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Archive for the ‘uk politics’

The misunderstanding 119

Posted on December 10, 2019 by

There are just under 36 hours until the 2019 general election.

God help us all.

The Other Guys 136

Posted on December 07, 2019 by

The logical progression 227

Posted on December 05, 2019 by

We all remember this happy time, right?

Of course, it didn’t work out like that in practice.

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Across the road 230

Posted on November 30, 2019 by

Selected voices 536

Posted on November 23, 2019 by

Going native 213

Posted on November 16, 2019 by

And they’re off 784

Posted on November 09, 2019 by

An all-time low 142

Posted on November 08, 2019 by

Try to ignore the “regional”, and the fact that it’s framed as the Tories vs Labour. This is a new full-sample (1060) poll from YouGov today, and wow.

(The left-hand bar in each pair is 2017, the right-hand one is 2019.)

And you thought Kezia Dugdale’s nadir of 14% would never be beaten.

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We are lost for words 295

Posted on November 06, 2019 by

It doesn’t happen often, but it has today. Because Nick Robinson said this:

You know, Nick Robinson. It was Nick Robinson who just complained about someone misleadingly editing an interview to make it look as though someone hadn’t answered a question. Seriously, the actual Nick Robinson.

We’ve got nothing, folks.

A letter to the Jo Cox Foundation 409

Posted on November 01, 2019 by

Dear Catherine,

You probably haven’t heard of me. I’m a notoriously “vile” political blogger who’s said a few pretty mean things on social media about politicians in the last eight years. But perhaps that’s partly because I’m a grumpy old white guy who hasn’t had the benefit of your commendable programme aimed at “building the fairer, kinder & more tolerant world the late Jo Cox MP believed in”.

I note also your pinned tweet expressing concern at women being driven out of public life, something which has been in the news very recently and which I presume includes people like Joanna Cherry MP, who has received death threats and been required to have police protection to carry out her constituency surgeries.

So I hope you’ll understand my alarm over what happened today.

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At the margins 134

Posted on November 01, 2019 by

Alert readers will recall that among the many tirades of abuse this site has recently been subjected to for suggesting the idea of a 2021 Holyrood list party to compete for seats currently won by Unionists, one of the main themes was “We already have a reliable pro-indy alternative to the SNP in the form of the Scottish Greens”.

Now, that argument misses the point by the hugest distance imaginable, but let’s not get into it here, because something more important is happening much sooner.

As we approach a 2019 Westminster general election in which the number of pro-indy MPs returned could be absolutely crucial, we were alerted to the number of candidates the Scottish Greens are intending to stand this coming December.

So it’s perhaps worth considering the possible consequences.

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The Missing Priorities Round 212

Posted on October 31, 2019 by

The election campaign is one day old and already we want to kill everyone.

Alert readers may have spotted a rather conspicuous absence there. (And here.)

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