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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for November, 2014

The necessity of treachery 116

Posted on November 17, 2014 by

Readers, since Sunday we’ve been endeavouring on your behalf to find the elusive alleged Scottish Labour conference resolution to oppose the renewal of Trident which Neil Findlay insists is still current policy. We’ve drawn a blank, and Mr Findlay himself has been no help, telling an alert reader that:

“I can’t recall the year – it was quote [sic] some time ago but I am reliably informed it hasn’t changed since then.”

We still haven’t tracked anything down, but thanks to another alert reader we did find a fascinating piece in the archives of the Herald. We share it with you below.

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Congratulations to Jim Murphy MP 123

Posted on November 17, 2014 by

On his imminent election as “leader” of the Scottish Labour “party”.


Because this, readers, is the opposition.

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The right profiles 89

Posted on November 17, 2014 by

In the absence of much news, this morning we’ve been having fun with this.


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Did we miss a meeting? 254

Posted on November 16, 2014 by

Here’s Neil Findlay MSP on this morning’s Andrew Marr Show:

Wait, what?

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Leopard’s spots resprayed 165

Posted on November 15, 2014 by

We noted with interest this morning an uncredited story in the Herald, suggesting that Scottish Labour leadership candidate Jim Murphy would stand as an unlikely champion of the poor and downtrodden and the heroic defender of universal benefits.

Murphy rejects Lamont stance on benefit cuts

Jim Murphy has signalled a major shift in Scottish Labour policy if he wins the leadership, saying he would not seek to axe popular benefits and entitlements.”

On investigation, the truth was somewhat at odds with the headline.

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Thanks, Alex 162

Posted on November 15, 2014 by


The winners 365

Posted on November 14, 2014 by

The SNP’s new leader and First Minister-elect, and her deputy.


How to speak Weasel 223

Posted on November 13, 2014 by

We’re sure our ever-alert readers don’t need telling, but it never hurts to put up a little refresher course for those who might have joined recently.


As it becomes clear to everyone in Scotland that the No camp’s promises of the UK being the guarantor of survival for the Govan shipyards was the cynical lie those of us on the Yes side always said it was, it’s been interesting to watch the panicked response from the Westminster government.

Let’s take a quick look at how it works.

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Lest we forget 61

Posted on November 13, 2014 by

Just a year and six days ago:


Now, maybe not so much.

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Winning back hearts and minds 154

Posted on November 12, 2014 by

Our favourite Scottish Labour activist and media starlet reacts to the news that the promises of a No vote saving the Clyde shipyards have turned out to be lies.


Let’s just be clear – that’s unequivocal, unambiguous support for condemning the Govan shipyards to certain death, losing thousands of Scottish jobs, going back on promises just months old, so long as it might save the UK Treasury a few quid which the current government would probably spend on more tax cuts for billionaires.

Well, if that doesn’t save a party currently languishing on an average of about 24% in the Scottish opinion polls and help to win back the trust and support of Scottish voters, we simply don’t know what will. Solidarity, brothers and sisters.

Barely worth the words 175

Posted on November 12, 2014 by



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Busy doing nothing 120

Posted on November 12, 2014 by

There’s so little happening in Scottish politics today, readers, that the Scottish Sun has been reduced to interviewing a brick. And no, that’s not rhyming slang.


Frankly, folks, at that point we may as well have the day off.

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