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Bespoilers Of Graves 266

Posted on November 03, 2024 by

From here, the top of the barrel is so far away that you can’t see so much as a pinprick of daylight through the most powerful pair of binoculars.

In a moving epitaph a few days ago, the widely-respected Professor James Mitchell of the University Of Glasgow noted of Alex Salmond that:

“He could be irascible and did not put up with fools […] He was impatient with lazy journalism […] and did not hide it. We can still see the consequences in some of the obituaries and commentary that reveal more about the writers than the subject”.

Mandy Rhodes of Holyrood magazine concurred, saying:

“In the clamour for commentators to vent their loathing, there have been too many sour column inches that have framed a man’s premature death around the egos of the journalists that have penned them.

Too great an appetite to rescue the words that were once filed and then spiked following a trial that didn’t give them the verdict they had prepared for. Too much haste to use his passing as the opportunity to seek revenge for a tongue-lashing or a put-down that they had never forgotten.”

And so, then, to Carlos Alba.

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That worth remembering 348

Posted on October 29, 2024 by

Alex Salmond will be laid to rest in the green turf of Aberdeenshire today in a quiet and dignified private ceremony. (A public celebration of his life will take place next month.)

Most of Scotland’s press and commentariat beclowned itself shamefully after his death just as it did during his life, but below is a (regrettably short) collection of those who did otherwise and who deserve to be noted honourably beside the man himself.

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A Delicate Art 255

Posted on October 26, 2024 by

Redaction is a tricky business, and comes with numerous pitfalls even if you’re being careful, which not everyone is. If you’re involved in creating a document you know will have to be redacted, there are a variety of safeguarding approaches you can adopt.

When I worked on a videogames magazine called Amiga Power in the 1990s, we ran a fun comedy feature about censorship. But because the company that published the magazine had had some unfortunate mishaps in the field, we took extra care by typing all the “offensive” words as random-length strings of Xs when we wrote the article.

And it was lucky that we did, because as you can see in the feature’s strapline, the art department misaligned the red redaction bar on some of them, and if there’d been a sweary in there it would have been easily identified.

Another way to go is to simply slap down some black ink and hope for the best.

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The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland 325

Posted on October 21, 2024 by

Are listed below:

Click the pic to enlarge, if you want to lose the will to live.

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The fleas on the ticks on the midgets 310

Posted on October 16, 2024 by

Wherever you find giants, you also find parasites, bottom-feeders and carrion. When a mighty lion dies in the jungle, tiny creeping crawling maggots and insects and bacteria feast gleefully on its corpse for many days.

Which naturally brings us to the Scottish media.

The above paragraphs of cowardly innuendo and baseless speculative smearing were penned by Severin Carrell and Libby Brooks in the Guardian on Monday. (They’re not from the ironically-headed “Appreciation” that the same two hacks wrote for Sunday’s Observer, in which they audaciously claimed that Salmond’s success was down to Nicola Sturgeon).

They sneakily imply that Salmond was guilty not only of the sexual assaults of which he was cleared in court, but also of an unspecified number of unnamed others, and make assertions of “disturbing evidence about his personal conduct” without specifying what that evidence or conduct might have been.

Naively, we’d imagined that as repulsive as those lines are – though not surprising, as Brooks has always been a keen participant in the whispering campaign from allies of Sturgeon trying to discredit the trial verdict – they were as bad as things would get.

We weren’t even close.

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The Giant 461

Posted on October 13, 2024 by

It’s hard to write an obituary for someone you can’t quite believe is dead.

But we must look the truth in the eyes, and it is so.

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The King And Queen Of Cringe 260

Posted on October 11, 2024 by

Honestly not sure which of these is the most nauseating.

Click the pic to enlarge, if you can stomach it.

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Two Spaces 126

Posted on October 10, 2024 by

Everyone even remotely connected to Scottish politics has known for months that the below is the case. It’s an open secret.

But what’s playing out right now is something much bigger than the fate of one or two or three individuals. It’s the entire future of the credibility of Scotland’s justice system.

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Coping with change 212

Posted on October 07, 2024 by

Just a quick bit of housekeeping here with regard to the new Wings comments section, which offers far more functionality but has also attracted a few complaints because it’s no longer a straight chronology of oldest-to-newest tweets.

(We could actually change that back, but the cost would be losing the ability to reply directly to individual comments, which is a big loss, so we’re leaving it as it is for now.)

To those beefing because that means you can’t now immediately tell which comments are new, a couple of helpful pointers. The easiest way to fix the problem is a simple one: keep the tab open.

If you keep the most recent page open in a tab on your browser, the Comment Bubble (visible at the bottom left of that pic) will keep track of all new comments – it refreshes every 30 seconds – and highlight them for you in yellow until you’ve read them.

(The little orange circle should take you to the first unread one if you click it.)

Sadly the Bubble stops working if you close the tab or navigate to a new page from it, but since most people have scores of tabs open at a time that shouldn’t be a problem. So there you go.

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Things happen slowly 102

Posted on October 06, 2024 by

When times are quiet in Scottish politics, as they currently are, our favourite genre of story is “mainstream press belatedly catches up with Wings Over Scotland”. And so to this morning’s front page splash in the Sunday Mail.

The rumour mill has been grinding about Operation Branchform developments again in the last few days, although we’ve seen too many false dawns now to get overly excited about that. But the Mail’s story sounded awfully familiar.

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The whole caboodle 114

Posted on October 05, 2024 by

While we get on with some tinkering behind the scenes in the absence of any Scottish political news – we have an exciting new comment system and the Contact form finally works again! – readers may wish to enjoy the full marathon three-and-a-quarter hours of last month’s fun indyref anniversary event at the Glasgow Science Centre.

If not, probably don’t click on those links.

Holiday Boy is… well, you can guess.

To Save Your Time 180

Posted on September 26, 2024 by

Let us not be ungracious about the use of the term “leading figures” here.

But equally, let’s not waste too much attention.

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    Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)

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    • factchecker on Once more around: ““England has never been part of the EU” That is factually incorrect. England’s territory was part of the EU until…Jan 2, 18:32
    • twathater on Once more around: “What happened to ALL those EU citizens who lived , worked and paid taxes in the uk but were then…Jan 2, 18:32
    • Dan on Once more around: “Hey CC, I see you’re still posting highly selective bollox. “The Ipsos poll shows that almost 40% of Scottish Labour’s…Jan 2, 18:31
    • gregor on Once more around: “NOTHING TO DECLARE: Louder Than Words: Savior: “We’re not the same Yet we still pretend we are Living in this…Jan 2, 18:30
    • Mia on Once more around: ““You’re assuming (without any evidence I can see) that the poll was just some online poll in The National” You…Jan 2, 18:27
    • twathater on Once more around: “All good words but when you invite the foxes into the henhouse and give them votes on the future of…Jan 2, 18:14
    • Dan on Once more around: “ 2, 18:09
    • sarah on Once more around: “It is very interesting that Winnie Ewing talked in terms of the transfer being a breach of the Treaty of…Jan 2, 18:09
    • sarah on Once more around: “Sorry! Lloyd Quinan not Neale Hanvey. It was on a TASP that Lloyd said it.Jan 2, 17:59
    • gregor on Once more around: “Wow, 2 nasty anti-social-human fu**s are lurking in the shadows (like a glowing nuclear powered Neon Red sign – stuck…Jan 2, 17:56
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Once more around: “Link to PDF of original Westminster legislation: 1999 No. 1126 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW DEVOLUTION, SCOTLAND The Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order…Jan 2, 17:56
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Once more around: “Thanks Sarah. The ‘Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order’ came into force on 13 April 1999. As I understand it, Neale…Jan 2, 17:50
    • factchecker on Once more around: “Then we will have to question why is it that Scotland, despite having the largest coastline in of the UK…Jan 2, 17:41
    • Campbell Clansman on Once more around: “Eliminate the SNP as a pro-Indy Party and that leaves Alba, which got 1.8% on the poll for constituency voting…Jan 2, 17:35
    • Andy Ellis on Once more around: “You’re assuming (without any evidence I can see) that the poll was just some online poll in The National. From…Jan 2, 17:35
    • Campbell Clansman on Once more around: “Andy, the actual numbers are findable on that website. You are citing their “summary”, not the actual numbers. BTW the…Jan 2, 17:32
    • Mia on Once more around: “I appreciate and understand all what you say, but, currently, to comment in the National or to vote in some…Jan 2, 17:29
    • Andy Ellis on Once more around: “Scotland has a lot more going for it than Slovakia in 1995. What most British nationalists refuse to engage with…Jan 2, 17:22
    • Mia on Once more around: ““Is that the same as “giving a warning”?” No. Seeding fear is to deliberately present only one side of the…Jan 2, 17:15
    • Andy Ellis on Once more around: “The company who carried out the polling (Find Out Now) say it was a representative sample and from their website…Jan 2, 17:10
    • factchecker on Once more around: “I note that Slovakia applied to join in 1995 and achieved membership in 2004. Of course Scotland can establish a…Jan 2, 17:06
    • Mia on Once more around: ““Pro-Indy parties (SNP and Alba)” The SNP ceased to be a pro-independence party on the 14 November 2014, the day…Jan 2, 16:56
    • gregor on Once more around: “Keep down-voting if you hate the notion of unification/being as one – Keep showing Scotland/humanity the enemy…Jan 2, 16:53
    • Andy Ellis on Once more around: “Doesn’t look like the detail is on the Find Out Now site yet: I notice you (intentionally?) omitted the…Jan 2, 16:52
    • factchecker on Once more around: “It depends how you define “seeding fear”. Is that the same as “giving a warning”? Of course transfusions/transplants etc would…Jan 2, 16:51
    • Mia on Once more around: “How much is the debt England produces? How much is England’s expenditure? How much of the so called “UK” expenditure,…Jan 2, 16:41
    • Dan on Once more around: “Aye, but you’re not really painting the whole picture with that obvious unionist trying to be a smart arse line…Jan 2, 16:41
    • Geri on Once more around: “Yes & another would be to ask to see England’s GER report & why they don’t have one? & why…Jan 2, 16:35
    • Campbell Clansman on Once more around: “The latest poll, released Dec. 31st, has the following for the next Holyrood election: Pro-Indy parties (SNP and Alba): 33.1%…Jan 2, 16:26
    • sam on Once more around: “Mia, I doubt if anyone will ever face manslaughter charges for austerity policies “Social murder is a concept used to…Jan 2, 16:17
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