Before the storm
To be honest, Humza Yousaf’s new Cabinet satirises itself – everyone’s picking on the absurdity of noted idiot Shona Robison becoming Finance Secretary but the funniest is surely omnifailure Shirley-Anne Somerville as Trans Rights – sorry, “Social Justice” Secretary – so rather than waste our breath on it today we’re going to catch up on some results from our latest Panelbase poll that we haven’t managed to squeeze in amid the mayhem of the last couple of weeks.
They tell us some interesting things about the Scotland the new FM now leads.
Or more precisely, the one he might at least theoretically lead in the future. Because we asked the double-sized sample of just over 2000 people what kind of a Scotland they’d like to live in in the currently-unlikely scenario of it becoming independent.
The first result will gravely disappoint the more Trotskyite wing of the Yes movement.
Because in line with all previous polls, Scots overwhelmingly want to stay part of the West’s military alliance, and SNP voters are bang in line with the population as a whole. However much the radical left might hate it, an indy Scotland bailing out of NATO remains a massive vote-loser.
And while we’re on the subject of defence, Scottish voters still back the idea of renting out the Faslane nuclear submarine base to the UK as a source of revenue and a bargaining chip in independence negotiations, with SNP voters against the idea but perhaps by a much smaller margin than most people might expect.
When it came to the monarchy, though, things got intriguing.
Here SNP voters and the wider electorate were polar opposites, with the former firmly republican but Scotland in general equally firmly monarchist. The 50-33 margin was however much closer than the last time we asked this question, in February 2017, when support for retaining the monarchy was 30 points in the lead (58-28), although that question actually asked about Britain rather than an indy Scotland.
Interestingly it’s also at odds with a poll commissioned just three months ago by Alba, also run by Panelbase, which found a 55-45 majority for abolishing the monarchy in an indy Scotland. That’s a very large discrepancy – with Alba’s poll very much the outlier historically – and we’re not sure we can explain it.
Capital punishment is always an interesting barometer of social mores, and there’s been a big shift there in recent years, with a very narrow majority now opposed to restoring it, compared to a hefty 55-33 majority in favour when we asked in 2015.
And there’s also been a lot of movement on recreational drugs, so to speak. When we asked this one a decade ago voters were opposed to legalisation by a 34-point margin, but the gap is only 14 points now and SNP voters (who were opposed by 28 points in 2013) are actually in favour.
Finally, on the subject of Europe there were no surprises that a large majority (more than 2:1) of Scots wanted back into the EU, but the inbetween position of EFTA membership – which would also be a highly beneficial stopgap during the years any application to join the EU would take – was met by a resounding “Whuh?” from voters who evidently think EFTA are the people who run the European Championships.
So there you go. You may or may not find the above fascinating and informative, but frankly it’s better than trying to say anything about Humza Yousaf’s new “unity” cabinet (comprising precisely nobody who backed either of his rivals for the leadership) that won’t just get us in trouble.
You’ve posted the results for recreational drug use in answer to the Faslane question.
“You’ve posted the results for recreational drug use in answer to the Faslane question.”
This is Sturgeon’s departing insult to the Scottish people she duped for eight years.
I give this balloon and his pantomime cabinet six months max!
Still in shock…
Can we please have an election soon…please!
“Numptyparade” – beautifully put!
Only surprise was the last one on EFTA.
It’s a no brained, easier to get membership, access to single market without the complex politics of EU.
This a new nation can handle.
As for the new cabinet, well I joined Alba on hearing Useless was new leader.
So enough said.
Humza must have had trouble filling the slots. Old Marmalade has been detached from the joys of family life to retain his old brief.
Another re-tread: dear old Angela Constance.
If MSPs have been turning down, offers from Humza, who can blame them?
Ian McCubbin says:
29 March, 2023 at 4:01 pm
Only surprise was the last one on EFTA.
It’s a no brained, easier to get membership, access to single market without the complex politics of EU.
This a new nation can handle.
As for the new cabinet, well I joined Alba on hearing Useless was new leader.
So enough said.
This is probably because EFTA has not been explained to the public since the Alba Party get very little air-time whilst the SNP supporters support their party’s position of full fat EU membership.
A cabinet which will go down in history.
For all the wrong reasons.
The one that’s really in charge is the guy in the middle
Uszeless picks nodding dogs of incompetent failures for cabinet, Robison ( a social work nil financial experience )come off it. all but 1 ( constance ) were open usezless supporters….re arranging deckchairs on the titanic, and the old football adage being ignored ie always pick yer strongest team. In fitba terms this tube is at the level of the North Caledonian league lol lol lol
I wonder whether or not Humza’s tenure as FM will last as long as Liz Truss’s. Do you think his mentor will be barred from Bute House just as Alex Salmond was a few years ago.
Humza is certainly “primus inter pares” in this bunch of tossers.
You should really not publish these. The SNP will use them to select the most unpopular policies possible
Them Trojans are very cunning that way
I cancelled my membership as soon as the results were announced, his cabinet will be a laughing stock of not only Holyrood but westmonster. The pole results don’t really surprise me apart from EFTA, so maybe that’s something ALBA needs to inform the masses of
Surely shum mishtake?
The cabinet is not gender balanced … unless one of Shona Robison, Jenny Gilruth, Màiri McAllan, Mairi Gougeon, Shirley-Anne Somerville and Angela Constance are self-identifying as a man.
Humza Yousless’s cabinet of mediocrities (apologies to Guillermo Del Toro)
That’s not a gender balanced cabinet. What about the dozens and dozens of genders that aren’t represented there?
I saw recently a report that the Northern European nations were combining in a defence agreement. I presume they would welcome an Inde Scotland.
How can thd SNP continually do as they please, without fear of any comebacks.
What kind of country are we living in?
Interesting and informative indeed. I’m not surprised folk are in favour of Nato, I was against until Ukraine, I think that will have changed a few folks mind.
On EFTA, looks like that’s an area to educate the general public on, a key weakness should there be a defacto election referendum, persuading people that EFTA, is all the benefits of the EU without the wait, will be crucial to settling nerves I would guess come election time.
Interesting stuff.
I suppose its a very small snap shot of a small amount of people, the next 2000+ asked could give different answers to those questions, possibly a reason the Alba poll on the monarchy.
On EFTA, 52% don’t know, we really are f*cked.
” Scottish voters still back the idea of renting out the Faslane nuclear submarine base to the UK as a source of revenue and a bargaining chip in independence negotiations.”
So the majority of those 2000+ folk don’t mind nukes being retained just 30 odd miles from Scotland’s biggest city, even though the warheads travel through our city streets during the day and at night on their way to Faslane, which incidentally is meant to be our future naval base. this doesn’t even cover the pollution that the English subs emit in our lochs, and the MoD supercedes SEPA on this so there’s not much recourse.
That’s right, they appreciate that they’ve kept war from our shores for over 60 years, Ukraine threw away it’s nukes – that went well, didn’t it?
I was going to comment, but my brain function just seized up at the sight of that cabinet.
Tbh it’s rather depressing how thick the electorate are. But then, we wouldn’t be “led” by the likes of Sturgeon, Humza and Sunak if our democracy was healthily working the way it’s supposed to.
I think NATO is about to become a lot less popular due to them starting WW3 though.
Constant Constance. Will she ever get a break from the red boxes?
It gets worse. Think. This Scottish Executive is now the best the SNP have to offer. With Forbes and Regan probably done with politics now, deselected or standing down at next election, who will the zombie SNP members pick as next leader when Yousaf quits or is ousted. Robison? Robertson?
And here lies the ultimate tale of 8 years without leadership. People not aware of what EFTA is, is but the start. Strong leadership would address both the moral questions and give the confidence that we can manage as a society without having to rely on payouts for Faslane and the “guidance” of NATO and the Windsors.
It would have been nice if the people we elected (and paid) to do the job had done what they repeatedly promised they would; instead of their illegal, immoral and repugnant alternatives.
SNP have chosen party over people. New leadership required.
«A eunuch is a man who has had his work cut out for him»
Attrib. Robert Burns.
“The cabinet team I have unveiled reflects the priorities that we will pursue as a government – including tackling child poverty, improving public services and building a fairer, greener economy”
Downing street speak.
No horses frightened. Mind the pedestrian!
«Nations are born in the hearts of poets, they prosper and die in the hands of politicians»
Muhammad Iqbal….South Asian Muslim writer, philosopher, scholar and politician, and Urdu language poet.
Stu, I know others have already pointed this out, but you have posted results of a question on recreational drugs twice, once when commenting on poll results for keeping Faslane to rent out, then again when you comment on recreational drugs question. Of course, the results for recreational drug use come close to explaining why those polled want to retain Faslane. Or maybe it is the influence of that pic of the new cabinet on normal cognitive function.
This is like when a small club scrapes into the SPL in a promotion play-off and then doesn’t manage to sign anyone of note in the close season. You just know it’ll be a disaster in the top flight.
Team Humza heading for relegation.
You may or may not find the above fascinating and informative, but frankly it’s better than trying to say anything about Humza Yousaf’s new “unity” cabinet
Anything’s better than writing about that lot.
I posed this on WGD website but it probably won’t get past the censors.
Humza Yousaf enters Bute House with the worst approval rating of any FM (-30) and has made the incompetent Shona Robinson his Deputy FM AND Finance Secretary. Both individuals have failed upwards in politics, with Yousaf failing at every ministerial job he has been in.
Can anyone really look at Yousaf and believe that he is the man who will deliver Scottish independence? If you can, then you are one truly lost soul. He will surround himself by mediocrity, the same way Scottish Labour did. His approval ratings with plummet and the Scottish Government will go from one disaster to another. He will not last. Either, he will be replaced before the next UK election or he will be forced to step down after the election (expect the SNP to lose 10/15 seats). He is the Forrest Gump of the SNP and we will not see independence anytime soon.
Remember the de-facto referendum? Remember the article WGD wrote comparing and contrasting the pros and cons of using a Holyrood election vs a Westminster election? Well, do not expect him to write a follow-up article where he concedes that he has been duped with false promise after false promise. The de-facto vote was nothing more than red meat to throw to the wider YES movement in order to keep us on quiet – it was never going to happen. Even the wimpish Ind-De Car Gordon Ross (the all seeing, all knowing oracle) realises that the prospect of independence looks increasingly unlikely within the next five years.
YES movement: “When will independence happen?”
Shona Robinson: “It’ll happen when it happens.”
There is no cost-of-living-crisis on the SNP careerist gravy bus.
I’ll ask the Voodoo Lady on Mêlée Island if she has some sort of potion that will help bring about Scottish independence, because it clearly won’t happen under the current SNP leadership.
What a cynical bunch Wings readers are.
Humza has only been in the job for a couple of days, give the man an opportunity to prove his worth.
Right, that’s enough time, get the fool out now along with the rest of the wannabees, has beens and never will be’s.
Indy Ref 2 will be along any day now. Get your carrots here-only 10p a pound.
PS Am I allowed to use the word man?
@ Rev, the drugs results have been included twice in the post.
the Scotland the new FM now leads
For him to lead, others have to follow.
I’m not following. Not now, not ever.
The latest Yew Choob video. Thanks to Wee Annie for the link.
link to
Faslane? Yay, ok, willing to rent.
How much you got in the bank?
Does anyone know if Alba will be putting up constituency candidates for the next Scottish Election.
@Red says:29 March, 2023 at 4:46 pm
“I think NATO is about to become a lot less popular due to them starting WW3 though”
Haha, good one.
Retired and Extremely Dangerous (like in the film)?
Naw. Ridiculous and Extremely Deluded.
An interesting tidbit about Kate Forbes from the UK State mouthpiece the BBC in its article about Uselesses new cabinet:
“BBC Scotland said he [Useless] understands that Ms Forbes felt the SNP’s partnership agreement with the Scottish Greens would have “tied her hands and cost her dearly in her constituency” if she had taken the rural affairs job.”
link to
So if Uselesses assumption/understanding is correct then Kate Forbes’ only interest was a quiet life inside the Scottish Government on the public payroll as Finance Secretary, and the reason she quit government was based solely on her own self-interest in wanting to self-preserve her £66,662/year salaried job as an MSP.
Her hands were not tied during the GRR vote as she was on maternity leave from her £116,759/year Finance Secretary role in the Scottish Government and skipped having to participate in any of the debates entirely, yet another MSP who was also on maternity leave at the time managed to return to the Scottish Parliament in order to vote against the GRR bill.
It does bring to the fore the many questions raised during the SNP leader elections over her reasons for participating in the SNP leadership election to begin with – was she another willing plant by the outgoing Sturgeon/Murrell regime in order to fix the election for Useless by depriving Ash Regan of votes? Is this further evidence of corruption within the party? Is this just Useless putting a knife in her back on her way out of the door?
At the very least it certainly brings Uselesses apparent win of the SNP leader election under further question, given what we already know about the process and how many employees of SNP HQ resigned and Scottish Government staff who resigned (Lloyd) due to their own actions over the entire election and support of Useless and the elections legitimacy.
For someone who now apparently wants a “quiet life” surely a job such as a Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary, a Minister, or even the self-demoted role as a regular MSP (in order to self-preserve her own £66,662/year job come the next election) would be seen as a very busy and somewhat hectic lifestyle choice for a new mother who wants a “quiet life”, a job that involves splitting your time between the Scottish Parliament for debates & commmittees and somehow still managing to meet with and cover the needs of the constituents in her Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch constituency, the second largest by area in Scotland at 1,129,516.312 hectares (11295.16312 square kilometers) which is only surpassed in area by Caithness, Sutherland and Ross at 1,240,836.963 hectares (12408.36963 square kilometers) held by another Scottish Government (Minister for Public Health, Women’s Health and Sport), Maree Todd, a person that people in the constituency rarely ever lay eyes on outside of brief PR opportunities to get her mugshot in the local papers.
I know that if I was an MSP and a new parent who was looking for a “quiet life”, if I had a partner who owned their own farm business and who’s own parents have investments and businesses in the local area, I’d quit as an MSP for that quieter life and be looking towards supporting my partners business and my parents businesses and give up the hectic lifestyle that involves all the uproar that is part and parcel with being an MSP.
The whole situation is very bizarre indeed.
I saw Angela Constance recently (on Youtube) face questioning at a Westminster Select Committee regarding devolved Scotland’s poor comparative record on drug abuse. Her responses were an exemplar of the complete art of saying nothing at all, and at substantial length. It was truly terrifying to listen to.
I think SNP voters being in favour of legalising recreational drugs explains a lot.
I mean, who needs stupid ferries when you’re so fucking high you can fly yourself, and no need to worry about paying extortionate energy bills to keep warm when your either so numbed out your skull you can’t feel anything, or dancing your arse off on amphetamines.
FFS, Aye #BothTokesSNP will keep ya right.
Okay, so where is a reasonable place to emigrate to these days?
Silly question I know, but who’s in charge of pushing for Independence?
Or wasn’t that on the agenda?
Maybe it’s woven through with other portfolios… or something…
duncanio says:
29 March, 2023 at 4:16 pm
Only surprise was the last one on EFTA.
It’s a no brained, easier to get membership, access to single market without the complex politics of EU.
I don’t find it surprising. I reckon a fair few folk won’t even know what EFTA is.
I used to be staunchly pro-EU when we were in the EU, because as Ireland can testify, having 27 EU nations at your back is mighty helpful when you’re dealing with Perfidious Albion, and also when you’re hoping to get International Recognition from 27 sovereign nations in a single afternoon…
Now we’re out, I fear if Scotland sounds lacklustre about the EU, then I’ve a worry perhaps the EU will be lacklustre about Scottish Independence and especially Scotland’s deregulated Freeports.
And whether you’re pro or anti EU is irrelevant, or at least of secondary importance beside Scotland’s forced removal from Europe being a Treaty of Union busting unconstitutional outrage. With a Scottish Backstop and the Claim of Right underpinning it, Sovereign Independence was within our grasp in 2016. Talk about a squandered opportunity…
Though less staunch about it, I remain pro EU, because I seem to be in a vanishingly small minority of people who see beyond the economic agendas, and are grateful that the EU has more or less kept peace in Europe since WW2 and allowed sworn enemies to put the war behind them and enjoy peace and mutual prosperity. That’s a massive success in my book, especially compared to the pent up animosity inspired by WW2 allegiances we are now seeing in Eastern Europe where there was never an EU brokering reconciliation.
If I had to choose between Europe and NATO, and you couldn’t have both, I’d choose Europe. A hung-ho expansionist NATO is an ugly looking creature, and the EU has blundered big time in my opinion.
Are there problems with the EU? Yes. Is NeoLiberalism insanely stupid? Yes. Is Europe doing too much of the wrong things? Yup.
Is Europe worth fixing? Yes it is absolutely… but pro NATO type people probably won’t like my ideas of how the EU could be fixed, but stopping the sending of tanks and depleted uranium shells into Eastern Europe is a no brainer.
There is a BRICS storm gathering, it’s getting bigger and bigger, and we should be listening to the weather warnings…
NATO hegemony racket & Faslane prime real estate given to another countries weapons? FFS!
I give up. Who did you survey, Stu? The orange order?
Where’s Sideshow Bob and his Green Goddess – not good enough for the first team?
The only one I’d rate out of the 10 on show is Mairi Allan. I’ve heard her speak in Parliament and she came across well, no SNP aggression or spitting out of the words or her dummy, and she was on brief. Such a surprise hearing someone answer what they’ve been asked.
I think EFTA is complex to explain and understand and its difficult
To frame a question in it which provides necessary nuance without building in bias. Whereas the NSM have already built A policy bias in favour of EU membership.
Karen Adam’s representing the SNP on Debate Night the nicht.
There are 6 females and 4 males in that photo. Where’s the balance?
They seem very…. How can I put this delicately? White.
The SNP has survived for years on the basis that it was the ‘least worse’ option. It now seems determined to hand that label to another party because of its mad policies. The new face of Scotland is rather different to that of Nicola Sturgeon and will deter many for that simplistic reason. The rest of his cabinet are irrelevant.
50% of voters are against independence and only voted SNP because they coouldn’t stomach any of the other parties. They will not be attracted to Alba, or the Green perverts.
If they vote at all, they could hold their noses and return to Labour as the default position. If they are incensed at the trans supporting parties they could even turn to the Tories, who must think Christmas has come early for them.
The SNP has turned into reality the myth of what lemmings are famous for. The cliff edge beckons. There is no turning back, they gather momentum with everything they do.
The next election will bring a welcome end to them. But what a state they will have left Scotland in. Something to be proud of Nicola?
Just a comment on the statistics presented here. They’re not incorrect but are, I think, open to misinterpretation.
There are 2006 respondents in your survey. Of these, 722 are SNP supporters but these are included in the base of 2006 “All Respondents”. As a result, you get a false impression of the extent to which the views of SNP supporters diverge from those who they have to win over (i.e. the 1284 (2006 – 722) people in the survey who are not SNP supporters).
For example, “Being in the EU” states that of All Respondents (2006), 60% are in favour, but of SNP Supporters (722), 83% are in favour. Which is fine, but buried in this are the Non-SNP Supporters (1284), and of them only 47% are in favour.
Of course this might just be me being a complete tit and failing to understand the tables, but I think that they would benefit from a third column showing the response from Non-SNP supporters.
Breeks – If I had to choose between Europe and NATO
Too bad the EU chose NATO, and decided to get into a war with their own energy supplier. The European Union is an American satrap, which is why the Americans are desperate for us to rejoin.
The EU’s (and UK’s) future is poverty and isolation as China, Russia and the rest of the world pull ahead of the debt-drowned, US-dominated, funny money Western economies.
What’s Karen Adam representing herself as… a moron?
The villages of Scotland must be calm now that all their idiots are, or shall be, in the Scottish Government.
@Breeks says:29 March, 2023 at 5:30 pm
grateful that the EU has more or less kept peace in Europe since WW2
Cyprus, Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland, the Basque Country, Albania. Must be interesting to have a map of Europe on which these countries are not shown. Or is the “more or less” just a Scottish “figure of speech”?
stopping the sending of tanks and depleted uranium shells into Eastern Europe is a no brainer
Have you worked out how to stop that then? I am all for pushing the aggressor Orcs right back over the border they first swarmed across on 24 Feb 2022. Send them hamewards tae think again wi a bloody neb.
And the sooner the better, so that the rest of Europe, including those EU countries we Scots want to merge with, can start to deal with the problems we were trying to deal with prior to February 2022.
The EU is in it to win it and thank fuck for that. It’s the one thing about the EU that has caused me to re-evaluate my previously negative opinion of the bloc. Glad to see my fellow Scots are similarly grown up in their thinking.
Ok Branch meeting on Thursday what should I be asking elected representatives
I’m guessing that the survey participants don’t have a fkin clue about acronyms?
No idea about USA aggression and NATO?
As for EFTA – probably thought that was a spelling mistake for Effie?
Robertson’s got a long-knife behind his back, ready to stab the scruffy wee guy. Some crew, all together.
Thank god Emma Roddick didn’t get a position
I think SNP voters being in favour of legalising recreational drugs clearly explains the way they voted in the recent leadership election, they’re obviously smoking plenty of it.
Can’t say I blame them
You’ve posted the recreational drug use question jpg TWICE in this article.
I think the first one is the mistake and was meant to be about Faslane, because it comes after this paragraph:
(Oh. And in an earlier article, I think the noun incompetent should have been the adjective incompetence, but wasn’t sure if you were making a joke or not…)
@Red says:29 March, 2023 at 5:56 pm
“Too bad the EU chose NATO”
Maybes a number of influential EU countries have strong folk memories of tanks on their streets gunning down protesters, man-made famines that killed millions, mass graves containing the murdered tens of thousands of their educated professionals and middle classes – anybody who might provide the nucleus for a cultural and linguistic revival or resistance against the murdering, torturing and raping occupier.
Red will be wondering if it was NATO that did all of these things.
Naw, it wasn’t.
Red will be wondering if it is NATO that stands between Europeans and all of these things happening again.
Aye, it is.
Re Nato
A reminder that the alliance is led by America with England following on behind.
link to
American intelligence? Oxymoron?
Scotland, independent, ought to stay well clear of «alliances».
@ Izzie says:29 March, 2023 at 6:11 pm
Ok Branch meeting on Thursday what should I be asking elected representatives
See if you can get a timeline or schedule for the promised eradication of poverty.
I think we all understand it’s early days an that, so we will understand if they can’t pin it down to a Tuesday or whatever.
But maybes the year would be feasible? Allow us to plan our finances, etc. etc.
“I urge us all continue to take a stand, to speak out and to challenge the acceptability of this violence in our society
until we have ensured that everyone in Scotland lives
Equally Safe.”
Shirley-Anne Somerville, then Social Security Secretary ‘celebrating’ International Women’s Day (2020 I think) 24 hours late, after being prompted, including ‘everyone’ and without mentioning women. She mentioned the trans days on the right day and mentioned them, of course.
Sturgeon was (and now Humza is) Scotland’s jailer within the union. How little did we know about her before she took over from Alex? Her taking power was a huge mistake for Scotland.
In 2019 the Tories had lost the DUP’s support, their MP’s were thrown out of the party and other Tory MP’s walked over to the Lib-Dems or other parities. Johnston was left in what was a minority government. We had Sturgeon refusing to walk for Independence and was insisting that Scotland voted NO to leaving the EU, but she could joined a march in London calling for another referendum on the EU, when England voted for it. During this period the SNP held power in Westminster, Johnston was seeking to call an early election but was unable to because he didn’t have enough MP’s without the support from other parties. Sturgeon instead of saying to Johnston grant a section 30 and I’ll give you an early election (this was our only and best chance of getting a section 30 order) but she didn’t do this, what she did was gave the Tories an early election as they wanted, but got nothing in return for the SNP or Scotland, but by giving the Tories an early election she allowed what she’d marched against in London to happen.
Sturgeon is either working for the Union and Tories or working with them. She has put Humza into power as a fall guy, and he (not her) will be held accountable for all her many failings. He has no idea what he has let himself in for, he believes she is a friends, when she has no friends just people she either controls or people that control her.
She made clowns out of every single one of us and she keeps laughing in our faces. When you read the above or what I’ve said here or any other person who’s woken up to the Sturgeon’s con, I’m amazed that certain people like Lesley Riddoch, Brian Cox to name but a few still believe she acting in Scotland interest.
I don’t know how many times I’ve stated that after Sturgeon meeting Theresa May is the day Sturgeon turned on Scotland.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. How many time is it going to take for certain people to waken up it isn’t like she hiding whats she doing she doing it right in our faces, she been getting pleasure out of doing it and getting away with it.
After 2014 I thought ok we lost but we have so much to build upon, I wished I new at the time that the person we’d hope would bring our country back to the Scots was in fact our very own Judas, trust me I know how Jesus must have felt but he’s a better man than me because I’ll never forgive her and I know now I’m unlikely to ever see Scotland free but what I can do is make sure history knows exactly who Scotland Judas was Nicola Sturgeon.
What I’ve learned about Sturgeon is she not for given its all about how much she can take, she has certainly taken the dream away from me for now.
Be good to rephrase or add an additional question:
‘In EFTA with a view to re-joining the EU asap….’
Be good to rephrase / add an additional question:
‘In EFTA with a view to re-joining the EU asap….‘
Breeks says:
29 March, 2023 at 5:30 pm
Silly question I know, but who’s in charge of pushing for Independence?
Or wasn’t that on the agenda?
Maybe it’s woven through with other portfolios… or something…
duncanio says:
29 March, 2023 at 4:16 pm
Only surprise was the last one on EFTA.
It’s a no brained, easier to get membership, access to single market without the complex politics of EU.
I don’t find it surprising. I reckon a fair few folk won’t even know what EFTA is.
I used to be staunchly pro-EU when we were in the EU, because as Ireland can testify, having 27 EU nations at your back is mighty helpful when you’re dealing with Perfidious Albion, and also when you’re hoping to get International Recognition from 27 sovereign nations in a single afternoon…
Now we’re out, I fear if Scotland sounds lacklustre about the EU, then I’ve a worry perhaps the EU will be lacklustre about Scottish Independence and especially Scotland’s deregulated Freeports.
And whether you’re pro or anti EU is irrelevant, or at least of secondary importance beside Scotland’s forced removal from Europe being a Treaty of Union busting unconstitutional outrage. With a Scottish Backstop and the Claim of Right underpinning it, Sovereign Independence was within our grasp in 2016. Talk about a squandered opportunity…
Though less staunch about it, I remain pro EU, because I seem to be in a vanishingly small minority of people who see beyond the economic agendas, and are grateful that the EU has more or less kept peace in Europe since WW2 and allowed sworn enemies to put the war behind them and enjoy peace and mutual prosperity. That’s a massive success in my book, especially compared to the pent up animosity inspired by WW2 allegiances we are now seeing in Eastern Europe where there was never an EU brokering reconciliation.
If I had to choose between Europe and NATO, and you couldn’t have both, I’d choose Europe. A hung-ho expansionist NATO is an ugly looking creature, and the EU has blundered big time in my opinion.
Are there problems with the EU? Yes. Is NeoLiberalism insanely stupid? Yes. Is Europe doing too much of the wrong things? Yup.
Is Europe worth fixing? Yes it is absolutely… but pro NATO type people probably won’t like my ideas of how the EU could be fixed, but stopping the sending of tanks and depleted uranium shells into Eastern Europe is a no brainer.
There is a BRICS storm gathering, it’s getting bigger and bigger, and we should be listening to the weather warning
It wiznae me! I was quoting Ian McCubbin …
I take it Nicola Sturgeon is still running our country,so much for bringing the party together.
Your latest Poll questions in the field, just taken part in it,
Will be interesting seeing the results
What an absolute dearth of talent in Sturgeon’s rancid SNP.
The Scout group my kids were in were a more capable group of individuals than the shower of also-rans grinning in that village idiot’s convention pictured above.
As a country, we’re f***ed.
I am against Nato, the monarchy and keeping the nuclear base. Doesn’t look like I will get the Scotland I want. But that’s life. All theoretical anyway, we are decades from indy now.
The context to these questions and responses was a misinforming and oligarchical system of representative democracy.
Rent out Faslane? Seriously.
Faslane is only one part of a facility that links up with Coulport on the other side of the peninsula between gareloch and loch long.
Between those two is a massive nuclear weapons silo for the subs built into the hill. You can see it all on Google maps. I thought it would be blurred but it isn’t. You can see the bunkers.
In the event of a nuclear war that peninsula will be saturated with nuclear strikes of the most viscous order.
Faslane is 25 miles as the crow flies from George Sq and the heart of Scotland’s largest population cluster.
Rent it out? How much is worth painting a huge target on most of your population.
It should never have been built there.
Kate Forbes used maternal leave as a ‘reason’ why she missed the GRR vote, so its very hypocritical for her to vote for HY in yesterdays meaningless vote to elect him FM. Disappointed in Ash voting for him as well, all along party lines. link to . That cabinet is awful, just awful.
It actually reminds of a Labour cabinet under McConnel. Full of failed councilors and half wits. I remember I used to be embarrassed that they represented Scotland. Now the SNP are no better.
Holyrood has 3 main parties , and not one of them are worthy of voting for. It might need closed down, so we can start again.
Hi Izzie at 6:11 pm.
You asked,
“Ok Branch meeting on Thursday what should I be asking elected representatives”
I, like 100,000 others (re)joined the SNP after September 2014. I believe that the collective decision was to show that the Pro-Indy grassroots movement was going nowhere other than on the road to independence. That’s why Labour (anti-independence) was annihilated in the 2015 GE and the SNP got 56 seats. It had nothing to do with Ms Sturgeon – it was the legacy of the referendum defeat and Alex Salmond’s narrow failure to achieve independence.
Since then, as the collage of National front pages on WOS pages shows, there has been absolutely no advance of the campaign for independence. Rather, there has been a drip feed of carrots, particularly in advance of elections, that was designed to keep Yessers voting for the SNP.
I think you can see from the comments btl on WOS that the blinkers are now off.
I was fooled. When Blackford stood up in Westminster every other week and asserted, “Scotland will no be dragged out of the EU against her will”, I believed that there was a killer plan, ready to be unsheathed from its scabbard.
What a disappointment Ms Sturgeon’s speech in January 2020 was. Total capitulation the the Westminster establishment.
I eventually left the SNP when ALBA was launched, after emailing both Joe Fitzpatrick and Chris Law (my MSP and MP) in February 2021, raising my concerns about the direction the party was going in – GRR, women’s rights, no action on independence campaigning, the sacking of Joanna Cherry – and the accusation of her “homophobia” by Nicola’s acolytes – was sheer stupidity – the stitch-up Alex Salmond and the resultant cover-up and so on.
I received only “out of office” replies, so I joined ALBA the day after it was launched.
The questions you have to ask?
Is the SNP still in favour of Scottish independence?
What is the SNP going to do to achieve a vote on independence in October this year, as promised by Ms Sturgeon?
These questions should lead to a “lively” debate…
Shona seems to have come out and explained that Forbes chose to turn down the Rural job because she wanted a better work like balance.
Really? Did she not just run for the leadership? That well known easy job?
I swear she just says what random lie leaps into her mouth when her two neurones collide.
Rumours that Roddick ( who has borderline personality disorder) is to be given junior ministers post. Oh God no.
And I should have added faslane is west of the entire central belt.
The weather rolls in from the Atlantic. It will sweep all the fall out from bombing Faslane etc right over the most densely populated areas of Scotland.
They knew all this when they fucking built it.
There is something that FM and cabinet will excel at:
Making Nicola Sturgeon and her former cabinet look competent.
No matter how bad, something will always look good when compared to something worse. I wonder if that is the main purpose of this cabinet.
P.S.: What are the special perks of the position Robertson is holding? There must be something of interest to keep him in the same post instead of recycling him like the others. Because it is not like he made much progress for Scotland since 2021, is it?
Now that we know Yousaf and certainly Robison have no interest whatsoever in pursuing independence, what can possibly be the point of a minister for “Constitution and External Affairs” other than perhaps disguising some other activity?
Thanks Stu, proof of what should should be obvious to anyone with a brain cell – voters run a mile at the SNP (and ALBA) leftover student policies. If we’re going to get Yes ticking over above 60%, we have to forget the campus glory days and actually represent the people of Scotland. Throwing our nukes away and sticking two fingers up to NATO is simply self-harm.
Chas says:
29 March, 2023 at 5:04 pm
What a cynical bunch Wings readers are.
Humza has only been in the job for a couple of days, give the man an opportunity to prove his worth.
Right, that’s enough time, get the fool out now along with the rest of the wannabees, has beens and never will be’s.
Indy Ref 2 will be along any day now. Get your carrots here-only.
Morrison Supermarkets actually sell a “Carrot Sharpener” without doubt the SNP could do with one soon for the next GE , you can bet on it.
TBF he didn’t have a lot of time to come up with a properly gender balanced cabinet so it was bound to be a bit harem scarem or should that be scarem harem?
scene-Bute house 29/3/23 Dramatis Personarae FM Lord Hamish MacTumshie; Lady Shona Lady of the Lochee.
LordI Tumshie: Ladyof the lochee- I have a problem: myold exchequer has told me stick my tartan rural affairs briefs up my arse. I need you to assist.
Lady Lochee-delighted to oblige- how far up -say when!
Lord Tumshiue-Ouch! No my lady I didn’t mean that, and put that shoe horn down now-
I meant I need I need a new exchequer.I just remembered the great job you did with the membership database and the” earmarked for Indy finance fund”.
Your dyscalculia disability is ideal to demonstrate our policy of inclusion. and freedom from bigotry and prejudice.
Lady of the Lochee: Oh Hamish – what a great idea I’m really looking forward to having my budgies anf figures looked over.
Lord Mctumshie:Its budget not budgie! I wouldnt worry- its only Dross , old king Cole and that slab guy I was school with .Ill ask him to go easy.
And whatever you do-don’t mention ferries or use the phrase ” financial fiasco”
” «Nations are born in the hearts of poets, they prosper and die in the hands of politicians»
Muhammad Iqbal….South Asian Muslim writer, philosopher, scholar and politician, and Urdu language poet.”
Superb quote ( and post ) Otto . This is what the dreary clerks of Independence forever seem incapable of grasping .
Deriding others as ” Romantics ” ” Dreamers ” ( AS IF THESE ARE NEGATIVES in the struggle for Independence : NOTHING can be achieved , realised until it has first been imagined ;dreaming/ imagining arise from the same source ) whilst offering nothing but the same rapacious, materialist , Ego-centred mono-vision that is eating the planet and – spiritually – it’s inhabitants , typifies the poverty of soul that characterised Sturgeon et al .
Independence is going nowhere as long as that attitude dominates
It’s beyond me how such a divisive character can be seen as a force for unity. The very act of appointing his cabinet has been highly divisive. The only significant unifying factor is that they are all a mile wide and an inch deep!
As regards NATO and the siting of nuclear weapons in Scotland, for me it is not a matter of opinion polls however interesting, but the fundamental difference between right and wrong. Even if everyone in Scotland was in favour of joining NATO and retaining nuclear weapons it would not convince me otherwise. I have always considered NATO to be a fascistic organisation. It might be worth asking ourselves how much support for NATO there will be once we have been obliterated in a nuclear war.
link to
Mia @ 7.37
Continuing reward for services rendered by someone he knows ?
I guess that those who are in favour of EFTA haven’t made much effort to really understand what it is.
For starters, the EFTA states have all signed up for Schengen, meaning that borderless free movement of people is the rules. I recall a colleague telling me about the rapidly ramping up migrant homeless in Oslo a few years back. Schengen explains why that happens. With any number of online sources predicting that migrants into Europe will be counted in the tens of millions within the next quarter century, maybes an Indy Scotland with no borders is a bad idea. That’s just climate migrants BTW. Nobody is adding in nuclear war migrants as yet.
Closer to the wallets of most Scots, EFTA members are expected to chip in for the common good:
“contribute towards reducing economic and social disparities … Currently the beneficiary states include Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia”
It will be interesting to see how much a resource-rich and wealthy Independent Scotland will be expected to cough up in support of that lot. Few on here would argue that we will be as poor as the countries on that list, quite the contrary. We should, in fact, be chipping in to match the biggest donor, Norway.
@Saffron Robe says:29 March, 2023 at 7:53 pm
It might be worth asking ourselves how much support for NATO there will be once we have been obliterated in a nuclear war
None I guess, Saff, what with us being obliterated an all.
Tell you what, though. If there is a short period after the red button gets pressed, but before being obliterated, I intend to blame the one who started it. The overwhelming likelihood is it will be the one who has been threatening to start it for the past year, you know, the deranged, psychopathic, God-driven-man-of-destiny, mass murderer and child abductor. I just don’t have your pretzel-like ability to blame everybody but the guilty party. Soz.
As for depleted uranium, the key is in the ‘D’ word, depleted. Look it up, make an effort to understand, then come back when you know what you are writing about.
Ffs @ John Main,
I’m not sure you’re if you want us to be the 51st state of the US or the champion of pure independence where we don’t interact with the outside world surpassing and dislodging North Korea from the top spot ease, make up your mind.
If we continue to flatten foreign people’s houses willy nilly, we will continue to have migrants wanting to live elsewhere rather than taking the risk of being blown out of their socks for not accepting the right kind of democracy, the cheeky buggers.
God bless the United States of Armageddon
Briandoonthetoon “National front pages” I see what you did there!lolz
Grim reading from Robin.
link to
For me, it would be a relief if the SNP completely decoupled themselves from independence. As talent pools go they are down at the levels of Scottish Labour now. So shallow it wouldn’t drown a worm.
@ John Main (8.13) –
The rest of us have managed to observe Stu’s ‘ban’ on discussion of the war (whether we agree with that editorial decision or not).
It would be appreciated if you could have the common decency to do likewise.
Looks like useless has his cabinet of amoebae and crustaceans. I’m so underwhelmed. Are these morons supposed to demonstrate competent government?
John Main, maybes you can quit with the rampant racist comments and fuck right back off into whatever cesspit you dragged yourself out of no?
I was interested to see Alex Salmond appearing on the BBC this morning. He was asked what advice he would give Yousaf in his role as FM and he didn’t hold back! I have a feeling that we may see Mr Salmond getting more airtime and can’t help wondering why, suddenly, the media want to give airtime to the only person in Scottish Politics who took us nearer to Independence than anyone since. (Is this the start of an MSM total assault on Yousaf?!)
You’d have thought that Useless, seeing as he only narrowly won a very dubious election, would at least have had the sense not to grandstand on his first day as FM. That he would have had the sense not to immediately purge his recent opponents’ supporters from government.
Alas no. He’s been swaggering about as if he’s the Lord of Creation and no one who voted against him should be a minister.
That he’s a prize fool we already knew, but he’s surpassing all expectations.
@ John Main: “As for depleted uranium, the key is in the ‘D’ word, depleted.”
It’s you who is talking garbage here. Not only is depleted uranium still highly radioactive, it is also a highly toxic heavy metal.
Remember when the MOD had all the troops and sailors lined up to watch the nuclear test on Christmas Island?
Perfectly safe they said.
@Ian Brotherhood says:29 March, 2023 at 8:42 pm
You demonstrate the same blindness as many on here.
Unable to ever work out who starts anything, even if you have all the evidence you need laid out in chronological order.
The sight of that bunch of clowns outside Bute House has made me meltdown. I feel so politically homeless and the only parties that are standing up for women are Alba (and indy) and the Tories. This is what you’ve done Sturgeon. For the first time in my voting life I’m considering voting tory after Alba 1. FFS.
Thanks Brian and Annie.
New Cabinet positions to be announced.
Minister for banning private car use
Minister for 20 minute neighbourhood watch
Minister for electricity rationing
Minister for climate hysteria
Minister for the next ‘emergency’.
Minister for virtue signalling.
@ Anonymoose says:29 March, 2023 at 8:52 pm
“John Main, maybes you can quit with the rampant racist comments and fuck right back off into whatever cesspit you dragged yourself out of no?”
I find myself stuck in this dump that is Scotland, stuck with the crooks and incompetents that people like you have put over me, and stuck reading sophomoric drivel from eejits who have learned nothing from 8 years of their own stupidity and wilful blindness.
Some humility is due from you and the rest of your fellow travelers.
Your dispensation to wag your finger at the rest of us Scots exists only in your own head.
Maybes deployment of the ‘R’ word in your direction scares you shitless, eh Moose? You gonna win Indy with that degree of feart?
How highly does the Minister for Independence rank? Shouldn’t he be at the top of the tree?
john main 8.13pm.
Depleted uranium is what is left after the fissile material is centrifuged out. Its not as dangerous as weapons grade or even fuel grade uranium But its still quite nasty. High incidence of cancer in places it has been used. It contaminates large areas and makes these areas unsuitable fo agriculture and habitation.
Your characterisation of President Biden is a bit harsh, although Herr Trump is trying for election I understand.
Despite most of what you say about Mr Putin not being far off the mark I would expect him to be wrestled to the ground and injected with a terminal sedative if he was hovering menacingly over the red button.
@Michael Laing says:29 March, 2023 at 9:02 pm
“It’s you who is talking garbage here”
Naw, soz.
The key to understanding lies in looking at the facts, not assuming what you wish was true, then going from there.
DU was widely used in the ME wars. None of these sites have been turned into uninhabitable wastelands. Soz again.
The latest use for DU is in defence of people who are trying to save their own country, culture and nation from extirpation. If they don’t object, that’s good enough for me. You can carp from the sidelines if you wish, but nobody cares. Soz yet again.
Given the choice between extermination and successfully fighting back at the cost of some localised splashes of low level radioactivity, I think the majority of Scots would accept the latter option. I know I would.
A final soz to you.
This is all relevant to Indy, Michael. Readers come on here and see post after post dissing people who know the real value of independence and are prepared to make the sacrifices necessary to get it.
That’s not a good look at all.
I think it’s very interesting that the BBC invited Alex Salmond this morning and asked him what advice he’d give to Yousaf – Alex didn’t hold back! I think that’s an indication that the MSM don’t approve of Yousaf and suspect we shall see far more of Alex Salmond on TV!
I propose John Main for Humzas Cabinet. Sound like he is a shoe in.
I really try and refrain from the drams these days but fuck it I’ll be back on it tomorrow. Sturgeon was a hateful cow and useless. I watched Salond earlier today – very impressive. But history. We need a true leader. Another Robert the Bruce! Not likely though. The SNP have dug their own grave by electing a Muslim. So be it …
Breastplate @8.30pm:
‘If we continue to flatten foreign people’s houses willy nilly, we will continue to have migrants wanting to live elsewhere rather than taking the risk of being blown out of their socks for not accepting the right kind of democracy, the cheeky buggers’.
Regarding migration, as Jamaican-born British sociologist Stuart Hall put it,’we are here because you were there’.
Re the monarchy question, and to paraphrase Alex Salmond: If you ask people if they would like an independent Scotland to have an elected head of state, they are generally in favour.
Asking them to GET RID of the monarchy (The Queen when she was alive, in particular), they are less likely to agree.
@ John Main
I had a post held in moderation and subsequently deleted a week or so re. The tanks and DU armaments going to Uknow where. I had posted it solely because of the environmental and health aspects of the matter, but accept it got deleted because the link contained country404 in it.
But fyi an acquaintance was a tank guy in various conflicts and he knew of various tank crew members that used the DU Charm 3 ordinance that have since developed health issues, lumps and bumps, or had a baw taken off, which align with radiation exposure. He told me they were told to handle the DU shells with bare hands as gloves might get caught in the gun breech mechanisms when loading the shells.
I can envisage in the restricted confines of a tank in battle conflict, exposure to harmful elements may be more concentrated.
SusanAHF says:
29 March, 2023 at 6:17 pm
Thank god Emma Roddick didn’t get a position
Junior minister for equalities, migration and refugees no less – I kid you not.
Minister for Independence Jamie Hepburn – will work in the background reporting to HY, so no one will know what is happening…
SusanAHF says:
29 March, 2023 at 6:17 pm
Thank god Emma Roddick didn’t get a position
Junior minister – for equalities, migration and refugees (poor buggers). I kid you not.
Jamie Hepburn – minister for independence will report directly to HY and work in the background. does that mean no one will know what he’s doing -or not doing? Good money if you can get it eh?
Croun Meenisters aw selectit, walcome tae anither Scottish colonial admeenistration.
Independence an leeberation o aa Scots fowk tak doun tae a shire policy aspiration, wi its ain croun Meenister taskit tae fund anither blind close
If we ever achieved indy would you seriously want this lot of woodentops negotiating the best deal for Scotland against the Westminster sharks? Only AS is capable of that.
President Xiden says:
29 March, 2023 at 9:16 pm
New Cabinet positions to be announced.
Minister for banning private car use
Minister for 20 minute neighbourhood watch
Minister for electricity rationing
Minister for climate hysteria
Minister for the next ‘emergency’.
Minister for virtue signalling.
I thought they were the posts reserved for the Greens.
10,000 Pipers @9:51
Humza’s religion and ethnicity are not why he is disliked by pro-indy people. It’s because he’s Sturgeon’s anointed successor, put there to protect her and to keep steering the party away from its raison d’etre.
“…there is nothing better in life than writing on the sole of your slipper with a biro…”
Apropos of nothing; was trying to think of a comment when this was on the radio. More power to HMHB!
Good post, thanks.
I try to imagine what it would be like to be a volunteer, putting my life on the line in the situation you describe.
Would the risk of ill health in years to come outweigh the tactical advantage that might stop me getting killed now? For most, the answer is no.
Then there is the elephant in the room that nobody wants to acknowledge. Are the enemy already using DU? Well, there’s a surprise, they are, of course!
So, am I going to gift them that advantage? It makes it more likely I will end up dead now.
It ends up being a no-brainer for the fighters at the sharp end.
How these fighters must suffer at the finger-wagging virtue signalling of the armchair warriors, thousands of miles away, safe in Scotland. (That’s not aimed at you BTW).
Southernbystander says:
Our Empire was unfair. Life is unfair, though. Elements of my family went to school in the Outer Hebrides, barefoot in snow and ice. But what a brilliant education they received. My mother although 91, still writes with perfect grammar. Our system worked. I feel no guilt. On balance the British (Scottish) empire did OK. Not our fault our ex-Colonies fucked up. Blame them. Zimbabwe and South Africa are beyond help. All self-induced through corruption and stupidity.
@Breastplate says:29 March, 2023 at 8:30 pm
“If we continue to flatten foreign people’s houses willy nilly”
Dunno what you have been up to BP.
I haven’t flattened anybody’s house, foreign or indigenous, so drop the “we”.
I don’t take responsibility for the actions of others, whether crimes or good deeds.
I won’t be held accountable for the actions of people who died long before I was ever born.
I won’t be made to feel guilt on behalf of present-day grifters who claim to be descended from people who may have been wronged, but whose ancestors also died long before I was ever born.
But I respect your right to take on culpability for history. Maybes it’s your white guilt or unearned privilege eating at you. You seem to enjoy it, so have mine too.
I have no use for it.
10.000 Pipers 9.51
Pipe doon wie yer racism nonsense
President Xiden says:
29 March, 2023 at 9:16 pm
New Cabinet positions to be announced.
Minister for banning private car use
Minister for 20 minute neighbourhood watch
Minister for electricity rationing
Minister for climate hysteria
Minister for the next ‘emergency’.
Minister for virtue signalling.
Aye. But here’s the rub: this is also exactly what Westminster is doing, and exactly what the EU is doing.
They’re trying to block off all the possible escape routes we might use to vote our way out of the crap future they have planned for us (as the Dutch are heroically trying). That was why they went after Alex Salmond, and it’s why we have an unelected banker as our Prime Minister, with a gang of asset strippers for his cabinet.
It’s (indirectly) why we have the Humza circus of clownery.
We are in the early years of either Cold War 2 or World War 3. It could go either way, but our American “friends” will drag us into the latter – WW3 against China – if we let them. Assuming Ukraine doesn’t spill over first, which is also anybody’s guess.
In this titanic and extremely foolish global struggle between vast and inhuman multinational power blocs run by billionaire psychopaths and deep state sadists, Scotland isn’t even an amouse bouche.
We’d be snaffled. Our sovereignty extinguished, gone. If we didn’t have our eyes open to the piranha infested waters out there.
Alex Salmond is one of the very few politicians who had the courage and the decency to speak up against NATO’s warmongering. It wasn’t a popular position to take in 1999, but it was the right one then, and now.
I don’t know about you guys, girls and not-sures, but I don’t want Scotland to be a pawn in anybody else’s game of life.
I don’t want Scottish youngsters dying in wars.
I would like a government that sees Scotland not as a laboratory for weird social experiments, or an economic resource to be exploited, or an eager little busybody in other countries’ business. But as our home, the only one we have. A home we need to invest in, and take care of, and safeguard and cherish, so that we can pass it on to our children.
I’d like Scottish politics to be boring.
That, and a bucket, and I’d be happy.
Because a’body would be happy.
Can I get a crivvens?
Ian McCubbin says:
29 March, 2023 at 4:01 pm
“Only surprise was the last one on EFTA.
It’s a no brained, easier to get membership, access to single market without the complex politics of EU.
This a new nation can handle. ”
Ian can you explain the single market to me please ?
Especially as Paul Krugman rubbished it for what it was in his noble prize piece. I’m pretty sure you don’t understand trade.
Explain why you think we need the single market to sell Scottish Whiskey when those who want it can’t get it from anywhere else.
Please convince me your neoliberal, globalist TV hasn’t been playing tricks on you with their dream by and narratives.
@Beauvais says:29 March, 2023 at 10:31 pm
You sure? Has there been a poll?
What do you reckon to the proud, patriotic people of Pakistan? Any chance they will be putting a white Christian in charge any time soon?
You know the answer. Abody does.
Even the ones coming on here to deploy the ‘R’ word know the answer.
Minister for Independence Jamie Hepburn – will work in the background reporting to HY, so no one will know what is happening…
He’s another thicko, very similar to Humza in that he seems to have deliberately avoided doing an honest day’s work in his life so far. But has made a very nice little career out of being a professional MSP (I hear the pension is fabulous).
None of Humza’s cabinet are serious people, who have achieved things or successfully run things in real life. They’re losers and gobshites.
Where’s the talent?
“Rumours that Roddick ( who has borderline personality disorder) is to be given junior ministers post. Oh God no.”
The BPD is actually the least of it. To think, she came fifth – yes, FIFTH – when SNP members voted for their candidates for the H&I regional list at the last Holyrood elections. Four other more popular candidates bumped to make way for her (including at least one who might have proved to be an excellent MSP given the chance) because she self-Id’d as disabled. Just one more explanation for the state the SNP (and Scotland) is currently in. And no prospect of any improvement any time soon, because I’m not seeing this cabinet of mediocrities capable of eradicating poverty, achieving independence or even organising the proverbial in a (soon-against-the-law-to-be-advertised, if the SNP/Greens get their way) micro brewery.
Ian McCubbin
Can you explain to me in very simple English why standing in front of a neoliberal, globalist judge in a neoliberal globalist EFTA court is independence and sovereignty in any way shape and form ? When we want to introduce certain government policies ?
Why as an independent nation state why WTA rules on trade is not a better option for us ? Especially when we don’t need to ask permission for what type of economic policies we want to from anybody under WAY rules.
John Main @ 10.54pm. I agree totally with your post.
I don’t think it makes you a Trotskyist to want out of NATO. Its reason for existing ended 31 years ago.
Snecky, re Roddick, fifth maybe but I recall the vote for candidate selection for that and she came in with 4% of the members votes. That number is more telling, about the disability/liability leapfrog to the top of the list.
Not elected, Selected!
ronald anderson says:
Are you denying history? Have you ever been to Africa? No matter. Denying logic makes you a deranged SNP supporter. Some of us live in the real world And yes, I’m Scottish but open to what’s best for my nation. Leftist fuckwits like you with simplistic views voted for Humza. A political disaster. Meanwhile, my politics remains the same. I’m only interested in the welfare of the Scottish working class. This will never change, not ever!
When i look at that rogues gallery at the top of this threads article i can’t help but think ‘Birds of a feather flock together’ and ’10 Green bottles standing on the steps…’
The UK establishment must be rubbing their hands thinking all their birthdays and Christmases have come at once. What a feckin’ motley crew. No wonder the ship is sinking if that’s the true depth of its “talent” pool.
They couldn’t muster a tactical brain between them. Self-servers, every last one of them. Incompetence personified!
I see someone further up thread pointing out there’s no indy-brief in the line-up. Is that what the Continuity Candidate meant by moving the indy campaign into 5th-gear? LOL!
Oh well, tomorrow’s another day, goodnight, Troops.
@ John Main
Seeing as I can’t sleep due to yet another heatpump (Italian made so heehaw Brexit bonus there then…)) installation humming away and further destroying what was once a peaceful village…
Instead of spending time trying to imagine what it would be like in the front line up against weaponry that can pretty much instantaneously atomise or incinerate you. (There’s plenty clips on YT of war zones with folk sporting that not so cool butcher’s shop window laid out anatomy of a body look).
So instead, why not try to address and fix the diplomatic process failings that have led to the sustained technological development of the arms industry and resultant wars.
If the absolutely enormous amounts of money and energy that is consistently poured into the weapons industry and wars was instead used to develop technologies and systems that bettered societies around the planet, it might reduce or even negate the “need” some feel to invade and plunder others for gain.
“Pfft! That’s ridiculously optimistic.” some will say, but heck a bit more jaw jaw over a cuppa with a couple of packs of choccy hobnobs to try to sort shit out is surely better than more war war.
Empower me and I’d slap a big fuck off emissions tax on all parts and sundries involved in militaristic endeavors, and that would severely limit much of the crap that goes on around the world.
One cruise missile sir, that will be $2 million… plus another $5 million eco tax due to the damage you will cause when you use it.
Aye, and lets slap a DRS scheme on bullet and shells whilst I am at it. Is that too dear sir? Then take up another hobby you twat.
I’m not particularity happy forking out over 200 quid emission related road tax for only doing a couple of thousand miles a year when cunts in war planes, helicopters, ships, and tanks are burning thousands of tonnes of fuel and blowing the utter fuck out of infrastructure which will then take even more resources and energy to rebuild.
Unfortunately Dan the likes of Putin and Xi one immune to the delights of the choccy biscuit, and need serious armaments to keep them at bay, up to and including nuclear warheads. The people of Scotland seem well aware of this, time the poncy weans in the SNP and ALBA caught up with them.
Alan Mackintosh says:
29 March, 2023 at 11:27 pm
Snecky, re Roddick, fifth maybe but I recall the vote for candidate selection for that and she came in with 4% of the members votes. That number is more telling, about the disability/liability leapfrog to the top of the list.
Not elected, Selected!
She was 6th placed originally, she had hopes of getting first through the self id and wanting Kates’s job, but constituents went off on one and that stopped that, she was elevated above Tom Wills who the SNP shat on, the only good thing about that selection was Rhi Rhi placed lower at 2% of the vote If HPMAs go ahead, then you will find that the west coast coastal constituencies will go orange for Lib Dems again, such is the feeling against them, Ian Blackford isn’t guaranteed getting elected next year, as a popular Lib Dem is being put forward, will get a lot of crofters votes and veterans as well, due to him being an ex Queens Own Highlander of the Clan McDelta company
Humza will go in the autumn. When the polls show the SNP losing 20 seats at WM. The WM group will not just lie down. Self preservation makes people pretty ruthless.
Humza has to counter the Labour WM propaganda that will be coming. He can’t possibly ask for one more mandate. Therefore he will be replaced.
Wullie B
Caberfeidh gu snooker loopy!
The Blue Maff aye gets aboot the place.
As someone who always opposed NATO, Putin has made the case for it and I now support it. It’s not the greatest thing in the world, but we are where we are. It’s not surprising that countries who didn’t want to join are now queueing up. Scotland would be foolish to leave where were are now. And yes I have Trotskyist friends who still equate NATO to evil and Russia to the Soviet Union but also Trotskyist friends who believe the opposite.
It’s no surprise that anybody in Europe supports NATO more than they did pre-Putin.
Sleep well folks 🙂
I’m also not that bothered about the monarchy debate, that can, like all others, come after independence. But independence comes first, not last.
The SNPs tilt to the left has been an election winner no doubt about it. They have replaced the labour party and easily win every election by some margin.
However it is not enough to carry Scotland to independence. This might be hard for some YES campaigners to hear but not everyone in Scotland likes socialism or wants to vote for a social democrat party.
Demanding that you have to be a lefty and support left wing policies as a precursor to supporting independence hasn’t one the independence project any favours. Because most Scots won’t vote for that.
Ditto, in bloody spades. We need a new Indy party that isn’t full of Corbyn’s leftovers, one that conventional Scots can vote for. Who’s for Democracy Scotland?
Wullie B,
I see that CFGB must be on the auto cleansing algorithm. Anyway if you know the blue Maff you’ll ken CFGB.
I’m really starting to worry about what is happening with these mentally ill people. Wtf has happened, look at the dead eyes. It’s almost like she has been hypnotised.
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Look at this weirdo.
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Something much bigger is going on worldwide like mass brainwashing. Did they put something in the vaccine? What the hell man.
Babushka says:
30 March, 2023 at 1:25 am
“Something much bigger is going on worldwide like mass brainwashing. Did they put something in the vaccine? What the hell man.”
I agree that it’s something bigger but this has been going on since long before Covid. It’s only now that more people are having their eyes opened to it and realsimg that it doesn’t just affect a small minority but that denial of reality affects us all.
Looks like it’s okay to bring religion into Bute House after all. As long as it’s not that hated Christianity.
That Bute House Green room is horrific. He’ll need to get Carrie on the phone.
I profess myself disappointed in the Faslane retainment question. But then I’m an SCND member so I would be. Expect continuing protests and attempts to close it post Indy then. We have proved we can do that.
Big Jock
> Humza will go in the autumn.
It’s worth taking a step back to see where this will go. You’re right that something needs to change, and soon. The 2024 General Election is the event that cannot be avoided. That should concentrate minds but what can they do about it and if they knew, can the deliver. Some possibilities:
Humza gets replaced, but by who? Forget Forbes, there’s too much internal opposition from the woke element. She’d probably be a decent start when the party has been completely destroyed but saving them from disaster, I don’t think so. Regan? The party would rather destroy itself than take that option right now. Angus Robertson, he’s probably to smart to take the suicide pill.
Infighting causes complete destruction of the “relationship” between Holyrood and Westminster MPs? Actually I think this is rather likely. It would suit several interested parties and dig the hole quite a bit deeper.
Throwing undesirables over the side to appease the Gods. I can see that too. Doubling down on disaster by getting rid of Regan, Cherry, etc or at least pinning the blame on them with the hope that electorate does the same is definitely an option.
Business as usual. They go into the election on a ticket of a Well-being economy, Net zero, all men must wear turtlenecks and drink white wine and get completely annihilated. Then wonder why.
In other words. They might recognise the need to change direction but I don’t see anyone capable or wanting to do it. Unless it’s trending on twitter and is a carbon copy of an American Democratic Party policy they won’t be much interested.
So not so much of a ‘broad church’ – more of a narrow mosque.
Still, it’s good to know that Angus Robertson can put in a shift because his wife told him she’d be at home looking after the kids.
On the question of getting back into ‘Europe’ this really baffles me. In what sense would Scotland, as a member of the EU, be independent? It would be totally controlled by Brussels and have far less autonomy than now. How is that ‘independence’? I can only assume that most respondents expressing this view are under informed and have some wishy washy rainbows and unicorns image of this corrupt, corporate anti-democratic institution combined with a whipped up hatred of Brexit supporters.
The EU is complicated but there is really just one story you need to know that sums the whole thing up. When the Brexited UK got a head start and ordered a huge number of Covid vaccines early (something that couldn’t be done easily as part of the EU’s joint procurement scheme) Brussels was so incensed that they tried to block the consignment from reaching Northern Ireland – a move so unpopular they had to, for once, admit fault and hastily retreat. NB: this was at a time when very few people harboured any doubts about the safety and efficacy of the shots.
So… the stark conclusion is that the EU was prepared for people in Northern Ireland to die to stop Brexit looking like it had any significant advantages. Their priority was their image and their credibility, people’s lives were expendable.
Utterly, utterly ruthless.
That’s the organisation that people are so keen to rejoin. Unbelievable.
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I agree with you … the problem is that energy production, military hardware development and sales and global migrations are all highly lucrative and awash with dirty money and criminality.
Hence deeply attractive to the hegemonic forces that sway and in some countries drive politicians to make poor decisions.
Here is an example. In Cambodia there is a famous world heritage site (Angkor Wat) that brings in 40million USD annually through visitor fees and rental fees. Less than 5 million goes to the Park Management Authority to spend on maintaining the Park (Which is being killed by the sheer number of tourists) and over 30million goes directly to a shadowy company that does nothing to earn it… but is owned by Hun Sen, the current Prime Minister of Cambodia and who has been in the office since 1985 courtesy of Vietnamese tanks.
Sadly you are right Stuart Mackay…. I cant see any clear way ahead at the moment unless a very large group of elected SNP go to Alba and I don’t see this happening – it is very high risk.
I think it is up to us as individuals to do what we can to bring us back to the path.
Specifically … strengthen the non-political independence movement … membership, web sites, voting on policy and coordinated voting etc.
With regard to the latter I have decided my voting intentions for next couple of years…
Westminster: SNP MP is WOKE so I intend to spoil my vote as I cant vote for a Unionist party
Holyrood: SNP MSP will get my constituency vote as he is not WOKE and has a pedigree regarding independence. My second vote will go to ALBA.
The Murrells have their “useful idiot” in place.
They know Yousaf is a clown.
He is only there as a buffer to give the Murrells time to plan their escape.
They couldn’t care less what direction they Scottish economy goes in. They’ve filled their boots, and are off to pastures now.
See ya suckers!!!
Big Jock @12:13
Lets not forget from where he was leading family prayer last night
ie if the Bute House filter on God’s word ensured he got back the message to send his MPs home to think again (without delay) then not impossible the dynamic, if not necessarily the trajectory*, could significantly improve regardless.
*the unwritten part of the trougher’s maxim; ‘its the economy, stupid’ being, apparently, something along the lines of not needing no stinking financial oversight from honest ladies of good repute.
Well Stuart. Look who has put in charge of Finance! What could possibly go wrong.
There a number of things that will sink him. The micro economics, the deposit return scheme , the section 35 challenge, the ferries, and just the general incompetence of his cabinet.
Not to forget Harvie and his cronies, and their crazy economic dyslexia.
All these comments about US and British led aggression may be true.
The world is going through change and I think it goes without saying that American economic hegemony and the side kick tatters of the once British hegemony, is passing and that they don’t like it.
But military muscle will not resolve the matter. The US might have a huge military machine but the reality is it cannot win But that also applies in the reverse. Weaponry like strategic nuclear weapons, were they to be used, would ensure mutual destruction.
What however I suspect the reality is, is that the physical and economic war has a bit to go yet, and that certain countries may find themselves utterly wiped out. Ukraine is such a candidate, and is on the road for that. Some EU states may also be on for that too but more likely economically wiped out.
And yes, tactical nuclear weapons may well come into play. The Ukrainians wanted a military build up, and they’ve got it. And what better a way for a fading hegemony to have a fight than to have it on some other poor proxy’s land.
So yes, a good bit more blood letting yet. But not American blood. And yes, maybe tactical battlefield nukes but only in Ukraine. But no tactical nukes because that would be a mass extinction event all round. London, Edinburgh, Faslane RNAD and few other sites and that would be the UK. Ditto Washington, New York, a few other big cities and the big military installations and that would be the USA. Ditto Russia and China and that would be them too.
But as they say the opportunity is all ours. Or as Dirty Harry would say…. well do you feel lucky punk, was it six or was it seven?
Babushka @1.23 am
Weechid @5.55 am
I agree – brainwashing.
Check out the Yuri Besmenov interview with G Edward Griffin from 40 years ago.
Soros’ activist groups are trying to control the next generation.
But we were all young and daft once. I doubt they can succeed in the long term.
International reportage on what has been going on in Scotland is placelined.
Further comment redundant.
The sudden and so far unexplained resignation of Sturgeon opened a small window of opportunity for the SNP to save itself.
But the election was rigged and now they have Sturgeon 2.0. with Sturgeon 3.0 and 4.0 lined up…
I don’t see him going anywhere until a GE, why would he. And even then who do people vote for instead?
Look at the labour donkeys Scots voted for, for decades. The colour of the rosette may have changed but little else has.
So he could very likely get elected again…
So the window of opportunity was nailed shut and the ‘continuity’ candidate imposed.
It is over for the SNP, I am calling it. They could have just maybe survived the catastrophe of Sturgeon, but Yousaf will finish them off. Look at the state of that cabinet.
We are being governed by incompetent clowns because that is what Sturgeon stuffed the higher echelons of the SNP full of.
I don’t think I am exaggerating saying that everything they do will be a fuck-up of some magnitude.
Yousaf if he had a brain would do a snap GE now as this is going to be his ‘high’ water mark. It is going to be all down hill from the start. You cannot have all these low quality people and it not turn into a total mess.
@oneliner 7.30am
‘Still, it’s good to know that Angus Robertson can put in a shift because his wife told him she’d be at home looking after the kids.’
Ha ha ha ha ha – I saw what you did there!!
Yousaf hasn’t learned from sturgeons mistakes. He’s going to push ahead with the things (GRR) that supposedly ended her (who really knows) with a split party and no public support. Let’s see how that works out. It won’t.
He’s also decided to ignore the things that are a total shambles (ferries) by not even having a proper transport minister. Shows the level he operates at.
Finally he’s thrown red meat to the cult with a half hearted section 30 request being the first thing he’s done and an independence (yes really lol) minister as he reckons they will all come running back because of this. It shows what he thinks of voters… tho I do bet quite a few fall for it bcos they’ve been falling for it for the last 8 years.
Otto- I have said again and again. Part of the reason for wanting independence, is simply wanting the world to know we exist.
We take the insult of our country being called England by foreigners all the time. How many times have you listened to a chat show , and the host says : ” I love England”. Despite being broadcast to the UK.
I remember going into a famous German shoe shop and seeing the delivery boxes marked ‘ Glasgow England’. We put up with it because it suits England, it doesn’t affect them.
I even got a letter in work the other day from India. It described a location as ‘ Glasgow, England’.
Many people on the continent see Scotland as like a region of Belgium. We are a region of England to them. Didn’t the Ukranian PM refer to :”English planes”.
Until we are independent we are invisible.
@Bipod 1:01AM
The real lack of respect for those calling themselves left wing or liberal now is not based on the political position they claim to espouse but the massive dose of double standards that come with it.
In order to be a fully kosher member of the modern left you have to be able to hold multiple contradictory stances simultaneously.
Hardcore feminism – unless it involves criticising the extreme misogyny of actual patriarchal religions/cultures. Such as the 10’s of thousands of girls in Britain who have been victims of this. Or the fact that the only person in prison after a bunch of powerful and rich mainly old white men sexually abused trafficked minors on Epstein Island for the blackmail purposes of a certain non Muslim middle eastern state is the woman. Or indeed if it involves criticising men who dress up as women and want to access the spaces of little girls
Egalitarianism – unless we are talking about the native inhabitants of any European, or European descended nation.
Standing up against the rich – unless those rich happen to be the corporate entities that fund such groups as BLM, Antifa and others.
Homosexual rights – unless it means criticising certain foreign religions.
Recognising the rights of indigenous peoples – again unless its the rights of the indigenous peoples of Europe
The list could go on but in general anyone who was uncomfortable with the religious leanings of the Christian candidate but were unfazed by the spectacle that later took place in Bute House falls into that category.
The real left has to distance itself from the fake (insane) left as soon as possible.
Unfortunately that would mean that an awful lot of people will have to do some painful soul searching and come to the realisation that a lot of what the believe is utter nonsense and inspired by malignant moneyed entities who simply wish our society to be destroyed and social cohesion to be all but impossible in their new world.
Can you try that again without the anti semitism Joe?
Holyrood has failed to seek remedy from international courts, over the question of self-determination.
Misrepresentation by elected officials should not be tolerated. In fact, private prosecution is long overdue.
Solidarity. What exactly is the common interest?
Is it to keep smug bastard politicians in a job?
How many years are Scots prepared to wait for the SNP to stop taking advantage of voter loyalty, by doing nothing other than showboating?
Why wait at all? Force the issue. Next time of asking, abstain! Ever taken industrial action?
These clowns in office, only understand one thing, redundancy! Do not enable, two faced lying bastard politicians, any further. Take back control!
There is absolutely nothing to lose. A period without SNP dominance, equals what exactly, more austerity?
SNP has lied and conned it’s way to power. Action speaks louder than words! Holyrood has failed to deliver any means to self-determination, as promised!
We are already seeing how Yousaf has zero intention of unifying the party with his childish attempt to humiliate Kate Forbes. He is just a dick.
That was a really stupid move but he did it because he must have really enjoyed doing it (as he evidently did when leering at Ash Regan as the fix was read out).
So Yousaf is petty and vindictive and lacking the brains to even know what is good for himself, never mind the cause of independence (which he could not give a shit about).
It is Humza’s haughtiness that we are seeing in all of these mis-steps. They way he talked down to people during the hustings is exactly what he is like. Haughty Humza.
Man you think of all the serious problems in Scotland right now and we have this clown troupe in charge. Frightening…
Jobs for his pals, rotten to the core with has beens
Jobs for his pals
Bare faced cheek thumbing his nose at voters
Bare faced cheek thumbing his nose at voters
charlie @ 12:54 am
“independence comes first, not last.”
Yes, precisely this. A national party must absolutely always prioritise independence above all else. Independence is never a mere ‘policy’, it is always the primary purpose and rightful cause of the national party. The freedom of the people is also the most urgent priority in any colonial society. And it is urgent, as the unnecessary delay only gives rise to future conflict and the withering away of national consciousness.
The elected national party don’t need to appoint Ministers for this and that; they should let the colonizer’s civil servants ‘administer’ things, as they will do anyway. The people do not need any more colonial figureheads. They have suffered these fools for long enough.
National Party majorities playing at being ‘Ministerial’ in a colonial society are only there to be set up. Even their sincere efforts, few and far between, are soon made to turn to dust whilst the main priority of the regime is to keep the economic plunder going; this requires the territory and its people to remain under-developed, it cannot be allowed to progress beyond a certain level, and cannot progress anyway so long as its resources are looted.
A compromised (i.e. continuity) national party elite quickly becomes part of the colonial ‘racket’, they collaborate with it, and in turn start to oppress their own people, becoming ‘an instrument of coercion’; hence the oppressive laws we see, and more to come.
The national party elite should therefore only focus on the task in hand, i.e. that of freeing the people. Once compromised the party elite becomes condemned by its own hypocrisy. Only after the people are liberated is the time to hand out ministerial jobs and to then attend to the necessary total restructure of the new state’s former colonial institutions.
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Excellent post Joe. In a nutshell!!
The malignant money entities are wreaking havoc with human values and identity – just to increase their profits and enhance their power. Destabilisation of society is key to their agenda.
The real left should be based on economic justice — ironically the worst political carpet bagger is Harvey of the Greens.
This should be a time of real green left politics due to climate change and massive bio and cultural diversity loss – instead we have people waving large flags paid for by malignant corporations that divert our gaze to peripheral fluffy or controversial issues.. the fluffier or more controversial the better
Has anyone noticed how crap the Google search engine is?
It is crap in English…in any other language it is total, absolute garbage.
«America» runs and (
You get what «America» decides, unless you are prepared to dig deep and cover your nose.
government of none of the talents’
Nearly half the SNP voters voted from Humza and over a half had him as an acceptable second choice.
Probably at least half of the rest will still keep voting SNP and some even stepping up to greater involvement in campaigning, helping out, fund raising and the rest.
This keeps the SNP as a viable leading party for at least the next election cycle, only afterwards will some of the more ambitious look elsewhere when another party looks more favourable to lead the gravy train.
The rest of the mainstream Scottish political landscape remains absolutely pitiful, with combination of authorities, quangoland, media doing everything possible to denounce anyone daring anything that might rock the boat from the current direction.
There will be years if not decades of continual faux Westminster grievance, gender woo-hoo, net zero impoverishment insanity, and further authoritarian crackdowns on individual liberties.
Sturgeon has won. She has managed to perpetuate the malaise – nobody in this cabinet has the ideas or stature to address Scotland’s problems – and will quite likely cash in on some other governmental, intergovernmental or billionaire foundation backed sinecure that will maintain a Blair like influence over future policies. All while being praised for her kindness and hard work.
It looks like there will be a by election a great change for all you Alba supporters to give the SNP a bloody nose.
KLF @ 9.30am.
You wrote:“rotten to the core with has beens.”
I would suggest – “Never Weres rather than has beens.
You totally «get it». Bravo!
There can be no compromise.
Those who seek a easy «via media» risk appropriation, effectively the current position of the SNP.
Only in a classic colonial context can Scotland’s predicament be fully understood.
It is a misplaced sense of pride, mixed with subjective fear, that prevents all Scots from realizing the true nature of the Scoto-English «forced marriage».
I suppose the simple question is this.
Do you want to maintain support for a party which was once great, but is now rudderless and failing in its ability to obtain it’s prime remit. Or
Do we start again , no matter how difficult by supporting another party and by doing so send Westminster a message that we Indy supporters are not going away.
Your choice.
Is any party bigger than Indy?
In one respect Humza’s cabinet does reflect modern Scotland – the bloated public sector. I doubt if any of them have ever run a business nor even worked in the private sector where (unlike national and local government) performance has a direct effect on job security. This imbalance is reflected across the entire spectrum of SNP MSPs.
BTW, I realise Humza once worked for Scottish Power but he never got beyond the role of call-handler and obviously had no interest in pursuing a career in a “proper job”.
Big Jock, Achnababan
I threw out those options for the future really as talking points. However I just ready James Kelly’s latest:
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and the SNP really are doubling and quadrupling down on disaster. Extinction beckons in 2024 and they’re rushing to embrace it with open arms.
So, say hello to the conversion therapy ban – the bad one not the good, pro-trans one; jury-less rape trials with the political pressure to increase the conviction rate and a whole host of other goodies no doubt.
What do you mean, there’s no popcorn, it’s all been eaten??
I read Robin McAlpine’s piece and tbh I’m suprised, he’s upset.
We on here all saw this panning out.
His comments from those loyal to the end but now distraught, where have they been?
It’s all been staring us in the face.
Most of us on here could have written the script.
I’m assuming Alex is back on the MSM cos the establishment smell blood.
They think they’ve won.
The SNP will fall apart
But we know the SNP is not now the leader of the indy movement.
As Alf Baird has repeatedly said, we are following a well worn path.
Some of us might not be here when it happens but I’m glad I’ve been at the acceptance stage for some time.
Big Jock @8:21
What if her wildest fantasies didnt stop at getting men in skirts into traditional women spaces like the harem – and she turns out to have been the criminal mastermind behind the whole selfid coughid farce just to get the post she really really wanted (the one her pal(s), even with best will in the world, could never give for reasons of integrity).
No Cabinet Member that lives in Glasgow. No Cabinet Secretary from West of Scotland. Nobody in Cabinet from islands. None from the Highlands. No business experience. None from Scotland’s poorest communities.
It’s not a Cabinet that reflects Scotland but reflects endorsements.
James Kelly has an opinion poll ran on the 7th to 10th March which shows the Independence numbers as stable at 48Y/52N but in the UK GE and Scottish parliament numbers there are big drops in the SNP.
On the numbers in that poll it won’t take much of a further drop for Labour to start leading in the polls. If that was what it was like 3 weeks ago I can’t imagine its got any better for the SNP so are we already in the territory that the SNP’s days in government are coming to an end?
James makes the point that the pro-indy coalition is still just about intact at Holyrood however that assumes that the Greens won’t jump to Labour if the SNP fall a bit further and Labour start making the right noises.
Just caught up with that Robin McAlpine piece.
It is exactly how I feel. Sadly I think he is correct in his very bleak assessment.
His observations about Humza’s early actions mirror my own. Yousaf really seems to think he is the dog’s nuts. He acts very much like a spoilt man-child.
The whole Sturgeon resigning chink of light period now seems hugely anti-climactic. They still managed to rig it for a candidate arguably worse than Sturgeon.
The SNP were driving towards the cliff edge already but with Yousaf behind the wheel the car is noticeably accelerating.
Ottomanboi @ 10:13 am
“Only in a classic colonial context can Scotland’s predicament be fully understood.”
Yes, the decolonization template is there for all oppressed peoples to understand their oppression and seek a solution.
Failing which, as Liz @ 10:23 am notes with regard to “Robin McAlpine’s piece and tbh I’m suprised, he’s upset” …inevitably our understanding will remain rudimentary. We first need that analysis of colonial society to understand the nature of our oppression.
Labour used to rule the roost in Scotland where people often joked that a chimp in a red rosette would win for them, they also joked that they didn’t count the votes, they weighed them. How times have changed.
Although the Scottish electorate, en masse, eventually twigged that Labour in Scotland were just full of wind and pish and decided to shift their votes to Alex Salmond’s SNP, it didn’t happen overnight, there was a process that people had to go through personally to change their voting habit.
There had first, to be a realisation that they had been duped, lied to, taken for mugs. They were angry with themselves and would take it out on the party that had broken so many promises.
The timescale and the amount of promises broken would be a different tipping point for each individual and for the most gullible, that particular penny would never drop.
Many SNP supporters had previously been ardent Labour supporters, they were now SNP supporters with an added ingredient, the zealotry of a convert.
They had got it wrong once before and by god, they wouldn’t let themselves be conned again, except….
Apologies for the mix of metaphors but it’s probably harder for the penny to drop if you’ve lost all your marbles.
Izzie, how’s the Section 30 from Boris coming along that you and the ginger nuts were so adamant that couldn’t be refused?
Ah but, perhaps I’m being unkind as I think Humza is on the case and will sort that any time now, yes indeed.
In any event, what would court intervention be to remedy the Section 30. impasse?
International courts would question why an election ballot has not already been utilised, to answer the question of self-determination!
SNP now sidestepping the issue by putting good governance first? That should be given, when any parliament is elected to govern, ffs!
Chase these imposters from Holyrood via private prosecutions, for fraudulent election campaigns and misrepresentation of the electorate!
First Minister Yousaf’s heritage, former colonial Punjab/Kenya, ought to motivate him to get on with the principle matter.
The existential rationale for independence needs no «case» to be made for it. By acknowledging the latter the idea of independence is subverted by the very agency that would deny it using all the powers, psychological, political, economic, mediatic it commands.
Thats some full ministerial lineup that Uselesses government have published today, a bunch of grifters and serial-incompetents, with Emma Roddick, a person who was only elected because they were parachuted to the top of the SNP candidate selection list in 2021 due to the corrupt and unlawful practices of SNP HQ allowing people to “self-id” as disabled, being made Minister for Equalities, Migration and Refugees under the watch of the serial failure & walking disaster that is the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Shirley-Anne Somerville.
Given her GRR zealotry, while bringing absolutely zero qualifications, relevant life-skills nor any relevant experience other than being a TRA into the Scottish Government, I struggle to think what would qualify her to be rewarded with a ministerial role responsible for Migrations and Refugees (both topics she has never raised in Scottish Parliament questions) and given her blatantly obvious conflict of interest and serious bias towards actual real-equality and bias against the existing human & civil rights of women in Scotland the fact that her new title covers Equality is a complete slap in the face to entire female population of Scotland.
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The first test for Yusef looks like it will come in Rutherglen.
Fascinating, and synchronous,as I was about to add tuppenceworth re: republicanism, and reference to older Wings polls.
In short, this is based on the simple rules of the great game:
The primary way Scotland gets out of this alive, is for Republicanism to arise from the ashes, and that right soon.
Monarchy got us into this mess, and binds us here tight, yet with a single republican bound, Scotland is free from her rusting fetters. For it’s a simple rule – all UK legislation derives it’s legitimacy via “The Crown” the UK us a *cough Constitutional Monarchy.
Ask any Country which became independent of “The Crown”. Ask any Commonwealth Country which shat itself in 2014 at the prospect of Scotland’s independence, and where that would leave their own Constitutional Monarchy, the Crown’s Governors, and their legislation.
To quote Iain Stewart of Macquarrie University Australia on Scotland’s potential Independence:
“It could remove our head of state, the monarch, and thus, at least legally, make government in Australia impossible…We need to think ahead. We may need to move to a republic, and soon”
The only light I saw gutter in the dark recently, was Ash Regan floating republicanism for Scotland. At least she showed that she understands the simple rules.
*edited to reflect current poll.
I’m aware the Wings polls don’t show any majority appetite for that, and I believe Rev Stu thinks (thought) it is a poison chalice for Independence.. I hae ma doots though.
The only other conceivable way for Scotland to be independent under the current Monarchy, is for an independent Monarchy to arise, or the Crowns to have equal stature.
Until Chairlie has a revelation, and decides the way to cut the ridiculous Gordian knot of “The Dual Crowns and Parliament” is to CONFER* the Scots Crown to one of his byblows – Scotland will forever remain fettered to England. This just in – he never will.
He could, and it would solve most current constitutional problems, and still retain an alliance and Union with Scotland, if we so wished.
Or perhaps he has a dissafected offspring somewhere, who would relish our *OFFER of the Scots Crown, just to stick it to his faither…
See, it’s an easy game to play, and the rules are simple. The rules have always been simple – England knows this, the whole world knows this – only Scots, of all people, could be blind to them.
I can play silly buggers all day, but it’s only two choices: Republicanism, or Monarchy; I haven’t yet seen anyone, or heard anyone so much as place a finger on the lever of Monarchy to extricate Scotland.
We have always had a titular Monarch mind, and at our command too – never been touched for so much as a loan of a fiver, far less defence of our Crown and people. If we have already de-facto binned our Crown through lapse, and want of use, then Republicanism it must be.
Republicanism is not anathema to the Kirk, Calvanism Lutheranism, and Catholicism all flourish in European Republics. The Kirk and Crown were ever at odds everywhere, and I doubt republicanism is anathema to conservatives either.
Scotland (amd the SNP historically) has fannied around the primary issue, and there is great neglect in the wider YES movement about the simple rules (We can’t even educate ouselves about how our voting process works)
It’s all very well and good to bang on about Claims of Right, but if you don’t apply that specifically to the Scots Crown, and what ‘Sovereign Scots’ can lever with our own ‘Crown’ then you are talking about republicanism.
Chairlie wears twa hats – Use it, or lose it.
Ian McCubbin @ 4:01 pm said regarding EFTA:
“It’s a no brained, […], access to single market without the complex politics of EU.“
It may well be a no brainer, but does not provide access to the SM.
EFTA membership allows one to apply for EEA membership, it is the latter which gives one membership of (not access to) the single market. However it is merely reduces the range of EU policies (and hence politics) applicable, not eliminate them. Ask Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
Up until the Yousaf fix I think many people still clung to the hope that SNP could be saved and ‘taken back’.
Well we just tried and they simply rigged it. Kate Forbes caved when she should have stood firm and paved the way for the fix.
So the calibre of people in the SNP is just not there anymore and the best thing would be to completely flush the SNP out.
Right now the SNP is the main obstacle to independence. They are blocking it and taking up the space of a real independence party. Fooling voters seeking independence to waste their votes year after year on them.
So the SNP getting wiped out would be the best thing that could happen. The independence movement will be just fine and it would actually be cathartic for it to dump the rotten and putrid SNP corpse. It would not kill the independence movement it would rebirth it.
We have nothing to lose at this point and everything to gain. Seeing all these woke SNP troughers sent packing would be immensely pleasing as well.
And there is an efficiency to this. We have to get rid of them, that is unavoidable, and there is no quick fix but this would be about the quickest fix on offer.
So in this regard Humza as leader might be a blessing. Because for sure the SNP are going to be losing a lot of votes…
Breastplate @ 10:52 am
“it’s probably harder for the penny to drop if you’ve lost all your marbles”
As it turns out we are indeed dealing with a psychological condition, which is the (intended) consequence of a lengthy period of colonial conditioning and cultural assimilation. Such a ‘sickness’ requires difficult treatment – the only remedy being liberation and ‘self-recovery’, i.e. ‘decolonising the mind’ (Memmi; Fanon).
It might help a bit if our national party elites, bourgeoisie and ‘intellectuals’ understood this….
Scotland has certain parallels with Algeria particularly with relation to language and culture, indigenous and non indigenous.
The rise of a «Berber» consciousness vis à vis an Arab and French surface has created tensions which even the decolonizers did not predict.
Algeria offers an interesting example of how the colons/pieds noirs did add a cultural layer which was not wholly bad. Unfortunately the FLN took the view that all French were agents of the torturing French army or OAS and should be expelled. Some were ready to stay, be Algerian and be good citizens of the new republic. Alas they were not allowed to.
A surprising number of Algerians regret that. The French language opened up what was becoming an inward looking Ottoman/Arab culture.
The French settlers, mostly from poor areas of the hexagon, could not entirely escape “algerianization».
This captures something of that cultural mashup.
link to
Some background info from 2021 to the Margaret Ferrier situation.
link to
So Salmonistas haste ye to Rutherglen. Let everyone see how it is done. This could be Hamilton 1967 Mark ii
Just noticed that Jenny Gilruth was a modern studies teacher in Edinburgh. Ol’ Humza’s squeeze-but-one was also a modern studies teacher. So I’m thinking maybe there’s more of these ModStuds alumni in Scottish politics…maybe a higher in Modern Studies or having taught the subject at a secondary school is the Scottish equivalent of all those Oxford PPE graduates.
Wiki says “The subject [Modern Studies] has been taught in Scotland since the 1960s and is credited with increasing students’ political literacy.
So there you have it…the 60s AND politics again. Plus, add in the Stirling University Politics degree where you got hands-on experience in the office of an MSP and there’s your recipe for the current disaster right there.
Ottomanboi on 29th March at 9.37.
Try as an alternative search engine.
It is commendable for a democracy to protect the rights of minorities and it has been said that this is the litmus test of a true democracy.
However when the protection of minority rights infringes the rights of the majority then a democracy has lost its way.
And such a democracy cannot hope to continue to have popular support.
If we ever did achieve indy would you want this lot of woodentops negotiating the best deal for Scotland against the Westminster sharks.
We would be left with our underpants.
You mean independenistas not Salmonistas.
Alf Baird makes the point that the psychological factor in national identity is primal.
What is your head and who or what put it there.
In Scotland’s head there is a confusing, contradictory muddle of myth, half digested fact, misinformation, dumb prejudice and somewhere an element of truth.
The confusing and contradictory signs from the party of liberation refers.
Humza’s going to explode here if he’s not careful! 🙂
first up!
expecting a lot of kwallity Navvid level banter here :
– directed to any of the front hole terfs in the chamber
waiting for the “first calling of racist” by him : in time this will become such an institution as being told to fuck off by billy connolly
who got booted from the galler? – was it trannies or, the worst scum of all … independence supporting far right extremists who have no place in an independent scotland
The biggest betrayal announced today.
If you’re here for even one day you’re a New Scot.
That’s progressive apparently.
So they’ve been listening to us talking about UN charter on citizenship and who should be allowed a vote in future referenda.
Even IKEA dae better cabinets. This lot will fall tae bits, slowly one by one.
Use DuckDuck because it claims it does not track/trace but unfortunately the alternatives all piggy back on the Google algorithm to some extent indicated by similarities in result.
Also if it is not in American you struggle.
I do not trust any of them, search engines are just too useful to intelligence services.
It,s the time tae sit and look at the sky for a minute or two
Ottomanboi @ 10:58 am
“First Minister Yousaf’s heritage, former colonial Punjab/Kenya, ought to motivate him to get on with the principle matter”
One would like to think so, however, in a colonial society the privileged native elite class of any colonized group (Scots, Irish, Punjab or Kenya etc) is condemned as soon as they assume the dominant ‘values’ of the colonizer; yesterday’s oath made to serve the Imperial crown was perhaps the first demonstration of these ‘values’, the second the formation of another loyal colonial administration, thus enabling the plunder and oppression of a colonized land/people to continue. In a colonial environment ‘only the values of the colonizer are sovereign’ (Memmi).
Margaret Ferrier I met several times and she was a hard worker for the constituency.
It was a stupid mistake to travel with a positive Covid test but such a same that she came clean on it.
Couldn’t she have done a Cummings Barnard Castle to see she got on the train to test her eyes or perhaps a Boris forgiven for shaking everyone’s hands in a Covid Ward or not understanding the definition of a party even with £100K worth of private education.
Thank goodness the parliamentary standards body is there or people like Lib Dem Carmichael who lied and who enticed others to lie about French Gate before confessing to a wasted £1 Million enquiry that pointed the finger straight at him might have faced justice.
Hancock and Jenrick got off with breaking the rules and if you recall 3 Scottish Tory MSPs went hillwalking together when it was banned.
U.K. justice seems to find those with connections to independence without much trouble but Unionist hide in plain sight waving flags and flashing lights on their wrong doings but Nelson’s eye is quickly engaged.
I voted Alba previously but there were only a couple of hundred who joined me.
I will do so again regardless as No one else is for independence in my lifetime.
If only we were the Irish or the French who know how to resist and protest.
PS Tories decide the pension age increase to 68 should wait until after the general election.
Ian Dung Smiths Committee advise the pension age should increase to 75. Really!
template for all questions to PM/FM
“bad things are bad” (empty platitude)
so : give me a number (some stupid stat no one cares about and proves nothing)
(the supplementary) :
why are you so SHIT
(the answer)
you were shiter than us
more seriously – a good piece on land reform by george gunn over at bella, yes I know
– bella is shite, full of wankers, and the proprietor is a shite, but gunn is very good and much better than the rest of them
His observations about Humza’s early actions mirror my own. Yousaf really seems to think he is the dog’s nuts. He acts very much like a spoilt man-child.
The whole Sturgeon resigning chink of light period now seems hugely anti-climactic. They still managed to rig it for a candidate arguably worse than Sturgeon.
I don’t see any reason to be kind to racists, so let’s be honest about the guy: Humza is an idiot, a fool, a maroon, a simpleton. Humza only pawn in game of life.
He’s worse than Sturgeon in every conceivable way, and she was awful. But Nic did have the ability to put on a credible-seeming front for the best part of 8 years (it helps a lot when the media is completely uninterested in your crimes).
Humza is the Disney candidate: he disnae do anything useful, and can’t read an autocue without coming across as an aggressively entitled dope.
Which he is.
The more voters see of the guy, the less popular the SNP is going to be.
This may be of interest.
link to
Camus born in Algeria and muddling the heads of Algerian intellectuals as to his place.
Was taken to Algeria as a small boy, parents looking for a new home etc, and remember the pictures in the article.
My parents spoke French as they could not get the Algerian Arabic!
You know Izzie, using the term ‘Salmonista’ to describe a faction or a way of approaching securing independence is not at all bad.
A ‘Salmonista’ (almost echoing Sandinista named after he resistance fighter Augusto Sandino) would be a person who always puts Scots’ independence first, who wants a more grassroots effort to secure it, who wishes to root out the corruption and mediocrity from Scotland’s institutions, and accepts that one way to do the latter (the corruption bit) is to get to the truth about the conspiracy to jail Alex Salmond.
There’s no getting away from the fact that Alex Salmond was the political giant of our era, someone who almost brought the nationalist movement to its final goal. When the SNP airbrushed him out of its history that should have set off every warning klaxon but most of us just shrugged our shoulders and said ‘Sturgeon’.
Obviously you’d have to watch out for the effects of the cult of personality that got out of control with Sturgeotti but there’s much less chance of that because at least Alex Salmond achieved things when in office, as opposed to his successor’s constant lying to Scots.
Maybe we should be getting the ‘Salmonista’ merch ready just in case…
Yousaf reported in the Guardian as saying he is delighted to have appointed a cabinet with a majority of women.
That’s a win I guess. Reminds me of Blair’s Babes, so not an original idea. Yousaf’s Yorgas, anybody? Works in more ways than one.
Here’s the thing as I see it.
I have never met a woman in a position of responsibility or authority who was anything but thoroughly miffed and insulted at the suggestion she was in her position on any justification other than merit.
These women have always made it crystal clear that if they couldn’t get the job in fair competition against all comers, then they didn’t want the job.
I believed them then and I believe them now. I will go further. Plenty of women I have met have performed better than their male equivalents, because they were absolutely determined to disprove anybody coming out with ‘quota’ jibes.
Ah well, at Hollyrood, looks like things are different.
Off-topic on this thread, but, still interesting.
Margaret Ferrier has copped a 30-day suspension from the Commons for breaching the Covid rules. If this suspension is upheld by a general vote of MPs, it could force a recall and a bye-election.
An interesting decision for the Tory MPs, do they back her suspension, to indulge in Jock Baiting knowing suspesnion sets a precedent for Boris Johnson – whose crimes might appear greater.
The Tories have no chance of winning a bye-election in Rutherglen but, they could certainly lose one in Uxbridge.
Big Jock at 9.12 am
‘Many people on the continent see Scotland as like a region of Belgium. We are a region of England to them. Didn’t the Ukranian (sic) PM refer to :”English planes”.
Until we are independent we are invisible.’
How right you are!
Shortly after the last referendum on Scottish independence I was visiting friends in England. In a local shop I handed the assistant an RBS (owned by the British taxpayer!) £20 note, whereupon she exclaimed, ‘Oh it’s Scottish – I don’t think we accept these now. Scotland isn’t part of England any more, is it?’
I was speechless.
Holyrood has failed to seek remedy, over the question of self-determination.
How could any court ruling, remedy the Section 30. impasse?
International courts would question why an election ballot has not already been utilised, to answer the question of self-determination!
SNP now sidestepping the issue by putting good governance first? That should be a given, when any parliament is elected to govern, ffs!
Chase these imposters from Holyrood via private prosecutions, for fraudulent election campaigns and misrepresentation of IndyRef2!
Gerry Hassan really lets loose in link to while also plugging his book.
It seems the project to make Scotland kinder, more inclusive and progressive really has some ways to go. Which means y’all really are just a bunch of white supremacist, bigots. Actually, what he did say was that “opposition” to the progressive view was all down the right-wing politics and if it’s right-wing then it must be a carbon copy of right-wing politics in the USA – without the gun ownership part.
More evidence that the SNP will be doubling down on the narrative that the natives are sorely afflicted with original sin. Don’t worry, Sister Shirley-Anne has just the cure for your wickedness.
Actually, what he did say was that “opposition” to the progressive view was all down the right-wing politics and if it’s right-wing then it must be a carbon copy of right-wing politics in the USA – without the gun ownership part.
With these people, there’s always more projection than at the Renfield Street Odeon.
Step 1) Copy and paste whatever deranged hot takes are trending on American Twitter this week
Step 2) Call voters bigots, racists and homophones for believing the same things the SNP did in 2008
Step 3) Independence?
the worst thing about Hassan is that he somehow makes a living peddling his weak drivel – I stopped reading him years ago when I saw him on newsnight, he came out with some lukewarm nonsense about
having a national conversation about what is means to be scottish (whit!)
and then I think something about – once we do this vague thing, we can “really go for it in 2030”
yeah, lets contemplate our navels, go on the indy equivalent of a ayahuasca spirit journey, while giving england a solid 15 years to pillage it senseless and stuff the nice bits with all the “new scots” from the home counties, who never even knew they were scottish