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Archive for the ‘investigation’

Fashion And Crisis Hits New York 83

Posted on April 16, 2023 by

As the SNP burns down around their ears, nothing stops the gravy bus. But even as they gallivant gaily around another “Tartan Week” junket in the USA, one might have thought the Constitution Minister would have shied away from this particular photo-op.

Let’s find out why.

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An unforeseen emergency 120

Posted on April 15, 2023 by

A reader has sent us an interesting follow-up to yesterday’s article.

Let’s just check what we’re being told there.

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Progress to nowhere 160

Posted on April 14, 2023 by

Alert readers may be familiar with the market research and polling company Progress Scotland. Readers of The National certainly will be, as the semi-newspaper has run over 120 stories about it, most of them around the company’s creation in early 2019.

The company was formed by Angus Robertson, at the time an unemployed former SNP MP after he lost his Moray seat in the 2017 election, and its stated goal was to persuade those not yet fully decided.

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When you’re already gone 308

Posted on April 12, 2023 by

So it turned out there was very little new information in this story.

But the tiny bit there was raises an extremely disproportionate number of issues.

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Standing on quicksand 143

Posted on April 11, 2023 by

So let’s just recap where we are with this.

Because it really doesn’t look very good.

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Stranger Things 364

Posted on April 05, 2023 by

Well, what an odd day that’s been.

Because for a start, if you’re the one person in Scotland who believes the above, please drop us a line. We’d love to have a chat with you.

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Lipstick On Your Collar 338

Posted on April 05, 2023 by

Until a few weeks ago Calum Steele was the chief of the Scottish Police Federation, so as due-credits go we particularly appreciate this one.

So let’s remind ourselves of a few things.

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At the edge of the deep blue sea 76

Posted on April 04, 2023 by

So a week and a bit after the deadline, this arrived.

And it’s not quite what you were told before.

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Inside The Cult 161

Posted on April 03, 2023 by

In June of last year, I started work at Transport Scotland. It wasn’t the best job I’ve ever had. It was pretty much an entry-level post and it was only a temp gig through an agency, but after spending almost six years out of the workforce following a bout with cancer, two frozen shoulders, and chronic knee and hip pain, it was a huge relief just to be earning my keep again.

Of course, June is Pride Month, and Saltire (the Scottish Government’s intranet) was full of news and blogs about “LGBTI+” issues.

Also on the Saltire front page was a prominent invitation to two training sessions to understand the issues facing these groups: “LGBT+ Awareness 101” and “Trans 101”.

These were both run by the LGBTI+ Network, one of several “affinity networks” for civil servants belonging to different groups. With the GRR Bill on the horizon, and having heard stories about how difficult it had been for gender critical groups to get a hearing from the Government in relation to it, I was very curious to hear what this training involved, and I signed up to attend via Teams.

The first session was “LGBT+ Awareness 101”. This session was fairly inoffensive. The content regarding gay people was about what you would expect, and the T+ stuff was clearly biased, but not terrible.

However, the tone of the event suggested quite strongly that you weren’t meant to disagree with anything that was said. Towards the end, when questions were invited, I typed my question into the chat:

“How does the Scottish Government handle conflicts between TERFs and trans people?”

And there my troubles began.

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The Smell Of It 113

Posted on March 26, 2023 by

This is the second time Wings Over Scotland has asked Police Scotland a question through the proper official channels, only to read the response in the tabloid press before we’d heard it firsthand (which we still haven’t, incidentally, several days after the 28-day deadline expired).

But the sidebar piece in today’s Sunday Mail raises more questions than it answers.

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Spinning the wheel 439

Posted on March 22, 2023 by

We’ve been thinking about it since last night, and we’re not sure if Humza Yousaf now still has ANY of the policies he started the leadership election with.

But this one‘s got us extra-specially perplexed, since at the start it was pretty much the main unique selling point he was hanging his whole campaign on.

Maybe you can help us out, readers.

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Cleaning the stables 114

Posted on March 19, 2023 by

So we were a couple of days early on this one.

In fairness to the Scottish press, it’s had a lot of stuff to fit in recently.

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    • twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Well done Sarah in NOT letting the naysayers beat you down, you have explained the aim of the Liberation movement…Mar 16, 03:46
    • twathater on Meet The FILTH: “I posted this response on the previous post re your previous comment,as you are still carrying on regurgitating your usual…Mar 16, 03:28
    • twathater on Signal and noise: “Bastard TAX John MOAN I wouldn’t expect anything less of a response from you, you are well known by everyone…Mar 16, 03:01
    • Young Lochinvar on Meet The FILTH: “Oh well, I’ll ask as everyone else is flirting round the subject like moths and a light bulb.. Did she/it/…Mar 15, 23:45
    • Cynicus on Meet The FILTH: ““I’d be willing to give Stephen Flynn the benefit of the doubt” ========= Why? What makes this shifty snake-oil salesman…Mar 15, 23:33
    • Andy Storrie on Meet The FILTH: “Fcuk sake, Campbell. Support for breaking free from the failed state, disloyal, unrecognisable, hostile UK is riding at over 50%!…Mar 15, 22:23
    • Young Lochinvar on Meet The FILTH: “KT Because they hedge their bets thereby sidestepping nasty surprises on the constituency vote wher voters give them a clear…Mar 15, 22:14
    • Young Lochinvar on Meet The FILTH: “I’d imagine blow-ins would be welcome to stay or blow-out as takes their fancy. Just don’t expect us all to…Mar 15, 22:08
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: “Can but try, IB! I see that Through a Scottish Prism tomorrow has a slot for the Liberation case. Previously…Mar 15, 22:01
    • agent x on Meet The FILTH: “Of course the name missing is Mhairi Black – the First Minister in waiting, the saviour of Scotland, the foul…Mar 15, 21:58
    • Ian Brotherhood on Meet The FILTH: “@sarah – Good on ye for plugging away. Slowly, slowly, catchee that proverbial. 🙂Mar 15, 21:39
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Nah. We’ll channel our inner Musk and maybe fire you from the jobs you’re doing. After a month or so,…Mar 15, 20:51
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: “GOOD NEWS. To adapt a quote from a well-known figure, “the more fronts the UK has to firefight on, the…Mar 15, 20:33
    • George Ferguson on Meet The FILTH: “@Hatey McHateface I have agreed with you in the past on this subject. Naivety in Holyrood thinks it’s a well…Mar 15, 19:59
    • George Ferguson on Meet The FILTH: “@Hatey McHateface I have agreed with you in the past on this subject. Naivety in Holyrood thinks it’s a well…Mar 15, 19:52
    • KT Lorimer on Meet The FILTH: “Why are you all thinking about the list – look at who is standing down – how many are presumed…Mar 15, 19:24
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: “My favourite as like for like replacement – Alyn Smith. Marco Biagi almost meets the criteria but perhaps lacks the…Mar 15, 18:43
    • willie on Meet The FILTH: “Sturgeon is standing down. And well she might because suggestion is that save for a list seat Sturgeon will be…Mar 15, 18:38
    • Glesga Jim on Meet The FILTH: “Does anybody know who is the favourite to stand in Sturgeon’s seat? I’m just wondering who we’re going to have…Mar 15, 18:05
    • Yoon Scum on Meet The FILTH: “I assume that colonisers like. myself will be deported in your dream ScotlandMar 15, 17:35
    • Young Lochinvar on Meet The FILTH: “Mendacious McCarthyism face. You’ll get in trouble with your handlers talking like that y’all..Mar 15, 17:31
    • Garavelli Princip on Signal and noise: “Mia, I think you are being slightly unfair to the late, great Alex Salmond. How she presented herself to him…Mar 15, 16:51
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: “I believe Robin McAlpine similarly debunked the “cunning wheezes for Indy” pushers not that long ago. I suggest you check…Mar 15, 16:40
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: “There’s plenty of articles online explaining how Trump could crash the Irish economy overnight if he chooses to do so.…Mar 15, 16:26
    • diabloandco on Meet The FILTH: “Excellent Alf!Mar 15, 16:25
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: “Runrig, the Proclaimers. Wow. So Grok’s in her fifties then. At least. She doesn’t seem to have heard about the…Mar 15, 16:15
    • twathater on Signal and noise: “@ Sarah MaryB, yet our esteemed host the fount of inumerable investigative and explosive articles showing the despicable actions of…Mar 15, 16:01
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Perhaps UK media simply beg to differ. Perhaps UK media are crystal clear that Indy will simply swap one set…Mar 15, 15:43
    • Alf Baird on Meet The FILTH: “UK media blackout on the big news that independence means decolonization, and SNP leadership none the wiser: 15, 15:26
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