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Archive for the ‘analysis’

Live chat update 15

Posted on March 17, 2025 by

So as promised, and having now spent 11 months trying to get answers any other way, this afternoon we had a live chat with controversial charity LGBT Youth Scotland.

Below is how it went.

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The Unquestionables 21

Posted on March 17, 2025 by

In April last year we wrote to LGBT Youth Scotland asking them to explain why they were conducting activities in primary schools (and even with pre-school children) about sexual matters despite only having a remit to work with young people aged 13-25.

We received no reply, so we contacted the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, who sent a rather sniffy acknowledgement saying:

“If your concern leads us to making inquiries with the charity, we are unable to update you on the status of those inquiries. For more information about what to expect after you submit a concern, read our guidance on how OSCR deals with concerns and inquiries.”

That link, you’ll be amazed to hear, leads to a dead page.

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The plainest sight 21

Posted on March 16, 2025 by

You know what, Surrey Live, we think you’re probably right.

We DO think people will remember him.

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Signal and noise 104

Posted on March 12, 2025 by

The Presiding Officer has finally reluctantly deigned to allow the Scottish Parliament to discuss the issues arising from Sandie Peggie vs NHS Fife, in the shape of a debate taking place in the chamber this afternoon brought forward by the Scottish Tories.

We suspect that watching it will be profound waste of time and a grave danger to our monitor screens, but we’ll certainly at least tune in for the votes at the end, because which motion/amendment the Parliament puts its name to will be a revealing moment.

Let’s quickly run those through a translator.

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The evolution of fairness 63

Posted on March 11, 2025 by

Some of our more alert readers may recall the events of four years ago this month, when a mob of SNP representatives all suddenly raged against the idea of (perfectly legally) “gaming” the Holyrood electoral system to produce a pro-indy supermajority.

Voters try to organise themselves to maximise their desired outcomes all the time (see various tactical-voting campaigns), and so do political parties – witness John Swinney’s current plans for a grand anti-Reform coalition. And of course, the SNP never objected to indy voters voting for a different party on the list if it was the Greens. The entire thing was just a poorly-disguised attack on Alba.

But even so, guess what? The rules just changed again.

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Green Eggs And Bams 78

Posted on March 06, 2025 by

In April 2021, the SNP were still the undisputed masters of all they surveyed. A poll conducted by Ipsos MORI that month showed them on 53% of the vote for the Scottish Parliament, a jawdropping 33 points ahead of their nearest rivals.

When the Holyrood election a month later was held, they won 64 seats, one more than they had done in 2016. Yet despite having led a minority government without any significant difficulties for the preceding five years, Nicola Sturgeon chose to invite the Greens to form a coalition with her party, and the effect that had on the public’s view of the government was… well, let’s see.

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Groundhog Decade 65

Posted on February 25, 2025 by

Welcome back to what will hopefully be normal service after we’ve been spending the last few days battling off a determined and temporarily successful attempt at hacking the site. Apologies to those who had clicks intercepted and redirected to a malware site which tried to get people to download dodgy .EXE files, but our readers are far too alert to ever fall for such things so no harm should have been done.

So back to business, which for us often means pointing out things that have been said in newspapers that aren’t true, which brings us to last Friday’s issue of The National.

Because the above simply isn’t what happened.

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The Zone Of Interesting 134

Posted on February 21, 2025 by

A couple of days ago a reader asked on Twitter if we thought Reform, who continue to lead in UK opinion polling, might allow a second indyref if they actually got into power, as it would for obvious reasons be hypocritical of them not to. And to be frank we dismissed it out of hand, because Nigel Farage is the ultimate British nationalist, he’d have no obvious political reason to, and since when did hypocrisy bother politicians?

And then last night a longstanding Courier/Press & Journal reporter (who despite that is an all-round decent chap and indy supporter) tweeted this:

And actually, on further thought, that’s not the craziest idea at all.

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One simple question 33

Posted on February 20, 2025 by

We actually agree with John Swinney here.

The law – more specifically the Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Regulations 1992 –  is indeed “crystal clear”. It states, wholly unambiguously, that men and women must be provided with separate single-sex changing facilities, which could under NO lawful conditions include Dr “Beth” Upton and nurse Sandie Peggie at the same time.

The difficulty is that any minute now, someone is going to ask the beleaguered First Minister the staggeringly obvious question that arises from the fact, namely:

Why didn’t NHS Fife know that?

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The thickness of blood 227

Posted on February 15, 2025 by

Much of Scotland, and indeed the rest of the UK and beyond (the story below ran in the London Standard), has been grimly gripped this week by the ongoing and scarcely believable trainwreck that is Sandie Peggie Vs NHS Fife.

The tribunal has now overrun the time allotted to it, and will reconvene for another 10 days in the second half of July, ramping up the already considerable costs incurred by NHS Fife, which is in the middle of a huge financial crisis.

According to legal experts, there is little doubt about the law surrounding the dispute. NHS Fife is clearly and unambiguously in the wrong – Dr Beth Upton, the transwoman at the centre of the problem, is legally as well as biologically male, and had no lawful entitlement to be in a female changing room. The authority also appears to be in very considerable potential trouble over failing to disclose key documents and evidence when ordered by the original judge.

So it seems remarkable that the board of NHS Fife is allowing the case to continue rather than immediately conceding to save money and any more public humiliation of both itself and its staff, like the hapless nurse manager Esther Davidson who endured a very uncomfortable two days in the witness box this week, and the clearly manifestly incompetent Equality And Human Rights Lead Officer, Isla Bumba, who yesterday deleted her LinkedIn page after being identified as the person who gave Davidson incorrect and unlawful guidance.

(Bumba is a 29-year-old immunology graduate and former bartender who ditched the challenging and gruelling field of vaccine development for a rather cushier number in pronoun-policing for £40-47,000 a year, somewhat more than the £31,000 average wage for staff nurses like Sandie Peggie, who’s been in the profession for longer than Bumba has been alive.)

Readers may reasonably wonder if the makeup of the board might offer some clues.

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Bricked-up windows 98

Posted on February 11, 2025 by

Readers may have noticed recent speculation in the media (based on the wording of a press release) that Police Scotland had ended their investigations regarding Operation Branchform. As it happened we’d already submitted a Freedom Of Information request aimed at finding that out, and the response arrived this evening.

You can read it below.

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The Front On The Volga 91

Posted on February 11, 2025 by

As alert Wings readers will know, we’re fond of a WW2 analogy from time to time. The conflict is so extensively documented, and so deeply embedded in British culture (for both good and ill), that it’s a reliable tool for getting points across concisely and clearly.

(It’s also one of the last major wars in which, overall, the good guys and the bad guys were pretty indisputably easy to identify.)

So let’s keep that in mind for a moment while we look at this.

And then let’s talk about Stalingrad.

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    • Skip_NC on Live chat update: “Every political party with a youth wing has an age range of 14 or 16 up to 25 or 30.…Mar 18, 00:46
    • PhilM on Live chat update: “Why don’t you get a sandwich board and try and rationalise with the general public about what you believe is…Mar 18, 00:26
    • Young Lochinvar on Live chat update: “Disclosure certificates. That is indeed the crux of the matter, the protection in place to protect the vulnerable. Do these…Mar 18, 00:06
    • sarah on Live chat update: “No, you are not alone in thinking that, Mia. It is only people in power who seem to think it…Mar 17, 23:15
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Live chat update: “« All we need now is an answer to why they keep doing it anyway. » _______________ Chief-Redactor-and-Keeper-of-State-Secrets John Swinney is bound…Mar 17, 22:57
    • James Barr Gardner on Live chat update: “As they come across as bragging about having been to 40 Primary Schools, would they disclose the names of these…Mar 17, 21:30
    • McDuff on The Unquestionables: “Well done Wings for again exposing the sickening state of the Scottish establishment and their unaccountability to anyone. I cannot…Mar 17, 21:20
    • James Barr Gardner on The Unquestionables: “In Scotland, there is no legal requirement for schools to sing “God Save the King”. As such your child has…Mar 17, 21:01
    • Hatey McHateface on Live chat update: “To be fair, it’s a rare day in Scotland when any Scot out and about in any of our towns…Mar 17, 20:54
    • Jon Drummond on Live chat update: “It is unbelievable that NuSNP have enabled all their Nonce Mates to abuse our children at our expense. No wonder…Mar 17, 20:15
    • Lorn on Live chat update: “Yes, job well done, Rev. The reason they avoid questions is the same reason why they defy the law. They…Mar 17, 19:29
    • Lorn on Live chat update: “No, Mia, you are not alone in thinking that.Mar 17, 19:15
    • mike cassidy on Live chat update: “No There is something in-your-face wrong about a group with ‘youth’ in its name that is involved with people over…Mar 17, 19:15
    • Karen on Live chat update: “Well done. Next time pose as a 13 year old girl and ask them for a chest binder, please.Mar 17, 19:10
    • Andrew scott on Live chat update: “Lets contact our msps and kick up hell about this Obviously not the green gnome, dross greer,maggie chaperson or loopy…Mar 17, 18:57
    • Bob on The Unquestionables: “That amount may also include employer NI and pension contributions, so the actual average salary may be about 70% less…Mar 17, 18:54
    • Mia on Live chat update: “Am I the only one who thinks that 13 to 25 is one hell of an age gap? Am I…Mar 17, 18:44
    • Mia on The Unquestionables: “After reading this article, I am getting even more concerned that these quangos might just be acting as fronts for…Mar 17, 18:10
    • twathater on Live chat update: “Rev in relation to any submissions to FOI requests or Charity commissioners reportings would it not be possible to arrange…Mar 17, 17:58
    • twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Sandy I read your latest response and TBQH I feel sorry for you, you haven’t addressed ANY of the points…Mar 17, 17:44
    • PhilM on The Unquestionables: “Scotland is the land of the cyber dead zone. Page after page on the websites of public bodies dead and…Mar 17, 17:20
    • Grouser on The Unquestionables: “Are parents being told about what is going on in these primary schools? If the school authorities are not telling…Mar 17, 16:42
    • Willie on The Unquestionables: “It is a grim reality that regulatory process does not work. This is no accident. It is deliberate. Citizens are…Mar 17, 16:01
    • John C on The Unquestionables: “LGBTYS are hiding in plain sight.There’s serious allegations about them and lumping 13 year old with adults is an abusers…Mar 17, 15:47
    • Effijy on The Unquestionables: “Here we are 15 years into austerity, credit crunch, recession and cut backs and governments can hand out £60K per…Mar 17, 15:18
    • Chas on The Unquestionables: “‘As you say no one is accountable in Scotland anymore which is a ploy by the unionists to make us…Mar 17, 15:02
    • Mark Beggan on The Unquestionables: “Semper verus.Mar 17, 14:34
    • Mark Beggan on The Unquestionables: “There is no barrier to how low a human being can go.Mar 17, 14:28
    • I. Despair on The Unquestionables: “There is the process of judicial review that can scrutinise and (perhaps) overturn such decisions but there are strict legal…Mar 17, 14:21
    • I. Despair on The Unquestionables: “There is the process of judicial review that can scrutinise and (perhaps) overturn such decisions but there are strict legal…Mar 17, 14:21
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