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A close call 201

Posted on March 18, 2015 by

The Daily Record, five days before the independence referendum:


The Times, earlier this month:


Phew! Thank goodness for that No vote, eh readers?

Putting [INSERT NAME HERE] first 134

Posted on March 16, 2015 by

When someone sent us a link last week to a picture of an Anas Sarwar election leaflet, we were immediately struck by the fact that it had the weird characteristic of being ostensibly handwritten but underlining every word in a sentence individually, which reminded us of one we’d seen from Douglas Alexander back in January.

So after a busy weekend of saving stray cats from going blind, we went to dig the two leaflets out, in the modest hope of getting a quick cheap joke about them both using the same fake-handwriting font. But instead we got a bit of a surprise.


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The lemon pledges 92

Posted on March 15, 2015 by

A lot of people this week quoted a line supposedly from the former Labour cabinet minister Roy Jenkins, which runs “a statement is only interesting if a sane man could say the opposite”. We haven’t been able to verify if he ever really said that or not, but it doesn’t really matter, because it’s true either way.


So where that leaves this mess is anyone’s guess.

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We’ll get to the bottom of this yet 136

Posted on March 11, 2015 by

Is the Scottish NHS protected by devolution, or is it in mortal danger?


We’re expecting that answer any minute now, honestly.

Ten bad reasons 181

Posted on March 11, 2015 by

With apologies to Jason Donovan, we felt we should probably have a look at the latest election leaflet Scottish Labour are putting through people’s doors.


We wouldn’t want voters to have too many broken hearts.

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To break your walls 257

Posted on March 10, 2015 by

We’ve only just recently begun checking out the English edition of the Sun to see what appears in it that’s mysteriously excised from the Scottish one, readers.

photo (63t)

Perhaps we should have started sooner.

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2450 pixels of lies 172

Posted on March 04, 2015 by

The Daily Record is currently faithfully blaring out Labour’s anti-SNP “NHS in crisis” message, as part of the embattled party’s bizarre strategy of fighting a Westminster election solely on policies that are devolved to Holyrood, like health and education.


But an article on its website today dredges new depths even for the Record.

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Toys found some distance from pram 253

Posted on February 28, 2015 by

Perhaps we’re just being over-sensitive, readers, but we think the Daily Record might be a little bit upset with us.


That’s the editor of the semi-popular Scottish Labour fanzine, Murray Foote, pictured above this afternoon apparently issuing his own very special honours list, but it’s not the crankiest thing the Record’s published in the last 24 hours.

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The relative size of the truth 112

Posted on February 26, 2015 by

Sometimes a picture can say a lot more than a thousand words. Below, to the left of the vertical red line on our graphic, you can see the prominence that the Daily Record gave to their lies about “The Vow” and the Smith Commission report, which were found to be false by the Independent Press Standards Organisation.


On the right of the line, at the same scale, is the prominence they gave to the truth.

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The plot stupids 110

Posted on February 26, 2015 by

The comical furore about The Nurse Who Definitely Isn’t An Actress shows no signs of making sense any time soon.

24 hours and several demented pages of hysterical tabloid shrieking later, we’re still not sure whether a No activist and Labour supporter from Clackmannanshire is called Suzanne Duncan (as “Better Together” called her until at least June last year) or “Suzanne Hunter” (as the Daily Record calls her), though a bit of Facebook detective work suggests the latter.

We do at least seem to have cleared up her employment history, as the Daily Record has now very quietly and subtly changed its article of last night, which claimed she’d worked for eight years at a hospital that’s only been open for five.


But a whole bundle of other questions remain unanswered.

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The Record’s Revenge 209

Posted on February 25, 2015 by

You can never accuse the Scottish media of being knowingly underhysterical.


Tonight the Daily Record snuck out its semi-apology for telling the Scottish people the biggest lie we’ve seen on the front page of a newspaper since its parent the Mirror published fake pictures of soldiers urinating on Iraqi prisoners.

You can tell they’re not awfully pleased we forced them to make that “correction” by reporting the lie to the Independent Press Standards Organisation, because they even reference it in the editorial above.

Speaking of which – well, heck, where do we even start?

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Thrown to the wolves 210

Posted on February 25, 2015 by

Before we start, let’s make this plain: we will NOT be submitting any sort of complaint to any healthcare body regarding what we’re about to discuss, and we ask readers not to either. When push comes to shove, we don’t want nurses losing their jobs.


We just wish Scottish Labour felt the same way.

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