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Wings Over Scotland

Wolves and vampires

Posted on August 01, 2020 by

It seems fair to say that the SNP’s shady, ugly coup d’etwats yesterday hasn’t gone down massively well. Social media was awash in pictures of cut-up membership cards and resignation letters, and some of the most moderate voices in the commentariat also decried the stitch-ups of Joanna Cherry and James Dornan.

The NEC meeting which forced through the new rules was held in secret and nobody knows who was present or who voted for what. Indeed, even the identities of the NEC’s members are largely not public knowledge.

But there’s one thing we do know.

Alert readers have been aware for some time that the headquarters of the SNP’s woke division, and the hotbed of the party’s quasi-fascist Twitler Youth wing, was its Stirling branch. And in perhaps the least shocking revelation of all time, it turns out that this week’s events have Stirling SNP’s grubby fingerprints all over them.

In March, two members of the SNP branch laid down a motion to be debated at the party’s since-abandoned conference. It read as follows:

“Conference decides that an elected parliamentarian may not stand for election to another legislative body without the approval of the National Executive Committee, which will take into account the implications of a parliamentarian potentially holding a dual mandate or causing a parliamentary by-election through resignation from the legislature to which they were first elected.”

That’s the motion that was passed this week to effectively block Joanna Cherry from seeking the nomination to contest Edinburgh Central next year. It was laid down in the names of Gerry McLaughlin & Grant Thoms.

McLaughlin, pictured below, is the branch convener, and bid for selection as the SNP’s Westminster candidate for Stirling in 2015, but was beaten by Steven Paterson.

Thoms, a lecturer at Stirling University, was a member of the vetting committee which rejected Paterson for the 2019 election, clearing the way for Alyn Smith – or “Daddy” as the Twitler Youth refer to him – to secure the nomination uncontested.

(Thoms was a failed SNP candidate in 2000 and 2001, losing Glasgow Anniesland to Labour by large majorities both times. He’s also editor of party newspaper The Scots Independent and was Head Of Policy And Strategy for welfare-to-work firm Ingeus, who have been closely involved with the UK government’s controversial and cruel Work Programme. For some reason Thoms omits this post from his LinkedIn CV.)

Three of Smith’s staff are also office-bearers in the Stirling branch, and he’s widely regarded as the de facto leader of the woke wing. Along with Angus Robertson – chief beneficiary of the blocking of Joanna Cherry – he was central to a newspaper article last year vilifying “abusive cybernats” in the Yes movement.

(Strangely those attacked by Smith and Robertson for such offences did not include such Stirling-based SNP members as Smith’s own quite spectacularly abusive young boyfriend Jordon Henderson, or transgender racist Leeze Lawrence, or noted defamer and woman-abuser Cameron Archibald, a young activist who spews torrents of angry tweets (regularly deleted to avoid scrutiny) from his bedroom in his parents’ house near Bannockburn and has recently resigned as secretary of that branch to join the main Stirling one – as well as changing his Twitter name from “MammothWhale” to “TheStirlingWolf”, coincidentally the animal Adolf Hitler characterised himself as.)

Smith himself also sits on the NEC as Policy Development Convener and clearly fancies himself as a future party leader. But enough local colour. The woke takeover of the SNP, of which this week’s events are only the latest manifestation, has always been centred on Stirling, fuelled by a toxic mix of extremist ideology, naked careerist ambition and personal grudges which has now spread across the party/country more virulently than COVID-19 and is sucking the very lifeblood out of the Yes movement.

Would that there were a way to put it in lockdown.

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Absolutely disgusting. Expel them all.


WOW,WOW,WOW What a clusterfuck , are we that far down the rabbit hole where is narnia


Yet Stu you will still be accused of working AGAINST the SNP


Well spotted …it’s sickening
Do you know anything about new developments?
There have been some dark hints along the lines of
‘NEC the other night? You ain’t seen anything yet!’
Genuinely worried &waiting for next act of self immolation
Still think the party members are sound and can fight back,
this gang is loud &threatening but not big


According to the BLC on Kevin McKenna’s article re the stabbing of Joanna Cherry, someone said that the NEC secret meeting was put forward by someone from Nicola Sturgeon’s office.

Where have we heard that before?


Any idea why Smith is called Daddy? Sugar daddy, perhaps?


Should be noted that the wolf is the animal of Stirling, dating from a 9th century local legend that a wolf’s howl alerted the town to a Viking ambush.

There’s another “Stirling Wolf” of no small notoriety in Scottish history:

“In 1304, Edward I, the Hammer of the Scots, besieged Stirling Castle. A rain of lead balls, Greek fire and boulders fell on the castle. It was ‘game over’ for the Scots when a terrifyingly monstrous weapon arrived on the scene…

… Five master carpenters and 50 workmen had been tirelessly assembling massive wooden beams, winches and an enormous counterweight into one of the largest trebuchets ever. When Oliphant saw it in its final stages of construction he knew that it was over. He surrendered in an attempt to save his men and the castle from the destructive power of Edward’s hugely expensive new toy.

However, Edward was not in a particularly generous mood. This was to be the final nail in the coffin of the Scots and he wanted them to know it. He had a gallery constructed for the ladies of the court to view this humiliating spectacle. The fearsome engine was christened the “Warwolf”. When its 140kg missile was released, it shattered Stirling Castle’s curtain wall. Oliphant and his men were publicly humiliated and sent to England for imprisonment.

The siege had shown the overwhelming resources Edward had at his disposal and his attitude towards Scotland. This was not merely a military operation. Unlike most sieges, Edward did not want to break the castle’s mighty walls just to gain a military advantage, Oliphant had already given up. Instead, he designed a piece of pure political theatre. He did not allow the garrison to surrender, so he could make a public spectacle of his power in the form of the world’s largest trebuchet.”


A wolf saved Stirling; a wolf doomed Stirling. There’s a poetic irony to that.

CameronB Brodie

As I’ve said before, I used to think Cameron Archibald was one of the good guys. However, he appears to be sympathetic with views that would fit neatly into any fascist regime. Scotland is doomed unless the SNP can regain a legal respect for democracy.

Andy Ellis


It seems entirely appropriate that Mr Archibald’s name should forever be associated with an instrument aimed at demolishing the independence of Scots.


My heart goes out to the good people of Stirling who want independence but are lumped with this woke lot, who are only interested in their own agenda.

Of course Sturgeon and Murrell must be quite happy with it also, to allow it to spread and infect the entire party.


Thinking of rejoining the SNP in Central Edinburgh just ensure “fairness” and blocking corrup selection system.

Any probs with that? I mean the process of selection has not commenced, believe it or not.

Andy Ellis


I had the same thoughts prior to the 2019 election: I recall Denise Findlay tried to persuade me it was a good idea. However, given what I’ve seen sinceI’m not sure I could stomach even being in the same party as some of the individuals called out above.

Such people don’t represent the kind of movement I want to see in power, so until the rank and file in the party take action to rid themselves of these cuckoos in the nest, I’ll be looking elsewhere!

[…] Wings Over Scotland Wolves and vampires It seems fair to say that the SNP’s shady, ugly coup d’etwats yesterday hasn’t […]

Bill Cowan

Good one Stu. It’s been common knowledge in Stirling for a long time. Good of you to bring it to the fore.


Cutting up your membership card and cancelling your subs seems like a good idea to me. It’s a simple and straightforward way for individual members to remind those at the top that they’re failing to represent your views & opinions. An added bonus is that you’re then free to join and support any new party which may or may not emerge to promote independence.

Iain Lawson

This will shock the innocents in the don’t rock the boat party to discover while Independence is postponed due to the virus, the good ship SNP has been busy promoting this Fascist bunch’s agenda.

mike cassidy

And as a relevant aside

One female Labour MP being hunted down for having the nerve to say that the cervix is exclusive to women

link to

CameronB Brodie

Are these Stirlingshire cuckoos not a bit short-sighted? I’m pretty sure the intended Hate Crime bill would result in a few of them being prosecuted for racial hate crime.

Stu hutch

Only way to get rid of them is bring them out of the shadows.make people aware of who they are and there intentions.either put someone up as an independent or vote for someone else.its easier to fight someone in front of you.than waiting for a knife in the back


Sorry, I am confused,

Why is “Jordon” still a member of the SNP? Is being connected to Alyn Smith so powerful that you can incite hatred with impunity?

As for the deluded Miss Sleeze? Is Nicola Sturgeon so utterly scared of the McWoke lobby that she allows such HIGHLY offensive lawbreakers to spew forth their putrid agenda in this way without Nicola’s trademark manoeuvre of throwing the innocent person under a bus FIRST and then getting them to prove their innocence. Or is it that Nicola Sturgeon IS part of the Jordon Henderson/Alyn Smith/Leeze Lawrence/Grant Thoms/Cameron Archibald electoral poison?

If only there were a way for the OLD SNP to return.

You know, the SNP that brought in so many good and decent policies when first elected to become the Scottish Government in 2007?

It just seems that after Nicola Sturgeon was mentored by Alex Salmond and gifted the First Minister position we have been doomed. Our best ever chance of gaining Independence at EVERY turn has been POISONED by the Jordon Hendersons/Leeze Lawrence and McWoke brigade has been to further their narrow agenda by killing off the host SNP’s raison d’etre.

I recall a Winger listed all the achievements of the 2007-2014 SNP government and matched them with the 2014-2020 SNP government.

Asking for a friend: does anyone have that 2007-2014 comparison achievement list please?

Black Joan

Thank you, Rev, as ever, for saying what needs to be said.

I believe Smith is also known as “Daddy Bear”, and that “Am I wrong” comment from the self-id’d “Wolf” was the sequel to one saying, “He’s so dreamy”.

Where’s that Twitter vomit face emoji when one needs it . . .

Mike K

And coincidentally Miss Sleaze has a chummy relationship with the slighted James Dornan’s Assistant?

Hmmm, Cui Bono?

Jockanese Wind Talker

Stirling Uni also has some pretty shady Atlanticist/Clinton ties:

Professor Joseph Mifsud anyone?

Who also is linked to Boris Johnson and MI6 apparently

link to

link to

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@ Famous15 at 4:48 pm

Re. Re-joining the SNP. I previously mentioned the NEC would probably try and “do a Labour” and attempt to implement a block on the recently joined exercising their voting rights.

Clearly some are trying to protect their interests by running the party tighter than a shark’s ass at 50 fathoms…

Was there not also an SNP staffer in the Stirling area that was ex GCHQ or something?


Would it not be suitably ironic to these bizarre times if indi-hostile assets operating in the SNP were balanced out by UK-hostile assets operating from Downing Street. So very many rabbit holes to go down.


@ Al-Stuart at 5:17 pm

Why is “Jordon” still a member of the SNP? Is being connected to Alyn Smith so powerful that you can incite hatred with impunity?

I believe was to be a candidate for Holyrood, he was supposed to be gone.
From what I’ve seen, gone doesn’t mean gone in the clique

Bob Mack


“Daddy”. Something’s not at all right in that branch.


Terrifying. I can’t vote for this. Why are these people being allowed to torch the SNP?

Robert Graham

In case you’re about Cubby

Did you win ?

My in counters with the resident Clique on Paul’s site had the same results told more than once to go forth and multiply , never once got the benefit of the doubt , the usual pile in if you happen to question anything outside the Cliques liking , then you get the red card if you defend yourself,
It’s a pity the same scenario is mirrored in the current SNP leadership,must be catching.

I think you can give up attempting to post because the site has been hi jacked not sure if Paul has noticed or if it’s not a worry and just ignores it too bad used to enjoy some of the articles

mike cassidy

Rob 5.40

A cushy job if you’re a UK-hostile.

Just sit back and watch the enemy self-destruct


It seems to me the SNP have been kidnapped and there’s only one person to blame and that’s Nicola Sturgeon, she’s the party leader, and whether she’s a part of this or not it’s going on on her watch while she plays to the gallery over COVID 19.

She’s turned this pandemic into The Nicola Sturgeon Show while her government and party go to hell in a handcart

Fucking sick of seeing her every day pontificating behind “Stay Safe” before that it was “Stop Brexit” Where the fuck is Independence, She has to go.

I don’t know if this is a stupid idea or not but we should stand independents or Alliance/ISP against every woke candidate on the constituency next year as well as on the regional list.


We should all email our local SNP MP, MSPs and councillors and ask them their view on this and let them know how pissed off we are. Cause trouble and get Oor Nicola to realize how pissed off people are and actually address this. The majority of the members (like any party) just sit back and don’t get actively involved. That must change, local branch members must get more active, stand for positions against these b@st@rds and take the party back.

Willie John

I have voted SNP for over fifty years. I still want an independent Scotland. However it now appears that it will not come by way of the SNP.


With my age and health that may mean never again!

Sharny Dubs

How anyone can be aware of these creeps and still support the SNP is beyond me.

Kind of makes a mockery of the “leave a light on” line.


Robert Louis

Yet nothing is done, and nothing will be done.

These vile people from Stirling SNP have zero interest in the SNP or independence. They are carpetbaggers, careerists and party wreckers. They are truly obnoxious individuals.

The Stirling branch needs shut down with immediate effect, and each and every one of these abusive individuals booted out the party – especially Alyn Smith’s partner. But of course for that to happen, the SNP would need an actual leader, rather than an administrator.

This has ALL come to pass, under Nicola Sturgeon. All of it. And still she dithers and does nothing.

Angus Robertson, following the NEC action, is now just seen as a joke. Stand for yourself Angus, or be ignored, but don’t fiddle rules to ensure that YOU and ONLY YOU can be selected.

Make no mistake, the reason unionists are not really focusing on this right now, is because they are sitting on it, until election next year. Then it will be all over the BBC, SKY and the papers.

Such utter folly. NS was handed a party in really good shape, it was strong and was enjoying a boost in support, and she has thrown that and electoral success down the trangender wokeist toilet.


Daddy Uncool.


I’m adding Stirling to the wish list of SNP losses.

As I’ve pointed out earlier, I’ve never been a member of any political party, so I don’t have a particular axe to bear. However, the only way I believe there will be a change is if there are the losses of key seats.

People who are not interested in independence should also be worried. When the governing party starts infighting it fucks everything else up.

All this is playing into the hands of their opponents. Just wait until next year. What a great selection to choose from. They won’t topple the SNP, but they just might remove enough seats to screw a pro-indy majority.

Socrates MacSporran

To me, it’s quite simple. If Nicola Sturgeon knows or knew what the wokeists, careerists and carpet baggers who are ruining the SNP were, or still are up to: she has to go, since she is not exercising a duty of care which we expect from a party leader.

If she does not and has not known, she still has to go – for the same reason.

I used to work for one of NIcola’s uncles, and he did the same sort of things – must run in the family.

Sharny Dubs

Oh forgot,

Once again Stu great work! Where would we be without you.

Many thanks

Helen Yates

Stu hutch says.
Only way to get rid of them is bring them out of the shadows.make people aware of who they are and they’re intentions.
I agree wholeheartedly with this, we must not hold back with our criticisms for fear of giving unionists ammunition, if we want to see independence we have to ensure the poison is removed from the SNP and we need this to be sorted ASAP. we are lucky to have the most forensic journalist on our side.

And spouse

I take Ruth Wisharts point here. Why oh why now. Are we being undermined from outside? Is this actually happening. Stu you were there all the time telling us about this and some folks told you to be quiet! Keep writing


I note also Angus Robertson started his fundraiser early last weekend before campaigning was supposed to start obviously having inside knowledge. This is just another reason why I may well never, ever vote SNP again.

We need a new Indy Vehicle the drivers of this one have taken off the accelerator pedal I welded the brake pedal on permanently. Fuck the modern SNP.

ISP2, you know it makes mathematical sense.


Re. My last post. From a month ago.

link to


What appalling posts!

Nicola and Humza MUST know of them. Yet are ok with this?

So what does that mean for the new Hate Crime Laws?

That would NOT fall under the new Hate Crime Laws? Then what does? The complete opposite?


If this is true why are the msm not bashing nicola with it

Looks like an open goal for the unionists


Shug says:
1 August, 2020 at 6:26 pm

If this is true why are the msm not bashing nicola with it

Looks like an open goal for the unionists


Why would they there’s a lot more to come and this is gonna blow up in our face without any help from them


Thank you, Rev, for the dispassionate exposure of this malign activity. Definitely “sunlight is the best disinfectant”.

is sucking the very lifeblood out of the Yes movement.

Would this not apply to the SNP rather than the YES movement? The YES movement is still there despite the studied lack of leadership over the last few years.


“Shug says:
1 August, 2020 at 6:26 pm
If this is true why are the msm not bashing nicola with it”


She’s doing a good job of destroying independence why would the British nationalist media hold her to account on that, never interrupt your enemies when they’re making mistakes so to speak.

A C Bruce

A very damning and damaging picture of the SNP.

Not very democratic that such a Motion can be passed without it first being debated and voted on by the membership at Conference.

They sound like a nest of vipers. Strange that they are tolerated, encouraged even, but other members with the interests of people, country and party at heart are leaving with none of the high heid yins bothering to investigate the reasons why.

Bob Mack

If Nicola can talk about common decency towards others by wearing a mask, I wonder what she would make of the above?

If indeed what she did make of it?

Bob Costello

It would appear the SNP’s problems are terminal. It is time for them to be put to sleep. Realisticly, the only way to progress to independence is through a direct mandate at an election. There is no way that is going to happen next May, therefore, it is time for a completely new party to arise and challenge the SNP next May, and I am speaking about the constituency vote.
Get on with it Stuart.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Re The Hate Crime bill would result in a few of them being (Stirling Wokoharam) being prosecuted as per CameronB Brodie says at 5:13 pm and Kenny says at 6:23 pm

I assume The Hate Crime Act (Scotland) once/if the Bill is passed will be applied in the same way as the Contempt of Court Law is currently in Scotland.

link to

Some immune whilst others would face the full force of the law for depending on Political Expediency!


I look forward to the next emergency meeting of the national (which nation is negotiable with these people) where an all robertson family list is imposed.

It will have the delight of being gender neutral.

Bob Mack


This is not the whole SNP. This is sections of it intent on running the party like their own rowdy nursery.

They are our target, along with those complicit at the top. There are thousands of great apples being spoiled by the bad.



I agree Bob but they still command the popular vote which I suspect will see them through the next election but that vote is fragile without the core support and they only have to look at Labour to see what happens when a party abandons it’s core principles.


@Jockanese Wind Talker at 5:36 pm

Did you see this comment trail the other day? Some folk put in some serious effort in the longest twitter thread I’ve ever seen!

link to


They are a bunch o fekin parasites


Marco Biagi (ex Edin Central MSP) has just announced he’s going up against Angus Robertson for the nomination.

Col.Blimp IV

I hear the SNP’s National Secretary has ruled the NEC’s imposition of a women only short list on Glasgow Cathcart “unconstitutional” and reversed the decision … What happened? – Did James Dornan threaten to Self-Identify as a woman?


Thanks Rev. Deeply sad. I may have to rejoin the Party, because entryists will never steal Independence from me and they are now a serious enough challenge to Independence to force me out into the open.


Since rumour has it that James Dornan decision has been reversed I have two theories:

1. It was a test to see who would speak up and who would stay loyal (see Fintan O’Toole: The Cruelty’s The Point)
2. It was a way of eradicating trouble making members (those that speak out on unfair application of rules) without expelling them.


I hope that’s true about the Cathcart short list, maybe motivated by the possibility of a legal challenge. James Dornan didn’t seem in the mood to go quietly yesterday.

Me Bungo Pony

Another day in Winger land and another attempt to destroy any chance of independence any time soon …. if ever. The false flaggers on the site must be rofl-ing on a daily basis as most of the comments above wouldn’t look out of place on a rabid unionist site …. which is what they want.

Well, if you lot can have conspiracy theories by the barrow-load, I can have one 😉


Scottish nationalism is THE threat to the British state so we can expect more subversion in identitarian drag. We need a revolution, with all that that entails.
The subversives understand one thing only. We must deliver that.
With teeth well sharpened.

Col.Blimp IV


It came from a kosher source. Looked like an e-mail from Angus Mcleod to branch Secretaries, posted on a couple of SNP facebook sites.


Thanks, Col.

Seen a tweet from Mike Russell which seems to confirm.

Good. We need more James Dornans and fewer Rhiannon Spears.

Andy Ellis


Yeah, yeah…says the individual without the guts to post under his/her own name.

It’s actually quite scary the lengths SNP ultras will go to to deny reality. Nothing to see here folks, move along. Indyref2 will be along directly…no, really. Pete Wishart assures us it’ll happen. Just one more push, another mandate for the mandate, and we’re there!

Good grief.

Dan Yell

Rev Stu, why don’t you just shut the fuck up, you ugly cunt?

Wee Chid

“fuelled by a toxic mix of extremist ideology, naked careerist ambition and personal grudges ” Is it just that or have they been sent to totally f**k up the independence movement? I wish I could make my mind up.

Andy Ellis

I see former MSP Marco Biagi has now thrown his hat into the ring for the Edinburgh Central seat.

Not sure it’s much of an improvement on Robertson to be honest.

Vivian Smith

Pamela Thornton, Alyn Smith’s caseworker, is an ex? GCHQ employee with 27 years service behind her. Just putting it out there.

Me Bungo Pony

@Andy Ellis 7:17pm
Yeah, yeah…says the individual without the guts to post under his/her own name“.

Does that criticism stand for all the malcontents on this site who also go by a pseudonym?

Andy Ellis


For everyone who does so. You all need to grow a pair.

For current purposes however, you’re the one bloviating about false flag operatives, so you know…there is that….

CameronB Brodie

Seeing as we are still within the EU’s legal jurisdiction, should there not already be charges laid against these racists?

The same Fundamental Rights should also be sufficient to prevent Scotland’s removal from the EU, IMHO.

Overview of data available in the European Union 2008–2018

Legal framework
The rights to life, human dignity, equal treatment, and freedom of thought, conscience and religion are universal human rights recognised in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The protection and promotion of these rights are intimately linked with the fight against antisemitism.

Treaty on European Union, Article 2
The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.

Treaty on European Union, Article 3.1
The Union’s aim is to promote peace, its values and the well-being of its peoples.

The Racial Equality Directive (2004/43/EC)6 prohibits discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin in employment and beyond, and the Employment Equality Directive (2000/78/EC)7 prohibits discrimination in employment on the ground of religion or belief, among others. The Victims’ Rights Directive (2012/29/EU)8 establishes minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. It refers explicitly to victims of hate crime, their protection and specific needs related to their recognition, respectful treatment, support and access to justice.

link to


I’ll guarantee you one thing, when it comes to it, the unionist press will start publishing these tweets from the likes of Jordan, Cameron and Leeze as an effort to spoil an Independence campaign.

Expect front page sex sleaze allegations from the Mail, Record, Scotsman etc.

You can see the headlines now:

‘SNP/Yes movement Chief under fire for links to ….’

Patricia Spencer

Grant Thomas!! Not surprised he keeps that dact off his biography. Tories and ‘New’ Labour live on in the midst of SNP. Pfffttt

Steve Ellwood

I suspect that the useless Aonghas Macleoid reversed their decision on James Dornan when people started sharing documentary evidence of how the process was unconstituional.

I suspect he realised m’learned friends would be along shortly/

James Caithness

I think that Grant Thoms played a part in the Break up of the NE Fife branch, . He was to investigate the treatment the Crossgate Centre (a YES HUB in Cupar)was receiving from SNP members mainly from outwith Cupar. One of those SNP members trying to get the YES Hub closed (the Crossgate centre), actually assaulted one of the guys who ran the hub. This thug received a Police Caution for the assault. Yet the thug continued as a Branch Office bearer and took up new branch posts later. Grant Thoms came down on the side of those trying to close the Yes Hub.

Me Bungo Pony

@tartanfever 7:33pm
I’ll guarantee you one thing, when it comes to it, the unionist press will start publishing these tweets from the likes of Jordan, Cameron and Leeze as an effort to spoil an Independence campaign.

Do you not think the Rev himself would find himself in such a position regarding dodgy tweets taken out of context? Or even for some of the stuff that gets posted down here?

I don’t know the people in the article from Adam. I doubt the average voter does either and will probably not be in the least bit interested in what they’ve had to say in a tweet nearly a decade ago. I also doubt they have anything like the influence the Wingers think they have.

It’s all gossip and innuendo. Its the Rev’s “some arsehole doctrine” except its being inflicted on the independence movement by people who aver they are independence supporters themselves.

schrodingers cat

twitler youth

ha ha ha ha ha


Wonder if Biagi has been asked to stand in order to make the thing look a bit less of a stitch up, since Robertson looks absolutely pathetically gutless at the moment.

Bob Mack


It’s not really about who they are. It’s what they are. Isn’t it?

Me Bungo Pony

@Bob Mack 7:58pm

That’s a bit too cryptic and a tad disturbing. What do you mean by “what they are“?

Bob Mack


Nice diversionary action,but your in retreat fighting a rearguard action.

CameronB Brodie

Me Bungo Pony
You and the cat appear unable to support the rule-of-law, which is the exact condition that is destroying the party from within. Why don’t the pair of you get over yourselves, and just admit the party’s leadership has lost touch with reality.

Bob Mack

@Me Bungo Pony,

You figure it out. Your a scientist no?


I seem to recall a Mr Wishart who doesn’t like Wings as
It has swear words.

There seem to be many of his party members using language
That would make swear words appear angelic.

Dangerous freaks abound in these tweets.

Wonder if SNP will Make any comment about the thousands that left the party
and try to justify the many reasons behind their exit?

There’s a big Civid Bolder they could clim back under if they don’t want to face it.

James Caithness

Regarding my earlier post about Grant Thoms. He was actually sent through to sort out the Cupar Branch.

The NE Fife branch split into 5 separate branches because of those SNP members trying to close the Crossgate Centre.

One of the 5 branches was Cupar branch.

one of the major players in trying to close the Crossgate Centre is now a member of the NEC. Just for info.


The SNP is imploding, not the Yes movement. The implosion is still in its beginning stages. It will increase rapidly and exponentially.

As the SNP implodes the Yes movement, which the SNP was very effectively impeding, will grow.

It will grow bigger, wider and deeper. The sooner the SNP implodes the better. It was always a mixture of genuine Yes-to-independence people and people who were more interested in their own political power and success than actual independence.

It even had an official double-message to voters. On the one hand, “vote for us because we are the Party, indeed the only Party, that aims at independence.” That bit of the slogan brought the Yessers on side. On the other hand, “vote for us because we are the best Party to administer Scotland and look after your interests even if you are against independence because, in that case, when we have a referendum on independence you will still be able to vote against it. And don’t worry, we won’t allow independence to happen without a referendum, so you No-voters are still safe when you vote for us to be the Scottish government.” So, that opened the SNP to include and profit from the support of No-voters.

The No-and-Yes SNP. All things to all Scots (or even to “all men” as well as “all men” and all those who declare themselves to be whatever on earth they want to be. This thing is for everybody, don’t forget. The Better-than-Dyson Party Machine that will hoover up all the votes from everyone and and anyone and all the length and breadth of Scotland.

How’s that for inclusivity?

The Party that will govern the whole country on behalf all Scots of all persuasions, including those who do believe in independence and those who don’t.

The truly comprehensive Party with the truly comprehensive, all-inclusive and all-embracing First Minister, Total Controller and Party Leader.

So that all Scots can now be re-made in her image. She has no problem with women saying their men, and therefore being so on no more than their say-so; and no problem with men saying they are women simply on their say-so and therefore actually being so. And if she has no problem with it, why should anyone else?

OK, ontology (the science of ‘being’, which helps us understand the reality of things as they actually are, not as we would like them to be) may not be her strong point … but she did study law.

No, she did not do the philosophy of law, but just the nuts and bolts of how it works, which is all that matters. Because, as she said herself, she is a politician to her finger-tips, and political fingers are there to jab folk in the eye. (And – OK – sometimes take a big dig into the pie as well, but that is bye and bye: she is above all that.)

You get into politics in order to make people do whatever you want them to do. Because you know better than any of them do what’s good for them. You use law to reinvent reality according to your own image. You get the chance to shape and mould the world into what it ought to be. You change everything as you wish. You speak, and it is. That is what I do, and when I speak my Party does it, and what we say is what happens. The New Scotland is created, ex nihilo (out of nothing), because the old Scotland was just ZERO. Everything that went before – before ME, that is – was just zilch, NOTHING.

(‘Sorry, I thought it was God who did that – the creation of the universe, and all that.’ ‘Don’t be silly: there is no God. There is just ME. And you are very lucky to have me.’ ‘Why?’ ‘To refashion you into MY image! Lucky you!’)

This is the Party that is imploding … thanks be to God …

It will implode in all directions, so expect a lot of debris to come crashing down to earth over the next couple of months and more. With plenty of collateral damage. What we see now is just the beginning …

For exponential ex-or-im-plosions, take another look at footage of that atomic cloud exploding over Hisroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

But how will the debris fall?

Could be in many ways, but one thing will be consistent. The Yes of the Yes-and-No will fall in one direction, and the No of the No-and-Yes Party in the other. The many genuine Yessers within the ranks who really do belong to the Yes movement will be liberated from those who were secretly, without them realising it, reining them in, and holding them. And the NO people who infiltrated will be back on their own.

Great. Let the divide happen. And let it happen quickly. I expect we will all at last know who is who – who is really who – in time for the May 2021 election. So we will know who to vote for, and who not to vote for. It is not only on the List that I want to have a genuine ‘Independence Now’ candidate to vote for. It is also on the constituency vote.

And I will be voting for a person, a pro-independence person. Not for a ticket that someone has hung around his neck, as if he was a prize cow. This is going to be an election like no other. The best and most obviously determined pro-independence individual standing in the constituency gets my vote. And so does what I deem to be the best and most committed pro-independence Party on the List (and I will look carefully at the order in which they place their people, to take note of who exactly they are prioritising, come the day).

Let the SNP implode. It can’t be stopped now anyway. And let the Yes Movement profit thereby. As the SNP disintegrates, in one way or another, the Yes Movement will grow and grow.

The Unionists thought if they got rid of Alex Salmond the independence movement would fold. It didn’t.

Now they think if they puncture the SNP it will fold. But it won’t.

The idea that there would only be one Party you could vote for in order to get independence was never really healthy anyway. It did not augur well for what an independent Scotland would look like.

I don’t want to live in a One-Party state where there is no diversity, freedom of speech is jeopardised, and minorities and minority views are even persecuted. I did in fact live in such a One-Party state for quite a few years, in the 1970s and 1980s. Although I liked the place and the people I met there enormously, I don’t need to tell you that it is not to be recommended.

The way the SNP is behaving is just the same thing. The idiots who have gained the power within think they can do anything they like. And rubbish, eliminate and lock up whoever they want. The Fascistic-style posts and pictures from Twitter (or wherever the source was) included in the article above says it all. Who wants a Scotland – or any other country – dominated by people of that kind.

So, actually, I am not in the least bit despondent about the SNP meltdown. I am actually glad of it. And I am not discouraged by it. It is the people – the sovereign people – who will win Scotland’s independence. Not a political Party. And that is how it should be. Yes is a people’s movement; it is NOT a political Party. Let us take heart, and move forward with confidence. This is going to work out fine. We, the sovereign pro-independence people of Scotland, should never have sat back and expected a political party to do our job for us in the first place. Politicians can’t replace us. It is up to us. We have the ultimate responsibility for our own country. And won’t it feel good to be rid of all that dead wood that has been clogging the arteries of the SNP for so long. I am already beginning to feel healthy again, thanks be to God!

John Jones

Dan Yell?
being a man with a beard not a woman I don’t find the rev ugly,but there again I’m not into fancying men.
as for the cunt part, I’ve always found that to be a very nice thing and after all where would we all be without one?

Colin Alexander

If I remember right, I also suggested Stu should stand against Pete Wishart, Alyn Smyth or a Tory at GE2019. (Same things really).

My suggestion was shouted down as being anti-indy.

Would anyone still criticise my suggestion as being anti-indy?

It appears to me, those who elected Wishart or Smyth elected anti-indy MPs.

Josef Ó Luain

Large parts of Sturgeon’s Constituency are nothing less than a public health hazard and remain rat and cockroach infested. As a local representative, the woman has done little or nothing during her time in office to change this situation. Her romping-home victoriously next May is, therefore, no foregone conclusion.

Me Bungo Pony

@CBB 8:04pm
Why don’t the pair of you get over yourselves, and just admit the party’s leadership has lost touch with reality“.

They may be a tad out of touch over the GRA and HCB (though both these bills are not yet passed and unlikely to be so in their current form) but on “basic politics and achieving independence“, it is the impatient malcontents who are a tad out of touch. Self destructive, petulant in-fighting won’t win Scotland its independence. Continuing the momentum through to the May 2021 election probably will …. If the malcontents don’t louse it up.

Bob Mack

@Me Bungo Pony,

Your not a member of the Stirling Branch by any chance?

Me Bungo Pony

@Wull 8:14pm
As the SNP implodes the Yes movement, which the SNP was very effectively impeding, will grow“.

Utter delusional bunkum.

CameronB Brodie

Me Bungo Pony
Brexit is unconstitutional, so it looks as if you don’t know how to support democracy.

CameronB Brodie

Me Bungo Pony
Before you remind us Scotland has not yet show the intention of supporting indy, we might have if we were allowed access to justice. If the party is unable to support Scotland’s constitutional identity, you can’t expect the electorate to uphold the Scottish government’s legal duty of care.

Scots have human rights, even though neither Westminster or the SNP appear to recognise this fact.


Anyone with inside knowledge care to take a guess as to which
wokist Bungo Pony really is?

And before anyone says, “Why don’t you post in your real nme?”, the above is my real name, only it’s in my forebears

Me Bungo Pony

@Will 8:14pm

Anyone who believes that the destruction of the SNP will magically lead to a stronger independence movement needs to seek professional help.

It is that sort of “doublethink that convinces me those who control the narrative on these threads have no interest in achieving independence and every interest in preventing it. Unfortunately, too many on these threads have fallen for it,

Robert Graham


Never really believed in them but , I said on here about not having had a reply to my email cancelling my SNP membership then Ding as if by magic a email from Peter Murrell thanking me for my previous contributions, oh really nothing about length of membership, nothing about my reasons or concerns , but my contributions well that’s comforting isn’t it , my Ducking Contributions

Well if this SNP management are taking a interest in this site listen up boys

GO DUCK YOURSELVES that clear enough ?

schrodingers cat


dont tell me, dutch mountaineers?

Colin Alexander


Breeks argues sovereignty, which is great.

However, the UK only recognises the sovereignty of UK Parliament. As I implied on the previous post, so does the legal systems of the UK.

Scottish Courts recognise UK Parliament as sovereign cos Scotland is part of the UK and that’s what the UK says is the constitutional law of the UK.

So, where does that leave Scottish sovereignty?

Meaningless words, unless asserted.

Asserted by declaring we are not bound by UK constitutional law. We are Scotland, not the UK: Scotland has resiled the Treaty.

UK constitutional law won’t apply to independent Scotland.

That’s why I suggest a plebiscite election, so Scotland declares independence based on a democratic decision by the people of Scotland.

As the basis of independence would be the sovereignty of the people: it would be votes cast for indy that counts, not devolution MSPs elected. So, no splitting of votes as would happen with electing MSPs.

Devolution Scotland Act Holyrood would be rescinded by independence – its legislation of another country. We would not have MSPs only Scottish MPs at Holyrood.


Angus Robertson now on Twitter calling for reversal of NEC decision, and a fair and open contest. He was getting absolute pelters from what I saw earlier today.

Bob Mack

@Colin Alexander,

Very good. How are you hoping to persuade the First Minister to go along with that exactly ?

Davie Oga

wull says:
1 August, 2020 at 8:14 pm
The SNP is imploding, not the Yes movement. The implosion is still in its beginning stages. It will increase rapidly and exponentially.

Fantastic post. May it come to pass.

Me Bungo Pony

@deerhill 8:41pm
Anyone with inside knowledge care to take a guess as to which wokist Bungo Pony really is?

…. because, in the eyes of the ‘faithful‘, that is the only possible scenario. They are so blinkered by their own selfrighteousness they cannot conceive that an ordinary Indy could ever find fault with their ‘true religion‘. So it must be an ‘agent provocateur‘. It is fast becoming a cult.

Andy Ellis


It must be comforting from behind your cloak of snivelling anonymity to label all the “malcontents” as false flag operatives, but it isn’t really fooling anyone here or outside. The NEC’s decision yesterday has gone down like a rat sandwich with the broader membership, hence all of those pictures of cut up membership cards, resignation messages etc.

The line that we are the ones who pose a clear and present danger to the chances of achieving independence, in the face of all the evidence of gradualism, woke entryism, and the litany of crass political stupidity including the attempted political lynching of Salmond, is just too funny.

If you want to wait a decade even for the chance of indyref2, continue to support and vote for the SNP. If you actually want independence, rather than stodgy, managerialists in hoc to misogynistic woke extremists, let’s do something else.


There will be a handsome statue of the Rev Stu and a place in the history books for all his work, not so sure about the place current members of the SNP will have though.

Robert Graham

Can everyone clean things up

I don’t believe any Indy supporters here will go out of their way to vote for any unionist party
most of us are really bloody pissed off at the SNP just now but actually not voting for them in order to help any unionist really is barking mad,
we might might be royally pissed off but most of us are not completely bat shit looney , so whatever moves Unionists are making in order to engineer a split get real boys it ain’t going to work , nice try but no Cigar,

schrodingers cat

If you actually want independence, rather than stodgy, managerialists in hoc to misogynistic woke extremists, let’s do something else.

like what?

Me Bungo Pony

@Bob Mack 8:54pm
Very good. How are you hoping to persuade the First Minister to go along with that exactly“?

How do you know she isn’t already considering it? The SNP has always said they will only go for another vote on independence when they can be reasonably sure of winning it. That has not been the case since 2014 but is moving that way now. That they have not made public their plans would hardly be a surprise as only a fool would inform their opponents of their plans months in advance. It’s common sense.

Terence callachan

So there are people in the Stirling branch who are not nice and say bad things.
I wonder if there are such people in other branches ?
I wonder if there are such people in Labour Conservative Lib Dem branches

Possible isn’t it
You know , given that there are good bad and ugly people dispersed all over the world

Perhaps the SNP constitution needs an insert along the lines of , you must be a good person as judged by ……well ….WOS, why not

Did someone on here really say the SNP and the yes movement is imploding ?

Perhaps it’s the followers of WOS that are imploding ?

YES are on 54% perhaps even more than that
Can you implode and be on 54%
Will we have a nuclear implosion if YES secures Scottish independence ?

Whatever….I will stick with those that got us here
I truly loved the way AS campaigned
I think NS has to be given leave to complete her Scottish independence campaign in the way that she has in mind

You can’t depose someone who has added 10% to what AS achieved
You stand by them no matter who is in the Stirling branch

Did you really need to be told that ?
Give yourself a shake

If NS lost 10% and we were on 34% I would support your views for change but don’t change a team when it’s winning
Did you really need to be told that too ?
Give yourself another shake

Andy Ellis


Like vote for someone else on list in 2021 and start preparing for a real independence party to stand against them in constituencies after that too. At this stage more and more of us probably feel there’s little to lose given the SNP are

At the moment I’m too busy making bucket fulls of popcorn watching what’s going on in my former branch. It’s both fascinating and horrifying in equal measure, like a slow motion car crash.

So far the only one I’d even consider voting for is Joanna Cherry, so unless they take Angus’ advice and scrap the #Cherrymandering I may well just spoil my ballot or vote Green for the LOLZ.

CameronB Brodie

schrodingers cat
Refer to constitutional and international law, to better inform policy and strategy?

Bob Mack


After much consideration of your post, the only inescapable conclusion one can reach is that your an idiot.

Bob Mack

@Me Bungo Pony,

My apologies. I forget it has only been six years the FM has had to come up with something. Indeed anything.

I sadly do not possess the common sense of the true devotee like yourself. Only that which nature and my mother gave me.

No doubt she(FM) is planning Indy 2 right now. Hurrah.


Reading Terence Callaghan’s comments it’s clear that he thinks the SNP are going to swank it.

54% it just a matter of counting the seats. Like Labour before them the SNP are invincible, they are the natural party, entitled and deserving of the people’s vote.

Sorry Terrence but I really don’t think the SNP can take it for granted that they are the chosen ones. Angus Robertson thinks that. Indeed the party seems to think that.

Confidence before a fall. The SNP sadly may now reflect new Labour on steroids counting the seats before the vote.

Mnnn. I’m not so sure of that.

Me Bungo Pony

@Andy Ellis 8:55pm
It must be comforting from behind your cloak of snivelling anonymity to label all the “malcontents” as false flag operatives

…. except I didn’t. I said they exist, not that every malcontent was one.

And again I ask you, what is the ‘something else” that does not require the SNP to do something you claim they will never do? If your only plan is to destroy the major Indy party and then hope for a miracle, I’ll have to pass on it.

CameronB Brodie

Scotland’s legal and political cultures are under-developed and malformed, as a result of their historical subourdination to English legal culture (see Parliamentary sovereignty). So playing British constitutionalism is simply not helping Scots to access their human rights.

European Scientific Journal June 2014 /SPECIAL/ edition vol.1 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e – ISSN 1857- 7431


This study will be focused in analyzing on how political culture can impact in the rule of law and political system in Albania. Political system is defined as the interaction between political institutions and political culture.

While, the constitution of the legal state is a common responsibility of the citizens, civil society and state institutions. All these three concepts, political culture, political system and rule of law are strongly connected among
them; this way political culture will impact in the performance of independent judiciary and political institutions.

In case of Albania, there’s a different situation; political culture, yes it can affect but the question is if it improves the performance of these institutions or worsen that. Albanian political culture must be perceived within the context of the historical background, because such periods of time like communist regime, problematic transition (accompanied with civil war on 1997) will have the impact in political and cultural education of the citizen.

That will contribute to deepening of subordinated point of view and approaches, subordinated to authorities, non-active civil society, corruption expansion in all governmental structures and so leading to harm of liberal democracy.

To this background and political culture, many issues addressed to accountability of political elites in control and responsiveness to the voters will be appeared. Legal accountability, which implicates governing according to the law, equality in the face of law, will be in danger if changes don’t get started with public opinion, education of democratic values, independent judiciary, power division and corruption extinction.

Political culture, rule of law, political system, civil society.

link to


If they enjoy the protection of the SNP leadership the woke loony tunes are the future of the party.
SNP seem more like Blairite Red Tory types than Scottish Nationalist.

schrodingers cat

Andy Ellis says:
Like vote for someone else on list in 2021 and start preparing for a real independence party to stand against them in constituencies after that too.
I may well just spoil my ballot or vote Green for the LOLZ.


plenty folk have launched so called indy constituency parties, rise etc. all have flopped

no indy party other than the snp will be on the constituency.feel free to spoil yer ballot, or vote greens, same difference.

Bob Mack

Independence is not the exclusive gift of the SNP. Others can make it happen too.It may take longer,but it can be done.

The SNP are not the only chance for Independence but granted they currently are in the best position.

Colin Alexander

Bob Mack

What would it have to do with the FM? If Scotland voted for indy, the role of FM would be made obsolete as that’s a UK role.

I guess you mean the leader of the SNP agreeing to a plebiscite election as SNP policy? Nicola Sturgeon won’t; she’s a British colonial administrator. Neither will the SNP NEC. They are colonials too.

Joanna Cherry might. Alex Salmond might. If Alex would, others would follow.

CameronB Brodie

The Rev’s filter has just obliterated A l b a n i a. A bit like British nationalism intends towards Scotland.


Sounds like Stuart might’ve wrote that when watching the Dons today


When the SNP didn’t fight to keep Scotland in Europe they had almost 5 years to do it, why did they waste all that time, they maybe had a secret plan, it’s getting closer to Hogmanay no time left, they could have ended the union, 5 years what a waste, something’s far wrong. We can’t blame this virus because it’s only been around for four months.


The anti Semite Archibald sounds like he has a specialised bookshelf.
Ho Nicola Sturgeon you have dodgy followers.
Teuchters fae Bannockburn.

Andy Ellis


We’ll all get along a lot better if you interact with what I actually say, not your fanciful interpretations. The SNP is no longer my party: it no longer represents my values or beliefs in major areas, and I certainly no longer have any faith in its ability – or more importantly desire – to deliver independence. That said, it’s obviously going to be the major party going forward. It’s not about destroying it, just ensuring there is an alternative, because it’s just not going to deliver indyref2 in any acceptable timescale.

I have no expectation the current party and leadership can be rendered fit for purpose, but if so…great! I hope ordinary members DO take back control, but because I’m pretty convinced that isn’t going to happen, it’s wise to start thinking what the alternatives might be.

You’re obviously entirely sanguine about waiting potentially for a decade or more for indy. Gradualists gonna gradualise.

Ian Brotherhood

Doug Daniel is doing a talk (SNP members only) and it’s organised by the Motherwell/Wishaw branch. The tweet advertising it says all SNP members are invited and they have to DM the branch for more information.

Has anyone done so? Do we know where the venue is?

link to


Gradualists concretise.

schrodingers cat

Me Bungo Pony says:
The SNP has always said they will only go for another vote on independence when they can be reasonably sure of winning it. That has not been the case since 2014 but is moving that way now. That they have not made public their plans would hardly be a surprise as only a fool would inform their opponents of their plans months in advance. It’s common sense.

spot on, i told the wingers to sit back and relax, enjoy their holibobs etc 🙂

nothing going to happen in the next 2 months.

i hope cherry does apply to become an msp. but she should resign her wm seat and force a bye election. it would give the “morale de troups” a boost. with a 12k majority, i think it is a calculated risk worth taking

also, dougie ross is gonna make the jump too, i might force him to vacate his wm seat as well

Douglas Ross 22,112
SNP 21,599

his only route into holyrood will be on the list


Get a laid of guys dressed as Norman Bates Ma to picket Doug Daniels venue for a laugh.

schrodingers cat

Colin Alexander says:

I guess you mean the leader of the SNP agreeing to a plebiscite election as SNP policy?

every election going forward will be a plebiscite on independence

nothing can change that now

Alf Baird

Wull @ 8.14 nails it.

Daddy of the cult is here:
link to

schrodingers cat


I have ian 🙂


The SNPs best chance for Independence was no later than 2017 around April time. I can’t quite remember the line of political detail that led me to that conclusion.

schrodingers cat

still not sure what angus robertson is guilty of? he has applied to be a PPC in edin central. nothing else.

Angus Robertson @AngusRobertson
Edinburgh Central SNP members have been let down with some feeling their choices being restricted. The SNP NEC has made the wrong decision and must ensure the widest and fairest contest. We need the best candidate to win the nomination without any interference.

As former SNP Depute Leader and Business Convener of the party it disappoints me that we are distracted from delivering independence. We have to unite and ensure we have the broadest and strongest team standing for the Scottish Parliament. Together we will win.

he seems quite happy for cherry to apply as a PPC ?

Andy Ellis

@Bungo & SC

Woo…WOOO!! “We have a cunning plan!!” klaxon!! That’s a doozie.

Trust Nic and don’t tell the yoons, It’s a SECRET. But somehow because *reasons* the britnats are going to roll over and give us everything we ask for if only we say pretty please this time…oh, and show them our groaning mandate cupboard.

That’ll DEFINITELY work, right?

(#indyref2039 anyone?)

schrodingers cat


we have 2 mandates for indyref2

we have no mandate for independence.

but, as you say, even if we do win an indy mandate of 50%+ at the next election, bojo could still say no.

what you gonna do then? bleed all over him?

Ian Brotherhood

@SC –

So where is it then?

Surely it’s not a secret!


Its all going on on twitter. Edinburgh central trending. Angus trending. Calls for NEC to reverse Joanna decision. NEC getting slagged- huh, after snp got a shock about the kick back.

This will shine a light on the woke brigade.

Craig Murray

schrodingers cat

“I am not sure what Angus Robertson is guilty of”.

I do not believe you.

Andy Ellis


We have no mandate for indy because of the SNP’s failure to push for it, to have a campaign, or to prepare Plan B.

BoJo can readily ignore an “illegal” referendum (which the SNP neglected to put beyond legal doubt for the past 5 years), as will the international community. He can’t readily ignore a Yes in a plebiscitary election, not would the international community.

The $64,000 question is why the SNP are so determined not to simply declare that as a strategy? What are they so scared of?

schrodingers cat


whats he done then??

Andy Ellis


It’s hilarious isn’t it? I wonder if Angus’ concern about the “let down” members of Edinburgh Central will go as far as him doing the right thing and threatening to stand down if the NEC’s decision isn’t reversed?

It’d be great to think this is the first sign of the whole Woko Haram entryist project over-reaching itself?

schrodingers cat


We have no mandate for indy because the people of scotland havent given us one

Jonathan Marshall

Already emailed Fergus Ewing my MSP last night… I wil vote Green (I know wasted vote) and Independence list at the next election… have voted SNP for more than 20 yrs… But over the Salmond affair, Joana Cherry stitch up (very subtle by the way) and the insinuations of cheating and gaming by SNP MPs and MSPs I cannot in good conscience vote SNP in 2021. Much like abandoning Labour after Iraq. I will still support Independence, but unlike Mr Murray no longer view the SNP as the means to deliver it.

Ian Brotherhood

@SC –

Doug Daniel’s Motherwell/Wishaw gig will be online, right? Some kind of conference thing.

What’s the betting it’ll be cancelled ‘due to unforeseen circumstances’?


Robertson says he disagrees with the NEC decision now that Marco Biagi is standing. Even Kirsty Blackman tying herself in knots to say she disagrees with the decision (I think !) although I don’t know WTF she is on about most of the time.

It won’t be long before everyone on the NEC will deny that they voted for it. Amazing what happens when you realise you have read it all wrong and the spectre looms of being humiliated when you thought you had everything sewn up.

I’ve said before if they plant any of that woke clique on us they will be followed through the toon with a pitchfork! Nobody has a monopoly on chapping doors and I can leaflet and bring up a social media history on speed dial with the best of them. They cannot hide now and pretend no one is bothered about their behaviour or their history.

Col.Blimp IV


I’ve never managed to get to the end of a post of that length before, usually because I either don’t, understand or care about the topic or disagree with the poster. Not so in this case, you ticked all the right boxes. We differ only with regard to the timing and scale of the implosion, I think it will be dependent on the party bosses reactions to The Regional List patriots and what they do with the mandate or offer of a joint mandate that they get.

I will vote SNP in the Constituency vote this time, but definitely for the last time … if they do not make the Regional Ballot a defacto Independence Referendum.

No amount of wish-washy gradualist fearmongering will convince me that to do otherwise, is anything short of unforgivable.

schrodingers cat


just pulling yer plonker ian:)

i dont even know who dan douglas is

come to think of it, i couldnt find wishaw on a map even if i tried.

its in glasgow right?

Andy Ellis


And it isn’t going to matter if they do before 2039 for as long as the SNP are content to stick monomaniacally to the line that we can only gain independence via an agreed referendum.

If we have 60% or 70% it’ll make zero difference if we never get a chance to either vote in a referendum or plebiscitary elections. We all know the former isn’t happening, right?

schrodingers cat


all elections in scotland going forward will be plebiscites on independence. regardless of what anyone says, including nicola.

as for Nicola, i would point you back to MBP’s earlier post about keeping your cards close to you. She will look at the polls nearer the time and make her decision. No one releases their manifesto 9 months from the election. no one.

but independence will be at the heart of the snp manifesto.

currently the snp is on 55%, i genuinely cant see support falling in the next 9 months, brexit on jan 1st will have the opposite effect

so yeah, i believe the sovereign people of scotland are about to give us the mandate for independence we have all been working towards

Ian Brotherhood

@SC –

You’ve been commenting here for years, right? So I suspect you do know who I’m on about. His name is Doug Daniel. He’s now on the SNP’s NEC.

He used to be a WOS regular and shared many a laugh and joke with us all back in the day…ah, the banter years!

But then he got to give a speech to SNP conference and, sadly, for reasons unknowable, drifted away from us after that. Never writes, never phones…


Jockanese Wind Talker

So Angus Robertson publicly stating:

“Edinburgh Central SNP members have been let down with some feeling their choices being restricted. The SNP NEC has made the wrong decision”

I assume all those cancelled memberships and associated loss of membership revenue by the SNP must have resulted in this too little, too late amateurish damage limitation exercise (was AR instructed to issue this statement by Party Leadership/NEC)?

At least The Branch will now get a fair chance to select the candidate they want as opposed to imposition.

schrodingers cat


genuinely dont know him.

ill go check on google see if it rings any bells

Col.Blimp IV

Andy Ellis says:

The $64,000 question is why the SNP are so determined not to simply declare that as a strategy? What are they so scared of?

I rejoined the SNP recently, with the express purpose of lobying for that strategy. All I have heard against it so far is : We mustn’t go for independence too soon, or we could ruin everything if we fail. AND We must take the bulk of the population with us, a 55/45 split would just result in bickering amongst ourselves and would probably be harmful to the economy.

They need to be made aware that THIS IS THE INDEPENDENCE ELECTION and the acid test of, who is and who is not; for Scotland.


Colin Alexander says:
1 August, 2020 at 8:49 pm

…..So, where does that leave Scottish sovereignty?

Meaningless words, unless asserted.

That’s true, but when it is asserted, Scotland’s sovereignty defeats Westminster’s sovereign convention.

Joanna Cherry’s success in forcing the UK Prime Minister to un-prorogue the Westminster Parliament had no basis in English or UK law. Boris Johnson’s prorogation was a reflection of his own arbitrary decision and the English / UK doctrine that the unwritten UK Constitution didn’t prevent him doing so. In essence, Boris Johnson did it because there was no written rule saying he couldn’t do it.

Joanna Cherry challenged that, and compelled Boris Johnson to reopen Parliament based upon the Scottish doctrine that the people are sovereign, and that Parliament cannot arbitrarily remove itself from scrutiny. She won. The pretence of UK Parliamentary Sovereignty being supreme was shredded and destroyed.

The UK Supreme Court had no jurisdiction because Cherry’s case was rooted in Scots Law, not UK unwritten convention. The Supreme Court had no hook upon which to hang its jacket. It was a matter that fell within the jurisdiction of Scots Law.

You therefore have a literal example of the English doctrine of UK Parliamentary Sovereignty being expressly defeated by the Scottish doctrine of Scottish popular sovereignty… a concept which has no counterpart in English Law.

You are correct, that sovereignty must be asserted, but that’s the whole point. The SNP under Sturgeon are refusing to assert Scottish Sovereignty, and worse, are conducting their business as a body which has recognised that UK Parliamentary Sovereignty is supreme.

If Scotland did defend it’s sovereignty, which is precisely what Joanna Cherry did, the Law will recognise the ascendancy of Scottish Constitutional Sovereignty over the UK’s unwritten convention. If Scotland thus challenged the unconstitutional nature of our subjugation through Brexit, I believe Scotland’s Brexit would be deemed unlawful, and such an adjudication would throw the EU into uncharted waters over a Brexit process which has been deemed unlawful, and the EU’s Constitution which demands the process is lawful and constitutional.

Brexit would have to be suspended, or at minimum, Scotland would have to be respected as an injured party which has had it’s legitimate sovereignty encroached upon.

schrodingers cat


saw a picture, i remember him giving a speech at a conference

i dont remember him commenting on wos tho’, he couldnt have been that memorable


Reading the Machiavellian masturbation madness going on within the SNP, it might be time to resurrect this piece of mine from just under a year ago, as SUBTLE HINT.

link to

schrodingers cat

If Scotland did defend it’s sovereignty, which is precisely what Joanna Cherry did, the Law will recognise the ascendancy of Scottish Constitutional Sovereignty over the UK’s unwritten convention. If Scotland thus challenged the unconstitutional nature of our subjugation through Brexit, I believe Scotland’s Brexit would be deemed unlawful

I’m not a lawyer breeks, but this is not what i have heard from those who are.

peatworrier points out that the position isnt clear cut, bringing a case against the government would illicite a ruling, but it wouldnt be in our favour.

i doubt anyone will be surprised by that. there is no justice for us in the uk. ask stu or craig murray

this is why cherry isnt pursuing this line.
her slogan is

“forget brexit, that ship has sailed. full ahead for independence”


Not all in stirling are in this category. There are a few of us aghast at what’s going on… albeit not enough to make a difference.

What happened with the selection for Westminster 2019 was shameful. We were clearly being set up to vote a particular way based on the steer at the hustings I was at, but then just to be safe we didn’t get a vote anyway. I can only hope the process to find a candidate to replace Bruce Crawford will be better. Time will tell.

Terence callachan

Once again we have some more people on here saying they won’t vote SNP

I think they’re full of ……

If you really do support Scottish independence it takes precedence over everything else
It doesn’t matter what is going on within the party if the party is increasing support for Scottish independence

All this stuff about AR and JC and Edinburgh central and Stirling is just cannon fodder for the NO camp

Some people really do think they are more important than they actually are
Politicians will come and go
Don’t change a winning team even if you don’t particularly like the players or the manager

schrodingers cat


wingers mostly come and go, but most of the lifers have now deserted wos completely

they prefer to spend their time on pro indy sites

Ian Brotherhood

@SC (11.04) –

‘i dont remember him commenting on wos tho’, he couldnt have been that memorable’

It’s as well he doesn’t come here any more cause that would hurt him to the quick so it would.



@ Schrodingers Cat at 11.04

Try this :link to

An entire article, not just a comment!

Ian Brotherhood

@WhoRattledYourCage (11.09) –

Machiavellian Masturbation Madness supported Johnny & The Self Abusers at The Doune Castle in 1980.

David McCann

Here is my own tupponce worth for what it’s worth in my own name!
Ever wondered how the UK spooks would tackle the consistent popularity of Scottish independence?
Maybe set up a pro indy site like ‘Wings’ and capture all those who support it, and then infiltrate it with a constant drip feed of anti SNP propaganda– ?
Just a thought!!

CameronB Brodie

schrodingers cat
““forget brexit, that ship has sailed. full ahead for independence””

You’ve just reminded us you are not trained in law, so why try to give us legal advice? You don’t even respect the rule-of-law, according to your own admission.

Scotland’s case may be uncertain, viewed through the lens of British constitutional practice. However, it’s pretty obvious Peatworrier lacks competence in constitutional law, international law, and human rights law.

Me Bungo Pony

@Bob Mack 9:19pm
My apologies. I forget it has only been six years the FM has had to come up with something. Indeed anything“.

Yes, only six years. Salmond took seven years to deliver a referendum. And that was one he didn’t want, foisted on him by David Cameron to “shoot the nationalist fox“. At what point, during the last six years, do you think independence was a slam dunk If only the SNP went for it?

@Andy Ellis 11:02pm
They need to be made aware that THIS IS THE INDEPENDENCE ELECTION and the acid test of, who is and who is not; for Scotland.

Yet again, we agree. With the polls moving in favour of independence, and the Unionists resigning themselves to it, independence has never been more attainable. If the SNP get a majority, and the polls remain in favour of independence, then they have to go for it, with or without Westminster’s approval.

Random Guy

Look, let’s bring something out into the light to examine it, see whether it’s real or not, right or wrong. I have heard from several different people, in several different places, none of whom know each other, that Nicola Sturgeon is gay, and has a Dunblane love nest with a French diplomat. If this is true, and I personally believe it is, it would totally explain her obsession with sexual minority rights, her not acting against some of the misogynist filth clogging up the party, and explain her being compromised politically. She’s 50, she comes from a different generation, when gays were not so open. Ironic, now, that she’s holding court over a time when screeching mentally ill minorities are ruining the SNP, ‘her own’ party.

Conspiracy theory? Who knows. It needs to be discussed. Because this insane, country-destroying shit quite simply CANNOT go on any longer.

William Habib Steele

I’ve been thinking that the recent stitch-ups of Alex Salmond, Joanna Cherry and James Dornan, etc bore the marks of infiltration into the SNP hierarchy by the British state. I’m still unconvinced that they are not.

I’ve also been wondering if SNP members who want independence need to abandon the party and join one that really does want independence and will field candidates in the constituencies as well as the regions. I hope not and that the SNP can be returned from being the Stop Brexit Party, a party whose concern is England, to being a Scottish Independence Party.

Random Guy

‘Ian Brotherhood says:

1 August, 2020 at 11:21 pm
@WhoRattledYourCage (11.09) –

Machiavellian Masturbation Madness supported Johnny & The Self Abusers at The Doune Castle in 1980.’

Was Jim Kerr in them then? 🙂

Andy Ellis


You’re answering someones else’s words @11.02, not mine.

You’re still full of it tho’! Unionists resigning themselves to it? Unicorns and fairytales.

It’d be sad if it wasn’t truly laughable.

Robert Graham

A comment on another site , kinda raised an eyebrow

Nicola can’t be all things to all men
The SNP are no longer a party of protest they have evolved

Well that’s ducking interesting ,what is the purpose of independence then ? if not a protest against the present circumstances , and evolved into what exactly mimicking the Tory & Labour Party, oh god set your sights and ambitions high friend you could be like the other lying hunts,

By the you disruptive plebs who post disparaging remarks about the present administration get it as well it’s you folks that are causing all this disruption aye yer a bloody nuisance you lot

Ian Brotherhood

@WhoRattledYourCage (11.09) –

Brilliant stuff, really enjoyed it and am properly pissed-off I didn’t see it long before now. And you wrote it almost a year ago?

More power to you sah!


Robert Graham

By the way all you people not voting for the SNP are depriving everyone else of the chance to keep torturing the elected MSPs and urging them to get on with it ,

they are obliged to answer any and all your searching questions.

So give us a bloody Break you are taking away a rewarding hobby from a lot of us with a nasty streak and time on their hands ha ha ,

it’s the bloody house arrest it’s getting to me .

What’s that you say I am free ? , Aye stop taking the piss .

schrodingers cat

““forget brexit, that ship has sailed. full ahead for independence””

these are joanna cherry’s words, not mine

You’ve just reminded us you are not trained in law, so why try to give us legal advice?

I’m not, im merely retelling what Peatworrier said

CameronB Brodie

schrodingers ca
JC appears to view the world through the lens of British constitutionalism. Peatwarier is like yourself, just some arsehole with an opinion, only better informed.

Me Bungo Pony

@Andy Ellis

Apologies. It was Colonel Blimp who made that post. I just saw your name at the top and assumed.

As to your dismissal of the Unionist pessimism; this from Tory house magazine, The Spectator;

link to

In recent weeks, the polls have consistently shown independence ahead. Scottish Unionists are downhearted. When I asked one of the most impressive figures from 2014 how things were going, the answer came simply: ‘It’s over. The horse has bolted.’

Such pessimism might be an over-reaction to bad polls, but it is worrying how convinced some Unionists are that any second referendum would be lost. Downing Street’s refusal to grant one in this parliament could come under immense pressure after the Scottish parliament elections next year“.

As I’ve said over and over on these threads, independence is more attainable than ever. This isn’t the time to descend into squabbling.

schrodingers cat


Delighted to confirm I will not be standing for selection in Edinburgh Central 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Has Peatworrie expressed an opinion re. the GRA amendments?

The Problem of Political Authority
An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi schrodingers cat at 11:04 pm.

You typed,
“i dont remember him commenting on wos tho’, he couldnt have been that memorable”

Your memory is failing you. Comes to us all. Perchance you should click on this link…

link to

schrodingers cat

I do remember him BDTT.

i just forgot his name


An old cliche is that all political careers end in failure and a Scottish one is that if you fly with the craws you will be shot with the craws.

Angus Robertson is now identified by the TRUE SNP support as a wokist carpetbagger to try and win the Edinburgh central seat.

Sadly or not so sadly Angus, the defining moment of your political career is at hand.

schrodingers cat

link to

dragon returns to earth

they should get these guys to welcome them home 🙂

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@CamB –

If Andrew Tickell, to you, is ‘just another arsehole’ (11.58) why would you be bothered about his opinions on anything?

A Person

Folks, Angus Robertson’s statement tonight is a good sign. It shows that a bunch of cancelled memberships and some grassroots pressure will cause the SNP leadership to take notice.

Let’s keep the pressure up.

Col.Blimp IV

Me Bungo Pony says:
1 August, 20

” If the SNP get a majority, and the polls remain in favour of independence, then they have to go for it, with or without Westminster’s approval.”

If INDEPENDENCE gets a majority there is no need for a Referendum – The people will have spoken…and said YES!

Even if the SNP had not spent the last several years trying to undermine the Brexit Referendum RESULT.And denigrating wildcat referendums, and the Westminster Government not made it abundantly clear that they will not shoot themselves in the foot three times in a row by sanctioning a referendum they are not certain of winning.

Sidestepping a plebiscite election at a time when both the SNP and independence are higher in the polls than they have ever been. in favour of a pre-discredited referendum at some unspecified time in the future (if the signs are still good) … Seems more than a tad disingenuous.

CameronB Brodie

Ian Brotherhood
I appreciate PW is a professor in law, but he appears to have a particular outlook. I just think his views re. the GRA would give an indication of his legal opinion, on a topic of interest that isn’t apparently constitutional. Though of course it is.


Ian B, he’s here.

Dan Yell says: at 7:18 pm
“Rev Stu, why don’t you just shut the fuck up, you ugly cunt?”

CameronB Brodie

sorry….would give an indication of the quality of his legal opinion


A single issue of independence will blow most SNP candidates out of the water during interviews.

If SNP candidate A answers “Oh everything will be ok after independence”, the very next question will be “how?”. They answer “oh we will do this and that.” The next question will be “where does it tell me this in your manifesto?”. It will snowball from there.

I’ve trained people to interview. A good interviewer does a lot of preparation work beforehand. They will list their questions and will know what answers they expect to hear.

Lawyers, police (if you are the accused) and the media tend to be brutal (especially lawyers). For lawyers and journalists there is an unwritten rule that you try not to ask a question you do not already know the answer to.

Look at the way Andrew Neil works. I saw him wipe the floor with Ken Livingston a couple of years ago. It was brutal. Neil had done his homework and every answer was shown to be complete bollocks. I’ve never seen a man so deflated.

Politicians are masters of deflection techniques, and rarely answer a question directly. Boris is the undisputed champion, preferring to bluster his way through and charge off in another direction. You can’t do that if you only have one policy on your manifesto.


Beaker – I don’t think we should try to define what indy will be, as everyone has a different vision and it clogs the message/reply. We should respond in the same way that the Brexiteers did re leaving the EU, (in their case no more immigrants, no more sending £billions to EU etc) by stating what it wont be.

No more WM keeping more of our money than they send back to us
No morre WM dictats on how much of the money borrowed on our behalf we are actually allocated
No more WM depriving us of our rights to EU membership
No more WM telling us what Scotland can or can’t do. etc

I’m sure others can add to the list of actions that WM deny us, which holds Scotland back.

In fact, just no more WM interference in Scotland at all.


WhoRattledYourCage @11.09 – that was indeed an excellent blog post and like Ian B, I don’t think I’d read it before either. Still, all to the good as I’ve read it now. I wonder if Stu has? You could always post it on his soapbox, if he agreed. Or an updated version if you wanted, but it stands the test of time and is just as relevant today. 🙂


WRYC read your blogpost very entertaining and left a comment


So that’s it then.

Nicola’s McWoke Brigade have cost us what, under normal circumstances would have been a brilliant result…

Joanna Cherry MSP – 2021 Intake.
Angus Robertson MSP – 2021 Intake.

Five years ago, I would have rejoiced at that project. Now we need turn-charged Rentokil to get rid of the lethal McWokeinfection.

The SNP have caught political clap.

This will become evident when the silent, Nicola-loving MSM become much more vociferous in March and April 2021 just ahead of Holyrood elections.

Two days too late Angus has grown a spine agin the McWokers and said the SNP NEC were WRONG and should now overturn their decision. This is based on:-

* PELTERS Anus Ribertson has been getting from social media and..

* The fact Joanna Cherry has formally resiled her interest in standing for the SNP in Edinburgh South.

* WOS: link to

There are rumours that Marco Biagi, freshly back from his Ph.D in America may stand In Edinburgh South. But having had an earlier SNP MSP stint with his political career flucked due to a pathetic 237 majority, he would be daft to take on Edinburgh South again

Angus Robertson’s local credibility is flushed down the toilet and he smells of political urinal-cake with it.

So instead of what should have happened: two quality MSPs standing and getting elected to Hoyrood in 2021 in different seats, we have excrement.

The only good thing is Joanna Cherry may be nudged nearer to Alex Salmond’s BIG PLAN soon to be launched via the initial medium of the book at his publishers. The GUARANTEED INDYREF2 LIST PARTY.

Unlike sweet Mrs Fanny Adams Murrell, when Alex Salmond wins an election, he ACTUALLY USES THE MANDATE..

Poor old Edinburgh South. They just got rid of Baroness Ruth of RapeClause and are now to have some supine Tory Testicle-Grabber such as Ross Thomson. Or the McWoker McWankers at SNP-HQ will inflict Bendy Brenda BigBaws fae the P.I.Exchange repeat with “her” 9 inch schlong itching to get her/his/it’s new SNP power credentials unleashed at the children’s changing rooms of Drumsheugh Public Swimming Baths. Either that or Derek McKay will have been processed by the McWoke Perv., Rehabilitation of Retread Politicians Division and able to resume his rightful position by Nicola’s side.

Derek McKay has plans for the new Rights To Same Sex Marriage (Age Immaterial) (Scotland) Bill 2022. The one that allows Derek to send Tweets chatting up 16 year old school boys and trying to bed them with yon: “your cute, pls send me naughty pictures” patter.

Jeezo, when did the 77th Brigade manage to plan and pull off such a mass infiltration of the SNP?


Aye fight you may die, run and you’ll live at least at least a while.
And dying in your bed many years from now.
Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that.
For one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies.
That they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom.

Alba Gu Bra


The old eyes are not as good as they where two at leasts are one to many lol

I was thinking, should cameron not get a site of his own, he has outgrown wings and its only fair that we all wish him or her bon voyage and don’t hurry back lol


I think we should have a joke of the week.
I will start it all off on monday coming
I think a maximum of 5 jokes per day on wings is plenty


Robertson is dead meat. His arrogance, his sense of entitlement, his connivance to undermine and restrict open contests, has now ensured that he has no chance whatsoever of winning the Edinburgh Hollywood seat.

And he now knows it.

His Tweet last night to say that he thinks that the NEC decision to restrict sitting MPs from standing for election was wrong tells you that. But it will be to no avail. He is gone. The connivance, the bloated arrogant sense of entitlement, has destroyed him.

And it will destroy others too. Scotland and its electors are not a fiefdom to be taken for granted. Neither are ordinary well intentioned party members to be taken for granted, their right to have the best candidate choices restricted as the coterie of control plays fast and loose with vetting and selection.

Yes Angus Robertson will be gone. His political death warrant has been signed.

Kevin Kennedy

Smith as leader.



I’ve just read the James Dornan piece in the Times. It quotes him saying that “the effects of Covid has reignited his desire to help his constituents ” wow, so what the fuck has he been doing all these years. Answering trolls on twitter? I thought he was a good guy, by fuck was I wrong. I’m glad he’s had the shaft , just like his constituents for the 10 years they’ve had him as an Msp. Lazy and self serving. Phew!


Even the English are realising the BBC are biased! Read the comments about the propaganda piece on the chancellor’s plan on the UK economy, some may make you smile!

link to


TJenny 1.37

…. you are a bit arse backwards there!

The messaging was presented as “positives”.

“Take back control of our laws, our money and our borders … was the key messaging.”


Meanwhile to change the subject this fine Sunday morning, like the long forgotten Jackson Five, our man of five months leadership of the Tories in Scotland is already forgotten after only a few days.

Aye Jackson’s Five!


I am awakening to discover that a Tory MP and Former Cabinet Minister
Has been accused of rape by one of his aids.

The aid was so traumatised that they had to go to hospital.

This is very serious but equally serious from my own outlook is the comparison
To Alex Salmond’s case.

Why is it Salmond’s name as the accused is splashed across the world’s media
Instantly and yet if it happens to a Tory, his name must be protected?

Can anyone explain something different to the conclusion I’ve made about UK justice and media?

Douglas Ross, the great white hope of a Scottish Tory who can count on his fingers.
Do you recall Paul Sweany, Labour MP, stating that Ross tried to put his hand down Sweaney’s
Trousers in the Stranger’s Bar in Westminster.
Sweaney said there were several witnesses and I’d be astonished if it wasn’t on CCTV.
This followed an earlier allegation of Ross groaning another man earlier that month.

So the parliamentary Standards group, the Tory Party and the Met Police seem to have descended
That Tory MP’s grouping strangers is quite acceptable!

You may also recall his second job, that Tories say shouldn’t exists for MP’s is as a football referee.
He heads off to assist in European matches leaving his constituents high and dry.

So Ross is the best the Tories have in Scotland?

This is someone who should be on the Sex offenders register not the Holyrood list.

Mike d

Tory mp arrested on suspicion of rape. Wonder how long he’ll be hounded for?.not.


Independence means not just getting predatory England off our back but also freedom from unaccountable globalist organizations with links to well funded, neo-imperialist influencers, corporations and the like seeking to undermine or appropriate the sovereign rights of nations and peoples in order to promote socio-political programmes of their own.
Management of the alleged global consequences of Covid-19 disease has exposed major national failings in that regard.

Bryan Weir

I wonder what would turn up if someone did a forensic examination of Tweets and stuff uttered by Rev Stu in the past?

schrodingers cat

I’m calling this out. this isnt reasoned debate. its nothing more than abusive trolling of your good self and a respected Professor of Law. these people add nothing to wos.

Dan Yell says:
“Rev Stu, why don’t you just shut the fuck up, you ugly cunt?”

CameronB Brodie says:
Peatworrier (Andrew Tickle) is like yourself, just some arsehole with an opinion, only better informed.

stuart mctavish

Excellent news if he can manage it since the debate between himself and Cherry would have been the opportunity for SNP to reassure the nation that plan B was still feasible whilst better communicating how slow and steady will win the race (in tandem with the cunning plan A to elevate Ruth Davidson the house of Lords!).

Good also if the NEC can explain away Willie’s second point on the previous post and reclaim their motive as either integral to plans A & B or, perhaps better yet, a devious plot to maximise exposure to an extremely viable contingency in the Wings..

Walter Jones

Mungo and here pussy pussy and robbo.

Three cheeks that belong to the same arse.

Sent here by SNP HQ.

Ignore please, because it only encourages him.


Make every politician an independent so they can’t hide behind a party, let them express their views, you would soon find out how genuine they are and are only answerable to the people who voted them in, if they start abusing the post their in sack them, if they can’t or won’t answer a question sack them and if they tell lies sack them, if it was that way just now we’d be lucky if there were 100 politicians in a job in the whole world, wrong people telling us how to live our lives most of them think they deserve to be there, if I don’t do my job I’d be sacked, start afresh sack the lot and get real genuine people in to do a good job.

Andy Ellis

@Bungo 12

You said: “As I’ve said over and over on these threads, independence is more attainable than ever. This isn’t the time to descend into squabbling.”

As ever, you fail to engage or provide any convincing evidence or back up for your assertion, for that is all that it is, that somehow British Unionists will cave in to the irresistible pressure felt when the % in favour of indy in Scotland increases.

In fact, any reasonable person would conclude that the opposite is the case. Yoons will be even LESS inclined to honour the Edinburgh Agreement precedent. The fact Scots unionists know the game is up in the long term signifies nothing: their britnat masters in Westminster will treat them with the same contempt they do non-unionist Scots.

The reason more and more people are waking up to the fact that your point is (as folk like Stu have been arguing for months) utter nonsense, is that they can see the balance of probabilities. Of course nothing is guaranteed in politics, and much can happen in 9 months, but the idea that indy is “more attainable than ever” simply isn’t credible.

The current SNP have shown next to zero commitment to making it happen. It is much more likely that unless the SNP is prevailed upon, or forced by its membership, to change tack we won’t see indyref2 this decade.

The fact that you and other SNP ultras keep saying this isn’t true, while studiously avoiding any discussion of how this will be brought about tells us everything we need to know.


@Bryan Weir says:

“I wonder what would turn up if someone did a forensic examination of Tweets and stuff uttered by Rev Stu in the past?”

With a bit of luck they might find a selfie of him riding with the Ku Klux Klan. Then he could become the Convenor of some Wokist shite thing and join the SNP’s NEC.

John H.

A Person says:
2 August, 2020 at 12:38 am

Folks, Angus Robertson’s statement tonight is a good sign. It shows that a bunch of cancelled memberships and some grassroots pressure will cause the SNP leadership to take notice.

Let’s keep the pressure up.
It’s not good enough that they pretend to have seen the light. They are still the same people who have hijacked the party, and they will return to form when things quiten down. Some of them at least will have to go.

schrodingers cat


the idea that indy is “more attainable than ever” simply isn’t credible.

didnt MBP point out that support for indy is now at a consistently high point of 54%?

it has the unionist press in meltdown, they believe this is a credible idea. so do I


Angus Robertson is now trying to undo the damage caused by the stooshie over the NEC emergency meeting to prevent Joanna Cherry from standing at Holyrood. The suddenness and speed of the NEC meeting was eye-wateringly blatant and stupid. Are the SNP hierarchy so up themselves they failed to realise how this would be perceived? And that it would not be forgotten? They don’t seem to even see the dots, never mind join them up.

Their collective insecurity and panic over pro-Indy List parties is palpable. The thing is, the likes of Angus Robertson, Pete Wishart, Alan Smiyth, Humza Yousaf et al cannot continue to take the moral high ground, ignore, criticise and denigrate those in the Yes movement without becoming obnoxious themselves. Auf Wiedersehen Herr Robertson. Next?

Walter Jones

What is Sturgeon saying about the Robertson/Cherry fiasco???

Or does Sturgeon only comment on english Brexit and Covid19???

From what I here, she is a constant Twitter user, so what are her latest posts about???

It surely has to be about the fall of her corrupt Party.

Scotland is desperate for a Party who will fight for Scottish Independence, so hopefully there are honest men and women out there who believe in Independence and who will be planning our next chapter as we speak.

Andy Ellis


So tell us, how does this credible 54% translate into indyref2, and when?

Or are we obliged to wait until it’s 60% or 66%? Will you be taking this from opinion polls? How long do they have to be at that level before the gradualists finally pull the trigger on the campaign starting gun?

And of course, the $64,000 question still hanging over you: What happens when Boris simply says “Now is not the time” again and suggests you get back to him after a real generation has elapsed since 2014.

We’ll wait for your plan…..

schrodingers cat

who said anything about indyref2?

all elections in scotland going forward will be plebiscites on independence. thats just a simple fact.

if the snp win with 50%+. its game over.

you ask what happens if and when bojo says no. I maintain that wos isnt the forum to discuss this. go figure

Socrates MacSporran

Mialuci @ 5.29am

Re your five jokes per day:

Sensible Dave



nominations please for the other two.

Andrew F

It seems the “Wokes” are part of a larger plan.

The “Davos” folks from the World Economic Forum launched their “Great Reset” in July. It’s a plan to remake the world on the back of COVID. Last October they ran a conference in New York called Event 201 to workshop what they might do if their was a coronovirus pandemic one day. So they were definitely prepared.

Part of The Great Reset is called “Strategic Intelligence”, and part of that is “LGBQTI+ Inclusion”.

On their website ( they have a lot of pages about it. One is titled: “Great Reset: Why LGBT+ inclusion is the secret to cities’ post-pandemic success”.

Some snippets:

• Economies that are more inclusive are better placed to recover from the shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic.

• A strong positive correlation exists between LGBT+ inclusion and economic resilience.

• In particular, cities that embrace diversity may reap an ‘inclusion dividend’ as they begin to rebuild their economies.

As the world continues to grapple with the unprecedented global health crisis of COVID-19, the scale of the related global economic crisis is becoming increasingly clear. We are facing the sharpest economic contraction since the Great Depression in the 1930s, according to the United Nations – threatening to roll back decades of progress in the fight against poverty.

At the same time as taking emergency measures to minimize the immediate economic impacts of the pandemic, governments around the world are looking to position themselves for recovery. A new analysis of economic resilience offers a potential clue to which economies may be able to recover faster: LGBT+ inclusion is correlated to the resilience of a country’s economy.

The analysis by Open For Business, a coalition of companies advancing LGBT+ equality, shows a strong positive correlation (0.67) between how resilient an economy is and how accepting it is of LGBT+ people (see the chart below). This is a significant finding: a one-point increase in social acceptance suggests a three-point increase in that economy’s economic resilience index, even when controlling for GDP per capita. Could LGBT+ inclusion be a secret ingredient for economic resilience?

The answer may lie in the world’s cities.

Cities have been at the frontline of the pandemic – and they may hold the key to global economic recovery. The connection between economic resilience and social inclusion is particularly clear in urban areas. There is a growing body of evidence that LGBT+ inclusive cities have stronger “innovation ecosystems”, higher levels of entrepreneurialism, and they are better able to attract talent and provide a high quality of life – making them well placed for economic recovery.

The connection between resilience and inclusion is widely accepted by policy-makers. The World Bank describes “inclusive communities” as a key dimension of sustainable, resilient cities. The OECD identifies “inclusive society” as a driver of resilience in a city. The IMF contends that an economy is “more fragile and less resilient when it is not inclusive”. A report by UN Habitat finds that inclusion is required for a “successful urban resilience agenda”.

Now is the time to be embracing LGBT+ communities, not stigmatizing them. Creating inclusive societies isn’t just the right thing to do; as the evidence shows, it’s an important part of an economic strategy focused on resilience and recovery.

So the Wokes have some very powerful friends with very ambitious ideas for the world, which might help explain things a bit.

Andy Ellis


No, you’re just factually wrong. Elections to Holyrood or Westminster are only plebiscitary if the pro-indy parties fielding candidates in those election specifically stand on a platform that gaining 50% + 1 of the votes will represent de facto independence. There will be no international recognition, and thus no independence, without that level of clarity.

As for WoS not being the forum to discuss this, the “don’t show the enemy your cards” pish becomes no more convincing for the constant repetition. The Sturgeonites don’t have a cunning plan, or indeed any clue.

Perhaps the very public humiliation of the NEC and the unsavoury cabal driving the party into a cul-de-sac have over-reached themselves? I do hope so: that stable has been due a good mucking out for a while.

schrodingers cat

@Socrates MacSporran

nominations please for the other two.

oor very ain and much beloved and greatly missed “rory” the lion 🙂

schrodingers cat

As for WoS not being the forum to discuss this, the “don’t show the enemy your cards”

if bojo says no, then the democratic route is at an end. so is devolution, and the concept of political parties.

what will an indy list party do in this situation?

no. if this happens, I believe the next move would be civil disobedience. thats why wos isnt a suitable place for such a discussion.

keeping cards close to your chest is a political tactic. If bojo says no, politics ends. so does card playing.

if you want to outline what you think we should do if bojo says no, fill yer boots

what will an indy list party do in this situation? what can it do?


@ Socrates MacSporran at 6:08 pm

It’s my believe that Sturgeon/Murrell have records and notes of the little (or in some cases greater)foibles of MPs MSPs and Councillors and activists. Consider Derek Mackay ,Mark McDonald and others.
Neale Hanvey I feel was slightly different,BUT for him to accept readmission , is capitulation. His integrity/credibility are gone
To have total control is what Sturgeon/Murrell want, nothing less.
At present I struggle to think of over five they can’t control,
As I typed this I wondered What happens when they can’t control Smith and wok clique, Smith turns on them, and it’s will happen!!!

Colin Alexander

The SNP, SSP, ISP always were and always will be doomed to failure. If success is measured by Scotland’s independence.

How? They had/have the British politics mindset.

A majority of seats = a mandate.

For Scotland in British politics that creates two unsurmountable problems:

1. Scottish independence will NEVER gain a majority of votes at UK Parliament.

2. A majority of pro-indy seats at Holyrood counts for NOTHING under the UK constitution.

So, what’s the latest plans from the indy movement? Win more seats at Holyrood.

It’s the indy movement equivalent of the FM asking again for another s30.

It is the height of stupidity, pissing in the wind, tokenism at its best. The ISP is ultimately about feminists fighting the SNP on GRA which arguably is something worth voting for but, terrible SNP policies is no what my comment is about.

If you still believe that indyref1 proves my comment is wrong: Stop reading. If you haven’t grasped the concept yet that indyref1 was about KILLING off independence forever, then no point in wasting your time reading my comment.

If you belief indyref1 was the gold standard and Scotland had a fair chance of achieving indy that time, then you’ve been in Nicola Sturgeon’s company too long.

Michael Laing

Why do the SNP/Sturgeon-apologists amongst the commenters here keep insisting that independence will happen just because the opinions polls indicate 54% in favour? Constantly repeating the same illogical, evidence-free mantra doesn’t make it any more true and isn’t going to convince anyone. It wouldn’t matter if there was 100% support for independence: it isn’t going to happen without the political will and a mechanism to bring it about; one that doesn’t involve begging for Westminster’s permission. After six years of zero progress and with a leader of the SNP who seems embarrassed to even mention the word ‘independence’, let alone actually do anything about it, I think we’re entitled to say ‘enough is enough; your time is up’.

And that’s to say nothing of all the other gerrymandering, conspiracy, legal persecution and anti-scientific mumbo-jumbo that’s going on.

We need politicians who will campaign passionately and convincingly for independence and take the necessary action to bring it about. With the SNP as it currently stands, we have nothing of the kind.

If you aren’t going to engage with people’s questions directly, why bother commenting at all?

Colin Alexander

Scotland already has a pro-indy majority at Holyrood. What has it achieved: nothing, except create an egotistical monster out of N. Sturgeon.

Scotland’s place in the Union is now constitutionally much weaker than prior to indyref1. (Which was already wea)k.

Devolution has weakened Scotland’s political influence even further, not strengthened it.

1. With devolution- Scotland’s MPs went from 71 to 59.

2. EVEL – the 59 MPs are now also second-class MPs.

3. The Devolution settlement is now worthless. Only fit for SNP / Green sex ideology extremists to force their ideology on the Scotland colony. UK Parliament overrules Scot Parl at will. Power grabbed powers. And UK has legislated to ignore or by-pass it completely.

Colin Alexander