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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for April, 2013

Counting with Unionists 91

Posted on April 26, 2013 by

We already know that the No camp has, shall we say, a bit of difficulty when it comes to basic arithmetic. But rarely do they demonstrate it so eagerly as they did last night.


We very much appreciate their helping to make our job easier.

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We haven’t forgotten 88

Posted on April 25, 2013 by

You’ve probably noticed there’s been quite a lot going on here recently, but we’re not neglecting the wonderful people who contributed to our hugely successful fundraiser.


The first version of our Credits page is now live.

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There goes the fear 65

Posted on April 25, 2013 by

We’re indebted to an alert reader (as previously noted, we default to not naming people who send us tip-offs and the like so as not to get them in trouble at work or anything, but will happily credit you if you ask) for an excellent piece of initiative today.

“16 April 2013

Dear Ministry of Defence,

A couple of weeks ago the PM told us we were at threat of nuclear attack by North Korea. Living in Glasgow, what is the procedure if they do launch, where do I go? How do the MOD protect us – can they shoot the missile down? How will I know we are under attack? If they do launch, Trident isn’t much use, is it? Can Trident shoot down a missile? The South Koreans have Patriot missiles, do we? Are they any good? What are you doing to protect Glasgow?

Yours faithfully and very concerned,
[alert WingsLand reader]”

You can read the MoD’s reply below. Our emphases, as always.

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The clear blue waters of the Clyde 189

Posted on April 24, 2013 by

Much as we like to mock Scottish Labour for their deep-seated terror of stating a firm policy position on any subject whatsoever (other than “SNP BAD”, of course), we have to give credit where it’s due. Last weekend, Johann Lamont finally comprehensively addressed a subject she’s been ducking since before this website even existed.


Under the inquisitorial gaze of the BBC’s remorseless Brian Taylor, Lamont bit the bullet and laid out her position once and for all, in simple plain-speaking terms, on Britain’s nuclear deterrent. The BBC website is a little bit flaky with video, so we’ve transcribed the six-minute exchange for you below. Let that be an end to the matter.

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Who do you love? 103

Posted on April 24, 2013 by

Amazingly, it’s now been a whole year (plus two days) since we unexpectedly found ourselves top of a poll of most-read Scottish political blogs conducted by Scot Goes Pop. As we’ve now got a pretty sizeable readership, we thought it might be interesting to pick up the baton and conduct a similar survey for ourselves this year.

Below is a list of all the active Scottish political blogs we could think of. (We’ve been fairly liberal with the definition of “active”, hence the inclusion of LabourHame.) The criteria were pretty simple – the content of each site had to be chiefly about Scottish politics, and it had to be a proper website/blog (so we’ve excluded writers who are exclusively newspaper columnists with no site of their own, which knocked out the likes of Ian Bell, Alan Cochrane and Kevin McKenna). Facebook doesn’t cut it.


(We’ve included as many Unionist blogs/sites as we could find, but they’re remarkably thin on the ground, as we noted around the turn of the year. Even the once-tireless Councillor Alex “Braveheart” Gallagher has given up since last October.)

If you’re unfamiliar with any of the sites listed, you’ll find most of them in our links column over to the right. In the first poll (about which blogs you actually read on a regular basis in 2013) you can tick as many boxes as you like, and in the second we’d like you to choose your single favourite. Both polls close at midnight on Sunday.

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Forbidden fruit 36

Posted on April 24, 2013 by

It’s funny what you find when you’re not looking for it. As a result of a piece we wrote yesterday, we found ourselves tracking back through some older posts to check a couple of facts, and stumbled across something quite interesting.


Within certain limited parameters of “interesting”, of course.

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How’s that working out for you? 75

Posted on April 23, 2013 by

The Scotsman reports today the less-than-astonishing news that the Orange Order plans to take the (Ulster Says) No side in the independence debate, lining up with such other lovely “Better Together” bedfellows as the BNP, National Front and UKIP in a coalition of all the most likeable aspects of Britishness.


In the light of this exciting and important development, we couldn’t help but wonder how their last attempt at influencing Scottish politics had gone.

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Are you ready to be heartbroken? 98

Posted on April 23, 2013 by

An alert reader pointed us this morning to an Ipsos Mori poll from last week that seemed to escape most of the media’s attention. As well as mirroring numerous recent surveys showing Labour’s lead over the Conservatives collapsing, it asked a rather more specific question.


Long-time readers may recall a piece this site wrote back in September 2012 about the “Kinnock Factor”, a well-documented phenomenon in British politics by which the electorate, when it comes to the crunch of a general election, invariably rejects parties whose leaders it doesn’t like – even if the party itself is well ahead in the polls.

And in that context, Ipsos had nothing but bad news for Ed Miliband.

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A definitive position 40

Posted on April 23, 2013 by

Here’s some more from Johann Lamont’s recent BBC interview (18m 20s).


BRIAN TAYLOR: Will a Labour government repeal the bedroom tax?

JOHANN LAMONT: Well, what we’ve been very clear about is that this is, em, deeply damaging to very many families. I’ve had examples of young people with learning disabilities living in supported accommodation who are now paying more. That is simply unacceptable.

As answers go we suppose it’s not exactly “Yes” or “No”, but it definitely sounds like we’ve got a firm and specific commitment coming up any second now, readers!

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From the cradle to the grave 42

Posted on April 23, 2013 by

Johann Lamont, interviewed on the BBC last weekend:


“You can understand the desirability of people having access to medicines, but everybody knows there are tough choices being made now.” (10m 19s)

That’s the “leader of the Labour Party in Scotland”, there, seemingly equivocal on the principle of “people having access to medicines”. Nye Bevin must be proud.

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Recycle, repackage, repeat 112

Posted on April 23, 2013 by

It would appear that we’ve reached the point where the anti-independence campaign has officially run out of arguments, and is being forced to reissue its Greatest Hits.


The headline on the left is from January 2012, the one on the right is yesterday’s.

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A simple guide 55

Posted on April 22, 2013 by


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