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Wings Over Scotland

Faith over experience

Posted on June 12, 2021 by

638 to “Faith over experience”

  1. @robertknight,

    every skeleton ever dug up by the grave robber/archeologist will now have to be de gendered,

    how do they know the `pronouns` the skeleton identified as,

    or every grave robber/archeologist will automatically become a transphobe and lose She/Her Scot Gov funding.

  2. J.o.e says:

    ‘I think maybe some people on here misinterpret where you’re coming from politically , mistaking your views as advocating a species of xenophobic Nationalism’

    Yes but a lot of the people on here, perhaps most, are actually genuinely surprised at every SNP outrage and scandal.

    Im not.

    I was talking about where the SNP would lead us before anyone I know of – the weaponising of every cultural issue against the Scottish people with some still really to take effect including the normalisation of paedophilia and also racial/ethnic strife with imported peoples.

    It’s not difficult. Its obvious if you open your eyes.

    It’s not just the SNP who are doing this, governments all over the world, particularly western ‘democracies’, are following a similar playbook except of course for those terribly evil types who want to put their people first and protect them (or at least try to give the impression of it).

    This is from a book ‘The Spirit of Militarism’ by Nahum Goldmann 1915 (Ive posted this in the past so apologies to those who have already seen it)

    ‘The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and re-organisation of global society requires two essential steps: firstly, the destruction of the old established order, secondly, design and imposition of the new order. The first stage requires elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy, ethical barriers and social definitions, only then can the destroyed old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new order.

    The first task of our world revolution is Destruction. All social strata and social formations created by traditional society must be annihilated, individual men and women must be uprooted from their ancestral environment, torn out of their native environments, no tradition of any type shall be permitted to remain as sacred, traditional social norms must only be viewed as a disease to be eradicated, the ruling dictum of the new order is; nothing is good so everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was, must be gone.

    After destruction of the old order, construction of the new order is a larger and more difficult task. We will have torn out the old limbs from their ancient roots in deep layers, social norms will be lying disorganized and anarchic so they must be blocked against new cultural forms and social categories naturally re-emerging. The general masses will have been first persuaded to join as equals in the first task of destroying their own traditional society and economic culture, but then the new order must be forcibly established through people again being divided and differentiated only in accordance with the new pyramidal hierarchical system of our imposed global monolithic new world order’

    There’s plenty more to suggest what is going on including from very surprising sources.

    I don’t expect anything from most people in regards to realisation because to put it frankly most people are still grappling ineffectually with the the blatant facts around the covid situation and waiting to see what the media has to say about it and how the government will save them.

    Most people are utterly shit at actually thinking. Even the smart ones. That’s why everything comes as a surprise even when it is broadcast to them beforehand.

    So when I say there’s trouble looming from something like mass immigration and people call me a xenophobe its because they are so fucking thick and caught up in their sense of virtue and righteousness they are forgetting how trans rights are at this very minute being weaponised against women BY THE SAME PEOPLE PUSHING FOR OUR BORDERS TO BE WIDE OPEN AND LEGALLY STOP US FROM BEING CRITICAL OF IT.

    In short people are fucking stupid and that includes the majority of the Scottish indy movement. I don’t expect anything else.

  3. Republicofscotland says:

    Scotland’s renewable sector is being threatened by UK government rules, which penalises projects North of the Border.

    Offshore wind in Scotland pays £38 million to access the power grid, whilst in England its £7 million, no wonder Longannet shut down.

    Again I blame Sturgeon for not holding an indyref that would have made this a mute point and allowed Scotland offshore wind and water power generators (the largest in Europe with 25%) to flourish, and in the process it might have lowered the price of power for Scots who pay through the nose right now in a country teeming with energy sources.

    Sturgeon the Betrayer has done more damage to Scotland economy than Johnson has, she’s sold us all out to the benefit of herself and her party

  4. Stuart MacKay says:


    Since drug policy has nothing to do with the reasons people start taking drugs and all to do with their prospects and the economy it doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the SNP’s ability to “rebuild Scotland after COVID”.

  5. Lochside says:

    J.O.E. (90) AT 9.59AM:
    ‘In short people are fucking stupid and that includes the majority of the Scottish indy movement. I don’t expect anything else.’

    So the self appointed political analyst with the brain of a small plant…sorry planet reveals in his latest diatribe the source of his inspiration, the great ‘thinker’:Nahum Goldmann.

    Who?, you might say. Come on you know…don’t you? the lifelong Zionist. The ex president of the World Zionist Organisation 1956-1968. Just the kind of background required to inform erudite and intellectual analysis of world and particularly Scotland’s issues.

    J.o.e. you must have been born yesterday, if you think this forum has been anything but critical of the SNP. Over two years ago there was an exodus of the ‘cult’ of Sturgeon from this blog. The cognitive dissonant sufferers who now inhabit the WGD site migrated there. A form of ‘Exodus’ you might say.

    You are an arrogant uneducated twerp. Away and spout your world order shite elsewhere.

  6. James says:

    Captain Yoonarian is outed;

    “Network Rail and their engineering office are checking it”.

    Utter garbage, Network Rail is in charge of…..’rail’.
    They wouldn’t even consider getting involved in this.

  7. Captain Yossarian says:

    @James – Do you think that I don’t know that Network Rail is in charge of rail?….really?

    I think it is more likely that Network rail are UK wide and therefore not answerable to Holyrood. But, I might be wrong on that.

    It is engineering expertise that counts and if you have been following this story then you will accept that Network Rail have more expertise in soils than most. Probably more expertise than anyone, in fact.

    Ordinarily, they wouldn’t get involved in it but if they are instructed and paid, then they will do it.

    I have had opinion from all over the world. Those folk weren’t getting paid and weren’t instructed; they were just asked.

    It is in the ethical code of all engineers – ‘When asked, don’t mislead’.

    So, no-one’s been outed so far, James. Early days, mind-you.

  8. J.o.e says:


    I was critical of the SNP, and saying the exact things im saying now, before WOS even hinted at being somewhat unsettled with the direction they were going. That’s not to say Mr Campbell didnt smell a rat beforehand also mind you.

    My point has always been the same and it has continually proven to be correct. My hapless compatriots however continue to stumble onward being surprised by the obvious every time the SNP show their hand.

    I was warning of what the trans cult will do to Scottish politics and being called a bigot for it.

    Im being called a xenophobe for warning what these same people will do with mass immigration.

    And yes at this point anyone who can still call skepticism of the current covid situation a ‘conspiracy’ are actually outsourcing their thinking (being stupid) and I don’t care what qualifications they might have or how many of them might read this.

  9. Dan says:

    Pfft! So my prudent stockpiling, storage, and up-cycling of MANY diverse things that have been and will continue to be useful to myself and local community in the future now classifies me as having a disorder! Soz Jo, that’s verging on hate speech.

    link to

    Well, with my Mr Trebus tendencies I’ll counter that diagnosis by stating it’s actually inherently sensible in economic and environmental terms to have a scrap car or two up on blocks in your driveway for spares as and when you need them.

    It’s sensible to fill your garden with reclaimed timber, slates, stone, and old lawnmowers so you have them to hand free of charge for when you and your neighbours require such commodities.

    It’s sensible to fill your shed with old tools and mechanical parts because you’ll need imperial and whitworth spanners and bolts to sort proper made old machinery that isn’t of the modern throwaway disposable type now produced in our rampant consumerist society.

    It’s sensible in these austere times, living in a country that doesn’t have much of a manufacturing industry left, not to spend hundreds on an imported polytunnel frame when the galvanized tubes of a couple of no longer used trampolines can form the hoops.

    Folk with an almost OCD need to live in an immaculate neat world free from all clutter, which results in them having to go out and buy every single little thing they need can equally be accused of having a disorder.
    You may think having a striped weedless lawn with a couple of garish plastic gnomes in your garden is the optimal existence, but I’ll take my piles of old slates and corrugated iron sheets with the communities of slow worms and toads that exist under them to be a more of more real value and worth.

  10. robbo says:

    Listen to this Aussie on here. As if we need his Aussie fecking beef and lamb. Do wan ya tumshie.

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  11. Breeks says:

    robbo says:
    18 June, 2021 at 12:13 pm
    Listen to this Aussie on here. As if we need his Aussie fecking beef and lamb. Do wan ya tumshie..

    Fair play to the fella, from a standing start, in the middle of a global pandemic, he’s managed to negotiate a bonzer International Trade Agreement that suits his people.

    Compare that to Sturgeon the Betrayer, came to power on the cusp of with a pro Independence tsunami, but after seven years of idle gold digging and self image cultivation, she still hasn’t reached the preambles stage of negotiating a Referendum.

  12. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Breeks @ 12.38pm

    The difference is, the Aussies wanted a deal. Sturgeon doesn’t want Independence, for as long as she can be Queen of Scotland she’ll be quite happy. Independence would only piss on her parade.

  13. James Che. says:

    The larger world view that J.O.E and Robert Hughes discuss is a reality that avoid most people whom see the every day to day machinations cogs of more localised governments as the reality, but these cogs are all connected like the cogs in a clock,
    As a metaphor If I have interpreted their discussions correctly most people do not see the actual clock casing that binds it all together, that most of the issues that come before us in local government agendas and trends is being driven by bigger world players outside our country.
    The Scottish government is not isolated in its behaviour towards its people, just about every other government in every other country is following the same format.
    It is not a new policy to destroy the traditions and culture of a countries beliefs or morality, and replace it with a new form of government, and alternative new views imposed by laws and imprisonments,
    It is called regime change, and our own governments here in Britain talk it up constantly wether in reference to Syria, Africa, Brazil, Korea, Russia, China etc,
    First they Destroy any possibility of you thinking these countries may hold some good qualities, everything is bad and all these leaders are dispotic, and the people in these countries are wayward or backwards. So new thinking and new governance is required according to world leaders-bully countries, Creating war, confusing, and total destruction and obliterate the connections between people that glue a piece of land together as a recognised country, it is the ultimate way of providing a quickening to the process and agendas.
    To destroy and divide a country with its people, to deliberately set up one view to an opposing view backed up by propaganda media to begin opposition of traditional beliefs, to weave an internal fight to break down the strength of a people, a nation, a country. This is Scotland today.
    And to save our country from bigger players the people in Scotland and all over the world have to gel together, to forget the one or the self, but become a united force in each country against regime change that’s not always at first so obvious,
    Destroying our culture, our work, our family connections, our financial independence. Our opinions and free speech, our homes, our independence through having you’re own vehicle, or being free to travel, or being able to meet friends, the privacy and sovereignty of your body, the right to protest, are all being taken away and re-arranged for the purpose of governments to hold sovereignty over people. A massive change that weakens the right of people to have any say or to hold governments to account for fear of imprisonments,
    The great reset and build back better mantra that world leaders are all talking about in the media is happening at the moment with the pandemic being used as a tool to progress this.
    As can be seen by Nicola sturgeon use of the pandemic to close down specific areas of Scotland, areas that may cause opposition in Indy marches or protests. And at the same time creating divisions between football, and turning a blind eye by excusing others for marching through the streets during the pandemic.
    And using covid after Brexit as an excuse to delay a vote on independence,
    As the pandemic Continues to destroy Scotland’s businesses and infrastructure, demolishing families and creating hate speech within you’re homes, and internal discrepancies in Scotland we see,the creation of Problem , Reaction, Solution,

  14. crazycat says:

    @ Scot Finlayson at 9.54

    Within the last couple of years, two female skeletons have been excavated, one in the Andes and one somewhere in Scandinavia.

    The Andean one has the accoutrements of a hunter; the Nordic one is a warrior. Despite there being no possible way of determining how these women viewed themselves, and the sagas mentioning several female Vikings, the usual suspects have immediately leapt on this as “proof” that people have been trans for millenia.

    (In Albania, in the era of blood feuds, from time to time when families ran out of sons to kill each other a daughter would be selected instead. She wouldn’t have to seek physical revenge, but instead would have to wear men’s clothing for the rest of her life and isolate herself from the community. No doubt every woman forced to do that regardless of her wishes would also be classified as trans by the obsessed.)

  15. Republicofscotland says:

    Stuart MacKay @10.01am.

    Yes Stuart I agree with that, as part of this union Scotland has sent untold amounts of wealth straight into Westminster’s coffers, from the Malt tax, to North sea oil and gas, Scotland has been exploited by Westminster and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

    It is in my opinion that as we’ve been and still are treated as a colony that our economic prospects are impaired, and that has a knock on effect on our citizens, who in some cases turn to substance abuse because they see no future for themselves. Our colonial government ergo has less funds to spend than if it were an independent country, and it also lacks the powers to put in place to really help these people.

    We have the usual SNP/MSP’s/MPs in the press today pleading with Westminster to devolve drug laws, this behaviour is nothing more than finger pointing at Westminster, for young Scots will only continue to die in large numbers every year, whilst Scotland remains part of this rancid union, for our colonial government doesn’t have the powers, and I might add, the will power to actually do anything meaningful about it.

    Of course Sturgeon the Betrayer back in 2016 decided to try and save England from itself, instead of saving Scots from this hellish union, now she’s turned her attentions to saving the union, and the trans LBGTQI+ etc community and the rest of of us can go to hell, unless you’re an indy blogger, or AUOB organiser they can go to jail.

  16. Republicofscotland says:

    So John Swinney, who’s arse was twice save on VONC’s at Holyrood, said on the missing indyfunds, “I don’t quite understand what prompted this” with regards to questions being asked about the whereabouts of the missing ringfenced indy cash.

    Of course Swinney is just taking the piss, he knows fine well, that Dougie Chapman resigned because he wasn’t allowed to do his job properly, as was Frank Ross, and accountant, and Lord Provost of Edinburgh Council. As did SNP NEC member Allison Graham and company director Cynthia Guthrie, all resigned to keep their integrity intact.

    It was reported that earlier this year that Sturgeon the Betrayers husband Peter Murrell, refused to give members of the party’s Finance and Audit Committee access to full up to date figures at a meeting in March.

  17. James Che. says:

    I believe David Cameron claimed on tv to be a Zionist.

  18. Republicofscotland says:

    Re my above comment the current SNP’s National Treasurer Colin Beattie will be questioned on the missing ringfenced indyfunds tomorrow in an online NEC meeting that will be chaired by Sturgeon the Betrayer. I’d imagine Sturgeon the Betrayer will chair it just incase Beattie slips up.

    In an interview with STV, Sturgeon the Betrayer, who looked flush and agitated in my opinion, when asked about the missing ringfenced indyfunds, said “Money hasn’t gone missing” and “Every penny we raise to support the campaign for independence, will be spent on the campaign for independence.”

    Then why have so many folk resigned from the party’s Finance and Audit Committee, claiming they weren’t allowed to do their jobs properly, and why was information withheld from Dougie Chapman, that stopped him from performing his duties as (SNP National Treasurer) properly.

    And if true, why did Peter Murrell withhold vital data from the Finance and Audit Committee at a meeting on the 20th of March.

  19. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @James Che (2.22) –

    They all do.

    It’s a rite of passage for UK Govt high-heid yins, if they want to get anywhere.

    The only senior British politician I’m aware of who refused to don a yarmulke and do the whole wailing-wall routine was Robin Cook.

  20. Republicofscotland says:

    Well it looks like the National newspapers columnist David Pratt’s article on the lack of movement from the SNP on obtaining Scottish independence hit home with folk on social media, and got them talking about it.

    Today Joanna Cherry agreed wholeheartedly with Pratt’s observations that we haven’t moved one single step further on achieving Scottish independence since the 2014 indyref.

    Its far to early to say whether or not others will jump on this band wagon, but I sincerely hope that eyes will be opened with regards to Sturgeon the Betrayer and her lack of movement on the indyfront sooner than later.

  21. Republicofscotland says:

    I had to laugh, at Sturgeon the betrayer yesterday when she demanded that Holyrood should be able to hold a vote on the Australia deal that all but sank Scottish farming.

    This again is just finger pointing at Westminster Sturgeon the Betrayer had great opportunities to get Scotland out of this horrendous union but, decided that she and her party were/are more important that the people of Scotland, in a Blackfordesque style (Scotland won’t stand for it) she demands a vote for Holyrood. Of course under Sturgeon the Betrayers tenure, Scotland will stand for whatever Westminster throws at it, and then some more, for Sturgeon the Betrayers isn’t interested in freeing Scots from this woeful union.

  22. JGedd says:


    Interestingly, I saw a documentary a few years back referring to this custom of daughters acting as males in the absence of sons. (This was in Afghanistan and is still practiced. It’s the custom of baca posh.) The documentary followed one such daughter who had become her family’s son and attended school acting as, and being accepted as, a boy. She played in the school football team and, being rather good-looking, had a fan club of adoring girls. Naturally, as baca posh, she greatly appreciated the less restricted life she was able to lead than that of a girl.

    Towards the end of the last century, elaborate Scythian tombs were excavated, revealing women who had been buried as honoured warriors with accompanying weapons, usually bows. They were apparently horse archers and had signs of having sustained injuries which had healed. There was evidence that some of them were quite young which seems to suggest that they were trained from an early age.

    There was a long military tradition of using horse archers to devastating effect in that part of the world and of course, were not always female in later times. Horse archers were particularly effective as they could carry out ranged attack as well as being fast and elusive, delivering a host of arrows into enemy infantry and retreating quickly. It required accuracy and expert horsemanship, not brute strength and so women could be that kind of warrior, leaving the role of heavy cavalry and close quarter fighting to males.

    I, too, thought it only a matter of time before these examples from history, even recent history, would soon be used to justify the transgender arguments. What it reveals is their own rigid concepts of male and female roles, while even in the past, there were communities where they might take a more pragmatic and flexible view. It seems highly feasible that hard-pressed populations in times of war, might instead take the view that their females could be deployed and might actually have the appropriate skills, to defend their communities.

  23. Dan says:

    Have the Union supporting btl posters got any views on this?
    All good, nowt to be concerned about?

    link to

  24. Dan says:

    Archived link to Independent article contained in the above tweet.

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  25. James Che. says:

    Ian brotherhood.
    Yes Ian, we spoke about it at home, he was one of the few politicians that spoke out against the Iraq war,

  26. crazycat says:

    @ JGedd at 2.56

    Thanks – that’s really interesting. Amazons, of course, were well-reported in antiquity (even if semi-mythical).

  27. Breastplate says:

    I think the Electoral Commission being stripped of powers is a good thing for Scotland.
    They have only ever been Unionist lap dogs.
    That they are to have their chain yanked publicly by their master let’s people know who exactly is and has been in charge all along.

    Perhaps there is a downside for Scotland but I can’t see it.

  28. Republicofscotland says:

    Dan @3.16pm.

    Dan thanks for the link, as Sturgeon the Betrayers drops any language on an indyref which was widely used by all SNP/MSPs and prospective SNP MSP candidates before the election in May, Johnson’s steam train, carries on bulldozing any hint of democracy that might remain within this union.

    We should expect this from Johnson, after all the Tories are at the heart of their ideology, for removing any hinderance at all to capitalism in any shape or form.

    However what we in Scotland shouldn’t and cannot except is our very own FM betraying us for the sake of her party and the union. Oh doubtless she and her SNP MSPs and MPs will yet again finger point at Johnson as if the state Scotland is in is Johnson’s fault, when we all know its Sturgeon the Betrayers fault for not getting us out of this shitty onesided union.

    Johnson will do a lot more in reducing democracy within the UK and Sturgeon the Betrayer will finger point hoping to rally the masses back home in Scotland to her and her party, mind you the HCB and the GRA and the persecution of indy bloggers, AUOB organisers and women who fear for their safe spaces, means that there’s not much between Sturgeon the Betrayer and Johnson.

  29. Robert Graham says:

    On Topic for a change

    Be prepared for the usual English pish tonight we will be guaranteed a neutral commentary ( English ) , the Croatia and Czech Republic game has just started and it will be about 30 seconds before England is mentioned by Liniker and Sherer the neutral commentators .

    The Scottish players shouldn’t be overly respectful to this English team out of the meetings around 110 : 115 not exactly sure the total England are about 7 ahead I believe so much for the great football nation eh ,

    it’s funny how the English Broadcasting Corporation can find gazas goal at the drop of a hat but can’t find anything about the 1967 game when Scotland beat the world champions at Wembley and Jim Baxter was told by Dennis Law to stop taking the piss out the English players by playing keepie uppie to wind them up

    I don’t know if it’s true but it’s said Ramsey the English manager went in the huff and refused to shake hands after getting gubbed by the sweaty socks

    And as for the knee pish the Scots players shouldn’t do it just to wind the fkrs up half the English supporters will probably cheer them on anyway that’s after they show respect to our National Anthem , just listen to the noise when any other nations anthem is played they can’t help it .

  30. twathater says:

    Dan I’m with you on the hoarding, many many times i have needed something to fix or repair something and have managed to locate a fix from my hoard

    I have said on here a few times that politicians are desperate to manage and control every aspect of our lives, the nanny state and it is they who will determine what is right or what is wrong and what you will be PERMITTED to do or think

    This obsession of claiming everything is a mental problem , is a fucking mental problem ,I have never seen so many people clinging to a sense of need , everyone wants to be a VICTIM

  31. J.o.e says:

    @James Che

    Thanks for clearing up the point while adding the grace and composure I lack.

  32. Breeks says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    18 June, 2021 at 2:35 pm

    “Every penny we raise to support the campaign for independence, will be spent on the campaign for independence.”

    There she goes again, painting herself into a corner right from the off.

    If all the money “will be spent on the campaign for Independence”, and we know the NEC didn’t even discuss Independence for the critical 18 months around Brexit, and further know that NOBODY in the SNP is currently working on Independence, it becomes unsustainable to claim there is any Campaign, and thus, QED, the Campaign for Independence money should not be spent.

    This also assumes of course, you are prepared to set aside the explicit definition of “ring fenced”.

  33. Don says:

    J.o.e says:
    18 June, 2021 at 5:23 pm
    @James Che

    “Thanks for clearing up the point while adding the grace and composure I lack”

    Hahaha Neither of you has a clue more than the other , just both of you bumping your gums about things you don’t understand. Tweedledee and Tweedledum of Scottish Politics

  34. Don says:

    @Breeks 18 June, 2021 at 5:30 pm

    “Every penny we raise to support the campaign for independence, will be spent on the campaign for independence.”
    If all the money “will be spent on the campaign for Independence”, and we know the NEC didn’t even discuss Independence for the critical 18 months around Brexit, and further know that NOBODY in the SNP is currently working on Independence, it becomes unsustainable to claim there is any Campaign, and thus, QED, the Campaign for Independence money should not be spent.

    This also assumes of course, you are prepared to set aside the explicit definition of “ring fenced”.”

    I’m sure their new finance guy will explain it all as he is so good at financial matters. All above board of course.
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  35. Pixywine says:

    There is no pandemic. There never was. ” Covid 19″ is a flu virus no more troublesome to society than any other flu virus. It’s a Trojan horse being used to distract the public while Governments downgrade our lifestyles and force us to seek permissions from political flunkies of Bill Gates.
    Gates is absolutely crossing politicians and the BBCs palms with gold. He’s bribing everyone that matters. When did such blatent corruption become good for our health. The conspiracy is not a theory. Go to the UNs website Davos the World Economic Forum.
    Anyone on here who can’t see the geopolitics is as parochial as Wurzel Gummidge and should stick to voting for Sturgeon.
    Its interesting to see how little fear the Politburo have of mythical pandemics as they crowd unhindered into the VIP suite at the football while the Muzhiks are tested and traced. It’s so fucking blatent the social divide being broadened between the wealthy well connected political class and the peasant herd.

  36. Pixywine says:


  37. Don says:

    @Republicofscotland 18 June, 2021 at 1:57 pm

    “Yes Stuart I agree with that, as part of this union Scotland has sent untold amounts of wealth straight into Westminster’s coffers, from the Malt tax, to North sea oil and gas, Scotland has been exploited by Westminster and will continue to be for the foreseeable future”

    Hahahha To paraphrase Paul Simon “Still clueless after all these years”

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  38. Pixywine says:

    Hoard tools. Collect hand tools especially. Learn how to sharpen them and work with them. If you have no money no fuck all but you have hand tools you can still work and lack of electricity is no problem. Old Sheffield tools are still cheap to buy and tools for life. My wife tells me I’m a tool for life.

  39. Republicofscotland says:

    Breeks at 5.30pm.

    Sturgeon at the moment fears no corners, and this is why.

    The COPFS foot soldiers Police Scotland, can’t make their minds up if they should open an investigation into the missing indyfunds or not, even though there’s been an official complaint about the missing money.

    Police Scotland aka the Keystone Cops, will be taking their cue from the COPFS, and their boss the Lord Advocate, who inturn advises Sturgeon the Betrayer, who is ultimately in charge of the missing funds, you couldn’t make this up if you tried.

  40. Republicofscotland says:

    F*ck You Don and F*ck your Denison barracks buddies as well, no one in here, bar your fellow 77th mob in here, believes a word you type.

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  41. Don says:

    @Pixywine 18 June, 2021 at 6:04 pm

    “There is no pandemic. There never was. ” Covid 19? is a flu virus no more troublesome to society than any other flu virus. It’s a Trojan horse being used to distract the public while Governments downgrade our lifestyles and force us to seek permissions from political flunkies of Bill Gates.
    Gates is absolutely crossing politicians and the BBCs palms with gold. He’s bribing everyone that matters. When did such blatent corruption become good for our health. The conspiracy is not a theory”

    Just imagine people who are so feckin thick they would put themselves through this rather than get vaccinated , they are out there though and we know who some of them are. 🙂
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  42. Captain Yossarian says:

    I listened-in to 10-minutes of Radio Scotland earlier and I believe that Tierney and Paterson have a chance of playing at LB and RB. Gilmour too in mid-field.

    That just leaves the weaknesses of Marshall and Dykes for me although I agree, this England team have weaknesses too and can be beaten.

  43. Don says:

    @Republicofscotland 18 June, 2021 at 6:18 pm


    Hahaha Quotes Business for Scotland a widely know fake propaganda unit ran by the Grifter Gordon McIntyre Kemp to fill the heads of the SNP’s “useful idiots” who can’t understand even basic economics for themselves 🙂
    Can’t you understand any real economics instead of Business For Scotland invented fiction for dafties ? 🙂

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    Here is the grifter Gordon McIntyre Kemp demonstrating how little real truth he actually understands

  44. Don says:

    @Pixywine 18 June, 2021 at 6:04 pm

    “There is no pandemic. There never was. ” Covid 19? is a flu virus no more troublesome to society than any other flu virus. It’s a Trojan horse being used to distract the public while Governments downgrade our lifestyles and force us to seek permissions from political flunkies of Bill Gates.
    Gates is absolutely crossing politicians and the BBCs palms with gold. He’s bribing everyone that matters. When did such blatent corruption become good for our health. The conspiracy is not a theory”

    🙂 🙂 link to

  45. Dan says:

    @ ROS

    Re. Bulldozing democracy. Those with real power can do it oh so easily, but also under the guise of legitimacy.
    When you control all the major powers you can implement policies that influence population numbers in certain areas. Think modern day clearances of indigenous people. Then simply alter constituency numbers to suit.

    Couple of links to recent Guardian articles on the subject.

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    link to

    Looks like in this “equal” Union, the Kingdom of England is to gain 10 seats and The Kingdom of Scotland will lose 2 for Westminster.

    Thank fuck our Scottish First Minister, her political Party, and the electorate are so astute and quick to react to all this stuff so we can make best use of our votes to counter those that hold us under their jackboot.
    Imagine if we were a country so stupid that we’d effectively squander over a million votes in an election…

  46. James Che. says:

    I suspected I may have grasped you own and Robert Hughes conversation, wasn’t to sure how accurately,
    Gracefully? I feeling proud at the moment for such a nice comment,
    I usually try write what I am thinking before it is lost, a problem with older age sometimes,so often a bit incoherent, and the spelling a lot left to be desired,
    Adding on to Robert and you own earlier conversation it occurred to myself it could become a realist theory as to why so many care homes were so careless across the world with allowing covid to enter these places,
    The older generation hold knowledge not just to older values and traditional ways of culture, but the morality of family and community values, of working together.
    These old values have to cease to exist if the new regime has to have any success, the connections between the generation has to be severed so as not to pass on these values and knowledge.

  47. Republicofscotland says:

    Dan @6.52pm.

    Dan thanks for the links, yes I’ve read about Westminster’s Gerrymandering of the boundaries, Westminster along with that old lifelong ponce queen Lizzie, approved the stolen 6,000 sq miles of Scottish waters, and now when you look out at the sea in Carnoustie or St Andrews you’re looking at English waters.

    “Once the four national boundary reviews are completed in 2023, England is set to have 543 MPs, Wales 32, a loss of eight, and Scotland 57, a decrease of two.”

    Sturgeon the Betrayer, will just finger point at Johnson when the boundary reviews occur, she doesn’t give a monkeys about Scotland, oh a few competent policies are thrown to the masses to shut them up, but that’s it.

  48. Republicofscotland says:

    As Scotland prepares to take on England in the Euros its worth mentioning that Scottish gatekeepers have also helped keep Scotland chained to this rancid union no more so than Glasgow lad Ken McCallum who’s now the head of MI5, the treacherous b*stard also headed up the investigation into the staged Skripal event.

  49. wee monkey says:

    Oh and Cherry.
    Did it ever occur to you that the reason people hang on to stuff is because of the endemic low wages in Scotland?
    It could also mean that they simply don’t have enough room for the shit they have bought and sure aren’t going to throw it out to please the likes of you…

  50. K Campbell says:

    Another interesting take on the missing funds shared on twitter, thank-you MacGregor : )

    link to

    and the article archived

    link to

  51. Republicofscotland says:

    “No evidence of any kind was produced in court to contradict Murray’s sworn testimony that he tried to conceal identities. Yet Lady Dorrian decided to treat Murray’s affidavit as lies despite hearing no evidence to contradict it, and despite no claim from the Crown that it was lies. She did so entirely on the basis that her own reading of Murray’s articles revealed to her a deliberate “campaign” to reveal the names by “clues”.”

    An excellent article, so there’s absolutely no evidence showing that Craig jigsaw revealed any of the complainers, its only Lady Dorrian’s opinion that he did, backed up with no evidence whatsoever.

    How Craig’s conviction is allowed to stand is baffling to say the least, but I think we all know why Lady Dorrian came to this preposterous conclusion.

    link to

  52. Don says:

    @Republicofscotland 18 June, 2021 at 9:58 pm

    “An excellent article, so there’s absolutely no evidence showing that Craig jigsaw revealed any of the complainers, its only Lady Dorrian’s opinion that he did, backed up with no evidence whatsoever.

    How Craig’s conviction is allowed to stand is baffling to say the least, but I think we all know why Lady Dorrian came to this preposterous conclusion.”

    Its not hard really she is properly educated and can think for Herself instead of those who only beleive what Murray tells them to think…ie people like you

    His case really isn’t that different from Clive Thompson ,the issue is “intent” if Murray didn’t have intent he wouldn’t and knows he shoudn’t have been blogging on the issue in the first place but he did thet despite reported multiple warnings of it.
    link to

    “Asset Rich” Blogger who has a £600K House apparently needed money to run his blog link to

  53. Don says:

    Worth a read , the sabbatical Rev even gets a worthwhile mention in dispatches for raising the issue of the accounts in the first place.

    link to

    More interesting now of course is that the previous Treasurer is now back in the post that he was previously accused of lying about the processes of
    link to

  54. K Campbell says:

    missing money, another one.. “So imagine my surprise when I have seen unfair and less than transparent and honesty around party funds and campaign funding?”
    link to

    Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here??????????????/

    ( btw Don, I archived that thinkscotlandlink at 9;12pm but good to see us all on the same page !)

  55. JimuckMac says:

    Sturgeon says the money is not missing, aye, because she knows exactly where it went. Get this tyrant arrested now.

  56. Breastplate says:

    Your team were fucking poor tonight.
    Is it not about time you were crying into your pillow?

  57. Nally Anders says:

    Why didn’t Doug speak up?
    These assholes keep getting away with it coz good people say nothing?
    We keep getting told there is good people still in the SNP.
    Where are they and when are they gonny step forward?

  58. Sensibledave says:

    Republicofscotland 6.52

    Please explain why the readjustment of boundaries is unfair or undemocratic. Do you disagree that constituencies should have similar numbers of voters in?

  59. Hugh Jarse says:

    Sounds fair Dave, but it leads to the centralisation power, and population.
    Far flung constituencies become powerless. People move, chasing opportunity.
    The SE of England is well looked after by yer Tories, who harvest the voters in return. Issues concerning these people matter.
    Further away, less so.

  60. Breeks says:

    Hugh Jarse says:
    19 June, 2021 at 7:29 am
    Sounds fair Dave…

    Does it?

    I’ll respect their democracy once they start respecting Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty, which is much more fundamental than the trappings of their democracy. And I choose my words carefully when use the word ‘trappings’.

  61. Breeks says:

    The only fairness, in terms of equity, is that the Scottish Government shows as much ignorance and contempt for Scotland’s Constitution as the BritNats in Westminster.

  62. robertknight says:

    Has ‘Holiday Boy’ taken the week off?

    Or has Rev Stu not gotten out of bed yet to post our weekly ‘toon?


  63. Captain Yossarian says:

    I thought that man of the match last night was Billy Gilmour and the most disappointing player on the pitch was Harry Kane. That’s football for you. It’s possible now.

  64. Grouse Beater says:

    GB News – turning itself into the far-right of fictional facts. The Irish take a jaundiced look at its first week. Your essential weekend reading:

    ‘An Irish View of GB News’: link to

  65. Republicofscotland says:

    Dave @1.37am.

    You’re right Dave, it makes no difference how many MPs Scotland has at Westminster, it never has, and it never will. Sinn Fein, recognised that fact a long time ago.

  66. Republicofscotland says:

    So Sturgeon the Betrayer is confident that the SNP and the Greens, both parties are ultra woke, can strike a co-operation agreement in the next few weeks. The trans obsessed Greens, actually want a 1% wealth tax introduced, but the SNP have no such proposal included in their election promise, and besides Sturgeon the Betrayer voted with the Tories, against Andy Wightman’s amendment that sought to changed how land is valued in Scotland.

    The SNP certainly don’t want to frighten their upper and bourgeoisie class voters of whom they now appeal to.

  67. Luigi says:

    No goals last night but one of the best Scottish performances for a long long time. England didn’t play well Because Scotland didn’t allow them to. Every time England started to build momentum, our players worked hard to win back the ball and passed around a bit keeping possession and taking the sting out of the England attacks. We still lack a world class finisher IMO but the while team was magnificent last night.

  68. Ruby says:

    robertknight says:
    19 June, 2021 at 8:47 am
    Has ‘Holiday Boy’ taken the week off?

    Or has Rev Stu not gotten out of bed yet to post our weekly ‘toon?



    Has anyone heard from Stu?

    He might be reading the comments and asking himself why he’s paying out money to host a forum for engineers, anti-vaxxers & a couple of flame-baiting Unionists from the south of England.

    It’s quite sad but I think Wings is finished. 🙁

  69. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Luigi – If we had a Kenny Dalglish, you mean. I remember Napoli signed Diego Maradonna and, as a result, became almost unbeatable in Italy for several years. I’m not comparing Gilmour and Tierney to Maradonna, but the introduction of these two players made all the difference last night. If they had played against the Czech Republic then we may not have lost.

  70. Fred says:

    Grouse Beater says:
    19 June, 2021 at 9:03 am
    GB News – turning itself into the far-right of fictional facts.

    I’d be delighted if you could furnish us with an example of one of those ‘far right’ fictional facts.

  71. Don says:

    @Ruby 19 June, 2021 at 10:24 am

    “Has anyone heard from Stu?
    He might be reading the comments and asking himself why he’s paying out money to host a forum for engineers, anti-vaxxers & a couple of flame-baiting Unionists from the south of England.

    It’s quite sad but I think Wings is finished. ?”

    If Stu has any sense he will be relaxing in the Sun sippling cold Lager in Greece or Spain right now instead of reading posts from clueless halfwits and conspiracy theorists that don’t understand numbers bigger than they have fingers and toes to count on.
    Stu like the Messiah will rise again when the time is right..maybe link to

  72. Don says:

    @Republicofscotland 19 June, 2021 at 9:58 am

    “.. and besides Sturgeon the Betrayer voted with the Tories, against Andy Wightman’s amendment that sought to changed how land is valued in Scotland.

    The SNP certainly don’t want to frighten their upper and bourgeoisie class voters of whom they now appeal to”

    The SNP stood alongside the Tories and voted down the very policy they were voted into power on in 2007 but people just like you were happy to ignore that for long enough. Most might have thought that Scots might have clicked that the SNP never really wanted Indy any more than they wanted to scrap the council tax , both were just deliberate con tricks on the majority low intelligence electorate that Scotland has.
    link to

  73. Don says:

    Grouse Beater 19 June, 2021 at 9:03 am

    “GB News – turning itself into the far-right of fictional facts. The Irish take a jaundiced look at its first week. Your essential weekend reading:

    ‘An Irish View of GB News’: htkps:// ”

    Nobody cares about your Irish views on Scotland or the UK , nobody cares about your continued attempts to turn Scotland into Ulster.

    Nationalists do really stuggle to understand how socialism works don’t they ? link to

  74. Don says:

    Breastplate 18 June, 2021 at 11:27 pm

    “Your team were fucking poor tonight.”

    Correct, they were shocking. Struggling to hold England to a mere draw as they did yet calling that some sort of massive vistory. But just all the usual Bravado and flag waving will make tough reality go away won’t it link to

  75. Don says:

    K Campbell 18 June, 2021 at 10:36 pm

    “missing money, another one.. “So imagine my surprise when I have seen unfair and less than transparent and honesty around party funds and campaign funding?”

    Even funnier they put Colin Beattie back in as Treasurer as he was already in that post when it got “lost” maybe its a case of “well you lost it you can find it again” but i don’t expect thats going to happen link to

  76. Lochside says:

    Don @9.58
    ‘the majority low intelligence electorate that Scotland has’

    So is our electorate any dumber than the English electorate constantly voting in Tory/Lab upper class elites and voting for economic suicide via Brexit?

  77. Sounds like some of little england`s house jocks arenae happy we are celebrating getting a draw against their massas `greatest team in the world, remember 1966`,


    thought Hanley was man of the match, looks a lot fitter,stronger and faster than before,

    is there any permutation that little england finish third and don`t qualify.

  78. Stuart MacKay says:


    Who gives you the links you post?

    I spent a little time digging through thinkscotland and scotfact and they all follow the same pattern – scottish writers (or at least the names given are clearly scottish) all peddling a centre-right, fiscal prudence line but ultimately all pushing to maintain the Union.

    It’s too coordinated and too consistent – the message essentially is the way that England does things is the right way – not specifically pro Conservative more like “life would return to being perfect” if only we returned/followed a New Labour / Compassionate Conservative worldview and stayed snug within the embrace of Britannia.

    As far as propaganda goes it’s rather good – appealing to reasonableness, common sense, middle of the road type thinking. Nationalism is a distraction is not really helping anybody.

    The only problem is that we are where we are because we specifically don’t want that. It’s simply not good enough. Still, 8 out of 10 for trying.

  79. Captain Yossarian says:

    Ruby says:
    19 June, 2021 at 10:24 am

    I posted up the engineering problem, Ruby. I was given good advice on it, I followed that-up and it is getting solved by engineering experts right now.

    It took 8-10 weeks to solve on WoS. Several senior figures from all political parties at Holyrood have been working on it for 7-years and have managed, somehow, to do nothing.

    So, my opinion is that WoS works as it should and always has. It is Holyrood that is the problem and it is a problem for the whole country.

    Stuart Campbell is a resourceful and respected guy and I have good reason to be thankful to him. An increasing number of us have decided that we want nothing more to do with Holyrood and maybe he is amongst that number.

  80. Robert Hughes says:

    ” So is our electorate any dumber than the English electorate constantly voting in Tory/Lab upper class elites and voting for economic suicide via Brexit? ”

    Don Kiddinusoany will be away consulting his ” Why Scotland Is Shite ” anthology ( compiled by Andrew Neil Oliver and Capn Yossarian ) before answering that one Lochside .

    Gotta say the lad does put in the hours in his mission to irritate . He’s like a human cloud of midges .

    Maybe he’s auditioning for a gig @ GB * News * as Brillo’a * Hair Technician *

  81. Dan says:

    Ruby says: at 10:24 am

    He might be reading the comments and asking himself why he’s paying out money to host a forum for engineers, anti-vaxxers & a couple of flame-baiting Unionists from the south of England.

    Firstly, Stu shouldn’t be paying out any of his personal income to keep the site running, because that cost should be funded by donations made through the various fundraisers and other voluntary contributions supporters of the site made/make.
    He has in my view, always been aware of the substantial responsibilities which come with the size of the funds Wings has accrued over the years. And generally has also asked the punters what their views are with regard to how those monies are spent.
    I personally disagreed with the choice to appeal the Dugdale verdict, as thought the time, cost, and inevitable personal hit in negative emotional and physical terms was best avoided.
    I understood the reasons why the appeal was a tempting choice, but also knew that specific game is rigged. It was then, and has been shown to be many times since with the targeted way justice is served in Scotland.
    The master’s tools won’t dissemble the master’s house…

    There are undoubtedly some intelligent people in the Indy movement, but I have long thought there appears a lack of ability to think outside the conventional box with all its inherent constraints, and we’d be in a better position if instead we develop alternative strategies that would make far better use of the time and money we commit to the cause, which would also be working on our terms which would make for a more positive experience, rather than enduring the negativity of banging one’s napper against the wall of “the system”.

    The recent btl discussion is just that, discussion of whatever subjects happen to be picked up and run with. Engineering is very much an interest of mine and should be for all our society. The entire infrastructure of our society is reliant on engineering design and quality.

    It has been discussed before btl that there is a lack of politicians coming from fields out with the legal and academic fields. That is probably a major factor in why we are so badly served, because our politicians have little if any real world experience of the realities of the work that is required to keep an society functioning.

    If you feel the content is lacking then add something to the mix.

  82. Hugh Jarse says:

    I believe Telford apprenticed and learned at the front line, working with the men, before going on to design and build much of the UK’s infrastructure.

  83. wee monkey says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    18 June, 2021 at 9:59 am
    Quote :-“Scotland’s renewable sector is being threatened by UK government rules, which penalises projects North of the Border.

    Offshore wind in Scotland pays £38 million to access the power grid, whilst in England its £7 million, no wonder Longannet shut down.

    Again I blame Sturgeon for not holding an indyref that would have made this a mute point and allowed Scotland offshore wind and water power generators (the largest in Europe with 25%) to flourish, and in the process it might have lowered the price of power for Scots who pay through the nose right now in a country teeming with energy sources.

    Sturgeon the Betrayer has done more damage to Scotland economy than Johnson has, she’s sold us all out to the benefit of herself and her party”

    Would that £38 million be the payments for when it’s too windy for them to operate?

    Oh sorry no, it’s the other way round, we pay THEM £2 million a day for NOT producing electricity.

    Each and every power company.

    Still are you surprised to find such a corrupt industry working hand in hand with the SNP, for the SNP, IE Sturgeons, gain in accolades of international climate “recognition”?

  84. Robert Hughes says:

    ” If you feel the content is lacking then add something to the mix.”

    Aye rather the tiresome repetition of the ” Anti-Vaxxers ” slur Rubes .

    I’ve yet to see any comments here from actual across-the-board ” all vaccines are bad/dangerous/the tools of the NW0 ” types .

    Good post Dan

  85. Robert Hughes says:

    ” rather than “

  86. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Dan – the way it works is that once a report is submitted to the Engineering Institution, it is copied and sent-out to 10No ‘Fellows’ or senior members of that Institution. They may be consultants or academics and they can be from anywhere in the UK.

    They have seniority and they have numbers and so when they decide upon something, that’s it final.

    It’s all done to a timeline and I believe it will be concluded before the end of this month.

    If you compare this with Holyrood where they want to be the arbiters on all of these matters but all they say to you is: ‘Everyone that needs to know about this does know and no-one agrees with you’ or ‘I’m too busy to deal with this just now’.

    That combination of arrogance and incompetence we have at Holyrood is the deep-seated problem and I think we all know that.

    10-years ago when we had strong and impartial newspapers, this would have been sorted-out by them with some help from the Unions. Those days have gone and that is why WoS is such an important resource that we should all be prepared to use.

  87. Ruby says:

    Robert Hughes says:
    19 June, 2021 at 1:56 pm
    ” If you feel the content is lacking then add something to the mix.”


    Why would I do when I believe Wings is dead! RIP Wings 🙁
    I don’t believe in flogging a dead horse.

    It’s pretty sad but that was after all ‘The Wee Ginger Dug’s’ intention.

    What’s good about Dan’s post?

  88. Republicofscotland says:

    wee monkey @1.55pm.

    Longannet eventually closed due to the whopping £40 million pounds connection fee to the National Grid, it powered over two million homes and was run by Scottish Power, English power suppliers South of the border pay a far smaller fee to connect to the National Grid.

    As for Surgeon the Betrayer, her climate change progamme is in my opinion all smoke and mirrors, and with the COP26 coming to Glasgow at the end of this year, Sturgeon will in my opinion waste money on plans in the city, such as the woeful new cycle lanes that Glasgow city council has installed, but will probably be removed post the COP26, but not before the international dignitaries pat her on the back and tell her she’s doing a great job.

    Meanwhile GCC (SNP majority) will oversee the closure of (quietly of course) multiple libraries, community rooms and communtiy centres within the city

  89. Ruby says:

    Captain Yossarian says:
    19 June, 2021 at 2:12 pm
    Those days have gone and that is why WoS is such an important resource that we should all be prepared to use.


    Not much of a resource if nobody reads it.

  90. Republicofscotland says:

    ” Most might have thought that Scots might have clicked that the SNP never really wanted Indy”


    What a load of bollocks, Alex Salmond took us to an indyref in 2014, and a MAJORITY of SCOTS DID! vote yes.

  91. Stuart MacKay says:

    I was wittering on earlier on the likelihood that scotfact and thinkscotland are pro-Union astroturf operations. Well, here’s a good example of the real thing in action:

    The gig economy’s dark-money, astroturf “community groups” — Uber and Lyft spent their way into a rep for racial justice.

    by Cory Doctorow, link to

  92. Breastplate says:

    It’s already been conceded that Scotland were the better team and we also know that your country is only 22 miles from France.

  93. Breastplate says:

    You say you don’t believe in flogging a dead horse yet here you are flogging a dead horse.

  94. JimuckMac says:

    Anybody who refuses the Covid 19 jab cannot be described as anti vac because this jab is not a vaccine.

  95. Robert Hughes says:

    ” What’s good about Dan’s post? ”

    The content .

    If you think Wings is dead why bother ?

    I still find the BTL worth reading and my impression is the regular contributors are trying to keep the site going in the absence of it’s founder . Is that not why Stuart left it open ?

    It’s questionable how long it can continue without him , but as he said , he’ll decide one way or another in November .

    Would you rather it just faded away ?

  96. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Ruby – Many people read this site. I don’t need to post-up any more engineering as a solution is being worked-out and that is thanks to this site and another site run by a Labour Party guy.

    Don’t expect anything from Holyrood, Ruby. They’re not in it for public service or anything like that. They are grifters – the main players at Holyrood are grifters and I have been left in no doubt about that.

    I would be reasonably understanding of those who post here as they are pretty smart and motivated by conviction in the main.

  97. Robert Hughes says:

    ” Sturgeon will in my opinion waste money on plans in the city, such as the woeful new cycle lanes ……”

    Don’t be surprised if S the B does a pre Royal Wedding job and orders the removal of any rough-sleepers and their belongings , covers the boarded-up shops with rainbow flags and has live vaccinations of smiling children on every corner of streets festooned with organic New Scots

  98. Don says:

    Breastplate 19 June, 2021 at 2:47 pm

    “It’s already been conceded that Scotland were the better team”

    In your own opinion or someone elses opinion you choose to beleive and you clearly just choose to beleive an awful lot that just isn’t true already. link to

    “and we also know that your country is only 22 miles from France”
    Correct my country and yours (the UK) factually is only 22 miles from France,Tit. We are both more than 350 miles from London though. You are happy to enjoy the Scottish Public Services that only being part of the larger UK can afford to have and if you beleive anything else then the lying Grifters did a good job on you.

  99. Don says:

    @JimuckMac 19 June, 2021 at 2:49 pm

    “Anybody who refuses the Covid 19 jab cannot be described as anti vac because this jab is not a vaccine”

    No shortage of Anti Vaxx idiots in Scotland, no wonder the SNP have so little problems in manipulating them too.
    link to

  100. Gary45% says:

    Capt Yossa@ far too many posts of dull, self serving, mind numbing bollocks.
    What utter garbage you have spouted for far too long.
    Away and find another site to pester/bore some other poor punters, or better still, start your own. “Yossa’s interesting opinions on woodchip wallpaper and other dull things”, you might even get a gig on Brillo’s new GB News, pronounced Jobbie News.
    Scotland may be garbage ( according to you) but its a million times better than England, even though we have been dragged under by them for centuries.
    All corruption in UK politics, police etc stems from England, and its imperial masters.
    You’ve bored us with the Titanic school and how crap the building system is in Scotland, have you heard of Grenfell?
    Nuff said.
    You mention news?papers from 10 years ago being impartial? totally delusional, 30 years ago maybe, even then most were still the same crap as today.
    Open your eyes and look past your butchers apron duvet cover.

  101. Don says:

    @Stuart MacKay 19 June, 2021 at 2:43 pm

    “I was wittering on earlier on the likelihood that scotfact and thinkscotland are pro-Union astroturf operations”

    As you say though “Wittering” , can’t you show at all then that anything on “Scotfact ” is factually wrong ?

    link to

    link to

    link to

  102. Don says:

    @Gary45% 19 June, 2021 at 3:37 pm

    “Scotland may be garbage ( according to you) but its a million times better than England, even though we have been dragged under by them for centuries.”

    Who says Scotland was Garbage ? Only Nationalists ever do.

    Dragged down for Centuries ? What utter bollocks but is just so typical of the utter shite that pours out of the mouths of Nationalists and yet they can naver ever back it up with any actual evidence, most often because its they who are so poorly educated they can only parrot the crap other people have fed to them.

    Do try and actually engage your brain if it still shows an occassional blip on the monitorand work out for yourself how Scotlands economy works when trustworthly sources have went out of their way to explain all the hard stuff for you that you can’t work out for yourself.
    link to

    All corruption in UK politics, police etc stems from England, and its imperial masters.
    You’ve bored us with the Titanic school and how crap the building system is in Scotland, have you heard of Grenfell?
    Nuff said.
    You mention news?papers from 10 years ago being impartial? totally delusional, 30 years ago maybe, even then most were still the same crap as today.
    Open your eyes and look past your butchers apron duvet cover.

  103. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Gary45% – Grenfell is a Police led Inquiry with the power to prosecute. Do you think we will ever see that here in Scotland?

    ‘All corruption in UK politics, police etc stems from England, and its imperial masters’. Remember the Westminster Expenses Scandal? Several MP’s went to jail for that, for small amounts of money. Do you think we will ever see that in Scotland?

    If you get beyond the stage of learning, then you are in for problems.

  104. Dan says:

    Don says: at 3:50 pm

    Dragged down for Centuries ? What utter bollocks but is just so typical of the utter shite that pours out of the mouths of Nationalists and yet they can naver ever back it up with any actual evidence, most often because its they who are so poorly educated they can only parrot the crap other people have fed to them.


    link to

    link to

  105. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Gary – One last thing on the subject of Grenfell; England has fixed most of its buildings fitted with Grenfell-type cladding. It’s been on the news and in the newspapers and so it’s a big story there. How many do you think we have fixed?

  106. Don says:

    Republicofscotland 19 June, 2021 at 2:28 pm

    “What a load of bollocks, Alex Salmond took us to an indyref in 2014, and a MAJORITY of SCOTS DID! vote yes”

    Majority of Scots have never Voted Yes so stop spouting such utter crap. link to

    Salmond like so many others just wants to be in the Limelight because he needs to be worshipped, he is finished but can’t let go because he just can’t beleive his time in the spotlight is over. They just know they can keep on raising money from the gullible though by waving Flags and feeding you numerical garbage because they all know you don’t understand any of that stuff for yourself.

  107. Don says:

    Captain Yossarian 19 June, 2021 at 3:57 pm

    “@Gary – One last thing on the subject of Grenfell; England has fixed most of its buildings fitted with Grenfell-type cladding. It’s been on the news and in the newspapers and so it’s a big story there. How many do you think we have fixed ?”

    Gary isn’t bright enough to understand the answer is Zero because Gary didn’t likely know Scotlnd has its own Grenfells. The Scottish Government can’t even build two Passenger Ferries properly FFS yet the Island electorate still Voted for them, how dumb does that make them ?

  108. Breastplate says:

    The Uk is not a country and your links mean absolutely nothing to an independent Scotland.
    I understand that thinking may hurt your head and perhaps that is why you don’t do any but have a rest anyway.

    Regarding the football, the English pundits agreed that Scotland probably deserved a win and that your team was disappointing.

  109. Dan says:

    4.5 mins of engineering in Scotland.

    Queensferry Crossing: North Viaduct positioning.

    link to

  110. Don says:

    Hahhahah So the plan then is just to rinse and repeat with the same old faces singing the same made up old songs.

    link to

    link to

  111. Don says:

    Dan 19 June, 2021 at 4:09 pm

    “4.5 mins of engineering in Scotland.
    Queensferry Crossing: North Viaduct positioning.”

    Hhahaha Poor Dan doesn’t seem to know the Queensferry Crossing
    was built by USA and English main contractors, FFS Dan try and catch up at the back. “Forth Crossing Bridge Constructors (FCBC), which consists of Dragados, Hochtief, American Bridge, and Morrison Construction” link to

  112. Grouse Beater says:

    Don the Dunce, failed troll, says sucks boo to you all!!!

  113. Captain Yossarian says:

    @Gary – I was thinking there: ‘Surely Scotland will have been given money in Barnet consequentials in order to fix our Grenfell cladding?’

    Turns-out we have been given money…£200m…3-years ago…and yet we haven’t used it to fix Grenfell cladding, have we?

    I also understand that one of our big city hospitals is clad in the stuff, from top to bottom. Are you OK with that? Doesn’t sound right to me.

  114. Grouse Beater says:

    “I’d be delighted if you could furnish us with an example of one of those ‘far right’ fictional facts.” Fred 10.38am

    Ha ha! No you wouldn’t, you liar. You’d be bloody furious, you chump.

  115. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Don –

    We get fresh evidence, every single day, that these so-called ‘vaccines’ are killing people.

    We’ve reached the point where people like you are knowingly colluding in the perpetuation of disinformation. You will also be calling for our children to be given these jags when there is absolutely no need for them.

    What you are doing is criminal. And I don’t mean that in an emotive sense – it is *literally* criminal.

    No wonder you don’t use your real name.

    Shame on you.

  116. Don says:

    Grouse Beater 19 June, 2021 at 4:19 pm

    “Don the Dunce, failed troll, says sucks boo to you all!!!”

    Says the guy that the SNP booted for being an Anti Semite ? 🙂
    link to

  117. Don says:

    Ian Brotherhood 19 June, 2021 at 4:49 pm

    “We get fresh evidence, every single day, that these so-called ‘vaccines’ are killing people.

    We’ve reached the point where people like you are knowingly colluding in the perpetuation of disinformation. You will also be calling for our children to be given these jags when there is absolutely no need for them.”

    So you are more knowledgable than “Experts” now ? I doubt it.

    “Scotland will start to vaccinate children aged between 12 and 15 as quickly as possible if experts recommend it, Nicola Sturgeon has said”
    link to

  118. Don says:

    Grouse Beater 19 June, 2021 at 4:32

    “I’d be delighted if you could furnish us with an example of one of those ‘far right’ fictional facts.” Fred 10.38am

    Ha ha! No you wouldn’t, you liar. You’d be bloody furious, you chump.
    Sounds more like you just can’t do it without just making more stuff up.

  119. Republicofscotland says:

    Don @ 3.58pm.

    I don’t know why I’m replying to a wee Denison tosser like you who knows nothing, and I do mean nothing you guys at GCHQ, SIS and MI5 are thick as shit.

    link to

    Anyway, exposing Perfidious Albion,aka Westminster in backing the most repressive regimes in the world seems right up your street, though you lot don’t want to know about it-tough.

    Westminster supports Gulf regimes like Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, as well as Egypt, Turkey, Uganda, Rwanda, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Brunei. Anyone opposing authoritarian rule in these states — whether political activists, human rights advocates or journalists — is vulnerable to being killed, kidnapped or sentenced to jail.

    Westminster supports Egypt, which has arrested as many as 60,000 political prisoners since 2013 and the overthrowing of the country’s democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi, conveniently, Morsi died in prison and his son was assassinated.

    The central African country of Rwanda has a draconian president, Paul Kagame, who is a close friend of Tony Blair and won his last election with 98% of the vote.

    In Cameroon, where Paul Biya has ruled the country “with an iron fist” since 1982 and acts as a president-for-life. Last month the UK government signed a £200-million trade deal with his regime.

    I could go on and on and on, Perfidious Albion, aka Westminster, is a festering bucket of sewage, why any country would want to be in union with it is beyond me.

  120. Dan says:

    We live in a global world and that means we are required to source certain services and products from all over the planet.
    Britnat Don bucks the trend though and still drives an Austin Maxi and posts on the internet on using an Amstrad smartphone.

    To suit his Scotland is shit and useless narrative, Don stresses the point that the building of the Queensferry Crossing had nowt to do with Scottish contractors.
    But why then was the Scottish Government Administrators of Devolved Powers getting so much grief with a few delays during the build and when a chunk of ice fell onto the carriageway during inclement weather…
    You can’t have it both ways.

    Then there was the Chinese steel…

    link to

    And will tack on related link to the other bridge from archives.

    link to

  121. Breeks says:

    Robert Hughes says:
    19 June, 2021 at 2:53 pm

    I still find the BTL worth reading and my impression is the regular contributors are trying to keep the site going in the absence of it’s founder . Is that not why Stuart left it open ?

    That’s my thinking too.

    I can fully appreciate Rev Stu’s absolute exasperation, and the pragmatic difficulties of Sturgeon being dug in like a tick.

    By taking a back seat, I think it will enable Rev Stu to survey the lie of the ground, and when it’s appropriate to re-engage, he can do so with tremendous dynamism and impact.

    In the meantime however, I think it falls to the Wings community to keep posting stuff, just to keep Rev Stu’s readership checking in. If that readership falters, I think there might be a problem of inertia getting it back. The numbers will take a big hit whatever we do, but if we can’t keep the pot boiling, we can do our best to keep it on simmer.

    It’s quite curious to note the prevalence of trolls posting their pish and doing what trolls do. Just because they suffer from low self-esteem, they’ve got to make sure we all suffer for their infantile neurosis, and they disrupt conversations with their attention seeking. They actually remind me a lot of the Transgender nutcases foisting their agenda upon the innocents and unwary.

    The only “issue” I have about posting is that I am possessed with a seething black anger and disgust at what Sturgeon and her crooks have been up to. Frankly, I can barely speak about her without feeling overwhelmed with contempt and derision, but it does concern me that I may have missed the memo about a tentative cooling off period to let the dust settle between ALBA and the SNP.

    I’m so angry I feel in the mood to be an absolute fking Rottweiler attack dog, savaging the bastards and their dickheaded “Both votes SNP” strategy without mercy. Not for the first time, these cretins have robbed Scotland, not just of a lousy referendum, but of full on Independence delivered. Every time I hear a positive word about Sturgeon I’m instinctively reaching for the sick bucket.

    But… with heavy heart, I feel I need to tone down my rhetoric, because while I revile Sturgeon, somehow this chasmic rift she has created in the Indy Movement has to be healed if we are ever going to get Scotland over the line. The acrimony has to stop.

    It’s bloody hard though. I just remember that moronic dickhead Stewart MacDonald laughing like a drain at Alex Salmond, and I could merrily wring that obnoxious fker’s neck. What an embarrassment to the names, both Stewart and MacDonald, but… but… Despite my rage, I know there will need to be a cooling of tempers, and something of an amnesty if Scotland is ever going to stand on it’s own two feet and repulse all of Westminster’s colonial encroachment.

    If Alex Salmond can keep his focus, composure, and magnanimity after all the muck they’ve thrown at him, then somewhat reluctantly, I feel I have to follow his lead.

    Right now, I see no reciprocal contrition whatsoever amongst the SNP 1+2 camp. Truth be known, no contrition at all, and I even think there is an element of guilt now poisoning their bitter rationale even further, which was never a particularly constructive rationale to begin with. It seems important for them to demonise ALBA to assuage their own guilt about gift wrapping so many List seats for the Unionists, when instead, Scotland might right now be in the driving seat of negotiations about the end the Union. Yeah. Well played you fkng trumpets.

    So I dunno. Morale is low, and sometimes the anger gets the best of me.

    I hope this missing money, and “redacted” paper trail showing where it’s all gone, leads right to the Murrell’s lining their pockets at Scotland’s expense, and the shame and embarrassment of that is too much even for their thick leathered hides to endure.

    Maybe that contrition I spoke off will see her getting her arse booted out of Bute House by the “Both Votes SNP” who have finally rumbled her scam.

  122. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Don –

    Here’s another ‘expert’, but no doubt he won’t make the grade for you because he’s not saying what you want to hear, you fuckin ignoramus.

    link to

  123. Pixywine says:

    Fascists in Westminster and Holyrood have the cheek to call anyone “far right” given that lockdowns deprivation of liberties and bodily autonomy the people are being subjected to.
    Don. You are Matt Hancock little help mate spunk bubble.

  124. Pixywine says:

    Does bodily autonomy only apply when an abortion is demanded?

  125. Breeks says:

    Dan says:
    19 June, 2021 at 5:51 pm

    Then there was the Chinese steel…

    link to

    It’s been awhile, so apologies I can’t back it up with supporting links, but, as I recall, when Ravenscraig was being shut down, strict competition rules meant the UK Government couldn’t step in to save it, (even if it wanted to), BUT, had Scotland been Independent, then everything would have changed, because Ravenscraig would have been Scotland’s only steel manufacturer, and thus, a nation had the right to maintain it’s own national manufacturing capacity, not lose that capacity for the Nation, and thus, a Scottish Government could have saved Ravenscraig as a national necessity.

    In a UK Context, Ravenscraig was not the only source of UK manufacturing, so Ravenscraig could not access support it would have been eligible for in an Independent Scotland.

  126. Grouse Beater says:

    “Says the guy that the SNP booted for being an Anti Semite”

    Says the anti-Semite, Don the Dunce, no brains, so smear will do.

  127. Robert Hughes says:

    Breeks @ 6.54 .

    I hear all of that compadre .

    My partner , whilst hardly an uncritical devotee of Sturgeon , is still loathe to agree with myself about the degree of damage being done to both the SNP ( a Party she has been a member of for many years ) and the cause of Independence .For which reason I rein-in the anger ,desperate frustration and contempt I feel for her as a so-called leader and New SNP as an entity – try to anyway. Just to avoid continuous arguments .

    Yes , it may be necessary , at some point , to effect a reconciliation within the movement as whole , if only to avoid providing yet one more opportunity to our opponents : as you say , the Both Votes SNP wasters are not making it easy to do so

  128. Gary45% says:

    Apologies Yoons for the slow reply, I had to go and watch some paint dry.
    A question for Don and Yossa, which one of you is the front end of the pantomime horse? I reckon you take turns for the back end as both of you dump unionist crap every day on here.
    A quick scroll back, you don’t have to lecture me on Grenfell, LBC radio has done a fantastic job showing up the Tory government’s abysmal failures, ( a wee bit of advice, stop reading the Daily Mail, Express comics).
    There was some other crap from Don somebody?, a simple answer.
    Look up McCrone and Brexit.
    Between the two of you, do you take turns sleeping on the wet side of the mattress?

  129. Don says:

    Gary45% 19 June, 2021 at 11:16 pm

    “Look up McCrone and Brexit.”

    Not too bright are you Gary just full of the same old
    clueless Nationalist BS.

    link to

    link to

  130. Gary45% says:

    Erse end of the panto horse@1.19
    1.19 am. I take it you had the wet side last night?
    Does the link mention a major supermarket destroying 50 tons of food per week because of a lack of HGV drivers due to Brexit?
    Normally the usual garbage a Yoon links to, comes from a wee place called 55 Tufton Street, I believe they also have a Northern Branch office.
    The Viz has more credibility.
    Try again son.

  131. Don says:

    Gary45% 20 June, 2021 at 10:46 am

    “Erse end of the panto horse@1.19
    1.19 am. I take it you had the wet side last night?
    Does the link mention a major supermarket destroying 50 tons of food per week because of a lack of HGV drivers due to Brexit?
    Normally the usual garbage a Yoon links to, comes from a wee place called 55 Tufton Street, I believe they also have a Northern Branch office.
    The Viz has more credibility.
    Try again son.”

    More typical Nationalist low IQ crap from you and as always can’t actually produce anything of substance from trusted sources , the link you were given from the LSE on Indy was from the same people that all the SNP seniors fell over themselves to praise on their Brexit report produced by exactly the same people yet the SNP don’t want to talk about that new one.
    Hasn’t you head had to deal yet with the fact that SNP are now admitting Indy IS going to make Scotland much poorer than the rest of the UK after all but would still be “worth it ” even though it would bring 3-4 times Austerity higher than Tory Austerity , with all the massive cuts to only Scottish Public Services , Scottish Pensions and Scottish Welfare and Social Support payments that would bring ? How much longer till it finally clicks you were all deliberately conned ? link to

    link to

    link to

  132. Don says:

    @Gary45% 20 June, 2021 at 10:46 am

    Scottish Parliaments own Financial advisors at a Glasgow University Economics Dept published this info for people like yourself that don’t have much of any clue on your own Countries Economics.
    link to

  133. Gary45% says:

    Erse end of the panto horse@4.12
    You seem to use IQ a fair bit in your garbage posts.
    Did someone write IQ for you, so you can simply cut and paste?
    I doubt you have the brains to spell IQ.

  134. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Scotland generates around 65Billion£ annually for the uk treasury and gets around 35Billion£ back to pay for devolved responsibilities.

    If Scotland had control of that 65Billion£, could it not be a successful independent nation? If not, why not?

  135. Don says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon 21 June, 2021 at 1:11 am

    “Scotland generates around 65Billion£ annually for the uk treasury and gets around 35Billion£ back to pay for devolved responsibilities”

    This is complete gibberish , your own SNP Scottish Government calulates itself and publishes itself Scotland raised £65.9Bn but spent £81Bn so Scotland spent £15bn more than we raised from all our own taxes.
    link to

    The Scottish Government gets about £35Bn as the Scottish Grant
    but the rest gets paid direct to Scotland straight into our bank accounts in the way of OAP pensions and welfare and Social support payments direct from UK Gov.(not from Scot Gov) When both are added togther that comes to £81Bn spent.

    The Scottish Parliament published this to help educate people how Scotlands economic numbers work.
    link to

  136. Don says:

    @Gary45% 20 June, 2021 at 10:16 pm

    “I doubt you have the brains to spell IQ”

    We can bet though that you can’t certainly understand real economics.
    link to

    link to

  137. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Don, your selective repetition of LSE blogs is rather tiresome.Can you not find some new ones?

  138. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Ditto with your “Ferret” story…


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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
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