The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

The Ship Song

Posted on May 12, 2021 by

Ten years ago this month I was in a pub called The Porter in Bath with my girlfriend and her family, buying everyone whiskies and gabbling deliriously (I’d been up for over 40 hours at that point) about the significance of what had just happened.

Alex Salmond’s SNP had just broken the Scottish electoral system, winning an absolute majority of seats in a Parliament designed expressly to stop that from ever happening. A total of 72 pro-independence MSPs had been elected, and it was already clear that an independence referendum was going to happen despite the Labour Party’s best efforts. It was impossibly exciting.

This month I sat and watched 72 ostensibly pro-indy MSPs be elected again, but this time with my heart breaking, knowing that they would achieve nothing and indeed had no real intention to even try.

And I’ve had enough of feeling that way.

I’m not going to rehash all the blindingly obvious reasons why there isn’t going to be independence referendum in the life of this Parliament, because we’ve explained them a dozen times and anyone who was ever going to listen already knows. Boris Johnson – or any other Tory leader – has absolutely no reason to allow one and nothing to fear from refusing.

Scotland has no influence over him whatsoever. The mad fantasy of him bowing to pressure from an international community that stood back and watched Spain beat up and imprison peaceful democratic campaigners doesn’t deserve the dignity of a moment’s consideration from anyone even halfway sane. We told you in May 2016 that the election result took an indyref off the table for five years and we were proved right. We’re telling you again.

The only time in history the independence movement has ever held any meaningful leverage over a UK government (Theresa May’s lame-duck minority administration of 2017-19) Nicola Sturgeon squandered it on a futile and immoral attempt to deny England and Wales the Brexit that they voted for of their own free democratic will, and then helpfully handed Johnson the election that gave him the 80-seat majority which now renders him totally invulnerable on the constitution.

So what’s coming now is five miserable years of deja vu. A Holyrood with a pro-indy majority but no will to do anything with it, just like the one we’ve had since 2016 when Sturgeon lost Salmond’s majority and became beholden to the foul, racist, misogynist paedophilia sympathisers and enablers of the Scottish Greens – a situation that it’s now possible with hindsight to see absolutely delights her.

I want no part of the lie they’re going to foist on indy supporters for the next few years. I want no responsibility for how people are going to feel as it slowly, gradually dawns on them that they’ve been conned and taken for fools in exactly the same way Tony Blair did to Labour voters 20 years ago.

Blair won three elections, but burned Labour and all its values to the ground in the process, leaving the party an unelectable, bitterly factional mess that still trails even the current monstrous, farcical atrocity of a Tory government in the opinion polls, 13 years after Blair left office to concentrate on building his colossal personal wealth.

That day is coming down the line for the New SNP, make no mistake about it. Given the ludicrously inept state of the opposition parties in Scotland it looks a while off yet. But the Tories under William Hague and Michael Howard and Iain Duncan Smith were a joke of a party that looked like it was dead and buried forever, but politics abhors a vacuum and eventually someone came along capable of reviving it.

The price that’ll be paid for Nicola Sturgeon’s betrayal of the SNP for the sake of her personal career will be years and years in the wilderness for the independence movement. The 80 years of work by her predecessors leading to the high water mark of 2011-14 have been turned to ashes and it takes a while for anything to grow back from ashes.

I’m already 53 and the men in my family rarely get much past 70. I don’t intend to waste the rest of my life waiting for that to happen, and unlike some I’m not prepared to lie to people in the meantime for the sake of a paycheque or a cosy wee country cottage or a pathetic delusion of relevance like some broken-record bloggers or media pundits who should have been pensioned off a decade ago.

Nor am I willing to destroy my health and happiness by putting myself through the fury of being lied to every day, never mind all the accompanying abuse.

I could spend the next decade documenting that alone, but a few weeks ago Paul “Wee Ginger Dug” Kavanagh did something so indescribably despicable I can barely bring myself to refer to it even obliquely. Out of sheer demented hatred of me and loyalty to Nicola Sturgeon, and based on a complete falsehood, he harassed a friend of mine so grievously and so disgustingly (he was trying to get them to help him have me put in prison) that they ended up in hospital in intensive care and very nearly lost their life – something for which he’s shown no remorse whatsoever.

I’m not willing to be a catalyst for that. I’m not willing to see other people dead because of how much somebody hates me.

(I have my friend’s permission to publish the above paragraphs.)

Kavanagh and I are both fortunate that lockdown restrictions prevented me from going to the nice new home he’s bought with Yes voters’ donations and doing something I’d have regretted. (I’ve calmed down enough not to do it now.) The repulsive, wretched piece of slime can also consider himself very lucky that to spare my friend any more trauma I didn’t call the police over what he did.

But he’s only, and by a distressingly narrow margin, the very lowest of the grotesque, grifting, self-serving sewer scum that now infests every level of the independence movement. I said a few weeks ago on Wings that in the highly unlikely event of another indyref Yes would need to start with a clean slate of new faces, so irretrievably toxic are the relationships between those who campaigned in 2014, so as one of them I’m taking my own advice and setting an example in vacating the stage.

(Can you imagine going into a second referendum with nothing to offer as persuasion to undecided voters but Pat Kane, Lesley Riddoch, Gerry Hassan and Elaine C Smith again? Christ have mercy on our accursed souls.)

To be honest, the thought of those people celebrating Wings’ demise was the only thing that nearly stopped me from walking away. But carrying on to spite them would be letting them control my life just as much as if I’d let them shut it down before now, and I won’t give them that power.

In truth this would have happened weeks ago, over Kavanagh and when two crooked and hopelessly hamstrung inquiries whitewashed Sturgeon and her government over their criminal attempt to put Alex Salmond in prison with false sexual-harassment allegations. It was only the creation of the Alba Party that offered Scotland one last-ditch chance of salvation.

But an unholy alliance of the SNP and the Unionist media – sweetened by a tasty £3m bribe from the former to the latter – successfully managed to smear and silence Alba and ensure it had no voice in Parliament, and most crucially no base from which to build an alternative.

The party intends to carry on, which with the deepest respect and regret I consider a futility. We learned last week that Sturgeon has simply done too effective a job of poisoning its name and in particular that of its leader. Alex Salmond has been in the form of his life in 2021 – rejuvenated and ebullient, eloquent and fearless, despite the ordeal he’s endured in the last couple of years which would have crushed a lesser man to whimpering dust – but all to no avail.

The absolute hatred with which Alba was treated by brainwashed, goldfish-memoried SNP members under Sturgeon’s direction was jaw-dropping and horrifying. Even six months ago I would never have believed a pro-indy party led by the man who took the SNP from a nutter-fringe irrelevance to the all-conquering behemoth of Scottish politics could have secured less than 10% of the list votes of SNP supporters (especially when the alternative was completely wasting those votes), but in the end it never even got close to that figure because Sturgeon has turned the SNP into a hyper-obedient Stalinist personality cult.

(On the rare occasions the membership does try to summon up some courage, as with last year’s NEC elections, Sturgeon and her husband simply steamroller it, slashing and burning their way through all the party’s procedures and rules until they get the result they want.)

No matter how much passion, energy, reason, decency and dignity Alba continue to campaign with, I don’t think they can overcome that ugly collaboration of smearing between the SNP and the Unionist media. The defining characteristic of Sturgeon’s reign as First Minister, and just about the only thing she’s done with any competence or efficiency, has been the ruthless crushing of anyone and anything she considers a threat to her personal power.

So, since I haven’t actually spelled it out yet: Wings is over. We’ve said everything there is to say and I’m not going to spend the next five years pointlessly repeating myself while Nicola Sturgeon busily turns Scotland into a vicious, spiteful, intolerant, authoritarian and misogynist country I’ll be ashamed to come from and am already afraid to live in. The tragedy is just going to have to play out and the pieces be picked up afterwards, whenever that is and whoever’s left to do it.

So unfortunately you’ll have to wait for someone else to report on Bella Caledonia’s links (via its “poetry collective”) to the British Council, an organisation identified by the Sunday Herald a few years earlier as a wing of the British security services.

(The Herald is/was the paper of David Leask and Neil Mackay, so who’d know better about the activities of the British security services, right?)

And someone else will have to take you through the Scottish Government’s disturbing new Stonewall-driven “diversity curriculum”, including its now somewhat off-message and probably transphobic suggestion that there are in fact only two sexes.

And perhaps most upsettingly of all, it looks like we’ll tragically have to go before we find out from James Kelly what our dastardly masterplan was.

Wings would have been 10 years old this November. At that point, for the sake of one last straw-clutching chance to be proved wrong (or if Police Scotland finally do their job and arrest Sturgeon and Murrell for stealing the ringfenced fundraiser money) I’ll reassess the state of play and make a finally-final decision, but in truth I can’t imagine anything will have changed, and certainly not for the better. It’s time to find something else to do with my life, and having not done a Wings fundraiser in two years I need to pay the bills too.

The Titanic was irretrievably doomed two hours before it actually slid beneath the icy waters of the Atlantic, and as far as the campaign for Scottish independence goes this Parliament is simply going to be a more drawn-out recreation of those strange, surreal moments as the lights went out and hope drowned.

In our version of the band playing on, the site will remain live and you’ll even still get weekly cartoons until that point. Comments will be open for people to chat, but the actions of trolls have already ended the approval of new commenters and that will continue (along with any comments that get caught in the filters, so watch what you say). But we’re not going to spend thousands of pounds a year keeping it online indefinitely, so use the time to archive anything you want to preserve.

There also remains the question of what should be done with the money left in the Wings Fighting Fund (still a not-insignificant sum) and we’ll address that then. In the meantime I’ll resist the temptation to stuff it all into a rucksack and bugger off to Rio forever, and hope that Britain manages to come up with a nice summer to enjoy. After the last 14 months you’d think we’d all earned one.

The last nine and a half years have been an incredible honour. Thanks for everything. Between us, readers, we scared the living daylights out of the bad guys – the true measure of anything’s worth is how much its opponents attack it, and by that metric Wings was beyond price. Like the Spartans at Thermopylae, though, our true enemies wore our own colours and we didn’t see what they were doing until it was too late.

But I’ll remain proud of what we achieved until my dying day, and of the fact that we tried our best to warn everyone about the looming iceberg when it would have been a lot easier and more lucrative to stay silent and play along with the charade like the rest of Sturgeon’s tame shills.

(The honourable exceptions remain listed in the Wings links bar. Treasure them.)

David Baddiel used to do a routine – based on real events, he told me – about how much worse it is to be beaten up by the police than by a bunch of skinheads. (The word “skinheads” gives you an idea of how long ago the routine was.) Because when you’re getting beaten up by skinheads you can always hope the police come along, but when the police are beating you up in the back of a van it’s no good hoping for a load of skinheads to appear. If 19 September 2014 was getting beaten up by skinheads, last week was getting beaten up by the police. No saviours are coming.

Sometimes the odds are so stacked against you that you simply have no chance of winning. But there’s no shame in losing if you left everything on the pitch. The shame belongs to the betrayers, who threw the game for some ministerial baubles and a few more years of nice fat pension contributions from the taxpayer.

We’re entering a long period of darkness for the Yes movement. I hope we get through it. Goodnight, readers, and may your god and your guardian angel go with you.

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Like most, I could see this coming. Sorely disappounting, but somehow feels right. In the rancid swamp that passes for journalism in Scotland, nobody comes close.

To see people like drysdale upthread (who links to Yes Scotland & slurs fellow Yessers on here as sycophants), as usual, fling mud at the man rather than fairly or robustly present an alternative view is typical of Wings detractors. All I ask you drysdale is “When?”. When will your queen set the date. You be fooled if you like. The answer is she wont. It is not in her interests or on her radar. Keep drinking the koolaid you imbecile. To see an SNP MP hahahaha at Alex Salmond after the orchestrated criminal campaign he’s had to endure & defeat was astounding. The foundations AS built for these cunts (no apologies) to piss on is galling. To see that new SNP MSP actually post in public that she’d have to survive a whole month before her gravy was delivered exposed what the SNP has become more starkly than any MI5 black ops could achieve.

Last Saturday was a watershed for me. My vote alone is no longer enough. I have never been a member of a party. I have never marched. I have never donated.

The Rev is correct. Now is a time for a change in direction. A new generation. New faces. New tactics. I have already begun to be more pro-active. Someone has to do something. If we all agree and all start we become a new movement.

Scottish independence is inevitable. It clearly will not be easy. It will only come when enough of us work hard enough. And once its achieved, there will be no going back. No matter how low it gets, we only need to win once. Thats all. Its why the british Nationalists are so petrified. So shrill. Aside from a few orangemen, nobody would be daft enough to campaign to give it all away again.

So thanks for everything Rev. One hundred million thanks. I doubt we’ve seen the last of you, but you’re use will come in a different form in another time. We all need to regroup, reset and re-align. As long as a disgusting criminal sits in Bute House, I will not rest.


Louise Hogg says:
13 May, 2021 at 12:11 am

The SNP’s financial difficulties have been highlighted. And is not possible fraud now being investigated? Unless the SNP can morph VERY rapidly into a Brexit Party style business, funded by big pharma, then it may collapse soon.

I think their laziness and financial incompetence has made them a very attractive option for ruling class support.

The charlotte street charlatan is mirroring mandelson’s role in ensuring the party can be relieved of democratic meddling.

Their depravity will save the party, for themselves.

I wish you well for a rest and other ventures just now. And hope that by November, in some way, we will ALL be looking at a happier future.

Happy roosting Rev!

All to that happy note!

Steve Duncan


Fully respect your decision. You must always look after the safety of you, your family and friends.

What you have done in Wings has shone a light in the darkest corners of political life in Scotland and boy did you frighten some people and the skeletons they hide.

Their day of reckoning will come and hopefully the Murrell cult will be ended soon.
( we can but hope)

For all your amazing effort, and truthful, incisive reporting.



There aren’t words. Thank you for everything.


Sorry to see you step back, as this site is the most significant of a severely shrinking number of trustworthy sources of information on Scottish politics. The rags, Twatter, Reddit and the mainstream media are simply a cabal of liars, deluded fantasists and ruthless propagandists.

However, I totally understand that this is the real world, and in the real world the good fight is often lost to forces of evil, and the will of good men to fight on is finite and can be diminished by the attrition of the psychological warfare waged by cowards.

SOMETHING must replace Wings though, and I think the effectiveness of the replacement would be well-served by your input. Use the fighting fund to transform Wings from one man’s blog into a crack team of investigative journalists trained in your methods and operating under your mission. Then you can leave the fight in good hands while taking yourself out of any direct role.

Independence may be dead, but that’s not all Wings was about, it was also about truth, and there is plenty more hidden truths to be extracted from the vaults of of Scotland’s liars.


Stu, you raised the bar high and the rats had to crawl under it. They always did. They attacked because they fear you. What will the rats write about now that they have no copy from you.

You need a rest, take a long holiday. Keep your eye on what’s going on or even better ALBA need a press guy. Think about it.

Look after the foxes, have a good few months under your belt. Don’t take down the site. WE NEED IT.

See you in Nov

Hugh Jarse

A glimmer of hope is that the Salmond affair has a couple of twists and turns to come yet.
Without hope? I know.

Cheers for all the fish Stu, you’re a legend.


I think I said on the John Masson article I wouldn’t be commenting and would only check in occasionally, not because of you or the blog just because I feel a sense of utter hopelessness re Indy. We aren’t getting another referendum Stu I agree. I’m done matching with AUOB as well, I’ve marched miles and miles for nowt so no more. Independence is still my dream but I’m not letting it consume my thoughts or time any longer. One last comment to wish you well is the least you deserve.

You’ve been truly amazing Stuart, I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done. I totally understand your decision, you have to do what’s best for you in this life. I hope your skies are blue whatever you do next. I’m certain whatever you do next will be a huge success, a cleverer man I e never known.

As for WGD, I was never keen on him, far too much arse kissing of NS. I truly hope your friend makes a full recovery, I’m so very sad to read what has happened to them.

You’ll be missed greatly but deserve to be happy and free from all the crap that has come with this.

To all other supporters on this page, let’s send a huge message to the SNP. Cancel your memberships on mass (I cancelled mine), stop tweeting about Indy, stop marching for Indy, stop waving flags at the side of roads and bridges for Indy. Let’s all just stop and give NS and the other seat warmers something to worry about. No memberships means no money to pay Mr Murrel his fantastic wage.

Goodbye all, thanks for all the comments/interaction and friendships throughout the last 10 years or so. Love and best wishes to you all, extra big love and wishes to you Stu.


A McMaster says:
13 May, 2021 at 12:17 am
I think the Yes movement need to drastically change tact. Other countries that have won independence have done so by rejecting their rulers and taken to the streets. Using those tactics we would grind the whole of the UK to a halt.

No, but Yes.

No. Street parties are probably a self-defeating move (I sympathise with the Yellow Vests, but theirs is a tactic born of desperation and civil disobedience only works in certain circumstances which don’t include the entire establishment hating your guts and having means, motive and opportunities to crush you)

But Yes. Yes needs to evolve.

The first thing it needs to learn (or relearn) is confidence. Confidence is a preference. By confidence, I mean projecting positive energy outwards, towards tangible goals. The 45 have spent the last few years refighting the 2014 referendum. Basically talking to ourselves. AUOB was a lot of fun, and I admire Manny Singh. But what did it achieve? Who did it convince? What measurable results can we point to? Apart from Manny Singh being victimised and scunnered by the SNP regime. And Alistair Mcconnachie airing out his jacket.

If the plan is:

1) Hold rallies / vote SNP
2) ???
3) Independence!

That’s not a very good plan.

The second thing it should learn is that political change doesn’t move in a straight line. It is easy to be disheartened by this, but there’s no need to be. The trick to that is remaining flexible, like a well cooked asparagus. Fighting on multiple fronts. Offset setbacks in one area with new pushes into another. Keep the opposition reacting to you – not the other way.

The third thing is messaging. There’s no centre ground, that’s a myth. But there is a broad mass of normal people, with normal concerns. These concerns don’t necessarily include constitutional issues, unless you can successfully link the constitutional issues to things they already care about.

Yes doesn’t need to change its beliefs to suit the 55, but it does need to change its message to address their concerns.

And tone. How you communicate is part of what you communicate. The world has changed a lot in the past year, let alone the past seven. Why was Vote Leave successful where Vote Yes was not? Has anybody actually put some serious thought into this, instead of crying about Brexit, and buses, and Brexit buses?

There’s lots of reasons, but on messaging, Vote Leave tapped into the zeitgeist in a way Yes didn’t quite. It was psychologically on point. Cyber to the max (I feel sure that’s how the young people speak when they’re not using their Walkmans and Sega Megadrives). Irreverent. Anti-establishment. Punk rock.

Yes doesn’t have that mojo in 2021. But we can learn.


So sad it has come to this. I have followed Wings through the highs and lows of the last 8 years and have always appreciated your honesty and above all your ability to call a spade a spade. You have outed massive corruption and criminality in those who govern us but ultimately it seems that the corruption has spread to all organs of government and media to the point where honest people such as Craig Murray, who printed nothing but truth, can be imprisoned on ridiculous charges. We now live in a fascist state.

Until the last Holyrood election I have been a staunch SNP voter. I can never vote for them again, even if they clean out their stable, as there is now a stench of corruption associated with the SNP which will never be dissipated for me. My wife and I had hoped to end our days in an independent Scotland but now realise that is unlikely. We are now actively considering selling up and moving south of the border. We might then be governed by a corrupt lying buffoon but one whose escapades are exposed by the media and will ultimately lead to his demise. Contrast that with Scotland which is governed by a corrupt, criminal elite who control the judiciary, the police and the media who will never allow criticism let alone free speech. Life south of the border is the lesser of two evils for us.

If there is any justice in this world the lies and corruption of the Murrells will be exposed, as will their theft of £600,000 of donations to Indyref2. Sturgeon, Swinney, Evans, Loyd, Wolffe and a few of the Alphabetties will do time for their criminal attempt to stitch up Alex Salmond and their lies and suppression of evidence to the Scottish Parliament. There is much more but that would do for a start. That now seems unlikely so my wife and I will probably follow on the heels of so many decent Scots who quit their country to find a better life.

I sincerely hope that a well earned spell away from your keyboard will convince you to return. Your country does really need you as does Alex Salmond who will fight on for justice. Finance will not be an issue as so many of us will consider it a privilege to support you. Whatever you decide I can only thank you for what you have done over the years to expose the Britnat media, and latterly the SNP, for their lies and propaganda.


a Quote by Maya Angelou. a black American woman writer. Quote

” People forget what I write, people forget what i say, but people Never forget , How I made them Feel ”

Will never forget how Stuart made us all feel, over these 10 years. Thank you Stuart, you deserve a break and much more.

The dream will never die. Greeting from the USA


Rarely comment – just wanted to say massive thanks for your integrity and brilliant journalism. Have learnt so much from you.
Enjoy the release from being a shield for the lies and hope your friend makes a speedy and complete recovery.
Best for your new life whatever you decide to do.


What can I say to add anything to the above? Except a huge, huge thank you. You spoke the truth, Stuart, and only the truth sets free. So you helped to set us free too.

All the lies surrounding us, and all the liars shouting these lies out, can never drown the truth, or suppress it. Leave the liars to it: let them wail and wallow, and shout and cry in their own inner emptiness. What a place to live – in their own empty hollowed out echo-chamber. What a way to be – such a wasted, vacuous existence. You are quite right, Stuart, to walk away from the lot of them.

We know you are not leaving us. We know that, wherever you go, you are not walking away from us. Wherever life takes you next, it won’t be a lonely path you travel. Truth and freedom – and gratitude – belong together, remain together, march on together, somehow, no matter what happens next. Thank you for everything – every single thing.

Ian Lawson above nicely and kindly told us about the Berlin Wall coming down so much faster than anyone in West Germany, even those in the know, had imagined. Here is something else, in the same line, further away in time but closer to home.

At the beginning of 1304, the whole of Scotland submitted to Edward I of England. Not just gave up, but actually surrendered. Including many who had fought so bravely. They were not cowards in any way. There was really nothing else they could do. It must have been a strange feeling for so many of the ordinary people. Everything was finished. There was no hope anywhere.

Think also what Edward must have felt: at last, he had the whole thing in his hand. It was his. He had won. The land lay still, as James Robertson might have said. And he owned it, and all of them. That was his hour of complete triumph.

What Edward didn’t know at the time – and neither did anyone else – was that there was already a secret plan afoot, a new idea, something no one was thinking of. A Scottish bishop – funny that it was a clergyman – was returning, just at that very time, from Paris, where he had learned this new idea, secretly, moreover from another Scot, who happened to be teaching there. That Scottish bishop had thought this new idea through, and taken it on board, and now he would act. Also secretly.

Two years later, Robert Bruce was enthroned at Scone as the Scots’ legitimate king. Not because of the hereditary right which he always claimed, for his family as rightful. That was secondary, very secondary. He was actually, specifically, explicitly enthroned on the basis of the sovereignty of the people.

That was the new idea. Already known, perhaps, but inchoately, and never before acted upon. Not in this precise way. When all was lost – utterly lost – everything, at that very same moment, was in fact being reborn. It would not all go smoothly, Bruce and the Scottish people would have much to suffer, and many a setback to endure. But the re-birth would not be in vain.

Like all of us, I feel sad, very sad at your post, Stuart, though I also fully understand, and fully sympathise. You have done a marvellous and astounding job. No one else could have done it. And no one else did do it – not like you did. I can’t thank you enough.

Yet, strangely, sad as I be, I don’t feel despondent. And certainly not depressed. I even feel glad. Sadness tinged with gladness; gladness with sadness.

Gratitude is actually a grand emotion, and it also carries gladness with it.

Liars don’t know either of these two things. They have no gratitude, and they are complete strangers to joy. Truth not only sets you free. In the end, no matter how much trouble arises for you by staying with it, it makes you happy. Deep down very, very happy.

Thank you, Stuart. And all the very best. Everyone here is very, very proud of you. And grateful for all you’ve done for us, and for allowing us to be part of your journey all these years. It has been great. Wonderful. A’ the best. And may your God go with you, as do we.


The best journalist writing on Scottish politics this past decade.

Rob Brown

You’ve given it your all, Stuart. Now it’s time for a few others of us to carry some of the strain of holding the Sturgeonistas to account. I’ve started to do that through my new Scottish political website:

link to

I know. Another shameless plug. But I do believe many of your followers and subscribers might like how it’s shaping up – even though I can never possibly replicate the Reverend’s savage and scatological sermons!


Stuart Campbell I am truly gutted to read your words , I can only imagine the personal cost your endeavours for Scotland’s independence has had on your physical and mental health but be assured for every single arsehole wishing you ill there are thousands more of us who have appreciated your tireless efforts,honesty and integrity

As many have commented we have become so used to being spoon fed your explosive exposures that your site WOS has become the hub of information and education for THE TRUE INDEPENDENCE SUPPORTING COMMUNITY which is proven by your visitor numbers , so many people have been educated and informed by your comments and articles that it has enabled them to make choices and decisions based on truth and facts

TBQH I believe you removing yourself from the independence arena will be catastrophic for the independence community and will only bolster sturgeons chances of lying with impunity

As a selfish 70yr old bast**d (me) I would love for you to take a break , a real break and come back invigorated to partner with Alex Salmond and ALBA and stand as a candidate for ALBA and show these fraudsters what a real honest politician looks like

Whatever you decide Stuart you will have the love and best wishes from a very grateful WINGS COMMUNITY


Been a long time – nearly met in Edinburgh to get a wings badge but you forgot to give direction where you were. But got the other two; along wie a pkt of sweeties. Sat here feeling gutted 2nite reading the comments and hoping like f*ck to live long enough to see justice served, if not independence.

Not for the first time I’ve agreed with what he said, but its the first time I’ve ever pointed to any other comment and simply said;

THIS: Al-Stuart 12:15 am
(tho mibbe not his first line as theres no other source I trust)



Hope you stay in touch with us all somehow.

Doreen A Milne

Stuart, this is really painful to read and, although I fully understand your reasons, I’m going to miss you. You’re an honest man and I’ve been right to trust in your analysis and facts since the day I first interacted with you and started following you. You’re right to want a life without abuse, vilification and anxious days waiting for the next attack. I wish you all the happiness in the world. I can’t thank you enough. Take care. xx

Craig Murray

Cheer up everyone. Stu will be back in the fight one day I am sure, though in what precise manner nobody yet knows, including him. Meantime, remember John Paul Jones (who people forget was a Scot) “Surrender? We have not yet begun to fight”. Remember, “for as long as a hundred of us remain alive”. Well, Stu is still alive, so am I, so is Alex and so are you (or this is getting a bit scary). Let’s fight on.


Rev Stuart ,

Thank you for everything that you’ve done for all of us and for Scotland .
This may be the best tweet that I’ve seen so far regarding Wings , LOL .

“ Now that Wings is calling it a day, I wonder what they’ll talk about now at the NEC meetings.
#NoRegrets “

link to


Correct Craig Murray, although, folk just giving the boy his due for the most part. Good luck


Kingu – you said “I’m done matching with AUOB as well, I’ve marched miles and miles for nowt so no more”. However, you may have noticed AUOB (who were pro-supermajority) have shifted the focus – the rally is going to be held outside Holyrood to pressure the Scottish Government, not Westminster as the focus was before. I think we should let them know we are breathing down their necks.

Bob W

I will miss your acerbic wit and incisive commentary. Find something that you enjoy doing and live the rest of your life, in the knowledge that you have made a valuable contribution to Scottish political discourse. As to that other blogger you mention, lower than the shit on a miner’s shoe.

Captain Yossarian

I voted Labour/Alba and if more of us did that, then you would still be marching. I don’t usually vote at-all, but I made an exception this time.

I also read Guido Fawkes, but this is better. Probably the number-one journalist of our time. On a par with the Washinton Post. It’s just a shame that our government are so shite.


Returnofthebodysnatchers @ 2.54 am ,

“” However, you may have noticed AUOB (who were pro-supermajority) have shifted the focus – the rally is going to be held outside Holyrood to pressure the Scottish Government, not Westminster as the focus was before. I think we should let them know we are breathing down their necks. “

The only problem is that the rally will be held on a Saturday when there’s no bloody Msps in the Parliament building .


Not much I can add to the heartfelt tributes here, but as a reader & occasional contributor since summer 2014, I’ll really miss Wings.
Thank you for all your work – maybe put some of the funds towards maintaining a site archive?


Your name will be high on the roll of honour when Sturgeon DOES fall. Could this be the first wobble?

link to


Well since it’s the last post I should make my last comment.

I’m disgusted and deflated, knowing what a bunch of rogues and idiots comprise my homeland. Scotland will not become independent, because it was true all along – we cannae dee it on oor ain. It’s over for me, there’s no point in creating a country of losers. Half the voting population too stupid to use their list vote effectively. Sheer ignorance up and down the country. Insufferable incompetence in Holyrood. Seeing David Davis stand up in Westminster was a turning point for me; the clarity of what he said, the integrity, it contrasted so sharply against anything that I hear from any Scottish minister. It’s a joke. It’s a glorified regional council with powers beyond its operational competence. It’s a sham, and a scam.

The rich exploited Scotland long ago, enslaved its uprooted and culturally untethered people into a compliant self hating drudge, and ethnic cleansed the proud Gaelic remainder who would not be slaves. You have to get out of Scotland to see it for what it is. Miserable. Pessimistic. Judgemental. Comparative. Ashamed. Intolerant. Petty. Devoid of a sense of identity and cohesion. Individualist. Unkind. Greedy.

Independence and national glory was a folly. This is a pacified backwater firmly under English control. What remains of its people can make but token reference to tartan and whisky, and call it a nation while they cringe.

It’s been entertaining to follow Wings, I’ll miss it, but I’m glad it’s coming to an end. I think it’s the right decision. The exposure of this much hypocrisy and stupidity by those meant to be leading a cause I believed in has taken its toll on me, it must have driven Stu mad. It’s a lost cause, and not worth the mental energy. Life is too short. Time to accept that my country is a non country, my people are a non people, and focus on reality.

Thanks Stu.


If there is a an AUOB march on holyrood,will anyone be selling
bags of shit? (not the smoking kind)…the throwing kind!


It’ll be just like them olden day’s…Aaaah!

Shauny Boy

Thanks for all your hard work Stuart, I for one will miss Wings. At least I can live with disappointment, its hope that kills you.

Jason Hoffman

Sad news indeed.

Sometimes the odds are just stacked too heavily against you. You can’t say that you haven’t tried.

The Establishment conspired to create an atmosphere of fear and doubt to wreck the positive message of the referendum in 2014.

In 2021 the Establishment conspired to destroy the career and reputation of the only person capable of pushing the indy movement forward. First a failed attempt to jail Alex Salmond, then a more successful plan to ruin his reputation and finally a very successful campaign to prevent his flegdling party from getting any media air time.

In 2014 the Establishment was Westminster.

In 2021, the Establishment is the SNP hierarchy.

It’s not how I imagined the new Scotland to be.


Totally gutted to hear this news, but definitely can’t blame you.

I hope the true pro-indy bloggers pick up the slack to continue real forensic journalism (not just opinion pieces), ps: WGD that comment doesn’t apply to you!!!!

I’m with others on the indy fighting fund – can’t remember how much is there but I’d happily tell you to go live in the sunshine or open a squirrel sanctuary.

Adios amigo, hope something happens in the next 5 years that makes you want to get back on the horse.

ps: I agree that all the Wings articles should be preserved and published, if nothing else to document the fall from grace of the SNP in 7 short years.

Labour 4 Indy

I think my finest memory of being a Scot is going to be invading the pitch at Wembley in 1977 and taking their goalposts.

And it looks like it was all downhill after that.

Labour 4 Indy

This just shows you where Sturgeon’s priorities lie.

She brought down the ALBA Party at the election, and then is a major factor in bringing down the mighty Rev Stu.

Those two were probably Scotland’s best chance of winning her Independence.

Maybe if we had concentrated on bringing down Sturgeon at the last election, the Rev Stu might still be around.

But there were those on Wings who had their own selfish agenda and decided to get fully behind keeping Sturgeon and her SNP in government.

Oh how you must be regretting that inexplicable action.

And now, the rest is history, as they say.

Lulu Bells

Stuart Campbell, To my regret I only discovered Wings in March 2020. You have helped me make sense of what I was thinking. You have my utmost respect.

Tom Kane

Stuart, thank you.
Very sad… But this time they slaughtered us…
Your talent as a writer is through the roof. I count you and by the finest writers I ever read. A kind of a political hip-hop that was mostly rap and worked with inescapable logic sitting on facts. And occasional tempers… Maybe a book would be a good thing. It would sell and it would be brilliant to see you at the Edinburgh Book Festival. Or Haye.
It’s a miserable morning, here in Edinburgh. It will provide the right setting for the sadness of processing what you have just written.
The truth is, this new reality is going to have to be lived. And the other side has just gubbed us
Don’t stop using your talent with words Stu. It was right there from the beginning of your gaming reviews. Here’s something I love from Samuel Beckett… Another hero of mine. Take care and respect.

“I don’t know: perhaps it’s a dream, all a dream. (That would surprise me.) I’ll wake, in the silence, and never sleep again. (It will be I?) Or dream (dream again), dream of a silence, a dream silence, full of murmurs (I don’t know, that’s all words), never wake (all words, there’s nothing else).

You must go on, that’s all I know.

They’re going to stop, I know that well: I can feel it. They’re going to abandon me. It will be the silence, for a moment (a good few moments). Or it will be mine? The lasting one, that didn’t last, that still lasts? It will be I?

You must go on.

I can’t go on.

You must go on.

I’ll go on. You must say words, as long as there are any – until they find me, until they say me. (Strange pain, strange sin!) You must go on. Perhaps it’s done already. Perhaps they have said me already. Perhaps they have carried me to the threshold of my story, before the door that opens on my story. (That would surprise me, if it opens.)

It will be I? It will be the silence, where I am? I don’t know, I’ll never know: in the silence you don’t know.

You must go on.

I can’t go on.

I’ll go on.”

Tom Kane

Sorry Stu… Very sad.
Predictive text changes things… I wrote
I count you among the finest writers I have read.
It’s been a privilege.


What a loony. Once I considered this the best indy site. I am now questioning everything it ever reported that I believed.

Wee Chid

Elaine says:
13 May, 2021 at 7:58 am
“What a loony. Once I considered this the best indy site. I am now questioning everything it ever reported that I believed.”


Dave Somerville


Dave Somerville

There has to be a book Rev.

With final chapter dedicated to every thread and comment ever made on Wings.

Scot Finlayson

Stu, free speech on the internet will soon be eliminated ,

`Liberal` Canada in the process of regulating the internet,

…called the Trudeau Liberals the most “anti-internet government in Canadian history,”

a group hellbent on erecting what he calls the “great Canadian internet firewall.”

The government wants to be able to block websites it determines Canadians should not see, remove content posted in Canada without any independent review, and to regulate your video postings using the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission),

This is all part of super woke Justin Trudeau`s intention of shutting down any free speech criticising the self id cult,

if super woke Trudeau is doing it then super woke She/Her will be doing it,

i`m sure She/Her and her nose ringed gestapo had closing you down in their sights anyway.


I said my fond farewells last night and never slept a wink since.

Should we worry about the job losses due to Stuart’s announcement?

All those creepy 77th Brigade Soldiers and MI5 Spooks now redundant that
they can’t monitor this site and troll their well polished boots off.

What will so many fake journalist do without the Rev to do all the spade work for them?

Boris will ensure they eventually get starvation welfare from universal discredit
special ones may well get a PPE contract if they don’t know enough about it.


Al-Stuart…You seem a tad obsessed..with this so called

Geoff Bush

Thanks for the last 10 years Stuart. Wings IS the real mainstream media for the independence movement, we’ll have to try to reinvent it. All the best to you.


Got me wondering Rev Stu…

We have so many talents in the YES movement which are either dormant already, going dormant or are actually debunked.

I have a notion in my head that maybe ALBA might be the answer.

Yes, ALBA the political Party, the one and the same, but not just a political party.

What if ALBA didn’t just grow as a political entity, but diversified into crossover areas which we’re almost doing already, but not quite.

I’m thinking, what if ALBA maintained a discussion forum, with Wings type topicality, but a team running the theme more like the Corrections and Disclaimer service we were meant to be getting from the SNP.

I’m thinking we have your spectacular Wee Blue Book digitised and supported with Phantom Power video inserts, and maintained and updated as an online resource… perhaps linked to Zarkwan graphics, car stickers and posters output. Almost to the extent there’s a Campaign package literally sitting there on standby and ready to go.

An archive too would be a great boon to us. An online database of all the relevant documents and sources relevant to Scotland’s predicament. Not just the big ones like the Declaration of Arbroath etc, but the nitty gritty things, like the UN documents and standards which will dictate where the finishing line for Independence actually is. And if these documents are heavyweight legalese, have them explained in layman’s terms accessible to all.

That database would address too the issues of Scottish currency, defence etc… Not presented as finite objectives, but maybe as a discussion forum where Economists present their own proposals and cross examine those people with differing opinions.

What we should be doing is hosting the live Leaders debate Scotland should be having, but not as a fickle broadcast, but a structured, minuted debate where an online resource is developed so that non-economists can tune in, research, and go away much better informed. Done well, this ALBA Hub could easily I think become a definitive voice informing the Independence process.

We might have the economy discussed and debated by Economists.
We might have the Constitution discussed and debated by Constitutionalists.
We might have Governmental Reform discussed by Civil Service and Administration people.
NOT discussed by politicians and charlatans, but arguments structured to produce more light and less heat.

We could literally go through every portfolio of Independent Scottish Government and the salient arguments drawn out and made available for scrutiny and education. If issues are contentious, then present both sides dispassionately so that people can debate rationally and perhaps find compromise. No trolling, or acrimonious criticism, but rigorous scrutiny so that people can follow a train of thought as it evolves.

ALBA could then perhaps produce an annual book, like a Wee Blue Book, but taking this “living” online resource and community out of people’s computers and in through their letterboxes and shared around like the Wee Blue Book was.

We don’t stop with ALBA just being a political party, we build, build, build… We build an ALBA community, and ALBA archive and library, an ALBA research body, and ALBA communication hub, and ALBA vocabulary for our flags, leaflets, car stickers and billboards.

We turn ALBA into a living time capsule, so that Archeologists in 1000 years could did up an ALBA Wee Book and never need to look further to know what the Nation of Scotland was all about.

Let us work together and do a thing that has never been done before. That is when Scotland is at it’s best.

Let’s work towards getting the Scottish population the best informed, the most literate and well briefed population we can possibly manage. That might sound pie in the sky, but it was happening back in 2014. Scots people who had never voted before were waking up and clamouring for information. YES 2014 had the Heineken factor, it was reaching people nobody else had ever reached.

Don’t go dormant on us Rev Stu. Change. Evolve. Find a way to do what you do well and enjoy, but ditch the stress loadings which get to you, and find a way to isolate yourself fromnegativity which turns a constructive joy into an ordeal when idiots want to shoot the messenger, or trolls who just want to create more pus in a wound.

We need to turn ALBA into a much bigger project than just a political party.

Speak to Alex Salmond Rev Stu. Have another pint in that beer garden with the wee Robin. See how we can turn ALBA into a YES monster which puts the fear of god into Westminster Government and Unionism.

Fk the SNP. Fk their crooks. Fk their liars. Fk their carpetbaggers. Fk their pervy weirdos and Jack booted monumental imbeciles. They are not the next chapter in Scotland’s evolution.


My eternal thanks for all you have done for Scotlands cause.
You will be a hard act to follow.

Grey Gull

Very sorry to hear you’re calling it a day, Stu, but totally understand. I’ve been reading your blog since about 2013 and greatly admire your forensic journalism and forthright manner (smiley face). I will miss my daily reading of Wings, both your articles and the contributions of others btl. I’m pretty depressed about the future of Scotland at the moment. Like others who comment here, I’m old enough to think I might never see my country free from colonial rule. It angers and saddens me that the reason for that lies with fellow Scots, especially those who are in thrall of the Nicola cult. Thank you very much for all your hard work. It has been greatly appreciated by many and the Little Blue Book was beyond brilliant. I hope there will be a reason for you to return in the future. Best wishes and take care.

Grey Gull

Breeks @ 8.20 Just posted my message to Stu, feeling a bit depressed, then read your post and there’s a chink of light on the darkness. Thank you! Think these are great ideas.


Try to keep your archives Rev if you do jack it. That would be a real tragedy if all that was lost.

Not just for the articles themselves but the hundreds of thousands of comments. Lots of really insightful comments flowered in there between the usual weeds.

Ros Curwood

Well I found you late in the day, but am very glad to have done so eventually. I will miss my first thing in the morning read. Congratulations on your workmanlike journalism. When I moved to Scotland it was still running under Alex Salmond’s influence and I was overjoyed to find it. Sadness now as I’ve watched the rot set in over the years, unmistakable after living through Thatcher’s destruction of the Conservative Party and Blair’s destruction of Labour. So no doubt Boris and Nicola will forge their way through the decency and caring that characterised Scotland and come out richer the other side (well maybe not Boris). Good luck my acerbic friend, thank you. Be safe. Really.


Au revoir Super Hero of the Scottish people…but not adieu!
May ALBA take wings and ride the wind of change.
May the torrent of freedom wash clean our streets.

«Our eternal message of hope is that dawn will come.»
Martin Luther King, Jr.

The hottest summer on record?…here’s hopin.


Stu, thanks for all you’ve done – it’s been a good journey!

All the best.


Been following you since you started back in 2011. Thank you for all you have done, even the unpalatable stuff. Rarely do you get anything wrong and you back up your opinions with facts. I hope we will see you back in the game towards the end of this year as that would mean progress is occurring. Awrabest.

vlad (not that one)
Tartan Bolshie

If you’re going go with a big bang! In my view your biggest impact was through the ‘Wee Blue Book’. How about an expose of the current SNP in ‘Wee Blue Book’ form? I’m sure you’ll have plenty of people to share it once events such as AUOB get going again.

Red Squirrel

Thank you for everything. It’s been quite a journey and your impeccable journalism has helped it make sense.

Best I can say for now is – even the word hopeless has hope in it (sorry Red Dwarf). Dark times ahead but the only way is onwards.


Regarding the 45,000 votes for ALBA.

If that is not the true result then it only confirms what I have always suspected about the veracity of the vote in 2014.

In which case even when we win, we lose. Rigged game.

If that is the true result and only 45,000 people out of the entire wings readership voted ALBA2 on the list (and it does sound very implausible when I write that out) then the game really is over anyway.

So the way I see it 45,000 tells its own story one way or the other and we are wasting our time playing this game. At least for the next few years…

I also echo the warnings to the Rev. Watch your back. It is when you leave the public eye that they think you are vulnerable. Just ask Alex.

If you had dipped your toes into middle eastern politics in the same way Alex Salmond did, Jeremy Corbyn did, Craig Murray does, George Galloway does and Julian Assange did I am sure you’d be warming a prison cell somewhere.

You are well out of this Rev. This is a very dirty game it seems.

Dave Somerville

Don’t see any comments/condolences/thanks from the likes of AUOB.

Don’t tell me this lot are one of the Rev’s non-believers?

The Yes Movement is now split into a thousand factions.

In 2014 we were as one.

That is the big difference from today’s Yes Movement.

And Sturgeon says, “The more splits, the better.”

Divide and Conquer!!!

Simon Chadwick

I remember reading wingsland, before Wings over Scotland had started! When was that??? I still come here every day to read even though I left Scotland a good while ago. Yes, this is one of the best news sources there is.

I think that the community is greater than one person, or it should be. The movement is too fragile if it depends on irreplaceable individuals. No-one is irreplaceable. Think about sustainability, sharing the load, but in a way that is organised and structured in a resilient way that it can manage key players being lost; that prevents entryism and poisoning.

Rev Stu has set the bar high for logical dissection of the facts; for scientific and rational principles; for giving references that actually back up the point being made; for having the confidence to state “prove me wrong if you can” and then listening if new information is presented. These are powerful tools to fight against corruption, lies, manipulation, ignorance, vested interests. But he’s not the only person in Scotland who can do that, I hope!

Thank you Stu for starting something off… I look forward to seeing how it grows and develops now the training wheels have been taken off!

Good luck everyone.

Fishy Wullie

Reading Breeks post @ 13 May, 2021 at 8:20 am, he’s touched on something that I was thinking about.

I don’t entirely understand what Breeks is proposing but Wings is more that a political blog it’s almost become an institution it’s a huge resource with a massive readership, it would be a tragedy to throw it away,

I completely understand how you’re feeling, but maybe it can be repurposed into something else such as what Breeks is suggesting, I’m not really smart enough to put forward any viable proposals but there are some on here who are.

Patsy Millar

Thia is a sad day. I don’t think anyone will be able to fill the gap you’ll leave. I hope you find some way to continue commenting on the state of things. Many thanks for all you have done and I hope you can now have a chance to find time for yourself. But please find some way of keeping the channels open. You are still the best guy on the blocks. xx


Well Stu, take that holiday, to Rio or anywhere of your choice cos you’ve definitely earned it.
I hope you get your Mo Jo back and feel it is worth kick starting the whole battle for our Independence come November.
I am sure the whole cause would recognize how invaluable your contribution has been and would be in any future campaign.
Stay SAFE and look after yourself and your loved ones.

Daisy Walker

I am regretful of the fact that I gave money to the WGD, after his first husband died, when he needed money to move house, after his stroke, and for his new house…

I would appreciate it if you could hold a fairwell fundraiser – and donate a proportion of it to your friend – who was so upset by the actions of WGD.

Sometimes actions speak louder than words, and this particular action would be very positive, and positively piss off certain – as it turns out – deeply poisonous individuals, at the same time.

James Munro

Cheers Stu. I was more than happy to have contributed to Wings – great value! In a way, Wings shutting shop and Alba not securing any seats (still can’t get my head round that one) is making me feel even more determined to keep going. All the very best and good luck.


Lets see if Alba can provide some hope for the future.

Step one – stop focusing on the pronounciation of Alba as a start point. 99.999% will pronounce it as Alba. Americans pronounce Edinburgh as Edinburg. No big deal. Alalpa? Stop wasting time looking petty. Ghlaschu?

Sensible Dave


Sorry that you have decided to call it a day. I’ve had an unusual relationship with Wings over the years but I have always found your posts and comments to be interesting, relevant and sometimes provocative. Which is exactly what a blog should be.

Good luck to you in whatever you decide to do with your time now -and thank you.


Sad news. Best wishes from Pixie wine aka Dog biscuit.

Jim Bo

It’s really starting to sink in now 🙁


This is a sad day, but I can understand Stu wishing to step back from the site. I’ve been visiting the site since 2015 & It’s where I go to first each day. I’m going to miss it.
Stu, I wish you all the the best in whatever you decide to do in the future. Stay safe, be happy & enjoy the free time you will now have.
Cheers Lisa

Antoine Bisset

I have long been of the opinion that the SNP, or at any rate, the controlling clique that make up the Scottish government have no intention of securing independence. The expression “independence” is a useful slogan, like “Persil washes whiter”. It attracts the support of those who truly do think that being independent again is worth the trouble. For the clique however, independence and its supporters, and voters, is a means of staying in power. In some ways that is just as well. For that clique have shown themselves to be self-serving, corrupt, incompetent and financially promiscuous. None of which would serve the people in a banana republic, let alone our beloved country.

Black Joan

Thank you, Breeks @8.20am, for some glimpses of a possible constructive way forward. Some great ideas there.

And the entire Wings content has to be saved, kept available for future reference, and deposited in the National Archives as essential documentary insight into what happened before and after the 2014 referendum. Some of it will need to be used in evidence when the crimes of NewSNP are finally subjected to scrutiny and untainted justice.

Some of the fighting fund could be used to assist with archiving, although plenty of us would happily pay an annual subscription to maintain access in future. And, goodness knows, the Rev deserves far more financial reward than he has ever taken or been offered — especially in these last two years without a fundraiser. So different from those who shamelessly hold out the begging bowl to their hypnotised followers.

And just ask, Rev, if there’s a new project that would pay the bills, give your skills the audience they continue to deserve and be satisfying, without all the stress and misery.

Meanwhile, have a good holiday away from it all, but please don’t allow WoS to vanish down the memory hole. For as long as a hundred of us remain, we refuse to love Big Sister.

James Che.

Breeks like what you’re saying turn the negative into a positive


Thinking about the archive more.

It is not just obviously an archive of your posts.

It is an archive of what happened.

It is a factual, journalistic ‘diary’ of events leading up to 2014 and events after 2014. It documents it all over nearly a decade.

The rise and fall (to be) of the SNP and the colossal betrayal and stitch-up of the man who took us to within a whisker of YES in 2014 (and very probably did).

It is all there for anyone who wants to read it. Not just the articles but all the responses of the time…

And then you consider how many links the Rev put into EVERY article… wow.

It is a historical treasure trove.

I say you should keep it.


Saw this coming as have been feeling the same way myself about Scottish politics. Almost a decade of avid engagement and nothing but a bleak wasteland ahead. Agree with your sentiments, Wings has a lot to be proud of and has left nothing out there to second guess about in the twilight years. Thanks for your integrity and tireless work, I hope your read through these comments and see your efforts rightly heralded. Wings typified all that is good about alternative media, hopefully a blueprint others will follow in the future.


I had my doubts for a while, in the early days of Stu’s revelation that Sturgeon was not the messiah and we were all being duped

But you were right Stu, so terribly right. And I apologise for my doubts.

I’ve set up a FB group called ALBA RISING for anyone looking for a FB home, it was all I could think to do. Maybe see a few of you there.

Otherwise… well, the Indy movement is fucked for now. Hope something, anything, happens and Stu is inspired to return to the fray in the Autumn.


This is another state sponsored «initiative» on behalf of BigPharma (MegaBucks) inc that needs fixing.
link to
What next, the Dreghorn variant?


Stu-I sympathise and understand the position you now find yourself in.
You can only bang your head against a brick wall for a certain length of time before it simply gets too painful.
Independence is now dead in the water. No sane, educated Scot will vote for it under the leadership!! of Sturgeon and her incompetent acolytes. Other than the brain dead 30% of Scots of course who are unable to see what has happened and is happening. Eventually the penny will drop and Sturgeon will depart but I fear that, by that time, the damage will be irreparable for 20 years or so. The London establishment and media have enough dirt on the Murrells to use when it is required.
I must admit I have never been that bothered about ‘politics’ for most of my life as have been too busy forging a career, bringing up the weans and getting a game of golf when I could, but I have taken an interest in the last 5 years. Like you, this has now passed as I understand that you can’t ‘beat the system’. Some may view our actions as defeatist but life is too short and I intend enjoying time with the ‘grandweans’ whilst I can.
All the very best to you and thanks for your efforts.


If someone said to me I am studying the rise and fall of the Scottish Independence movement in the years before and after 2014 you cold quite safely say to them just go read this blog chronologically from start to now.

Not only would it capture all the key events and far more it would let you actually live it at the time and what it felt like and feels like now.

I would be very happy / proud to put my name to a body of work like this blog.



You write that I am “a tad obsessed” with Trolls like you.

I disagree. I am fucking furious with you and your ilk. You are deliberate website disrupters.

If you READ my concerns about your disgusting Troll tactics of calling SNP1/Alba2 voters PEDOS and their wives WHORES, you dishonest creeps might care to answer that point rather than invariable follow your 77th script and distract, distract, distract. Admit you have been rumbled. Apologise for the BENT way in which you operate? Then fuck right off.

If this were normal real-world society you and your lot would have been arrested. Indeed you may well end up in the same crap as the squaddies yesterday who murdered innocent civilians in Ireland and for whom Boris Johnson offered a limp apology.

The same squaddies that end up arrested and charged with murder, the same applies to BENT undercover cops, the unlawful activity of whom the Met has to pay £425,0000 in compensation for institutionalised police lawbreaking. Rev Stuart Campbell hit that nail right on its head with his valedictory post at the top of this thread.

But worst of all “Dandee”, you and your squaddie Trolls have obstructed/distracted/debased legitimate debate on this site. Your are as bad as the BENT and CORRUPT Sturgeonite crooks.


Yet for a year now you and your lot do your level best to kill off Indy progress.

You have been found out and CALLED OUT. “Dandee” – your lot of Dad’s Army 77th Brigade DON’T LIKE IT UP ‘EM. 🙂

Now you can fuckity fuck right off. YOU will get called out for what you are, what you do and why you do it. The more folk who read Wings, especially the next 6 months of Wings owner being OFF DUTY and the site becoming a dormant research facility, the more it will become apparent what slithering reptiles like you really did for keeping SCOTLAND’s resources locked into the British State.

Many of us cannot do much about the BENT BBC or corrupt MSM who blacked out and blocked any mention of the Alba Party and the BBC MSM corruption of Scottish politics – keeping a legitimate party out of parliament.

But some of us can SURE DO SOMETHING when BritNat disruptors walk into the virtual Wings Living Room, sit down, uninvited, on the metaphorical couch and call everyone here PEDOS and WHORES. Irony overload when you lot own the closeted bunch of dishonest sex pests such as Nicola’s heir-apparent Derek Mackay, the 40 year old MSP caught chatting up straight, 16 year old school boys.

The fact Craig Murray is sentenced to jail, yet Derek MacKay has NO criminal charges for grooming young boys is such an obvious example of why chief constable Iain Livingstone is unfit to hold office and the Clown Office needs absolute overhaul.

Instead of discussing and actioning real issues of importance like the collapse of institutional leadership as highlighted by Alex Salmond at the Fabiani Witewash, we have “Dandee” aka Rock, aka Labour4Indy in duty to distract. When you come of here with your amateur and relatively obvious sock-puppet FAKE-ID accounts, it is a pleasure to warn everyone of who and what you are.

What you won’t have realised is that for some, each time you do your Troll crap…

A). Alba gets a donation.
B). Former police colleagues engage in further action to unmask your illegality,
C). Efforts are made to get back on topic.

I conclude this post by demonstrating an ON-TOPIC matter. The fact that certain events will get Wings back on track in November.

One example to relieve the pain-in-the-arseness of you and your ilk is to RECOMMEND Winger read Breeks excellent post…

link to

mike cassidy

For old times sake

And in the spirit of WOS

One last post from me

This is for all those reading with pleasure of the end of Wings

And we know you are here

Here’s your leader talking about HAVING A MANDATE for an independence referendum

In 2017

link to

At what point will you get it, dumbfecks?

The political lights are going out all over Scotland

And at 69 they may not be lit again in my lifetime

Enjoy the rest of your lives, folks


I’m off to start Ian Rankin’s latest

“A Song For The Dark Times”


Stu. Take Care and good luck with whatever you do next. We’re going to miss you, but we do understand.

Simon Chadwick

I remember reading Wingsland, before Wings over Scotland had started! When was that??? I still come here every day to read even though I left Scotland a good while ago. Yes, this is one of the best news sources there is.

I think that the community is greater than one person, or it should be. The movement is too fragile if it depends on irreplaceable individuals. No-one is irreplaceable. Think about sustainability, sharing the load, but in a way that is organised and structured in a resilient way that it can manage key players being lost; that prevents entryism and poisoning.

Rev Stu has set the bar high for logical dissection of the facts; for scientific and rational principles; for giving references that actually back up the point being made; for having the confidence to state “prove me wrong if you can” and then listening if new information is presented. These are powerful tools to fight against corruption, lies, manipulation, ignorance, vested interests. But he’s not the only person in Scotland who can do that, I hope!

Thank you Stu for starting something off… I look forward to seeing how it grows and develops now the training wheels have been taken off!

Good luck everyone.

Wee Chid

Ian says:
13 May, 2021 at 9:20 am
Lets see if Alba can provide some hope for the future.

“Step one – stop focusing on the pronounciation of Alba as a start point. 99.999% will pronounce it as Alba.”

Aye, and incomers and snobs pronounce our local gala “Guid Nychburris” as Good Neighbours, stating that “geed neeburs” is slang – it’s a way to erase our native language. Who calls the Arc de Triomphe The Arch of Triumph? Surely if other countries can keep their language, we can keep ours – all of them.

Chris Darroch

Any intelligent person realises the rarity and feels the deep value of truth. They also understand how scarce integrity is,in positions of influence.

You have long lived and displayed the highest human values and have my respect for that.

I would hope that everyone would encourage you to keep any remaining money to support that life of a most honest man.

Like many I’m sure…..I would hope to meet you some day.

Wee Chid

Scot Finlayson says:
13 May, 2021 at 8:13 am

I believe it is referred to as “Tranada” these days.

Michael Donnelly

Wings is the real opposition in Scottish politics. Enjoy your break, but we need you to return and hold the new SNP to account.

Bob Mack

So very sorry to hear this news. With your departure the dream of Independence goes into hibernation for a very long time. Probably more years than I have left to me.

There are not many consolation in this, but every day I know I read the truth from a guy who really cares about Scottish Independance. You disturbed people’s comfort and tried to open their eyes to truths they were not ready to hear.

I walk away from the battlefield, disconsolate but not defeated . After all In still breathing.

I won’t say goodbye Stu. Just cheerio.

Hold your head high.The independence movement is on life support for now but it will need help in future however small that contribution may be from yourself.

I will never forget the part you played. A giant then. A giant now. May the God of your understanding go with you.

For freedom.


As mentioned by others utterly sad to hear but was inevitable.

Take care Rev and all the best in your future endeavours.

In terms of Mr Kavanagh, WOS has driven and pushed forward the indy blogosphere which has filtered down even to it’s detractors. Without the Revs work, most of them would be just vapid echo chambers.

Without the Rev, the WGD site just going to keep churning out article about wheeshting for indy and his readership is going to turn into a bunch of toothless old hens clucking to each other. With such banality, the readership will slowly fall away and he’ll be forced to leave the blogosphere himself.


Al stuart..I dont know who you think your speaking to, I just said your a bit obsessed, so please dont label me the same as the Troll.

Chris Darroch

I might speculate that Alba failed because Alex began far too late.

Too late for our internal network to spread the word.

We don’t rely on the established media to message indy supporters.

We rely on some other, as I said…internal movement networking.

And I suspect it works a bit more slowly than online anoraks expect.

Another reason was Alex’ failure to stand with the true message, however unpalatable to some, that we are against Sturgeon leadership.

Pandering to SNP voters. Almost afraid of any onslaught for such a position. But that should have been the real position.

Truth and/or clarity were missing from the start. Replaced my muddled ideas of supermajority which failed to address the reality of Sturgeon’s resistance.

Jimmy Mac

I read on twitter yesterday evening that you were calling it a day and I can tell you last night was the worst night’s sleep I’ve had since September 2014 after returning from the count in Buckie as one of WoS count agents.

Thank you for everything you’ve done and always remember this blog and the WBB turned more people from NO to YES than any of the mealy mouthed nonsense from our so current so called Indy politicians and leaders.

As for any money left in the coffers I’ve donated to every crowd funder and i think you should keep the money. I don’t care how much it is, what you’ve done has been more valuable to the Indy cause than the green bench warmers we’ve sent to WM for the past 6 years on £70K plus expenses.

Jim McIntosh, Forres


Al stuart.If you check I’m very rarely on here,and your as bad as the Troll your obsessed with, defamation of character comes to mind.

iain mhor

Never going gently into that good night, never shuffling to doom – but skidding in sideways saying “What a helluva ride!”

That’s the way to live right enough and Wings Over Scotland covered everyone in its rooster tail – it’ll take a long time for that dust to settle – what an education.

It’s a sair dunt, but I’m glad I was on board for the maddest backie I ever had – I don’t mind the skint nose and elbows – I’m wanting another go.

My sincere thanks to you and the best of luck! 10-10


Sad to see you go, Rev, very best wishes to you for the future.


So when do you start working full time for Alba , they must be aware that they too need a full time Ross Colquhoun ? And you would get to call yourself a “Strategist” instead of something far less savoury. Don’t let them just pay you minimum wage.


@Dandee 13 May, 2021 at 10:25 am

“If you check I’m very rarely on here,and your as bad as the Troll your obsessed with, defamation of character comes to mind.”

Sadly there are a whole lot of unhinged people on this page, it seems to be all they have in their lives, don’t get sucked in by their obsession by continuing to feed the Trolls by giving them the attention they crave.

Labour 4 Indy

Red/Al Stuart

If you are going to accuse me of certain childish allegations, then surely I am due a right of reply, am I not?

Rev Stu is calling it a day, and the ONLY thing you can think about is your pathetic childish “list”.

Grow up.

You sad little man.

Your obsession with being the Wings gatekeeper is really worrying.

Try thanking the Rev for all his efforts, instead of posting the nonsense that inhabits your sad imagination.

You are actually disrupting the flow of the incoming comments regarding the closing down of Wings Over Scotland.

Red/Al Stuart,

No one is interested in your baby talk anymore. The days of you posting childish nonsense are well and truly over.

So either post something of relevance, or don’t post at all.

Thanks ever so much old chap.

Mark Boyle

Quite right Stu, you’ve done your bit, and as I said a few days back, the only way some are going to learn is the hard way, no matter how much you warn them what lies on the other side of the horizon.

Let Scottish nationalism reap the fruits of its ill gotten labours under the cult of Sturgeon and her Wokeratti allies, “consultants” and other Uriah Heaps with an eye for the main chance.

A nation gets the politics and politicians it deserves (see Northern Ireland for details) and since half a century of being screwed by Labour didn’t seem to get the message over, let Scotland fester in the mire of its own making.

Eventually they’ll realise – as Ireland did eventually (sort of) – that bleating “It’s all England’s fault!” or some other scapegoat no longer fools even themselves anymore – that if they want to know who bears the greatest responsibility for the state of affairs of their country, they need only look into a mirror.

Neil G

Rarely a poster but have been reading for most of those 10 years.

Just want to say Thank-you for everything you have done.

William Wallace

Stu. I know I have had my moments with you (mainly due to my own drunken behaviour and being a bit of an arse) but, I am truly saddened by your departure. I completely understand your reasons for doing so however.

You have been a beacon of political truth in a world filled with deceit and your analysis will be sorely missed. You have taken grief from all comers and yet still you persevered. I can only hope that that raw grit, determination and dare I say, stubbornness drives you to change your mind and return renewed after taking a break from it all.

You will be missed. Take care and all the very best of health to you and yours. Haste ye back.

Labour 4 Indy

I personally have a lot in common with the Rev.

The two of us campaigned to bring down Sturgeon and her SNP, and we both want an independent Scotland.

So I will miss him dearly.


From personal experience, letting go as Stuart is wisely doing for all the best reasons, can be the necessary trigger to enable and define the next step.

Wings has been such a tremendous target and has focalised so much hatred. Its sudden absence could well expose the unmitigated, unethical spurious bile of this dictatorial minefield that has become the Scottish Government.

I am struggling to keep myself motivated. My consolation is that we have all become part of Scotland’s troubled history, so carefully documented by Stuart Campbell to whom we are all indebted. Our struggle and suffering is the continuation of the thorny road to self determination. At nearly 78, my dream of seeing Scotland raise the quaich in our free country (none of this devolution nonsense) is shattered but let us not forget our ancestors and the Declaration of Arbroath. As long as a hundred of us remain…. We must keep fighting on ???????


Sorry, I put the Saltire up, not all those question marks!


Just a thought.

It would be ironic that Mr Kavanagh, being Nicola Sturgeons number one cheerleader, gets a call from the Police under the Hate Crime Bill for inciting violence against the Rev by stating in this blog that he himself would stab him?


You were right Stu.

I see PayPal Paul Kavanagh has risen like Lazarus in preparation for his next fundraiser.

Wee Ginger seems to have quite regular fundraisers. Are his two years apart like Wings? Or are his readers fundraisers directly related to the Kavanagh blogs need to buy a conservatory?

Stu., did you buy a house from PayPal Paul type fundraisers?

In the Wee Ginger Dagger’s latest twisting of HIS truth, at his comments section, a brave soul swims through the river of sympathy-milking excrumentum and posts this question to PayPal-Paul…

Mungo Armstrong says:
May 12, 2021 at 7:55 pm

Can I ask you Paul why you decided to take it upon yourself to play detective rather than tell the person to contact the police with their concerns?

The answer from Paul?

Here are my Paypal details.


Stuart, you are doing absolutely the right thing. Who needs this shit? (You are not buying a conservatory soon are you?)

The SNP vote-fodder public will realise that Cosy Feet Pete and Nicola McWoke with her heir-apparent Derek “I thought the schoolboy was 21” MacKay are the careerist troughers and sex deviant charlatans we know them to be. All with their noses in a huge trough.

The SNP voting public can sort out their own mess. It will be interesting seeing the nightmare truth dawn on them as they slowly realise IndyRef2 is fucked and Derek MacKay wants to play pretend proctologists with those staunch Nicola worshippers as supported by her tribute act, the Wee Ginger Dagger in chief, Mr PayPal Paul.

Meanwhile Stuart, you will have a much nicer job back writing for the computer industry and we will have a four year sabbatical. Well those of us who make it that far. Unlike Wee Ginger Dagger, I don’t put a Paypal sign up when having to consider palliative care. Some of us compete the final furlong with our principles in tact. Not our words prostitued to the highest bidder. Eeuchh, that sympathy-signaling money-grabbing fleabag makes me want to have a shower.

A four year break with peace and quiet from Rock/tnuC/Andy/Franky/Labour4Sindy/Eugene Feckless/PoulticeJomes/Stainless Stools/Market Farces ad nauseum

Four years is the length of time it takes for these sheep fodder SNP voters to get their synapses to understand Wings was right and the SNP FM was a betrayer all along.

Mega popcorn sales time.

Elizabeth Sutherland

Thank you for all you have done. I wish you good health and a good life going forward.



If only some people on here would take some notice of your comments your movement could and probably would be further forward.

Rev Stu,

What you have done , even though we are at polar opposites on the question of Independance, actually was polar till I came here and read some of the more, how can I say it “sensible and realistic ” comments btl, is provide proof to me that proper investigative journalism rather than click bait harvesting does still exist.

Appreciate it’ll sound bizarre but in some ways you remind me of Glen Greenwald, who they are trying to cancel in the States for telling truths which are inconvenient to his overall argument, which kinda sums up how I feel about you. The notion nowadays seems to me if you agree with the ultimate goal you must not deviate in the slightest from the party whip and support unconditionally the party line in everything.

Anyway thank you sincerely for what you’ve done and I’m sure will doing the future. Away and get refreshed, live, love and laugh. Take Care.

Best Regards

Dorothy Devine

While seeking circulation figures I came upon this wee ad for the NUJ
National Union of Journalist
Working for a Healthy Scottish Media

I wondered for whom it was healthy.

Scot Finlayson

Brent Crude near the $70 per barrel,

1,000,000 barrels from Scottish waters evey day,

that`s $70,000,000 every fricken day that should be contributing to Scotland`s social and economic well being,

Aberdeen should be the Houston of Western Europe , instead it is all siphoned dan saff to the ugly maw of London.

Jim F. McIntosh

Yes its a very sad day but thank you Stu for all your truths on Scottish politics. I am 71 and probably won’t now see an independent Scotland in my lifetime which makes me so sad for my fellow Scots and those who have chosen to make Scotland their home. I don’t suppose anything will come out of the court case regarding Salmond against Evans and the Scottish gov. that will bring down the Murrels as I suppose it will be corrupted to save them and Evans as well. Never thought I would despise Sturgeon as much as I did Thatcher but there you go. Thank you again and enjoy the rest of your life, bye for now.

Labour 4 Indy


Spare a thought for us unlucky bastards who are going to be left behind in this shit hole they call Scotland.

Being here is no longer the living of a life, it is merely an existence.

At least you Stu will be out of it.

This is one of the worst countries in Europe to live in.

Bonnie Scotland, where have you gone to?

Paul Anderson

Optimism is getting scarcer but I think there will be an upswing from below, eventually. link to


@Breeks says 8.20am
“We need to turn ALBA into a much bigger project than just a political party.
Speak to Alex Salmond Rev Stu. Have another pint in that beer garden with the wee Robin. See how we can turn ALBA into a YES monster which puts the fear of god into Westminster Government and Unionism”

Great idea. Openness and transparency.
Your horses for courses points are so true. And as you say, there have been many outstanding comments made on this site over the years that should be stand-alone reference points for further discussion but tend to be lost in the myriad of (mostly) well-intentioned views expressed on each of Rev’s posts.

If a discussion forum could be set up and endorsed by ALBA, it would go a long way to fill the void that would be left by Wings – perhaps even encourage the Rev to continue in a less demanding role?

katherine hamilton

On the issue of an “archive”. In the UK a copy of every book published goes to the British Library for posterity. Newspapers are kept in library archives for ever and used for research. I’ve done a bit of that myself in the past. There is an issue in the digital world where valuable work, not in paper form can be lost.
I know nothing about how one would do this but the work of Wings needs to be saved and protected. It is a chronicle of one of the most momentous periods in Scottish history. Because we lived it means we probably don’t see it that way, but it is.

If you’re still reading this in Rio, Rev, organise it and send it to
National Library? People’s Palace? Mitchell Library? Bathgate Echo?
Anybody know how this works these days?



PayPal Kavanagh. Classic.

Seriously though, it looks like Mr Kavanagh has been setup. He thought he would emulate his Mistress when he fitted up Alex Salmond and try to do the same with the Rev. Unfortunately it back fired and an individual has been severely hurt because of his arrogance and stupidity.

The problem is that while Mistress S has the power of the state behind her, all he has is his Fin Slaves. The seeds of doubt will be placed in their minds with this and with the steady stream of utterly banal and boring articles, these Fin Slaves will disappear a lot quicker than I had predicted in my previous post.

He won’t last long.


Wait a minute, I’m playing catch-up here.

What’s this about Kavanagh? Has he just tried to pull on RevStu another Salmond type sexual impropriety smear that is nothing more than gratuitous malicious fiction?

After all that’s gone on??? What a lowlife piece of shit.

Marie Clark

Well Stuart, I’m very sad to read this, but not at all surprised. I don’t blame you one little bit for stopping. When you’ve been banging your head off a brick wall, ( and it has felt like that at times) it’s good to stop.

I feel the same as you, sad, disgusted, scunnered, was angry but past that now. Like some of the other posters, I’ve been here since 2012. We had a great community fighting for the same cause, we didn’t all agree, but there was a great deal of humour. Education as well from Robert Peffers. I’ve often wondered how he is doing as he was in his eighties and not in the best of health. Some have given up posting, some have passed away. Like some of the others, I’m in my seventies and sadly don’t think that I’ll see independence before I too shuffle off this mortal coil.

It’s so sad to see what’s happened to our country because of the Sturgeon cabal, who now will stop all this corruption.
I reckon that’s it for me as well. We’ve marched, given out leaflets, talked to people, but in the end, if they won’t listen and actually use their brains, what can we do.

Stuart, I wish you all the very best and wish you good health and good luck whatever you decide to do. Life is indeed too short. Thank you for all your hard work over the years. I hope that your friend recovers their health, must say I was shocked at the WGD, what the hell happened, I thought we were all n the same side.


Just print bind and get an ISBN number on the articles and you legally have to send them to NLS and NL – I think I had to send to a couple of others too – but don’t remember. Hard copies are always good to have.

Andy Ellis

A wee message to other Alba supporters and members out there to look up the Alba Rising page on Facebook. Things may look pretty bleak right now, but we have a five year struggle ahead and need alternative forums to regroup, organise and socialise.

See some of you there I hope?

Jim Thomson

Stuart, I started slipping away from activism about two years ago. I, along with you, could see the lumbering trolls with their misogynist cudgels battering their way into the SNP. It took the appearance of the Alba party for me to finally relinquish my membership – after reducing my monthly fee down to minimum.

I joined the SNP at the behest of Philippa Whitford so that I could be part of her 2015 campaign team and since then have attended most of the conferences. They were rapidly becoming gatherings of sheeple. It wasn’t long before it was blindingly obvious to anyone not blinkered to the front of the auditoria that the spads and other paid members of the SNP were being ushered in to votes whenever there was a marginal vote to be won for the top table.

I was a very active member of the Wings Stall team, for which Ronnie needs a huge pat on the back, and managed to be at most of them from 2013 onwards when work and health permitted. That was always a huge magnet at rallies and we spent a lot of time talking to “undecided” as well as the “definitely no” visitors and managed to turn more than a few to yes, as well as provide food for thought for the remaining haverers.

Great friendships have been made and there are now, sadly, a few who will not be with us IF we ever gain indy.

I’ll be waiting patiently for the 10 year anniversary and forlornly hoping for a glimmer of (that awful SNP word) hope that you will still be able to grit your teeth and gird your loins for a continuation of a standard of journalistic excellence that REALLY should be envied by those who claim to be “journalists” in the MSM.

Take care, stay safe and, most of all, keep Bath safe from those effing bears.


@ Breeks.

It looks like it and his latest entry could fall under the HCB of inciting violence with the following:

Incidentally, I am not quite sure why Campbell ever called me a backstabber. I was quite sure I’d stabbed him in the front.

It is intended as a play on a well known saying and any normal person can see it is the same.

However, seeing how for example how the Rev got taken to court over comments he made that were taken out of context, could the same be done here where some may take the above comment literally and feel justified in actually doing it?

The HCB can have a lot of unintended consequences and people who thought they would never fall foul over it, will. Will Paypal Kavanagh be one of the first?


The real killer is not what you were led by the nose to believe.
link to
«Throughout the overblown coronavirus “pandemic” narrative we’ve seen national governments all over the world use the phoney crisis to “temporarily” expand their powers.»
The temporary is likely to stay permanent…
link to
Scotland, ahead of the crowd?

Jack Murphy

Stuart, I read your Farewell last evening and could not respond.

I am one of the many benevolent Lurkers to your many articles, occasionally putting my head above the parapet to help a Poster with Archiving and the occasional Link to any article relevant at that particular moment.

Fare Thee Well My Friend of the last eight years.

Meg merrilees

Breeks @ 11.35

read the article at the top of this thread.

To summarise, Dug heard a rumour about a friend of the Rev’s being in distress over something. He took it upon himself to phone a complete stranger to ‘find out if she was ok’ euphemism for ‘went digging dirt’ causing more distress and shock with serious consequences for Stu’s friend.
Dug is now digging a big hole with his blog trying to justify his sleazy actions but sleaze is sleaze and quite a few commentators are telling him that in no uncertain terms.

I’d call him a worm but it’s an insult to worms which are useful creatures.

PS loved your longer comment upthread – we have to take the Indy debate and try to steer it back on course and the reservoir of information in this website is a goldmine.


Kindle Desktop Publishing is the answer.

Convert every page on this site to a PDF file. Merge them, design a cover then upload to KDP.

The book will be print on demand so no surplus copies laying around and will be available 24/7 worldwide. There will be no whoring around and rejections from publishing houses.

It’s a 60/40 split. You get 60%, Amazon get 40% after all expenses have been met.

It can be done in a weekend.

Les Wilson

Well Stu, I thank you for all the work you have put in over the years, and I have followed wings avidly since I was near you in the high street, in Edinburgh, when we all marched to Calton Hill. So I have really been with wings even before then.

So, I am going to miss you and all the many many articles you created over that time.It has been an huge effort in your part, and that is what people love from you, uncompromising and truthful.

There will be a big hole where you where. In our hearts and in our minds, it is going to feel much worse for us when we do not have you explaing events in the way you do.
However, I fully understand your reasons for this, it would get anyone down. So good luck and I hope good fortune follows you, in whatever path you take next.

Time for you to take care of your own interests and those around you. Again, I wish you good luck and a happy future.


I’ve read Wings from the beginning and only started commenting regularly a few weeks ago. Alas, no more. I supported the SNP for more than 55 years. Never again. Now It’s Alba all the way.

Will I see independence in my lifetime? Probably not, but I will continue the fight until my last breath.

With you by our side, Stu, it’s been an incredible journey. Thank you for everything and all the very best to you and your loved ones.


I’m glad Stuart has decided to do this.
I wouldn’t want to see another person being stitched up like Alex Salmond, Craig Murray etc. etc.

It seems the ‘She/Her cult’ are prepared to resort to very underhand methods to get rid of opponents.

Perhaps it’s time for opponents of the ‘She/Her Cult’ to go underground.

Something to research ‘Underground Press in the Digital Age’

Was it ever discovered who gave ‘The Wee Ginger Dug’ a donation of £20K?

Les Wilson

To add to my previous comment, perhaps writing a book on your Wings experiences would be a good idea. Something we could all refer to.


Thank you for shining a light on the bits of Scottish politics that Holyrood and the media doesn’t want us to know about. The media here is a circus bought by the highest bidder. Is it any wonder trust in mainstream journalism has plummeted?

As a feminist, thank you also for your impassioned defence of common sense in the current, miserable gender wars. You didn’t have to say anything or stand up for the women being monstered all across social media and in real life, but you did, and you took enormous flack for doing so. Your principles make you one of the rare ones.

From the site’s recent increase in traffic, it’s clear that the content you write is sorely needed and necessary. No one else covers Scottish politics with wit and flair quite like you, so, selfishly, I hope your break won’t be permanent.

All the best, Stu, and enjoy your rest.


My respect and appreciation for all you have done in trying to further the cause of Scottish independence. In 2014 your Wee Blue Book actually helped me to switch my elderly mum and aunt from No to Yes. Hopefully, this is more of an Au Revoir than a goodbye forever, so ‘Haste ye back’ Stu. Until then, best wishes for the future.

Dorothy Devine

Mist001, worth repeating that and maybe jumping up and down to get noticed!


katherine hamilton says:
13 May, 2021 at 11:29 am
On the issue of an “archive”. In the UK a copy of every book published goes to the British Library for posterity.

I agree with you in your post. The information on this site needs to be archived for future generations.
I hope Rev Stu has backed up his site in full so that if it was ever to be taken down all information will be saved.

I don’t think the Rev Stu or many people here realize the historic relevance the information in this site will have in 10/20 years time. For the love of god. please preserve it.

It’s important that future generations have historical information of Scotland’s struggle for Independence.
The fact that there are so many Scots commentating adds to the history.

Generations to come will see the names of their fathers, mothers, grand parent & great grandparent.
It is imperative all contents of this 10 year blog is saved for prosperity.

Stu I hope you have this saved & the hard drive kept in a bank vault somewhere. This has been your life for 10 years. You are a legend, a true son of Scotland. Please for the sake of future generations keep this history safe.

Both you & Alex Salmond are true heroes in the fight for Scotland’s Independence.

All the best for you in whatever you decide to do. Be happy, enjoy the summer sun on your face this summer. Most of all enjoy more free time with the ones you love around you.
As a Scot living in NZ, I look on both you & Alex as Scotland’s heroes. History will be kind to you both. God Bless.

David Mooney

Can’t say I blame you Stu. I have never been more despondent about the prospects of independence than I am now. It’s highly unlikely I will see Scotland free from the control of Westminster in my lifetime. With your departure I can’t help feeling the bastards have won. You’ll be a huge loss to the cause.


Kindle Desktop Publishing – says Mist001 at 11.56. The whole Wings archive could be done in a weekend!

Rev, please consider this idea.

Willie B

Mist001 says:
13 May, 2021 at 11:56 am
Kindle Desktop Publishing is the answer.

Convert every page on this site to a PDF file. Merge them, design a cover then upload to KDP.

The book will be print on demand so no surplus copies laying around and will be available 24/7 worldwide. There will be no whoring around and rejections from publishing houses.

It’s a 60/40 split. You get 60%, Amazon get 40% after all expenses have been met.

It can be done in a weekend

I doubt Stuart could archive everything in a weekend lol, but the share depends on pricing, formatting can be a bitch, but would be great to see , a timelined reference, just a pity if the comments couldn’t be added too, many contributors posted ones that opened my thinking, Robert Peffers was one, a man who if I remember right worked at Rosyth naval dockyards for many years, always had something worthwhile to say,


Mist001 says:
13 May, 2021 at 11:56 am
Kindle Desktop Publishing is the answer.

Convert every page on this site to a PDF file. Merge them, design a cover then upload to KDP.

The book will be print on demand so no surplus copies laying around and will be available 24/7 worldwide. There will be no whoring around and rejections from publishing houses.

It’s a 60/40 split. You get 60%, Amazon get 40% after all expenses have been met.

It can be done in a weekend.

Unlike you I don’t think Stu is looking to sell any pdfs on Amazon.

Stu has already produced ‘The Wee Blue Book’ so I’m sure he is aware of how to do it.

PS You don’t have to go to all the palaver of converting every page to a pdf file.

Save all files as .txt files and combine in Adobe Acrobat Pro to make a single PDF file.

Willie B

Ian says:
13 May, 2021 at 9:20 am
Lets see if Alba can provide some hope for the future.

Step one – stop focusing on the pronounciation of Alba as a start point. 99.999% will pronounce it as Alba. Americans pronounce Edinburgh as Edinburg. No big deal. Alalpa? Stop wasting time looking petty. Ghlaschu

The only time I have heard it called Alapa was by Gaelic speakers from the outer isles, and we were force fed Gaelic in school and were never taught that pronounciation, I wonder if it came after Gaelic was standardised back in the 80s for teaching the same syllabus everywhere instead of differing dialects from different areas


Your reasons are understood.
The Scottish people will now have less protection from “arbitrary authority”.
We are less safe without Wings.
But you must look after yourself and owe no debt to anyone.

I am going to pront these words from AS:

“The competence and professionalism of the civil service matters. The independence of the Crown Office acting in the public interest matters. Acting in accordance with legal advice matters,” he said. “Concealing evidence from the courts matters. The duty of candour of public authorities matters. Democratic accountability through parliament matters. Suppressing evidence from parliamentary committees matters. And yes, ministers telling the truth to parliament matters.”

“However, the move to independence, which I’ve sought all my political life and continue to seek, must be accompanied by institutions whose leadership is strong and robust and capable of protecting each and every citizen from arbitrary authority.

“Such a principle is a central component of the rule of law that matters to every person in Scotland, as much as it always has done. It is the bedrock of our democracy of justice and fairness.”

You, Stuart, have performed a vital service and at great personal cost. I hope that you find some peace.

link to


They’ll be breaking open the champagne in Bute House.

Absolutely gutted.

You carried the flame for so long and against all the odds and in the teeth of the cruelest abuse.

You told the truth. The lemmings did not listen and are still not listening.

Thankyou Stu and good luck to you.


Ruby says:
You’re right of course Ruby. Mea culpa in interfering in this particular discussion.

Dorothy Devine

I don’t know how many of you have Yes Cymru in your mailbox , I got their e-mail about their ‘tookit’ to enhance and promote the party and Welsh independence .

It looks like a good idea and certainly one which ALBA should check out.


Willie B says:

just a pity if the comments couldn’t be added too,


Bonjour Guillaume! 🙂

That would be easy!

Just highlight the whole page article & comments and save as .txt file

If you wanted hyper active links you would need to use text editor that preserved links

On a Mac it would be ‘Notes’

It would take time to archive all Wings files

Perhaps this would be something that should be divided up amongst Wings readers.

Jim Bo

Stu mentions a 3 million pound bribe re media. Does anyone have a link to any info on this? Thanks


From Peter Bell: “I’m hardly the one to author a hagiography for Stu Campbell. And I reckon it’s not yet time for a eulogy. But if Wings Over Scotland is to be no more then that is a tragedy for the independence movement and for journalism. It is hard to imagine the Yes movement without Wings Over Scotland. There’s all too few places where you’ll find principled, responsible, forensic journalism such as Stu Campbell offered. Whatever else he may be, I believe Stu to be an honest and an honourable man. Perhaps not a likeable person. But I never wanted him as a friend. I wanted him as a voice. A voice that Scotland desperately needs. A voice that is in danger of being silenced entirely by the warring tribes. The voice of reasoned dissent.”


I am disappointed about losing your input as it has been a bit of sanity sadly lacking in Scotlant presently. However, I understand that there is no point going over the same old day after day only to attract the abuse you receive.
I do however your prediction about ALBA/ISP is wrong as we need an alternative to the SNP. It is really sickening when you critise the SNP to be told there is nobody (else) to vote for. It will be a tough battle as the ISP was critised for having no well known people and when ALBA came along it had the wrong well knbown people……………..

Anyway, Stu I wish you all the best in whatever you choose to do and hope someday the indy battle can be progressed.


Jim Bo says:
13 May, 2021 at 12:39 pm
Stu mentions a 3 million pound bribe re media. Does anyone have a link to any info on this? Thanks

Is it this?:

Scottish government announces £3m boost for newspapers

link to


Hopefully we can get some independence animation into Scottish politics and to put a twist on an earlier slogan;
Are You Alba Yet?


Stu don’t relinquish your rights to anyone to publish your material. Do it yourself. If you need financial help I would contribute.
Why should others benefit from your endeavours over 10 years?
This 60%/ 40% split is robbery. Stu kick this Idea to the kerb.


pixal says:
13 May, 2021 at 12:45 pm
afore ye go………

“what about all the money you crowd funded?”

Stu explained that this will be dealt with. Did you not read the article in full before commenting?

John H. (The original one)

I woke up in the middle of the night Stuart feeling depressed. I think the enormity of your announcement yesterday had just started to sink in. The mine of information and the guidance which you provided will be sorely missed.

While you have a much deserved rest, the community which you have built here must not be allowed to die. I think that Breeks at 8.20am is on the right track. Expand ALBA into something much bigger and keep the flow of truthful information getting out to folk. Let’s build a base from which we can launch an independence campaign when the time comes.

Sturgeon and her clique can’t last forever, and we must remain alert and ready.

Jack Murphy

Ruby said at 11:59 am:
“I’m glad Stuart has decided to do this.
I wouldn’t want to see another person being stitched up like Alex Salmond, Craig Murray etc. etc….”

This morning Craig Murray has published his Medical Records
“————–My Medical Records——————–

In sentencing remarks, Lady Dorrian stated specifically that the sentence took account of my medical conditions, including pulmonary hypertension. To be clear, the court was informed by two doctors, one extremely distinguished who has treated me for over twenty years, of my medical conditions which include:…”

Craig Murray’s Blog:

link to

Daisy Walker

Had a look at Paypaul Kavanagh’s article – not been over there for a year. Wow what a spiteful, contradictory, shitty article.

I’ve posted this, I doubt it will stay up for long. There are some deeply nasty individuals over there. And a good few good’uns, not letting paypaul away with it.

‘He need not worry about that, because if in future I ever receive information detailing a similar allegation against him, I will call the police myself’
To be clear, on speaking to the potential complainant – you confirmed the ‘allegation’ was false, and very likely malicious, I would question the wisdom of wasting Police time with malicious allegations, or in the circumstances you describe above – what would amount to third hand malicious gossip, particularly as you have pointed out, Mr Campbell has many enemies.
But just think what you are saying here. You’ve received maliscious gossip about a person, confirmed it is untrue and on that basis, ‘if in future I ever receive information detailing a similar allegation against him, I will call the police myself’.
That is deeply, deeply spiteful.
‘All did was to carry out a basic and entirely ethical journalistic practice upon receipt of information- which I did not solicit – making an allegation of misconduct. If someone had shared information with Campbell alleging that I or anyone else on his long and ever lengthening list of enemies was guilty of a form of personal misconduct, he would have done exactly the same.’
Mr Campbell is one of the finest investigative journalists in the UK, you write opinion pieces. Your ‘following up on a lead’ looks awfully like trawling for dirt.
‘His laughable bullying threat to call the police on anyone who dares to try and ascertain whether there is any truth in an allegation of misconduct made against him…’
The allegation was untrue, and therefore malicious. This is the guy who repeatedly supported you and your website. You have a very short memory.
‘… merely demonstrates that in Campbell’s eyes when a woman makes an allegation of misconduct against a powerful man, the allegation should be instantly dismissed without any scrutiny or investigation.’
Well, when its you who is being falsely and maliciously accused, I’d suggest that’s a reasonable position to take, but out of interest – who hired you to provide the scrutiny or investigation – your niche is in opinion pieces, and witty, cutting comments.
‘… I will leave you to draw your own conclusions about what this tells us about his much vaunted “standing up for women’s rights’.’
As a woman, or as you would classify it, cis woman (cause that’s not othering us in any way, is it!) and in the interests of equal opportunity, I have to disclose this to you – SOME WOMEN ARE MALICIOUS AND LIE.
I’d like to think if someone made false, malicious allegations against me, the people who I have helped, and who know me, would instantly dismiss them.
I donated money to help you multiple times. I no longer recognise the person I donated to. I hope he was not always the nasty piece of work he appears today.

Anyway, that’s the last time WGD gets my attention.


Taking a scroll through the comments it is unsurprising to note that a lot of people don’t get why the Rev has had enough or even realise that is their fanatical obsession with voting New SNP, despite everything he has said, that has led to this.

I also think some people’s obsession with turning this into a story for Alba (interestingly descended from the name for the whole island of Great Britain and not Scotland alone) completely misses the point. Rev Stu was writing about something bigger than mere nationalist party politics, it was about the total destruction of law, justice and freedom of speech by someone who has been allowed to act without consequence thanks to her fanatical blinkered supporters. Some of whom are posting on here expressing their sorrow that the Rev has packed it in even though it is they who are responsible for this turn of events.

Until the blinkered New SNP fanatics get a grip of themselves Scotland is lost and the “independence” the New SNP offer is nothing but a life sentence in an open prison. As someone who has supported independence for a long time but has never been one to comment until recently I am now starting to realise why I never used to bother. Some of you just don’t get it and maybe you never will. Open your eyes people, many of you are part of the problem and until you recognise that you will never be part of a solution.


link to

This country beggars belief


I don’t blame you Stu as all of this must have been heavy on your mental health and overall wellbeing.

I’ve been an on-off readers over the years since 2014 and enjoyed your lazer sharp, metrics driven approach to your analysis. You went places that the MSM were too lazy or scared to go.

I wish you well and hopefully we may see you return at some point as I know if you did go to Rio, you would only end up restless and miss at least a bit of the fight.

Best wishes,



I’d just like to say: Nicola Sturgeon is a dictator and she and her MSPs and MPs are deviant enablers. They need to own it.


” PayPal Kavanah” Hahaha hahaha….. Ha!

Alasdair Roy

This Rev Stuart is a sad day for those of us concerned about the future of our wee country, and I hope you will have second thoughts and find a way back.

It will be clear to many who follow this blog that NS has to go. But how? She is at the triumphalist high point of her career and no frontal attack will be successful.But as Guderian and the panzer commanders realised there is always a weak point, a “schwachpunkt”. Find the schwachpunkt and pile everything into it and you can achieve a breakthrough. NS has a weak point and that is her and her husband’s control over the SNP. Curiously little has been made over the years in the MSM about the Ceausescu-like grip which the Murrells have over party and state. But never mind NS’s role right now. The schwachpunkt has to be Murrell himself, his stewardship of the party and the recent egregious events which have been well publicised in WoS and other blogs. If concerned party members pile relentlessly into Murrell over the next year he will have to go. And when he walks out of Gordon House with his personal effects in two black bin bags NS’s credibility will take a severe dunt, perhaps a fatal one.

Who will replace her? We can cross that plank over the burn in due course.

PS Take a look if you can at the cartoon in this week’s Spectator showing Nicola as the rear end of a pantomine stag.That Scots expatriate Fraser Nelson down in London who edits the Spectator (a successor to Boris) knows as well as WoS that she has no intention of delivering independence.

Robert Dickson

Good response, Daisy


Scot Finlayson

Your a genius!!! If only the Rev had seen your post before, or indeed Alex Salmond himself 2014 would have beena “no brainer”, incredible they missed it to be honest.

As this thread is about the Rev’s farewell, I’ll not go into detail,however just a few sums for you young laddie.

You say $70 million / day, now times that 365 days a year ( ignore any fluctuations in oil price as clearly OPEC would make Scotland a special case ), what figure do you get???

Now look at the Tax applied to this amount by the UK Treasury, and see what figure that is?

Now explain if you will the circa 24.5 Billion difference??

Have you thought about a career in economics, I understand the pays good, maybe somewhere like the WEF ( doesn’t have her haw to do with Elephants) or alternatively you could stop embarrassing yourself!!!


Now the Independence movement appears to be dying on its arse all those hustlers whores and chancers who rode into PayPal Heaven on the back of Alec Salmond and the Independence campaign will now wither on the vine.
Stuart Campbell has been a major player in the past 10 years of Scottish politics the demise of this site will make visitors to less successful blogsites take notice.

Triangular Ears

I haven’t posted very often recently, but this is a sad, if not unexpected, development. I totally understand your reasoning and agree that nothing is happening for many years now as regards independence.

I’ve felt for some time now that things will need to get a whole lot worse, perhaps even become too late to do anything about it, before enough people will actually see the solution.

Take care and enjoy whatever you decide to do next.

Margaret Eleftheriou

I just posted this on Craig Murray’s blog, which gives details of his medical conditions which are very serious indeed. Not to put too fine upon it, they are life-threatening without proper medical supervision.
Dear Mr Murray
This is a potential death sentence. With detailed knowledge of these medical conditions, with no advice as to whether prison conditions would take account of your serious medical needs, there is absolutely NO DOUBT in my mind that Lady Dorrian has all but put on the black cap. In fact, she doesn’t even have the decency to do that. She is beyond contempt.
And this is Scottish law! God preserve us all because the so-called guardians of the law have taken leave of their senses.


Why is this site costing £Thousands a year?

Is it the archive of thousands of articles?

Could it be a lot cheaper to have these files hosted on something like Dropbox.

Is it free to have a WordPress website?

How would if work if all archived files were uploaded to something like Dropbox and a new WordPress site was opened containing the links to the Dropbox files?


Pixal. Hello. Did you know that Onanism is bad for you and that you should never do it while posting online?


I don’t suppose the Murrells gave WGD the 20 grand to get him out of Glasgow.


Shocked. Well observed.


I’m not really up on computers, but cant Stu upload his site onto cloud to protect it?


As far as I am aware, Stu had to take precautions against numerous DDoS attacks and it certainly cost an ongoing amount of money.

Margaret Wilson

Sorry to hear you’re ending your blog but not at all surprised, I came off Twitter after years on May 8th because I’d had enough. This past year has been horrendous and I believed we had a little hope with Alex and Alba. That was not to be, then came the dreadful Craig Murray sentence, I feel so bad for him.

I’d like to say thank you for all your hard work, you have been invaluable in revealing the true face of the SNP under Ms Sturgeon. I thought Scottish politics was a cut above WM but what a fool I was, it is just as corrupt and I fear for the future of our country. Good luck in all you do.


Kiwilassie says:
13 May, 2021 at 1:44 pm
I’m not really up on computers, but cant Stu upload his site onto cloud to protect it?


He can just save all the files on an external hard drive.

The problem with this site as it stands is the high cost otherwise he can just keep this ‘WordPress site’ without posting further articles.

Maybe he’ll have to log-in now & again to keep site active.

I’m not sure about T&Cs of WordPress.

the friendly sassenach

Thank you for the light you shone on Scottish politics, stuff I never knew about. An absolute tour de force of forensic journalism


When politicians «go progressive» can the culture of the Gulag be far behind.

«Old left-wing values of equality and fighting oppression have given way to a desire to police other people’s behaviour and speech. The obvious consequence of this is the erosion of freedoms and civil liberties.»

link to

«He was a tool of the boss, without brains or backbone»
Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis


Well I hope you keep blogging anyway, and that much of won’t be about football or pizza but video games or music would be ok 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

@Daisy Walker (1.03) –

Well said.

WGD can hit the delete button all the likes.

Won’t make a difference.

He’s finished and he knows it.

Whether he was acting out of sheer jealousy and hatred of Stu, or someone put him up to it, the end-result is the same – he got caught.

Stu has bowed out on a high, with record-breaking readership figures month-on-month. Paul now has to get his tail between his legs, slink away, and hope that he doesn’t get Police Scotland turning up at his door.

The main difference is that Stu could always make a comeback and be welcomed by many thousands. And even if he doesn’t, he’s made a vast contribution to Scotland’s fight for independence and it’ll never ever be forgotten. Whereas Paul must now slip back into the obscurity from which he emerged. And he only ever emerged from it thanks to this place and the regulars who got him the National gig and put up with his milquetoast pish for years.

Stu was, and is, a superb journalist and polemicist. Paul was a second-rate rhetorician who got lucky, spotted an opportunity, and milked it for all it was worth.

Judging by the comments under the tweet punting his latest post, I’d be surprised if the WGD blog is still there this time next week. It won’t be missed.

Alf Baird

Margaret Eleftheriou @ 1:29

“And this is Scottish law!”

What we are witnessing seems more akin to colonial justice, in which there is no justice (for the native), as reflecting Scotland’s socio-political reality.

This from Aime Cesaire in his ‘Discourse on Colonialism’:

“The rule of law? I look around and wherever there are colonizers and colonized face to face, I see force, brutality, cruelty, sadism, conflict, and, in a parody of education, the hasty manufacture of a few thousand subordinate functionaries, “boys”, artisans, office clerks, and interpreters necessary for the smooth operation of business. Between colonizer and colonized there is room only for forced labor, intimidation, pressure, the police, taxation, theft, rape, compulsory crops, contempt, mistrust, arrogance, self-complacency, swinishness, brainless elites, degraded masses.”


Mike says:
13 May, 2021 at 1:07 pm
I don’t blame you Stu as all of this must have been heavy on your mental health and overall wellbeing.

Personally I don’t see this as Stu being under mental pressure.
I see this as he is scunnered with the complete ignorance of many Scots.

I see where he is coming from. Looking in from overseas, I can’t believe the mentality of many Scots.
They aren’t very bright. They want independence, but voted in maximum WM parties into their government.
These Scots are as thick as a 4 by 2 piece of wood.
My heart goes out to you that have to live with these imbeciles.

I’m hurting here for you within NZ & my way of life as a Scot living here isn’t affected. I still hurt for those who see a bright future, Unfortunately it will never be under the present SNP.


No Doubt about it, all the other supposedly pro indy blogs will suffer now Stu has stepped back. It was mainly wings readers that visited these sites I’m sure.

Whats disgusting, is the way they turned a blind eye to the abuse and lies inflicted on other pro indy bloggers and activists.

staying silent whilst people were and are sent to prison for speaking the truth is utterly shocking and they should be ashamed!

supporting perjurers and corrupt government officials, politicians who care little about independence as long as the gravy train still rolled is sickening.

Graf Midgehunter

I can understand the frustration and situation that the REV is in at the moment because he’s a human being like the rest of us. It sounds very much like Burn-out to me. To be active at this level of journalism, even with help from the team, is extremely hard and nerve racking.

In spite of all the hammer blows of the last few years and despondency resulting from that, the acorn of hope is not dead.

ALBA has proven that when people take action something positive happens. Six weeks in the heat of a Holyrood election is just not enough time to establish a new party, miracles don’t happen.

It did however give birth and it’s now up to us to make it grow to adulthood.

It’s not a bad thing the REV taking a break, he should sit back and watch the SNP hang their selves.

Over the next few months the SNP is going to steamroller a lot of their hidden agenda forwards. They can’t hide the gender woowoo much longer, if they want it to be law then it will have to be brought into full view as well as debated in Holyrood and voted upon. The Greens included can’t just hide it in a Manifesto. It’s pay-up time for everyone.

The SNP also has a problem with Indyref-2. They had to ramp up the rhetoric about preparation for a new Ref., give dates and swear blindly to do it. They’ve ratcheted the expectations up to such a level that their followers/disciples really do expect a Ref. in the foreseeable future..!

More than enough fodder for the REV and ALBA.

Breeks (not forgetting Daisy) always comes up with good ideas for taking action, one of which I like:

“We need to turn ALBA into a much bigger project than just a political party.
Speak to Alex Salmond Rev Stu. Have another pint in that beer garden with the wee Robin. See how we can turn ALBA into a YES monster which puts the fear of god into Westminster Government and Unionism.”

I’d go further than just a couple of beers, organise a meeting(s) of all the leading bloggers, MSPs, councillors, economists like Richard Murphy as well as others and start to coordinate a strategy, the tactics to use and of course get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet.

The MSN/SNP won’t give you a second of airtime or help in any way, so you have to circumvent it by using other forms of communication, internet, videos, print, ALBA demos etc. sing the song like a choir and sing it fkn LOUD.

There are targets galore and anyway who said getting Independence was going to be easy.

I won’t say goodbye to the REV, just “Auf Wiedersehen” in whatever form he thinks fit. He’s a Scot as well as a journalist and I sincerely hope that after a very well earned break his fingers will start to tingle and the adrenaline starts to flow… 🙂 🙂

As for the WGD… reduced to being Niclas shoe wiper.


the friendly sassenach says:
13 May, 2021 at 2:00 pm

Thank you for the light you shone on Scottish politics, stuff I never knew about. An absolute tour de force of forensic journalism
Agreed: thanks +1
Wishing you health and happiness, whatever the future holds.


What nationality is Bella Caledonia’s Mike Goddard?

He universitied at (now not-rated) Birkbeck and a second rate place in Vermont for 6 years.
It’s an odd backround

Leafy Bloomsbury and leafy Vermont
I’ve never bothered looking before.


What I can’t take in about the state Scotland is in, is the greater establishment. There doesn’t appear to be anyone in the judiciary, media, church,unions or universities who is prepared to speak out at the corruption and abuse of the rule of law.
I often wondered how the people of Germany let Hitler do what he did and become what he was. I do now.


Breastplate says:
13 May, 2021 at 1:53 pm
As far as I am aware, Stu had to take precautions against numerous DDoS attacks and it certainly cost an ongoing amount of money.

Okay! Stu has the fighting fund at hand. Saving the information on this site for future generations is a fight against the attack.
Go Stu, spend the fighting fund to save the WOS history.



This site is already hosted in the “cloud”. The issue is keeping it available to all who may wish to view it while keeping costs low. Due to the number of visits it gets and the amount of firewall and denial of service protection it needs, even to use cheaper archive cloud storage will still cost a significant sum every year.

I’d imagine Stu can check visitor stats after a few months of the site no longer being “current” and then make a call as to most efficient way to archive it.


@ Ruby

This is why the Rev has decided to call it a day. Scotland is populated by uneducated twats like yourself. Has editing and formatting never crossed your mind? ‘Duh, just save them as txt files and upload them’.

Brainless fucking idiot.

Are you care in the community or something? If not, you fucking well should be.

Jon Mac

Good riddance to you, you inconsequential bigot . You’re a vile heinous wee man who’s used this platform to spew hateful, diurect bile and there will be many (including myself) glad to see the back of you. Scotland doesn’t need nor want filth like yourself so (in a) Bath is probably the best place for you. No doubt you’ll resurrect this place when the money runs out, rattling a can for “funds” from your cult followers.

Bye Felicia. And don’t let that door knob hit you on the way out.

Captain Yossarian

@McDuff – With you there; even the Scotland Office are hopeless. One glimmer of hope is the professional institutions, but only if they are based in England. If they are based in Scotland, forget it.

Joe Swan

Rev Stuart

I can only echo what most on here have been saying, “Thank you for everything that you’ve done for all of us and for Scotland”.

You inspired many of us to go out and do something about the situation in 2014, whether it was having discussions in pubs, setting up Yes groups, going on marches or linking to articles for friends and relatives you have been a breath of fresh air and a welcome antidote to the MSM lies and corruption.

I will be hanging up my boots too and only hope a younger generation can carry the baton forward in some form.

Enjoy your retirement and whatever you choose to do in the future. I know I am not alone when I say we will miss you.


Pixal (with an a)
Apparently a computer game of fighting ninjas.
Well that puts things into perspective.
A study of the true nature of Bushido would be more profitable.

Andrew F

I’ll save everyone some troll-feeding time by suggesting that Jon Mac could just fuck off.

My actual comment is: Thanks Rev for all you have done, tried to do and for your honesty and integrity.

Several years of time well spent for you as the writer and we as the readers.

All the best and look forward to November when you come back.

Enjoy a well-earned break.


I was not offering an opinion, I was merely pointing out that protecting the site costs money, this is a fact.
I made no comment on how Stu should utilise the fighting fund but for the record I’m completely at ease with whatever Stu wants to do with the money, I trust his judgement.

If he wants to spend it in Rio, I’m all for that, speaking as someone who has donated systematically every year from the start, I say he has earned every penny of that fighting fund for himself if he wishes, and then some.


Graf Midgehunter says:
13 May, 2021 at 2:20 pm
I can understand the frustration and situation that the REV is in at the moment because he’s a human being like the rest of us. It sounds very much like Burn-out to me.

Now this is the sort of comment I really don’t understand.
Scots want Independence, but they don’t want to fight for it.
First it was Alex, then Stu to carry the baton.

Where in hells name is the men or women who are prepared to stand up & fight?
My God! You are like a lot of children looking for someone to fight the battles for you.
Breaking news Guys Neither Alex or Stuart are here to prop you up. If you want Independence, get off your computers & your arse & do something about it.
The world is watching & I have to say, as a Scot I’m starting to see you as mice not men. It’s not a good look.

Stu Is a true warrior for Scotland . He is not there to protect the men of Scotland who are really mice.
Time for men & women to stand up & be counted. Are you in the union or out?
If you’re in being a warrior behind a key board won’t cut it.


Jon Mac….. do you honestly think Stu or anyone else takes what you say seriously? of course not!

Im sure you will be welcome on WGD.


That should have be out of the union being a warrior behind a key board won’t cut it


The SNP Airdrie & Shotts by election candidate is Anum Javed. She looked vastly happy to be pictured with Sturgeon the other day. She can now head to Westminster, settle down not settle up, and join Pension Pete at the trough. Wishart btw, true to form has tweeted a thoroughly sneering message about Wings.

There they’ll all be, Javed, Wishart, Blackford and Oswald, doing nothing for indy, and getting their £81 000 a year salaries. In the new member’s case it’s Anum’s per annum.


Your game has started.



you misunderstood what I wrote you fucking idiot!!

Im saying that the other pro indy sites will get even less traffic now stu has stepped back, which is a good thing and a reflection on how poor they are in comparison to stu.
It was wings readers that gave them any significant numbers and now that will be shown.

No one could compete with the genius of Stu’s input, that’s the point.

Saffron Robe

You have my utmost respect Stuart for the integrity of your work and your dogged pursuit of the truth which lies at the heart of all good journalism. In these dangerous times, I don’t think anyone can blame you from taking a step back. Anyone who speaks out openly against the inherent corruption of our government has their card well and truly marked.

However, you have more than earned your place in the pantheon of Scottish heroes whatever you decide to do. A place that the Murrells can never aspire to. There is a special place in hell reserved for them.

I think we are all feeling despondent at the moment, but I believe the apparent success of the Neo-SNP is based on a Faustian pact. They have sold their souls to the highest bidder. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”


ah Pixal with an A…. Just realised you are such a sad CUNT! lol
own it and enjoy!! 🙂


Mist001 says:
13 May, 2021 at 2:28 pm
@ Ruby

This is why the Rev has decided to call it a day. Scotland is populated by uneducated twats like yourself. Has editing and formatting never crossed your mind? ‘Duh, just save them as txt files and upload them’.

Brainless fucking idiot.

Are you care in the community or something? If not, you fucking well should be.


“Duh, just save them as txt files and upload them’”

That is not what I posted!

I wrote
“PS You don’t have to go to all the palaver of converting every page to a pdf file.

Save all files as .txt files and combine in Adobe Acrobat Pro to make a single PDF file.”

What is it I’m supposed to be editing & formatting?

FYI I edit text files & format in InDesign.
I use Calibre to convert .txt and .pdf files to mobi & epub.

No need for you to worry about my editing, formatting & uploading.

Have to tracked down some ‘Flamebaiting Sites’
You can use when Wings finishes?

What would the people on:
link to

think if they saw the abuse you post in this site?


I noticed today that some unionist radio stations took great delight in broadcasting Nicola Sturgeon oath to the Queen, heirs and successors. Also the votes still to take place, probably next week, on whether or not Sturgeon will be elected back as the head of the SNP, and I suppose by default head of the Scottish government .Radio news also indicating that the Greens might try and obtain the Presiding officers position.


Jon Mac and Pixal, what a pathetic pair of irrelevant little grubs you are.
Even this old unionist tory will miss Wings a great deal. Thank you, Mr. Campbell for your hard work, patience and ability to shine some much needed cleansing sunlight into the darkest and murkiest of corners. Thank you also for not killing me with hammers!
Scotland is poorer for your retirement. I hope you feel able to come back after a good long rest.
Best wishes to your friend, I hope they are recovering well.


Pixal.. with an A…. have a free swing, because the purpose of this thread is to pay tribute to the sheer brilliance and honesty of Stu’s writing, and to give thanks to him for that.

I wont let that be diminished by engaging in a feud with a nobody like you. not this time! so type away cunt.

Stu.. you are a genius man!


RepofScot @3:06

“…indicating that the Greens might try and obtain the Presiding Officer position.”

Ross Greer as PO would provide us with entertaining high farce.


Re my 3.06pm comment the Greens Allison Johnstone is the only MSP in the running for the Presiding Officers job, and come 5pm today it looks like the Greens will have their first Holyrood Presiding Officer.


Mist001 says:
13 May, 2021 at 2:28 pm
@ Ruby

This is why the Rev has decided to call it a day. Scotland is populated by uneducated twats like yourself. Has editing and formatting never crossed your mind? ‘Duh, just save them as txt files and upload them’.

You think your smart talking down to Ruby. Well it seems you’re not smart at all. You have to archive what you save, If you don’t your link will be defective when the information is removed from the cloud..

Mist001, do me a favour & do one. You really are a nasty sort of chap. What the hell is your problem forby having a small dick.


RepofScot @3:15

Aw, too bad. Greer in the post would have been exquisitely funny.


Correction to earlier post to Michael Stimson

“Have you tracked down some ‘Flamebaiting Sites’
you can use when Wings finishes?”

I think for a number of posters like Mist “Flamebaiting Sites” would suit them better than ‘Wings’

It should be interesting to see what the likes of Pete Wishart, WGD & ‘The She/Her Cult’ do when they have nobody to flame against. They might have to face the truth.


Ian Brotherhood @ 2.07 pm ,

I agree with every word that you said and in the words of Joni Mitchell

“ Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Till it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot “

link to

Ian , When and if there’s a Wings get together in the future please let us know about it .


As an English Tory Unionist I will miss the honesty and clarity of the Rev’s writing. Brilliant journalism,brilliantly written. The exposé of the woke has been superb and much needed – it blights Scotland today, the rest of the UK tomorrow.


Kapelmeister @3.18pm.

We have suffered a triple whammy of late, Alba won no seats, Wings Over Scotland is powering down (hopefully only on a temporary basis), and, Craig Murray looks like he’s going to prison.

Now the Greens are going on to hold the Presiding officers job, its another blow for independence and our morale I think, well it is to those that really want independence.



Show a bit of respect to Rev Stuart and all that he’s done for all of us .

Ian Brotherhood

@MaggieC (3.20) –

Of course we’ll let you know. one way or another.

Until then, take care.



Ian Brotherhood @ 3.25 pm ,

Thanks , I’m still in tears here at Rev Stuart calling it a day but his priority had to be his own health and well-being .


Me @ 3.34 pm

* has * to be


Excuse my ignorance folks but how big a hard-drive would be needed to save all this site? I haven’t a Scooby but any advice would be helpful & very much appreciated. External portable hard drives? Or 2TB Memory flash drive stick? What? What’s best?


“the alba part got less votes than the poxy scottish socialist party last week”

Prove it. Show us the exit poll that proves the results we were given as official are trustworthy and show us the uninterrupted footage from 9:30 pm on 6th May to the moment the ballot boxes (on both days) were handed to the counters that proves beyond reasonable doubt that those ballot boxes were not tampered with.

When you present such evidence and demonstrate the results were not fixed, then you can say “that the alba party got less votes than whatever”

Until the time we see the evidence, all what we have is the results the powers that be want us to see.

Wee Chid

Jon Mac says:
13 May, 2021 at 2:29 pm
“Good riddance to you, you inconsequential bigot . You’re a vile heinous wee man who’s used this platform to spew hateful, diurect bile and there will be many (including myself) glad to see the back of you.”

Why did you bother ever visiting the site then? Is it not a bit stupid to waste your time doing something you don’t want to do?
Nobody forces you to search out and click on the site.
It’s like watching something on the telly that you don;t really want to watch – there is an off button.


Skullduggery in the SNP MSP candidate selection revealed.

link to


Jon Mac

Any relation to Juan Mac of the’ A Thousand Flowers’? You sound so similar.

And Pixal, that must have been a so good for you to just let it all out. Who hurt you Pixal?

Anyway, this is fun watching all those people who think they have seen the last of what ‘WoS’ is. This particular area of the independence movement is not going away. It is going quiet – for now.

Juan Mac, Pixal, petra – whatever you think you stand for. It certainly isn’t independence or a better Scotland. You like to be part of a group that gives you validation for your cowardly reprehensible views identity politics. The ones that allow to crybully people into denying the reality of their eyes and other senses. You think Scotland agrees with you when the SNP simply didn’t let the public know what they were voting for?

You think Nicola and her mealy mouthed grifters are even interested in you and your pathetic fawning? Look at her today in Kenmure Road. The UK govt are showing her they know she is useless and can’t do a thing. You think asylum seekers were anything more than campaign material and more voting fodder for her plan of 5 more years sitting on her arse?

You’ll see and then you’ll realise.

You were fooled because you are fools.

Dorothy Devine

Wee Chid , it is always surprising to find those who only want to berate the writer and visit to post their own bile – I like the rhyming ‘shite and spite’ to describe them.


Will this thread continue for ever and ever?

Dorothy Devine

Ian Brotherhood , don’t forget me when it comes to a Wingers reunion!


Wings has been part of the culture of Scotland over these last few years and the contribution to the political discourse around independence has been vital.
In sharp contrast to the MSM, it has been sharp, focused, and acerbic, and those of us who may at times disagree with both the blogs and the comments, know that the arguments put forward are always under-pinned by the facts that weaker journalists are too lazy to chase.
This is not a defeat.
The good work has already been done and NS and her motley crew are finally being seen for what they are.
I fear that independence is many years away and not because of some ideological schism in the nation but because the mantle inherited by the SNP has been corrupted and soiled by those who have not one ounce of integrity or commitment to the cause.
If you judge me by my accent, you will consider me a ‘soft yes’ voter despite the fact that I have lived here for 39 years. That would be fair. I will never be a true Scot.
But I will never ever vote for independence under the SNP as it currently stands because it will lead to tyranny.
I am indebted to Stu for his sharp wit, his logic, and his undeniable journalistic integrity.
he will be sorely missed.


Stoker says:
13 May, 2021 at 3:41 pm
Excuse my ignorance folks but how big a hard-drive would be needed to save all this site? I haven’t a Scooby but any advice would be helpful & very much appreciated. External portable hard drives? Or 2TB Memory flash drive stick? What? What’s best?

Are you referring to the articles?

You could save one article (with or without comments) then multiply the size of that file by the number of articles there have been since 1968 See archives.

Looking forward to your reading your answer. 🙂

I think any archiving of these files would need to be a team effort

I’ll do the whole of 1968!


A wee tip for anyone wanting to save some good articles for those of you like me who aren’t that geeky with tech. Go over to the ‘tags’ menu and click on the ‘Scott Minto’ tag and then go through them one by one archiving each one you like.

You will find they are all already archived so just click on the X to dismiss the banner that states “archived 5 years ago or 7 years ago” etc then bookmark the page before moving onto the next one. You will have those bookmarks for as long as you want to keep them, forever if you like.

It’s a bit of a laborious process but if you haven’t got the equipment necessary or can’t afford a portable hard drive and you have some time on your hands it’s a simple way of getting yourself about 30 top articles. And you’ll find Scotts work every bit as good as the Revs. You could be forgiven for thinking they are twins. 😉 And he covers most of the main topics.

Another wee tip, if you’re going to do this do not opt to “archive again” with each article or this will take a lot lot longer to archive them all. This method i’ve described saves all the comments too.

Alan McHarg

Thank you for all your efforts, from pre 2014 to date. You dismantled the arguments of the union and you highlighted the intensions of the new party of the union, the SNP. Your work in support of Alex Salmond against the New state SNP will never be forgotten as will your shining the light on GRA and HCB especially with regards to womans rights and the protection of females of all ages with regards to safe spaces.

Good luck and thank you


I’d be fairly certain the Rev has multiple copies of the entire site contents in various locations as will several others. Don’t worry about helping to archive unless you know yer stuff.


Stoker says:
13 May, 2021 at 4:18 pm
A wee tip for anyone wanting to save some good articles for those of you like me who aren’t that geeky with tech. Go over to the ‘tags’ menu and click on the ‘Scott Minto’ tag and then go through them one by one archiving each one you like.

Brilliant idea!

Here again this could be a team effort.

Robert Graham

I made the mistake of having a swatch at the doging site , Aye one things for sure that fkr has no chance of filling the Vacuum left by Stuart leaving the stage,

The totally delusional arse wipes on that weird site will still be talking shite to each other for the next 5 years by that time most of them will be dead , dead and still clinging to hope in the biggest Lie told by a political party in Scotlands history,

They are beyond it they’re so wrapped up in Princess Nicola they probably won’t notice the stuff the Princess has in store for them .

And where is the £ 600.000 still resting in a off shore account ?


No, Ruby, am looking for a way to take the whole site if it’s possible. I’ve already been working on individual articles but if i can get the full archive system in one place to edit out the guff (polls etc) at a later date, in my own time, then even better.

Was just on my way out when i caught sight of your reply, not sure i understand what you’re saying. I’ll get back to you tomorrow or over the weekend about this. Meanwhile have to dash, toot toot am oot! Speak soon!


link to

I did this article.

Older comments not included


I think this is the one that shook us all too our cores, and I’ve archived it, for its still relevant now that Sturgeon has five more years of power.

link to

katherine hamilton

WGD seems to have embraced the dark side. The dark side of human nature is accessible to us all. Including me. So here goes.

What if sumday abroad, who knows how to hide behind ISP’s, multiple anonymous e-mail addresses and all that stuff I read about that scammers use, were to blitz WGD site with the identities of the alphabet women, on a loop so frequent you couldn’t keep up and by publishing it the poor chap might end up in the pokey. That would be dark.

So in the interests of clarity I couldn’t possibly endorse such a thing. But, just sayin’ like. The dark side is in all of us.

Ian Brotherhood

Have just been made aware of twittering by a well-kent shit-stirrer who seems to be goading folk into enabling jigsaw identification of the person who ended up in hospital.

Be careful out there!


Thank you for everything you have done Stu. You have certainly helped open my eyes and taught me to be critically aware of what was really being said. You put a lot of hours in to read stuff I would probably not bother with, in order to bring us the facts, and I’ll miss your forensic fact-checking and links so thoughtfully provided.
I share your view of the next five years, so absolutely understand your need to step down, for your own health and sanity.
I do hope your friend recovers quickly and can put this awful series of events behind them.
Take care and go and enjoy life.


Stoker says:
13 May, 2021 at 4:28 pm
No, Ruby, am looking for a way to take the whole site if it’s possible. I’ve already been working on individual articles but if i can get the full archive system in one place to edit out the guff (polls etc) at a later date, in my own time, then even better.

Was just on my way out when i caught sight of your reply, not sure i understand what you’re saying. I’ll get back to you tomorrow or over the weekend about this. Meanwhile have to dash, toot toot am oot! Speak soon!

You could consider buying the site from Stu.
I’m not sure how WordPress works but if this were a website hosted by a commercial web host and Stu wanted you to take over the site both could agree a transfer and the entire site would then be transferred from Stu’s webhost to yours. You would then be responsible for all costs of website hosting and all the rest.

Otherwise I don’t think there’s a way for you to take the whole site.

Sorry you didn’t understand what I said earlier fingers crossed you understand the above. 🙂

All files on a website are on a server which is owned by the webhost you pay a monthly fee for webhosting. The web designer/webmaster needs a password to upload all the files to the server.


It’s almost like there is an issue for Scotland with where power is held in this amazing union…

link to

But never one to miss a top grievencing opportunity…

link to

But hud oan, if you’d bothered to get yer arse in gear to obtain Indy with the various mandates you got from the electorate, instead of pissing them and years away with your own personal power games, we might have control of not just power over immigration policy, but control of all powers that could help us recover and adapt from the consequences of leaving the EU and Covid.


Just please do not associate, me or some of the other posters who come to this blog with a different perspective with witless, humourless filth such as pixel and Jon Mac.

Would be funny and relatively sad, that these parasites, bottom feeders and assorted weirdos , such as cocks in a frocks etc, cannot see the damage they do to the Yes cause. Funny because suits me down to the ground, but very sad if like me you believe in honesty, integrity and truth amply demonstrated by the host and most btl.

One word (sorry Rev and those who don’t like swearing)…….. WANKERS

Brian Doonthetoon

I started reading the Rev’s article around 6.30 pm last night.
It’s taken me till now, on and off, to get to the latest comment.
Like many others, I found WOS via a Google search around March 2013. I posted my first comment around April 2014, in the weeks before the second Wings Over Scotland get-together at Jolly’s Hotel in Broughty Ferry.

link to

I’ve been at every one since.

A big THANKS is due to Rev Stu for all the work he has put in since 2011, in our pursuit of independence.

To everyone who is worked up about archiving.

There is a brilliant resource on the WWW, called the “Internet Archive”.

link to

Its bots have been archiving WOS since June 2012. When I looked this morning, the latest “capture” was dated 27th April, 2021, so I triggered a capture to get it up to date. The latest capture is now 13th May, 2021.

If you go to the page below, you will see that the front page has been “Saved 879 times between June 29, 2012 and May 13, 2021.”
You will also see an annual timeline, showing the captures in each year. If you click on a year, a calendar below shows all the dates (circled) when a capture took place.
If you click on a circled date, a wee drop down tells you at what time(s) the capture(s) took place. Click on a time and the WOS page captured at that time is displayed. You can then click on the “Read the rest of this entry ?” links to see those pages, with comments, at that time.

As I mentioned, the first was in June 2012 so I had a look at it. Interesting to see the original banner at the top of the page – and the original URL!

link to

Once again, Rev Stu, thanks for being there, doing what you were doing and building a community of “Wingers” or “Friends Of WOS”, many of us who now have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances from all over Scotland. I would never have had the opportunity to be verbally abused by Ronnie Anderson, if not for Wings.


Reading the comments on the WGD blog, highlights the death of independence. They think they have won something. They don’t seem to realise they are actually fighting indy guys.

One side who has no affiliation to Nicola’s fan club but only independence.

Another side who just voted in 46 Unionist into Holyrood because of the stupid two votes SNP 1 and 2. Which was warned about before the vote.

If this is a level of thinking. Scotland is too stupid to be independent.

The destruction of a movement always comes from within.


Good luck to you whatever you do, Stu. Get the feeling a long break would be a good thing for you, and I don’t say that in any insulting way. A good long break from Scottish politics sounds great to me.

Adrian Kent

I’m not a Scot, never lived there, was raised in Kent, lived in Birmingham, London and now Hove, but followed this site from 2014 when searching for info regarding the obvious horseshit pumped our way by the BBC regarding the Indyref (probably from a mention on Craig Murray’s blog). I donated to the Wee Blue Book and have since, because anyone who wants to diminsh the power of ‘our’ corrupt Westminster overlords must be encouraged. I’ll be sorry to see you go. Please do writing of some sort – your incidental comments on politics in rUK have been better than pretty much anyone else’s I can think of.

There’s quite a movement in the States towards platforms like Substack – and this country, sorry these countries this side of the pond, really could do with a Glenn Greenwald or Matt Taibbi with a following and spine strong enough to put their head above the parapet and stand against the dominant liberal pieties & narratives as you have done. Maybe you should join them there. I’d subscribe.


Thanks, Brian, that’s handy.

Captain Yossarian

I seem to remember WoS’s advice pre the election was vote for anyone other than SNP1 and vote Alba2. Had more of us gone ahead and done that then we would have had an entirely different oucome.

My guess is that Holyrood would have been more balanced and the good would have risen to the top. This website may have been still running as there would be a lot less fear of ‘aritrary prosecutions’.

That was the whole pretext of Holyrood 20 years ago and, I think anyway, it is the best way for it to be run.

The independence movement is now just a run-away train.


Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour:
England hath need of thee: she is a fen
Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen,
Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower,
Have forfeited their ancient English dower
Of inward happiness. We are selfish men;
Oh! raise us up, return to us again;
And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power.
Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart:
Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea:
Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free,
So didst thou travel on life’s common way,
In cheerful godliness; and yet thy heart
The lowliest duties on herself did lay.


What apostrophe ?


I didn’t think it was possible to feel any worse than I already do. And now this.

Thanks for everything, Stu.

You have more than done your bit. You have been immense.



My butt is fine thanks for asking. How’s your efforts towards getting a second indyref, section 30 and most importantly the approx 1% of the electorate to back you in said indyref 2 going? At least people on here have some genuine ideas and passions other than weird set.

Please do carry on, every post you make guarantees your Independance won’t happen. Happy days, sure your not a plant for my side?

Oh and finally simple question, “do you believe that someone found not guilty by a Jury of his/her/they/them/ its peers is actually guilty cos the Carpet Muncher General tells you”?


Socrates MacSporran

Captain Yossarian

I seem to recall, The Rev’s suggestion as to how to vote was: “Hold your nose and give your constituency vote to the SNP, other than in Glasgow Southside, Edinburgh Central and John Swinney’s constituency. Give your List vote to ALBA.”


Yes Milton understood where it all went wrong and it is a lesson for today as well.

“Mammon led them on
Mammon the least erected spirit that fell from heaven
For even in heaven his looks and thoughts were always downward bent
Admiring more the riches of heavens pavement, trodden gold
Than aught divine or wholly else enjoyed in vision beautific
By him, men also, and by his suggestion taught,
Ransacked the centre, and with impious hands,
Rifled the Bowles of their Mother Earth
For treasures better hid.”

Captain Yossarian

Socrates MacSporran – Aye, you’re right enough. Wishfull thinking must have been getting the better of me. Hold your nose and vote for Shirley Ann Sommerville, Humza Yousaf and there are a few others. Anyway, I voted Labour. I read in the Scotsman there that the Rev will continue to post the Chris Cairns cartoons on a Saturday and keep the pages open for comments and so all is not lost.


@ Captain Yossarian at 5.41

I read in the Scotsman there that the Rev will continue to post the Chris Cairns cartoons on a Saturday and keep the pages open for comments and so all is not lost.

You didn’t need to go to the Scotsman to find that out; it’s in the article above, just after the Titanic.

Be more alert, Cap’n 🙂

Stuart MacKay


The comments over on WGD were always more about the personalities and never much about independence in and of itself. Quite a few refugees from here set up shop over there so their hatred for the Rev. runs pretty deep.

If you look through the current batch there’s not much substance. Right now there’s 219 comments of which 83 come from only 4 people. There might be some feeling that with the WoS out of the way WGD will take the indy-blogger crown but I seriously doubt that. There’s plenty of comment about how work on the referendum is going to start soon but once the penny drops I think WGD will shut up shop as well.

In some ways maybe this is the end of an era but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. Now’s the time to spread the load over more shoulders and try new things. The video stuff being done by Jeggit and Barrhead Boy looks interesting.

People of the calibre of the Rev are sorely needed. The MSM are not going to provide it – they’re on their last legs and simply can’t afford it. Perhaps a handful of people can develop their talent and so the indy bloggers can cast a wider net. It doesn’t need to be hard-core investigative journalism. Nicola has cast the die for independence. All that is needed are people to keep asking the question “When?” and the rest will fall into place.

Wullie B

Stoker says:
13 May, 2021 at 4:28 pm

No, Ruby, am looking for a way to take the whole site if it’s possible. I’ve already been working on individual articles but if i can get the full archive system in one place to edit out the guff (polls etc) at a later date, in my own time, then even better.

Was just on my way out when i caught sight of your reply, not sure i understand what you’re saying. I’ll get back to you tomorrow or over the weekend about this. Meanwhile have to dash, toot toot am oot! Speak soon!


I am using a program called HTTrack which is supposed to be decent to archive a website, if it wors I will put it onto a google drive so that anyone can grab it(if its bigger than 15gb then I wil ahve to look at FTTP)

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Stuart MacKay at 5:49 pm.

You commented,

“People of the calibre of the Rev are sorely needed. The MSM are not going to provide it – they’re on their last legs and simply can’t afford it. Perhaps a handful of people can develop their talent and so the indy bloggers can cast a wider net. It doesn’t need to be hard-core investigative journalism.”

This is worth a skeck:-

Check out the “About” link.


My one small voice in the recognition and appreciation of what you did to shine a light on the powers who seek to divert Scotland from its desire to be a normal country, Stuart.

The sadness and sense of loss that such a significant contribution by Wings over Scotland to the Independence movement is now at an end, is, I think, misplaced although rightly commended of the moment.

It became clear to me in recent months that the disparate views across our country were not focused enough to garner unity among the separate organisations and media that make up the Independence movement. Stands to reason that once strength was open to infiltration and diversion over time.

It then became clear if the Independence movement was to survive and cement its fundamental strength in democratic accountability it must evolve focus away from external influence and grievance and regroup around the fundamental rights of the people of Scotland to choose its future.

The movement I believe can only survive long term as a Rights Movement. Positive. Right.

I do agree it is time to go Stuart, your efforts recognised. The movement now needs to focus on the future and what it means to be an independent country.


I’m very sorry to see you go, Stu, but I can’t blame you. Scotland really doesn’t deserve you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. I wish you the very best for whatever you decide to do in future.

Have you considered a “Holiday for Stuey” fundraiser, something to finance some proper time off for you before you have to sort out a new income source? I would be honoured to contribute to something like that.

James Che.

Well stu, has integrity that’s for sure, he never asked his bloggers or readers to buy him a house so he could pretend to fight for independence for his country,
My brother had the same affliction as the ginger thing at about the same time, but he never asked his followers for money to buy a house to him, yet my brother had to learn to walk again and had problems with his eyesight in one eye, plus suffered some longer term memory loss,
Shame, shame, and more shame hangs over the head of the selfish greedy gingy blogger that’s asks for finances from others to support his life and style under the pretend banner of independence,
Often from people and pensioners whom have very little themselves,
Stu, this rare honesty and integrity combined with intellectual journalism is why you have shone a powerful beacon for all these years here on you’re site,
While others have slithered down into depths of financial and property gain under pretences.

Stuart MacKay

Brian Doonthetoon

Thanks, I’ve already got Rob Brown in my collection of bloggers over at link to – sorry for the shameless plug.

Hopefully a few more will go independent as the newspapers go belly up (if you look at the likes of the Daily Record, the web sites are tyre fires of garbage – “Brave Scot delighted with reaction as he marches topless through city centre with stoma bag on show” – f**king hell).

I don’t think there’s much room for alternative media though. They’re all trying to be newspapers on a smaller budget but the revenue is simply not there. If you look at it’s pretty much dead even though they’ve gone 100% Nicola is awesome. They don’t have enough money to fix the errors on their front page.

I’m hoping there’s a wider base of part-time bloggers which will never fill the shoes of the likes of the Rev. but will help carry everything forward and hopefully reach out to more folks. A few more of the likes of Jeggit wouldn’t go amiss either.


Hey dixal, there are two kinds of useless arsehole. You either know exactly what kind of arsehole you are and carry on regardless – that would mean you’re a sociopath.

Otherwise you have no fuckin clue as to how seriously you’ve been had. That would mean you’re delusional.

I’m leaning towards option two. You need to be able to blink both eyes at the same time to be a sociopath, and I’m feelin that ain’t you.

p.s. get fucked.

Not for me to say

As a late comer to Wings, I am sorry to see you go.
You have written many incisive pieces, which are backed up by great comments. But I can see where you are coming from.
Best of luck in the future.
As an aside, why the desire to gaol Craig Murray. Because he is critical of the SNP leader, or is there another reason?
I think there is.


Personally, I wouldn’t trust anyone other than the Rev himself to archive this site. It’s full of petty minded people who would remove certain posts and threads, mine included and simply rewrite history. How many times have I been told ‘If this was my site, I would have banned you a long time ago’ and all this guff. Plenty of others have had the same comments directed at them.

I wouldn’t trust anyone here to honestly archive this site.

Robert Louis

A wee thing I need to say to REV Stuart Campbell.

Firstly, thanks for letting me publish a rubbishy wee article on here in 2012.

Secondly, thanks for all that you have done for indy.

If, in November, by any chance, you do decide it is worth carrying on, then just know that the people of Scotland still have fight in them. Look at the news, people, ordinary people, in Glasgow, refusing to put up with Priti Patels racist, fascist bully boys turning up to detain their neighbours by force.

It gave me heart, to see it. It made me think, maybe, just maybe, Scotland still has what it takes to end this vicious, UNWANTED, London colonial rule.

In that light, take a good long break. Then, after a long rest, pick up a copy of one of Scotland’s many so-called ‘news’ papers, feel the rage (you will), and get writing again.

We’ll all be here – unless we get independence first.

David Hannah

Scottish Independence needs you Stewart.

You should have a key role in the Alba Party communications as it grows.

Enjoy some time off. And get back in the game after a well deserved break.


Virtual railway signals.
link to
& the masked binary bandit.
link to
Fortunately for «they» the Rev wasn’t on the train.

David Hannah

Also If someone has the means to archive every article on the Salmond case and snp corruption. You’ll be doing a great credit to the preservation of truth and justice in the country.

Your articles have rocked the establishment to its core.


I have never commented on wings or wgd before. I support Wings as journalism needs truth held to power. I left this comment on WGD ( which I gave up on about a year
ago) :Liz G spoke more sense than any of you so called independence supporters. Hang all your heads in shame. Independence will never happen now.Paul you are a disgrace.


Mist001 says:
13 May, 2021 at 6:39 pm
Personally, I wouldn’t trust anyone other than the Rev himself to archive this site. It’s full of petty minded people who would remove certain posts and threads, mine included and simply rewrite history. How many times have I been told ‘If this was my site, I would have banned you a long time ago’ and all this guff. Plenty of others have had the same comments directed at them.

I wouldn’t trust anyone here to honestly archive this site.


What a great idea! I’m so glad I know how to edit & format.

You & your pal Pixal should make hay before you get redacted.


I’m very sorry to hear that Wings is closing for good. Firstly thank you for everything you have done you are no doubt alongside Alex Salmond as a key contributor towards informing the public, nay enlightening the public on the righteous path that independence for Scotland no doubt is.

I’m more sorry today that you are quitting than I was say yesterday as I have only been following the site occasionally the past year or so since the post some time ago declaring your position against faith schools which turned me off a fair bit.

The reason I’m more sorry that you are retiring is that it is this action that has made me realise just how much the Scottish elite and their Minions have taken their toll on you.

I was thinking recently that you had been coming across as needlessly hostile and volatile but today I realise that you probably have been dealing with a lot of unjustified criticism for merely speaking your truth against an increasingly cult like government in my view now supported by the British deep state, make no doubt out to get all those supporting independence, especially key figures for at least the past 10 years but likely longer.

I hope you do reconsider and carry on your important work. If you’re a fan of South park maybe consider hiring a butters type to deal with the comments as even I get fatigued and lose faith in humanity reading some of the mentalists on Internuts commenting pages nowadays, and that is saying something cause am no exactly the full shilling either lol.

Anyway, enjoy your retirement, God knows you deserve it. Hopefully you make a come back though, maybe as an advisor to the Alba party or with increased R and R if you continue blogging.

I do worry for the future of Scotland now though, your retirement and failure of Alba has not been a good omen but even Robert the Bruce had to runaway and get inspired by a wee beastie spider before coming back and winning a glorious victory in 1314.

I still believe the answer to 1984 is 1314.

There will surely be a day of reckoning for all those people who have their faces in the trough sucking the life out of the independence campaign before it has begun. You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. There will be a lot of angry independence voters when the realise they’ve been hoodwinked. Where will they go? If the New Labour Red Wall is anything to go by, the next independence party might be a very angry one and if the Brits thought the current nationalists have a grievance or chip on their shoulder, I dare say they ain’t seen nothing yet.

I’m sure in some way the curtain has not fallen on your final scene yet, God willing.


From «For the Opening of the Scottish Parliament, 9 October 2004» by Edwin Morgan.

[W]hat do the people want of the place? They want it to be filled with thinking
persons as open and adventurous as its architecture.
A nest of fearties is what they do not want.
A symposium of procrastinators is what they do not want.
A phalanx of forelock-tuggers is what they do not want.
And perhaps above all the droopy mantra of ‘it wizny me’ is what they do not


@James Che

“Stu, this rare honesty and integrity combined with intellectual journalism is why you have shone a powerful beacon for all these years here on you’re site,
While others have slithered down into depths of financial and property gain under pretences.”

Well said.

We are very sad at GCHQ as the other paid monitors are being stood down.

This was head and shoulders above any other site regarding Scottish politics and the comments section a clear cut insight into the mind of the average Scot.
And not so average nutjob but that is sour grapes.

I am sure we have not seen the last of you or your bonnet Rev Stu.


I was listening to Joe Rogan a couple of months back, and he had his friend Alex Jones of Infowars on with much the same story as the Rev’s.
Jones, very clearly now driven to chronic alcoholism, a lone wolf operating against ‘the system’ for years, explained how the pressure to get the truth out there has now almost killed him with the net effect being that years of crusading has taken an intolerable and irreversible toll on his mind and body. He reckons he’ll be dead within a very short time.

I’m glad to read the Rev has at least recognised that his own health needs to come first – and I look forward to reading his work once he’s fully reinvigorated and rested.


To the best of my knowledge nobody has contradicted the Rev’s view that there’s zero chance of securing another independence referendum in the next five years. Looks to me like it must be true then.


Thank You Rev

It’s all over. Realising that feels like a load off.

Enjoy the rest of your life, mate.

Live Long & Prosper!


Stuart MacKay says: 13 May, 2021 at 5:49 pm

The comments over on WGD were always more about the personalities and never much about independence in and of itself. Quite a few refugees from here set up shop over there so their hatred for the Rev. runs pretty deep.

If you look through the current batch there’s not much substance. Right now there’s 219 comments of which 83 come from only 4 people. There might be some feeling that with the WoS out of the way WGD will take the indy-blogger crown but I seriously doubt that. There’s plenty of comment about how work on the referendum is going to start soon but once the penny drops I think WGD will shut up shop as well.

I do feel that PayPal Kavanagh and those who frequent his site needs an air of superiority to sustain the banality that is posted there. They need the quiet air of authority to keep the ‘barbarians from the gate’.

Those barbarians are the Rev and the WOS posters. Without this crutch they are going to realise that all they are doing is shouting at each other in an wee echo chamber.

PayPal Kavanagh’s site has nothing else to offer other than ranting at ‘the other’ whether it is the Tories or the Rev.

Can Alba fill that void once they start to make some headway? Possibly, but in effect they are attacking people who are on their own side. Will the supporters of PayPal Kavanagh’s site be able to do the mental gymnastics to do that for ever? Again, doubtful.

I can’t see PayPal Kavanagh site lasting for long.


Seems there are a few of us, English Tory Unionists on here.

Thanks for the information and the education Stuart. Your defence of Alex Salmond was exemplary, all the more because it was truthful. I’m sure Mr Salmond is grateful to have had you on his corner. I know I would be.

Time I think to join the main stream media, or perhaps, even better to use your literary talents for selfish means and write a book. You certainly have the bones of decent book with Holyrood as the background.

And no one can damn you in the fiction section of the bookshop.

And neither can they do anything about imagination.

It’s been such a pleasure, thank you.


I predict Wings will be the first of many to shut down.

I’ve just been ready the and what he’s going to do to keep it legal.

Keeping it legal will result in a very boring blog. Who
wants to wait 24hours until their post is approved?

HCB = no more interesting blogs. No more funding for blogs.

Who wants to be walking on eggshells when posting afraid you might offend someone.

I just wonder how long Chris Cairns will be able to post his cartoons.

“A long, long time ago
I can still remember how that music
Used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they’d be happy for a while
But February made me shiver
With every paper I’d deliver
Bad news on the doorstep
I couldn’t take one more step
I can’t remember if I cried
When I read about his widowed bride
Something touched me deep inside
The day the music died”

Meg merrilees

Not for me to say @ 6.34pm

One reason they want to jail Craig Murray is because he is supposed to be giving evidence in Spain, related the Julian Assange case, on May 20th.
The powers that be have already confiscated his passport so he is effectively grounded whilst awaiting the outcome of his appeal.
The judge in the case has suggested that his jail term could commence on May 19th – so that specifically makes it impossible for him to support another whistleblower.

His sentencing was mentioned in an item on the BBC website today( yesterday?) and there is no mention of the Assange connection so that reinforces my belief that the establishment has intervened to hamper Assange.
Of course, the other side of the coin is that a heavy sentence will discourage others from revealing anything related to Salmondgate, as obviously the identity of these witnesses is a key piece of information.

alan turner

The Scottish people hopefully will wake up. Buying votes with bikes and laptops is laughable. She will be gone within five years that’s the biggest certainty ever. But there more damage will be done before that . Sadly

Stuart MacKay


Yup, now that the object of their loathing is gone I doubt there’ll be much incentive for them to carry on posting.

I said before that Paul should have cleaned them out. The site was supposed to be building a case for independence and attracting the soft noes instead it’s become the personal angst site of a tiny group rambling on about how much they hate the Rev. Nobody new is going to be interested in participating in that.

Here’s another thought, what’s comfy Pete going to do know and all the Woking Dead as well. Well, I suppose the latter can still go and hate on Glinner but I’m worried ’bout Wishart. Will he lose the will to live?


I thought Alex was starting legal action against Evans , ? Is there a date?

I also.mentioned earlier that both Stu and Craig know a lot more than they have made public. Will we ever see that ?


Disillusioned says:
13 May, 2021 at 7:03 pm
I have never commented on wings or wgd before. I support Wings as journalism needs truth held to power. I left this comment on WGD ( which I gave up on about a year
ago) :Liz G spoke more sense than any of you so called independence supporters. Hang all your heads in shame. Independence will never happen now.Paul you are a disgrace.


EGG did not slow the comment. I’m despondent on independence. I hope I can feel hope again soon. At eat people of Glasgow showed resistance against UK home office.


Eurgh sorry for typos!

David Morgan

goodbye ol friend, been a hell of a ride


The Dug threw me when he said the Two Prominent Blogggers, I though he was talking about Wing and Order Order, But no he meant Himself…..Dear Goodness
If he REALLY believe he was doing good ,He needs to have a look at HIS conscience
He not much of a Human Being

I had this song running in my head,
Unfortunately thinking about it this the only line that is NOT Wokist Rhetoric
“How long, how long must we sing this song?”


Pixal. I can tell you’re in need of some validation. I suppose self love doesn’t do enough for you. You can get psychosexual therapy to help you with your galloping Onanism.
Its a long wait on the NHS so be careful you don’t sprain anything.


Pixal. I Troll radges like you on YouTube. That’s a big play/battle ground. See you there daft arse but you will have to suss out my you tube nom de guerre.

Beautiful oscarbhoy

I’ve just read every blt comment on this site. I’m absolutely gutted but totally understand how the Rev must feel. If we want to keep this going then we’re the people who are going to have to do it. I’ve been reading Wings for about 7years like a lot of others and think I’ve only commented once. This is really difficult for some people,but here goes.
First off we’re always gauny have a lot a fannies like ‘Gone right handed and Greg Drysdale, either one you could substitute for Boris. The only time the Brits don’t win is when they have to fight in Jungle warfare. People that are underground.check out Scottish history about 1000 years ago.
Fighting clean never won anything. If the Rev needs to recharge his batteries then don’t WE need to keep the site going? I don’t want to stop being angry till we start turning the tables on this shitshow. There’s a lot of IT savvy people on here. Can we keep this going till he comes back?


Pixal. Away and get your mortgage paid. PayPal pixal?


Katherine Hamilton. I absolutely love your plan.


Is it PayPal Kavanah or PayPaul Kavanah? I’m not sure how to sign my rubber cheque



I unfortunately bit at this piece of human (?) Odure, wish I’d taken my own advise “and treat it with the contempt it so richly deserves”

Fishy Wullie

tuart MacKay says:
13 May, 2021 at 8:19 pm


Here’s another thought, what’s comfy Pete going to do know and all the Woking Dead as well. Well, I suppose the latter can still go and hate on Glinner but I’m worried ’bout Wishart. Will he lose the will to live?


Lets hope so


To Everyone on this site. Although we have had our run ins I think you lot have and will continue to put up a good stout defence of Scottish Independence. I’ve enjoyed the site since 2014 and am sad to see it go. Good luck and best wishes to all of you and….. stop feeding the trolls.
Seriously I fear a storm coming our way. I think you all know what I mean.


Just popped in, old habits an’ all.

Gonna miss this place.


Tannadice Boy

Over 800 comments the vast majority of which were of a complimentary nature. An Icon has departed the scene and good luck to him. History will be kind to Stu. I have always liked quality. And he was the best. A rarity amongst journalists, honest feisty but with an inherent integrity. Scotland is the poorer for his absence. Meanwhile oor hoose is on the market. We move fast. Scotland is no place for us. Let the irrationals win the day. They will own it.


I am heartened by your decision, Stuart, to prioritise your health and well-being, after years of abuse, threats to your personal safety and livelihood and all the shit and hatred and vitriol flung at you for daring to speak truth to power. Sorry to hear about your friend. Paul Kavanagh’s behaviour was truly despicable and manipulative and cruel, in the way all cowards are. Will he be asking his sheep like followers to pay for his decorating and furnishing costs in his wee house?

You are a true Scottish stalwart, Stuart, whose passion and integrity and backbone and courage and exquisite journalism will never be forgotten. You often made me laugh out loud and opened my eyes and ears to the truth, at times hard to bear. I also got to swear sometimes when I was so fucking angry. Like I am now, post election. Sturgeon and her muppet MSPs did not take power. We gave it to them. It makes me wonder in awe at the willingness of good people to suspend all their self-protective instincts and accept some of the worst members of the human race into their midst.

Respect and my heartfelt gratitude for everything you have done Stuart. Enjoy some peace and happiness and good health. Missing you already.


@ Rev: any comment on the Airdrie & Shotts by-election today? Is Anum Qaiser-Javed, the SNP candidate, a “good guy” [albeit female, if we are allowed to say that]?

Tannadice Boy

@pixel 10:43pm
You have been trolling this site all day. But have made no discernible difference. And that is the measure of the loss of Stu. I have a feeling you don’t even live in Scotland. You wouldn’t be so misinformed if you did.


FFS…Alex Jones is the worst kind of rabble rouser…making this kind of obtuse comparison is THE route one indication to show how politically thick you are.
If your worldview has a place for a chancer like Alex Jones in it YOU ARE LOST.


Stuart MacKay says: 13 May, 2021 at 8:19 pm

Yup, now that the object of their loathing is gone I doubt there’ll be much incentive for them to carry on posting.

I said before that Paul should have cleaned them out. The site was supposed to be building a case for independence and attracting the soft noes instead it’s become the personal angst site of a tiny group rambling on about how much they hate the Rev. Nobody new is going to be interested in participating in that.

Interesting perspective.

Considering PayPal Kavanagh has bought a new house on the strength of his blog, he is going to be cleaned out now that the Rev is no more.

Can he recover? It’s a bit hard to diversify into new markets to broaden his readership. As you say he focused on a niche market i.e. hatred of the Rev and now that is gone he is for want of a better word fkd.

For the likes of most of us, we don’t have any financial involvement in the independence movement. We can take a step back and re-enter then the time is right. For the likes of PayPal Kavanagh, that isn’t possible. Maybe the penny hasn’t dropped yet for the likes of him with Nicola Sturgeon re-elected?


Pixywine says: 13 May, 2021 at 9:23 pm

Is it PayPal Kavanah or PayPaul Kavanah? I’m not sure how to sign my rubber cheque

He’ll have two accounts with both names.

Donate everything you have got to PayPal. Keep him in the luxury that you know he deserves.


Pixywine says: 13 May, 2021 at 9:23 pm

Is it PayPal Kavanah or PayPaul Kavanah? I’m not sure how to sign my rubber cheque

He’ll have two accounts with both names.

Donate everything you have got to PayPal. Keep him in the luxury that you know he deserves.

radgie gadgie

I don’t blame you for wanting out, Stu,
but I hope you want back in one day.

Tannadice Boy

@pixal 11:09pm
You are definitely not Scottish in origin. I am guessing Iranian in origin. I knew an Iranian at University. Everybody tried to help him including myself. He thought women should wear a veil at all times. And didn’t understand why that didn’t work here. Aflaki Beni was his name. And you know names there are after his local origin. You have no protocol or decency so ala your not Scottish.

wee monkey

And that sadly illustrates the problem.

Stu, thanks for everything, didn’t agree with it all, but with most, you are indeed a giant amongst pygmies.

Hold your head high.


sarah says: 13 May, 2021 at 10:23 pm

@ Rev: any comment on the Airdrie & Shotts by-election today? Is Anum Qaiser-Javed, the SNP candidate, a “good guy” [albeit female, if we are allowed to say that]?

The Rev isn’t going to answer and you know that.

I am bored and very sad in answering this. If she gets elected then fair play to her. If she gets elected and wises up to what is going on in the SNP and defects to Alba then great 🙂


Tannadice Boy says: 13 May, 2021 at 11:23 pm

@pixal 11:09pm
You are definitely not Scottish in origin. I am guessing Iranian in origin. I knew an Iranian at University. Everybody tried to help him including myself. He thought women should wear a veil at all times. And didn’t understand why that didn’t work here. Aflaki Beni was his name. And you know names there are after his local origin. You have no protocol or decency so ala your not Scottish.

I’ve been lurking in this topic and commenting randomly. Nothing suggests to me that Pixal is Iranian or anyone outside Scotland.

There are a lot of numpties in the world and Scotland isn’t exempt from them. Unless given explicit evidence, Pixal is a Scottish numpty.

Tannadice Boy

@PacMan 11:35pm
True we have our own numpties most of which voted SNP 1 and SNP 2. Evidence, its in front of you. Examine his posts. Are you naive?. Pac Man you were never an Independence supporter your posts show that you and the Iranian are persevering and adulterating a lost cause. Definitely Un-Scottish. The real Scotland has moved on. Can you?

Graf Midgehunter

You’ve got to admit it, the quality of the trolls over the last few months has been abysmal, they’ve really gone down the nick in my estimation.

Haven’t a clue about the rest of the world, can’t understand basic knowledge, are politically ignorant, shouty and love juvenile sweary words to try to get attention.

The newest reincarnation of the nodding donkeys here has taken up the baton of thickest of the thick and looks like it’s racing to the number 1 spot.. Oh sweetie pie.. 🙂

It’s not like it isn’t trying, so maybe we should all be a bit kinder and not laugh so much. 😉

Meg merrilees

link to

If anyone wants to see a particularly sensitive, grumpy Pete Wishart have a look at the link above.

Douglas Ross has just gone up in my estimation.

I hope the Rev caught this one today it might have raised a titter!


“PhilM says:
13 May, 2021 at 11:05 pm
FFS…Alex Jones is the worst kind of rabble rouser…making this kind of obtuse comparison is THE route one “

No PhilM – I pity you, I never once referred to his journalistic style. Your simple mind fails to grasp that I am referring to Alex Jones the human being. Despite the varying opinions on his journalism he is still susceptible to the same kind of pressures that anyone attempting to release their version of the truth is – particularly if they are working alone.
Now, it’s well after your bedtime. Turn the light off and go to sleep.


One question: how do we stop Alba from being infiltrated by the deviant enablers?


link to

Edinburgh citizens were angry at the actions of the government and questioned the legality of the English moves against the city. The question most raised was, “what right had been bestowed on Westminster that gave it the authority to punish Edinburgh for a crime involving Scottish citizens, that had taken place on Scottish soil?


I posted this earlier on and it seems that I need to post it again due to some of the behaviour from the idiots .


Show a bit of respect to Rev Stuart and all that he’s done for all of us .


This once revered website by supporters of Independence has disintegrated into a shitfest of idiotic arguments over nothing and a barrelful of trolls posting Unionist shite.

No longer does it investigate the lies of the MSN and it hasn’t done for years now, instead it turned its guns on the only route to Independence and that is the SNP.

I won’t be mourning its passing and neither will 98.3% of the voters in Scotland.

Wullie B

schrodingers cat says:
May 13, 2021 at 4:54 pm

the dug’s blog has washed up loads of the terminally butthurt from wos the day.

i’m loving every minute of this

Aye Pixal, just picked out who you were on WGD just now, you seemed to love the butthurt comment, did your girlfriend forget to use his KY gel on you last night

Davie Oga

Ayeright says:
14 May, 2021 at 1:49 am
“This once revered website by supporters of Independence has disintegrated into a shitfest of idiotic arguments over nothing and a barrelful of trolls posting Unionist shite.

No longer does it investigate the lies of the MSN and it hasn’t done for years now, instead it turned its guns on the only route to Independence and that is the SNP.

I won’t be mourning its passing and neither will 98.3% of the voters in Scotland.”

Peeople like you are the reason Scotland will never be independent. You and your corrupt, shitty, cult like party are a cancer.

Disgusting people

Geoff Huijer

Sorry to hear this but I totally understand the reasons behind it.

Going from being hailed, rightly, as a forensic journalist who regularly exposed British Nationalist tactics, lies and hypocrisy to becoming ‘persona non grata’ by one’s own side because the truth is now uncomfortable has been sad to see. I can’t imagine how it feels to be on the end of it.

Fishy Wullie

Ayeright says:
14 May, 2021 at 1:49 am

No longer does it investigate the lies of the MSN and it hasn’t done for years now, instead it turned its guns on the only route to Independence and that is the SNP.


No longer does it investigate the lies of the MSN and it hasn’t done for years now, instead it turned its guns on the lies & the corruption & the deceit & the criminal activity of the SNP.

There fixed that for you
no need to thank me 🙂


Now you’re hanging up your boots on Indy, can we expect a crowd funder refund? Clearly you will no longer need our cash?

Disappointed doesn’t cover it

Stuart MacKay


WGD knows which way the winds are blowing, though it took a while. His language has gone from “wheest” to “hmmmmm”. From the previous post, “Now that the dust has settled”

This Scottish Parliament and government must deliver an independence referendum within the term of this Parliament. If it does not it’s probably game over for the SNP – and certainly for its current leadership.

That’s an 180 degree change from the position he had before where he believed that Nicola has a cunning plan and dissent over the SNP’s strategy was going to lead to disaster.

That comes back to the now apparent disconnect between what he sees and the Nicola fans that dominate the comments. His site is held hostage as a result. He could still turf out the wings refugees and get on with a pro-indy stance and avoid the Tories baaaaad bleating but it’s going to be a lot of work and the site will take a hit a result. After recent events that might be a lot to ask.

Big Jock

Davie- Sturgeon is the reason we will never be independent. She blew it, and you can’t accept that you are part of the failure.

How did the two votes SNP come along! Working out well is it? When and how is there going to be a referendum. Show me the evidence, other than shutting your eyes and hoping.

Every day that Sturgeon doesn’t name a date we will call her out for lying. I will see you in 2 years time when she lets you down again.


My letter in todays National.
I was sorry to see that Stuart Campbell of Wings over Scotland had decided to call things a day and wind up his website after almost ten years of campaigning for independence. The work he did in the run up to the 2014 referendum was utterly immense; his forensic dissection of the unionists’ arguments was above and beyond anything that the official Yes campaign were capable of. I recall seeing SNP MSPs handing out copies of the Wee Blue Book and singing its praises, and I am certain that many of those elected in the wake of the 2014 defeat were put there in part through the good work done by Mr Campbell, which makes it all the more galling to see them turn on him in recent years. There will be many in the SNP who will be glad to see the back of Mr Campbell, in the main because he has felt the need to turn his critical eye over the SNP themselves. Their attempt to shoot the messenger, a common trait I am seeing more of, has done nothing to disprove the message he has been delivering, namely that the SNP have grown comfortable in semi-colonial government, that they have failed to push forward on independence and have misappropriated the ring-fenced money raised specifically for a future independence campaign. I can fully understand that he is unwilling to go on repeating the last five years and at least is honest when he says that he does not want to go on taking money from the independence movement when there is clearly no chance of there being any movement in the right direction. I do hope that he is wrong as regards progress towards independence, but my feeling is that his assessment is honest and accurate and that we are in for another five years of dangled carrots and miniscule progress towards independence, while at the same time watching as Westminster holds the levers of control and slowly bolts the door against us.Like Stuart, I am getting tired of repeating myself. The SNP and their supporters need to remember who is on the side of independence and who is against it, and in future turn their attention to them, rather than against their own lines. Otherwise, we will ensure this cycle of behaviour for years to come.
link to


Thoroughly disappointed in Paul Kavanagh and his behaviour. He really ought to know better than to sink to Twitler Youth levels.


See that the Lib Dems polled 1% in the Airdrie & Shotts by election. If Alba had stood then they would have been ahead of them.


link to

State of this…

It doesn’t matter what your political persuasion is, I think there’s a fighting chance we’d all agree the kindest thing to do for Scottish politics, and the “Scottish” media, is take it out the back and shoot it.

That is all.


Jeezo what a popinjay ponce the Paul Kavanagh geezer is.

He is like Max Bialystock (without the charm or wit) in the Producers poncing off little old ladies and the gullible to finance his latest wedding or buy him a new house for whatever grifter reason is most likely to fleece the weegingermugs YET AGAIN. How many times you utter mugs…

I’d rather be dead than a sad sucker mug like one of those jokes crawling up the arse of a conman.


Scotland will be independent when the sovereign people of Scotland wake up, the authentic state of «woke», and seize it.
Independence is not in the gift of Sturgeon, the SNP, the Westminster régime or the current political class.
It is the people’s to take and always has been.
That ladies and gentlemen is how it works.
More psychology and attitude than politics.


I wasn’t going to comment on here again until the fool Ayeright showed up again another Sturgeonette hyena taking a bite out of a dying Lion. You coward. All SNP pony boys are cowards.

Scot Finlayson

$70per barrel times 365days times a million barrels per day is $25.5 billion per year which we get hee haw off

Norway recieve $40 billion from just the interest on their investments from their oil,

we were told it would run out 30 years ago and even in 2014 the BBC ran a headline that North Sea Oil would be gone in 5 years,

mismanagement,corruption and lies by the UK Gov, Labour and Tory ,have cost the citizens of Scotland a golden present and future,

Norway $40,000,000,000 just on interest last year,
Scotland hee haw last year the years before and the years to come.


It’s up to the people now.

The snp will play good cop to westminsters bad cop for years,
to keep you quiet.

Westminster will play bad cop to snp good cop.

What do u think thier discussing in those phone calls.

It’s a farce folks…they will sicken anyone who’s not a
staunch indy supporter. and convert no one.

Watcha gonna do about it?


Run along now pixal, there’s an arse in Bute House needing kissed.


Just stumbled on this its quite funny
link to

That’s one big flaw in the argument

“Indy will always get us the Govt we vote for”.


Yes it is a sad fact that this blog will close as a direct result of numerous Alba supporters on here refusing to follow the clear instructions of Alex Salmond.


@ pixal / shrodingers cat

You’ve long been an advocate of making better use of the Holyrood voting system due to the massive number of Regional List votes cast by pro-indy folk that could help reduce the number of unionists in the parliament.
This would be sowing the seeds to help grow an array of views and debate from a spectrum of pro-indy Parties, which in turn would help reduce the perpetual constitutional wrangling by unionists that pervades in the place at the moment.

There would have been no need to create a new pro-indy Party if it was so closely aligned with the SNP. But with no new pro-indy Party then the benefits or opportunity to cast #BothVotesYES would be an option. Therefore it was a necessary requirement of any new Party to have different policies to counter the SNP and hoover up voters that were now struggling to continue to support the SNP for various reasons.

The impetus to form a new Party came directly as a result of the vacuum the SNP had created due to their focus on niche and unwanted policies, plus numerous other activities by the Party’s ruling cabal that lead to tens of thousands of members, and many long term activist leaving the Party because they could no longer be associated with the dodgy goings on in the SNP.
And those members were put in that position due to no longer being able to influence and address these issues and concerns since the Party leadership altered the Party’s constitution thus dis-empowering the grassroots membership and activists.

The bottom line is there were massively more SNP folk that didn’t cast their Regional List votes for Alba, than Alba folk that didn’t cast their Constituency votes for SNP.
So the great plan to make better use of the Regional List votes that you brag about being your idea, wasn’t worth shit because you failed to get your Party’s supporters to consider it…


@ Pogo at 7.07: your point is covered in the article.


Grr, correction to my post…

“But with no new pro-indy Party then the benefits or opportunity to cast #BothVotesYES wouldn’t be an option.”


Scot Finlayson,

Your getting there, hopefully my lesson the other day helped, no need to thank me.

One major problem however you clearly still have no understanding of what “Revenue” is or “Tax receipts” or actually “hee haw” aka “nothing”. Back to the “sums” for you I’m afraid.

Your point about Norway is a good one, however if you bother to read anything I’ve wrote on the subject my conclusion on this is IF Scotland had been an Independant nation in the early seventies, as Norway was/is you’d be right, however IF, negates this as Scotland wasn’t/isn’t an Inependant Nation, get it?

Its exactly the same as the lie or misunderstanding that “Scotland was dragged out of the EU” it wasn’t because Scotland as an Independant nation was never in the EU LEGALLY! It was and still is as is England, Wales and N.Ireland a region of the UK, no ,matter how much you wish it was different, much as the same applies to Oil.

The question of EU citizenship for people who feel they want to retain it, for whatever reason is valid, but falls down again as it is an emotional argument (same as oil), which is based upon something that doesn’t exist, or clearly that you wish existed.

In very, very simple terms its like me saying I dream of winning the lottery and how much it’d change my life (it would), but not being Legally allowed to play.


Regardless of what the MSM and some of the other clone-blogs say, this is not a transphobic site.

It has tried to warn people against the corporately-pushed wedge-issue faux wokery in which Scottish politics has wilfully become embroiled.

But no. It’s not enough to disagree and counter-argue anymore. Virtue-signaling narcissism dictates that anyone in disagreement with corporate diktat is evil, to be cast asunder and destroyed.

Well, if that is the future, then a storm lies ahead that few will survive. If anyone at all.


Also dealing with reality while we’re here, nobody has explained to me how Scottish Oil sits well with the avowed Climate Change commitments of all parties???


Ottomanboi @8:44

“More psychology and attitude than politics.”

Very true and well put.


Stuart MacKay says: 14 May, 2021 at 7:37 am

WGD knows which way the winds are blowing, though it took a while. His language has gone from “wheest” to “hmmmmm”. From the previous post, “Now that the dust has settled”

This Scottish Parliament and government must deliver an independence referendum within the term of this Parliament. If it does not it’s probably game over for the SNP – and certainly for its current leadership.

That’s an 180 degree change from the position he had before where he believed that Nicola has a cunning plan and dissent over the SNP’s strategy was going to lead to disaster.

That comes back to the now apparent disconnect between what he sees and the Nicola fans that dominate the comments. His site is held hostage as a result. He could still turf out the wings refugees and get on with a pro-indy stance and avoid the Tories baaaaad bleating but it’s going to be a lot of work and the site will take a hit a result. After recent events that might be a lot to ask.

I got a bit carried away yesterday. You are right in that he is pandering to the prejudices of his wee clientele.

I lurk in his site for the occasional gem of a post and I’m sure I’m not alone in doing so. I wonder how his site views will be when he has to turn all this energies onto the Alba Party rather than independence?

Also has others have said, WOS continued to keep interest in independnece going when nothing was happening and that resulted in traffic, again like myself, going to sites like his. Now that WOS is gone I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I can honestly see myself just just keeping out indy sites at the weekend when I have some more time on my hands.

With nobody going to his site, will his regular contributors with finance his continue to hang about?

Ach well, no point going on about it. PayPal Kavanagh has made his bed and he’ll need to lie in it.


@ pixal / shrodingers cat at 10.26am

Aye ok, coz a few folk on t’internet have as big a chance to influence take up of a #BothvotesYES strategy compared to the platform the leader and politicians in the SNP campaigning and punting their #BothVotesSNP pish.

1.1 million Regional List votes cast for the SNP to obtain 2 seats, with those seats now filled with a pair of Emmas that self ID’d as disabled to get to the top of the Regional List in their respective areas. Top stuff.


To all Sturgeon cucks. How nicely does Sturgeon plan to beg Bozo for a Section 30? What do you SNP fanny boys expect to gain from your sinking ship? Why are Sturgeon loyalists so obtuse? There’s an interesting youtube video about narcistic personality disorders in leaders and Sturgeon fits the mould perfectly. The narcissistic leader builds a personality Cult around themselves because they crave attention.
They also crave power and wealth.
To all Sturgeon shills. If you are actually serious about Independence then sadly you are defeated. You’re in the wrong party. If you believe in Independence you should be joining Alba and putting your weight behind Mr Salmond. He, at least, we can be sure is a treuueue Scottish Patriot in the Noblest and finest of ways. Sturgeon is a hustler a work a bullshitter a skank. She is not fit to button up Mr Salmonds flies.

Bob Mack

I’ve been alive long enough to know the truth of the old saying “every dog has his day”. I’ve seen favoured governments come and go. They all have a shelf life.

We were beaten this time, but there will be another time.

Scottish Labour found out stupidity is not eternal for voters.


I’m thinking it might be a good idea if somebody organised kickboxing/anger management classes for people like Pixal/shrodingers cat.

There are obviously people who need someone to rail against.

Where is Pixal/shrodingers cat going to go when there is no more Wings?

There is money to be made organising these kickboxing/anger management classes. Might be something Paypaul might want to research.

Could be in the not too distant future the punching bag at the WGD kickboxing classes will have a picture of ‘She/Her’ on all sides of the bag.


Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Pixal/shrodingers cat doesn’t know that

The no votes SNP brigade were Unionists/Sarwar fanboys!

Or perhaps I should say it was a Unionist with multiple accounts.

Stay alert Pixal/shrodingers cat!


pixal says:
14 May, 2021 at 11:02 am

i dont need a punch bag to rubbish yoon trolls on social media, a fly swat is more than sufficient


The punch bag was to help you get rid of all your pent up anger.


more psychology and attitude than politics
Politics includes psychology and attitude.
It cannot exist without them.
They are ways to persuade and politics is all about persuasion.

A Person

I was very sorry to hear this Stu although I understand your decision. You’re in a league of your own both in your investigative abilities and your command of language. You will be vindicated in the long run. Until then, very best wishes and many thanks. “An honest man’s the noblest work of God”.

Stuart MacKay


What you said earlier was right.

WGD did have a good message a while ago, particularly on the effects of Westminster policies on the poorer areas of Glasgow and the less well-to-do in general. However Tories baaaaaaad all the time gets a bit boring and starts to look shallow and simply serving the interests of The National and the SNP. Then the refugees show up and camp themselves in the comments and it’s all downhill from there.

There is never much love between the bloggers but when you start listening and pandering to the audience then you’ve just handed them control over what you say. If you rely on donations, you’re screwed.

The Rev. for all his unpolished edges was smart enough not to fall into that trap. At all times it was clear that it was his blog and the topics were the ones he wanted to write about. A lot of people didn’t want to hear that but ultimately he kept his integrity intact. We learned a lot of things that nobody wanted to hear but most definitely we’re all the better for it.

Kavanagh can’t say the same. The dug is gone. The “innocence” that the SNP wants independence is gone. He should take advantage of the medical situation and either make clean break with a new blog and a new direction or nail his colours to the mast of The National. That latter will pay better but when the ship sinks he’ll have to accept that he’s going down with it.


pixal says:
14 May, 2021 at 11:18 am

really? so since campbell said in an article last week to vote sarwar, is he now a unionist fanboy?

i think we should be told

link to

“we actively encourage a tactical vote for a Unionist candidate is Glasgow Southside, where a surprise win for Anas Sarwar would be all but guaranteed to be balanced with an SNP list seat, while removing the toxic cancer of Nicola Sturgeon from the SNP – the single best possible outcome of this election”

careful what you wish for ruby


The part you need to focus on is:

while removing the toxic cancer of Nicola Sturgeon from the SNP

Stuart MacKay


> Stay alert Pixal/shrodingers cat!

You probably need to add denmylne from WGD to the list of aliases. Not because they have the same (unusual) avatar but the phrases used are the same. “Blood running out of the keyboard” seems too much of a coincidence to be used by two different people within a 4 hour window. It’s not exactly high prose or witty so it’s unlikely it was simply copied.

Graf Midgehunter was right the quality of trolling has really gone downhill of late. It’s gotten so bad it’s not even tedious any more.


@ pixal / shrodingers cat

There’s really no need to be so hostile towards all the folk you are in discussion with. The blanket derogatory format you use in addressing folk is not warranted and does you no favours.

I well recall the many past discussions and input from folk on making better use of the Regional List votes.
I witnessed the new Parties come to be, and immediately knew that multiple Parties would create a huge issue in terms of getting a simple campaign message across to the less politically engaged electorate.
I stated to use the KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid principle.
I asked both Tommy Sheridan and Craig Murray when they commented btl to see if they could work towards resolving the complexity of multiple Parties standing, which would inevitably complicate campaigning strategy by confusing and dividing the electorate with different campaign messages, a situation made even more difficult due to covid compromising campaigning further.
Time was short, but when Alba came to be, AFI and then ISP recognised that Alba appeared to be the one to get behind, and both made the decent but difficult choice and stood down.

You have now effectively critised all the new Parties that formed to stand on the Regional List. It is however duly noted that you completely avoid dealing with the warranted criticism of the SNP. Just where is the 600k ring-fenced Indyfund…
So as a long term campaigner for making better use of the Regional List vote, and with you displaying an arrogance that you know best, just what do you suggest is required in any new Party, and a strategy to actually make the concept work?
That’s not a hypothetical wish dream list for perfection, but a realistic proposition based on what we have available to us.
There’s now a full Parliamentary term to sort this Regional List Party stuff out, so best crack on with it as proper planning prevents piss poor performance.


pixal says:
14 May, 2021 at 11:40 am

but the wizard of wos is dead. one saving grace is you get to click yer ruby heels together and fukc off back where you came from


Oh dear the anger definitely is showing. Anger leads to high blood pressure which puts you at risk of a stroke.

The sooner the WGD’s kickboxing/anger management classes start the better.

Me fucking off back to wherever isn’t going to change the fact that Nicola Sturgeon is a dud.

Brian Doonthetoon

A decent, easily understood, article on currency.

link to

Andy Ellis

@Stuart MacKay 11.44am

You’re totally right. If I had any criticism of WoS it was that (at times) much more moderation of BTL comments was really needed. If Stu didn’t have the patience or bandwidth to do, he should have asked for volunteer moderators to do it on his behalf. As the baleful influence of Cameron Brodie demonstrated, the quality of the craic BTL was immeasurably improved when action was taken to ban those diverting the threads, whether with extraneous BS like Brodie’s or yoon trolling like we’ve seen recently. A lost opportunity I think to have a much needed platform without having to play britnat whack-a-mole?

That being said, this place will be a sad loss: hopefully others will replace it with platforms or forums for those who want something different. I’m pinning my hopes on the Alba party supporters pages on FB: at least with those you can control who joins and identify and exclude obvious trolls? The next five years needs a different approach for those in the movement who oppose the current SNP leadership I think?


This desperate need to show you or your tribe were right is illuminating. We are not independent and we are no nearer than after the last Holyrood election despite obtaining numerous mandates saying otherwise.

The level of schadenfreude tells more about the ‘winners’ but until we have secured independence no one has ‘won’. The victory yesterday in Kenmure street was an example of people patting themselves on the back thinking it signified more than it did. Unless these two men get to stay – assuming they are entitled to – it is just a delay. The Home Office still ultimately decides and that is our battle – not destroying voices that tell us things we don’t want to hear. However, WGD needn’t worry – not many here are interested in rousing him from his naps and cushion floofing in his new cottage to annoy him into asking pesky questions of his bosses.

The hubris at the demise of WoS benefits no one. There are many ways to get stuff done and assuming one voice speaks for all is naive. Time will tell if Nicola Sturgeon will achieve independence. I really hope she does this time because even her most devoted fans must realise that the opportunity is fast running out.

If their anger here at WoS is anything to go by when they finally see through her it won’t be pretty.


pixal says:

it was the no votes snp brigade on here who undermined the Alba project


Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha !Ha!

Should be fun watching the ‘She/Her Fanboi’ when the spell wears off!


pixal says:
14 May, 2021 at 11:59 am

you lost ruby, it’s you who are the dud


I might be a dud but I am not the one promising you something I have absolutely no idea how to achieve.

I am not claiming to be a feminist with intentions to totally undermine women’s rights.

I am not the one who fired a colleague for sending a text claiming it was a sexual assault.

I am not the one who supported the women making allegations of ‘sexual assault’ that were not true.

I am not the one who supports the denial of free speech & thought crimes.


@ pixal / shordingers cat

The issue with AFI only having Independence in their manifesto is that nobody knew where they stood on the specific contentious policies that were the very catalyst for new pro-indy parties standing on the list.
ISP had gone to the effort of creating policy positions in their manifesto that they would take had they been elected to play a part administering the devolved powers that reside in Holyrood.
Unfortunately neither set the heather alight and both recognised when Alba came on the scene they would yield and let them have a clear run.
The elephant in the room in all this is of course being the SNP said they would consider working with Labour, but not Alba, and nobody knows what their position would have been with either AFI or ISP.

I see you are back to blaming a handful of individuals, of whom many were unionist trolls, that it was their fault the vast majority of the less politically engaged SNP supporters in the electorate didn’t consider casting their Regional List vote for Alba.
Most SNP voters didn’t even know who was ranked first on their Regional List, let alone have a clue about where those individuals stood on certain policies, or how they manipulated the Party’s system to get into those positions.
But aye, a tiny percentage of folk on social media somehow managed to have more influence on the wider electorate that don’t use those platforms, than the effective media blackout and established Party influence and campaigning.

Anyway, as you keep stating, we are losers, but that means you won!
So with your 1.1 million 2nd votes obtaining 2 poxy seats and no majority. Own it and get on with delivering Indy. She / her sent a personally addressed and signed letter telling me it was in the post…


With the Rev taking a back seat, it seems to be open warfare between the factions.



Not really. Most of us here became aware back in 2017 what another Nicola Sturgeon led SNP victory would mean. We have come to terms with the reality of that and that if nothing changes independence is on the back burner indefinitely.

It is quite sad – they just haven’t realised they haven’t won anything. It’s hubristic yah-boo stuff and some will come to awareness in their own time. We can’t change their minds and the Rev realises his energy is wasted on them.

It’s just like independence, people see stuff in their own time. The ‘winners’ are just caught up in celebrating their ‘victory’ but some just need to be particularly unpleasant about it.

James Che.

The reality of abiding to an election under a devolved parliament spawned from a Westminster parliament based on a treaty of union born from a convention to beholden as supposed legal law for us is only as legal as any other convention, like the Sewell convention.
A convention according to Westminster is not passed as legal beholden law and can be broken at any time as was proved in court case.
For Scotland to take the long route in asserting its sovereignty say (two to five years) like the snp, the greens and the ginger blogger want, leaves us wide open to Westminster making constitutional changes that will be binding in its constraint.
At this moment in time the people of Scotland are recognised as sovereign, for how long do you suppose they would like that to continue,
You, We are fighting time here.
Yesterday I was trying to scrutinise the treaty of the union and the idiosyncrasies in it. To tear a part the realities from the mythology.
We find as a convention it can be walked away from, the same as the Sewell convention.
As a Treaty it did not (in reality and factual signatures beholden any of the population of Scotland or their sovereign country)
However there was a Treaty signed and financial money exchanged hands for as is a contract.
The people whom signed that contract are/we’re the sole recipients and beneficiaries of that contractual agreement.
When the treaty is thoroughly scrutinised you will find that the sovereign population of Scotland did not agree to it, did not vote on it, did not have a referendum on it and had no election for it, did not sign it, even with an X. Which was invented for the purpose of those whom were illiterate, even those illiterate people did not sign the 1707 Treaty of the union.

So what is the actual outcome?
In 2014 the uk government asked if you wished to stay in the treaty of the union. ?
Was it or is it now a legally binding question,
Simply put No.
Because you cannot stay in a union you were never in, in the first instance, even if it is a supposed convention, we never submitted our agreement in 1707. And no continuity within it for the sovereign population and country of Scotland.
It is wrote in fairy dust, and a 300 year old fairy tale. The people of Scotland retain their sovereignty and are a separate entity from from the contract of the treaty of the union. FOR NOW.
But if you or I give Westminster the long periods of time a lot of people on here are quoting.time to change the constitution of the supposed treaty. To enable a change in the question asked at a ballot box in a referendum.and we could find ourselves beholdened by a new method. in a way in by which the treaty of the union missed.
We are at the moment sovereign, recognise it, act together on it.
We are at the moment free from the legalities of the treaty of the union, recognise it and act together on it.
I watched the report yesterday of the immigration issue in Glasgow, as was amazed how people power worked, we can do this,
Politicians are on the other side to us. We are Sovereign.

Jacqueline McMillan

Just to say THANK YOU STU. Brave man. Honest man. One in a million and then some. Hope to see you back soon in one form or another. You will continue to be brave and true. Best wishes my friend, which you have been in my darkest hours. X


Oh for the adulation – the excessive or slavish admiration or flattery that he needs.

link to

Just do your fucking job and get a referendum you tumshie.


SNP1 ALBA2 The Independence SuperMajority

Westminster ‘got it’ immediately.
David Mundell got it right away.
The whole Conservative party got it.
The Labour Party got it
The BBC certainly got it then 100% suppressed it.
With a £3million bung from Scotgov, all the newspapers got it

Nicola Sturgeon got it and knew instantly she had to kill it.


As at Culloden in 1745 when Scots suffered a heavy defeat,
so also on May 6th ’21, ALBA was crushed by Unionist forces,
which included the pretendy independence army of the SNP
who threw their weapons on the ground, all 1 million of them,
and embraced the Unionist cause by allowing c.50 of them
to walk unopposed into Scotland’s Parliament at Holyrood.

But ALBA will RISE from this defeat.
While the SNP will be forever shamed.

James Che.

I would love to be a fly on the wall at the moment Mr wheesthart feels his lovely pocket filled job is Wheeked out from under his feet, because the Scottish people have at long last recognised their own sovereignty and no longer need a false independence politician. That he is no longer in control or relevant.


An excellent post from Barrhead Boy ,

“ People Power “

link to


There’s at least 40,000 now who understand d’Hondt and see the flaw in the Both votes SNP line. That line will not be followed next time as there are several years for the 40,000 to educate a few others, who in turn will educate a few more. Hey presto, a super-majority for Yes.

Meanwhile what will be happening within the SNP? Interesting times, no doubt.

All the new indy parties have had their slot on Wings to widen their impact. So thank you yet again, Rev. No-one has done more than you to help Scotland regain independence. We owe you a huge debt.

Stuart MacKay

Andy Ellis @11;57am

> That being said, this place will be a sad loss: hopefully
> others will replace it with platforms or forums for those
> who want something different.

I dunno. If Chris Cairns keeps posting cartoons it might be good to have a weekly get together for a laugh and a rant and catch-up with what’s going on – at least for a few months til we see which way things are headed and Alba get fully on their feet.

I know I’d be glad of being woke-free for a few weeks – it’s too much of a hot-button issue for me and I’m kind of unhappy in being riled up like that so easily.

However if the SNP have any clue, now that their No. 1 opponent is out of the way, they should rush through the GRA as fast as possible.


Is it any wonder the Greens Allison Johnstone jumped at the chance to become Holyrood’s Presiding officer. Her yearly paypacket is now £113,000 pounds, times that by five, the length of this parliaments tenure and she’s got herself a nice little earner.


Craig Murray yet again, shows us the way to Scottish independence. of course there’s one huge hurdle besides Westminster, blocking our path, and that’s Sturgeon the Betrayer.

link to


When you post “I’d be glad of being woke-free for a few weeks” it says a lot about where your priorities really lie and another reason for Alba failing to make any impact.



Do try and pay attention, instead of posting childish comments.

link to

Socrates MacSporran

pixal – and all the other “Sturgeon is wonderful posters on here.

votes for Independence, September, 2014 – 1,617,989.

SNP constituency vote – 2015 UK General Election – 1,454,436.
DOWN 10% from 2014.

SNP constituency vote – 2021 Holyrood Election – 1,291,204
DOWN 11% from 2015.
DOWN 20% from the Yes vote in 2014.

Conservative and Unionist Party vote – 2015 UK General Election – 434,097.

Conservative and Unionist Party constituency vote – 2021 Holyrood Election – 592,518.
UP 36% FROM 2015.

Still say Sturgeon is a winner?


What stone did this ‘pixal’ arsehole appear from under?


There you are. Craig Murray posted an article about the events of Kenmure Street.

How about that for once, AUOB got off their collective arses, gathered outside Craig Murrays house and prevent the police from arresting him?

Covid rules didn’t seem to apply in Kenmure Street, so why should they apply in Oxgangs?

AUOB has NO excuse here to stop them from taking direct action.

But as you, I and probably all of us know, they won’t do a damned thing.


sarah says,

“Rev. No-one has done more than you to help Scotland regain independence. We owe you a huge debt”

certainly true in terms of blogging. Rev will be really missed!



Its pretty obvious you didn’t read the article, I get the distinct impression that you’re only commenting in here to make mischief.

I doubt very much that you’ll post anything in here of any real interest, so I shall just ignore your infantile comments from now on.

Oh and any funds that Stu has left, he’s certainly earned them in my book, and unlike the Betrayer, he hasn’t stolen them from under the noses of those who coughed up their hard earned cash for independence, to the treacherous b*stard that passes for an FM in Scotland these days.

Stuart MacKay


WTF are you on about?


So the never directly elected to Holyrood Murdo Fraser (though the SNP directly elected him two terms in a row via the list) has condemned Scots on the Kenmure street demo where Scots stopped a foreign countries Home office from deporting people, I say well done to those brave men and women for thwarting their removal.

Fraser comes across as being annoyed at the gathering due to Covid, but his unionist credentials speak volumes to me, and its more likely he’s coming down on the side of the Home office.

Fraser then goes on in a tweet to say to the Rangers FC fans to celebrate responsibly, citing the demo as one rule for some and another for others. It wasn’t that long ago but I’m sure Murdo recalls, that Rangers FC fans gathered outside Ibrox football stadium in their thousands after Sturgeon the Betrayer and Police Scotland asked them not to, at a time we we’re still in level 4 lockdown.

Socrates MacSporran


The smell is probably coming from your reekin’ erse.

There are a few erse-holes polluting this site at the moment, but, you really are – the erse-hole’s erse-hole.

I may have made a mistake, in calling “hamish” “Rory”, but, I didn’t make the mistake of wasting my List vote on the SNP – or my Constituency vote on them either.

Scotland will never be Independent, for as long as Sturgeon and her clique can prevent it by misleading and lying to their supporters.


Pixal. Go ram yourself up the Queens arse you filthy Agent of the British State.

Carl R

Sorry to see you go Stu but I totally understand your reasons.

Thanks you for the great work you did.

You are truly one of the best (if not the best) independent journalists we have ever had and you will be sorely missed. Your hard hitting reports uncovering the truth/corruption have really opened many peoples eyes (including myself) and for that we are all truly grateful.

Take care and enjoy a well earned rest.

Carl R.


“The victory yesterday in Kenmure street was an example of people patting themselves on the back thinking it signified more than it did.”


I can’t agree with the above, I think it gave us a glimpse of what we can achieve if we get up off our arses and actually do something. Yes the Home office has probably backed down temporarily, however it shows that Westminster can be pushed back with people power.

As Mist001 alighted to further up the thread, instead of the AUOB marching around in circles, why not have thousands demonstrating outside Bute House or Holyrood, or block Craig Murray’s street to stop him going to prison.

I recall Tommy Sheridan going to Mosspark I think with hundreds of folk they then packed out a close and a woman’s house to stop the Sheriffs officers from removing her possessions, don’t underestimate the effectiveness of people power.


Ayeright. Your deviant policies handed down to you by corporate interests are destroying politics and society as a whole. Why are the so called ” left” so enthralled to corporate interests?
“Sustainable Development” is not a Green New Deal. Its a thieves charter drawn up by billionaires. Have you had your corporate vaccine yet? Hahahahaha. Only the frightened believe Johnson and Sturgeon who march in “Lockstep” in their ” Common Purpose” with billionaire Globalist thieves and murderers.
The only thing you Sturgeonette are good for is throwing shit at the visitors.


Pixal. You do realise you could fall foul of Sturgeons hate legislation? You are bullying and harassing people on this site. Now take a break eh. You really are a steamer.

Andy Ellis

@Stuart MacKay 2.35pm

Hopefully I’ll see Mr Cairns’ work even if I don’t stop by here as much. Hopefully enough of the people who share our views will decamp to Alba and get involved to ensure it reaches escape velocity over the next few years. Since we’re in for a good few years of stasis anyway, we just have to give the gradualists and TRA’s enough rope to hang themselves.

I don’t think that’s necessarily a job for a site like this either to be honest: a “real” independence party may attract some direct “soft No” converts who see the error of their ways over the next few years, but Alba as a party should be aiming to be the natural home for progressives in the SNP and Greens who are sick of the political cowardice, neo-liberal gradualism and obsession with unpopular wedge issues and gender woo which appears to have parasitised the leadership of both the SNP and Greens.

Alba Rising on Facebook seems as good a place to start as any, as will constituency branches of Alba as they develop. In the meantime we can get the word out and start to organise amongst ourselves……


@ Republicofscotland and AndyEllis: agreed and been saying so for some time. We should be speaking direct to Holyrood – a well-supported petition [or several on different subjects] to them which demands action on independence.

And critical marches on Bute House – no more “happy clappy, isn’t the SNP wonderful” but demanding progress and pointing out how weak and foolish the current leadership is. They have never been publicly criticised by a crowd – let’s try it.

Robert Louis

Remember that date, Thursday, 13th May, 2021. Remember the place Kenmure Street, Glasgow. For that was when the people, and not politicians, said NO to English colonial imposition of racism. The people said, NO, to Priti Patel’s racist enforcers, her London controlled boot-boys.

The people of Scotland do not want this hateful English racism in our country. The evil laws drawn up by Tory racist-in-chief, Priti Patel, were not voted for by Scotland, they were not wanted by the people of Scotland, and will NOT be tolerated in Scotland.

Our colonial rulers in London should take heed. The people of Scotland wholly and utterly reject their racism, their british nationalist hubris, their union jackery. We reject it all.

The unions days are numbered. If the SNP will not move on independence, it is up to all of us to make them move on independence.

A good start would be to join the ALBA party. Number matter, and every parson who joins, will help to make it happen. Strength in numbers.

link to

The ALBA party is the independence party, now that the SNP have given up.


Andy Ellis. The Independence Movement really needs to make more use of YouTube bitchute and any other platforms. YouTube not as good and “free” as it used to be in terms of free speech but the still allow a lot of leeway to the left leaning. Don’t be fooled into thinking bitchute only hosts right wingers. Right wingers are on that site because the get censored off YouTube. Do we want plurality of voices or only One voice? The tools are there. We Scots are perhaps a little too reticent to put ourselves forward.


People who fancy themselves as linguists with commando comic French sound like silly schoolboys trying to be imprrssive

Robert Louis

Sarah at 408pm,

Yip, totally agree. It is indeed ,something the SNP leadership will be irked by, geting called out, in public by the indy movement.


Read Saul Alinsky and learn the enemies tactics.

Robert Louis


and just as a follow on to my earlier post, there is now still time to become a ‘founder’ member of ALBA.

link to


Republic of Scotland,

You and your logical fallacies, wishing no matter how hard that things are what you think they are, does not equate to reality no matter how hard you wish and deny reality.

Also have you conveniently forgot about the supporters of the “club like no other” (thank the lord if as a child you played for CBC eh), getting together outside Parkhead to chase after their own players and management earlier in the year, off course you haven’t, your just as bad as Sturgeon and Useless.
Big bad Rangers supporters some of whom fly the Union Flag = Bad- XR, BLM, Independance, Palestinians = Good.

And to think that to gain your Independance your going to need to change the minds of a fair few followers of a football team you so detest

Are you sure your not in the Labour Party, as your double standards would see you get a senior position and loads of dosh there.


Robert Louis,

Do you speak for ALL “the people of Scotland” or are you just away with the fairies again?

Please just answer the 1st question

Andy Ellis

@sarah 4.08pm

Far be it from me to rain on your parade as it were, or to be seen as discouraging direct action, but given the SNPs ambivalence to marches, flegs and having anything much to do with AUON+B, I have my doubts Holyrood will be much moved by marches, protests or petitions. If the past seven years shows us anything it is that the we can’t expect Scots to “do a La Diada” as their Catalan cousins are fond of.

We may have the same ultimate aim as those in the SNP and Greens we now find ourselves crossing ideological swords with, but we have to accept that we are also now opponents. We’re aiming to convert as many of them as we can and convince them that our platform is preferable.

Of course, the prospect of convinced SNP and Green party partisans joining Alba is remote: nor frankly would I feel comfortable welcoming the kind of folk who have been othering and abusing SNP members and supporters, calling them bigots, TERFS and right wing social conservatives. Alba has to hold a mirror up to the current SNP and say to the Scottish electorate: “We’ll be different. We’ll be open, accountable, answerable to our members, socially progressive, politically more radical and socially more in favour of promoting equality and a fairer distribution of wealth and opportunity than the current SNP.”

We don’t need to replace the SNP, we just need to be big enough to hold the balance.


Alba conference on 18th and 19th September sounds very democratic – every member has a vote. No chance of fiddling decisions and getting away with e.g. discarding all branch resolutions, as the SNP did.

Membership is growing, over 5000 – won’t be long before Alba overtakes Scottish Greens 7500. Any new members before end of June count as founder members.


Hey Pixywine or is it Dog biscuit? I thought you weren’t going to post here anymore. Please don’t tell me you were lying all along.


pixal says:
14 May, 2021 at 4:25 pm
Pixywine says:
People who fancy themselves as linguists with commando comic French sound like silly schoolboys trying to be imprrssive

sauf que j’ai la nationalité française, on peut continué en française si tu veux, en fait je préfère. mais t’as raison, j’etait commando

je peux t’assurer que tu vas épuiser ton vocabulaire avant moi. Cert

demandez les autres qui me connais


Did anyone else get a very acute feeling of deja-vu reading the above?


Thats it, I’m off . I wished the Rev my sincere thoughts on his post the other day.

Since then whilst it is funny watching the turmoil in some very little minds, both anti-Sturgeon and pro-Sturgeon, anti-scientific, deviants, much like the Rev ifeel my job is done.

Que- he said job obvs a M15 plant etc, etc. Colony, Oppressed, subjugation, Oil, bigotry dressed up as Nationalism.

Ah well, my best wishes to the Rev as before and to a number of commentators btl, that while passionately and eruditely disagreeing with me at least had the critical thinking faculties to engage in debate and perhaps realise that in a Democracy any Democracy you need a majority of the electorate no matter how much you wish you didn’t to get what you desire. I appreciate it hurts, but thats life I’m afraid.

It seems that many of you apart from not reading what anyone who thinks differently writes, you also don’t listen to the Tev when he says to paraphrase you’ll all be in the same position in 5 years time.

Stuart MacKay

For all the talk about Kenmure Street almost nobody is mentioning that Police Scotland were there as well. It wasn’t just a raid into enemy territory by some random group of coppers from Chiswick.

Another, perhaps more worrying development is the condemnation from Holyrood. I know it’s couched in terms of covid and social distancing but perhaps there’s more to it and “gatherings” are going to be frowned on from no on. You only need to look at the planned legislation from Westminster to see that any possibility of civil disobedience is going to be snuffed out before it has the chance to challenge the authorities.

For the record, I think libertarians are a little too divorced from reality, however the narrative that governments are grabbing power using covid as the excuse gets harder to refute with each passing day.

Ian Brotherhood

The Alba conference presents a good chance for us to have our first gathering in a long time. There’s bound to be a big overlap between WOS readers and Alba members.

And it’ll be good to know there are no SNP 1&2ers there. (Or the wretched WGD, flogging his wares.)

Relieved to see Alex’s update – we needed a wee bit of good news to end the week.



Has anyone figured out what ‘Pixal’ is trying to achieve?


Sarah @4.08pm

Yes good point, the SNP hasn’t yet felt the force of a mass demonstration against them with regards to their lack lustre approach to Scottish independence.

I think that AUOB marchers would be more effective doing this, than as you say giving it the happy clappy treatment. The AUOB organisers need to recognise this and do something about it.

I don’t think anything will happen soon as Sturgeon the Betrayer has claimed (take it with a pinch of salt) that an indyref will happen some time with this parliamentary term, very vague indeed.


What a depressing bitter cesspit this forum has become.

Folk from both sides can do better.

Im offski to do something positive for indy.

Cherrio Wings and kind regards to all.



Stuart MacKay,
It has always been difficult for representatives of authority to relinquish powers and so it will remain thus.
Of course, if you can retain power under the guise of protection of the masses, then there will be a line of cheerleaders among us.


pixal says:
14 May, 2021 at 4:37 pm
Ruby says:
Did anyone else get a very acute feeling of deja-vu reading the above?

demandez à republicofscotland, elle connaisse exactement que je suis. elle n’est pas une Karen ordinaire


Will do!

FAO republicofscotland

Who is Pixal & what is he trying to achieve?

Does he/she have some serious mental health problems & should we show him/her some compassion.


Stuart @4.16pm.

Stuart, I beg to differ, I’m not pointing out the unionist credentials of Rangers FC although you can’t deny that fair few Rangers fans are staunch unionists. No I was pointing out the hypocrisy of Murdo Fraser, who used Rangers FC and the Kenmure street incident to the advantage of the union.

I’m well aware that there are many Rangers FC fans that support Scottish independence. For what its worth I support no football clubs.



“should we show him/her some compassion.”

Nah, just the door marked “EXIT”


AUOB will be nothing without the support of those that vote SNP.



FAO Republicofscotland
What is a ‘Karen ordinaire’

From what I understand from ‘Pixal’ you aren’t a ‘Karen ordinaire’.


Stuart @ 4:36pm
Of course we need a majority, that’s why we should be independent is it not?


I think a true test, which I’d very much like to see, is the reception ALBA would get at an AUOB march, especially once the ramifications of 1 million + squandered votes filters down to the grassroots, and SNP is asked to explain it’s biting cynicism towards ALBA, compared to it’s bewildering enthusiasm for Holyrood to be half filled with Unionists, when a pro-Independence supermajority was there for the taking. ALBA has nothing to fear.

I honestly don’t believe the SNP’s hostility towards ALBA reaches very far beyond the SNP leadership, (and fawning acolytes, – who probably outnumber their own brain cells) and as time progresses, I believe more and more ‘real’ people will be scratching their heads about the wisdom of the SNP’s blue on blue attack, a million wasted votes, and the ongoing stagnation on the Independence “Campaign”.

The alacrity with which the SNP celebrated ALBA’s failure to win seats was quite disgusting, and I firmly believe it will come back to haunt them. It’s made some good Indy people very angry.

In my opinion, ALBA’s disappointing failure to win seats is disappointing, but does not reflect an actual rejection of ALBA, but rather, it speaks volumes about the relative success of the media’s attempts to airbrush ALBA from the debates and election coverage.

The other factor, I think was general indifference and lacklustre atmosphere leading up to the Election. Excitement factor “0”. Had there been a pro-Independence campaign ongoing, with the voting population truly engaged and enthused as it was in 2013/14, then I think ALBA would have had much more dynamic effect. For all the turnout, I think this was an understated and lazy election, with no head of steam pushing or pulling in any direction.

But who can blame people? With Independence firmly on the back burner since 2016, and opportunity after opportunity to further Scottish Independence squandered, I truly believe the electorate was “cold” and unprepared for anything so radical.

I think ALBA needed the backdrop of an Independence Campaign to function as a warm-up act before the main event. I think that’s what ALBA needed, but let me qualify that and say I don’t think it’s ALBA’s fault or failure that it hadn’t happened and the electorate wasn’t warmed up. ALBA picked up the ball and ran with it.

In 100% sincerity, the more I think about it, I am genuinely unsure whether ALBA is even damaged by failing to win any List seats. Yes, cosmetically, maybe,… but you know what they say about a wounded animal…

Camp Sturgeon might be getting their giggles for now, but once it’s apparent there is no plan for Independence and the SNP are just on the make, I think ALBA will calmly and methodically crucify them for it, and will end up taking over command of Independence. Right now, ALBA needs to be doing it’s homework and making sure it’s ready…


Ruby @4.50pm

Ruby I have no idea who the numpty Pixal is, I doubt he/she is GCHQ or 77th Brigade, even they wouldn’t post that amount of idiotic shit.

No I’d say Pixal is in here just to have a bit of fun at our expense, if I were you I’d just ignore the buffoon.

Incidentally his French sentence translates to

“ask republicofscotland, she knows exactly who I am. she is no ordinary Karen”

On second thoughts, Pixal could be the Hasbara troll (Habb) who frequented Craig Murray’s blog for years.


robertknight says:
14 May, 2021 at 4:53 pm

“should we show him/her some compassion.”

Nah, just the door marked “EXIT”


That would be a bit mean if he/she has some serious mental health problems & just needs a bit of attention.

Whats the harm in posting the odd ‘Yes dear whatever you say dear’ now & again if it helps to make he/she feel better?


Ruby, apart from getting up people’s noses, he is doing his best to derail the thread away from its purpose, that is to give folks the opportunity to say thanks to Rev Stuart Campbell.
Best not to bite and ignore him. My finger is getting sore scrolling past all the pixal posts but what can I say, he’s probably lonely and pining for company.


Oh shit I just realised I may have offended ‘Pixal’ by not using all the pronouns!

Sorry Pixal perhaps you would let me know your pronouns at the same time as telling me what you are trying to achieve.

Who knows I might be able to help you in your quest!


Someone posted on the thread that pixal is none other than shrodingers cat from wgd.


“For all the talk about Kenmure Street almost nobody is mentioning that Police Scotland were there as well.”

Stuart Mackay @4.37pm.


I recall police Scotland sending quite a few Scottish police officers to Northern Ireland at the request of Westminster. Its my opinion that Police Scotland is a colonial police force, ready to be deployed at a moments notice anywhere in the UK.

Like our politicians and civil servants, Judiciary, our police officers swear allegiance to the Queen, her heirs and successors.

Indeed I’m pretty sure experienced police officers from Scotland have trained personnel in oppressive regimes such as Bahrain with the FCO’s consent.

Stuart MacKay


The SNP will play the covid card and ban AUOB marches to stop Alba gaining a foothold. After all they can hardly show up in person after all these years of shunning the organisation and the people who took part.



I think we are being told we were wrong and if we disagree we are wrong. Being wrong and losing should teach us all a lesson and we should change our ways and repent because if we don’t we are going to keep being told.

It’s a winning strategy for sure…


Republicofscotland says:

Incidentally his French sentence translates to

“ask republicofscotland, she knows exactly who I am. she is no ordinary Karen”


I got that hence the reason I asked you who he/she/him/her/they/it was.

Still curious to know what an ‘ordinary Karen’ is?


@ Breeks at 4.57: good, thoughtful comments as usual. Thank you.

You are correct about how quiet the atmosphere was during the campaign. I have been telling my MP for years that the polls won’t increase until you give people a date on which they will be asked The question. The 2014 campaign was run by enthusiasts for independence – not by party members.

You can’t keep enthusiasm bubbling if there is no deadline to work towards – especially when the only political route is blocked by a FM and acolytes who build barriers [illegal, gold standard, after Brexit, after covid, after recovery from covid] to independence. The FM is blocking the voice of the people instead of enabling our voice to be heard.

Alba is formed from the people with the drive and enthusiasm for independence. That is the party who will carry out the political procedures that are required on behalf of the Yes movement. So what we must do is make the case. There is no harm in criticising the SNP now because they are in place for the next 4/5 years.


Maureen says:
14 May, 2021 at 5:06 pm
Someone posted on the thread that pixal is none other than shrodingers cat from wgd.


The guy that posted the following on WGD:

schrodingers cat says:
May 14, 2021 at 3:12 pm
I will now get back to ignoring Campbell and allowing him to howl into the void of his own irrelevance

im keeping his remaining supporters company in the void for the time being, the void always was my preferred location. ?

Stuart MacKay


If they weren’t colonial before then they will be soon. The cat is out of the bag as far as standing up to authorities in concerned. Somebody should start dishing out the yellow jackets or more appropriate for the weather, yellow umbrellas – that’ll put the frighteners on the powers that be.


How many Alba supporters were on the AUOB marches?

None I suppose since they didn’t exist but since Alba could only manage 1.7% of the vote at the election then it’s obvious who the AUOB marchers were.

A huge number of SNP voters that’s who. You’ve been living in your own wee bubble and it has been well and truly pricked.


pixal = schrodingers cat

he canny be, he’s no tall enough


You are correct Breeks,
Time is not the SNP’s friend, the longer without any moves towards independence the more support they will leak.
Some people need more time than others to appreciate they have been duped.
5 years of talking and doing nothing will have snapped the patience of many voters but alas there are some with whom the penny will never drop.
You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time and we have a prize specimen of the eternally stupid right here, right now revelling in their simplemindedness.


@ruby @pixywine and @ros

hurredly flicking through old commando books………


There are both of questionable existence.
One is a character in a computer game and the other is a hypothesis

Graf Midgehunter

Pixal is nothing more than one of Niklas nodding donkeys who’s been sent in to disrupt WOS in any shape or form. Kill the integrity of the forum to the general public by spreading chaos and dispruption.

He doesn’t give a toss about any arguments that you may bring because he has none apart from what his bosses supply him with.

Dearie, dearie me, the poor little dogsbody. 🙂

NS and the rest of the SNP cabal have been so openly exposed to the truth from the Rev that should he go, then it’s Xmas, birthday and the lotto all in one go. Champers an’ cigars all round.

Corruption and 600,000 quid missing in the SNP isn’t a problem for him, his sights are on doing down any threads from the Rev, stop the views, cast doubt, get the ba****d out of the way at any cost.

November is still some way off so the Rev can wait but Nikla can’t hide anymore. The expectations are high an’ starting to rumble in the bum…!

To paraphase the Rev:

Go away and copulate with yourself.

Salmond dindunuffin

Ayeright says:
14 May, 2021 at 5:16 pm
“How many Alba supporters were on the AUOB marches? […]
A huge number of SNP voters that’s who.”

Yes indeed, but the fact that the SNP-Green council had Manny Singh prosecuted on a technicality in their clear appreciation for AUOB’s support of their “cause”[sic] suggests it is the SNP/Green voters who attended or sympathize with AUOB who are living in a “bubble” does it not? They are simply being taken for mugs by a professional political hierarchy that cares about nothing except the value of their votes in rubberstamping its jobs.

And Singh’s only one of many politically inconvenient to our current regime to be legally harassed, as those who read this site, less so crap like Bella or WGD, realize.. those people are also mugs.

Fishy Wullie

Ayeright says:
14 May, 2021 at 4:53 pm

AUOB will be nothing without the support of those that vote SNP.


You really are a f@cking clown aren’t you, it’s the other way around the SNP would be nothing without the people who support AUOB and other pro independence organisations who foolishly believed (like me) the SNP were on our side.

The SNP have betrayed all of us in the Indy movement (including you) and one day in the not too distant future they’ll realise they need us more than we need them


Folks stop engaging with this idiot.

On WGD site

schrodingers cat is pixal here.

schrodingers cat wrote:
May 13, 2021 at 5:15 pm
Could it be we are also independent? all things considered, in the uncollapsed 11th dimensional probability wave, where all possible outcomes are possibilities, unfortunately not.

however, the departure of has at least made independence more probable ?

epic trolling to be had in the other place today ?

Hamish100 says:
May 13, 2021 at 5:19 pm


schrodingers cat says:
May 13, 2021 at 6:07 pm
not a big fan of conspiracy theories, but i think stu was knobbled. even while blocking all those you supported him while encouraging unionist trolls, much of his output was clearly illogical to the point of using the very tactics he pointed out to his supporters that the unionists used, eg headline not reflection the story below.

if im right, then it was his handlers who shutdown wos today and the smear against you is a parting gift from his handlers not stu. watch your back paul.

we will soon see, keep yer eyes out for “bath blogger arrested for porn on his PC” or some such accusation, then we will know



Graf Midgehunter says:
Pixal is nothing more than one of Niklas nodding donkeys who’s been sent in to disrupt WOS in any shape or form.

how? wos no longer exists?


How about just not responding to any unpleasant btl comments? Only reply to polite commenters.


He posted a comment on 13th May on wgd between 4-5pm, can’t remember exact time. Going on about how butthurt wingers were. He used the same term here, butthurt, and was called out on it. Can’t recall the poster who found him out now


maybe he just came by to say cheerio in his own way?


Pixal. Covid 19 is a blatant swindle on the free world. If you support it you are on the wrong side of History.
There has been far too much censorship around the issue. We only ever hear ONE side of the “pandemic” story. Is no one suspicious of that.
Look at the political changes being made under cover of covid. Look at the massive profits being made under”emergency powers”. Look at the crack down on civil liberties the extra police powers. This is only going one way people. Mandated vaccines and health passports will be a system of surveillance and control. Fair play to everyone on here with the intelligence and bravery to ask questions of All our political class. Who are they really fucking working for?
To all SNP trolls you can bet your slack arses this is a Wara war being waged against us by our Governments and the billionaire class who own Sturgeons ass.


By the way pixels a bam.



I think it was Dan who spotted him.

It’s a bit pathetic but they have come back before under another name after being booted out the first time. It’s a compulsion for them, in the same way they all kept reading and discussing WoS over there. All a bit pointless but I guess they felt they needed to be heard on WoS hence the bitterness when they were rejected from here.

No one cares what is said elsewhere. Anyway. Best wishes to all and I’ll look in for a get together when it is feasible.



i think this comment was a bit of a give away

pixal says:
except im schrodingers cat, i was promoting tactical voting when you still though the fuckin spice girls were really cool.

but well done to the brain of britain for working it out

Graf Midgehunter

migdalehoarder says: at 5:30 pm

“Graf Midgehunter says:
Pixal is nothing more than one of Niklas nodding donkeys who’s been sent in to disrupt WOS in any shape or form.

how? wos no longer exists?”
Strange, you’re on WOS and posting. Have you thought about reading the article first?


Thanks SilverDarling, I am terrible at remembering names


Graf Midgehunter says:
Have you thought about reading the article first?

aye, indeed, i read the last ever article too.

if there is no direction, how can the thread be disrupted?

with no moderator, this is what happens to blogs, with or without schrodingers cat.

but you know this graf


Stuart MacKay says:
14 May, 2021 at 5:10 pm

The SNP will play the covid card and ban AUOB marches to stop Alba gaining a foothold. After all they can hardly show up in person after all these years of shunning the organisation and the people who took part.

Let them. I don’t think it will matter.

After squandering 56 out 59MP’s, after squandering 125k membership, after squandering Scotland’s Brexit Remain vote, after squandering Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty, after crumpling like a packet of crisps when Brexit happened, after discredited Growth Commission proposals widely ridiculed, after Team Vietnam’s grubby and inept failed attempt to jail Alex Salmond on trumped up charges, with fuck up after fuck up in collision with “golden girl” Leslie Evan’s, after costing the Scottish tax payer millions and looking like a bare faced liar who can’t even fake amnesia, after costing the YES movement £600k, after wrecking the SNP with Genderbollocks morons, after wrecking the integrity of the SNP’s NEC with gerrymandering, after spurning YES and AUOB, after spurning pro Indy bloggers, after spurning ALBA and wrecking even a remote possibility of a Supermajority,…

…after all of that, (and there’s more,… sacking Jo Cherry, £3 million bung to the BritNat press, super injunctions, after rigging self ID disability against legal advice… ), hand’s up who can’t wait to see “safe-pair-o-hands” Sturgeon’s marvellous and long awaited strategic master plan plan for Independence… you know, the one she’s been working on for six years.

Yeah… ALBA’s got problems… Have they aye?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Robert Louis at 4:09 pm.

You typed,
“A good start would be to join the ALBA party. Number matter, and every parson who joins, will help to make it happen. Strength in numbers.

link to

Are you suggesting that the Reverend Stuart Campbell should join the Alba Party? Will “Clerics For YES” become an affiliated group?



pixal is shrodingers cat.
You can tell by the attitude and crap quoting and formatting of its responses.
some classic retro cat.

link to

if people wish to view this as a means of getting back at the snp, great, i have no problem with this, the result will be the same, ie, a whole heap of unionist list msps will get their jotters

link to


Yeah… ALBA’s got problems… Have they aye?

aye, they also have no msps,

out fuckin standing

they will have success, probably in next years council election, an election which favours tactical voting, but they will first clear out the “nikla ate my gerbil” brigade

and the anti maskers like pixywine and brotherhood wont even be let through the door

Meg merrilees

Republic of Scotland @ 2.41

Just been catching up with Craig Murray’s blog. Did you notice it says ‘This blog will close on May 22nd’?


“Still curious to know what an ‘ordinary Karen’ is?”

Ruby @5.11pm.

Take a look at this Karen is a meme.

link to


Dan says:
pixal is shrodingers cat.You can tell by……….the fact he told everyone further up thread.


“Just been catching up with Craig Murray’s blog. Did you notice it says ‘This blog will close on May 22nd’?”

Ah Meg, you gave me fright there, I thought first Wings now Craig’s blog is closing, no its the time left on that particular thread to comment.

James Che.

Barrhead boy myself and a good few of the alba party are thinking along the same lines,
The politicians are not the ones that are going to achieve independence for us, their cosy with the status quo.
We have to take over and be brave enough to run with it.
Plenty of astute and brilliant minds, good organisational skills, and from all walks of life already in the grassroots movement. Alba is an added bonus to work with.

I actually enjoy listening to those whom are verbally throwing insults and abuse on the people speaking up for independence for Scotland. As there are two sides to every coin.
1) First of all it shows that they cannot believe or really accept the YES grassroots has had the knock they expected
2) when talk of the the sovereignty of the Scottish people is on the agenda, they come out spitting and frothing abuse.
3) when We talk about the validity of the ‘treaty of the supposed union’ they do extra spitting and frothing
4) they wish us to stop talking about these subjects and try divert us from gaining ground.
5) Their panic and deliberate attempts to divert the conversation away from these topics suggest WE are indeed HITTING THE NAIL ON THE HEAD ACCURATELY.

As long as they show their fear by abusive comments in retaliation, we can use them as a good guide for directions in the grassroots movement. Let them stay they come in handy.
As long as their here we can use them, they are panicking to an extreme. They show us the measure and quality of what the people trying to retain the union are really like.
And reminds us to try separate ourselves from the union more quickly.
They are beacon to us all, and a big reminder of why we wish to separate from them,

OT, was speaking to someone drafted into Scotland in January in time to register in our Scottish May elections. I didn’t ask how long they will be staying now the elections are over, but very interesting conversation.

Stuart MacKay


> Let them. I don’t think it will matter.

Well that would be an interesting confrontation. It’s certainly one the government in Holyrood couldn’t afford to lose – shots of Police Scotland tear-gassing and water-cannoning independence marchers – that would be a sight to behold.

Seriously though, if there is an authoritarian streak in the government then it should reveal itself as AUOB starts put the atomic batteries to power and turbines to speed.

I think Grumpy Scottish Man is absolutely right – Alba won the election – in ways we’re only going to understand in the coming months, link to

David A.

Well said, Pixywine! It’s the people vs the ruling few in the end. Everyone who isn’t of the minute ruling class or a billionaire will be ground under or made to submit. What they’re pushing us towards will make feudalism, Gestapo, East Germany/Soviet Union style living look mild or even pleasant by comparision. It’s crept in slowly that we’ve got police rummaging in people’s bags on a whim and telling them off for what they’ve bought and demanding special permissions to travel. Monitoring online non-stop for thoughtcrime and speechcrime. State-paid agents to control and shape opinions on forums and comments sections. That’s just what we know about, not what they’re keeping under wraps. “It’s a free country”? HAH! It’s right out the dystopia playbook.

We’ll get social credit scores and all the abuses that we see in China, which they seem to be copying ideas from. How long until we see special “camps” for “undesirables” appear like they have, I wonder? They’ll have terms for it and they’ll introduce the idea slowly and coyly but that’s how they work in the West.


their panic and deliberate attempts to divert the conversation away from these topics suggest WE are indeed HITTING THE NAIL ON THE HEAD ACCURATELY.

there is no iceberg, the ship isnt sinking, wos didnt just fold, we still have a platform to hit the nail on the head.



Stuart MacKay says:
Alba won the election

the delusion is strong in this one

change the narrative by simply changing the definition of the word winning.

that’ll work.

do alba a favour, retire


Looks like somebody took out the trash…



Now a wee bit of conspiracy theory.

On the day Sturgeon swore an oath to kowtow to the Queen, but, she’d also spoke frequently on Scottish independence and that she’d have one in this term, even if it went to the courts. Westminster attempted to reinforce its dominance by snatching folk out of Glasgow to be deported.

Was the failed attempt to snatch the two men Johnson’s way of saying you may have won a majority and a mandate but we still rule you and we’ll enforce that position on the day that MSPs are sworn into the new parliament just to remind you.

Still in the land of conspiracy, Glasgow will not drop to level two from Monday, is this punishment for standing up to Westminster, with a furious Johnson bellowing down the phone to Sturgeon that she’d better, punish those bloody impudent Glaswegians for defying the Home office.

Conspiracy theories over.

David A.

I suspect even if there’s massive pressure on Sturgeon somehow it can be crushed under the covid or other new regulations and powers brought in. They can also do yet more carrot dangling of promises, a reshuffle and finally a leadership swap but the same old cronies will remain within the party. All of those things could buy them years or a few more election cycles.

Wally Jumblatt

Someone further up this thread wondered how we would have spent the oil money had we had independence in the 70’s.
I am certain that the muppets in Holyrood would have blown it all, and we would have had nothing to show for it.
We’ve now got 5 years to get a viable alternative to Sturgeon’s corrupted regime, that’s plenty of time.
Next election, Alba shouldn’t be just praying for crumbs off the List table, it should have taken the best of the current MSPs long before, and hand-picked decent candidates for the rest.
That could all be done without mainstream media support


@ robertknight at 6:34 pm

Guess Stu returned to clean the litter tray! He always did likes his animals and their welfare.


migdalehoarder says:
14 May, 2021 at 6:30 pm

the delusion is strong in this one

Dude, learn punctuation. And maybe get some counselling.



hey dude, i hope you support alba’s manifesto commitment to join EFTA and not the EU

far out and solid man



Republicofscotland says:
14 May, 2021 at 6:19 pm
“Still curious to know what an ‘ordinary Karen’ is?”

Ruby @5.11pm.

Take a look at this Karen is a meme.

link to


Thanks Republicofscotland!

I always learn something new on Wings.

Any idea which name ‘migdalehoarder’ uses elsewhere?

wee monkey

Meg merrilees says:
14 May, 2021 at 12:29 am
link to

Quote:- If anyone wants to see a particularly sensitive, grumpy Pete Wishart have a look at the link above.

Douglas Ross has just gone up in my estimation.

I hope the Rev caught this one today it might have raised a titter!”

Ah Mr “Below Average” Wishaw.

Along with swinny, grandstanding over hundreds of job losses in Perth and forming an action committee aka doing fuck all about it.

As the Quo sang; again, again and again..


“Anti maskers” Only a programmed prick would come away with a Sun headline for an insult. Never worn a mask. Only SNP gimps frightened of living wear masks. The SNP has previous for flying in the face of science. Dev Shridar is not medically trained. She is a policy wonk flannelling the public. She is a spin doctor.
Take a closer look into the background of those Government agents who are presented to the public as ” experts” ie Niel Ferguson and you’ll find that many of them are not quite the experts you were given to think they were. Ferguson is a computer modeller mathematician not a medical doctor.
Those who disagree with the Government are almost without exception leaders in the field of virology and epidemiology who are subjected to the same level of verbal violence defamation and professional hit jobs as Alec Salmond indeed this sites owner receives from the Establishment.
Message to Dr Jim. Wake the Hell up silly old man.
Take a closer look into the background of all the leading players in the covid “pandemic” follow the money. Is that not journalism? The real scientists to look up for a rational take on covid 19 are: Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Suneptra Gupta, Dr Carl Hennigan. These doctors are largely ignored by the MSM. Can you guess why? These doctors are actually experts in the relevant field and there are many more if you care to do a job of citizen journalism which many on here are quite good at.


I think Pixal is really Billy Connolly.

Just a hunch from what I see as clues.


Well I hope the people of glasgow and the rest of scotland are now starting to realise that there is no end in sight to lockdown and restrictions. Lockdown to avoid variants equals a perpetual never ending lockdown + restrictions, you may as well also start locking down just in case of a super new variant of ebola that spreads like the flu or for a meteor impact, both of those are entirely possible.

This calamity is now certain to last for many years, probably for the lifetime of this new parliament, now that the Scottish public have accepted that nicolas unscientific NPI experiments actually “control” the virus in the face of all evidence. There is no going back.

Interestingly I see that the CDC in america have dropped the mask mandate, people in the US now no longer need to wear a mask at all if they have had a vaccine. According to the anti-vaxx covid bedwetters here in the UK this will lead to a massive surge in cases, deaths and new variants because the vaccines according to them don’t actually stop the spread of the virus, millions are going to die. We will see in the next few weeks.

Bob W

OT Anyone else finding the external and internal links on the right of the blog are inoperative?

Ian Brotherhood

@Pixywine (6.54) –

Hear hear.

Can’t remember where I got this from this but it’s probably the best summation I’ve seen so far.

link to


Yes Bipod,
The goalposts have been moved several times since the “flatten the curve” mantra.
I think many people have forgotten why the restrictions first started.
We’ve shifted from that to advocates of enforced vaccinations.


@migdalehoarder 5.58 pm

I get that you are exasperated but no one was reading pixal’s spam by then.


Meg Merrilees,

Thank you for such a great link. 🙂

Cosy Feet Pete is horrendous at that job.

Wishart DOES talk over all the participants. He is a terrible example of how a chairperson should conduct themselves.

When Dross said…

I hope the chairman has calmed down now…

It looked like Old Man PishFart’s big throbbing vein in his forehead was going TO EXPLODE…

link to

Yo, Stinky Feet Pete, time to call it a day, time to settle down in PERTH and NOT London.

Wishart is an ending embarassment.


Mist001 says:
14 May, 2021 at 6:58 pm
I think Pixal is really Billy Connolly.

Just a hunch from what I see as clues.


Talking of clues you are certainly giving a lot away as to your name, postal address, business name & even your date of birth.


@ Ruby

I don’t mind. It’s people on here that hide behind anonymity and faceless pseudonyms. I don’t give a shit because I have nothing to hide. So what if you know my name, postal address, business name and D.O.B. I don’t really think you do but even if you did, why should that bother me? You going to come to France and kill me with hammers or something?

Daisy Walker

I’m not buying Kenmure St, Glasgow – I think it was staged to enable the SNP to regain some street cred.

I welcome Alex announcing Alba’s big meeting 18,19 Sept 2021… but

That leaves 3 clear months when we could be doing vital research/campaigning/planning.

As much as I respect Alex’s experience, under his leadership we’ve been caught short time and again. I believe his political clock is set to ‘normal political times’, and right now Scotland is playing in injury time and the players don’t even know it.

With Yes it was left too late before he took over the reigns of the campaign and let loose the Yes Movement.

Yes merchandise (the T shirts) only arrived 3 days before the vote FFS.

And with Alba, we only got leaflets 3 weeks before voting day.

And in both events – No Exit Polling, and Fucked by the BBC, and the latter event – wide open ballot box insecurity of procedures.

And here’s the thing.

We have 2 tracks pointing now in the same direction. A different train on each one, both need pushed.

One track and train, is the slow train that is about building up an Alba party, to provide a valid party and opposition to the established parties and their settled in status.

While worthwhile, and something I will support, realistically it means Indy is not going to happen in any foreseeable way.

And I need to know this before hand, so that I can budget my energy and resources, and also, so that I’m not being played for a fool.

The second track and train, is that Alba selects local candidates NOW, for the next GE, and as of NOW, we start campaigning locally for PLEBISCITE INDY GE – which could be as soon as 2023 according to the latest rumours from Westminster.

And it does mean campaigning NOW, because it will have to be done the old fashioned way, by going round the doors, under the radar/under Covid restrictions, and by-passing the BBC.

Which is why waiting until Sept (which will likely suffer a Covid Cancellation – is complacent, naive and dumb).

We also need to ensure extremely thorough and rigourous candidate vetting and selection.

There is a deep concern amongst activists that the mistakes in recruiting within the SNP will be repeated within Alba – and more Low Flying Jimmies and Jimmie Come Latelies will be selected. I won’t waste the shoe leather, and I’m not alone in that.

If a candidate has their own single person company, and no visible preparation as to how that is going to fair if elected, should they get selected? One would have to ask if they’ve thought through the responsibilities of standing for election fully.

It takes 1 hour (roughly) to put a leaflet through 100 doors.

In the first instance, I think we are going to have to do simple surveys for local areas. That means returning to those doors 2 or 3 days later to uplift the surveys from the doorway.

Then the survey results need analysed.

We need to find out from our communities what will it take to get them to vote Indy, while at the same time bombarding them with info about the damage Brexit is doing to Scotland.

And for the Candidates, quite a lot of this leafleting/surveying at the doors is going to have to be you, in order to get you known locally, and then elected.

That means a minimum of 5 hours a week, routine, and full time (40 hrs a week) during official campaign periods.

The SNP were ahead of the game in terms of voter info and utilising social media back in 2013.

That is no longer our strength. Voter info we need to gather afresh, and social media – we need to counter that with our own strength which is 1 to 1 local campaigning (we have the volunteers to do it) – otherwise the BBC and Facebook 77th messaging will screw us again, now that they are up to speed.

Better Together knew what their plan was – 2 parts project fear, to one part (pretty much the last month) rosie tinted hindsight and nostalgia.

We have a genuine project fear in action Brexit and DevoNowt – both of which are going on outwith the media glare (big surprise) – and the only glimmer of positive on the horizon is a newly formed Alba that thinks its got 3 months to sit back and wait to hold its first conference.

That’s not good enough.

Alex Salmond if you’re reading this, you and I need to speak. I have a meeting with local activists on 19th of this month and can be available thereafter. The Rev has my e-mail.


For an insight into American politics from both sides of the House watch Jimi Dore on YouTube and Louder with Crowder currently suspended but still googlable. For offbeat humour Sleazy P Martini is your next YouTube stop.


I think your right Daisy. I wonder who gets to carry Nicola Sturgeons silver rod arial?

David A.

Remember we’ve heard from BOTH governments variations of the statement or implication that there will be no referendum or freedoms returned until there’s an “all clear”. They’ve been pushing this “zero covid” and other such terms, which is an impossible standard as viruses will always linger and mutate on the globe. The endless variants and new waves will mean they’ve always got an excuse. There’s going to always be be new respiratory viruses and diseases as they’ve been around before modern man existed (and might be around long after we’re gone too!).

How long can they milk this for? As long as the media keeps taking payments and orders from them and the public rely on the media and government servents to tell them what to think, sadly.

There’s endless barriers against a new indy ref, but these things are all like the proverbial man behind the curtain and could be dismissed if enough people look behind the curtain.


Almost a decade dedicated to the cause! keep up a sliver of hope. So much can change in the next few months! politics is highly unpredictable, and dodgy stuff eventually gets unearthed. I am sure Scotland will become independent in your lifetime and you’ll get to enjoy your homeland as it has always meant to be.
In the meantime, enjoy the freedom and please, report to the police the piece of garbage who did that to your friend.

Daisy Walker

Wally Jumblatt says:
14 May, 2021 at 6:39 pm

Someone further up this thread wondered how we would have spent the oil money had we had independence in the 70’s.
I am certain that the muppets in Holyrood would have blown it all, and we would have had nothing to show for it..

Really, I think it would have been invested in our heavy industries, and the shipyards on the Clyde re structured in order to build oilrigs and service ships for same. In addition to that the steel required for that industry would have been supplied by Ravenscraig.

Just think of all those apprenticeships and jobs, not to mention engineering skills, in addition to the Scots being aware and actually obtaining jobs on the rigs.

And for today’s market, I’d like to think that engineering skill would now be amended to invest in renewable energy.

There is always an element of corruption and there is always an element of stupid – but when its another country helping themselves, there are no brakes to it in any way – all you get left with is corrupt and stupid – because all the decent, able people read the writing on the wall, get fed up hitting their heads on the wall, and leave. Sort of where the SNP is now, if they did but realise it.


“SNP MSP Annabelle Ewing has been elected to serve as the Scottish Parliament’s Deputy Presiding Officer after a lengthy voting process.

Ewing, is the SNP member for Cowdenbeath.”


@Ian Brotherhood 14 May, 2021 at 7:17 pm

“Can’t remember where I got this from this but it’s probably the best summation I’ve seen so far. link to

LOL its complete fictional balderdash link to


Daisy Walker says:

“Someone further up this thread wondered how we would have spent the oil money had we had independence in the 70’s.
I am certain that the muppets in Holyrood would have blown it all, and we would have had nothing to show for it..

Really, I think it would have been invested in our heavy industries, and the shipyards on the Clyde re structured in order to build oilrigs and service ships for same. In addition to that the steel required for that industry would have been supplied by Ravenscraig.

Just think of all those apprenticeships and jobs, not to mention engineering skills, in addition to the Scots being aware and actually obtaining jobs on the rigs.

And for today’s market, I’d like to think that engineering skill would now be amended to invest in renewable energy.

There is always an element of corruption and there is always an element of stupid – but when its another country helping themselves, there are no brakes to it in any way – all you get left with is corrupt and stupid – because all the decent, able people read the writing on the wall, get fed up hitting their heads on the wall, and leave. Sort of where the SNP is now, if they did but realise it.”

Scotland has always gott he benefit of all our own Oil money but i suspect i would be wasting my time trying to explain it all to you. We could NOT have had an Oil Fund because it already gets spent on Scotlands own Public Services and its hard to spend the same money more then once. link to

Scotland also already gets full Geographical Oil revenues read about it on the Scot Gov website on page 34 here link to


Pixywine 14 May, 2021 at 8:00 pm

“I think your right Daisy. I wonder who gets to carry Nicola Sturgeons silver rod arial?”

Margaret Ferrier used to, it just gets disguised as something else.
link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Don (8.15) –

I just copied a link to someone’s reasons for shunning the jag. It’s his opinion and he’s entitled to, as you are to yours.

But if you really consider it ‘balderdash’ then I suggest you enter into conversation with the author. I’m sure he’d be delighted to hear from you.


Daisy Walker

@ Don, re ‘Scotland has always got the benefit of all our own Oil money but i suspect i would be wasting my time trying to explain it all to you. We could NOT have had an Oil Fund because it already gets spent on Scotlands own Public Services’

Actually it got used to pay for the building of the Thames Barrier, the M25, and 3 million unemployed during the early Thatcher years.

I’ll refer you to the McCrone Report for how it could have been invested, and to Tony Benn’s account of how it was pissed away.

Scot Finlayson


UK Parliament 1978,

Mr. Gordon Wilson
(Dundee, East)

“I beg to move,

That this House condemns Her Majesty’s Government for its mismanagement of Scotland’s oil resources and its refusal to establish an Oil Development Fund for Scotland to be used for restructuring the Scottish economy, encouraging industrial growth and reducing unemployment.”


Don’s Scotsman link archived.

link to

Scotland may have been allocated a proportional share from the revenues raised from its oil, but the real matter is that the UK’s mismanagement of the oil meant that far less overall revenue was raised from it, when compared to how other countries chose to license and tax the resources within their territories.

link to

link to

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