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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for the ‘analysis’

The Wage Thief 385

Posted on December 09, 2024 by

6 November 2024 was a normal sitting day in the Scottish Parliament, so we shouldn’t be surprised that Nicola Sturgeon spent the previous evening in London, watching a special screening of a dreadful BBC Three sitcom about – of course – drag queens.

But remarkably, though she must have been puffy-eyed and weary, the 6th was one of the few days when she did actually manage to turn up at Holyrood to do her job.

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The New Britain 562

Posted on December 03, 2024 by

So things are getting pretty strange.

Polling in Scotland, the UK and Wales in the last few days has shown Great Britain taking a fairly heavy swerve to the right after just five months of Sir Keir Starmer’s government. Labour now lead Reform (who have five seats to Labour’s 411) by just three points in the UK and are even more remarkably now in THIRD place in Wales, a country where the party has won every single election for over 100 years.

Scotland, meanwhile, is heading for a hung Parliament in 2026 in which – as this site has been telling its readers for the last year and a half – the only possibility of a stable administration will be an SNP-Labour coalition.

We live, as they say, in interesting times.

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What Went On 468

Posted on November 28, 2024 by

The proceedings at the Supreme Court this week were a tough follow even if you could get the court’s abominably bad livestream to work. They’re all archived here now, but non-lawyers will probably glaze over quickly during the nine hours of intense legalese.

We’re not allowed to clip up any illustrative sections, on pain of possible contempt of court, so perhaps the best way to explain the key parts of what happened in a vaguely comprehensible way is by showing you some commentary from social media.

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A Personal Best For Kezia 255

Posted on November 25, 2024 by

Credit where it’s due:

17 months is the quickest she’s ever caught up with us.

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The Long Unravelling 399

Posted on November 18, 2024 by

You’ve got to admit, that’s a zinger.

Craig Whyte is a man who knows all about financial doom looming on the horizon of a once-powerful institution. But it doesn’t take an expert with lived experience to spot what’s coming down the line for the SNP.

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The Way Forward 212

Posted on November 17, 2024 by

As a lifelong political geek and former SNP and Alba Party member, I’ve spent years supporting Scotland’s independence movement. However, over the last few years, I’ve watched the campaign (as opposed to support for independence) wither away. Being a Scottish nationalist has become increasingly disheartening, like watching someone you love succumb to a slow, debilitating illness. In frustration, I switched off from my homeland and turned my focus to the drama of US politics.

Over the last three years I immersed myself in it, watching both left and right-wing outlets. I became so hooked and invested that I jumped on a plane to Washington DC for the 2024 election. I canvassed with DC Democrats in rural Pennsylvania (that’s me third from the left in the pic below), attended Kamala Harris’s concession rally, and went to Trump’s only watch party in DC.

My journey led me to believe that Scotland’s independence campaign could learn a great deal from Trump’s victory and the Democrats’ failure.

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How it happened 420

Posted on November 06, 2024 by

So it looks like the USA has elected a mad orange rapist convicted of 34 felonies who could yet be in jail by the time of his inauguration. (He would remain President even if that happened, which would be really funny.) And we can’t even blame them for it, because the alternative they were offered was, remarkably and stupendously, worse.

Wings called it like we called Trump’s first victory (and most other things). We tweeted this last year when thinking about the upcoming election. It’s a variant on something we wrote about on Wings eight and a half years ago. We’re posting it again now in the desperate hope that one day, maybe, far in the future, someone will actually listen.

But, y’know, we’re not holding our breath or anything.

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Bespoilers Of Graves 266

Posted on November 03, 2024 by

From here, the top of the barrel is so far away that you can’t see so much as a pinprick of daylight through the most powerful pair of binoculars.

In a moving epitaph a few days ago, the widely-respected Professor James Mitchell of the University Of Glasgow noted of Alex Salmond that:

“He could be irascible and did not put up with fools […] He was impatient with lazy journalism […] and did not hide it. We can still see the consequences in some of the obituaries and commentary that reveal more about the writers than the subject”.

Mandy Rhodes of Holyrood magazine concurred, saying:

“In the clamour for commentators to vent their loathing, there have been too many sour column inches that have framed a man’s premature death around the egos of the journalists that have penned them.

Too great an appetite to rescue the words that were once filed and then spiked following a trial that didn’t give them the verdict they had prepared for. Too much haste to use his passing as the opportunity to seek revenge for a tongue-lashing or a put-down that they had never forgotten.”

And so, then, to Carlos Alba.

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A Delicate Art 255

Posted on October 26, 2024 by

Redaction is a tricky business, and comes with numerous pitfalls even if you’re being careful, which not everyone is. If you’re involved in creating a document you know will have to be redacted, there are a variety of safeguarding approaches you can adopt.

When I worked on a videogames magazine called Amiga Power in the 1990s, we ran a fun comedy feature about censorship. But because the company that published the magazine had had some unfortunate mishaps in the field, we took extra care by typing all the “offensive” words as random-length strings of Xs when we wrote the article.

And it was lucky that we did, because as you can see in the feature’s strapline, the art department misaligned the red redaction bar on some of them, and if there’d been a sweary in there it would have been easily identified.

Another way to go is to simply slap down some black ink and hope for the best.

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Two Spaces 126

Posted on October 10, 2024 by

Everyone even remotely connected to Scottish politics has known for months that the below is the case. It’s an open secret.

But what’s playing out right now is something much bigger than the fate of one or two or three individuals. It’s the entire future of the credibility of Scotland’s justice system.

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To Save Your Time 180

Posted on September 26, 2024 by

Let us not be ungracious about the use of the term “leading figures” here.

But equally, let’s not waste too much attention.

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A Danger To Women 52

Posted on September 23, 2024 by

As we write this article, Sandy Brindley (on the left of the picture below) is still in post as the CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland.

For as long as that remains the case, rape victims in Scotland will not be safe.

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    Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)

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    • JockMcT on Live chat update: “THIS is sturgeon’s legacy!Mar 18, 15:59
    • JockMcT on The plainest sight: “Please tell me that c*nt is in jail, or preferably dead?Mar 18, 15:52
    • sarah on Live chat update: “A JOB at The NATIONAL for you, Rev! On their facebook 20 hours ago they said they are looking for…Mar 18, 15:40
    • Aidan on Live chat update: “Yes Andy – it’s the fault of the people pointing this out. If everyone just ignored abuse and sexualisation of…Mar 18, 13:47
    • Lorn on Live chat update: “Of course there is lawlessness, Hatey. We see it every day. The rules are not strictly applied anymore. However, this…Mar 18, 13:20
    • Young Lochinvar on Live chat update: “I saw in the press Angela Constance (with John Swinney deep in thought behind her) debating strangulation during sex.. The…Mar 18, 12:28
    • Robinovski on Live chat update: “Castrated first would be a welcome boost. At least that would help out a good few of them that say…Mar 18, 11:34
    • Stevie on Live chat update: “I haven’t much to say other than they make one sick and these pdf files should be imprisoned. Fkn preverts.Mar 18, 11:24
    • Robinovski on Live chat update: “I’m just wondering what the best way is to get the list of schools that are currently signed up to…Mar 18, 10:42
    • Marie on Live chat update: “Deflection. Shame on the SNP for handing over so much ammunition to people like that.Mar 18, 10:41
    • Andy Storrie on Live chat update: “Never forget that this shite didn’t become an actual thing in society until dicktards like Lord Rothermere and Paul Joseph…Mar 18, 10:25
    • Marie on Live chat update: “It was the treatment of Joanna Cherry that made me realise that there was something very toxic at the heart…Mar 18, 09:34
    • McDuff on Live chat update: “Unbelievable. Has society sunk so low that it not only tolerates these people but actually encourages them. As for the…Mar 18, 09:08
    • sarah on Live chat update: “Lorna Campbell has a very good article on the Rev’s theme of the lack of accountability, lack of truthfulness, and…Mar 18, 08:48
    • sarah on Live chat update: “That is a good idea. The Rev’s platform is read by what 40,000 people? If many of those could join…Mar 18, 08:43
    • Cuilean on Live chat update: “‘I will ask the info box team to check’. Clearly the ‘info box team’ told the ‘Youth Worker’ to end…Mar 18, 08:17
    • Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: “Thanks PhilM, but I’m gluten intolerant. In other news, anybody who can’t see the epidemic of lawlessness that goes for…Mar 18, 05:35
    • Skip_NC on Live chat update: “Every political party with a youth wing has an age range of 14 or 16 up to 25 or 30.…Mar 18, 00:46
    • PhilM on Live chat update: “Why don’t you get a sandwich board and try and rationalise with the general public about what you believe is…Mar 18, 00:26
    • Young Lochinvar on Live chat update: “Disclosure certificates. That is indeed the crux of the matter, the protection in place to protect the vulnerable. Do these…Mar 18, 00:06
    • sarah on Live chat update: “No, you are not alone in thinking that, Mia. It is only people in power who seem to think it…Mar 17, 23:15
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Live chat update: “« All we need now is an answer to why they keep doing it anyway. » _______________ Chief-Redactor-and-Keeper-of-State-Secrets John Swinney is bound…Mar 17, 22:57
    • James Barr Gardner on Live chat update: “As they come across as bragging about having been to 40 Primary Schools, would they disclose the names of these…Mar 17, 21:30
    • McDuff on The Unquestionables: “Well done Wings for again exposing the sickening state of the Scottish establishment and their unaccountability to anyone. I cannot…Mar 17, 21:20
    • James Barr Gardner on The Unquestionables: “In Scotland, there is no legal requirement for schools to sing “God Save the King”. As such your child has…Mar 17, 21:01
    • Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: “To be fair, it’s a rare day in Scotland when any Scot out and about in any of our towns…Mar 17, 20:54
    • Jon Drummond on Live chat update: “It is unbelievable that NuSNP have enabled all their Nonce Mates to abuse our children at our expense. No wonder…Mar 17, 20:15
    • Lorn on Live chat update: “Yes, job well done, Rev. The reason they avoid questions is the same reason why they defy the law. They…Mar 17, 19:29
    • Lorn on Live chat update: “No, Mia, you are not alone in thinking that.Mar 17, 19:15
    • mike cassidy on Live chat update: “No There is something in-your-face wrong about a group with ‘youth’ in its name that is involved with people over…Mar 17, 19:15
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