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Wings Over Scotland

Another vow delivered 72

Posted on November 27, 2015 by

On the left, the Conservatives’ 2015 general election manifesto.


On the right, yesterday’s Press & Journal. We wish we could even fake surprise.

The nuances of the night 79

Posted on August 02, 2015 by

Alert readers will recall that this site has expended some energy on debunking the lazy myth – which suits the media and Labour alike – that a significant factor in the unexpected Conservative majority in May’s general election was voters being scared back to the Tories by a fear campaign about the prospect of the SNP influencing a minority Labour government.

Today we stumbled across an hour-long programme buried away in the depths of BBC Parliament, which televised “a seminar organised by Nuffield College Oxford at which leading academics and pollsters analyse the result of the General Election”.

The most interesting contribution came from a team at the University of Manchester who made two absolutely key findings from the extremely large and detailed British Election Study of the “short campaign” period, involving tens of thousands of voters.

Attention spans are brief these days, so we’ve cut it down to four minutes for you.

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One question answered 183

Posted on June 23, 2015 by

We’ve been keeping an eye out for something for a while now.


And today we found out.

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Tossing your chips 251

Posted on June 18, 2015 by

Over and over again in the years leading up to the independence referendum, Scots were warned of the many dire consequences of voting Yes. Among the No campaign’s prime targets for scare tactics were subsidies for renewable energy.


UK government subsidies drying up certainly sounded like a scary prospect.

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The polls were not wrong 312

Posted on May 09, 2015 by

Much of the commentariat and media has been in a froth for the last 24 hours about the supposed failure of the nation’s pollsters to predict the Conservative victory. This, for example, was Labour’s highly-paid election guru David Axelrod:


But the truth is that the polls – just like the heavily-maligned exit poll which turned out to be bang on the money – got nothing wrong. The people interpreting them did.

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Seeing it coming a mile off 125

Posted on May 08, 2015 by

The media might be shocked. But readers of Wings aren’t.


Because there’s simply no excuse for anyone acting surprised.

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A lucky escape 104

Posted on December 04, 2014 by

Phew, eh?


(April 2014 on the left, December 2014 on the right.)

Barely worth the words 175

Posted on November 12, 2014 by



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We told you so #2 955

Posted on September 23, 2014 by

Even we’re surprised how fast these are coming true.


Stay tuned for more. They’re on the way.

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Number 1 in a long series 416

Posted on September 20, 2014 by

Of posts subtitled “We told you so”.


Coming soon: Iraq War III, Tory victory in 2015, UK out of Europe in 2017. Hold tight.

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    Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)

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    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on The Gender Of Mountains: “Chunnaic mi aon-chòrnach geal a’ gluasad gu tuisleach suas Sràid Sauchiehall. Nam b’ e Meisias a bh’annam thogainn Alba eadhon…Mar 28, 21:17
    • Mark Beggan on The Gender Of Mountains: “Serious consideration should be given to introducing anti woke laws. Were it is a serious offence to complain about how…Mar 28, 21:07
    • Robert Hughes on The Gender Of Mountains: “Cheers Ian – no , I don’t read anything he posts , though as he stalks every post by good…Mar 28, 21:01
    • Hatey McHateface on The Long Future: “Ignore Bob. Plenty of readers are interested in your posts. Your post is valid. lothianlad was just repeating what the…Mar 28, 21:00
    • sarah on The Gender Of Mountains: “Thanks, Socrates, for penning this – it raised a much-needed smile. 🙂Mar 28, 20:58
    • Robert Hughes on The Gender Of Mountains: “Hi Ian . I’m hoping to be there . Is ” Suzy ” coming ? 🙂Mar 28, 20:56
    • Lorn on The Gender Of Mountains: “I truly believe that you minute you set up your new party, they would find a way to infiltrate it…Mar 28, 20:51
    • Hatey McHateface on The Gender Of Mountains: “There are plenty of claims online that Jesus was trans, Mark. Very noticeably, nobody posts any such claims for the…Mar 28, 20:49
    • George Ferguson on The Gender Of Mountains: “@Hatey McHateface I love the people of the Highlands and the Cairngorm. But their lifestyle and norms have been violated…Mar 28, 20:48
    • Ian Brotherhood on The Gender Of Mountains: “Good to see you back, I was starting to wonder if Hatey et al had eventually tracked you down. 😉Mar 28, 20:42
    • Robert Hughes on The Long Future: “Why don’t you fuck off , ya buffoon . Every post you make here tries to give the impression yr…Mar 28, 20:38
    • Hatey McHateface on The Long Future: “It’s “ruling the roost” MAI. “ruling the rooster” is probably something our Scottish overpaid and underworked elites get up to…Mar 28, 20:30
    • Ian Brotherhood on The Gender Of Mountains: “Last shout for next Friday’s gathering at The Eagle Inn, Coatbridge. Looks like it could be be a good one.…Mar 28, 20:18
    • Hatey McHateface on The Gender Of Mountains: “For some reason, the reference to the Cairngorms Pride Paddlers caught my eye. It would be nice to think they…Mar 28, 20:17
    • Yoon scum on The Gender Of Mountains: “Nuttier then squirrel shitMar 28, 20:08
    • Willie on The Gender Of Mountains: “For anyone bored of an evening it would be interesting for them to read the internal papers of the Park…Mar 28, 20:07
    • Yoon Scum on The Long Future: “After Indy will no voting English born filth like myself see everything I own taken from me and given to…Mar 28, 20:02
    • Yoon Scum on The Long Future: “Anyone who thinks that the SNP has been taken over by the dark forces of the English REALLY has a…Mar 28, 20:00
    • Yoon scum on The Long Future: “I know for many they think that all that needs to happen is for a magic piece of paper to…Mar 28, 19:59
    • Xaracen on The Long Future: “Thanks, Aidan.Mar 28, 19:44
    • socratesmacsporran on The Gender Of Mountains: “Sir, You have grievously libeled my life-long friend Ben Macduie. He and I enjoyed many a scrum together, playing in…Mar 28, 18:06
    • Frazerio on The Gender Of Mountains: “‘98.5% are white so we’ll need to look outside the boundaries of the park’ made me chuckle. What to do?…Mar 28, 18:02
    • Mia on The Long Future: “Thank you, Nae Need!. I will.Mar 28, 17:39
    • Nae Need! on The Long Future: ““In my view, the only feasible way you can do this is by reconvening/forming a parallel parliament that neither swears…Mar 28, 17:20
    • Confused on The Gender Of Mountains: “there is the pap of glencoe then the paps of jura plus in the cairngorm bod an deamhain “penis of…Mar 28, 17:07
    • Insider on The Gender Of Mountains: “Why are you posting this in English, Fergus ?Mar 28, 17:00
    • George Ferguson on The Gender Of Mountains: “Well done Stu. Once again you have proven how far the madness has penetrated so to speak. Holyrood no longer…Mar 28, 16:54
    • Andy Ellis on The Long Future: “I think we need to make a distinction between the “bittereinders” who insist on remaining as SNP party members and…Mar 28, 16:46
    • Alan Henness on The Gender Of Mountains: “They have been riddled with gender ideology for years. I did this thread in 2023: But surprised they’re not…Mar 28, 16:40
    • Young Lochinvar on The Gender Of Mountains: “These screaming barstewards need their a8seholes/ Frankenholes sewn up.. Problem solved.Mar 28, 16:21
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