Tidying up
Right, as promised, one last piece of admin. (This post will be removed in due time.)
We left yesterday’s piece and the associated poll up for two full days to make sure the people who don’t read Wings at weekends saw it and had the chance to vote in it too. But in truth it was pretty obvious how the vote would go from about 20 minutes in.
Like, that’s not even a little bit close.
So the remainder of the Wings Fighting Fund will be used to commission occasional opinion polls until it runs out or until (ha) a second indyref becomes a reality, whichever happens first. However, almost everyone who gave a reason for voting “Oppose” (and quite a few who voted “Support”) said they did so because they wanted me to keep the money for myself.
That wasn’t offered as an option in the poll, because I’m not the SNP or Kezia Dugdale – that money was donated and meant to be used to in some way further the cause of independence, not buy me Lamborghinis (at the time of writing my 17-year-old Mini is still doing stellar service) or country cottages.
However, lots of people in the comments also expressed a desire for a final fundraiser to mark the closure of Wings Over Scotland as a politics blog, as a sort of redundancy package. It IS traditional to give a retiring employee a carriage clock or a gold watch or some such, and as it happens there’s a thing I really want but haven’t bought because the price is so absurdly extravagant, so if readers would like to get it as a farewell gift gesture that’d be very lovely.
It’s this hilariously high-tech jacket. It’s got graphene and electric heaters and stealth pockets and all sorts of nonsense, so it’d be ideal for staying toasty while out feeding the swans and squirrels in the fast-approaching winter.
(The three families of swan babies are nearly all fully-grown now and they’re always hungry, while the patter of tiny squirrel paws is imminent if this pic from the park last week is anything to go by.)
Any excess cash raised will go, as always, on crisps, Sherbet Dip-Dabs, fruity gins, and badger food for these goons.
And of course on the foxes (currently six).
And this magical vanishing dick, who bangs on the glass with his beak at teatime if there are no suet pellets on the ledge, or knocks stuff over if the window’s open.
And lastly and absolutely leastly, these complete arses.
Click the pic below, or the poll one at the top of the page, to go to the fundraiser if you want to kick in a few quid for the going-away present. Don’t worry if you don’t – people usually donate in expectation of a good or service, not for one they’ve already had or just to buy somebody some ludicrous parkwear. I have other coats.
And that’s about it. It’s been quite a ride, gang. Hopefully we’ll meet again one day, in the future of a better land where the Wicked Witch is no more and there might actually be a chance at independence. Until then, eh?
Have great adventures Stuart! Hopefully we will see you back soon. Thankyou for all that you have done for Scotland.
Take care Stu and thanks.
How far will you get with your jacket when it’s plugged in?
“How far will you get with your jacket when it’s plugged in?”
Well, up to 22 hours, according to the table on the Kickstarter page, which is further than I can walk.
Following your Wizard Of Oz reference, here’s one of my own; “I think I’ll miss you most of all”
For the squirrels, obv 😉
Now that I’ve donated this now feels final compared to the other recent posts…
Dammit, stop chopping those onions! I’M NOT CRYING, YOU ARE!!! 🙁
Wear it well Stu – thanks for your efforts, they’ve been phenomenal. Hasta luego.
Please post your nature pictures on your Facebook page – and I hope the jaiket keeps you warm. Dinnae let it get mankie) Awrrabest.
We all have to move on thanks for your efforts in the independence cause.
Have a great future.
This fundraiser will get the jacket total in about 10 mins, so how do you want to dispose of the huge over subscription that’s bound to happen? 🙂
Will you add it to the Wings Fighting Fund to get even more polls?
If we manage to get rid of the she/her fruitcake and cabal, ALBA/AS gets its finger out and starts to crack the polls, will you really get back in to push the new version of WINGS II..!?
Graf Midgehunter says:
28 September, 2021 at 9:02 am
This fundraiser will get the jacket total in about 10 mins…
Already there now Graf and agree this will be well above the goal – I reckon it’ll probably be around 10 times by the time it’s finished.
That’s tons of badger food anyway!
Donation made.
I’m sure we’ll hear from you in due course.
Done, with pleasure, you deserve more. Enjoy your wanderings in the Fleetwood Macket but I’m still hoping you’re a bit like Jason Bourne and will be reactivated in the future to fight the good fight.
All the best, Lynne.
Sent a small donation, hope you get your cosy jacket. Will see you back here for indyref2, in another decade or more ?
Thanks so much for all your efforts over the years. It was huge and very appreciated by those of us without our heads up our own arses or in the clouds.
In the meantime enjoy bear patrol and whatever else you get going on. Fingers crossed its not too long until there’s a reason to dust the cobwebs off the domain if not the site and crank things up again. But, we’ll see.
FFS, it’s already at £465 after 34 minutes…
🙂 🙂 🙂
Graf Midgehunter says:
No way! He said jacket, sweeties and whatever and I want that to be for him.
If things change then I’m happy to support whatever needs done then, but this is for Stuart.
A sad day for us all Stu. You enjoy yourself and remember not to forget us up here. To all my fellow wingers, I hopefully see you all one day in an independent Scotland. Off to donate to that jacket ?. Andy
Venue and time of imminent FOW gathering to be confirmed soon…keep watching this space, in between checking that totaliser!
This is not goodbye it’s au revoir,,,,,(we hope)
Hi Stu, I would like to thank you for all your hard work over the years. You have been a great servant to the cause of independence. I wish you all the best and if there ever is another referendum (never going to happen with sturgeon and her sycophants) then hope to see you back again. Until then…
All the best Stu. Don’t forget to post a photo of you in your exciting new jacket. Sending love and many thanks. xx
Chipped in something toward your toasty jacket and very glad to do so. Thanks again for everything, Stu, and I do hope we meet again. As the man said, the dream shall never die.
Have a great time in your jacket, Stu, far better than any old carriage clock! Hope it’s not so much a retirement rather a strategic waiting in the wings(!) 😉 Take care of those animals and yourself. xx
Ps. Where’s the retirement ‘do’? I saw Ian Brotherhood is at the organising…
Hi Stu…
Just to say thanks. I remember the time in 2013/2014… that’s when I came across WoS and whilst I always felt independence was the way, you help me articulate the reasons to others who might have been on the fence. The Wee Blue Book was stellar work and convinced many people of the merits of independence.
You have been a tireless campaigner for indy and for women’s rights. It was also through your site that I became more aware of the utter nonsense of the gender ideology and realised the dangers we as women are in. You, as well as other amazing people have helped me find my voice and I have become very vocal about this thorny issue.
You have also shown great deal of resilience and courage in the face of the most horrific personal attacks by people determined to remain in power, no matter what the electorate thinks or the damage they might cause.
So thank you Stu… thank you for everything you have done. You deserve your time back and hopefully you get to enjoy other pursuits. We’ve never met, but I will miss you and your fearless critical analysis.
Be well Stu, and if the independence movement ever wakes up and decides enough is enough, please come back. We will need you.
All the best…
‘Ian Brotherhood says:
28 September, 2021 at 9:28 am
Venue and time of imminent FOW gathering to be confirmed soon…keep watching this space, in between checking that totaliser’
Great idea, Ian, put me down for a ticket. ?
The small sum that I have donated should be spent on yourself in any way you see fit.
many thanks rev
Hope you enjoy your jacket. We’ll miss you but enjoy the coming months. I hope you’ll be back. Thanks for everything that you’ve done for Scotland.
Enjoy the jacket, mate
We all know it’s au revoir. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. And behind the scenes people are organising.
@Doreen (9.38) –
Noted, with thanks.
I’m not really ‘organising’ anything, I am just despatched to deliver wee messages as and when decisions have been made.
Now I must scurry back to check for updates…
Enjoy yr jacket Stu , but don’t ( completely ) jack-it in please
You didn’t need a fundraiser to buy this
You’re just self-iding as a naughty boy
Wanting to piss off the opposition one last time
And it will
Job done
Sure you don’t want a fur-lined, sheep-skin jacket?
All the best, and thx for everything.
Done. Enoy.
Looks like you may have enough for the trousers and hat as well. Enjoy your wildlife.
Thank you for everything you’ve done over the years, every bit of it. That’s a seriously nice jacket, hope it keeps you cozy.
and this extra for sweeties
I like your style! Enjoy wearing your jacket. Small donation given with appreciation.
With hope that we’ll meet again anither year…
Surely the Greens will let you in now. All those recycled fivers.
Good luck to you in whatever adventure is next. Thank you for all you’ve done to highlight this awful leader and her hanger on’s. What a pathetic bunch they are.
F**k me those jackets look good. Finally a solution for going to the football in winter. It’s a very well stacking up the layers for the ground but that doesn’t work well for when you walk into a roasting pub after.
Donated and given with thanks and best wishes.
Having had a look at the jacket, we could all do with one for the winter to wear indoors eating our Christmas gruel! So a review when you get it will be appreciated.
Write that book – I’ve always thought you know far more than you let on about the murky goings-on at SNP Towers. Do it before she gets another injunction. An outsider’s account of the independence that nearly was is badly needed.
I hope life treats you well, Stu. Hail and farewell.
You are a good man, Rev. (better than many ‘accredited’ Revs. I know…). You work has been amazing. You were prescient, honest, fearless. Like so many here, I hope very much to see you back in the fight. Meanwhile I’ve chipped in a few bob. All the best.
Enjoy your break. You’ll return at some point in the future, refreshed and fired with passion and sherbert dib-dabs.
Spend the surplus unwisely with a clear conscience, you deserve it for all your years of dedication and hard work.
Stuart, my other half and me bought electric bikes this year as hills are getting higher! You can actually get a 4 year interest free loan to buy them from The Energy Savings Trust. Anyway, I thoroughly recommend them, maybe you could get one with the rest of the fundraiser, although you may need to put a yellow vest on top of that new jacket, I think you’d look cute in a bike helmet, like an angry teddy bear! just kidding, seriously I’m going to miss your sanity, reason and obtuseness! Take care and buy a bike!
Stu, stuff the gold watch, I hereby appoint you Honorary President of the Scottish Republic. From now on everyone must curtsy when they meet you except Pension Pete who must throw himself into puddles for you walk over and keep your shoes from getting muddy.
PS Are you still on Twitter? Some of us miss your witty barbs.
Is it safe to assume you will continue to write for a living in your post Wings career Stuart? Please do let us know where we can read your new work, the rigour and integrity of your journalism has been a joy to consume over the years.
Not sure what I can say now. I’ve been a reader since around 2013, maybe earlier, can’t recall, since one of my lads pointed me at your blog.
It is still a mine of well researched and sourced information that needs to be preserved.
My 18 year old wagon is currently in for it’s (possibly final) MOT and that too has provided sterling service, including another of my lads hammering it along the autobahn at something over 120MPH a year or so back.
All the best for the future and never stop being a critical analyst. It’s why your on this earth 🙂
Cheers bud.
Ahhh, shit … *You’re
I see the fundraiser has reached its target. Enjoy the jacket!
Will you still be editing the Wee ALBA Book?
Donated just now for the magic jacket via the WoS donate button (so please add that £25 to the final total to upset comfy slippers).
Please do write a review of the jacket. Good to see on the kickstarter page that it resists knives. Go carefully.
With eternal thanks, admiration, respect etc.
I have this flashback to “Still Game” where Eric’s electric bunnet catches fire 🙂
I have just donated a wee bit toward your Jacket,
I will miss your Bear patrols and your relentless search for the truth.
All the best and I really hope you will be back.
Thank you Stuart for all you have done.
Go well.
Thanks for the final giggle. But 10 smart pockets? That is more smarts than you will find in Westminster and Holyrood combined.
enjoy your new coat..
By the way, having read thorough all the chat it seems rather stonkin.
I’ve had a DM in Twitter from a recently created user called RetireRunRig. Reproduced below.
“That jacket looks brilliant. Do they do matching slippers?”
We still owe you. I believe many will turn out if you should call.
donated as ‘wet pishfart’
just to annoy the wannabee speaker
hope ye hang it on a shoogly peg
(for the unexpected comeback)
All power to your elbow Stuart. Although in that jacket you’ll have power to your elbows, shoulders, back and heid! Missing you already.
Chipped in for the jacket, it’s the very least we can all do after the work you’ve put in over the years. Wish I had some funny remark to make but I think I’ve got something in my eye…
Thanks for everything and very best wishes for the future.
In terms of being contactable, I know they expelled you from Twitter, but are you on other social platforms? I am not a Facebook user, but I can see you have a LinkedIn profile (link to linkedin.com). Is this account active?
It has specially designed pockets so he can keep his nuts warm.
(For the squirrels, obvs…)
Good to see some pictures of things most of us forget there is wonder out there and a lot of people don’t won’t or can spend the time just looking and absorbing nature all around us .
As for your final fairwell I hope you get your modest wish and any leftover you might think about a final get it right up you message to Pension Pete and the rest of the tossers
Maybe a expensive meal in the Savoy followed by a glass of the best Whisky available and a Cuban cigar you could post the pictures and people could send them on to wind up Sturgeon supporters,
Anything that gives them a total meltdown , something you will be remembered by , maybe some folks have better ideas because let’s face it a sigh of relief was probably heard when you finally shut up shop , just like when Tory MPs gave when Johanna Cherry lost her position in Westminster
Anyway have a good life and I wish you well .
Thanks for the sterling service you have given to Scotland for so long. I came here first time during the Indyref campaign to read and listen to the various arguments. I offered my friend Craig Murray, should he stand as an Independent, my services and experience as a past agent and election campaigns manager, or simply to help shove leaflets through doors.
That the SNP pretenders have placed themselves into the long grass, living of the daily narrative/hot air the media willingly spreads, must not be a bad thing, the chaff has split off and it should be an invigorating time for the AUOB and those in Alba working on arguments to bring over at the next election.
I wish you well with the polling and hope that many here will carry on to support genuine Independent moves. I’m sure that Craig, once he has served half of Dorrians revenge sentence, will have a lot to say with regards to Independence, a crumbling Labour orifice and whatever one could strive for in future.
Wishing you health and happiness, take care
In my reading of Scottish history the country might so easily have been united with France rather than England. Just think, better food, elegant city planning, café culture, a turbulent political life and very likely independent.
The seeming stability of the British state has lulled all into a state of torpor.
The current instability of the thing may be a shower of chill reality in which the English will look after themselves, they always do, the Scots on the other hand imbued with the safety first mentality so ably demonstrated by the current régime may need a long spell in the deep freeze of marginalization. Too cold even for the Wicked Witch of the North.
Ciao Rev, santé, slàinte, enjoy!
Thanks for the inspiration over the years. It’s a sad time, and I’m ashamed at my lack of courage. As Black Joan has already said, I’m glad your jacket is resistant to knives. Take care.
Stu, there aren’t enough words to express how fab you have been. Your contribution to the cause is incalculable. I am glad you have decided to acquiesce to the Winger wishes and accept something for yourself. It will never be enough but we need you to know that you are very much appreciated.
It was great fun and so invigorating working with friends on the Wings stall in sunshine, gales, lashing rain, duck tape always to hand. Anyone who remembers way back to the 2 day Arbroath effort will recall some of the funniest & craziest experiences – Order of the Hairy String anyone?. We (t’other half and moi) met so many like-minded people, some we cannae shake off no matter how hard we try :-)), and in places we wouldn’t have imagined notably when we were a hub for the Wee Blue Book and delivered to some interesting places.
I posted the comment below on another group a couple of days ago. It doesn’t say everything I feel and for which I am grateful. Take care of yourself Stu Campbell.
“Wings was what kept me going. Wings was how I was introduced to some great indy friends who came together at rallies and events promoting indy “Wings style”. Wings was where I turned in the early hours of 19th September 2014 when the tears finally flowed after a night at the count and found all the usual suspects doing exactly the same, sadly reflecting on a country that didn’t believe enough in itself or be brave enough to take back its statehood and dignity. Wings, like the Yes movement, picked itself up and carried on with confidence.
The phenomenal research done by Stu Campbell was appreciated by the Yes Movement and a fair number of the politicians who were supposed to be on our side for a long time until that research and analysis led to the discovery of some uncomfortable truths. Stu could not ignore, nor lie about actions/inaction which he assessed would damage the prospect of indy and why should he?
Unfortunately, critical thinking and civil discussion seems to be beyond many and now the indy movement finds itself without one of its best assets. I know where I lay the blame for this, but, right now I am just incredibly sad especially when I think of the divisions created amongst indy supporters (deliberately I am sure) and I fear it won’t be repaired. Indy supporters need to come together ignoring the politicians’ shenanigans and false promises.”
Stuart Campbell…The bravest, the cleverest AND the coolest,
not to mention, a man with an awareness for (real) kindness and beauty some will never see nor understand.
Smilin through the tears Rev.
You will go on!
Enjoy being super cosy and safe – love the photos!
Ian B , will be there ! I need cheering up and your wee perplexed face used to do the trick!
Take care Stuart. I’m really going to miss you on here. It’s like you’ve always been there for Indy supporters. It just feels like another bit of the independence dream has died today. Enjoy your bear walks in your new jacket. I truly hope you resurface in some capacity. You are too damn fine a journalist to disappear into the ether ( yes, even better than Dani Garavelli!). To the future. Whatever that may be for all of us. Xxxx
Can’t improve on Annie’s comment at 12.29. Good thing this is being written – couldn’t speak at the moment, got the snivels.
Look after the three beasts at home and all those outside. But most of all, yourself. You would be welcome in thousands of homes in Scotland – never forget that.
Whilst in Bath, do pop into no. 8 Edgar Buildings, if you haven’t already. You will find a lovely, intelligent lady there who publishes brilliant out-of-date books – Nicola Beauman of Persephone Books. Check out the website. After all you are retired now and need to find something to fill those idle hours…
I’d read that book. I guess word of it’s very existence would have to be spread person to person, here. Just a few private starter emails from overseas should be enough to get it going.
But there’s also a TV or Netflix series to be written. Are you friends with Armando Iannucci by any chance?
Best wishes and thankyou.
It’s not the ‘Wicked Witch’ I’m polishing the blunderbuss for, but the flying monkeys that do her bidding. Servile b@stards, the lot of’em! (The bucket of Highland Spring, of “Vote No” fame, will take care of she/her – it’s all the stuff’s good for).
Best wishes everyone. It’s been fun being part of the Wings Community.
Enjoy my donation any way you see fit Rev. You are, Sir, truly a legend.
Signing off…
Thank you for the unbelievable commitment to publishing WoS for all these years.
It definitely wasn’t done to make you rich, nor popular and most certainly not to be the media darling of tbe SNP.
You stuck to your principles and through it all you offered your readers another media channel and viewpoint to that provided by the Westminster establishment and latterly by the SNP.
It’s a sad day for the Indy movement as another independent voice goes silent. But you’ve done all that was humanly possible to keep up the good fight. It’s just a shame you and many thousands of others, including me, have hit a brick wall built by the SNP party hierarchy.
IMO the Indy movement is done. 2014 was the chance and we blew it. No-one in tbe SNP will now seriously trade their good, secure jobs in Holyrood and Westminster for the uncertainty of a new independent nation.
So if ever there was a time to walk away with your head held high, this is it.
All the best in whatever you do.
I’m more than happy to chip in as I think you’ve definitely earned it. Take care and I hope to see you back online if and when the SNP get up of their arses and do something to help us get our independence.
You’re well past your target so have chipped in a few bob for the squirrels and dreamies for the kitten.
Happy walking x
Thanks for all you’ve done Stu you were a breath of fresh air bud, you had no favourites & held all parties to account great forensic dissection getting to the truth in your own special way, hopefully we’ll see back if and when we have another Indyref, take care Stu Indy Scots thank you for all your hard work, it won’t be forgotten from those that followed you throughout. Stay Safe thanks Stu.
Pure thanks and gratitude for helping to keep me almost sane over the last few years. I can’t imagine making it without you.
Awrabest man. Huv a gid wan.
Aw, All Auld Comfy slippers Pete will get when he eventually leaves the dung heap down WM is some crystal brandy glasses or sumit wae WM building engraved on it . Lmao
Very sorry to see you go and the ‘Wings over Scotland’ getting mothballed.
Kind regards Stuart all the best going forward.
My monthly donation will continue on until you stop it.
Goodbye to you other wingers until another time, maybe not too far away.
“Will you still be editing the Wee ALBA Book?”
Yes, of course.
You’re all much too kind 🙂
“In terms of being contactable, I know they expelled you from Twitter, but are you on other social platforms?”
By far the easiest and most reliable way is to email through the Wings contact form.
link to wingsoverscotland.com
“Look after the three beasts at home”
Three? You are BAD at counting 😀
Thanks Stuart,
Chucked a few quid into the fundraiser as much to wind up certain individuals as to buy you a wardrobe full of jackets.
I still have my WoS counting agent ID from 2014. It’ll remain a treasured momento.
Looking forward to your new ‘wee book’ and take care.
If you’ve got a few quid, you could really help us out with rebooting the #indyref2 campaign. We’re trying to produce another Indy Kit for Yes groups to fundraise and campaign with.
link to donorbox.org
I assume you’re doing the sensible thing and retaining/pre-paying the domain name registration for several years to prevent any future “amusement” from others in the “indy” movement – or the other side?
If not then please stick some of the excess funds into doing that so we don’t end up with SiU/OO crap on the wings domain name.
I dunno about timescales. Ten years maybe? Then again that might not be enought time for the SNP to do a SLAB and become irrelevant….
@ Rev at 2.35 “bad at counting”. Well I was in the SNP so figures aren’t my strong point…
Irony of my membership – I joined to show solidarity on the day Alex Salmond was charged.
Re the three beasts – well, I thought it looked like three in the pic but your linked article did refer to six so thought some had passed on to the great USB snack bar in the Cloud. I am really pleased to hear this is not the case. 🙂 🙂
‘Plausible deniability’ is the name of the game at Holyrood nowadays. We saw it at the Fabiani Inquiry and it’s not going to get any better. It works at Holyrood.
Stuart Campbell is right in getting-out now as I see Holyrood and Scottish politics as being dead, for this generation anyway.
It turns out that ‘Shocked’ is a lawyer. Well, words fail me.
Just donated a small thank you.
I’d forgotten how much I enjoy refreshing Wings fund-raiser pages
– there’s not been one for so long!. Donation duly made.
Just donated a small thank you.
(sorry Stu – resubmitting cos for some reason I can’t see because some arsehole is peeling onions)
Hi Rev Stu.
Enjoy your jaikit!
In other news…
SNP moving to ‘new phase of independence campaigning’, says leaked email
link to archive.is
All the very best to you Stuart. Thanks for the blood,sweat and tears that you’ve put into the campaign for returning Scotland to Independence. The wicked witch won’t be around forever. She’ll probably slither off to a highly paid job where her narcissistic personality will take her far. Her part in the struggle for Independence will be remembered for all the wrong reasons. Thanks for being truthful and blunt when you needed to be, it has been a blast. Good luck with whatever the future brings your way. Oh and enjoy the toasty, cosy jacket. Cheers!
Donation made. Apart from the good cause it’s great to know that the fundraiser will piss off so many of the right people.
As it seems likely that there might be a few quid to spare 😉 please consider veterinary treatment for that cygnet in pic 3. It seems to have been assembled without reference to the instruction diagram.
BDTT @ 3:32pm:
What a laugh eh?
I’d take them seriously (perhaps) if they drew a diagram in the style of racetrack highlighting what ‘phases’ we had already come through, and what they involved, and how many there are to go till we reach the finishing line, with a banner reading ‘independence’ above it.
I assume the car in the drawing would still be very near the beginning of the track were it a honest depiction; certainly if it the car were further along than imagined, I’d be very pleased to hear which phases have been successfully ‘driven through’.
Did I say it was a laugh? Perhaps, if it weren’t so tragic.
“Re the three beasts – well, I thought it looked like three in the pic but your linked article did refer to six so thought some had passed on to the great USB snack bar in the Cloud.”
It’s a video, you can see all six clearly if you click it 😀
Adding my thanks, and acknowledgement of your completely objective driven, straight shooting, forensically acute honesty. Qualities that one would imagine would be lauded and sought, if there were any illusion left that the carpetbagging sociopaths weren’t in charge. Please have a joyful (that might be a bit much for you), restful and at least predominantly happy whatever you do next.
Thank you for all you have done here. It was thorough, true and brave. Wishing you all the best for the future.
Just made a personal donation to Stu and wished him a happy retirement. Well deserved you have absolutely nothing to prove to me. Phenomenal effort!. It is normal practice to benefit from a retirement package but also chucking a contribution in the hat toward (Pro rata holiday boy contribution) for someone leaving and moving on. I was thinking about Chris Cairns. Any plans or that?
Enjoy your new jacket & R-n-R time Stuart. Am not saying cheerio, you will be back when the time is right.
Meanwhile there are those of us still trying to keep certain wheels turning. Stay tuned in to WOS, folks, and as well as doing your own wee bits here & there for the cause please try helping other great indy causes such as this:
RogueCoder250 says:
28 September, 2021 at 2:52 pm
If you’ve got a few quid, you could really help us out with rebooting the #indyref2 campaign. We’re trying to produce another Indy Kit for Yes groups to fundraise and campaign with.
link to donorbox.org
Converting folk doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, money & effort. The sooner folk are informed of facts the better chance of converting them to pro-indy. Supporting the machine that gets that info out there is just as important as producing the info. Please help RogueCoder & Co on this latest task of theirs. They’ve been every bit as important to us as WOS have been.
Keep up the fight, Troops, converting folk is a process.
I thought you would keep going to see what happens when the Indy ref that was promised does not take place .But more important what is happening is Social care under severe pressure a shortage of hospital beds the army being brought in to drive ambulances fuel shortages the virus .This has been the year of the mask. That is what we should have been commenting on this year .Indy has anyone said how to get the PM to agree to it.And does the public think its important .
I’ve chipped in for one of the toggles to hang on one of the zips on one of the pockets.
All the best, Rev. I’ve had my money’s worth out of you over the years.
Aw the best Stuart, always something I looked at when indyref was approaching and since – feels like the end of the dream is turning into a nightmare for some. So many of the faces recognisable from the bid in 2014 being silenced into extinction to avoid Indyref2 and still folk can’t see what is going on in front of oor eyes.
Take care, enjoy the jaickit. Look forward to the wee Alba book.
Thanks for everything, Stu. Your efforts have been appreciated. Hopefully this is a career break and not full on retirement! Haste ye back.
Do they come in different colours ? Looks like you could get a couple!
Stu Campbell
Assuming you get the jacket, as my Ma used to say:
I wish you health to wear it.
Good luck for the future.
Where are the cats?
– man who never “sold the jerseys” has one bought for him … nice
enjoy the rest, come back when you are ready.
Some sequels are better than the original, and there is no one worth reading in the “indy blogosphere” (windbags and fake-nats)
I’ve chipped in for button , if only for the gorgeous pics
Thank you and enjoy life
*sigh , a button
Thanks for everything youve done down the years, maybe you could use some of the extra money to pay hosting costs to keep the site online and archived during the long dark years ahead?
Thanks for everything youve done down the years, maybe you could use some of the extra money to pay hosting costs to keep the site online and archived during the long dark years ahead? We will miss you!
I have been in denial for months because every inch of my being refused to accept this site was coming to an end.
Today I have a lump in my throat because I can see the end of the road and it feels too real.
I am scared. I don’t like what I see. Evil is destroying the good. The current unprincipled and useless political cohort hand us sht and they expect us to consider it a delicacy. Well, I refuse it. This is not the way it is supposed to end.
I am angry because arseholes like comfy sleepers, the daddy, the political fraud, those responsible for the vanishing of the 600,000, the perjurers, the professional dividers, and the entire british state apparatus will see the ending of this site as their victory. Those shtbags, unprincipled liars and cowards do not deserve the taste of victory. What they deserve is a taste of their own medicine.
There is nothing that can even compare to this site. Nothing. There is nothing as gratifying, nothing as impossibly infuriating at times, nothing as thought provoking, nothing politically as exciting, nothing as addictive, nothing I would wish to read more.
There is nothing as informative, nothing that presents the naked truth like this site does.
There is nothing that offers a channel to vent properly while watching how the biggest political fraud Scotland has ever seen shredd with impunity the dreams of so many people, sells us and makes a complete mockery of democracy, of our popular sovereignty, of our justice system and our right to self determination.
I feel like an orphan now. I don’t know where to look. I gag at the prospect of reading the headlines of the political fraud’s fanzine or heaven forbid, dare to click in the Sturgeon’s worshippers blog.
I hope that jacket keeps you feelings towards us warm Stuart and that finds a way to bring you back to us when the time is right. The thought that you will not be back to show us the way in this sea of madness, unbelievable political mediocrity, disgusting political betrayal and where abuse of power is used daily as a substitute for talent and convincing abilities is far too painful to bear.
The indy movement needs you. You are like a lit candle in the cold darkness. A bigger asset to the yes movement than the entire cohort of absolutely useless chicken SNP MSPs, most of the SNP MP “warriors” that turned to be useless seat warmers and abuse of Scotland enablers, and of course the utterly and embarrassingly useless leadership that instead of leading uses its time to destroy democracy, to undermine us and to dismantle the SNP to recycle into the british state’s best colonial tool.
Take a holiday. A very long deserved holiday. Rest, a lot. Breath, deeply. Clear your head. Go and see the wonders of the world. Try new things. Enjoy life to the full. Take your time. But please, don’t leave us now that we found you. Now that we have had a taste of what decent and honest investigative reporting actually is. Now that we knew somebody had finally taken the measure of the biggest political fraud Scotland has ever seen. Now that we have found the only communicator that is ready to say it publicly how it is.
It is not fair. Why is it us losing out and not the political fraud and her brigade of compliant betrayers?
I refuse to say “goodbye”. I am afraid “See you soon” is all my fingers can type.
Hmmm, on the jacket Rev, at the top it says it’s waterproof then in the features at the bottom it is listed as water and wind resistant. I have a Nike running jacket like that, converts to a gillet too, vents, breathable. Pockets.
But I also have a liightweight Goretex shell. No pockets, no lining, long sleeve top or the lower arms literally fill with sweat. But it is 100% waterproof and 100% windproof. I live above the beach in Dundee so when the Easterly is blowing off the Urals and throwing freezing rain your face you want the Goretex.
So when the marketing says waterproof but the technical you can sue us on this stuff says resistant be cautious. Also my Goretex shell can be re-proofed with the wash in stuff from outdoor shops. Can this be re-proofed?
At the current rate, the final crowdfunder is shaping up to supply you with an entire wardrobe of hilariously high-tech jackets that would shame your average Nordic ski team, with some loose change left over for animal pal maintenance, gin & sweeties; in exchange for occasional polling and – please God, make it so – a BOOK. A bargain at the price, frankly!
All I can do is echo the heartfelt comments so many folk have made. Thank you so much for everything, Stuart – it’s been an education, a rollercoaster ride and a laugh. Your writing is always intelligent and perceptive, often challenging and fearless, sometimes confrontational, but it’s also distinctively entertaining – a journalistic skill much underrated and drearily lacking in the output of other independence commentators. Your investigative skills are, of course, formidably tenacious – I’d give that proverbial dog with a bone long odds against you.
Much like yourself, it was initially heartbreaking to come to the bleak conclusion that independence isn’t happening any time soon, not in the current circumstances anyway. Nothing will ever change my belief in independence should that opportunity ever come again, however, as you observe, we all have lives to lead and make the best of in the meantime. No independence supporter has earned that more than you.
If I may offer one final gin recommendation – if you haven’t tried spit-roasted pineapple gin from That Boutique-y Gin Company yet, DO IT! Imagine barbecued, caramelised pineapple distilled into gin form. It’s also 46% proof so is guaranteed to put hairs on your chest (a minor inconvenience easily resolved with a quick swipe of a Ladyshave, I’ve found). It should go without saying, that it has no business anywhere near a pizza.
All the best for the future in whatever you do – it would be great to hear updates every now and then – and, when the time is right, (and from a safe legal jurisdiction), please, please, write that BOOK.
Besides for that rough amount of money I’m eyeing up the latest all in one brewing machine the Braumeister 20L. Add water, malt, hops press go get wort ready to pitch the yeast into out the other end. Tempting very tempting.
Would take a lot of the effort out of doing a brew. Tempting, very tempting. Save £800 a month for two months and it’s pretty well mine. Recently did £1k for 3 months to afford my new heat pump system (inheritance paid the rest). So I know I can do it.
Thanks for everything Stu, enjoy the jacket!
This is hilarious!
I’m happy to donate to jacket fund.
Finger crossed it doesn’t end up being ‘the wrong jacket’ that goes wrong!
link to tinyurl.com
Make sure you buy the right size!
Mia at 5.26 expressed my feelings exactly.
Devolutionists are happy – strange how the jeers of the Sturgeon groupies and science-denying wokies are harder to bear than anything from Tories and other unionists. A coalition of the treacherous, the nasty, the intellectually dishonest, the stupid, the gullible and the spineless is succeeding.
Remember that while your enemies hate and fear you there are many of us who regard you with affection and enormous respect.
@peter newling 6:26pm
This is Stu’s day. I am not concerned about the reaction. It was entirely expected. I agree with what you and Mia have said. Exchange, Intellectually Dishonest with Intellectually Bereft and you are there. They obviously haven’t heard that a quiet campaign to convert SNP MSPs (mainly Salmond men) is underway. We need a half of dozen or so to walk over to Alba. Changes the political balance of Holyrood and undermines the Greens. My message to these possible converts take a leaf out of Stu’s book. His reputation is intact is yours?
Brian Doonthetoon @ 3:23
Thanks Brian had a good laugh at the ” SNP moving to a new phase ” pish
Aye the old ones are the best ones and the shite factory is still churning it out at a fair rate of knots I wonder if anyone really believes this guff anymore,
The leaked email given to her paper of choice The Daily Record who coincidentally is the centre of a police Scotland inquiry about previously reported leaked private information on the Alex Salmond fit up
Now that’s just coincidence isn’t it , the good old VOW producing Daily Record the paper of choice of every fake Independence supporter .
My first ever comment, I was feart of making an arse of it and being killed with hammers but braving it to say thank you. I hope when you wear your fancy new jacket, (is it bear proof), it reminds you that those of us who really want independence, and also think women deserve rights, are forever grateful for your work. Thanks Stuart x
` The Man in the Graphene Jacket` reminds me of a great old film `The Man in the White Suit`.
Do they no do heated trousers to go with the top,
nae point your top bein all toasty when your nether parts are shivering in the desolate Bath winter.
Glad to make a contribution for sweeties, critturs and gin.
Thanks for everything Stuart. Been a hoot and as I said the other day the friends of Wings will continue. Who know, you might even get an invite to one of our special nights out. (see you Mr Brotherhood….watching – let us know on the twittersphere to make sure word get out)
I hope you have a peaceful retirement and I sincerely hope you have to cut it short to return to duty 😉
Why am I sat here in tears?
Because all that is good and honest has been squeezed out of the campaign for Scottish independence. It’s now a shell. The goodness sucked out of it by a fake FM and all her Yes Men & Women.
No longer Yes for independence, but Yes St Nicola, you’re wish is our command.
Thank you from my heart for all you’ve done for Scotland Stu, and sorry for all you’ve been put through by that bunch of shameless scoundrels.
I will make a small donation,but it’s a parting gift from me to you. Just you.
Take care dear friend. You will be greatly missed. You’re the best.
Mia @ 5.56
Wowza . That’s how to say thank you and * goodbye * . Beautifully expressed .
Don’t worry sister the game’s not over yet , far from it n with passionate , intelligent, insightful people like you around it never will be . Not until the game is won .
Take of yourself ; and that goes for all of you good people too .
” Because of a great love, one is courageous.”
” care “
No more words… everyone else has written them all so much better than I would have. So just going to say… ‘Au revoir’, and hopefully ‘a bientot’! Meanwhile I wish you fun in whatever you do next, but keep yer eyes peeled for the ‘Wings’ signal in the Scottish sky!
Just off to add another button to your jaiket! Ach… I see it has plenty! Well… buy another sweetie then! Whatever… WORD OF CAUTION: the amt of sweeties you’re going to have, will equate to how tight that new jaiket is going to feel…
Dang! I can’t type & peel bl**dy ingins *watery eyes…*
This’ll be some jaikit but it will never be on a shoogly peg!
Whenever you wear it, remember us and the goodwill we send you.
At the rate your crowdfunder is going you’ll be able to buy trews, gloves, a hat, a back pack that has rocket boosters to get you out of any dodgy situations and an invisible overjacket to help you watch the badgers and other wildlife.
Thank you for everything and all the very best, Stu.
Stay safe.
If you ever need accommodation in Stirling just give me a shout.
Remember Bruce and the Spider –
‘If at first you don’t succeed, try , try and try again.’
We will meet again and we will be free.
The dream will never die!
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there’s a Scotland that I heard of, once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that I dare to dream, really do come true. Someday I’ll wish upon a star, and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that’s where you’ll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh why can’t I? If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow, why, oh why, can’t I?
Just chipped in and yes more than you asked for but
so little of what you deserve.
The money is for you to spend on you!
It’s what we want and it’s what is right.
Go a holiday, put go faster strips on that Mini!
If there’s going to be lots of money left over, Stu – and there surely will be – use it whatever way you like. But, just for the record, although it’s only my opinion, I am sure most of us here would love you to use it to keep you going while you write the book.
And a very great book it will certainly be. Come to think of it, it might even become a series of books.
Thanks for everything. All the very best. Look after yourself. And thank you for all the magnificent honesty.
And by the way, by the beginning of 1304, and certainly by Easter that year, Edward I was licking his lips because the whole of Scotland had ‘finally’ succumbed, and ostensibly submitted to him. True, Stirling Castle was still holding out, but everyone knew it didn’t stand a chance. The whole land was in his grasp.
Unbeknown to Edward, just at that time, in June 1304, underneath the ramparts of that same Castle, ostensibly supporting the English king’s battering of its crumbling walls, the young Robert Bruce and William Lamberton, the Bishop of St. Andrews, entered into a secret and solemn compact (i.e. mutual alliance) to support each other in all things. Henceforth, they promised to make common cause in all their undertakings.
This didn’t hit any headlines, and not the slightest rumour even arose around it. No one knew the slightest thing about it. Or, if anyone did, it was only the most intimate confidants of Bruce and Lamberton, and they were sworn to absolute secrecy. There were no leaks. These were honourable men.
Undoubtedly, this was the beginning of the organised resistance that eventually led to the sudden enthronement of Robert Bruce, which took Edward totally by surprise, on March 25 – the New Year’s Day of that epoch – 1306. Two whole years they kept the lid on it, and yet the organisation must have been going on underneath, in secret, for all that time.
Sure, there were initial setbacks. Big ones. Huge ones, that even seemed irreversible. But when Bruce secretly landed on the Carrick shore, gathered his men, progressed from Glentrool to Loudon Hill and on, there would be no going back.
Professional historians might dither and quibble about some aspects of this, but it can surely be proved beyond any reasonable doubt that this whole trajectory begins with the Bruce-Lamberton ‘band’, or compact, of June 1304.
In other words, it was just when Scotland’s cause was at its lowest ebb – indeed, when Scotland as a nation and even her existence as a political entity, of any kind, seemed completely finished and once and for always defeated – that, hidden in complete secrecy, covered over in a total silence, her continuation and re-birth and new beginning came into existence. Not in any public way – no one saw it. Just these two men, all by themselves, with not a single witness. There was the acorn from which the solid oak would grow.
On Saturday what I knew already, at least in my head – that WoS was coming to an end – came through in a more real fashion than ever. The picture that came to my mind was of a later episode in Scottish history, post Culloden, post 1745, in the midst of clearances. The famous and sad. sad painting, that is, of the Highland chief on his horse, with his head bowed low in dejection and defeat, surrounded by his kinsfolk, as – if I am interpreting it aright – they wait to embark for America.
That was the feeling on Saturday, and on Sunday too, of course. With the twin posts of both Chris Cairns and, then, next, Stuart’s as well.
But today, with this ‘last post’ from Stuart, the feeling is different. It’s even upbeat. No matter how bad the situation is, it’s even – I would say – confident. Indeed, even uplifting. The scene from Scottish history that comes to my mind today is that of the Lamberton-Bruce compact. As others have noted, it’s at the darkest moment that the dawn begins. you don’t see it at first, but it’s happening already.
I am not in despair. The gloom has gone. I feel strangely full of hope. And happy, even; light-hearted. The forces of evil and wickedness, embedded in their own labyrinth of lies and deceit, cannot and will not win. They can look as if they are winning, they can even kid themselves on that they have won, but even in their apparent victory – their seeming total subjection of everyone – they contain within themselves the seeds of their own destruction. They are themselves the basis of their own implosion.
In June 1304 Edward was priding himself in his apparent total victory. He knew nothing of Bruce and Lamberton, and the reality of their secret accord. Appearance versus reality? There can only be one winner.
I actually feel more hopeful today than I have been for a long long time. It may seem irrational, but the heart has its reasons, and ultimately reason – in the sense of ‘calculating’ reason – is no match for it. I don’t know what is being cooked in secret, but – you know what? – we ARE going to win. Of that, I have never been more sure.
Once again, Stuart, thank you for everything. And, lest you forget, I am really looking forward to that book.
Many others have written what I would have wanted to write. This is a very sad day.
Thanks, Stu, for all your excellent work, amazing work, invaluable work, over the years.
Take care, and look after the animals.
Au revoir.
@ Rev at 3.48 “it’s a video…”
I am very happy to be giving you a laugh today, Rev!!
To be fair, when I made my first response I hadn’t actually watched the video – I thought it might be a lengthy one and as today is the first day with my puppy I am not able to lounge around, popping high class chocolate in my mouth, watching videos. 🙂 🙂
I have since found the few seconds to watch this epic film of 6 – is it 6? – lovely creatures. They look a cheery, companionable group. Great fun. You could pop them in the pockets of your new jaikit and take them for a walk to see the sights. I’m sure they would love it.
Nice one wull.
‘For as long as a hundred of us remain alive….. it is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we fight, but for freedom alone..’
Cheerio Stu – enjoyed reading your stuff over the years.
sarah says:
28 September, 2021 at 9:23 pm
To be fair, when I made my first response I hadn’t actually watched the video – I thought it might be a lengthy one and as today is the first day with my puppy I am not able to lounge around, popping high class chocolate in my mouth, watching videos. ? ?
I really don’t see the issue here. Teach them well, teach them young.
Ach, this is sad. I remember when it all started – can’t believe it has been so long. ‘Back in yer box Scotland, back in yer box, and shut the f*** up about independence.’
Thanks Sturgeon, you utter tractor. For London’s gold and all that..
I just have no words.
@ Scott: well, the puppy would definitely like the chocolate part of the routine! Thinking of changing her name to Bessy Bunter or Greedy…
“I have since found the few seconds to watch this epic film of 6 – is it 6? – lovely creatures.”
Yep, six – Daphne, Celeste, Pepsi, Shirlie, Coco and Rosie. They’re twats.
Thank you Stu and the holiday boy for your years of diligence. Don’t go making the badgers and rats obese with all the extra titbits they can now get! All the best with whatever you turn your hand to next.
Thanks once again for everything. Wishing you the well deserved peace to enjoy your jaikit.
Though I’m afraid ‘Snuggly Cybernat’ doesn’t quite have the same ring to it…
“Daphne, Celeste… Rosie”.
They may be twats but they are beautiful twats. They have gorgeous names too. You must love them dearly. And now you will be able to spend a bit more time with them – silver lining, kind of thing.
I think everyone is beginning to see there is a plus to what is happening with Wings – we care about you and know that you will be better off without the burden.
My third attempt about putting you in the way of Persephone Books is – I meant to say “out of print” not out-of-date! One book on their list in particular that sounds as if it would interest you is “Tory Heaven”. It is a post-war satire set in an England with a strictly ordered society of 5 social classes, no intermingling or move from one group to another permitted. And no democracy either – parliamentary constituencies are the pre-1832 version! I haven’t read it myself yet having bought it and then given it to a brother-in-law… big mistake.
Will the new jacket(s), (Winter Collection) have a WINGS emblem stitched on it? 🙂
As all good things come to an end, so regrettably ends this remarkable blog.
On reflection – while I cannot not regard the blog’s termination as a good thing – I nevertheless do not believe its ending has damaged the independence cause, such as it is.
There is a lot of anger and frustration amongst us “disciples” (for want of a better word), which is bound to get worse in time. When that energy finds an outlet, good things may yet come about.
The onus is now on us to figure out what we can do individually to move things along, seeing that we have lost our guiding star.
Stuart has done his bit. It is up to us now.
Delete “cannot not”, insert “cannot”.
My daughter bought me a heated jacket last Xmas, but she did not get a battery pack to go with it !
Happily chipped in for the jacket and sweeties, enjoy you have earned it
It feels like the end of an era.
I feel a bit despondent, because it feels like the SNP are doing their utmost to become unelectable, and Alba have some way to go before they can become real contenders.
Independence has never been so essential and urgent as it is now, but I cannot see how we are going to achieve it.
Meantime, I’ll keep chipping away at the sceptics and the shouty denialists, trying not to get too frustrated about how gradualist it all feels.
Here’s to better days – enjoy your holiday – I look forward to your return when the time is right.
Just donated Wear it well Stuart you’ll be missed
Stuart, best of luck, and thanks so much for all your travails.
To new beginnings.
Thanks I needed that post!
Chucked in a few quid and Just remembered what that jaicket reminded me off..
‘Dynamo’ from the movie Running Man…!
link to imdb.com
Looking at the fund raiser, you can probably buy some solar panels too!
Nice f’n Jacket Stu !!!! Love it, already jealous.
Auf wiedersehen !
Enjoy yersel’!
You’ve been brilliant!
Belter of a website.
…and thos ‘fancy’ ‘graphene’ jackets attract bears anyway..so I heard.
So chuffed to be able to donate to your choice of leaving gift, Stuart. Thank you for your passion, courage, wisdom and exquisite journalism. I share your simple love of the natural world and love of beauty. You are a true Scottish stalwart.
Thank you for your support for women’s rights, informing and educating about the absolutely terrifying and monstrous GRA ideology from the dark forces amongst Sturgeon and her “ special people “. Her dismissal of women’s concerns as “ not valid “ is yet more evidence of the smugness and condescension that constitute the tone of every narcissist.
Get real Nicola Sturgeon. Sex is a material reality. Gender is a social construct. No society would permit what you want to happen to women if, at some level, it didn’t have contempt for them. You have also demonstrated your predilection for cruelty and causing state-sanctioned harm to children.
This struggle will bring forth great masses of women and their menfolk together to directly challenge the state’s authority to behave in such a monstrous, despotic and despicable way. I and many others are so fucking angry. The court of public opinion will be her judge and jury and consign her to the dustbin of history, along with those who said and did nothing to stop her. You don’t scare me, Nicola Sturgeon. I’ve never been scared of bullies.
Bella Ciao, Stuart. I look forward to your comeback when we need you.
Thanks for all your brilliant output. I have a feeling we’ll hear from you again. Hope so. Awrabest.
Your love of animals speaks volumes, you are a good soul Stuart.
I can only echo annie621 and Mia above.
You are going to leave a massive hole here as you can see by the comments above and on the previous post.
I think this is going to shock a lot of people including your critics in the independence movement. This act is far more powerful in communicating the bleakness of the current situation than anything you could have written. But at what a price…
I don’t normally say this to another man but I am really going to miss you. 🙂
Arrabest bud. Hope you like the jacket.
Thanks for all you’ve done, and the rage of Wokus Dei currently being seen on twitter feels a bit like an encore when your favourite band comes back on and plays their best tune. When I think of you, I always think of Warrior Soul for some reason:
Maybe this one:
They said you couldn’t break away
The liars they can’t stop you
They say that you are just a pain
So what man you inspire
And then the world comes crashin’ down
And you’re the toughest thing around
How many times they gonna count you out
And baby you don’t care
They said no-one loves you
So what
And you’re goin’ somewhere
So let’s go
I’ll keep my monthly direct debit contribution going, in gratitude for all your dedication and clarity of purpose over the years. You can use it towards the lovely jacket!
All the best in retirement. Your furry friends will keep you busy I’m sure.
The very best of luck with whatever comes in the future.
“Yep, six – Daphne, Celeste, Pepsi, Shirlie, Coco and Rosie. They’re twats.”
Good escapologists, too, generally…
Wings’ thoroughly-researched articles, presented with evidence to substantiate every point, will remain as timeless reminders of everything that Scottish journalism was not.
The likes of Wishy Pissfart responded with nothing but childish insults. Not one of Stuart’s statements of fact was successfully challenged.
Wings’ catalogue of evidence, together with the work of Gordon Dangerfield, Craig Murray and others, will make an important contribution to the analysis of how the Sturgeon regime failed the people of Scotland.
Even before Angela Merkel’s reign over Germany has ended, people have begun to ask questions. The same will happen in Scotland.
The importance and accuracy of Stuart’s work will be recognised by history, unlike the ramblings of the humble ex-investment banker, Wishy and the rest of the sycophants.
We will all remember the feeling when a new article appeared and that the contents never disappointed.
Thank you, Stuart.
Like Chris @10.14 I’d like to keep my stingy wee monthly contributions going to keep you in jacket batteries or whatever sweetie comes to mind (or dentist’s bills).
Every day on Wings you shamed the churnalists/presstitutes and lying politicians with your articulate and thoroughly-researched articles and that’s why they hate and vilify you so much.
You also gave some great BTL commenters a voice and a platform, most notably Breeks, whose constitutional and Rage Against Imelda Sturgeon stuff has been an outstanding contribution to the site, in my opinion.
Last, to all you vile cybernats and horrid spawn of Campbell: cheerybyethenoo and arrividerci, Erchies!
The British state is crumbling. With even its once staunch advocates, e.g. the philosopher A.C. Grayling intellectually deserting it, time to get out in the streets and speeded up the demolition.
Johnson & Starmer will obligingly aid in that demolition. .
Thank you and good luck, Rev. Stu., your contribution has been both monumental in the face of anodyne and duplicitous officialdom.
As my spectral dissonance makes me contrary by nature, I shall never believe that you went voluntarily. I fear you have left a vacuum.
Indy – a cause without a rebel.
2 layers of graphene stops bullets.
No ‘Manky Jaikit’; more ‘Swanky Jaikit’.
As both the crooks in Holyrood & the crooks in Westminster have you on their watched-list, being bullet -proof is a very good idea.
I am being completely serious.
Happy trails Stu, thanks for all the truth you have given us over these past years. The truth often hurts.
Til we are on an actual valid campaign trail again, may God protect you, in this wicked world. Stay safe. Stay really safe! There are many malignant eyes watching us all, but especially you.
Glad to donate Stuart. Enjoy your rest.
Christine at 8.27am Sep 29…..I agree with every word you wrote, especially the first paragraph.
All the best to you Stuart
Crisiscult @ 9.48
:Thanks for all you’ve done, and the rage of Wokus Dei currently being seen on twitter feels a bit like an encore :
I suppose that’s one way to look at it Crisiscult, I personally am a tad insulted, just a tad mind , but nevertheless !
It’s not so much with those who just don’t like or are professionally envious of Wings, they’ve always just been noise.
But with those pontificating on what should have been done instead.
THAT particular choice was OURS the people who actually donated.
We had the option to say no to the Revs preffered option and give some sort of direction as to what WE would have preferred happen instead.
The vote was open to all, and all were invited to comment.
Now that our decision is made around the fighting fund and the the Rev has responded to OUR, his readers , main request during the debate, that he be acknowleged in some way with a token of our esteem the butt hurt of Twitter rock and rant about that too.
Well Actually
It’s none of their Tweeting business …. what happens on Wings BTL is our business, conducted in the open and approved right here.
If they had a thing to say they could have argued it here, with us, I have to wonder why they didn’t ?
But as usual with far too many Scots, they shy away from the actual decision making and make a far too little comment far too fucking late.
The term put up our shut up never applied so well ….
They seem to be so blinded by the need to have a dig at the Rev they forget it’s actually us , the Wingers, and our choices they criticise.
Well we made our choices and theres not a fucking thing they can do about it except bitch in limited characters at the wrong person.
I have to wonder though why none faced us here ?
Glass house syndrome perhaps ?
Although self awareness is distinctly lacking in many quarters so mibbi they are just plain yellow.
But ultimately I struggle to care.
So … enjoy your present Rev it’s freely given with love and affection and that , I think , is what’s bugging them most of all 🙂
link to bitchute.com
An interesting legal question.
I am, as ever, gobsmacked by your kindness and generosity for a daft wee fundraiser to buy a fancy jacket. As promised, have started spending the extra on swan food. (Also for ducks.)
I remember a conversation I had with the late Andrew MacIntosh and a prisoner from Ayrshire about Independence. Andy reckoned the only way the Scots would go for Independence is when their doors are being kicked in by the State. The Ayrshire man reckoned it impossible as the Scots were too prone to infighting. The moron Sturgeonettes have proved the man from Ayrshire correct.
Made a wee donation. Wings had been essential reading for me since 2012. I regularly mentioned it to friends. And you know what, none of them bothered to check it out. They did vote Yes though, but I was hoping to arm them with facts that they could then impart to others. And so on. Oh well, you can’t force folk. Fortunately this site DID reach many hundreds of thousands and definitely persuaded a fair percentage of them to vote for normality!
All the best, you bad tempered bugger. Here’s hoping there will be a need for you to come out of retirement. Oh and well done for sticking to your guns on the gender debate. I knew you were bang on but it took some time for others to understand just how important it is to stand up for women.
Enjoy the warmth this winter.
I can well understand that you are burnt out, but isn’t this the problem with being one person up against a whole establishment, who pay themselves lots of money and are very good at lying and hiding information. As in “you can’t fight City Hall”.
And a problem with all of new media and community organisation. That it’s atomised, whereas they have structures built to last. How can it be sustained after the initial motivators have gone?
Your website, with its millions of hits, is trusted more than politicians and newspapers. Is there no way of using the money that is left to pay for other people to continue with it, with you as owner/managing director?
You covered a wide area of subjects, but for me the most important was the core of taking the claims of politicians and the spin of newspapers and comparing them with the evidence. Time after time you showed they were lying, and none of the press has journalism that we can rely on.
If you can’t face it, I just want to say thank you.
You’re gobsmacked? Don’t be and stop selling yourself short, you are leadership material, even those who hate your guts secretly love you…..You are a media STAR.
Don’t walk off into the night like some petulant prima donna, you have a magnetism which can still be utilised to “kill the witch”, look at the hold you have here on members who are certainly not all of one voice, keep fighting I’m sure there are dozens of platforms who would see you as a sure ratings booster.
I had a look at the publicity for that jacket, and as someone who goes out on horses in the Highlands, it looks interesting. But the one thing they didn’t mention was size. Stu, you’re the same height as I am. Do tell, when you get it, how well it fits…
link to bitchute.com
A question for the gullible lockdown fans. Is it good for a woman’s health to be sexually assaulted by Police?
I hope you have a receipt for that jacket and duck food cos I will be sending in the fraud squad to check that you are not using a crowdfunder for purposes other than their intended use.
@lizg – you may have misunderstood my sentiment. I agree with you. I just meant it’s kind of fun to see people spluttering and upset – I’ve now seen someone tweet in outrage that people have so much money to spend when there are people who are starving!
Anyway, one particularly accurate point you make:
But as usual with far too many Scots, they shy away from the actual decision making and make a far too little comment far too fucking late.
The term put up our shut up never applied so well ….
And definitely watch your back… It is when you are out the public eye that you become more vulnerable.
Even with the new jacket DON’T be going hill walking anytime soon. 🙂
“I had a look at the publicity for that jacket, and as someone who goes out on horses in the Highlands, it looks interesting. But the one thing they didn’t mention was size. Stu, you’re the same height as I am. Do tell, when you get it, how well it fits…”
I’m imagining they’re going to contact people when it’s time to send them out and ask for sizes then.
I wish you well Stu. Enjoy your time out away from the madness, you have earned it for sure.
You gave us Wings and I thank you for it.
Crisicult @ 2.27
I knew that 🙂 and do see where your coming from.
I was just bouncing off your comment to have a rant from the other side of the coin.
Sorry if it read that I was having a go … I really wasn’t 🙂
And sorry for messin up your name too
Look after you and yours
Thank you for everything
It’s been a blast!
Was that the real Pete Wishart? If so, why is he reading these posts which are a farewell to Mr Campbell who is retiring from the fray? Does he really want to waste his TAXPAYER-FUNDED time on what is surely none of his legitimate TAXPAYER-FUNDED business?
Great speech by Sir Keir Starmer today .Nearly 90 mins proved he has what it takes to be PM.
@ Rev,
In case you haven’t already thought of this – your site has hundreds of thousands of readers and you have invited or allowed other people to post on it in order to reach a wider audience e.g. Geoff Bush’s Good Guys effort to get better people elected onto the SNP NEC in November 2020 [which had some success].
With the site remaining in existence would you consider inviting e.g. Ian Lawson, Barrhead Boy, Grouse Beater, to share their articles here?
I leave it with you.
Amazon @1:09pm says:
“Amazon will make a donation to Lgb Alliance”
Oh no! With Amazon about to get cancelled how will anyone get Christmas presents? Even if there were delivery drivers available?
@Liz g – no worries, and no worries about the name (my mother was always doing it and I’ve no idea why she gave me the name in the first place 😀 )
Eh David Ritchie
Was that a joke ” great speech ”
Just in case it was serious stamer has either just been blessed with leadership qualities or your drunk .
Pete Wishart says:
29 September, 2021 at 2:16 pm
I hope you have a receipt for that jacket and duck food cos I will be sending in the fraud squad to check that you are not using a crowdfunder for purposes other than their intended use.
I’m assuming that even Pete the Pishartist has more wit than is displayed here. This communication has all the hallmarks of the lesser-lucid-loonatic-limits of the SNP
Robert graham says:
29 September, 2021 at 6:01 pm
Eh David Ritchie
Was that a joke ” great speech ”
Just in case it was serious stamer has either just been blessed with leadership qualities or your drunk .
He’s pissed Robert. He’s been on here a wee while touting the unionist slab mantra. He’ll be pleased with Starmer fighting for the union .
Ignore him – it’s Kcor or that other eegit .
holymacmoses says:
29 September, 2021 at 6:11 pm
Pete Wishart says:
Seriously, did that maniac just say that? Holy moses he’s unbelievable. No way that man should be an MP. Get him voted out Perth!
Pixywine @ 1:02, yeah seen that one about ownership makes a change from fridge magnets ha ha
The BBC quite low down on their website GMO crops previously banned in the EU are all of a sudden the answer to food shortages in Britain how nice eh I guess next on the menu will be chlorinated poultry and this will solve any shortage of Christmas Turkeys,
Now aren’t we blessed with being England’s best pals all due to Princess Nicola a true gem
I still can’t believe this is the end for Wings. This is where I cut my teeth on using social media for Scottish Independence in 2012. I loved reading all the comments good and bad.
The affection you have from Independistas is huge Stu. I will miss Wings so much.
You deserve some time without getting abused every day. Mind you if you were writing rubbish these Unionists wouldn’t abuse you!
Good Luck for the future Stu, all the very best to you.
Gonna miss you and this site soooooo much.
You remind me of Avon from Blake’s 7 and since this was on Forces TV the other night, I’m attributing Avon’s quote to you!
Stu to Sturgeon: I’m finished. Staying with you requires a degree of stupidity of which I no longer feel capable.
You’re awesome, Stu. Live long and prosper.
Splundig vur Thrigg,
RT under severe attack from the security services in the UK they managed to get RT in Germany into real trouble , the UK site has interference on every single subject they are airing just now the most bizarre comments on some of their stories imaginable probably in order to close them down.
I knew Google was up to the censorship bit , now Utube has banned any mention of the plague serum Aye a free press and media, North Korea looks like a haven of liberal democracy now .
If anyone is still under the illusion this situation is normal then they need their head examined this serum has caused more deaths and injuries than every vaccine combined there has never been a more deadly concoction administered ever, this stuff beats every other hands down .
“I think he said something about an ‘independence industry’. If there is indeed one he must be one of its most celebrated recipients. What a grifter. And the Albists and blogger followers will still hand over their cash”
Jesus what a prick Pete Wishart is.
link to twitter.com
link to m.youtube.com
To all of you still buying the Governments covid propaganda. You’re on the wrong side of History.
Robert Graham. YouTube has been censoring any covid dissent since Susan Wojiki took over.
Keir Starmer gives 90 minute speech about paperclips. Scintillating.
Republicofscotland says:
29 September, 2021 at 8:07 pm
“I think he said something about an ‘independence industry’. If there is indeed one he must be one of its most celebrated recipients. What a grifter. And the Albists and blogger followers will still hand over their cash”
Jesus what a prick Pete Wishart is.
In the good old days, there’d be a fundraiser for a trophy to go with this award, which is what I think he was alluding to at the end there.
And yes, he really is a prick with a keyboard.
If that was really Pete W at 2:16 –
Pete, ISTR donating to the missing fund. Long ago, and that card and account no longer exist. Please let me know who to contact. I suspect there may be others on here also interested.
link to bitchute.com
Sturgeon. We’re onto you.
There has been a lot of appreciation expressed towards Rev Stu today. Witnessed by a a crowdfunder for £215, launched yesterday, reaching almost £10,000 as I type.
I’ve just watched this again. If you’ve seen this already, watch it again. If you haven’t watched it, take the opportunity now.
It’s the extended version of the interview/interrogation that Alex Salmond carried out with Rev Stu in Bath, back in May, 2019.
link to youtube.com
Pixywine says:
29 September, 2021 at 11:19 pm
Sturgeon. We’re onto you.
If that’s in the same way that there was an interesting legal point earlier, then you really aren’t.
I have to ask if you read the actual opinion, because the point made in the blurb was utter drivel that ‘vaccinated humans aren’t human due to this 2012 dispute over patent and its ensuing privileges’.
What a shill.
Well, if that was the miserly Pete Wishart posting earlier today and if he does try to call in the fraud squad I would like to put it on record that:
The donation I made to this crowdfunder is a small gift to Stuart Campbell to spend as he sees fit in deepest gratitude and sincere respect for the many hours he has spent writing, analysing, defending and fighting for the truth, for political awareness and Independence for Scotland across the years.
No matter how hard he tries, Pete Wishart will never earn the respect and affection that this man has earned in abundance.
Just happened to pop up eh Scott ?
Your comment is exactly on the same theme as the team who are presenty all over the comments section of R T a coincidence ? You people really need to update your game boys its boring
It’s a pity Stu never implemented the ‘ratings’ feature so we could signal approval/disapproval of BTL comments. So many moving posts here that I would’ve liked to give the ‘thumbs up’ to, notably Mia’s tribute @5.26pm:
link to wingsoverscotland.com
Hope it’s not too long before you come out of retirement!
Well the fundraiser has done its job and bought the rev a new jaiket and triggered all the right people. Who knew that Pete Wishart hated ducks, swans, badgers and foxes ? I suspect Pete is not all that big a hit with the wildlife either given his fetish for a stoat coat.
Just seen some of Comfy pete’s comments. What a bitter wee man. The guy needs to take a wee look in the mirror. Stuart Campbell did more for independence in eleven years, than Comfy pete has done in his entire twenty years lving it up in England’s capital city. I wonder if he has picked his seat in the Lords yet?
Comfy pete, on over 90k salary a year, with unlimited expenses, free flights to London for him and his family, and a free second house in London. And he calls Stuart a ‘grifter’.
This sounds like an ending,
link to youtube.com
Thanks to all over the years…especially the big man!
Chief Secretary to the Treasury is a Gove clone.
On Sky with the most outrageous claims either beyond Burley’s
comprehension or not questioning as that’s her job to help the Tories.
The Gov helped everyone during Covid?
What about the million newly self employed who got nothing?
The £20 uplift continuing would put 1p on Tax and 3p on fuel?
Tories just put 1.5p on tax and fuel has gone up 5p.
The fuel crisis is over?
Why are the army trying to deliver fuel them?
Why are workers unable to go to work as they can’t get fuel?
What are the majority of petrol stations closed in many areas?
What oh what is it with the English electorate.
With so many crisis’ going on in Tory land those interviewed claimed
to have been Labour voters previously still wouldn’t go back?
I wouldn’t vote Labour either but how on earth can you want to stick with the corruption and
incompetence of the Tory party that gets worse every year.
We must get away from England very soon as it’s a matter of strife and death!
PS Great to see the Rev gets his coat of many colours and £10K !
Scott the SNP Tory bot.
Pete Pissflaps should stop defaming people with insults such as “grifter” or I’ll tell everyone how shit Runrig are. Pure biscuit tin tourist elevator music.
Spot the Scot bot.
Fraud squads driven by malice are corrupt.
May I echo Meg merrilees and say that I have donated of my own free will and with gratitude to the Rev Stu for all his work for Scotland , all his effort to challenge the media and shine lights where the gloaming hid truth.
I will donate again if asked – I also donated to some’ ring fenced for Indy ‘fund raiser.
I do hope Mr Wishart realises that he merely succeeds in looking incredibly spiteful and foolish – sadly that seems to be the SNP’s modus operandi these days.
Effigy at 7.27am
“We must get away from England very soon as it’s a matter of strife and death!”
And there it is! Run away; it’s the Scottish “Nationalist” way. No wonder they chose yellow as their political colour.
John McNab,
Not all Scottish Nationalists are SNP members and there is not nearly enough SNP members that are Scottish Nationalists.
Regarding Scottish self determination, people have to be lying to themselves and others if they don’t believe that people in Scotland should make our own decisions. A ridiculous state of mind, really.
robert graham says:
30 September, 2021 at 1:39 am
Just happened to pop up eh Scott ?
Your comment is exactly on the same theme as the team who are presenty all over the comments section of R T a coincidence ?
Didn’t know pixy posted context-free links on RT anaw…blame the whiner, not me.
Pixywine says:
30 September, 2021 at 7:37 am
Pete Pissflaps should stop defaming people with insults such as “grifter” or I’ll tell everyone how shit Runrig are. Pure biscuit tin tourist elevator music.
I don’t think that’s a fair assessment of their music. I used to like Runrig but P. Wishart has put me off.
I also used to like R. Kelly but not anymore.
It is predicted that a lot of big ‘rock n roll’ stars could be in trouble.
Elvis dated Prescilla when she was 14.
The following is a quote from an article about R. Kelly & the music industry. The part which I have bolded could apply equally to P. Wishart.
“The music industry is soulless and immoral,” Jim DeRogatis, the music journalist who has been chronicling the accusations against Kelly for more than 20 years, said in an interview. “Nothing comes before ‘do not derail the gravy train.’ That’s what it’s all about.”
Breastplate says:
30 September, 2021 at 9:56 am
Regarding Scottish self determination, people have to be lying to themselves and others if they
Breastplate says:
30 September, 2021 at 9:56 am
John McNab,
Not all Scottish Nationalists are SNP members and there is not nearly enough SNP members that are Scottish Nationalists.
Regarding Scottish self determination, people have to be lying to themselves and others if they don’t believe that people in Scotland should make our own decisions. A ridiculous state of mind, really.. A ridiculous state of mind, really.
Not only do they not ‘believe that people in Scotland should make our own decisions’ they believe people in Scotland are incapable of making their own decisions.
What about ‘Runrig’ are they the only rock n roll band who are absolutely scandal free? No groupies?
I have to say, checking into the crowdfunder warms my heart.
To see the aspiring pensioneer (parliamentary twitterer of the year,FFS) unable to ignore it is worth the money alone.
Not sure how many have seen this. It’s for discussion, it’s about educating. Not a tablet of stone, just for thinking. Have a wee look
link to constitutionforscotland.scot
Ruby says:
30 September, 2021 at 10:43 am
What about ‘Runrig’ are they the only rock n roll band who are absolutely scandal free? No groupies?
With pension pete’s mug, parents were safe.
paul says:
30 September, 2021 at 10:49 am
Ruby says:
30 September, 2021 at 10:43 am
What about ‘Runrig’ are they the only rock n roll band who are absolutely scandal free? No groupies?
With pension pete’s mug, parents were safe.
The mug doesn’t matter it’s the fame that attracts the ‘groupies’
link to archive.is
This is what Ian Casey said of P. Wishart
“I was a musician. He was an international rock god with hundreds of groupies,” Cawsey told Reuters.
I’m pretty sure the rock god P. Wishart must have touched a knee or pinged the hair of one of those hundreds of groupies.
P. Wishart can bring in the fraud squad if he likes but while he is doing that others might decide to focus on the behaviour of ‘rock gods’ with hundreds of groupies.
What is that saying about ‘those without sin’?
English Pete,
English Pete,
English Pete
And his comfortable feet.
Late on in the morning,
Pete he starts his trolling,
Typing shite in every post and Tweet.
I was at a Runrig concert at Edinburgh Castle on 27th November 1989 and P. Wishart attempted to rape me.
OK I admit it’s a lie I wasn’t at a Runrig concert & there wasn’t even a concert on that date but hey if an ‘Alphabetty’ can get away with making up stories with the support of P. Wishart then any reason why others can’t?
In some meritocratic parallel universe, Pete Wishart is creeping around putting ambitiously worded posters on greasy walls: “MAN WITH A VAN. NO JOB TO BIG! NO JOB TO SMALL! “
I just tried to watch Starmer’s speech to conference. My God. I think I lasted 10 seconds which, judging by his expression, is probably longer than his incontinence pants lasted. He always has that look though, eh…
The BBC are giving Starmer an easy ride which signals to me that the Tories — having totally fucked the economy up (again) and watched several hundred thousand people needlessly die as a direct result of their policies — are looking to get out of Dodge (I’m adding the needless covid deaths to the needless deaths caused by austerity here, for all you nitpickers out there).
It’s been an amazing 11 years for the Tories.
The big news of the last few weeks, totally downplayed by the BBC, was Biden telling Boris to fuck off without a trade deal. Sending in the British army there wasn’t really an option.
It’s a bad time to be closing down a platform like this. The UK economy is basically in free fall. Being inside the propaganda bubble, we don’t see it. Covid might help disguise the fact that most of these problems stem from Brexit, but from a Treasury perspective Covid just makes everything 100 times worse.
There’s talk of Brexit Britain having to put up with frozen Turkey this Christmas because of staff shortages on the farms. Theres a million jokes there and the Europeans must be peeing themselves laughing.
zip a dee doo da
Right Stu, it has been a couple of days now and hopefully you are now refreshed and ready to get back into the fight?
When are you posting your next forensic analysis?
I genuinely don’t believe that you can simply sit back and watch all the shite continuing to unfold.
Scotland expects every man/woman to do his/her duty.