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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for the ‘grooming’

The plainest sight 15

Posted on March 16, 2025 by

You know what, Surrey Live, we think you’re probably right.

We DO think people will remember him.

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Eyes Full Of Beams 204

Posted on January 09, 2025 by

The National carried a strange article yesterday, apropos of seemingly nothing, about a Brussels-based political thinktank supposedly linked to the right-wing Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban. The piece actually originated on superwoke “fact-checking” site The Ferret a couple of days earlier, and professed to expose how the thinktank was “stoking Scotland’s culture war”.

Alert readers will already have pricked up their ears at this point, because “culture war” is a radical-left dogwhistle term used to obscure, belittle and dismiss groups (largely though not exclusively comprising left-wing feminists) fighting for the safeguarding of children and the protection of women’s and LGB rights.

And sure enough, nothing’s different this time.

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Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing 130

Posted on January 09, 2025 by

As more horrific experiences from survivors of rape torture gangs surface from across the UK, we must focus not on knee-jerk political posturing but on the root cause that led to the failure of these children by our society.

Political inaction has now opened the door to inevitable political mileage, nurtured from stoking vengeance in a rightly-angered public. Those only interested in creating cultural conflicts no more support justice for survivors than those who allowed this abomination to fester by looking away or worse, covering up the problem.

For any functioning society, inflicting unimaginable pain on children on an alarming scale seems unimaginable. Yet, the evidence has been in front of us for years – so why has immediate action to ensure the safeguarding of children – and vulnerable adults – not been a pressing priority?

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The People You Most Suspected 364

Posted on November 12, 2024 by

We’ll give you three guesses as to the highly controversial and extravagantly taxpayer-funded organisation that has its rainbow fingerprints all over this story, readers.

But you’re going to have two to spare.

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A Danger To Women 52

Posted on September 23, 2024 by

As we write this article, Sandy Brindley (on the left of the picture below) is still in post as the CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland.

For as long as that remains the case, rape victims in Scotland will not be safe.

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Stupid To The Grave 205

Posted on June 30, 2024 by

I was going to write this article yesterday, but 2024’s miserable damp squib of a summer unexpectedly delivered a beautiful day – a perfect 20C of unbroken sunshine with a refreshing slight breeze – so I went for a nice walk instead.

Rather than my usual bird-feeding and bear-patrolling beat along the river and canal, I headed off on what used to be my standard summer stroll: up the long steep hill to Beckford’s Tower and its associated cemetery with stunning views over the city.

I’ll scatter a few pics from the walk throughout this feature, as otherwise I’m afraid it’s going to be a bit depressing and angering.

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The Groomers’ Union 119

Posted on May 06, 2024 by

We were going to write a follow-up piece to this last week, until the SNP detonated a hand-grenade in its own trouser pocket. But with the coronation of John Swinney this afternoon after the only challenger sold out for some shiny beads and trinkets, we can get back to some serious news.

The controversial charity LGBT Youth Scotland, which has been involved in a number of serious child sexual abuse scandals, continues to exert considerable influence on Scotland’s education system, thanks to extremely lavish funding from taxpayers – well over a million pounds from hard-pressed councils in the last year alone to address unspecified issues whose urgency is difficult to identify.

After our last piece we sent LGBTYS a letter raising our concerns about their improper interference with primary schools, something we were obliged to do before we could file a formal complaint with Scotland’s charity regulator, the OSCR.

We received an automated reply on 24 April saying “We are currently experiencing staff shortages and it may take up to a week to respond to your email.”

That deadline expired five days ago, and we will now be writing to the OSCR. But in the meantime LGBTYS persists in exceeding its remit, with deeply alarming results.

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Grooming Class 69

Posted on April 24, 2024 by

Daniel Sanderson of the Telegraph has filed a series of excellent but deeply disturbing articles this month about the growing presence in Scottish primary schools of LGBT Youth Scotland, a charity which has been heavily involved in not one but two serious child abuse scandals, one of them the most horrific in Scottish history.

But LGBTYS seems to be able to do whatever it wants.

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Down the memory hole again 123

Posted on January 12, 2024 by

The Scottish Government’s website about its controversial and extremely disturbing new “conversion practices” legislation assures citizens that the proposal was formed after consultation with an “Expert Advisory Group”.

But all of a sudden it doesn’t seem to want you to know who they were.

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Part of the problem 251

Posted on July 29, 2023 by

There was an independence rally in Ayr today. They got a fairly nice sunny day for it. But in the supposed “summer of independence”, the self-proclaimed “First Activist” wasn’t there. That’s because he was here instead.

As far as we’re aware, LGBT Youth Scotland remains under police investigation for the suspected grooming and sexual exploitation of children. It’s impossible to imagine any other sort of organisation that could still expect to enjoy the patronage of a First Minister under such circumstances – especially when there were obvious other places he could be reasonably expected to show his face – but that’s how the SNP’s priorities roll in 2023 and there’s no getting away from it.

For any question to do with independence, folks, Humza Yousaf is not the answer.

If you tolerate this 165

Posted on May 12, 2023 by

Below is a clip from last night’s ITV News West Country.

It really needs a wider audience.

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The Thin Pink Line 278

Posted on February 26, 2023 by

The charity LGBT Youth Scotland is currently the subject of a live police investigation over its involvement in a second major child-abuse scandal in little over a decade.

So you’d expect Police Scotland to be taking that pretty seriously, right?

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    • Sandy Howden on Meet The FILTH: “Well Twathater what you do not know is what I know what is happening in Midlothian which really should concern…Mar 16, 20:36
    • yoon scum on Meet The FILTH: “Why should they be protesting? They aren’t ruled by the English therefore everything must be perfect UNLESS The English is…Mar 16, 20:26
    • George Ferguson on Meet The FILTH: “@Sven Agreed Salmond ran a competent Government. It seems a long time ago now.Mar 16, 18:59
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Ah’m sorry, twathater. Ah must have forgot the hundreds of thousands of Scots on the streets protesting about the delay…Mar 16, 18:25
    • Peter McAvoy on The plainest sight: “Why were the disclosure certificates or its English equivalents and PVGs ignored. This is a failure of the state to…Mar 16, 18:19
    • twathater on The plainest sight: “I think you’ll find that OUR deviants and perverts in Holyrood have watched the long long long list of deviants…Mar 16, 18:17
    • twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Hey big mooth , when was the LAST time YOU took to the streets, you’re starting to sound like yer…Mar 16, 17:40
    • Marie on The plainest sight: “You’ve answered your own question.Mar 16, 17:38
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: ““The less talent they have, the more pride, vanity and arrogance they have. All these fools, however, find other fools…Mar 16, 17:33
    • twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Sandy I do hope you are not coming on to WOS to continue fluffing for the LYING bastard party Liebour,…Mar 16, 17:30
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Sandy Howden – it astonishes me that Colin Beattie is standing again given his performance as Party Treasurer and…Mar 16, 17:26
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Robert Hughes – thanks for the words of appreciation! About all I can do is try to boost numbers…Mar 16, 17:10
    • diabloandco on The plainest sight: “It’s all very well you exposing these foul folk but sadly the MSM doesn’t seem to bother its arse exposing…Mar 16, 16:53
    • John C on The plainest sight: “Ireland should go down for a long, long time yet much of the media that praised him are ignoring his…Mar 16, 16:51
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Breeks: I read AS comment entirely differently! I feel the momentum is with the grassroots activists and they should…Mar 16, 16:46
    • dearieme on The plainest sight: “Coo! I had expected that any sneering at the bad folk of Surrey would involve banter directed at supporters of…Mar 16, 15:46
    • Mia on The plainest sight: ““Follow the money/ pink dollar..” Absolutely. I am more worried about something else, though. That money might not be the…Mar 16, 15:43
    • Mia on The plainest sight: ““Follow the money/ pink dollar..” Absolutely. I am more worried about something else, though. That money might not be the…Mar 16, 15:41
    • Mia on The plainest sight: “Disgusting paedophiles cosying up to the police and being promoted and funded by governments with our money, for goodness sake.…Mar 16, 15:30
    • Young Lochinvar on The plainest sight: “A couple of questions; How much public money do these various groups/ organisations get from government? How much in donations…Mar 16, 15:17
    • twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Well said Robert, uncomfortable truths sometimes have to be aired, but as usual we will have the assortment of yoonionists…Mar 16, 15:05
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “MSM reporting an estimated 325,000 Serbs protested against the behaviour of their government yesterday. “they are asking for … the…Mar 16, 14:43
    • Willie on The plainest sight: “All I can say is that any middle aged man who rapes a 12 year old boy is an absolute…Mar 16, 14:09
    • Lorn on The plainest sight: “The PDF Information Exchange (acronym: pastry filled with meat or fruit) latched on to the LGB movement several decades ago…Mar 16, 13:49
    • Hatey McHateface on The plainest sight: “Channelling my inner Braveheart here: FFFFRRRRRREEEEEEEEEDDDDDOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! From the Scots who shame, abuse and oppress us all.Mar 16, 13:29
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: “Good man, twathater. It is difficult sometimes as I know well but we must try to overlook personality differences and…Mar 16, 12:53
    • Anne on The plainest sight: “It’s good that you overturn these stones Wings,so many turn a blind eye . I feel sickMar 16, 12:41
    • sarah on The plainest sight: “What more can we do to make the government, councils, police, schools etc etc understand this subject and then act?…Mar 16, 12:40
    • sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Socrates MacSporran: Totally agree – Holyrood currently is only a pretendy wee parliament. And why didn’t the 56 MPs…Mar 16, 12:29
    • Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “MSM reporting The Donald has been “consulting closely with the UN and taking direction from that international body” overnight. Haha,…Mar 16, 11:48
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