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Wings Over Scotland

The one-party street

Posted on October 17, 2015 by
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R-type Grunt

Fabulous! Your best yet, in my humble opinion. Thanks Chris.


Subtle. I love it!

john king

How did you know where I live?

Alan Mackintosh

Absolutely fanatastic. Party on!




That is excellent


Another guest will be welcome at the party today. Leanne Wood is bringing fraternal greetings this morning. Pity the neighbours are so grumpy. I almost feel sorry for these two old Tories! Brilliantly captured as ever Chris.


Love it!

Just knock on the yellow door, you’ll be welcomed.

Cheers Chris for the smile.


No green door ? Shaky would be disappointed.
Stu less so.
Well observed, as per usual Chris.
Does the yellow house have an HMO license ?

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“No green door ? Shaky would be disappointed.”

It’s more like a wee shed out the back.

[…] The one-party street […]

Alan Mackintosh

Defo, the Greens are round the back in the garden, an Alfresco Party…

Grouse Beater

While the jibe is there in once sense, that Scotland is self-evidently not a one-party state, the cartoon can read in other ways – the party of government partying while members of other parties suffer hedonistic noise at all hours. There’s lots to see in the cartoon if you look.


Fantasctic. Really clever.

This is what I love about your cartoons Chris. Highly effective pieces that speak volumes.

This one though.. this one stands out. I know which end of the street I’d rather to stay at.


About our one party statiness, Lallands Peat Worrier examines the evidence (by actually counting the numbers) and cautiously concludes:

It is almost as if this is a deranged fantasy, or tabloid hyperbole, and Scotland isn’t a one party state at all…

Link in centre column

john king

“Defo, the Greens are round the back in the garden, an Alfresco Party…”

Having a barbecue using charcoal obtained from a sustainable forest and purchased ethically from a third world producer at a fair price, with tofu based burgers and sausages, beards and sandels optional.


Bang on!




Very clever.


You should put a ‘for sale’ sign up on Carmichaels house 2 doors down… With an added warning, ‘riddled with rot’


Ha Ha Chris 🙂

Is that the spectre of Cyril Smith haunting the Libdem hoose ?

Jon D

Excellent Chris,

Kinda obvious who’s fixing the roof, even when the sun’s not shining…

Bob Mack

One of your very best Chris.
Ps ,I have a space on my wall cleared for my prints.


“It’s more like a wee shed out the back.”
No its a strawbale house.


@Finzz @ 9.23

or even “Condemned – due for demolition”!

Real laugh out loud stuff when you zoom in and look more closely – brilliant Chris – can’t wait to get my book of your gems! 🙂


That’s brilliant!

Helena Brown

Superb Chris, one thing surprised me was that there was a roof on the red house, considering all the fighting I would have thought it would be on fire and roofless by now.

Graham Harris Graham

Shouldn’t the curtains in the house with the red door be on fire?

It was a Labour arsonist Mike Watson wasn’t it who was convicted & imprisoned on two counts of wilful fire raising. You know, the guy that was just re-admitted back into the House of Lords despite having a criminal record.

link to

I’m sure Jackie (Five trays of pies) Baillie was all over the media last month talking about it, wasn’t she?

Bill McLean

Been away for a couple of weeks hol following a nasty bout of pneumonia. Boy do I miss Wings when I am reliant on London based press for any news – a total embarrassment ….. then back to Wings and the great articles and comments .. and that cartoon. Absolutely fantastic!!!!!


Nail on head.

Training Day

Excellent Chris.


I absolutely love that cartoon.

So clever absolutely PDB!

I’m a one party woman!

call me dave

Another great way of sending out a message.

Heard your spot this morning on BBC Scotland well done. Enjoyed your book too.


Made me laugh. Love the wee balloon.

Also green door,BBQ etc, HaHa

bill telfer

And I hope that this is a 20’sPlentyfor us street


Excellent! The various Tory households are bereft of any joy.

Charles mc

Fantastic. Really cheered up my day.


Brilliant Chis. Always amazing how you summarise so funny.
GUARDIAN 15th October 2015
Alistair Carmichael, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman, said: “It is remarkable that at a time when cybercrime is soaring and fraudsters are finding ever more inventive ways to get access to our personal details, our prime minister and his home secretary are seriously considering weakening encryption that allows our banks to keep our information secure.”
Fraudster : Fraus –deceit, injury, offence
Ster – someone associated with
Formulate your own opinion.



Prof Tomkins needs to remember that everyone likes a good party.

Robert Louis

This is the very best cartoon on this site so far, second only to this one;

link to

Just joking, the best part of ‘one party street’, is the plump figure behind the yellow door..‘sigh’. Excellent.

Seriously, linked below is really my favourite cartoon featuring Hamish, post referendum;

link to


Great stuff. One of your best.


Very good but fracking under that street could change everything!

@ Morag, heard you on the wireless this morning, good interview hen!


Put snow on the roofs, some Christmas decorations in the windows, and you’d have a cool Christmas card.


Just fantastic Chris, ‘they’ just can’t compete. So ‘they’ just deride.


Haha. Loving what appears to be Carmichael looking rather lonely indeed. 😀


I just love the way the orange house has such pronounced Rhonas but no down pipe

Great skill and great wit make your art great, Chris.


The House names could be

Red door – Dundieing
Orange door – Duncrisis
Blue door – Dunvowin
Yellow door – Scothame

Graham MacLure

Excellent cartoon saying so much.
Being a bit pedantic though,and in no way critical, should the cartoon not be a mirror image ?

Tackety Beets

Another cracker Chris, thank you.

Rikki Fulton’ Rev Jolly Sketch comes to mind.

“Where d’ya get yer waater ? , its luvly waater that”

The one with a young David Hayman pouring the gin intae the water.

Party on !

SNP x2

ps Well done this morning Morag


The house names could be

Orange Dunleein
Blue. Dundribblin
Red. Dungirnin


Ta muchly chaps. The interviewer’s idea of what the point was, was the same as my idea of what the point was, which always helps.


O/T can someone provide a link to conference, can’t find one even by Googling…ta

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi K1.

It’s on BBC Parliament channel, Freeview 131.

It’s also at:-

link to


K1 at 11:49
Googling ‘SNP conference live stream’ will take you to a live feed and archived excerpts on YouTube.

Pam McMahon

Another fantastic cartoon. Shame we canny see the big hole being dug under the other 3 union houses, as they frantically try to bury the bodies. Oh…wait

Roddy Macdonald

If the Sunday Herald had any sense, Chris’s phone would be ringing with offers for tomorrow’s front page.


Love this image Chris, it really says it very well.


Thanks Brian and Graham 🙂


Love this! So clever!

Loving the work of Wingers too, it all adds to the picture, and the smiles.


Love the attention to detail on the blue door house.


Great! What will it’ll be like after independence:D
Christ no wonder people make such a big thing over their independence days.


Missed the interview, so could you name the interviewer please? Sounds like someone at the BBC is in a minority of one.


link to

Just one of many gatecrashers that continue to airbrush themselves out of Scottish democracy and independence.

“The older and younger generations agree that they can only win if they win over no voters by addressing their fears and uncertainties about independence. Top of the list is to offer more credible answers on what currency an independent Scotland would use after the main UK parties rejected the idea of a currency union.”

Fears and uncertainties pumped into the life blood of Scots thinking of vote YES by red and blue tory outfits like rancid The Graun.

Still not funny

link to


That’s a cracker. Looks like the yellow house might need a few extra rooms.


great cartoon Chris made me chuckle

The sooner we move out that street the better into our new detached property.

Gavin Greig

This may be the best cartoon ever.


Interesting interview with Morag this morning. I think the whole article begged a number of questions. The notion that the former Libyan security head might be implicated seemed akin to suggesting that bears poop in the wood. If they really believed it was Libya that ordered the bombing why not indite Gadaffi and his senior security people from the off rather than wait 3 decades.


Anyone found a report about the BBC fringe meeting at the conference? MacQuirter was tweeting interesting things about it last night. Looks like it was quite a fiery affair with folk walking out at the end.

Flower of Scotland


I’ve watched the whole SNP Conference on YouTube :- SNP Conference live.

Fantastic work Chris! So much to take from it.


If they really believed it was Libya that ordered the bombing why not indite Gadaffi and his senior security people from the off rather than wait 3 decades.

Maybe because dictatorships like Lybia, Iraq, Syria were holding down civil war. Then the Bush led GOP and Bomber Bliar Westminster decided they wanted revenge for 9/11. It also might explain Saudi Arabia.

Proud Cybernat

Excellent Chris! But shouldn’t the ‘red door’ be iron bars?


Shouldn’t the Liberal house have had a for rent sign ? 🙂


I love looking for titles (alt tags or whatever you call them) of the images. The title of this one shows up when I scroll over the balloon.

The one on the Big Sister image was a cracker

‘Smuggled out as a microfilm hidden up his arse, no doubt’

The Man in the Jar


Your wish etc.

From the Milngavie and Bearsden Herald. I posted this on the previous thread. Good article worth the click.

Apparently the contingent from the BBC at conference didn’t go down very well at all.

link to

Hoss Mackintosh

Pure Genius Chris,

I have got some of these nice neighbours. You have got them to a Tee.

My son’s drum kit does not go down too well!

Eat, Sleep, Party, repeat…

They should use this as the background for the SNP conference – Just Brilliant!

Dr Jim

Sky news says it’s unfair to use Nicola Sturgeons popularity to win an election

We better get someone unpopular then eh

SNP house is bigger coz there’s more folk in it
nice one


A picture is worth a thousand words. Well drafted Chris


The SNP cheat

They have popular leaders

They have policies people like

They try to deliver what they promise.

It is low down despicableness so it is.


I would have loved it if the Labour house had been a single man fighting with himself …. as in Helen Liddel’s “Scottish Labour could start a fight in an empty house”


Oh, that’s a beezer. 🙂


Had a wander around the conference booths at lunchtime yesterday. The place was absolutely hoachin. The booths were really busy with some impossible to get near. I walked round the corner and low and behold there was a booth which appeared to have a force field around it. It was empty, people were crossing to the other side to pass it, it was the BBC booth manned by three very forlorn looking chaps staring at the floor.

Iain More

Poor sod living in the yellow doored hoose, I dinnae think much of their Nawbag neighbours. Now my neighbours were all Yes voters.

Iain More

Nice to know that the BBC delegation got a roasting at the SNP Conference. It has been well deserved. Well it will be another week of SNP bad regardless of the reception they got.


Shouldn’t the Liberals be in the attic bedsit of the Tory house rather than having a place of their own?

bookie from hell

Iain Martin hatchett job

link to

bfh—poor article/mhairi speaks for the poor–never said she was can be poor in Scotland and live next to a golf course–ie silverknowes


Yellow door aside, aren’t the other houses just branch office sleeping quarters.


OK, I’ll admit it, I can’t figure out why just the orange door has a letterbox?

No no no...Yes

To add to Karmanauts comment and a tweet by the Rev, this is a cartoon that would sell loads.

I have an idea that Chris could create a festive version and he and the Rev could select a charity and we could fundraise. All monies raised could go to those in need.


The Red Door, (Labour), are the Anti-Social Neighbours who are a pain in the bloody arse, the dregs of the street. They have conned their neighbours for years with their lies and false promises. They are the neighbours who have collected their friends savings for the Christmas Hamper Club and pissed it up the wall, spending it on themselves and blaming their neighbours for giving them their money in the first place. They talk about their neighbours behind their back and are two faced bastards generally.

The Yellow Door, (Liberals), are the loner who hoards old magazines and is a conspiracy nut. People generally feel sorry for him and wonder who will go to his funeral. He also looks through the net curtains when the kids are out playing football in the Summer with their tops off. He has a signed photograph of Cyril Smith.

The Blue Door (Tories) are the bitter old couple, who brag about their wealth, but are scared to spend it, who spend all their time arguing about money, tittle tattling on their neighbours to the authorities, curtain twitchers and always shouting at the local children. They can never find their purse when people are collecting for charities, but are always the first to try free samples. They read the Daily Mail and have bought and chosen their funeral plans. It makes them happy.

The Yellow Door, (SNP), are the centre of the village life. They always volunteer to help others, they know what it’s like to be the underdog without power and influence, they are the ones looking to the future while the others dwell on the past, and they are the only ones that give a damn about what the small folk think. They want to rebuild the village life and make people self reliant without losing their caring spirit. They want to make things fair for all.



Here’s an archive version of that Iain Martin piece on Mhairi Black: don’t give him the clicks.

link to


Chris using one of Stu’s hammers to hit the nail on the head, again.

Tony Little

OT #SNP15. Some passionate speeches just now! Great stuff. I think Nicola is on at 3.15.


What a tosser. John Inverdale: “Could this conceivably be the first time all semi-finalists come from the southern hemisphere”.

I wonder why the git would say such a thing with three of the “family of nations” in the quarter-finals? Err, who’s missing?

Cadogan Enright

Presumably Nicola and the SNP leadership have decided to try and win the next election with the broadest mandate and get larger numbers of people accustomed to voting SNP regardless of their views on independence. This will be the focus of the manifesto for May.

Essentially confirming in the electorates mind that whatever is happening in UK politics, it is safer for Scotland to hedge it’s bets and vote SNP, as they will always look out for Scotland and for the interests of Scottish people and the Scottish Economy.

It also confounds the Corporate Media in their assertion that the SNP is capable of doing nothing but independence and is just a one trick magician. Providing competent Governement and a balanced budget with a social conscience.

Once the electorate ‘gets’ this and becomes accustomed to being able to see through the UK parties, and their desire to hold power in Westminister as an end in itself as part of a professional political class, as opposed to having any desire to assist Scotland, the SNP will then exceed in power and influence the Irish Parliamentary Party in the 1800’s – who had to operate without the levers of power available in a devolved parliament.

Keeping the poll figures this high until the local elections in 18 months time is the real challenge for the SNP. It was the capture of local government in Ireland that gave Sinn Féin the real power on the ground in the 1920’s , leaving British politicians with no real power on the ground except the threat or actual use of violence. Something that could not happen today.

This makes the exposure of the Corporate Media in sites like this all the more important – as it will become increasingly difficult to “fool all of the people some of the time” I while decreasing the sum of people who can be “fooled all of the time” – demolishing the establishments ability to lie to the electorate and reducing Unionism down to its core vested interest groups.

The only thing missing for me in all of the above is a committment to a referendum on Devo Max as defined by the SNP in the Scottish Parliament. This would be won in a landslide sometime after the local elections.

This would of course be fiercely resisted by Westminister as they will be keenly aware that the Scottish electorate would be able to see the size of the annual subventions by Scotland to the running of the rest of the UK in the shape of a large cheque from Swinney to Osbourne.

The professional political class in Westminister are alert enough to realize that the bulk of ‘NO’ voters would find this spectacle as painful as ‘YES’ voters and that there could only be one result.

If I had one other item on my wish-list for the SNP manifesto it would be a Scottish Government backed digital currency on a par with the UK pound. This could be used for all sorts of social good in the short term – like taking those on social welfare out of the clutches of the banks and bank charges. The long term use of this digital currency as it grows does not even have to be referred to, but will be quite devastating to the establishment, while giving the Scottish Financial Sector an interesting new focus.


That local Herald BBC bias thing only makes sense if youre a unionist

Top BBC exec Mr Angus
“I do not accept its biased. This could turn easily into some kind of a slanging match if that’s what people prefer but it’s certainly not what I’m here for,” he said.”

The whole of the BBC, not just the Pacific Quay shyste is BetterTogether Project Fear, tv and radio. Text book BBC attakck propaganda highlights include 18th Sept, Crash Gordon’s on stage vote NO fury at YES and only true Scots vote NO.

So from say the lying old smoothy Gavin Esler’s endless BBC tv national broadcasts of “grass roots” voteNoborders, to future Sir Gordon Brewer and some SLab goon taking up0 a whole Newsnight Scotland demolishing fledgling Labour for Independence.

BBC World Service is another hive of UKOK project fear chancers, all night 17th Sept, World Service broadcast news headliners, Australian jihadi terror story, beheading shoppers, mass police hunt in Sydney, followed by Scotland goes to polls this morning. Very dirty, very nasty British style BBC attack propaganda, or merely impartial BBC reportage.

At my work in England throughout 18 Sept in England, we had the huge reception flat screen tv’s with usual BBC 24 tv showing endless Gordon Brown vote NO or else rage on stage in Fife and likes of Daily Heil loved Crash for it.

link to

So that top BBC exec Mr Angus, is just one more UKOK liar/genius.


I’ve doing further experimentation transcribing radio progs. Just incase you are interested recording prog then splitting MP3 into 5 sec slices makes it easier. Of course if I were a Dictaphone typist (or whatever the modern name is) I wouldn’t have to go through this malarky I could just get my fingers moving at 200 words per minute. This is Ruth Wishart on the Big Debate. I have tried to do some fancy formatting as requested but there is no guarantee it will work. I’m confused about the new paragraph thingy.



One thing we must bear in mind about Scotland and I’m not sure because I haven’t had the privilege of reading Adams article in the Spectator I will of course rush out and buy four copies but emmm Oh! James has got one here How kind!

The thing about Scotland is we did embrace proportional representation which I think is a very important part of a sophisticated contemporary democratic process it means that because of the list system people like Adam wouldn’t have a cats chance in Hell of getting into parliament now have a chance because of the list system. The list system should have been applied across the whole of the UK in my view. We will have a number of Conservative MSPs and maybe 5 or 6 Green MSPs and how many Labour MSPs we’ll have I’m sure Yohann will enlighten us on that in a moment. It is important I think that there is a robust opposition to the SNP in Scotland and the way to stop Scotland being a one party state is for the opposition parties to get their act together

Ruth Wishart actually said:

people like Adam who wouldn’t have an outside (I’m using a technical term here) wouldn’t have a cats chance in Hell of getting into parliament

It is important I think that there is a robust opposition to the SNP in Scotland and the way to stop it being a one party state is for the opposition parties to get their act together

I decided to do a bit of editing.


I have to speak up for Jeremy Vine of Radio Two. Have you heard his Iain Murray interview?


Nicola …”Scotland has found her voice and we are never ever going to let our voice to be silenced again”



ClanDonald Do you think it’s Mhairi Blacks turn to get the MT treatment.

The only interesting part of that article was the bit at the end.

‘Iain Martin is Editor of CapX.
This article is an exclusive for CapX, and is available for syndication. Please contact to discuss details.’

Is this the online equivalent of putting a red light in your window.


galamcennalath says:
17 October, 2015 at 3:42 pm
Nicola …”Scotland has found her voice and we are never ever going to let our voice to be silenced again”

Nice, but is she content with finding a Scottish voice in the UK, or a Scottish voice in Europe and across the world?

Region of UK or nation state?

See the Corbynator is now vice president of CND, while red tory SLab want Trident 2, dumped in his Scotland region.

link to

Chris’s house at the end of the street just got even madder.


Oh jeez, ‘pig headed’!

Bwahahahahahahah 😀

Gaun yersel Nicola.

call me dave

Great stuff from Sturgeon in her conference speech.
Some good policy ideas there too in among the inspirational stuff.
Fighting on the record of the SG ans reminding us of some of what they have done so far. Who do you trust for Scotland. 🙂

2 X SNP at the election.

Oh! Wait Prof Curtis not convinced… and big Brian asking those questions but prefacing them with the usual BBC gobbledygook and the next referendum must not be forgotten, especially if you are a switherer in another party and are tempted to jump across to SNP.


heedtracker says:

“Region of UK or nation state?”

…. I’m sure Nicola want Indy asap, like the rest of in on here.

I think her stance is spot on – work hard to show we are capable of governing, convert sufficient NOs and wait for an IndyRef2 trigger of which a good number are potentially stacking up.

All sooner than later, though I accept she can’t say that openly.

Perhaps part of the game plan is to make IndyRef2, when it comes, appear as something forced upon us by a wicked uncaring Establishment. BritEx being an obvious example of this.

john king

Morag says
“Ta muchly chaps. The interviewer’s idea of what the point was, was the same as my idea of what the point was, which always helps.”

don’t keep us in suspenders,
was it about 103?

Dr Jim

The SNP are a disgrace they make promises and then deliver them this is not fair politics and shouldn’t be allowed

Everything must be done to oppose this kind of behaviour
Politics is about deprivation hunger and want and the creation of misery for a sensible period of time until these things can no longer be borne

Then you throw the population a few bones, some free milk for their kids and maybe a new paint job for a hospital and they love and thank you

Now that’s real politics, and what both Labour and Tory parties have always stood for, British values, not what these jumped up Jockanese Natzis are up to


Of coarse the red house could have been a bungalow – nothing up top.


WARNING! Do not eat or drink whilst reading this!

link to

schrodingers cat

“I’m sure Nicola want Indy asap, like the rest of in on here.”


I think her stance is spot on – work hard to show we are capable of governing, convert sufficient NOs


and wait for an IndyRef2 trigger of which a good number are potentially stacking up.


indyref2 will come no doubt, but project fear 2 is in full swing, we should launch yes2 now,chose a leader and start campaigning now

hint, robin macalpine

john king

Handandshrimp says

The SNP cheat

They have popular leaders

They have policies people like

They try to deliver what they promise.

It is low down despicableness so it is.”

Its so much worse that that h&s
they’re doing it deliberately sointheyare. 🙂


In all fairness what sort of idiot would vote SNP?

It makes far more sense to vote for a party that kills people by removing their benefits. Or one that will spend £100 billion on something their leader has rendered totally useless by saying he won’t press the button. Or voting for one that believes that lying is the only way to go.

A vote for the SNP is a vote for sanity, how mad can you get?


Brilliant cartoon, Chris, its a keeper. I can look at it for ages enjoying all the details!

john king

Iain More says
” Now my neighbours were all Yes voters.”

Bawheed. 😉


O/T just been watching the Hosie interview on the BBC website, the one entitled ‘oil price’.

Apart from the interviewer being an ignorant twat, the thing that struck me was a missed opportunity by Hosie while talking about the hypothetical 7bn black hole due to low oil price.

He could have reminded us of another ‘hypothetical situation’ where if we had become independent in the 70s, with similar population and oil reserves to Norway, we could now be one of the richest countries in Europe and sitting on £500bn of reserves, like Norway, instead of being lied to by Westminster and the McCrone report kept secret.

I dont know why the SNP dont make more of this.




schrodingers cat says:

“wait for an IndyRef2 trigger of which a good number are potentially stacking up.


indyref2 will come no doubt, but project fear 2 is in full swing, we should launch yes2 now,chose a leader and start campaigning now”

I agree in general that Yes2 as a campaign organisation should be set up now, independent of the SNP, and start the work of converting NOs. Indy and the Yes movement is above and beyond just the SNP.

However, as far as Nicola and the SNP are concerned, I accept that it may be best for them to be seen to wait for right time to move on Indy. What they have done so far is, I believe, as much as they should. They definitely need to get past May. The Unionists are trying everything to stop a majority. Getting that majority should be the SNP’s current priority.

No majority = No IndyRef2 !


Cameron is still intent on waging war on the ground in Syria and in other places. He managed to destroy Libya and must be stopped from taking the UK to war simply to satisfy his financial backers

link to


Red door.
Orange door.
Blue door

R.O.B – Says it all really!

link to

Chris Cairns

Thanks for all the appreciation, folks – it’s, eh, appreciated.

May I be opportunistic and give you a wee bit of notice about the two – yes, two – book launches we’re planning shortly? (Moodie wants me to wait until next week, but what does he know?)
Glasgow – Mon 26 Oct, Leiper Gallery, W George St. 6-9pm.
Edinburgh – Thurs 29 Oct, Free Space, Easter Rd. 5:30-8pm.

There’ll be ‘refreshments’ (I don’t think that means mints), interesting chat if you avoid me, books I will sign if you buy them and general jollity.

Hope to see youse there.



Robert Louis,

“This is the very best cartoon on this site so far, second only to this one;”

Can the SNP now count on your two votes in 2016?


Been having closer look. Is that Carmichael in the house with the yellow door. I a sure Murphy is involved in the scrap in the red door house and Mhari Black is Partying in the house with the yellow door (top left window little pony tail)


Really enjoyed looking at this.

The guy on the right in the red door with the sleeves rolled up looks like Andy Burnham


heedtracker that article about ‘Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn to become CND vice-president’ has a very confusing headline the article states

However, CND said Mr Corbyn was stepping down as its vice-chairman because of his “increased workload”.


Sad to see Wales go out, they played some great rugby this World Cup. That late try by S Africa was cruel.


The cartoon is a work of art. You could have it on your wall and still be spotting interesting details a year from now.

You could even spot symbolism that perhaps Chris hadn’t intended to be there.

I’m currently trying to figure out why Alistair Carmichael is the only one with a letter-box!


So Ross Ford and Jonny Gray cleared on appeal, and available to play Australia tomorrow. They were banned for 3 weeks by the Judicial Officer, Christopher Quinlan QC of England, who had just been knocked out of the World Cup, after being cited by the Independent Citing Commissioner from Australia, but were cleared by Honourable Justice Lex Mpati (South Africa), sitting with Justice Graeme Mew (Canada) and Robbie Deans (New Zealand).

No comment – apart from it’s great.


More bars on the Big Bruisers window!

What could that mean?


Sorry, url:
link to

It appears Australia are running scared of the (rugby) boys in blue well, be afraid, be very afraid.


@ Ruby

There’s a difference between a president (vice or otherwise) and a chairman.

It appears that Jeremy Corbyn has stepped down from his previously-held position of vice-chairman, to become vice-president instead – presumably that has more of a ceremonial role and is less demanding. I haven’t managed to find out who the full president is, but they have a general secretary too (Kate Hudson).

Scottish CND used to have a president and vice-presidents; now they have a chair and two vice chairs.


I’ve spotted lots of pom-pom hats at the One Party. Which one is Hamish?

Bob Mack

“Carmichael is the only one with a letter box”
He is the only one awaiting a summons from court.

Bob Mack

The Blue one is absolutely brilliant. Old time Unionists robbed blind by a Government that has driven them to penury but who will still give their vote to Tory.

So much to see in this Chris.
Would love to buy a copy.


Can’t see any pigs behind the blue door, but I guess they’re snorting in the attic, or hiding in the closet.


Delighted to see that Ford and Frey can play, although the team is already picked so I am not sure how that works now.


WTF. brand new SNP website. Can’t find media centre but I guess it’ll grow on me.


crazycat says:
17 October, 2015 at 6:41 pm

@ Ruby

There’s a difference between a president (vice or otherwise) and a chairman.

Ruby replies:

Cheers crazycat.

A more appropriate headline would have been ‘Jeremy Corbyn gives up role as Chairman of CND’

I suppose the media have their reasons for the slant they have taken on this story but it confused me.

But then I’m pretty confused about Labour’s policy on Trident but then I think they are too.

Jeremy Vine suggested to Iain Murray on Radio 2 yesterday that Labour do not have a policy on Trident.


Ford and Gray can sit on the bench and wave at the Aussie players “see you later”.

Savage about Wales, they were almost there. At least this time they weren’t robbed by the referee.


Bob Mack says:
17 October, 2015 at 6:48 pm

“Carmichael is the only one with a letter box”
He is the only one awaiting a summons from court.

Ruby replies
Could be or perhaps he’s waiting for the lost translation of a French letter or a cheque from his crowd funding site.


@ HandandShrimp

Apparently, Cotter can change his selection up to an hour before kick-off.


The guy that is getting ‘a doing’ in the red house has got to be one of the Ians! Davidson or Smart?

Paula Rose

They’ll be no long-term lum reekin’ at the house with a blue door.


@Paula Rose
If that Taxpayer’s Alliance guy gets his way with Osborne, or vice versa, and cuts the winter fuel allowance this year, there won’t be a blue door for much longer, it’ll be chopped up for firewood.

Bob Mack

What an amazing piece of art.
The more I look the more I understand.
Carmichael the only lib dem in Scotland awaiting his eviction notice.
Labour infighting not just in Scotland but between North and South.
The only happy house is the SNP and it has expanded into a townhouse with three levels— members, MSP’S ,and MP’S all part of the same party, separated but joined under the one roof.


Libby Carrell of Rancid The Graun puts the boots in for this Saturday and wides up their phoney progressive liberal coverage with

SNP bad, Sturgeon’s a meany, Scotland’s ours forever and ever and don’t get them started on oor Eck!

“And what of Salmond – the walking, talking, bullying, symbol of this party’s urgent appetite for another vote? He was limited in the week to a three-minute afternoon spot to talk about Syria. On Friday evening, Salmond could be found at a five-star hotel on the outskirts of Aberdeen being interviewed by the new SNP MP for Edinburgh East, Tommy Sheppard, at a charity auction/promo for his book, The Dream Shall Never Die. He was rather less bashful than Sturgeon about a second referendum. “It is as near inevitable as anything ever can be in politics,” he said.

“This is the first conference in quite a while that you have not been absolutely at the centre of it, on the platform – how’s it been taking more of a back seat?” asked Sheppard, all wide-eyed and innocent.

Salmond smiled. Although not with his eyes. “Well, there was an incident today. It came on the lunchtime news that the SNP leadership had been defeated on the issue of land reform. I thought, ‘good, excellent’. That was new.” Cue nervous laughter in the audience.

Salmond, who is standing for a place on the SNP’s ruling national council, then performed the slow laugh of a pantomime villain. Sturgeon has shown that she is strong. Well, she might just need to be.”

When Salmond’s eyes are smiling,
Sure, ’tis like the morn in Spring.
In the lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing.

is only words I can mind. How desperate can red and blue tory liggers and shills get? Tune in tomorrow, Sunday Times should be even worse, hopefully.

And remember fellow vile separatists, smile with your eyes, its the teamGB way, the only way.


Also a nice display of sneaky UKOK bullshitting BBC R4 news style this teatime with their coverage of the medics protest at toryboy world.

But nice news reader lady kept saying it was a demo with medics across the UK in London yet somehow same old frauds left out their Scotland region, which thanks to SNP, toryboy cuts are currently being held back.

Cant think why the bullshitters at r4 left that out/roped in their Scotland region.

So from the great BBC lie machine

link to

to real world, what the world’s greatest public broadcaster pretends isn’t happening.

link to

Makes your eyes smile?

craig sheridan

Clever and funny, that’s brilliant.


Now which song would go with each door … (with a wee bit of artistic licence 🙂 )

Red – The party’s over, its time to call it a day

Orange – Nobody loves me everybody hates me, I think I’ll go and eat worms

Blue – Who’s sorry now, whose heart is aching for breaking each vow

Yellow – We’ve had to fight for the right to party!!!


Mmm well, I think the odds are that the All Blacks will beat us in the final, but you never know, there might be an upset.



Nice one. 😀


Sunday Herald front page;

link to

Bill Fraser

Yes indeed you have got that bang on .Hilarious!!


Sunday Herald front page is good. I look forward to Paul Hutcheon’s exposee about MT being on the same platform at Haymarket as Tommy Sheridan, only 20 feet apart, on the same day as Mhairi Black was on a school trip across to Holyrood where the main item was “Business – for Scotland”.

Most sinister, I think Kevin Chugger should complain to Scotrail,and PH can follow it up with a series of articles and self-promoting twits. Jackie Baillie will think it’s “very serious”.


You missed a trick in this excellent cartoon. You should have put a wee hoosie wi a green door. The fun you could have wi Shakies lyrics.

“Green Door”

Midnight, one more night without sleepin’
Watchin’, till the morning comes creepin’
Green door, what’s that secret you’re keepin’?

There’s an old piano and they play it hot behind the green door
Don’t know what they’re doin’ but they laugh a lot behind the green door
Wish they’d let me in so I could find out what’s behind the green door

Knocked once, tried to tell ’em I’d been there
Door slammed, hospitality’s thin there
Wonder just what’s goin’ on in there

Saw an eyeball peepin’ through a smokey cloud behind the green door
When I said Joe sent me someone laughed out loud behind the green door
All I want to do is join the happy crowd behind the green door

Midnight, one more night without sleepin’
Watchin’, till the morning comes creepin’
Green door, what’s that secret you’re keepin’?

Saw an eyeball peepin’ through a smokey cloud behind the green door
When I said Joe sent me someone laughed out loud behind the green door
AII I want to do is join the happy crowd behind the green door
Wish they’d let me in so I could find out what’s behind the green door.

The Man in the Jar

Somewhere round in the backcourt of these houses is an outside cludge with a purple and yellow door.

shrodingers cat

disappointed with the French booing their own players tonight

the all blacks would have put everyone to the sword the way they played tonight

no exception.

devastating rugby,

as dads said, we will have our work cut out when we get to the final 🙂

Robert Bryce

And RISE are at the bottom of the road arguing with each other over the colour of a a wee ginger dug shite on the path.


Daniel Boffey’s piece in the Guardian is a remarkably sour bit of writing. I guess some evil cyber nat must have peed in his coffee.

Kevin has a relatively balanced piece by comparison to the point that he has already been accused of being an SNP propagandist and it has only been up for a few minutes.

Paula Rose

Why do men like grappling with each other?

Dan Huil

@ Paula Rose 12:45

Because she went by her own accord?


Kevin has a relatively balanced piece by comparison to the point that he has already been accused of being an SNP propagandist and it has only been up for a few minutes.

Well he is a bit schizophrenic

“I have no doubt a second referendum on independence will take place – and before 2021. And I have never been more passionate about the need for Scotland to be solely responsible for its own destiny, despite the economic sacrifices that will entail. Any time that commitment wavers I’ll play a recording of Theresa May’s vile address to the Tory conference.

And if the SNP’s scarecrow division of the semi-deluded can cope with the idea that the party is not above criticism and that the media are not part of a sinister unionist command structure then we can all have a jolly nice time together on the journey.”

Next week, oor Kev of rancid The Graun will be

“And I have never been more passionate about the fact that Scotland must never be solely responsible for its own destiny, despite the economic sacrifices that will entail, England must look bettertogether after us dummies and wastrels up here.”

Cant think who Kev’s “the SNP’s scarecrow division of the semi-deluded can cope” are.


H&S – from Keven McKenna’s piece:

I have no doubt a second referendum on independence will take place – and before 2021. And I have never been more passionate about the need for Scotland to be solely responsible for its own destiny, despite the economic sacrifices that will entail. Any time that commitment wavers I’ll play a recording of Theresa May’s vile address to the Tory conference. And if the SNP’s scarecrow division of the semi-deluded can cope with the idea that the party is not above criticism and that the media are not part of a sinister unionist command structure then we can all have a jolly nice time together on the journey.

I suspect comments that doubted his commitment to Independence might just have reached him!



Harsh words were said about his piece last week. 🙂

I quite like Kevin (his loathing of bicycles aside) but he does like to tease. A lot of his articles are lighthearted opinion pieces specifically designed I think to agitate and annoy. The Boffey piece is laughable.


Just read the Boffey piece. The Referendum seems to have empowered a whole generation of S******h politics writers whose native skills would be better suited to writing a piece about judging the Lesser Twiddlington horticultural show marrow growing section.


Good morning

I’ve been thinking a bit about the SNP conference and the general state of play.We are in the transitional phase between London rule and independence.Nobody knows how long this phase will last but the indications are that it will be years rather than months or decades.This transition will be slower than some independence supporters would like,but quicker than Ruth Davidson would like.

I don’t know exactly what the mechanics of this transition will be.I assume that it will involve another referendum at some stage,but perhaps this will be at the end of the transition process,seeking the approval of the people for a done deal between Holyrood and Westminster.It was all very well for Westminster to fight to save the union when they were starting with a thirty or forty point lead.If a gap starts to open with YES in the lead they will be more likely to negotiate a sensible,modern and amicable agreement than to fight and lose.They will recognise that they can’t save the political union,but they can save face by getting behind a continueing,though somewhat different,social union.

Four years from now we could have an SNP majority in Holyrood,the threat of the SNP holding the balance of power in Westminster and a majority of people in Scotland telling pollsters they support independence.How hard will Tory back benchers fight to save the union?


Thanks for that quick response.
Travelling so on mobile device and limited connectivity.
Looks like the bbc fringe was fun.i hope they get the message.


GE 1.5Million voted SNP (without the 16/17 year old vote)

1.5Million voted Unionist. A year after the Ref many people had changed their mind?

‘Labour incompetence. Tory cruelty’. Sums it up All the people who voted NO want the SNP to protect their jobs, pensions and public services.


Kevin McKenna is a Unionist TROLL.

He is up there with Podmore and that other fuckwit that comes on here, SensibleDave.

He is over rated, over talked about and irrelevant.

Kevin McKenna, FUCK OFF!


Just found a list of guests on Marr.

Since the GE there have been 49 political guests, I think. Interviewed plus paper review. I include politicians past and present plus past partisan political advisors.

Of those 4 have been pro Indy Scots. NS twice, AS once, Hosie once.

One in 12. Reasonable or proportional? Depends on how you appraise it.

schrodingers cat

re McKenna

im sick of the continual snpbad coming out of the msm, it is as if McKenna, spg and rise cant see this and believe they are justified in being (as they believe) even handed sometimes in an effort to be controvertial, more radical etc (see Stephen patons water privatization video on bella)

all they have succeeded in doing is blowing the unionist trumpet for them.

hardly surprising indy and snp supporters turn on them



That’s what McKenna does. One week an attack piece, next a kinda, sorta all right one.

Depends how you regard that kind of writing. I call it principles for sale, roll up.

One of the writers I always read, and know where he stands, is George Monbiot. Mostly, you know what Owen Jones will write, and his position. These are the writers I admire for principles with some analysis and rationale.

Apart from the Rev. of course.


link to

BBC vote SLab Scotland sum up SNP conference by discussing SLabour, shock.

Lovely photo of Wendy Alexander though. Say anything, anything at all rather than tell licence fee payers what it was actually like last week. Or just another day in teamGB land.


link to

Got dragged to this last night but its a great film with lots of interesting things to say about socio economics of teamGB, not just 100 years ago.

Then 100 of your UKOK years later, Baroness Mone of Mayfair takes her job for life at the Lords, what noone voted for, never can and never will, because we’re British.

link to

Brian Powell

As the Conference votes should SNP/Indepndence supporters are deciding for themselves what they want, we are not waiting to see what McKenna or Boffey or any other old guard ‘authority’ writers put out.


The old Tory couple have their heads down and aren’t aware that right above their heads their is a tarantula or perhaps it’s a black window spider spinning it’s web.

This could symbolise the press that spins poisonous tales or the lethal sting that is in store for them very soon.

If the sting doesn’t kill them it will destroy all memory. The spider will keep spinning and old Tory couple will be continually caught in the web.


RE: McKenna

He’s a writer in the big titles. He’s what he would describe as old Labour, writing for the metro bubble. He has an unhealthy hatred of bicycles and an eye for controversy. He enjoys throwing one out there to see how far the splash travels and knows how to sell his column. He is what he is, though I suspect his pump is in the right place, he’s not ever going to be anything but a Labour man hankering after a Labour that no longer exists.

He can lift you one week and leave you biting the carpet the next. Infuriating I know, but that’s wee Kev. Must admit to not reading his work for some time, not because of any antipathy, simply because I get my news and commentary/opinion from sources I have more trust in and time for. Last I’d paid any attention to Kev was in a Bateman podcast. Heh, it appears he hasn’t changed much, though by his lights, he probably reckons he’s moved light years from his pre referendum stance.

Bob Mack

O/T If anyone was in any doubt about how far the Establishment go to protect their own,they should have a look at the documentary,” Edward V111’s murderous mistress.”

It is clear evidence that the Government,Royal Family and senior members of Society and Judiciary can make anything disappear to protect their own.

Perhaps one of the reasons we must not allow the Tories to interfere with the Human Rights Act,which they are trying to fast track through Parliament.

Dr Jim

Journalists have media outlets, papers, telly, blogs and such
and they have a wee card that says that’s their job, and some of them can write

But does that mean they should, they think so and they demand freedom and unfettered interference while they do it
So why do they get so upset when me you or Joe Bloggs has a wee scribble. Most of us are just folk and we say what we think just the same as them, we don’t get to write in papers or all the other stuff that goes with it

They, journalists, are arrogant and have a mistaken sense of superiority over the rest of us, they’re under the mistaken belief they know more and understand more than everybody else, and maybe that’s why the get miffed when we critisise them

Some English journalists arrived from England for the SNP conference and were met with phrases like “Welcome to North Korea” “Welcome to the Stalinist party conference”
And you think to yourself, who are the bad guys here because these English reporters are being fed this before they even get started then they return to England and write the shit the Scottish press have just told them

So what was the Fukcing point in them coming up here

So my point is if that’s the standard of journalism we can continue to expect we might as well write it ourselves and the Scottish press aren’t worth Spit so if they get upset

Fcuk you very much I don’t care

I’ll go and have my tea and roll and bacon now (brown sauce)


Heh, it appears he hasn’t changed much, though by his lights, he probably reckons he’s moved light years from his pre referendum stance.

If he’s come over all YES this week, it’s because he thinks it’s all over, Scotland is a region of GB, they won, but Graun is stuffed with klassy hacks so… in victory magnanimity, great British magnanimity. Anyway they still have to sell ad space to and about their Scotland region, nice hols and scenery, avoid the rougher areas but otherwise, it’s all rather lovely with frightfully decent sea food restaurants.


@Dr Jim

Brown sauce?

Mmmmmmmm. You’ve hit the nail on the head twice there.

Our opinions and insights on the world are just as valid, our life experiences just as meaningful. If we don’t have the prose talent of them pro types to writ donn Inglish as whut is spook, so what?

I found more, honesty, humor, empathy, not to mention hard graft on these sites and in most citizen journalism than I’ve seen in the dailies for years. More importantly what you find is… heart.


@ Dr Jim spot on there Jim

The problem these so called journalists have is they are scared Jo Bloggs might bring to light the fact they are nothing special when it comes to journalism.

Their hatred of wings is a prime example mainly because most of them arnt fit to tie the Revs shoe laces and the Rev lets them know that.

They are not used to being on the receiving end,well they had either better buck up their ideas or get used to it.



Like I say heed, I’ve found places I trust more as sources of news and opinion.

I don’t think I’ve visited the Graun since the first week of September last year. I look at the odd archived version of a mainstream title as part of any story link, but I lost faith and trust in mainstream meeja long since.

The don’t speak to me. They don’t speak for me. More importantly, I simply don’t have much trust in them and therefore I see no reason to give them the time of day anymore. I miss the odd columnist (though not many), but I’ve found the break far more conducive to lowering the blood pressure. In short, they’re not our media and never will be.

schrodingers cat

sunday politics
trade unionists from the steel works in Scotland demanding sturgeon does something

since the steel workers came out in favour of bt…..

I hope they get boiled in their own piss


Party activists flood a&e with a variety of minor ailments – sair bits , just to put strain on waiting times and give party spokesperson spin bites.


Good comments this morning from Mealer, Macart, Dr Jim, Heed and Schrodinger…what can anyone else really add, I think we all know where we stand re the mudslinging crap that calls itself reporting on their Scotland region.

Shower of shysters.

Mealer, thoughtful and accurate assessment of where we’re at. It’s aw o’er bar the greetin’ faced reticence of the establishment…but they do have to ‘save their greetin’ facedness’ in the longer shorter term.

What’s written on Wings, above and below the line…is Scotland reporting on itself. Mair accurate, insightful, and as Macart says…with a huge dollop of Heart laced throughout.

Ye simply cannae whack it!


Macart says:
18 October, 2015 at 12:00 pm

Like I say heed, I’ve found places I trust more as sources of news and opinion.

UK media is the fourth estate, so ultimately there’s no where else to go. Also ultimately they flog a socio economic set up that still benefits the majority but only just.

There are several other socio economics non tory worlds encircling toryboy teamGB, as we know.

If England does lose control of Scotland, its one more country that may not want to be red tory world anymore and then you are looking at changes within England itself. As the BBC led UKOK media freak show explains day in day out in their Scotland region, that’s not going to happen.

Arise Lady Mone, Baron Darling, Sir Danny Alexander, Baron Carmichael etc for that rule Britannia goodness.

So unless and until several million slave wage earners continue to be cowed into voting red or blue toryboy…

Helena Brown

SkintyBroko, I will be happy to challenge anyone who miss calls our A&E departments. Three weeks ago I fell in the street in Perth and ended up in Perth Royal Infirmary with a dislocated shoulder. I was treated immediately, shoulder fixed and discharged with Fife NHS contacted within two hours. Not only that within a week I had an appointment with Physiotherapy. So anyone who says anything I will take their face off.
Changed days from 1998 when I waited 10 months to see about what turned out to be a malignant melanoma. That was not funny. Strange that Labour were in charge then.


@ schrodingers cat

I totally agree ,and why do they want Nicola to do something about it,whats wrong with their highly paid union bosses doing something about it,oh wait that would be the same union that sold them down the river for westminster gold.

Tough shit guys you should have voted for indy then you would not only have a steel industry but i thriving one at that,and dont say we did not warn you that Scotland would be asset stripped by an uncaring neo liberal Tory party or that we told you that Labour had no chance in hell of being in government.

Maybe next time you muppets will listen to us but thanks anyway for dooming us to years of asset stripping,i hope you all remember to fill in your IDS gestapo forms correctly or you will need to go visit your local foodbank to feed your kids,still think we are better together hmmm?

Robert Bryce

schrodingers cat

I think you’ll find it was the union leadership that backed BT & not necessarily the membership.

As the son of a former Lanarkshire Steelworker, I can assure you he and many others were firmly in the Yes camp.
My own union backed BT but I was never consulted about it either!

Good men & women have lost their livelihoods here at the worst possible time for them & their families.

“boil in their own pish”? away and boil yer heed mate!



I have nothing but admiration for our hard working NHS and particularly A&E but am particularly pissed off at the number of people who go to A&E for sod all.

schrodingers cat

I think you’ll find it was the union leadership that backed BT & not necessarily the membership.

I would have resigned from any organization that supported ukok

cant you see why it is difficult for yessers to feel any sympathy?

schrodingers cat

My own union backed BT but I was never consulted about it either!

but yet you continue to fund an organization which supports the very unionists who are responsible for the demise of the jobs of very people you profess to care about?

the trade unionists then come back with a demand that the Scottish government bail them out and not Westminster..

pish…..very much so


@ Robert Bryce

now Robert you did not think we were addressing the yes voting steelworkers do you?

Anybody who voted yes in the steelworks would have known full well the consequences to their industry with a no vote,yes i feel sorry for them but they are just the first to face what will be 5 years of dismantle Scotland there will be a lot more of us unemployed by the time the tories are finished or we can escape from basket case UK.

As for no voters well this is their fault and i have no sympathy for them what so ever ,this is what they voted for No for.


Well, Ireland nearly came back but got sadly got beat.

So the hopes of the northern hemisphere rest on Scotland. That’s 3 billion people want Scotland to beat Australia.

schrodingers cat

um……oooerr dads


Great thing is there’s no expectations, so they can just go out there and play their hearts out.


Scotland 34, Australia 32, Joubert 3 playing for Australia.


Q – Why did ref joubert run off pitch?

A – To collect 30 pieces of Australian silver

Grouse Beater

Schrodinger’s cat: My own union backed BT but I was never consulted about it either!

It’s really testing protecting the right of collective bargaining by unions only to see them support political parties that want those very rights rights constrained or cancelled.


schrodingers cat says:

sunday politics
trade unionists from the steel works in Scotland demanding sturgeon does something

since the steel workers came out in favour of bt…..

“I hope they get boiled in their own piss”

Agreed, a tad harsh though.
I also hope Nicola does an Alex at Grangemouth number, and saves their sorry asses.

Lightly basted, in a jus of truth and reconciliation a la piss ?


Why are the Red, Blue and Orange families still allowed to pollute this street? Should have been kicked out a long time ago lol


I’ve just read every cartoon Chris Cairns has posted on this site.
I gotta say, as an American, most UK cartoonist’s messages are obscure and hard to understand. Not Cairns!
I would classify Mr. Cairns as a cartoonist whose draftsmanship is equal to that great Canadian cartoonist Len Norris (of ‘The Vancouver Sun’). (Google him).
Well done, Sir!

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