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Wings Over Scotland

The Hardest Vote

Posted on May 06, 2021 by

We’d actually planned to leave Chris Cairns’ fabulous cartoon at the top of the front page all day today, but this post is important so we’re putting it in here again (no, Chris, you don’t get paid twice) so we can say this.

Because no matter how much you hate the Unionist parties or certain of their individual MSPs, if you want Alba MSPs elected today there are several seats where you really, really can’t afford to vote SNP on the constituency ballot.

Whether you can hold your nose hard enough to vote SNP at all is a matter for each reader’s individual conscience. We know that we couldn’t, except for a tiny handful of exceptions this post will identify. But there are a bunch of seats where very specific circumstances apply even if you want them to win as many as possible.

(At this point we’re assuming that most of our readers want the maximum number of Alba MSPs. If you don’t, simply disregard the below.)



As a rough ballpark rule, a party needs over 5% of the list vote to take one list seat (and 10% for two, etc). In 2016 the Lib Dems got 13% in Highlands and Islands but got no list seats because they won two constituencies, causing their list vote to be divided by three, effectively becoming 4.4%.

But if they were to lose either Orkney, Shetland or both, they’d be all but certain to take at least one and very probably two list seats in compensation, and leave almost no chance of Alba getting one.

Alba supporters cannot afford to vote SNP in either of those seats.



The same principle applies in Lothian. If the three Unionist parties lose their one seat each, their effective vote shares for the last list seat would become 7.6% (Tories), 10.4% (Labour) and 5.6% (Lib Dems). Those are the numbers Alba would have to beat to get any seats. (The SNP already have no list seats in Lothian despite only having 6 out of 9 constituencies.)

Alba supporters cannot afford to vote SNP in any of those three seats.



We’d all love to kick out Willie Rennie. But if you do, the 7% the Lib Dems got on the list in 2016 will almost certainly be enough to get him in on the list instead, squeezing out Alba. No poll has put their vote that high.

Alba supporters cannot afford to vote SNP in North East Fife.



If Alexander Burnett loses his seat, the effective Tory vote for the list becomes 7%. Again, on even the best Alba polling (the consistent 6% they’ve had from Panelbase), that would mean another Tory list seat and nothing for Alba. If Burnett holds on, Alba’s chances improve significantly.

Alba supporters cannot afford to vote SNP in Aberdeenshire West.



South Scotland is murderously complicated because the SNP currently have three list MSPs there (75% of their total). Wings absolutely endorses a vote for Joan McAlpine in Dumfriesshire to kick out Oliver Mundell, even though the Tories would be almost guaranteed to get a seat back on the list.

The others are more straightforward. If the SNP take East Lothian from Labour then Labour’s effective second list vote would become 8.9%, a total Alba are unlikely to top. So you’d trade one Labour MSP for an SNP one, but you’d trade an SNP one on the list back for a Labour one – no net indy gain and no Alba MSP.

The same applies to the other Tory seats – every SNP gain would almost certainly result in a Tory replacing an SNP list MSP. So you’d make no difference to the indy/Unionist balance, but you’d be electing appalling idiots like Emma Harper instead of Alba candidates.

Alba supporters cannot afford to vote SNP anywhere but Dumfriesshire.



Wings DOES endorse voting SNP in Jackie Baillie’s seat of Dumbarton. Not because it’d get her out of Parliament – she’s top of the Labour list and would almost certainly get back in that way – but because the extra Unionist list seat an SNP victory in Dumbarton would create would be distinctly likely to squeeze out the loathsome Ross Greer, who only barely scraped in last time.

The same probably applies to Eastwood, although in both cases the numbers are tight. So absolutely feel free to vote SNP in either seat. Two SNP wins there would mean a net indy gain of at least one, AND a chance of booting Greer out for an Alba MSP.


Across the country there are other seats where a tactical Unionist vote could mean no net change to the number of indy MSPs but replace a terrible SNP constituency member with a really good Alba list one.

But that’s dependent on the Alba vote, and we just don’t know what that’s going to be, so it’s a high-risk strategy that could either result in more Unionist MSPs or terrible SNP constituency MSPs being replaced by even worse ones from the list, because ALL of the SNP’s list-toppers are dreadful beyond words.

The only place we actively encourage a tactical vote for a Unionist candidate is Glasgow Southside, where a surprise win for Anas Sarwar would be all but guaranteed to be balanced with an SNP list seat, while removing the toxic cancer of Nicola Sturgeon from the SNP – the single best possible outcome of this election, albeit a long shot. Everywhere else it’s a pure gamble.

Every Alba MSP counts. We can’t afford to throw away a single chance, folks.

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309 to “The Hardest Vote”

  1. Ian McCubbin

    Have done my bit by voting Alba in North Tayside.
    All sounds good advice here.


    Alba Rising.
    Let’s get down to business.
    Good luck Yessers.

  3. Calum

    Thank you, I will now spoil my constituency ballot in Ayr with a clear conscience.

  4. true scot

    Anyone that wants independence to kick off under this party and this leader is like a thirsty man crawling across the desert, no longer thinking rationally and driven by thirst.

    They would make a mess of a Yes vote from day 1, because it is not their focus. I’m sure many in the SNP do think about a referendum and how to get a one – but like the Joker in the Dark Knight, they’re like a dog chasing cars, only in this case it’s a Yes vote. They wouldn’t know what to do with one if they got it.

    Independence may be the purpose of the SNP, but nobody can tell me it’s their focus – and nation building is not a great time to be winging it.

    They will not change unless the electorate weakens them and forces them to think again.

    You should not feel comfortable with your constituency vote today.

  5. Robert Hughes

    Your reasoning is sound Stu and much as I’d LOVE to see the back of Sturgeon I just don’t see her not getting back somehow or other , they’ll find a way , as you know better than most they have absolutely no principles when it comes to retaining their grip on power .

    Unless , the SNP vote collapses and they lose control of Holyrood , in which scenario she would be seeking that high profile job sooner than we expected .Much to our relief .

  6. Moira Girvan

    On the ballot the fact that ALBA is practically the only party with NO logo actually makes it stand out from the rest.Parties I’ve literally never heard of were able to register their logo – but the so-called Electoral Commission were somehow unable to do so – despite the fact that ALBA had their logo submitted before the deadline. Coincidence? Hardly.

    The ‘powers that be’ have done absolutely everything to thwart ALBA. Any success they get – will be in spite of them. Here’s hoping!

  7. Stuart Campbell

    Any advice on the best way to spoil my constituency vote, I just cannot bring myself to vote for the SNP in East Kilbride…….so, cock and balls, fuck you big mama?

  8. tridentitycrisis

    SNP 1/ Alba or Greens 2
    “The real enemy is not the Nazis but the Social Democrats” said Joseph Stalin in 1930. Known as Third Period Communism, communists around the world identified Labour Parties and non-communist socialists as the main target of attack, as more dangerous enablers of the right wing – leading to the election of the Nazis in Germany as the two left parties faced off against each other rather than combatting their common enemy. After 1933 this disastrous policy was abandoned in favour of a Popular Front strategy which paid off with left-wing governments coming to power in various European countries, such as France. But of course it was too late – the damage was already done.
    Is there a parallel with the virulent anti-SNP hostility evident on this site for months? Will we fall between two stools?
    I could never, never vote for any Unionist. SNP 1/ Alba or Greens 2

  9. Republicofscotland

    Good tactical points on voting there Rev, but maybe you should’ve put this up a few days ago, or even longer as postal votes are already in and some folk have already voted this morning.

    Ah well , better late than never I suppose.

  10. Market Force

    And don’t forget folks:-

    “Vote SNP 1 and ALBA 2 so child molesters and Chicks with Dicks get access to female changing rooms and toilets.”

    “This will lead to women and young girls being sexually assaulted in places that were once women only spaces.”

    There, sorted that for you crazy, dyed in the wool Sturgeonistas….

    The Rev Stu says:-

    “So we’re making a plea from the heart. Spoil your constituency paper, readers. For children, for women, for gay people, for Scotland and for kindness”.

    The Rev also tells us to vote for Sarwar if you are in the Glasgow Southside Constituency.

  11. Dulwich

    Anything that needs to be done to eject Nicola Sturgeon from her current Southside seat should be done. She is the core problem & needs to be gone. Under any other circumstances I’d never ever consider voting Labour but in this instance the greater good for Scotland simply merits taking a much much bigger leap and rid us of this odious individual.

  12. Graf Midgehunter


    We could have done with this advice 48 hrs ago, but, better late than never.
    This instead of the Orwell thread.

    Whatever the election brings I do sincerly hope for a major ALBA breakthrough for Scotlands future. 🙂

  13. robertknight

    Thanks Rev – just hope enough of those in the areas listed come here before going to a polling station.

    Not being in one of those areas, I’ll be donning a clothes peg and voting SNP for the SOLE PURPOSE of reducing their chance of gaining a list seat and thereby increasing the chances of ALBA doing so.

    I just hope I don’t see anybody sporting an SNP rosette – I’ll have a hard time keeping a civil tongue!

  14. Davie170

    If the Rev does hang up his keyboard after this election, then look no further than the SNP 1 Brigade for who’s to blame.

    They will have went against everything the Rev asked them to do, they went out of their way to make sure Sturgeon got her Supermajority.

    Sturgeon will now turn Scotland into a Perverts paradise.

    Something the Rev has tried to prevent happening.

    So we know who to blame if the Rev does head for pastures new.

    The SNP 1 Brigade.

    And no doubt, they will be the first to plead with the Rev to continue, even though they never listened to a word he said.

    You lot can always head back to the Wee Gingerbread Man’s website, where you all belong.

  15. Tannadice Boy

    A cracking cartoon and life imitates art as born out by my visit to the polling station a short time ago. A Saltire/ SNP vehicle with an SNP clad woman standing at the gate. A party ‘Teller’? I don’t know I did not engage. But surely during Covid restrictions this should not have been allowed? In my time as an SNP canvasser I never stood outside a polling station. Anyway no votes for the SNP from us today. I didn’t bet on the long shot of 55 SNP MSPs. Instead I bet on no SNP overall majority. At a measly 17 to 20.

  16. Davie170

    If Sturgeon gets here Supermajority, the the Rev can always come back in ten years time to try and kick start the long time defunct Yes Movement.

  17. tamson

    Couldn’t advocate voting for Sarwar- he’s at least equally awful. Plus, we’d be robbed the sight of Sturgeon facing Salmond at FMQs, which would completely expose how hollow she is on indy.

  18. Peter A Bell

    “Again, on even the best Alba polling (the consistent 6% they’ve had from Panelbase)”

    Consistent but for the most recent one. Which saw Alba drop to 4%.

  19. Davie170

    VOTE SNP 1,

    And turn Scotland into the world’s first official “Pervert’s Paradise.”

  20. dandydons1903

    Voted SNP1 and ALBA2 this morning. It is the only way.

  21. Kingu

    Constituency paper spoiled here in Angus & North Mearns and Alba on list. Your post didn’t mention my area but I’d already decided to spoil the ballot paper and vote Alba. Couldn’t hold my nose, Mairi Gougeon imho doesn’t deserve to win her seat. She was a crap Councillor but I voted for her as MSP for Indy but well that went no where.

    Happy days Rev Stu, hope people heed your advice. Hoping to see a few upsets, Nicola Sturgeon would be best of all. God knows who’d replace her as leader? Who’s your money on.

  22. Cath

    The really stupid thing about this is that, had the SNP and its most idiotically supine supporters had the common sense to welcome Alba, even tacitly, rather than gloating about how low they were polling and the unionist media’s blackout and smears of them, this wouldn’t be necessary. If Alba were poling at 10-12%, on the list, say, we could all go out and confidently vote SNP1 and Alba 2 everywhere, safe in the knowledge it would maximise the independence majority. It’s never been more clear just how against independence the current SNP leadership are.

    I also have a feeling Labour will do a lot better than the polls suggest in this election. This bland campaign with no focus on independence has probably played best for them. If you’re a soft yes or no, not sold on independence in the next 5 years, after 14 years of an SNP government looking increasingly corrupt. why wouldn’t you shift to Labour this time around?

  23. ahundredthidiot

    Just voted SNP on the Constituency.

    It was like kissing my Sister.

    Voting Alba on the Regional List hasn’t quite gotten rid of the taste, but it helps.

  24. And Spouse

    Did what Big Eck told me to do with my votes this morning.
    I think tactical voting is a concept that certainly works but when it’s taken to extremes it would become a total lottery.

  25. And Spouse

    Whatever the outcome today, individuals within OUR SNP have let us down very badly. Feeling sad and think we gonna have a poor result for Indy. Somebody tell me I’m wrong!

  26. tartanfever

    Constituency vote spoilt

    List vote to Alba

    Same for everyone in the household.

    Christ what a bloody awful feeling to spoil your vote, but self respect and moral principles completely intact.

  27. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    ” Your reasoning is sound Stu and much as I’d LOVE to see the back of Sturgeon I just don’t see her not getting back somehow or other , they’ll find a way , as you know better than most they have absolutely no principles when it comes to retaining their grip on power .”

    Oh, absolutely. But we can only do what we can do.

  28. Mikey d

    Just voted snp1 and alba2.

  29. Cath

    Feeling sad and think we gonna have a poor result for Indy. Somebody tell me I’m wrong!

    Given the sheer amount of lies, smears, propaganda and blackouts in this election, I don’t trust the results at all. There will be no exit poll again, and no counting until tomorrow. So yeah, I have a horrible suspicion the results will be depressing and the next 5 years somewhere between wasted and utter hell. I really hope I’m wrong but I’ve never felt so depressed and fearful about politics, and I’m horribly aware just how critical this next five years will be. If it’s a repeat of the past 5 with the same people, that’ll be the end of independence. But there’s a very strong chance it’ll be a whole lot worse than that.

  30. Marie Clark

    For the first time in my life I stood in the polling booth this morning, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not hold my nose and vote SNP. Spoiled the constituency vote , Alba on list.

    If it had not been for Alba appearing a few weeks ago, I would not have voted at all. Feel scunnert.

  31. Mikey d

    Last time after all these years i’ll ever put a cross on a ballot paper for an snp candidate.

  32. Grouse Beater

    First name on my constituency ballot paper, Alex Coal-Scuttle. Next a Tory. Then an independent unionist. No thanks.

    I have standards.

  33. Famous15

    The cunning plan,folks!

    To spoil any paper is the equivalent of pencils up your nostrils and going “wibble,wibble”and over the top you go!

    The SNP will get to seat warm for another term and you will be angry.

    The plan : SNP1 and Alba2 on the peach paper.

    Any other advice is too holy for me,as holy as a hole in the head.

    I was being nice to those in plain sight who are paid to derail indy.

  34. Jacqueline McMillan

    I’m struggling like most. Haven’t voted yet. Really don’t want to vote new snp on constit. Hardest call ever. Got ’til 10pm. What a long day 🙁

    ALBA on list obvs.

  35. Hatuey

    The big day is here. And we are in luck; it’s raining. Rain is good for Alba and humanity. You can work out why for yourselves…

    Today I’m in Uddingston, doing my best to stir up voter apathy.

  36. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    ” I could never, never vote for any Unionist. SNP 1/ Alba or Greens 2”

    Nobody’s asking you to vote for a Unionist. But if you’re still considering voting Green after everything we’ve revealed in recent weeks, maybe this isn’t the website for you. I don’t want any apologists for those fucking scumbags on here.

  37. Edward MacD

    Never spoil your ballot paper, that just plays into the hands of those you don’t want in power. Vote for a complete Independent if you can’t find anyone worthy.

    Obviously ALBA has to get everyone’s vote. We’ve got to build ALBA up to be the next Scottish Government after another 5 years of ineptitude, inaction, and inanities from the so-called leading parties.

  38. Jontoscots21

    Just voted SNP 1 Alba 2 in west of Scotland. Not liking voting for the SNP who are basically now the Stonewall enabling Party 9th bad education and crap transport policies. Needs must. I have alerted a lot of people to the need to put heat on Sturgeon in our useless Parliament. Whatever happens Alba/ISP and the serious independence strand will continue.

  39. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    ”To spoil any paper is the equivalent of pencils up your nostrils and going “wibble,wibble”and over the top you go!”

    No, it isn’t, for reasons I’ve just laid out. Please don’t be stupid. It depresses me.

  40. Bob W

    Just back from voting. Only three officials at the Polling Place, one polling corral , with two of the four booths cordoned off. That’s half the officials and less than half the booths compared to every other time I’ve voted. Possibly due to high postal vote on my region. Voted Alba on the list but couldn’t bring myself to vote SNP due to my ‘current’ MSP being apparently woke and very close to a former SLP leader.

  41. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    ” Plus, we’d be robbed the sight of Sturgeon facing Salmond at FMQs,”

    Wouldn’t you rather be spared the sight of her at all, and have at least a CHANCE of an SNP leader who’d actually pursue independence?

  42. Bob W


    To be clear SLP=SLabour not SLiberal

  43. Scozzie

    Stuart Campbell @ 12.11pm

    After all the heavy lifting you’ve done to educate people on these women hating creatures, it bewilders me that people reading Wings could even contemplate voting Green, let alone announce it!!!

  44. Meg merrilees

    Peter A Bell

    ALBA may be showing 4% on the polls yesterday – but if their support is dropping why did the National only release the first part of their poll the SNP 90% bit.
    Why did they withhold the bit showing that 49% of National readers polled said they would vote for ALBA on the list?

    Curtice and Brian Taylor are saying that AS is finished, sad end to a political career etc. – well, Alex’s a betting man as they have so often pointed out to us and even the worst gambler wins now and again. What’s more, he picks himself up ‘tae fight again’.

    Sometimes gamblers know the field better than you think and have a racing certainty. I truly hope this is the case.

    After all, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that the polls have been ‘adjusted’ to suit the message they want to put across.
    That ALBA has even rated 4% is an amazing achievement in 3 weeks with NO media coverage and total rejection from the supposedly Indy supporting FM.

    Vote Sarwar in Glasgow southside and ALBA on the list.

    Not many fingernails left and all fingers and toes crossed – I don’t want to feel how I did on Sept 19th 2014.

  45. Hatuey

    Cath, without meaning to be facetious, you at least have hopes to dash. I lost all hope in the spring of 2017.

    I’m pretty confident that Alba will get at least one seat. But we are up against a bunch of back-stabbers who have allied themselves with BBC and British State, so anything is possible.

  46. maureen

    Voted Alba for north east

  47. David Caledonia

    No man will be going into any ladies areas and expect to get away with it I can assure anyone of that fact.
    The yanks threatened to shoot them if they did it there, and guess what, not one of the cowardly pervs have tried it yet.
    There are laws that most people obey, and there are laws which demand to be ignored, and this piece of crap will be one of them,
    welcome to vigilantism if there is such a word.

    Scots, wha ha wi’ wallace bled
    Scots, wham Bruce has often led
    Welcome to your gory bed
    or to victory !

    Aba Gu Bra

  48. Ewan

    I wish to goodness you had posted this yesterday! Before I followed Alba advice and held my nose.

  49. Vivian O'Blivion

    Couldn’t bring myself to vote SNP on the constituency ballot. The final straw for me was the four SNP, MSPs on the “Harassment Committee” refusing to back further powers for the Parliament to hold the Executive to account. It isn’t just Nikola, almost all elected apparatchiks are rotten. That and Polis Scotland’s self proclaimed “Salmond squad” seeking out critics of Sturgeon for “special treatment”. Scotland under Sturgeon’s Nu SNP / ZANU PF is a very scary place.
    Spoiled ballot for me, “No Gleichschaltung under my name”.
    Number of rejected ballots in my constituency in 2016 was 129 (0.38%). Perhaps an increase in rejected ballots is the best means of conveying a message to the hapless SNP, Election agents.

  50. AwakeNotWoke

    Renfrewshire, Alba don’t have an image/logo on the regional vote sheet?

  51. Robert Hughes

    Stuart Campbell says

    ” Oh, absolutely. But we can only do what we can do. ”

    Indeed Stu , and you have done a herculean job of trying to enlighten people to the darkness of New SNP and their Klingon acolytes the ( allegedly ) Greens .For which , many thanks n total respect .

  52. mrbfaethedee

    Fingers crossed for some decent Alba representation in Holyrood.

    The coming years are going to be tough.

  53. Anagach

    I vote Alba because the SNP are likely to sweep or near sweep the constituencies. Otherwise I’d vote SNP x 2.

    I would not vote for Lib, Lab or Con.

  54. Dan

    Richt, it’s jist stopped pishin it doon and it feelz baltic ootside wi the chilly breeze.
    Headin out tae vote noo and gonnae be using an I’m With Nicola / Both Votes SNP yellow pen in an ironic stylée. 🙂

  55. Effigy

    Great work Rev in compiling all this.
    Could we afford you if you were paid by the hour?
    I doubt it.

    I don’t think SNP have got a majority listening to my own contacts?
    I just pray some Alba seats hold the keys to independence.

  56. Gordon Hastie

    Haven’t voted yet, so thanks for this.

  57. WGW

    Chris’s otherwise excellent cartoon and message have been a bit spoiled by the use of “POLLING STATION”.

    In Scotland, we have public POLLING PLACES, within which we may have several “STATIONS”.

  58. Ottomanboi

    Jersey and gunboats in context.
    Fishy indeed, but more about the stench of quaint British «protectorates» laundering dirty money for London’s financial markets.

  59. Robert Hughes

    Hatuey says

    ” Today I’m in Uddingston, doing my best to stir up voter apathy ”

    Big Lolz for that amigo .

    With the weather n’all the shit surrounding this election you may not have to do much stirring .

    In the land of the caramel wafer the one-eyed voter takes the biscuit

  60. SilverDarling

    Spent last night going over the options. Came to the same conclusion as the Rev wrt Dumbarton. The Greens are a bigger threat to women’s rights and the idea of facilitating Greer on the regional ballot means SNP constituency and ALBA list.

    A long wait till Saturday now.

  61. Mia

    The party with no logo on the list got my cross. That was done with great pleasure and no hesitation whatsoever.

    The cross in the purple paper took much longer to find its way to the right place but in the end find its way it did. I can now officially say the SNP lost my vote. My pen found its way to the square next to a different pro-indy candidate.

    As the first time it was traumatic. And yet, I do not even feel remorse. But once you have denied the SNP your vote once, I am sure it will be far easier to do it again, just like the political fraud leading the SNP has made it easier for the England gov to deny us a referendum thanks to her fabricated need for an S30, her garbage about a wildcat referendum and her propaganda of a “gold standard” that turned to be a piece of clay with a coat of yellow paint.

    For the likes of Blackman, Smith, Blackford, Oswald, Wishart, McDonald and a few other gradualist seat warmers, it would be interesting to factor in during their next character performances that, after wasting the best part of 18 months doing nothing other than acting as the praetorian guard of a corrupt individual pretending to be leader, unless they move their pampered arses and focus on deliver independence before the next GE is set, the crosses that should ensure their arses can continue to enjoy the green seats and a nice salary may find their way to another candidate.

    Patience, the same as trust, is a virtue that once you exhaust you cannot get back. We did not vote for seat warmers in 2019. We did not vote for science deniers nor for the regression of females’ rights. We voted for pro independence warriors. So let’s see it.

  62. Frank Gillougley

    Thank you Rev, invaluable post. I was swithering yet again, but you’ve now confirmed what i was going to do. Spoil 1 Alba 2

  63. Frank Gillougley

    Thank you Rev, invaluable post.

  64. David Caledonia

    The unionists love people with moral principles cause that never enters there heads to be moral or principled, politics is one of the dirtiest games on the planet, anyone stupid enough to spoil their paper is a fool and should go away and hide in shame as far as I am concerned.
    The bookies love mug punters, the kind of people who go for the pot at the end of the rainbow, you have to avoid that way of betting, even the great Harry Findlay would not back a mug bet, his attitude is what does it matter if the bet is odds on, if you are determined the bet will win back it.
    Harry is quite a wealthy chap, made an absolute fortune backing federer when he was unbeatable, odds on bets on federer never worried our harry, he always backed the man in form and won every time, guy put on millions for himself and others.
    He is scottish his family moved to england when he was a boy, he tells the story about himself and his mum going to the cup final when he was quite young, they put all their money on one of the teams, his team lost and he and his mum did not even have the money for a bag of chips on the way home, he has won a fortune and lost a fortune in his time, now he is older and wiser and doing ok for himself as far as I know.

  65. alzyerpal

    I was really reluctant to vote SNP1 but eventually did a ‘Nose Holding’ job and went for SNP1 ALBA2.
    The prospect of not voting ‘TOM ARTHUR’ in Renfrewshire South, and Labour regaining the seat, was unbearable and this, coupled with the chance of ALBA losing a possible seat to an SNP ‘Listie’ tipped the balance for me.
    After my colossal voting effort I lay on the couch, to regain my strength, and was awakened by a knock on the door; Tom Arthur himself stood there, enquiring after my voting intentions. I thought I was still dreaming and my brain refused to kick into gear. I therefore missed an opportunity to launch an Anti Sturgeon tirade (something which’ll likely haunt me for the rest of my days :() but told him how I’d voted.
    He thanked me for my vote and his manner when I mentioned ‘ALBA2’ seemed to suggest it was something he’d heard a few times.
    Let’s hope so anyway 🙂

  66. Name (required)

    I am not sure if i spoiled my con’ ballot or not, i marked an X and added some advice in the margin.

    as long as your intent is clear – as i understand it.

    ‘only 4 indy’ might be enough it might be spoiled – without Alba it would have been spoiled.

    as a previous poster said it feels odd to do it but its saint nick that turned me to it.

  67. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Meg merrilees at 12:23 pm’

    You typed,

    “ALBA may be showing 4% on the polls yesterday – but if their support is dropping why did the National only release the first part of their poll the SNP 90% bit.
    Why did they withhold the bit showing that 49% of National readers polled said they would vote for ALBA on the list?”

    They didn’t withhold anything. I posted this last night.

  68. Shocked

    The heads of the SNP1 fanatics will be exploding over this! Imagine someone actually using logic and reason to make their point!

  69. T.roz

    3 votes for Alba, just about to happen in ten minutes, isle of Islay

  70. Thistle's Bristles

    Having postal-voted already, I’m sitting back awaiting outcomes.

    I’ll be very interested to observe not only the results, but how the various candidates (some, especially) will conduct themselves in response: when they first learn the results.. and thereafter, if still in the public eye.

  71. Finnz

    Its quite simple

    If you want Independence, the SNP is the only party that will deliver it.

    Alba will be lucky to get a single list MSP and that might not even be in the NE.

  72. JGedd

    Really, really wish I had had this advice earlier. First year of using a postal vote so I have already voted but left it as late as possible because I couldn’t bring myself to vote Emma Harper. I swithered for a long time because as the Rev said, South of Scotland is fiendishly difficult but in the end, feeling very, very bad, I took Salmond’s advice and voted SNP on the constituency. (My own inclination had been to spoil my vote).

    Anyway, too late now. I was already depressed after posting, now feeling very gloomy. I won’t be able to cope with the gloating if the results are not good for Alba.

  73. Jacqueline McMillan

    That’s it done. Well and truly spoiled my const paper. Voted ALBA on the list. Felt joy initially but still worried. Time will tell. Just hoping I’ve enough time left to see a Republic of Scotland with Alex as First President. I kid you not. Happy to my grave.

  74. Jacqueline McMillan

    I got to keep the pencil 😉

  75. Pixywine

    I will vote but these days I have no enthusiasm for the game.

  76. H Scott

    I have voted SNP on the constituency ballot and ALBA on the list.

  77. Garrion

    @Finnz. There’s a difference between saying the word independence and actually achieving it. Back to minecraft you go.

  78. TheSNPLeftMe

    If the polling has been so wildly out for weeks and ALBA win seats will we have an enquiry into the bias of polling companies? The data could only have been in error if an organised campaign had been executed.

    I look forward to embarrassed polling companies explaining why they got it so badly wrong.
    The only person who believes the polls is Peter Bell.

  79. Rogueslr

    Ladbrokes have Alba to get at least 1 seat at 4/6 on. Seems like a good bet to me.

  80. Davy

    Unbelievable – do you honestly think SCOTLAND can gain its independence or to simply earn the right to decide for independence by not voting for the SNP.

    You are off your fucking-heads.

  81. Daisy Walker

    Couple of random thoughts from the last few weeks and today’s voting.

    Firstly the Alba Sign – it stands out fantastic, even from a distance, it Pings.

    Secondly – no logo on the ballot paper – made Alba Stand out from the crowd – Doh!!!! Bet they never meant that to happen.

    Thirdly – the grass roots Alba are already talking about what next, how to organise, what to aim for and what info/areas to garner. And they are energetic and their danders up. And I think that it will remain that way – regardless if today’s results are not as good as hoped.

    Not to put to fine a point on it – this is the SNP’s last big win. The people they have lost from the organisation were the people who got things done and kept the wheels on the bus. No party can afford to lose them wholesale, and they have.

    And they haven’t gone home to greet, they’ve gone to Alba – to win.

    I’m no polyanna type optomist, but when I see highly motivated, highly capable people, putting in 18 hour days, of their own free will, for no money, and joining with others for the same purpose, for weeks at a time – that’s an army on the march… today, today is just one day.

  82. Andy Ellis

    Small queue to vote in Edinburgh Central. Pure Baltic weather but no rain at least.

    Spoilt my constituency vote & Alba 2. I think I’d actually be more gutted to hear that a piece of work like Robertson had won than the Tories retaining it. 🙁

  83. Pixywine

    Tridentitycrises. The only difference between Nazis and Commies was the colour of their uniforms.

  84. Soda

    Just back from voting and true to an earlier comment i voted for the spineless goon Jamie Hepburn/SNP in the constituency but spoiled the paper by writing…

    “Would have been but for the GRA and the HCB”

    Alba of course got my regional vote.

  85. Soda

    In hindsight i should have added that it was also because i actually want independence…

  86. Breeks

    Finnz says:
    6 May, 2021 at 1:04 pm
    Its quite simple

    If you want Independence, the SNP is the only party that will deliver it.

    Are they aye?

    Sat on their arses doing nothing these past six years, despite Brexit and colonial subjugation putting Scotland within a merest whisker of actual Independence, until of course the constitutionally illiterate Sturgeon choose to squander the lot.

    Six years … nothing. Either shit or get off the pot.

    You wonder how the Scotland could have returned 56 out of 59 SNP seats in Westminster and achieved absolutely NOTHING with them, but then you look at Pete Wishart, and then you know exactly how.

    ALBA is on the scene now, and win lose or draw, they feel a safer and more honest pair of hands than Sturgeon’s SNP. Alex Salmond has more integrity and strategic genius in his wee finger than Sturgeon has in her both buses SNP “campaign”.

    The SNP under Sturgeon are a busted flush.

  87. Neil in Glasgow

    My wife and I just back in. She spoiled her constituency and voted alba on the list. I couldn’t find alba on the constituency so I added it myself. Alba on the list also (where I could find it very easily, second from the top!).

  88. tridentitycrisis

    The vitriolic, abusive hostility to the Greens on this site is frankly Trump-like and seems to be based overwhelmingly on the Wangs Over Scotland version of this blog. I agree that Ross Greer is an unpleasant twat – I’ve met him and can confirm that’s he’s as unlikeable in person as he is on TV, arrogant, smirky and condescending, a sort of male Priti Patel. But Lorna Slater is an altogether different case – a vibrant, compassionate, genuine human being with a love for the planet and Scotland. The Green Party are genuine independence supporters, probably more fundamentally so than some in the SNP leadership.
    SNP 1 / Alba or Greens 2

  89. Sharon

    Come on Glasgow Southside! But do I, in Edin N & Leith, spoil my vote, go with snp1/Alba2, or vote some random who’ll never win? (my MSP is Ben MacPherson, who I’m told is principled and sane – about to check his voting record the now)

  90. tartanfever

    Davy says @1:19 pm

    ‘Unbelievable – do you honestly think SCOTLAND can gain its independence or to simply earn the right to decide for independence by not voting for the SNP.

    You are off your fucking-heads.’

    – Davy thinks Independence is owned by the SNP. If thats the case, why haven’t we had the 2nd referendum we’ve been promised for years by Sturgeon.

    Don’t be like Davy, brainwashing is cruel.

  91. winifred mccartney

    Is it ok if list page torn a bit was done by the person giving it to me – queried it and told it would be ok. Spoiled 1 and Alba 2 – long wait till Saturday but hope SNP and BBC as well as pollsters have to eat a lot of humble pie. No logo for Alba on my list sheet either. Have to say Polling place chaotic – boxes not marked for purple and peach – I had to ask and heard others asking too.

  92. Mungo Armstrong

    Sharon. Ben Macpherson my MSP too. He’s pro gender woo woo I’m afraid. I checked.

  93. Wee Chid

    Finnz says:
    6 May, 2021 at 1:04 pm
    Its quite simple

    “If you want Independence, the SNP is the only party that will deliver it.”

    On which planet? Hasn’t the penny dropped yet?

  94. tartanfever

    tridentitycrisis @ 1:41 pm

    ‘The vitriolic, abusive hostility to the Greens on this site is frankly Trump-like ‘

    As opposed to the Greens hatred of women, which is actually modelled on Trump

  95. Robert Graham

    A wee bit o/t

    My my it’s amazing how much people fool themselves , a 10 minute trip to Vote and suddenly they are experts and can predict the final results with certainty because they think it was busy and they think they remember less people the last time , fk half of them can’t remember last week never mind a few years ago but now they are experts Aye right .

    We probably won’t get a Idea of how stupid Scotland has voted until MI5 sort out what they can get away with and without drawing too much attention then they will release the results they want ,a free and fair election ha ha aye right ,

    No doubt the people involved will profess total honesty and everything was done by the rules , just in case folk haven’t noticed Governments don’t play by any rules they make up their own then figure out how to sell it to the mug voters .

    if voting made a difference it would be illegal to Vote .

  96. Mungo Armstrong

    No Exit polls I see. BBC and STV not commissioned them because of Covid apparently. Cannae mind what the reason for them not commissioning for the the 2014 referendum? Funny how every UK election before and since have had them though.

  97. Wee Chid

    tridentitycrisis says:
    6 May, 2021 at 1:41 pm
    “But Lorna Slater is an altogether different case – a vibrant, compassionate, genuine human being with a love for the planet and Scotland.”

    And someone who just congratulated a fully intact male on becoming the CEO of the Rape Crisis Centre in Edinburgh. A true handmaiden of the transpocalypse who is happy to allow an, apparently, AGP male access to vulnerable women. Aye, very compassionate – unless you are a woman.

  98. Wee Chid

    winifred mccartney says:
    6 May, 2021 at 1:44 pm
    Your vote should be OK but if I had been the Presiding
    officer I would have issued a new one. Also boxes should be clearly marked or there could be problems at the count. I would contact your electoral registration office and let them know. These people are paid fairly well to do the h=job on the day and they are not sticking to the procedures. If you complain a travelling officer should go along and get them sorted out. The potential for mixing up votes is a nightmare for the counting admin staff as the boxes will not tally with the ballot account written up by the Presiding Officer at the end of the day. Get them telt.

  99. Scozzie

    Tridentitycrisis @ 1.41pm

    Are you kidding – Lorna Slater (a women) cannot define what is a woman!!!!
    Get off the kool-aid mate.
    The Greens are are pseudo-enviromental party.
    Their environmental policies are woeful.
    They’re more interested in gender politics.

    What a paradox believing in climate science but don’t believe in biological science. They are frauds.

    Out of interest does any one of them have expertise in climate science, marine biology, agriculture, ecology, geosciences, environmental enginneering…I could go on…
    Reel your neck in, please.

  100. Dan

    tridentitycrisis says: at 1:41 pm

    The vitriolic, abusive hostility to the Greens on this site is frankly Trump-like and seems to be based overwhelmingly on the Wangs Over Scotland version of this blog. I agree that Ross Greer is an unpleasant twat – I’ve met him and can confirm that’s he’s as unlikeable in person as he is on TV, arrogant, smirky and condescending, a sort of male Priti Patel.

    I’ll point out that what you have just written to describe both Wingers and young Master Greer could probably be deemed Hate Speech in NuScotland so careful how you go.
    Of course there was always this amongst several recent articles that may justify folks’ current views of the Greens.

  101. Wee Chid

    Scozzie says:
    6 May, 2021 at 2:00 pm

    To be fair gender ID politic IS their solution to climate change. Make the population unable to breed by transitioning the majority of them and you solve the over population problem. They should really include that in their manifesto though.

  102. Republicofscotland

    For those having a wee peek on here before voting, don’t vote Green at all the Greens are gender obsessed, and the majority of them don’t support an independent Scotland. The Greens are so anti-women that Patrick Harvey cannot even admit what a woman is, giving the Greens your votes will weaken the rights of the women and girls in your life, don’t do it.

    Instead give your vote to the Alba party, a party that will protect women and girls rights, and support an independent Scotland.

  103. TheSNPLeftMe


    The Greens are NOT an Independence Party. They pretend to support it to get votes.
    The Greens DO NOT care about Women’s Rights. They also support perverts accessing schools to brainwash kids.

    If you don’t like the information then you are visiting the wrong site.

    Don’t vote Green under any circumstances. The Environment spin is just another vote scavenge.

  104. Captain Yossarian

    Whatever else happens today, let’s all hope that James Wolffe gets strapped to the Holyrood ejector seat. It’s time to get our legal profession back on the rails again and this will be a start.

  105. ElGordo

    Disturbing reports of people being turned away from a Stirling polling station by burly ladies if they say they support a certain party.

  106. Elmac

    I see Scotgoespop is advising people how to vote. So here is my advice – vote Alba on the list and ABS (anyone but sturgeon’s party) on the constituency. Then you will have a clear conscience knowing you did not vote for a bunch of corrupt liars.

  107. Balaaargh

    Whoa there, cowboy!

    Holiday Boy gets paid??

  108. Dan

    Don’t be fooled into parting with your cash to buy one of the many mini Banksy or Jackson Pollock Scottish politically themed pictures that have appeared today.
    These are fakes and are actually just artistically spoiled Constituency Ballots.

  109. Scozzie

    Just reminding people that Craig Murray is having his sentencing hearing tomorrow Friday 7th May. He needs our support. His appeal is going to cost an absolute fortune.
    Without Craig we wouldn’t have heard a sniff of Alex Salmond’s defense case.

  110. SilverDarling

    @tridenditycrisis 1.41 pm

    Lorna Slater had a good couple of debates but make no mistake she is as much on board as Harvie and Greer in their hatred of women. No one knew her so they took her at face value. But other interviews where she has been pressed on her views on the GRA reform show her struggling and becoming angry. She is their acceptable face but despite her STEM credentials, she is facilitating the erosion of women as a sex class as much as the men.

    Anyone who rejoices in the recent appointment of that CEO is no friend of women. Remember the Greens get rid of anyone who doesn’t adhere to their hive-mind view regarding gender identity hence Andy Wightman being pushed to leave.

    The days of needing the Greens to save the planet are long gone.

  111. Cenchos

    I suppose the middle cless see the Ezz Enn Pee as the only fashionable option.

    I mean, Labour- well it’s in the name isn’t it. Still the party of, you know, the working class…

    And the Conservatives, well, not for us thank you. We know our place, do we not, Rupert? Ho ho!

    And the Greens are all a bit hippy tree huggy. Gosh, we don’t really want to be reminded of the 60’s do we ?

    Lib Dems? I don’t think so: Rupert says that Willie Rennie sounds SO like something you’d get for a dyspeptic penis. LOL.

    And there really, really just isn’t anyone else, is there Rupert?

    So it’ll be ‘SNP for We’. As long as they don’t ACTUALLY pursue independence…

    And, really, Scotland will be sooo much kinder like that.

    Won’t we, Rupert?

  112. Mia

    “do you honestly think SCOTLAND can gain its independence or to simply earn the right to decide for independence by not voting for the SNP”


  113. Republicofscotland

    “But Lorna Slater is an altogether different case – a vibrant, compassionate, genuine human being with a love for the planet and Scotland.”


    Oh please give it a rest, every one of the Greens voted for the HCB, that impinges on women and girls rights, so don’t give us the lovey dovey nonsense. Joan McAlpine is a nice person, and she abstained on the HCB, but I’m not shouting from the rooftops that, that means the SNP aren’t also obsessed with gender policies that will hurt women an girls.

  114. Calum

    Well, I’m just back from voting for “Nicola Sturgeon is a corrupt liar who has betrayed the independence movement” for the constituency and Alba on the list.

  115. Johnny Martin


    Yes, I was just off a work call where the election came up and I was saying that the SNP are trying to encroach on the vote you describe and banking on ‘those stupid Yessers still voting us and having nowhere to go’.

    This is why the SNP/Lib Dem/Lab sound so alike apart from on the constitutional question (and even then that difference may only be rhetorical).

    It’s also why the SNP are so annoyed at Alba – they thought they’d that half of the pitch at their back to themselves, that they could ignore it while they encroach on the middle class ‘soft’ unionist vote.

  116. winifred mccartney

    thank you Wee Chid – have phoned but told by answering machine staff are working from home and given an email – have sent this.
    You are right they are paid plenty but organisation very very poor.

  117. Davy

    “Tartanfever”, at 63 years old I believe I have to much experience to fall for brainwashing, can’t say the same for yersel.

    The simple fact is without a SNP / independence majority their will not be a second independence referendum, and the sheer stupidity of spoiling your ballot just for spite.

    Fucking off your heads.

  118. K Campbell

    kings over spotland and jeggit twitter pages not showing any tweets
    looks like they have been silenced by the establishment 🙁

  119. K Campbell

    and barrhead boy!!!!!!!!!
    actually, lots of indy bloggers down………………

  120. Elmac

    Re Davy @ 2.35

    I have 10 years extra experience and can confirm the simple fact is there will NEVER be another referendum with an SNP or SNP/Green majority. So why vote for one?

  121. Helen Yates

    If not for Alba I wouldn’t even bother voting at all today, however the hubby and I are about to head out and we will both be spoiling our constituency ballots and voting Alba on the list.
    You’ve got to start somewhere.
    I couldn’t bear to have my vote taken as an endorsement of her leadership.

  122. K Campbell

    hmm, obviously a problem at twitter as the dear leaders page is also down
    is it shut for the polling maybe?

  123. Mr Bonobo

    Spoilt vote for me.

    Only had a choice of the four big parties, and frankly very little to choose between them. All in favour of freaks, lock down and windmills, happy to keep Holyrood as a cosy little milch cow.

  124. Brian

    I think this result will be messy. Defo 5 years of doing nothing while the parliament is closed.

  125. A Jambo

    So does this mean that Salmonds request for SNP1 Alba 2 was shite?

  126. H Scott

    Alex Salmond says vote SNP constituency, ALBA list. Despite what he’s been through.

  127. mr thms

    Cath @ 11:46 am

    “I also have a feeling Labour will do a lot better than the polls suggest in this election. This bland campaign with no focus on independence has probably played best for them. If you’re a soft yes or no, not sold on independence in the next 5 years, after 14 years of an SNP government looking increasingly corrupt. why wouldn’t you shift to Labour this time around?

    I notice Labour does not have a manifesto, Instead they have a recovery plan. Must be hiding something because had they had a manifesto it would be federal this, federal that.

  128. James Che.

    Well if Alba do not get a good number of seats, there is something strange in the mix, the constituency vote seems up in the air,
    But all across Scotland from west coast to east from Dundee to Glasgow pretty much every one voting Alba on the list,

  129. robbo

    Calum says:
    6 May, 2021 at 2:24 pm
    Well, I’m just back from voting for “Nicola Sturgeon is a corrupt liar who has betrayed the independence movement” for the constituency and Alba on the list.


    You could have voted Scotia Future- CHIC BRODIE instead of spoiling there. Chic Brodie is pro -Indy and is one of the only two running on constituency vote that is not a unionist candidate. Ayr is gonna be a very tight 3 way split race. So didn’t need to spoil and waste it.

    Anyhow done now.

    There was one guy outside my ward station- SNP .Had his head down into his phone, ignored me, came still had his head into the phone. SAID NOWT. Think my Scotland hat , Scotland mask, Scotland tartan scarf would have made him think maybe lol
    ignoring people anyhow. Shows them for what they are..

    I did speak briefly to the cooncil guy control the one way and asked him how busy? He said ,really busy pal, i mean really busy. He said I think people have a lot to say this said he. So i think vote will defo be up this time.

    Lets hope it’s Alba folks!

  130. Billy Russell

    Not having lived at this address long thought I’d double check my constituency. Odd that the ScotGov search by postcode today is not working. Had to go to UKGov to confirm constituency name.

    What a day for the ScotGov ‘find your constituency’ facility to stop working, uncanny that.

  131. TheSNPLeftMe

    A Jambo @2:54pm

    No, but your post is!

  132. robbo

    In AYR

    ALBA X

  133. Hatuey

    Davy, you’re not getting this, are you…

    Sturgeon gets it. She’s all over the papers telling people she won’t work with Alba, won’t vote for a referendum if Alba puts it before parliament, will make a deal with Labour if she has to, etc.

    There’s no nice way of telling you you’re a mug so I might as well enjoy it…

    Fucking mug.

  134. Calum


    “You could have voted Scotia Future- CHIC BRODIE instead of spoiling there.”

    True although I doubt it will matter, I reckon it will be a straight Tory vs SNP two horse race.

  135. A Jambo

    But S’tu is saying don’t vote SNP in these seats?

  136. James Che.

    That is what they said at the polling place where I just voted, their steady, but busier than they thought they would be.

  137. Wee Chid

    James Che. says:
    6 May, 2021 at 3:00 pm

    Not many of us in the South, unfortunately. I only know of three local people, including myself. All others are “Both votes SNP”.

  138. Mark Boyle

    Just voted for Andy Doig in the constituency and Scotia Future on the list (because it’s Andy Doig, certainly not because of Chic Brodie, Corri Wilson’s old sidekick.

    If he gets at least his deposits back, that’ll do me, but hopefully he’ll do even better – a good hardworking local politician martyred by the wokerati and transcult maniacs destroying the SNP in order to sauté Sturgeon’s enormous ego.

  139. Sharny Dubs

    Voted in Angus, they said the voting had been busy since they started.

    SNP 1 (Hold nose) Alba 2.

    Here’s hoping.

  140. James Che.

    Wee chid, that’s sad, but cheer yer sel up your still one of us,

  141. Ebok

    @Daisy Walker

    Whatever the outcome of todays’ election, Independence has taken a great step forward because of what you and other contributors to these pages have done over the past five weeks, and probably way before then.

    I salute you and every single volunteer who has trapsed the streets of our cities, towns, and villages, campaigning for a better Scotland. The regular updates and cheery anecdotes have also been good to read.
    Unfortunately, I have been unable to join this small(?) army on the streets but have spread the gospel as best I could.

    But you and the others are all so very special. Thank you.

  142. James Che.

    Wee chid, that’s sad, but yer sel up, you’re still one of us,

  143. James Che.

    Wee chid, that’s sad, but Cheer yer sel up, you’re still one of us.

  144. Big Jock

    My peach ballot didn’t have the Alba logo on it. I had to scan the paper as nearly missed Alba name there. The top one was a Union J , so assume that was insane in the membrane Galloway’s party.

    Did anyone else have the Alba logo on their paper? I think the logo’s are very important , particularly when it’s a saltire.

  145. L.U.T.B.

    Impressive analysis: It sure is complicated for you guys.
    Meanwhile on the other side of the political divide, the Tory & Lib Dem candidates in Edinburgh Southern have pretty much only been asking for us to vote for them on the list, so I’m going to take the hint and vote for Daniel Johnson the Labour candidate who is anyway a capable & decent chap. Despite the dismal showing of wee Dougie (what’s he going to do when his baby-sitter takes her place in the Lords?) I shall give the Tories my list vote.
    I predict a nationalist majority, but hopefully not an SNP one.
    Damned shame that the count is being delayed. I like settling down with a dram on election night & watching the democratic fun unfold. Even when my team is losing, it is history in the making & generally makes for good telly.

  146. Geoff Anderson

    The list vote is easy – ALBA

    The constituency vote will be difficult for many Due to the candidates being Woke supporters.

    However remember WHO made it difficult! Who stuffed the regional list with Wokes ranked top. Who put pressure on MPs and MSPs to toe the Woke line.

    The madness of this election is all down to Sturgeon.

  147. Kiwilassie

    Ebok says:
    6 May, 2021 at 3:31 pm
    @Daisy Walker

    Whatever the outcome of todays’ election, Independence has taken a great step forward because of what you and other contributors to these pages have done over the past five weeks, and probably way before then.


    I so agree with that comment. I have also enjoyed Daisy’s humour in her posts. Especially the light bulb post, where it could self ID.

  148. SilverDarling

    @Big Jock 3.43 pm

  149. Socrates MacSporran

    I have just voted and broken the habit of a lifetime.

    For over 50 years, at every election, local or national, I have voted SNP. Today, I spoiled my Constituency vote, then voted ALBA on the List.

    There is simply no way I could vote for the present-day SNP. They are, in my view, no longer worth the support of the Scottish people.

  150. Republicofscotland

    Big Jock @3.43pm.

    Yeah the Alba logo isn’t there because the Electoral Commission forbade it, yet Galloway’s party are allowed to use the RAF logo. I pointed out that the EC is stuffed full of ex-FCO, Treasury, and Civil servants a dozen or so threads back.

    You just can’t expect parity from that lot, and especially when a real indy party, headed up by a real indy minded leader such as Alex Salmond is in charge of it.

  151. Graf Midgehunter

    K Campbell says: 2:43 pm

    “kings over spotland and jeggit twitter pages not showing any tweets
    looks like they have been silenced by the establishment ?
    Barrheadboy incl.”

    Everything works OK with me, no probs. 🙂

  152. Craig Sheridan

    “At this point we’re assuming that most of our readers want the maximum number of Alba MSPs. If you don’t, simply disregard the below”

    I would assume most readers want to max the pro-indy vote not just the pro-Alba vote. It’s actually scary that so many of your readers have bought into your flawed logic here.

    You ignore the fact that less SNP constituency wins means more SNP list wins. In general terms its not reasonable to say its harder for Alba to get a seat depending on who wins the constituencies by controlling that outcome.

    Sorry Stu but this approach isn’t an optimal strategy to maximise indy votes, it’s a down with the SNP – up with Alba approach.

    I share serious concerns about the state of the SNP and I’ll be demanding they deliver along with hopefully some Alba representation. But I’ll be voting SNP/Alba today.

  153. robbo

    Republicofscotland says:
    6 May, 2021 at 3:58 pm
    Big Jock @3.43pm.

    Yeah the Alba logo isn’t there because the Electoral Commission forbade it, yet Galloway’s party are allowed to use the RAF logo.


    Them getting away with that just shows you what we’re up against.

    G Galloway couldnae tell you the difference between a Spitfire and a Jumbo Jet.

  154. Republicofscotland

    It appears Scottish Pakistani’s have been receiving phone calls from Pakistan urging them to vote for Anas Sarwar. they’ve also been sent messages in the name of Mohammed Sarwar.

    I would like to see Sarwar, (though I really can’t stand the man) defeat Sturgeon the Betrayer at the ballot box but that’s it. Meanwhile Ruth Davison’s former communications chief Eddie Barnes is now advising Anas Sarwar, once in Better Together (Project Fear) always in Better Together.

  155. James Che.

    Well I am done in with the lead up to this election, like many of the people who put in the effort before hand, well done to everyone, now we can only wait and hope it was worthwhile.
    I think I will be to old to cover that amount of streets and ground if we had to do it again.
    Going for a walk (leisurely) today, smiling at the thought.
    Whatever the outcome, hopefully we see you all in a better Scotland.

  156. Mark Boyle

    Just had an SNP “knocker up” at the door.

    “Have you voted yet?”


    “Did you vote SNP?”


    “Oh, that’s strange, we had you down as one of our voters?
    May I ask why you didn’t vote SNP?”

    “Sod off.” SLAM!

    If you weren’t interested in my opinion before I voted, it’s too late to ask a few hours after it.

    You take votes for granted like Labour did, you’ll go the same way Labour did. Not this election, but sooner than you think.

  157. Red

    Felt good to vote ALBA today

  158. Brian Doonthetoon

    I had to queue for half an hour to vote in Dundee city centre.
    When I went to put my ballot papers in the boxes, the regional (peach) one was stapped ti the gunnels. The lady behind the desk used a ruler to push the ballot papers down so I could get mine in.
    She said that they’d been busy all day. From what others have reported here, looks like there could be an increased turnout.

  159. Tony M

    Unless there are particular issues with the constituency SNP candidate, the only sensible default option has to be Constituency: SNP, List: ALBA. Anything else is self-defeating.

    Post-election Sturgeon and her clique, the Britnat entryists, the Greens, the open Yoons can be cast to the margins where they belong, Yoon media love-ins notwithstanding.

    Get the justifiable alarm over the trans-thing going far too far, and women’s and men’s (and lesbian and gay ones) rights being eroded. As a gay man if it’s expected I’d understand better, I don’t. This is no business of the SNP, their business is freeing our country and people from its exploitative colonial occupiers.

    I think the drugs, surgery and mental-illness aspects even more disturbing than the toilet facility issues, life-changing, life-denying, only warranted, justified, medically probably in only a handful of cases. Certain the abject condition of our country contributes to and seeds despair and depression, which finds expression in self-harm and depression.

    Vote Smart, don’t follow the example of the prolific mostly OT commenter and witch-finder, the monster-raving bard of LPG above who might well have supra-national/cult allegiances to which Scotland or its independence and its people are of little importance. Not nearly so detestable when the paucity of bus services between Johnstone and Lochwinnoch was all that excited him politically.

    This time: SNP 1, ALBA 2. Next times (and maybe sooner than you think): ALBA 1, and ALBA 2.

  160. Meg merrilees

    Brian doonthetoon @12.33
    Thanks for correcting my error!
    Don’t buy the National any more and the website denied me access wrongly as it said I had read my allocation for this week/month – can’t remember the specifics.

  161. Republicofscotland

    Robbo @4.08pm.

    Yean Galloway has shown his die-hard BritNat colours once and for all, he and his party are to be avoided like the plague.

    However Galloway is a minor player compared to the EC, a body that’s clearly been shown to be biased, if I recall correctly the EC took over 26 weeks (double the normal time) to approve the name of the party Alliance for Independence, the only reason I can see is that the EC is a unionist body acting on the unions behalf, there’s no parity, no fairness.

    Imagine what would have happen to the Alba party had Alex Salmond registered it in February, do you honestly think we’d be voting for it today, no way.

    Then there’s the BBC, and the the BritNat media in general virtually blanking the Alba party in the hope it falls at its first hurdle today, and lets not forget some obscure Welsh party calling for the dissolving of the Senedd was allowed onto the Welsh leaders debate and covered by the BBC.

    The British state will do all within its powers (but try not to be seen to do so) to thwart the Alba party.

  162. Wee Chid

    Tony M says:
    6 May, 2021 at 4:15 pm
    “Post-election Sturgeon and her clique, the Britnat entryists, the Greens, the open Yoons can be cast to the margins where they belong, Yoon media love-ins notwithstanding.”

    How, exactly? It was tried from within and failed. I don;t see how we can oust her without a huge swell of SNP MSPs crossing the floor.

  163. Kingu

    I’m feeling positive now then again I may need medication ? if I have to look at Nicola for another 5 years.

  164. Stoker

    Here’s another keeper to add to the WOS collection shown in a recent WOS article not that long ago:

  165. iain mhor

    Well that was surprisingly easy in the end.

    Being in a region where uniquely and historically, SNP2 does get you SNP list seats; if one was of a mind, that it was a fundamental imperative to bloody the noses of Tories & Labour in their heartlands, it would have been an agonising choice.

    However, the ballot stated an important caveat – it was not a Party vote, it was specifically for ‘Nicola Sturgeon as First Minister’ – Nope.

    So, wasted (or potentially giving unionists another seat in their heartlands) or not – Alba got the nod.

    Bad move Nicola – you should have kept your name and that caveat off the ballot – the cult of personality let you down today.

    At the very least, my voter interest in Alba is registered and quantifiable. I spent decades building up the SNP and I can do it again for someone else.

    As for Constituency… well, our local candidate is a good guy, even if the party is suspect and I couldn’t inflict the unionist arseholes on us locally – peg-nose-SNP

  166. Tannadice Boy

    @Craig Sheridan 4:05 pm
    You have misunderstood the fundamentals. Flawed logic?. Perhaps we don’t want chick’s with dicks waving it about in front of our grandchildren?. That would be your Scotland not mine. Stu’s strategic approach is to get rid of the pervs. Indy will come but not under the SNP.

  167. Republicofscotland

    WTF is Angus B MacNeil playing at by saying both Votes SNP.

  168. Career: Politician

    I spoiled my constituency ballot, and voted ALBA on the regional ballot.

    I also signed this petition to ask for clemency for Ross Ulbricht.

  169. John Martini

    Too cold and damp to vote. Suspect many people will do likewise.

  170. The Oui Coupar

    Felt sick and guilt ridden after the first vote, and for aiding and abetting an accompanying oap to similar.
    Hope the list vote was to some avail.

  171. Mark Boyle

    Republicofscotland says:
    6 May, 2021 at 3:58 pm

    Big Jock @3.43pm.

    Yeah the Alba logo isn’t there because the Electoral Commission forbade it, yet Galloway’s party are allowed to use the RAF logo. I pointed out that the EC is stuffed full of ex-FCO, Treasury, and Civil servants a dozen or so threads back.

    You just can’t expect parity from that lot, and especially when a real indy party, headed up by a real indy minded leader such as Alex Salmond is in charge of it.

    The official story was that parties could only use logos that were registered before 31st January this year.

    Yet the Scotland’s Independence Referendum Party were to be be allowed to use theirs, and they only registered on 8th February this year (they pulled out in favour of Alba)

  172. Republicofscotland

    Sweden becomes the first country to stop the use of puberty blockers on under 16’s. Take note Sturgeon the Betrayer, for your party is always citing our Scandinavian brothers and sisters as forward thinking.

    No doubt the Greens will drop the word Sweden from their volcabulary.

  173. Liz

    On polling duty in NSs constituency. Still lots of Scots Asians pro SNP.
    Also a big Green area here. Don’t think Alba will do great but each vote will increase the %.

    Voted Anas on the Const, Alba on the list.

    The Lab polling agent guy, ex SNP , voted the same as me

  174. James

    The Rev will be pleased to hear I didn’t vote for wee Davie Munnell or any of his shower.


  175. chas

    Just back from the polling station. Alba 2 and thought long and hard on 1 and ended up voting for Labour as they have the best chance of unseating the spineless SNP incumbent.
    Was surprised to see a homeless man outside the polling station. I assumed he was homeless as he was dressed like a bit of a tramp. Discovered that he was in fact a SNP representative!!

  176. Cath

    The vitriolic, abusive hostility to the Greens on this site is frankly Trump-like

    I was a Green member a while back and voted SNP1 / Green2 in 2011 and 2016. I desperately want a party which is dedicated to climate change, the environment, green economics, cycling and public transport infrastructure etc to vote for. I would vote for a party dedicated to that even if they weren’t pro independence. In fact, I’d have total respect for such a party which too no stance on the constitution at all, merely saying, “Our priority is the climate emergency and shifting the economic system to something more sustainable”. That, to me, is as important as independence and such a party would be an excellent way to hold both the UK and Scottish government to account and help work for independence or more powers where those priorities would benefit from that.

    Sadly though, the current manifestation of the Green Party is not that. They have been infiltrated and taken over by people who have shifted their priorities well away from all of the above onto divisive gender identity nonsense, which is not progressive in any way – quite the opposite: it enables some of the very worst, most misogynist and abusive men (go and google Aimee Chancellor and “her” father). They have been taken over by it in a similar way the SNP and Labour have: in all cases diverting energy away from what should be their main causes – independence, equality and socialism, climate etc. Almost as if the whole thing is a right wing ruse to divert those parties away from their main aim of real change.

  177. DJ

    Republicofscotland says:
    6 May, 2021 at 4:46 pm
    WTF is Angus B MacNeil playing at by saying both Votes SNP.

    It’s a read between the lines sort of tweet – can’t be seen to be supporting another party, but the meaning, though deniable, is clear. Vote Alba on the list.

  178. Kiwilassie

    Stoker says:
    6 May, 2021 at 4:36 pm
    Here’s another keeper to add to the WOS collection shown in a recent WOS article not that long ago:

    Why do I feel I want to throw up every time I see Nicola Sturgeon holding a child?
    There’s no way I would let her near my grandchildren

  179. Clavie Cheil

    So first votes arent getting counted until 9 am Friday. More time for the Yoons and Wokeys to fiddle the results then. I dont trust any of them.

    Voted SNP 1 in Moray and Alba on H&I List 2. Looked like a good turn out here despite weather. Total strangers manning the polling station. Dont trust them either – not a single Scottish far less a local accent amongst the lot of them.

  180. Cenchos

    In certain accents ‘be kind’ and ‘be conned’ sound remarkably similar.

  181. crazycat

    @ Wee Chid

    You’re not alone in South; I and quite a few others who have posted above joined you.

  182. Kev

    Just back from voting, a decent turnout by the looks of it, first time I have ever spoilt my vote and hope its the last as it didnt feel good at all. Voting for Alba, however, more than made up for it, mon Alex!

  183. Cath

    Total strangers manning the polling station. Dont trust them either – not a single Scottish far less a local accent amongst the lot of them.

    That is a concern. I don’t trust this count at all. I haven’t trusted the polls, there isn’t an exit poll, and the count is delayed. If Alba don’t gain any seats, they’ll all – the media and all other parties – use the low polls to justify that. And given the lengths they went to to get rid of Salmond totally, fixing a too high election result wouldn’t seem too tricky. Is there anyone watching what happens to the boxes overnight?

  184. Gary45%

    I don’t understand what’s happening, for months this site has rightly championed Mr Salmond, and highlighted the unfair treatment he has had to suffer.
    Yet the man has told us all, “for it to work”. its SNP1 “gritted teeth” etc, and ALBA2.
    Spoiled papers gets us nowhere.

  185. Doug

    Renfrewshire South – voted for the inoffensive Tom Arthur SNP on constituency ballot and Alba on the list. Although a lot of the article Stu has published over the last seven years are very good, I can’t follow his anti-trans journey. While I always thought that transvestite/transexual/transwhatever was just another fetish which people should be free to enjoy if they want to, I’m scunnered with the SNP elevating it and allowing it to cause so much division in the party. However, recommending spoiling papers or not voting SNP in the constituency ballot reminds me of the way left wing pressure groups are always their own worst enemies.

  186. Famous15

    Fiddled results ?

    You insult dedicated local authority workers!

    Keep the aspidistra flying.

    SNP1 Alba2 gives MY dream a sporting chance. You do what you think is best ie if you think indy is your dream or some esoteric debating subject.

  187. Craig

    My SNP candidate was Humza, who I voted for the last time, this time, I simply wrote “None of them, I believe in Women’s rights and Women’s safe spaces.

    I voted Alba on the 2nd ballot, I couldn’t hold my nose, I just hope ALBA do get a seat through my vote.

    Like most here, utterly scunnered that is what we’ve been reduced too, from the euphoria and optimism of 2014 till that fateful day in Sept 2014 to now, never been so low in regards to a vote.

    I genuinely fear for the next 5 years and if this is to be the end of WOS because Nicola and Co wins, it’s over.

    I want to take this opportunity to thank Rev. Stu Campbell and contributors to WOS for everything they have done and I want to wish you all well for the future…

  188. twathater

    As my MSP is a lazy arse , a sturgeon arselicker , a waste of space who never answers emails asking his opinion on GRA and HCB ,a Mr nice but dim who would collapse if nicla turned a bad eye on him, I had no difficulty or remorse in spoiling my constituency paper

  189. Gary45%

    Clavie Cheil@5.15
    I posted a few years ago, Moray is now pronounced Mo-ray, and Elgin is Eljin.
    They should just call it Expat central, although there’s no such thing as an expat, it took a while for the Europeans to start realising a “British expat” is just an immigrant with pathetic attitude, as they now refer to them.
    Pathetic British exceptionalism and all that bollocks.

  190. DJ

    Craig @ 5.32 pm

    I genuinely fear for the next 5 years…

    And so do I, given the internal market bill. I fear Holyrood is in real danger. God help us all.

  191. Tony M

    Wee Chid says:
    6 May, 2021 at 4:21 pm
    “How, exactly? It was tried from within and failed. I don;t see how we can oust her without a huge swell of SNP MSPs crossing the floor.

    Not entirely wishful thinking on my part, it now feels inevitable, unstoppable, it is time. Their time is up, ours has come.

    Devolution, the Union re-branded has failed and failed us. Much that has emanated from Holyrood since ’97 isn’t fit for purpose, needs review and it’s doubtful it could stand for long, post-independence. Continuing as we were will only see the screw tighten, of increased intolerable state interference with our minds and bodies, our lives, for a supposed greater good. None of this can any longer be hidden.

    We need adult politics again in Scotland to negotiate this and not the wearying theatre of virtue-signalling and purity-spirals we’re being subjected to.

  192. Tannadice Boy

    @Craig 5:32pm
    Ditto but to Stu’s wishes he should consider waiting until after the results and then take a decision. He has got 10 years at least of creative work left. Chris the cartoonist will get a job anywhere. On Saturday NS will resign. 55 MSPs under her watch is unsurvivable even by her standards. We will wait and see. I believe in the Scottish people.

  193. Al-Stuart

    Hi Moira,


    I just voted and was struck by the neat, elegant simplicity of JUST four letters on the peach coloured ballot paper: A L B A.

    The thought was about dodgy-ElectoralCommission and tainted-OFCOM, and the untrustworthy bent-BBC and the dying Unionist newspapers, all in cahoots imposing a gerrymandered media blackout on the ALBA Party.

    So there was a HUGE sense of satisfaction voting for that simple ONE battered, insulted, abused, downtrodden word on the List ballot today. ALBA (X)

    Whatever the result, the fact remains a newborn political party will register some percentage points today after just a few weeks in existence. That is far, far better than the dreadful prospect of having NOBODY AT ALL on the ballot paper that you could vote for if you want IndyRef2 and self determination for Scotland. Remember 3 months ago, we were all riven with despair that nobody was coming to the rescue of IndyRef2

    For a wee bit of fun and to let your imagination smile, have a look at the National results for Alba on their poll…

    I know this is unscientific, but feel it in the old bones.



    There is a psephological term for that cohort that escapes me, but I recall the extra margin of error for those shy votes being quoted as between PLUS (no minus) 3% to 5%.

    If that is added onto the existing 4% to 6% of Alba over recent weeks, then it will be a game changer.

    The National and it’s hilarious embarrassment at being seen to sort of supportt Alba…

    Will have to report on the biggest political upset since IndyRef1

    THE question is how many TRUE SNP supporters have figured out that what Alex Salmond says is 100% spot-on and 24 Alba MSPs would secure Scottish Independence.

    We’ve been asked and are tortured to vote SNP1

    Nobody has posited the question about secret SNP voters voting ALBA2,

    Certainly not 42 stone Brian The Pie Taylor who does himself a disservice as does Professor, Sir John Curtiss de Unionista the Lord of HaveAGuessLand.

    For FattyPrattyTaylor and CromeDome knighthood hunter Curtiss to decry Alex Salmond as “yesterday’s man”when Taylor and Curtiss earnt their living as parasites living off of Alex Salmond is disgusting.

    Taylor had to retire due to peh-eating problems. He DEFINITELY is yesterday’s man.

    At least Alex Salmond has the courage to get back up and engage with the enemy. Again and adpgain and again.

    Curtiss? He Skypes from his amateur hallway studios in his Edinburgh single-end flat. Twat.

    I reckon the media have underestimated ALBA.

    The guessing pollsters lost their credibility by calling the numbers wrong most of the past 20 years.

    EVERYONE seems to have missed the SHY SNP ALBA voters.

    It was repeatedly said in 2014 during the run up to IndyRef1 that Scotland has one of the most sophisticated electorates in the world.

    If that is so, then a significant number of current SNP members who genuinely want IndyRef2 NOW will have said “fuck it” and vote ALBA2. It’s a secret ballot. Time to give Sturgeon and Murrell a boot up the Kyber Passes.






    Moira Girvan says:
    6 May, 2021 at 11:02 am
    On the ballot the fact that ALBA is practically the only party with NO logo actually makes it stand out from the rest.Parties I’ve literally never heard of were able to register their logo – but the so-called Electoral Commission were somehow unable to do so – despite the fact that ALBA had their logo submitted before the deadline. Coincidence? Hardly.

  194. Hatuey

    I’m now officially predicting Sturgeon will lose to Sarwar. None of your unofficial crap with me…

    Sarwar is the man to do it. He’s from that area and should be able to count on the local vote. And most people down there want to remain in the U.K.

    She’s getting humiliated for sure.


  195. Cenchos

    Sudden and suspicious increase in flyovers by military aircraft on west coast today.

  196. Charles Hodgson

    Just back from the Polling Station – Alba on the list, natch.
    Dont want to discuss the constituency. I’m not proud of my vote there, but they finished second to the SNP last time.

  197. Jim Tadgercock

    Well that’s it done Alba for the list and as I couldn’t decide amongst the Unionist and perverts I voted for all of them.1st time in my life I am not voting SNP talk about being scunnerd.

  198. Gary45%

    I want Scottish Independence.
    I believe in Scottish Independence.
    So I voted Labour ?????

  199. Socrates MacSporran

    Tannadice Boy @ 5.48pm:

    Sturgeon will only resign if she loses her seat and cannot persuade one of her accolytes to step aside in favour of her.

    She will cling-on for all she is worth and will need, I fear, to be bodily removed from Bute House.

  200. Tartan Tory

    Today was the first time in my life that I did NOT vote SNP!

    So where did I put my cross?….. The answer is I put a single large cross over the whole ballot paper, because none of them are worthy of my vote.

    Of course, Alba got the 2nd vote.

    If Mairi Gougeon doesn’t win here (and therefore Alba doesn’t get in on the list), it will be entirely my fault. Sorry!

  201. Andymak

    Wife and I just spoiled our constituency vote for SAS in Mid Fife due to all the gender crap they are trying to foist on the population and both list votes for Alba.

  202. Bob Mack

    Just back from polling station. I voted SNP on constituency but none of the women I know of did.

    All voted Alba on list.

  203. Effigy

    Just voted and for the first time I think in 15 years
    there was no one at the entrance representing SNP.
    Also for the first time in that span of years a man was
    there wearing the Labour rosette.
    He also wore a USDAW which Ive found to be quite a nasty
    group that act like a Tory Committee.

  204. Claire

    If you spoil your Constituency vote this works against ALBA SNP1+ ALBA2

    So many people spoilt Constituency vote Why this works directly against ALBA

  205. Willie

    SNP vote in Dumbarton apparently in free fall as SNP desperately strive to get out the vote.

    Sturgeon has been down to try to bolster the constituency as telephone Get Out The Vote strive to arrest the decline.

    And this was supposed to be the SNP number 1 target seat.

  206. Dan

    @ Claire at 6.38pm

    Aye, but with respect, targeting a half dozen key individuals in their constituencies in certain Regions that led us into this mess has a degree of validity.
    Folk will have had their personal reasons for doing so and will have had to struggle in making that choice.

    Did anyone bet on this election having the highest ever number of spoiled ballot papers?

  207. sarah

    My vote this afternoon:
    – Alba on list:
    – a “X ?” in SNP box on constituency ballot with the message “Alex Salmond told me to vote for you. You may have my vote IF you promise to: 1. ensure justice is given to Mr Salmond against the false allegations: 2. you oppose GRA “reform” and the HCB.”

    So this message will be read out and M Todd will either have to promise, and get the vote, or refuse to promise and lose the vote.

    My conscience is clear.

  208. sarah

    @ Cenchos at 6.12: “increase in military aircraft flying over west coast..”

    I thought the same and said to my OH that I remember this happens at every election. Strange coincidence, isn’t it?

  209. Stuart

    Cenchos, “sudden and suspicious increase of flyovers on West Coast today” You people are so funny what with no Exit Polls, Polling staff not having the right accent and delays in counting, logos or something, M15 involved in everything etc etc etc.

    You do realise apart from normal people pointing and laughing, that there is a major Nato exercise off the coast of Scotland…. don’t you… really don’t you?

    Have to admit your ability to present “reasons” for losing at anything is only surpassed by the fact you believe this nonsense, luckily on here you’re not alone.

    Have got a new logo for you types “never defeated always cheated” lol

  210. Red

    Btw polling place was quiet today, might just be the time of day I went, but I wouldn’t be surprised if turnout was limper than usual, despite the Scottish Parliament deciding to extend the franchise to anybody with a pulse who happens to be in our country. It’s been a horrible, shitty campaign by horrible, unappealing people except for ALBA.

    Damn it feels good to vote ALBA.

  211. Cadogan Enright

    Totally agree with James Kelly on Scot Goes Pop

    “If you’re voting Alba on the list today (and you should!), that means you support independence and should also be voting SNP on the constituency ballot WHEREVER you live
    You know, it would have been really lovely to think that all of us bloggers supporting Alba on the list would be pulling in the same direction today of all days, the most crucial election day since September 2014. But Stuart Campbell has made that impossible with the stupidest, most irresponsible blogpost in the history of the independence movement. He has chosen pollling day – polling day – to issue a recommendation to his readers to vote for unionist parties on the constituency ballot in no fewer than TWELVE specific seats. Either the man is on drugs or he’s ceased to be an independence supporter

  212. Anton Decadent

    Voted for first time in a few years today, had gone from being a non voter to SNP/Green then back to non voting in horror at what I’d been fooled into putting an X next to. Last few elections I’d gone along and put a line through every box with None Of The Above written next to it, did same today with Constituency, not voting for NS and would never vote Labour after being threatened on behalf of a local organised crime family by what was the Labour councillor at my last house when I went to him to ask for help to get out of the area.

    Voted ALBA on the List vote.

  213. Captain Yossarian

    @Willie – Good news…not unexpected, mind you. I’m not for emptying good MSP’s from whatever party out of Holyrood just to make way for another SNP spoof.

  214. ian murray

    Any burly men voting this time ?

  215. Ottomanboi

    Too many believe independence can be obtained on the cheap, simply by marking a piece of official paper; a notion that will certainly give the Unionist establishment a great deal of comfort. Blood, sweat and tears is the usual characteristic of the process.
    I you want it you gotta grab it. It certainly will not be offered in the manner of a sacred «human right» and certainly not from the legatees of Empire.

  216. sarah

    @ Cadogan Enright: I am a financial supporter of Scot goes Pop but I am very disappointed in his comment today. The choice between voting for the truth or for a hoped-for position is difficult, as many btl comments has shown.

    I blame no-one who feels the truth is the most important goal.

  217. Red

    Hatuey says:
    6 May, 2021 at 6:09 pm
    I’m now officially predicting Sturgeon will lose to Sarwar. None of your unofficial crap with me…

    If he doesn’t get an Obama-style overwhelming majority of the Muslim vote in that constituency he should resign from politics in shame and change his name to Dafty McNumbnuts. It’s like the Pope running for office in Coatbridge, or that guy from THE HILLS HAVE EYES running in Larkhall.

    Nobody’s ever had such an easy chance since Gary McAllister’s penalty in Euro 96. Might need popcorn yet.

  218. Kcor

    For the record, I am against the idea of posthumous awards and also against people being found guilty only after they are dead.

  219. Sarissa

    In the end I couldn’t vote for Angus Robertson, but I gave him some advice by writing DIVORCE! over his name.

    Hope he takes heed.

  220. Lenny Hartley

    Sudden and suspicious increase in flyovers by military aircraft on west coast today.

    No its not its a bi-annual exercise called Tartan Spirit which see’s RAF aircraft deployed to Prestwick for training over the West Coast.
    Stop making stuff up.

  221. sarah

    @ Lenny Hartley: but I have noticed an increase in military flights at every election or vote.

  222. Red

    Cadogan Enright – mibbe you can start your own blog instead of constantly anklebiting on someone else’s.

    Forever in debt to your priceless advice x

  223. Scot Finlayson

    She/Her getting harassed at a polling station,

    She/Her accused harassers of being `fascist and racist`,

    Humza Yousaf and his rainbow thought police will be along to lock She/Her up for hate speech,

    or is that not how it works.

  224. Republicofscotland

    Sturgeon the Betrayer gives the thumbs up to working with Labour party. She’s already snubbed the idea of working with the independence party Alba.

  225. PaulaJ

    Great ‘How To Do It’, or ‘Voting 101’, Rev Stu.

    I’m looking forward to enjoying my breakfast tomorrow, while reading how Sturgeon’s has been ruined…

  226. PaulaJ

    “Cadogan Enright – mibbe you can start your own blog”

    He could call it ‘Cannaget Enythingright’.

  227. Red

    PaulaJ – Toasty! 🙂

  228. Don

    @Republicofscotland 6 May, 2021 at 4:46 pm

    “WTF is Angus B MacNeil playing at by saying both Votes SNP.”

    You mean you hadn’t realised that Angus is really Father Dougie McGuire from Craggy Island in the intelligence stakes?

  229. Fred

    Those who voted SNP1 even holding their nose, I respect your right and your reason for doing so – but please don’t come on here over the next few weeks and months then to complain about a party which you assisted back into power.

  230. Hatuey

    “So many people spoilt Constituency vote Why this works directly against ALBA”

    It doesn’t. It might. But that depends on other things which probably won’t happen. Although they might. They might in some places, but not in others. But even in the other places where they do, there’s no guarantees.

    You’re welcome…

  231. Dan

    @ Cadogan Enright at 6:57 pm

    You can agree with James Kelly all you like. But he and yourself don’t have the first hand knowledge of the specific experiences endured by numerous individuals which ultimately caused them to struggle with giving their Constituency Vote to certain SNP candidates.
    We are individuals, not a cult of drones blindly following Party dogma.

    If you are an astute individual you will be well aware of the tens of thousands of SNP members (which included numerous long term activists) that have left the Party over the past few years due to the path the controlling upper echelons have chosen to go down.
    Wings has long been the most read Scottish political blog, and Stuart and many astute btl commenters have been highlighting the inevitable consequences of the trajectory the SNP has taken.

    It is not politically expedient for a Party to implement policies the electorate don’t want.
    It is not politically expedient to embroil a Party and “Government” in one’s personal power games and vendettas.
    It is not politically expedient to state your Party will categorically not work with another Party that holds ultimate objectives supposedly similar to and most aligned with your own.

    Folk in positions of power and influence reap what they sow. It is not us but they that need to wise the fuck up and deal with the consequences of their actions.
    Maybe if they had been better politicians they wouldn’t have allowed themselves to get into the predicaments they find themselves in.

  232. lumilumi

    Interesting times. All my Scottish friends are “nose peg SNP 1” and Alba on the list.

    Other bubbles seem to be SNP1&2, SNP1 & Green 2, or even Green1&2 (yikes!), or spoil constituency & vote Alba on the list – seems very popular on here.

    Lib/Lab/Tory voters will quietly do their thing.

    Another thing I’m picking up is distrust of the whole process, the voting/counting process itself. That counting isn’t done overnight because Covid (apparetly the virus is more active at night or some such?), counting is delayed…

    This is fertile ground for doubt about the process, even conspiracy theories about how the ballot boxes will be stuffed overnight to achieve the preferred result.

    All it shows is that a lot of citizens, sorry, subjects, as they are known in the UK, have lost faith in their democratic system. This is dangerous stuff. Scunnered people will fall prey to any and every populist movement that offers easy answers to complex questions and promises to give the “establishment” a bloody nose. See Brexit.

    How is the Scottish independence movement any different, one might ask – and the unionist love to equate Brexit and Scottish independence. Isn’t Alba a populist party?

    Yeah, right, with a leader the MSM tell us is the most unpopular man in the UK. 😀

    The way I see it is that Brexit is inward-looking, backward-looking, the Scottish independence movement, the spirit of 2014, is very much outward- and forward-looking.

    It’s a shame, a travesty, that Nicola Sturgeon as the leader of the largest independence-supporting party and First Minister of Scotland has done fuck all to advance Scottish independence in her seven years in office.

    She’s mostly lost elections and got tangled up in US-imported identity politics causes. She’s squandered the strength of the grassroots indy movement, every golden political opportunity she had to gain – or even advance – Scottish independence. She’s a fraud and a failure.

    It’ll be interesting to see how Scots have voted today.

    I’m not expecting any good news. A pessimist is never dissappointed, ha ha.

    Worst case scenario – unionist majority, with perhaps the help of Greens – is unlikely. Second worst scenario is Alba not making a break-through and the SNP losing a couple of seats but the Greens gaining some, so the SNP and Greens will govern Scotland for the next five years.

    No movement on independence but plenty of movement on gender woo woo policies and prosecuting “hate crimes” (= dissenting political voices.)

    It’s not looking good.

  233. Cenchos

    ‘No its not its a bi-annual exercise called Tartan Spirit which see’s RAF aircraft deployed to Prestwick for training over the West Coast.
    Stop making stuff up.’

    Okay. I saw no Hercules aircraft flying up and down to the area north of Oban today, for the first time in ages. Must’ve been big dirty seagulls. My mistake.

  234. Carl R

    Just back from voting and it was very busy. The ballot box for Region was a lot fuller than the constituency box.

    I put on a peg and voted SNP 1 ALBA 2.

    Good luck ALBA.

  235. Ian Brotherhood

    @Red & PaulaJ –

    Pyoor quality by the way!


  236. Meg merrilees

    Red @6.57
    I went to vote about half an hour ago and people were in a queue to cast their vote – never seen that before.
    One of the women indoors said that this was a ‘small’ queue by today’s experience – okay, some of it was caused by the Covid restrictions but I think there has been a high turnout here.

    I couldn’t vote for any of the Unionist numpties here so I followed Alex’s strategy ALBA 2 was a great feeling but SNP1 was really hard to do. I hope it brings us and ALBA MSP.

  237. Mark Boyle

    @Red says: 6 May, 2021 at 7:07 pm

    It’s like the Pope running for office in Coatbridge, or that guy from THE HILLS HAVE EYES running in Larkhall.

    Didn’t the guy from The Hills Have Eyes run for the Labor Party in Australia and was a cabinet minister but has now gone back to his band Midnight Oil? ;p

  238. Don

    Cenchos 6 May, 2021 at 7:47 pm

    “Okay. I saw no Hercules aircraft flying up and down to the area north of Oban today, for the first time in ages. Must’ve been big dirty seagulls. My mistake.”
    Pretty sure Oban fits in the Scottish Active Area List
    somewhere ? Try and stop making shit up ?

  239. Skip_NC

    RepublicofScotland and Don, as has been observed numerous times since he posted that tweet, Angus B MacNeil is being a bit more nuanced than saying “Both votes SNP.” In fact, he is saying “List vote Alba,” but saying it in a way that the heid bummers in the SNP can do bugger all about it without looking bloody fools.

  240. Dan

    @ Mark Boyle

    T’was Peter Garret you refer to. I’ve still got the Diesel and Dust album.

    Fitting tune for Scotland too.

    Midnight Oil – The Dead Heart

  241. Iain MacLachlan

    I would be interested to know the number of spoiled ballot papers but I don’t expect the data to be made available.

  242. Pixywine

    Having cast my vote I feel no sense of optimism for this country or its people. The poll booth workers were their usual Supercilious selves. My peach paper had a chunk out of it where it had been badly detached. If there are genuinely no exit polls for this vote then it can only mean the fix is in. Echos of every single “mail in ballot” for Biden absolutely not one mail in for Trump as if old people don’t vote for Republicans by mail.
    Whatever our politics we are not masters of our countries political fortunes. People like Tony Blair Bill Gates The Clinton’s are. Global Britain. What a profoundly dispiriting place this country has become for me in a few short years. Shit.

  243. Lost

    Voting done and dusted. On edge all day over-thinking this. Fact is what will be will be. Going to switch off now, get a book and try and detach as we’ve got a full night to get through.

    My prediction: Alba will do better than expected.

    My hope: The Greens will suffer so badly that Sturgeon will have to work with Alba. SNP will get a shock enough to punt Sturgeon and bring in someone who will actually work towards getting us Independence.

    Night folks, hope you all have a good night’s rest!

  244. Tannadice Boy

    @Socrates MacSporran 5:28pm
    Recent events have shown she is dug in deeper than an Alabama tick. Luckily the Scottish people will end this farce. No survival if they get 55 MSPs or less. Look at her history. Went from an overall majority under Salmond to 63 to 55?. Lost 2 referendums. A loser

  245. Don

    @lumilumi 6 May, 2021 at 7:47 pm

    “Another thing I’m picking up is distrust of the whole process, the voting/counting process itself. That counting isn’t done overnight because Covid (apparetly the virus is more active at night or some such?), counting is delayed…
    This is fertile ground for doubt about the process, even conspiracy theories about how the ballot boxes will be stuffed overnight to achieve the preferred result.”

    Well its not that people haven’t tried to help the halfwits by offering a realistic cure is it ?

  246. Peter N

    It probably doesn’t mean anything but I can see my local polling station from my windows and there is has been a steady stream of people all day going in to vote. Never seen it that busy before, and I’ve lived here for years.

    For me, vote was SNP 1, Alba 2. SNP was a struggle to do but in the end I decided to follow Salmond’s advice. Probably the last time I will ever vote SNP though, something else needs to rise, for now I’m hoping Alba will be able to step up the pressure next time round.

  247. Don

    Pixywine 6 May, 2021 at 8:06 pm

    “Having cast my vote I feel no sense of optimism for this country or its people. The poll booth workers were their usual Supercilious selves. My peach paper had a chunk out of it where it had been badly detached. If there are genuinely no exit polls for this vote then it can only mean the fix is in. Echos of every single “mail in ballot” for Biden absolutely not one mail in for Trump as if old people don’t vote for Republicans by mail.
    Whatever our politics we are not masters of our countries political fortunes. People like Tony Blair Bill Gates The Clinton’s are. Global Britain. What a profoundly dispiriting place this country has become for me in a few short years. Shit.”

    FFS !! 🙂

  248. Skip_NC

    Iain MacLachlan, the number of spoilt papers is part of every declaration. The question then becomes how the number compares with previous years.

    As an aside, here in the North Carolina you can write in candidates in many races. If any candidate gets at least five votes, they are separately tabulated and reported in the official Canvas. Mickey Mouse routinely appears. In fact, armed with this information, I use Mickey Mouse as my protest vote when I do not care for any of the actual candidates. Unfortunately, there is not an oral declaration here.

  249. Don

    @Skip_NC 6 May, 2021 at 8:04 pm

    “RepublicofScotland and Don, as has been observed numerous times since he posted that tweet, Angus B MacNeil is being a bit more nuanced than saying “Both votes SNP.” In fact, he is saying “List vote Alba,” but saying it in a way that the heid bummers in the SNP can do bugger all about it without looking bloody fools.”

    Angus really isn’t clever enough to be nuanced, we are talking about the guy that hid in a toilet because he got himself in the wrong voting queue and if you really think the SNP whips are that stupid not to notice well then more fool you.

  250. Stuart

    Don, why would they “stop making shit up,” Its what they do, notice the following comments along the lines of “happens at every election, mmmm, suspicious telling a lie to support another lie.

    Couple of weeks ago an adult I think called Morag, with no axe to grind had to disabuse them, a lot of them, that votes were being taken to England for counting, just as (didnt) happen in 2014. As we get closer to the results I expect the conspiracymetre to malfunction in a cloud of smoke and from the embers 007 To appear in a vision confirming everything to the “special ones”

    The irony and this applies to all “sides” is that they are clueless what this does to their “movement” in the eyes of normal people, otherwise known as voters

  251. Fishy Wullie

    I found myself in the charmed position today of being able to vote for Alba twice acting as an emergency proxy for my daughter who was told to self isolate yesterday.

    One vote in Dundee the other in Forfar, I have to say I didn’t see much Alba presence in either place which was a bit disappointing but I’m still hopefull

  252. Saffron Robe

    Excellent cartoon Chris, although it would have taken a brain bypass for me to vote SNP!

    I would have followed Stuart’s advice, but in my constituency there was no viable alternative. I spoiled my constituency vote by writing: “None of these. This is not democracy. I vote for an independent Scottish republic. Protect women’s rights! Hail Alba!”

    I did, of course, give Alba my list vote.

  253. Skip_NC

    Don, I suggest you re-read what Angus MacNeil tweeted.

  254. Tannadice Boy

    @Fishy Wullie 8:21pm
    Your efforts may not be in vain. Good chance of ALBA securing a seat in the NE list vote. Well done on running about on your daughter’s behalf.

  255. Don

    sarah @6 May, 2021 at 6:52 pm

    “@ Cenchos at 6.12: “increase in military aircraft flying over west coast..”
    I thought the same and said to my OH that I remember this happens at every election. Strange coincidence, isn’t it?”

    FFS I think you will find that Elections are held at the same time of the generally. I think you will also find Military Exercises are often held at the same times of the year. Correlation of dates of events doesn’t a conspircay theory make

  256. Allan Stewart

    If Alba gets one seat then it will need to be included in media coverage of the parliamentary term and the next election. That is success. This is a long game because we know there will be no meaningful move towards indyref2 after this election, but building momentum and support for 2026 will be possible if even one list MSP is elected. Otherwise it is a media closedown again.

  257. Old Fogey

    The top story on the YLE1 (Finland’s equivalent of BBC1) news bulletin tonight was the Holyrood election, believe it or not. Apparently they think it might lead to Independence. Perhaps they know something we don’t. If only…

  258. Carol Neill

    Vote done and I can go to bed with an easy conscience , count wasn’t high earlier ( I was a polling agent ) but I’ve done what I can , including putting up boards at 5am in the snow
    Go Eck

  259. Andy Ellis

    @Ian MacLachlan 8.06pm

    The Chief Returning Officer (CRO) announces:

    “the total number of votes given for each candidate together with the number of rejected ballot papers under each head shown in the statement of rejected ballot papers.”

  260. lumilumi

    ain MacLachlan says:
    6 May, 2021 at 8:06 pm

    I would be interested to know the number of spoiled ballot papers but I don’t expect the data to be made available.

    The returning officer always reads out how many ballots (votes) were cast (maybe even tells the turnout?), how many were spoiled, then reads out the votes for each candidate in a constituency FPTP vote.

    They’re obliged to do this by law, as far as I know. They can’t “hide” spoiled ballots for some nefarious purposes.

    I can’t remeber how the list vote is annonced, maybe one by one as the count progresses. I remember that in 2011, Mark MacDonald, an SNP activist low down on the SNP list, had to quickly go and get a jacket and tie because he was elected against all expectations.

    (Mark, of course, is now an “unperson” in the NewSNP.)

  261. Cenchos

    Don and Stuart getting terribly exercised over a couple of brief passing comments.

    I wonder why.

  262. Wee Chid

    Apparently turn out is high in our “both votes SNP” village. I really hope some of them are secretly ALba supporters.

  263. Wee Chid

    Carol Neill says:
    6 May, 2021 at 8:39 pm
    You mean you aren’t staying up to see the boxes sealed? Slacker. Enjoy your clear conscience sleep. At least you don’t have to stay up all night watching the results coming in. I don;t think I could have coped with it this time.

  264. Tom

    … 8.50pm and I still can’t get near my polling station (Marchmont, Edinburgh). Qs round the block. Third time lucky (hopefully) when I’m out wi’ the dug in an hour ..

  265. Mark Boyle

    Something I wonder may really screw things up for the Greens on both sides of the border is their loss of their “double vote”.

    Everyone knows they’ve been exploiting the flaws in the system where too many students were using one vote at their term time address and still using their vote at home, one being done postally.

    Thanks to Covid 19 however, many students are stuck back at home learning remotely. For the likes of Ross Greer in the West of Scotland and Patrick Harvie in Glasgow, this could prove costly.

  266. Josef Ó Luain

    That Stuart Campbell may be forced to consider his future, is the worst news I’ve heard for quite some time. I hope he’ll be a whole lot happier by Saturday afternoon. Everyone in our house voted for Alba. Job done!

  267. Breeks

    Cadogan Enright says:
    6 May, 2021 at 6:57 pm
    Totally agree with James Kelly on Scot Goes Pop

    “….that means you support independence and should also be voting SNP on the constituency ballot WHEREVER you live”.

    If we are simply dealing with such a shallow argument, simply supporting Independence, then why is the SNP snubbing ALBA and sabotaging the prospects of an SNP/ALBA supermajority? If they were being faithful to Scottish Independence, the SNP and ALBA should be the perfect coalition partners. ALBA is doing it’s part, while the SNP are behaving like petted lip arseholes.

    If it was simply about Independence, then why is the SNP seeking a coalition with the Greens, when the Greens are splitting the Indy vote in 12 Constituencies, while ALBA is much more resolute in the pursuance of Independence than the Greens are, and not splitting the Indy vote in any Constituency seat?

    The sad truth is, the SNP has been an utter disgrace trying to undermine ALBA, and thereby undermine and sabotage the prospects of a working supermajority, preferring it would seem, to deepen the division and acrimonious discord in the YES community which Sturgeon’s feckless incompetence has created. It seems to me it isn’t Rev Stu’s disposition towards voting which needs the bitter scrutiny, it is Sturgeon’s and the SNP which needs interviewed under caution.

  268. Elmac

    Cadogan Enright @ 6.57

    Stuart Campbell has principles. What is your excuse for that post?

  269. Wee Chid

    Pixywine says:
    6 May, 2021 at 8:06 pm
    I’ve been one of those workers and was never anything but polite – even to the people who came in with the sole intention of being rude to the staff – and some did just that.
    I would not, however, have issued a torn ballot but would have recorded it as spoiled and issued a fresh paper – just to put the voter’s mind at rest.

  270. JimmyB

    Yeah it’s Election Day but come on Rev, let’s get wings 100% behind Craig Murray’ s Crowdfunder for his appeal. He is due to be sentenced tomorrow,

  271. Market Force

    Only losers,
    women haters,
    Perverts with no Interest in Indy, numbnuts,
    those who want to see an end to Wings Over Scotland,
    Chicks with Dicks,
    would Vote SNP 1.

  272. Wee Chid

    Cadogan Enright says:
    6 May, 2021 at 6:57 pm
    Or maybe Stuart Campbell doesn’t want to see women and kids sacrificed on the alter of woke – whereas you seem to think us ladies should take one for the team. We’re done with that.

  273. Scot Finlayson


    as long as there is a queue they won`t close the polling station at 10pm.

  274. Market Force

    And don’t forget folks:-

    “Vote SNP 1 and ALBA 2 so child molesters and Chicks with Dicks get access to female changing rooms and toilets.”

    “This will lead to women and young girls being sexually assaulted in places that were once women only spaces.”

    There, sorted that for you crazy, dyed in the wool Sturgeonistas….

    The Rev Stu says:-

    “So we’re making a plea from the heart. Spoil your constituency paper, readers. For children, for women, for gay people, for Scotland and for kindness”.

    The Rev also tells us to vote for Sarwar if you are in the Glasgow Southside Constituency.

    Only pervs vote SNP 1.

  275. Carol Neill

    ‘Only one polling agent for each party to attend each station at any one time ‘
    I get you’re joking and appreciate it
    Was pleasantly surprised to see the turnout today

  276. Famous15

    Market Force is paid well to sexualise indy. He sounds lewd and perverted but he does not even have a dick. Richard left her.

    Me? I simply want indy.

  277. shiregirl

    I actually love election nights.
    I try to be off the next day so I can stay up and watch the coverage. Snackettes at the ready and it’s my idea of a great night. When I got married in 2001, I came back early from my honeymoon so I could vote. The marriage didn’t last, lol.

    I’m working tomorrow, unfortunately as I work away from home at the moment but will be staying up as late as possible to night and up early to see what’s happening tomorrow. Really hoping Alba do well.

  278. K Campbell

    hubby and I cast our votes earlier. Had to queue a wee bit, but it was tea time.
    2 ALBA votes from here, pray that it helps
    Sadly, had to spoil the constituency, no nose peg was good enough to stop the fear of queen nic forcing us down all her perverted paths and couldn’t vote for a union party of which her cabal definitely are (under her “leadership/dictatorship”, pretty sure there was a similar mantra by a 1930’s party).
    First time ever to spoil a vote, and first time ever to not vote SNP. They don’t represent indy (or wimmin or kids, actually or anyone normal and I include LGB in that), so there was no-one else to vote for here ( katie forbes area)

    Here’s hoping that Alex has started something great for Scotland (again) and from the wee baby steps this time, we can build up to a new future. Good things come to those who wait and with Alex at the helm, we hopefully won’t have to wait too much longer

  279. Big Jock

    sister Flo aka Shirley ?? (@shirleysascot) Tweeted:
    I’ve read a lot of things concerning SNP. I didn’t think I could be shocked by any more of their dirty tricks.
    But this…..

  280. Big Jock

    sister Flo aka Shirley ?? (@shirleysascot) Tweeted:
    I’ve read a lot of things concerning SNP. I didn’t think I could be shocked by any more of their dirty tricks.
    But this…..

  281. Jacqueline McMillan

    Thank you Neil in Glasgow 1.36. Gave me a laugh on such a depressing day. Wished I’d thought of that 😉

  282. Ruby

    I got soaked on the way to the polling station and the peg was hurting my nose so in the end I went with spoil 1 & Alba 2 in Edin Central.

  283. lumilumi

    Old Fogey says:
    6 May, 2021 at 8:39 pm

    The top story on the YLE1 (Finland’s equivalent of BBC1) news bulletin tonight was the Holyrood election, believe it or not. Apparently they think it might lead to Independence. Perhaps they know something we don’t. If only…

    The Scots election has also made headlines in other EU countries.

    The Finnish YLE story was a bit thin on facts – YLE’s budget has been cut to the bone, and they get most of their UK content from the BBC – but they made an effort, sending a well-meaning journalist who knows nothing about Scotland to Edinburgh. Where he met Douglass Ross and Angus Robertson… sigh. Not a word about Alba or Alex Salmond.

    The BTL comments were 90% positive for Scottish independence. Friends of Scotland trying to explain, trying to correct British disinformation.

    Yeah, 10% were sounding like ordinary yoons. Too small, too stupid. Why put up borders, Scots aren’t any different from the English (!!!)

    The most offensive comment I saw was along the lines that Scottish independence could lead to Northern Ireland being ripped out of the UK. I kid you not! Other commenters quickly came in to talk about Irish unification.

    The world is semi-watching, though probably not as much as Scots would want.

  284. mr thms

    Old Fogey says:
    6 May, 2021 at 8:39 pm
    The top story on the YLE1 (Finland’s equivalent of BBC1) news bulletin tonight was the Holyrood election, believe it or not. Apparently they think it might lead to Independence. Perhaps they know something we don’t. If only

    Back in 2014 José Manuel Barroso the President of the European Commission said should Scotland vote Yes it would have to leave the EU. What he omitted to say was the UK would have to leave the EU. It took two years to bring in the Scotland Act 2016, and a couple of months it received its Royal Assent the UK voted to leave the EU. Four years later the UK left the EU. Why else go through all that bother….

  285. Brian Doonthetoon

    For Don and others.

    Angus B MacNeil didn’t “tweet” his “both votes SNP” comment. It was in an interview he did for The National, published on 2nd April, 2021.

    Here’s the quote from it:-
    “Pressed if he would be voting SNP in both the constituency and regional list section of the ballot, he said: “I can see the argument people have when they use calculators and logic.
    If all SNP votes were to transfer on the list to Alba you would have 30 odd Alba seats and 30 less London party MSPs, but of course that is using logic and sense. Using politics as I do and have to do, it’s both votes SNP of course.” “

    I remember posting a comment here at the time, suggesting that he had his fingers crossed behind his back as he said that.

    The whole article can be read at:-

  286. Jockanese Wind Talker

    The YouGov data tables have just become available for Polling 2nd – 4th May and they break the support down into the regions.

    I honestly think ALBA vote is seriously underestimated and Team Eck are on course for a good Election.

    FibDems likely to lose their only List Seat (NE) and hopefully their mainland constituency ones too.

  287. Derek

    @Mark Boyle says:
    6 May, 2021 at 7:58 pm

    Didn’t the guy from The Hills Have Eyes run for the Labor Party in Australia and was a cabinet minister but has now gone back to his band Midnight Oil? ;p

    The singer? Peter (can’t remember)(?); he was very politically active.

  288. crazycat

    @ Carl R at 7.49

    The regional ballot box was fuller because the boxes are the same size but the ballot papers aren’t. My regional paper was about 3 times longer than the constituency one.

    (Those who vote in person must put both ballots into the respective boxes, under the noses of the polling station staff, so the number of papers in each box will be equal.)

  289. Jacqueline McMillan


  290. John Martini

    20, 20, 20, 4, hours to go
    I wanna be sedated
    Nothing to do, nowhere to go, oh
    I wanna be sedated..

  291. Jacqueline McMillan

    And thank Stu too. What a man. Thanks Wings ya fanny xx

  292. Jacqueline McMillan

    Defections. I hope so. 🙂

  293. lumilumi

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    6 May, 2021 at 9:51 pm

    It’s not even difficult to read between the lines. Angus B McNeil is as blatant as he can in saying vote Alba on the list.

    People went off on his “both votes SNP”, and disregard his caveat, Using politics as I do and have to do, it’s both votes SNP of course. [emphasis mine]

    I bet Angus voted Alba on the list.

    I don’t understand why he hasn’t moved from the SNP to Alba. He’s clearly not wanted by the SNP wokie leadership, a “wrongthinker”. Maybe he’s just pig-headed. OK, you got rid of Joanna Cherry, you won’t get rid of me. Fighting a losing stand.

    He should regroup and start the fight anew with Alba.

    Maybe considerations of job and income come into it?

  294. stuart mctavish

    Sarah @7:07

    Beautifully said.
    Trust over fear, etc.

  295. Hatuey

    The problem that Angus B MacNeil and his backers on here have is that he is still in the SNP. And for that reason he has to play his little clever doublespeak word games, which we are all very impressed by.

    It’s pathetic.

    Take all the clever reasons you have for explaining why he stayed in the SNP and failed to throw his support behind Salmond and Alba, multiply them by pi, and stick them.

    He’s left in a party that is rancid, has rancid policies, and has a rancid leadership — probably one of the most corrupt parties Scotland has ever suffered, and no amount of clever reasons can excuse that.

    Yeah, I know, it’s all part of a clever plan… got it.

  296. Effigy

    Looks like England is getting further behind the Tories tonight.

    Another reason Scotland has to dump these half Whitt’s voting for
    Boris and day light robbery.

  297. Jacqueline McMillan

    As for defectors … they will come. Feel it in my auld bones and my common sense. Bit by bit 🙂

  298. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Lumilumi.

    For you, the fanfare from this is my mobile phone ringtone.

    And it was brought to my attention, back in the day, by this guy (a product of BBC Scotland), although I had it already on an LP –

  299. John McNab

    Scott Finlayson at 9.10pm

    Wrong. Poll closes at 10pm sharp. Any voters queueing before that will get to vote, anyone after that, no.

  300. lumilumi

    Brian Doonthetoon says:
    6 May, 2021 at 10:42 pm

    Ah, some Sibbe stuff, thank you. 🙂

    Jean Sibelius, Janne (pronounced Yanne) as we call him, was an unashamed Finnish nationalist. Agreed with “We’re not Swedes, we don’t want to be Russians, let us be Finns!”

    His music is celebrated the world over but it holds special meaning for us Finns. He was a campaigner for Finnish independence. His Finlandia Hymn always brings a tear to my eye.

    Some people think the Finlandia Hymn ought to be our national anthem but it’s too difficult to sing properly, especially on ice hockey or other sports stands.

    Our national anthem, an accident of some students asking a German university music master to write something for their spring picnic, is easy to sing (holler), and so good that Estonia also uses it, with the difference that they don’t repeat the chorus.

    As to Sibbe’s Finlandia, I love the threat, the storms, the snow flurries. The tiny glimmer of hope with the solo flute.

    Anybody around the world can appriace the great music. But it holds special meaning for us Finns. It’s our independence struggle, it’s us.

    Sorry, but no, no English philharmonic, however skillfull and well-meaning they are, can’t play that piece properly.

    They won’t be able to feel the oppression, understand the deep core message, independence, getting away from a dominant neighbour.

  301. Billy

    Vindictive to the end. No Alba logo on the voting paper. How petty, how childish but that’s Nicola and Peter Murrell for you. No hesition in spoiling my constituency paper and voting Alba on the 2nd paper
    Mrs Murrell has been right only on one thing recently, her and her husband will have to change the name of the party because I for one will never vote for the SNP party ever again. I hope for the sake of Scotland Alba gains some kind of representation, would love to see Mrs Murrell’s face when AS walks into the chamber, but in any case I hope he continues to pursue the two outstanding legal cases. In passing I know for a fact that 400 postal votes went missing in Renfrewshire, bodies everywhere trying to find them, no coverage in any media organisation, not important enough!

  302. Don

    Cenchos 6 May, 2021 at 8:47 pm

    “Don and Stuart getting terribly exercised over a couple of brief passing comments. I wonder why.”

    One thing we can all be sure of is that you will have a conspiracy theory in your large stash of conspiracy theories for it.

  303. Don

    @Billy 7 May, 2021 at 12:47 am

    “Vindictive to the end. No Alba logo on the voting paper. How petty, how childish but that’s Nicola and Peter Murrell for you.”
    How dim do you have to be not to understand that was an elecoral commission ruling ? So why do you think Nicola Ceau?escu and partner had anything to do with it ?

    “In passing I know for a fact that 400 postal votes went missing in Renfrewshire, bodies everywhere trying to find them, no coverage in any media organisation, not important enough!”
    Or more likely you just made it up, we hear this crap every election nowadays , give it a rest. 🙂

  304. David Caledonia

    I had a great email about the philippines today from their london embassy.
    Can’t wait to get back there and bathe in some sanity away from all this madness

  305. Pixywine

    Lumi. Lumi. Interesting that the Great Marshal Mannerheim supposedly did not speak Finnish.

  306. Stuart


    You really don’t get it do you? Can you not see you are exactly the same as the London Labour Party you so despise, which is ironic as they hate the “half whitt” voters as you do, just you appear to hate them with more undisguised venom cos their English innit!

    “Extreme right wing” you fool. This century must be a very confusing time for people like you, when the rest of the world’s moved on.

  307. David A.

    Alba and whatever else comes next shows I don’t need SNP or to vote for them, thankfully. Clinging to them as if they were the only life raft in the ocean is foolish. Proportional representation is an absolute blessing to help launch a new new flowering of political options.

    SNP will claim every vote is a ringing endorsement of all their policies and behavior and I see shockingly personality cult like behavior still from SNP supporters who openly say they are backing Sturgeon and not simply the party. That will be the post-election spin if the SNP don’t lose enough votes, sadly. That it was an endorsement. No one will know you voted with a peg on your nose. The woke stuff will get worse and probably speed up.

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