We unreservedly applaud the swiftness with which the office of the Official Report of the Scottish Parliament have delivered this answer, something which other bodies in Scotland could learn from.
(Click pic to enlarge.)
The content of it, however, is more disturbing.
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disturbing, investigation, scottish politics, semi-transcripts, video
Correct us if we’re wrong, but isn’t this guy:
…the same man who LITERALLY just passed a law dividing Scotland into groups of people who are worthy of protection from hatred and those who aren’t? (Most notably women and people who know what sex they are.)
Is he, then, a “bad faith actor”? Maybe we misunderstood.
Tags: hypocrisy
comment, idiots, scottish politics
Truth matters in public life.
So we’ve sent the letter below to the Scottish Parliament this morning.
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disturbing, history, scottish politics, semi-transcripts, video
Now, before we start this piece we should probably note that we don’t think anyone’s losing anything by being excluded from Believe In Scotland’s latest money-gathering exercise (folding, please, not clinking!) in Glasgow later this month. We rather suspect most folk can manage fine without spending a Saturday afternoon listening to tedious speeches from Pat Kane, Ross Greer and Iona Fyfe.
But this is still disturbing:
Because for a party which pretty much never mentions Scottish independence, which conspicuously removed the word “INDEPENDENCE” from their conference banner last week, and which stated just days ago that independence wouldn’t be any sort of red line preventing them doing a coalition deal with Scottish Labour, to be able to effectively veto the participation of ACTUAL independence parties from (ostensibly) independence rallies is a strange state of affairs indeed.
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comment, idiots, scottish politics
Scotland’s fringe wankertariat has been terribly piqued by the amusing fact that Humza Yousaf’s infamous “WHITE!” speech has been reported as a hate crime more than any other event in Scotland since the introduction of the Hate Crime Act 12 days ago, on the grounds of its supposedly being racist.
The Observer, for example, blamed the stat on “neo-Nazis”.
But even if that were true, it wouldn’t of course disprove the claim. A stopped clock is right twice a day, and something isn’t intrinsically false just because a neo-Nazi says it. Hitler had some pretty messed-up ideas but the world didn’t become flat just because he said it was round.
So as is our wont, let’s look at the facts.
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analysis, disturbing, idiots, investigation, media, scottish politics, transcripts
Looking for the world’s most useless figures of authority? Come to Scotland.
There, for example, is the Scottish Government refusing to even make a statement of its position on the Cass Review, which exposed the grotesque medical experiments still being conducted on hundreds of Scottish children, and trying to pass the buck onto someone else.
But they’re not alone in the abdication of their responsibilities.
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comment, conversion, idiots, scottish politics
Paraphrased from points made by a number of people this morning, including Sonia Sodha of the Observer and in a letter by Joanna Cherry of the SNP and Robin Harper, former leader of the Scottish Greens to the Chief Medical Officer of Scotland:
The question is this:
In the light of the Cass Review findings, why do English children deserve evidence-based healthcare but Scottish ones don’t? Why is it okay to conduct untested, unproven medical experiments on Scottish children?
We do hope that someone in Scotland’s notoriously toothless media will ask the First Minister soon, and that he has a very convincing answer ready.
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analysis, comment, disturbing, scottish politics, transcult
The Cass Review into gender medicine, which has been almost six long years in the making, was finally published this morning, and despite the fears of some – including us – that it was going to be watered down, it’s turned out to be an absolutely explosive document even on a quick skim. (It’s 388 pages long.)
The most damning aspect, though, is almost certainly this one:
Those quotes annihilate any concept of an “innocent good intentions” defence for the gender clinics. Because if you genuinely believe that you’re doing good, you don’t try to bury all the evidence.
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analysis, comment, conversion, disturbing, scottish politics, stupidity, transcripts, uk politics
We have a solution to this problem.
(Story 1 and story 2.)
In a spirit of unity, Wings officially endorses both statements.
comment, idiots, scottish politics
Holiday Boy is at the golfing again, so instead of a cartoon here’s something real that’s far bleaker than even he could come up with.
Because that insipid collection of about four dozen wee baldy white men is, upsettingly, the real government of Scotland.
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Tags: no cartoons
comment, scottish politics, scum, transcult, video
So here’s a thing.
But that’s not how the Hate Crime Act is supposed to work.
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analysis, comment, idiots, scottish politics, video