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Wings Over Scotland

The team player

Posted on December 02, 2020 by

If you don’t have the time to read Alyn Smith’s astonishing response to the SNP NEC election results in today’s National, we’ve edited it down to 10 seconds for you.

If you’re in no rush, read on.

It’s literally days since Smith declared himself a humble “TeamSNP” member whose sole ambition was to “play for the jersey”. He even briefly gritted his impressive teeth and tried to congratulate his successor as Policy Development Convener.

We think it’s safe to say that that particular charade is over.

With our trademark scrupulous fairness we’ll note that Smith probably didn’t write the headline. But it’s nevertheless an accurate summary of the “me, me, me” tantrum of the first paragraph and indeed the column as a whole.

We honestly thought he’d try for a mature, moral-high-ground approach closer to the second tweet above, with a few subtle digs slipped in, but as we noted yesterday the egos of the SNP’s transgender cult are so huge and so battered by the outcome of the election that they can’t even muster the self-control to feign a dignified reaction.

Instead we’ve had an outpouring of outraged entitlement, of which Smith’s is only the most unhinged among many. While the general public’s interest in such political-bubble spats is minimal, they actually determine the direction the entire country is going to be pushed in over the coming months and years, so it’s worth probing a little into exactly why Smith and his allies are so furious.

That “somehow” is a delight. Smith is indisputably part of the SNP’s favoured and privileged middle-class elite. He was parachuted into the Stirling constituency, with a time-served local candidate booted out under very dodgy circumstances to make way for him after he lost his MEP job at Brexit.

(We’re told, incidentally, that although Smith promised to move to the constituency if elected, almost a year later he still resides in Edinburgh. We’re happy to correct this information if we’ve been misinformed.)

The idea that he got booted as some sort of general coronavirus-based protest against authority is as comical as the line about people voting from their sofas is sour. It’s not THEIR fault they had to vote from their sofas, and they paid £32 for the privilege.

It would be unusual (if not actually impossible) for everyone registered for any sort of three-day conference to show up and vote on every resolution every day, especially when the resolutions were such feeble, empty puffery as those presented to SNP members this year. But even if people only registered to vote in the NEC elections (the only meaningful votes at the whole event), so what? They’re allowed to do that if that’s what they consider the most important issue.

It is, in fact, an undemocratic scandal that only conference delegates get to vote for the NEC. Why shouldn’t all members have a vote on the key committee that controls the party? And it’s more than slightly ironic that Smith whines about social media having a disproportionate influence, since it’s his faction that enjoys a privileged social media platform while hundreds of feminists and free-speech advocates get banned every day.

National Assemblies can be organised online just like conferences can – there’s one planned in January – so that’s a feeble excuse for Smith not having produced a single policy paper in his year as Policy Development Convener.

But that last line is breathtakingly audacious – those 130 motions were all thrown straight into the bin, replaced by six woolly, marshmallow “resolutions” penned by nobody knows who, allowing no meaningful opposition or debate, which were dutifully rubberstamped after a process so controlled and stage-managed that it would have embarrassed the North Korean parliament.

This passage is almost as hypocritical. The whole problem is that policies like gender reform and the Hate Crime Bill have NOT been debated and agreed. Gender reform is supposed to be out for public consultation, but the leadership faction which Smith belongs to has repeatedly and publicly made clear that it intends to press ahead with reforms no matter what the consultation says. The only purpose of the “consultation”, according to the minister in charge, is to try to browbeat opponents into submission.

And the hits keep coming. Joanna Cherry went public with her concerns because numerous attempts to address them internally were completely ignored. She’s been subject to public attacks and abuse from scores of party members, in clear breach of party rules, and none of it has even been condemned by her leader, let alone acted on.

Yet here Smith has the brass neck to do it once again, while bleating about “unity” and “loyalty”, and also implicitly attacking the ordinary members of the SNP who had the sheer disgraceful temerity to, er, vote democratically for the candidate they supported in a free election.

Smith’s petted lip sticks out so far here it’s almost 3D. But whether you agree with “Plan B” or not, claiming it “barely exists” is embarrassing. It’s an enormously simple and clear plan which can be fitted into a single tweet:

We believe that the Scottish people are sovereign, and we hereby announce our intention to declare Scotland independent and submit that intention to the will of the people in this election for their approval.”

It’s a strategy that countless nations have already successfully used to achieve their independence, and in any event it’s a bit rich complaining about its “real world” viability when the only alternative you’re offering is “Boris Johnson will give in to us on moral-decency grounds”.

Leaving aside the truly stupendous irony of Alyn Smith lambasting anyone for narcissism and ego, this passage is strange. What is it precisely that Alex Salmond “apologists” are supposed to be apologising for? Alex Salmond is an innocent man, cleared of all charges by a judge and jury of his peers, the majority of them women. In what way is there any conflict between him and defenders of women’s rights? He’s not the one currently trying to take away the safe spaces women had to fight for decades for, or lock them up with rapists.

Having had a bash at the uppity women, the faction-hating Smith now turns on the pesky lefties, namely the Scottish Currency Group who’ve put in a power of effort – somehow managing to do so despite the restrictions of COVID that apparently made it impossible for Smith to do any policy work for a year – into coming up with credible currency options to fill the gaping void left in that field by the Growth Commission report (which has been mercilessly and quite properly exploited by Unionists in the subsequent two and a half years), and sneers at them as “magic bean” advocates.

(A strangely cringing way to describe the idea of Scotland having its own currency, like almost every normal nation on the face of the planet does.)

Who is the “we” here? If Smith is claiming the SNP is all one united party and that he wants no part of factionalism, then exactly who is he going to be organising against? Is he claiming that the NEC elected by party members somehow doesn’t represent the party, and that only he and his allies are the true carriers of the SNP flame?

It’s an interesting line from a “team player”, we’ll give it that.

The woke cabal that captured the SNP and rode roughshod over the views of the rank-and-file membership appears to still be in the denial phase about this week’s events, unable to grasp what’s happened or deal with it like rational adults.

(We note in passing that unlike last year, the First Minister has as yet not been able to bring herself to congratulate the newly-elected NEC.)

For the sake of the movement we hope that changes soon, but until the head of the snake is also removed we’re not holding our breath.

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Peter S

How hypocritical is it of Alyn Smith to say that he doesn’t like factions, when he’s been actively supporting one of the most disruptive factions ever seen? (answers on a postcard, please!)


Heh. Was looking forward to the teardown of Smyth’s tantrum/column.

Didn’t disappoint 🙂

Dorothy Devine

I read the bleat in the National and thought ‘Jeezo! A grown man wrote that and published it in public!”

Lorna Campbell

Well said, Rev, and to the point. It appears that, in England, I think, they have attacked Lush, the cosmetics company for supposedly bankrolling a women’s organization, calling on their compadres to boycott said Lush’s products. Oh dear. These ultra left pseudo, middle-class ‘wokists’ don’t understand how the capitalist system and the right work hand-in-glove to protect each and advance each other’s concerns. When you come between the right/corporate business and Mammon, you will pay the price. They might be using these trans elements for their own purposes just now, but if they run out of control, they will be flattened by the right’s steamroller.

red sunset

“me, me, me”
That’s embarrassing for him, and for the party.
Up until last week, any ordinary member of the party writing public statements like that would have been publicly reprimanded by the leadership, or more likely suspended right away. Never to have their membership card renewed.
Alyn Smith’s disgraceful factionalism caused so much discontent within the party. It came close to ripping it apart. How dare he accuse rank and file – otherwise powerless – members of any bad conduct.

Bob Mack

I remember Ceaucescu standing on his palatial balcony waving, unable to grasp the fact that the crowds of hundreds of thousands were booing him.

I think if I remember correcctly he put it down to a “few agitstors”

Smith is of that Ilk. I’m the fan boy. I spoke to the EU. I’m today’s man always.

Just like Ceaucescu thought on that balcony.


He is just a walking ego. And that last line of yours, Stu, hits the nail on the head too.

David Caledonia

How did that clown ever get to represent scotland in the european parliament, the guy is a nobody and allways will be.
He will go anywhere and do anything to get his hands on the dosh.

What a bloody tosser he is


Nail right on the head.
He is out because the party should be about the country
and the party members.

The vast majority are fair minded people who are totally against GRA in its
endangering form and the Hate Crime Bill.

Some party leaders have been promoting these above independence.

I left the party because of this, the Salmond affair, and the mystery of Indy Ref 2 funds.
I suggest 40,000 others have done the same and still you won’t change tact?

I’m not rallying behind anyone who acts in this fashion
so don’t blame people for holding up a mirror to you.

Not listening got Labour where they are today, a spent force echoing grips they couldn’t fix.

Jim Arnott

I was advised a few months ago by a close friend to hold off from resigning from the party. I did that and after Monday’s NEC elections I will be retaining my membership (for now). Will see how the “high heid yins” react. I will in any event vote SNP in the Constituency vote but my List vote is up for grabs.

There is an old Scots saying: “awa’ an bile yer heid” and that’s exactly what Alyn Smith needs to do – and soon.

Meg merrilees

I think we should club together and buy the biggest mirror we can afford so that my MP, Alyn Smith, can have a really good look at himself in said mirror, every minute of every day from now onwards.

Either that or we make sure that he buys a glass house in Stirling – as they say, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones!!!

And we thought Trump was a bad loser!

A Person

Someone needs to tell him to take it like a person who identifies as male.


Alan Beresford B’Stard.

Remind you of anyone ?

Meg merrilees

David Caledomia @ 12.45

Re Alyn Smith as MEP

Aye, he actually makes David Coburn appear half decent in retrospect.


What a mess. The post-ousting reaction from Smith and co. has been shocking. The people that voted them out are watching and feeling vindicated. I have to say hats off to this site, which must also see the ignominy on display and feel the same way. I wouldn’t have been aware of these problems without being presented the evidence, which speaks for itself in the cold light of day.


My concerns about these prima donna’s is now zero. With a still unknown type of Brexit less than 4 weeks away, and the NEC/Commitee’s now hopefully largely sorted out, maybe the SNP focus can now be switched to independence in all that it will require.

link to

The 2 year economic forecast for the UK comparing Q4 2019 to Q4 2021 by the FT, which includes Brexit for the UK, is disasterous.

link to

Just what would it take to get the May 2021 election to become a vote on independence?


Kevin McKenna has a great and fair round up in the national today also definitely worth a read

Sharny Dubs

Love the bit about the new NEC finding out about “the real world”.



The delegates had to be nominated by the branches it wasn’t just a matter of paying up, you could only vote if you were a branch delegate.
He is also on the conference committee, the very committee that tossed out the 130 motions
And he really doesn’t get it that party policy is made by conference, hate crimes and self Id are not party policy they are government policy. And in any case there is nothing in the code of conduct to prevent members not supporting party policy because that would be ridiculous.


I see the “Team Players” have organised a petition to get the Equalities Officer deselected for not agreeing with them.


Went off opt read the Alyn Smith article and stumbled on one by Kevin McKenna

link to

My goodness – he doesn’t miss. Bravo Kevin!


Doesn’t it occur to Smith that he and his friends were voted out because ordinary members and branches felt they had done absolutely nothing to promote independence this year?


Is our new Nat Sec Stewart Stevenson going to deal with this breach of party discipline, or will he be another Angus MacLeod? Only time will tell.
I am gutted that David Henry was narrowly defeated after a ‘tech issue’ prevented him from speaking at the Hustings. If he was Nat Sec now, he would be dealing with it I am certain of that.
Alyn’s behaviour reminds me of a spurned Trump in the Whitehouse. Poor show.

Dr Tim Rideout

Just as a correction the Sunday Conference was organised by the Scottish Currency Group and the ‘magic beans’ refers to the SCG plans for our own currency and the Scottish Reserve Bank. Many of us share the ideals of the SNP Commonweal Group, but we are separate.


His reaction just shows it was the right thing to oust him.

Once a politician gets to that level of self entitlement, they’re not working for us.

I admired his speech in the EU parliament, so it’s a big disappointment to see the direction he was trying to take us in.

What is it about some leading members of the SNP that they’re not prepared to lead the fight for independence right now* from the front? Should they even be in the party?

*And it should always be “Right now”


Only a jersey wearing team player if his team are winning? Except we’re all supposed to be on the same team, a fact that the Daddy faction have always forgotten. This time he was outplayed, a wise man would take stock & learn lessons not immediately go on a Trumpian offensive of repeatedly calling ‘foul’.

Dr F

‘We were out-organised this time, it is our responsibility to dig in and organise better for the next’

The next? Who cares about ‘the next’ as by the then ‘his party’ is going to walk the May elections an have held a referendum is it not?


Meg merrilees says:
2 December, 2020 at 12:52 pm

David Caledomia @ 12.45

Re Alyn Smith as MEP

Aye, he actually makes David Coburn appear half decent in retrospect.

Steady…. 😉

Vivian O'Blivion

Well, I’m fae Stirling and I didn’t vote for the cnut (spoilt ballot). Joined the ISP earlier this week.


Stuart Mackay @ 12.10 pm on the previous thread ,

I just went back and looked at the comments on the National , I expect Alyn Smith might not be happy reading them , LOL .

Rev Stuart Campbell ,

Thank you for your forensic analysis of A Smith’s column .


Re Cherry abuse “none of it has even been condemned by her leader, let alone acted on” not even the existence of it acknowledged.

Votadini Jeannie

I had long thought Alyn Smith a sleeper, and this tantrum looks to me like someone who fears he may not get his reward if he fails to deliver. No wonder he’s planning to re-group for another try.

Dot Jessiman

The whole idea that the up-rising that resulted in the ousting of Alyn and others at the recent internal elections is the result of some sort of sinister plot intended to divert the SNP from its primary purpose is rubbish. What actually happened is that this ordinary member got elected onto the NEC, decided that the members had a right to know that under the cover of confidentiality the major issue under discussion was the equality mechaninisms, found herself unable to secure redress through internal channels and took the lid off. Unfortunately for Alyn my assessment of member priorities was more accurate than his.


He showed such promise and now he’s thrown it all away to support a fringe ideology which wants to change the definition of the word woman to include any man who says he’s one.

Don’t you get it yet, Alyn? YOU’RE the faction and YOUR party doesn’t like you any more.

Bye bye now.


I think Smith fancied himself as a leader in waiting after the fall of Derek Mackay. Oh dear.

My favourite bit of the article is when he compares himself to William Wallace, the guy who was famous for sitting on his arse complaining about being bullied by Edward I.


Leaving others to point out the unbelievable wankers, I still struggle to believe that the SNP has never been able to come up with a compelling plan for currency. Steven Maxwell’s arguing for independence pointed out that currency was easily the most vulnerable argument against the case for Indy. The party leadership knows fine well that it was an Achilles heel in 2014. And effectively hee haw progress has been made since.

Breathtaking incompetence. The amount of policy nerds the leadership has at its disposal you would think somebody would have came up with a compelling plan in 6 years. But then again, not much effort has been put into furthering the cause in that time at all.


Smith and Angus Robertson were the two candidates I would never consider when I vote for the SNP deputy leader (when I was still a member: voted for Tommy Sheppard). Reason? Pair of smarmy, middle-class, centrist egotists. Time has only shown that even more. Smith is what is wrong with so much politics and politicians… I am always right, you are always wrong and I’m not accountable or answerable to the voters or party members.


It’s a shame. I did admire his “keep a light on for Scotland” speech at the EU and how Wee Bleu Book was great. But this bitchy, PassAg paragraph “This is a wake-up call – progressive policies, fraternal loyalty and self-discipline cannot be taken for granted” says it all…

ronnie anderson

No your Not defeated yet Alyn but it will come it will come son/lass . I tried to self identify myself as a lamp post but ah quickly changed my mind when dugs kept pishing oan me , you’ll know the feeling Alyn lol.


Verbal diarrhoea by smarypants !! He is a skidmark on a pair of y-fronts. SNP were better off when he was hiding in Brussels all that time.

Iain More

About as gracious as Trump in defeat. Oh dear!!!

Graeme Hampton

Its a side note in all this but 2440 delegates paying £32 a skull is £78080, If its just the voting 1400 thats £44,800. Is that money “Ringfenced”?

Robert Louis

Actually, that article by Alyn Smith is pretty pathetic. That really is so damaging to his credibility. Hard to believe that somebody with his experience, would stoop to the gutter level, yet that is where his article belongs.

The NEC, it would seem, will be better off without such a petulant man-child involved.


If he is so incensed by what has happened he and his friends can always leave the SNP and start their own party instead of trying to seize powers hiding behind the skirts of others. A reality check if ever there was one.

red sunset

ronnie anderson says:
2 December, 2020 at 1:28 pm
No your Not defeated yet Alyn but it will come it will come son/lass . I tried to self identify myself as a lamp post but ah quickly changed my mind when dugs kept pishing oan me , you’ll know the feeling Alyn lol.”

Classic Ronnie!

Donald Raymond

Salmond apologists? What a disgraceful slur against a man who deserves nothing but gratitude for what he has done for Scottish independence. What has Smith done?

Lenny Hartley

The utter tripe he says, i was a delegate, i signed up to be a delegate when i thought we would be debating motions from branches. It was not an agenda of a party wishing Independence, i tried my best to watch the debates, and even managed ten minutes of akeith Browns speech before watching some paint dry as it was more conducive to my mental health.
The only think i saw that promoted Independence all weekend was the Scottish Currency group discussion.
Btw if you have not seen this it will bring a smile to your face
link to

Garavelli Princip

MorvenM says:
“My favourite bit of the article is when he compares himself to William Wallace, the guy who was famous for sitting on his arse complaining about being bullied by Edward I.”

Actually, he reminds me more of Edward II.


But…. Alyn has self-id as a non-factional Team Player.


A sense of relief is my reaction to NEC clear out. Emma Harper is my MSP so I can vote SNP for a “good guy”. My List vote will go an Indy focussed party, not the SNP- the maths are easy to figure – the chicanery of the SNP leadership – Salmond, Cherry, current committee enquiry – for me means that a substantial List Indy group to hold the drive for Indy is needed


He is also wrong to suggest that those not voting [of the 2440 delegates – as mentioned previously 🙂 ] were not voting out of laziness.

The resolutions had to be voted either “For” or “Against” – there were no options for “Remit back” or “Move the direct negative”.

So if you agreed with bits of a resolution but not other parts of it – the only option was then to actively abstain.


Ooof. Perhaps we could donate all the toys that just got thrown out of the pram to some sort of charity appeal? To think a grown man wrote this. I must confess I am shaking my head and laughing myself hoarse in equal measure.

Bob Mack

I applauded him for his speech at the EU parliament, because I didn’t really know him, but he exprssed my sentiments.

Today I know him, and underneath the emotive speeches there lurks a conflicted man. Conflicted in the sense that he insists he is right so others must be wrong. Nothing or no evidence will alter that. It just so happens it is also the mindset of a number of Nicola supporters.

She is the head of this particular snake. She created it. She nurtures and fed it. She gave it free rein to play as it did and cause havoc. She still does.Well liked? Perhaps. So are leopards, but I wouldn’t want to share my living space with one.


What I don’t understand is… if Scotland is such a hellhole of “bigotry” where certain groups feel “unsafe”…

surely that is a rather damning indictment of whoever has been first minister since 2014… ?

How come she is never asked to “explain” to all these groups? How come it is always someone like Joanna Cherry (who, if I understand correctly, has no ability to legislate on Scottish internal matters?).


Alyn should understand that once you become a ‘faction’ you also become a ‘fraction’.


@ Graeme Hampton: not all delegates pay that fee. Their Branches pay it out of their funds, some of which have come from the party in the first place. So there’s plenty of opportunity for weaving those figures!

Ian Brotherhood

@Kenny (1.57) –

Good point.

After all, there must be, what, about 400,000 Tory voters in Scotland? and some of them even admit it. You don’t hear them bleating about fears for their safety although they are widely and openly despised by the majority.

Perhaps what Smith and his ilk really fear most is indifference.

red sunset

The National has just closed comments on its article about Lynne Anderson’s win in the NEC elections.
Only 43 minutes after publication, and only 3 comments posted.

It’s in fact a bit of a “back handed compliment” to Ms Anderson.

Nally Anders

“We were out organised this time….dig in and organise better for the next”.
Thanks for the warning Alyn, we’ll be extra vigilant from now on.
Looks like you’re planning to organise another ‘faction’.
Thanks as ever Rev for all your hard work.

Craig P

Aye well Alyn. Something the rest of us learned a long time ago.

Daunt Scottish women at your peril.


Petted lip like a doo’s landing board.

Betty Boop

@Baronesssamedi, 1:24pm

I did admire his “keep a light on for Scotland” speech at the EU
Yes, I wonder where he heard that said…

I only listened to a part of his conference contribution, but, I was sure I heard some phrasing I had heard before. If I recall correctly, Alex Salmond came to mind for some of it. Ah, why think for yourself?

Bob Mack

He sought to rally folk to complain about the “injustice” he suffered. Instead he penned his own death warrant. We don’t forget Alyn.

ian stewart

I’ve long said I don’t like factions, and I still don’t even if I seem to be in a minority. Alyn Smith.

I had to read this 3 or 4 times to believe he actually said it ! This from a Man who leads the biggest most decisive faction the SNP has ever seen,

David McPherson

excellent piece as usual stu ,let them join the greens.


Thanks , just finished reading it and Kevin McKenna lands quite a few blows.


Cracking stuff, Campbell!

No wonder they took so long to count the votes; they were spewing-up during it, sick as disbelieving attack dogs, beaten up by a pissed-off tabby. Re-sult!

Ha. Smith, what a brammer he turned out to be? Nice man, eh?
Isn’t it wonderful, how we see them all now, laughing on the other side of their faces?
Beginning to wonder now if the maleficent and out of control ‘Jordon’ was placed, given carte blanche to prod genuine indy folk to elicit neg response? You know; “Look how vile they are, look how perfect we are!” – never once saw that self-aggrandising scoundrel, Smith, check him, or rein it in? All very unionist.

And, what is it with James Dornan? Guy’s done nothing but carp at Cherry, and those who support her, since the results came through. When some have been calling for moving-on and reconciliation, wee Jimmy’s barely been able to exercise any restraint whatsoever? He seems to forget that not so very long ago the NEC would’ve..
– or would they? NEC wouldn’t countenance the reversal of the craven decision in the case of Joanna Cherry, but promptly reversed a decision for good-ol’ Jamesy, our genuine working-class lad? Whatever, he should keeps his counsel, for the sake of Scottish independence.

By their deeds you will know them.


They don’t take defeat gracefully do they, here’s one calling for their community to get “tooled up”

link to

He’s one of yours Alyn


WOWZA…classic DARVO!

My gawd the man is fast losing all grasp of reality and in a very public forum.

Why the National thought it was a good idea to publish this is beyond me. Are they trying to exacerbate a spit in the SNP or chase their voters away? They really need to reconsider giving him a public platform for his hissy fits and bile.


Alyn Smith = big girl’s blouse.

The god, Sean Connery had a better eyebrow quirk.So beat it.


Looks like Alyns passed Denial and straight into Anger!

Acceptance looks a long way off mind and no chance of any Bargaining, unless he spies some nice deal with the Labour Party!


Alyn Smith’s grievances seem to be that,

(1) Criticism of the supreme leader goes unpunished.
(2) Democracy is preventing his clique from controlling the vast majority.
(3) Victims of abuse by his clique are allowed to stand up for themselves.

You can understand why he is so upset.


Will be interesting to find out, from new NEC, if our money was indeed used to bail Smith out when he shot-off his fat mouth re Brexit party? Smith’s good at losing his temper, can’t control himself, or his bampot partner – how was that ever permitted to be involved with Scottish independence?


Lenny Hartley @ 1.44 pm

Thanks for the link to that video , I had seen it on twitter but didn’t want to post the link to the persons twitter account here .

It’s really funny and you can just imagine it actually happening at Snp Hq on Monday night , LOL .

Helen Yates

Cracking article, up there with the best for sure, by far my favourite bit was this.

(We note in passing that unlike last year, the First Minister has as yet not been able to bring herself to congratulate the newly-elected NEC.)

For the sake of the movement we hope that changes soon, but until the head of the snake is also removed we’re not holding our breath.

I imagine she was having a meltdown yesterday when she saw the article from Alex Salmond yesterday laying out his plan to get Scotland back on it’s feet, that was just so Alex. I hope we get more of this.

Graham A Fordyce

I’m no kiddin’, but your website is fast becoming more gripping than Game of Thrones could ever hope for.
Seriously,can I pass on my sincere thanks (which I’m sure will be shared by thousands more) for your communication skills. Your acerbic wit beautifully exposes the hypocrisy of others and it’s a joy to read. Your attention to detail backed up with links to the proof of what you write, is an excellent example of how real journalism should work. I only wish your detractors would find the courage to respond. Sadly, those in power think they can only keep it if they keep us in the dark. Thus we have endless nonsense about the production of legal advice; and even had to wait a whole 7 hours to get the NEC results. Keep that beacon burning Mr Campbell.

Big Jock

I look forward to the day Scotland becomes independent , and Smith and his like, lose their cosy jobs at Westminster.

He is one MP we will not miss.

Patsy Millar

I didn’t have to pay to ‘attend’ the Scottish Currency Group meeting (I don’t pay any type of subscription to them) but would have had to pay to attend the conference for the party I pay into monthly. Interestingly I still haven’t received the email which was ‘sent out to all members’ explaining where the indy fund was to be found in the accounts!


@Graham A Fordyce, 2.52


And Spouse

Worried about the Kubler Ross 5 stages of grief now?


It’ll be interesting to see what develops with the now-minority TRAs on the NEC committees. How will their wilful misunderstanding of their ‘enemies’ hold up, when they’re regularly presented with friendly, co-operative, reasonable, hard-working, left-leaning people? It’s hard to keep a prejudice going in the face of daily evidence to the contrary. Might open a few eyes? Too optimistic?

Wee Chid

Velofello says:
2 December, 2020 at 1:48 pm
A sense of relief is my reaction to NEC clear out. Emma Harper is my MSP so I can vote SNP for a “good guy”.

As far as I know she hasn’t signed the Women’s Pledge despite working in the same office as Joan McAlpine – take from that what you will.


Great article Stu. Thank you yet again.


link to

17 Nov: Not long after, a draft letter purportedly authorized by Nicola Sturgeon, setting out proposed procedural changes to the civil service code for the handling of sexual harassment complaints was forwarded for comment to the Cabinet Office in London. In the email reply, an unidentified senior civil servant wrote to say that they were: “very uncomfortable to be highlighting a process for complaints about Ministers and former ministers”.


Worryingly Smyth and his faction intends to come back stronger next year and be ready to get back into the NEC.

Robert graham

Strangely enough I preferred the short version I couldn’t be arsed reading any more of his drivel

Remember his candle in the wind speech at his previous post in the EU a performance worthy of a Oscar in the Cringe sweepstakes , leave a light on for us , oh GTF yah chancer

All talk and NO action on what he and his crew were elected to do , one bleedn thing and this lot have been marked absent , AWOL , missing in action and Off pissin about doing their own thing.

In other words doing sweet F all what does he want a bloody medal or recognition from the adorning masses away bile yer heed yah third rate amateur

Michael Laing

@ Republicofscotland at 3:32pm: “Worryingly Smyth and his faction intends to come back stronger next year and be ready to get back into the NEC.”

I doubt if that’ll happen. I think this whole episode has awakened people to what’s been going on. I think the influence of wokism in the SNP and amongst the general population will now begin to wane.

Andrew Morton

Let’s not beat about the bush, the leader of the woke faction isn’t Alyn Smith, it’s Nicola Sturgeon. It’s the only explanation for the complete impunity with which Alyn and his boys and girls have been able to cause mayhem in the party and abuse certain individuals.

Lenny Hartley

Michael Laing you are correct we are the Nouveau Woke, And the Wokey Dopeys better realise
Thats its not a small feminist faction they are up against, its the bulk of the membership.

Andrew Morton . Totally agree, I have been saying that to friends for a while, but not much traction,
They (my friends) dont seem to realise that Control Freaks like to ahem Control.
It will come to them im sure.


Emma is fine she just isn’t as brave as Joan and who can blame her when you see what Joan and Joanna put up with.


Helen Yates says:
I imagine she was having a meltdown yesterday when she saw the article from Alex Salmond yesterday laying out his plan to get Scotland back on it’s feet, that was just so Alex. I hope we get more of this.

Along with the major NEC wins, she must feel she is fighting fires on all fronts

Michael Laing

@ Andrew Morton: I completely agree with regard to Sturgeon. It’s now clear that she doesn’t want independence (did she ever?, that’s the mystery) and that she has been the primary source of all the woke bullshit. Is she utterly incompetent, or has she deliberately set out to wreck the SNP and independence?

Rebecca Hislop

Rarely have I read such a load of petulant garbage! I was Delegate and paid for the privilege.How dare he malign those of us who voted against him and his wokerati cabal. I certainly won’t be keeping a light on for him. The FM will absolutely have to get this dealt with.

Brian Watson

Question :- What is the collective noun for group of wokists?

Answer :- A pwague.

Johnny Martin

With regard to the ‘alternative conference’, was a recording made of this and (if so) where can it be watched?


I have a strange, irrational view that Alyn Smiths version of democracy has been heavily influenced and shaped by his time in the EU parliament. It’s something to seriously contemplate about when Scotland becomes independent. I believe the EFTA is a better (and safer) alternative than EU membership for this reason.


I read Smith’s article this am, via archives site, so I wasn’t able to access the comments, which I am sure were quite a laugh. My jaw was bouncing off the floor as I read, such was the bitterness and petulance from this ‘senior’ politician. I never much liked him, and I didn’t like his begging speech to the EU, but for him to stoop to this level was shocking! I knew the Rev would have a field day ripping it to shreds, well done Rev Stu and others who worked so hard and got the job done and the NEC largely recovered from Smith’s faction to the membership.

I also read Kevin McKenna’s article, and it was excellent. Things are changing, I wouldn’t have expected articles like either of these to be printed in the National, and with comments allowed too, and I have a feeling that the worshippers of goddess Sturgeon will be forced to open their eyes over the next few weeks. Here’s hoping it will happen fast enough and not drag on to May. For now, I feel more hope than I have done in a long time that the Yes movement will surge forward now and regain the momentum that we so badly need.

CameronB Brodie

I hate to be a pedant, but Alyn Smith and his acolytes are as far from woke as it gets. WOKE theory was designed to help legally empower natal women and ethnic minorities. So here’s a look at “Be-coming subjects: reclaiming a politics of location as radical political rhetoric “.

link to

“In this dissertation I theorize and analyze the rhetorical deployment of a “politics of location” within the context of poststructural theories of discourse, subjectivity, and agency. In her book, Blood Bread and Poetry, Adrienne Rich coins the phrase “a politics of location,” which marks an effort to move away from a hegemonic Western feminism that universalizes all women’s experiences and constructs a normative (and hence limiting and exclusionary) subject of feminism.

Rich forwards a politics of location as a radical materialist political stance that grounds feminist theory in accountability for the situatedness of knowledge production. I extend Rich’s phrase to theorize how radical, lesbian feminists have used a politics of location as a signifying practice to construct alternative subjectivities and assert discursive agency.;More specifically, in this project I historicize and contextualize a politics of location as it developed within lesbian feminist interchanges during the 1980s and early 90s. This is a significant historical juncture for two reasons.

First, the universal concept of “woman” came under radical critique by third-space feminists. Second, feminist publishing houses began to proliferate as a counter-public context for the dissemination of new voices and knowledges, thus allowing for the invention of new discursive strategies within feminist conversations.

After historicizing a politics of location, I trace its development as a rhetorical strategy deployed specifically within interchanges between radical, lesbian feminists. Additionally, I use a Foucauldian theory of discursive formations to show how this rhetorical strategy interrupts the normative subject of the rhetorical tradition. Finally, I show how a politics of location contributes to the growing field of research on feminist rhetorical theory.”

Peter Brown

“They don’t like it up ‘em Captain Mainwaring Sir!”


I was able to read the comments in the National under the Smith whinefest by clearing my cookies. It is well worth the read. Restored a bit of my faith in humanity. I think out of 75’ish comments I read, only one was not giving him pelters.

Has Bawheid the Bully Boyfriend surfaced yet. Can’t wait to read his ballheaded bleatings.

Pete Roberts

CameronB Brodie 4.42

“Alyn Smith and his acolytes are as far from woke as it gets. WOKE theory was designed to help legally empower natal women and ethnic minorities”

It looks like they have subverted the Woke thing by using it as a mask to cover their self serving agenda then.

Robert graham


That’s how much money 3 Drug companies have paid in fines in the last 10 years

Phizer 2.3 billion – Glaxo Smithkline 3.0 billion – Johnson & Johnson 2.2 billion

Trust them aye ok as long as you are willing to suspend all critical thought and hope they have changed their ways , I am sure all Tests required have been carried out , The only unknown is Time , Time can’t be compressed to give the required results ,

And yet it’s being sold as a wonder cure , I wonder how long it will take to discover the unforeseen side effects to become known , and will they be given as much publicity as the wonder Vaccine ?

Bob Mack

@Robert Graham,

Serious question. What’s the alternative?

CameronB Brodie

Pete Roberts
Pretty much as I read things, such as “Radical Feminism – Feminist Activism in Movement”. 🙂

link to

“Feminism is not dead. This groundbreaking book advances a radical and pioneering feminist manifesto for today’s modern audience that exposes the real reasons as to why women are still oppressed and what feminist activism must do to counter it through a vibrant and original account of the global Reclaim the Night March.”

Intractable Potsherd

Vivian O’Blivion says:
2 December, 2020 at 1:12 pm
Well, I’m fae Stirling and I didn’t vote for the cnut (spoilt ballot). Joined the ISP earlier this week.

Welcome! We’re glad to have you with us. Aye1 ISP2!


“To the observers and pundits of Scottish politics, I would suggest that it is premature to read too much into these results.”

It’s quite interesting that he opens his piece by appealling specifically to “observers and pundits of Scottish politics”. That’s who he was thinking of when he sat down to write.


Fionan ‘4.33pm.

Here’s the comments all 88 of them so far. Or click on the comments below first paragraph.

link to

Scot Finlayson

@CameronB Brodie,

`Woke` started from black American civil/human rights,

the question asked by black civil rights activists to black Americans was `are you awake yet to white supremecy` which became `are you woke` and being `woke`,

other disadvantaged sections of society started using the phrase `woke`,

then whitey uni educated middle class liberal couldn`t help but stick their privilaged nebs in and wanted to become `woke` cause they were bored and wanted attention,

this is why `woke` has now changed from being awake to injustice to being a word to describe a bored attention seeking whitey uni educated middle class liberals that stick their privileged nebs into things that have f@ck all to do with them,

and once they have taken over the movement they ruin it get in their gas guzzling 4×4 Range Rovers with their brown lab and wellies and then move on to some other ,soon to be ruined, cause.


I am beginning to feel some cautious optimism after the weekends events and reading Alex Salmonds proposals yesterday.
Does anybody else think it is the result of a well orchestrated plan? With Stu and Kenny MacAskill laying foundations in run up. Joanna Cherry’s timing was impeccabile highlighting the abuse she has suffered. But the masterstroke was the timing of Alex Salmonds article. He produced some concrete proposals on the day after the SNP Conference produced nothing but hot air. Beautiful timing and also a warning to the “wheest for indy” brigade – if there is no clearing out at top of SNP there could be a similar upset orchestrated late March into April by the yoon parties.

Tannadice Boy

@Robert Graham 4 58
We won’t have long to wait. Sturgeon is being vaccinated live on TV next week. Probably as one of the first after the vaccinators. I am saying nothing on the grounds that I will incriminate myself.


@ronnie anderson

You’ve always been a shining light to us Ronnie 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Scot Finlayson
You’re spot on about the origins of woke practice, which you correctly observe has been commandeered by the most inappropriate minority interest, as a means of signalling their virtue.

link to

Black Joan

Apart from all the other examples of stratospheric unwisdom in this whine-fest, he’s fool enough to complain about people using Whats App groups. Aye, right.

Call Mr Murrell to the witness stand. Or should that be the dock.


Article from the Times ,

Nicola Sturgeon faces SNP revolt after critics seize control of the NEC ,

“ One source said attempts by the leadership to hold off any policy changes would risk a split within the movement.

Those who support the leadership were despondent. “The SNP is now a left party with all the splits and nonsense that entails,” one said. “The NEC is a f***ing zoo.”

link to


Re Harassment and Complaints Committee ,

The written report from yesterday’s meetings has been published ,

link to

I haven’t read it yet as it’s just been published and I’m looking forward to reading it all as I missed yesterday’s afternoon session .

Annie 621

Positively dripping with narcissism,
Alyn (Duncan) Smith..
Also reminded of David Brent.


Cosyfeetpete having a go at Kevin McKenna’s excellent article in the National today.

link to

Tannadice Boy

Everybody is oot o step except oor Jock. Sturgeon and cabal are the interlopers. If she goes ahead with her tv stunt next week. Their will be a huge public reaction. Just think of how many thousands of more deserving cases should be vaccinated first. I see the Harassment Inquiry still to publish anything from today. Another nail coming up?


I like the part where he says not to look too deeply into the results then contradicts himself by saying the results do matter and should not be dismissed.

Seems like he’s in a faction against himself.


Republicofscotland @ 6.08 pm
Me @ 5.57 pm

Well cosyfeetpete had better not read the above article I posted at 5.57 pm LOL .

Robert graham

Tannadise boy @ 5:35

Eh selling tickets ?

Anyway a bit of Truth regarding this Vaccine would go a long way to make sure people are aware of the possible consequences , Labour pushing for everyone that raises questions be effectively silenced doesn’t look good , are they being used as a Tory shield ? .

On another subject Teflon the wonder nonstick coating that was actually developed by accident and later used for waterproofing military equipment, after 13 years of legal action the manufacturers DuPont it was found the body couldn’t diverge itself of the chemical Polytetrafluorethyiene used to manufacture it and most people on the planet had digested it in some form , it’s poision and it took the best part of two decades to prove it , Chemical companies like drug companies should be carefully controlled


Johnson’s post-Brexit trade deals with Japan have sold out the protective status of Scottish produce. We don’t have say in this union and we don’t matter either.

link to

Tannadice Boy

@Robert graham
Selling tickets I hope not. Surely someone will point out how that will look to the general public. Each Chiel to his own as far as the vaccine goes. My dad is approaching 90. He hasn’t seen anybody outside my younger sister who is his carer since March 11th. He would take it tomorrow. I will take it when it is my turn probably around March. I have no qualms about taking the vaccine.


MaggieC @5.57pm.

The unionist Times article in my opinion sees the change at the NEC as a bad thing, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

As for Cosyfeetpete, he’s always going on about unity, yet he sounds none to pleased at the NEC results.


The NEC purge is more to do with restoring Independence to the fore than anything else. That the new people are less well known is to their credit as they have a job to do not a profile to promote. Will Alyn Smith actually earn his salary or will he spend the next year in resentment and anger plotting to get back at those he perceives have wronged him?

In the meantime, Alex Salmond and Alex Neil have been using their time wisely with a paper on economic recovery post Covid (posted again for those who haven’t seen it).

link to

I never worried that Alex Salmond, when FM, would not be able to answer any questions put to him. I always felt he knew the detail and the substance of an argument. As time passes, NS seems less on top of her brief, her answers are woolly and anything to do with the economics of Independence is farmed out to Andrew Wilson.

Will she even acknowledges this as she has ignored the Common Weal stuff to date ? Or she is too busy protecting her territory and pacifying the damaged souls who have used the SNP in search of personal therapy, acceptance and promotion instead of representing their constituents?


Denise and Wee Chid- ‘Emma Harper is fine” – signing the Women’s Pledge isn’t an issue for me. I met Emma once at a branch meeting and I found her to be a commonsense person. Not every MP/MSP must be a formidable personality. Have you met my MP Dr Philippa?
Don’t come staggering home with an open pay poke on a Friday would be my advice!

I’m a Grandad, have had several discussions over GRA, and Hate Crime proposals with my wife my two daughters, and son.Frustration and anger our mood at the proposals. And now, as I said above, relief at the NEC outcome.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi X_Sticks at 5:50 pm

“@ronnie anderson
You’ve always been a shining light to us Ronnie ?”

If that’s the case, maybe he should self-ID as Torchy the battery boy?

link to


Smith is insane. I agree with your analysis completely. But I think he has dug his own grave and unless NS parachutes him into something else, he has nowhere to go. Also, he lacks the emotional ballast to get there anyway. This display shows he’s done – but if I”m wrong, the party is. And maybe that’s fine too.


Robert Graham

Depending on what age you are.I’m sure your ma or da made sure you got all the vaccinations in 50’s 60’s 70’s
like bcg,poli, measles etc .

Did they do you any harm? Naw,you’re still here.

Get a grip.Yes there is rouge companies but benefits negate more so the negatives when it comes down to it and when we have billions of people to protect.
Thalidomide was a tragedy,yes but don’t let that crowd your judgement.

My mother had TB in early 50s She nearly died.Hospitalised for 12 months or more.They told her she may never have children blah.blah.She went on to have 4 in 4 years and another 3 after.(7).Yes,not much telly then, but you get the point. Doctors don’t always get things right but their the best we’ve got.

Diseases, viruses, don’t give a shit about your personal liberty bud. Sometimes you need to eat humble pie if you want to survive.


Rogue companies even


Smith’s Fake News hit-piece translation…

Above all else, I was/am right: the election outcome is everything to do with all else, but me.

My faction DOES NOT TOLERATE an open policy debate/any subsequent perceived policy concerns, and will seek to PUNISH those who deviate from ‘Our Rules’, further, my faction DOES NOT TOLERATE that fact that fellow colleagues (people) hold the fundamental Right to freely express theirselves, particularly those who express serious immediate concerns over SNP/Scot Gov leadership, policy and processes etc. Additionally, the audacity to proactively organise and debate a ‘Plan B’ for a financially destitute Scotland, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, in fact, my faction has deemed all such acts as a VERY BAD/PUNISHABLE OFFENCE.

Only my faction’s reality is authentic: your (e.g. democratically/factually/evidence-based/scientifically formed) reality does not count. My losing faction speaks for Scotland and has declared the newly elected NEC as an ILLEGITIMATE NARCISSIST: NEC’s newly elected council/& supporters who do not meet my factions preference of choice are to be universally smeared as ‘De Facto Bad Salmond Apologists’, despite the fact that Alex Salmond has not been convicted of any crime under a Court of Law/deliberations of public jury (with exclusive access to Salmond evidence, unlike my faction).

You’ve not won and I hope you all fail: my faction is actually playing a pathetic and deprived game, driven by me and my inflated ROTTEN ego, and my/our deep-seated blind prejudices.

Oh, & when all else fails: play ‘The Bully Card’…


@denise @velofello

Emma Harper is not as OK as you think. She made a parliamentary speech on eradicating violence against women day which centred trans women.

She also tweets about trans rights on a regular basis

link to


Stu wrote:

“And it’s more than slightly ironic that Smith whines about social media having a disproportionate influence, since it’s his faction that enjoys a privileged social media platform while hundreds of feminists and free-speech advocates get banned every day.”

But according to Sturgeon, and several others, social media doesn’t have the influence some think it does. After she declared that guff i couldn’t help but wonder why, then, is there always a barrage of tweets on Twitter in her name eh? Sure! It’s just Twitter!

Christian Wright

Smith: “…I’ve not devoted the last 20 years of my life to it to give that up now.”

The only cause Alyn Smith has devoted the last twenty years of his life to is Alyn Smith. He is wholly enamoured of himself to the exclusion of all other matters and things. A covert narcissist, he has sought his all important narcissistic supply from the woketweenies who sit at his feet and call him “Daddy Bear”. Yet through the fault lines in this facade his inward dis-grace oozes out in bitter, barely suppressed, fury.

Yes, there is something of the night about Alyn rarely encountered outside a clinical setting. Yet we must not lose sight of the fact that this popinjay is little more than a cypher for the overboss of his corrupt family, the capo di tutti capi.

Look up. The fish rots from the head.


Many moons ago I admired Alyn Smith. He was articulate.
His judgement, actions and behaviour over the last few years makes me seriously question what side he is on.
I would not be sad for the petulant pillock to be relegated to the donkey league.
That para about Alex Salmond is VERY telling.
I’m a woman. I’m 100% for women’s rights and I’m very much in the Alex Salmond ‘faction’ because I believe when people are found innocent – there’s a reason!
That smiley slur tells you all you need to know about a grown man whose ‘ex’ partner spent his time as his partner undermining and trying to target and bully women.

I think women have FAR more to fear from Alyn Smith than they EVER would have to fear from Alex Salmond!

What an utter bellend Smith is!

Time to get him tae fk.


Smith is a devious fraud and has finally been outed by his own colossal ego with this shrill and spiteful article. A tenth rate Donald Findlay impersonator with a supersonic eyebrow schtick…his ‘leaving the light on’ bullshit was nothing more than showboating self promotion of a woke princess posturing his/her/its way into a safe seat (out of Europe..remember?)courtesy of the corrupt leaderene.

Many , including the Rev, are hopeful of a new dawning. I’m not.
All I see is re-arranging of deckchairs on the titanic like SNP rudderless ‘government’ and its inexorable doom laden destination that Sturgeon’s cabal are set on forcing us into.

Alex Stone

My my, ‘daddy’ has outdone himself in the narcissism stakes.

Another self-absorbed moron whose discovered he’s mortal after all.

iain mhor

I remember spittle flecked Labour candidates outside the polling station, issuing some serious abuse to the electorate when they realised they were being pumped by the SNP – back in the days of the changing of the old guard.

It was an eye opener and it was my first experience of the ‘career politician’ and their utter disdain for the electorate and their blatant sense of entitlement.

Since then, my default is to consider anyone and everyone standing for public office to be a career politician, trougher and seat warmer, until by their actions they prove otherwise.

It’s a very, very easy return to the table for any politician: be good at what you do, be better than the opposition and never, ever abuse the electorate.

Fail any one of those three and it’s Goodnight Vienna.
Oh, wait – it already was for Mr Smith – so he better buck his ideas up, or Scotland will turn the lights out on his political career before he can say ‘Sinecure’


SNP members should be inundating Stewart Stevenson, the new National Secretary, with complaints about Alyn Smith’s blatant breaches of Party discipline.

As Smith intends to “regroup” and hit back then isn’t it recommended he is held to account every step of the way? This is one Brit agent we need to rid our movement of.

Bob Mack

The Salmond ” apologists” must also include therefore the jurors who found him not guilty.

Seems to be a lot of. us.

Gordon Gekko

You are going to get asset stripped.

I’ll be one of the guys who will be paid to do it..

You can’t even see it coming.

Too busy chasing squirrels ….

You just can’t wait to sell your Sovereignty down the river because you think you need to, to trade…


You are going to regret it for the rest of your lives whilst I retire with some of the proceeds.

Your mad..

All explained in the Portillo thread which is probably beyond your grasp anyway..

I used to feel sorry for you. Not anymore you’ve been warned 100 times.

Gordon Gekko

You actually deserve to get your pockets picked.

You didn’t listen.

You’ll be to blame not me. Don’t go and blame it on anyone else now. You guys carry the can and shoulder all the blame and responsibility.Each and every one of you.

Take it in the chin when the worm turns and bites you on the ass.

Not your fault you didn’t understand what’s planned.

Listening is a skill and unfortunately none of you have that skill.


No need to worry about Alyn “Chocolate” Smith. I’m sure the vain sod will eventually eat himself.

Andy Ellis

@Rev Stu

It was bad enough having to put up with spammer Brodie in the past in BTL comments (who has I noticed relapsed into his bad habits after your earlier admonition), but I trust you won’t allow the latest reptile Mr Gecko to do the same to the comments section as Cameron?

It’s been a joy without these kind of clowns clogging up the threads and diverting some pretty good exchanges in recent weeks.

Paul K

Smith has less self-awareness than David Brent. He should simply have run the article past a sentient being before sending it to The National.

Johnny Martin

Shut up, Gekko.

Given that many commentators on here are well sceptical of the right wing of the SNP and the Growth Commission clowns, I’d say they were well aware that some have to be watched to ensure they don’t sell us out.

But you’re implying that it’s only if we vote Yes that we can be sold out, but it’s at least as likely (if not more) that that will happen if we don’t get out since we’ve been asset stripped anyway.

I wonder why you’d leave the possibility of being sold out under the union’s auspices out of your diatribes….

John Jones

Why are the government not buying Sputnik V vaccine?
It has been tested for weeks by a large diverse amount of people with very little side effects.
So much for all the hype about this one being the first in the world to be passed as usable, Plus the fact this one doesn’t need to be kept at -70c and have the same storage problems.
I”ll take a vac. if it is the Russian one not a trumpted up butchers apron wrapped piece of rubbish.

Jim Tadgercock

As others have said thanks for all your hard work Rev. Please now train your guns on the money trail, The so called ring fenced fund,Smiths legal fees and what others have been or about to be dipping the pot.Will be happy to rejoin the SNP when I can be assured that my hard erned will not be finding it’s way into the Murrells bank account.

Bob Mack

Gekko? Bet he lives in a single end in Govan reading the Financial Times because he heard it was something to do with company. Asset strip ?lol

Gordon Gekko

Johnny Martin,

You and who’s army ?

They are going to run right over the top of you at conference you won’t know what’s hit you..

The majority adore the EU. They love it..

They have no idea what it means..

They’ll trample you in the stampede.

You are an idiot and part of the problem if you think we can’t set things up outside of the EU so asset stripping doesn’t happen in the first place.

True independence not the shite the majority are going to support at conference. The fake neoliberal globalist Indy that trampled you to death.

You’ll see they’ll pick your pocket and you deserve it for being so stupid.

Alf Baird

The key question here is what major actions, if any, can a new SNP NEC take vis-a-vis independence?

The parliamentary leadership and make-up at Holyrood and Westminster remains as it is, including Alyn Smith, and it is for the most part lacking in any vigour, far less an appetite for radical action. And the previous NEC has already selected candidates for next May, so one has to assume its more of the same old vetted ‘safe/reliable’ candidates coming into the fold.

Like Lochside @ 7.53 I don’t see a ‘new dawning’, unless the new NEC can act fast and decisively. But what exactly is the new National Party NEC intending to do, more especially in the short term and given the constitutional imperative?


Smith is not a bright man and this pine cone will not be getting my vote in May.


“Brian Watson says:
2 December, 2020 at 4:22 pm
Question :- What is the collective noun for group of wokists?

Answer :- A pwague.”

Chapeau, Monsieur!

Gordon Gekko

EU uber alles !


You’ll be weeping like babies when the reality hits. Like everyone else before you.

The EU rules don’t apply to you because you think you are special.

Aye, yer special alright…

That’s for sure….very special as explained on the Portillo thread.

Brussels will save us from the Tories but who’s going to save us from ourselves.


Scotland ‘s future Grown men crying telling their weans it was somebody else’s fault.

Because they just couldn’t figure out how to run our own country ourselves without interference. Too busy chasing squirrels.

Thinking we had to sell our sovereignty to buy and sell stuff.

Ignorant Chumps…..

Look look look over there it’s a rainbow…A rainbow of neoliberal globalist beauty.

Get those Yellow jackets on boys you are going to need them. But them now in bulk at a discount. Make a few quid when the time comes…

Daisy Walker

Have put a message over on Off Topic re peaceful presence at Holyrood in lead up to 1/1/21.

All constructive comments welcome.

Not you Gekko. And I do mean that.

The Oui Coupar

Classic Projection seeing all your own faults in others.
A blind Ego. Remove the plank from thine own eye.


@Bob Mack, 5pm

Serious question. What’s the alternative?

Make use of the array of anti-viral, immunomodulatory drugs currently available such as
ivermectin + zinc + doxycycline
link to
link to
or hydroxychloroquine + zinc + azithromycin
Professor Harvey Risch-Newsweek article “The key to defeating Covid already exists: we need to start using it link to
Dr Peter McCullough, American Journal of Medicine link to

Dr McCullough’s paper also has a treatment protocol for all stages of infection by SARS-CoV-2. The point is to treat the infection as early as possible before Covid-19 develops and the lungs are compromised.

I have listed two arrays. There are others. Why could the UK not learn from other countries and use safe, existing drugs to save lives? Could it be the fact that these drugs are generic which means that their use is not going to make pharmaceutical companies a lot of profit?

It is useful to remember what happened with the fast-track vaccine developed for the swine flu epidemic in 2009.

Gordon Gekko

I look forward to Stu posting yellow jacket pictures on wings..

Scotland’s yellow jackets get tear gassed in George Square fighting to keep their pensions.

Meanwhile only thing left in public hands is the lighthouse on Bass rock as Billionaire Gordon Gekko after 10 years of structural reforms decided to donate it to the liberal metropolitan middle class who fawned religiously over Bella Caledonia.

Just to remind them how Wokeful and distubed they really are..

BBC reports that Scotland’s liberal metropolitan middle class turns Bass Rock lighthouse into upmarket coffee shop so they can eat their avocados in peace. As they rewild the Northern gannets on Glasgow green.

Mike d

May 2021 A democratic holyrood plebiscite election , no more shite begging for sec 30’s, get off our knees FFS.

Mike d

So gekko, tell the plebs what your saying in laymans.


“iain mhor says:
2 December, 2020 at 8:06 pm

…career politician, trougher and seat warmer…”

The majority of politics graduates are bound to aim for a job with a successful party, so the SNP are bound to have their share of them. Some’ll turn out fine, some not. It used to be Labour (councillor/MP/etc.) that was seen as the home of the job-for-life.

Bob Mack

@Mike d,

Just buy a copy of chairman Mao’s wee red book. It’s easier to understand.

Mike d

So gekko, should scotland be an independent country in its own right? Never mind the teething problems. A simple yes or no will suffice.


@alf baird

In a similar style, referencing some bingo card voter disengagement triggers, what exactly are you going to do about this and when are you going to realise that everyone reading this knows what you are?


It’s California…

Mike d

Gekko 9.30pm.’ If you think we cant set things up outside of the eu’
Who’s the WE. Westminster?.


Despite the embarassment of the NEC results, Alyn “Edward” Smith is probably breathing a huge sigh of relief at what could have transpired if it wasn’t for Brexit:

link to

Michael Laing

Has anybody reported this Gekko idiot to Stu yet? I think most of us could do without seeing this tirade of irrelevant, shit-stirring garbage.

Bob Mack


Ivermectin is unlicensed for oral administration according to the BNF. It is used by vets though.

CameronB Brodie

Those supporting genderwoowoo actually pose a threat to Scotland’s public health. Which is about as anti-social as it gets, and is the traditional role of the Tories. So here’s a look at “Embodied Methods in Critical Health Communication”, which kind of points to the rank hypocrisy of the current leadership’s covid-19 grand-standing, and its’ silent approval of gender-ideology.

link to

“At the center of critical questions posed about power and health communication are issues of embodiment – whose bodies are judged to be healthy and whose are not, which identities are affirmed and privileged and which are stigmatized and marginalized, which material practices are pathologized and which are lauded.

Critical health communication (CHC) research may be enacted by critical-interpretive researchers who employ critical embodiment theorizing frameworks that guide their questions posed, co-construction of data, and forms of analysis and representation. CHC researchers are uniquely poised to attend to the embodied aspects of health, illness, health care delivery, and public health in order to improve the health of local and global communities.”

Tannadice Boy

I used to think like you but the evidence in the last 30 years is not good. I would prefer to vote for someone that has done something with their life and has wide experience. There is plenty of time for politics later in life. The usual route of degree in Politics or Law, Spad and/or Councillor and then MP/MSP is no longer fit for purpose. And that applies to both Parliaments. Some pretty bad laws are being made or intend to be made i.e. GRA. I can tell you about SNP candidate selection events that were in the main well run and fair. But when discounted by the members the professional wannabes turn up like a bad penny at another event. At the risk of being accused of piling on wee Cailyn should do something else first. It would make her a better Politician. Ditto Sturgeon. All presentation and no substance.


“Let’s reject factions”………said a ringleader of a faction.

Rick H Johnston

First identify the disruptive faction.
Organise against them. Get them out.
Job done.
If Smith thinks there will be some kind of a comeback, no chance – they’ve been well and truly rumbled.


@Tannadice Boy

It was more of an observation than a thought!

Working for a bit before any thought of career choice wasn’t an option offered by the careers people at school…

CameronB Brodie

I might pay more attention to what your man Ellis has to say, if I thought he was in any way competent to have a pop at my attempts to share a critical perspective on the legal workings of democracy. I must really have cheesed him off, so here’s a look at “Affect, Relationality and the ‘Problem of Personality’”. 😉

link to

Mike d

Michael laing 10.32pm gekko spouting the usual obfuscating shite. Uk goood, eu baaaad. Scotland too poor. You know what. F**k of back to your day job gekko.

Tannadice Boy

@Derek 11 01
Careers advice don’t start me off! But you have hit the nail on the head. Lots of young people don’t know what they are good at. And find out later in life. I have lost count of the number of my schoolmates/ friends that voluntarily changed career. It wasn’t for me etc. My contention is the traditional route for politicians is not fit for purpose. Otherwise all life indicators would be improving not deteriorating. My Parliament should be improving life chances, education, social mobility etc. And I will hold them to that. When I left the Corporate world to strike out on my own I thought about a late career in Politics but my wife with her usual Highland brutality said, ‘You are too honest to be a Politician’. Never looked back since.

Auntie Flo

Honestly, I am beginning to despair at the infantile, narcissistic and corrupt antics of our so-called ‘leaders’.

A great and special country like ours with fine traditions of excellence in many fields and a warm and welcoming people, can surely find some better candidates as political leaders than yer average banana republic.


I’m assuming that the complaints about Smith will be the first to be dealt with by the SNP’s newly elected Member Conduct Committee?

Ronald Fraser

STV Holyrood/Indy Poll:-

The SNP looks set to win a majority at next May’s Scottish Parliament election, according to a new poll.

The Ipsos MORI/STV News poll found 55% backing for the SNP in the constituency vote and 47% in the regional list vote.

That could give them 73 MSPs in the 129-seat Holyrood chamber.

It also found 56% backing for Scottish independence – in line with a number of recent polls showing similar support for ‘Yes’ – while only 23% are optimistic about Brexit.

link to

Barry Hughes

I can’t find the link but I’m sure I saw it on facebook that Anne McLaughlin MP was claiming to be the author of the composited resolutions at conference when someone else was moaning about them. No wonder both she and her partner Graham Campbell spoke on just about every ‘debate’ since they obviously knew what stuff they had cobbled together.


Rev, I have been an SNP member, canvasser, leafleter, candidate lister, election agent, branch treasurer, branch secretary over the last 56 years. I was about to give up on the party, although I would always vote SNP. You have done a great job, exposing these weird people who have wormed themselves into influential positions in the party. I respect Nicola Sturgeon for the way she has maintained the profile of the party created by Alex Salmond. I am now convinced that the leadership needs cleansed. Nicola and all her “faction” need removed. Election 2021 is her last chance. The manifesto must state that “this election is the INDEPENDENCE ELECTION. vote SNP only if you believe in independence.” If the manifesto does not state this a vote of no confidence must be brought, and hopefully a new leader elected

Tannadice Boy

@Ronald Fraser 11 32
Well that’s just Dandy. So that’s 73 MSPs that will not improve the life chances of our bairns. And 56 percent Indy poll of an Independence Referendum that will never happen under current leadership. Of course we have just had an SNP Conference with an uninterrupted, unchallenged televised 45 minute speech from the ‘I am the only person that matters leader’. I will pay out myself if this poll becomes reality. We have been here many times before.


What I find disappointing, apart from Teflon Alyn This is MY party Smith, who enabled the targeted abuse on women, not just our MP/MSP’s, but ALL women with his gender politics. His little ‘group’ tried, and succeeded in some cases, to close down women’s voices by getting accounts closed down and women ridiculed and stalked by half-wits for having an opinion on the GRA. I could go on about a fully functioning male, (No GRC), standing in the ‘Women Only’ shortlist. Men in the female prison estate…and so on…It’s a sick joke with more and more madness piling on. (I hope they turn the Halidon Collider off soon, now they have succeeded in reaching a parallel universe.)
Humza with his Hate Bill…so woolly as to be incomprehensible and unworkable. It actually felt as if we were turning into a fascist state, taking away debate and free speech. Eh? This is Scotland, where we have a long history of debating.
This all seemed like ‘dead squirrels’ put in the way to hamper the Independence debate, causing divisiveness and schisms within the party itself.
Where was the much needed Currency Debate, land reform, etc, all the things we need to talk about, hope for, and expect in an Independent country.
As Brixshit rears it’s ugly head in a matter of weeks, we don’t seem to be prepared, nor are we using the positive rise in the polls as well as we could. (Though I don’t think we should rely on the polls for a true picture.)
I have been told to wheesht for Indy, even called a britnat for asking questions. Independent bloggers have been attacked and we’re told they have nothing to say. But I want to hear them! I want a holistic approach to understand our politics. I am told there is a plan that we can’t know about as it will be giving away secrets to the brit state. Maybe ayes, maybe naws. But people need something to cling onto to know where we’re going.
The only good thing recently, is the change in the party. hierarchy.
Getting off my soapbox now…


Shocking tweet from Ann McLaughlan MP boasting about about her white priviledge, high salary and ability to tweet what she likes and block replies


I think someone should have been put to bed before 9.30pm.

Either that or their responsible adult has the night off 🙂

Ronald Fraser

Tannadice Boy 12.05

Ideal situation is to get shot of Sturgeon BEFORE the vote.

If only…

Tannadice Boy

@Ronald Fraser
Don’t get me wrong I am of course delighted that more people want Independence. But I think other factors are at play here. I don’t think the polls are reflecting true opinion. I was criticised on this blog for my extended family dumping the SNP as a party of Independence. Polls, polls, polls etc. The leadership question is entering the end game. And that will be done democratically. The will of the Parliament will prevail. As I said before Sturgeon will be seen as a divisive aberration in the fullness of time.


@Bob Mack, 10.33

It can be used off-label to treat scabies in humans.


3 December, 2020 at 12:15 am
I think someone should have been put to bed before 9.30pm.

Either that or their responsible adult has the night off

If you mean me…you’re probably right! Only problem is, I am the responsible adult!
Cheers m’dear!

Lenny Hartley

Ruglonian There is a huge backlog of complaints to be looked at before Daddy Bears, including 21 written complaints by members going back over two years about the alleged conduct of Ken Gibson.
I would say that his case should be a priority, he has been selected to stand in May, if he is found guilty of the allegations then there is no way he can stand for Cunninghame North in May and there will need to be a rerun of the selection process with the two candidates who missed out.


Another fantastic result rev, all the rats are being drawn out into the open and the light of transparency and decency . SNP are supposed to be focused on Independence it’s the one and only reason they exist. If the First minister doesn’t get it then she need s to step down and allow someone to lead who will deliver it. The people elect the SNP for independence that’s why we grant them their MP, s salary s and positions of respect and leadership. Once they believe that power is for them and that’s more important than independence, they have lost the plot and our support.

I sometimes think if we didn’t have wings we would never be free. My fears when we lost Alex that we would loose our way have happened. I think the first minister will not be diverted from her current path, she likes it too much. Johanna will be our next leader and she will be the one to lead us to freedom.

iain mhor

@Derek 10:18pm

It’s nore the tendency to tears, snotters and tantrums I’m thinking of when I use the phrase ‘career politician’.

The majority of people have had all the usual travails of employmemt: the redundancies, the administrations, the cutbacks and the various vagaries of employmemt amd employers – for many SMB’s that goes for the employers too.

This imbues most with a certain stoicism and lack of any feeling of entitlememt. Not so the sinecured, their response is everything we often see – the tantrums, rage and bitterness.

I contracted a lot during the great purges of the late millennium; the mergers, takeovers, liquidations and downsizing etc. With many of the ‘blue-chip’ corporations -basically, if I was there, I could be sure the branch (if not the company) was a dead man walking.

For those working in what used to be those sinecured industries – third and fourth generations, dead-mens-shoes and familial nepotism etc – when the hammer falls, it falls hard.

I’d try and kindly explain to a few employees, that they should jump early – but with barely an exception they clung to their desks, raging at the dying of the light.

Those with employmemt experience jumped quick amd by the time the hammer fell, the old guard found all the similar positions elsewhere had been taken.
For all I know the entrenched are still bitter and raging at the unfairness of their ‘entitlement’ being taken from them.
I saw some undignified and horrendous sights certainly.

Career politicians are often of the same stamp.
Granted, very many are fine examples – but when it has become a sinecure and with no other frame of reference, and when that monochrome security is surgically removed, the spite and bitterness can swiftly rip right out of them.

That is what I mean by ‘career politician’ – one with that potential, inherent tendency – for if a career in politics is not a sinecure, it can be the next best thing.

I don’t suggest it’s all easy street, many work hard, studiously and for long hours. Very laudable indeed; but much like any such ‘organisation’ the position of security is jealously fought for and the viciousness lies just beneath the surface.

They never get to the final stage of grief when pumped – their stages go: denial, anger, bitterness, revenge.

Well, that’s only my experience and opinion granted – YMMV.

Daisy Walker

‘Bob Mack says:
2 December, 2020 at 10:33 pm

Ivermectin is unlicensed for oral administration according to the BNF. It is used by vets though.’


Doctors are allowed to prescribe oral Ivermectin for certain medical conditions – however GP’s are reluctant and/or not authorised to do so, only a Consultant and above is allowed. When prescribing they have a duty to inform the patient that it is unlicenced within the UK

Cost is not an issue since a single dose pill is manufactured for under a $, and if purchasing it through private Doctors in UK it will cost about £75 mark.

The inventor of Ivermectin won the Nobel Peace prize for developing it and it is something of a wonder drug.

Throughout the world Scabies (a contagious skin complaint) is becoming more and more resistant to the standard to the 2 main pesticide drugs used to combating it – The World Health Organisation advise that Oral Ivermectin is the next drug on the list with a high success and safety rating.

However, there are 3 gradings of clinical diagnosed Scabies – lets call it reasonable cause to suspect, strong evidence to suspect and grade 1 confirmation. At all stages of clinical diagnosis treatment is not to be delayed for further confirmation- however – in order to receive Grade 1 clinical confirmation it generally requires examination under microscope of at least over x 10 magnification.

If the patients rash does not cure with the first 2 drugs – Scottish Doctors will not prescribe Ivermectin without a Grade 1 confirmation of Scabies – and they will not do the necessary test to ascertain this one way or another.

Dermatology departments NHS and Private – no longer provide this service for this type of skin complaint. Dermatology Consultants throughout Scotland openly admit – they don’t have a microscope. This is in spite of the advance in technology in recent years.

Any patient becoming insistent regarding this will find themselves diagnosed – by the Dermatologist ! as suffering from delusions of parasitosis. Even as they are covered head to toe in a photographical skin condition. The generic term of eczema (which nearly all rashes can be described as in some way or another) will then be used throughout.

Generally speaking Medical referral to qualified psychiatrists will not be done for this diagnosis.

Clinical Diagnosis of Delusions of Parasitosis affects women 2:1 – for some strange reason.

Delusions of Parasitosis for it to be competently diagnosed is ‘supposed’ to require that the doctors carry out ALL the necessary clinical tests – and that they come back with negative results – prior to it being considered a legitimate, properly founded diagnosis. The technical term is a diagnosis of exclusion.

The history of Delusions of Parasitosis started about 1920 – 30 ish when extreme alcoholics or drug addicts suffering the extreme effects of withdrawl symptoms attempted to tear at their stomachs in the belief that ants were crawling out of their bellies. It remained relatively unused as a Psychiatric described condition until about 1995 – when for some reason it came back into fashion.

Roughly at about this time – the company which owns the rights for producing Ivermectin got into financial bother – and got taken over by Glaxo Klein (I think, don’t quote me) The company which took it over, also produces the 2 drugs that are first in line for use in treatment of Scabies, but are proven throughout the world to be less and less affective as the condition develops resistance.

Doctors in Scotland do not consider drug resistance for Scabies to be a thing. Although they will allow that it is a thing in other countries. They will insist from that point on that the condition is eczema, being caused by excessive use of the initial prescribed drugs now causing a rash.

Any attempt to gather evidence to assist in diagnosing the rash, such as taking skin scrapings, or photographs is deemed to be part of the evidence of delusions of parasitosis – the term used for that is The Matchbox Syndrome.

Just to clarify – when the doctors take photos and skin scrapings its a sensible, rational thing to do – when the patient does the same, it is evidence they’re nuts.

There have in fact been incidents of doctors (consulted for a second opinion) who have come to agree with the patient – also then being diagnosed with Delusions of Parasitosis.

In recent years, cheap, high magnification (x200) lenses which can be attached to mobile phones have been developed. These can take very high resolution photos of skin complaints on the patient – live, compared with the ‘old fashioned’ method of skin scrapings, stained slides, and lab micro photography.

Unlike nearly every other branch of medicine – particularly in the Covid times – Dermatology has seriously clamped down on viewing any photographic evidence of skin complaints – no matter the quality – in spite of it being what was once a corner stone tool of their own procedures. Go figure.

In early 2000 Westminster became ‘concerned’ regarding GP prescribing drugs at will, although they dressed it up as concern about drugs costs, and the result was an ‘encouragement’ to prescribe generic rather than named drugs. Reading between the lines it was more about ‘removing’ certain proven drugs from the patient and the power of the GP to do so. The Westminster committee procedures regarding the policy took many imputes from the Pharma companies.

Effective drugs which cure conditions quickly do not make big pharma money.

Strangely – as if the above is not strange enough – one would think it would be a relatively easy thing to look up, find out, on the public record, google it – but strangely it is very, very difficult to ascertain exactly when Ivermectin was removed from being licensed within the UK and the reasons for it being so.

And because one cannot find out that date, one cannot say for certain if it corresponds in any way with the timing of the producer of Ivermectin being taken over by the other big pharma company producing the other less effective rival meds.

Likewise charting the diagnostic rates of ‘delusions of parasitosis’ is also difficult. I can confirm that in 2014 a senior Psychiatric Consultant – with over 35 years service in the front line, well used to dealing with alcoholics and drug addicts – and the psychosis they can display – had never heard of the condition, and never treated it.

As with many patterns within the medical community – it appears this withdrawal of oral Ivermectin from common prescription and the ‘rise’ in incidents of ‘delusions of parasitosis’ started in the USA.

While Ivermectin might, or might not, have its uses in dealing with Covid (I have no idea if it does) – if the financial impact of it becoming ‘easy’ for Doctors to start prescribing again, with its proven success rate at dealing with other conditions – that can be extremely long lasting, and expensive to treat with ‘lesser’ drugs – were to be taken into account – then that could well be another deciding factor in it not being released, along with the fact that it is not a new drug.

And if anyone thinks the above is unbelievable – I would agree. But I certainly don’t have the imagination to make it all up.

Gordon Gekko

Mike D

Of course it is a no brainer.

Very easily..

Trade explained on the portillo thread.

The Indy movement doesn’t think we can That’s the problem. Thinks we need Brussels or EFTA. Insanity…

Based on ignorance and greed.

Gordon Gekko

For every trade there are *two* transactions. The first is the real transaction of real goods and services and they cross borders as you would expect.

The second is the finance transaction in the opposite direction.

In every finance transaction that happens the buyer gets to use what they want to pay for the transaction, and the seller receives what they want to receive for the transaction. Everybody has to get what they want in finance terms *or both legs of the transaction would never have happened in the first place*.

The job of the finance sector is to match the mismatches, allow more finance transactions to complete and scrape a bit off for enabling that process.

So you can buy UK goods and services with anything you want – bottles of wine, even Bitcoin and your friendly neighbourhood finance sector will sort it all out so the seller at the other end gets what they want.

So if I’m in the UK and I’m an anarchist with a deep distrust of government, I will want Bitcoins. I may even charge for my stuff in Bitcoins. Then I’d use a finance invoice processor (like coinvoice) which allows buyers to pay with whatever they fancy and I’ll get Bitcoins.

However at some point I’m going to have to pay my tax Bill and so I’ll use another payment processor to pay my tax bill with Bitcoins.

But none of this is magic. The finance sector is just doing the exchanges in the background. If somebody pays me with dollars and I want Bitcoins, then that gets matched with somebody paying in Bitcoins and wanting dollars. And what happens in effect is the person paying with Bitcoin pays me, and the person paying me in dollars pays those wanting dollars. It’s a simple swap transaction that redirects the currency flows back into the currency area.

Matching those flows is what moves the currency prices relative to each other until everything matches up.

The key point is that in every transaction the buyer pays with what they want to pay with and the seller gets what they want to receive. Otherwise the transaction will never happen. So all that nonsense about the UK *needing* dollars to pay for things is rubbish. If we have Sterling we pay for things in Sterling and the exchange system matches that up. If there is no match. If liquidity dries up then the *transaction fails* and never happens.

What that tells you is that the ‘trade deficit’ is a result of transactions that have succeeded. Therefore the other side must have wanted Sterling savings of some kind or the excess transaction would never have happened in the first place.

Gordon Gekko

Switch yourself around to the point of view of a Chinese producer. Put yourself in their shoes.

Then what happens is this.

There is insufficient demand at home to keep your factory going. Just not enough orders coming in. So you either close or you entertain these orders from a foreign nation offering funny green bits of paper that are worthless to you.

So you have a word with your local PBC branch and they let you know that they’ll take the funny green bits of paper and give you real money in exchange. And they can even tell you how much real money you’ll get.

That reassures you and off you go producing safe in the knowledge that you’ll get real money for your output which you can spend in the shops in China.

So how does the PBC do that.

Again, put yourself in the shoes of the PBC. In the hands of a bank foreign currency is a loan asset. It’s collateral. What does a bank do with collateral? it discounts it for the local currency.

The transactions are DR Foreign currency assets, CR local factory owner’s deposit account

Now read that again. What has happened?

The bank has gained ownership of a valuable foreign asset *and created local money against it*.

This is how foreign export-led economies maintain circulation of their local money in the face of the drain to savings. They hold foreign currency assets to make the balance sheet look good. It is far, far easier politically to discount against so called ‘hard currency’ than it is against the apparently nebulous ‘taxpayers equity’ asset. Even though functionally it has precisely the same effect – injection of local money into the economy.

Let’s take another example of Norway.

You’re an oil producer in Norway and you earn in US dollars. But the Norwegian government taxes you heavily in Krone to avoid a ‘Dutch disease’ issue and to ‘save’ for future generations.

So what happens?

The government pays the tax amount, in Kroner, into the Government Pension Fund using the usual mark up routine. It charges the oil funds the tax amount (as corporate taxes and licence costs). To get the Kroner, the oil company swaps USD for Kroner – effectively with the Pension Fund. The Oil company now has the Kroner and can settle its tax bill.

The Pension Fund now has USD which it uses to buy equities from abroad and that approach drain more USD in income (and Euros, GBP, etc). The fund puts a huge ‘hard asset’ on one side of the national balance sheet which can be discounted quietly by the Norwegian central bank to maintain the circulation of Kroner in the face of the drain to savings.

You can do much the same with Denmark – except that the pension funds there are privatised.

Gordon Gekko

The only thing holding us back is the space between the liberal left ears where brains are supposed to be.

The Job Guarantee is an advanced auto-stabiliser which implements ‘Spatial Keynesianism’. ‘Spatial Keynesianism’ is just a fancy way of saying that spending happens in the locations that need it. More in some areas and less in others depending upon the level of other activity at the time.

So as the economy moves out of recession and into growth what do we need to do to stop overheating?

Well, firstly, you implement a Job Guarantee which injects additional spending into the economy where it is needed at precisely the right amount?—?all completely automatically.

“Precisely the right amount” means that it is withdrawn progressively and spatially as private economic activity increases. People hired away from the Job Guarantee start being paid with private funds, not public funds, so you get a swap of spending power, rather than an increase.

Over the cycle people come on and off the Job Guarantee which grows and shrinks government spending automatically. All without any politicians or central bank ‘experts’ making any discretionary changes.

The Job Guarantee job is just a job like any other. It generates GDP with labour that nobody else currently wants to use. The private sector no longer has to go into areas it doesn’t really belong, or want to go, in a misguided attempt to try and “create jobs”. It can be left to do its thing of eliminating jobs with innovation and automation via capital investment. That drives up productivity and leads to an increased standard of living for all.

In fact, the private sector can be encouraged down the route. Controlling labour supply makes labour expensive which shifts the capital/labour ratio towards using more capital. You can ensure competition is intense because you’re no longer terrified about firms going bust or moving abroad; the Job Guarantee ensures there are always jobs in a locality that people can take. You don’t need the jobs of the private sector; they are a nice to have. This is the correct approach to take, because the private sector actually creates jobs as a side effect of its main task of destroying them with capital investment (hence capitalism, not jobism).

Government can set policy to eliminate price adjusting firms?—?via a combination of regulatory action (a strengthened Competition Authority with power to break up cartels rapidly) and competitive action. The Post Keynesian view of a firm shows that quantity-adjusting, time shifting competitors will outcompete price adjusters at any given quality level. Nobody gives up market share willingly in a truly competitive market.

Intense competition, and regulatory authorities aiming their 12-bore at price adjusters who break cover, along with tough government purchasing tactics, force businesses to compete or fail. Failure moves workers from the private sector to the Job Guarantee, activates the auto-stabilisation mechanisms and avoids cascade contagion. Only the misallocated resources are purged.

Gordon Gekko

With the Job Guarantee in place you can let firms go bust and can hold firms to a much higher competitive standard than if you are relying on private firms to ‘provide jobs’. Job security is provided by a liquid local job market backed by the Job Guarantee, not by propping up individual firms with state subsidies. Businesses can be treated as cattle, not pets. If we are to have capitalism, we should have it?—?raw in the teeth and brutal?—?but merely restrict its effects to the capitalists. Those that survive this Ninja Challenge will then have truly earned their spoils.

The Job Guarantee helps prevents an unsustainable boom by creating an environment where bad firms can fail early and fail often.

Movement between the private sector and Job Guarantee automatically stablises the fluctations in business activity.


Alongside the Job Guarantee. These regulate the asset side of banks and prevent the banks creating another Minsky Moment.

The job of a bank is to promote the capital development of the economy. That is its public purpose; the job it is licensed to do. All other activities that conflicts with that purpose must be prevented.

For banking to be effective it must be boring?—?bowler hat boring. The job of a bank is to provide capital development loans to the economy based solely upon credit analysis. All other activities deflecting from that purpose are Ultra Vires. They break the rules they lose their licence.

That means:

Banks can only lend directly to borrowers for capital development purposes (i.e. business credit lines and household loans), and the banks keep those loans on their books until cleared.

Banks must operate on a single balance sheet. No hiving things off into ‘off balance sheet’ subsidiaries to try and hide them.

Banks cannot accept collateral. Collateral is a fixed charge over an asset as an insurance policy and aligns the incentives of banks with those possessing assets, not ideas. It stops banks being capital developers and turns them into pawn shops. That is the wrong alignment of incentives. We want loan officers with skin in the game. Their success should depend upon the success of the borrower. Banks should line up in insolvency with the other unsecured creditors (and importantly behind the remaining preferential creditors?—?employees).

Depositors are protected 100% at all amounts. A depositor in a commercial bank is holding nothing more than an outsourced central bank account. They are not investors in the bank and should never be treated as such.

Regulation is provided by the bank resolution agency, which is a public body funded entirely by government. There is no charge or levy to the banks for the operation.

The job of the bank resolution agency is to ensure the banks are properly capitalised given their loan book and declare them solvent. If they are not, they take the bank over and resolve it with any excess losses absorbed by government.

This aligns the incentives of the regulator. If they get the solvency calculation wrong and the capital buffers exhaust, the regulator stands the cost.

The Central Bank provides unlimited, unsecured lending to regulated banks at zero interest rates. Collateral serves no purpose since the bank has been declared solvent (and therefore there is no reason for it to be illiquid), and collateralised Central Bank lending just shifts the losses to depositors who are protected 100% anyway.

Once you get rid of interbank collateral and funding requirements, you get rid of one of the final excuses for keeping Government Bonds. National Savings annuities for pensions (allowing retiring individuals to receive a secure lifetime income) would get rid of the final one.

Transferable instruments that confer government welfare on the owners do not serve the public purpose. Government welfare receipt is a social decision, not a market driven one.

Gordon Gekko

Now the asset side of the banks have been heavily regulated, you want the liability side to be as cheap as possible. Unlimited central bank access ensures liquidity for depositors and allows lending-only banks to arise.

It gets rid of the Interbank overnight market and replaces it with central bank overnight accounts. It puts the Central Bank ‘in the bank’ as a major investor?—?with open access to the commercial bank’s loan book via the work of the solvency regulator.

All levies, liquidity ratios, reserve requirements and the like are eliminated. The cost of maintaining the collateral system is eliminated. The result is loans at a low price with the quantity restricted solely by credit quality. As an economy heats up, credit quality declines and loans become restricted?—?systemically preventing the Ponzi stages of finance that lead to a Minsky Moment.

Proscribed banks, forced to rely on credit analysis for profit, help prevent a boom by issuing less credit as project quality declines.

You get a natural and steady withdrawal of funding that is far more surgically targeted and responsive to local conditions, than the carpet bombing approach of interest rate adjustment.

Interest rate targeting just creates unemployment to control inflation. It is cruel and immoral. No place in Scotland. The loons don’t understand inflation.

This leaves the payment system, which should be as costless as cash and clear just as instantly to eliminate transaction frictions. Whether that should be publicly provided, or remain outsourced to the banks is an open question.

The people of Scotland can decide.

Depositors are a cost to the bank and would effectively be a tax, but leaving them with the banks would give them an incentive to get the cost of clearing provision down. It may boil down to a political question that depends upon your view of the effectiveness of public and private provision.

I’d lean towards an Open clearing system created by the state (or even states) and available to all on an open licence. We want one good clearing system like we have one good Linux.

Banks are currently too complicated, too large, too impersonal, too intertwined and systemically dangerous. They need to be simpler, smaller, more local and relationship oriented in scope. All of which are easy to achieve once you adopt the Mosler Mechanics for banking.

Once again, because there is a Job Guarantee and a government that will use fiscal policy, we don’t need the banks to provide endless credit, any more than we need private firms to provide endless jobs. Banks and firms can be maintained at their appropriate natural size and location as determined by the technological level of the economy and where people actually reside. Stopping the brain drain from rural Scotland to the big cities.

Gordon Gekko


A currency as a simple public monopoly, and that monopoly rules apply to its use. Where a nation has its own currency, runs its own central bank, floats its currency on the currency markets the government controlling the currency is in charge and sets the rules of the game. Like any monopolist it is the price setter.

Government can command any resources available for sale in its currency and can use its sovereign power to force those resources to be freed up so it can purchase them for the public good.

This is in sharp contrast to the neo-liberal viewpoint which is that government is just another organisation in the system that has to compete for resources by price. Business and banks always get first choice of resources and government has to make do with the scraps. They believe the bankers and businesses should be in charge and that the population are just factors of production to be shifted around, like ingots of steel, as business requires.

There is a different approach. You can determine that business and banks are servants of the people. Government can take first choice of resources for the public purpose, then allow business and banks to work with what is left, before hoovering up any left over resources with a Job Guarantee.

The public wrap of the private system provides a containment vessel around the nuclear power of capitalism. We can draw its power without the boom. We can fuel it with public investment and improve the power output.

The focus of government action shifts from money to the actual things we need to buy for the public purpose. Smart people talk about government buying, not spending.

From this, government sets the policy for spending and taxation at a level that allows the Job Guarantee and other auto-stabilisation mechanisms (such as standby investment contracts) to function.

Government keeps the Job Guarantee anchor working by making discretionary policy tight enough to maintain a functional buffer.

Because Job Guarantee jobs are just living wage jobs you don’t need to get people ‘off the Job Guarantee and into work’. They are already in work doing things people see as useful and delivering valuable output. Therefore you can adjust policy more slowly based upon data from the Job Guarantee as to how liquid the buffer is in different parts of the country.

Politicians are almost certainly useless at driving an economy. In fact the only people worse than politicians are central bankers and their lackey economists. Politicians are at least partially grounded in reality because they have to get elected.

Enhanced auto-stabilisation via the Job Guarantee and proscribed banking gets all these people out of the way. Discretionary policy is then decided by politicians in parliament once a year, and the day to day gyrations are handled automatically by the system.

Central bank civil servants can then go back to being anonymous operators, just like the ones operating social security, applying the rules they have been given and keeping out of the limelight. It’s time for the era of rock star Central Bank Governors, waving their expectations fairy wand, to end. There is no factual basis for their actions. If we turned up in a remote jungle and found a tribe managing their affairs in the way we do at present, we’d call them primitive and superstitious. The One Rate to Rule Them All is just as much of a fantasy tale as the One Ring.

Gordon Gekko

Kalecki (1946) §2 made a similar point:

“It should be first stated that, although most economists are now agreed that full employment may be achieved by government spending, this was by no means the case even in the recent past. Among the opposers of this doctrine there were (and still are) prominent so-called ‘economic experts’ closely connected with banking and industry. This suggests that there is a political background in the opposition to the full employment doctrine, even though the arguments advanced are economic. That is not to say that people who advance them do not believe in their economics, poor though this is. But obstinate ignorance is usually a manifestation of underlying political motives.”

The policies put forward reduces the political power of bankers and the ‘captains of industry’. Reducing the scope of bank lending creates spending space in an economy and reduces the need for general taxation. Limiting lending to useful activities is, in effect, a massive tax on the excesses of banking?—?all without touching a single tax rate.

Forcing the ‘captains of industry’ to undertake actual capitalism, where they have to invest heavily, in an environment of scarce labour resources, to gain a profit, is loathed by big business. As Kalecki (ibid.) points out:

The social function of the doctrine of ‘sound finance’ is to make the level of employment dependent on the state of confidence.The

The Job Guarantee takes that power away from business and makes them the servant of the people once again.

The neo-liberal framing of the debate studiously avoids these views, but a more detailed analysis brings them both into sharp relief.

This reveals new political choices. There is an alternative.

Monetary policy stabilisation has been an utter failure leading to crippling levels of private debt and inequality. The idea that economic stabilisation is simply a matter of banking policy is Victorian zombie economics at its worst. The One Rate To Rule Them All belief can be rejected entirely, along with all the people that support it.

Banking can be returned to bowler hat boring. The job of a bank is to lend for capital development and not a lot else. The Mosler Mechanics for banking puts banks back in their box, and at the same time releases a huge amount of misallocated resources for other uses. Private debt is constrained and naturally limited by credit analysis. No more private debt fuelled booms.

Everybody can have a job in the location where they live with the help of the Job Guarantee. Business is moved from master to servant. Business must wander the nations looking for labour to serve it and compete hard to get any. Or it can engage in actual capitalism, and invest in advanced technology and techniques?—?eliminating jobs while driving forward productivity and our standard of living.

We can treat businesses like cattle not pets. Those that don’t make the grade can fail to allow those that do to flourish.

The gyrations of the economy can be stabilised automatically. We have no need for central bankers doing their Wizard of Oz routine. It’s a waste of money and borders on a superstitious ritual. The last ten years have proved that these experts are nothing of the sort, and it is time for them to find alternative employment. (Perhaps they can join Psychic Sally on tour…)

Government can adjust fiscal policy with a long term view once a year in the budget, and leave the enhanced automatic stabilisers to handle the short term wiggles in the interim. We need to get people out of the stabilisation business and let fiscal policy and competitive mechanics handle it instead.

We can contain the nuclear power of capitalism and make it work for the public good. MMT shows that the government is in charge in its own domain, by virtue of its monopoly over the currency. Government can deploy the resources it requires for the public good, allow the private sector to work its wonders with what is left, and then utilise any remaining capacity with the Job Guarantee. This puts an advanced containment vessel around capitalism giving greater control and output than ever before.

Government can focus on what it buys and how it buys it. Once money is out of the picture we can get back to what economics is supposed to be about?—?the allocation of actual physical resources to tasks. If we want more nurses, where are they coming from? If we want buildings, who is going to build them and what with? What were the alternative uses? What are the opportunity costs? Just because government can command resources, doesn’t mean it should.

Neo-liberalism likes to imply that market value and social value are the same. The MMT view shows they are very different beasts. Public provision has to be assessed politically on its social value and social costs.

The sovereign state with its own currency is the world’s unit of independent governance?—?allowing a set of people to manage their affairs in the way they wish without compromising too much to any other set of people. If you believe that system is worth preserving and can work for the good of all then the correct viewpoint gives you the tools to make it work well.

The globalists and internationalists of both liberal and neo-liberal persuasion won’t like it. But they have failed us and their day is done.

The future is independent states of people operating democratically in co-operation with each other, not world government by an aristocracy of the arrogant liberal elite in thrall to bankers.

Brussels would not allow any of what I have proposed

Gordon Gekko


Takes care of itself.

You export to get the currency you need for the imports stuff you can’t make yourself.

Exporters would be standing in line out bidding each other to sell to Scotland even discounting their own currency and selling it is in our currency.

We don’t need to do a thing and the govt can get the best price. Play them off against each other or we invite someone else to the party.

We nationalise our largest exporters work together in case a call in world demand the monopolist will set the price.

Make our exporters strategic.

Currency fluctuations will be offset by the floating rate introduce capital controls if need be.

Our own Central bank helps with that also..

What economists always get wrong is the idea of funding. A current account deficit isn’t funded. For it to exists at all it must already have been funded. Every short has to have a corresponding long. Similarly for every excess import of goods and services into a currency zone there has to be a corresponding external sector held asset denominated in the currency of the import zone. One cannot exist without the other. It is a simultaneous requirement in a floating system. If any step along the way fails the whole deal falls through, eliminating both sides instantly.

At the moment the speculators are playing silly games laying on shorts in Sterling. They will do so until there is nobody is prepared to take the other side, no soft holders to panic out of their savings and no more flash crashes allowing dealers to close open long positions. In other words until the liquidity drains away until all that is left is that required for the underlying trade flows.

Then you will get the mother of all bear squeezes.

The game, of course, is to tempt the patsy of last resort?—?the central bank?—?into the speculation market to throw fresh salmon to the bears.

A wise central bank will avoid doing this. Instead it will offer to clear needed trade flows with its reserves on a strict national policy basis?—?food and power: yes, Learjets: no. It will offer refinancing to firms who have foreign currency loans, as long as they go through administration first so that the foreign currency loan is wiped out and the foreign bank is force to take the loss. A wise central bank would do everything it can to ensure the squeeze stays on track. It would make its intentions known?—?there will be no liquidity for speculation outside the ‘natural’ supply. And that means, in an over-the-counter market of foreign exchange, liquidity may run out.

A wise central bank understands that is the responsibility of the other central bank with the high currency value and an excess export policy to decide what they want to do. A wise central bank will keeps it head while all around are losing theirs.

The problem is that central bank policy makers are still talking about shocks and equilibrium. They talk about pass through for exchange costs and there is apparently an extensive literature on the subject. But there seems to be little analysis of pass back (volume/price impact on the export side) because that would require acknowledging that the demand side matters?

So we still have central bank following policies guided by incorrect thinking and developed using unbelievably primitive models. We are still trying to fly aircraft with techniques developed for riding a horse. Is it any wonder the commentary around Sterling has more in keeping with witchcraft than science?

Gordon Gekko

Go ahead run to Brussels

You’ll regret it for the rest of your lives..

Nothing stopping Scotland running its own affairs apart from a shower of ignorant bastards.

And 80% of voters not knowing what they are voting for..


The NEC election results are a step in the right direction. We are well rid of the strident minority who took over the SNP to further their own interests. There now remains the pressing need to be rid of those who control the party who have no intention of pushing the independence agenda such as Sturgeon, Murrell, Swinney, Wishart and others who have grown too comfortable with their fat cat lives. We need a seismic change and we need it now now. As has been said many times on here we have to throw a legal spanner in the works before 31 December to protect Scotland’s sovereign rights and the current charlatans in power have no intention of doing so.

Unless and until Sturgeon and her cabal are removed there is no prospect of Scotland achieving independence. Their actions over the last few years have made that very clear and their inaction has severely damaged our prospects of ever casting off the Westminster chains. For those who still pay members subs, and/or contribute in any way to the SNP, wake up! The only way you will get your party back and push for independence is to kick out the the Sturgeon cabal. The best way to do that is STOP THE CASH. No more subs, donations etc. Lets see how long the Murrells hang about when the cash dries up.

Until the SNP again become the party of independence think seriously about who you should vote for in the forthcoming elections. If the new pro independence parties can get their act together and produce one credible alternative then they will certainly get my vote on both the constituency and the list. Having been a supporter of Scottish Independence for almost 50 years and an SNP member until 31 January this year I will never vote for them again under the current “leadership”. If there is no viable alternative independence candidate on the ballot then I will spoil my vote. These a*holes need to be told that their time is up.

David Holden

The bright moon tonight seems to have brought out the trolls. Please do not feed them. Message ends.

Ronald Fraser

David Holden

The only Trolls on Wings these days are those of the mad Sturgeon supporter persuasion.

They hark back to the days when men were men and women were,,,men.

Alas, those days came to a sudden end.

And they find it hard to accept.

Ronald Fraser

Did Pete Wishart send out messages congratulating Ms Cherry and Co on them being elected to the NEC?

Sturgeon, Smith and Wishart, three very sorry losers.

The Isolator

Lovin these Gordon Gekko cut n paste jobs but launching 3-2-1??


With an efficacy in the over 50’s not much better than your standard flu vaccine – 50% vs 62% – I wonder how long the MSM and Westminster will continue to portray the Oxford vaccine as being some kind of ‘Magic Bullet’?

How long before the stories start appearing of someone’s granny dying despite having had the vaccine?

Politicians/MSM need to curb their enthusiasm methinks. And as for Jacob Grease Mop, what an utter plank! A walking, talking example of the product of centuries of inbreeding. His type should be stuffed and put on display in the British Museum as a warning to future generations.


David Holden says:
3 December, 2020 at 6:37 am

The bright moon tonight seems to have brought out the trolls. Please do not feed them. Message ends.

If he abused people at the end of his guff rather than the beginning, maybe more people would read it… saved me the bother.

Nobody needs to read it unfortunately, because we’ll see for ourselves where Brexiteering horseshit gets us come January.

Alf Baird

As post-colonial literature predicts, the privileged pampered bourgeoisie and their wayward mysticism has brought Scots to this impasse, so don’t expect more of the well heeled supposedly more ‘articulate’ private school lot (i.e. the meritocracy aye expecting to run Scotland, whither indy or no) to get us out of it.

True National independence (yes there is more than one form of ‘independence’) depends on leadership of a different character altogether, reflecting those who have suffered and still suffer from what the UN calls ‘the scourge of colonialism’ and its oppressions and who are supported by a growing ‘native’ Scottish intellectual base, as we see reflected in blogs such as Wings, Craig Murray, Gordon Dangerfield, Grousebeater, Iain Lawson, Barrhead Boy and more – i.e. the intellectual blogs certain private schoolboy ‘nationalists’ would happily legislate to close doon!

In other words, true independence requires more a Tommy Sheridan than a Joanna Cheree, and don’t the oppressor know it.

Scot Finlayson

Axel Hole says he didn`t do what they say he did,

in ref to the Cherry letter,

libdems is fibdems, Ye shall know them by their fruits.

Bob Mack

Just thinking out loud about the Holyrood Committee . The evidence given yesterday was the usual can’t remember, need to check can’t recall, sort of stuff.

What did strike me though is is that very early on in the investigation it became apparent that there was no basis to discipline a former FM. That means that someone ,somewhere had to make that possible.

Who had that power? There are in fact only two possibilities.

One is Leslie Evans and the other is Nicola Sturgeon.

The rest of The cast in this farce is irrelevant.

It was evident the evidence given yesterday pinpointed Evans as the main driver in reporting Alex to the police.

So here is the bottom line . One question only remains.

Did Evans inform the First Minister of her actions?. To my mind it is inconceivable she did not.

This was backed up yesterday from a different source when Alyn Smith in his meltdown in the National wrote re “Salmond apologists”. I think it mirrors Sturgeons view when she talked about the justice for the accusers rather than her happiness at Alex being found innocent.

Smith will always mirror the view of someone he admires. It is basic sycophancy, and he is a master.

I think the evidence of a conspiracy has been confirmed. All that remains is to pinpoint who led it.


I am 72, not an idiot, racist or bigot.
Life long supporter of equal rights and fair play for all.
Likes to examine both sides of any story before making a decision.

This whole SNP stoshie thing seems to have gone right over my head I have no idea who is right or wrong who is woke or non woke, in fact I do not even know what woke means.
I do not think I am on my own with these thoughts and quite frankly find the Wings coverage quite over the top and naval gazingly boring.

I believe the actual number of people involved on both sides of this argument is miniscule and that there are far more important things to discuss right now.
Post Covid finance restructure, unemployment, poverty, land ownership etc.
We need to move on and put the first and only objective of Independence firmly on centre stage.

Ian Brotherhood

@Bob Mack (9.10) –

Perhaps worth highlighting this again:

link to

Bob Mack

@Ian Brotherhood,

Indeed. When you wipe away all the bit part players and the minions who played various parts in this, there are actually only two people who could make this possible.

One is Evans and the other is Sturgeon. They and they alone had the power to change the rules to put Ale.x in that oosition.

Either they acted separately or in tandem to do so.

This is all that remains to be clarified.

Bob Mack

@Gullane 04.
” I believe the number of people involved in this is miniscule”

Probably that’s why you believe things go right over your head. At least you have insight.

Scot Finlayson

Looks like UK Gov is just doing what all Govs do,

`China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention gave test kit designs and distribution rights exclusively to three then-obscure Shanghai companies with which officials had personal ties, the reporting found.

The deals took place within a culture of backdoor connections that quietly flourished in an underfunded public health system, according to the investigation,

which was based on interviews with more than 40 doctors, CDC employees, health experts, and industry insiders, as well as hundreds of internal documents, contracts, messages and emails obtained by the AP.`

link to

Michael Laing

@ gullaneno4 at 9.12am:

‘Woke’ is particular groups of people whining about how their rights are being disregarded by the rest of society, and demanding special treatment for themselves. It is selfish, divisive, and in direct opposition to the imperative of equality and respect for all. What annoys me even more is when people who aren’t of African descent, for example, keep going on about ‘Black Lives Matter’, or people who aren’t transsexual (only a very tiny minority are) keep banging on about how ‘Transwomen are women’. Not only is that bullshit, but it doesn’t even concern non-transsexuals. What about war, poverty, homelessness, and indeed, independence?

“…there are far more important things to discuss right now. Post Covid finance restructure, unemployment, poverty, land ownership etc. We need to move on and put the first and only objective of Independence firmly on centre stage.”

Don’t you see that this is precisely why the whole ‘woke business’ has become such a big issue? The SNP has been infiltrated and taken over by a clique of weirdos who are not interested in independence, but who are using our movement to further their own agenda. There is no hope of any progress towards independence while these interlopers remain in position.

Ian Brotherhood

@Michael Laing (9.39) –

The case frequently highlighted here (rape crisis centre manager Mridul Wadhwa) has been taken up by a concerned American citizen who doesn’t hold her punches and name-checks Wings several times.

The first of these videos was tweeted by a Wings regular, prompting accusations of ‘libel’ from Mridul which are addressed in the second. Please note the comments below each, and the curious separation of same (below the 2nd of these), where replies questioning Mridul libel claims are only viewable if you click the ‘See More Replies’ button.

So far as I can tell, Mridul Wadhwa is still in that job.

link to

link to


It is of comfort to me to come here and see the many
who have priorities like mine which I think are well founded
and fair.

I’ve said before that I have nothing against Trans people but they
don’t get special rights for their minority that puts the majority of
women’s rights in danger.

We have the most important issues we have ever faced in our lives before us
and Trans rights isn’t anywhere near the front of the queue.

Can you imagine you are on a sinking ship and the Captain shouts for the life boats,
Women, Children and any people who think they are in Trans mode today?

Let’s all debate about their rights and ignore drowning in 5 minutes.


@ Lenny Hartley at 12:42 am

Your points are noted,I find I want to say far much more about Gibson and HIS clique within North Ayrshire than would be possibly wise to do so.
I saw that Baroness Clark is the Labour candidate ,standing for Holyrood, beating Joanna Baxter..(There will be tears before bedtime then)
As an MP Clark was following the very low standard the MPs for the constituency that level is maintained by Patrica (everyone elected has been useless from Hunter-Weston to Patsy)
No one will convince me that a Gibson was not behind the misogynistic attack on Baxter.
What I do find extremely hard to fathom is absolute pieces of Trash that refuse to stand up in regards to Gibson’s ( one and two) alleged behaviour
Oh and then there is the money Gibson seems to have spent

Alf Baird

Michael Laing @ 9.39

“There is no hope of any progress towards independence while these interlopers remain in position.”

Therein lies the problem, however it arguably extends further, reaching throughout much of Scotland’s meritocracy.

The symptoms of colonial rule are there for all to see – close to half the people in/near poverty, subjected to cultural/linguistic imperialism, a privileged Anglophone meritocratic elite, a subordinate colonial mindset and resultant ‘cultural cringe’, inequality still rife, externally exploited and poorly regulated resources/markets, a weak and withering economy, obsolete infrastructure, an international status concealed etc. The Scots are a people who are externally controlled in all respects by an ‘administrative power’.

The root cause of Scotland’s wretchedness is colonialism which is emulsified as ‘unionism’, the only solution to which is independence.

Michael Laing

@ Alf Baird at 10.03am: I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said, although I would say that people can’t help the way they speak (that’s simply a product of the environment in which they grew up) and I’m reluctant to judge people simply on that basis. Nor would I want to give the impression that I am prejudiced against English people. I most certainly am not. But it is obvious that those in high positions in Scotland generally have Anglified speech and that there is cultural elitism at play there.

I always used to say that you’ll never hear a genuine Scottish accent on TV, although we are expected to accept and understand the often impenetrable London speech of the actors in ‘East Enders’, for example. I haven’t had a TV for many years, but I’ve no doubt that’s still true.