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Wings Over Scotland

Kirsty Blackman’s Genitals

Posted on June 13, 2023 by

Some of you still won’t have seen them, er, we mean “this”:

While it may have been the funniest – and Joanna Cherry silently spoke for every sane person in the nation as it went on – remarkably it wasn’t even the stupidest or most offensive part of her speech to yesterday’s Parliamentary debate in Westminster Hall about the definition of “sex” in the Equality Act.

It wasn’t very long but like Blackman herself it packed an awful lot of crazy into a small space, so let’s put on our tinfoil hats and lead body armour and walk through it.

Literally every human on Earth is a “potential predator”. Being trans does not make you magically “safe”. The very limited evidence available suggests that if anything the reverse is true – which is logical because not knowing what sex you are is a mental illness and mentally-ill people are very broadly more likely to have other anti-social characteristics which can often result in criminal behaviour – though it’s not conclusive.

But it CERTAINLY isn’t true that being trans in any way impedes your being a “potential predator”. Predators don’t wear t-shirts or badges saying “HELLO, I’M A PREDATOR”, and some of them hide in plain sight. Handing out free all-areas passes, no questions asked, is a generally bad idea.

Blackman then proceeded to provide those assembled or watching on live TV with a list of words she plainly doesn’t understand the meanings of.

The word “ordinary” is not judgemental. It does not imply any sort of superiority over that which is not ordinary. It simply means “that which is commonplace or standard”.

The 2021 census suggests that just 0.5% of people in the UK fit under any definition of “trans”. That is quite plainly NOT commonplace or standard. In fact it’s the literal exact opposite of commonplace or standard – it’s rare and unusual.

That doesn’t mean it’s bad. But it does mean it’s definitely not ordinary.

Kirsty Blackman is a woman married to a man with whom she has two children. Since she provides us with no reason for her “immense” frustration at people describing this as “straight”, it’s unclear what point she was attempting to make.

But Blackman later implied on Twitter that she’s “queer”:

As far as Wings is able to ascertain, that word now means “has slightly unconventional hair”, in which case we’d like to bravely (and stunningly) “come out” and announce that we ourselves were deeply queer for most of our 20s and 30s.


Next up came the bit you’ve seen in the video:

Wings Over Scotland can EXCLUSIVELY REVEAL to Kirsty Blackman that she does in fact have XX chromosomes, not XY. This fact was witnessed by experienced medical professionals who twice observed as babies came out of her womb via her vagina, body parts not possessed by people with XY chromosomes.

As for the definition of biological sex, it is in fact fairly straightforward. All the pertinent and necessary information is contained in the three paragraphs below:

It would be simple to include them in the text of any revised Equality Act.

The reason the room was full of “cis” people is that being trans is rare and unusual, so there are very few trans MPs. (In fact only one claims to be, and he didn’t turn up.)

We found this anecdote filed under “Didn’t happen”. But even if it did, “gatekeeping” in this context is simply another word for “safeguarding”.

Humans gatekeep all the time. We gatekeep the doors of our own homes with locks and keys. We gatekeep cinemas so people can’t walk in without paying. We gatekeep pubs so that eight-year-olds can’t stroll up to the bar unaccompanied and order a few pints of Stella. And we gatekeep single-sex spaces so that they only contain people of one sex, because otherwise they cease to be single-sex spaces, and the vast majority of people want them to stay that way.

Keen observers of transactivist politicians will be wondering if it wasn’t time to play the suicide card by now, and of course it was.

At this point Joanna Cherry exasperatedly rolled her eyes towards the heavens, like the weary parent of a tantruming toddler who’s heard “GIVE ME WHAT I WANT OR I’LL KILL MYSELF!” one too many times.

But thankfully we were nearly done.

But nobody is trying to exclude trans people from public life. Trans people are explicitly protected by the Equality Act and not one living soul is attempting to remove those protections. Nobody is trying to stop them from going shopping.

All they’re asking is that trans-identifying males don’t go around showing their penises to women who don’t want to see them (nobody cares where trans-identifying females pee, because men are not afraid of having women in their toilets).

And while Kirsty Blackman may only have a “fair idea” of what her own genitals look like, far too many women are all too well acquainted with the appearance of men’s that they never wished to see, and wish that Kirsty Blackman cared about them as much as she apparently cares about the penises.

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Doroth Devine

Dear lord! The level of stupidity and the pride with which it is displayed is quite incredible. ( am I allowed to use the word ‘pride’?)

Dave Llewellyn

Nobody says all trans people are predators any more than all men are predators . But, for the few who are women have their safe spaces and men respect that. Trans people however demand to infringe on these rights and that’s a line that must be defended .

Rab Dickson

The hair man…..the hair 🙂

Jeremy Wickins

There are lies, damned lies, and whatever Kirsty Blackman said there! By definition, since the daft bissum has been delivered of two children, she clearly is, was, and will always be female. That doesn’t mean to say that people without external genitalia who haven’t had children aren’t female (almost all of them are), but she is in an ideal position to say so with no doubt. (For more, have a look at link to


I genuinely don’t understand women who go along with this nonsense. Is she just incredibly stupid? I’m struggling to think of an alternative explanation but no one is that thick surely?


She gets £86,584 per annum. Plus expenses, subsidised meals, booze, accomodation, travel, free jollies overseas.

An honest person couldn’t do what she does.


I suppose talking about trans issues saves her from talking about other issues that she doesn’t have the first clue about.


Blackman once looked vaguely normal, then a bit dyke-ish, then full on.

Trans is the new elect; a cabal now runs things, and its internal behaviour like that of a cult.

Fanatical loyalty is expected; you need to actively demonstrate your credentials, and if this means talking absolute shite in public, then so what? – that she knows it is nonsense is part of the thing, she knows, but she still obeys.

Absolutism is a feature of modern life; this oldstyle “agree on some things, disagree on others” is gone – nowadays you get all your beliefs in a package, and you have to “eat everything on the plate” – so it is Biden, uk-raine, pride, trans, queer, abortion, pornography, mass immigration, NATO, corporations as long as they have the rainbow, and there is no a la carte, picking and choosing, no nuance, no working things out yourself from logic and first principles – and anyone who fails in this, even slightly, is cast out by these “tolerant” people.

Jobs are handed out, not on merit (racist) or competence (white supremacy) but on who scored highest on the diversity questionaire, with highest victim privilege, or who simply is closest to the power centre.


How much are we betting that this expose will result in a complete transformation in all political and public circles and acceptance of biological reality?

Marie Clark

This woman is quite clearly bonkers.


Oh for the love of God! Please, someone tell me her seat’s on a knife-edge.


Just shows the standard of argument on the trans side. Absolutely pathetic

Ian Brotherhood

As chance would have it I just finished the Netflix documentary on Savile last night. It was ‘good’ but didn’t even scratch the surface of what that bastard did.

If this airhead hasn’t seen it then perhaps she should, then think twice about ever again opening her gub on the subject.

She managed to offend just about everyone – calling someone a ‘cis’ man or woman is every bit as offensive as ‘misgendering’ her pals or using the wrong pronouns.

The idea that we’ve been paying for this surly child and her gibberish for years and – worse – that anyone believes she represents ordinary Scots, is boak-inducing.

Ian Brotherhood

On the upside, cheers Rev for the best blogpost title ever.

It will live in the memory long after she’s taken the rest of her body out of the public eye.



“Queer” is just the new word for “totally boring conformist who goes along with every new trend and fad, esp if backed by authority and the biggest bullies”. It’s not even a sub-culture because the vast amount of materialist shit that goes along with it – bags, T-shrts, flags, pens and anything else you want rainbow branded – can be bought in Ikea, Asda and everywhere else on the high street, or found in McDonald’s happy meals. It’s an entirely corporate, state and government backed trend, at a time our states and governments are the most far right, oppressive and divisive as they have ever been.

In short, the entire queer “brand” is becoming a kind of fascist – state and corporate together usually is – bullying. And its key targets, as always, are women, children, LGB people, elderly people and anyone else the equalities act was designed to try and give protections to.


In light of this are you going to edit yesterdays post about Anne McLaughlin being the biggest cretin out there 🙂 🙂 🙂
I mean…..At the very least it’s a draw

Frank Gillougley

Impressive hair there, Rev. – It really has to be said.

Kirsty Blackman obviously went to the same school of rhetoric and secondary school debating intonation as what was her name? – Can’t remember. Went on a quiz show thingy in the jungle once.

Also very noticeable the deep shame and embarrassment felt by Joanna Cherry there with head in hands and saying to herself, No, No, No. This person is in the same political party as me? What on earth are you still doing there Joanna?


Kirsty Blackman is the kind of person that should be in a glossy magazine musing about her long-term relationship with a haunted tree and not anywhere near politics.


Oh dear..its back…just when you thought it was safe to go back in the store toilet…

Anton Decadent

If you walk past the Jamboree pub in the Saltmarket you will see an ANTIFA sticker on the lamppost directly outside it. The Jamboree is where the placards calling women who are standing up for their own hard fought for rights TERFS are produced for the Glasgow demos. ANTIFA have been showing up at demos around the world to terrorise women because anyone who disagrees with them in any way is clearly a fascist and must be met with force. The Jamboree was awarded cash by the Scottish government, whilst that area is struggling having political connections to the Left of the SNP/Labour appears to be an in to the gatekeepers of public money and not just for the Jamboree but for other locations in the same area.

Re mental health, last year I attended a lunch which had been put on for people suffering with mental health problems. I did a head count of the service users attending and found that forty percent of them were presenting as the opposite sex to that which they had been born.

Lorna Campbell

No, they are not being excluded from public life, but they are desperately trying to exclude biological females from public life, Kirsty, m’dear.

This woman – can I call her that, or is ‘it’ non-binary, that catch-all term that, logically excludes ‘trans’ – is a moron of the highest level. She has no idea what her chromosomes are, yet she is a mother and a heterosexual woman or, she gave a fair impression when having her children by a male – which, let’s face it, is the only way that is natural and not via intervention. So, she’s queer. What is that? It used to mean ‘gay’ and was not a very nice term to use. Now, it’s the panacea for all ills – especially, mental ills. Does she mean she’s into kink? Oh, gosh! My gast is well and truly flabbered – not – as someone else once said. Who cares, Kirsty? Not me, probably not anyone else on this thread and certainly not the REV. Grow up, lassie, and stop trying to shock. You really are not fit to be an MP if you believe the c**p dreamed up by sexually fetishistic men.

Listened to that awful creature, Robin Moira White, spinster of some parish, a barrister at law and all-round chancer and sexually-driven man. He appeared against Maya Forstater on Politics Live yesterday. He breaks the law every day and just shrugs. No GRC, affording him legal sex for some issues, but definitely not in order to access women’s spaces. Wonder why? According to Maya, there are only 5000 people in the UK with GRCs. I can make a stab at the reason the number is so low: very few actually manage to convince the panel of medical staff that they suffer from gender dysphoria (body dysmorphia, in reality, but ‘trans’ do not do reality) and these medical people know a larping man when they see one, especially one who is panting in his ladies knickers and bra to be let loose on real women and girls to practise his wee hairmless fetish.

Calum: Jordan Peterson, clinical psychologist, gives an excellent explanation of this phenomenon: females are simply more negative emotionally and are easier to indoctrinate – certainly not all by a long way, but young ones, in particular. Societal expectations/stereotypes also make them more amenable to male behaviours that leave much to be desired. They look at older females and see themselves in years to come – generally earning less, having much less power, tied down with kids, etc. – and say: I’m not having that. It is why there are so many ‘trans’ men – they are females fleeing womanhood did they but know it.


Exceptional work sir. Thank You again for ALL you do for i-Scotland, politics in Scotland and for journalism, EVERYWHERE

I. Despair

Wow! If anyone is “stunning and brave” round here, it’s a certain S. Campbell for publishing the mad hair-do snaps from his photo album. They provided a laugh almost big enough to offset the grim idiotic awfulness of Kirsty Racist-sexist-surname.

Jay Smith

Robert Gordon’s and Aberdeen University School of MEDICINE!!!!*

* But not for long. Did not so much drop out as plummet, it appears.

mike cassidy

Ian Brotherhood

Its clearly a Half-Man-Half-Biscuit songtitle

Right up there with ‘Joy Division Oven Gloves’


Elegantly dissected Stu. So glad Joanna was sitting behind her.

Mike Chisholm

Another great article but especially because of those pictures of a young Stu in full new romantic bloom.

Margaret Wilson

I can’t believe after seeing that performance that any ‘ordinary’ person would vote for this fool. No wonder Joanna was in disbelief when she came out with such nonsense about her genitals. These SNP woke are all fannies (that’s what we call your genitals Kirsty). I’m absolutely disgusted that my votes for the SNP have led to this quality of representative for Scotland. A pure riddy.


I’m sure her shit is worse than anyone else’s shit.

What a load of nonsense this demented thing spouts. This is what people in her constituency voted for. This is a pervert guising as an MP.

Bet you a pound to a penny she’ll be cleared out come the next election. And not a moment too soon.


It’s not surprising that Blackman dropped out of studying medicine at Aberdeen Uni if she thinks her chromosomes “are probably XY”.


A wee while back I was doing an internet search on the Trans issue. A comment on ones of the articles caught my eye in which the poster compared the current Trans/Queer/Gender issue with the counter culture of the Sixties.

In the way, it does sound right. The hippies perceived they could have a better world for themselves using drugs and Trans people want to create a better world for themselves via surgery and in a sense drugs.

Putting all the debate to one side, if a person is of legal age and sound mind they can do whatever they want with their bodies but now it has reached the point where these individuals rights are impacting on others. The other thing is that they are being enabled by what I’d put charitably is by politicians who are not informed of all the details as seen in this article.

I have no doubt that there are certain individuals who want to live as the opposite sex and are no danger to other people. However, how many are being deluded in thinking their problems will be solved by changing sex as much as these hippies in the sixties thought they could solve the worlds problems through flower power and suchlike?

The real danger is not as much people who want to be Trans but these politicians who are enabling it and have either no idea or doesn’t care of the consequences.


link to

In ireland it is autistic children and those who have already experienced trauma e.g. Romanian orhanages.


The auld snaps from the 80s show that Rev Stu was already a stand up guy back then.

London Scott

Being straight or LGB is so boring and vanilla these days. But ‘queer’ or ‘non binary’ or ‘questioning’ is so cool, edgy and indicates your general all round superiority to us tedious S+LGBT people. Sam Smith, Emma Watson, Lilly Cole and KB are interesting in a magical, mysterious undefined way. No effort required. Pink/blue/green/purple glitter in your hair and a few selfies.

To be frank I am fed up with these opinionated, science denying narcissists. And it is your ‘get out of jail card’ if you get into trouble. So Jamie Wallace MP goes from being a drunken, dangerous driver to being ‘brave’ and ‘celebrated’.

JS would have loved this. Turns up at the hospital as a volunteer. “Today I ID as a girlie – point me in the direction of the women’s wards.”


This article’s title suggested to me the epically sad story of how her genitalia somehow gained sentience and, after separating from their host body, set out on a quest to find their creator.

I briefly wept, for various reasons, at the thought of her genitals wandering aimlessly through some wilderness, unloved and unwanted, in the vain and forlorn hope of finding meaning to their pitiful existence.

Andrew scott

Why are we paying these people to discuss this tripe when there is SO many important issues
Cost of living
War in europe

Terry Moore

Should be shot with balls of her own shite They walk amongst us BTW Stu, Brilliant Blog Well Done!!

Kevin Evans

Why am I suddenly thinking about Rik from the young ones?

Iain McGlade

I take it that if she is identifying as a man, that has the consequence of making her husband a gay man. Has anyone told him?


An MP should represent the interests of all his or her constituents, not just a tiny minority.

Kirsty Blackman has clearly demonstrated that she is unwilling or unable to do this, and has revealed that she has an axe to grind which makes her incapable of objective thought on this issue.

The honourable position for her should be to resign as she will not carry out the job she was elected to do. If she won’t, people should turf her out at the next election.

If they don’t, they are complicit and have no right to complain.

Did she stand on a platform of putting trans people before ordinary people at the last election, or has she taken this line after being elected?

There is clearly something driving this which is very unhelpful to the existance of the human race as it has always been known. It almost seems like aliens have secretly taken over politicians all over the world with a plan to breed out humans and replace them with something else. Tragic.


And to think all those decades ago, unrecognised prophets the Who sang, “My name is Bill, and I’m a headcase”.
How very true that life imitates art.
Be trans, bi, uncertain or whatever you choose to be, I couldn’t care less and I wish you a happy and fulfilled life.
Just don’t, if you are a biological male, invade women and childrens’ safe spaces.
And no politician who is unable to say what a woman is should be in any administration, of any political colour, anywhere at any time.

Max Headroom

Wings, I was hoping you would give stats about suicide of trans folk. A subject folk like Blackman talk about a lot. I can only find 1 Trans suicide in Scotland in last 5 years. Hundreds die in this way every year, being trans doesn’t seem to be a driver.


So brave of KB to so unambiguousy self-certify like that!

Please tell me that people in white coats removed KB from the chamber after having helped her into a straitjacket — or whatever kind of jacket was deemed acceptable.


Mike Cassidy.

I think you’ll find that ‘Kirsty Blackman’s Genitals’ was a song by The Adverts.

Her poor kids. – Probably future politicians.

Lorna Campbell

I second all those others who have thanked the REV for his hard work on our behalf. All the bloggers do a tremendous job in keeping us sane throughout what has been one of the worst periods in modern history for Scots and for females. Lang may their lums reek. Not environmentally appropriate, I know. Thank you, anyway, from this ‘non-woke’ Luddite, and thank god for decent men.

PacMan: it is interesting that you make the comparison with hippies in the 1960s. That, too, turned into a free-for-all sex fest where females were raped and brutalized by larping men practising ‘free love’ and pretending to care two hoots about them. One of the American universities of the time was so rife with sexual assaults that it became a no-go area, without escorts, for females. Every civilization that has fallen, has fallen in the same way – disintegration through ravening sexual licence. I’m no prude but there’s a lesson there somewhere. There is no such thing as a free lunch and no such thing as free love – not for females, who always suffer the consequences. Free ‘trans’ is proving to be just as expensive for females and children.


You used the Queen of all the Cretins headline too hastily.

How don’t these people have access to dictionaries. Their wanton mis-defining of words is obsessional and delusional.

Why can’t people like Blackman get it into her thick skull that, as Stu so eloquently puts it;

“nobody is trying to exclude trans people from public life. Trans people are explicitly protected by the Equality Act and not one living soul is attempting to remove those protections. Nobody is trying to stop them from going shopping.

All they’re asking is that trans-identifying males don’t go around showing their penises to women who don’t want to see them”.

As I have no idea how to address the SNP MP in the clip, is Ms Blackman OK? (I mean, she’ll clearly be offended at whatever language one uses to neutrally address her while twisting all meaning out of clearly defined existing words), gonny shut up about the trans stuff and deliver F****N independence!!!!!!


Nice choice of dress for the occasion though! Rockets and other planets….very appropriate.


Blackman states ‘that it is entirely up to me what my sexual orientation is’, and that she’d be very annoyed if others called her straight.

She’s saying, then, that sexual orientation is a choice.

That’s very Fred Phelps.

Lorna Campbell

Ian Brotherhood: I always found Savile a creep, and many others have said the same thing. It is instinct, honed over millennia, that protects us from creeps. What is happening to children in our schools, and the lies being fed to women, is a deliberate attempt to overturn and undermine millennia of honed instinct.

The sight of a man in a dress in any situation that does not involve pantomime – where the joke is that he IS a man – is disturbing for very good reason. It is not normal. It is a blip on the radar, and it is telling us, at an instinctual level that something is not right.

We bring up children to beware strangers and never to get into a car with a stranger or go anywhere with them, yet parents are happily taking their toddlers to Drag Queen Story Hour, while schools allow older ones to change ‘gender’ without parental consent. These are the very antithesis of safeguarding.

If the hairs on the back of your neck rise at the sight of a cross-dressing man and your instincts scream, creep, you are very likely to be right to be wary. He may be harmless, but he will always be a sexual fetishist.


Having watched, and despaired at the loss of my valuable time to the exercise, I’m still of the opinion that “stupid is what stupid does’… or says in this case.

Always reassuring to know whose salary the taxes from my gainful employment go to fund… not!

A Scot Abroad

I’m genuinely baffled by the SNP. How on earth does a party set up to campaign for independence somehow lose itself promoting a cause that affects only a tiny minority of people, and which the vast majority of people have no sympathy with? Whatever the rights, wrongs or uncertainties of the matter, it’s just dumb politics to squander your prime cause for something that’s going to turn off far more voters than it attracts.

I. Despair

“Hate crime” time… link to

I wonder how many of the reportedly anti-trans comments stemmed from women at demos having to shout “get your hairy paws off me, you brute” and the assailant thus addressed then claiming he was upset at being misgendered.

Patsy Millar

God in Govan!

auld highlander

If that’s the best candidate the nasty party can find to represent a constituency then they are doomed. Jeeez, what a eejit.

Loved JC’S silent comment.

panda paws

Maybe when she said she was queer she meant she was a quine though given this mother of two assumes her chromosomes are XY maybe she’s a loon.

Hey she’s an Aberdeen MP!


@A Scot Abroad 2:08

That was exactly the purpose of the gender/trans issue. Focus on an incomprehensible and clearly deranged issue over which you can point and scream (like Donald Sutherland in Invasion of the Bodysnatchers) if anyone expresses any doubts or questions about it, and essentially destroy the SNP and therefore Scottish independence (for now anyway). It has an evil genius to it.


@ Wingsover France at 12.10: “please God tell me her seat is on a knife edge”.

Sorry – 33.9% margin, 12,670 majority.

On the other hand if Kirsty Blackman’s Genitals hits the viewing charts in Aberdeen North the voters might decide that this er person [am I allowed to use that vile, bigoted term?] does not any longer match their idea of a suitable representative.


The more I think about it, it’s like she has a sort of ‘word dysphoria’. Is there such a thing? Dhe doesn’t understand the meaning of words.

It’s not hate you get online Ms She/Her/They/Them Blackman, it’s derision. It’s not abuse, it’s criticism. To avoid criticism and derision, you need to stop talking such utter nonsense.


She thinks she has XY chromosomes? WTF? We’re going to have to introduce intelligence tests before people are allowed to stand for parliament once we’re independent!

Ian Brotherhood

@Lorna Campbell (2.05) –

That Netflix documentary about Savile raised many more Qs than were answered. At one point the producer of Jim’ll Fix It was shown, after the scandal started ‘breaking’, being interviewed by Phil Schofield and Holly Willoughby.

Now, history’s repeating itself and it will just grind on. Every few years there will be another ‘scandal’, more likely than not when the criminal is already dead or has fallen foul of those who need a distraction.

Two decades ago it was folk online, people who were and still are dismissed as ‘conspiracy theorists’, who blew the whistle on JS and they kept doing it until they were heard, despite the best efforts of The Establishment to shield him.

And he’s just the very tip of the proverbial.

Have you heard about what Mel Gibson’s working on?


It is hard to imagine why Nicola would promote such a person with so few relevant skills.

To promote someone without any knowledge of themself to such a position can only be an act of sabotage.

This can’t be about promoting somone you can control, it is an act designed to weaken the movement and any response to activities in Westminster.

I am afraid the SNP has been so heavily infiltrated it is possible to promote the most unsuitable to positions of influence where they can bring their incompetence more fully to bare.


The trans MP did turn up. He just didn’t stay for the whole debate. But judging by the quality of the speakers on his side, that’s hardly surprising!


Allowing trans persons- sans penis – into men’s toilets puts men at risk of false accusations of assault. Trans toilets are the solution.

Yousef should expel Blackman. Set her free to find a group/ campaign that reconciles with her views. The Scottish Greens?

John C

Blackman knows exactly what a woman is. She knows that safeguarding is a thing, and she knows completely that self-id opens the door for predators. She knows everything she’s saying is bullshit designed to placate a small, yet powerful minority. She’s doing it because she’s now so deep into an ideology that if she backs out now then she’s going to lose these new Trans friends she has.

It’s a reversal of the Tyranny of the Majority. The Tyranny of the Minority as it were. The entire suicide myth is obscene and goes against everything we’ve learned of in order to reduce suicides. Never has a minority group used suicide as a weapon in this way and never has a group so wished for a myth to be real. That’s the tyranny we’re seeing here along with the increasing violence and Orwellian legislation from Trans people and their supporters.

So when people like Kirsty stand up talking shite like yesterday she knows she’s lying. She doesn’t care. This is why the question ‘what is a woman?’ is such a good one. If you can’t say a variation of ‘adult human female’ then you’re lying. And that’s what Blackman needs to go. If she lies over this, she can lie over anything.

Stephen O'Brien

Regardless of the younger generation’s desire for Scottish Independence, it’s far from inevitable. The next generation of voters, will be robbed of democracy by the next generation of blood sucking politicians. It’s pathological.

The indy debate is only useful, to maintain the current divisions, far into the future. Otherwise, the polling stations, in Scotland, would become redundant altogether.

The next set of politicians will be no different, than today’s. I’d expect the electorate to eventually wisen-up to the same fruitless promises.

John C

It turns out the ‘I nearly killed myself’ that Blackman read out came from Heather Herbert; a fairly infamous Trans activist who is clearly an AGP. link to

They’re one of this inner core of activists who have a hotline to power in Scotland. They’re a friend of the delightful Beth who Stu has covered in the past. I wouldn’t trust them one single bit as like many a TRA, they’re horrendously manipulative.


Shug says @2:42 pm

“It is hard to imagine why Nicola would promote such a person with so few relevant skills”.

I have a mental image of Sturgeon, sat in the dining room of Bute House, wearing a light grey Mandarin-collar suit, saying to her audience of acolytes…

“I’m going to promote the idiots, then hold Scotland to ransom for…
Six… Hundred… Thousand… Pounds!”

She’ll then raise one eyebrow and touch her pinky to her lips.

At this point, Ian Blackford, decked from head to toe in tartan, enters through a side door and starts screaming about eating babies.

(I think I may have ‘caught the sun’…)

Iain More

The “WOKIST MIND VIRUS” is an out of control epidemic from Disney to Blizzard Activision to the SNP and just about very Political Party and Press and Media outlet in Western Europe.

John C

“Queer” is just the new word for “totally boring conformist who goes along with every new trend and fad, esp if backed by authority and the biggest bullies”. It’s not even a sub-culture because the vast amount of materialist shit that goes along with it – bags, T-shrts, flags, pens and anything else you want rainbow branded – can be bought in Ikea, Asda and everywhere else on the high street, or found in McDonald’s happy meals. It’s an entirely corporate, state and government backed trend, at a time our states and governments are the most far right, oppressive and divisive as they have ever been.

In short, the entire queer “brand” is becoming a kind of fascist – state and corporate together usually is – bullying. And its key targets, as always, are women, children, LGB people, elderly people and anyone else the equalities act was designed to try and give protections to.

Very much so. It’s a corporate backed way to widen the market of LGB people to include fetishists and some incredibly dull, conformist straight people who’ve discovered coloured hair dyes and piercings. It’s taking the trappings of alternative cultures and firmly ramming them into mainstream late capitalist circles.

Every single person I’ve met who calls themselves ‘Queer’ tend to be people with clear mental health issues, young people desperate to belong to something and adults who are looking to join a group for oppression points. i can have some sympathy for the first two, but adults know exactly what they’re doing and what they’re trying to get out of it.

Ian MacLaren

Ah, given the confusion over chromosones, it’s easy seen KB flunked out of her Aberdeen medical degree very early, probably while still on ‘foundations of primary care’.

Antoin Roquentin

@A Scot Abroad

The “dumb politics” causing your bafflement is a phenomenon well noted in the writings of the likes of Albert Memmi and Frantz Fanon, Policies of ‘fascination’are the typical stuff of colonial-administrations, all of which masquerade as National parties.

John C

The sight of a man in a dress in any situation that does not involve pantomime – where the joke is that he IS a man – is disturbing for very good reason. It is not normal. It is a blip on the radar, and it is telling us, at an instinctual level that something is not right

One of the things about Trans ideology is that it’s wrecked life for non-conforming men. I know a couple of men who will occasionally wear dresses. They’re not AGP’s or TRA’s. They’re married happily but just don’t want to conform to what roles and dress gender imposes on them. Now they’re called ‘Trans’ even though they’re heterosexual men in settled long-term marriages. They’re being dragged into an ideology they don’t believe in & recognise as being incredibly rigid in terms of how it imposes gender roles on people who believe in it. The idea for example that if a woman or girl wears trousers it means she’s actually male is so regressive that it drags us back to the days before WW2.

Hence why TRAs are so keen to Trans people like Bowie and Kurt Cobain who were straight/bi males who never once pretended to be anything but male but liked wearing dresses at times. They’re intent to say Trans has always been a thing & that they’ve always been here but they haven’t. Trans is 25 years old, give or take, and it’s transformed so much over that time. Especially in the last 6 years or so. Now Trans is basically a men’s rights movement dressed up as ‘progressive’. An abuser’s charter. A movement designed to groom and ‘Queer’ kids from conception.

But it’s also a movement that crumbles when light is shone on it. It’s a movement that has no music, no radical culture. It’s more of a cult than a youth movement as it’s been driven since Day One by adults pushing a form of postmoderism. Most youth movements have a shelf life. Punk for example started in 75/6 but by 79 it’d been absorbed by the mainstream and as a mass movement was over. The next thing had come along.

Trans has no music or discernable culture to speak of. It’s only got cultish followers rushing hard to pass laws because they know at some level, this has a shelf life. Imagine in a decade when all these late teens/early 20s women hit their 30s and it dawns on them that for the rest of their lives, they have to live in the body that they have and that body has been wrecked and their lifespan has probably been reduced by 10-20 years. We’re seeing the start of this now with the first wave of kids who transitioned in the early 2010s and it’ll build up as the years pass.

In a decade people like Kirsty Blackman will have to answer for why they supported a movement that abused so many people. This is why we need to keep the receipts now.


When people talk of gender you know you’re on a trip to lotusland in a gay frock.
The small amount of imagination some politicians seem to have might be better employed in «queering the pitch» of the British state’s operations in Scotland.
Otherwise, for what purpose are these people elected? Certainly not for fashion sense or rhetorical skills.
Isn’t it amazing that nature can tell the sex of a creature without the need for a «definition». Could that explain Scotland’s declining birthrate?
Too much lucubration?

Stephen O'Brien

The nutters in the party are doing what’s intended.. Killing the party. The financial debacle, the final nail in the coffin.

The only transition that matters is SNP’s shedding if its skin, to emerge as ‘Party of Independence’ (Mk II), all in time for the next election.

New Party name, usual non-existent Indy policy, same idiots voting for them!

Stuart MacKay

Like many a good citizen of the Weimar Republic in late 1932 I am wondering how many steps we are away from becoming a totalitarian state.

No doubt the unfaithful will have to wear a yellow ♂ or &#x2640 on their coats so they are easily recognised and shunned.


I wouldn’t buy a used car from this woman, all that’s missing are the long sideburns – what a true dunce she is?
As most of genuine pro-indy is aware of how bogus her stance is, I’d say she’s great for independence?

Do another one, Krispy, please..

Ebenezer Scroggie

If I call her a qunt, does that make me a sexist?

If I call Abu Humza Youseless a qunt, does that make me a racist?

If so, then so be it.


“If women refuse to validate my delusions and submit to my fetishes, I’ll kill myself.”

Your terms are acceptable.


We are continually told how smart and charismatic Joanna Cherry KC is.

Then you view clips such as that at the top. Sure, she realises she is in the same party, but not as highly thought of by the High Heid Yins as total numpties such as Blackman.

So, why doesn’t she quit? If she cannot bring herself to commit to ALBA, she could at least do a Margo Macdonald in Westminster and sit as an Independent. She might even have the personal following in her constituency to hold her seat.

As things stand, she could well go down with the SNP numpties.

douglas Leighton

Some years ago (late 90’s) I worked for a charity as a project worker, in a well known but small highland town. I had an office upstairs in the building with a charity shop on the ground floor. It was often mentioned by the shop staff that a transvestite cruised the clothes selecting his latest lady outfit. I must confess to being curious(small towns in remote places are not really the natural habitat for tranvestites). At the time the Bangkok ladyboys were frequently featured in the sensation seeking press and I had formed the impression that was how transvestites presented -high heels , short skirts, elaborate hairdo’s/wigs and other paraphernalia of glamour-such as lipstick/makeup
One day I got a call to say he was in the shop so I went down to have a look. To my astonishment there was no highland ladyboy. He had chosen to fashion himself as something like my late Aunties-Ena, Norah and Anne, doing their housework-blouse and skirt and Pinnie, flat shoes and Norah batty tights.
It was very incongruous because it was so obviously a large male frame with knobbly knees and male shoulders. I don’t know what he did about a bosom. His selection of jewellery was disappointing- obviously cheap and gaudy tat. His facial hair was shaved but not disguised very well. His hair was ordinary and a bit like what you might see on a not too fussy middle aged woman. As far as I know he was ‘normal’ – he worked somewhere and lived quietly. He didn’t seem all that bothered by the occasional cat call and I had the impression he was well integrated and well known for his unusual hobby within the community.
I am not acquainted with the motivations of such a person or what mental disposition had led him to his lifestyle.

Another curiosity- Kirsty Blackman’s dress choice. I recognised it immediately because I had bought my 5 yo grand daughter a Christmas present of leggings and overdress made with that design. I had bought it online from a small children’s clothing company through the online marketing outlet ETSY. I chose it to possibly trigger interest in planets/space etc in my g/daughter. I had no idea it was available in adult sizes. I am not sure of my women’s dress sense and please correct me if I am mistaken, but the design seems ‘youthful’ to me. I have no reason to criticise Ms Blackman’s clothes choices but it seems somewhat whimsical for a mature woman in a serious job. (I am assuming that legislation is a serious job). I just wonder what message she is communicating with her clothes choice.


Phwoar at old Stu pics

That this woman has the gall to patronise others by saying they “had a go” at cogently defining sex as if the seven year old whose dress she nicked couldn’t do it.


Inappropriate! Completely lacks insight . I have to say I feel for her children . I am embarrassed for her .

Robert Louis

Kirsty blackman, is one of those people in life, who really, really, thinks she is intelligent, but isn’t. That she even thinks for one second that anything she said yesterday did not sound incredibly stupid speaks volumes around her own quite immense cognitive challenges.

Revstu is quite correct to assert that Kirsty does indeed have XX chromosomes, given that she has borne children, and is a woman. This is mind bogglingly, obvious to even the dimmest soul on planet earth. No person with XY chromosomes has ever given birth. Ever. Why? because they are men, and don’t have a uterus or womb.

This really is not difficult, Kirsty.

But, it is worse, much worse. According to Kirsty, despite being heterosexual, married to a man and being in a straight relationship she is indeed what she calls ‘queer’. WTF? I mean seriously, WTF.

Gay men and lesbians are rightly sick and fed up of the likes of the eminently stupid Kirsty blackman. She is clearly an airhead, and an utter fool.

Here are some actual gay and lesbian organisations

link to

link to

Perhaps Kirsty should speak to them, instead of listening to the homophobic (but deffo pro ‘trans’) Stonewall nutters.


“…get out of the way, we’re the wreckin’ crew…”


Did she wear a space dress so she could make a NASA herself?

Stephen O'Brien

Is there a difference between believing Scottish independence is a pipedream and a being unionist?

Is it possible to pursue independence while recognising that futility, knowing politicians would sell their own granny, for your vote?

Do only Unionist politicians tell lies?

Do you trust SNP to govern Scotland, in a devolved parliament or otherwise?

Reality sucks!


The SNP MSPs group have agreed to send flowers to Sturgeon it has been announced by Keith Brown. Jeez.

Anton Decadent

Re all of the letters being added to LGB, this could be due to the B being seen as problematic as it acknowledges that some people are attracted to both sexes, those born with XX and those born with XY chromosomes.

Corrado Mella

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

It’s also because of me and my support for that party in the past decade that we have imbeciles like Blackman “representing” us.

It’s high time to make these inadequate ignoramus aware that their time is up and our patience is out.

If anyone has a solution that doesn’t include pitchforks and torches, please move forward.
Otherwise, away to the next DIY shop to buy your kit.

There should be quite the stock of tiki torches and gardening tools there.
Wait for your assignments by pigeon mail.
Wear comfy shoes, it’s a bit of a walk fae here doon tae that boorach.

Ian Stewart

Jeez Stuart, much as I want to, I can’t unsee those images of your youth.

You definitely weren’t ‘ordinary’


Kirsty Blackman appears to have many issues.
These issues should exclude her from a position of authority.

She’s a menace and a danger to the vast majority of the public.

Many accounts on twitter, not a reflection of the majority I accept, are saying loads of their teens are turning against the whole trans schtik.

Most of them are keeping their heads down but they’re sick of it.
KB might find herself as an oldie, past it, no longer down with the kids so not just JC will be exasperated by her.

Stephen O'Brien

SNP has now jumped the shark. The franchise is broken. Erase and rewind, In time for the next election.

Sturgeon always wanted to change the party name.

John Main

@ douglas Leighton says:13 June, 2023 at 4:57 pm

seems somewhat whimsical for a mature woman in a serious job

Indeed, no argument there, but you have the wrong end of the stick, and that’s where your confusion comes from.

She is neither “mature”, nor is she doing a “serious” job.

I know nothing about the woman, but if she has not materially re-invented herself since she presumably went around her constituency canvassing for votes, then her constituents must have been complicit in choosing to elect an immature eejit to a pointless place at the trough.

It’s an indictment of the caliber of voter who have been keeping the SNP in power this past decade.

A toxic mixture of the “Boaty McBoatFace” effect and tribalism.

Oh well, Scotland is a rich country. Rich enough, certainly, to sustain hundreds of drones at the taxpayer’s expense indefinitely.


Wondering how this woman persuaded enough people to vote for her to be elected: not at all obvious. Her faux-supposing her chromosomes are “probably xy” does her no credit as a former medical student, nor as someone paid £84k+ a year to know what she’s talking about, nor as a serious politician: on a contentious issue where her attempted mind-games are inappropriate — including the suggestion thrown in that she might be “queer”.

Where is her responsibility towards her female constituents, and to children being harmed by indoctrination at school, failure of child mental health services, and medical abuse?

Unfit for her job.

John Main

@Ebenezer Scroggie says:13 June, 2023 at 4:38 pm

You can call Humza Yousaf a fraudulently elected pretender to the offices of SNP Leader and First Minister of Scotland and be a shining beacon of truth.



TBH Mr Wings, that youthful hair looks like a
‘stand up and be counted ‘
statement rather than
The leather jacket completes the statement – very chic:-)


My real problem with the gender’ amender/emender is that I can’t work out whether they truly are idiots in the departments of language, logic and science who are otherwise sensible folk who have been endowed with an over-inflated propensity to ‘mean well’.
Whether they are truly wicked liars who would say anything in order to achieve a personal ambition and/or destroy the livelihood of anyone who gets in their way.
I genuinely have no answer to the simplistic stupidity of the trans ‘legal’ argument.

Lorna Campbell

John C: I agree with most of what you have written, but I think you are being disingenuous when you say that these men are not ‘trans’ in today’s parlance – or, rather, they are being disingenuous with you. Every psychologist’s reports and studies that I have read and listened to are very sure that these men are motivated by sex, and some of these were by ‘trans’ women themselves. Mostly, they cannot admit that they are AGPs/fetishists. If they were truly not interested in the sexual element, they would dress as normal women, in neat trousers and shirts, and not as 1950s tarts. They would still be in touch with their feminine side. It is not that they want to be like women – that is the mistake that most make. They want to experience the humiliation and submissive aspects of being a woman. That is what gives them their kicks, and is why they impose themselves on females of all ages. Take what they tell you with a pinch of salt.

Ian Brotherhood: no, I have no idea what Mel Gibson is working on. I think he is a good director, though.

I think you may be right that those barstewards who have enabled all this will disappear into the night and not have to pay for their evil actions. When politicians and other officials in positions of influence are held to account for the gross errors/deliberate actions they take, then stuff like this might stop. I don’t mean that they should be held to account for everything, only where they have quite deliberately ignored the law or advice from expets and lawyers and ploughed ahead. The SNP/Greens have a great deal to answer for, as does Stonewall and its poisonous arms in Scotland. Making them personally liable for their own idiocy would be a step forward in reducing said idiocy.

Dorothy Devine

Corrado Mello,just what is wrong with torches and pitchforks??

Vanessa McC

I watched the debate live, and began waiting for this post from the point when Kirsty declared her xy chromosomes. It does not disappoint.


Dear me does it matter? Does it make an independent Scotland less likely? Is she a good constituency MP?

douglas leighton

I am wondering if KB was trying to say that chromosomes don’t matter. She can call herself anything she likes- man or woman or any variant she dreams up regardless of her chromosomes.
That is an ideological position and conflicts in a number of ways with science.
Likewise her sexual orientation.This would fit with KB’s position regarding gender politics and her insincere gay self attribution.

People do not ‘choose’ a sexual preference.Most accounts suggest the sexual preferences ‘choose the person’.
The science is quite disputed and there may be differences in male homosexuality compared with female homosexuality. It’s probably mainly genetic but there are also environmental and developmental factors. Obviously sexual preference has close connections to reproduction. In a very general sense characteristics which relate to reproduction(due to the close association with species survival) are not very ‘heritable’.If they were very selectable, or variable that might impact on species survival so natural selection favours less variability. Characteristics with a loose, or no connection to sex tend to be more variable or less fixed in their expression.

An expression that troubles me is “trans rights”. Does this mean that people who declare their personal sexual identity as different to their external anatomy/sexual characteristics are denied rights which others, who are content with their sexual identity, are granted without question? So trans identifiers must have their rights specified in some way, such as in legislation, to counteract the unconscious or societal disapproval that places them at a disadvantage.
I am very unconvinced by this perspective.
I am not aware of a selective denial of rights in relation to ‘trans’ people.

I know that medical treatment is an area where particular treatments for trans people are provided only with great care and might appear grudging, but the idea that functional males or females can be engineered surgically is completely unsupportable.This is
a false notion that has grown out of the greatly improved surgical techniques of recent decades which more correctly might be thought of as allowing survival of the radical surgery. Despite the great risks these mehods can only achieve a crude simulation of the opposite sex.
The film from about 2015 which starred Eddy Redmayne, called(I think)’The Danish Girl’ created a popular sense of a surgical and or chemical/hormone process, to satisfy the wish of the Eddy Redmayne character to be transformed into a female. The film was based on the work of the same name written by an Ameruican gay activist called David Eberschoff.

The death of the main character seems to me to be a distinctly unattractive outcome but there is a huge clamour among certain activist groups for very risky treatments for people who declare their sexual identity as at odds with their physical attributes.I think it is in this sense that certain politicians (many SNP) have opportunistically attempted to acquire some bogus credibility as ‘freedom fighters’ for the cause of personal fulfillment or freedom as an extension of the movements for gay rights. It is the height of political dishonesty to claim this, on the basis of those individuals for some of whom there are no easy answers, and for others who are simply narcissistic imposters.
I despair of politicians such as KB who propagate the idea that there is a simple mind adjustment to achieve the transformation of sexes but who minimise the huge risks and potential loss of life in attempting to achieve this.

Robert Hughes

A woman’s genitals have been taken to a local police station in the Westminster area after being found – clearly disoriented and confused – sheltering under a bridge close to the river Thames .

The distressed anatomical items were unable to provide any identifying information and appeared to have been abandoned by their owner .

A Police spokesperson later stated . ” We appeal to the owner of these genitals to come forward to explain the circumstances that led this unacceptable dereliction of duty ”

He further added .. ” The owner may find urinating via the mouth nothing exceptional , but we would remind her this practice is only acceptable in certain circles – mainly political ” .

John Main

@Izzie says:13 June, 2023 at 7:37 pm

Dear me does it matter?


Does it make an independent Scotland less likely?


Is she a good constituency MP?

Not as good as she could be.

Sorry to break this to you Izzie, but all that stuff people told you about equality of outcomes was lies.

In the real world, how you present yourself, the sense or otherwise of how you speak, and basically, do you come across as a raving eejit, all matter a lot.

I know, I know, Izzie, neither you nor I would ever be so ignorantly bigoted, but the majority of other Scots are. It’s a crying shame, but it can’t be helped.


genuinely lol’ed at:


not the pics, which were entirely “ordinary” at the time

Anne Johnston

Brilliant! Spot on..

And a rare photo of you post punk standing in front of Bob..Classic! What a treat?



The answers to your questions are: yes, yes, and no in that order.

John Main

@douglas leighton says:13 June, 2023 at 7:54 pm

I despair of politicians such as KB who propagate the idea that there is a simple mind adjustment to achieve the transformation of sexes but who minimise the huge risks and potential loss of life in attempting to achieve this

There was a list of “trans rights” published on here a few months back. One of these “rights” was for unlimited, free, surgery and hormonal treatments for all transitions, including reversals, for when the novelty of the new sex wore off.

This at a time when tens, maybes hundreds of thousands can’t get treatment for life threatening diseases, and/or disabling injuries.

So that’s another “right” the trans lobby would like to assert over the rest of us – the right to priority access to the SNHS.


Basic Biology lesson for Ms Blackman

Dear Ms Blackman, you claim,” not one person has been able to explain what ‘Biological sex’ is”. Well, have you actually ever bothered stepping out of that trans-obssessed echo chamber where you appear to be and asked ordinary people what it is?

You would be amazed to find out just how much more than you the ordinary people actually knows in the subject.

If I may make a constructive suggestion, perhaps it would be advisable for you to lift your eyes for a moment from the parrot script you were given to regurgitate and, instead of making a complete fool of yourself and embarrassing us at the next parliamentary session, you could proactively grab a biology book and read about it.

You will be surprised to know that the concept of “biological sex” has been known for an awful long time, well before you were even born.

Let me try to explain it to you in a simple way, so even a child would be able to understand it.

You should know by now that the word sex has two different meanings. But just in case you didn’t realise of that yet, let me tell you:

a) sex is a set of biological attributes that determine if an individual is a male or a female. Because just in case you did not know, sex is binary. Humans are either male or female. Just like the majority of mammals are. You do not choose to be male or to be female. Your chromosomes make that choice for you before you were even born.

b) sex is also intercourse. The action of having sex.

What do those two different meanings of the word sex have in common?

You can use the genitals you have naturally acquired thanks to your biological sex which is determined by your chromosomes, for having sex.

Let’s go back to a) and the set of biological attributes.
Those biological attributes are ultimately determined by your chromosomes. Males have a chromosome Y, Females do not.

Your chromosomes determine both, your primary sexual characteristics and your secondary sexual characteristics. Examples of your primary sexual characteristics are your reproductive system of which your genitals are a fundamental part.

If you are a male, you have a penis and testicles. If you are a female, you have a vagina, an uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Each and every one of those parts of your primary sexual characteristics are required for natural reproduction.

You will be fascinated to find out that the reproductive system in males and females is complementary. It may come as a surprise to you, but humans are not hermaphrodites. However, and unusually, sometimes during the embriology process things go wrong and the new baby might end up having an incomplete or undefined reproductive system. This is not a third type of sex. It does not negate the binary character of sex in humans to create an spectrum. It is simply the result of something going wrong during meiosis and embryogenesis. More often than not, individuals with an undefined reproductive system are sterile.

Humans are bipedal. However sometimes things go wrong during embriogenesis and people are born with just one leg, three, or none. Complications with certain diseases mean that surgery is required to remove one or two legs. But none of these means the number of legs humans can have is part of an spectrum. Well, the same applies to sex.

You will also be fascinated to find out that males’ and females’ reproductive systems are self-maintained and selfsufficient. For instance, females do not need to constantly stick things in their vaginas to keep them open. Also, natural vaginas have self-lubrication and have muscles that contract. Natural vaginas are not like inverted gloves. They communicate to the cervix, another part of the female reproductive system. Most males have funcional penises which do not require artificial pumps to lift them up.

For a baby to be conceived, you need two special cells to combine into one. These special cells are called gametes. Males produce one type of gamets, called spermatozoa, and females produce another different type, called ova.

Now these cells are special for many reasons, but the most significant one is that they have only half the number of chromosomes. Without entering into too much detail, this is designed to increase genetic diversity, so roughly half of the genetic material of the new baby will be from the mum and the other half from the dad. During meiosis, which is the process that generates gametes, there is frequent genetic recombination, which means that segments of DNA are swapped between chromosomes. This also increases genetic diversity.

Because only males have the chromosome Y, it is actually the sprematozoa who will determine if the new baby will be a male or a female.

Then there are the secondary sexual characteristics. You acquire those during puberty. Examples are breasts and pubic hair for females, and beard, pubic hair for males. Another secondary characteristic for males is a higher propension to go bald.

Both, meanings of sex are biological, so the word “biological” in the expression “biological sex” is redundant. But it is used for clarity. It is unbelievable that in this day and age, people feel the need to use the term “biological” when talkng about sex. But they are justified by listening to your speech, which suggests three are still far too many numpties out there insisting sex does not exist or has nothing to do with biology.
So, we use the term “biological” when talking about sex to

1. distinguish that you are talking about the biological traits that define you as male/female and not about the action of having sex.

2. reinforce the fact that what define a male and a female are NATURAL biological characteristics. There is nothing natural in butchering your body, pump it full of hormones or mutilating it beyond recognition to make it look like the body of the opposite sex.

Making your body look like the body of the opposite sex does not change your sex no matter how much you wished it to. It simply changes your physical appearance. Your sex remains the exact same as your chromosomes, which determine your sex, remain unchanged. Pumping your body full of hormones will change your secondary sexual characteristics, but not your primary ones, hence transexuals seeking surgery.

Needless to say that your sex remains the same if for example you have cancer and your breasts and ovaries have to be removed to prevent the cancer to spread or to prevent it from appearing. Surgery does not change your sex. It changes your appearance.

Now, the processes of mitosis (cell division) and meiosis (process to produce gametes) are very complex, so sometimes things go wrong and gametes with the wrong amount of chromosomes are produced. This is not frequent and it is an error in the process, just as genetic mutations that impare the production of a particular protein or the function of a particular receptor are errors during DNA replication. These genetic mutations or the errors during the process of meiosis do not define the process, they do not transform it into “an spectrum”. They are exceptions, not the rule. In many cases, these “mistakes” lead to sterile individuals, so there is no continuity of it.

A completely different biology chapter is the concept of sex attraction. In other words, to which sex you are attracted to. You can be attracted to people of the same sex as yours, to people of the opposite sex, to both or to none.

Your sexual attraction does not determine your sex in the same way your sex does not define who you are sexually attracted to. There is an awful lot of genes, molecules and receptors of different types playing a part on who you are sexually attracted to. In other words, just because you change your physical appearance by mutilating your primary sexual characteristics or by adding some artificial ones, you do not immediately become sexually attractive to those who are not sexually attracted towards individuals of your biological sex. You cannot command on your own will only who other people are sexually attracted to.

Claiming somebody is a bigot or discriminatory because they do not find someone sexually attractive despite the latter having mutilated their body or dressed up to look like the opposite sex is in my view a form of sexual harassment and psychological abuse. I do not see how somebody being coerced to have sex under those false pretences can ever be considered consensual and not a form of rape.

I hope this was clear enough, Ms Blackman. The bottom line is, please refrain yourself of attempting to insult our intelligence by playing dumb or by making your own embarrassing ignorance extensive to all Scotland. You may be happy to portray yourself as a complete ignorant and a fool in front of others in a parliament, but the rest of Scotland are not and do not suffer gladly watching those who are expected to represent our interests, wasting our time and our seats with biology-denying ridiculous nonsense.

Thank you.


Merganser @ 8.09 Sorry can you explain how does it make Independence less likely?


Surely by now you have noticed an ever diminishing number of SNP members?
If you have, would you be kind enough to tell me why you think the SNP have a mass exodus?

You may already have the answer to your questions without knowing but let me know if I can be of help.


Breastplate @855 Thanks I believe that the membership is 75000. Don’t know how this compares to other parties e.g.Akba .I know my branch has over 400 members including new recruits. But how does this article advance the cause?

John C

Re all of the letters being added to LGB, this could be due to the B being seen as problematic as it acknowledges that some people are attracted to both sexes, those born with XX and those born with XY chromosomes.

No, not at all. Everything from the T onwards is about identity born out of Queer Theory. Bisexuals had to fight for generations to be accepted even by gays and lesbians even though a lot more people than thought were actually bi.


Mind in Only Fools and Horses when Uncle Albert with a bushy beard and bald head appeared on the scene and Delboy or whoever joked about him having ‘their head on the wrong way up’.

For so long seeing SC with a shaved head and beard, this is a reverse similar effect seeing these young SC pictures. It is like your head is upside down. Amazing pictures.

John Main

@Izzie says:13 June, 2023 at 8:27 pm

can you explain how does it make Independence less likely?

Here you go, Izzie, my final attempt to simplify it for you:

Most people instinctively distrust weirdos.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Izzie.

You are the archetypical SNP Follower. I used to be one of those but my eyes were opened in early 2021, when I emailed my MP and MSP about the state of the party and got no response.
The SNP,as a pro-Independence party, is no more. It has gone before. It is bereft of pro-independence life, It has gone to join the heavenly choir. It is a dead party.

Please, wake up!


Izzie @ 8.27.

The SNP/Green policy (only in the Greens manifesto, not the SNP manifesto) is anathema to a large majority of voters. It will cause a large reduction in the SNP vote, the so-called party of independence. Many ordinary (see definition above) people will not vote or spoil their ballot papers rather than vote for the SNP, because of their position on gender issues as promoted by Kirsty Blackman. Others will hold their noses and vote for the only party which can properly define a woman.

The decline in the SNP vote will be regarded as a decline in the support for independence. The SNP are not happy to pursue a route to independence without the settled will of a majority of the voters.

By pandering to a tiny minority of the voting population (0.51% I believe) they are alienating, and squandering, the votes of a substantial majority of otherwise independence voters.

Can you explain why they are doing this?


Hi Brian. You are right I am. I will just get on with delivering my leaflets going to the conference on Saturday 24th . There’s no other option but hard work if you believe in the cause. Don’t listen to reports of the demise of the Party it’s wishful thinking on the part of the Unionists.

John C

I think you are being disingenuous when you say that these men are not ‘trans’ in today’s parlance – or, rather, they are being disingenuous with you

Not at all. I trust them and their wives. It isn’t motivated by sex at all, just (at worst) old schools transvestites not wanting to conform at times. Like Eddie Izzard did before he had a midlife crisis, became an out and out AGP and decided to try to reach out to a new audience by pretending to be a woman which is where the difference lies here. These guys never pretend to be women.

I’ve known AGP’s. They wear big skirts to try to hide their erections and will be incredibly aggressive so you’re constantly walking on eggshells with them. The people I’m talking about are doing it for aesthetic reasons and one no longer does it purely because he’s scared of being tainted as an AGP.

I grew up with Bowie in a dress and spent my 20s admiring men like Kurt Cobain and Brett Anderson who’d laugh at conforming to male stereotypes. That’s where these people (and others like them) are coming from and that’s what the Trans movement has now destroyed like so much else it’s destroyed.

David Hannah

Just reading the massive scale fraud police investigation into the missing 600k, has cost more than 600K.

That’s £1.2 million the SNP has taken out of circulation of hard pressed Scots.

Vanished. Into thin air. Woven through the accounts that no one is allowed to see, in the party that hides the membership numbers. And was caught lying about them.

With MI5 voice voting systems built in and leaked email lists for the continuity candidate Yousaf.

I do hope we get the answers to where the ringfenced Independence referendum fund has disappeared to.

David Hannah

As for Kirsty Blackman, she’s obviously asked the shop keeper if he can transform her into a space cadet. It’s almost as bad as the time she dressed up as an impoverished Scot unable to switch on her heating bills on her £84,000 salary + 100K expenses.

John C

There was a list of “trans rights” published on here a few months back. One of these “rights” was for unlimited, free, surgery and hormonal treatments for all transitions, including reversals, for when the novelty of the new sex wore off.

This at a time when tens, maybes hundreds of thousands can’t get treatment for life threatening diseases, and/or disabling injuries.

So that’s another “right” the trans lobby would like to assert over the rest of us – the right to priority access to the SNHS.

There’s three things an adult has to go through. Birth, puberty and death. We all have these three definites that has happened, or will happen as humans. What the Trans movement wants is to remove puberty from this so we have people never quite becoming adults but never quite remaining children. Now one of the reasons for that is to have a class of people they can access sexually (there’s an incredible amount of inter-dating in Trans circles as most ordinary people reject them as sexual partners) and to continue the cult as the best way to keep it going is to have new converts.

Hence this inane argument about bodily autonomy. We all have autonomy up to a point where we should be prevented in harming ourselves, however these restrictions are things the TRA’s want removed. And if they can get surgery on the NHS even better. If they can get preferential treatment (which is what their campaigns are actually about) with no questions asked so any comorbidities are ignored then that’s the end goal.


I know the SNP have lost large amount of the membership and you know the SNP have lost a large amount of the membership. You answered a question that wasn’t asked and didn’t answer the question that was asked.
The reason you didn’t answer the question on why you think the SNP has lost a large amount of the membership is either because you don’t know or because you are unwilling to talk about it.

Och, while we’re at it, can you give me the year we were closest to gaining our independence?
We all know the answer to that but are you willing to admit it?

A Scot Abroad

Izzie, at 9:49 pm

I think that most people on this site think that the SNP are a busted flush. 90% of commenters (maybe even 95%) because the SNP appear to have retreated to some level of Devo as opposed to full Indy, and the minority of us because we think that the SNP are continually talking nonsense on stilts about an iScotland.

Either way, and given the brutal mathematics of both the Westminster and Holyrood electoral systems, the SNP are indeed a busted flush.


The trouble is there is more to this movement than delusional men and daft handmaidens like Blackman. This movement is, under the surface, inhabiting far more than the body politic, its tentacles going everywhere in the connected labyrinth of all the institutions of society.

Ninnies like Blackman may mouth all the doctrines of their new religion without question just because they want to be part of it. Despite being an airhead, though, I think Blackman understands that this movement – despite the daft antics of its followers – is about power.

As Lorna Campbell has pointed out, the Denton’s playbook had already set out the route of travel before most of us knew it had got off the ground. The plan was to infiltrate all the institutions of society but at the top layers. From the start this was about achieving power and influence by stealth without the knowledge or co-operation of the electorate in each country.
It’s the very opposite of democratic. Its intentions are sinister and authoritarian.

Unfortunately, it was launched at the time of deep malaise in politics in the western democracies. Political classes gave the impression that they were bored by traditional politics and unsettled by ‘populism’. Politics was becoming unmoored from the interests of their own electorates and globalism seemed like a more attractive international consensus to them than their own unruly electorates. In fact, some in the political class ( like the SNP) gave every impression that they actually disliked their voters.

Jennifer Bilek has written extensively about the fabulous amounts of money some billionaires are using to fund their favoured projects – like the Pritzkers and the Strykers, the Arcus Foundation etc. They are principally interested in pushing transgenderism through clinics, educational establishments and research. They have great influence in politics through their funding and donations and have been the main drivers of this movement.

However, it isn’t just the huge amounts of money made available to the transgender movements via billionaires and the pharmaceutical companies (who will also benefit financially from this) but also the enablers already ensconced within all the institutions of civil society who will help impose this on an unaware public.

Within these structures are those at the highest levels who have little empathy with the people they are supposed to serve. Recently, for example, with the imprimatur of the BMA, it has been proposed that a patient’s right to be examined by a health professional of their own sex, should be set aside in favour of a trans person’s rights. It has been pointed out that this is not legal but again something is being proposed that would need legal challenge. Those at the top of the medical profession and the NHS are demonstrating the same contempt for the people by setting up a situation where the recourse is legal action. This seems set to wear down opposition by having them fight on many fronts. ( Where have I heard that before?)

How many ordinary people actually know their rights? This is like a war of attrition where management within institutions seem to be set on using the trans movement’s ever-increasing demands to bolster their own sense of power. The greatest aphrodisiacs are power and money and what is the use of either, if you can’t make people do what they don’t want to do or make them accept the unreasonable? That is bullying on a grand scale and more intoxicating by far than simply serving the people.

Think what illicit glee these people in high places might get, for example, from making the victim of a rapist refer to her attacker as ‘she’ and to stand in a courtroom as a legal counsel and po-faced, talk of ‘her penis’. It is like sick humour being perpetrated (mainly)against women. I don’t believe for one moment that educated men do not know what they are doing when they say that or write that in a newspaper report.

This deep vein of misogyny hitherto concealed beneath the surface in polite society is bubbling to the surface and is also what is enabling this quite extraordinary delusion to be imposed on a bewildered public. It is a dictatorial and baleful takeover of society – a coming together by powerful interests in an unprecedented suppression of hard-won rights in modern democracies. Welcome to the intolerant orthodoxy of an artificial religion.( Oh, and by the way, the Humanist Society is also lobbying on behalf of the transgender movement.)

(I often think of Alice being confronted by the Red Queen in Through The Looking Glass and pronouncing something is impossible to believe, to which the Red Queen retorts that she really should try, since by the time she was Alice’s age, she could believe six impossible things before breakfast. Blackman is already through the looking glass.)


Well said Mia


@Alf Baird

I’ve finished my second run through your book, Alf.

And I have to admit its left me feeling a wee bit disheartened.

So disheartened that I’m going to vent some of my frustration here in this place. So if you don’t want to listen to a Scotsman on the edge’s (some might say donkey) rant, I suggest you scroll on by.

Us Scots have been sold out and let down for centuries and it’s getting worse it seems.

Another twenty years and the indigenous Scots will be pretty much gone.

Maybe just a few stragglers left and corralled into the spaces where ‘new Scots’ don’t want to live.

Our politicians bought. Our institutions corrupted, Our land stolen. Our resources plundered. Our culture trampled. Our people diminished, both in numbers and in spirit, and our place in the world reduced to a few areas of Scotland where the ‘tide’ is rapidly coming in.

I watched an episode of ‘countryfile’ the other day – I wish I hadn’t.

The awfully nice but awfully dim presenters were in Argyll marvelling at its beauty; completely oblivious to the fact they were actually in another country. Another country separate and distinct from their own. And out of all the ‘locals’ they spoke to only one had a Scots accent that I could discern- and he was basically a labourer.

I don’t often use expletives, but it was a fucking depressing thing to watch.

Indigenous Scots are looked down upon by some folks moving here who think Scotland is the northern-most part of England and the locals are backward – useful only as servants, labourers, or local ‘characters’ for their amusement.

And it seems the ‘pampered’ Scots don’t care; as long as they can have their two cars, their private healthcare, their expensive hobbies, their two or more holidays a year, and maybe even two ‘homes,’ they’re happy. They don’t give a damn about their ain land or their ain folk. I’m related to some of them so I know what I’m talking about.

They tolerate me and I, mostly, can’t be arsed with them.

I sometimes think us Scots don’t really belong on this planet. That maybe our ancestors crash-landed here millennia ago and we’ve been waiting long ages for the mother ship to come and take us home to oor ain world – because this one sure doesn’t feel like it half the time.

There’s no doubt about it, Alf. We’re down and the fight has almost been kicked out of us.

And a lot of us are asleep, preferring to live in a dream rather than face the reality of our predicament. And I can’t say I blame them.

All we have between us and oblivion are the most twisted, greedy, selfish, stupid, deranged, demented, degenerate, perverted, infantile, least and worst of us. The worst of us that have the nerve to call themselves our leaders.

Prancin’ aboot and thinkin’ their above us when they are, most of them, almost literally functioning at the most basic level a human being can function before returning to the mud for evolution to try again.

I’ll be honest. I don’t see a way out unless us Scots get some massive hauners fae the rest o the world.

I’ve included this excerpt from your book, Doun-Hauden, because it seems to offer a glimmer of hope and I don’t want my comments to be totally negative.

But by God, when I look around and see what’s going on – it’s hard to stay positive:

Decolonisation Strategy

If a sovereign Scotland were for some reason deemed unable to legally withdraw from the UK union, this would mean that Scotland does not have full sovereign or political control and is therefore considered by law as a territory or colony of the British State.

Scotland’s democratically elected representatives may then approach the United Nations with a view to having Scotland ‘Listed’ as a colony to be decolonized.

With UN support, Scotland may then, if required, undertake to hold a referendum on independence, which would also be a referendum on ending ‘the scourge’ of colonization.

Any referendum voting franchise would need to first, using established criteria, define the Scottish ‘people’ seeking self-determination, to ensure there is no undue external interference and influence of the result, as was arguably the case in 2014.

Similarly, there should be no external interference or influence permitted from any actors or organisations (e.g. MSM, government, politicians, agencies, corporations etc.) from outside Scotland in any Scottish self-determination referendum process.

Jason Smoothpiece

The men who would like to be ladies are a very small number of males who are:

Mentally ill

Have some fetish

The first group should be offered specialist care.

The second group should have the tackle removed without delay.

Neither group should be told that they are ladies, because they are not.

This whole area of discussion can be described as madness.


I just see the likes of Blackman as a toe curling embarrassment for Scotland, and the fact she can “thrive” as an MP despite such chronic inability is an indictment of UK politics, which in turn, reflects badly on Scotland. We could do so much better than this circus of corrupt incompetence.

Ireland can elect MEP’s like Clare Daly and Wick Wallace who stand tall, a credit to Ireland, putting the EU on the spot over their attitudes and hypocrisy towards Palestine and Eastern Europe, while Scotland has to listen to the deranged wittering idiocy of charlatan gravy slurpers like Blackman and her ilk.

A school would be in trouble if it had Blackman on it’s payroll as a teacher, so how and why she’s risen to any height at all in politics is a troubling mystery to me and indictment of the system. She’s somebody’s useful idiot, but certainly not Scotland’s.

There is something deeply flawed when the likes of Joanna Cherry has her abilities arbitrarily curtailed by incompetent and vindictive SNP “management”, while imbeciles like Blackman can make utter fools of themselves yet “fly” and never be held to account.

Cherry is discriminated against because she’s apparently not a team player, but the corollary of that is Blackman is… Which leads you to despair about the calibre and integrity of the team. Who would want to be on the team beside so many duds, charlatans and grifters?

Yet, it’s a feature of human compassion to make allowances for somebody’s shortcomings, but even so, assuming Blackman wasn’t an imbecile, and had some personality and ability, she would still be rightly derided and condemned for selling out every single supporter of Scottish Independence, who elected these douchebags to prise Scotland free of this accursed Union. Fraud’s and grifters the lot of them. Hell mend them.

Robert Louis

Northcode at 1149pm,

In your comment, you touched on something which truly irks me, and it is this (quote)

“I watched an episode of ‘countryfile’ the other day – I wish I hadn’t.

The awfully nice but awfully dim presenters were in Argyll marvelling at its beauty; completely oblivious to the fact they were actually in another country. Another country separate and distinct from their own. And out of all the ‘locals’ they spoke to only one had a Scots accent that I could discern- and he was basically a labourer.

I don’t often use expletives, but it was a fucking depressing thing to watch.

Indigenous Scots are looked down upon by some folks moving here who think Scotland is the northern-most part of England and the locals are backward – useful only as servants, labourers, or local ‘characters’ for their amusement.”

THIS point, times 100.

I too see programmes such as that, where some southern english person comes up to Scotland to visit some English folk who have ‘made the brave move’, and decided to live in the (add your own ott adjectives) wild, untamed, harsh, difficult, challenging, remote – oh so very remote – highlands . It is typical lazy english patronising, colonial guff.

It is worse than that though, as you rightly say, some who move up here, DO look down there noses at actual Scots. Their was a report suggesting those with Scottish accents at one of Scotland’s universities were sneered at by english students because of their accents.

Like you and many other Scots I am heartily sick of it. I watched a programme recently with that posh English guy, Ben fogle, up in the remote harsh, wild, difficult (etc.. etc..) highlands. The entire programme pretty much consisted of him talking, as an Englishman, to some English folk who had moved up. Nae actual feckin Scots to confuse their English viewers.

People like Fogle have no self awareness as to just how f****ing patronising and colonial he is when in Scotland. He does it in other countries too.

Do we really need, yet another English oxbridge type, coming up to explore the ‘wilds and remote parts’ of Scotland. Can we not get somebody who actually was born here to talk about their own feckin country, Scotland?

I do not doubt we shall see more telly programmes with posh English types up in ‘remote Scotland’, or else just in ‘the highlands’ without ever mentioning the word Scotland, and rarely actually speaking to anybody with a Scottish accent.

The point is, however, that most Scots hate such patronising crap. Sadly, under English colonial rule, we should expect more of it, especially now the SNP have completely given up on independence


The Covid Enquiry begins just as I feared a very long and expensive nothing.

We have the Tories refusing to hand over all evidence requested.

I see this morning that the U.K. “May” not have been prepared for an epidemic?

The Cygnus exercise was designed to show how prepared the U.K. was face such a crisis.
It unequivocally demonstrated that the U.K. was not prepared by any means.

The Tories decided not to invest in the recommendations made.
I want the names of those behind the decision as this was negligent to the degree it cost many thousands of lives.
Will the be named, accused, or punished.
No they won’t as they hide safe in the heart of the Westminster mafia.

Truth and justice in U.K. politics either died a long time ago or more likely never existed and has no possibility of manifest itself in parliament.

John Main

@Breeks says:14 June, 2023 at 5:44 am

Ireland can elect MEP’s like Clare Daly and Wick Wallace who stand tall, a credit to Ireland, putting the EU on the spot over their attitudes and hypocrisy towards Palestine and Eastern Europe

Never heard of these people, but I’ll keep a look out for their names, in case they ever achieve anything worthwhile.

Like a change in the attitudes, policies and actions of the EU, for example. There has certainly been some fundamental changes in the past 18 months, but not anything that can be attributed to Irish MEP’s, quite the opposite.

Checked Google Maps, and I can’t find Palestine anywhere.

Eastern Europe is easy enough to find though. Most of the EU, particularly the Eastern European nations, are busy trying to push back an old-fashioned, imperialist, aggressor, occupying power. Such a shame that many in the Indy movement don’t seem able to pick the right side in this existentialist conflict. What with its implications for Scotland’s fight against her very own old-fashioned, imperialist, aggressor, occupying power.

Honestly, support for the non-existent country of Palestine, hatred for the very-existent country of 404! Where’s the rationale and rationality behind that kind of pretzel logic?

Best stay out of the sun today, Breeks.


Robert Louis @6:57 am

Fogle of course was one of the 200 celebrity fools who sent the open letter to the Guardian in 2014 protesting their love of Scotland and how we must stay in the precious family of UK nations etc etc.

John Main

@Effijy 7:02

Covid came from a lab in China. It is a genetically engineered (man-made) virus, a naturally-occurring virus originally, modified in the lab specifically for increased human infectiousness.

If not a bio-weapon itself, it is a precursor to a bio-weapon, to allow studies on the best approaches that will lead to an ultimate human-killing virus.

I want the names of the people responsible for that, and sanctions against the government and economy of China, because they aided and abetted its world-wide spread.

BTW, Congratulations on a post not name-dropping Boris. See? It can be done.

A Scot Abroad

Robert Louis, at 6:57 am,

what utter tripe. Total nonsense. All of it.

I’ll tell you what. I have colonised that poor country down south. Taken an English woman, given her my bairns, and we are all of us in the business of extracting as much of England’s resources as we can.

Get a fucking grip, man.

President Xiden

Another day and still no one in the media asking the question, ‘why did those lawyers, including the presiding judge, resign from the Scottish Government’s Covid inquiry?’ I am beginning to suspect a cover up which will dwarf the current scandals.

John Main

@Northcode says:13 June, 2023 at 11:49 pm

All we have between us and oblivion are the most twisted, greedy, selfish, stupid, deranged, demented, degenerate, perverted, infantile, least and worst of us. The worst of us that have the nerve to call themselves our leaders

It’s an objective fact that any English person living in England can say the same thing about England.

When are indigenous English scheduled to become a minority in England? 2050-2060 I believe.

It’s debatable which nation will lose its indigenous majority first, Scotland or England.

Ignoring that massive herd of elephants in the room doesn’t help IMHO. The people colonising England want Scotland and Wales too.

And BTW, that estimate of 2050-2060 assumes no massive climate destruction or nuclear war in the meantime. Go figure.


I remember well the time when even in the country areas being populated by incomers from the South AND prosperous retirees from the central belt, a thriving community existed. Socially rich, though poor by today’s inflated monetary standards.

Where we get it wrong, is in the view that the incomers caused the social collapse. The social changes in family life, the lack of families with children, the mad attraction to media, social media to replace human interaction, all these things created a social vacuum which has been quickly filled by drones of all nationalities
Scotland has changed and bitterness or blame laying wont bring back the times when everyone had a sense of purpose, when our kids were educated not indoctrinated, when we all knew that the country did not owe us a life and contribution was the order of the day, not self-obsession.

John Main

@A Scot Abroad says:14 June, 2023 at 7:30 am

I’ll tell you what. I have colonised that poor country down south

Of course you have. You and about 20 million other colonists. Numbers rising by 600 thousand PA.

And here’s the thing. You still think of yourself as “A Scot”, just as all these other millions think of themselves as of wherever they came from, not English.

This colonialism lark is everywhere you look. It’s unstoppable. The trick, IMO, is to engage the colonists to support what the indigenous people actually want, because the numbers of colonists are so high that they can’t be fought.

So in Scotland, Show Us (& The Colonists) The Fucking Money!




Link to Hansard transcript of the debate, (Blackman’s effort at 7.00PM) :

link to


I think if we could see exactly who protected Jimmy Saville his whole life and enabled and covered up all his abuse then we would see who really holds power in the UK.

They literally gave him the keys to hospitals and furnished him with his own bedroom for his personal use… to rape mentally disabled people.

Even as kid I could tell Saville was an absolute creep. Everyone seemed to know yet he was allowed to carry on untouched. He was obviously protected at the highest levels.

Look at the access he had… Thatcher writing gushing letters repeatedly to get him knighted. Her cabinet stuffed with paedos, Leon Brittan who buried Geoffrey Dickens’ “explosive” paedophile dossier.

It seems like paedophilia is an integral ‘tool’ in controlling people who are allowed to rise to powerful positions.

Apart from being able to reliably control them forever think about the psychological profile of someone who is capable of raping children, babies… pure psychos, you’d have to be to do that (and not kill yourself afterwards).

It sure does explain a lot when we look at the ruling elites running Western countries.

There should have been a judge led public inquiry into who protected Saville and how. He was even outed on live TV by Jonny Rotten and yet nothing happened… he just carried on. Saville was an untouchable for some reason.

The fact the BBC was probably his greatest abuse enabler is not a coincidence either…

Britain is one fucked up country underneath the wafer thin veneer of respectability.


Those who would deny Scotland’s status as a «last colony» might consider the manner in which the country is presented to the world, it is never direct, never straight from source always almost unexceptionally through filters/prisms manufactured elsewhere.
International reporting about Scotland comes from journalists based in London. Scotland’s history is rarely «indigenous» but constructed to fit a narrative ideologically promoting a land rated inferior to its neighbour. The notion that the neighbour is truly interested in its supposed partner is easily verified by the glazing over of the eyes when the S word enters the discourse. Check it out it.
Of course if you choose to be somebody’s toilet tissue you know where you end up.

stuart mctavish

Trouble with using nonsense on stilts as an argument against indy is that its arguably the British state thats paying the salaries of those promoting it – seasonal flu related nonsense on stilts from 2020 (going on eternity) being a prime example.

This falls into the same category imuo (from a/the previous justice secretary no less):

“It’s perhaps not as well understood that arrest is just a way of making sure that the interview and information gathering by the police is put into formal footing.”

ie Arbitrary arrest and detention is standard procedure, and can be justified by something as pernicious as internal document control & sanitisation.


The worst example of minor abuse and even Paedophilia which I recall recently was by Stonewall Youth Scotland.

Graf Midgehunter

WRT Kirsty Blockhead not really knowing whether she has XY or XX chromosones or not. She doesn’t really need to know.

Nature (and parents) have already done everything for her..!

She is obviously an adult human female who likes to shag with her adult human male XY and produce children (nature sends its regards) who also possess XY or XX chromosomes.

Providing that those kids don’t end up in the fangs of the Trans nutters, then they in turn will pass on the required chromosomes.


One thing I would bet money on is that the powers that protected Saville are the same power that is pushing all this transgender poison on us and vulnerable children.

Encouraging vulnerable children to self mutilate themselves. What is that if not evil? It is completely indistinguishable from evil so therefore it is evil because evil is what evil does. It does not matter if you believe in evil. What matters is that they clearly do. And that should make you think… What was the greatest trick the devil ever pulled again?

This blog was way ahead of the game on this subject. Look at what it has all morphed into. Talking kids into taking drugs that are used to chemically castrate them.

It is obscene and blatant child abuse. The law suits coming out of this trans era of insanity are going to be monumental…

The people involved in promoting and encouraging it all are sick evil b@st@rds who deserve jailing.

Morons like Blackman above don’t even know what ‘side’ they on.

Stephen O'Brien

Why do some believe SNP is a threat to the Union?

Put that threat into words.. What exactly is SNP gonna do that threatens the Union?

Good luck, with the answer.


John Main,
This is you 250 years ago;

“Where the money is to come from which will defray this enormous annual expense of three millions sterling, and all those other debts, I know not; unless the author of Common Sense, or some other ingenious projector, can discover the Philosopher’s Stone, by which iron and other base metals may be transmuted into gold. Certain I am that our commerce and agriculture, the two principal sources of our wealth, will not support such an expense. The whole of our exports from the Thirteen United Colonies, in the year 1769, amounted only to £2,887,898 sterling; which is not so much, by near half a million, as our annual expense would be were we independent of Great Britain. Those exports; with no inconsiderable part of the profits arising from them, it is well known, centered finally in Britain to pay the merchants and manufacturers there for goods we had imported thence—and yet left us still in debt! What then must our situation be, or what the state of our trade, when oppressed with such a burden of annual expense! When every article of commerce, every necessary of life, together with our lands, must be heavily taxed to defray that expense!
—Charles Inglis, 1776, Pennsylvania”

I think it was Breeks that, about a week ago, was kind enough to give you a link with John Jappy telling you exactly where the “fucking money” is.

Be a good chap and enlighten yourself.

Antoine Bisset

A propos, well nearly, the capabilities of members of the Scottish government, I note that a schoolgirl called Màiri McAllan now has such a pile of portfolios in her remit, that she can stand on them to see over her desk.
Here she is extolling her love of the legal profession and bewailing the fact that most lawyers are men. “The legal profession is still largely based on traditional hourly-rate billing and so success in the industry remains intrinsically linked to working long and unpredictable hours”*. That was five years ago, and her love of the legal profession apparently deserted her shortly afterwards. She became an advisor to Ms Sturgeon and then an MSP in 2021.
Some 40 years ago our family lawyer was a female. The last time I spoke to a lawyer the fee was £500 per hour. I’d have thought that even working part time that would be enough to live on?

What hope is there?



Now that you have the benefit of hindsight, how would you have proceeded with the pandemic?
Now that we know we were lied to at every juncture, I’m curious to know if you are still willing to trust the untrustworthy?


@ Stuart MacKay

A new site that may have articles may on occasion link to.

link to

Doroth Devine

‘Dearie me’ seems to be an expression used before by another singing the Nicola and co praises.

It is almost unbelievable that there are folk still voting for what is a disintegrating party who think devolution is the best option for a nice salary for themselves and independence can go hang.

Ron Clark

John Main 7.50am

You get locked up for having a conversation with yourself.

Troll tosser.

AKA as the puppet master, operating all his puppet Trolls.

What a fuckin clown.

John Main

@Breastplate says:14 June, 2023 at 9:36 am

I know exactly where the money is. It’s in other people’s and other organisation’s and other government’s bank accounts.

All I am asking for is a plausible process by which the money is transferred into my bank account. And the bank accounts of other Scots. And the accounts of the masses of new Scots, without whose agreement and support, Indy ain’t gonna happen at all.

You can tell me ScotGov will seize all assets without compensation. That would work, with a few decades of poverty first.

You can tell me ScotGov will be lent money from China in BRICS currency to buy out the owners at fair market value, with China taking ownership of all assets, as per standard practice for African ex-colonies these days. That would work too, after a fashion, but in that model, Scots at the bottom will get nowt, as per Africa.

You can tell me some half-way house compromise. Maybes Brussels will sort it out for us, providing we chip in big-time into the EU budget. Which is only right for a rich country like Scotland. But then, what will be left for me?

You just can’t tell me “After Indy, Rodders, we will be millionaires”. Because I don’t trust the likes of eejits like Oor Kirsty with the money or ability to go to the chipper on my behalf.

Over to you.

John Main

@Ron Clark says:14 June, 2023 at 9:58 am

You get locked up for having a conversation with yourself

FFS, that means I’ve just conjured you up from my imagination! Now that is concerning.

Nah, just my little joke Ron. Crack open your bedroom curtains for a mo and have a keek. Once you have adjusted to the unaccustomed brilliance of daylight, you’ll see it’s a stoater of a day.

Tell yer maw yer aff oot fer some fresh air, and ye winna need yer scarf.


Local to me there was, a while ago, a subtle news blackout on teen suicides. I assume those-who-knew feared an outbreak of copy events driven by the publicity.

One would hope our politicians could be equally aware. It seems not, since they use the threats for leverage,.

John Main

An innarestin article on Unherd this morning: “South Africa’s infinite humiliation”. It gives plenty of detail on what happens to aspirational independent countries with completely corrupt ruling elites that decide their future lies with BRICS.

Breeks and his supporters better stick their fingers in their ears now:

“La la la la”.


Just learned the Daily Telegraph has been put up for auction as it’s gone into receivership. Also, according to Indy Car Gordon Ross, the Daily Record has but 3 (three) news reporters, of which only 2 live in Scotland. Furthermore, the Record is moving to smaller offices, as a direct result of the doomed ship’s sinking.

Driving across Glasgow’s Kingston bridge and you couldn’t miss ‘DAILY RECORD’ ‘SUNDAY MAIL’ emblazoned across the gigantic building in Finnieston. Changed days, I’m delighted the utterly destructive, toxic, murderous British rag is going to Hell.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 7:42 am

“It’s debatable which nation will lose its indigenous majority first, Scotland or England.”

History and postcolonial theory tells us that a colonised nation is always in the process of ‘perishing’ (Memmi). Once the ‘indigenous majority disappears’, so does the momentum for independence which is dependent on ‘the solidarity of the oppressed ethnic group’ (Hechter).

Depressed Taxpayer

The clue was always there in wee crazy Kirsty’s last name: BlackMAN. She’s just finally goosestepping out of the closet. And I wish she would fuck off back in there and close the door. Permanently. Wonder how the father of her children feels now that he knows he knocked up a man without his previous knowledge…twice. Must be a headfuck.

The newest adhetent to any religion is always the most militant, zealotic, OTT…and fucking stupid. Look at the shite-havering BlackMAN to see the incontrovertible truth of this statement. She’s what happens when you finally let dim, slightly unstable people have knowledge of previously fringe activities, and, like Sturgeon, they want to appear cool and hip and trendy. Whilst being none of them. Ever.

Wee FakeMAN needs to make up for lost time being straight or gay or bi or trans or whatever she is saying she is today. As for her partner, I would be bailing and taking the kids. Cos the chromosome-based shite she blethered is like a tacit subconscious admission of being an unhappy, confused person in an unhappy marriage. As well as her just being just plain horrendously embarrassing in general. Poor guy and kids. Imagine having to put up with that in public.


Fiction and post-colonic operations tells us that a colon is always in the state of motion (Meh). Once the disgested matter disappears, so does the peristatltic motion which is dependent on the solidarity of the about to be extruded material (Heathcote)

Alf Baird


The comments section of this article were, up till now, refreshingly free from the 300 year old crap and the ‘colonialism’ shite.
Then up pops Baird with the same drivel he has posted 948 times. Unfortunately, this time he has failed to include some couthy Scots phrases and words but he has of course, added some quotes/words of wisdom from the usual sources in a failed attempt to impress. Of course the BPHB will love it………….again!

James Che

The bill to Scotland, for removing the Stone of Destiny to England.
The national,

Personally it might be recommended those two need a proper crowning by Scotlands tax payers,

James Che

Trying to persuade soft No’s into yes, has been a slow process since 2014,

However we have seen that it rises a lot faster since the unionist have started the “Colonial othering” of Scots who want their independence.

A similar resulting parallel is Also happening in America,
The more they try indict trump the more popular he has become,

This scenario of making martyrs from the opposition has a repeated history, everyone starts fighting for the underdog,
A quirk of nature in human psychology.


@James Che 12:04pm

Once again you have raised my spirits, James 🙂

Us Scots might get hauners yet.

Stephen O'Brien

SNP deserves everything flung at them. They should be paraded and pelted with balls of shite!

That’s what happens when Devolution is adopted as the core principle of Scottish politics, with no intention of putting Westminster in the bin, as is our democratic right, to do so!

And we are supposed to give two fucks whether WM closes Holyrood!

Stephen O'Brien

When can we expect a vote, to end Devolution, simultaneously binning the Scotland Act?


John Main,
It seems to me that you’re saying that the London government has gotten Scotland into a bit of a pickle with large dollops of incompetence and at the same time Westminster is falling over itself to fill up your bank account, you must be that Jack that’s alright. Well done you.


As the only person on this site whose family has had a long history of engagement with colonialism whether Arab, Ottoman, British or American it does surprise me how often the people «colonized» are unaware of their bondage in their «best of all possible worlds».
At the moment Scotland is adrift in a sea of existentially predatory sharks picking off plump prey at will, something which once again people are not encouraged to recognize
«Woke» killed the drive for independence but this cult is still being promoted by Scotland’s mainstream.
Who gains? The «theys», the false friends, carpetbagging «sympathisers» et al. not the real us by the look of things.
Sturgeon and her moles did a good job for old mother Britannia.


It is unfortunate that at the very term, “post colonial theory would indicate” or a switch from understandable written english to some form of dialect this old pensioner’s attention is lost.
I say unfortunate, because essentially I have great respect for Prof Baird and have, on occasion, been profited by his insights and information.
I now retire to my bunker to hide from the accusations that I’m really an AI bot, J Main, AsA or an operative of the 77th Brigade.

Stuart MacKay


Thanks for the link. They don’t have an RSS feed so I’ll have a look through and add any articles of interest by hand. The article you linked to puts them firmly in the “impatient-wing” of the independence movement. Definitely worth keeping an eye on.


@John Main 14th June 7:42am

I can’t disagree with you there.

In many ways England’s elected representatives are just as bad as Scotland’s

The difference, of course, is that English politicians have all the powers they need to make life better for the peoples of all of the countries that currently make up the UK – the political leaders of Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland don’t.

And you may well be right; climate destruction might just motivate our planet to simply scratch away the irritating itch that is humanity.

John Main

@ Alf Baird says:14 June, 2023 at 10:59 am

“It’s debatable which nation will lose its indigenous majority first, Scotland or England.”

Thanks for your reply.

I have re-quoted my statement (which you yourself quoted) because it seems pertinent to me.

Once somebody becomes “sensitised” to colonisation, that person starts to see it everywhere. I certainly see far more in-your-face evidence of England’s colonisation than I do of Scotland’s. And then there’s the openly available numbers to back up my position.

England is being colonised at a speed and scale unprecedented in history, and to the extent that well within the lifetimes of many readers here, English people will become a minority in England.

“Woo hoo, bring it on”, I hear some of the knuckle draggers on here say. Yet the fact of England’s colonisation is probably the biggest driver of Scotland’s colonisation.

And the people colonising England have their sights on Scotland too.

So people need to be careful what they wish for.

And/or learn to appreciate and understand the bigger picture outside of Scotland’s borders.


Where has all the money gone Mr Main ?

Huv yersel ,the chas wan and A Scot abroood goat it awe? Jist asking.

And when are you going to pay it off-and to who?
link to

Stuart MacKay

I should have looked this up, before. Cath Ferguson had a few articles on Wings back in 2013-14, link to

If some of the authors from around the time of the indyref are dusting off their keyboards then Off-Topic Scotland seems like a very welcome development. A couple of sites like these and a burgeoning pool of contributors would go a very long way in taking off the pressure on the solo bloggers and the attrition that creates. I’m looking forward to see what appears in the next few months.

BTW Ian Brotherhood, a very belated Happy Birthday.

John Main

@Breastplate says:14 June, 2023 at 12:58 pm

It seems to me that you’re saying

Then I am not writing as clearly as I think I am.

John Main

@Sven says:14 June, 2023 at 1:07 pm

I now retire to my bunker to hide from the accusations that I’m really an AI bot, J Main, AsA or an operative of the 77th Brigade

Any chance we can swap shifts tomorrow?

I’m down for tomorrow night, but I have a weekend pass and rail warrant valid from 9AM friday.

I’ll do the same for you when your next leave is due.


John Main 7:50am

‘This colonialism lark is everywhere you look. It’s unstoppable. The trick, IMO, is to engage the colonists to support what the indigenous people actually want, because the numbers of colonists are so high that they can’t be fought.’

The thing is, calling this colonialism is false. Very few on here seem to know what colonialism actually is (including one Alf Baird) and one thing it is not, is people simply moving or trying to move to another country, even in large numbers! It is not an occupation and English people living in Scotland, for example, are not ‘colonial occupiers’, a crassly stupid and hugely divisive perspective. But then I notice the word colonial is now used like so much confetti for all sorts of stuff and is rapidly losing all meaning.

But I agree with your sentiment on the whole but in order to help the incomers to support the locals, they need to be made to feel they have a stake and to also feel part of what is going on. In the end their offspring *will* become Scottish or English or whatever so calling them colonialists (fake but also pejorative) will have the opposite effect to supporting what ‘indigenous’ people want (and that also assumes we know what the latter is and is agreed on; a different argument though).

But what people also have to face up to is that in that process culture changes, influenced by the new people but that does not the culture becomes alien. In England, black music like grime, dnb and certain types of rap now has quite a distinctive English twist (English as drawing on broadly English cultural heritage) and so is unlike its American equivalent. This is a good thing.


Colonialism. Alive and well and flourishing at different times in Kenya, Aden, NI and Iraq.


England isn’t being colonised, it is suffering a backlash of its history as an imperial power. It also suffers as a culture from a grand dose of xenophobia and look! – the outsider at the gate, while the elite syphon off all the money and blame the poor wee bastard in an inflatable fleeing war and looking for a better, safer, decent life (it must be a real shithole they left to want to come to “the UK”). As far as Scotland being overrun, I think that’s a wee bit doom and gloom pessimistic – there’s plenty of us left. So, heads and chins up and let’s all work for our liberation. We can’t leave it to politicians as we’ve seen what they have become. We also need to give them a good hosing down and out at the earliest opportunity.


@ John Main 13.37

Oh dearie me, now you really have dropped me in it. If we only had a “Like/Dislike etc” option I could just have popped up a laugh emoji.
Now I’ll likely be accused of talking to myself (in truth, I’m at the stage of life I do occasionally find myself doing that). I don’t, however post to myself.
I should probably close by adding, “lang may yer lum reek”, or “mony a mickle maks a muckle” or some such Rabbie Burns soundalike phrase. However, conversant though I am in my native weegie, learning (actually having it belted into me in the 1950s) basic english grammar, syntax and spelling it’ll probably be with me until I die.


Alf Baird being attacked by the arsehole brigade (whatever it is, the best and brightest of british intel, or an unemployed fanny with a vpn) is a good thing; it is a very sad thing to write a proper book and not upset anyone. UN Decolonisation is a viable solution, and that panics them; also notice the way they go after anyone who wants to check the fine print of these dusty old documents that shape our lives.

– the new census has been mentioned, seems to have fallen down the memory hole, but I came across some old data with an interactive interface, the moneyshot category being –


– whoever could that be? Is it one of those abominations of word-torture like “biological front hole, front feeding non-male humans”? A definition borne of sophistry, designed to hide the truth? – must be a posh word for such a literary device, maybe NorthCode will tell us.

In that available data (can’t find the link), you can see quite clearly what we are dealing with :

W-OB are an infestation, an invasive species.

They rob the Scots several ways, first of all the unearned wealth they receive from being in the trickle down zone – the golden triangle of the UK, powered by the real wealth of the oil, which is collateral for the city to print paper and do deals in funny money; then the wealth from the benefit of the southern property bubble, inflated deliberately by the bank of england (only stupid anglos could pay more for housing and think themselves richer), which they then cash in at retirement (or earlier) and then move to Scotland, which they think is some district of England. This then prices young Scots out of the property market as prices rise, so its a quadruple screwing.

– people who rob you repeatedly, disrespect you, then hector you and expect you to be grateful about it all – are really walking on very thin ice and fail to appreciate the true power dynamic, gas lighters and toilet roll being cheap.

The demographic change in Scotland that is relevant is actually nothing at all to do with the asylum seekers and all that – it is “white” people, who think they are better than us and it is their right to be here. The highlands and borders are already getting to the point where the incomers can dominate politics if they bloc vote, given the fuckedup system. Now see if you can get them out. The danes don’t let the rich germans walk in and buy them out neither should we.

All anglo history written by anglos is a fabrication – the truth is almost exact opposite; here is the central fact for you

THE ANGLO HAS BEEN BOOTED OUT OF MORE THEN 50 COUNTRIES ALL AROUND THE WORLD – no one ever wanted them back, or had a good word to say about the experience. Most folks can’t stand them.

– this is not a people, it is a destructive virus. Every evil piece of shite for the past 1000 years has had anglo fingerprints all over it, but the Scots – “let’s not be racist” – are frightened to point this out; it’s like palestinians being worried about “antisemitism”.

It is a shame William of Normandy wimped out, treated the Anglo-Saxons with too soft a hand, a lot of problems would be nipped in the bud.

Now someone will say “not all english are like that”/”my ma is english”/”my english pal supports indy” – outliers mean nothing in these matters; incomer support for the union is at least 80:20 – which is as unanimous as political opinions get. Focus on the enemy and stop being shy about it. Also remember the class element – our middle class is half anglo, half anglophile – and they punch above their weight because they are the people who run things, and this is why almost every politician is into devolution; this is how the mentality goes

“I’ve got a nice job … ”

Being in the union denied every Scot a better life (often a much better life) he could/should have had. Anger is more than justified.

Ultimately, the best revenge will be to live well – a prosperous Scotland economically insulated from England, as well as culturally, politically; I hope we build a big wall with razor wire and machine guns. Then, like a man on lifeboat on his own, full of the finest food and drink, watch as a ship of fools slides beneath the waves. SE England is destined to become either a desert, or to fall beneath the sea, the midlands some Children of Men dystopia, and the remnants looking for a lifeboat that isn’t there.

– our day will come, for tomorrow belongs to us.


@JockMcT 1:57pm

Just like James Che you, too, have lifted my spirits.


When does a curious visitor, become an immigrant, a settler, a colonist, an occupier?
This is a matter in which generously welcoming the stranger willy nilly may become self defeating, an act of national folly.
The Romans, Arabs, French, British, Americans knew the score.
Scots have so much to learn on this not over complex subject should they ever manage to get their heads out of the clouds of «not us» exceptionalism.
Knowing you’ve been taken for suckers is a move in that direction.


This is the kind of idiotic and pervasive attitude that’s now prevalent within the current SNP, MSPs/MPs with a low moral standing and IQ’s to match, as long as they toe-the party line and don’t make waves their place at the side of the taxpayers trough is secure, whilst the country (Scotland) circles the plug hole.

The only way to arrest the decline is to vote this lot out of office, the current SNP MSPs and MPs bar one or two need to be voted out of office this includes the disgusting Greens they must go as well. Both the Greens and the SNP have no interest in Scottish independence.

It will get worse before it gets better, as Sturgeon the betrayer has done untold damage not just to the indy cause but to Scotland as a whole and Yousless will continue this decline.

Vote Alba, Join Alba, get the SNP and the Greens out of office



“A TWEET which appeared to threaten the life of an SNP MP was not criminal, police have said.

Joanna Cherry reported a tweet in which a Twitter user – who appears to have since deleted their account – threatened: “I’d kill her with my bare hands if I saw her [in real life]”.

The Metropolitan Police have now said they reviewed the post and concluded it “did not meet the criminal threshold for an offence”.

A spokesperson for the London force said: “On Tuesday, June 13, the Met was made aware of a tweet received by a serving MP.

“The contents were assessed and it was deemed this did not meet the criminal threshold for an offence.”


“SNP MSPs sent flowers to former First Minister Sturgeon as a mark of sympathy following her arrest.”

If the above isn’t proof that SNP MSPs aren’t worth saving I don’t know what is. I don’t recall those b*stards sending flowers to Alex Salmond when he was falsely arrested.

Vote Alba Join Alba.

Alf Baird

JockMcT @ 1:57 pm

“England isn’t being colonised, it is suffering a backlash of its history as an imperial power.”

An astute and accurate observation, which is also changing the populations of other ‘Imperial Powers’, notably France, and USA. As colonialism was/is ‘a cooperative arrangement’ with native elites/collaborators, there is the inevitable exodus of such ‘elites’ from former oppressed territories upon their independence/decolonization. We saw this most recently with Afghanistan.

The colonized elites who initially sought and craved for the national identity of their oppressor, necessary in order to hold their own people down, are often dismayed upon their ‘rejection’ within the mother country (Memmi).

And on the fickle ferries fiasco, which itself is likewise inevitably connected with our colonial reality and a ‘mediocre meritocracy’:

link to


SNP appoint a complaint Chief Constable to oversee Police Scotland, Jo Farrell ex-head of Durham police failed to question Dominic Cummings on his jaunt to Barnard Castle during the Covid Pandemic.

Ian Brotherhood

@Stuart MacKay (1.29) –

Thanks very much!


Ian Smith

Humza pulling strings to help out Nicola with appointment of a female chief of police straight from the Durham beergate ‘nothing to see here’ backing of NewLabour.

Nice little thumb to have on the scales of justice, or am I being cynical, perhaps she will be relentless in standing up for the small scale donor and party activists betrayed by leadership malfeasance in office.


@Alf Baird 3.08 pm

“The colonized elites who initially sought and craved for the national identity of their oppressor, necessary in order to hold their own people down, are often dismayed upon their ‘rejection’ within the mother country (Memmi).”

For example, Ulster Unionists.


John Main@1:30pm,

Perhaps you’re not.
You seem preoccupied by an independent Scotland paying money into your bank account, one of the reasons you don’t want self determination for Scotland is that you don’t know where you’re going to get this money from. This can only be a bone of contention if you are already getting this money from a Westminster government, otherwise it is an unfair parallel, is it not?
So are you getting money shovelled into your bank account by Westminster or are you not?
If you aren’t, then why demand of Scotland something you’re already not getting.
If you are, why can’t an independent Scotland produce the equivalent?

I suspect your reasons are the same 250 year old reasons as that of Charles Inglis that I have previously posted for your perusal and as a reminder that the British government were lying then to the Americans as they are lying now to the Scots.


Ian Smith @ 13.13.
No, you are being neither cynical, nor yet even sceptical. You are being absolutely realistic in your recognition that the once greatly respected and emulated Scots legal system; Courts, Judiciary, Police and Prosecutorial service are now widely accepted as just being manipulated without comeback by our political rulers.
As I was told many years ago in regard to professional, career politicians … “They do not wish to do good, they are content if they can look good”. Although, our present lot don’t even seem able to accomplish ‘looking good’.


If we are talking appropriate then the flowers the party sent ought to have been a big bunch of narcissus. Given the lack of funds though it was likely some petrol station roses.

David Hannah

What an insult to the honest officers of police Scotland that the corrupt SNP Government hire some outsider to be their chief of police.

After the last one trashed the entire reputation of police Scotland on his way out.

We’re living in a bannana kingdom with unicorns.

Anton Decadent


“fleeing war and looking for a better, safer, decent life”

You are talking about mainland Europe and bad timing after what happened in Nottingham.

James Che

North Code.

Nae bother, keep smiling, hope and determination are always the best options, it overcomes most issues;-)


I’d like to make clear that, although Prof. Alf Baird’s book is a disheartening read at times, it is at the same time a must-read for all indigenous Scots.

I am grateful that he has gone to the effort of exploring, researching, and gathering together the facts that clearly identify Scotland’s Bane into a single accessible text.

In an earlier comment I expressed how finding out about the true condition of indigenous Scots has, on occasion, negatively affected me.

I’m coming to the realisation that this is part of the process of recovery. Recovery from the aberrant condition created, over many generations, on the Scots psyche by an oppressive coloniser.

I think perhaps it is a process a few on here are familiar with. I know James Che is and his words of encouragement have been most helpful.

It isn’t a pleasant experience to be roused from a stupor to find yourself a victim of calculated and deliberate and malicious oppression.

Discovering the truth about Scotland’s Bane has induced in me a process of recovery which is enlightening and dispiriting and liberating and maddening, all in equal measure.

I suspect it’s a process most indigenous Scots will have to endure.

James Che

Westminster parliament think Scotland is a Colony,

The proof is in the Colonial Stock Scotland Act.

It identifies Scotland as a Colony in “their” eyes

It is not recorded as the Colony Stock UK Act.
Nor is it recorded as the Colony Stock England Act,
Nor as Colony Stock Great Britain,

It is very specific which Country it (Westminster) identifies as a Colony within the isles of Britain,

Another reason to take ” Stock” in Scotland with regards the fallacious treaty of union 😉


@David Hannah 14th June 3:46pm

Every breath they take
Every move they make
Every bond they break
Every step they take…just confirms Alf Baird’s theories on colonisation

You might have noticed that I’ve paraphrased some of the lyrics from a song by “The Police” from their album “Synchronicity” (1983).


Confused says:

‘It is a shame William of Normandy wimped out and treated the Anglo-Saxons with too soft a hand, a lot of problems would be nipped in the bud.’

Have you heard of the harrying of the North? I don’t know what you have against the Anglo-Saxon who was invited into these islands to fight the ever-invading Vikings. They then settled. It is the Norman/French that are the bane of all Scotland’s ills – and of the Anglo-Saxon English that exist today.

stuart mctavish

David Hannah @3:46

Guess she knows whats expected of her with the (ahem) continuity FM promising to throw everyone that doesn’t support the camping car 3 off the gravy train.. no pressure!

NCA/IACC to ramp up the humiliation (or not, which risks being even more suspicious!) with arrest of FM in 3,2..


@Northcode 14 June 4:47 pm

Clever and blindingly obvious. What can an Officer from a foreign legal jurisdiction possibly bring here?

stuart mctavish


“..arrest of *ANOTHER (SNP)* FM..”

Bright side, encouraging episode of Prism earlier regardless:

link to

Alf Baird

Northcode @ 4:19 pm

“I suspect it’s a process most indigenous Scots will have to endure.”

Thanks for these insights. Some readers of ‘Doun-Hauden’ have referred to it as being ‘a lightbulb moment’ as, among other oppression’s they recollect hivvin thair ain braw Scots mither tongue beltit oot o thaim in schuil.

The ‘colonial condition’ does require better understanding and a problem here remains a pampered native bourgeois and political class wha aye taks awfu weel tae meemickin the colonizer’s tongue an cultural vailyies, i.e. thair wey o daein awthing.

Of course, as we can readily see btl here, such anti-colonial literature is seldom welcomed by the colonizer group; the latter depends on the Imperial myth continuing and seeks to ensure that any prospect of independence (and hence liberation from oppression) is made to seem impossible for the native.

James Jones

James Che at 4:29 pm
Westminster parliament think Scotland is a Colony,

The proof is in the Colonial Stock Scotland Act.

Not found by Google. Does it exist? There’s a Colonial Stock Act 1877.


This from SNP MP James Dornan, smacks of desperation, poor wee sweet innocent Nicola.

link to

Vote Alba, Join Alba and get as many SNP MPs and MSPs out of office as possible, the current SNP/Greens cult, makes Ron L. Hubbard’s Scientology movement look group of amateurs.

James Che

North Code,
Alf Baird.

Scotland has been Colonised for a long period of time,
And until Alf put two and two together many Scots never realised they were a colony of Westminster,

Although the fact that “we” have a comparable styled devolved government sent to Scotland under Westminster appointed management and British level legislation under the Crown should have been a clue,
It rocks and rolls its way to being as close to the system that was put in place in India by the old British empire in its heyday.

That is system of one sided Colonial control into and over Scotland was extended, when the decision was taken to extinguish the Scottish parliament in Westminster/England and by the Monarchs proclamation that followed close behind also in 1707.
Then in the 1800s the records from Westminster recording Scotland as Colony in the Stock Scotland Acts, which covered everything from railways, to land and sea aquisitions for many.

This is still going on in a more subtle way,

It is carried out under public land and housing laws by Council’s ,and then the selling of public halls, public libraries, schools and even public toilet buildings

All these were maintained by public amentities purse strings through taxation of the public.

What once was public servants and public Council are now amalgamated into Corporations/Councils part private, but still lingering onto the attached name of public on the surface,
On closer inspection you find the shared housing stock of this corporate body for profit since it began has been depleted through sales

The Councils are now part of the of that grab, from old tracks and rights of way, to common ground that was swallowed up by the Councils. Under a devolved government, under uk legislation, under the Scotland Act, under the Crown,

Many other once public now privatised amenities such as Scottish hydro, Scottish Water, public licences for fishing, oil have all gone the same way,

Scotland is still being sold for Westminsters gold,
Under the name of Colonisation,

For there is no Scotland in a treaty once extinguished from that treaty,

James Jones

Someone mentioned the BBC’s Countryfile sending posh boys to patronise the locals. They do that all over the UK so don’t fret about it. There’s more rural and farming info in The Archers. Adam’s Farm is a theme park where there’s no mud and no animal ever dies.


Alec Salmond on Radio Scotland with John Beattie (around 17:45) saying continuity won’t cut it, something more purposeful is needed to take control again and a unified slate of independence candidates from independence-minded parties should be drawn up for the general election.


Meanwhile the SNP cults puppet FM Yousless has come out guns blazing and backing Sturgeon the betrayer.

“Humza Yousaf told his MSPs they should quit the SNP if they refuse to give their full backing to Nicola Sturgeon following her arrest by police investigating the party’s finances.”

No doubt all the SNP cults MSPs and MPs will be ringing up Interflora and sending a bouquet of flowers to Sturgeon to show their undying loyalty, and to keep their seats on the taxpayers gravy train the latter being the goal.


@ Effijy 7.02am I agree with your scathing comments repeatedly about the WM govt and their gross incompetence and corruption , the covid enquiry as you say will just be another whitewash as has so many other enquiries

As you also say operation Cygnus was supposed to be a PLAN for the uk govt to prepare and organise policies to deal with a pandemic but as we all know the uk govt only used those plans to increase their corruption to benefit themselves and their pals

If I remember correctly the Scottish government ran their own pandemic preparedness exercise to PROTECT and SERVE Scots interests and citizens, can you tell me how that preparedness resulted in so many deaths and the resultant incompetence and failures we witnessed and still face to this day

I will NEVER stick up or make excuses for a shower of openly corrupt disgusting incompetent scum politicians from WM but I will also NEVER stick up or make excuses for a shower of openly corrupt disgusting incompetent politicians from Holyrood, sturgeon had the results of the pandemic exercise in Scotland YET she blindly followed EVERYTHING the clown Bozo and WM done
HER incompetence and FAILURES are NOT the FAULT of WM they are HERS, EVERYTHING she blames on WM can be sorted in a heartbeat by independence YET she has DONE NOTHING to promote or further independence

I despise the crooks and liars in WM but I hold even more contempt for the trai tors SQUATTING in Holywood for they are the ones who are BETRAYING Scots

James Jones

Confused at 2:12 pm.

Wow! That post took some considerable time to write (or maybe it was a stream-of-unconsciousness splurge) yet you didn’t stop to wonder if it made you look like a public threat. If you finally go over the edge there’ll be blood on Alf Baird’s hands.

James Che

Decolonisation starts with recognition of the Condition,

Just like being in a doctors Surgery sometimes it is difficult to grasp all the ramifications of the virus condition, only as it is explained in detail,
Does acceptence of the condition happens,
Then comes the fight for recovery,
Then the anger,
Then the operation to remove the condition.
Then we see the light, healing is often a slow but necessary process,
But heal we do,
Human beings are amazing on there capacity to overcome many of the illnesses that plague us, such as the first false diagnoses like a treaty of union or the mental illness Colonialism,


Call me old fashioned, but Kirsty Blackman was funnier when she was played by Kenny Everett.


Alf Baird says:
The ‘colonial condition’ does require better understanding and a problem here remains a pampered native bourgeois and political class wha aye taks awfu weel tae meemickin the colonizer’s tongue an cultural vailyies, i.e. thair wey o daein awthing.

Och aye the noo. It’s ironic really isn’t it when you consider that some describe ‘Scots’as English wi’out it’s breeks on. The Anglo Saxon settled in the lowlands of Scotland and stayed there as the Normans ravaged, raped and killed their Southern cousins. Thus their ‘English’ was not contaminated with filthy French words. Hence, Scots.


In order to be «colonized» someone inside has to open the door to colonization.
It happened in Ireland, in India and certainly in Scotland via the reformation, the personal union and the parliamentary union all of which were driven by «alien» anglicizing interests inimical to the nation’s very existence.
For certain elements the non existence of Scotland could not come quickly enough.
North Britain and all that.


Pretty sure Kirsty here is the only person who ‘has a fair idea of what her genitals look like’. Shudder.

Something very funny about seeing all the recent post notices ‘on Kirsty Blackman’s Genitals’.

twathater better watch out he is not charged with a hate crime but.

There was only ever going to be a narrow opportunity for this thread title and you seized the day.

I have a fair idea of what my dong looks like… and it is massive. But as we know life is not fair.

What a thread. Gloriously mad.


Pretty sure Kirsty here is the only person who ‘has a fair idea of what her genitals look like’. Shudder.

Something very funny about seeing all the recent post notices ‘on Kirsty Blackman’s Genitals’.

twathater better watch out he is not charged with a hate crime but.

There was only ever going to be a narrow opportunity for this thread title and you seized the day.

I have a fair idea of what my dong looks like… and it is massive. But as we know life is not fair.

What a thread. Gloriously mad.

Andrew scott

Anybody notice that when BBC shortbread announced at lunchtime of the appointment of the new Chief constable they showed a brief clip of the “person”surrounded by Pride people and this “person” wore a pride sort of necklace
Bbc shortbread at 6,30 same announcement BUT no clip of the Pride group
I wonder why


Here’s some colonialism.

“Recent developments have focused attention on the nature of British counterinsurgency as ‘dirty war’, not only in Northern Ireland but also in several other anti-colonial struggles after World War II. In 2012 the British high court found that British troops perpetrated the Batang Kali massacre in Malaya in 1948. In 2013 Britain’s foreign secretary, William Hague, apologised and accepted that its security forces had tortured, mutilated and raped Mau Mau fighters, agreeing to compensate as many as 8,000 and to build a memorial in Nairobi. As a result of both of these investigations, an archive of colonial documents from Malaya, Kenya, Aden, Cyprus and other places of controversy, hitherto kept secret in breach of Britain’s Freedom of Information Act and amounting to 200 metres of shelving, was discovered. Meanwhile, the Saville Report (2010) into Bloody Sunday and the de Silva Report (2013) on collusion with loyalist paramilitaries led to two further ‘unconditional’ British apologies for the behaviour of its security forces in Northern Ireland. In November 2013, a BBC ‘Panorama’ investigation into British counterinsurgency in Northern Ireland in the early 1970s revealed that members of a special covert operations unit known as the Military Reaction Force (MRF) admitted to the murder of suspects and unarmed Catholic civilians.”

James Jones

James Che at 6:37 pm
“Decolonisation starts with recognition of the Condition,”

You’ve been groomed to believe that nonsense by Alf Baird. But first you must want to believe nonsense. Congratulations, you’re both happily deluded.

John Main

@Alf Baird says:14 June, 2023 at 3:08 pm

England isn’t being colonised

Aye, it is.

We saw this most recently with Afghanistan.

The colonized elites who initially sought and craved for the national identity of their oppressor

Well, the meaning of words just isn’t what it used to be.

I see the gun toting, women hating, human rights denying, medieval nutjobs in Afghanistan as the oppressors, not those western people who tried to bring that benighted hellhole into the 20th century.


Cyndi Lauper’s True colours always resonates,as they always shine through Yuaelss doesn’t like white but he sure likes yellow, and a hand up his arse, hi Nicla. The Continuity glove puppet putting it all to rest. Goodbye, you are a very sad toast, very soon. How dare you.

John Main

@Confused says:14 June, 2023 at 2:12 pm

W-OB are an infestation, an invasive species.

fail to appreciate the true power dynamic, gas lighters and toilet roll being cheap

our day will come, for tomorrow belongs to us

That’s quite a clarion call to arms, Confused.

Before I ask you for a poster of yourself I can put up on my bedroom wall, answer me one question:

During the Covid Years, did you cower in your house like everybody else, shitting yourself incase somebody sneezed or coughed within earshot?

Just wondering if you really have what it takes to lead a national Independence campaign.


Isn’t it great to see Che and Baird piling in with their usual shite……………………said nobody.

However, some sad people must read it. The Dandy and the Beano are more informative and they would not get away with posting the same crap endlessly.

George Ferguson

@Mac 6:53pm
I think Twathaters comments will resonate with Independence voters. I know the Holyrood monitoring of social media started on June 12th. Immediately undercut on the 13th June by the Met and their decision on a tweet made to J Cherry KC. Ruled as below the threshold of criminality and that it did not require further action. A coincidence? In any event if it cools the heels of Holyrood and makes them less precious. The public are allowed to criticise Government policy and crucially messaging in both Parliaments and political parties.

John Main

@sam says:14 June, 2023 at 6:56 pm

That 200 metres of shelving clinched it for me.

Yup, Scotland’s a colony all right.

It’s even worse in yards, nearly 219.

And it was probably first put together in yards.

Don’t downplay the horror of the colonialist reality by quoting in metres, Sam.

Incidentally, anything in that 219 yards of shelving about the national make-up of the murderers, torturers and rapists? Like how many were English, and how many were Scots?


Help ma boab, Kirsty’s genitals are out there now. As one of Sturgeon’s handmaidens and may be one of her “special friends”, she is happy to join the “transgender” train where the “anything goes approach” of Queer Theory is deviant, fetishistic and dangerous, especially in relation to normalising the sexual abuse of children. Their political “transgender” agenda in our schools is horrifying, confusing and disorientating children, breaking down those barrirs.

Do they not understand the complexity of the ways child sex offenders get their victims to comply? Do they not understand the victim’s dilemma about their relationship with the abuser and how hard it can be to refuse someone you trust and love? Child protection and safeguarding seem to be alien concepts. They disgust me.

Sturgeon doth protest too much about her “innocence” methinks. There is an aura of moral outrage she carries about with her, much in the fashion of Dante’s usurers, passing through eternity with their money bags hung round their necks.

I don’t want revenge. I want to see them face the consequences of their actions and I want the whole fucking lot of them removed from power, forever. My choice of flowers for Sturgeon? Deadly nightshade which represents, in art and poetry, danger and betrayal.


77th on overtime again today, I see, getting quite shrill too….
What are they so worried about??


George. It was just a wee joke… I saw the notification…

“twathater on Kirsty Blackman’s genitals”…

Jeezo. I’ll get me coat.


James Jones says:14 June, 2023 at 6:58 pm

James Che at 6:37 pm
“Decolonisation starts with recognition of the Condition,”

You’ve been groomed to believe that nonsense by Alf Baird. But first you must want to believe nonsense. Congratulations, you’re both happily deluded.

This site BTL has been infected for a number of years but individuals who just post ‘white noise’ that has no relevance to either ATL articles or the conversations BTL. Due to this, I have got to the point now where I scroll past these comments.

Because of this, I don’t recognise I don’t recognise your name or your politics. Of course, you are a unionist but I don’t know your personal politics, whether it is to the left or to the right.

It is hard not to notice now that in general, no matter what part of the UK you live in, you are affected by the so called ‘culture wars’ where you are either supportive of or against ‘woke politics’

Looking back in hindsight of the current state of our society, it is hard not to see that this has been driven, not by the political class but by the media class that pushes the narrative of the reactionary white male who is against any change and those mostly, woman and minorities who want change to a society this is more forgiving and being kind to those who are different than us i.e. the native majority.

I know you find the idea of the ‘colonised mindset’ strange and easy to sneer at regards to Scotland but in a way, isn’t the same thing happening on a wider scale in western societies where the political and social debate is increasingly focused on identity politics?

Rather than being colonised by the English, isn’t those born and bred in the UK being colonised by a Metropolitan elite who lives in areas that due to it’s nature, is multi-racial and multi-cultural and wants to enforce these values onto the rest of the UK that due to its poorer economic performance, doesn’t have these demographic changes?

The issue of identity politics in British society is polarising and one way of breaking the politics is recognising this colonising influence and moving the conversation on?

If your politics is to the left, wouldn’t you want to move back to the bread and butter politics of social inequality and if you are to the right, don’t you want to the move away from the perception of conservatism being regressive, insular and resistant to any change whatsoever?

We have seen how the independence campaign as been exploited by actors like Sturgeon and to a lesser extend, the WGD’s of the blogosphere pushing their personal agendas that is harmful to both independence and Scottish society. Wouldn’t you want to do be able to deal with actors who are doing the same with your own personal politics?

I’m not totally taken in by this ideas put forward by individuals in this forum but looking at the bigger picture, I can see that there is some merit to it and I have not got an open mind towards it. Maybe you and others should do the same thing?


The evil is never ending.

“These admissions by the state or its agents confirm previous claims by critics dating back many decades. Such abuses were not merely low-level tactical excesses by undisciplined and racist troops but were institutional, systematic, and approved or covered up at the highest levels. Yet these conflicts were consistently interpreted almost universally by British academics as exemplifying the best practice of counterinsurgency. Even as the new revelations about atrocities were being made, new publications by British historians and political scientists were uncritically extolling the British ‘model’ or ‘way’ of counterinsurgency, asserting that the many positive lessons to be drawn, especially from Northern Ireland, should be applied in Iraq and Afghanistan. This conclusion is also drawn by the British military’s Operation Banner report (2006) into its role in the North, and the claim informs the new JDP 3-40 (2010) counterinsurgency doctrine for the British Army. To term a 30-year-long war that ended in military stalemate and political compromise a ‘success’ is by any benchmark delusional.”



last part of paragraph should be

I’m not totally taken in by this ideas put forward by individuals in this forum but looking at the bigger picture, I can see that there is some merit to it and I have now got an open mind towards it. Maybe you and others should do the same thing?


I saw this weird article:

link to

From what I can gather, this woman had an online relationship with the other woman when both where younger where she pretended to be male then later both had a physical relationship with the individual still pretending to be male which progressed to sexual acts between them.

I don’t know for the life of me how anybody could think about getting involved with somebody else that is pretending to be the opposite sex to the point where they take it to a criminal case but it does seem that this is an issue with this gender ideology that is causing problems for young, vulnerable individuals.

I don’t doubt that there has been instances of this happening in the past but is it getting worse with this Queer ideology being pushed in every corner of our society?

George Ferguson

@Mac 8:16pm
No worries no need to get your coat. My point was a death threat to J Cherry was categorised as below the threshold by the Met. It was probably a coincidence as the tax payer funded mechanism for the protection of Holyrood members started the day before. In a way, I am happy about allowing freedom of speech. Criticism is allowable. Look at the behaviour of Holyrood MSPs and tell me they are an exemplar model. You can’t make decisions that killed thousands of people and expect puffed up sycophantic applause.


““Some people watching might think: ‘well, that’s not an altogether nice term’…”, so posited the BBC’s Huw Edwards while commentating over the annual ‘Trooping the Colour’ ceremony on Thursday this week.

Throughout the broadcast, his co-commentator Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton had repeatedly referred to the Irish Guards – his own former-regiment – by their nickname: ‘the Micks.’

Edwards quickly provided cover for Lowther-Pinkerton, however, adding “… but it is worth underlining that it’s what you Irish Guards call yourself.” Lowther-Pinkerton, unsurprisingly, concurred. Summarising, “it has been our nickname for so long that any connotations that may or may not have been have worn off.”

In earlier remarks Lowther-Pinkerton had praised how: “The Micks have this fantastic mix of guard’s discipline and pursuit of excellence – with their Irish ‘irrational tenth’, if I can quote Lawrence of Arabia.”

Such commentary was not surprising. A ‘Trooping the Colour’ ceremony is not an occasion for reflection or contrition. Indeed, it’s probably the last place where you would expect to find such concepts.

The messaging, symbolism, and intent behind the spectacle was an amplification of British nationalist bombast and popular nostalgia for the days of Empire. The entire affair represents a vestige of a fabled era when Britannia ‘ruled the waves’ and all was supposedly well with the world.”


John Main says: 14 June, 2023 at 6:58 pm

I see the gun toting, women hating, human rights denying, medieval nutjobs in Afghanistan as the oppressors, not those western people who tried to bring that benighted hellhole into the 20th century.

There has been a fair bit of comment of here about the USD losing it’s dominance in the world economy and there has been a lot of comment about ‘de-dollarisation’ of the world economy in light of recent event.

The USD is not going to lose it’s dominance in the near future but the world economy will be multi-polar where regional trade will done in a range of currencies and alternative economic power-blocs like BRICS will gain prominence as a counter-weight.

Imagine if there was this diversity and that region of the world where Afghanistan is was allowed to have a stable, sustaining economic system. Would there by any need to blast that country to smithereens in order to make it ‘civilised?




lidl yelluh bas
tuds weer goin


Stephen O'Brien

If the investigation of the NEC was a simple case of politically motivated, police harrassment, it would never have gone this far.

In all likelihood, it is conspiratorial in nature. SNP has reached the end of its rope. The party can no longer simply dupe the electorate by more of the same.

To continue this charade, the party needs a reason to fold and to start from scratch, under a new title, new logo.. A new beginning!!

This farce of an investigation will result in the above.

Get ready to sign up for the latest addition to join Westminster’s circus act, at their 3 ring Holyrood Parliament.

A new broom. Courtesy of London’s finest. A new political party, with ready made support, falling over themselves, in awe of the rising phoenix, from the smouldering embers of SNP.

Unfortunately, another solo enterprise, ready to dupe the Scottish electorate, when it matters most. I can already smell the elephant shite!

James Che

James jones a Welsh name belonging to Waleswhich was annexed by England long before Scotland,

You and Wales no doubt have been Colonised in mind and sole long before Scotland,
In fact you seem to have intergrated with you’re Coloniser mind and think like you’re a Coloniser, not the Welsh people whom are also building up the case for Welsh independence,
Not so sure I am as far down the rabbit hole that you are,

Thanks for the compliment any way, Alf Baird, North Code and PacMan have open minds to learning and teaching, and many many others on Wings over Scotland including Rev Stu are highly intelligent people whom do much to educate us here to the bigger world and a larger sphere of knowledge,
Alway willing to learn from those with open minds whilst they themselves show no bias to historical records and are well educated.

Ian MacLaren

to Antoine Bisset

Thanks to the link to the GU page

Maybe Ms McAllan will continue the fight for a Scotland

‘… where vulnerable communities are well served by a [transport] system which is modern, robust and fit for purpose’

but don’t hold your breath

David Hannah

Google Jo Farrell LGBT.

You’ll see hundreds of images of her with her LGBT constabulary cars.

With her Rainbow Tie on.

The only reason she got the job is because she’s woke as fuck.

The new police Scotland cop siren will be I am what I am.

Say goodbye to women’s rights in Scotland. There’s a new sheriff in town.

David Hannah

Sickening what’s going on in this country. The corruption is like nothing we’ve ever seen.

James Dornan. Who the fuck is he?

He thinks he can accuse police Scotland and the media of colliding in a conspiracy against the SNP. While they send Nicola flowers.

Someone call in Scotland Yard. What’s going on is a disgrace. Well just how much fucking MI5 really is going on. Fucking call them.

Shut this criminal enterprise called the SNP down.

David Hannah

link to

Jo Farrell and the Durham LGBT constabulary. Google them.

Coming to cancel women near you.

John Main

@PacMan says:14 June, 2023 at 8:46 pm

Sorry, I read your post three times and I can’t grasp what your point is.

There is no longer anybody stopping that “region of the world where Afghanistan is” from having a “stable, sustaining economic system”. Unless its three of the BRICS, specifically RIC. They all like to throw their colonising weight around, but that’s alright cos they’re not in the west.

Afghanistan was never a great place anyways, but it went downhill rapidly after the Russtis invaded it, in the hope they could use it as a land bridge to invade India. They liked to throw their colonising weight around (still very much do).

As with so many exchanges on here, the origins have become lost. This started cos Alf Baird believes England to be full of Afghan colonialist oppressive ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s who have been rejected by the indigenous people of Afghanistan as they throw off the shackles of imperialism.

I see the Afghans lucky enough to have gotten out as the fortunate ones. But hey ho.

Politics makes strange bedfellows and Wings BTL has been home to posts extolling Russtiland, North Korea, etc. so the addition of present day Afghanistan to that international roll call of shitholes to be used as models for the new iScotland is no great surprise.

James Che

I had never read the Treaty of London 1915, also known as the “London Pact”

It was interesting to note that this was a Treaty with London, but presumed later on that it included England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland.

It was also interesting to note the manipulations of the old british empire for its own gains,
Although America did not think the treaty valid due to it, blocking the “right to self determination” of the Countries involved.

David Hannah

link to

Say Hello to PC Principle of the Durham constabulary. And rover. Coming to sniff your but near you.

I fear for Scotland. They’ll try and turn it into Canada now.

Colin Alexander

On Twitter, Alba MP Neale Hanvey, is saying he now fears for his safety to such an extent that he is not going to attend WM during the next week. As he says the London Met polis are not taking threats made to his safety seriously enough.

I have to highlight I regard this with the utmost seriousness, so I am not being flippant when I say, I would be happy if Mr Hanvey and the other Scots MPs never went back to the English imperial parliament.

John Main


Stop lazily posting quotes from wherever without giving proper attribution.

Stop lazily using “British” and split it out into relevant components, such as English and Scottish.

Let’s get the “evil” as you put it accurately assigned to those responsible.

Just remember, “only following orders” was laughed out of court at Nuremberg. The individual English, Scots, Welsh and Irish perps are responsible for all of the historical injustices and horrors you wish to drag up.

Chop chop now. Let’s get to the nitty-gritty.


@ Stuart MacKay at 1:18 pm

Just thought to link to Off-Topic Scotland site as Ian Brotherhood (even more belated happy birthday wishes to you…) mention the site a few days back but noticed hadn’t yet listed any of the articles.

I’d like to see a bit more in depth critique of some of the policies we are seeing rolled out in Scotland. It’s all very well keeping an eye out for roasters like Blackman spouting shite. But equally think it important to scrutinise other policy areas which are already utilising taxpayers’ money.
This article listed on today mentions in passing some initiatives but only really superficially broaches the issues.

link to

My village and surrounding area is currently having an influx of taxpayer subsidised air source heat pumps and PV solar panel arrays installed on properties that are far from suitable. An example being solar PV on a NorthNorthWest facing roof is just fucking bonkers.
Recently installed latest generation programmable electric storage heaters that are silent in operation are being ripped out and replaced with a very expensive full wet central heating systems including new and complex water tanks and noisy heatpumps.
They are not silent no matter what the advertising blurb states, unless you spec the very expensive ones, and even then they have to be sized and working in their optimum efficiency zone which means the survey of the property it is to serve has to take into consideration a range of factors such as existing insulation level and window type.
At the moment I can hear 3 of them humming and droning away destroying what should be a peaceful evening with bird song. One neighbour’s which was supposedly “a really quiet model” is less than a month old and already I can hear it has developed an issue with extra resonance / vibration from an internal component or panel over and above it whirring away.
Fucks sake, what was wrong with just using the growing abundance of renewable leccy power generated from the windfarms to silently power the latest already installed programmable leccy heaters, instead of ripping them out and scrapping them, and attempting to retrofit much more complex systems. I say “attempting to retrofit” because you should see some of the ridiculous ways they are trying to install these systems into existing properties without completely gutting them.
I ride past a couple of local windfarms and on both recent occasions it was windy but the turbines were not turning. So the figures for wind generation are not an accurate representation of potential generation because they are skewed by contractual agreements where power for the grid is generated from different sources. Hence the subsidies given to power generators to turn the wind turbines off.

Lorna Campbell

John C: I think we are at cross purposes. Yes, indeed, there may be men who like to wear an item of ‘female’ clothing in order to be non-conformist, and there well may be women who do the same. David Bowie was one such. He was not a cross-dresser, which is a very different thing. If anything, he was androgynous.

Sexually-motivated cross-dressers do actually believe they are female (born in the wrong body) or adopt a female persona in order to experience sexual pleasure from the way in which they perceive females as being objects of derision and submission, able to be beaten to a pulp, raped, trafficked, prostituted, and humiliated. These men can never, ever be allies to females – never.

They are misogynists in the bone. The born in the wrong body nonsense may or may not be associated with what is called gender dysphoria, but is actually body dysmorphia (unable to accept the body as it is). That is a mental illness. I am not sure that hating females to the extent that you get a sexual kick out of their perceived (by the cross-dresser) weakness and sub-human status could not also be described as a mental illness, – in my book, anyway.

To believe anyone to be utterly inferior to you to the extent that you get a kick out of their, in your eyes, reduced status, must be a form of extreme ego, so perverse that it is insane, and that insanity, today, is backed to the hilt by the trans activists who are some of the vilest and most aggressive people on the planet – and I mean both the males and the females. Women like Kirsty Blackman, who are handmaidens to these deluded and mentally-ill and/or porn-sick men are, in my book, worse. They quite deliberately put women and children in danger, support mutilation and the taking of dangerous hormones. I get really angry, too, when people try to excuse ‘genuine’ ‘trans’ – old-style transsexuals – because they continue to claim that they knew, from age two or thereabouts that they were in the wrong body, thus enabling child mutilation.

The BBC had (and probably still have) a few on its books. They continued to draw male salaries when the females in the BBC were earning far less. None of these men care a hoot for women and children. Not one hoot. Nor do they know one real thing about the reality of women’s lives. I don’t hate them in the sense that I would wish them harm, but I do despise them and loathe them for what they are doing – in their full knowledge that what they are doing is evil. No other word for it.

James Che

Colin Alexander.

I tend to agree with your last Comments,

John Main

@David Hannah says:14 June, 2023 at 9:40 pm

Good pic.

I bet that dog has been groomed. Nobody will have explained to him/her the meaning of the kerchief somebody has tied round his/her neck.

The dog has been co-opted into this nonsense without his consent, cos he’s not capable of consenting.

Grooming and dog abuse!

A Scot Abroad

James Che,

Welsh independence makes even less sense than Scottish independence. It’s a bit part piece of land, not even a country but instead a principality. It can’t pay its way in the world, it’s got no resources apart from sheep and water. It would make San Marino look grand. And San Marino isn’t grand, but rather a pimple on Italy’s backside.

James Che

Amusing story to end the evening,

The D record is running a midge map topic,

It is quite funny really, as it is obviously for visitors and non locals or newcomers moved to Scotland,

For local Scots have lived along side midges for thousands of years without maps.

George Ferguson

@Colin Alexander 9:41pm
That’s a bandwagon I wouldn’t jump on. Most people in Scotland wouldn’t know who Neale Hanvey was. I am a member of Alba so I do. Walk down the streets of the UK and you are in more danger. Virtue signalling has arrived at Alba. See my previous comment on concentrate on your Policy and get public validation. You can’t expect a profession to have created such public angst and be lauded at the same time. For the record if Neale needs a safe house he can stay with us. My granddaughters will put up a guarantee.

David Hannah

link to

The Durham constabulary, the gender police.


ON Topic: cheer yourself up and watch ColonisedNinja’s sub-titled video of Kirsty Blackman’s performance. It’s had 346,000 views already – mind you I’ve watched it several times myself so it may be fewer Unique viewers, but still.

Brian Doonthetoon


Wales was only a principality because ENGLAND declared it to be.

it is now, legally, a country. Google it.

KRiste, the $h!† we have to read on here sometimes.

Brian Doonthetoon

And we have another “non-Scot” appointed to a position of power within our ‘colony’…

Brian Doonthetoon

How about a link, Sarah?

Brian Doonthetoon

f you’re pasting a Youtube link into a comment, you delete EVERYTHING to the left of “www”.
Wordpress adds the “https://” automatically.

link to

After the “watch?v=oeP8jdBzpgU”, you may have something like “&t=86s”. This means you have paused the video 86 seconds in. Everything after and including the “&” should be deleted as well, so the video starts at the beginning when someone clicks on the link.

James Che


That would be noise pollution, Is it not a criminal offence after certain hours in the evening? Like a television or music.?

A Scot Abroad


As an amusement, try to tell us all how an independent Wales might work. Given economics, geography, trade deals, resources, and the like.

That should be fascinating.

James Che

Brian Doonthetoon.

10: 51 pm.

Well said, of Course Wales is a Country, it is a annexed Country by England and against its will, the same with Ireland and Scotland.

All of the four Countries make up Britain, all have nations and varying degrees of their native tongue,


A Scot Abroad,
You don’t need to be a genius to understand how an independent Wales would work, they would make decisions for themselves and be responsible for those decisions, there’s no secret involved.
It’s almost as simple as you, really.

Anton Decadent

Re Wales, I visited Cardiff back in 2019 and it reminded me very much of Glasgow city centre, doing its best against global chains like Starbucks and McDonalds. Some shuttered shops and a visible drug and homelessness problem. Visiting Wales had been on my bucket list for some time. Another country in which its political class appears to have turned on the population same as most of the rest of the West.

James Che

Lorna Campbell,

When your mind coes not agree with your body, it has to be on most occassions a metal illness, because your body is not a separate entity, it does not start or end at the neck,
Your body cannot live separate, one cannot continue to live very long if the body is decapitated from your head,
The body cannot say to the head your the wrong sex,

The body does not have a brain, eyes ears or nose to compensates or a mouth to feed the body naturally, all these would cause all the losses of the senses and substaence.

This must mean it is the head that does not agree with the body, not the other way around,

So working on logic, it is a mental illness rather than a body illness.

And men claiming to be women definitly not reduce their pension amount, nor will they shout out if they were born in the 1950s.
And women are still on a lower wage than men majority of the tome,
A man dissecting and Selecting which or how ” much” of a women they want to be, or portray to be,
is faking it.
A man wearing a dress, heels and lippy, claiming that he is a woman while still having a penis, is no different from a man putting on some funny shoes, some red lippy in a big smile and a clown costume.

James Che

Lorna Campbell,

Apologies for spelling errors,

What Rot

Robert Louis, 14 June at 6.57am
“I do not doubt we shall see more telly programmes with posh English types up in ‘remote Scotland’, or else just in ‘the highlands’ without ever mentioning the word Scotland, and rarely actually speaking to anybody with a Scottish accent.
The point is, however, that most Scots hate such patronising crap.”

Well said.
Everywhere I look these days, and most especially since covid where they’ve worked out that London and the home counties are not the centre of the universe, I am encountering more and more bloody braying English voices with their attendant superior attitudes, their woke hipster nonsense, their obliviousness to how annoying they are, and their hellbentness on changing every bloody thing; on ‘developing the community’. They move in, they take over, they talk wearisome pish and they want to change things and impose their ideas on everything and everyone. They vote for the likes of woke cretins like KB, who’s another alien and represents absolutely no-one. It creates tensions and resentments, and we’re too bloody…. I dunno what the word is! – to tell them to back off and pipe down. They are totally oblivious aliens; we look at them in incredulity, and say nothing.

I am absolutely sick of it. It’s all around me: at home in the country, it’s at work in the city, it’s on the telly and the wireless, it’s there when I go on holiday; the braying, oblivious, alien busybodies are everywhere, setting my teeth on edge, changing the vibe of the place entirely and I am sick to bloody death of it. Many around me feel exactly the same; scunnered with them. It’s way beyond a joke since covid. And I’m getting less and less afraid to say it.


JockMcT says:
14 June, 2023 at 1:57 pm

blame the poor wee bastard in an inflatable fleeing war and looking for a better, safer, decent life (it must be a real shithole they left to want to come to “the UK”)


It’s called France……


Lorna Campbell, you are absolutely right


When is a paradox not a paradox?

Well, paradoxically, when it’s a paradox.

Or more specifically, when it’s a veridical paradox used in a literary context.

It was one of the subjects taught at my school, ‘Amissa Spe Secondary High’.

The go to school for those backward children who failed their Eleven Plus .

Woodwork, metalwork, and, of course, Rhetoric, were high on my secondary school’s curriculum.

So, luckily for you, I’m in a position to tell you all about the veridical paradox…well, maybe not everything about it, but certainly enough for you to know what it is when the subject comes up for discussion at a dinner party.

Lets get to it with a nonsense question:

“Why is it that your girlfriend’s mother is always annoying, but your male friends’ mothers are always lovely?”

Oscar Wilde says the same thing using a literary veridical paradox:

All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does, and that is his.

In literature a veridical paradox is not a real paradox, it’s a term borrowed from Logic for something that appears to be a paradox, but is actually quite simple.

It’s really all about clever word play and phrasing.

Wilde is pushing it a bit here, but his line is, in a literary sense, a veridical paradox nonetheless.

Here’s one definition of a proper logical veridical paradox in case you need it for that dinner party:

A ‘veridical’ paradox is one where its ‘proposition’ or conclusion is in fact true despite its air of absurdity.

We decide that a paradox is veridical when we look carefully at the argument and it convinces us, i.e. it manages to show us how it is that the conclusion is true after all and appearances to the contrary were misleading.

Willard Van Orman Quine (1962)

Quine’s two main examples of veridical paradox are the puzzle of Frederic in The Pirates of Penzance and the Barber Paradox. I won’t give details here but there’s plenty of info on the web.

Next time you’re having a dinner party bring up the subject of veridical paradoxes. I’ve done it and I can guarantee that you’ll have solitude, and the dinner table to yourself, within about a minute and a half.

So what’s a true paradox? I’ll come to that but first let’s talk of the ‘Pun Paradox’, because it’s pretty common.

When I finish this comment and post it I’ll probably go Back to the Future in 2063 for a wee rest.

I can do that in the context of my previous sentence, but as a movie title it seems a bit… well, paradoxical.

Because the movie title appears to suggest travelling back in time to get to a future time. Which is of course impossible – as far as we know.

And then there’s Crystal Gayle’s song, “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue”

I wonder if she realised that she was contradicting Wittgenstein’s axiom that no part of the visual field can simultaneously be of two colours – probably not.

Wittgenstein was clearly a man of vision in the field of clear vision, but we all know what Crystal meant.

The pun paradox is no paradox at all, but it leads us closer to the true paradox because it at least looks sort of like one.

When Oscar Wilde said that “We live in an age when unnecessary things are our only necessities” he was still being veridical, but he was getting closer to the central contradiction that makes a true paradox.

Which was, according to Wilde – Luxury is, for the human, a necessity; what are commonly called the necessities can usually be dispensed with.

He was talking nonsense for a bit of a laugh, of course, But his nonsense was at least beginning to approach the true nature of a proper paradox.

Wilde never embraced the full contradiction of a paradox; he never said anything that didn’t make sense if you thought about what he was saying for a bit.

And just like Meatloaf and love, Wilde would do anything for a good paradox, but he wouldn’t do that.

Mathematicians, logicians, philosophers, metaphysicians, and poets all fight over the word, but none of them really own it.

Because, as you might expect, paradoxes are paradoxical, and often hard to define.

Even Shakespeare, when he said, “I must be cruel only to be kind”, didn’t quite cross over to a true paradox.

The true paradox is one of the stranger points of rhetoric in its struggle against the mundane.

We will happily dream the impossible dream, even if logic and the laws of the universe say that it’s…well, impossible.

The true, literary, paradox is striking because it breaks all the laws we’re familiar with. But at the same time it’s soothing because it’s so easy in literature.

It’s easy to write that black is white, that up is down and that good is evil. It’s as easy as typing, and as difficult. I can’t do it, and I just did.

But by breaking the laws of the universe, the true paradox takes us out of it. The true paradox is a mystical moment, despite the fact that from a literary point of view it’s pretty easy.

A well executed paradox gets the attention of the soul and mixes language and philosophy in a way that no other rhetorical figure does.

Jeff Beck’s baby is everywhere and nowhere in his song “Hi-Ho Silver Lining”.

And Paul Simon did it with his song “The Sound of Silence” and his verse about people talking without speaking, and about people hearing without listening.

We hear the music and we hear the words and we’re transported to somewhere…other.

The paradox, however, is most at home in religion.

The beloved “Blind Preacher” and Scot, George Matheson, said in his paradoxical hymn, Make me a captive Lord: “Make me a captive, Lord, and then I shall be free.”

And Empedocles said, “God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.”

That kind of geometric thinking probably isn’t going to help much when building planes and trains and auto-mobiles, but it engenders thought outside mundane reality, and for that reason alone it has value.

To have such thoughts is to prove that such thoughts can exist. And though that might not seem to matter much, I think it does (In fact I might write something about thoughts and thinking in literature later – if no-one minds).

So it’s no great surprise to hear paradoxes from the mouth of the mystical Christ.

We hear the words “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first” and we gain a little of Christ’s mysticalness ourselves trying to work out what he meant.

Although some will just scratch their heads and wander off confused and leave it it that.

And that’s okay – because while they’re scratching they’re also thinking beyond the mundane for a brief moment – whether they know it or not.

So, Paradox. Now you know – and yet you don’t.


PacMan says:
14 June, 2023 at 8:46 pm

The USD is not going to lose it’s dominance in the near future but the world economy will be multi-polar where regional trade will done in a range of currencies…

You don’t see the contradiction in what you just said? A multi-polar global economy is not a dollar global economy.

The President of Kenya, William Samoi Ruto, has just called on all African countries to abandon the US currency in trade with each other.

“”Why do we trade in dollars? ”

“Why is trade between Djibouti and Kenya conducted in dollars? This makes no sense. Let’s pay in US dollars when we trade with the United States. And when we trade with Djibouti, we will use the local currency.” said William Samoi Ruto.

This was archived just 2 weeks ago… More than 30 countries are now trying to sign up to BRICS…

link to

We, here in Scotland, people who were threatened we couldn’t use our own pound sterling if we voted for Independence, are witnessing swathes of developing economies sick and tired of being fleeced by Western interference in their economies.

Play it down if you want PacMan, and I’ll concede, there’s a huge degree of uncertainty how this will unfold, but I forsee massive, massive changes on the horizon, and we should NOT be remotely complacent about this.

Nobody is claiming the $ won’t exist, but it won’t exist as we know it.

As I’ve said before, Scotland needs to press hard for Independence NOW, and then strive to position itself as Global Economic trade hub where Continents collide… The Istanbul of Western Europe with the North Sea / GIUK gap as our Bosphoros.

See that map in the article? Picture it as a globe, and stick a pin over Scapa Flow. And there is even speculation of an Artic Trade Route becoming feasible.

What’s the alternative? A poodle state enslaved as we are by Dollar bill NeoLiberalism? Open your eyes and look around. Where is our manufacturing base? Why is our housing in crisis? Why are house prices so high for garbage properties, while people cannot get a place to live? Property is a racket making the money lenders obscenely rich, while the people are fleeced in a Ponzi scheme so massive and corrupt it’s truly without precendent. Why are food banks a growth industry in Scotland? Why are we fleeced on energy when our nation is awash with energy production?

Good old dollars and sterling, they’ve really looked after Scotland eh? The Euro isn’t really much better, (although it could be.)..

Now is not the time for Scotland to bury its head in the sand about BRICS. We need to “read the room” in a global context.

I’m not saying there’s a storm coming. I’m saying something is coming, and yes, it could be a storm.


Kirsty Blackman is a liar and this article demonstrates why the likes of her need removed from their seats come the next Westminster General Election. And that goes for all the other SNP troughers lapping it up down south.

Note how she repeatedly refers to her “constituents”? Deliberately designed to mislead folk into believing she’s *representing* the bulk of her constituents when she’s demonstrably not. She’s representing the pay-cheque in her pocket from the lobbyists.

She even states a Ruth Davidson sized whopper of a lie when she states: “There are an awful lot of people in my constituency who would consider themselves to be entirely ordinary, and who also happen to be trans.”

Given that just 0.5% of the UK’s population are listed as trans, i think Blackman should be made to announce the exact number of those that live in her constituency. But then again, we are dealing with a known liar with a history of exaggerating to the extreme.

Is it any wonder why the bald guy in the video-track in the article is doing all he can to keep a straight face? Even showing more interest in his phone at one point as a means to deflect away from the utter embarrassment that is Kirsty Blackman.

Is this truly what the bulk of her constituents voted this trougher in for? I’d bet my life it wasn’t. But shame on them if they keep her in. Like the rest of her Westminster SNP colleagues she’s done nothing but suckle on the teet of Westminster largesse while the majority of *ORDINARY* folk struggle under Westminster’s killer cost of living crisis.


Their politics are an opiate to prevent folk thinking.
It’s the Idea that wins every time — the Idea with brains and guts behind it.

Two quotes from the North Brit John BUCHAN.


“And we have another “non-Scot” appointed to a position of power within our ‘colony’”


Yes Scotland now has its very own Cressida Dick, Dick was Gold Commander during “7/7” I’ll say no more on that subject.

One wonders what other country would appoint a foreign head to its police force, are there no Scots police officers good enough for the job in Scotland.

stuart mctavish


Hopefully JRM can bring perspective to the next one with reams of statistics from Hansard concerning Aberdeen North’s proud efforts to allocate parliamentary time to the minority (still?) of sheep shaggers in the community (in that brilliant accent of his)


Rev responded to the following thus:

“Rev. Stuart Campbell says on 14 June 2023 at 10:32 am:
“Wings, I was hoping you would give stats about suicide of trans folk. A subject folk like Blackman talk about a lot. I can only find 1 Trans suicide in Scotland in last 5 years. Hundreds die in this way every year, being trans doesn’t seem to be a driver.””

“As you note, it’s very hard to provide stats for something that essentially doesn’t exist. The person Blackman was quoted was well-known nutjob Heather Herbert, who’s about as likely to kill himself as he is to chop his dick off.”

And i’d wager *ANYONE* there are far more rape victim suicides.


A Scot Abroad @11:06 pm

Instead of us having to tell you how an independent Wales would work, why don’t you tell us how independent, sovereign Luxembourg works?

It’s a tiny landlocked country with just half a million of a population and almost zero natural resources. Yet it’s not an economic basket case seeking union with larger neighbours.


stuart mctavish says on 15 June 2023 at 8:57 am:

“Hopefully JRM can bring perspective to the next one with reams of statistics from Hansard concerning Aberdeen North’s proud efforts to allocate parliamentary time to the minority (still?) of sheep shaggers in the community (in that brilliant accent of his).”

Wouldn’t that be a laugh, stuart. LOL! 😉

Dorothy Devine

BDTT and Robert Louis, exactly so.


@ Sarah

Here is the clip with the text boxes I think you are referring to.

link to

@ James Che

Re. Noise pollution. The legal UK noise limit for air source heat pumps is 42dB measured at neighbouring property. ASHP units should not be installed closer than 1.5m from property boundary.
But ASHP can produce up to 60dB when they are working hard…which sort of happens when they are installed in old inefficient properties with limited insulation and single glazed windaes.

There are another 3 ASHP units currently being installed within 5m of my property boundary. So I will soon have 7 ASHP units running at different times within 20 meters of my property. Cumulative noise effects.
It’s not like they are all being installed for environmental reasons either as the neighbour runs a hot tub which also has the pump humming as it cycles even when it isn’t being used to keep the water from going off. Also leaves their dugs in house whilst at work and they bark their heads off most of the day. (someone does let them out occasionally during day for a piss).
It’s incredible how quickly a once quiet village is being fucked over by all this crap.
Thinking I may just take up listening to heavy metal and techno music on a PA sound system powered by an old Lister diesel generator, and build a trials motorbike course in my garden in a bid to eliminate hearing the monotonous hum from all these ASHP units.


The US/UK’s tip of the spear in the economic war against China is also erasing REAL women’s rights at a frightening pace, one wonder what Gough Whitlam would’ve thought about all of this, if he were still around.

“Women no longer exist in law in the state of Queensland

Any man can now fill in a form and be recognised in law as a “woman” – entitled to avail themselves of female sports, spaces & resources.”

link to


Clearly Jo Farrell wasn’t too English for Humza, but it’s surprising that he didn’t think she was too white.


link to
link to
The «good times» are over.
London will still oblige.

John McGregor

A Lunatic who’s escaped the Asylum Honest tae God a complete n utter EMBARRASSMENT to this country

Alf Baird

James Che @ 11:17 pm

“..Wales is a Country, it is a annexed Country by England and against its will, the same with Ireland and Scotland.”

And clearly Wales is still suffering as a colonised country, according to former leader of Plaid Adam Price, who wrote a book on that very subject entitled: ‘Wales, the first and final colony’.

However Professor Edward Said proposed that Ireland was in fact the first English colony from the 11th century.

Regardless of which was ‘first’, all three Celtic Periphery nations and peoples – Wales, Ireland and Scotland – have been colonised by England, according to Professor Michael Hechter, as described in his ‘UK Internal Colonialism Model’.


So the new Police Scotland Chief Constable appeared to be a Boris Johnson ally, she was his advisor when she refused point blank to investigate Dominic Cummings jaunt to Barnard Castle during the Covid lockdown, but she led the investigation into Sir Keir Starmer’s curry during the Covid lockdown known as “Beergate”.

I have absolutely no doubt that she’ll have the same cosy relationship with the SNP government.


Beauvais says:
15 June, 2023 at 9:07 am

A Scot Abroad @11:06 pm

Instead of us having to tell you how an independent Wales would work, why don’t you tell us how independent, sovereign Luxembourg works?

Better yet, ask him how an Independent, sovereign England would work, that is living within it’s means, without plundering somebody elses resources, invading somebody elses country, and sticking up two fingers to the 27 nations on your immediate doorstep with whom you once had an enviable FTA with.

Ask the question as many times as you like, just don’t expect to get a reply any time soon.

True enough, there’s always another war to provoke “somewhere” in the world. Always good for business, and there’s the reliable old weapons industry to keep the wolf bear from the door.

Although, judging by the lamentable performance of Rheinmetall BAE’s much vaunted Leopard 2 tanks in the field, BAE Rheinmetall must be shitting themselves be rubbing their hands at the prospect of a big fat juicy order to replace reinforce a similar number of Challenger 2s in the next few weeks. Business is booming you might say… (Especially, you might suppose, in research and development… sales, meh, not so much).

Of course the Ministry of Truth’s journalists in the field have yet to verify this version of events and authorise the story’s release to the Proles.. Maybe the footage was all from one of those beastly video games… or something.

Stuart MacKay

Dan @9:47pm

With the Lorna Slaters of this world driving the changes to address global warming, what could possibly go wrong?

There’s way too much virtue signalling and not enough critical thinking put into these “solutions”. Given the influence of lobbyists on parliamentarians who appear not to have passed primary school (exhibit A, Kirsty Blackman) it’s no wonder you end up with heat pumps being sold as the climate emergency wunderwaffe with very mixed results, and fat bank accounts for the manufacturers. I’m sure that in 20 years or so, once we’ve left the 2 degrees warming limit far behind, that people will be scratching their sweaty foreheads wondering why it’s still getting hotter. Morons.


For those who haven’t watched it yet, I recommend the latest edition of A Scottish Prism which you can find on youtube.

It details the substantial untapped opportunities available to Scotland in shipbuilding, shipping routes and allied industries.

We are missing out due to Holyrood’s perverse obstinacy and reluctance to listen to expert advice.


@Breeks 15th June 7:22am

Roland Baader (1940-2012) was a German economist and author of several books and articles on classical liberalism, and a supporter of The Austrian School of Economics.

He said of the state’s control over the monetary system that it was:

“The biggest disaster in human history.”

Roland certainly thought there was a storm coming – a massive force five hurricane of a money storm.

America, like every other country in the world, has a pure paper money system in which new money is created out of thin air.

It’s essentially a magic money tree. A magic money tree that’s dying because it’s all crown and no root.

There’s a book titled “Blind Robbery! How the Fed, Banks, and Government Steal Our Money” by Andreas Marquart and Phillip Bagus.

It focuses on the American money system but it applies to all governments and banks worldwide.

It tells of how fiat money is the root cause of most of the evil perpetrated across the planet.

Fiat money is a term the ‘money men’ stole form the Bible where God says, “Fiat lux”, let there be light.

They, the folk that run the world’s money system, must have thought they were being really clever when they came up with the term, fiat money.

But they’re more crooked than clever. And they cause untold suffering for the people of Earth.

Check out Andreas Marquart’s and Phillip Bagus’s book if you want to know just how crooked the whole global money system is, and how all of us are being fleeced every second of the day.

Dorothy Devine

Do you think that those in power are trying to undermine our police force??
or is this a way of passing a ridiculous bill through our miserable wee parliament – against the wishes of the people?
Or is she there to protect the SNP from ‘dubious enquiries?
Hardly star quality if she couldn’t nail a Barnard castle jaunt during covid.

James Che


You are well up to date with the noise pollution issue, as I am sure you will be well aware certain laws are ignored depending which side of politics you are on compared to say other cultures running amok in Scotland under and hiding behind uk legislation.

It is obvious you choose you’re life style to attain peace and quite, and for a more natural eco friendly way of self sufficient attainment,
But noise pollution laws and the laws in Scotland generally seldom favour Scots on their own Country or on their land,
I doubt that police Scotland would even consider turning up to investigate the decibel noise level as a real law breaking crime,

Sadly though if you stick some lippy on, Don some high heeled shoes, slap a wig on and phone the police, explaining you identify as a women and the noise of your neighbours is disturbing your beauty sleep.

They will be there before you put the phone down,

A Scot Abroad


Luxembourg thrives because it a dodgy tax haven within the EU. It doesn’t produce anything particularly useful to humanity.

Given that slot is taken (and likely to remain so), I don’t see that Wales is going to be able to repeat the feat. Wales hasn’t got a financial industry, and isn’t in the EU.

James Che

Alf Baird,

I have nothing against England or English people except on the level of being a really evasive neighbour that forcefully Colonises the Countries around its perimeters,

But the irony of all this, is the help, ammunition and financial aid in billions of tax payers sterling to Stop the Ruskies doing exactly what England has always done, and is still doing, , crossing borders and invading its neighbours.
Westminster People in glass houses……….
The mind of the Coloniser see’s no wrong in how he behaves,

James Che

Scot ABroad,

Luxumberg, The same survival reasons for the financial Corporation of London, banks, underhand global corruption.


James (nice but dim) Che says

But the irony of all this, is the help, ammunition and financial aid in billions of tax payers sterling to Stop the Ruskies doing exactly what England has always done, and is still doing, , crossing borders and invading its neighbours.

But only with the help of its neighbours surely. It was a British Empire after all and the Scots punched above their weight in regard to attaining another countries resources. In any case England does not exist apart from being a geographical entity. The English people were subjected and subsumed from 1066 onwards. The BBC policy is: England does not exist except in relation to weather and sport. That says it all really.


Scot @ 10.53

One can only dream of the maritime opportunities a working party made up of folk who know what they are talking about, such as Stuart Bannantyne & Prof Baird could come up with if our administration was serious about Scotland’s future.
However, with their studied ignoring of any suggestions from better informed people with great experience, and their studied ignorance of any type of commercial undertaking we finish up with the SNP legacy debacle of two ferry hulks which are unlikely to ever see service, whilst Turkey demonstrates to the “shipbuilding industry” of the Clyde how to get things done.
Those ferries are like a visual aid to illustrate the short sighted, incompetent woke virtue signalling cabal who have been running Scotland (into the ground) since 2014.

London Scott

I wish I still had the biology/sex book which my mother left lying around in my bedroom in the 60s when I was 7 years old and she was expecting a baby, Colourful pictures of men, women, girls and boys growing up showing all their bits. Diagrams of our internal organs, eggs, sperm and growing foetuses. If I still had it I would scan and e-mail it to KB as I am sure it might help determine her own sex. Perhaps if any Wings readers have such an old fashioned guide to the facts of life they could do so. Now that John Hopkins Uni has invented the word nonman to replace woman, I have decided my pronouns are nonhe, nonhim.


A country/nation becomes a «colony» when situations obligingly let the colonizer in.
The Arab «conquest» of the Levant, North Africa, Persia etc was accomplished thanks to internal religious/political/administrative «weaknesses» in the territories acquired.
The British in India worked in a similar manner.
The Anglo-norman conquest of Ireland was initiated by a deposed Irish king who sought assistance in regaining his kingship.
Edward Said tended to broad brush aspects of the above. Invite someone into your house and there is no guarantee against their making themselves at home.


Surely a parody? Surely!

A Scot Abroad

James Che,

England and Scotland have invaded each other dozens of times. It’s not all one-sided. I make the score 15 Scottish invasions of England to 21 English invasions of Scotland.

And then, after 1707, Scots and English together took great opportunities around the world. That was colonialism, and both countries have that on their conscience. And of course, there are more people living in England with a notable Scots ancestry than there are people in Scotland, so who is colonising who?

Don’t ask Alf Baird. He simply doesn’t understand what colonialism is.


A Scot Abroad @12:09 pm

Luxembourg remains a legitimate banking centre despite also having had tax haven problems. It’s also a major telecommunications centre.

As for your assertion that it doesn’t produce anything. It still has a good steel making industry. It is also a notable producer of Moselle wines. Added to which it has a substantial tourism sector.

Luxembourg cannot anywhere near match Wales in terms of population, natural resources and economic diversity. So if Luxembourg gets by pretty well with a decent standard of living then so could Wales without the debilitating control from Westminster.

So sneer away all you like, Wales and Scotland will join Luxembourg as independent states because the imperial shackles keep getting looser and looser. You are the classic type who has spent too many hours in British Army officers’ messes talking and listening to pish.


@eine kleine dasBlimp

Don’t call James (nice and smart) Che Shirley. It’s just rude.

Alf Baird

dasBlimp @ 12:32 pm

“It was a British Empire after all and the Scots punched above their weight in regard to attaining another countries resources.”

And so the history of a colonised people is re-written for them by their procurer.

I don’t recall us Scots ever being asked for our consent to enter into combat 80 times in 47 countries since the end of WWII, or the near 100 other occasions prior to that. Considering the fact that half the Scottish population today still live in or close to poverty, what resources have we ‘attained’ when all our own resources and lands/seas are still looted from us, as has been the case since 1707.

Over the same period and also prior to WWII the independent Irish state has never needed to ‘punch above their weight’ through being dragged into endless imperial or colonial combats to loot other nations for the benefit of a dodgy imperial ruler.

The Scots have been well used, abused and duped – including by our own elites – the supposed ‘union’ was always an imperial hoax and still is.

James Che

Dorothy Devine.

“Undermine our police force”

Without a doubt, that global idea to set citizen against police and police against citizen eliminates s the view point as seeing each other as humans first, but rather the new enemy.
This has become the same across France, America, Australia, etc, were people and pensioners were arrested or beaten up pregnant women for having a coffee or sitting on a park bench, or going outside their homes, while politicians and Monarchy swanned around the Globe,

The division and rivalry of law, between law makers and law breakers makes every citizen a criminal and every police member decenterised to the citizen.

The same method was used in BLM against white priviledge, climate change and climate change citizen deniers,
Virus and anti vax citizens
It is a pattern of control of citizens by division and enforcement by global unelected Leaders that now have infiltrated, control and run most of the parliaments the World,

There is a video of Claus Swabb boasting of this infiltration into all parliaments on youtube.
It apparently works on the same early system principles that sold Scotland, buying and financial lobbying bribery and rewarding politician that assist the infiltrator and perpertrators.

Causing a divide in opinions world wide on every subject,
People are much easier controlled if they are hungry, penniless, outlawed and cannot agree, add a bit of police brutality and dehumanisation of people and the police are the new ridiculous law enforcers and the citizen breaks every new law because it becomes unavoidable not to.


Alf Baird says: @1:20pm

“the supposed ‘union’ was always an imperial hoax and still is.”

It seems to me that, to the rest of the world, the imperial hoax is beginning to look more and more like an imperial joke.


If Nicola and her gang of plants are to stop independence, they need to stop Salmond and the SNP members pushing forward with a unified approach in next year’s general election.

The unionist plan is to keep kicking the can down the road.

If the union gets more time then fine in their eyes


It’s the NLC bye election in Bellshill today. If Alba can get four figures in first preference votes then that would be progress.


@ Stuart MacKay & James Che

I’ve no time for virtue signalling as too feckin’ busy dealing with the reality and negative aspects of the treehugging brigade.
Those twats should try putting in 10 hour shifts working on a roof in this heat rectifying the issues directly caused by their “green” policies.
I went to do some flashing maintenance around a conservation skylight windae, only to have to strip off large areas of Scottish slate to hoover the sarking boards! The under slate area and sarking boards had become choked with years of tree detritus from the massive un-managed trees they slapped preservation orders on.
These roofs are meant to breath through the sarking boards and slates to help ventilation and reduce damp getting a hold.
Way to go idiots, listed building / conservation area properties getting their roofs fucked up because of wholly inappropriately sized trees.
Roofs that were re-slated just 20 years ago are now getting significant moss growing due to getting a hold in the build up of compost formed from the tree detritus that’s blown in under the slates. Roof membranes under the slates would actually make it worse as they would catch all and hold all the detritus and choke up quickly rather than allowing some of the dust to fall through the sarking boards.
Fortunately I can still do this work myself as many roof “tradesman” won’t work with Scottish slate. My roof has 22″ slates at bottom tapering to just 4″ at the very top. Needless to say it takes a lot of work to cover an area with such small slates.
But it is work that shouldn’t need to be getting done at all if sensible policy recognised that the amenity value of such large trees was now out-weighed by the negative aspects they create. It’s a village in the countryside, we’re surrounded by trees, well the ones that haven’t been chomped by all the fucking beavers!
Anyway, back to the roof…

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

don’t talk nonsense about combat. I suspect that you’ve never entered into it.

I have, with a Scottish regiment, on behalf of the Kuwaitis who had had their country occupied by Iraq. And not a single one of my soldiers had any problem at all with that. Not a single one of them was moaning or bumping their gums about Scotland not being consulted upon the matter. Unlike you, a professional whiner.

It was the same in Yugoslavia for three tours, and before then in Northern Ireland, and even in Germany during the Cold War. We were all entirely happy to be part of the United Kingdom’s forces, performing the will of the U.K. government, on behalf of all U.K. citizens.


Further to Wales being a principality, the Welsh princes were in fact quite happy to call themselves princes. It derives from the Latin ‘princip’ and basically meant ‘principal’ or ‘top dog’, above even a king.

Personally, I prefer to refer to that country as Cymru, which I believe derives from the Latin for ‘comrades’ rather than ‘Wales’ which derives from the Saxon for ‘foreigners’.

Welsh has quite a strong Latin influence, being the last bastion of the Romano-British who were subjugated and driven from their lands by the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and later, the Normans. Something for which their weak-chinned descendants seem to have kept up a bit of a penchant.

As for the idea of Wales being some sort of backwater unable to support itself, maybe A Scot Abroad is too young or too ignorant to be aware of how its coal and slate resources were happily devoured by the English to help power the industrial revolution and put roofs over their gammon-like heads.


Silly old duffer that I am, the 12.47 post was intended to reference Stuart Ballantyne, rather than “Bannantyne”.


Alf Baird says…
I don’t recall us Scots ever being asked for our consent to enter into combat 80 times in 47 countries since the end of WWII, or the near 100 other occasions prior to that.

I don’t recall being asked myself but neither have I been in any conflict. It’s a matter of choice. So the question is, who is forcing you?


Alf Baird says:
Considering the fact that half the Scottish population today still live in or close to poverty, what resources have we ‘attained’ when all our own resources and lands/seas are still looted from us, as has been the case since 1707.
Here are two. Lord Elgin and his marbles. Scots cities built on profits from slavery. And then there is the small sum of 37billion a year from UK gov (sorry for plying you with facts)


Stravaiger says;
Personally, I prefer to refer to that country as Cymru, which I believe derives from the Latin for ‘comrades’

LOL you know nothing about the Welsh language.


Stavaiger says:
too ignorant to be aware of how its coal and slate resources were happily devoured by the English to help power the industrial revolution

Yeah they should have just left it in the ground and not progressed. Are you for real?

James Che

The Scots Welsh and Irish invasions of England hold no comparison with Englands regards organisation and funding that England always had,

If England was worriec about these past occasional scurries from the celtic nations it is there inferiority complex,

For none of these nations had little more than bands of men from rural areas and rarely a massive organised large army such as England and none with a army such as hammer of the Scots, king Edward.

It is a interesting subject metal detecting in Scotland, for the coins and artifacts, the history of derilect moss covered abandoned burnt down villages in Scotland caused by invasions from south of the border that descimated whole communities, that were murdered and raped, strung up, quartered and tortured,

I was trying to find parallel mass burnt destroyed communities and villages still abandoned today by and because of Scottish raiders into England.

In Scotland these Barren landscapes devoid of humans any more, converted into large estates. Where evidence points to it once being highly populated,
You can still see old run rigs systems marked out below the peat, moss and heather, and the rough tracks roads that went from village to village,

I have found nothing on the same scale south of the border, and yet I lived there for a while to.

As most historians and archaeologist dig up history from the past to confirm past events. I also consult with those groups with my finds,

Many a lead bullet from The armies sent to Scotland can be found around these villages and farming communities that tell a story The Colonisers do not want to be told, only the Colonisers version of events is told in history,


James Che says:
The Scots Welsh and Irish invasions of England hold no comparison with Englands regards organisation and funding that England always had,

Prior to the Norman invasion they didn’t. In fact, England was a newly formed nation of just a small few hundred years old (shared with the Danes) … and then their Norman masters took over.

There is never much to say about the English … a subjugated and defeated people ruled by successive foreign royalty. More to be pitied than anything.


A Scot Abroad says:
15 June, 2023 at 2:16 pm
Alf Baird,

Big fucking deal. You’re no the only one that served. Mostly people sign up for a joab cos thatcher and tories fecked all the local industries. You goat played fanny.

I too served but it doesn’t stop me from from wanting independence for Scotland ya zoomer.


James Che (The Baird’s apprentice) says:
It is a interesting subject metal detecting in Scotland, for the coins and artifacts, the history of derilect moss covered abandoned burnt down villages in Scotland caused by invasions from south of the border that descimated whole communities, that were murdered and raped, strung up, quartered and tortured,

Yeah, I watched ‘Braveheart’ too. It was dead good and 100% historically correct. Ever watched ‘Detectorists’? That’s good too but it’s set in that shithole England so don’t bother.

James Che

North Code.
Alf Baird,

The hoax treaty of union, is in the history records and elimination of the parliament of Scotlands 1707 Parliament.
Thus no union of parliaments, territories or kingdoms or a continuation of the promises made to Scotland In the terms of agreement once ratified.
The UK parliament site enjoys telling Scots today they were a extinguished party to the treaty of union in England,

The 1707 treaty of union from Westminster has its modern day equivalent in “The Vow” made in 2014,
A promised lie of gigantic proportions to fool the Scots into a new future but false history.

This was a repeat of 1707,

The problem is that they convinced themselves of the lie, and have made treaties and bargains with other Countries based on that lie.
And Westminster still contradicts what it says to itself., it does not recognise where its own lie begins and ends,

Scotland is part of the treaty of the union that created the Great Britain parliament,
But we also extinguished Scotland and her parliament in England from the treaty of the union that would have created the Great Britain parliament.
Cake an eat it, Enough said.


A useful index of colonial status is development. Scotland for a first world country is conspicuously lacking in modern infrastructural, natural resource and economic and tech. development.
In that respect it belongs to Europe’s «third world».
There doesn’t even appear to be a coherent plan for such post independence.
So much is being left to chance because so many in its governance are just «chancers».
Hardly an improvement on the politically antiquated, money corrupt Westminster régime.
Scotland’s future is too foggy. ScotGov ought to have established an academy of sciences, instead the kudos lies in being very LGBTxyz friendly.


My ‘scroll’ wheel is almost worn out, it’s a Yoon shitfest on here now, one screed of lies after another. jesus wept.



Afternoon, James, You’re out of your fartsack early. What’s up. Shit the bed?


Anyway it seems that Boris is a Liar.
The man who school master named him as an elitist above rules or morals was correct.
It seem his bosses at the Spectator was correct in firing him because he was a liar.
It seems it was correct when he was sacked from the Cabinet for lying.
He admitted it was a lie after wining Brexit with the £350 million to the NHS promise.
Do you wonder if he lied to his wife and longer term partners when he was having a string of affairs. Could have been lying while making 5 women pregnant?

Now that the Parliamentary Committee have proven him to be a liar, he must face justice and sit outside parliament for 90 days if he doesn’t resign first.

He hasn’t been punished, he will continue as he is, he can get away with it and I don’t doubt he can promise England the world again and return to parliament.

U.K. politics is devoid of truth or justice and it ain’t coming back unlike him.


@ Dan at 9.10: thanks for posting the link to the Kirsty Blackman video as “improved” by the twitter of TheIndyNinja1. It’s had 349,000 views now – I can hear the laughter all over Scotland. 🙂

Alf Baird

dasBlimp @ 2:36 pm

“And then there is the small sum of 37billion a year from UK gov (sorry for plying you with facts)”

You are right, £37bn is very small beer compared with the £100bn plundered annually from Scotland’s oil, gas and soon renewables; not fogetting whisky at £5bn, or should that really be £25bn annually; and Scotland’s retail spend via England’s logistics intermediaries at well over £100bn annually, much of which could be imported direct to Scotland at lower cost via continental ferry links to Zeebrugge and Bilbao etc. And then there is the land and property ownership scam, trade balance, and more, much more.

You are right, £37bn is very small beer, even adding much of MI5’s budget of £2.5bn to keep the auld colony haud ticht, compared with Scotland’s annual worth of £200bn+ plus strategic importance.

As Albert Memmi said: “Colonization is, above all, economic and political exploitation.”


My previous attempt to correct my error in my 12.47 post when my mind thought Stuart Ballantyne and my wee fingers typed Bannantyne has disappeared into moderation limbo, not sure why.


All moot points Alf Baird. This sort of debate has been going on for decades and always will because nobody knows the England side of the balance sheet. It’s not published because England is not recognised by union governments. England doesn’t even have a parliament.


Headline article in The Daily Telegraph today…

“Now that independence is dead, we can breathe new life into the Scottish economy
A pro-business government could rejuvenate the second largest nation in the UK”

So. That’s that then!

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

have you had an unfortunate accident involving a bang to the head? Because you are now coming up with total garbage, such as MI5 holding Scotland back. Your colonialism nonsense is bad enough, unevidenced tripe that it is, but you seem to have really gone off at the deep end with MI5.

And don’t keep quoting Memmi. He’s absolutely irrelevant and deeply unimportant.


Looks like they’ve got a full shift on….. *sigh*



I fink u hav trubble wiv wurdz
Try reading what I’ve actually written please.

Bob Mack

Ok guys. Started for 10.

Can anyone tell me of ANY of the myriad of countries who were successful in gaining indepencence by any means. but chose to re apply for citizenship under their former rulers because Independence was too difficult ?

Any ? For any reason!

I’ll wait. Must be dozens surely?

George Ferguson

@Effigy 3:55pm
Don’t forget Nicola Sturgeon was found to have mislead the Scottish Parliament by a Committee as well. Nothing happened as a consequence. Compare to a 90 day ban?. Anyway to return O/T. Is Stu’s article condemnatory or even mocking?. Who can be offended?. My thinking,is the article justified?. I think it is. An adult female after 2 bairns has got to know she is XX as any first year girl learning science as part of the once great Scottish Education system will tell you.

Bob Mack

@A Scot Abroad.

Presumably you don’t watch the series on N Ireland and the self professed tactics used by Special Branch and MI5 to combat separatists and keep N Ireland British?. Silly man.


A good sojer, aye.

Turning a civil rights issue into a civil war.

Obstructing John Stevens investigation into illegal methods by burning evidence.

‘This incident, in my opinion, has never been adequately investigated and I believe it was a deliberate act of arson.’ Later, Stevens would look back on his investigation and lament that ‘in almost thirty years as a policeman I had never found myself caught up in such an entanglement of lies and treachery’.

The gallant British army – murderers of innocent people.

David Hannah

Scotfail. SNP Rail. Operated by the Tartan Tory Party the Scottish Nasty Party. Putting rail fares up by 4.8 per cent while cutting services.

Nationalistion without the benefits thanks to the lying scotswoman Nicola Sturgeon and her cabal.


Bob Mack says:
15 June, 2023 at 5:23 pm
Ok guys. Started for 10.

Can anyone tell me of ANY of the myriad of countries who were successful in gaining indepencence by any means

I think the answer is none but there is one country that voted to remain dependent and guess which that one was.


Stravaiger says:
15 June, 2023 at 5:20 pm

I fink u hav trubble wiv wurdz

er. Yeah. OK

David Hannah

I think Alf Baird, I bought his book. I intend to read it. I listened to the Prism show with Roddy and Stuart Ballantyne.

It was really interesting. These guys should be in charge of Scotland’s shipping.

There should be a maratime minister in the Scottish Government.

Very interesting to hear this calmac keep building prototypes, they should go with this guy ballantyne’s catarman design of ferry.

Get it shared amongst the islanders that Nicola and the greens want to clear. With their horrible Mon the Fish policies.


David Hannah @ 17.46.

Oh, if only Messrs Baird, Ballantyne and a couple of other knowledgeable folk with a proven background in maritime construction had been responsible for both the Ferries construction and the commercial contracts surrounding them.
I’m guessing that the islands would now be enjoying the benefits of a couple of cats of a suitable size and design to service the needs of the islanders and safely berth at the relevant ports.

John Main

@dasBlimp says:15 June, 2023 at 3:49 pm

Afternoon, James, You’re out of your fartsack early. What’s up. Shit the bed?

Cracker of a comment!

And to add an extra layer of icing to the cake, “James” is complaining about me when I haven’t even posted today until now.

So that’s two spacious, empty apartments I’m living in now. Could be quite pleasant, if it wasn’t for the pong coming up through the floorboards.

But now I know what that is.

Think I’ll sublet “James”‘s heid to half a dozen Brummie immigrants! Poetic justice an that.

John Main

@Effigy says:15 June, 2023 at 3:55 pm

Turns out Boris was lying about being behind you all that time.

Look out, he’s in front of you!

The Black Boris may get you yet. Anyways, sleep tight and pleasant dreams.


dasBlimp says:
15 June, 2023 at 12:32 pm

It was a British Empire after all and the Scots punched above their weight in regard to attaining another countries resources.

“Punched above our weight” klaxon….

Anybody take double or quits on the Darien Scheme getting a mention?


Why they didn’t do proper research prior to buying is beyond me.
They should have sourced a design with a proven track record not something which had never been tested.
Mr Ballantyne is willing and able to build vessels appropriate to our needs.
He said he could build them in under a year at a fraction of the cost of our two white elephants.

I also liked the idea of opening up ferries and commercial traffic from Scotland to the continent.


None of this is controversial. it is all now in the public domain.

from the Irish Times.

“A few hours after the incident room at Carrickfergus went up in flames, Stevens and his team had been due to arrest one of the men they believed to be behind the killing of Pat Finucane and Loughlin Maginn. That man, a former British soldier called Brian Nelson, was also known as Agent 6137: he was working for the British government.

Nelson had been placed on the payroll of MI5 and inserted, by the FRU, into the Ulster Defence Association, a loyalist para-military organisation. By the time Stevens and his team were about to come calling he had, by his own account, been involved in eight murders, two attempted murders, thirty-four conspiracies to murder and several other serious offences.

In linking Nelson to the Finucane murder, Stevens’ detectives were not merely solving a single crime – they were, in Stevens’ words, about to uncover ‘something extremely dangerous and difficult’ – namely, the evidence that the British state had been operating a death squad in Northern Ireland. It wasn’t pulling the triggers of that squad’s guns, perhaps, but, through Nelson – and others – it was pulling the strings of those who did.

For a generation, the overwhelming majority of the British people had regarded their armed forces as reluctant peacekeepers between two warring tribes in Northern Ireland, and had seen themselves as the innocent victims of a terrorist campaign. That narrative would be seriously undermined if it were to become clear that the British state was influencing, or even managing, the actions of the gunmen from one of those two tribes – if it were to emerge that elements within the British security forces had not merely begun to mirror the terrorists, but were in control of terrorism – and had been, almost from the beginning.

The appalling acts of the paramilitaries were, with some notable exceptions, acknowledged at the time they were committed, even if some today insist they were committing ‘political’ rather than ‘criminal’ offences. But some of the actions of soldiers and the police continue to be concealed or denied, particularly those acts that led to loss of life. Even more painstakingly hidden is the extent to which the state, through its proxies like Agent 6137 Brian Nelson, was orchestrating acts of terror.

Attempts to investigate such crimes all too frequently face obstruction, with the government failing to disclose material it holds that would allow the truth to be established; inquests, Ombudsman’s inquiries, litigation and police reviews have dragged on for decades.

There is a suspicion among some in Northern Ireland that the British state is unable to contend with the past because it cannot disclose the full truth, in all its intricacies.”

John Main

@Alf Baird says:15 June, 2023 at 4:19 pm

As Albert Memmi said: “Colonization is, above all, economic and political exploitation.”

Oh well, just look at that! No less a guru than Albert Fucking Memmi is saying that above all, it’s about the money.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for an apology from any of the nay sayers and knuckle draggers on here who keep telling me it’s not about the money.

So, Alf, armed with Memmi’s flash-bulb moment that it is about the money after all, how’s about you do some sums with the figures you bandy about in your post and calculate how much better off an iScotland is going to be.

Then calculate how the extra dosh accruing to the Scottish state will allow lower taxes and higher benefits. And thus enable pensioners or hard-pressed tax-payers to get some inkling of how much better off they should be post-Indy.

Show us the fucking money

Albert Memmi says so.

And for something like the hundredth time of asking, make it something every voter in Scotland can understand. Cos this is the key to Indy; making Scots better off. There’s no other key that I can see.


Alf Baird says:
15 June, 2023 at 4:19 pm

You are right, £37bn is very small beer


uk gov. spend in scotland was £99bn in 2021…..

Ron Clark

Main making a show.

Having a Q n A with himself.

What a fuckin wanker.

Just how many names have you got on Wings?

Michael Laing

@ A Scot Abroad:

“And don’t keep quoting Memmi. He’s absolutely irrelevant and deeply unimportant.”

Talk about lack of self-awareness! I think most of the supporters of Scottish independence on here would say precisely the same about you and the fatuous drivel you post.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 6:23 pm

“the key to Indy; making Scots better off”

You appear to be thinking about this primarily from the colonizer’s perspective and for whom “the change involved in moving to a colony…must first of all bring a substantial profit” (Albert Memmi).

If colonialism is about ‘economic and political exploitation’, decolonization is about ending such exploitation.

John Main

@ Breeks says:15 June, 2023 at 6:17 pm

“Punched above our weight” klaxon….

Ah, Breeks.

One day nobody will have books any more. All information will be online, and regularly revised by government departments to ensure that history continually conforms to the officially sanctioned story of the day.

But just at this moment, some of us still have books, and some of us still have atlases.

And on these atlases, we can look at places such as Canada, USA, Caribbean islands, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, etc. etc. and see the replica Scottish placenames where those awkward, colonising Scottish bastards, our ancestors, went out and founded their new settlements, on the graves of the indigenous inhabitants.

So many Scottish placenames, Breeks, everywhere you look.

Not yet ready to be written out of history by the likes of you. Soz.

Own your cultural history Breeks. That’s part of what Indy is all about.


“The RUC’s Chief Constable had decided, with the en-couragement of MI5, that the gathering of intelligence would take priority over the apprehension and prosecution of people responsible for killings, kidnappings and bombings. And, on occasion, the people who were responsible for these acts would remain at liberty, if they were also working as informants for the police or the Army, and their usefulness to the state was assessed to outweigh the danger that they posed to the public.

This was just the beginning. As the decade progressed, informants were recruited before they joined paramilitary organisations. These individuals would then be given privileged access to selected police and Army intelligence material, which would enable those organisations to select targets for murder.

Police and Army agent-runners were effectively deciding who was to live and who was to die; and while such decisions were being taken, MI5 hovered nearby.

This presented the police with a legal dilemma, as outlined in the minutes of a meeting between senior RUC officers and Northern Ireland Office (NIO) officials from March 1987, which state: ‘The RUC were to a large part dependent on intelligence if they were to be successful in combating terrorism. Such intelligence was obtained by placing/using informants in the middle ranks of terrorist groups. This meant they would have to become involved in terrorist activity and operate with a degree of immunity from prosecution.’

The problem, as the RUC pointed out at this meeting, was that the only guidelines to police work of this nature had been written in 1969, before the conflict began, and ‘were totally unrealistic/unworkable for dealing with terrorism’. In 1988, in a submission to the Northern Ireland Office, an Assistant Chief Constable spelled out the issue in the clearest possible terms: ‘Taking the example of the terrorist informer who has been instructed to conceal munitions in his house to await their being used. Whatever instructions the informer’s handler gives will be “wrong”, in that if he directs the informer to refuse to comply, the latter will automatically become the subject of suspicion (and probable eventual death); if the handler tells the informer to assent, a breach of the guidelines (and probably the law) is involved.’ MI5’s legal advisor, meanwhile, was warning that the fundamental problem with the guidelines was that ‘in order to run a terrorist agent so as to gather intelligence or evidence, they must be continually breached’.

The RUC’s attempts to put its informer-handling operations on a legally sound footing came to nothing. In May 1987, an internal minute to the Permanent Under-Secretary at the NIO said: ‘It would suit us if the process set in train by the RUC makes fairly slow progress. It would not be wise to take any steps at this juncture to halt it; we should simply desist from hasten-ing it.’

A short while later, Raymond White, the head of Special Branch, raised the problem with the Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. When she asked whether he needed anything else in order to combat terrorism, White replied that he regarded ‘a sound legislative basis’ as essential for such intelligence operations, rather than the ‘grey area’ in which he was obliged to work.

After some delay, government officials informed him eventually that ‘the issue was too difficult to handle’, and that Special Branch should continue as before. White complained that the government’s response was, in effect, to ‘carry on doing what you’re doing but don’t tell us the details’. The issue came to nothing because government lawyers knew that any guidelines that allowed serious crimes to be committed with impunity by police informers – agents of the state – could never be lawful.”

John Main

@Alf Baird says:15 June, 2023 at 7:05 pm

You appear to be thinking about this primarily from the colonizer’s perspective

Ah, the ideological impurity defence.

With respect, Alf, I have never quite gotten over your claims that lack of support for the Scots language is a sign of colonialism, and support for the Gaelic language is also a sign of colonialism.

The old saying about the man whose toolbox contains only a hammer comes to mind.

So my simple and straightforwards wish to know how Indy will materially improve us Scots is a sign of my being colonised?

Sure, me and just about every other rational Scot and New Scot in Scotland.

George Ferguson

@Sam 6:21pm
I don’t know why you decided to post your bias analysis on this thread. Northern Ireland has been doing well lately. The Peace Agreement has led to prosperity and the Community there has moved on from the one sided perspective you offer. Speaking as a yellow card carrier. I thought the rules of engagement was disadvantageous to me. I had to shout a warning unlike the gunmen who had no restriction on their Contact preferences. And Yes I believed my role for what it entailed was a peace keeping role. You should understand that most of the soldiers that served in the 70s are dead now. The people I served with had no Catholic or Protestant bias.

John Main

@Ron Clark says:15 June, 2023 at 6:45 pm

Just how many names have you got on Wings?

Ach Ron, you’ve got me bang to rights. Here’s the thing, I am deep-down ashamed of my duplicity and want to get back on the straight and narrow.

But it’s not as bad as you suspect. Honest! Just 2 names:

John Main
Ron Clark.

Please say you’ll forgive me?

John Main

@sam says:15 June, 2023 at 7:16 pm

Ohmigod Sam, we’re all gonna be killed by colonising agents of the deep state!

See whatever it is you’re stealing text from. Has it got anything to say about the IRA murderers whose crimes were written off as part of the Good Friday Agreement?

Just so that the surviving relatives of those killed by these crimes don’t conclude you’re a nasty sleekit piece of work.

And ordinary, decent Scots too, natch.


Money valued over life. Austerity kills.

You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of day.


George ferguson 7.30pm. ‘I had to shout a warning’
Would that be before or after people like Aiden Mcanespie or the bloody sunday victims were shot in the back George?.


Made a civil rights issue into a civil war.

This and the collusion to kill innocent people came from the top of a rotten, corrupt state which continued to operate the same way in Iraq.

Andrew scott

I think some relation of linden is on bbc QT tonite


Breeks @ 15 June, 2023 at 7:22 am

I admire and respect the contributions you have made to this forum but I have to disagree with your comment about de-dollarisation of the world economy.

I have been following this myself and inevitably it is polarised but reading between the two, the evidence does suggest that there is no contradiction between the multi-polarisation and USD dominance.

Of course it makes no sense for countries to do trade is USD and that is a welcome thing that is slowly happening. It was what I was suggesting in my original comment whereby regionalisation of the global economy giving freedom of Western interests would help countries like Afghanistan where is problems could be solved by the regional powers rather than solved by the West which involves bombing it back to the stone age.

However, to say the USD dominance is going to end anytime soon is false. That is to say unless there are black swan events like the US government defaulting on it’s debt.

While countries around the world don’t need to do international trade in USD, if they want to trade with the US as well as the G7 and EU countries, they need to trade in USD.

While the BRICs countries are powerful in the global economy, the US & the other G7 plus EU countries are so much bigger. While there is a lot of poverty here in the West there is no much wealth and drives the world economy.

For that reason, the USD dollar will still dominant for the foreseeable future. The good thing though that has come out of the current de-dollarisation drive is that the US can’t use it’s economic clout through sanctions as much as it has done until now.

George Ferguson

@Bobbyp 8:07pm
Were you there? A simple question but informative nonetheless. And why do you want to go back to that?. Thousands of people died on all sides but let’s have a rerun. Thankfully the good people of Northern Ireland have more sense. Even although they have political difficulties at the moment their commitment to Peace is sacrosanct. Your rationale is hidden.

John Main

@sam says:15 June, 2023 at 7:52 pm

You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of day

You talking to me?

Or are you talking to yourself?

For reasons known only to yourself you want to post screeds and screeds of “lifted” text about the Troubles, presumably because in yer heid, it has some relevance to the colonialism debate, or rammy. If you really want to educate yourself, here’s a useful Wiki link:

link to

It’s a mind-bogglingly complex read and not one that can be summarised into any kind of clickbait phrase. Among the interesting figures are the number of people of Scots descent currently living in Northern Ireland – 345,000.

Yup, 345,000 people descended from that so-called non-existent category – the Scottish colonist. It would be a lot, lot higher too, but hundreds of thousands of these colonists up-ed and off-ed to the New World within a few generations.

Makes you think, so it does.

John Main

@ PacMan says:15 June, 2023 at 8:34 pm

The whole idea can be simplified by asking one question:

Can you name the BRICS currency?

I don’t doubt though, that in this new online lunatic asylum we are all conniving at, plenty of dipsticks will be fleeced by scammers offering too-good-to-miss once-off opportunities to convert their life savings into BRICS.

I’m giving myself ideas now – wonder if Rev Stu will allow adverts targeted at certain segments of the pro-Indy population?


Yes George, no one wants to go back to that, and yes i grew up in Ireland during the ‘troubles’, and no my rationale is not hidden. And Ireland will see reunification shortly, unlike Scotland sadly.


Dr Stuart Balantyne and Prof Alf Baird know about shipping and shipping related transport.

Listen to them on this week’s Prism. They make sense, know the business. But instead we have liwns of ministers and even worse SPADs calling the shots.

Thisk Liz Lloyd and others of the wreckage that is the SNP administration and weep.

Time we got them out. And as for the Islands they’ll not be a vote for the SNP, or elsewhere in fact.


George Ferguson 7.30pm. ‘ most of the soldiers that served in the 70’s are dead now’
No they are not George, the majority are still alive evading justice for their war crimes in Ireland, i was 16 in 1969. You and Main might bullshit the majority on here,but we know what really happened, dont we George.

John Main

@Bobbyp says:15 June, 2023 at 8:47 pm

Ireland will see reunification shortly, unlike Scotland

Shurely shome mishtake?

Scotland is already unified with England and the rest. We don’t want that at all.

If you’re talking reunification with the EU then you probably are right – that won’t be happening soon.


Not a rerun, George. Though much has come out,it has only done so through much determined digging during years of cover up.

this is an extract from a BBC report in 2020- not so long ago.

“At its heart is collusion between state forces and loyalist paramilitaries, one of the battleground narratives when it comes to addressing the past.

The government has previously appointed individuals to examine the killing, but nothing has provided his family with the full disclosure it believes only a public inquiry can deliver.

It is a case that has never gone away.”

Right or wrong, I think it reasonable for a state with a government meant to represent the people who put in office to be able to behave morally better than terrorists.

How soldiers behaved was determined by the chains of command right up to the Cabinet.

And iraq isn’t so long ago when the same stuff went on.

It is more, much more, about the state itself, the UK, which is institutionally corrupt.

The same stuff that went on in NI went on in Kenya, Aden and other places. It is colonial behaviour which the Union trolls can’t accept.


John main 9.01pm. You on late shift again at denison? Lol.


It is quite interesting to hear the Viceroy talking about the importance of a common market across the UK in relation to recycling ginger bottles when it does not seem to apply where:

Power is concerned we pay more than our southern partners to receive electricity and more to generate and connect to the system

Water is concerned and Wales receive nothing for the water they deliver to England

Where northern Ireland is concerned where they are allowed to enforce the higher standards if the EU rather than the shoddy standards of the UK.

Interest rates set to suit the wider London market than the whole UK

Alcohol tax where Scottish whisky producers face much higher tax than English beer and wine producers

It seems people like Alistair Jack have a somewhat one sided view of this market.

If protecting Scottish interests are so low on his rader I am really surprised that a significant club like the Royal Company of Archers could tolerate such an individual. I would think such a significant body would have standards of behaviour aligned to protecting the interests of Scotland high on their agenda but apparently not.

I know it is a private club but really letting Jack in with such low standards is very dissapointing.

Alf Baird

John Main @ 7:28 pm

“So my simple and straightforwards wish to know how Indy will materially improve us Scots is a sign of my being colonised?”

The process of cultural assimilation leads to the colonized accepting and adopting the values of the colonizer. “As soon as the colonized adopts those values, he similarly adopts his own condemnation” (Memmi).

George Ferguson

@John Main 9:01pm
I am out of this debate there is no authenticity in this off topic debate about Northern Ireland. Bobbyp is expecting me to believe that he is older than me and grew up in Northern Ireland. I am seeing a Celtic supporter with a flare thinking he is rebellious with his Dad paying his season ticket. So Sam and Bobbyp want armed struggle to settle the Scottish Question. AI? Certainly nobody that grew up in Northern Ireland would advocate that.

Ron Clark


You are morphing back into your terrible twin English Ellis by the day.

Wings very own version of UKIP.


The Scot who made modern Wales.
link to


John Main says: 15 June, 2023 at 8:46 pm

The whole idea can be simplified by asking one question:

Can you name the BRICS currency?

From what I can gather, the long term goal of BRICS is to maintain their national currencies and every member uses a separate once for trade between them. This international trade through a common secondary currency will be done through their own payment system.

Rome wasn’t built in a day and it will take a long time to implement but I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be speed up due to recent and possible future events particularly tensions over Taiwan and the increasing US presence in the Pacific region.

John Main

@George Ferguson says:15 June, 2023 at 9:37 pm

Can’t say I blame you. Few who post on here are amenable to reason or sanity.

I mind well a rammy that started when I posted that Mahatma Gandhi was a pacifist. Several posters insisted that he advocated armed struggle.

Now I am being told that when I, as a Scot, show interest in the post-Indy economy, that is just my colonised state. To think that for 30 years, the response to:

“It’s Scotland’s Oil”

should have been

“It doesn’t matter about that – you’re just adopting the coloniser’s material values”.

Ah well, every day a school day.

I see Shug at 9:24 complaining about the price we Scots pay for our electricity. Uh oh, looks like Shug’s been colonised too!


Just off the roof after another shift.
A quick scan of comments and I can’t help but think if John Main wants to see more money in his pocket, then he might consider spending less time posting btl and go do some proper paid work.
Want a shift tomorrow John? Carrying loads of slates up and down a ladder in the heat of the day will save you going to the gym. But it’ll be your preferred Tories level of wages for plebs mind, so don’t get too excited about coining it in.


@ John Main

You seem a bit manic today with your postings.
Shug also mentioned the higher connection charges generators pay to connect to the grid in Scotland, but notably you swerved acknowledging that aspect.

link to


Last night I dreamt of lions playing on the white beaches of the African coast.

I’d been fishing out on the loch for several hours under the hot sun engaged in a long struggle with a large trout that eventually snapped my line and escaped.

I’m sure my fight with the fish was what made my dream particularly vivid.

Suddenly, in my dream, a voice like a breeze surfing the flat ridges of beach sand whispered, “I’m not going to go out with that girl again; she’s from Scarborough.”

I remember thinking what a strange sentiment to announce; but stranger still to construct the sentence in such a clumsy and tedious way.

I thought for a moment and an idea came to me.

I suggested to the voice on the breeze that its owner take the girl back if she performed three impossible tasks.

First, she must make a cambric shirt without using needle and thread.

Second, she must find an acre of land between the sea and the shore.

And third, that she reaps the acre with a leather sickle.

Throw in some parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme and boom.

You’ve got yourself a folk song, although not a Scarborian girlfriend because the tasks are impossible to complete.

Moreover, you created your folksong using a rhetorical figure called Adynaton.

But I’ll leave it to another day to expand on the Adynaton figure.



The reason for the dominance of the USD is the Petrodollar…

link to

If the Gulf States, esp. Saudi Arabia, decided to defer to an alternative currency, the Petroyuan for example, with which to quantify and trade the black stuff then the dominance of the USD would be very short lived indeed.

David Hannah

Màiri McAllan. The new transport minister. After Jenny Gilruth – the disgraced Jenny Gilruth was forced to resign – Well done Humza.

She’s got no experience. She’s a wee lassie aff the BBC.

What the hell does she know about shipping? Nothing. That’s what.

She knows nothing about dueling the A9.

Scotland is up shits creek without a paddle.

David Hannah

Màiri McAllan. DAY 1. SNP rail. a 4.8 per cent ticket HIKE.

She’s off to a great start ripping off hard pressed scots with SNP rail.

They know you can’t drive into glasgow city centre anymore. They want to pay more for a reduced rail service. Shocking what’s going on.


She isn’t right in the head & she’s a fully paid up member of the narcissist society.
We seriously need to STOP electing ppl with a history of mental illness.
It’s not equality – its fking cruel & as this toe curling pish proves, they’re a fking weapon let loose in positions of power – talking absolute pish on a £100k salary that in the grand scheme of everyone’s life is an irrelevance!! But that’s what that *community* is famous for – 100% attention seeking fkwits whose whole life revolves around thier sexuality & everyone is force fed it constantly, now it’s weans who’ve to hear all about them.
I’m so over this Pride pish too. Can’t even watch YouTube but they’ve banners now – WTAF? I’m glad the yanks are starting to push back & dissociate & boycott pride as no longer representative of gays but is now for deviants of kink & fetish.

Rant over. Get this smurf out at the next election.


Alba got 5% of 1st preference votes at Bellshill. Disappointing but not poor.


Actually a bit less than 5%. Once the full truth about Sturgeon is more widely known then the Alba vote and the % support for Indy will be less far apart.

A Scot Abroad

Robertkknight, @ 23:05,

you know extraordinarily little of global financial affairs if you think that the USD is going to be dropped anytime soon. It just ain’t going to happen. As for the petrol usn: laughable. It doesn’t matter in which currency people pay for their oil, it’s all baselined against the USD.


I see the SNP got a kicking in uddingston

And we’ll earned I think. I wonder if their leader has seen the police yet

These people are the epitome of stupid

Even when members of the group told them it was unsustainable they kept right on going.

douglas leighton

a scot abroad@23.06
Not sure what you say is correct. The ‘churn’ of $ is beneficial to the issuing authority(US).
The value of Oil may be stated in $, but transactions can be agreed in other currencies avoiding the need to acquire $debt. Debt creates vulnerabilities
I am not an economist if in error please excuse.


sam says:
15 June, 2023 at 7:52 pm

Austerity kills.


How is spending more than your income austerity? Clearly you mean bankruptcy.


PacMan says:
15 June, 2023 at 8:34 pm

However, to say the USD dominance is going to end anytime soon is false. That is to say unless there are black swan events like the US government defaulting on it’s debt…

Can we perhaps find a compromise there PacMan?

I agree, the dollar would need to be undermined by some crisis, but I think the US has problems with debt, problems with an increasingly polarised society both politically but especially economically, there are deep rooted ethnicity issues, and I fear that a dollar even perceived to be on the slide can only exacerbate these problems.

It’s been unlikely so far, but not incredible, that the US could divide itself with the prospect of another Civil War, particularly if faith in democracy collapsed.

I think the US political philosophy is increasingly compromised by an unhealthy and dangerously surreptitious influence from the Zionists, and this makes the US a lot of enemies, far more enemies than friends.

I also think the US has been complacent these past few decades, and seeing their NATO kit getting absolutely pasted by the Ruskians has given the US a massive warning shot across the bows.

The Ruskians in turn are now boasting that they’re now doing to Leopards what their fathers and grandfathers did to Tigers, and that’s the thing… The parallels are real. They are. They have no fear whatsoever of Abrams tanks.

Now I don’t want to open a can of worms about who would win WW3, but the point I’m making, is the eye watering volume of money which disappears in US “Defence” spending has created a bloated behemoth with vast reserves of obsolete equipment which would very quickly turn to scrap metal on the battlefield.

So what must America do next? Spend even more on defence???

Why did Vlad Put use his hypersonic Dagger Missiles, the “Carrier Destroyers” on ostensibly low grade targets in YooKrane? “Maybe” to give the US Navy the same goosebumps the US Military has been given. “Hey US Air Defence, stop this”.

Who knows? Perhaps that strike alone prevented a war starting in the Taiwan Straight.

The US has been chargin’ up the wrang dreel for decades. They’ve been predictable and complacent, and not just militarily. Is it credible to suppose the US is maybe now teetering on the brink, with a vast military overspend on obsolete equipment it cannot sustain, ahem, just like the Soviet Union was in 1991?

And of course, the American proletariat are armed to the teeth, some of them no doubt with US Javelins bought on the black market… (They all went somewhere).

Marina and the Diamonds has a song called “I’m in love with the mess called America”. Perhaps America’s greatest strength is that can function while it’s overwhelmed by ever more “mess” which to outsiders resembles chaos. But it seems to me a gie shoogily peg tae hang yer coat oan. After all, everything changes.

John Main

@Breeks says:16 June, 2023 at 6:03 am

I don’t want to open a can of worms about who would win WW3

Then read your post over again and take your editorial blue pencil through all the guff you have written about who is winning WW3.

Or even better, explain just how the cause of Scottish Indy is advanced by imperial destruction of other European, independent nations and cultures.

You and your similar-thinking fellow travelers (useful idiots) have been predicting and cheering on imminent defeat for Independence at the opposite end of Europe for 18 months now. Posting gloatingly about it in fact.

Yet, never once have any of you laid out just how Indy will be helped by the scenario you all so desperately wish to see.

So come on. Spell it out for the dipsticks. I call for total victory for Vlad because it will boost support for Scottish Indy due to ……..

John Main

@ Dan says:15 June, 2023 at 10:24 pm

You seem a bit manic today with your postings.
Shug also mentioned the higher connection charges generators pay to connect to the grid in Scotland

If you have been working hard all day you may not have had time to process the posts.

Concern about the cost of things is symptomatic of the colonized “accepting and adopting the values of the colonizer. As soon as the colonized adopts those values, he similarly adopts his own condemnation” (Memmi).

So, sorry Dan. You’ve been colonised and must now be condemned.

If that verdict makes you a wee bit manic, then welcome to the club.

Another scorcher ahead. Take care on the roof.


Breeks @ 16 June, 2023 at 6:03 am

I agree more than I disagree with you on this subject.

As long as the US has a functioning economy then it can do whatever it wants.

As for the global economy keeping the USD as it’s main trading currency in light of this, it reminds me of a situation a couple of years ago where the French credit rating was reduced more than the UK’s even though our economy was in a worse shape. I can’t help but feel that it was due to the GBP being a global trading currency.

Capitalism may be dynamic and ruthless but it is also very conservative. If something works and there is no problems with it then it will not be replaced.

I’m sure many people in authority see the future problems of the USD being a trustworthy currency for trade but considering it is working now, has a proven track method and there is no viable alternatives at the moment, inertia will allow it to be used for the foreseeable future.

That doesn’t mean that those in authority are currently looking at alternative like blockchain currencies or multi-national currencies like the Euro and the potential BRIC’s trading currency that I had previously mentioned but until then, the Dollar is king.

Robert Hughes

Excellent post/s , Breeks .

What Chris Hedges calls the U.S permanent war economy is a deranged cancerous parasite feeding on the incomes of * ordinary * American people and the blood of foreign Nationals – most often, but not exclusively – brown-skinned foreign nationals .

link to


” It doesn’t matter in which currency people pay for their oil, it’s all baselined against the USD.”

The USA/UK war against Russia using the proxy 404 has left the EU and the world’s countries for that matter feeling the economic pinch, Europe is now sacrificing its industries to aid the USA.

Russia and China are moving away from SWIFT, the likes of Saudi Arabia and India, the latter buys huge quantities of oil from Russia, and sells it onto those idiots in Europe at a higher price, the Shanghai Co-operation and BRICS are making inroads in the ME and Africa, and the USA and its minions can only counter this by the use of violence and theft of resources, disguised as combating terrorism.

The USA fears what China might become, it also fear that its economy will steal a march on its, removing and breaking up Russia would isolate China, which is all but surrounded already with US military bases.


‘We’ are the baddies.

But ‘We’ here is not us, the ordinary people in the West.

None of elected leaders serve us, and they are all the same. We all know it. Our democracies have been totally corrupted and hollowed out.

Why are our leaders all beholden to weirdo nutjobs like Klaus Schwab and the WEF. Why?

Why are the all pushing this mental trans gender woke shite down our throats and down the throats of children (we know why you nonce grooming c**ts).

With leaders like this we don’t need enemies.


Beauvais says:
15 June, 2023 at 11:47 pm
Alba got 5% of 1st preference votes at

Or to put it another way – ALBA got over 10% of the pro-indy vote

A Scot Abroad

Republicofscotland, at 9:32,

Russia and China are both busted flushes. Disastrous economies, disastrous demographics, and both countries viscerally opposed to immigration, so the demographics get worse. China is the fastest aging society in human history. China has by most sane accounting practices three times the level of debt that the USA has, and Russia cannot export as much oil and gas as it used to because it hasn’t got the infrastructure to do so, and it would take decades (and engineering support they won’t get again) to reorient the flows from pipelines to the west to pipelines to the east or south. It’s only selling oil in limited quantities to India because it’s only got limited capacity to put it on tankers, rather than pushing it through pipelines.

You need to learn some facts.


Just look at the number they are currently doing on Germany…

They are effectively deindustrializing the country while ensuring native Germans will be a minority in the Germany. This is not an exaggeration.

link to

Closing down vastly productive and efficient farms in the Netherlands under the guise of green policies… suuure.

Bombing Nord Stream II. Our greatest ally bombed a NATO members critical energy infrastructure and then sells them their vastly overpriced gas instead… gee what a great pal.

All while pussyboy Scholz tugs his forelock… Germany is just an occupied country and it is very obvious seeing all this unfold.

Time to wake up folks.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:16 June, 2023 at 9:32 am

isolate China, which is all but surrounded already with US military bases

Good grief RoS. Don’t you have an atlas in yer hoose? Check out China and where its borders lie.

But that aside, here’s a wee quote from Breeks at 6:03:

hypersonic Dagger Missiles, the “Carrier Destroyers” on ostensibly low grade targets in YooKrane? “Maybe” to give the US Navy the same goosebumps the US Military has been given. “Hey US Air Defence, stop this”.

Who knows? Perhaps that strike alone prevented a war starting in the Taiwan Straight

My interpretation of this combined-forces mince is that you both believe the USA is planning to invade China. And that’s a conspiracy too far, even for here.

You share with Breeks your reluctance to articulate just what your desired end result will do for Scottish Indy, so I will extend the same invitation to you I extended to Breeks above:

I call for total victory for Vlad because it will boost support for Scottish Indy due to ……..

You’ve had 18 months to work out your reasons RoS, so let’s hear them.


If China has debt it could never pay off and 10’s millions where to go hungry what might they do and what could their millions of soldiers and advanced technology do.

Is the debt with the IMF or the Rothschild’s or whoever so if they default what do they do?
Send in 3 hulking great bailiffs to take away their TV, freeze their bank account, threaten them with lawyers?

The world sat on their hands with their mouths shut when China invaded Tibet shooting anyone who protested.

If they do it to the next country would anything else happen?

James Che


The reasons all infiltrated governments and politicians go along with this nonsense,

Because they have been highly paid indirectly to pick up the brown envelope package full of cash, That has the topic They have to speak about wrote on it,

You have to look at the return to sender address,

John Main

@Mac says:16 June, 2023 at 9:58 am

A couple of corrections:

Latest evidence suggests 404 blew the pipelines. Put your logical hat on and 404 was always the most likely culprit – being in danger of existential annihilation makes people rise to extreme acts. So, motive and evidence. Clear enough.

Germany isn’t occupied, it merely lacks the guts to defend itself. Germany has yet to wean itself off the unaffordable and unsustainable luxury of voting for politicians who are not “serious people”. Very much like Scotland in that regard, as Oor Kirsty makes crystal clear.

Time to wake up folks.



Make no mistake we are living in highly significant times right now.

This era is going to be viewed a key pivotal moment in world history. And it is far from clear at this point which way it will play out, for better or for worse.

I personally think the people really pulling the strings in the US have steered it into a huge strategic error, as they have done in Europe. And it appears to be very deliberate sabotage, certainly in Europe’s case.

As a native European it definitely feels like ‘we’ are under attack while being told our real enemy lies to the East. I don’t see it. The real enemy is clearly within. It was not the country to the east that inflicted all this utter gender poison on our children and encouraged them to mutilate themselves.

IMHO we are going to see massive future realignments (this decade) that will likely tear apart NATO and possibly the EU as well.

Whose interests is it in, who profits from Europe and the East tearing lumps out of each other (yet again). Who benefits. Who is fleecing European pensioners through their energy bills. Causing European industries to become uncompetitive and unviable overnight.

When people ‘wake-up’ to what has been done and is being done by our leaders they are going to be incensed and they are right to be. We have been betrayed.

And who was the most woke politician of them all again… the biggest betrayer. No coincidence.


Shut up ASAhole – your ignorance may not embarrass you, it embarrasses me on your behalf, just take a time out FFS; you are like one of those first round competitors in the talent shows, lacking in any self awareness.

– you don’t even understand the mechanism of the petrodollar, this proves any notion you have of geopolitics is nonsense. Do you think all the countries in the world use the dollar because they like BigMacs?

Go and read a fucking book rather than demonstrate what a halfwit you are in public forum – read Brezinski, or going back, Mackinder. Hudson “super imperialism”.

The point is if eurasian integration happens, it is the US which will have to try and start a war; a decrepit old boxer still retains a punch. Then we all find out if the money was well spent, in some proper war against people who can defend themselves. Even “monty” said something clever (when not molesting boys) about fighting a land war in russ-ya or china.

Truly, you don’t need to be smart to be in the army – just a loud voice. You almost said something right a day ago, but I needed to modify it a bit –

“The City of London thrives because it a dodgy tax haven within the UK.

It doesn’t produce anything particularly useful to humanity.”

It is also a pirate haven, technically “sovereign” (which is really important, for some reason?) which has its own laws so it can do what it likes; the City is so dirty, Wall St banks do business over there which the SEC would perp-walk them for. More anglo delusional exceptionalism at every turn; England doesn’t make or produce anything anymore (it is a trace element) – Margaret Thatcher, Milton Friedman – all that, remember?

This conflict between finance and “real economy” aka usury and labour aka real money and fiat rages and bubbles all throughout history, turns democracy into oligarchy and leads to war, between creditors and debtors and nations who don’t want to be scammed anymore, currently, the BRICS.

– nothing new ever really happens. This disintegrates the usual nonsense being peddled – once you see there are almost no good guys, merely power blocs competing for resources, any moral high ground is flattened to salt desert levels and silly stories for what they are, propaganda.

You do need some finance element – credit to get started, the futures contract to see you to the harvest, vanilla stuff – it has a definite function, but has grown enormously beyond anything productive. I came across the claim – mindboggling – that finance in the USA is over 300 times its GDP (a rough measure of “real economics”) and that it could pay for itself (and shortly eliminate the national debt) via a mere 0.1% tax on financial transactions. Imagine that – you could run the country by “widening the spread” and sending a slice back to the treasury. Tobin taxes will never happen though, because the politicans work for the city, and want a nice feed post politics.

– if you find this level of thinking dull, then you can always revert to John Main and his commando comics level of discourse; I was always a “warlord” kid myself – killer kane, union jack jackson, but I was 8 years old at the time. I would invite all warmongers to volunteer themselves and their entire families for whatever foreign moral causes they find so very important – it will provide a useful filtration to the gene pool.


Main @10.14am.

On Scots indy and Taiwan, one has nothing to do with the other. The so called ally of Taiwan the USA has stated, though not publicly that it would blow up Taiwan’s semi-conductor industry rather than let it fall into the hands of the Chinese, I wonder what the Taiwanese think of that.

Staying on blowing thinks up 404 blew up two dams the first to impede their citizens in Kherson who want to come under the Russia’s federation at the second dam was destroyed to make it difficult for supplies to reach Crimea.

Charles (not the R one)

I am sure all Wings readers will be THRILLED when they learn that “The King” has appointed Camilla Parker-Bowles – sorry, The Queen, to the Order of the Thistle.

No jokes about ‘pricks’ please.


“Russia and China are both busted flushes.”


I’m pretty sure Washington and Westminster are rather surprised that the roughly 15,000 sanctions against Russia haven’t quite been as effective as they’d hoped they’d be.

Of course sanctions are a form of war by other means and Washington and Westminster have used them to good effect in the past which have led to the deaths of thousands.

Currently the sanctions on Russia are having a disastrous effect on Europe which has seen the price of everything rise, worse still is the effects they’ve had on the Third World countries, with Europe taking all but 3% of 404’s wheat leading to many people starving in those countries.

As for Russian assets it would appear that Russia has tilted further to the East selling its mineral assets there, to our detriment, thanks to Westminster, Washington and the idiots in Brussels.

Charles (not the R one)

I am sure all Wings readers will be THRILLED when they learn that “The King” has appointed Camilla Parker-Bowles – sorry, The Queen, to the Order of the Thistle.

No jokes about ‘pricks’ on thistles please.

John Main

@RoS 2:22

Not the first time you have claimed to know what governments and politicians are saying privately.

I say, publicly, Bull Shit.

John Main

@Confused 12:39

Why are you on this site?

As a peace monger, you can sit at home, smiling benignly at the colonists and the oppressors.

I would invite you and all who think like you to volunteer your worldly goods, even your families, to those who want to profit from your labour and your assets.

Put up a sign on your door: “No warmongers here – come in and help yourself”.


“I say, publicly, Bull Shit.”

link to

John Main

Poor try Republic. Not a “private” scoop, is it.

And the click bait public main story is then denied about three quarters of the way through, where the article admits destroying the factories would be unnecessary.

Of course, you can’t see any of this clear, because your love and admiration for the PRC is so great you can’t grasp the idea that Taiwan might think differently.

Ian Stewart

Holy moly Stu! Thats some haircut.

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