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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for the ‘comment’

Sleeping in thunder 232

Posted on February 06, 2023 by

The First Minister has gotten herself into quite a pickle.

But worse, there’s no way out of it.

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Different cultures 111

Posted on February 06, 2023 by

Meet Támara Wilson, readers. She likes learning and teaching through humour.

She’s also passionate about “uniting us all in these weird times”. So that’s nice.

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Furry Friends Forever 253

Posted on February 04, 2023 by

After Wings’ investigation into the disturbing world of “furries” earlier this week, the mainstream press picked up on the quite extraordinary decision by SNP MSP Christina McKelvie to endorse a “counter-protest” being organised by the costume fetishists against a women’s-rights event in Glasgow tomorrow.

Because it appears the SNP are more and more openly throwing their weight behind both extreme sexual kink (and worse) and the intimidation of women.

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No Exit 59

Posted on February 03, 2023 by

All The Nice Greens Love A Rapist 187

Posted on February 03, 2023 by

Wings readers are by now familiar with the face of Jack/Beth Douglas, the transgender Scottish Greens activist with a long history of abuse and advocating violence against women who is nonetheless feted and worshipped by most of the Scottish Parliament.

Yet even after our extensive revelations about his past last week, not a single MSP has disassociated themselves from him. And now we find ourselves in a position whereby in order to protect other women, we’re forced to direct people’s attention to something we really wish we didn’t have to.

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Nicola Sturgeon is a transphobe 67

Posted on February 02, 2023 by

This afternoon’s FMQs was a new low in the career of the First Minister, in which she haplessly let herself be comprehensively humiliated by Douglas Ross, of all people.

Worse than that, though, is that she must surely now be expelled from the SNP.

Hey, we don’t make the rules.

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Bear Toilet Update 183

Posted on January 31, 2023 by

In a SHOCKING REVELATION that NOBODY COULD HAVE PREDICTED, it turns out that the people of Britain think that putting criminals with penises into women’s prisons maybe isn’t the absolutely best idea.

Just 24% of respondents supported the idea of intact males who’d committed even non-violent and non-sexual crimes being housed alongside women, while a mere 15% – all of them red-flag danger cases in urgent need of having their hard drives checked – thought that rapists and sexual assaulters with their dingle-dangles still swinging in the wind had any business being incarcerated with the vulnerable and traumatised females who make up most of the female prison population.

Four times as many wanted them locked up with their fellow male offenders, while it would appear that approximately a quarter of Britons are whimpering custard-witted doughbrains who didn’t understand the question.

We’ll leave you to digest this startling and unexpected news, readers.

Round the mulberry bush 121

Posted on January 30, 2023 by

We’re very busy today, but there’s always time for a chuckle.

She’s going to need to buy a ticket to get back into the stadium after that.

A betrayer of women and a disgrace 157

Posted on January 29, 2023 by

We’re not experts in the field, but we think this is what an actual feminist looks like.

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Don’t you think she looks tired? 289

Posted on January 29, 2023 by

It’s been a rough old week for the First Minister.

And next week’s not looking much better.

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Safe as houses 116

Posted on January 28, 2023 by

Doublethink, Expert Level 144

Posted on January 27, 2023 by

This is incredible.

We couldn’t put it better than Alba MP Neale Hanvey, who said:

A cunning plan… let’s fight to preserve a law we’ve just done a major U-turn on, completely undermining our claims it was ‘safe’. Remember when Scottish Labour played opposite sides of the argument? Well, even they didn’t argue both sides on the same front page on the same day.”

The SNP are a flailing shambles of incompetence, under a leader fast losing her iron grip on her own party as they watch her turning it into a laughing stock with growing horror. More and more disquiet reaches our ears from within her increasingly leaky and nervous Parliamentary groups. Who will be the first to tie their courage to a flagpole and make the move to mutiny? We can only wait and see.

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