Much of Scotland, and indeed the rest of the UK and beyond (the story below ran in the London Standard), has been grimly gripped this week by the ongoing and scarcely believable trainwreck that is Sandie Peggie Vs NHS Fife.
The tribunal has now overrun the time allotted to it, and will reconvene for another 10 days in the second half of July, ramping up the already considerable costs incurred by NHS Fife, which is in the middle of a huge financial crisis.
According to legal experts, there is little doubt about the law surrounding the dispute. NHS Fife is clearly and unambiguously in the wrong – Dr Beth Upton, the transwoman at the centre of the problem, is legally as well as biologically male, and had no lawful entitlement to be in a female changing room. The authority also appears to be in very considerable potential trouble over failing to disclose key documents and evidence when ordered by the original judge.
So it seems remarkable that the board of NHS Fife is allowing the case to continue rather than immediately conceding to save money and any more public humiliation of both itself and its staff, like the hapless nurse manager Esther Davidson who endured a very uncomfortable two days in the witness box this week, and the clearly manifestly incompetent Equality And Human Rights Lead Officer, Isla Bumba, who yesterday deleted her LinkedIn page after being identified as the person who gave Davidson incorrect and unlawful guidance.
We’ll give you three guesses as to the highly controversial and extravagantly taxpayer-funded organisation that has its rainbow fingerprints all over this story, readers.
Everyone even remotely connected to Scottish politics has known for months that the below is the case. It’s an open secret.
But what’s playing out right now is something much bigger than the fate of one or two or three individuals. It’s the entire future of the credibility of Scotland’s justice system.
Astonishingly, there isn’t a single word of apology anywhere in this statement.
There isn’t a scintilla of contrition, not the tiniest glimmer of admission of culpability or responsibility. There isn’t even a weasel-worded expression of “regret”.
Rape Crisis Scotland is unfit for purpose, and its CEO must resign.
In the 1990s, Dr. Robert Smith, a surgeon at Falkirk Royal Infirmary, performed a pair of amputations on two men. Neither of the men involved had anything physically wrong with them, but both were suffering from apotemnophilia – a rare psychiatric condition involving the desire to have healthy limbs amputated.
Sufferers, counterintuitively, claim not to feel “whole” with four limbs and obsess over having their unwanted body parts chopped off. Smith argued the surgeries were life-saving, claiming the patients would commit suicide otherwise.
Apotemnophiles, like autogynephiles, insist that there is no erotic element, but it was later discovered that one of the men Smith operated on ran an amputee fetish website.
But in fact the headline on the STV News website – whether intentionally, through innocent misunderstanding or, as we suspect, a result of being deliberately misled by government ministers – is a flat-out lie.
In fact the Scottish Government has done the exact opposite. It has taken Dr Hilary Cass’s four-year report and set it on fire, so that it can continue to irreversibly destroy the lives of Scottish children in the name of gender ideology.
You’d have to be living in a pretty strict prison not to have heard the big story from today’s Olympics in Paris, in which male Algerian cheat Imane Khelefi was put in a boxing ring with young Italian woman Angela Carini and allowed to hit her in the head for 46 seconds until she retired, in tears and in fear for her safety, saying “I had to preserve my life”.
Sound like your kind of fun, men? It’s surprisingly easy!
The average rape sentence in Scotland is seven years, so to get six years plus three years’ supervision for the technically lesser crime of sexual assaults means they must have been pretty grim ones.
So we know that Cameron Downing is a very bad man. Which does rather invite the question of why he was so popular in the SNP.
Last week’s controversy around the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre put the spotlight on the need for single-sex services to protect vulnerable women, but it’s very far from the only example of how Scottish women are being let down in this regard by both the Scottish Government and civic organisations.
The homelessness system in Scotland has collapsed. Emergency accommodation is dangerous, sub-standard, and overcrowded. There has been an epidemic of deaths in hotels and B&Bs in recent years.
George Ferguson on Meet The FILTH: “@Sven Agreed Salmond ran a competent Government. It seems a long time ago now.” Mar 16, 18:59
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Ah’m sorry, twathater. Ah must have forgot the hundreds of thousands of Scots on the streets protesting about the delay…” Mar 16, 18:25
Peter McAvoy on The plainest sight: “Why were the disclosure certificates or its English equivalents and PVGs ignored. This is a failure of the state to…” Mar 16, 18:19
twathater on The plainest sight: “I think you’ll find that OUR deviants and perverts in Holyrood have watched the long long long list of deviants…” Mar 16, 18:17
twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Hey big mooth , when was the LAST time YOU took to the streets, you’re starting to sound like yer…” Mar 16, 17:40
sarah on Meet The FILTH: ““The less talent they have, the more pride, vanity and arrogance they have. All these fools, however, find other fools…” Mar 16, 17:33
twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Sandy I do hope you are not coming on to WOS to continue fluffing for the LYING bastard party Liebour,…” Mar 16, 17:30
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Sandy Howden – it astonishes me that Colin Beattie is standing again given his performance as Party Treasurer and…” Mar 16, 17:26
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Robert Hughes – thanks for the words of appreciation! About all I can do is try to boost numbers…” Mar 16, 17:10
diabloandco on The plainest sight: “It’s all very well you exposing these foul folk but sadly the MSM doesn’t seem to bother its arse exposing…” Mar 16, 16:53
John C on The plainest sight: “Ireland should go down for a long, long time yet much of the media that praised him are ignoring his…” Mar 16, 16:51
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Breeks: I read AS comment entirely differently! I feel the momentum is with the grassroots activists and they should…” Mar 16, 16:46
dearieme on The plainest sight: “Coo! I had expected that any sneering at the bad folk of Surrey would involve banter directed at supporters of…” Mar 16, 15:46
Mia on The plainest sight: ““Follow the money/ pink dollar..” Absolutely. I am more worried about something else, though. That money might not be the…” Mar 16, 15:43
Mia on The plainest sight: ““Follow the money/ pink dollar..” Absolutely. I am more worried about something else, though. That money might not be the…” Mar 16, 15:41
Mia on The plainest sight: “Disgusting paedophiles cosying up to the police and being promoted and funded by governments with our money, for goodness sake.…” Mar 16, 15:30
Young Lochinvar on The plainest sight: “A couple of questions; How much public money do these various groups/ organisations get from government? How much in donations…” Mar 16, 15:17
twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Well said Robert, uncomfortable truths sometimes have to be aired, but as usual we will have the assortment of yoonionists…” Mar 16, 15:05
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “MSM reporting an estimated 325,000 Serbs protested against the behaviour of their government yesterday. “they are asking for … the…” Mar 16, 14:43
Willie on The plainest sight: “All I can say is that any middle aged man who rapes a 12 year old boy is an absolute…” Mar 16, 14:09
Lorn on The plainest sight: “The PDF Information Exchange (acronym: pastry filled with meat or fruit) latched on to the LGB movement several decades ago…” Mar 16, 13:49
Hatey McHateface on The plainest sight: “Channelling my inner Braveheart here: FFFFRRRRRREEEEEEEEEDDDDDOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! From the Scots who shame, abuse and oppress us all.” Mar 16, 13:29
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “Good man, twathater. It is difficult sometimes as I know well but we must try to overlook personality differences and…” Mar 16, 12:53
Anne on The plainest sight: “It’s good that you overturn these stones Wings,so many turn a blind eye . I feel sick” Mar 16, 12:41
sarah on The plainest sight: “What more can we do to make the government, councils, police, schools etc etc understand this subject and then act?…” Mar 16, 12:40
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Socrates MacSporran: Totally agree – Holyrood currently is only a pretendy wee parliament. And why didn’t the 56 MPs…” Mar 16, 12:29
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “MSM reporting The Donald has been “consulting closely with the UN and taking direction from that international body” overnight. Haha,…” Mar 16, 11:48
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Agreed 100% Sven. In retrospect, a golden age. Of course, Alex Salmond was very much a “broad kirk” politician. He…” Mar 16, 11:37
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Bob ripping the “pro-war vampiric bloodsuckers” new ones here. Then hoping for blood to be spilled a couple of posts…” Mar 16, 11:24