George Ferguson on Meet The FILTH: “@Sven Agreed Salmond ran a competent Government. It seems a long time ago now.” Mar 16, 18:59
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Ah’m sorry, twathater. Ah must have forgot the hundreds of thousands of Scots on the streets protesting about the delay…” Mar 16, 18:25
Peter McAvoy on The plainest sight: “Why were the disclosure certificates or its English equivalents and PVGs ignored. This is a failure of the state to…” Mar 16, 18:19
twathater on The plainest sight: “I think you’ll find that OUR deviants and perverts in Holyrood have watched the long long long list of deviants…” Mar 16, 18:17
twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Hey big mooth , when was the LAST time YOU took to the streets, you’re starting to sound like yer…” Mar 16, 17:40
sarah on Meet The FILTH: ““The less talent they have, the more pride, vanity and arrogance they have. All these fools, however, find other fools…” Mar 16, 17:33
twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Sandy I do hope you are not coming on to WOS to continue fluffing for the LYING bastard party Liebour,…” Mar 16, 17:30
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Sandy Howden – it astonishes me that Colin Beattie is standing again given his performance as Party Treasurer and…” Mar 16, 17:26
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Robert Hughes – thanks for the words of appreciation! About all I can do is try to boost numbers…” Mar 16, 17:10
diabloandco on The plainest sight: “It’s all very well you exposing these foul folk but sadly the MSM doesn’t seem to bother its arse exposing…” Mar 16, 16:53
John C on The plainest sight: “Ireland should go down for a long, long time yet much of the media that praised him are ignoring his…” Mar 16, 16:51
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Breeks: I read AS comment entirely differently! I feel the momentum is with the grassroots activists and they should…” Mar 16, 16:46
dearieme on The plainest sight: “Coo! I had expected that any sneering at the bad folk of Surrey would involve banter directed at supporters of…” Mar 16, 15:46
Mia on The plainest sight: ““Follow the money/ pink dollar..” Absolutely. I am more worried about something else, though. That money might not be the…” Mar 16, 15:43
Mia on The plainest sight: ““Follow the money/ pink dollar..” Absolutely. I am more worried about something else, though. That money might not be the…” Mar 16, 15:41
Mia on The plainest sight: “Disgusting paedophiles cosying up to the police and being promoted and funded by governments with our money, for goodness sake.…” Mar 16, 15:30
Young Lochinvar on The plainest sight: “A couple of questions; How much public money do these various groups/ organisations get from government? How much in donations…” Mar 16, 15:17
twathater on Meet The FILTH: “Well said Robert, uncomfortable truths sometimes have to be aired, but as usual we will have the assortment of yoonionists…” Mar 16, 15:05
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “MSM reporting an estimated 325,000 Serbs protested against the behaviour of their government yesterday. “they are asking for … the…” Mar 16, 14:43
Willie on The plainest sight: “All I can say is that any middle aged man who rapes a 12 year old boy is an absolute…” Mar 16, 14:09
Lorn on The plainest sight: “The PDF Information Exchange (acronym: pastry filled with meat or fruit) latched on to the LGB movement several decades ago…” Mar 16, 13:49
Hatey McHateface on The plainest sight: “Channelling my inner Braveheart here: FFFFRRRRRREEEEEEEEEDDDDDOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! From the Scots who shame, abuse and oppress us all.” Mar 16, 13:29
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “Good man, twathater. It is difficult sometimes as I know well but we must try to overlook personality differences and…” Mar 16, 12:53
Anne on The plainest sight: “It’s good that you overturn these stones Wings,so many turn a blind eye . I feel sick” Mar 16, 12:41
sarah on The plainest sight: “What more can we do to make the government, councils, police, schools etc etc understand this subject and then act?…” Mar 16, 12:40
sarah on Meet The FILTH: “@ Socrates MacSporran: Totally agree – Holyrood currently is only a pretendy wee parliament. And why didn’t the 56 MPs…” Mar 16, 12:29
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “MSM reporting The Donald has been “consulting closely with the UN and taking direction from that international body” overnight. Haha,…” Mar 16, 11:48
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Agreed 100% Sven. In retrospect, a golden age. Of course, Alex Salmond was very much a “broad kirk” politician. He…” Mar 16, 11:37
Hatey McHateface on Meet The FILTH: “Bob ripping the “pro-war vampiric bloodsuckers” new ones here. Then hoping for blood to be spilled a couple of posts…” Mar 16, 11:24