving Goose “the level of contempt that we are held in by the Unionist Establishment and their pet poodles of the MSM.”

Yes, I agree, but most by far of those 2,001,926 NO voters aren’t part of the Unionist Establishment, or the MSM.

@Robert Louis “With the greatest respect, that is NOT what happened, as I guess you already know.”

Indeed, but the MSM as mentioned by Giving Goose will seize on it, report it all over the place, and many of those 2,001,926 voters will take the MSM view of it.

@Johnny “If people are struggling, they are NOT going to go ‘oooooh, that Stu swore and said we didn’t think it was a nation so I’m voting No now’.

Perhaps not, but they’re not going to be encouraged to visit WOS to find the alternative view to the MSM. And that’s bad news. It’s not the swearing I care so much about, for me it’s a word in the dictionary, probably ranks with “the” and “and” as the most commonly used. It’s the context it’s used in, and the rest of the quote.


yesindyref2 4.41:

“Telling 2,001,926 people who voted NO that “You don’t think we’re a nation at all” seems to me to be a pretty fucking stupid way of going about trying to win their hearts and minds – and their YES vote in indyref2.”

… Yours is a point of view that I have raised on a number of occasions but, I think many here see Wings as a place to “vent” in front of (they assume) a home crowd – and do not expect the more extreme points of view (heedy, are you reading this?) to be reproduced and, potentially, used against them in the future. It is hard to see how No voters would be attracted to the cause when they read what some here think of them.

Prior to visiting Wings for the first time over a year ago, and whilst being reasonably worldly and interested in politics, as an Englishman, I admit that I was totally unaware that the referendum vote had “sectarian” nuances. Whilst being aware of the Celtic/Rangers issues at football, religious and tribal level, I was completely unaware that it also extended into national politics.


All those Bitter th’gither keyboard warriors have still got some way to go to beat the RAF mechanic who, having slipped with a wrench and opened up his hand, slung the offending tool to the far side of the hanger with the cry…

“That f*cking f*cker’s f*cking f*cked!”


Andrew McLean

bugsbunny says:

NOOOOOOOOOOO! I don’t need the mental picture!!!

David Wardrope

Had no idea you tweeted under so many aliases Rev. 🙂


The ‘Union’ is just a euphemism for ‘f**ked by England’.


You insulted St. Joanne of the Bottomless Purse! If she’s driven off, who’s going to fund the next Project Fear?

Tame editors, get writing! Bad Man says Bad Word to World’s Greatest Unionist Funder and Sometime Novelist! Wings BAD! And therefore, SNP BAD!



@R-Type Grunt

How are you mate? Haven’t seen you around in a while. Did you and your good lady move over the Channel? How is it if you are there? Hope you both are well.


As a long time independence supporter who rarely posts on forums and doesn’t use social media except to keep in touch with relatives (though I do read a lot of what’s written concerning independence) and especially as someone who hardly ever swears, I just wanted to say I’m with you Rev, and with anyone else on our side who is occasionally so pissed off they do tell the other lot to go take a flying leap.

Sometimes, after all the pelters we get from media, unionist politicians, and generally slime oozing opponents we can’t help but retaliate. Rowling is obnoxious and Muriel, whom I used to admire, now turns my stomach at times. Cheering on Scotland, indeed.

And while I’m here I’d also say that though I greatly admire and respect Nicola Sturgeon and do feel her way of holding herself to a higher standard is the right one to take, and it’s right for her to show leadership in reminding all the rest of us to keep to those standards, however she has shown that she has gone too far in failing to call out the abuse on the other side in detail. Apart from the one time in FMQ where she named the labour blogger, I’ve only ever heard her at the end of an interview spent condemning one of us then very briefly mention that abuse is on all sides. We need more than that from her.

As everyone here knows, in chastising any of us she creates headlines which cement and perpetuate the ‘nasty cybernat’ image. She is right in saying bad behaviour won’t win over any NO’s to our side, but with her creating headlines of ‘Sturgeon slaps down abusive supporters’ for chastising us publicly we won’t win over many NO’s either. She has to also bring up the abuse from the unionists, and detail what the abuse is, and do that each time it happens. Since she is known to try to behave to a higher standard in politics then she alone should do it, and it might carry some weight with opponents as well (doubt that actually) but at very least it would give the abuse we suffer more coverage in papers so my old granny, or the busy mum next door reads something from her more than ‘supporters of my party are vile’. Unless she is shown to lead the charge in loudly condemning their behaviour as well as ours then she is helping create those headlines which say we are the only nasty ones. And those headlines do the cause of independence no favours either.


ain Hamilton 4:54 pm

“While it will be no consolation to Scotland now, their future looks extremely bright. In Stuart Hogg, Mark Bennett, Finn Russell, the Gray brothers and Denton they have Lions in waiting.”

Am I just overly sensitive or is there a subtext?”

…. easy, you are being overly sensitive!

As I keep saying, most people in the UK do not spend their lives worrying about Scottish Independence. They just say things that believe to be true without any “side”. If, indeed, those 7 Scots were picked for the Lions then that would be a big compliment to Scottish rugby – that’s all. Get over yourself!


O/T if you don’t want to explode with anger,don’t watch non -reporting Scotland.

They are going to take a look at ‘Scotland’s glorious sporting failures’

To keep on the focus of the article, GIRFUY

Bob Mack

Do you think they are lining up “Wings” and other independence sites by insinuating they fit Theresa Mays definition of” internet extremism”, in order to have them banned.
Wonder if that is what Nicola is hinting at ?

Phil Robertson

Despite the smokescreen that this is something to do with language, the truly worrying thing is the infantile logic that asserts that how you vote determines where your allegiances should be for a rugby international!

Next we’ll have No voters with yellow armbands.

Les Wilson

Mabel says:

Yes you are right, a good post.


Yes, I think it is a bit of a place to vent. Some post in other media, against the odds, places like the DT and DM and, these days, the Grun, which are full of “bile”, not just against Independence, or those of us supporting it, but “subsidy junkie Jocks”.

I’m lucky I gave up the Guardian while it was still reasonably OK, and posted in the Herald which, until fairly recently, you could have a good discussion in, though sadly it’s largely gone the way of the Scotsman forum.

But I can sypathise with those who have to put with a lot of bile in other forums.



I remember a Spitting Image programme around 1986 where Ronald Reagan is meet coming out of Airforce One by Maggie Thatcher.

He then snogs her and when she walks away, he states, “Gee, whizz, it’s a pity I’m only Screwing her CUNTry”.

Maybe the pig was nicknamed Caledonia and he got off by pretending to fuck Scotland over.

If that was the case, it probably explains everything he stands for.



Why give them the opportunity to sound off by swearing? Be it in writing or verbally.

Personally I think any point individuals try to make by using the f c or any other recognisable swear word automatically makes me ignore the text.

Let’s not be diverted. That what they want. Now I am not a Rowling fan but maybe some of her most recent writings involve some swearing, fornication?

I will never know as I have no intention of purchasing crap. Shit! Have I just broke my own rule?

Greg D

In light of the pernicious onslaught of lies and bo**ocks spread by our media that cheated Scotland from its independence, I am surprised there isn’t MORE swearing. People are angry and rightly so. We need MORE people being angry not passive.


@Andrew McLean

every man, and woman, must do their duty in the cause of independence.


Iain More says:

19 October, 2015 at 4:38 pm

So Rowling was in tears after the Wuggah was she? Was it crocodile tears?

Is this not a week old story, england went out a week ago…????


Phil Robertson,

You cheeky cunt. Now your insinuating that Nationalists want to bring back the gas chambers?

It’s your side that fucking won, (this time). What a bunch of sore winners.

P.S. Where’s our near Federalism, you BROWN nosed twat?


Kevin meina

I have only just got over Hugo Rifkind telling me to fuck off this brings it all back my therapist will be counting up the extra treatment costs as we speak.


@Phil Robertson

is that a serious post (I mean is that something you think might happen if yes voters have their way)?

Iain Hamilton

Sensible Dave, with respect, yours is pretty much the only voice on here that would fail to reassure me that I’m just being too sensitive.

You have not seen the media through the same lens as those of us in Scotland who have felt the full disdain of their anti-Scottish reporting.

Just a few short years ago, I would not have thought twice about the wording at the end of a newspaper piece on a rugby match.

Now, I question everything. Including my own perceptions.

How proud we must be to be (nearly) good enough (in waiting) to be (BRITISH) Lions.

Graham MacLure

Just one Fuckwit short of a sixpack in that list……Oh hang on everyone on the list is!

Jim McIntosh

“I also noted that in today’s courier Nicola Sturgeon has warned independence supporters against online abuse.”

Nicola Sturgeon, or any other politician for that matter, tells me what to do or say. What does ‘warned’ mean anyway? Respect to SNP for getting us indyfet, but she’s not my mum.

@Indyref2 – re convincing 190,000+ people to vote YES – anyone who decides to vote NO because someone may have told them to ‘fuck off’ on social media is a lost cause anyway.

Proud Cybernat

Is it time to give the Tories (Red & Blue ones) an effing kicking yet?

Just asking.


Iain Hamilton 5:48 pm

“Now, I question everything. Including my own perceptions. How proud we must be to be (nearly) good enough (in waiting) to be (BRITISH) Lions.”

The problem with that outlook Iain is that one can start to look plain bonkers. If the writer of that piece (as would appear) is a serious sports reporter (unaffected by the questions of Scottish Independence in his reporting) – then he, and many others, will just assume that you are a swivel-eyed loony if they read your comment.

I interpret the paragraph as nothing more than an observation that there are disproportionate amount of Scottish rugby players vying for places in the Lions (a construct made up of the Wales, Scotland and England together with the whole of Ireland). When the Lions are playing, I could care less which country they represent. Last time the Lions toured, the Welsh team provided the largest percentage of the Lions team – and it was nothing more than a statement that the Welsh team had more of the better players.


Guilty as charged!

I often post with no sweary words but when I’m angry about any slight real or imagined I’ll express that through a sweary or two.

Recently I find that I’m fucking angry most of the time.


So the bods ATL pull their pants on one leg at time just like the rest of us mere mortals.

Who knew?

‘Course the hypocrisy comes as an added extra.


Phil Robertson says:
19 October, 2015 at 5:23 pm
Despite the smokescreen that this is something to do with language, the truly worrying thing is the infantile logic that asserts that how you vote determines where your allegiances should be for a rugby international!

I suppose the point is that Rowling comes across as bit of a hypocrite. Cheering Scotland on, after funding the campaign for London rule.
Of course she is perfectly entitled to support Scotland, and see Scotland as a nation in cultural or sporting terms only.
It just seems a little ’empty’ to many.

Personally, I would be totally embarrassed to give it the 80 minute patriot act, after campaigning against Scotland’s ability to govern itself better than the current lot.

Such faith in her fellow countrymen and women..
Such aspiration..


@yesindyref2: “You two can both fuck off. You don’t think we’re a nation at all.”

Telling 2,001,926 people who voted NO that “You don’t think we’re a nation at all” seems to me to be a pretty fucking stupid way of going about trying to win their hearts and minds – and their YES vote in indyref2.

But Ms Rowling isn’t just a No voter – she contributed £1 MILLION to Better Together. She might as well have just handed it over to the Tories themselves. She threw her lot in with Ian Taylor, Douglas Flint, Alan Savage, C.J. Samson, and all the others who made a direct contribution to keeping Scotland in the UK – and thus, at the mercy of the Tories.

“But she gives a lot of money to charity” – so does Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. Doesn’t escape the fact they preferred Scots to stay in a Tory-governed UK than a Scots-governed Scotland. They have to take responsibility for their decisions.

@Bob Mack: Do you think they are lining up “Wings” and other independence sites by insinuating they fit Theresa Mays definition of” internet extremism”, in order to have them banned.

Of course they are. There was a fantastic article by Stewart Lee noting that politicians are allowed to say things comedians would be censured for:

Essentially, while I am allowed to exaggerate for comic effect (if it is considered by the lawyers that the exaggeration is obvious and clearly authored by an unreliable and biased character, ie me), I am not allowed actively to lie. And it struck me as strange, as I watched the eggs rain down on Conservatives this month, that my standup comedian’s lowly standup comedy routines are held accountable to higher legal standards of truth and decency than, for example, a prime minister’s conference speech.

Cameron’s repeated smearing of Corbyn in Manchester, for supposedly saying 9/11 was not a tragedy, when he obviously did the complete opposite, is the case in point. Paradoxically, while the BBC can broadcast Cameron’s lying speech in full, without any critical analysis or disclaimers, if I had written the same comments in a standup comedy routine the lawyers would tell me it could not be transmitted.

I suppose somebody in Conservative central did the maths and decided that the long-term benefits of associating Corbyn with a dishonestly decontextualised phrase about 9/11 outweighed the risk of Cameron himself being perceived as a fundamentally deceitful and manipulative liar; and that a sympathetically biased, or cowed and fatally compromised, media were unlikely to hold the prime minister to account for his lies.

link to

Comedians now, bloggers next?


Oh, and regarding “yellow armbands”: anyone who compares, in jest or in seriousness, the Scottish government to the atrocities of the Nazi regime may as well go up to the survivors of that regime and spit right in their eye. Because you’re not just disrespecting the SNP, their members, or their voters: you’re belittling and trivialising those survivors’ experiences and their trauma, all for the sake of disparaging a peaceful democratic movement you disagree with.

In seeking to compare the SNP to some of the great crimes against humanity, you are treating those crimes as little more than a slur against your opponents. I find it completely and utterly sickening.


Susan @ 4.21 pm

“She pays her taxes to the London government”

Everyone pays their taxes to the London government then they divvy it up and dole it out.

R-type Grunt

@ Muscleguy,

Hiya mate. Not yet but it’s imminent. I can’t bloody wait to get out of this cesspit. Take care.

Grouse Beater

Been told I’m a moron, an imbecile, and a c**t all on one day this week alone. No one flagged it in a newspaper as ‘Unionist Thugs Harass Nice Indie Person’.

A ton of sweary words in this excellent movie – go see how the CIA achieves its objective: link to


I am weell used to industrial language and it doesn’t bother me over much.

Loosing the rag however usually looses the argument.

Moral: Don’t get mad – get even! Every NO vote converted is a YES they have to convert back just to stand still and it ain’t going to happen. This may be slow but it’s irreversible one way traffic. Remember also, we have a majority of the 16+s on our side. Just how long can the Unionists hold back the groundswell?

Tick tock!


A judge is supposed to have said regarding the f-word, “Can we really consider this word an obscenity in this day and age? It is merely an adjective used by those who know no other”.


@Iain Hamilton
Considering we lost all 5 games in the 6 Nations, I doubt before this World Cup if Scotland would have supplied more than a couple of players, with all due respect to them.

Now, especially after their performance on Sunday, I’d think 5, 7, 8 or even more would be well possible. From 2013:

“The 37-strong party was unveiled live on Sky Sports News by Tour Manager Andy Irvine and Head Coach Warren Gatland.

The squad for the 10-match, three-Test series is made up of 15 Welshmen, 10 Englishmen, nine Irishmen and three Scotsmen and will be captained by Wales’ Sam Warburton”

So yes, you’re being oversensitive 🙂 It shows how much Scottish Rugby has come on.

donald anderson

Surprisingly(?) The EBC has supported Iain Robinson, lying journo, against the factual complaint on his self confessed lying journalism against Alex Salmond.

Who do you complaint to noo? The Polis, The UN, or the electorate and soshul meejah cybernats?


Yeah…I’m a swearer, mostly to convey my utter contempt for the pish we are assaulted with daily.

I think whether you swear or not depends a lot on yer upbringing…although it was definitely ‘not on’, both my parents were sweary gits when angry. Not in everyday use obvs.

Personally there is something deliciously satisfying about a ranting swearfest…I’d rather vent vocally than vent violently.

Andrew Morton

Has someone reported them to J K Rowling?


I don’t know who said what,nor why.Could someone please tell me what the Brits are girning about this time?


Nearly swore myself today.

Opened a daily reword at work ( not mine, I swear! ), at a piece by the learned Kez. She rambled on about young people deserving a better education, and stated that, if slab were in power after the 2016 election, she would raise income tax for salaries over £150,000 to 50%. Is she actually aware that, if she did, she would automatically be raising the lower tax bands by 10% also?

Talk about better education! here’s a woman on a very good salary, who doesn’t even know the most basic facts of Scottish politics – that westminster don’t allow us to take more from the rich without taking, pro rata, much more from the poor.

Dr Ew

As dazzling intellectual discourse these exchanges have all the heft of Hume and Voltaire, all the wit of Boswell and Johnson, all the gravitas of Chomsky and Zizek.

I didn’t think I could be more proud of the scribes of our fourth estate, but once more they confounded my expectations.

Wow, guys. Just… wow.


I never said anything about Rowling giving money to charity, that makes no difference to me.

As for giving £1 million to BT, was that illegal? Was it illegal for the Weirs to give £3 million to YES and SNP?

What about all the other contributors to the YES campaign – is there one rule for us, and a different one for NO supporters?

If people have a point of view, even if it’s different from ours, they are fully entitled to hold that point of view, and support it. It’s called “Democracy”.


I just heard Ulster TV bought our by ITV, leaving STV the only standalone company out of 15 originally. Next it’ll be STV, then ITV will be bought out by Fox TV I daresay


Half OT (abou Rugby)

“Latest defeat in a long line”
“Glorious failure”
“History of defeat”

Fuck off.

Calum Craig

I see Hugo Rifkind is bleating about his Tweets being taken out of context.

For reference, Euan McColm telling me to fuck off was in response to my suggesting that swearing at people on Twitter may not be the most effective means of winning an argument…


I’d like inject some real world stuff into this thread and point out JK Rowling looks an awful lot like Professor Smirky McSmirkinson here, with bleach blonde wig

Prof Adam Tomkins

link to

Super rich plagiariser Prof JK Rowling

link to

Both quite spivy, tories, britnats hard core and exact same annoying smirk when waffling Scotland is UKOK for ever and ever.


schrodingers cat

Thomas William Dunlop says:

I have never won an argument where I first insult the opposition.

maybe the rev didn’t want to win an argument…maybe he just wanted to tell rowling to fuck off

cant blame him

Hoss Mackintosh

One of the comments of twitter to Rev Stu yesterday was from that fuckwit Kenny Farqharson from the Times who brought us this gem…

link to

The Times branding half the country as Nazis for wanting democracy in their own country.

So sensibledave why don’t you just fuck off – you have no idea what we have had to put up with in this country and never will.


Taranaich @ 6:14

Well said!

The ba5tards should count themselves lucky they have never encountered actual Nazis!

Big Jock

Sturgeon needs to stop being led by the media. Rowling cries like a billionaire baby to MSM every 5 minutes and the SNP fall into the trap of falling for it. Sturgeon stop commenting in this as it doesn’t do the yes side any favours either.It simply legitimises the victimless victim.


Is Hugo Rifkind related to lying Cunt Malcolm Rifkind?



Remember just before the referendum when JK Rowling said “I’m voting ‘no’ then supporting anyone who’ll give us Devo Max.”

Aye, how’s that working out for you, JK, you labour-donating, two-faced, lying hypocrite.


Freedom of speech in action.


@Hoss Mackintosh “So sensibledave why don’t you just fuck off – you have no idea what we have had to put up with in this country and never will.”

If he just fucks off, he never will learn what we do have to put up with.


Taranaich@ 6.14

Very well said. I don’t mind name calling, but anything that that refers to Nazis, makes my blood boil, not for the names, but for the utter and disgusting disrespect for the Holocaust.

IMO,anyone that uses these taunts says a great deal about their character and lack of respect for anything.


Agree with Mabel at 5.14.


“Have you any idea how much tyrants fear the people they oppress? All of them realise that, one day, amongst their many victims, there is sure to be one who rises against them and strikes back!”
? J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Gon yersel Rev!


The interwebs is a sweary place but you have to understand that when cybernats do it we are in fact using coded satanic verse to invoke doooooom and that is why we are SNPbad (which is in fact a tantric chant to ward off evil).

Hoss Mackintosh


Hugo is Rifkind’s son. Amazing what an expensive public school education gives you.


Somehow I think sensibledave does not give a shit about the propaganda we are subjected to on a daly basis.

Perhaps he should, as it will increasingly be used in the rUK to subvert democracy in the future.


@bugsbunny 7.08

Rev Stu isn’t the only one who can google!

link to

Simple answer to your question – YES!


This link sent to me via
link to
“Exposed: the top lobbyists influencing the Scottish government”
sign up then it goes to link to

Address appears to be Unlock Democracy, 37 Grays’ Inn Road, London WC1X 8PQ.

Content of email below

Dear supporter,

Last week at the SNP conference we launched Holyrood Exposed, a new guide to lobbying in Scotland. We’ve teamed up with Spinwatch and ERS Scotland to put lobbyists and their tactics under the spotlight.

Inside Holyrood Exposed:

Take a walking tour of Edinburgh’s lobbying industry

Find out which lobbyists have been hiring top SNP staff

Revealed: lobbyists’ wining and dining of special advisers

Discover the big guns lined up for policy battles on alcohol pricing, plain packaging for cigarettes and fracking in Scotland

It looks like Holyrood Exposed has struck a nerve with the lobbying industry – we’ve already been labelled “London-centric conspiracy theorists” in the Scottish press. As lobbyists brace themselves for the publication of the Scottish government’s proposals for a lobbying register, we will keep making the case for lobbying transparency in Scotland. The public have a right to know who is lobbying whom, about what, and how.

Help us show that real transparency needs a robust lobbying register by sharing Holyrood Exposed on Facebook or Twitter. Scotland has the chance to create a level playing field where there is no access to politicians behind closed doors. Let’s make sure the SNP take it!

Best wishes,

Alexandra Runswick
Director, Unlock Democracy


Is Jakey Rollinginit nothing but a troll…tempting the REV and others to pay heed to her ludicrous faux grief over ‘her’ ‘nation’s ‘defeat’ and inviting the appropriate response?

The ulterior motive one of…’Look foul mouthed Cybernats hate me because I’m a disgusting plagiarist who abused Scotland’s hospitality by giving a million of my filthy lucre to a bunch of disreputable and corrupt lying Unionists!

Naw…such a fragrant and original (huh!) author with the best interests of Scotland at heart would never dream of such doing such a thing….would she?


Hugo is Arnold’s son


@ Hoss Mackintosh: “as it will increasingly be used in the rUK to subvert democracy in the future.”

Well, for an example of that, look what “they” did to Corbyn – and Brown before him back in 2010.


Hoss Mackintosh says:

“Somehow I think sensibledave does not give a shit about the propaganda we are subjected to on a daly basis.”

…. to anyone who hasn’t see the light, it still sounds/looks like real news…..

“Perhaps he should, as it will increasingly be used in the rUK to subvert democracy in the future.”

…. exactly. Even if they eventually fail in Scotland, their experience gives them a useful tool to manipulate folks down south in the future, for years to come.

Advice for everyone in these islands, watch and learn from what is happening in Scotland!

Jamie Arriere

The internet is a sweary place…but it wasn’t as sweary as my living-room when that penalty was awarded, and the ref was sprinting from the field.

I daresay if JK Rowling, Muriel Gray, Mother Teresa, Father Christmas or the Messiah himself were at the other end of the room, they would have copped the full blue raging blast of it too

The moment has passed. Time they all grew up and got on with it

Robert Roddick

If I can borrow from James Durante. For journalists, their vocabulary is very limited.


But frogesque, Didn’t Hugo in one of the above statements say he WASN’T a Tory? Thats why I was asking if he was related to Malcolm Rifkind, as I had my doubts over his linage with that statement? If I googled the name like you did, I would still wonder if there was another Hugo Rifkind? Maybe I read it wrong, but I swore he said he was not a tory.




‘Nuff said.

Dorothy Devine

Was someone asking about the ref scuttling off ? He can be seen making an unprecedented ,speedy get away in the Independent.

Dr Jim

Who are the people who voted NO anyway
Pensioners: Most of them wouldn’t know Jakey if they fell over one of her kids books
Rangers loony end: Too busy shaving their heads and polishing their “Loyal” Tatoos
American settlers to the northeast: They’ve all gone

We know who the rest are and they don’t have internet in the village, so why is anybody bothered

They laugh when Billy Connelly does it, or is that because they think he likes them, Wee clue, he doesn’t, it just makes him money he couldn’t give a monkeys

Abuse? Abuse is it? I’ll give her Abuse, How about: You donated a whole load of money to stop my country being governed by itself but your money couldn’t buy the people and that really pisses you off

Maybe you regret wasting your cash being unable to control my country,see, doesn’t matter how much money anybodys got they can’t stop you saying FUCK

Rob James


Aye, the ‘glorious failure’ tag really pisses me off as well.
For a nation of 5 million people, I doubt there are few nations on a pro rata population scenario, who could boast of anything like the success of our sportsmen and women.

When you take into account the dismal sporting facilities available to our athletes (Most have to train overseas), our achievements are all the more remarkable.

We have produced world champions and Olympic champions in all manner of sports : Athletics (various disciplines), Badminton, Bowls, Boxing, Curling, Cycling, Darts, Formula One, Golf, Martial Arts, Motorcycling, Rallying, Snooker, Squash, Tennis, etc.

Peter Nicol, World Squash champion was forced to change allegiance and play for England, because we neither had the facilities or the financial backing necessary.

Our Football and Rugby teams were once respected and feared. A friend of mine, Gerard Viard, who played no.6 for the French XV, maintained that Scotland always gave France their toughest test, regardless of how good they were at the time.

In fact, it is the introduction of professionalism and big money investment that has seen the decline of our ability to compete at the highest levels of these two team sports in recent years.

So all I can say to our Britnat Broadcasting services is fuck off. How about a programme portraying the heroic achievements of our amazing sportsmen and women who have succeeded against all odds.

As for England, they are still harping on about 1966, another dodgy referee situation. Next year we will be subjected to wall to wall coverage of the 50th anniversary.

I may have to spend the year abroad.


Lochside, Quick answer, yes she would, because she’s a shite stirring bitch.



Rightly or wrongly I think swearwords have become part of the vernacular in UK and are used for added effect in certain discourses quite naturally.

Nicola Sturgoen has to be statesmanlike and discourage use of such language,but the internet does not belong to statesmen and for those who like to throw a few expletives in for emphasis, why shouldn’t we be allowed to speak the real vernacular to express our true feelings.

They are only words and so long as they don’t incite harm on anyone, get over it.

The rugby travesty yesterday doubtless would be the cause of a huge spike in Scots males swearing,and even the odd female crying.All very normal human reactions.

Puzzled Puss

As far as I can see, most people who use profanity have a repertoire of fewer than ten swearwords. This has the effect of making their discourse sound disappointingly unimaginative and monotonous.

Brian Doonthetoon

Well, fruck me! Have these onionist fuggers no imagination? fruckin’ aerosols! And these are are pillories of journalistic talent? No chit? As someone once said, “Gettyfuh yabassas!”

I’m gonna really vent my spleen here…

(Sincere apologies for using the “o” word.)



World Rugby confirms ref’s decision wrong…

link to

Should’ve been Australia’s scrum, NOT penalty kick.


On the surface ERS look like a sound outfit, established 130 years ago. But their choice of “ambassador” was alarming, Dan Snow. Here’s an example of what he’s said about Indy 2 days before the Ref, in the Mirror:

“We have realised that the greatest challenges from a foreign enemy to poverty on our streets are best overcome when we work together.

Perhaps this is all just history. But history matters because it’s where you have come from. It sets your direction. Just as all of our childhoods have set us on the path to become the adults we are.

England and Scotland together have been world beaters, apart we were the sick men of Europe.”

I guess that made him an independent, impartial “undecided” 🙂


These hallowed so called journalists farts smell just as sweet as ours. They love sitting on an imaginary pedestal from where they believe that they lord it over all they survey.

Truth is, their loftiness is all in their imagination. they ARE yesterdays news and hate Wings all the more as it shows their inadequacies for what they are.

Their egos are bigger than their talent warrants, their value to society is nil, their value to government is waning.

No wonder they are pissed off. Thankfully they are also dying off and it’s just a matter of time. One thing we have is plenty of time, Yes we do.

Independence is for life, governments are fleeting.

Final word, a wee sweary is no big deal, I could imagine doing a lot worse. With a pigs head for example, even I wouldn’t stoop that low. That’s the type that govern us though.

Fuck that!


Maybe at the next Liberal Party Conference we could get a big picture of Cyril Smith with the words, “Better Together…..with Peadophilia”. And topless boys in tight shorts handing out sweets.

See how Unionists like that. If were Fascists, then you lot, (Unionist Establishment) are a bunch of kiddie fuckers.

See how you blue/red/orange and purple tories like that? You don’t? A bit too close to the bone probably?

Unionist Scum.




After what David Cameron did to that pig’s head, they should have gave him the “Cat”.


John J.

What the Fuck’s this a’aboot. Ah’m no on facebook so ah huvnae a fuckin clue what aw this @….. stuff is aboot.

Ah take it they’re a’ Torie C**nts so a jist assume that they’re gettin their knickers in a knot aboot sumthin.

Sorry aboot the C Word, a cannae bring masel tae use it. Even aboot thae Cunts


robertknight says:
19 October, 2015 at 8:01 pm


World Rugby confirms ref’s decision wrong…

link to

Should’ve been Australia’s scrum, NOT penalty kick.

Well thanks World Rugby … for NOTHING!

It’s not like they are now going to call the Scottish and Australian teams back to Twickenham for a replay of the final 40 seconds of the game now are they! ;(


bugsbunny says:
19 October, 2015 at 8:08 pm

Maybe at the next Liberal Party Conference we could get a big picture of Cyril Smith with the words, “Better Together…..with Peadophilia”. And topless boys in tight shorts handing out sweets.

Think I’d prefer an over sized copy of the outstanding £800,000 unpaid police and security invoice they have still refused to pay Police Scotland.


@John J


schrodingers cat

bugsbunny says:

After what David Cameron did to that pig’s head, they should have gave him the “Cat”.

Ahem….apparently the pig didn’t inhale

Tam Jardine

Ah.. The ‘everyone is as patriotic as everyone else’ argument. No one wants to think of themselves as being less Scottish, even those who would abolish the Scottish Parliament would be incensed if you alluded to them being less Scottish. And of course it is not very nice or constructive to tell someone they are less patriotic and indeed to tell them where to go.

Yesindyref2 is right, I am sure.

We’ve have many occasions to get right behind Scotland over the years and there is nothing quite like getting behind Scotland. Thing is – fitba, and rugby, and the commonwealth games are pretty meaningless when compared with that one day when we were all asked to either get behind Scotland or back Scotland being controlled by England (or at best a minor region of the UK)

We didnae have to have worn a badge or contributed money or time canvassing or leafletting if we didnae want to.

We didnae have to storm a barricade, or face down a tank, or take a bullet.

All we had to do was pit a wee cross on a bit of paper.

Is JK as Scottish as the Weirs after she paid £1 million quid to prevent independence whilst the Weirs pumped in millions for a Yes vote? It’s a queer kind of thought. If your answer to that question is ‘yes’ then nationality and patriotism are meaningless words.

JK did not vote against Scotland being a country – she voted, campaigned and contributed money beyond the means of almost any of us against Scotland being a nation state. Because she thought it would be shit I suppose?

Now if that makes her a patriotic Scotswoman then I am a Trident enthusiast who supports the conservative party who supports the clayhalers and believe myself to be Hungarian.

Strange times indeed. Can we reset language please – it doesn’t seem to be working?

Peace and goodwill to all especially those who pay taxes and contribute to charity. And if anyone reading this is offended please accept my apologies as my understanding of events is simply different to your own.

Stu- behave yourself!

JK- stop funding schemes to prevent Scotland becoming an independent state and keeping us under tory rule!


Taranaich @ 6.14pm

Great comment! I came back online only to tell you this (usually read offline) because you truly nailed it.

Telt, as they say.


US Navy going back to sextants to foil cyber-GPS-hackers:

link to



link to

UK Govt. paedophile investigation conveniently deletes database of evidence.


Any film of JK singing Flower of Scotland?


@Tam Jardine
Ah Tam.

Well, in 1997 74.6% voted YES and 25.4% voted NO to Devolution (Rev will hate the decimal points). But by 2007, National Conversation time, the latest social attitudes survey showed only about 7-8% who would abolish Holyrood.

In the Year of the Ref, that figure had risen to around 10%, not normally significant but I noticed an increase with people I knew or talked to. There were also those who would have lessened Holyrood’s powers – DevoSimple I think for instance.

I’m sure that has something to do with sweet f*** all.


shouting foul words at someone is not going to change their position you have to undermine their argument and all unionist arguments are easily rubbished

rib them make a fool of them show where they are out of step with London just don’t should foul language


Just goes to show yesindyref2 you should NEVER stop learning the old ways. You never know when you may be called to use them again.

Using sextants … logarithms … Morse Code … the list goes on but being old school I never agreed in cutting training in these and other subjects. 😉

john king

Phil Robertson
“Next we’ll have No voters with yellow armbands.”

Low man low
that’s beyond the pale

john king

Woosie says
“Talk about better education! here’s a woman on a very good salary, who doesn’t even know the most basic facts of Scottish politics – that westminster don’t allow us to take more from the rich without taking, pro rata, much more from the poor.”

Oh she knows all right,
she’s counting on the fact that enough people dont know.

john king

“Is Hugo Rifkind related to lying Cunt Malcolm Rifkind?”


john king

“Loosing the rag ”

AAARRGGHH that’s it I cant take any more
not the worlds greatest speller but I can fucking well spell fucking losing as in

Dan Huil

Still think it’s a sign of unionist desperation that the unionist media is getting more and more hysterical.


Someone let you loose tonight jk better not to lose it. I agree lose and loose are easy even for a dyslexic to get riled at.


john king says:
19 October, 2015 at 8:48 pm
Phil Robertson
“Next we’ll have No voters with yellow armbands.”

He’s merely a britnat flamer.

What’s interesting about hammer of the Scots Rowling, is why she didn’t get made a Lady or Baroness like Lady Mone of Mayfair. lol

But seriously, Lady Mone of Mayfair is now able to vote for toryboy world misery aimed right at the worst off for all teamGBists, for the rest of her life too, although SNP has staved off UKOK toryboy horrors like the bed room tax, much to the usual ugly chagrin of the BBC Scotland creep show.

So if you’re out the britnat WoS SLab readers, why is it NOT Baroness JK Rowling, Hammer of the Scots?

Thomas William Dunlop

“maybe the rev didn’t want to win an argument…maybe he just wanted to tell rowling to fuck off”

I’d would have chosen to be more discrete. Not handing ammo to the opposition, re:evil cyber nattery nonsense.

Still waiting for an honest accounting of the physical abuse and violence suffered by YES campaigners from all too real pro-union forces during the campaign…

But I guess Hell will freeze over due unicorn farts, before that happens to come from the MSM

Tam Jardine


Indeed- at the only time of asking 25.4% voted against devolution, against the existance of a Scottish Parliament.

I thought it was a ridiculous idea- a halfway house between the 2 possible states for Scotland. I thought we should be independent or part of the UK- and labour were behind it so I voted against. How fucked up is that?

So Ms Rowling- if you are reading, from one sinner who made a bad call many years ago and repented, it is possible to change your mind. Next time get into the scrum with the rest of us… crouch, pause, touch (quiet at the back Paula) and engage.

Maybe that could be the next Yes slogan to get the rugby crowd on board?


My English nephew was amazed when the mass of Scottish supporters erupted in an orgy of booing at the appearance of Nicola Sturgeon on the giant screen.


If you think JK Rowling’s ghastly and wish she would stop giving campaigns like BetterTogether millions of pounds

“It is a rancid worldview determining the acceptability of your Scottish credentials by the political views you hold. It is a kind of corruption, a putrefaction of the soul deeming one group of Scots more authentic and deserving than another. As expressions of joyous, civic, nationalism go it is pretty ethnic.”

Says one more toryboy hack, Spectator? Its not Horatio Nelson of the Spectator this time but another UKOK tory wet fart we’re all supposed to obey.

My soul is well putrefied then. How to clean it though? Vote Toryboy, buy every Harry Potter book no doubt, stop wondering how on earth unionist zealots can actually sing out loud “we stood against them” without feeling ridiculous?


@Tam Jardine
That reminds me of 1978 abouts when the SNP were lukewarm about the Devo Ref. “We want Independence not Devolution.”, “It’s a bad bill, there’ll be better later on”. They decided to go for it, and in places took over from those Labour who’d either lost interest or even taken against it.

I used to argue with shop stewards right up to the day who were against it because it wasn’t very good “take what you can, when you can, and build on it”. Some success, but not a lot. It was another 18 years before the next Ref.

Yes, even in the run-up to 1997 there were Indy supporters against Devolution, including some from the SNP.

Now we’ve moved on to Devo-Max, supported supposedly by JK Rowling. Well, unlike Devolution itself, we’ll not be getting Devo-Max / FFA. But until that’s proven at Westminster via this Scotland Act, it’s still what the SNP have to go for, and are. That way they can get the Devo-maxers on-side, and that’s the 60% barrier well-breached. They learnt a lot over the years.

CameronB Brodie

So telling someone they are a fucking hypocrite is worse than calling them a NAZI VIRUS? “My code of personal conduct is better than yours”. Egocentric wankers, the lot of you.

link to

@ Nicola Sturgeon
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, I know. Please don’t leave your “insurgents” on the ground, so exposed to aerial assault. We’re your asymmetric(s) and don’t posses the broadcasting network to repel this sustained assault of fabricated, ‘precision’, weapons of mass deception.


No surprise in rugger buggers booing NS, a significant number are ‘pubic school educated in Embra’ types or the Tory/Libdem voting farmer/landowner/rural idyll ‘tweeds & Range Rover’ brigade from the Borders.

80 minute nationalists.


@CameronB Brodie

Don’t sweat it my friend. When the history of this war is finally written it will be shown that it was the likes of yourself. myself and our friends that won this battle.

Nicola is important, but we “ordinary” people are more so, simply because of lack of access to the Crap Media.

Only you and I and our friends can persuade those that voted No first time around, the TV and newspapers are not our friends. So what! We will win despite the obstacles.

I’m quite relaxed about where we are, the other lot are not. Wonder why they are basically shitting themselves?

Tam Jardine

Interesting that Wings only reaches the press when ‘abuse’ is involved. How many articles on here has it been without the MSM (the National aside perhaps) saying “you know what, that guy from Bath Wings over Scotland wrote an article yesterday and it jolly well made me think.”

Or “I disagree with him on Scottish Independence but by gum, thats a hell of an effort getting that many wee blue books out there”.

How many articles have there been? Thousands, right? Our brave, impartial, free heroes of the press. I suppose EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER WRITTEN HAS BEEN WRONG. I thought we were supposed to be the fundamentalists?

Angra Mainyu

Shug: “shouting foul words at someone is not going to change their position you have to undermine their argument and all unionist arguments are easily rubbished”

If we could use napalm to undermine their arguments, I might be convinced.

The problem is unionists for the most parts aren’t unionists because they reasoned that the Union is the best thing for Scotland. And, so, if their views aren’t based on reason, you aren’t going to win them over with reason…

That leaves napalm and foul words.

Big Jock

Reginald if that’s correct that Scotland fans booed Sturgeon. Then we can say without fail the majority were part of the 55% posh no voters. The 51% who voted Snp would not have booed. So they are 80 minute pretendy Scots. Otherwise why boo the majority elected first minister of our nation.


@Thepnr “I’m quite relaxed about where we are, the other lot are not. Wonder why they are basically shitting themselves?”

I agree. I actually think they don’t really know what’s going on, know they have no control over it anyway, and don’t know what to do about it, whatever it is. Confusion in their ranks!


Reginald says:
19 October, 2015 at 9:16 pm
My English nephew was amazed when the mass of Scottish supporters erupted in an orgy of booing at the appearance of Nicola Sturgeon on the giant screen.

Well Reginald that’s still not as creepy as this,

link to

” in terms of fracking that the activity will effectively be banned. In that event, Ineos would make louder noises about quitting Scotland and the economic case for independence would once again rest upon a diminishing oil supply.

At the moment Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader looks invincible, confident and unassailable, but resolving this issue could be one of the toughest issues she faces in the next Holyrood Parliament.”

Can you feel the toryboy thrill of it all Reginald, the unionists long hoped for NOT Scots oil industry wipe out? It’ll mean hundreds of thousands of unemployed but it’s soooooo worth it just to get Sturgeon out of Holyrood and save teamGB.

Cant think why BBC style UKOK hacks like this clown, are a laughing stock Reginald.

CameronB Brodie

Given the circumstances, the Yes support should have collapsed last year. It didn’t and has instead continued to increase. No wonder the Establishment are a tad panicked.

I’m just sorry we didn’t really have a good chat at the last get-together. Next time. 😉


So the Scottish rugby fans booed Nicola Sturgeon?
She wished the team luck from the conference floor and Leanne Wood hoped for a final between Scotland and Wales. So much good will extended to people who don’t deserve it. Perhaps the players aren’t as mean spirited as their fans.


I’ve neither seen nor heard any mention of Scots fans booing Nicola Sturgeon in a written and broadcast media I would have expected to feature the story strongly had it happened.


I haven’t seen any reference either to Sturgeon being booed. During the match I did see her face which would have been on the big screen, there were no boos. Can’t speak for before or after, though I have it recorded if I can be bothered checking.

Wuffing Dug

Fuck rugby.

I got a Scotland rugby shirt as a present.
I will never wear it.
Need to get rid of it it’s defiling this fine true Scottish dwelling.
Wouldn’t even give it to my dug for bedding.
Hate everything they stand for.

Did I mention fuck rugby?

Fuck it all to hell.

And relax.

ben madigan

talking about media bias – I hope you all enjoy this profile of Mayne Meediar, Mr UK Britain’s butler

link to

Angra Mainyu

Wuffing Dug, join me on the dark side and together we will rule the universe…


Didn’t watch the rugby !! So they booed their democratically elected leader again. Sigh. Just like they did with AS @ the Ryder cup & in front of the whole planet we demonstrated our self-loathing. We will never be independent. Too many fuckin arselickers & don’t they just adore the rugby. Fuckin Twats


I watched the match, I saw the bit when Nicola appeared on the big screen and heard no boos. Craig Joubert on the other hand….I heard one or two 🙂

Who is Reginald?


I live in Australia can someone explain the context to me?


Just had a wee nudge on Twitter. I wonder if a certain Z-list author is stirring the s***e over Twitter abuse because she might have a book coming out by any chance? 🙂



Nicola is keen that we set a good example and not be abusive on line. Stu is pointing out that while it is undoubtedly nice to be nice, there are an awful lot of sweary unionist journalists out there. The very journalists that go on about cybernats being intemperate of tongue.



I watched the match, I saw the bit when Nicola appeared on the big screen and heard no boos

Me neither, funny that there are others who will swear blind she was bood. Hahaha. Nuf said.


Who is Reginald?

JK Rowling. aka, Robert Galbraith, aka JK Rowling again, can’t write for toffee, dipped in gold and fed to JK by her pet llamas.

link to

BBC really weally wuvs cheezy grot Rowling style. Ireland gave us Oscar Wilde, its his birthday today and we get a turgid pile of UKOK pants dumped on us by a BBC desperate to reward any and all britnats ready to do, say, pay anything for teamGB.


googling “daily mail sturgeon boo rugby” returns no recent hits and I checked their articles, nothing there.Except below the line of course, mostly from parts of England but also Scotland.

It’s yet another divide and conquer tactic, and people are falling for it, just like loads of other sections of society who get labelled as “Unionist”. For some stupid reason.

If people believe that all Scottish Rugby Team supporters are “Unionists”, then they’d better count out Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon, and half the regular Indy commenters on the Herald. Including me. Oh, and Rev Stu.

People falling for *fuck* like that so easily makes me despair.


The series is very different to JK Rowling’s Harry Potter world: Cormoran Strike is an injured war veteran turned private investigator working in contemporary London, with the help of his secretary Robin Venetia Ellacott.


Wuffing Dug


Think I’m already there….

The universe, hmm that’s quite a proposition, why don’t we start with Scotland and see how it goes? ?


I watched the whole rugby broadcast of both games. Believe I saw Nicola before the match and certainly didn’t hear any general booing. THE SCOTS AND VERN COTTER WERE MAGNIFICENT AND SHOULD BE PROUD OF THEMSELVES. THEY DID GOOD AND I AM PROUD OF THEM!

Saw prof pish on EBC Scotland 2015, just as thick but a lot more subdued. Pete Wishart was very good.


Me neither, funny that there are others who will swear blind she was bood. Hahaha. Nuf said.

Quite 🙂

People should think why something is said every bit as much as what is said.


My sister phoned me early in the evening and said her son who was at Twickenham was amazed to hear the Scottish fans booing NS.


@ gogs
“Reginald’s” English nephew says the rugby fans booed when Nicola Sturgeon’s image appeared on thee big screen. Others say they didn’t hear boos.

Background is that rugby is a middle class game and they came out against independence during the referendum. So the fans may be ambivalent about their support for Scottish democracy being largely unionists with sheepskin coats and suvs .


Lesley Anne,

That wouldn’t be “How to make up shit, and spread lies for political and financial gain”, by JK Rowling by any chance?

I would urge you all to have better reading material.

Such as:

“Piss all over the Bathroom Floor”, by I.P. Squint.

“Tiger Cub under my Bedclothes”, by Claude Balls.

“Bodily Fluids on my Bedsheets”, by Mr Completely.

“The Life’s and Loves of an English Rentboy”
by Ben Dover.

“The Memoirs of a Chinese Glaswegian Taxi Driver”,
by Lou Pin.

“The Diary of an Indian Cloakroom Attendant”
by Mahatma Coat.


CameronB Brodie

All we need now is for RT to provide us Yes-ers with ‘air-cover’ and uncomfortable parallels can be drawn with the Levant. I’ve been to Coventry, never been to Bath.

If the Unionists are appalled that a Scotsman in Bath pontificates about Scottish politics, are they comfortable about a Syrian in Coventry spouting shite reporting unsubstantiated ‘evidence’ about Assad’s human-rights abuses in Syria? What if this man has received audiences with Her Majesty’s Foreign Office and is supported by the Corporate Media?

link to


Following my earlier query I think I was right about my suspicion.

link to

What is it they say:

No advertising is bad advertising? 😉


Saw prof pish on EBC Scotland 2015, just as thick but a lot more subdued. Pete Wishart was very good.

Yes my Slovene UKOK girlfriend on CiF rancid The Graun’s gone suddenly mute too, nothing posted from BetterTogether Ljubljana office since, 12 Oct 2015 23:58.

Adam, lovie, its just politics, we don’t mind much how hard you called YES voters fascist, racist and delusional last year. It’s all in the past, get yourself into Holyrood and do your rule Britannia thing in front of a far bigger Scottish audience.

Keeping working on that faux Glesga accent to Adam, you sound just like Alex Ferguson now.


Like you I watched the match with my hackles ready to be raised, however there was no audible booing. Perhaps a few drunken idiots in a remote section of the ground, but nothing like the vitriol spewed over Alex at the Ryder cup. Funny that. I thought that golfers were more likely to support Independence than Rugger types.
Anyway the people who would act like that are beyond reason and not worth bothering about.
As for JK Rowling, it is her privilege to support the Union if she wishes. It is democracy, and I agree with Nicola that there is nothing to be gained by stupid trolling. Mind you I ALWAYS agree with Nicola


There were a lot of UK media present at the rugby. If they had booed Nicola it would be leading the misreporting Scotland propaganda bulletins.


Reginald. 11.40

‘my son was amazed to hear the Scottish fans booing NS’

Perhaps a handful of red and blue Toryboy pseudo Scots did boo her,but that does not mean the Scottish fans in general did,so don’t infer that they did.


Were all the fans that were there supporting Scotland actually Scottish Rugby fans though!

On another note I was at the BBC fringe meeting at SNP Conference 15 and suggested rather politely, I thought, that Ewan Angus, after expressing his opinion that the BBC had made errors in News and Current Affairs policy decisions, that he might mention to those in a position to do so should open up comments BTL on BBC Scotland online in order to facilitate a conversation with Scotland and might contribute to starting to rebuild some of the trust that they had lost.

This question and idea was totally rubbered until a German? Women at the front reiterated the request.

The meeting quickly deteriorated into a walk out by half the audience.

Lots of things about that meeting were dubious but the press dutifully reported the negative aspects without any of the actual content.

Ewan professed to having no knowledge of this particular situation.

Just like Kaye professing to have no knowledge of a thing called the McCrone Report on radio.

Things went downhill for Ewan shortly after.

The BBC, through that meeting and many conversations at their stall in the exhibition area are in no doubt about how angry we feel about the media in Scotland but instead of entering into dialogue prefer to vilify, abuse and undermine democracy. Openly!


Oh Jeez Bugs.

It was bad enough trying to READ your post but hell trying to read it out loud to my partner was near impossible. 😀 😀 😀



On the subject of abuse I’m finding it easier and easier to not bother responding to Unionist trolls. They are in such disarray that they are desperate to provoke. I’m finding that it is more provoking to be nice 🙂

Bob W


The BBC, through that meeting and many conversations at their stall in the exhibition area are in no doubt about how angry we feel about the media in Scotland but instead of entering into dialogue prefer to vilify, abuse and undermine democracy. Openly!

But, but, they wouldn’t do it deliberately, would they?



Anyone who would boo the first minister of Scotland is obviously an idiot. We need not worry about them as they will never be persuaded to the Yes side.

Here’s the simple truth and maybe some won’t like it but Independence is reliant on getting those that don’t normally vote along to the voting booth.

Hey! believe me I am not talking shite. Dundee had the biggest Yes vote but the smallest turnout. What is that about? I can guarantee you that if those that stayed at home actually voted then it would have been a massive YES.

We can argue and discuss the figures about over 55’s, foreigners, and English in Scotland to no avail.

Truth is that winning a referendum is in OUR hands, that 20% in Dundee that didn’t even bother voting are there for the taking.


We should, it is what we are about.


Thank you Leslie Anne,

A few more titles perhaps?

“The Confessions of an Arab Pervert”, by Sheik Ma Willi.

“The History of a Chinaman with an incredibly large left Gonad”
by Wun Hung Lo.

“The Diary of a One Legged Spanish Gymnast”, by Jaun Sanshoe.

“The True Life Confessions of a Dutch/Russian Male Prostitute”, by Nickers Dooninoffski.

“I like to hang myself until I’m almost dead from asphyxia”, by Isa Poppin.

And finally:

“The Diary of a Nobody”, by Jim Murphy.



Rancid Graun said the BBC exec at the SNP conference said there is no political bias at the BBC. Or they are not in fact trying to overturn the democratically elected government of Scotland.

Its a pretty unique situation in the west, where a state broadcasting corp in one country is trying to evict the government of another.


I deliberately missed the start of the Scotland game because I couldn’t bring myself round to watching 50,000 NO Voters signing,

“When will we see your likes again?” (Cringe)

Including those ex-rugby players and staunch supporters of the Union, the Hastings brothers, John Beattie.

Tractors one and all.

Paula Rose

@ HandandShrimp I so totally agree – drives them nuts.

Chic McGregor

“Yit be his feiris he wald haue fukkit” William Dunbar 1503. The first unencrypted use of the word in print.
It’s oor cultiril heritage.


Jeez Bugs that is one hell of library you have there.

That last book you listed sounds like a real stoatin’ read. 😀 😀 😀


IMHO We must hold our fire until we are sure of victory. Westminster and its agents EBC, MSM are sniping away about indiref2 trying to force a second ref. Whilst they know the demographics are to their advantage. In the next 5/15years this will evaporate and they realise they must strike while the iron is still hot. TIME IS NOT ON WESTMINSTERS SIDE NOR ON MY SIDE BUT IT IS ON SCOTLANDS SIDE. Slowly slowly catch the monkey.

What or who says if we loose anther referendum then we must wait a generation for another. Is it in law? Or just in Westminster’s twisted bowls, or did some unionist gobshite just make it up, smell a rat here. Would appreciate any info.

Thanks Reginald would never have known about that if you hadn’t told me, obviously broadcasters are still interfering with communications to the colonies.

Soar Alba.

Cadogan Enright


If you have better ideas and better arguments you don’t need to swear.

If you let the w#####s make u Lose your cool, you lose the argument

Especially with the Corporate Media on their side.

Why not just accept you are better and just act that way?

Sarcasm or humour would have been much more effective


Just a wee aside here.

I read a tweet earlier tonight that stated an economist (no names) was forecasting a Brexit from E.U. closely followed by a Scotexit from the U.K.

So it appears that at least some *ahem* outsiders are waking up to the reality of what will happen in the next few years. 😉

Tackety Beets

Thepnr @ 12.10 am

I was recently following a car with a funcy number plate , was it you

D1 PNR. A reed Beemer ?

Anyway , I agree with your sentiments.

Sorry not read the full thread tonight , been watching SNP @ ABZ

Bearing in mind the previous threads / posts on who voted what % etc
What was significant for me were the range of speakers who were not ” indigenous scots” if that is an acceptable term.
To be fair assuming / judging often by accents

Plus I became aware of either pervy male camera guys or more plausible , when the camera zoomed the audience the proportion of women seamed greater than men ?
Certainly a healthy mix.

I spotted Folk like Andrew Lansley etc so the Southern Press have taken heed, still $hite reporting tho’

Sorry Rev , I’m a bit old school and I tend to agree with Cadogann Enright.

I do appreciate biting ones lip is a chore at times old boy !

That said my vocabulary and text can use expletives , probably on here too.

Ref EVIL ,
I noticed tonight Fluffy’s pompous Scottish sidekick from Milton Keynes was suggesting tonight that if English MPs were voting on a Scottish Airport Runway there would be outrage from the Scottish MPs , dropped a clanger there . Thanks to English MP’s votes on giving us Trident , there is outrage, but we are lumbered with Trident anyway !

Narrow Shoulders

Given some of the comments by former players just before the referendum is it really surprising that Rowling (like Princess Anne)supports the “Scottish” rugger chaps? I saw Andy Nicol outside the Edinburgh Better Together HQ rallying his troops on referendum day.

Dr Jim

Does anybody not think it’s a bit weird the BBC says SNP senior figures have leaked this nonsense figure of 60% yet when they have Pete Wishart on the programme they don’t ask him

Are they not just covering their lying backs by saying the SNP won’t acknowledge it when we know the BBC use every opportunity they can to stick the knife in especially when they’ve got Prof Tomkins to hand

This 60% stuff all sounds a wee bit makey uppy to me

So I suggest all members email the First Minister and ask so that we can have the official denial

I will


Lesley-Anne says:

I read a tweet earlier tonight that stated an economist (no names) was forecasting a Brexit from E.U. closely followed by a Scotexit from the U.K.

We live in hope!

That gives the more extreme BritNats a dilemma.

Almost inevitably Brexit = Scotexit

The cost of the UK leaving EU is going to be the end of the UK.

john king

Angra Mainyu
“Wuffing Dug, join me on the dark side and together we will rule the universe…”

Kin Aa come?
ahv goat gum. 🙂
Wuffing Dug
“The universe, hmm that’s quite a proposition, why don’t we start with Scotland and see how it goes? ?”

Ah’ll dae it Angry Mannie
furst the universe then the….?
“‘my son was amazed to hear the Scottish fans booing NS’”

Mind an leave yer claes in a neat pile Reggie, they charity shoaps kin yase them
link to

Heres a time when we were oh so innocent and thought the world was our oyster.
11 minutes late, staff difficulties at Hampton Wick
link to


Dr Jim 1.41am
“This 60% stuff all sounds a wee bit makey uppy to me.”

I totally agree.

BBC Scotland’s “Scotland 2015” programme, said last night that an “SNP insider” has told them that before we have another Referendum, there must be at least %60 majority in favour of Independence and we must hold that majority for over a year.

And to back the story up, they wheeled out Mr Curtis, our other nutty Professor. He confirmed that it must be %60 or we are all wasting our time.

Who is the “SNP insider” BBC Scotland talked to?


60% of course.

john king

“What or who says if we LOOSE anther referendum”

dont make me come over there!

Wuffing Dug

@John King

I’m no angry, still only ‘lightly bonkers’ on the red mist scale.

Why shouldn’t we be angry anyway, what a fucked up country….

Thank you jester,regards, Jessie ????


I remember being at Murrayfield and booing “God Save The Queen” with the rest.Ive no doubt that the majority of rugby fans voted No,but there are thousands who voted Yes and probably thousands who swithered,but voted No on the day.Theyll get it right next time!


Thepnr 12.10am
I don’t agree that all the folk who voted No last time will do so again next time.A significant percentage of people grudgingly opted for the status quo through fear.They might be more confident next time round when we are starting with a higher level of support.Your point about non voters is extremely important.Remember Margo telling us Yessers that we only needed to convert one No to get a majority? Well,we’re now at the stage where each SNP member only needs to persuade a couple of non voters to do a postal vote for Yes,and we’re home and dry.

Last time round not nearly enough people put in enough work to win their country’s future.I did a lot….but I could have done a lot more.

john king

Angry Mannie was a reference to Angra Mainyu. 🙂

Wuffing Dug

WTF is happenin