Eyes Full Of Beams
The National carried a strange article yesterday, apropos of seemingly nothing, about a Brussels-based political thinktank supposedly linked to the right-wing Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban. The piece actually originated on superwoke “fact-checking” site The Ferret a couple of days earlier, and professed to expose how the thinktank was “stoking Scotland’s culture war”.
Alert readers will already have pricked up their ears at this point, because “culture war” is a radical-left dogwhistle term used to obscure, belittle and dismiss groups (largely though not exclusively comprising left-wing feminists) fighting for the safeguarding of children and the protection of women’s and LGB rights.
And sure enough, nothing’s different this time.
The piece starts off by voicing “concerns” from unnamed people that the thinktank – which we’d estimate a solid 99.99% of Scots have never heard of – is exerting some sort of presumably malign “influence on Scottish discourse”, and in particular the multi-pronged “Omnicause” that obsesses the radical left and mainly centres itself around “Net Zero”, liberal immigration policies, Palestine and so-called “trans rights”.
Traditionally an exposé of this nature would start off with a powerful, attention-grabbing claim, and then seek to justify it with a dossier of compelling evidence. But this effort gets off to a very weak start.
“In line with” is a phrase of mealy-mouthed weasel-worded innuendo which attempts to discredit valid viewpoints by associating them with bad people.
The piece then continues with a string of allegations from unidentified sources. The Hungarian government is “accused” (by who?) of peddling “misinformation” (about what?), subjected to “critiques” (which critiques? Where can we read them to find out if they’re valid or not?) and attacked by “critics” (which ones?) while a “theory” makes claims about the administration, apparently doing so all by itself with no human source. The words “chilling effect” are quoted, but we’re not told who they’re a quote from.
Readers are told that the thinktank has published reports linking immigration to crime, as if this were self-evidently untrue and racist and didn’t need to be addressed – a position that looks rather unfortunate during the current grooming-gangs scandal.
But in fact a considerable body of evidence exists from official government statistics in various countries suggesting that immigrants do commit a highly disproportionate amount of crime, such as these from Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden respectively.
Now, we’re not Nordic crime experts and we don’t know what those graphs do or don’t prove, but anyone rubbishing the claim that immigration is linked to crime needs at a minimum to examine and explain those stats rather than just wave them away.
The 3000-word piece continues in the same vein at some length, with lots of vague claims and implications of guilt by association and proximity, attacking groups like the Scottish Union for Education without ever actually identifying anything more alarming or sinister than SUE having views The Ferret disagrees with.
The idea, for example, that the highly controversial LGBT Youth Scotland has imported transgender ideology into the ethos and curriculum of Scottish schools (and in particular primary schools, where a charity for 13-to-25-year-olds quite plainly has no legitimate business) is in no way even credibly contestable. It has manifestly done so, as documented in some considerable detail over recent years by this site, by Daniel Sanderson for the Telegraph and by Marion Scott for the Sunday Post, among others.
People may have views on whether that’s a good or a bad thing, but whether it happened at all is simply not up for debate, and attempting to demonise anyone who merely points the fact out by linking them with extremist foreign governments is little more than an attempt at intimidation and smearing.
The Ferret may, for its own ideological reasons, not like attention and scrutiny being focused on the matter, but them’s the breaks. Anyone trying to conceal what’s going on in schools from parents ought on first principles to be regarded with the deepest suspicion, and it’s a matter of record that The Ferret has a shameful history of trying to downplay scandal in the field of child safeguarding and elsewhere.
Most of the time, it does so merely by angrily and indignantly asserting that things are untrue without actually providing any evidence to disprove them.
(The ILGA, incidentally, continues to insist that it never sought to lower the age of consent for adolescents to 10, despite publishing a document that explicitly made that exact demand, as exposed by Wings in the story above. But it has subsequently scrubbed all trace of the document from its website and never revisited the “Feminist Declaration” in the subsequent four years, nor ever explained how it came to publish a demand it seemingly never believed in.)
But we digress, because we don’t really care about MCC Brussels or Viktor Orban. Scotland has enough problems of its own without poking our noses into Hungary’s.
But in so far as The Ferret’s piece alleges anything remotely untoward (let alone PROVING anything untoward) over its vast and basically content-free length, it’s that the funding of the Brussels thinktank might be slightly opaque. And that’s a very audacious attack to make if your own funding is as shady as The Ferret’s.
Registered as a “co-operative society”, The Ferret had a turnover of just under a third of a million pounds in according to its 2023 accounts, but there’s very little information about where that money came from OR where it went. If you click on the link about which organisations support it financially, you get a passworded login page.
We do, however, know that it received a $100,000 grant in 2018 from Pierre Omidyar, a multi-billionaire French-Iranian-American businessman who was one of the founders of eBay and PayPal and who donates to the Democratic Party in the USA but is also the effective owner of a radical “progressive” investigation site called The Intercept, described by Politico magazine as “the Breitbart of the left”.
(The re-election of Donald Trump would appear to answer the question in that quote.)
The Ferret also received a 50,000 Euro grant from Google to combat “misinformation”, which is a bit like being paid by Greggs to fight obesity, and $260,000 from Luminate, which describes itself as “a global philanthropic organisation focused on empowering people and institutions to work together to build just and fair societies” but whose vice-president was formerly an Open Governance Strategist at plucky anti-establishment organisation the, er, World Bank.
Interestingly, the story about the Luminate grant notes that the money was to be used in part to employ a full-time editor and other “new hires”. But while The Ferret had nine directors and 2,297 subscribing members in 2023 (down from 2,480 the previous year), it had zero employees.
We’re not told if any of its writers – whose names do not appear on the site’s “fact-checking” articles, which are all bylined to “Ferret Journalists” – are paid, either as a salary or on a freelance piecework basis. According to the accounts the vast bulk of its outgoings are incurred on the rather vague “subcontractor costs”.
If all the organisation’s funds are contributed by its subscribers, that’d mean they were paying around £140 a year each, which is a lot for a few short articles a week. (Wings’ average subscriber contributes around £30 a year.)
It’s not clear what members get “free online training” in. All “surpluses” left over after its unknown outgoings are “reinvested into the business” in unspecified ways.
(Although in 2023 just £698 was spent on “staff training and welfare”.)
So we don’t know who funds it (although it does sometimes work with the mainstream Scottish press, which it’s presumably paid for), we don’t know who writes it, we don’t know where the money goes, and it’s accountable to basically nobody. If you complain about it, the complaint will be assessed by The Ferret’s own “Reader Directors”, who seem to be paying members and “sponsored supporters”, whatever THAT might mean.
It’s also notionally answerable to IMPRESS, an independent media “regulatory” body whose membership is a Who’s Who of “who’s that?” including the Merthyr Tydfil Times and the Shildon And District Town Crier, and which in terms of inquisitional rigour makes the infamously lily-livered IPSO look like the Gestapo with toothache.
Finally, the site is a “verified signatory” to the “International Fact-Checking Network”, an entity created by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies and which lists among its backers the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, Facebook/Meta and the US State Department, in addition to Luminate.
The IFCN handled much of Meta’s controversial “fact-checking”, which Mark Zuckerberg announced this week will shortly be abolished in favour of Twitter-style community notes because it had become, ironically, too biased and censorious.
(Wings articles, interestingly, are regularly blocked and removed on Facebook, with no coherent reasons given and no possibility of appeal.)
The Ferret’s compliance with IFCN rules was most recently verified by someone called Ben Luria, who Ferret subscribers might be mildly surprised to learn was a captain in the Israeli Defence Force and the vice-head of its US-Israel Strategic Planning Desk.
The Ferret lost £4,030 last year, in contrast to a £63,409 profit the year before. Perhaps it ought to go sniffing around some of the deeply questionable organisations who lavishly fund OpenDemocracy, another “journalism” operation with a presence in Scotland and a somewhat hypocritically prurient attitude towards other people’s financing and transparency.
If the directionless, content-free smear piece in yesterday’s National is anything to go by, it’s no surprise that it needs to take cash anywhere it can get it. But readers are entitled to wonder where exactly that might be before they listen to any of the site’s partisan propaganda output about anything.
“The words “chilling effect” are quoted, but we’re not told who they’re a quote from.”
It’s the Met office Obviously.
Since when was objecting to genocide part of an ‘omnicause’?
When it’s not actually genocide.
Sorry Ian, but you do need to learn to think for yourself.
That’s because you value humans like trash.
You’re sick and disgusting.
Love you too gregor 🙂
You’ve picked your side, I’ve picked mine. Let’s not pretend it’s any more complicated than that.
We could trade atrocity porn all night if that’s your thing. Confused has the P@lestinian mum with baby in her arms who was shot by an Isr sniper. I’ll raise with the P@lestinian mum whose daughter was shot by warring P@lestinian gangs.
Confused has the babies denied intensive care. I have the 1 YO baby who has been held captive in the tunnels for well over a year now.
Perhaps you want to raise a classroom of innocent kids blown up? How about the hostage found dead in the tunnels just the other day, a Bedouin Arab? What was his guilt?
Here’s the key point as I see it, gregor. If my side “wins”, you will never be at risk of literally losing your head because you accidentally broke some obscure blasphemy “law”. My side will never use your underage daughter, if you have one, as a sex toy.
If your side “wins” though, the outlook is very different indeed. As we all see and all know.
And for me, that’s enough to shade my verdict. It’s the beauty of our way of life that you are free to choose to support the people whose religion deems you to be an inferior being. That’s great and I’m very happy for you, but just don’t expect us all to follow you into voluntary slavery.
Anyhoo, if it’s “genocide” keeping you awake at night, why don’t you search out a song lyric suitable for the situation in Kursk right now. Seemingly hundreds of Orcs are going into the ground every single fecking day, all for the greater glory of Orcland and poot.
Sing us a “genocide” about that one.
Humanity doesn’t have any sides.
This is why the left always fail. There’s always a reason for bickering, despite talk of solidarity.
I object to genocide, but I also object to pandering to the demands of trans rights activists. That’s the nuance of politics, but for some it’s a sign of your lack of purity for the “omnicause”.
Impurities must be expelled. Only purity is allowed.
Here is a cracking PDF you should download to your hard drive (before it disappears), providing chapter and verse on the chosenites and their latest funtimes.
link to archive.is
link to archive.is
Thank you.
Reminds me of the Iraq Body Count site. (It’s still going)
They’ll surely end up needing something similar to keep track of what’s unfolding in Syria as-was.
It’s a shitty war isn’t it?
The boy writing the article doesn’t want to address the fact that it’s a unique “genocide” that could be stopped, just like that, over a weekend.
If the humous boys surrendered the hostages and came out with their hands up tomorrow (Friday), the international community would be bankrolling the G@za rebuilding efforts by Monday.
Truth is though, that the humous boys need a lot more dead P@lestinians yet to move the needle on the dial. So far, world opinion remains largely unmoved. And so it must go on.
cool it with the antisemitism main, lee mordechai is jewish
kudos for reading a 124page PDF in about 10 minutes BTW
Hello Confused, thank you for keen observation, 124pages in 10mins really does look like special bigot speed reading. The main thing seems to be to skim over any evidence which does not fit the sionzits version of events.
Interesting to note mchatespeech’s apparently disrespectful term ‘boy’ to refer to Mordechai, someone brave enough to tell the truth. Truth being something which seems entirely to escape Hatespeech. It seems reasonable to wonder whether Hatespeech has any superior claim to status (or seniority) or whether it is a case of covering a deep sense of inferiority.
Can’t help noticing that’s the 20th Century he’s referring to… I suspect the yardstick needs “recalibrated” now.
As the saying goes, all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.
Depressing that they’ve been doing nothing for such a long time now, but can’t argue it proves the point…
The Ferret piece does not mention the gen0cide in P@lestine nor even P@lestine so I am struggling to see how it became part of the ‘omnicause’.
But even if it did it is a gen0cide. It is not even comparable to the tranny stuff as horrific as it is nor any of the other things mentioned alongside it.
You are guilty of gen0cide just by planning it, never mind openly stating your intent to do it and then doing it.
“You are guilty of gen0cide just by planning it, never mind openly stating your intent to do it”
I wonder if that’s true.
Because if it is, we need to pay a lot more attention to the loons and lassies we see on our TV screens every week – cavorting about on our streets with their keffiyehs and their flags – with the Arabic writing all over them.
A little bird tells me what that Arabic writing actually says. And it’s not about looking forwards to a holiday by the sea after a relaxing river cruise.
Poor “Mac”. Just another regular for whom Indy and Scotland are important, but pointless, ineffectual virtue signalling about other unrelated stuff half the world away, is more important still.
Pierre Omidyar bank rolls the Ferret – enough said.
When was Pro- somewhere in the Middle East, turn up every week illegally, disturb the peace. All paid for by the Scottish Government.
Maybe they got their money from a Used Campervan salesperson.
So “immigrants do commit a highly disproportionate amount of crime”?
Whooda thunk it?
Next, somebody will discover the percentage of migrants crossing from safe countries (such as France) to the UK, without official permission to come here, who also are committing a crime by doing so.
Hint – it’s 100%
That’s one of those statements that’s very dangerous if it’s not put into some sort of context.
The correlation between immigrants and those in poverty is always going to make it more likely that they commit more crime. We know poverty is a driver of crime. Add in a possible lack of understanding of the laws and mores of their new home and there’s a spike in your stats.
“That’s one of those statements that’s very dangerous if it’s not put into some sort of context”
Indeed it is, Iain, and you do well to point it out.
“We know poverty is a driver of crime”
Naw, we don’t know that at all. We do know that a couple of generations ago, when poverty relative to now was much worse, many types of crime were much less. We do know that plenty of very affluent people nevertheless still commit crime.
“possible lack of understanding of the laws and mores”
Hmmm. I lack detail understanding of the laws and mores of plenty of overseas places, but I would still make the effort to find out prior to going there, even for a holiday. I do see plenty of understanding that we’re a soft touch, and once immigrants understand that, they don’t need to bother learning about the other stuff. The mass rape gangs being all the proof I need to back up that statement.
But even if I’m completely wrong, and there’s “legitimate” explanations for the stats spike, I’m still angry that I’ve had to listen to 30 years of denial that any such spike exists.
Well said that man.
Thanks (again:)
Caro Emerald: That Man:
“Ooh, that man is like a flame
And, ooh, that man plays me like a game
My only sin is I can’t win
Ooh, I wanna love that man…”:
link to tinyurl.com
I think that this is what the Rev is getting at, Hatey, and it is certainly how I understand it, too. We should take nothing at face value these days because we are being – and I know the Rev does not like this phrase – gaslighted, about so many issues. For example, the Southport young man was already known to the security services, apparently, but people were told nothing and filled in the blanks for themselves.
Personally, I couldn’t give a stuff if some male person decides he wants to wear female clothes. I might wish tat he wouldn’t parade his fetish in public, but, most of all, I do not want him telling me he is an actual woman and invading my spaces and shoving his fetish in my face and expecting me to comply.
LGBT Youth Scotland has no, and never had any, remit to enter schools, yet it has been allowed to do so. We are told that nothing untoward is occurring, then we discover that a young boy has been caught in a shared toilet filming and taking photos of naked schoolgirls. He could not have done that but for the completely illegal imposition of shared facilities in schools for the benefit of one or two confused children and against the interests of every other child.
Note that we never hear of ‘trans’ men (women) demanding that be allowed to change and pee with men. When it comes to sex, everyone knows which sex is which.
I’d accept that when it’s poverty, not when it’s sexual demands. Allowing in huge numbers of young, unmarried men has resulted in a massive rise in sex crime. All the statistics bear that out, as they also bear out who is doing it. Because something does not fit your own, personal narrative, what makes you a critically thinking person is that you look at the evidence and try to come to a reasoned position.
I don’t know whether Israel is committing war crimes, but I do understand that war makes people do terrible things. For example: the Hamas fighters of October did murder innocent men, women and children because they were daft enough to put the footage on-line; they did take hostages because we have seen the footage and hear the testimony of the rescued and the survivors.
We know that the IDF would come after them. They had provided no shelters or early warning sirens to protect their people, but could, themselves disappear into the tunnel network, those who had not decamped with millions of dollars and were living high on the hog in Qatar, again, because we have seen the footage and listened to both the Qataris and the Hamas leaders.
They must, because even a lay person could work it out, have known that, in any IDF offensive, civilians were going to die. They did nothing to allow those civilians to leave the area under attack, but, according to testimony, refused to allow people to flee. So, knowing that hundreds of thousands of your people are going to be trapped in war zones and could die, what did they do? They left them because the propaganda value of their deaths, especially those of the children, was their aim.
It is very evident that the bright young things out on the streets have no actual understanding of Middle East history or the history of the region, no understanding of politics, international and domestic, but they do exhibit a surfeit of very shallow approach to the deaths of civilians, again, lacking critical thinking as to how and why these deaths have occurred and continue to occur.
What is happening in Gaza, in Ukraine, in Sudan, in Nigeria, in Syria, is horrible, but what do you achieve if you leave your enemy to regroup? You cause even more deaths and even more incidents of murderous incursions. I would hazard a guess that Putin would be easier to negotiate with than the Hamas leadership because Putin does not actually want to kill every Ukrainian or occupy the Western part of Ukraine (most of it), albeit he wants some tracts of their land in the East that he considers Russian. Hamas wants all of Israel and wants to kill all Israelis. I don’t think that. They have stated it themselves.
gotta watch these hungarians
He was a refugee who was hunted for the accident of his birth.
He’s talking about the opposite of Zionism – that solidarity is the only way that refugees will be safe. The idea of Zionism is that societies could always turn against minorities so they have to be a majority somewhere. This is the same ideal that led the Mormons to Utah.
he has been routinely interfering in the social policy of other nations, openly, for decades for what he believes are good causes
– this is exactly what the Orban (another Hungarian) connected group is accused of in the article, but probably isn’t
Also, your reading of zionism is rather naive, but it’s a long discussion, too long for a BTL.
The Woke scum are determined to fight to the death. I don’t trust the MSM and I trust them even less when they try to hide under fake covers like Ferret.
Only look at MSM to see what propaganda is being fed to the peasantry.
Smarten up and stand up straight. We have an intellectual in our midst.
I question and think critically – two degrees and studying for a professional qualification will do that. You don’t scare me doll.
“two degrees and studying for a professional qualification”
Odd then, that you have to resort to personal abuse.
Must be the fault of the general decline in educational standards.
Wrong!!!! Keep trying to bait me – it won’t work and you won’t win because no one can defend the indefensible. Certainly not you.
He uses terms like sub-humans to describe Palestinians and orcs for Russians. He slavishly supports a full bore racist apartheid state committing genocide and ethnic cleansing. He is on here every day all day… best ignored Marie.
Chase me chase me
“you won’t win”
Win? Who TAF ever wins on here.
It’s an echo chamber for unemployed and unemployable fuckwits. Normal people with lives have better things to do.
Talking of employment, don’t you supposedly work 17+ hours a day? How can you find time to post pish on here?
Have you been telling us wee porkies? 🙂
Hatey (the narcissist) can’t stop lying…
“Relating to your ability to think and understand things, especially complicated ideas:intellectual stimulation
Looking after a baby at home all day is nice but it doesn’t provide much intellectual stimulation.”:
link to dictionary.cambridge.org
Try harder Mr Hatee. No one does personal abuse better than you.
Marie is a true Scotland/world champion
#Dignity #Intelligence #Power #Strength
Thank you Gregor. How abusive was Mr Hatee’s last comment directed at me? He wants to know why I have time to post on here. It’s simple really. When you are looking after a human being who has a terminal condition (as I do when I’m not doing my other job) then you can do other things as well. Terminally ill humans have extended periods of sleep due to fatigue and exhaustion. If I use that time to do housework or catch up on my own sleep or even to look at Wings then that’s MY business and not a subject for personal abuse. Mr Hatee is no advert for his cause.
You don’t need to explain yourself, Marie
Keep being yourself and keep winning…
Reality will deal with the nasty forever-losers.
Thanks Marie. I guess if I’m best, I need to take a step back and let somebody else have a crack at the #1 spot.
Not quite following the logic of your “try harder” exhortation though. Surely you should be directing that at the also rans?
“Having too much interest in and admiration for yourself:
A narcissistic personality.
Narcissistic people have a hard time seeing another person’s point of view.
I think he has narcissistic tendencies but he says his therapist disagrees.”:
link to dictionary.cambridge.org
Emily Burns: Terrified: I Love You, You’re The Worst:
“Screamin’ out in ecstasy
And breakin’ down?in?misery, ha
And even?though I’m trying my best
I’m a?little out of my depths
Freak out at the smallest things…
And they say I should enjoy the ride
But I’m terrified
When I gotta be honest, be honest
I’m terrified
Don’t know if I’ve ever, I’ve never
Been up this high
And I’m tryin’ but I’m lyin’…”:
link to tinyurl.com
Don’t flatter yourself – you’re not best at anything. YOU are the also ran – someone that watches MSM – and believes it. You belong in the Daily Fail comments page.
Tut tut
Hatey is an intellectual baby, requiring constant adult supervision.
I’ve got his nappy and dummy-tit.
Just glad I’m above average in some way
The one thing that scared the goodness out of me was the the train schedule for the death camps. You could set your watch with an Auschwitz train.
You maybe want to actually use your brain cells to do some REAL research and then you will discover that WW2 and the “Death Camps” is all pure LIES as well as most other things all part of the same agenda that is going on just now. Of course you will have to hunt for the REAL TRUTH as it is blocked in most places because they do not want it to come out – just like anything else everything should be out in the open to see who IS telling the TRUTH.
Funny how most of the so-called “Death Camps” were in Germany and yet NOT one death is claimed in them any more – it is all supposed to have taken place in the few camps in Poland and even there the total ” deaths” have been revised down twice by the millions by the Polish authorities to the hundreds of thousands that did die from TYPHUS at the end of the war and AFTER while the camps were under the command of the Allies – the pictures showing the mass of bodies being pushed into huge pits are BRITISH soldiers and bulldozers but mustn’t let the FACTS get in the way of the TRUTH especially as the DEW “survivors” in their MILLIONS and their country have CREAMED over $100 billion in “compensation pensions” etc since WW2 so far while the other people also in these camps at the same time got NOTHING.
Funny how in Germany you can get jailed for asking INTELLIGENT questions or providing EVIDENCE of the Death Camp LIES such as they have done many times now with the late 80 year old Ursula Haverbeck and you can get jailed for this in many other countries as well. MILLIONS of us including me have all of the EVIDENCE of this massive LIE and it is amazing the amount of people who think that books such as The Diary Of Anne Frank is real when it has been totally exposed as made up by her father – if you believe that the owner of that house never noticed that half his house was missing when he sold it and the new owner never noticed either then you will believe anything in that book and also the “Death Camps” nonsense as well.
You are sick in the head. Clear off!
He’s got the sort of possessed energy which makes me feel as though he should be telling us how drinking apple cider vinegar and sodium bicarbonate will cure our aggressive end-stage cancer, or something. Oh well, takes all sorts I suppose 🙂
You sick little fuck. Piss off
Well, we know that they paid subcontractors GBP256,000 or so in the y/e 30 Sept 2023 and they reported that in Cost of Sales. In other words, it was for labor directly related to publishing articles. That would include those engaged to write the articles and tech people that put the stuff online. Cost of sales should not include anything that is purely administrative.
They have no employees and there is no sign of them having paid any employment taxes. Who does the admin and how do they get paid? A decent HMRC PAYE Auditor would have questions to which they would need answers. By keeping the employees at zero, I daresay they have avoided a PAYE Scheme, thus flying under the radar.
I have no doubt that some of those who write for the Ferret are properly classified as self-employed with respect to those earnings. I find it hard to believe that there is not one employee whose work is integral to the operation of their site. In that case, they would be properly classified as an employee. It is a long time since I practiced in the UK but my recollection is that self-employed individuals had more scope to deduct business expenses than an employee. In short, there is reasonable belief that the Ferret is part of the Black Economy (can I still call it that?)
Zero employees in 2023, but still spent £698 on staff training & welfare. Didnt a Mr Capone eventually run into trouble with the taxman?
The Herald also used The Ferret for articles. The Herald was provided with funding by the Scottish government, was the National also provided with funding? As far as I am aware neither of these media outlets have Scottish owners.
With regard to the LGBTQ stuff, when I commented under an SNP Tweet all of the people who called me a fascist etc when I asked them to define a woman worked or had worked with either children or teenagers.
Having a campaign for independence hijacked by people who do not believe in countries or borders seems rather self defeating. Having the care of our countries children and teenagers hijacked by people who do not believe in boundaries seems completely destructive.
A good article, Rev. I recently spoke to a friend about the money trail I had uncovered in my own line of work, completely unaccountable, no overseeing, a conflict of interest between who was awarding the money, who was tutoring on who deserved the money via DEI enforcement and who the money was going to, it was basically a monopolised racket. The friend replied that it was always thus and that things like that were never meant for us, the white, working class. This was exactly the term I was repeatedly presented with, “this is not for you” when I tried to get involved/build a career/profile. These people really do not like anyone being vocal about this.
“Now, we’re not Nordic crime experts and we don’t know what those graphs do or don’t prove, but anyone rubbishing the claim that immigration is linked to crime needs at a minimum to examine and explain those stats rather than just wave them away.”
This link may give some useful info.
link to assets.publishing.service.gov.uk
In the interests of saving everyone’s sanity I will drop the important part of the document here. Quite how relevant the bet-hedging and platitudinous “findings” of this fourteen year-old document are to our current situation is up for debate but here they are:
2.5 Summary and Conclusions
When we examine the body of empirical work based on panel data of crime and immigration rates across localities in various developed countries, the overwhelming conclusion is that overall immigration has almost no effect on crime, whether violent or property crime. However, the work of BFM and Spenkuch suggest that a more nuanced picture emerges when we focus onseparate immigrant groups that are likely to face very different labour market opportunities. As predicted by the theory, those groups with attractive labour market options are less likely to contribute to rising property crime rates, while the less advantaged immigrant groups can cause a rise in crime. This distinction is likely to be important to policy-makers as they contemplate policies that adjust the “offer” they make to potential entrants in the immigration market. Thus, for example, we might expect a skill-point-based immigration system to encourage a flow of immigrants that are unlikely to face the disadvantaged labour market opportunities and are therefore likely to have low incidents of property crime.
Evidence from self-reported involvement in crime tends to show that immigrants are less-likely to be criminally active. There are two difficulties with this evidence. First, individual heterogeneity makes it imperative that a full set of individual characteristics are included to properly identify the immigrant-native differential. This is often beyond the ability of the researcher given survey data constraints. Second, if truthful revelation of criminal activity differs between immigrants and natives it will be difficult to identify the underlying crime differential between natives and immigrants.
If we focus on imprisonment rather than crime rates, immigrants appear to be over-represented in the prison population in most countries. Given the generally negative results found for crime rates, this may suggest that immigrants are discriminated against at various points in the criminal justice system.
Alternatively, migrants may commit more serious offences with longer prison sentences, or be associated with certain types of crime that are given greater focus by the criminal justice system. However it should also be recognized that the data on prison populations tends to be quite poor across countries and it is rare to have publicly available access to individual-level data on prisoners that allows controls for personal characteristics and to examine the type of crimes where the differential effect is strongest. We are sceptical that much progress can be made in this area without better data.
Public policy is naturally also concerned with the welfare of immigrants once settled in the destination country. Are immigrants more likely to be victims of crime than natives? The evidence is less consistent across countries in this regard, with some countries having disturbingly high rates of violence against immigrants relative to natives. The characteristics of the neighbourhood in which immigrants settle seem to matter in this regard. Evidence for the UK actually suggests lower rates of crime victimization among immigrants, though the reasons why this might be are as yet unclear.
We have had nothing to say in this review on the national time-series evidence of crime and immigration. This is simply because we know of no such analysis. In his review of the causes (and the non-causes) of the decline in crime in the United States during the 1990s, Levitt (2004) does not even mention immigration in spite of the large change in the share of the U.S. population that was foreign-born over the period. In addition, in the time-series studies of property crime in England and Wales, neither Harries (2003) nor Deadman (2003) discuss immigration as a possible factor, let alone include it in their empirical models.
« Professor Richard Dawkins has resigned from an atheism foundation after it censored an essay criticising trans ideology from a biological perspective.
« The US-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) removed a piece by distinguished biologist Jerry Coyne from its website for challenging an article by gender activist Kat Grant which argued there is no biological definition of ‘woman’.
« Prof Dawkins said FFRF’s decision to publish Grant’s “silly and unscientific” article was a “minor error of judgment”, but resigned over its removal of Coyne’s rebuttal.
« Grant had argued that it was “deeply impractical” to define womanhood on the basis of sexual and reproductive organs, the ability to conceive children, or genetics.
« Rather, the activist advocated a “gender diverse model” which “allows womanhood to be defined on internal, personal terms”. The writer, who identifies as non-binary, therefore concluded that “there is an answer to the question ‘what is a woman’”, that “A woman is whoever she says she is.”
« In response, Coyne accused Grant of rejecting “a long biological history”, conflating sex and gender, and attempting to “force ideology onto nature”.
« The Emeritus Professor of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago said that in biology “a woman can be simply defined in four words: ‘An adult human female.’”
‘Hysterical squeals’
« Coyne continued: “it is not ‘transphobic’ to accept the biological reality of binary sex and to reject concepts based on ideology”.
« Coyne said the organisation’s “incursion into gender activism” had little to do with its mission combatting the influence of religion in government and social policy.
« In his letter of resignation, Prof Dawkins described the board’s decision to retrospectively censor Coyne’s rebuttal “was an act of unseemly panic” done in response to “hysterical squeals from predictable quarters”.
« He concluded: “Moreover, to summarily take it down without even informing the author of your intention was an act of lamentable discourtesy to a member of your own Honorary Board. A Board which I now leave with regret.” »
(From The Christian Institute website, 09 Jan 2025)
The unsupported claims of misinformation remind me of the recent Bovaer scandal and the msm’s party line on it. There was, certainly, some misinformation (the links to the Gates Foundation for example are weak at best and most likely non-existent), but many of the concerns were based on the direct wording of the studies cited on Bovaer.
Good investigative journalism Stu. I haven’t read any of The Ferret output and probably just as well. In general the Scottish Government are the least transparent Government in Europe. See the SICO. And behind the scenes we have many opaque funding mechanisms. The John Smith Institute that gave us the Hutchie Boys of Humza and Anas. Source of funding? Multiple outlets for taxpayers “Jobs for the Boys” . See Patrick Grady and so on. Actual performance and achievement outwith their twitter accounts is non- existent.
BBC (2025): Yousaf accuses Musk of inflaming racial tensions:
“Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s former first minister, has accused X owner Elon Musk of trying to inflame racial tensions after he posted about the murder of a Glasgow schoolboy.
Musk shared a post about the racist killing of Kriss Donald in Pollokshields in 2004 by a gang of Scottish Asian youths, saying it was the first time he had heard of the case.”:
link to archive.ph
Elon Musk:
“He is super racist”:
link to x.com
I’m just a wee local gardener (nothing special:)
My annual salary is under £12,000 (excluding expenses) –
‘Far-right’ (WTF), I’ve voted SNP most of my adult life, until…
Why is SNP shilling for Keir Starmer, lol
Sir Labour hates Scotland.
World Economic Forum: People:
Keir Starmer:
link to weforum.org
BBC: Who is Humza Yousaf? The rise and fall of a former first minister:
“Humza Yousaf’s decision to leave the Scottish Parliament in 2026 brings to an end a political career that both broke the mould and ended in failure…
…his resignation in April after just 13 months in Bute House was a swift and brutal fall that left the SNP in a terrible position…
Yousaf was seen as the continuity candidate and the natural heir to Nicola Sturgeon…”:
link to archive.ph
World Economic Forum: People:
Nicola Sturgeon:
link to weforum.org
Elon Musk:
“What is he hiding?”:
link to x.com
I’m beginning to wonder if Wokes are Scientologists in disguise
No matter what the Rev exposes, investigates, etc.
The whining wokes just got to get the Palestine point in. The constant repeating , exaggerating, mis-infmation counter mis-infmation chattering, howling dialogue of something that’s really none of their business. I can only conclude that there’s dark forces at work.
It appears that the nurses in the psychiatric ward forgot to lock the doors to the computer room again. Gregor and Billy both sneaked in overnight.
I love you Chas (filthy scumbag)
Best gift ever (as dumb as it gets:)
“To not remember to do something:
Don’t forget to lock the door.”:
link to dictionary.cambridge.org
You’ll be apologising to my face (in person), Wings forum, as well as making a national apology.
Off topic but I never knew that everywhere in the U.K. gets a Pensioner’s bonus payment of £25 when 7 consecutive days hit
Temperatures of zero degrees or below.
It’s automatic for all other areas but Scots have to be on benefits before they get anything.
We hit this situation again where a pensioner working for 50 years is just £1 away from getting benefits is then £24 worse off
than someone who has never worked.
Of course the coldest area of the U.K. is Scotland and we are likely to see hypothermia cases added to the NHS burden through extremely high energy costs imposed by foreign companies who bought our nationalised industries from the Tories. EDF -French, Scottish Power-Spanish, e-on – German.
Old Chinese Proverbs
Number 15.
People who spend time in other peoples business find that their own business gos bankrupt
The UN treaty on gen0cide is short and it is an easy read….
link to treaties.un.org
HAVING CONSIDERED the declaration made by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its resolution 96 (I) dated 11 December 19462 that gen0cide is a crime under international law, contrary to the spirit and aims of the United Nations and condemned by the civilized world ;
RECOGNIZING that at all periods of history gen0cide has inflicted great losses on humanity; and BEING CONVINCED that, in order to liberate mankind from such an odious scourge, international co-operation is required, HEREBY AGREE AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED :
Article I
The Contracting Parties confirm that gen0cide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.
Article II
In the present Convention, gen0cide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such :
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
So by my count that is a), b), c), d) and e) of Article II.
Throw in all the openly genocidal language and the wholescale bombing of civilians, schools, hospitals (every single one), all the infrastructure required to support life…
The key enabler in this gen0cide is supremacism. As gen0cidey mcgen0cideface called them on here recently… sub-humans.
Colonialism involves various acts of genocide that Scots have been and still remain subject to.
Clearances; evictions; imperial re-settlement programs.
Anglification via cultural assimilation (and above acts) means population is reduced to 50,000 Gaelic speakers and 1.6m Scots speakers (2011).
Social segregation via culturally assimilated private schools and elite universities plus sourcing colonizer elites externally maintain cultural division of labour, i.e. excludes/discriminates against indigenous culture.
Mental harm includes imposed colonial mindset/cringe of indigenous group.
Scots today have lowest birth rate on record, population is only growing via in-migration mainly from one other country/identity, which is effectively replacement.
Population now 5.6m (tho possibly 6m+), an increase of 10-20% in past 25 yrs due mainly to in-migration.
‘Trans’ identity ideology effectively transfers children to another group.
I’m sure others can come up more ‘acts’ which effectively reduce the number of people in the group holding primarily a Scottish identity.
What was Scotland’s share of the British population just prior to the ‘Union’ / colonization versus what it is now.
I read Scots accounted for one one third roughly of the population back then but now it is less than 10% and falling.
We are kept in perpetual economic gloom forcing a never ending stream of economic conscripts to leave for other countries.
Aye Mac, a colonized people ‘are bystanders’ in thair ain laund.
And, as we are seeing by our very own eyes, the only outcome where colonialism is permitted to continue is that the native people and nation/culture ultimately ‘perishes’ (Memmi).
The Scots fowk are clearly made to perish mair ivery day, numerically, culturally, linguistically an aw weys else; not least also in terms of our values (society, common good etc) as a dominant imposed Anglo imperial ideology focused on private ownership and profit in all sectors takes root.
Parasites eventually kill their host !
1950’s genocide of the Kikuyu, that was brushed under the carpet by the Brit State.
“…gen0cide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group,…”
This is the very definition of what is happening in P@lestine.
The intent could not be clearer.
For those who want to see.
So if I don’t agree with the middle east thing does that make me a Unionist or a tractor.
Humza Yousaf, quotes:
“A lot of young men, in particular from within our community, believe in objectifying women –
Especially if those women are from another race, or another ethnicity.”:
link to tinyurl.com
That applies to all men of that mentality. No matter where in this world a woman gave them life.
I could scream with face distorted ” brown, brown brown” like Yousaf screamed ” white white white” but I would be a racist whilst Yousaf would is not.
That I am afraid is too much of the reality when it comes to the mainstream media and the political classes.
But people perceive differently. They see with their eyes what goes on around them. Yes resentment between races, resentment between creeds happens but there does seem to be a shall we say ” immigrant – creed – culture ” thing where what we can describe as ” immigrants commit crimes.
The statistics that the Rev is reporting from Nordic countries most certainly seems to reflect that.
And so woke politicians you need to take a warning. You either wind your necks in and stop dismissing public concerns through mis information and legislative clamp down on fair comment OR you reap a whirlwind and feed an unpleasant reaction.
Immigration can be good but it needs to be managed. And let us remember too, Scotland has been extremely tolerant of English immigrants who bring with them hostile unpleasant British values. Supported by their murderous establishment who brutally and or surreptitiously enslaved colony after colony, maybe that could be a future area of discord bigger than the superficial identification of unpleasant people of colour we currently call immigrants.
” Our greatest ability as humans is not to change the world, but to change ourselves”
The country will be run by Deviant’s if we let this woke “Pee” gathering any more steam
Scottish Greens: Scottish Government must make clear Donald Trump is not welcome:
“Donald Trump is a threat to human rights.
The Scottish Government must not play any part in welcoming Donald Trump if he makes his threatened visit to Scotland this year, says Scottish Green Co-leader Patrick Harvie.
“Four years ago Donald Trump was inciting rioters to storm the Capitol and block the democratic process. In the time since, he has doubled down on right wing conspiracy theories and refused to show even the slightest shred of contrition or regret.
“The thought of four more years of a racist, climate-wrecking and misogynistic Donald Trump in the White House is one that should concern us all. He is a friend of despots, demagogues and dictators and a threat to migrant communities, LGBTQ+ people and reproductive rights.
“We cannot stand aside or condone the divisive and hateful politics that he represents.”:
link to archive.ph
Trump Sings “You’re Welcome” From Moana (AI Cover:)
“Huuha, ok ok
I see what’s happening, yeah
You’re face to face with greatness, and it’s strange
It’s adorable
Well, it’s nice to see that humans never change
Open your eyes, let’s begin
Yes it’s really me
It’s my way, breathe it in…
I know, it’s the hair and the bod
It’s a lot when you’re staring at a demigod…
Hey, it’s ok, ok to welcome
I’m just an ordinary guy!…
There’s no need to pray, it’s ok
You’re welcome…
I can explain every natural phenomenon…”:
link to tinyurl.com
Donald J. Trump
Jan 6, 2021
“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”:
link to x.com
Orbán cares about his country, such a novelty!
Hitler is believed to have loved animals, kids, the environment and been vegetarian, with a fondness for Italian food.
Just a bit too close to a certain mindset for their comfort.
His party, lest we forget was National Socialist too.
He did reasonable artwork….applied two coats…Oych!
Several people have now been placed on pre-moderation for filter evasion. You were warned. Expect a very considerable delay in your comments appearing from now on.
I am SO fucking sick of every single post, regardless of topic, being almost immediately derailed into yet another fucking argument about fucking Gaza. It’s massively disrespectful not just to me but to other readers. But hey, who knows, maybe your comment about Zionists or genocide or Hamas was the one that was going to change everyone’s mind, right?
Allah be praised, other deities are available.
Gaza, is a disaster Rev Stu. We know that, or least of us do. But it is not the only horror abroad or here.
If you do not know the past you will never understand the present of the future.
And understanding the past is, or should be a key to anyone who supports Scottish independence. The clearances, the stich up that was the Act of Union, the deliberate destruction of a way of life, Scottish culture and the rape and pillage of resources be it gas, oil, hydro, wind and much more.
So yes, I can understand your frustration at people going off topic and bee lining for Gaza. Yes it is a horror but we need to address our own horrors, our own need to be able to shape our country, how it interacts, or how it doesn’t.
Keep up the good work Rev Stu and maybe your losing the heid today will have a beneficial effect on the discussion you try to stimulate with what is still the best by far and away independence blog.
Sorry, Rev. Think I was one of them. My only defence is that I see the Gaza issue as part of the whole ‘woke’ takeover of our society where everything that does not accord with the shallow orthodoxies of the day (all of them at once) is ‘right-wing’/’fascist’. No nuances, no critical thinking, no discrimination allowed. Apologies.
Preach brother!
Can we have colony, coloniser, Memmi & Fanon added to the naughty list whilst you’re at it? 🙂
Hope that is not me as the only filter I was evading is not even a banned word it seems, genocide.
Personally I was reacting to you classing the genocide / Gaza as an omnicause or whatever it was.
You baited with that and banned when folk bit. You might have a point on other posts but not on this one.
Lastly it’s a genocide man, it is not just another news event. Plus it is on going so it can never be off topic.
Being disrespectful is studiously ignoring it and banning those who don’t.
“Hope that is not me as the only filter I was evading is not even a banned word it seems, genocide.”
“Being disrespectful is studiously ignoring it and banning those who don’t.”
It’s my website. You want to wang on about Palestine all day, get your own or use one devoted to the subject. You don’t have a vote.
I’m very confident I’ve never been the first to derail any article comments onto “wanging on about Gaza”. I have, however, often wanted to respond to others who have gone down that route.
For two reasons I guess: In the interests of balance – sure, I don’t favour the Hamas side – and that critical viewpoint, which I believe to be widely held, is under represented on here.
But secondly, and more importantly, because I believe the efforts of many on here to link Scotland’s Independence to Gaza is misguided and ultimately futile.
BBC: UK security officials monitor Elon Musk’s posts:
“UK officials are monitoring social media posts by Elon Musk and others as a possible security risk.
A Home Office spokesperson said: “While we can’t comment on operational matters, we routinely use open-source monitoring to be informed of what is being shared and discussed online.”…”:
link to archive.ph
The UK is a Global Cyber Power, says Director GCHQ:
“A Nation is a Cyber power if it is able to direct or influence the behaviour of others in Cyber space in three main ways:
One, it has to be world class in safeguarding the cyber health of its citizens, businesses, and institutions – it must protect the digital homeland.
Two, it has to have the legal, ethical, and regulatory regimes to foster public trust – without which we do not have a license to operate in cyber space.
And three, when the security of its citizens are threatened it has to have the ability – in extremis and in accordance with international law – to project cyber power to disrupt, deny, or degrade.”:
Treacherous national and global embarrassment:
Mi5 Security Service: Countering state threats:
“What risk do state threats pose?
State threats present a real and evolving risk to the UK. They can manifest in a range of forms. These include attempts to:
Who poses a threat?
…Individuals or groups seeking to harm the UK’s national security could be posing as business people, recruitment consultants or journalists…”:
link to mi5.gov.uk
World Economic Forum …determining:
“Global relations”
“Direction of national economies”
“Priorities of societies”
“Nature of business models”
“Management of a global commons”
“New social contract”:
link to archive.ph
Gunther Eagleman™
“A former Labour Minister did this interview last week slamming Elon for mean posts. He was just arrested after trying to meet up a 15 year old. You can’t make this up.”:
link to x.com
Elon Musk:
“Massive creep”:
link to x.com
Fake BBC News conspirator forgot to report the systematic UK paedophiles news (sigh):
BBC Search: “Ivor Caplin”
link to bbc.co.uk
The Jewish Chronicle: Ivor Caplin set to be the new Jewish Labour Movement chair:
“Ivor Caplin, a former defence minister in Tony Blair’s government, is set to be the next chair of the Jewish Labour Movement.
“JLM has been an affiliate to the party for 98 years, playing its role in all the significant moments which have affected our party and the people of this country, never avoiding difficult issues but always supporting our party,” Mr Caplin told the JC.
“We will not be bullied out of it.”
The pro-Corbyn Jewish Voice For Labour group have campaigned to have themselves recognised as legitimate representative of Jewish Labour supporters….
The top priority for me as Chair of JLM will be to ensure the Leadership of the Labour Party and the wider movement understand that ‘zero tolerance means zero tolerance’,” Mr Caplin said.”:
link to thejc.com
The Electronic Intifada: New bombshell film exposes I***el lobby role in UK Labour Party:
“A new cache of leaked Labour documents shows how I***el lobby operatives worked against former leader Jeremy Corbyn from within the UK’s main opposition party….
During the Corbyn years, the files show, the generally left-voting city of Brighton became a focus of clashes between the party’s left and right wings.
Massey was expelled from Labour after right-winger Keir Starmer became leader, at the request of I***el lobby group the Board of Deputies of British Jews.The files show that another Labour right-winger who secretly reported Massey was former lawmaker Ivor Caplin would later become chair of pro-I***el group the Jewish Labour Movement – which has close ties to the I***eli embassy in London.”:
link to archive.ph
Brighton: The LGBTQ+ history of the ‘gay capital of UK’:
“The city elected its first gay MP in 1997, with Ivor Caplin representing Hove…
LGBTQ+ people have also gained more representation on television.”:
link to archive.ph
BBC: Man (Ivor Caplin) arrested on suspicion of child sex offence:
“Sussex Police confirmed:
We are aware of footage circulating on social media showing a man in Brighton being detained on suspicion of engaging in online sexual communications with a child. Officers can confirm that a local 66-year-old man was arrested on Saturday January 11 and currently remains in custody.”:
link to archive.ph
The New York Times: The Day Jeffrey Epstein Told Me He Had Dirt on Powerful People:
“The overriding impression I took away from our roughly 90-minute conversation was that Mr Epstein knew an astonishing number of rich, famous and powerful people, and had photos to prove it. He also claimed to know a great deal about these people, some of it potentially damaging or embarrassing, including details about their supposed sexual proclivities and recreational drug use.
So one of my first thoughts on hearing of Mr Epstein’s suicide was that many prominent men and at least a few women must be breathing sighs of relief.”:
link to nytimes.com
Andy Ellis, quotes:
“Gregor is the Cameron Brodie “de nos jours”. From memory it took an inordinate amount of time for him to be given the bullet.
Alert readers will recall that his constant spamming of irrelevant links”:
Declassified UK: I***el lobby funded a third of Conservative MPs:
“Some 126 of the Tory party’s 344 MPs have accepted funding from pro-I***el lobby groups, Declassified has found.
The revelation comes as Rishi Sunak calls a general election...
the organisations paying for sitting Conservative MPs to visit I***el on 187 occasions.
Some of those trips also involved visits to the Occupied P***stinian Territories, and a small number were co-sponsored by groups which do not form part of the I***el lobby.
The main funder is Conservative Friends of I***el, a parliamentary group which does not disclose its own sources of funding...
Conservative Friends of I***el (CFI) is a pro-I***el lobby group… The organisation has long standing links with the I***eli state…
Around 80 percent of Tory MPs are members of CFI. Over the past decade, it has taken more MPs on overseas trips than any other political donor in Britain….
The I***eli state has also independently funded trips for Nadhim Zahawi and Kwasi Kwarteng, two former UK chancellors, as well as..
Past CFI delegations have involveed tours of factories run by I***el’s largest arms firm, Elbit Systems…
In I***el, the MPs were hosted by president Isaac Herzog, whose statement in October 2023 – that the “entire nation” of Gaza was responsible for Hamas’ attack on Is***l…
CFI’s lobbying efforts are not limited to funding trips to I***el.
The organisation also prepares briefing material for MPs enjoying “superb access to Downing Street, Westminster, and Whitehall”, and hosts an annual banquet which functions as a public display of support for I***el.
Prime minister Rishi Sunak addressed their latest banquet in January, calling CFI “an integral part of our party”….”:
link to archive.ph
Declassified UK: I***el lobby funded a third of Conservative MPs:
“Some 126 of the Tory party’s 344 MPs have accepted funding from pro-I***el lobby groups, Declassified has found.
The revelation comes as Rishi Sunak calls a general election...
the organisations paying for sitting Conservative MPs to visit I***el on 187 occasions.
Some of those trips also involved visits to the Occupied P***stin**n Territories, and a small number were co-sponsored by groups which do not form part of the I***el lobby.
The main funder is Conservative Friends of I***el, a parliamentary group which does not disclose its own sources of funding...
Conservative Friends of I***el (CFI) is a pro-I***el lobby group… The organisation has long standing links with the I***eli state…
Around 80 percent of Tory MPs are members of CFI. Over the past decade, it has taken more MPs on overseas trips than any other political donor in Britain….
The I***eli state has also independently funded trips for Nadhim Zahawi and Kwasi Kwarteng, two former UK chancellors, as well as..
Past CFI delegations have involveed tours of factories run by I***el’s largest arms firm, Elbit Systems…
In I***el, the MPs were hosted by president Isaac Herzog, whose statement in October 2023 – that the “entire nation” of G**a was responsible for H***s’ attack on Is***l…
The organisation also prepares briefing material for MPs enjoying “superb access to Downing Street, Westminster, and Whitehall”, and hosts an annual banquet which functions as a public display of support for I***el.
Prime minister Rishi Sunak addressed their latest banquet in January, calling CFI “an integral part of our party”….”:
link to archive.ph
They have their testicles everywhere, gregor.
But well done you for wanging on.
Elon Musk:
link to x.com
World Economic Forum: People:
*en***in *eta***hu:
link to tinyurl.com
Rishi Sunak:
link to weforum.org
Keir Starmer:
link to weforum.org
How many homeless people will die tonight.
How many older people or infirm people will die tonight in an sub artic energy rich Scotland due to cold houses they cannot afford to heat.
It’s – 7C where I am tonight and the temperature has not gone above freezing for days now.
Deaths soar during cold weather. That’s why Sir Keir Starmer cut pensioners heating allowance.
MMC Brussels are widely regarded as promoting the agenda of Orbain overseas and funded by him and associates and have some of the usual suspects behind them who spread misinformation during Brexit. Part of the sometimes opaque network of hard right think tanks etc spreading information here and elsewhere
“MMC Brussels are widely regarded as promoting the agenda of Orbain overseas and funded by him and associates and have some of the usual suspects behind them who spread misinformation during Brexit. Part of the sometimes opaque network of hard right think tanks etc spreading information here and elsewhere”
So? Are they breaking any laws? If not, what do you want done about it?
I agree with George Ferguson above. When it comes to an investigation of Dark Money influence on Scottish politics, this Six Degrees of Viktor Orbán pish is a purposeful distraction.
The Ferret is in the retail business, and they know their customer base. Intellectual incurious and ideologically hidebound.
If you were to address this issue in a serious manner, where would you begin?
* Let’s start with the John Smith Centre at the University of Glasgow (formerly John Smith Centre for Public Service). When this was incorporated and registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, it submitted annual accounts (Trustees’ Annual Reports) for the period it remained dormant. It was only when it hired Kezia Dugdale as its first Director and became active that it decided to hide its sources of finance behind the greater umbrella of the University of Glasgow.
Quite a curious move for an outfit operating at the time under the strap line “Promoting Trust in Politics “.
* We could go on to ask why Patrick Grady and Angela Crawley were permitted to omit including their two week trip to the USA in July 2016 in their House of Commons, Register of Interests (I know the answer to this, but it’s not particularly satisfactory).
* An interesting supplementary question would be how and why Jenny Gilruth edited her Holyrood, Register of Interest to purge all mention of the same trip Grady and Crawley went on?
# Quite why the University of Glasgow would infer probity in finance and governance is another matter. The institution has a habit of making senior MI6 Officers (Andrew Fulton), third rate Labour Party hacks (Kezia Dugdale) and dubious SNP functionaries (Mike Russell) Professors, despite them being entirely devoid of qualifications.
Glasgow University are experts at covering their own. No matter how hanous the crime. They have many skeletons in their many cupboards
before Labour got in I wrote a post about their “tax plans” in response to the scaremongering of the telegraph; it was too long, so never posted. But I explained how – they would do nothing, then bear their backsides for the city and turn on their own supporters … which they did, almost immediately, with the WFP and other things.
They have totally capitulated to the city, from day one, albeit in the hope to placate the markets, and what has happened? This –
link to archive.ph
– the city has shafted them anyway. This is why you should never give your enemy anything.
If Starmer had any balls he would increase the SFO budget by a factor of 10, and set the auditors on them. Do you know the city operates as a separate “country” with its own laws? Every year ukgov says – how much money did you make? The city says – we made X, and then the ukgov says – so you owe us Y in tax … and the city says : okay! The ukgov does not check the books itself … mumble mumble … trickle down … a rising tide raises all boats … growth
– the city is just “pirate haven”/freeport #1 at the heart of the economy, like an alien facehugger on the body of the people.
But it’s not surprising – the anglos started out as pirates.
Elon Musk:
“Who provides funding to Starmer and the Labour Party?
Apparently, for example, I was reading that some hedge fund gave them £5M from a dodgy island in the Caribbean.”:
link to x.com
OpenDemocracy: Labour given £4m from tax haven-based hedge fund with shares in oil and arms:
“The Labour Party’s largest-ever donation came from a Cayman Islands-registered hedge fund with shares worth hundreds of millions of pounds in fossil fuels, private health firms, arms manufacturers and asset managers.
Electoral Commission records suggest Labour received the donation in the one-week window between former prime minister Rishi Sunak announcing the general election…
This means that despite being made on 28 May, Quadrature’s generous donation was published by the Electoral Commission only last week, more than two months after Labour won the election”:
link to archive.ph
Follow The Money: George Soros gifts billions to charity via Cayman Islands:
“Soros’ own Open Society Foundations regularly makes appointments with high-ranking Brussels officials…
The Open Society Foundations occasionally receives money from the European Commission…
Open Society Foundations and the NGOs supported by Soros tirelessly promote his vision…
In Soros’ case, his history with charity begins with the hedge fund that made him wealthy: the Quantum Fund.”:
link to archive.ph
Bloomberg (2021): Hedge Fund Boss Eyes $153 Million London Fixer-Upper Penthouse:
“Suneil Setiya, the co-founder of quant investing firm Quadrature Capital, is in talks to purchase a penthouse in London’s luxury One Hyde Park… filing shows that the home is valued at 160 million pounds, which would make it the U.K.’s most expensive apartment if it was sold…
Greg Skinner co-founded Quadrature in 2010. Their technology-driven firm uses algorithms to make money.”:
link to archive.ph
Glasgow City Council are in secret talks with a secret donor giving a secret amount of money. Don’t tell anyone it’s a secret.
I have listened to several long interviews of Orban conducted by a less than sympathetic foreign media. I have found him to be little more than sensible, reasonable and honest
Orban has made sure that the loyal members of his party, their ‘friends’ and families have been well rewarded for supporting him. A bit like the Tories to be honest.
If you think we have problems in Scotland/UK and we have, what is actually happening in Hungary is a lot worse. Ask any Hungarian living in Britain. There are more than you think.
The right always accuses the left of hating the rich and the left’s only interest in the poor is just to use them as part of this continued attack.
Given the supporters of immigration are living in affluent areas where there isn’t any chance of any immigrants living near them or they themselves ever experiencing the social problems caused by immigration, it’s hard not to think that there is something to this argument.
You can’t go forward and you can’t go back. You can’t get a job and you can’t get credit. You can’t sleep at night incase your attacked. You can’t talk to anyone because no one wants to know you.
What do you call this state?
Nice digging, but from the glib snipe at the genocide forming part of the “omnicause” (or as Trump supporters might say, “the current thing”) to the IDF connection, we seem to have twisted ourselves into a bit of a logical pretzel of partisan thinking have we not?
“Nice digging, but from the glib snipe at the genocide forming part of the “omnicause” (or as Trump supporters might say, “the current thing”) to the IDF connection, we seem to have twisted ourselves into a bit of a logical pretzel of partisan thinking have we not?”
Wings has never claimed not to be partisan. Quite the reverse. But these things are simply facts.
Well, well, well, whadya know? An article by the Rev that is surprisingly pertinent to me. Beams and motes, indeed. Matthew 7: 3-5. I daresay i am in a unique position here, having now lived in Orban’s Hungary for 4 years, after being over sixty years in the colony that is Scotland. I have noticed (who couldn’t) how the ‘Western’ MSM absolutely loathe the very idea of Hungary and their dealings with the EU, Hungarys’ dealings with Rxssia, their stance on immigration, their zero tolerance of the ideology of LGBTK+ and Hungary’s economic promotion of ‘the family’ as an important cohesive cultural unit etc. So, i would have to say in general that compared to the binfire that is Holyrood, this is not a bad place to be, not bad at all.
As is usual, everything negatively stated in the western media re Hungary stems, without a doubt, from a place of absolute ignorance of Hungary’s cultural and political History. I mean, it’s a miracle this nation state still politically exists after Trianon, the Soviets and the Nazis. And that culturally their independently rich language, music, song and dance while resisting globalisation and the commodification of their culture has been the glue that binds these peoples together. So, maybe they must be doing something right? Mibbes aye? Political survival as a nation state has been Hungary’s raison d’etre.
Of course, perspective is what the West has always lacked. Especially, in their media in their ‘reporting’ of other countries politics. There is always a sneering tone somehow as if they are a paradigm of virtue. What was that about a pathological superiority? Well, you’re welcome to your multitude of genders, mate.
I did have a laugh to myself over the question posed on twitter the other day which asked – After being Left-Wing all your lives, are YOU now “Far Right” without even knowing it? To which a resounding 85% answered, yes and I would have to align myself with this viewpoint, not that it matters, but it does shed light on the absence of common sense policies in many areas of life.
Of course, everything here is not all rosy and contradictions abound and there’ll also be a good dose of whataboutery for all the politicos. So fuckin what? The opposition here are like no more than Ed Davey – a construct of the media.
But compared to what the SNP have turned the devolutionist Scotland into, this place, Hungary, to this outsider, is at the very least, a country and a real nation but also with a very healthy and robust scorn for the machinery of their government.
Keep informing Scotland, Frank
Hi Frank,
Can I ask how much do you pay for 1Kwh of leccy? Google suggests it’s well cheap at 11 cents a unit.
Maybe Scots would appreciate some Hungarian culture if it meant our leccy unit prices were half what they are.
As can been seen on this energy map site you can see Hungary’s power carbon footprint is very close to the UK*. And they can seemingly maintain that low unit price even with some power being imported from a country currently at war…
link to app.electricitymaps.com
*Scotland’s eco credentials would show as light green on this map but our rating is dragged down to brown by England’s continued heavy reliance on gas for its generation.
Hi Dan, yeh your figure is about there. the missus checked it at 37.56 Forints which roughly equates to 9 cents per kwh. The leccy is used for lighting and cooking. Over winter, we burn hardwood, old and dead plum and walnut trees that I process. the gas central heating is turned off completely for 6 months. We are fortunate – we live in a small town outside Budapest. So natural resources are available. The local Penny (co-op) has a deposit return scheme for renewables. Impressive.
Cheers for quick response.
10 pence a unit would be an absolute game changer for so many folk and businesses.
Can’t beat the full flavour heat from a woodburner if you have access to local firewood.
I need to correct what I said in that last post. It must have been a momentary glitch as a small amount of power is now being exported from Hungary to the country at war.
But on further study Slovakia is importing about 35% of Hungary’s leccy demand at the moment. So it’s still impressive that the price of power in one country is so low when they are not even self-sufficient and rely on substantial power transfers from their neighbours.
It’s been freezing for ages where I stay. I’m not old enough to get a free bus pass to spend my days sitting on a bus traveling aimlessly around the locale to keep warm. So instead have opted to spend my days volunteering at my pal’s garage…mainly because the gearboxes I am fixing are on a bench located right next to a huge workshop heater!
Virtually nobody does this sort of mechanical repair work anymore so it’s good that the young apprentices get a chance to see inside a box and get shown how all the hundreds of intricate parts interact and function as a whole.
3rd gear synchro cone was worn out so had to strip bearings, circlips, shims, gears, synchro hubs from the upper shaft in pic to gain access to and replace just the one worn part.
“The EU mainstream refuses to respect democratic norms and the will of the majority. Extremely appalling! When 10 million USD was illegally channelled to the Hungarian left for their 2022 election campaign, elites in Brussels stayed silent. When the US embassy in Budapest started distributing funding to left-wing media, elites in Brussels stayed silent. When the Hungarian parliament adopted a sovereignty protection law to prevent such further interference, the European Commission sued Hungary. Commissioners did however warmly receive George Soros on many occasions in the European Commission for official meetings…”:
link to tinyurl.com
When I looked up who the fact checkers at Facebook were I found that they had been originally recruited from the Jeff Bezos owned Washington Post.
An interesting historical snapshot. Back in 1990 support for Scotland’s CLAIM OF RIGHT was expressed by the Rt Hon Sir DAVID STEEL MP. In his FOREWORD to a seminal book that year by WILLIAM STORRAR, David Steel writes:
« Scottish Identity: a Christian Vision is a disturbing book, as I expect its author intended it to be. Disturbing, and exciting, because it is the first effort I have seen to deploy in depth the philosophical arguments behind the historic campaign for Scottish self-government.
« He starts by identifying the continuous though evolving constitutional tradition based on the principle of the limited sovereignty of the state under the law of God. He is right to do so. The English constitutional tradition rests heavily on the sovereignty of the Queen in Parliament. Thus the nation state can readily become imbued with what the author describes as ‘triumphant secular patriotism’, while in Scotland sovereignty has always resided in the people. It is the re-assertion of that sovereignty in the Claim of Right approved by the Scottish Convention of 1989 which makes this book timely in appearance and so important.
« There is a further gulf between Mr Storrar’s vision and the prevailing orthodoxy in power. […] Yet artificial sop-ridden ‘devolution’ proposals in response to rises in nationalist fervour have failed. Mr Storrar somewhat unfairly lays too much blame at the door of the Church for, the referendum debacle of 1979. The chief fault lay in the lack of proper foundation for the proposals.
« A decade on [1990], that fatal flaw has been widely recognised. Hence this time unlike the 1950s energy is not being channelled into politically powerless signatures. Instead a Scottish Convention has been called with substantial muscle from MPs, councillors, trades unions and churches, beginning as I’ve said with a united commitment to Scotland’s Claim of Right. Detailed proposals will follow from that sure foundation, and if these find general acceptance, the political struggle will take place at the next election to ensure their supremacy in Scotland, regardless of the other political struggle for government at Westminster.
« ‘Nations are chameleon-like communities,’ the author avers, ‘they change their colour according to the historical landscape in which they are to be found.’ Scotland’s is changing. No longer do Scots bestride the globe as explorers, missionaries, engineers or governors. What Dean Acheson said about England losing her Empire is even more true of Scotland. We have yet to find a role. Might it be in Europe? With our Roman-Dutch tradition in law, our links with the ancient universities of Italy and our auld alliance with France, we are more genuinely a European country than is our larger southern neighbour.
« The late John P. Macintosh used to talk of our feelings of dual nationality – Scottish and British. I am not sure that it isn’t triple – Scottish, British and European, with the feeling for and emphasis on each part varying from time to time.
« Certainly the early 1950s and the late 1970s provided examples of a failure of Scottish organisation and Scottish nerve respectively. The last decade of the twentieth century may prove the decade in which the Scots overcome both obstacles. If that proves to be, this volume will have largely provided the guidance and inspiration to make it so. »
(Extract from FOREWORD by the Rt Hon Sir David Steel MP to ‘SCOTTISH IDENTITY: A CHRISTIAN VISION’ by William Storrar, Handsel Press, Edinburgh, 1990.)
re, “Scotland sovereignty has always resided in the people”
“The English constitutional tradition rests heavily on the sovereignty of the Queen in Parliament…while in Scotland sovereignty has always resided in the people”
Is the presence of that unelected representative of the English crown in the form of “Lord Advocate” within the executive power an expression of that English sovereignty of monarch in parliament, and an encroachment on Scotland’s sovereignty?
I am of the opinion that it is. And an obvious and blatant one.
It was that unelected representative of the English crown who usurped from the people of Scotland control over the legislative power by stopping the referendum bill entering Holyrood.
That was, in my opinion, a blatant violation of Scotland’s claim of right and a direct encroachment of the English crown on Scotland’s popular sovereignty.
It was also that unelected figure representing the English crown who rushed to put a halt to the Keatings case which would have had a Scottish court, under Scottish law telling us if Scotland had already or not the power to call a referendum.
If I remember correctly, one of the rulings was that the case was hypothetical because there wasn’t a bill yet. I am of the opinion that, had that bill entered parliament and passed, the Scottish court would have ruled in favour of Keatings.
And that is, in my opinion, why that undemocratic, current Lord Advocate figure did not take any chances for the English crown. She stopped the bill before it entered parliament, so it still remained as “hypothetical case”. To avoid any risks of not being able to use the English law convention and “multiuse tool of last resource” “parliamentary sovereignty”, she did not take the bill to where she should have done: the Scottish Supreme Court. Instead, this undemocratic figure took it to an English court, where English judges could use an English law convention that does not apply to Scottish law to directly suppress democracy and impose absolute rule in Scotland by encroaching, once again, on Scotland’s popular sovereignty.
After ten years of pissing all over democracy, why the hell is that unelected figure still allowed to usurp our control over our executive and legislative powers to hand it to the English crown?
If we want Holyrood to become Scotland’s parliament, we need to eject that unelected crown representative out of our executive power and away from reach of our legislative power. We also need to remove that English crown office from the jugular of our prosecution service and to ditch the Scotland Act for once and for all. Until we do so, that English crown will continue to encroach on our popular sovereignty. And for as long as that continues, Holyrood is not Scotland’s parliament. It is the English crown control backroom from where it can continue to impose absolute rule on Scotland under the pretence of “parliamentary democracy”.
Mia has her own Scotland sovereign Crown, and she wears it with pride and passion (and duly defends it like lioness protecting her cubs:)
Mia knows that fake overarching crowns hold no real power (only to stupid submissive suckers)
Mia is the embodiment of independence
(stalwart Scotland Champion)…
And oor judges are appointed by and serve the wrang croun an aw:
“In line with the statutory process for appointing a Lord President, the First Minister nominated a candidate for appointment by the King based on the advice of an expert selection panel.”
Interesting ‘panel’ too.
link to scotcourts.gov.uk
Thank you Mia.
The Scotland Act 1998 reads:
« Subsection (4) requires the First Minister and the other Scottish Ministers including the Lord Advocate and the Solicitor General to take the official oath and the oath of allegiance on appointment. They may make a corresponding affirmation under the Oaths Act 1978. The official oath, as set out in section 3 of the Promissory Oaths Act 1868, is as follows:
« “I do swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in the Office of …… so help me God.”
« This is the same oath as is sworn by Ministers in the UK Government. »
But then every member of the Scottish and UK Parliaments swears an oath of allegiance. As do, let us remember, those of the parliaments of Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly, notably, do not.
Recruits to the armed forces of the UK (Scotland per se has of course absolutely no such forces), and recruits to the armed forces of Canada, Australia and New Zealand swear allegiance to the English Crown. Known as the Attestation Ceremony, each UK recruit (let us picture specifically the kilted variety) reads aloud the promise:
“I swear by almighty God that I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance to his Majesty King Charles III, his heirs and successors, and that I will as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend his Majesty, his heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity, against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of His Majesty, his heirs and successors and the generals and officers set over me.”
An interesting item on a Canadian Armed Forces site gives us:
« All Royal Canadian Navy ships are now referred to as His Majesty’s Canadian Ships. Other regulations and orders will now reflect the King. His Majesty King Charles III also automatically assumed the title of Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces in accordance with the Constitution. »
Recruits to the POLICE FORCE of England & Wales swear allegiance of course. Yet, surprisingly, not so the Scottish Police (someone please correct me if I’m wrong). Nor do the PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland) swear allegiance to the Crown, though their predecessor embodiment the RUC (Royal Ulster Constabulary) certainly did (the clue is in the name).
The CIVIL SERVICE are also (rather counter-intuitively) exempt. The following, for example, is from Hansard, Jan 2022:
« Lord Laird asked Her Majesty’s Government: Whether any new appointees to the Civil Service in any part of the United Kingdom are required to take an oath of allegiance; if so, which parts of the Civil Service require this; who they require to take this; and to whom it is made.
« The Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (Lord Macdonald of Tradeston): Under the terms of the Civil Service Code, members of the Home Civil Service owe their loyalty to the administration in which they serve. No civil servant in the UK is required to take an oath of allegiance. »
Regarding the established churches the ROYAL website tells us:
« On the advice of the Prime Minister The Queen appoints Archbishops, Bishops and Deans of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND, who then swear an oath of allegiance and pay homage to Her Majesty. Church of England deacons and parish priests also swear an oath of allegiance to the Sovereign. »
But also (in actually rather stunning contrast):
« The CHURCH OF SCOTLAND is a Presbyterian church and recognises only Jesus Christ as ‘King and Head of the Church’. The King therefore does not hold the title ‘Supreme Governor’ of the Church of Scotland; when attending Church services in Scotland His Majesty does so as an ordinary member. »
The Oath of allegiance was of course a central issue leading to the Irish Civil War of 1922–23. The contentious version of the Irish Free State’s 1922 Constitution read:
« I (name) do solemnly swear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the Irish Free State as by law established, and that I will be faithful to H.M. King George V, his heirs and successors by law in virtue of the common citizenship of Ireland with Great Britain and her adherence to and membership of the group of nations forming the British Commonwealth of Nations. »
A website on Michael Collins describes the preceding fateful deal in London:
« At 2.30 a.m. on 6th December, 1921 Griffith and Collins signed the Agreement and then the others signed. After the signing, Lord Birkenhead, who was conscious of the political risk that he ran by signing what could very well be an unpopular agreement in English eyes, said “I may have signed my political death warrant tonight” to which Collins softly replied “I may have signed my actual death warrant”. There was a moment’s silence and those present realised that Collins meant what he said. »
Frustratingly, despite the currently fumbling and mumbling Church of Scotland patently embodying in its presbyterian form of government an incipient republicanism (« when attending Church services in Scotland His Majesty does so as an ordinary member ») and thus potentially having so much pre-Union constitutional analysis to offer us, it is highly unlikely to even acknowledge that savoury hot potato let alone offer it round for public consumption any time soon.
The Church of Scotland (unlike the Church of England) is not bound by oath to support the presiding monarch. Thanks to the Claim of Right embedded in the Treaty of Union the direct converse is the case — ie the monarch is required to swear an oath annually (usually by letter “renewing Our pledge”) to uphold the Church of Scotland.
That was most informative and fascinating, Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh, thank you very much for posting that. It is definitely food for thought. It has opened my appetite to read more in the subject and it certainly is an avenue worth exploring.
The apparent independence of the civil service from the crown is interesting, but in a way it is only anecdotical, because the civil service is directly controlled by the UK government in the form of the Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil service, who has to swear the oath of allegiance to the monarch.
The contrast between the approach of the Church of England and the Church of Scotland, with regards of how they see the authority of the monarch, is the real eye opener here. I think this might have been overlooked (or suppressed), and it might well hold some clues to exit this union.
According to the Church of Scotland’s website
“The Church of Scotland (the Kirk) is not State controlled, and neither the Scottish nor the Westminster Parliaments are involved in Kirk appointments”.
So, by now, and after 300 years of relentless intrusion and interference by the English crown in, pretty much, every single structure in Scotland, the Church of Scotland may well be one of the very few apparatus in Scotland that remains free of “English state and crown interference”.
Religion is portrayed by many colonially minded as an outdated concept and an opportunistic excuse to quickly rubbish the Act for securing the Protestant Religion and Church government” as obsolete or “anecdotical”. However, the way churches operate might be a true reflection of the country’s government traditions.
It is evident that the approach of the Church of Scotland to government is very much in keeping with the concept of popular sovereignty. It does not recognise the monarch as supreme. Its supreme authority is the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. It is an assembly of people, not an individual. The Church of Scotland is therefore independent from state and crown control, at least in theory, which means it cannot receive imposition from any of them.
By contrast, the Church of England has the English monarch as the head and has representation in the HoL. Is therefore not independent at all from either state or crown. And England’s state is not independent from the church either. But, in reality, England state is controlled by the crown, therefore the Church of England is controlled by both. This is in keeping with England’s concept of sovereignty of the crown, not the people.
But why on earth should Scotland be subjected to the opinions and rulings of the representatives of the Church of England in the HoLs? Isn’t that a direct encroachment of an English church into Scotland’s liberties and laws? I understand and accept that they have every right to opine and participate in rulings regarding England. But not for Scotland. So why do they remain in the HoL when any laws enforceable in Scotland are discussed?
The “Act for securing the Protestant religion and prebysterian church government” passed by Scotland’s Parliament in 1707 and which was attached and declared a fundamental condition for the treaty in all times coming, is a true expression of popular sovereignty in itself. The Act, which remains a fundamental condition of the treaty of union for the duration of that treaty, clearly states
“her majesty, with advice and consent of the said estates of parliament…”
In other words, the authority is not the monarch. It is Scotland’s parliament. The expression above is quite frequent in Acts passed by the Parliament of Scotland pre-union. So it is not a misspelling, a mistake or a one-off.
In line with the Act, every monarch for as long as the treaty lasts, must swear to abide by the act and the Claim of Right on their accession to the crown. Not doing so means the automatic end of the treaty.
So what this indicates is that Scotland’s Parliament in 1706 was above the crown because it is dictating an instruction to every single monarch for as long as the treaty lasts. So, in Scotland there is no such thing as sovereignty of the monarch. That is why, in my view, the overreach of that crown figure of Lord Advocate, that actively interfered, manipulated and blocked the power of the legislative power in Scotland is an encroachment on the limited remit of the crown awarded by the treaty and certainly a violation of the Claim of Right.
But what is even more fascinating is that the Scotland’s parliament was itself instructed by the Church of Scotland to get this “Act for securing the Protestant religion and prebysterian church government” passed, and to declare it as a fundamental and forever condition of the treaty of union. Otherwise there would have been no treaty.
If the Church of Scotland was independent of parliament and state in 1707, the Scottish parliament did not have the legal power to drag the Church of Scotland into a treaty it did not agree to without its consent.
What this tells us is that Scotland’s parliament in 1707 did not have such thing as “parliamentary sovereignty”. It did not have “sovereignty” above the Church of Scotland, for example. And if it did not have “parliamentary sovereignty”, it could have never passed it to the parliament of Great Britain. And if it was never passed to the parliament of Great Britain, then all those rulings of that English court otherwise known as “Supreme Court” based in the English convention of “parliamentary sovereignty” to forcefully stop Scotland’s legislation passed by or about to enter Holyrood should never apply to Scotland and are therefore a direct encroachment of that English court, and indirectly the English crown they represent, into the boundaries of the Treaty of Union and a violation of the Claim of Right.
The three estates of Scotland are the Church, the nobility and the Royal Burghs.
Article XXI of the treaty of union says:
“That the Rights and Privileges of the Royal Burghs in Scotland as they now are do remain entire after the Union and notwithstanding thereof”
With regards to Article XXI, the House of lords tells us “Article not formally repealed but royal burghs lost their functions in 1975—Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (c 65) s 1 ”
(quote taken from the House of Lords Session 1998-99, Select Committee on privileges Second Report, Appendix 3: “Union with England Act 1707”, Table of Textual Amendments)
In other words, representation of the UK government in Scotland violated Article XXI by removing the functions of those burghs, whose rights and privileges were to be maintained after the union as a fundamental condition of the treaty.
Is there anything stopping the people of Scotland restoring those burghs? And if there is nothing stopping Scotland restoring those Burghs, then there is nothing stopping the people of Scotland recalling a convention of the states or recall the estates of parliament, which are above the crown.
Thank you very much for posting this.
Rev, your latest posts point out that we can’t trust the party political system, nor the politicians, and we can’t trust the MSM.
So am I correct in thinking that the fruit of these thoughts is that we must look to independents e.g. Independents for Independence [as Sally Hughes and others tried so strenuously to do in 2024] or properly democratic parties e.g. ISP, NSP?
AND try to restore Scotland’s pre-1707 constitution, as advocated by Salvo?
It is welcome news if these have your backing. You are a logical and principled person who has already done wonders for the cause and for spreading the truth about other important matters.
Aye Sarah, there really needs to be some clarity on this subject.
I’ve been pushing for an answer for months now and it’s come to nothing other than being told in a dismissive way to pay attention, or that I wouldn’t be much fun at a party… So that’s like defo not playing the man and not the ball there.
I suspect I may also have been indirectly told to STFU by another person pleading for “unity”, when I merely asked for some clarity on the subject… lolz
Even the Dreaming of Perfection article a couple of days back on non-Party affiliated independent candidates swerves the main issue of addressing whether we would be electing non-Party affiliated independent candidates in a simple one off plebiscite end the union election, or only for those independent candidates if elected to continue “representing” their constituents for years within the current political status quo.
Those two situations are massively different and campaigning tactics for either would differ significantly.
But lets just piss away even more time that could be spent getting the bones of a strategy in place…
Everyday that passes is a day lost to have in place a plan. What if “events” mean an unexpected snap general election might occur. Proper planning prevents piss poor performance and it has already been shown as per last GE that time is required to develop and implement a sound plan. Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.
To be fair, Dan, although I have often asked Stu to get on the phone to the other powerful thinkers and activists in order to sort out a solid plan of action [not one of those 11-point plans], I can’t hold him responsible for everything. Nor do I really expect him to reveal his every thought, much as I would like to know them!
As for the non-party candidates idea, ideally it would all happen at the next election but, judging by comments I see on other sites/facebooks etc, there are an awful lot of people who still think the SNP is the only answer – so we’ll be doing well to get some real Independence MSPs in 2026, let alone a majority. I do wish that this weren’t the case, and that I knew of a way round the problem. Perhaps the Independence Summit is getting somewhere – there should be an update before much longer, I think.
Shit, Orwell was right, just got the year wrong. Me, I’m rooting for AI to fix things, before trump and his oligarchy pulls the plug!
AI For The Culture: Really I’m The Plug (1980:)
“…looking for the plug?”
Really, I’m The Plug…”:
link to tinyurl.com
You should check out the power requirements needed for AI computer “farms”. With current technologies, the amounts needed are eye wateringly high.
Put simply, we might be able to replace current UK electrical generation capacity with renewables, but to also electrify all transport, and support wide spread rollout of AI, we would have to add the same electrical generation capacity again.
Presently, for obvious reasons, no politician is levelling with consumers and voters about this.
I’m surprised at -ve response here. Never heard of Newspeak? As for AI, well it can hardly do worse than we presently do. Trump and his pals will wreak havoc, am I wrong?
RobinMcAlpine.org: Change the story, change the future:
“Politics tells us stories a certain way round, but these stories are designed to confuse not enlighten us. Tell the story another way and the picture becomes quite different.
Does it feel like nothing ever changes and nothing seems to get better? There is a major reason for this right in front of our noses to which we seldom pay attention. It’s that most of the political stories we are told are wrong. If we told the stories the right way round, everything would look different.
Tell the story the other way round and suddenly it becomes clear how daft our political approach to the big problems of the day are… Which is to say this stuff is all a trick designed to prevent change. Change the story, change the future…”:
link to robinmcalpine.org
#ScotlandChampions #LetsGo
The vote is in – Scotland and its exclusive sniveling wretches scorn change –
DogeCoin Elon: Dogefather: king of the carnival:
link to open.spotify.com
‘Know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and the gods.’
Malcolm’s Round Table: The real when closely observed becomes magical:
“So, we begin with ourselves and look outward–or perhaps inward–from there until we are privileged to see and understand that… there is nothing that is not God. Fortunately, we don’t start with the “big picture” and work our way back to ourselves. We start with us, an entity we should be able to one day understand.
So, we start with knowing ourselves. A tall order, really, but something we can fathom after years of effort. We can do his. Look in the mirror and you’ll see where the universe begins…”:
link to malcolmsroundtable.com
There is a small torrent of articles pointing out the clear truth about what is wrong with Scotland’s, and other Western, economies and societies. Robin McAlpine’s views tally with the Rev’s [and mine!].
The other day Robin wrote “everyone hates politicians” because they make our lives worse when they should be helping us. True.
Then he said we should fight back against billionaires. Correct – they are receiving all the grants and state funding at the expense of the rest of us. They are profiteering.
Today Robin summarises so many problems that we have e.g. housing “shortage”, NHS services struggling, inflation, price rises, overseas investment is actually a wealth and asset drain. Robin gives the cure – which is to stop giving the billionaires all the advantages and to look after the rest of us. Stop going along with Friedmanite [neo-liberal] economics and instead state the truth e.g. there is no housing shortage – the problem is that landlords and property developers are charging too much. Overseas investment as in Freeports and Special Economic Zones is a disaster, not a help – yet our politicians [Kate Forbes, Alba, Highland Council] won’t listen or act. NHS should get rid of every employee who is not providing or supporting the work of the NHS.
Sadly, Robin doesn’t tell us how we can make our rulers change their ways.
So it is back to the struggle of getting enough people to vote for better candidates. And it is a struggle – today I have seen someone still saying that Alba should stop attacking the SNP, in the face of all the evidence that the SNP are not doing enough/anything to escape the Union.
We all know the ways to effect change. One as you say is just to do the work and get them to vote differently. Another is to somehow try to “break” the existing system and bypass parties, either on the lines of Rev Stu’s “party free” thought experiment recently or via non-conventional extra parliamentary means like a Convention of the Estates / Salvo / Liberation Scotland.
Lastly (and presumably/hopefully a route few if any pro-independence folk would contemplate) would be some form of uprising or violent overthrow.
It’s still vanishingly unlikely that anything but the first option will produce results in any reasonable timescale, as the second option would doubtless take many years if not decades to work through.
If folk don’t like Alba or the ISP or other existing parties, they should do the hard work and form one that will achieve independence.
I could say we’ll wait, but I’m nearing retirement and I’m sick of waiting and remain unconvinced wishful thinking will waft us to the sunny uplands before I’m deid.
About the best thing you have written here.
I’m sick of waiting, too [and am well past retirement]. What drives me mad is that it is obvious what Scotland needs, and the power is in the hands of our parliamentarians to do something about it, but they refuse to use it.
However I am a little hopeful that the likes of Wings and Robin McAlpine are saying similar things at the same time. Is this a sign that some united campaign is underway?
Parliamentarians convince people to believe that they haven’t got any power –
Parliamentarians are (were) specialists at deceiving people.
It should be obvious what Scotland needs but the colonial condition is obscured for some, and especially the more assimilated bourgeoisie.
Like the daeless SNP elite this group do not yet know, or want to know, what independence really means.They are still to come to terms with our colonial reality. To finally understand that independence means decolonization.
Many working class Scots are already there, the base of the movement. The assimilated bourgeois intellectual is last to figure out the oppression and discrimination the colonized live with each day.
Part of this is to protect their privileged position, part is fear of moving away from the status quo, toward liberation and transforming a colonized society.
Nothing stops Alf and his invincible reality-Scotland claymore –
It crushes the miserable overlords, while he strives onwards – towering over ALL oppressors (like they don’t even exist) –
Alf and his garrison of Scotland gold is gonna liberate you unconscious slackers – with top Scotland honours (forever-glory:)…
I’m afraid the “Scotland as colony” schtick has negligible popular support Alf, no matter how hard the small band who espouse this guff stamp their feet. It just isn’t making any appreciable headway amongst general voters or independence supporters. If it was, we’d surely see some evidence of it, just as we would if there was an upsurge in support for non conventional, extra parliamentary routes to independence.
It doesn’t really matter if it’s those advocated by Salvo and Liberation Scotland, those enamoured of holding Convention of the Estates and dissolving the Treaties of Union as if by magic, as though they had suddenly come up with something novel that nobody in 300 years had ever thought of.
Attributing lack of progress to the assimilated bourgeoisie, or to the fact that the lumpen proletariat are just too ill informed or so easily misled by their colonial masters makes you sound like a bolshevik crank calling for the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat by the true believers in post colonial theory.
If it weren’t so self aggrandising and wildly unlikely it would almost be amusing.
The dictionary definition denier has speaketh.
Colony – A country or area controlled politically by a more powerful country
All major powers are held at Westminster where The Kingdom of Scotland’s political representation is approximately 10 times less than The Kingdom of England.
Dress it up anyway you want but it is clear Scotland is effectively controlled in all significant matters by an external entity.
“as though they had suddenly come up with something novel that nobody in 300 years had ever thought of”
Actually your assertion above is incorrect. At both points in time, During 1712, in the context of the huge stooshie caused by the Hamilton Peerage affair, and later on in 1713, in the context of the Malt tax, the union was at breaking point.
1712 and 1713 was only 5-6 years after the union was created, and many of those in the HoL and HoC had actually been in Scotland’s parliament at the time the treaty was ratified. Some were even the commissioners who were sent to London to agree the treaty articles, so they knew what they were talking about.
Taking those two occasions together, the following proposals were discussed to force the termination of the union:
I will go in a little more detail for each point separately in individual comments to stop this one being too long.
Point 1 above “To formally address the Queen with a document signed by Scotland’s peers and MPs to demand the dissolution of the union“
This point tells us that in 1712, Scotland’s MPs and Peers saw themselves with the power to unilaterally approach the monarch and dissolve the union on behalf of Scotland.
If they had that power in 1711-12, it stands to the obvious that our current Scotland’s MPs and Scotland’s Peers (Scotland’s peers, not British peers) together still have that power today.
If they have not used that power, despite Scotland having elected at one point 56 anti-union MPs, it is only because they want the union to continue and they have no intention to ever finish it.
This is your political route. 10 years of stasis by the SNP and denial to act by our 56, 35 and 40something anti-union MPs tells us this route is dead. Once our MPs take their seats, they will never go against the union.
Point 2 “For all Scotland’s representatives in the HoC and HoL to abandon the seats and return to Scotland, refusing to coming back”
In 1712 and 1713 they called this “deserting the seats”. They knew there could no longer be a pretence of a “union parliament” if only one of the two partners in the contract was present in parliament.
Currently, a lot of pro-independence supporters ask for our MPs to vacate the green seats, because why are our MPs there when there is no way they can make any difference whatsoever to what an overwhelming majority of England MPs will ever decide. The only thing our MPs are doing there is to legitimise any abuse England MPs impose on Scotland.
They do not give a figure, by in 1712 they seemed under the impression that a combined majority of Scotland’s representatives in the HoC and Peers abandoning the seats was enough to signify the end of the union.
The last 10 years of watching the SNP anti-union MPs gluing their fat arses to the green seats and making no move to actually put their inexistent spines upright and get out of that sewer, tells us this route is dead too.
I must admit I have never been convinced by this method myself, because to take the seats, each of them must swear allegiance to the monarch, so they are bound by that. Once their arses touch the green leather of the seats, that is it. They are as good preserving the union as the colonial parties.
Point 3: “to not elect any representative to the HoC or HoL”
This is just the 1713 version of our current abstention to vote, spoiling our ballot or taking the Sinn Fein and ISP approach: to elect representatives who specifically refuse to take the oath to the monarch and take the seats.
We know this route works because Sinn Fein has demonstrated us so. It works because those representatives never swear allegiance to the monarch, therefore they are not bound by it. Because they do not give up the seats either, by-elections cannot take place. If they force a byelection, we just have to elect the same abstentionist again.
If a majority of our MPs are elected under that manifesto, they can reconvene the old Scotland’s parliament, invite the peers and dissolve the treaty.
Point 4: “To recall the three estates of parliament”
This was proposed in the context of the 1712 Hamilton affair. It was deemed that the recalling of the three estates of Scotland’s parliament was an automatic termination of the union.
There was another important aspect in this discussion, which was with regards to what could change the fundamental conditions of the treaty of union. It was believed in 1712 that the only entity that could change any fundamental article of the union was the Three Estates of Scotland’s parliament itself. In other words, it was not in the power of Westminster to change ANY of the fundamental conditions of the treaty. There are some articles that are open to be amended by the union parliament, but not the other articles.
I will put below some quotes to back that up. The quotes below were taken from the “Balmerino – Maule letters” published in the Scottish History Society, Fifth Series, Volume 7, section Miscellany XII,
This first quote is in relation to a bill to change the article of the treaty regarding the British peers so sort out the issue with the Duke of Hamilton:
“I have exoner[at]ed my self to my Country men by telling them that the only expedient was a bill asserting the Q[ueen’]s prerogative and our capacity.
But since even the Court has given this up and will not be for it, I thought the expedient of hereditary peers for elective was nather reasonable in itself nor was it practicable in [the] way that they proposed to do it, by the consent of the majority of the peers, nay of the whole peers. They said ane act of
parl[iamen]t could empower the majority of the peers to alter this thing, which
only concerned them selves. Then said I the parl[iamen]t who can give them
this power to alter what is absolutely stipulated must much more have this
power themselves, and this is for us to acknowledge that they may alter every
thing they please. Annandale was for leaving the house because he thought
even the Court was triffling with us. But when I declared my selfon this head
he was glad and struck heartyly in with me. They say I would have the Estates
to be called and I might as well propose a dissolu[tio]n of the Union. I say I
shall propose that when ever they please. But it is not my fault that nothing can alter any Article in our contract, but the partys who made it. Nay several English Lords had said this very thing, tho yet they went in to the Resolve of 25Jan[ua]r[y].’
Roseberry spoke on[e] day very freely in my Lord Kinnoulls that there
remained nothing for us but a dissolu[tio]n yet when at our meetings he saw
some folks faces he was very tame.
I writ to the Treasurer that I could not agree
with my countrymen in thinking that any body could alter ane article of any
contract but the partys contractors, who, in the Treaty of union, upon our part
were the estates of Scotland and not the nobility, nor could the peers dispose
of their peerage as of their property, the publique being too much concerned
in it, to permitt that.”
This second quote below, also from Lord Balmerino to Maule letters, is in regards to the recalling of the three estates and effective terminating the union:
“D[uke of] Hamilton], Mar, Loudoun and Hay
seem fond of the notion only they apprehend it will nather do here nor in Scotland but I am convinced that to call a meeting of the Scots estates is in effect to disolve the union and without them not only a majority of the peers
but even all of them being unanimous cannot alter any reserved article tho they
would do it the better, nay a point of the proposals concerns the barrens and
burgeses imeadiatly (who will never consent) but tho they would I say they
cannot without the nobility (that is to say) all our three estates (so called of
This third quote below, extracted from the same letters, indicates that in 1712 the Scots peers seemed under the impression that the union was only surviving thanks to the crown:
“Some here dream that all things seem to tend to a disolution of the union. Roseberry says openly that the whigs, Tories and Scots all desyn it and yet no man will speak out and
that nothing stops it but the Court”
This is another quote from the lord Balmerino – Maule letters. This quote is from 31 January 2012, still in relation to the issue of the peerages. It is about Scotland’s representatives “deserting” the seats as a measure of pressure:
“Carnwath has told some of our peers who say if they quite the house the 45
should do it also, That tho hitherto we have slighted them yet he has spoke to
his brethren on this head and that they will all desert with our lords on condi[tio]n that every Lord give his word of honour not to return without the approba[tio]n of the majority of our Lords and commons as one body. This
would be a good Inc[orpo]rating union”
The quote below is also from Lord Balmerino to Maule letters around the issue of the Malt Tax and bringing a bill for the dissolution of the union. It was written on 12 May 1713:
“Yesternight our commoners laid it on me to writ to all our Lords to meet
them this day at 10 a clock at a great Tavern4 to consult whats to be done (I told them Seafield was the man to call us togither about the Malt tax but that I should obay them). All our consulta[tio]ns will be but silly stuff except they would Unanimously take the resolu[tio]n which every man severally says he
wishes—to bring in a bill for dissolution of the Union—I think this would be a good service to the Queen and therefore I am for it….
It is only the Court that is against it, and it is in our power to make them weary of the union when we please. If they saw all orders in
Scotland addressing for a dissolu[tio]n, they would soon see that they could
not expect any service from us”
As you can see, Scotland’s representatives in 1712 and 1713 were far more ballsy than the amoebas that allegedly represent us now. “Deserting” the seats, bringing a bill to dissolve the union, stopping elections or reconvening the three estates were seen as perfectly acceptable ways to end the union. Needless to say that Scotland’s representatives in 1712 and 1713 agreed that dissolving the union was not only possible but achievable.
The quote below have been taken from the “Letters of George Lockhart of Carnwath, 1698-1732” I apologise for its length.
This letter was written sometime in 1713 with regards to the Malt Tax. When you read it today, you realise that nothing has changed in 300 years and nothing will ever change despite how many MPs and Peers Scotland sends to that cesspit of Westminster.
Scotland’s representatives were mocked in the 18th century and continue to be mocked today. They were taken for fools then, and they are still taken for fools today.
The Scots MPs and Lords in 1713 tried to play political games and achieved nothing. Just as, our so called representatives have been playing silly political games for the last ten years and achieved the square root of FA.
The quote also shows how Scotland’s representatives in 1713 already knew that there was absolutely no point whatsoever to even attempt to achieve anything by following the so called Westminster’s rules, which changed on demand, to bring forward bills or whatnot pertaining to any benefit to Scotland, because they would be trashed by the majority of England MPs and peers. And yet, they pursued those bills knowing they were doomed to fail. Just as this century’s Scotland’s representatives have been wasting the last ten years of Scotland’s time writing papers on independence or bringing forward bills or motions that have taken us nowhere.
From the quote, you also see the same backpedalling we see today. A lot of bravado to start with, but furiously peddling back with a myriad of excuses when the end of the union approaches and with it the end of salaries and sinecures. At the beginning, many of them in 1713 purported to stop the another election and stop sending to MPs to Westminster. But when that could affect their own seats, they rapidly peddled back. Just as we continue to see today with the SNP.
It seems that by 1713, Scotland’s representatives might have already been institutionalised in the cesspit of Westminster. With the bill for the end of the union they were mainly playing for the gallery. They knew they did not stand a chance of passing it.
The quote also shows how the monarch is the main party interested to keep the racket of the union going. It also shows how MPs and lords are unable to stand up to the monarch, who resourced to similar gaslighting and excuses in 1713 as it is done today: the union cannot be dissolved, the Queen did not know if it would be “legal”….
The conclusion is that nothing will ever be changed from within Westminster itself by having MPs there, no matter how much representation Scotland has in the HoC or the HoL. This was as true in 1713 and it is still true today. Attempts to do so are completely and utterly pointless. A complete waste of Scotland’s time.
Here is the quote:
“On Saturday I had not time to tell you hou the
Scots were used on Fryday last butt now I will give you ane account, and it is worth being knouen over all Scotland.
When the in grossed malt bill was read Mr Seckerly [Shakerley?] said he was against making any difference of the duties in Scotland and England. But at the same time he was sensible this duty was hard on Scotland and therefore he hoped it would never be imposed in Britain again and he was likewise sensible the Scots had reason to expect an exemption because the war was not concluded with Spain and because part of this duty was for the service of the first few months of the year, during which time the war existed with France and therefore he moved the duty should not commence in Scotland till Christmas.
This question was seconded, but the leading Whigs and some of the Tories opposed it, saying by the rules of the House no
amendment could be made to an engrossed bill, which prevailed with the House, whereupon Mr Smith said he observed a very
great blunder in the bill, for whereas it had been alleged (against the Scots) that the tax must be equal, yet this bill, taxing the Scots
more than the English, because it provided no malt should go from Scotland to England but what was entered at Carlisle or Berwick and there pay six pence per bushel over and above the duty at home, whereas there was no such thing as to the English malt carried into Scotland.
The Scots knew of this inequality but
resolved to let it pass to render the bill more gross and to be a handle for the Lords to insist against it. But being started they were obliged to take notice of it (though they were in hopes they would not have altered it), and therefore they said it was unequal, and a violation of the communication of trade, the English moved
to leave out that part of the bill.
The Scots asked by what rules they could make an alteration now since they were told five minutes before that it could not be done, and demanded that if an alteration could be made, the motion as to the commencement in
Scotland should be first voted but they laughed at them and would not do that though they altered the other. In short, never
was such treatment in the world.”
“Next day the Commoners met, where Mr Lockhart proposed that it was necessary they should show their resentment of such usage, and endeavour to get free of the Union, and for that purpose that they should move for leave to bring in a bill to dissolve it and added that though he did not think it could carry at
this time yet it would leave on record their sense of the usage they had received and show to those that succeeded their next
Parliament what their sense of matters were and it was to be hoped they would begin where they left off, and join with any
party that would come into any measures for their relief.
All the Scots members seemed very keen and therefore they wrote down their names and the following resolution, viz. that a meeting of
the peers should be desired on Tuesday when they should acquaint them that it was the opinion of the Commons there present that these measures should be prosecute, and their lordships’ concurrence desired.
This very much alarmed the ministry and yesterday morning Mr Carnegie, Mr Lockhart, MrJames Murray and Sir Alexander
Gumming were sent for to a great man, where they got many fair words and promises of a right regulation of affairs in Scotland
for the future and kindness shown to themselves and that ways and means should be fallen on, to make the Scots easy in the
uplifting this tax, but they answered they had no private views in the matter and that nothing they could give them could recompense the ruin of their country. That beside the present
injustice and hardship the contempt and scurrilous way of carrying on the affair showed plainly they were to expect nothing that was fair or just and that they had no game but sooner or later to shake off the chains.
That they knew no ministry durst
undertake to ease them of uplifting the tax, besides they could not trust to that.
It was answered they could not expect to carry the motion for dissolving the Union and the moving it might force the ministry to use the Scots with more severity than otherwise
they inclined to; they replied they expected no succour from the ministry, and although they did not prevail now yet they would lay a foundation for obtaining it one way or other afterwards.
Mr Lockhart being appointed by the Commoners to write to the Lords to meet with them this day there was accordingly a very
full meeting of both Lords and Commoners.
After the opinion of the Commoners was read, the Duke of Argyll said he very heartily agreed to the measure and he thought a dissolution of the Union absolutely necessary. The Earl of Mar said the same and so did several more of the peers.
Then Mr Baillie said he had nothing
to say against the motion in general, but he thought it was advancing too far until they knew the minds of their constituents.
Mr Lockhart said the minds of their constituents were not asked in making the Union, and there was no need of asking it to
dissolve it. All the world knew all the kingdom was almost against it at first and he was sure the treatment the Scots had received had not made any proselytes; that to wait that they
should write to and hear from their constituents was to lose time and the opportunity of this session.
The Earl of Islay insisted very
violently upon the necessity of prosecuting the dissolution be the consequences what they will, and most of the Lords and Commoners showed the same sense and zeal. In short, there appeared more of Scots spirit than in any assembly has met this many years.”
“others proposed that if the motion was rejected they should leave the Parliament and go all to Scotland and acquaint their constituents how they had been used, that they were to expect and that it was the opinion of the Scots members in both Houses that
neither Lords nor Commons should elect any to the next Parliament.
Mr Lockhart said that all they had or could resolve on was to no purpose unless they likewise resolved to stand firm to one another
and prosecute the measure of dissolving the Union in all events whatsoever and to oppose every measure and party that could and
would not relieve them, and therefore in the first place he would take the liberty to move that if any of this number should alter or
take a different course that it might be understood as a gross and open violation of his faith and he looked upon as infamous and
that this being agreed to and made the foundation of their actings, he was against leaving the Parliament, because if
once the Parliament was deserted no Scotsman could think of returning there and yet if the Union was not dissolved writs may
be issued for electing in Scotland and the sheriffs would be obliged to execute them and he did not question but nine parts of
ten of the freeholders would come into the project of not electing
and returning members, yet he was afraid in each county there might be some few false gentlemen who might out of personal
view get themselves elected and go to the Parliament; and further, if the Scots members engaged and stood firm they could do more service in Parliament than by leaving it.
These arguments prevailed, and thereupon all their names were writ down and this
resolution taken, viz. that it is their unanimous opinion that a motion be made in Parliament for a dissolution of the Union of the two kingdoms; that they are steadfastly to pursue this measure and that no consideration of whatever nature divert them from employing their whole strength in Parliament for effectuating it;
that the Duke of Argyll, the Earl of Mar, Mr Lockhart and Mr Cockburn do in all humility acquaint Her Majesty with this resolution as the only true measure for the support of her
government and prerogative, and for the happiness and quiet of her subjects.
Accordingly they went and told Her Majesty that the necessity of their circumstances obliged them to enter into this measure
which they conceived after 6 years’ experience was necessary for
the honour of Her Majesty’s person and government, and the particular advantage of England as well as Scotland and for the
benefit of the whole island.
Her Majesty answered that she was
sorry they had cause to complain but she hoped it was not to be imputed to the Union but to some accidental cause; that they
knew best what was fit for them to do for their own interest, but she thought this resolution was very rash.
She knew not if it was legal, and she wished they might not repent it when too late. The Scots Lords and Commons replied they had but too many and solid reasons to induce them to take this measure which they entered into very deliberately and were resolved
now to adhere to, be the consequences what they will; that nevertheless they could assure Her Majesty that whether under an united or separate state they would still continue faithful
subjects to her.
You cannot imagine what noise this makes. The ministry is alarmed at it, though they in some cases pretend to ridicule the
project and in others to threaten the Tower to any that shall make the motion.
But that will not frighten the Scots from doing their duty, for they all appear to be very firm and resolute and though it is a very doubtful case, nay, would appear to be attended with no success at this time, yet still there are a great deal of hopes it may even succeed now and at least afterwards, which God of his
infinite goodness grant.
You shall hear again when the motion is made which I think will be next Thursday.”
As you know, the bill was, as predicted, rejected.
They say time is the fire in which we burn, the school in which we learn.
Things can’t stay as they are, I reckon it’s an impossibility, We may just have to reconcile it may not be in our personal 3 score years and ten.
The important thing is lessons are learnt for Auld Scotias sake, that’s where the “sunny uplands” of hope are for our own generation.
You’re not going down the Salvo/convention of the estates/independence fairy route now are you?
Errrm….that’d be a hard pass from me I’m afraid. 🙂
There are no short cuts or silver bullets which will deliver independence in any reasonable timescale.
We need to convince a solid majority to vote for it in plebiscitary elections. Anyone arguing otherwise is no real friend of independence.
Andy (et al) is still waiting for his independence instructions to be issued.
He needs to convince you to follow his pessimistic pathway to nowhere – no shortcuts permitted.
Scotland’s regression (race to the bottom) must be experienced by the defeatists.
Well said.
I’m about 15 minutes away from the United Nations secretariat in New York. Would you like me to call in and give them a nudge on recognising Salvo (given this was expected by the end of the month?).
“There is no housing shortage”
If that’s true, several million people must be living in tent cities or shanty towns.
If the elites can keep their existence a secret, I wonder what else they’re hiding.
The attempts to rehabilitate this wee piece of shit continue…
link to archive.ph
Very poor form from the Holyrood Magazine, I expected better, although I note the author is proudly naming themselves “Staff Reporter”. What a fkg coward.
These scumbags would serve up cold sick, and I wouldn’t be more disgusted than giving column inches to the creep and Union stooge, Sturgeon.
Leave the man alone you vile creature. Curl up in a hole and die, preferrably outwith Scotland, the nation you betrayed.
I find this to be curious phrasing “I’ve seen the impact not just of what they believe happened to them initially…” from the above article.
For all you dudes with boards (skateboards to the rest) who know what «stoked» means, if ever a country needed to be stoked it is certainly Scotland.
the Stoked National party….you just wish!
More of a BMXer myself… but I’m far from being stoked aboot anything Scottish at the moment. It’s like being permastuck in an acid trip of that Rannoch Moor Trainspotting scene.
Spend so many of my days oot and aboot trying to do my bit to improve matters (which feels like an ever increasing complete waste of time) and pondering just how the fuck has this land we inhabit “developed” into such a shithole.
On an individual level there’s a huge amount of lazy arseholes can’t even grasp basic recycling.
Right up to big company level with Scottish Water still pumping untreated effluent into our biggest river.
New Years Day spent a couple of hours collecting the latest 4 big black bags full batch of plastic bottles and other detritus flushed downstream in the high water.
Currently the guns are blasting away at pheasants whilst far too many folk are simply trying to keep warm in an energy rich country.
I don’t feel like this is my home. I feel like an alien on this area of land.
Which kinda ties back in nicely with albeit invisible skateboards…
Mek ft. Dino – Feels Like Home (which samples Felix’s “Don’t You Want Me)
link to youtube.com
Seeing as dancing can keep you warm… Nae fiddles and pipes, electronic music content.
One positive is that last night I finally located a 10 min clip of Japan Dreaming Pt 1 from the early 90s.
link to youtube.com
This resolves where Scottish band Finitribe got their samples.
“People used to dream about the future.
They thought there was no limit to progress.
They dreamed of a clean, bright future, where science would make everything possible; And everybody better off.
Somewhere along the line that future got cancelled…”
Finitribe – Forevergreen (Forevermost Excellent Mix)
link to youtube.com
MrSuicideSheep: Tribe Society: Kings:
“Runnin’ with all of my brothers
I always wondered how far we could go
If we could break through the ceiling above us
There’d be no point of us looking below…
I’ve been through the darkest of caves and suffered
One hundred steps off the end of the road
Painted with passion, my favorite color
Hope I’m alive when this story gets old…
Lost in a world full of none believers
Searching for smoke in a stillwater pond
A nothing king, they called a dreamer
This is my life and I call it a song
We could be free
We could be free…
Kicked through the shackles
Broke through the chains
There’s no oppression
There’s no one to blame but you…
Home’s where I’m going
I close my eyes to see
I’ll take my throne, lay it on a mountain
And make myself a king…”:
link to tinyurl.com
Get yourself a gun, Dan, and go hunt beaver.
The info I’m seeing online tells me the meat is excellent.
And who knows, if the Climate Change boys are right, and the climate really does become warmer and wetter, perhaps beaver skin hats will make a comeback.
They are wonderfully waterproof, as you might expect.
re. Gov/SNP’s unmitigated failings due to the extremists…
Guardian (2023): Revealed: plan to brand anyone ‘undermining’ UK as extremist:
“Government officials have drawn up deeply controversial proposals to broaden the definition of extremism to include anyone who “undermines” the country’s institutions and its values”:
link to archive.ph
Michael Laing, quote:
“I don’t care whose side you’re on, I’m sick of you filling the comments section with your pointless, irrelevant twaddle.”
@X Trending: Tulip Siddiq Steps Down Amid Corruption Claims:
“Tulip Siddiq, who served as both the Anti-Corruption Minister and Treasury Minister, resigned from her government positions on January 14, 2025…”:
link to x.com
link to archive.ph