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Wings Over Scotland

First Do No Harm

Posted on January 15, 2024 by

We make no apology for returning once again to the depressing subject of the Scottish Government’s proposed new law to ban “conversion practices”, because it provides such an illuminating microcosm of how far a once competent and widely-respected administration has fallen since 2015.

Emma Roddick, who is piloting the bill towards the statute books in much the same way that Mohamed Atta piloted American Airlines Flight 11 towards the World Trade Centre, is a 26-year-old who by her own admission suffers from a serious and debilitating mental illness that any sane country would regard as an insurmountable bar to political office.

The particular symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder could barely be any more spectacularly obviously unsuitable for a lawmaker at any level:

Yet the SNP saw fit not only to disregard all those warning flags but to change its own selection rules in order to parachute Roddick to the top of the North East Scotland regional list specifically BECAUSE of her disability, and make her an MSP at an age the Scottish Government does not consider to constitute full adulthood, to the extent that it’s willing to spare rapists prison sentences because they’re too young to be fully responsible for their actions.

Her first action as an MSP was to attract ridicule by whining about how anyone on a £65,000 salary could possibly be expected to live (and “spend money like an MSP”) for a month before their first paycheque arrived – as if anyone in any job on any wage got paid in advance.

(We’re not sure why she didn’t tap Peter Murrell for a loan – he’s loaded, very willing to fling his cash around and not too fussed about getting it back.)

But undeterred, the SNP then fast-tracked her into a ministerial position. We were going to say that the absolute trainwreck of the “conversion practices” proposals was the result, but actually that would be unfair to Roddick, because while they’re a horrific mess that’s in no way an exception to the general standard of legislation brought to Holyrood in the last nine years.

However, it’s as good an example as any, so let’s take a closer look.

The paper gets off to a bad start.

So immediately we don’t even know what we’re trying to outlaw. But at least we have a clear picture of how big the problem is and how many people are affected, right?


Alert, if needlessly cruel, readers may at this point be noting that the document uses figures for Scotland’s LGB population taken from a 2019 survey, rather than what one might expect would be more reliable and up-to-date figures from the 2021 census.

They may perhaps also recollect that that’s because the Scottish Government couldn’t even manage to conduct a basic headcount without making such an unholy pig’s dinner of it that its statistics cannot be relied upon.

And the document further admits that the Scottish Government has simply no idea at all of how many trans or non-binary people there are in Scotland, because it decoupled the Scottish census from the UK one which provided such numbers for the first time.

It therefore begins from a position of having to extrapolate some entirely hypothetical Scottish figures from those for England and Wales, even though those are themselves questionable and likely to have significantly overstated the reality.

So far, then, we don’t know what conversion practices are and we don’t know how many LGB or trans or non-binary people might be at risk from them. Excellent.

We’re then told that to estimate how MUCH of a risk this unknown proportion of the population may face, the Scottish Government has used a UK-wide survey of LGBT people conducted seven years ago, when by most assessments the number of trans people was far lower.

The National LGBT Survey polled a large but self-selecting and unweighted panel of respondents, immediately placing all sorts of qualifiers and warning flags on its statistical validity. But more concerningly, the questions about “conversion therapy” (as it was called in the survey) left the definition of the term to respondents themselves.

So the basis for the Scottish Government’s proposals is now an undefined term based on an unknown risk to unknown numbers of gay and trans people extrapolated from outdated data from other countries which itself was produced via scientifically-invalid statistics drawn from undefined questions to biased respondents.

(Although at the absolute MOST it appears to be a possible danger to 7% of the LGBT population, which is 2.7% of the country, and 7% of 2.7% is 0.18% of all Scots, or less than two in every thousand. If you then start factoring in how few of those weren’t already protected by existing legislation, the numbers verge on zero.)

Or in other words, it was already an out-of-control binfire even before an unqualified, inexperienced, unstable, incoherent halfwit like Emma Roddick was put in charge of it.

But don’t worry, folks – there’s no mess so big she can’t still make it worse.

Oh good. Now we can’t even define “gender identity” itself – one of the two categories the legislation exists to protect. The Minister’s best guess, though, is that it’s something to do with dresses and make-up.

And let’s remember, we already know that Roddick thinks “sex” and “gender” are interchangeable terms (see the first pic in this article), which is contrary to what every trans organisation insists is the case, and more importantly also contrary to Lady Dorrian’s recent key legal ruling on the subject.

And since Roddick thinks there are “many” genders, that must therefore mean she also thinks there are “many” sexes, and we await agog to hear her name the others.

(The current Stonewall-approved guidance that’s being given to most schools in the UK and taught to pupils, meanwhile, states that there are in fact only two genders – “THE other”, singular, not “AN other”.)

The document itself appears to both support and contradict this position within a single paragraph, implying that there are only two sexes but multiple genders, of which people can belong to more than one at the same time – in other words, that sex and gender are NOT interchangeable terms, despite the Minister in charge asserting that they are. So that’s reassuring. Sort of.

The other implication of Lady Dorrian’s ruling, as we’ve previously noted, is that the act of transitioning intrinsically and inescapably – for legal purposes at least – DOES change someone’s sexuality. If a transwoman is a woman, then a heterosexual male becoming a “trans lesbian” has changed from straight to gay, and anyone who contributed to or encouraged their transition has probably undertaken unlawful “conversion practices”.

(Particularly as consent is not an allowable defence, as we’ll see later on.)

Readers, we’re still only in the “Background” section of the draft proposals. We haven’t even actually started yet. So let’s fast-forward to what the plan is.

Apparently we’re going to “provide clarity” and “send a clear, unambiguous message” with a law that can’t define a single one of the terms it’s relying on. Good luck with that. But let’s focus on the last of those bullet points for a moment.

How are we going to stop parents from being criminalised for parenting, or for just having concerned conversations with their children? What safeguards are proposed?

So you can guide people, but not in a direction that leads them to change anything? What? How does that work?

If you don’t want your child to transition, for all of a hundred obvious reasons based on their mental and physical health and welfare, or perhaps because you think they’re just the victims of social contagion or pressure, and you talk with them to dissuade them, that must surely count as intention to change or suppress?

The document simply waves this contradiction away.

It goes on to elaborate:

But as Alex Massie noted in the Times at the weekend, some of those are pretty much a textbook definition of the responsibilities of parenting. And it gets more absurd:

Sorry, what? How do gay people dress? What activities are “considered to be linked to” being transgender or non-binary? Does going to see the Barbie movie count? We’re having flashbacks to that episode of The Day Today identifying which motorways, chemical elements, walls and seas were homosexual.

(30 years ago, it’s our grave and dismaying duty to inform you.)

It’s very hard to reconcile the protection afforded to “gender critical” views in the Equality Act 2010 (clearly established by the Maya Forstater case and subsequently reinforced by others) and the legal responsibility of parents to safeguard the welfare of their children with the proposals to criminalise the meaningful exercise of those views and responsibilities.

This is particularly the case if you aim to criminalise taking a person out of Scotland to somewhere else in the UK with the intent of facilitating treatment or activities which might be perfectly legal in the rest of the UK and governed by reserved UK law.

It is very difficult to see how any such attempted legislation could fail to be susceptible to an intervention under Section 35 of the Scotland Act in exactly the same way the Gender Recognition Reform Act did.

The Scottish Government has attempted to find a sneaky way out of this by saying that getting “conversion” treatment outside Scotland won’t be a crime – it’ll be the travelling from Scotland that’s the offence.

That in itself opens up a whole new can of worms in terms of restriction of movement and how it could possibly be policed, but let’s not make things any more complicated right now.

With the proposals already facing a barrage of criticism from a wide range of sources, the document is at pains to defensively insist that only “harmful” practices will be outlawed. The word “harm” appears 131 times across its pages.

But what is “harm”? According to the document it includes “fear, alarm and distress”.

As anyone who’s ever met or been a child will confirm, “distress” is a pretty low bar. If you hurt your teenager’s feelings by saying “You’re not going out looking like that, young man/lady”, they’re quite likely going to be distressed about it. Is that therefore “psychological harm” and thereby an imprisonable criminal offence?

[PLEASE NOTE: The preceding sentence included generic notation. We do not advise calling your child “Young man/lady”, as this may be non-binary-phobic.]

In 21st-century Scotland, would Philip Larkin have been arrested as a hateful thought-criminal, not just describing but arguably advocating genocide?

It has already been widely noted, of course, that despite paying lip service to the idea of the new law being ideologically neutral, the real intention is clearly anything but. To this end, the document makes explicit that converting “cis” people to “trans” ones will NOT be an offence, even if it involves irreversible hormone treatment and/or surgical mutilation of their otherwise-healthy bodies.

That would be classed as simply “aligning” their physical characteristics with their “gender identity” – a correction, we must assume, of Nature’s mistake, for the Scottish Government is a force superior to Nature.

(It would seem somewhat rude to bring up the absence of any definition of “gender identity” in the proposals again.)

This is highlighted in the section dealing with the defence of consent.

What’s most interesting about this is that – as with the GRR before it – the proposal basically refuses to acknowledge the existence of detransitioners.

Despite countless examples, the most famous probably being that of Keira Bell, paragraph 132 essentially refuses to believe that anyone who changes gender could ever want to go back, and implicit in the entire document is the fact that anyone who assisted them in reverting to their original sex and/or gender would be committing a serious crime for which there would be no legal defence at all.

Under these proposals, no matter how young or vulnerable they’d been at the time, no child who had once been permitted to “transition” would ever have a lawful route back. They would be imprisoned in their false gender by the state forever.

(Indeed, if the GRR should ever come into force, the person themselves would also face a two-year jail term for having made a false declaration.)

The ostensible safeguards in the document requiring the presence of “coercion” for the threshold of criminality to be reached – and on which the whole shooting match is premised – are therefore impossible to practically define, in the absence of any possibility of consent.

If nobody can ever consent, then everything is coercive by definition.

In short, and in keeping with a dismayingly long list of Scottish Government legislation, the draft proposals regarding “conversion practices” appear to have been penned by incompetent morons under the direction of witless cretins.

For the reasons above and countless others – this already-long article could have easily been twice the size – Wings Over Scotland does not believe these proposals will ever become law in Scotland. Nevertheless, we fully expect the Scottish Government to waste years and millions of pounds attempting to realise them before they finally fail.

The justification for that, as helpfully outlined by former SNP councillor Mhairi Hunter last night, is that any vote you can swindle out of an uninformed voter is regarded by the party as a carte blanche for anything they want to do for the next five years, regardless of whether it has public support.

But until such times, this site will do its very best to ensure that no voter has any excuse to be uninformed about this inept, idiotic and dangerous bill.

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David Hannah

Section 35 the f*ck out of this bill incoming… And then section Emma Roddick in a mental institution I say. It’s time to bring back lobotomisation for SNP MSPs and MPs.

Stick your conversation therapy bill up you arse Emma!

Dorothy Devine

David Hannah, I thought they had been lobotomized already.

What a bunch of piffling, anti science ordure.

David Hannah

Emma Roddick. She’s Coo-Coo. Padded cell and straight jacket required. She should be locked away. How dare they even consider being this absolute shit to Holyrood and wasting Parliamentary time.

Get yourselves to fuck SNP SCUM. Humza out now. YOU WILL NEVER CARVE UP OUR KIDS.

Willie John

Stu, you’ve given me a headache.

However I do know the cure – vote them out!

Frank Gillougley

Oh Fuck.I have no idea how you can do this Stu week in week out. Its the faux committee assimilated bureaucratic pseudo legal language that kills me. Frankensteins monster. If you put the sheer horror of all this aside for just a moment, i think this is akin to you trying to have a dialogue with a plate of jelly, except that the jelly is more sentient than this 26 year old and the revolutionary Shitfornoncesparty . Oh fur fucks sake! This out kafkas kafka by a country mile. Holy fuck. Danton, Robespierre, Molliere! Have they never read anything by SARAMAGO these fucking people! Diagrams! Bar charts! have they never read any structuralist critique from the 60s 70s like Barthes and see how it all COLLAPSED under its own FUCKING WEIGHT! But then again,Jelly has no history, jelly cant read. jelly knows nothing.Jelly opens its mouth and goes ladi dahdi dadi dah.balah blah blah i salute anyone who tries to have a rational dialogue with these delusional monsters.I can only pray for you all.

Antoine Roquentin

Quality work, Rev!


The first time a child or young adult is physically hurt by this f*ckin car crash of a document/plan Roddick and those f*ckin irresponsible clowns governing Scotland should be sued.

Roddick with her serious mental illness shouldn’t be anywhere near Holyrood let alone be a minister in office, this SNP/Green government is playing fast and loose with the safety of impressionable young minds in Scotland.

Get them out of office at every election.

Vote Alba, Join Alba.

Down with the union.


It’s all moot prior to Labour obliterating the SNP, but let’s hope Westminster is able to stop this embarrassment as it did the other woo woo with Section 35. This pretendy “government” has well and truly overreached and that’s without considering the foreign affairs forays into Turkey and Gaza. (Look that one up Rev if you haven’t already).

John Main

Is it possible to be sexually attracted to somebody who has no gender?

If a person is sexually attracted to somebody of no gender, is it relevant to claim that the person attracted has a sexual orientation?

Is it an offence to assign a sexual orientation to somebody attracted to a person of no gender?

Is it an offence for a person to claim they have a sexual orientation when they are attracted to a person (or persons) of no gender?

Is it possible for two people of no gender to experience same-sex attraction? If so, how, i.e. what is attracting what?

Is there any practical limit to the earnings a smooth talking legal counsel with a mile-wide brass neck can make in Scotland PA?

[Asking for a one-man firm of No Win No Fee lawyers, currently operating from a PO Box in Hackney, but considering opening prestigious offices in Edinburgh’s New Town]

Marie Clark

Jeez oh Stuart, ma heid’s nippin wi’ a’ that. These eejits don’t even have enough wit to classify as a half wit.

Oh well, roll on Alastair Jack and S35. Feckin disgrace we have to look to the tories for a bit of sense. Never thought I’d see the day.

I don’t know how you do this day in and day out Stuart and still keep your sanity.


This is like getting involved in an argument about how many angels fit on a pinhead.
First you have to accept there are angels.
Then you have to accept these invisible entities can have substance.
Then you go screaming mad trying to reconcile all the obvious conflicts of truth.
Meanwhile, the ‘enlightened’ speak in incomprehensible NewSpeak, and the credulous swoon at their erudition.


With every new legislative act of idiocy, I am reminded of a chat so very long ago with a football pal who was both knowledgeable about Politics, local and Holyrood, and worked in helping make Scotland a better place.

He always seemed non plussed about the big SNP push and the potential for them ousting Labour from running Scotland. When pushed on why he was so reticent, he paused, then calmly replied “Sure, I can appreciate what they are doing in Opposition, my concerns centre on what would they do when actually in power..who knows what laws they might end up introducing..I will wait then judge”

Sadly, he nailed it.

Geoff Anderson

We must remove these raving lunatics as soon as possible. Anyone who vote SNP ever again should be considered a dangerous moron.

Rev. The best line and I lost a mouthful of coffee over it….
“ That would be classed as simply “aligning” their physical characteristics with their “gender identity” – a correction, we must assume, of Nature’s mistake, for the Scottish Government is a force superior to Nature.”


As mentioned on yesterday’s Through A Scottish Prism. Having had no response to multiple requests, Dr Lynne Tammi-Connelly is walking to Holyrood to park herself outside until Emma the Roaster agrees to meet her.

Roddick is on an MSP salary. Does the Peter principle apply to the neuro-diverse?

George Ferguson

The Scottish Census 2011(95% response) cost 63.5 million. Using an inflation calculator that is about 90 million in today’s money. At a total cost of 140 million we appear to have misplaced 50 million. But that is not the main concern of the null and void 2021 Census. The evidence shows the low response rate of the 2021 Census is a result of the grass roots rebellion by women. Question 3 introduced self-indentication to the female/male question. Beautifully covered up by the NRS doorstepping survey post Census. Just like 1911 Census protest by the suffragettes. Nothing is being learned Angus Robertson.

Patsy Millar

Basically the whole thing is a shit storm.


When I eagerly casted my vote for a Scottish Parliament in 1997, never in a million years would I have thought that vote would lead to the clusterfuck that it is by the current inept bunch of fuckwits of today.

if some asks me today “Would you vote to end Holyrood today?”.

My answer would be YES, Holyrood sadly has proven to be incapable of good governance apart from the spell from 2007 to September 19th 2014.

Is there ANYWAY at all to end this insanity????


Rev wrote: “So you can guide people, but not in a direction that leads them to change anything?”

Has anyone alerted that fella with the very stubborn horse? 🙂

panda paws

“the draft proposals regarding “conversion practices” appear to have been penned by incompetent morons under the direction of witless cretins.”

I think you’ve overestimated them there, Stu. They aspire to being merely incompetent morons or witless cretins.

The problem is two fold, institutional capture by the forces behind gender ideology and Sturgeon’s cull of the sensible SNP folk and replacement by those who would offer her no resistance.

Of course this will be binned by a section 35 order. Not because Labour are any less infiltrated by this insidious ideology but because Starmer et al are every bit as much muscular unionists as the Tories are.

Look I live in hope that the people will see through the nuSNP and the pseudo Greens in GE2024, however I suspect that whilst the SNP will lose many seats, too many Yes supporters still don’t realise how hollowed out the nuSNP have become and will not vote (where they can) for Alba, ISP or Angus Brendan. Hopefully Holyrood 2026 isn’t a repeat of Westminster 2024 for slow learners and finally independence can be put back on the agenda as something other than a mouldy carrot at election time.

Bob Mack

An independent country ruled by this lot? Nope. Not for me.

Dear Lord. Please put some party with at least some degree of intellect or at least common sense back into the pursuit of Independence.


The SNP needs an enema.

Frank Gillougley

my last bite at the cherry, In short, now that i’ve calmed down a bit, to me what this is all saying is this: we have lots of words and if you dont like their meaning then we have lots of other meanings that can be attributed to these words. And so it goes. This is the way the world ends not with a bang but up its own arse. If any dialogue of a theological nature is even entered into then this will be tantamount to conversion therapy? then what the fuck is all this mumbo jumbo then? Rationalism? the enlightenment? i am ashamed to have ever been scottish. Go on, do yer worst. Ducking stools by legislation. the dark ages.


Frank Gillougley @ 16.29

Even worse than disappearing up its’ own arse … the perverts in our devolved administration seem ever keener to teach our schoolchildren to disappear up each others’ non gender specific arses. Or, as their doublespeak would have it, their “rear vaginas”.
And, some 10 years on from Mr Salmond stepping down, this is where SNP rule has brought us.
Oh Brave New World.


I see humza’ brother in law has allegedly pharmaceutical connections and his wife is a drugs spokesperson???

Talk about cornering the market

Cameron Robson

Is all this crap being proposed by the SNP freaks what qualifies as ‘getting on with the day job’? What an immoral, Nazi-like activity and a total waste of time and money. Run the twisted, mental, SOB’s out of office as soon as. I’m so glad I switched to Alba.


It’s really about time the ‘Thickos’ section (link to got a bit of an update.

Not only are three of the seven no longer MSPs, there is a shocking absence of SNP and Green MSPs.


So similar religious freedoms as somewhere like China ! Interesting . Wonder when they will work that part out .

President Xiden

David Hannah said “ It’s time to bring back lobotomisation for SNP MSPs and MPs.”

What? I worked on the assumption that they had been

Leeza Laine

@Craig 4:18 Holyrood isn’t a problem. The current fuckwits in office are the problem. We fix that by voting them out.

Please don’t confuse Holyrood (the institution) with the SNP and Green Party oxygen thief numpties who warm far too many chairs in the current administration. We can get rid of all of them without getting rid of the Scottish parliament.

And spouse

Ma Heidi’s nippin!
I can’t balance this out, am confuddled!
The only bits a get are the text between aw they boxes. A understand them, oh aye n the video! A get that, that’s humour!


Big business rules the world not governments, oh they might control what goes on inside their countries borders but big business transcends borders and continents, next to big business politician are at best limited in what they can or can’t do the Investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) has just about every government in the world by the balls.

The WEF in Davos opened today, these are the people who decide just about everything product wise will cost you, which countries are in the bad books and which are in the good books and so on.

link to


Sex offenders are often put on drugs to curb their sex drive..legally. This Bill wants that stopped? Yet the same drug effect comes from cross hormone drugs men take in their drive to transform? I noticed in this bill a lot of clues to it having been ‘doctored; from a previous document around 21/22. References to things like ‘this will happen in November 2023’. Poor proof reading and incomprehensible waffle! Roddick is being GROOMED along with many vulnerable young folk looking to fit in somewhere! Who else tried to cultivate their ‘YOUTH’ once upon a time?

Gregory Beekman

They need to separate gay conversion practices from trans, and just legislate on that (given its clearly understood).

Though I feel it’d be better if the UK government did that and applied it to all UK. They should also shoot the Oxford dictionary makers – homosexual is not ‘same gender’ attraction!

Time for the UK gov to also legislate the definition of terms like homosexual.

Who’d have ever thought we’d need the UK gov to save us from the Scottish gov?

What an appalling mess Holyrood has become. I can’t help but feel we need to DOUBLE THE NUMBER OF MSPs. With a larger party in government, there’d be far more back-benchers able to rebel against the stupidity of their party leaders. At the moment, it’s as if every SNP MSP is in the government, so they’re unable to point out how stupid something is.


Gregory Beekman @ 17.11

You really feel that the solution to the troughers camped out in Holyrood is to double their number, Greg ?
Twice as many over salaried, expense account, pension pot accruing unsackable time servers ?
Surely you jest.

David Hannah

EL NAKLA’S nicked like NIC. Humza Yousaf’s brother charged with selling heroin with a steet value of £6,000.

The black sheep of a family of black sheeps. You’re the fucking scum of the earth to sell herion and poison the destitute Dundee. Talk about keeping it in the family… What a horrible fucking family.

That’s just given £750,000 blood money to Ergrodan in Turkey to get a fake brother, who’s somehow not a British citizen into Scotland from Gaza.

We don’t want an illegal immigrant living in Bute House. With our money. Pack your fucking bags and go Humza. And your family of rack heads and drug dealers.

David Hannah

Pack your bags and you. *rack heads. Smack heads.

And take your child mutilation bill with you as well.


I’m guessing this will be drawn out till (god forbid) Labour win the GE. In which case, it’s likely to gain royal assent without challenge. There’s also the Scotgov hopes of GRRB having the S35 revoked by Labour.

I’m ashamed of our current Scotgov and the utter mess they’re making of this country

Anton Decadent

“I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”

From a film about genocidal parasites which destroy their hosts…

David Hannah

Presumably known to the family – Black sheep El Naka.

I wonder if that’s why Humza – the former justice minister – has relocated his entire family to Dundee. To Run the drug operation from his home?

One might speculate. Your family are utter scum Humza. Just like yourself. And you know it!

Gregory Beekman

Sven @ 5:15

Yes, we need MORE MSPs, not less.

A small pool is easy to control, a larger one less so.

Why don’t we have groups like ERG in the SNP? I don’t mean for Brexit, I mean why don’t we have various interest groups? (Maybe there are, and we just never hear about them?)

But a larger group of MSPs in the governing party but not in government (‘off payroll’) could only be a good thing, because more MSPs would hopefully mean greater diversity of opinion and more likely to form significantly-sized groups to thwart the stupid decisions of their party in government.

Anyone know the off-payroll-to-payroll ratios in Westminster and Holyrood, and even further afield?

Are there any studies to show the bigger this ratio (ie more backbenchers as a percentage), the better the party governs? Or is it the opposite?

Agent x

Scottish Government:

“Scottish Trans define a non-binary person as “a person identifying as either having a gender which is in-between or beyond the two categories ‘man’ or ‘woman’, as fluctuating between ‘man’ and ‘woman’, or as having no gender, either permanently or some of the time.”
16 Nov 2023
link to

work that out!

Lorna Campbell

I think this is a two-pronged measure to: 1. force the UK government into bringing out another S35 Order so that the SNP/Green coalition can claim that Westminster is interfering without warrant in Scottish democracy, blah, blah, blah; 2. if the Westminster government does not intervene, they know that the public will. It’s a scam.

They know they cannot bring in the kind of mad-dog b***s**t that Stonewall and its evil-intended arms in Scotland, advocate, so they are looking for a way out that lets them off the hook. Humza, a practising Muslim, does not believe flor one split second this absolute ordure, but neither can he back off from it, given the promises he has made to this insane lobby and its corporate, global backers, not to mention Sturgeon.

Like all other addictions, p**n addiction is extremely potent and widespread, and very difficult to combat. The front-line ‘soldiers’ of this movement are so p**n addled that they need the fix regularly, and a fresh, never-ending supply of gullible marks, enabled by the state (in its turn, enabled by the corporate, global backers of all the industries, including the multi billion dollar p**n industry, that will benefit from the use of these gullibles) is just the ticket.

The middle layer, like the jam and cream in a sponge are the autogynephiles, fetishists, psychopaths, sociopaths, sadists and narcissists who are the sergeants and non commissioned officers who are creating the smokescreen of women and children to hide themselves from view. Who? Us, sir? No, sir. Not us, sir. The Scottish government, Westminster, us, the public, are all being played.

If they cannot get their own way, they can still get enormous fun out of making our lives hell, especially if we are parents, and there’s the added bonus of an endless stream of mutilated and puberty-stalled youngsters to savour. As for the political Gauleiters, the hard left/the post modernists/queer theorists, they dream of a utopia where we are all absolutely free, but, as in Orwell’s Animal Farm, some will be more free than others, while some, women and children, mainly, will be sent to the glue factory if they renege.


@ David Hannah

Hey, at least heroin powder is BEIGE!
Humza would be pure ragin if his bro-inlaw had been dealing cocaine – WHITE!, speed – WHITE!, or ketamine – WHITE!

Anton Decadent

From Glinner with regard to this.

“The maximum prison sentence for those found guilty of a criminal offence would be seven years and those prosecuted could also incur an unlimited fine. Alongside these new criminal sanctions are pre-emptive civil orders which could be issued by social workers or even activist groups on behalf of alleged victims. A trans lobby group, for example, could obtain a civil order against a parent on behalf of a confused trans-identified teenager. If the parent then breached this order, by refusing to affirm the teen’s ‘gender identity’ and/or standing in their way of seeking medical intervention, they could face a lengthy prison sentence.”

John C

I agree it won’t become law, but there’s still a chance that some sort of Frankenstein Monster of a bill is forced into law which then falls apart come the first few people charged under it. If however a law cannot define what a thing is, how can one know when the law is broken?

And that’s the entire gender issue summed up to a tee. There’s no firm, consistent explanation of gender that you need when drawing up laws because there isn’t one as gender is regressive bullshit based upon stereotypes. Roddick as pointed out by Stu admits to her own regressive beliefs in the Tweets he’s posted. Not that she’d realise she’s internalising her sexism and processing it as a ‘progressive’ thought.

My other concern here is this is a further attempt to not just weaponise the legal system on behalf of TRAs as after all, the punishment for TRAs is the process at the moment but if they can criminalise thought itself then we’ve got new blasphemy laws in the 21st century. I also worry that this is part of making same-sex definitions a thing of the past therefore making homosexuality illegal. Gender Ideology is riddled with self-hating homophobia after all and this is already creeping in via organisations adopting Stonewall law & why many are getting themselves into legal issues.

It’s just another example of someone (Roddick in this case) being elected when they’re completely unprepared, unable and incapable of doing the job they were elected for & most certainly shouldn’t be a minister. There’s a number of people who entered politics off the back of the Indyref who really have done their best to ensure we’re never going to get independence in most people’s lifetimes.

Mark Beggan

Pakistan is the heroin gateway to the West. From Afghanistan to Dundee.


@rev Stu, this is 100% the fault of the electorate , they vote for these useless fuckers because of the rosette. Only way to fix it ( and I’m not sure it will happen) is to do due diligence on who you vote for and what their credentials are , these clowns get these jobs on the back of the SNP/Indy ticket and fuck all else is look at.(it’s been a cult) We as a nation are reaping what we have sown since 2014. I truly despair and can only hope that they have fucked up again and strayed into reserved legislation (won’t be surprised if the have)

Andy Ellis

@Gregory Beekman 5.46pm

Interesting comparisons:

Scots parliament: 129 members, pop. 5.4M, 1 per 41.9K
Irish Dail: 160 members, pop. 5.1M, 1 per 31.9K
Danish Folketing: 179 members, pop. 5.9M, 1 per 32.9K
Norwegian Storting: 169 members, pop: 5.5M, 1 per 32.5K
Finland eduskunta: 200 members, pop. 5.5M, 1 per 27.5K
Swedish Riksdag: 349 members, 10.6M, 1 per 30.3K

I suppose British nationalists might argue Holyrood needs fewer because we have Westminster MPs too. However, post independence there’s definitely a good argument for having ratios similar to our neighbours.

Dave Hansell

A few random thoughts…

– It seems reasonable to consider that one possible option for an apparent failure to properly define any/all of the key terms could well be based on the same principle as that of self-id. ie: the definitions are, much like the famous ‘Rules Based International Order’, flexible depending upon the convenience of whoever is (a) administering the law (assuming it gets on the statute book); (b) bringing the case.

Remember, we are dealing here with the mindset of Carroll’s Humpty Dumpty in which words mean whatever those uttering them want them to mean at any one time depending on their individual convenience. Where a purity spiral of the pecking order of a hierarchy of oppression operates.

– A question arises as to how the theory and practice of legal precedent will be affected by such a piece of legislation constructed on the basis laid out in what is proposed?

On the one hand, using this piece of legislation with its a la carte definitions (should it reach the statute book) as precedent would it be possible, for example. for someone to, say, argue that forcible conscription into the armed forces represented a form of ‘Conversion Therapy” designed to change them against their will from a pacifist into a killer?

Or, to consider another example off the top of the head, that arbitrary designation as transphobic, Anti-Semitic, or cis by others against ones own self definition on such matters breaches the right not to be arbitrarily converted to the definitions of others?

I don’t even want to go down the road of Religion and Foorball.

On the other hand, with the wider contextual precedent having been set (should this dogs dinner of a law ever see the light of day) in which the legal practice of ‘implied term(s)’ determines that only those precedents which suit the convenience of those at the top of the pyramid (again much like the ‘Rules Based International Order*) are applied it is highly unlikely that such examples as considered above will ever be entertained?

* Alexander Mercouris, from The Duran site, put this in the following terms the other day:

“Well. of course, it [the USA] doesn’t want to acknowledge there are any restraints on its behaviour at all. And, if you want to understand the difference between International Law and ‘The Rules based International Order’ there you have it. ‘The Rules Based International Order’ is what the United States decides what it wants to do from one day to another. If the United States does it, its legal. That’s basically the conception behind ‘The ‘Rules Based International Order’ – International Law is this old fashioned idea that there are rules binding on everybody, including the United States.”

Point being that this kind of practice operated all the way down the chain as far as laws and rules go in the Collective West. As members of the SNP and Labour – to cite merely two well documented such examples in regard to their internal procedures.

– Finally, in regard to some of the earlier comments about the absurdity of this and how much of a headache it is ploughing through this nonsense: I’ll just leave this link…..

link to

…. for anyone to try and make sense of.


As has been pointed out, this will never pass scrutiny and a s.35 order is inevitable.

Which raises the question, why are they doing this when they know they will be stopped from introducing it?

Is it yet another venture into trying to show how unreasonble Westminster is by not allowing Scotland to legislate for itself? If so, it is yet again the wrong subject on which to gain public support, and harms the prospect of independence.

All these ideas the SNP has of shooting itself (and Scotland) in the foot must be coming from somewhere. Someone somewhere has managed to sow the seeds of self-destruction on very fertile ground. There are unknown forces at work here pulling the strings of the puppets.

The objective can ony be to bring the SNP down and with it the drive towards independence. Sadly it seems to be working.


Stu didn’t you also feel that the SP wouldn’t pass the GRRB and yet Alex Cole Hamilton DID IT for BETH, and the rest of the politicians in the parliament gave the deviants and perverts sitting in the gallery a raucous round of applause

Unfortunately I don’t have your faith that these political GRRB supporting paedophiles,deviants and perverts elected through LIES , LIES and MORE LIES will actually see that this gargantuan pile of horseshit gobbledegook makes them ALL look like fucking MORONS
WTAF has it come to when some dedicated and desperate independence supporters are actively hoping that the shower of paedophile enabling unionist scum in WM take steps to block this legislation
Bring on the REVOLUTION

David Hannah

Mhairi Black’s been getting her kit kat on speed dial. With one of Humza Yousaf’s burner phones Dan! I hope it’s a white judge that sends Humza’s crack dealing and drug addled criminal brother in law down for poisoning the city. Heroin dealers should be delt with the northern Irish way.

Mark Beggan

The SNP strategy for the last ten years has been to blame Westminster. Thank God for Westminster.


It’s a whole new language.
One I’m too old to bother learning.
I expect that I will be charged with an inadvertent ‘thoughtcrime’ someday.
When that happens, I hope we still have jury trials where the meanings of these words have to be explained to some normal people.


The worrying thing is that very soon, south of the border, we’re going to see the malign influence of Starmer and his lot. I can see Labour being drawn into supporting this crackpot SNPs mince…pardon the pun.

John C

force the UK government into bringing out another S35 Order so that the SNP/Green coalition can claim that Westminster is interfering without warrant in Scottish democracy

There’s something to this. They’ve lost all moral clarity and any intellectual judgement, and they know all they have left is outrage which sadly, some people will swallow up.

If they cannot get their own way, they can still get enormous fun out of making our lives hell, especially if we are parents, and there’s the added bonus of an endless stream of mutilated and puberty-stalled youngsters to savour

There’s a massive societal problem with porn, not to mention hatred of women and homophobia, to the extent that Andrew Tate and Queer Theory are (to coin a phrase) two cheeks of the same arse, and yes, having a stream of porn-addled children to prey on is great for these people.

Mark Beggan

I ask you, where will these tormented souls be in five to ten years time.

Tinto Chiel

@The Rev: thanks for reading through that ludicrous crapola and giving it your razor-sharp scapula treatment. It’s beyond absurd and a testament to the dire intellectual calibre of the SNP “government”.

I fear the strain is telling on you, though, quoting an entire poem contrary to threats of yore of hammers for such a deed?

Never thought I’d see the day 🙂 .


Why would there be a sec 35 Order?

Kemi Badenoch (December 2023) said there would be a ban on conversion therapy. In the same month Labour promised a ban on conversion therapy.

ECHR demands a ban on conversion therapy


It’s a whole new language.
– One I’m too old to bother learning.
So, I expect that I’ll be charged with an inadvertent ‘th0ughtcrime’ someday.

When that happens, I hope we still have jury trials where the meanings of these words have to be explained to some normal people.

Looks like ‘th0ughtcrime is a verboten word.
Seems fitting.

George Ferguson

Further to my post of 4.13

A good source of evidence that recounts and captures the essence of the grass root Census rebellion is provided by Professor Sarah Pedersen. Believers in Biology, a published paper ISSN 2053-888X. Others are available. After a £140 million waste I am surprise the MSM have not picked up on this gender woo woo rebellion by women. And so on it goes on with banning conversion therapies in much the same way. Opposition parties should boycott this proposed bill at the committee stage.

link to


“Which raises the question, why are they doing this when they know they will be stopped from introducing it?”



1. to ensure a backlash from voters at the upcoming GE to ensure a pro-colonial MP majority representing Scotland in Westminster

2. to gain sufficient support from the public for this utter garbage via deception and by the back door (by appealing to the pro-indy sentiment through disguising it behind a deliberately provoked and engineered “encroachment of Westminster on Holyrood ‘legislation’ “)

3. to fabricate acceptance of the final draft by presenting first something so utterly ridiculous and so utterly unacceptable that anything they (or Labour) produce in the near future will be perceived to be better and perhaps more acceptable. In other words, the usual deception strategy of making something look good and acceptably by putting it side by side with something horrendous.

They have put an inexperienced, still wet behind the ears, in charge of this bill. This either means that no senior party MSP wanted anywhere near this vomit-inducing garbage because they knew it was toxic, or because they knew from day 1 this crap was going to fail, so rather this lady lose her seat than another more “valuable” MSP. In other words, they set this lady to fail and to take the rap for it.

I am convinced this garbage, just like the GRR, is being deployed to distract from and prevent progress of independence, and also to make the SNP and the Greens unelectable.

It stands to the obvious they are purposely running away from a repeat of 2015, with 56 pro-indy seats and over 50% of the vote for pro-indy parties. It is obvious they are helping the British establishment to hide support for Scotland’s independence.

I have been wondering for quite some time now what could these SNP betrayers have negotiated with the tories and labour behind our backs in late 2014 for them to be so, so utterly desperate now to see Starmer in n10 that they are even committing political harakiri to helping him out.

Immediately after the political fraud Sturgeon took control of the SNP, she transformed it into a devolutionist party to render the 56 majority useless. How obliging. Every effort she and Yousaf have made has been to prevent progress of independence.

This to me suggests these political frauds have already negotiated something with the colonial parties behind closed doors and behind our backs. In other words, they sold us.This would explain why no SNP MP or MSP other than a handful have lifted their arses, heads and voices to challenge the political fraud and we have been fed absolute garbage policies and bills for the best part of 9 years.

This also would explain why so many elements of STurgeon’s praetorian guard at Westminster are not seeking re-election. I guess they have done the job they were tasked with: to help stall independence until the powers that be found a way to ensure a majority of colonial MPs will be sent to Westminster on behalf of Scotland.

Shame on the sickening betrayers. May they all burn in hell.

Gregory Beekman

Andy Ellis @ 6:13

Thanks, that’s interesting stats.

Compared to Norway, we’re at least 30 MSPs short!

If we did become independent, we’d need a bigger pool of MSPs because there’d be so many jobs to do withing government.

Is Westminster’s payroll larger than the entirety of the Scottish Parliament?

John Main

Would forcing a convicted drug dealer to abandon a life of crime and go straight be classed as conversion therapy?

Gotta stress that nobody on here knows of any drug dealers, suspected, charged or convicted, so it’s very much an academic question.

Still, makes you think.

Alert readers might wonder at any future efforts on the part of HR to legalise cannabis.


I struggle to read these articles. I am just so sick and disgusted by these vile wankers. I just want them out.


Geoff Anderson
15 January, 2024 at 4:11 pm

We must remove these..

The problem is what is replacing it. Some are looking at the tories for sense when they have been at very the centre of this era of the self. They all despise us, they are all afraid to speak out of turn (wee doogie and his pals haven’t exactly been writing Stuart Campbell style articles in the local papers have they?). All of the main parties have vastly more in common with themselves than they do with those who they expect to turn out and vote for them.
It’s the end of an era. It has to be. The wild social liberalism is just an offshoot of the Tory no such thing as society bollocks that has lead us to where we are today. Total fannies performing and we have largely stopped listening now and they have nothing else. Do nothing. Collect money. Got the cheek to moralise at us while they are doing it.

Vote them out by voting exactly the same types back in? The next decade is going to be interesting I suspect. Hopefully something more genuine will emerge. If Alba or the ISP have a candidate in my area I’ll vote but if not no vote from me. A pitiful turnout might be more useful this time round than anything else. Maybe even that is too much to hope for.

Gregory Beekman

Some UK gov facts (from source below):

The legal maximum number of paid ministers is 109, including the prime minister, as set out in the Ministerial and other Salaries Act 1975.

As of December 2023, there are 144 ministerial posts, held by 126 people…

109 ministers are currently paid, and 17 are unpaid.

Source: link to

So UK gov has more posts than Holyrood has MSPs!

Jack McArthur

“Humza, a practising Muslim, does not believe flor one split second this absolute ordure, but neither can he back off from it, given the promises he has made to this insane lobby and its corporate, global backers, not to mention Sturgeon.”
If he is shia Muslim then maybe in terms of sex change by an adult (so long as he ignores the Quran) but Sunni No – indeed if the latter, according to his own sacred books, he is condemned as best as I know along with his false teachers.

“Like all other addictions, p**n addiction is extremely potent and widespread, and very difficult to combat.”
Agreed and like other addictions it takes more than human effort to overcome it. The person who owns the biggest porn network in the world, so I am told, is a rabbi. I cannot post to multiple reliable links in case this post is suppressed.

The hebrew writer (sorry for the euphy) wrote in “You Gentiles”, the same year Hitler was imprisoned, that ““We [hebrews], we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.”

Now as it happens the New Testament describes the “god” in question (john 8:44) – go on do a google search. It is a common misunderstanding that the significant book of the tribe is the torah (recall how David Libya Cameron described the Tory party as the torah party?)? but talmudists today describe Jesus boiling in excrement, his mother a whore, and that you, gentile, is no more than an animal which to abuse and even kill is no sin.

I admire people who wish to retain and defend their own culture but truly Scotland, who ironically changed the world so much, is now no more than a insignificant blip (try taking a walk down high street past the discoverer of antibiotics, anaesthetics, down onto Argyle St and and the blue sign for James Watt whose revolution we are still living under under today, along to Glasgow University and the father of modern capitalism -but forgetting his teaching of morality- then to the father of modern surgery (Hunter museum)…..

For just one time take a good look in the mirror and recognise the ethnicity of who controls Washington, the media directly or through fear or by marriage.

John McArthur
94 Dalziel Tower

p.s reliable citations for everything above
John McArthur
94 Dalziel Tower

Mark Beggan

“There’s no point in asking, you’ll get no reply
Oh just remember I don’t decide
I got no reason it’s all too much
You’ll always find us
Out to lunch
Oh we’re so pretty
Oh so pretty
We’re vacant
Oh we’re so pretty
Oh so pretty
A vacant
Don’t ask us to attend, ’cause we’re not all there
Oh don’t pretend ’cause I don’t care
I don’t believe illusions ’cause too much is real
So stop your cheap comment, ’cause we know what we feel
Oh we’re so pretty
Oh so pretty
We’re vacant
Oh we’re so pretty
Oh so pretty
Oh we’re so pretty
Oh so pretty
Ah but now
And we don’t care
There’s no point in asking, you’ll get no reply
Oh just remember I don’t decide
I got no reason it’s all too much
You’ll always find me
Out to lunch
Oh we’re so pretty
Oh so pretty
We’re vacant
Oh we’re so pretty
Oh so pretty
Oh we’re so pretty
Oh so pretty
Ah but now
And we don’t care
We’re pretty a-pretty vacant
We’re pretty a-pretty vacant
We’re pretty a-pretty vacant
We’re pretty a-pretty vacant
And we don’t care”.


Stu a) thank you for putting all my disparate, enraged, bewildered thoughts into an elegant, coherent, entertaining article b) I’m sure Roddy Dunlop would agree – any legislation which has to list so many things which it is not, is not very good legislation c) my parents somehow allowed me to watch a cowboy movie involving someone drowning in quicksand, which gave me nightmares for years, lock them up!

Jack McArthur

“And we don’t care”
Maybe on unwitting theological, royal or trinitarian, grounds but it does seem like the world now gets what its deserves.


Emma Roddick, who is piloting the bill towards the statute books in much the same way that Mohamed Atta piloted American Airlines Flight 11 towards the World Trade Centre,

That’s is totally unfair to Mohamed. Yer man Mohamed knew where he was going and he knew how to fly.

I find I can’t make any serious comments about all the bonkers stuff we’re hearing about. All I can think of doing is making jokes. If You Didn’t Laugh, You’d Cry

Ground control to Captain Emma
You’d better turn yourself around, there’s no stalling
You’re running off your course
You’ve got your signals crossed
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
And now the compass points to lost
I’m stepping through the door
And I’m floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today
I have become comfortably numb
I have become comfortably numb
Okay (okay, okay, okay)
Just a little pinprick
Wow Ramsay I have become comfortable numb

The above I believe is what you call ‘a mash up’

It’s meant to be kinda surreal. The Conversion Therapy thingy is surreal but I don’t think they intended it to be.

Surrealism/Dadism by accident.

Emma’s Conversion Therapy bill will be nominated for The Turner Prize.

It’s a sure winner!

link to


«self-identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or other» ADHD maybe?
that ought to put all in the clear.
ADHD is the hot psycho-trend…everyone can be a victim.


Ignored says:
15 January, 2024 at 6:15 pm
As has been pointed out, this will never pass scrutiny and a s.35 order is inevitable.

Which raises the question, why are they doing this when they know they will be stopped from introducing it?’

I wouldn’t put too many eggs under that-Labour is very much a ‘right on’ London luvvies party. Their seemingly inevitable victory may bring all sorts of wonders to come to pass.

Jack McArthur

Ruby, you remind me of the name who was deeply involved in jFK scenarios i.e Jack Ruby who murdered Oswald “because of the hebrews” [sorry for eupamism]

name and adress previously supplied


15 January, 2024 at 7:13 pm

I struggle to read these articles. I am just so sick and disgusted by these vile wankers. I just want them out.

Me too!

But mainly I find it difficult to make any serious comment.

FFS It’s all totally bonkers!


Fuksake! Independence anyone?
Get us the fkoutta Dodge asap!
Any news on sturgeon and some justice?
How the hell you wade through this shite without screaming is beyond me Rev.
The British State, or BS for short, has done a right old number on us hasn’t it!


Tommo @7.59.

Fair point, but a Labour Government would at least have sufficiet intellect to see the conflict which would arise if they let Scotland pass this rubbish. Add to that it would set a dangerous precedent if Scotland was allowed to get away with it, and that it is hardly a vote winner, then I can easily see them stopping it.

It looks like the SNP are signalling they are going to test the water when Labour get in to see how far they will be allowed to push things before there is an intervention to stop them.

It will be fascinating to hear Humza answering questions on the subject. He can’t even recognise a dangerous dog when he sees one. He reminds me of that episode of” Yes Minister” which went along these lines:

Sir Humphrey: “Even someone with the intellectual capacity of Winnie the Pooh could see the sense in this”.

Master of the college: “And does your minister have the intellectual capacity of Winnie the Pooh?”

Sir Hummphrey: “Oh yes. On a good day”.


Jack McArthur
15 January, 2024 at 8:03 pm

Ruby, you remind me of the name who was deeply involved in jFK scenarios i.e Jack Ruby who murdered Oswald “because of the hebrews” [sorry for eupamism]

name and adress previously supplied

Funny you should say that Jack! 🙂

Your name reminds me of another nasty bloke who killed loads of women but the Met or whatever they were called back then never ever caught him/her.

What is a eupamism? I know I should google but I keep getting the spinning beach ball.

You got anything to do with thon park where they put the cake out in the rain.

What do you want me to do with your name & address?

Send you a Valentine card? Maybe a box of cupcakes with sweet, green icing flowing down to make up for the one that got melted in the rain. 🙂


The entire Western media did not show the live feed of the case against Israel by South Africa.

Yet they all live streamed Israel’s defence the next day.

How weak is the West that it has do this. It is pathetic.

They did the exact same thing during the Salmond stitch-up criminal trial . They only only reported on the prosecution case, and ‘closed their notebooks’ as soon as the defence started.

Western ‘justice’ is a fucking joke.

Andy Ellis

@Gregory Breekman 7.07pm

If we did become independent, we’d need a bigger pool of MSPs because there’d be so many jobs to do withing government.

It’s always seemed to me to be one of the biggest pluses of indy that when we have our own independent parliament there will be a re-jigging of the Scottish party political environment. A proper STV will give opportunities for more parties and hopefully ensure we never end up in a situation of having a bunch of chancers like the SNP in charge.

Craig P

Gregory Beekman – interesting position! Out of interest, there are only three MSPs (I think) who are backbenchers, in the sense they have neither a role in government, committees, or running the Parliament. Can you name them?

Regarding the article. In Curious Scotland, George Rosie asks why naturally Conservative Edinburgh doesn’t vote Conservative in council elections? His theory is the Tory councillors kept trying to push a Glasgow style motorway through the middle of the city against the people’s wishes, until eventually they got voted out and never got back in again.

Reminds me of the SNP and this stuff.


Ignored says:
15 January, 2024 at 8:27 pm
Tommo @7.59.

Fair point, but a Labour Government would at least have sufficiet intellect to see the conflict which would arise if they let Scotland pass this rubbish. Add to that it would set a dangerous precedent if Scotland was allowed to get away with it, and that it is hardly a vote winner, then I can easily see them stopping it.’

I devoutly hope you’re right; however I can see them slipping it in through the back door (If you’ll pardon the expression) on a day when something of substance happens-e.g. we declare war on France.


Craig Murray chatting to George Galloway.


Once a government rules that a child can consent to transgenderism, it can then argue that a child can consent to anything related to sexuality… And we all know who will benefit from that. Ugh.

As for the toxic half-wit that is Emma Roddick, she was already on a respectable councillor salary when she made her famous “Where’s my fu*king Gravy Train” tweet. She continued on at the council till the following year, drawing two salaries.


Andy Ellis
@Gregory Breekman 7.07pm
A proper STV will give opportunities for more parties and hopefully ensure we never end up in a situation of having a bunch of chancers like the SNP in charge.’

Assuming it ever happens you won’t be ending up with them-you’ll be starting off with them.

Robert Louis

This proposed legislation is nonsense on every level. Like seriously, I have never read such absolute, utter, utter, waffly idiotic sh*te ever.

It is like a teenagers huffy, sulking attempt at getting their own way, no matter how ridiculous, no matter how utterly stupid.

Full of contradictions, full of non-definitions, full of stupidity.

Just hard to believe how stupid, like really, really, really immensely thick this roddick person is. I mean seriously stupid, the stupidest person in stupidville, having a particularly stupid day.

Any sane person would be utterly ashamed and embarrassed for anybody to ever read such nonsense by them. The legislation makes no sense at all, every single part, or paragraph is just stupid, like, really, really, really stupid. Even if you agree with the gender ideology cult nonsense, this legislation makes no sense.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Mark Beggan

This only January. Humza


Talking of tapping someone for a loan did Natalie McGarry not tap Humza for a loan?

What was their connection?

Do you think we’ll ever hear anything more about the ‘Adultery in the time of Covid?’

Did Humza get his money back?


The George Galloway Craig Murray talk was very interesting. It did cut off very abruptly.

link to

Who knows what will happen. There seem to be a lot of things happening which you just couldn’t have imagine a few years ago.

ie Emma Roddick a government minister & the rest.

This came up next
link to


Thanks again rev for highlighting this insanity.


There is just so much to keep up and its particularly annoying if you spend your time looking into something and you find out it’s all total bollocks.

Sturgeon says the census could be worthless. Of course it will be worthless. It’s worthless if you don’t know the actual sex of the residents.

You’ve got all these maternity hospitals just waiting for men to give birth.
I read somewhere that there is a religion I can’t remember which one, believe that the next messiah/son of god/allah whatever will be born of man. (That was their justification for homosexuality even if their holy book forbade it.) The son of a god being born of man would only account for 1 extra bed. Of course things get tricky when we don’t know what a man is. Just had a thought maybe all the women transitioning to men are looking to be the next ‘Mother of God’

Oh Mother of God! It’s all bonkers.

However I would have liked to know how many of us ‘believers in biology’ there are in Scotland.

Maybe someone posting on here knows the exact number.

If not we could perhaps organise a march for us ‘Believers in Biology’ BIBs

Oh no don’t even think about. That would not be allowed on the basis that believing in biology is a hate crime.

mike cassidy

That’s good work, Rev

And the grim irony is

You could have stopped after the first point

(They want to outlaw something but they can’t tell you what it is)

And that would still have been more than sufficient to torpedo the whole thing


It is apposite that you use show the policy that humans are not fully-formed adult until 25, to remind everyone that this act will force through decisions made by teenagers.

“Trans conversion therapy” being another example of TRAs appropriating other peoples’ struggles. The young lad on tv last week describing his degrading experiences of abuse and “exorcism” for being gay is what we understand Gay Conversion Therapy to be, and such treatment should be outlawed regardless of its ostensible purpose.

Supposed “trans conversion therapy”, of course, is the opposite. It is preventing children making decisions that will have horrific long term consequences for their health before they’re old enough to understand what they’re doing.

I wonder how many of the careerist MSPs who vote for this voted to raise the age of smoking from 16 to 18? What hypocrites!

Andy Storrie

A load of pantomime bullshit, to the point where these fucking clowns are actually stealing taxpayers money by acting in a pantomime instead of doing actual politics.

We really ought to stick to actual campaigning at a time like this instead of dwelling on the silly fucking rantings of London plants who are clearly and deliberately trying to alienate the public from the main independence vehicle.

The scope is there to turn the 50% support into 60% within this year. We will firstly need to start concentrating on actual politics instead of this silly London herding tactic regarding gender.

It is absurd to be squandering the momentum that is clearly in the air in order to concentrate on this silly shite. It is nothing but a distraction, and an attempt by London to herd people away from full autonomy. And not a very good attempt, at that.

In fact, it is downright fucking childish.


@David Hannah

I know someone who attempted to work with Emma Roddick while volunteering for a medical charity. Her description was: “a nice enough lassie, but no’ very bright.”

She’s been handed that legislation to carry it out, not to think about it. And like all underqualified people, she wouldn’t dare question it. That seems to be the standard of Scot Gov minister we have these days.


It seems to me that Emma Roddick is a useful idiot in someone else’s game. Give her enough money and she’ll say anything, because she either doesn’t understand it or is not even intellectually able to do so. On the other hand, with her psychological issues, she might not realise that, believe it all and simply be flattered by the attention and feelings of importance (and money) she gets.
But it smacks of something much bigger. Scotland is being set up.

Anton Decadent

It is not just Scotland which is suffering this, it is also other countries which we are being told are not having enough children so the children have to be made sterile whilst their replacements are literally shipped in.

Follow the money in both directions, where it is coming from and who it is going to.


This article needs to be printed across the front page of all the Scottish press. This is an absolute disgrace!


Ye nivir ken whaur a mad bus journey is gonnae take ye…

link to

Cee Bee Beaumont

“I wear makeup and dresses. I talk about being a woman and experience sexism and misogyny.” So that’s being a woman in a nutshell to the low-intellect mentally ill, then: makeup, dresses, sexism, and misogyny. Nothing else. Pure deranged victim mentality madness. The Yanks and English have done a fine job of filling Holyrood with nutcases to totally destroy it. The fact these flakes don’t know how mad they are, and, indeed, think they’re being useful, is the sickest, saddest thing of all. Still, pays well, eh?

Jack McArthur

“Your name reminds me of another nasty bloke who killed loads of women but the Met or whatever they were called back then never ever caught him/her.”
I assume you are referring to another “hebrew” known under a different name just like Jack Ruby whose real name was suppressed in the aftermath of the assassination.
link to

As an aside the short walk I mentioned above also includes passing the hotel where the young JFK gave his first public speech.
link to

Sarah Silverman, the American “hebrew” comedian, has a problem with swearing as well. As a little girl she was dangled on her fathers knee and taught to curse as her first words for the delight of his friends. “It was like he was teaching a cursing as a second language course for one”. In recent years she declared “I hope the [hebrews] did kill Jesus, I’d do it again in a second!”.

I already have two “valentines” from your spirit, the one you may not believe in, but I think the new testament has the better handle in who rules this world.

Jack McArthur

“Your name reminds me of another nasty bloke who killed loads of women but the Met or whatever they were called back then never ever caught him/her.”
I assume you are referring to another “hebrew” known under a different name just like Jack Ruby whose real name was suppressed in the aftermath of the assassination.
link to

As an aside the short walk I mentioned above also includes passing the hotel where the young JFK gave his first public speech.
link to

Sarah Silverman, the American “hebrew” comedian, has a problem with swearing as well. As a little girl she was dangled on her fathers knee and taught to curse as her first words for the delight of his friends. “It was like he was teaching a cursing as a second language course for one”. In recent years she declared “I hope the [hebrews] did kill Jesus, I’d do it again in a second!”.

I already have two “valentines” from your spirit, the one you may not believe in, but I think the new testament has the better handle on who rules this world.


I bet ScotgoesPop will say dont harm the SNP vote, theyre our best hope for indy. Wazzock.

Mark Beggan

What qualifications does Emma Roddick have? Apart from knowing the names of the colours in the Crayola box.

Viscount Ennui

This article confirms for the umpteenth time that if you want to know what is happening in Scotland, you turn to WoS.
Proper journalism as I remember we had in my youth.


The only way for this to stop is if the SNP gets electorally annihilated to the point where they only have a handful of seats at Holyrood. This will send a message to the other mainstream political parties that such policies are toxic and to be avoided.

The only way I can see this happening is in at least two electoral cycles where before then, the SNP implements even more dangerous policies and the political ‘normies’ in the general population start to wake up to what is going on and vote with their feet.

Gregory Beekman

Craig P @8:56

Only three ‘true’ MSP backbenchers? Wow. Holyrood really is too tiny then, if basically everyone elected gets a second job with government or parliament.

No – can’t name them. Who are these three?


THOSE the gods wish to destroy they first make mad…..some of the latter in below the line posts recently… it is a passing malady or btl will be full of chat about that new Danish king.


……speaking of Danes etc those imagining that linking Scotland to the Nordic states would scotch the local «gender fascisti» need to think again.
link to
Those once wild, hairy macho vikings are using depilatory cream nowadays.

Alf Baird

TURABDIN @ at 9:58 am

“speaking of Danes etc”

That’s an excellent article by David Gunnlaugsson, former prime minister of Iceland, explaining the woke threat to all national cultures and their way of life.

Speaking of Danes, nobody seems to have noticed that the soon to be Queen of Denmark Mary Donaldson is a Scottish lassie, her faither fae Cockenzie:

link to

Anton Decadent

With regard to Scandinavia here is an article which was in the Guardian twelve days ago. It mentions how Sweden is now second only to Albania for gun crime in Europe, can anyone spot the elephant in the room missing from the article, one of a number of things which much never be spoken of in a negative manner in the Soros and Gates funded Guardian and many other ‘news’ outlets?

link to

On that note whilst looking into NGOs in Scotland I found this list of ones catering for those deemed vulnerable.

link to

Agent x

FIRST Minister Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law has been arrested for a second time.

Ramsay El-Nakla, the sibling of Yousaf’s partner, SNP councillor Nadia El-Nakla, had first been arrested in connection to drugs charges last Thursday.

El-Nakla secured bail, the Sun reported, but all three were arrested again in connection with a second incident before they could leave court.

Police said a man had fallen from a flat window on Monday January 10, before being taken to hospital for treatment for “serious injuries”.


link to


16 January, 2024 at 9:23 am

THOSE the gods wish to destroy they first make mad…..some of the latter in below the line posts recently… it is a passing malady or btl will be full of chat about that new Danish king.

Very very quiet here at the ‘BTL Uiversity of Wings’.
It’s because Randle has taken all the mads on a fishing trip. They didn’t take me! Why is that? I’ve been a fishershe-her all my life.

The Chief couldn’t make it today so they hired Emma as their driver.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Serves them right for not taking me! I’m off now got to do some ‘therapy’ Nurse Ratchet. She seems keen to get the ‘therapy’ done before Emma puts a stop to it.

They´re coming to take me away,
Haha, they´re coming to take me away,
Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,

Foutu mais content! C’est la vie!


16 January, 2024 at 12:14 pm

Maybe it’s quiet here due to a massive online traffic jam.

Huge tailback of posts. It stretches for miles.

Emma is stuck there too with all the mads & their fishing gear.

Ha! Ha! He! He! Ho! Ho!


Where do you think prince andrews forthcoming car crash will ve??


Want to know a secret?

I’ve just spotted ‘UPPER CASE TURABDIN’ waiting to see Nurse Ratchet.

They didn’t take him fishing either.

I’m sorry Turbie
No fish today
I’m neither right nor wrong
I am just another pawn
In the royal hand
Don’t expect me to rebel

No fish today No fish today…
No fish today…
No fish today…


The thing I want to know about Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law is he a she yet?

“Hey, honey
Take a walk on the wild side”

You know it makes sense Ramsay or should I call you Ramona?

“Doo do doo do doo do do doo…”


link to
Nothing like a stereotype….especially when seen from London. Hoots mon! Wotcha mite!
The link, to a Times article about Scots types in advertising, may not work as archive site is flakey.
As a towel headed camel jockey i sympathize….

James Che


The Democracy of a “vote” having any related meaning in Scotland and Colonialism of Scotland.

Both those issues are a long standing a part of Scotland history so much So that the UK parliament brazenly state on their parliament site in 2023/24 mention they decided not to give the Scots a vote to Join the Treaty of Union in 1707 after discussions on the subject at the time,

In that uk parliament statement it admits the following by default in Scotlands history,

That the people, the Scots never joined the treaty.
That the Country of Scots is therefore a “1707 Colony” “without a vote” of the UK parliament.
And that the UK parliament are fully aware and up to date regarding the Scots not being in the treaty of union and today,
– as it was in 1707 there is no democracy in a vote that led to the Colonisation of Scotland or for imposing the branch office management devolved Government for destroying the Scots nation,

The Uk parliament admit in Writing without the requirement or democracy of a vote the Scots are not in the treaty of union.


16 January, 2024 at 12:27 pm

Where do you think prince andrews forthcoming car crash will ve??

Everyone is ignoring you Shug so let me help you out. Flip the five words per hour ruling.

The Prince comes head to head with Emma on the A9. She’s driving on the wrong side of the road and the ‘fisherfolk’ have their rods out the windows. They got fed up waiting until they got to the sea! It was taking too long.

The doctors are confused as to why the Prince has
all these fish-hooks embedded in his flesh.

The media get hold of the story about the fish hooks and then it all blows up on the internet & here at the ‘BTL University of Wings’ everyone speculates as to why the Prince has been ‘hooked’
so often.

But as is the norm it all blows over and we get back to discussing ‘serious matters’.

No sign of any headlines saying ‘Ex First Minister Nicola Sturgeon arrested over a fall from grace and a serious driving incident involving a camervan, a mini-bus full of fisherfolk and a Royal electric Jaguar recently purchased from a certain Mr Murrell.

Oh! Oh!

That’s ‘UPPER CASE TURABDIN’ had is therapy it’s my turn now.

Foutu mais content!
C’est la vie!

Ha! Ha! He! He! Ho! Ho!


snatches of bbc politics while having coffee …

some woman in red is saying, did I catch it right –

“we need a deterrent to stop them coming over the border …”

and then some tory cunt, a smug dude (why oh why can’t all these layabouts just become management consultants?) I think he is head of UKIP, but everyone knows that is really Farage, so what he is really is is some Poundshop-Fake-Farage-B1tch, so PSFFB says :

“… send them back … ”

and I think : Yes, these notions have merit, one cannot be failed to be impressed by their intellectual rigour


I agree.

I hope I read that right. I was more concentrating on an iced ginger square.

Richard Tice is the poundshop Farage; he is quite a creature, nasty. Thing is, south east England is full of these nasty, entitled, smug, vicious wee wankers, with their repellent, offensive views about how much they “subsidise” the rest of us (I hope the tax people look into him); I would consider his views as being “average”, which is useful, for sometimes I start going quite soft on the anglo and forget what they are … like you see the mogwai … and forget about the gremlin.

James Che


My comments are a bit rushed due to many other issues at home, however I hope you can relate to the gist of those comments.

It was in this same lack of regard for democracy that the political sphere of England annonce by letter and without evidence that Queen Anne of England, France and Ireland was the new Queen of Scotland and its kingdom.

However when “Coronated” she never took the “Oath of Scotland” nor was she ever Coronated in any ceremony during her life time to become queen of Scots or its territory,
She was to busy with the wars of England,

The lack of Democracy and proper requirements to be Coronated as queen of Scots or taking the coronation Oath of Scotland in the separate kingdom of Scotland suggests that Queen Anne remained Queen of England,France and Ireland,

Both the unofficial Status regarding Queen Anne of England actually being the Queen of Scots, and the statement that “Scots did not vote to join the treaty of Union” requires great imagination to link Scots to the Union with England.

Indeed it requires great investigation (but no imagination) to realise that “only” those names signed on the treaty of union from Scotland are participants that are obliged to uphold their part of deal as individuals.

James Che

Alf baird’s analyses that Scots are in a conceptual ( but now proven ) modern day Colony of Westminster starting from the 1707 date is pretty accurate,

And the parliament of UK in 2023/2024 now confirm this position by stating “after discussion” ” it was decided not to give the Scots a vote to join as they would probably vote “No” to joining the Union.

The Scotland Colony by the lack of democracy of a vote,


HARRY POTTER gets grown up suit.

link to

J K ROWLING laughs all the way to the bank

link to
Archive link to Times article is flakey.



“Nothing like a stereotype….especially when seen from London. Hoots mon! Wotcha mite!”

Alleged meanness of Scots isn’t in the r4cial slur database.Lots of other abuse is.

link to

To no surprise no nation, except the English, looks likely to r4cially slur theEnglish.

link to


Your link works fine Turbie.

It’s not just advertiser who do the stereotyping.

Song writers are at it too. I’m looking at you ‘Pink Floyd Roger Waters’

“Stand still laddie!

If you don’t eat your *meat you can’t have any pudding.
How can you have any **pudding if you don’t eat your meat?’

There is also the issue of the C U Jimmy hats. Your towel oor hats with the red wigs.
CU Jimmy hats sold in all these shops on the Royal Mile where Humza buys the tartan ties. ***One for everyday of the week.
Does Ramsay have a tartan tat shop outlet?

*updated to Tofu
** updated to banana
*** back in the day we had knickers for everyday of the week. Remember those?
I was often in a rush in the morning and went to working wearing the Sunday knickers on a Monday.
Could be tricky if you had to go to hospital and the doctors questioned if you actually knew the day of the week.

What day is it Ruby?
Who is the First Minister of Scotland?
and all these other questions one gets asked to test if you were ‘all there’

Foutu mais content!
C’est la vie!

Ha! Ha! He! He! Ho! Ho!

PS It’s Susan Calman we see in all the bank adverts. Tight???

PPS I’ve got a special towel for my head when I wash my hair and believe it or not it is actually called ‘a Turbie’

I’ve got a lot to say about stereotyping. Watch out Das Blimp you’ll be getting a mention.


Sadly I’ve got go and do some work.
It’s a shame because I was having a lot of fun and love the stereotyping discussion.

Just before I go for those who didn’t do O grade Art History and are interesting in the stereotyping of us Buckie swilling, deep fried Mars bars munchers, (with tartan added on to everything in a pejorative way) you should check out the work of Hogarth.

This stereotyping goes way back to whenever Hogart was doing his toons.

Cheerio, Adios, Hasta la vista

Foutu mais content!
C’est la vie!

Ha! Ha! He! He! Ho! Ho!

David Hannah

Humza Yousless brother in law re-arrested. For man being pushed or falling out of window.

It wonder if it was a Sharia Law push?

Imagine poisoning Dundee with six grand worth of heroin and crack and being granted bail.

What a disgusting family you are Humza Yousaf. Your family of fucking criminals. You’re disgusting. Nadia El Nakla. Common as muck.

David Hannah

Sturgeon also has form with throwing things out of windows. I wonder if she was there as the man fell from the window?

Humza Yousaf. RESIGN you toss pot!


Watch out Das Blimp you’ll be getting a mention.

Oh goody! Can’t wait (rollseyes)


What the f*ck did Hanvey think was going to happen did he think it would actually pass in a foreign country’s parliament (England) a parliament that MUST hold onto Scotland to keep its own head above water. Hanvey by this action (asking) only gave this foreign country’s parliament credibility, we don’t need to ask a foreign country’s parliament to dissolve a treaty.

If we want our independence we’ll need TO TAKE IT, for it won’t be given, power isn’t given ITS TAKEN.

Also Tory, Labour and Lib/Dem MPs from Scotland are not members of Scottish political parties those parties don’t exist, there is no Scottish Labour/Lib/Dems/Tory parties registered with the Electoral Commission.

You shouldn’t be able to vote for what doesn’t exist.

” WESTMINSTER bid to give Holyrood the power to legislate for a Scottish independence referendum has failed.

Alba’s Neale Hanvey, the party’s group leader at Westminster, had proposed a Scotland (Self-Determination) Bill, which looked to amend the Scotland Act 1998 to transfer the power to hold an independence vote to the Scottish Parliament.

Hanvey (below) used the London parliament’s 10-minute rule – which allows a backbench MP to make the case for a new bill in a speech lasting up to 10 minutes – to argue for his proposition on Tuesday.

He was opposed by LibDem MP Christine Jardine.

The House divided after the two MPs’ speeches and went to a vote. Deputy speaker Rosie Winterton announced that the bill would not move forward after the proposal was defeated by 228 votes to 48.

The division list showed 38 SNP MPs and Conservative Philip Hollobone, the MP for Kettering, were among the MPs to support Hanvey’s bid.

But 57 Tory MPs, 147 Labour and 13 Lib Dems were among those to oppose it.

Ahead of the vote, Alba said the bill was being backed by SNP MPs Joanna Cherry, Douglas Chapman, and Carol Monaghan, independent MPs Angus MacNeil and Jonathan Edwards, and Plaid Cymru’s Liz Saville Roberts.

Speaking in Parliament, Hanvey pointed to pledges made in the aftermath of the 2014 independence referendum, saying: “The all-party Smith Commission agreement was signed by all of Scotland’s main political parties: SNP, Labour, Tory and Liberal Democrats.

“It stated: ‘It is agreed that nothing in this report prevents Scotland becoming an independent country in the future should the people of Scotland so choose.’

“While each have failed to deliver on that commitment, this bill provides a necessarily equitable and democratic mechanism for the people of Scotland.”

Hanvey added: “Should members of this chamber deny Scotland her legitimate claim on self-determination then it will have put beyond doubt that the voice of the people of Scotland is not welcome in this place and a new approach must be considered.””


A maxim most politicians imagine does not apply to their policies.
link to
Forget Rwanda, Iran has the answer.

Vivian O’Blivion

Latest tranche of 13 Holyrood interns fae the John Smith Centre.
Nine are on courses with Politics in the title.
Not the worst batch from the JSC to be fair.
Several claim to be from “working-class backgrounds”. Whether this means they are “working-class” or “Sir Keir Starmer working-class” is impossible to say.
None put their sexuality or gender identity to the front and centre of their biographies. Not the usual grossly disproportional representation from non-Caucasians.
Two could probably even open a new jar of pickles if requested (a 1st for the JSC).
Interests include; gender-based violence & climate change. Wot no industrial policy?
One lets the cat oot the bag in her bio.; “internship will equip me with … connections necessary for a successful career in Scottish politics”. Someone at the JSC (Promoting Trust in Politics & Public Service) really should be paying more attention with the editing.
Infuriatingly, from hints in their biographies, the more sensible ones are probably being farmed out to Tory MSPs.


Snow – WHITE!

Jan Cowan

Tremendous work, Rev. Thank you.

Alf Baird

Republicofscotland @ 2:55 pm

“Hanvey by this action (asking) only gave this foreign country’s parliament credibility”

On the other hand, Neale Hanvey and the ALBA Party have just demonstrated Scotland’s colonial situation; i.e. our nation is held captive by another, whose representatives block our rights.

‘Colonialism is force’, according to Prof Edward Said, much as we see in the actions of an imperial parliament.

The colonial impasse will be further illustrated if Ash Regan’s parallel bill in the Scottish Parliament is voted through by a majority of Scotland’s MSPs.

John Main

David Hannah

People mysteriously falling from windows is a typical MO of Pres. P.

Could be the Russtis are taking an innarest in Scotland’s politics.

It’s usually the roof with the Sharia enthusiasts, but then again, they usually have flat roofs. Our culture could never have developed that idea – who wants to be clambering around on wet slates pitched at 45 degrees.


How’s this for a «conversion»
link to
Why do these people want to look like blow up sex dolls?
He still has the hands and tats of a construction worker though.
The West just gets crazier and crazier by the day.
Any bets on who’ll win WW3? 🙂


16 January, 2024 at 2:49 pm

Watch out Das Blimp you’ll be getting a mention.

Oh goody! Can’t wait (rollseyes)

I tricked you, you big balloon. 🙂
I was just checkin’ to see if you were reading my posts.
You’ll no be gettin’ any mention *vis a vis stereotyping even if you are guilty of same.

But hey you should definitely keep reading. My posts are PDB! Enjoy
Ha! Ha! He! He! Ho! Ho!

One thing I have to say about ‘das Blimp’ is he doesn’t have a man-baby sized hissy fit and start spouting a load of sexist abuse when I call him names. He ain’t no snowflake.

Snowflake WHITE!

He might be big balloon but at least he has a sense of humour.

What are you saying Dan has the racist snow returned to your parts?
Is it WHITE WHITE WHITE everywhere?

Every time I see the WHITE stuff I say

‘Aw Naw Snaw’

I don’t like snaw, the snaw coke, or even the diet stuff.
These Tunnocks (Tnuc’s)Snaw Baws are even worse than the Tnuc’s TeaCakes.

Are you sure it’s snaw Dan could it be a result of Ramsay trying to get rid of his baggies.
Have you tasted it?


is ‘boule de neige’ in French. Blow me if that hasn’t now become part of British English

I learned ‘boule de neige’ in O grade French. We had to read Jean Cocteau’s Les Enfants Terribles.

That’s easy enough to translate even if you haven’t got your O grade French

Enfants – Infants it’s practically the same word. Terribles – terrible same same.
The French just add the S when there more than one of the terrible ones.

*vis a vis that’s French too.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 4.11pm

Don’t give folk ideas! Defenestration has a fairly long history: the Czechs (or perhaps more correctly for the time the Bohemians) were particularly fond of it I seem to recall.

The famous Third Defenestration of Prague was widely regarded as the precursor to the Thirty Years War. No roofs were involved….they just propelled the unfortunate victims out of windows.

John Main

Guardian Online reporting that aid agencies in Yemen are claiming they are having to suspend activities because western forces are targeting the Hotties launching missiles and drones against Red Sea shipping.

It’s truly astonishing that these aid agencies are feeding millions of civilians in Yemen while the Hotties running the place are spaffing cash on weapons and playing at soldiers.

It’s truly astonishing that the aid agencies have absolutely no problems in operating while the Hotties are bombarding world shipping – maybes they see it as a cultural practice they have to respect, or some other woke virtue signalling.

It’s truly astonishing that our TV screens are deluged with ads from these same aid agencies, begging for money from us, while they are saying we should allow the Hotties to drive ships from the Red Sea, sabotage our economy with increased costs, and thus cripple our ability to find the spare cash to pay for the aid in the first place!

It’s shaping up to be Gaza all over again. Billions of dollars in aid spaffed on weapons, ammo and 500 km of hardened tunnels and bunkers in that place. Wonder what they’re buying in Yemen.

David Hannah

According to the national records of Scotland. Humza is still married to his ex wife?

He’s obviously forgot to file the divorce papers. Or does he believe in having more than one wife?

Mhairi MaCallan. How did she get the job I wonder? Not on merit. That’s for sure.

John Main


“Any bets on who’ll win WW3?”

Sure. Nobody, that’s who.

But to be serious. The Germans have twice taken on most of the world, and twice come close to winning. It’s only three generations since they fielded the finest fighting armies the world has ever seen. Three generations has not been nearly long enough to breed the instincts out of them. Once they wake up, for as long as they are on our side, we have a good chance.


Just throwing this one into the btl mix. This year, 2024, is a leap year. Why we have them and how they came about.

Short version for those who can’t be bothered reading the long-winded archived article version: “The number of Earth’s revolutions is not the same as the time it takes for the Earth to get around the Sun. The Solar year is 365.2422 days long, a length which no calendar year can accommodate. By having leap years every four years we ensure that the months consistently match up with the seasons.”

Scotland’s weather obviously hasn’t seen the memo. LOL! Weeds in my garden are still growing. Millions of the feck@rs.

Considerably longer science blog article for all of you who enjoy reading/science etc. link to

Andy Ellis

@Alf Baird 3.57pm

Whether one accepts the “Scotland as colony” premise or not, the inevitable defeat of Hanvey’s proposed Bill is all part of a process that is necessary to make progress towards the goal of independence. The only reason Irish home rule became centred in Westminster politics in the late 19th & early 20th centuries was that Irish nationalist MPs were in a position to hold the balance of power.

Unless that happens in future with Scottish nationalist parties, we can’t expect British nationalists to automatically honour the 2014 precedent and the Edinburgh Agreement for a rerun of indyref1. If the majority of Scots are no content to wait and trust that might happen, then they have to take, not ask.

The necessary and most plausible next step is to ensure the independence movement and pro-independence parties announce plebiscitary elections, and state that 50% + 1 voting for them in ANY election will result in de facto independence, the details of which will be worked out by a convention, assembly or freshly elected Scottish parliament.

Internal self determination presupposes having exhausted all the other means to achieve your goal: Westminster’s exhibited lack of good faith in refusing to recognise the right of Scottish MPs at Westminster, or MSPs at Holyrood, to hold a referendum or even transfer the power to do so, is all grist to the mill when it comes to gaining international recognition.

If the Holyrood parliament votes in favour of having the power to hold a referendum transferred, and the UK government or Supreme Court strikes it down or refuses to recognise it, then the die is cast.

All that remains then is to see whether the Scottish people have the political cojones to cross the Rubicon and take their independence, not politely crave Westminster’s permission to do so.



Is that what Ramsay has been charged with.

I just made a guess. I learned fenestra in O grade. It’s the French for window.


It’s a totes pure white oot here noo. And been well below zero for so long I still can’t manage to pull a leek dug out of my veg bed to make a soup as the soil is frozen solid like a rock.

Thinking the #SnowploughsNotPronouns hashtag might get some purchase now seeing as the local cooncil chose to spaff cash on new ID cards with pronouns for their multitude of staff rather than save the dosh in these austere times for dealing with winter traffic infrastructure expenditure. But hey ho, priorities mean pandering to delusions is more important than keeping the roads and pavements safe.
At least the drains I cleaned will allow the melt water away whenever the thaw comes.

Just spoke to a neighbour who rents a property that had solar PV panels fitted strewn around the back garden last summer. She’s fookin ragin as it’s costing her a fortune to keep just one room warm. I didn’t think it appropriate to point out the “planet saving” panels weren’t getting any sun at all at this time of year as the surrounding buildings and trees completely obscure the sun’s rays.


“a leek dug”
WTF! I’d just like to point out this was a typo and not some hybrid veg meat combo I’ve developed.
Though thinking about it I hear there may be a load of XL Bullies going spare so could be the time to get my Vietnamese cookbook out seeing as multiculturalism is so fashionable the noo.


Who told the simpletons that the Red Sea was international waters?


Alf Baird
Ignored says:
16 January, 2024 at 3:57 pm
Republicofscotland @ 2:55 pm

“Hanvey by this action (asking) only gave this foreign country’s parliament credibility”

On the other hand, Neale Hanvey and the ALBA Party have just demonstrated Scotland’s colonial situation; i.e. our nation is held captive by another, whose representatives block our rights…

Kinda interesting that the SNP backed Hanvey. (Flynn and his Deputy weren’t there apparently), but it seems they’ve stopped walking out whenever ALBA gets up to speak, although one swallow doesn’t make a Summer.

I confess, my reservations about the SNP now run so deep, I genuinely don’t know if I want them onside. Even Scotland United cannot accommodate a bunch of fickle charlatans. Maybe that’s why their positioning has softened… they know there’s a total howking coming their way next Election, and Scotland United might throw them a lifeline.


16 January, 2024 at 4:57 pm

Just throwing this one into the btl mix. This year, 2024, is a leap year. Why we have them and how they came about.

Very interesting piece of info Stoker. Thanks for that.

Will you be proposing on the 29th? Just checked and it’s a Thursday.

Shame for the wee souls who only have a birthday every four years.

Worse for those who are born in the wrong body and also born on the wrong day.

Mums be kind and ask to be induced on the 28th or hang on until the 1st March.

John Main

@Andy Ellis 4:38

It’s a lot more difficult with the advent of double, and now triple, glazing.

Unless you propel the victim at considerable speed, she just bounces straight back into the room. So I have been told.

That’s why President P’s henchpeople are skilled at degrading window catches so that any investigation can conclude the victim must have suffered a simple, unlucky accident.

John Main

@Ruby 5:29

Surely it should be you popping the question to Stoker?

But it’s a crying shame to see another fine old tradition dissolved to meaninglessness in the acid of the gender woo woo.


MSPs have voted to give themselves a 6.7% pay rise, taking their basic pay up by approximately £5,000 to £72,000. This follows an increase last year, 2023, of 1.5% and just over 3% in 2022. The new increase will come in to play from 1st April 2024.

Seems to be a final raid on the tax loot before being sent back unemployed and disgraced to whatever rock they crawled out from. Money for auld rope if you ask me.

Can’t think of one MSP who has earned it. Murdo Fraser must be thanking his lucky stars. Over 20-years of sitting on his arse doing nothing. And getting handsomely rewarded for doing so. He’ll be in good company with Sturgeon & Co.


“Iran launches missile strikes in Iraq and Syria citing security threats”

link to

Anton Decadent


“Thinking the #SnowploughsNotPronouns hashtag might get some purchase now seeing as the local cooncil chose to spaff cash on new ID cards with pronouns for their multitude of staff rather than save the dosh in these austere times for dealing with winter traffic infrastructure expenditure. But hey ho, priorities mean pandering to delusions is more important than keeping the roads and pavements safe.”

Dis the cloak of woke gie ye the boak?

On the upside there’s a new Boris Blank album due for release next month.

John Main


To be fair, Yousaf has just ramped up the Tartan Tax, so they need a hefty rise to compensate for that.

Be honest now. If you had the power to do likewise, I bet you would too.

I know I would.

It’s around two and a half years til we can throw them out, so expect big rises again for two more years while they build up their slush funds.


Ruby says: “Shame for the wee souls who only have a birthday every four years.”

And at the other end of the spectrum is the greed and opulence of the UK Monarch who has 2 birthdays every year. He, as was the case for his mother when she sat on the throne, will have his official (real) birthday.

He will also have an official second birthday arranged for a month that historically produces better weather so the peasants can enjoy the celebrations watching ‘Trooping the Colour’ etc.

Don’t you just love a bit of peasant participation eh?

To John Main @ 5:34 pm.
LOL! Behave yourself…

Andy Ellis

The only parts of the Red Sea which are territorial waters of the states surrounding it are 12 nautical miles from their territory(UNCLOS, Article 3).

The narrowest point of the Bab el-Mandab strait between Djibouti and Yemen is only 14 nautical miles wide, so ships necessarily enter the territorial water of those countries to pass through the straits. Under UNCLOS Article 37 however the legal concept of “transit passage” applies. Yemen is a signatory, not that the Houthis will be that concerned with the treaty obligation of course.

Each state then has an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of up to 200 miles – or an agreed midpoint if it overlaps with another country’s EEZ which it will in the Red Sea because it isn’t 400 miles wide.

“A coastal nation has control of all economic resources inside its exclusive economic zone, including fishing, mining, oil exploration, and pollution of those resources. However, it cannot prohibit passage or loitering above, on, or under the surface of the sea that complies with the laws and regulations adopted by the coastal state in accordance with the provisions of the UN Convention, within that portion of its exclusive economic zone beyond its territorial sea.”

link to


Super creeps gotta creep!


Ignored says:
16 January, 2024 at 4:36 pm
16 January, 2024 at 2:49 pm

Watch out Das Blimp you’ll be getting a mention.

Oh goody! Can’t wait (rollseyes)

I tricked you, you big balloon. ?
I was just checkin’ to see if you were reading my posts.
You’ll no be gettin’ any mention *vis a vis stereotyping even if you are guilty of same.

I Wouldn’t miss your posts, Ruby. You make more sense than most on here even though you are completely bonkers (but still relatively sane compared to the likes of James Che) He’s a raspberry that fell out of the bush long before his time. I just made that one up – I’m dead clever me.


Hatuey. 5.47pm.

Yes strikes on vipers nests illegally squatting in Syria were targeted.

“the IRGC said the force “successfully” managed to launch missile attacks on an espionage center of the Israeli regime’s Mossad spy agency in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region and a gathering place of commanders and main elements linked to anti-Iran terrorist activities, especially the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group, in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib.”

“The IRGC said the force fired four Kheibar Shekan (fortress buster) missiles from Iran’s southwestern province of Khuzestan to Idlib, adding that four missiles were launched from the west, and seven more from the northwest of the country to the Mossad spy headquarters in Erbil in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region.”

The Wests regional war takes a step closer to reality.


Cracking article Rev (that reminded me to send you a donation). What an effin mess this government is though. The GE can’t come soon enough. I cannot wait for the chance to give them the kicking they so thoroughly deserve.


“Kinda interesting that the SNP backed Hanvey. (Flynn and his Deputy weren’t there apparently), but it seems they’ve stopped walking out whenever ALBA gets up to speak, although one swallow doesn’t make a Summer.”


My take on SNP MPs backing Hanvey is that with a GE on the cards later on in the year, this action by them is one of self-interest, as you say I’m quite surprised they got behind the bill, however the SNP MPs have been at Westminster long enough to know that even if they did back Hanvey’s bill they would still be vastly outnumbered and it wouldn’t pass, a shrew move if you ask me.

I think we’ll find the SNP will act bit more keenly towards independence, speaking about it and voting on matters to do with it in this a GE year.


The UK Covid inquiry won’t see all the Scottish Government evidence as it appears records of several key meetings between Nicola Sturgeon and her advisers appear not to have been kept. Well well, tickle ma tits till friday didn’t see that one coming … The SNP have no shame they are Scotlands disgrace.


dasBlimp @ 18.16.

Careful dBlimpster, you’ll be telling us that you “crack yourself up” next … not a gr8 look (though it would fit on a T shirt, right enough).

Viscount Ennui

A question for Alf Baird who I respect but often disagree with:

Would you, or should we, entrust independence to the current SNP?


If not, what is the route to independence under the current electoral system?

My own view is that the SNP is so corrupt and incompetent that it would be dangerous to vote ‘Yes’.

As a supporter of self-determination.


Well done, Stu, for sticking with this beyond the intro..

Emma Roddick is mental & her mission seems to be to have us all join her there. How on earth did she ever pass the selection process with a mental & personality disorder?

Oh, that’s right, its fashionable to have a disorder with these fckwits.

What a pile of shite this is & it’s a scandal that hundreds of thousands of ££££s, parliamentary time & effort is being wasted on this utter bollocks that’ll never see the light of day unless we all have a labotomy & succumb to the thought police.

Where are all the supposed lawyers, policy advisors & civil servants? Do they all have a fckin mental illness too?

Dear Scotland…

I need you to wake the fck up now!

Can we stop electing people who are mentally deranged?

Just Gonnae no?

The joke’s over. It wisnae funny.

2026 can’t come fast enough.

Can we please have adults back in the room? In 3…2…


@ RoS at 6.47 pm

Exactly, the Alba Party has only recently formed, so one might ponder why nobody in the SNP bothered their arses to submit such a bill in the many previous years…
Nowt but self-serving twats…
And why would a Scotland United pact want to include a load of what are effectively BritNats happy doing fuck all for Scotland within the current constitutional setup.


“Hanvey by this action (asking) only gave this foreign country’s parliament credibility”

I agree.

I do not understand at all why Alba had to give England MPs the right to veto this transference of powers and I am not happy about this move. In fact, I am disappointed, to be frank.

To me, this comes across as yet another maneuver to add yet another unnecessary obstacle to the progress of Scotland towards independence. Another totally unnecessary move to legitimise the myth that Scotland is a region of this Great Britain rather than one of its founding members that can end it tomorrow if its MPs ever find the backbone they lost 300 years ago.

As if we did not have enough fabricated obstacles in the mountain already piled up by Sturgeon and Yousaf, now we have been handed another one, courtesy of our own MPs.

I do not understand why pro-independence parties insist in handing over to England MPs the power to decide when Scotland can become independent at every opportunity, knowing full well that, if given a right to veto, England MPs will exercise it every time.

So what is the effing point? It is a waste of Scotland’s time which only makes sense when what you are after is procrastinating.

Scotland’s power to unilaterally end the Treaty of Union lies with Scotland’s MPs, not England’s. England’s MPs hold the power to unilaterally end the treaty on behalf of England, but not Scotland. So what was the point of this move? Was this to reinforce the myth that we need permission from Westminter to even breath?

Oh come on. Enough already. We know our MPs can end the union tomorrow if they so wish. The power to call a referendum on Scotland’s independence does not lie with England’s MPs. It is none of their effing business. It lies with Scotland’s MPs, so why the hell were England MPs invited to this vote? Who do England Mps represent in Scotland? When did Scotland become the property of England?

This vote should have taken place only among Scotland’s MPs and then, if passed, our MPs should have simply advised the monarch that the powers go to Holyrood. That vote should have passed because we have a pro-indy majority. The only reason I can think of for handing the veto to England MPs is to use them as the safeguard to ensure the SNP troughers could safely vote for the transfer of powers knowing it would never happen. I wouldn’t be surprised that if the vote was hold only among Scotland’s MPs, the troughers in the SNP would have voted against.

I am seriously losing my patience now. I am sick and fed up of this constant undermining of Scotland’s sovereignty by our own MPs. I am now at the point that I do not see any reason whatsover for Scotland to waste its time sending MPs to WEstminster. What is the effing point in sending them there, when the only thing they are doing is procrastinating in the ending of the effing treaty and making us watch in disgust how they hand over Scotland’s sovereignty to England MPs and how they validate Scotland’s abuse by that parliament?

Enough already. It is starting to look like ISP might be the only political party who is serious about independence and the only one who is willing to stop the pointless charade of sending MPs to Westminter, the only one willing to stop handing over Scotland’s sovereignty to England MPs.

Handing over Scotland’s sovereignty to England MPs and inviting them to veto Scotland’s right to exercise self-determination only makes sense if what our own Mps are after is to deflect from the fact it has been them who have been stopping Scotland’s independence since 2015 by refusing to terminate the effing treaty once and for all.

Scot Finlayson

This mess/madness is being repeated in most western progresive left governments,
Canada,Ireland,Australia,New Zealand,US ….

it will only get worse for all UK woman and girls when British Labour become next UK Government.

the transcult will be unstoppable.

Scary times ahead for 30,000,000 UK woman and girls.

George Ferguson

@Geri 6:56pm
I wish the gender orientation obsession was costing only a few hundred K. It is costing ten of millions of pounds. The 50 million pounds misplaced on the Census for example. I can only estimate up to 8 million in additional costs based on the Census delay, one month extension and the attempted recovery exercise. Of course it is not just the Scot Government but also Institutions (NRS)and the judgments of the Judiciary. Perhaps the last chance to rescue the Scottish Census was in February 2022 and the Court of Session Judicial Review brought by Fair Play for Women. They asked for the guidance for question 3 be similar to the Court Order in England whereby the birth certificate or GRC was to be used when answering what sex you were. However their case was dismissed. And thus allowed the guidance in Scotland to include self-identification without a GRC when answering the female/male question. A fundamental difference between the two Censuses. The rest is now history.

link to

Overall we could say the 2011 and 2021(2022) Censuses was the difference between a competent FM Alex Salmond and an incompetent FM Nicola Sturgeon


Paltering Ellis: “The only parts of the Red Sea which are territorial waters of the states surrounding it are 12 nautical miles from their territory(UNCLOS, Article 3).”

Thanks for taking the time to learn something and confirming that the Red Sea is not international waters. That sort of thing ought to be encouraged.

You’re now in a good position to look into the significance of the island of Perim, bearing in mind the established 12 mile exclusion zone referenced by you above.

George Ferguson

Apologies link to Court of Session case in full

link to


“This vote should have taken place only among Scotland’s MPs and then, if passed, our MPs should have simply advised the monarch that the powers go to Holyrood. That vote should have passed because we have a pro-indy majority. The only reason I can think of for handing the veto to England MPs is to use them as the safeguard to ensure the SNP troughers could safely vote for the transfer of powers knowing it would never happen. I wouldn’t be surprised that if the vote was hold only among Scotland’s MPs, the troughers in the SNP would have voted against.”


I share your anger, we expected Alba to tread a different, a more radical path than the SNP, this isn’t that path, and I’m disappointed, why oh why does our indy MPs feel the need to given credence to this foreign parliament unless its to preserve the status quo.

On your last point above we’ll probably never know but I suspect you are correct on that.

The Alba party in my opinion needs to step outside the box looking towards what Scots think rather than legitimising the West minster political sphere by introducing bills in the HoC, bills that will almost certainly be shotdown.

I fear that Alba current position with Westminster in mind is to get as many MPs into the HoC as possible, again legitimising it, the only way I’d feel comfortable about that is if the elected Alba MPs openly and vigorously showed that they were working on a way of exiting the HoC sooner than later.

We’ve had an indy majority of MPs at Westminster for a few years now yet we’re not any closer to ditching the union because they’ve put self-interest and party interest ahead of an entire nations interests, I’m hoping Alba MPs won’t be the same.


Dan @7.01pm.

If nothing else Hanvey’s vote shows clearly that Scottish indy minded MPs CANNOT change anything in this foreign country’s parliament, our MPs remaining at this alien parliament only gives it credibility over Scotland.

Remember this so called union only works if our politicians play along with it. Once they stop the games up, but they won’t stop because there’s a good living to be made out of it.


“The First Minister can amend the Scotland Act 1998 by Order, as the Keeper of the Scottish Seal, and there’s nothing WM or the Privy Council can do to stop him.

Our representatives are lying when they say WM must approve a s30(2) Order. It’s blatant lying.”

link to


This from a couple of years back, but I doubt like Brexit the English government would give the English people a vote on this incase they voted to end the union.

link to

David Hannah

SNP MPs just debated in Westminster on allowing Scotland the power to hold a referendum on Independence in their own parliament. Labour voted against.

And Mhairi Black and baldy c*nt Stephen Flynn didn’t bother turning up to vote.

Fucking rats.

David Hannah

I’ll not share the link to the daily express that’s covering the story.

But it was the Alba Party Bill on the referendum powers.

And Stephen Flynn and Mhairi Black didn’t turn up.

Fucking horrible horrible bastards. SNP scum out now.

Mark Beggan

Where are they now?

Sturgeon’s Storm Troopers.

Gay Lords in ill fitting suits intimidating pensioners, Blue haired dykes pretending they know what’s good for your children, Big mouth bully boys, sexual predators, thieves, scammers, opportunists, Social
Science degree dunces, mad dogs and Englishmen.

Where are they now.


ark Beggan
Ignored says:
16 January, 2024 at 8:57 pm
Where are they now?
Science degree dunces, mad dogs and Englishmen.’

Wad that auld Yousaf of Gigh(a) had hearkened tae the words of Pitscottie; dinnae march agin the Sassenachs wi’ nuthin’ mare tae yer train than sam blue-haired followers- nae guid will come of it


Nice to see you again sensible


One thing ye cannae defenestrate is the jeelie piece

Seven hundred hungry weans will testify tae that
If it’s butter, cheese or jeely
If the breid is plain or pan
The chances of it reaching earth are ninety nine tae wan

On the first day ma maw flung oot a daud o’ Hovis broon
It came skytin’ oot the windae and went up insteid o’ doon
Noo every twenty-seven hours it comes back intae sight
‘Cause ma piece went intae orbit and became a satellite

Defenestrate FFS

Whits wrang wi saying

‘chucked oot the windae.

Ha Ha Ha Yer bum has been defenestrated.

link to

This is great I actually learned a new piece of slang. ‘air biege’ I’d never hear that before.

Guan yersel he says is a sign of encouragement. Not something you often get in Scotland.

That is true. Worth a discussion. Has that any connection to us being a colony?

Jobby he reckons is the sweetest word for shite. That’s true it might be more like a poo.

I’ll have to watch it again. I don’t think he did:
Awa’ n bile your heid
Pure dead brilliant
Gonnae no’ dae that!
Ma heid’s mince
Yer a balloon
and many many more.

A balloon in Scottish slang?. Someone prone to doing daft things.

I’m not sure if oor das Blimp knows Scottish slang. He might be a Gordie, Brummie, Cockney or even a German. Das is German but that might be short for Dashiel (that’s a flippin’ posh name laddie!)
Ach How knows he may even identify as a Dashund.

I’ve just read that jobbie in Doric means something different.

He’s doon the lobbie doing a wee jobbie could just mean that’s he’s doon the lobbie sweeping the flair or some other minor chore.

I find languages, slang & words fascinating.

BTW Dashiel, James Che is a lady. She bought her ipad on Ebay from a bloke called James Che. His Wings log-in details were on the ipad so she just started to use it.

I hope that is correct!

Flippin FFS! It’s just not the same!

But hey ‘I’m doing it for Sven!’

Is Sven sveedish?

I just crack myself up!


16 January, 2024 at 9:56 pm

Nice to see you again sensible

That could mean different things like the phrase

‘Eat shoots and leaves’

Are you saying it’s nice to see me being sensible again (where was that exactly?)
or are you suggesting I used to post as Sensible Dave?


RoS: “why oh why does our indy MPs feel the need to given credence to this foreign parliament unless its to preserve the status quo.”

That’s one way of looking at it. Maybe, though, having it on the record that they’ve systematically blocked democratic routes to independence will serve our purpose at a later date. Let’s not forget that is exactly what they are doing.

Geoff Anderson

Apart from Black and Flynn who were the other three SNP MPs who couldn’t be arsed to turn up?

Charles ((not the R one)

MSPs are set for a pay rise of 6.7 per cent, boosting their salary to more than £72,000 for the year 2024-25.

The salary of First Minister Humza Yousaf rises to more than £170,000.

Plus expenses, perks,and a large pension for life.

Nice work if you can get it.

John Main

RoS 6:39

Seems that Russti military personnel in Syria are counted in the thousands.

You’ve already used “vipers nest”. Can I use “scorpions lair”?

Seems the Iranian regime hasn’t just been pointing all their weaponry at their own and other people’s women and girls. They’ve been spreading it all around every group of nutters with a grudge in the ME. Too bad if some of it gets repurposed to take out some of the scorpions. Plausible deniability and that.

It’s a mess eh? Rational Scots, unlike you, don’t keep cheering it on. But what goes around, comes around.

John Main

@Hatuey 8:08

You don’t have the credibility to prognosticate on nautical matters. Not everybody on here has the memory of a goldfish, soz.

Mark Beggan

Sound advice from the NHS this winter. Walk like a penguin and you will avoid lying in the street for a few days till an ambulance comes.


Oh flippin’Hell!

It’s like deja vu all over again.

deja-vu that’s French.

Alf Baird

Viscount Ennui @ 6:54 pm

“Would you, or should we, entrust independence to the current SNP?”

That is a hypothetical question.

“what is the route to independence under the current electoral system?”

Withdrawal of a majority of Scotland’s MP’s from Westminster would mean the UK parliament cannot lawfully legislate for Scotland because representation of Scotland’s MPs is a condition of the Articles of Union.


George Ferguson
16 January, 2024 at 7:50 pm

@Geri 6:56pm
I wish the gender orientation obsession was costing only a few hundred K.

I wish the gender orientation obsession cost not a single penny. I wish there was no law that said men can become women.

It’s the maddest thing I have ever heard.

The law is mad, the politicians who support this law are mad.

Alba really don’t seem to be doing much about it.

Nothing is going to change as long as there is a law stating that men can change sex and become women.

Rishi & Kemi might be fooling you into thinking they don’t believe men can become women all the while there is UK legislation in place which says precisely that they can.

I will only believe the Tories and Alba for that matter have any interest in women & children’s rights if they admit that the GRA 2004 was a huge mistake and should be repealed.

I don’t hear Alex Salmond, Joanna Cherry, Kemi Badenoch, Rushi Sunak or any politician saying that.

You can’t issue a man with a certificate stating in the eyes of the law he is a woman then forbid him from participating in women’s sport or refuse to send him to a woman’s prison.

If children see adults changing sex, their father, uncle brother,grand father becoming a woman then they are going to think they might like to do that too.

You can’t tell a man he must spend two years living as a woman and and expect him to keep out of women’s sport, changing rooms, toilet, shelters, prisons etc

Basically the GRA allows them to ‘self-id’ as women.

Transwomen are women because UK law says they are.

This is a repeat I’ve been saying the same thing for the last three years.

James Barr Gardner

Anybody come across the Vince Littler character recently ?

link to


Anton Decadent 16 January, 2024 at 11:33 am

With regard to Scandinavia here is an article which was in the Guardian twelve days ago. It mentions how Sweden is now second only to Albania for gun crime in Europe, can anyone spot the elephant in the room missing from the article, one of a number of things which much never be spoken of in a negative manner in the Soros and Gates funded Guardian and many other ‘news’ outlets?

link to

On that note whilst looking into NGOs in Scotland I found this list of ones catering for those deemed vulnerable.

link to

Ah, the old tropes of International J@wry and J@w money being used to destroy our society.

I don’t see John Main calling out this anti-S@mitism. Of course he won’t as it doesn’t conflict with British Foreign policy.

Maybe you should go onto the Guardian instead and highlight this?


TURABDIN 16 January, 2024 at 4:16 pm

How’s this for a «conversion»
link to
Why do these people want to look like blow up sex dolls?
He still has the hands and tats of a construction worker though.
The West just gets crazier and crazier by the day.
Any bets on who’ll win WW3?

Had to laugh at that as the individual even looked freakish before the transition.

It looks like all those years of pumping steroids into your body not only affects your body but also your brain.


Rev, I presume that you saw Libby Brooks’ interview with Emma Roddick in the Guardian of 10th January.

It was noticeable that Brooks seemed to find no weakness in Roddick’s views. Nor did she mention Roddick’s age, employment or educational attainments.

What about sending your article to Brooks and the Guardian editor to help them cover the issue better?


The next policy Alba should put to HoC: Scotland should get bigger / earlier pensions since we don’t live as long. Another subsidy to Southeast Engerland. Only indigenous Scots, obviously.


What about Ramsay is he calling himself Ramona yet.

Wasn’t there an incident previously where a justice secretary wrote a letter on behalf of a Scottish Asian trying to get him off? Can’t remember what the charges were. Drug charges?

Who is the justice secretary now? Would the First Minister ex justice secretary have an equal amount of influence over the judiciary or whatever as his justice secretary. He could always instruct his justice secretary to write the letter.

It’s his brother in law FFS. You’ve always got to help the family.

If his justice secretary wasn’t very bright & maybe short of cash and needed a loan he/she might just do what they are told.

What I am asking is if the justice secretary will be writing a letter on behalf of Ramona?

Still wondering why the crooks in the SNP favour the not so bright?


Britnat news rejoicing on Scotland’s A & E times are deteriorating.
No point in mentioning the dire figures long established in England or even worse again Iain
Labour’s NHS Wales.

Could the fact that Tory Brexit chased of thousands of EU NHS workers?
Could it be the thousands in fees Commonwealth NHS workers have to pay for work permits.
Perhaps 14 years of underfunding by the Tories played a part and possibly the multiple strikes forces upon Doctors and Nurses have contributed.

The Tories are slowly preparing everything to make you take out medical insurance and treatment in private hospitals.

This will ensure the weak and those unable to work will die off and all the money saved by the government will make the filthy rich stinking filthy rich.

It’s only right.
When was the last time King Charles got a new crown?
When was the last time the UK’s richest entrepreneur spent billions buying into yet another sports club?
Last week actually.

Dave Hansell

Scotland is not alone in this madness:

link to


@Scott Finlayson
I think you have a good point .
This could get worse .
I am hearing lots of noise but no solutions on tackling these issues .
I have sent the first political activists away with my concerns and will do with any other that may come . My own MSP and MP don’t bother replying to emails that concerns a subject they don’t like despite it being raised in the most gentle of terms .
I have serious misgivings about all current political parties and don’t intend to vote unless I am voting with confidence for someone I can believe in . I am
Not here to endorse career politicians , opportunists or pressure groups . Perhaps a vote of no confidence in the entire political system would send more of a message as none appears to have penetrated yet ,
So I will spoil my papers .
Previously I have been a tactical voter but no longer feel convicted to maintain that strategy.
There seems little to separate the parties and if independence is the main driver of the SNP you could have fooled me . I have sat for years waiting for my questions to be answered about independence to see if it’s something I could sign up for too, it seems a big leap of faith and the current ruling party seem more willing to run over the will of the Scottish people than represent it . Meanwhile the brain drain continues . All I hear from you people is them moving abroad .
Rev … how are the viewing numbers for these articles . Please tell me there is a lot of traffic and people are engaging ! Give us some hope .

Mark Beggan

Deep throat says,

Follow the money.


TURABDIN 16 January, 2024 at 4:16 pm

How’s this for a «conversion»
link to
Why do these people want to look like blow up sex dolls?

You want to know why they want to look like blow up sex dolls.
They want to be ‘sissified’
You need to read about ‘sissy’

They want to look like blow up sex dolls because that is what they think women are.

Sissy is just one of the many fetishes that is part of the trans movement.
They are all pretty disgusting but ‘Sissy’ is they most misogynistic.

This is not just ‘woman face’ this is woman as blow-up doll.

In his book Females, trans-identifying male writer, Andrea Long Chu, writes:

“Sissy porn’s central conceit is that the women it depicts are in fact former men who have been feminized (‘sissified’) by being forced to wear makeup, wear lingerie, and perform acts of sexual submission. At the center of sissy porn lies the asshole, a kind of universal vagina through which femaleness can always be accessed. Getting f*cked makes you female because f*cked is what a female is.”

Alex Cole Hamilton did it for the Sissy Beth.

We are expected to accept that folk like Beth should be ‘sissified’ on the NHS so they can turn themselves into a blow-up doll and be degraded and fucked like a woman.

There are loads of articles, books, videos blogs about what Graham Linehan describes as ‘Sissy porn, the gender movement’s dirty secret’

You’ll find the answer to your question

‘Why do these people want to look like blow up sex dolls?’

if you do a bit of reading.

Sissy is not the only gender movement’s dirty secret.


Well, well…

President of the big furry hat wearing country in the east confirms the 2020 US elections were ‘falsified’.

And guess how they did it. Postal votes. Sound familiar?

link to


Alf Baird said:
17 January, 2024 at 1:08 am
“Withdrawal of a majority of Scotland’s MP’s from Westminster would mean the UK parliament cannot lawfully legislate for Scotland because representation of Scotland’s MPs is a condition of the Articles of Union.”

The lords’ interpretation, in their consideration of whether restricting hereditary lords from attending Parliament would breach the Treaty, was that Scottish representation required to be adequate, but neglected to determine what that even meant. My take on that is that if the Scots MPs cannot properly promote and defend the interests of their Kingdom, country, nation, territory and people of Scotland from predation by England’s MPs within the Union’s parliament, then its representation is inadequate because unfit for purpose. I do not consider 45 to meet the requirement of adequacy under the current voting system in Westminster.

If the Scots MP numbers drop below the Treaty’s specification of 45, that must be taken as ‘inadequate representation’, and so it wouldn’t require the majority of Scots MPs to withdraw in order to cripple Westminster, just enough to leave 44 or less.

In addition, I think in that situation, England’s MPs couldn’t legislate at all, because England’s MPs do not represent the Union on their own in the first place, and the Union’s parliament isn’t their old English parliament any more. They simply don’t have the authority to legislate on their own at all, even for English-only matters. The Scots MPs would never be allowed to legislate on their own, so why should England’s be allowed to? The Treaty doesn’t mandate any such thing.

Coming back to my assertion that 45 manifestly doesn’t meet the requirement of adequacy under the current voting system in Westminster, that is because Westminster’s voting system is ludicrously inappropriate in the context of the Union’s constitutional structure, where each of the two bodies of MPs represent an entire sovereign kingdom, country, nation, territory and people to the other in the House of Commons for the purposes of negotiating the joint governance of their two territories.

Neither of the two representations is entitled to any authority over the other, and the Treaty provides no such authority to either of its two equally sovereign Treaty Principals. The assumption that a simple majority voting system would be used in the new Union parliament was never more than an assumption, because it is nowhere stated in the Treaty nor its two Acts of ratification, thus was never formally agreed and ratified, and thus carries no legal or constitutional standing in the Union at all.

And of course, it isn’t even remotely democratic; you cannot take those two bodies of MPs who represent entirely different sovereign kingdoms and treat them as a single homogenous group in a simple flat majority vote to identify a ‘joint’ decision. That is not just democratically inept, that is a democratic atrocity!

It can be ditched or amended without breaching the Treaty, nor any constitution worth the name, and it doesn’t even require changing the numbers of MPs of either kingdom.

A simple amendment to the voting system, requiring a simple majority vote from each body counted separately, would make the absolute numbers of either body irrelevant, and any matter being debated on could only pass as Union legislation if both bodies voted yes.

If that had been done three hundred years ago the Union would be a very different place today.


This post contains adult content. I make no apologies because if you are looking to understand what ‘trans’ is you’ll need to read a fair bit of adult content.

Do you think it’s difficult for white men to fully understand how insulting women find ‘woman face?

‘Woman face’ is bad enough but ‘woman blown up doll face’ is on another level.

They are doing it for the Sissies.

I’m wondering if Alex Cole Hamilton likes to fuck a Sissie.

Maybe his wife doesn’t put up with being degraded and fucked like a blow up doll hence the reason he did it for Beth.

The trans movement is 100% misogynistic

John Main