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Wings Over Scotland

All The Nice Greens Love A Rapist

Posted on February 03, 2023 by

Wings readers are by now familiar with the face of Jack/Beth Douglas, the transgender Scottish Greens activist with a long history of abuse and advocating violence against women who is nonetheless feted and worshipped by most of the Scottish Parliament.

Yet even after our extensive revelations about his past last week, not a single MSP has disassociated themselves from him. And now we find ourselves in a position whereby in order to protect other women, we’re forced to direct people’s attention to something we really wish we didn’t have to.

Because after last week’s article we started being bombarded across a range of media with messages from someone claiming to be one of the victims of Douglas’s abuse that we’d identified in the article. We were initially sceptical, because Douglas boasts openly of his history of infiltration and impersonation, and we were concerned that he might be attempting to trick us into passing on details of the young woman’s current identity and location so that he could harass her further.

The situation was deeply uncomfortable, because the person claiming to be the young woman – who we’re not going to name again in this article – was telling us that our piece had led to her suffering more abuse and asking us to remove her name and image from it (even though we’d revealed nothing that wasn’t – and still is – publicly available elsewhere, and had mentioned nothing about her new life or anything that would give anyone the slightest clue about how to find her).

We explained all the above as sensitively as we could, but it wasn’t until several days later that the person gave us information that enabled us to verify her identity as being the person she claimed to be. And by that time she’d gone public, with information we hadn’t previously known, about what Jack/Beth Douglas had done to her.

It’s thoroughly horrible to find yourself in a position where you’re inadvertently causing distress to a survivor of traumatic abuse like rape. We’ve wrestled back and forth in our hearts and minds for days about whether to write this follow-up article.

But in our view Beth Douglas represents a serious danger to women, which is greatly amplified and heightened by the “respectability” being conferred on him by the endorsement of some of Scotland’s most senior politicians, and we couldn’t live with our consciences if we didn’t do everything in our power to warn them about him.

The Greens, both in Scotland and England, have a terrible history of being associated with abusers, paedophiles and rapists. The most infamous, of course, is David “Baloo” Challenor, who imprisoned and repeatedly tortured and raped a 10-year-old girl in the loft of the house he shared with his son, transactivist Ashton “Aimee” Challenor.

Aimee was at the time in charge of the LGBTIQA+ Greens, the English and Welsh party’s equivalent of the Rainbow Greens, shaping its policies alongside his father.

The Greens had ignored countless warnings about the Challenors, even going so far as to suspend a member for trying to raise the alarm.

The Greens in England and Wales are totally separate from the Scottish Greens, but Aimee Challenor was also a member of the Scottish party, who eventually implied that they’d kicked him out – NOT because he’d supported a paedophile rapist, but because he’d joined the Liberal Democrats.

(Although Challenor claimed that they hadn’t even expelled him but that he’d chosen to leave of his own volition. The Scottish Greens’ statement is weasel-worded and vague, suggesting that Challenor’s account of events is correct.)

Like the Challenors, Beth Douglas is both a party office-holder (he’s co-convener of the party’s LGBT+ “representation group” the Rainbow Greens) and an election candidate, standing in the council elections in 2017, where he got 188 votes.

The Challenors are far from the Scottish Greens’ only link to such grisly characters. In 2003, the party’s current co-convener Patrick Harvie accepted an award in the name of notorious paedophile (and former Scottish Labour candidate) Ian Dunn, one of the co-founders of the Paedophile Information Exchange.

(Readers may recognise another couple of familiar names on the list of winners.)

(In a strange coincidence, two of Scotland’s other most notorious paedophiles, Jim Torbett and Jim McCafferty, both worked for a charity called Fairbridge, which later employed none other than Beth Douglas’s number one Holyrood cheerleader Alex Cole-Hamilton. For clarity, Wings makes no suggestion whatsoever that Cole-Hamilton had any sort of involvement with the abuse, which as far as we can tell predated his work with the charity. It just shows that Scotland, and in particular its third sector, is a small and incestuous place.)

To mark the occasion of his award, Harvie was photographed standing next to John Hein, another former member of PIE.

(The person on the other side of Harvie listening intently to Hein’s speech is future Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson. At the far left is current Scottish Labour MSP Sarah Boyack – Labour and the UK left in general of course has its own well-documented historical links to PIE, most notably through its former deputy leader Harriet Harman – and on the far right is Tim Hopkins of the Equality Network, another pal of Alex Cole-Hamilton and another rights quango funded by the Scottish Government. See what we mean about a small incestuous place?)

More recently the Rainbow Greens have allied themselves to a campaign supported by Stonewall Scotland and LGBT Youth Scotland (an organisation currently enmeshed in its second major child abuse scandal of the past 15 years) which, like PIE, sought to abolish the age of consent for adolescents, effectively lowering it to 10 years of age.

At that time one of the group’s two co-conveners was transgender nappy/baby fetishist Eilidh Martin, who was subsequently replaced in the role by Beth Douglas, bringing us neatly back to the present day.

And Douglas, it turns out, is also someone the taxpayer – ie you – is funding directly. He’s a contributor to a National Lottery-supported website called Trans Writes, which publishes crude propaganda articles penned by people like Douglas and a particularly unpleasant and abusive trans activist who sometimes goes by the name of Gemma Stone but is better known by his social-media ID, “notCursedE”.

As you can see (click the pic above to enlarge), Stone is particularly fond of “marking” the women’s territory he’s invaded by urinating on it – and is happy to announce that fact – yet he’s treated as a trustworthy information source by the Scottish Government.

But of more concern are Douglas’s close connections to the Scottish Greens hierarchy, giving him more direct influence over Scottish Government policy (something also explicitly acknowledged in Alex Cole-Hamilton’s speech in Edinburgh just a few days ago). We’ve already seen him above with co-convener Patrick Harvie, but he’s pals with most of the party’s movers and shakers.

Here he is, for example, with executive co-chair Ross Greer. (The party’s other current executive co-chair is yet another trans-identifying male, Ellie Gomersall, who Wings readers may also recall and who was also the interim co-convener of the Rainbow Greens between Eilidh Martin and Douglas.)

And here, at work and play with former party co-leader Maggie Chapman.

Out campaigning.

And with Green (formerly Labour) transgender candidate Heather Herbert, who made the news last year when he advised people to obtain gender-transition hormones illegally on the black market, and offered to help them do so.

(And again here, in a natty bondage harness.)

And rather uncomfortably outside a primary school.

Wings cannot of course verify the rape accusations made against Douglas by the young woman who posted about his systematic physical and sexual abuse of her on Mumsnet. He has not been arrested, charged or tried, because his victim has no trust in the system to secure a conviction, for wholly understandable reasons.

But the allegations are wholly in keeping with everything we’ve learned about him over the course of the last couple of weeks (including both material we’ve published and information we were given on condition that it remained private).

We know that he’s an abuser of women, we know he’s a vocal advocate of violence, including the “throatpunching” of women he considers to be “fascists” for defending their sex-based rights, that he was beside himself with rage when a trans pressure group adopted an anti-violence policy regarding “TERFs” and “transphobes”, that he associates with other males of similarly extreme misogynist views, and we certainly know that he likes to intimidate women.

We know that he also tries to infiltrate women’s groups by piggybacking into protests against anti-abortion campaigners, despite having been politely asked to desist by trans-friendly pro-choice academics because his confrontational, aggressive and self-aggrandising tactics actually cause more trauma to women seeking terminations, who don’t want to be the centre of attention or in the middle of a fight scene.

But Douglas doesn’t care about them. Indeed, he’s a narcissist sociopath so keen to use the events for self-publicity that recently he’s bizarrely taken to Photoshopping his own pictures of the events with a more “feminine”-looking image of himself.

So frankly, we’d be astonished if the allegations were false. We are happy on the grounds of the evidence before us to state that we believe Beth Douglas is a multiple rapist and a serious danger to women, and he can sue us if it’s not true.

But more to the point is that at the very least this is a man every politician in Scotland – of all parties, but especially the Scottish Greens – should be running a mile from, not praising to the heavens. If they continue not to do so, in the light of their track records, it will become very difficult indeed not to regard them with the gravest of suspicion.

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Wee Chid

I wonder who has his back. If it were just him with the hold on powerful people he would be “gone” by now. Someone bigger must be behind him.

Paul Davies

Dear God – Scottish political life gets worse and worse.


Rev Stu,

Re the rooftop image, the man sitting down on the chair on the far right is Tim Hopkins of Equality Network.

Eileen Carson

It is for this reason politicians are wise to keep a distance from ‘activists’. Not all are as innocent as they seem and often their history is poisonous.

Geoff Anderson

I know it is hard and with a degree of risk to vulnerable victims. However not shining a bright light on these predators and their political handmaidens carries a much greater risk to Women and children


Jesus Christ!


Douglas is a seriously fkd up man (as is cursedE). How he can get close to the scotgov is not understandable unless he knows things about individual politicians skeletons. Holyrood needs to be cleared out and scoured to become fit for purpose again, though I would prefer another site for parliament altogether. This pretend parliament is dissolving into ignominy

Doreen A Milne

Another excellent blog, Stu, I hope this man, and all the other TiM’s, come under increasing scrutiny in light of the publicity surrounding the Scottish Government and their worship of all their ‘trans’.
Thank you.

Ian McCubbin

Politics is at its lowest ebb, gangsters in Westminster and Paedophiles in Scotland linked to government in Holyrood. Its dispicable.


That was a difficult read but wow thank you for highlighting this but jeesus h christ we’re doomed


While I can understand some people find the recent article about the Flurries unsettling but I find this article more disturbing and a harder read.

There has been various comments on this site and others about various individuals involved in the independence movement being compromised by security services. I tried to keep an open mind about these comments but with this Douglas character, it does feel like he is a security services plant to cause division in the independence movement and erode the integrity of Scottish democracy.


Yuk. For the record Sarah Boyack is back in Holyrood.
link to


WhatsApp has a video from Trump where he spends 3 minutes assuring voters that he will remove all traces of Trans rights making them illegal and opening up prosecution against
drug manufacturers, medics or anyone supporting people trying to change their sex.

The vicious trans activists and politicians supporting them have created this leap to the far right extremists. When the large majority are ignored they turn it into war where no prisoners are taken.


Thanks for this, Stu, horrifying though it is to read. I wonder if anyone in the MSM will do their job and report on this. I won’t hold my breath.

Lorna Campbell

These creeps would not flourish were it not for the politicians backing this absolute bilge. They know it is all c**p of the highest degree, yet they refuse to acknowledge their complicity and simply compound the wrongs done to innocent people. The MSM is also complicit because it will not publicise any of this stuff at all, and insists on calling men by female names. The whole edifice has to be torn down and destroyed. My own MSP, a fine constituency MSP, has been captured by this stuff, too, or, perhaps, he is just too scared not to toe the line. Whatever, he has been a deep disappointment. I would bet a penny to a pound that, when all this crashes to earth and burns, they will all be polishing their haloes and the media will be claiming that they were always on the side of the angels. I hope that you, Rev, and others, will ensure that they don’t get away with it.


If this does not provoke rapid legal action against Wings then we must presume it is all true.

And if there is no such legal action then the polis need to be paying this creature a visit ASAP

Jesus fucking H Christ, what a fucking binfire of the sanities, vanities, tranities.

Watch your back, Stu – there are a lot of maniacs out there. Well done for this, no-one reading it could ever vote for the Scottish Greens again as long as their current leadership prevails.

And while the main focus must be on the danger to women, the damage this is doing to ‘ordinary’ trans and gay people who just want to keep their heads down and get on with their lives shows just how little Sturgeon really cares.

John Main

For a long time I have tried very hard to write off all the stories about organised networks of abusers and their links to people with power and connections as loony conspiracy theories.

But reading it all laid out in forensic detail by Rev Stu, I just can’t maintain the denial.

Which means that in conversation with “normal”, apolitical Scots, I have even more of an uphill struggle to break through their supine ignorance of what is going on in Scotland by those we like to call the “governing class”.

The only light I see at the end of the tunnel is that over the past week, tentative enquiries by me to some of my acquaintances have identified that people I would normally see as apolitical are aware of the gender woowoo that is splashed all over the headlines. So the message is getting through to voters.

I genuinely don’t know how I will react if anybody from the Greens or the SNP ever darken my doorstep again in the run up to any HR or WM election.

Frankly, after this, I don’t see that any of them will have the balls to go out and about in the community among ordinary, decent Scots.

Dad to a Daughter

@WeeChild, indeed, but I’m more interested in what this rancid little pervert potentially has on a politician, or someone influential in Scottish politics, because this reeks of an unstable and violent person who is literally acting with impunity and that doesn’t happen without some ‘exchange in kind’.
Stu, as deeply troubling as this is, thank you for your efforts (despite the abuse hurled your way) in exposing this and raising awareness – it’s invaluable.

Jeremy Wickins

It must have been a tough decision going live with all this, and my best wishes go out to the young woman. Sometimes, though, the public interest has to outweigh the interests of one person.


Very upsetting piece mate, I will never vote for any independence party again as the thought of these type of people being close and influential to an actual proper government without any real repercussions just isn’t worth it

Frank Gillougley

Thank you Rev for continuing to swim up the river. For a current view of the Scottish parliament and those who allegedly represent the electorate, one need look no further than time traveler, Mr. H. Bosch’s depiction called, ‘The Garden of Earthly Delights’ and in particular, the right-hand panel – mind you, that photograph was taken almost 500 years ago! We’ve come a long way since then. NOT.
link to


Scotsrenewables says:

And while the main focus must be on the danger to women, the damage this is doing to ‘ordinary’ trans and gay people who just want to keep their heads down and get on with their lives shows just how little Sturgeon really cares.

Can you define what you mean by ‘ordinary’ trans?


A.Reid says:
3 February, 2023 at 9:48 am

Very upsetting piece mate, I will never vote for any independence party again as the thought of these type of people being close and influential to an actual proper government without any real repercussions just isn’t worth it

Who would you vote for instead?

Are you happy with the Unionist stance on gender recognition?


I have been reading wings for a long time but these articles are blowing my mind. It is really lifting the lid on things I would never have known or even believed possible.

This story is much bigger than Beefy Beth.

I was expressing my admiration for Craig Murray’s giant steel balls the other day but Mr Campbell here is sporting a sizeable pair himself.

Really impressive and courageous investigative journalism the like of which I have not read in a long while. It is hard to digest and comment before the next bombshell article gets posted.

Imagine knowing the things SC knows but cant publish. And not just on this subject. I think that would be very interesting indeed.

But just to start…

I had no idea that Patrick Harvie had accepted an award named after the most vile and blatant paedophile out there. I somehow missed that… The fact he did that is truly shocking to the core. I can hardly believe that.

Reading all of this above and the other articles, there is something really wrong here with the Greens (and you’d have to think the SNP now as well), that is very clear. It looks a lot like a plain old fashioned abusers / paedophile network just dressed up in its latest ‘incarnation’.

You get the strong feeling there is some really bad shit brewing there, that one day will leak out and destroy the reputation of both parties irreversibly.

Nicola is not just going to walk out the door quietly. She will bring the house down as a swan song.

I think we are starting to see why Sturgeon brought all these perverted deviants into the SNP in the first place and cosied up with the Green Party (which is a ‘nest’).


Who or what is funding this?
There must be a paper trail…

John H..

Depressing in so many ways. Poor Scotland.


This is journalism of the highest order.


And you’ve got an English reader today, in England, who has never been north of the border in his 58 years of life… all I can say is it seems that the whole of politics on the Green / left / Scots Nat / Liberal / alternative side of politics in both Scotland and England is just packed full of nonces and nonce enablers. This really is an area where everyone in both Scotland and England needs to do a fuck sight more to sort out.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re English, Scots, pro independence or whatever. This is just fucking disgusting.


It might sound strange this but I really hope you get sued.


Well, if you do, all this will come out in the public domain and I’m sure that you would be able to call on Harvie & AHC to the stand as “witnesses” and we can watch them squirm, maybe get Nicola in the dock as well to explain what influence that guy has over Nicola and her cabal.

It will be interesting to find out and as you know, if you need a crowdfunder for your defence, you can rely on us to help you.


I had never really spent much time listening to anything Alex ForBeth-Cole-Hamilton ever had to say until I watched the Fabiani Farce live.

That guy, in every question just about to Salmond, basically re-accused him of all the things he was fully acquitted of in court. I noticed it. It was very deliberate and premeditated the way he worded all his questions to essentially re-smear Salmond every time.

So for this slimy wanker of a man to be effusing and gushing over a serial abuser is quite the brass neck.

Patrick Harvie though… wow.

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”

… or should that be Greenland.

Bob Mack

For the record. I have no qualms about anybody dressing up as whatever they feel like. I have been to many fancy dress events. If they want to call themselves a woman or man then fair enough, let them.

However,when sections of that group infiltrate government and begin to use that influence to remove all barriers to uninhibited sexual behaviour involving minors and vulnerable people via legislation, then they cross a line.

Politicians either through complicity or ignorance or fear of being seen as non inclusive have become emeshed in making these creatures have a position front and centre of policy making. The result was inevitable. Anything goes. They have no self imposed limits that can temper their demands.

Politicians can only nod in approval, like the courtiers in “The Emperor with no clothes”. Insanity and fear for self encourages ever more complimentary language on how fine they look.

I have being going through the stages of grief for the Independence movement. Denial, anger, acceptance, all in the space of a few years.

The article today reminds me of the extremes of human behaviour, normally only tempered by the rest of society who seek to introduce laws via their legislature to declare such extremes unacceptable. That legislature is now compromised, but society remains and we have the ultimate say on who makes our laws. This is the time to regain control from the excessive traits currently on view.

Independence can be ours.
Womens freedoms can be protected.
We only have to put an x in a box to reclaim everything. Vote Alba.

Craig P

Very sad about the Greens. I would say concerns about sustainability, land use, and strengthening local democracy make me a natural Green voter, if only those issues still mattered to the Green party. But I’ve had no confidence in that since they got rid of Andy Wightman.


Thank you rev for your bravery. I am sadly not surprised by this. Pie was set up to discredit civil rights and the left.
These people are planted to discredit independence. Politically they are protected, because they have info on politicians with dodgy sexual preferences. Other dark forces are pulling the strings.
Your work reminds me of Bill maloney who exposed the abuse among the elites and politicians in England.
There is also an agenda for abuse. The fact the msm don’t touch this speaks volumes.
You are a light in the darkness.


Another great article showing how some of our politicians are and have been influenced and associated with the worst of Scottish society, not only that they make no attempt to hide their adoration for such people.

We can NEVER vote for these politicians again now that we know what they are up to and who has their backing.


Ruby says:
3 February, 2023 at 10:03 am

Can you define what you mean by ‘ordinary’ trans?

People I have met personally who were obviously born male but who are now quietly and peacefully living as women.

As opposed to loony axe-wielding rapists.

I do not intend to enter into further discussion with you on this Ruby as I find your views on this (‘womanface’ etc) alarmingly Trumpian, unhelpful and potentially dangerous for the people I have just described in the first paragraph of my response.


Craig says:
3 February, 2023 at 10:33 am

It might sound strange this but I really hope you get sued.


Well, if you do, all this will come out in the public domain and I’m sure that you would be able to call on Harvie & AHC to the stand as “witnesses” and we can watch them squirm, maybe get Nicola in the dock as well to explain what influence that guy has over Nicola and her cabal.

It will be interesting to find out and as you know, if you need a crowdfunder for your defence, you can rely on us to help you.

Interesting! Who do you think might sue?

I don’t think Beth Douglas gives a damn about his reputation.
(Might be a different story if he is charged with rape.)

That just leaves the political parties mentioned in the article.

It seems they are just trying to ignore everything and hope it all goes away. The Lib Dems thought that by removing the video of of ACH that would do the trick.
The Greens have just gone into hiding.
Should be interesting to see what happens next.
Is it possible that it will all just go away and everything will continue as ‘normal’.

In the event of Beth being charged with rape will we have a repeat of the Isla Bryson saga with questions about whether he is a man or a woman?

Being that the SNP don’t know what a woman it’s unfair to ask them whether someone is a man or a woman.

PS Nicola has been in the ‘dock’ numerous times but nothing happens.
She’s still FM with all her supporters still wearing their ‘I’m with Nicola’ badges.

David Holden

Not sure where to start with this one as hell of a lot to take in. Firstly well done on pulling it all together. The problem will be getting those that need to read this to do so. When I have mentioned stuff a lot milder than this to some who are still members of the SNP they think you are making it up and are a tinfoil hat wearer. Then when you mention the author they go off on one and the conversation is over. Cannot vote for any of the unionist lot and with the SNP and Greens off the table unless ISP or Alba stand out here I will have no vote other than to protest and spoil my ballot.


When the only political leader who can give a proper definition of a woman is a Tory you know we are in trouble: between the devil and the deep blue sea.

Politics in England and Scotland stinks. And the nastiest smell by far comes from Scotland. And who has presided over this cesspit of depravity, participated in it and encouraged it?

Step forth Queen Nicola, the modern day nine of diamonds.


This all starts and ends with the activities of a certain PM


A review of a book whose authors indulge the perverse as normative.
link to
By such a measure the sexualized brutality of the concentration camp would be OK.
There is of course no relationship between dressing up as a nazi for sexual gratification and thing per se. So we are advised by «experts».
No such thing as evil, that’s for the skyfairy freaks.
It is all «relative» in this best of all possible worlds, coz «we» know best.


Bob Mack says:
3 February, 2023 at 10:41 am

For the record. I have no qualms about anybody dressing up as whatever they feel like. I have been to many fancy dress events. If they want to call themselves a woman or man then fair enough, let them.

I disagree with you on that. I think men masquerading as women should be made a hate crime. ‘Women face’ like ‘black face’ should be outlawed.

I find it insulting and it’s also very dangerous.

Douglas Ross should be asked if he supports the system in England with regards to self-id.

In England all you need to do to self-id as a woman is put on women’s clothes.

If a ‘transgender person’ in England applies to do a college course in ‘Beauty Therapy’ are they refused because they have male genitalia? I don’t think so.

Corrado Mella

Narcissistic sociopaths will stop at nothing to obtain power.
It’s their drug.
They gather kompromat (or even make it happen) before entering a scene with the intention to blackmail its power centres to hijack them.
You’ve nurtured a whole generation of them with participation prizes, kowtowing to any childish whim and validation of any deviant feelings “not to hurt them”.
This is your prize, enjoy the ride.

Geoff Anderson

I think a great many Scots care about the environment and would natural Green supporters. However I cannot vote for a Party so focused on the extreme views of violent TransCultist.
As a lifetime supporter of Independence I left the SNP when they vanished down the TransCult rabbit hole.
Why are Political Leaders so focused on this 0.3%? No other Political Party would damage their electoral chances in this way.
It doesn’t make sense…..well, not to me.


Scotsrenewables says:
3 February, 2023 at 11:04 am

Ruby says:
3 February, 2023 at 10:03 am

Can you define what you mean by ‘ordinary’ trans?

People I have met personally who were obviously born male but who are now quietly and peacefully living as women.

As opposed to loony axe-wielding rapists.

I do not intend to enter into further discussion with you on this Ruby as I find your views on this (‘womanface’ etc) alarmingly Trumpian, unhelpful and potentially dangerous for the people I have just described in the first paragraph of my response.

Too bad you don’t want to answer my questions.

I would have liked to know what you mean by ‘living as women’

‘Trumpain’ is that another term to be added to the list?


At first reading it seemed an incredible thing to state so boldly but, given it is your honest opinion on the basis of what seems to a significant amount of evidence, it is certainly worthy of respect and it will be interesting to see what happens next. At the very least it is in the public interest to expose the nature of such characters that seem so close to, and have influence over, so many politicians.

Bob Mack


Then let’s cancel Halloween ,Christmas, Up Hellya and all other events where you dress up. Dressing up is not a problem.

Believing it makes you different is the problem.

Jim Hawkins

I can’t think that the body politic in Scotland can sink any lower. Thanks Rev for lifting the lid on the cesspit that Scottish Greens and SNP have descended into. They really need to be removed and pronto.


Horrific, as this story is, like you, I think Beth is an amoral rapist. That wasn’t the worst bit.

Here is the worst bit :

“because his victim has no trust in the system to secure a conviction, for wholly understandable reasons.”

A woman who has been repeatedly raped and abused fears Police Scotland, and the Crown Office, and the Procurator Fiscal Service so much that she just wants to slink away. I am heart sorry for her.

And I want those who have so spectacularly failed Scotland – Jailed.

This is Sturgeon’s legacy. No one should ever forgive her.


I wrote to my MSP, Willie Coffey, after the GRRB was passed and among other things asked why he voted against the proposed safeguarding amendments. A day or so later he replied gushingly that it was “quite something ” to watch the likes of Beth Douglas (who nobody knew at that point) and friends shed tears of joy as the Bill passed. He offered to later demonstrate where in the legislation my concerns would be eased and by all accounts essentially just minimised and patronisingly dismissed the questions I’d put to him.

A week or two later and Wings produced the first article on Beth Douglas. I wrote back to Willie Coffey to give him a chance to explain if he was happy to stand by his words now that Beth Douglas had been exposed. Have I had a response from him since?? Have I f***.

These MSP’s aren’t for us anymore. At best they’re only in it for themselves and hide away when challenged. At worst, well I’m beginning to think it looks like some of them have got something sinister to protect.


There’s no doubt you’ll get a LOT of grief for writing this article, it’s a very difficult call, do you bring the allegations that this woman herself made on mumsnet to a wider audience, causing her additional trauma, or do you take the risk that someone else could be harmed in the future because you kept your mouth shut?

I feel so bad for this woman, I first became aware of the allegations from reading her posts on mumsnet last week, she has clearly been through a traumatic ordeal and was very distressed.

But Beth Douglas is scum, I’ve seen with my own eyes the contempt he has for women and the abuse he dishes out to them. The way he has squirmed his way into the confidence of our law makers is very worrying, he should be nowhere near the halls of power where he’s been able to influence laws that put women and girls in danger.

However, if it’s the case that Douglas belongs behind bars, from her comments on mumsnet I can’t see this poor woman ever wanting to go through the ordeal of the legal process to get him there.

I find it sickening the way organisations that should be there to support women in situations like this – like Rape Crisis – celebrate the weird, perverted fetishists like Douglas. If he turned up on their doorstep claiming victimhood, they would let him in and tell him he was brave an stunning. That’s how successful these queer theory confidence tricksters have been in our society, it’s a collective madness that academics will write books about in generations to come.


In the good old days of Private Eye, they funded their court cases with appeals to readers using catchy titles aimed to extract the urine from the other party and to amuse supporters.

If you should need to defend yourself, I’d like to suggest – ‘Crappy Nappy Chappie Fund’. I could quite enjoy writing that on a cheque.


I fail to understand how the government of a country forecast to have a sharp population decline associates with this alienating, denatured agenda of sterility and extinction.
When homosexual men can play fantasy happy families with surrogate babies….


Two off shore companies who technically own Tory Baroness Moan’ Luxury London home have put it on the market for £20 Million.

Looks like no tax may be payable on any profit, that she doesn’t think
her Tory pals will cover up the corrupt PPE contracts and we must thank
Rishi for letting her keep the Tory Whip while avoiding the sleaze tsunami the
Tory Government are facing.

With regard to the many accusing Rabb of Bullying in the work place.
Is there any point as they already established with Bully Patel that it costs
£375,000 of tax payers money to have the case dropped by the accuser.


Scotsrenewables, “quietly and peacefully living as women”. By invading women’s spaces, where they are not wanted, perchance? The majority of women don’t want transvestites in their spaces and, yes, we CAN spot them, immediately


@ David Holden, Merganser and all who realise that politicians and the political system are the problem:

support the people who are trying to restore Scotland’s constitution that has the Sovereignty of the People above all politicians, judges and monarch.

Sign and join


Bob Mack says:
3 February, 2023 at 11:44 am


Then let’s cancel Halloween ,Christmas, Up Hellya and all other events where you dress up. Dressing up is not a problem.

Believing it makes you different is the problem.

Your reply is quite pathetic and I believe you know it.

I don’t believe in Santa so I wouldn’t be fooled. However there are some children who do which could be a problem.

Nor do I believe that someone dressed up as a witch at Halloween is actually a witch or the folk dress up as Viking warriors are your actual Viking warriors.

The problem is there are a lot of people who believe someone dressed up as a woman is actually a woman.

Is there anything to stop men dressing up as women and entering women’s spaces or trying to fool people into believing they are women?


I’m having a lot of bother posting on here and just had a long comment disappear.

The bullet points were.

Jack Douglas is not a MI5 plant, he just a depraved pervert who’s entire life revolves around disgusting and depraved sexual deviancy. Literally nothing else matters to him beyond gaining access to more people to abuse.

People need to stop trying to blame the English for everything, Scot’s are not automatically perfect.

Douglas clearly has got himself into a position where he has dirt on the right people and they are so compromised they can’t even deny knowing him in case he puts them. Sure everyone can guess what that means.

We have got here thanks to the SNP 1&2 and the SNP 1 and green 2 crown who have given us the most depraved and disgusting government in the world. Scotland is a global laughing stock with commentators in the US and beyond ridiculing us.

The only way this will end is when it all comes out and the entire rotten edifice that is Scottish politics is torn down.

Keep going Rev, you have these deviants on the run and the people are starting to see what the truth is.

Oh and there is no such thing as real trans people, you are either male or female, you’re sex is determined at fertilisation and it cannot be changed. People can dress how they like but they can never change their sex.


I’m having a lot of bother posting on here and just had a long comment disappear.

The bullet points were.

Jack Douglas is not a MI5 plant, he just a depraved pervert who’s entire life revolves around disgusting and depraved sexual deviancy. Literally nothing else matters to him beyond gaining access to more people to abuse.

People need to stop trying to blame the English for everything, Scot’s are not automatically perfect.

Douglas clearly has got himself into a position where he has dirt on the right people and they are so compromised they can’t even deny knowing him in case he outs them. Sure everyone can guess what that means.

We have got here thanks to the SNP 1&2 and the SNP 1 and green 2 crown who have given us the most depraved and disgusting government in the world. Scotland is a global laughing stock with commentators in the US and beyond ridiculing us.

The only way this will end is when it all comes out and the entire rotten edifice that is Scottish politics is torn down.

Keep going Rev, you have these deviants on the run and the people are starting to see what the truth is.

Oh and there is no such thing as real trans people, you are either male or female, you’re sex is determined at fertilisation and it cannot be changed. People can dress how they like but they can never change their sex.


When is a fascist not a fascist, when he’s a homosexual or whatever.
link to
The tendency whose name few dare to speak?

Bob Mack


Are you challenged in some way, or lack the ability to think issues through

You have just cancelled some of the greatest works of literature such as The merchant of Venice. Twelfth night. , As you like it, and many others if you want the names.

You have also just cancelled the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie and some of the great comedy films like Some like it hot, Yentyl and a host of others.

Get real.

David Holden

@Sarah joined Salvo ages ago and liberation took a bit longer because of the gremlins but got there in the end . It would still be nice to have a real pro indy candidate to get behind in the next election.


This disease goes a lot deeper than one individual. It’s societal inasmuch as we’ve all let it get to this. Why? What happened? I think we all need to take a long, hard look at the road we’ve come up since the 1960s, because somewhere along the line — and I’m not claiming to know where it happened, only that it did — we took a serious wrong turn, either morally, spiritually or emotionally, and it would not have been immediately apparent back when it happened. Quarter of a degree off course at that point would barely be noticed, but would lead us out into a wasteland twenty, thirty or forty years later. And here we are, with the compass being held by such people. Think back over your life, and try to remember all the Jeremiahs who we laughed at when they warned of the slippery slope. Who’s the mug now?


They’ve all been/are humping each other.

This creep is better contained for all of thier sakes, careers, marriages.

Shun this depraved narcissistic control freak at their peril & he’ll open Pandora’s box.

He’d bring every single one of them down & there’d be no mercy.

ACH is a creepy, slimy bastard. I get that ‘vibe’ from him & always have. He’s in the thick of it.

In light of the furries, he’s probably had a pump at Rennie’s mascot 😀


What a cesspit Holyrood has become.

I think emigrating would be a better idea and forget independence, sadly.


Bob Mack says:
3 February, 2023 at 12:27 pm


Are you challenged in some way, or lack the ability to think issues through

You can hardly call me challenged when you believe I have the ability to cancel the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie & the other events you have listed. 🙂

If it is the case that I lack the ability to think issues through I should make the perfect SNP candidate don’t you think?

What Rot

PLEASE watch your back, at all times Stu.

Glasgow uni hoisted these creatures’ fucking flag yesterday. For absolute shame.

To the person btl who said when they try to tell folk about all of this, that the conversation is over as soon as they mention Wings…you should come straight back at them with the fact that Wings has a huge readership, that every member of scotgov is aware of it, and yet this site has NEVER been sued on any matters of fact that Stu’s revealed. Never.

The fact that he’s never been sued over any revelations speaks volumes.

Andrew scott

So wee paddy ross G and ACH seen in the photo applauding this vile creature

Patsy Millar

Stu, you are a hero and hopefully one of these days your proper investigative journalism will be properly appreciated.
Thank you and if there is a libel case brought against I’ll be happy to contribute to your legal costs.



They get close because most of the SNP are gay & within that community there is the subculture of *anything goes* that comes hand in hand with it..

Prostitution, MAPs etc.

Desensitised over yrs of exposure to it to the point they see nothing wrong with a drag story hour & we’re all *Jeremey Hunts* for objecting. Or their tweets about Grndr & who looks hot & openly perving like Ruth the mooth (Gillian Anderson) to Daddy bear FFS..

SNP has had an unhealthy obsession with children from the named person bill to now GRR & transing kids.


Forget independence is what these guys wish.
They have seized the stage, not the theatre, time these actors «got the hook»…an old American variety device for removing terrible performers.


While most comments are rightly highlighting the lunacy of the Greens and the SNP, let’s not ignore the LibDems’ involvement in all this. They voted 100% for the bill and ACH is probably Beth Douglas’s most vocal supporter.


The greens have always given me the Willie’s anyway. Though their cosying up and biologically denying political views are deeply concerning. I also note that Alice Cole -Hamilton likes Willie in his ear. These people are not politicians they are charlatans looking for anything to get their picture in a rag and would attach themselves that would enhance their ratings.


A.Reid says on 3 February 2023 at 9:48 am:
“Very upsetting piece mate, I will never vote for any independence party again as the thought of these type of people being close and influential to an actual proper government without any real repercussions just isn’t worth it”

And there you have it. Another fuckwit associating this with independence despite Stuart going to great lengths to state VERY clearly in the article how these weirdo’s are associated with every party. And in case you’ve been hibernating, NEWSFLASH, they are associated with all of England’s main political parties too.

I was on the verge of giving up on WOS because of the constant stream of material being produced about this shit, whilst a ton of other political stuff goes unchallenged. Stuff that clearly supports the importance of taking back our right to self-determination. The only way we will ever be able to rectify this gender scandal etc.

On tuning in to WOS i see this article and, as hard a read that it is, if there’s one thing this article does it proves the need for this crap to be exposed because, just in case it has escaped anyone’s notice, the British mainstream media is not covering it. When in any proper democracy this would be all over EVERY front page and it would be top of the headlines on every news outlet. Notice how it isn’t? Why’s that then? Any Unionist got any answers, backed with evidence?

These cunts trying to associate this with indy need to take a step back and ask themselves why this is the case in their beloved Unionist UK? That’s right, fuckwits, it’s happening all around the western world and it’s associated with every single main political party here in your beloved UK.

I class myself as an animal lover and a bit of an environmentalist. I’ve never voted for the Scottish “Greens”, *EVER*, nor will i ever. Because i’ve never trusted them, especially Harvie & Slater. This article clearly confirms i was right to listen to my sixth-sense. And i’ve got nothing but praise for Stuart Campbell for exposing these mentally disturbed characters and their main vehicle of choice ‘The Scottish Greens’.

I will say this, though, unless we get this out into wider society it will remain known only to a small percentage of the Scottish population because most of WOS’ readership, if i remember correctly, comes from outwith Scotland? Or at least a good number of them do.

We need to get this into the public domain if we are ever to stop Patrick Harvie & Co becoming ‘King Makers’ ever again. It’s the one way we can get The ALBA Party into that position instead. We need to expose the toxicity of those masquerading under an environmentalist cloak.

In other news; i see the BBC in Scotland Text Service is promoting a story about the recent attempted transfer of a rapist to a woman’s prison. They are quoting Skank Sturgeon as saying he was obviously never really a true trans, or similar wording. Well that’s an admission of getting it wrong if ever there was one. Why on reading that did i have an inner voice screaming at her: “WE FUCKIN’ TOLD YOU SO!” But how far will Sturgeon’s apparent about-face go? Not very i’d imagine, probably just said to buy the moment. Damage limitation exercise!

What Rot

@Athanasius, 12.33

It was the advent and unfettered growth of the internet what done it. It let all the loonies, stupids, zealots, deviants and deplorables find each other and form networks, all totally anonymously. They think because of the numbers in their networks, that they are valid.

It’s those sorts, those networks of moonhowlers, that ended up putting trump in the white house, and all the other unbelievable lunacy we’ve seen and are seeing in recent times.

The internet is the end of everything that makes us civilised: language, literacy, education, childhood, politics, manners, decency; the entire social fabric. Nothing will ever persuade me otherwise.

So ironic. It’s the biggest repository of knowledge the world’s ever known, freely available to all. It could have done so much good. It could have been wonderful.

And yet the way it’s been allowed to develop, it’s the biggest mistake we’ve ever made, and all in so short a time. I am staggered and heartbroken every day at how debased everything has become since the advent of the screens ruling our lives.


Has anyone asked Sturgeon and Gilruth directly what more information is it they need to determine whether the RAPIST in question is a man or a woman?

Naw bet not. Brit media haven’t got the balls.

If the stink surrounding this wasn’t exposed this deviant would right now be in Cornton Vale and he wouldn’t be in solitary confinement, which is another bogus claim these apologists claim too.


For all you fuckwits out there so desperate to associate this with indy. If you have the ability to do this, here’s a task for you. Make yourself a cuppa first, if you feel it will help.

Stuart Campbell, just one individual with a laptop and limited resources, can expose all this and get it out there, albeit to a limited audience.

Unionist UK media, on the other hand, all 100% of it, whether in paper form, online, TV or radio, have an endless stream of resources, contacts AND finances etc, not to mention the largest possible audience imaginable, and they will not do it.

Here’s your task, should you wish to accept it: Explain why they refuse to do it? Explain why, for example, they believe the story of 5 black American cops killing an innocent black American man is of far more importance to UK audience (as their No1 story) than this gender scandal. I can give you many more examples but you get the picture. Now explain why the Unionist media choose not to headline and expose all this scum against women and children? GO!

Bob Mack




@ David Holden: :joined Salvo ages ago and signed…”

That’s great. I just keep mentioning the subject in case it is news to some of the hundred thousands who read Wings! The Liberation movement needs about 90,000 more signatures before it can approach the UN.

Come on everyone -sign and then recruit someone else!

James Che

Rev stu.

Excellent investigative journalism,
I like the piece on whom and where the funding is being provided for these abuses to happen in Scotland,
And also interesting to note that some of it seems to be imported to Scotland from other parties and places.
Interesting to find out why abusive violent men, paedophiles and child molesters have convened as a interlinked society in Scotland.

None of this abuse towards women and children in Scotland could thrive without money, and support from government, and local councils ignoring the dangers, police not bringing their own charges and investigations.

So you wonder how big the network is.whom is involved?
Some top names and people by the sounds of it.
Lets not have jimmy savelle copy cats in Scotland.

Mark Boyle

Ottomanboi says:
3 February, 2023 at 12:19 pm

When is a fascist not a fascist, when he’s a homosexual or whatever.
link to
The tendency whose name few dare to speak?

Prehistorically old, that stuff. I’d take anything Searchlight claimed with a bucket of salt after the Tim Hepple fiasco, btw.

After The Guardian began to propagandise the urban myth that Peter Tatchell lost the Bermondsey by-election because he was gay (he lost it because he’d got the nomination in the first place by sinister means – the reason then Labour leader Michael Foot disowned him as a candidate), Stonewall in the 80s and early 90s used to do a “most gay friendly manifesto” article at general elections in their search for relevance back in the days before they became state sponsored shills.

It gave it up however because the “wrong” parties for it kept coming out on top.

Think it was Labour, the LibDems or the Greens? Nope! Twice it was the National Front. Hardly surprising: it had one “defacto” gay leader – veteran nasty nazi Martin Webster (post-Tyndall, although future MEP Andrew Brons was the “official” leader at the time) and one outright (pardon the pun) one, Ian Anderson, in both cases not a secret amongst party members.

But the result was manifesto pledges about “freedom of association” and, ironically, against prejudice due to “lifestyle preferences”. It was easy to spin this to the bonehead rank-and-file members that this concerned members losing their jobs or union memberships due to being members of far-right organisations, but no one was fooled as to what was really meant. Webster also made sure his little “chums” like Michael Salt took over control of all the party’s main functions (sounds familiar, SNP members?) – but it didn’t save him from being ousted.

The NF was the textbook warning of what happens to any organisation when you allow so-called “daisy chains” and “fairy rings” to be set up (ie. organisational nepotism based upon sexual preferences) long before Militant and the SWP doomed 80s Labour (and Mandelson’s “chums” doomed New Labour …) and the current Scottish Greens were hijacked by elements of the failed Democratic Left Scotland. Appoint people to important tasks based on tribalist grounds or being part of “your wee gang” rather than merit, and it always ends in tears.

The other two times it was the Official Monster Raving Loony Party and Lindi St Clare’s Corrective Party (at that time enjoying the patronage of the Independent newspaper) – the latter perhaps not too surprising considering old Marion’s career choice, but even by today’s standards what they came out with was pretty militant LGBTQ+ stuff – including freeing the Operation Spanner accused (which even Stonewall wouldn’t touch at that time!).

Labour, the LibDems and the Greens may have spouted gay rights for press releases, but you could be bloody sure it never made a general election manifesto, except in wording even vaguer than the NF’s so as not to piss off the voters. Until Freddie Mercury’s death, public sympathy regarding AIDS was less than zero and anything remotely smelling of “gay rights” with it, especially after the Clause 28 fiasco when Labour misread the public mood very badly at a time of austerity (some things never change, eh?). Even openly gay MPs like Harvey Proctor and Matthew Parris were smart enough operators to know playing the pink card would mean getting the pink slip come branch reselection time.

James Che

As we all know it takes a lot of finances to organise any groups.

So who’s names are applying for the funds?
And which organisation including charities addresses are providing the deliberate support for abusive trans groups in Scotland,

When the details are known, we will all know where the hit job on Scotland nation is coming from,

Because this has never been a large scale problem in Scotlands history.


@etticus Scotland is not a global laughing stock, Sturgeon and her acolytes are.

The US is at the forefront of the trans agenda.
They hand out free contraception to all women prisoners, because the know they will be raped.

Holywood is a paedo cess pit.
Look at the list of visitors to Epstein island and you’ll find 3 of the current ex presidents are on the list, not Trump BTW.

This ‘laughing stock’ bullshit got thrown at us constantly by the UK madia, pre Alex Salmonds days.
Just another load of propaganda designed to diminish us.

Yvonne Ridley, who appears on Barrhead boys Prism vlog, used to work for News of the World.
She said if it was still in play, they’d be digging deep into ‘Beths’ client list, just saying.

Not that NotW can be held up as a shining light, but sometimes, needs must.

James Che

Perverts and abusive fetishes Connecting themselves to Scottish independence,
Anybody else seeing a purpose to these paid for groups from across the party boards & Britain suddenly infiltrating Scotland politics,
With funding help from the devolved government in Scotland whom have avoided the concept of Scottish independence like a plague.



Do not blame the technology. No doubt the invention of writing, the printing press, the recording devices were equally considered suspect and the end of civilization.
The knife is useful for cutting bread yet it may also eviscerate, unlike the gun whose function has no «duality».
The dominance of a few mainly American interests is the real issue. The «monetizing» tendencies of the Google search engine is a case in point as is that of standard so-called social media platforms whose ability to promote weird «culture» and at the same time be censorious, we are acquainted with.
And then there’s TikTok….chairman Mao are you spinning in your tomb?


I have emailed this article to my MSP Maree Todd asking her what she proposes to do about it.

Will her staff shred it? Or will M/s Todd sympathise with Jack Douglas rather than with the women and children he threatens, as she has already done with India Willoughby.

Lorna Campbell

Ruby says:
Bob Mack says:

Then let’s cancel Halloween ,Christmas, Up Hellya and all other events where you dress up. Dressing up is not a problem.

Believing it makes you different is the problem.

“…Your reply is quite pathetic and I believe you know it.

I don’t believe in Santa so I wouldn’t be fooled. However there are some children who do which could be a problem.

Nor do I believe that someone dressed up as a witch at Halloween is actually a witch or the folk dress up as Viking warriors are your actual Viking warriors.

The problem is there are a lot of people who believe someone dressed up as a woman is actually a woman.

Is there anything to stop men dressing up as women and entering women’s spaces or trying to fool people into believing they are women?… ”

Bob Mack: black facing is insulting, an appropriation of that which is not yours. Black people are not pretending to be white in order to gain access to society, and acceptance; they want to access society as black people.

Gay people never talked about changing sex in order to gain access to society, and acceptance.

Why can’t ‘trans’ do the same? Why can’t they campaign for access to society, and acceptance, as ‘trans’ instead of larping as women? The answer is, and this is what makes them different from every other minority group that has fought for their rights, is that around 99% of them are paraphiliac/fetishistic men, victims of a social contagion (a form of hysteria), brainwashed children and out-and-out misogynists.

Most who support this stuff are young people – basically, children – and those children are, by-and-large, middle-class and have never had to wait for anything, push for anything or been denied anything in the precious wee lives. The word, NO, has never passed their parents’ lips. They are incapable of critical thinking for those reasons, and they are incapable of patience and listening to others. This is why the SNP is desperate to hang on to this issue – because this is what they see as the future. The rest of us can go to hell, women especially.


Etticus @12.16

I too am having posts disappear never to be seen. It’s quite frequent actually.

Obviously this and other sites like it will be monitored by the security services. With the recent whistle blower confirming that the 77th Brigade were monitoring individuals who were monitoring individuals criticising Covid measures by analysing their traffic through operatives and AI, and then coordinating countermeasures, and counter propaganda, it would be crazy not to recognise how all of these indie sites are being monitored.

The UK is a fascist country. It is fighting a covert dirty war against independence. It is truly Orwellian as to the extent of what they do. They are determined not to lose their last cash cow colony.

Ergo the jailing and attempted jailing of independence supporters like Alex Salmond, Craig Murray, Mark Hirst, Manny Singh, Marion Millar. The control of the media, the placement of MI5 in the Crown Office. The restrictions on campaigning.

And let us not forget Kompromat and bribery. You’d have to be loon balls not to think that that doesn’t go on.

Towbar Sullivan

These TRAs condemn people who don’t believe their ideology as ‘biological essentialists’ yet they seem to be rather fixated on hormones and surgery – maybe they don’t know what biology is?


Deadline today to sign this petition to Holyrood.

Withdraw the “Supporting transgender young people in schools” guidance from Scottish schools. link to

Lorna Campbell

Rev: in my earlier comment, in the Third Sex thread which referred to the BBC, I should have added that pensions pots would have been affected. The women’s pension pots, because they were receiving female pay, sometimes considerably less than that of the male employees, would have been considerably lighter, too. The WASPI fought a losing battle to regain their lost pensions. I wonder if they saw a huge increase in the ‘trans’ women category coming, and thousands more pensions having to be paid out at age 60. Since the European dimension is jsu as ‘trans’ orientated, I would not be at all surprised. If so, the sheer cruelty to females is breathtaking.

More and more ‘trans’ women were out there – and many more coming through – who would be receiving male salaries and male pension pots? If this was happening at the BBC – and it was just a few years ago that the BBC brought in equal pay for its female employees – it has been happening in every other sizeable and even smaller public institution, business, corporate business, etc. in the UK. How long have women been cheated out of their due while ‘trans’ women have been reaping the rewards of male privilege as well as access to female spaces and rights? How many ‘trans’ women retired on a full male pension while larping as a woman while thousands of women were left high and dry?

James Che


Some of my posts disappearing as well,

Yet I have commented on this site for many years, know how to do it, and not had a problem until recently, especially this last year.


A thread that shows that Sturgeon the Judas isn’t particularly interested in protecting women’s rights, even though she claims she is.

link to


Scotsrenewables says:
3 February, 2023 at 11:04 am

I do not intend to enter into further discussion with you on this Ruby as I find your views on this (‘womanface’ etc) alarmingly Trumpian

Trump Reveals Plan To Ban Gender-Affirming Care For Minors Including Punishment For Doctors

link to

Mar Vickers

Beth Douglas gives off very strong Lily Madigan vibes.

Entirely coincidentally, Lily very successfully infiltrated the Labour Party and was aiming for the then lawful All-Women shortlists, much to the anger of some early paleoTERF women. Imagine our shock, horror and dismay when rumours and info emerged that Lily (formerly Liam) may have abused a former friend in a most despicable manner.

Bob Mack

@Lorna Campbell,

What exactly has black facing got to do with my conversation with Ruby.

I don’t think I mentioned that at all. Explain please.

Wilson McBride

Re, disappearing posts.

It’s been happening for a few months now.

Your post should reappear about ten minutes later.

You may also have to put your name and email in again after every post.

The Rev knows what the problem is and said he is trying to solve the problem.

But up until now, the problem continues.


This just gets murkier & murkier as time goes on. FWIW, after reading through the mumsnet comments I agree that it would fruitless to now redact or remove the references to the girl. We all know that once it’s out there, it’s out there. All she appears to have done is inadvertently drawn attention to herself as she wasn’t on my radar until now. I would hope that she contacts Police Scotland and reports this monster. He can’t get away with this.


Bob Mack says:
3 February, 2023 at 3:57 pm

@Lorna Campbell,

What exactly has black facing got to do with my conversation with Ruby.

I don’t think I mentioned that at all. Explain please.

Your ‘conversation’ with me was about ‘dressing up’
‘Black face’ is ‘dressing up’.

What do you think about Trump’s latest speech?

I believe I may be a Trumpian.

June Maxwell

This site’s content over the last week has made me feel I’m living in the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. Is there no vice, no depravity to which this cohort and its pseudo-political enablers will not resort? Perhaps for now we need to put aside notions of advancement for our nation and seek first to restore a measure of comfort, safety, and sanity to the populace, but where? Where even to look when those who should offer us that cure, or at least a palliative are apparently stricken with the same disease! Bring on the fire and brimstone.


A dose of reality is what TQ+ people need and judging by events, they’re starting to be exposed to it. Good!

Wilson McBride

Scotsrenewable,,, You were one of Sturgeon’s biggest cheerleaders in the run up to the last Holyrood election.

Take a bow.

It’s because of clowns like you that we still have Sturgeon as leader of the SNP.

You just wouldn’t listen to anything that portrayed your dear leader as the failure we all knew she was.

Own it.

James Che

Men, women, other.

Each with there separate gender and spaces.
Problem solved.

However this is not a solution for those aiming to have predatory access to children and women, nor for those wanting access to children for sexual abuse, by lowering the consent age.

They want a world that is against the laws of nature and nurture. So they cannot be accused of criminal abusive behaviour.
To de-humanise their assault on the rest of society and the citizens of Scotland

They wish A change in laws that gives victims no place in the justice system in Scotland.
Advertisements could read as follows for tourist.

London. The financial capital of corruption and the centre of good governance. Oligarchs and lobbyists , high priced accommodation by a select group of landlords, homeless people and the poor are selectively kept in distant separate streets for the convenience of the enjoyment of you’re stay in London,
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A must visit for any one interested in paediphilia, sexual abuse of men, women, boys and girls of all ages from birth to pensioners! And if you’re preferences are for dead people, then we have a jimmy savelle special deduction holiday next to the morgue,
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Day trip to schools, womens save spaces and private and public homes all inclusive.
For tourism details and prices please apply to the devolved Westminster legislated government situated in Scotland.

Bob Mack


Dressing up is not applying cosmetics. That is being made up.

Important difference

David Holden

Have any of you ever seen Heather Herbert and Lorna Slater in the same room at the same time ? Asking for a friend.


I wrote a comment at the end of another thread which would have passed everyone’s notice anyway since it was overtaken by two new articles. It was about the recent Disclosure Scotland programme.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter that no one read it. The programme was about matters concerning the legal fraternity from the 80s and 90s and focussed on rumours circulating in Edinburgh legal circles which at first apparently seemed to focus on homosexual members including judges, who were purported to be part of what was called the ‘magic circle’. The implications at the time were of danger of blackmail perhaps affecting the outcome of trials etc. ( Homosexuality was at that time legal but society had not yet moved on from perceptions of it being a prosecutable offence and being outed could still be detrimental to careers.)

I don’t want to rehash all of my comment on the programme but it transpired in the long run that it had been concocted by a well-known member of the Edinburgh legal fraternity. Only after his death did it become known by his daughter reporting to police that he had been all the time an odious paedophile who regularly abused his own daughter and passed her around to friends. Her story is too upsetting to recount and is a sordid story of horrific abuse of a child by members of the professional middle class in Edinburgh.

It would seem the ‘magic circle’ was actually a paedophile ring and the rumours spread by Henderson, the lawyer and monstrous abuser of his own child, was suggested by the programme to have been a smoke screen to distract from his own and others’ criminal activities. Only one of them was later prosecuted and is now in prison, a lawyer friend of Henderson’s called John Watt. His conviction was only recently secured by the testimonies of Henderson’s daughter and others who had been similarly abused as children by him.

It still leaves unanswered who were the other members of this circle. Henderson’s daughter testified to having been taken to ‘parties’ where she was abused by other men. The programme did not go into that. There was another case involving the procuring of youths, one as young as 12, by a paedophile group in the 90s, centred on Edinburgh, discovered by Lothian and Borders Police in which a seemingly ironclad case only secured a few convictions on lesser charges to the incomprehension of the investigating officers.

It appears that there is deep-seated wrongdoing at higher levels in society that remain secret and truth hardly ever emerges, circles within circles, which we do not get to know. It also seems that the douce face of Edinburgh society is a mask behind which is an ugly, concealed visage which is good at keeping its secrets. Like all societies in other countries Scotland has had its share of vile exploitation of the poor and vulnerable which when perpetrated by elites, remains hidden. The focus is usually on the depravity of working class monsters.

Disclosure Scotland only gingerly opened the lid on what is a murky, sordid story and only partially revealed an unpleasant truth. It still felt as if there were hidden corners of this story which they could not investigate. Power does whatever it can, with impunity, which has always been the case. Scotland has been deferential for too long to its elites, almost as if ‘it couldn’t happen here’. But it does and always has.

( Stuart Campbell has been brave but let’s remember from one of his own articles, that one Eilidh Martin was able to use the services of Carter-Ruck to see off allegations. Carter-Ruck is a very expensive law firm. The question is, how was Martin able to afford their services? Where did the money come for that as well as Dentons, called the largest firm of lawyers in the world, to write the playbook for infiltration of democratic institutions, used by Stonewall to the letter?)

No other media outlet would attempt this and there are probably iniquitous reasons why iniquity can remain hidden.


Expect the unionists to start back peddling on their attacks on Nicola.
She is now a subject of ridicule and can be kept in position. As an election appears it can all be dragged out again and any nationalist campaign will be holed below the waterline before it starts.

MPs and msps must move now to replace her or sink with her


The disappearing posts will eventually appear so just be patient and don’t double post.

I had thought pressing F5 key to reload the site would make posts appear quicker but it doesn’t. I think if a number of people posts around the same time, individual post will appear quicker than usual.


Nailed him pretty tight.
Now will he raise the defamation action?
I suspect you would welcome the writ- difficult to see how you wouldn’t sustain honest truth or public interest- even in our dodgy legal system.
Just as interesting if he doesn’t have the balls to sue -how do his political buddies react?
I presume you have the sworn affidavit of his victim?
The victim should be made aware that if she makes an honest complaint to the police – regardless of whether the accused is convicted – she is entitled to claim compensation from the state.
It’s pointless to ask why the MSM haven’t exposed this lot before but if they don’t pick this up then we really have a problem.
The above isn’t meant to undermine what have been a series of articles of the highest journalistic standards.


Bob Mack says:
3 February, 2023 at 4:24 pm


Dressing up is not applying cosmetics. That is being made up.

Important difference

Would you be ‘made up’ if I declared you the winner of this little spat?

I’m kinda reluctant to do so as your comments are making me laugh! 🙂 but I reckon others might be bored to tears with this exchange!

You didn’t tell me what you thought of Trump’s latest speech. Is it a vote winner?


For all the chat of these nuts being ‘minor attracted’ you cannot use that as an excuse for abusing your own child and pimping them around other paedophiles.

I don’t really know why I expected them to at least prey on other peoples kids but to be attracted to your own child… it is so sick in the head.

It takes the paedophilia to just a whole different level of evil. One of those sickos on the other thread raped his own mum while she was suffering from dementia.


JGedd says:
3 February, 2023 at 4:32 pm

I wrote a comment at the end of another thread which would have passed everyone’s notice anyway since it was overtaken by two new articles. It was about the recent Disclosure Scotland programme.

I read it. I always read your posts.

I did try to find info about this programme without success.

A link to what you are referring to would be helpful.


On a different tack, during the negotiations with Westminster after a resounding vote for independence the question of overseas territories «acquired» after 1707 eg Gibraltar, Falkland islands would arise. A «feisty» Scottish delegation worth its salt would put a stop to this British overseas nonsense, plutocrats tax havens in effect.
That would rule out the current crew.
Who is working them?


Re disappearing posts.

To ensure your post has uploaded if you go back to when your post was in the comments box and try to post it again and you get the message ‘duplicate post’ then you know it has uploaded and you just have to be patient.

If you alter the original post in any way you risk getting an almost duplicate post.


Ruby @ 5.01pm

Thank you Ruby. I’m sorry I don’t have a link at the moment but as soon as I find something I’ll pass it on.

I wrote my comment from memory. It was such a disturbing story and I can’t get it out of my head – all of those childhoods wrecked by ruthless, selfish men – and I think it very much resonates with what’s going on now, the exploitation of the vulnerable and the shocking lack of empathy demonstrated by those who are charged with the welfare of all of us.

Bob Mack


I never,ever, listen to Trump. Close friend of Epstein I believe !


Surely there are consequences for leading our country into disrepute.


A major part of the problem and which has enabled these weirdos and their cohorts among the Woke-and indeed in so-called academia-is the use of language. If you let the deviants control the language then you have already lost the argument.
Paramount is the ludicrous requirement to address any man who believes (Or claims to believe) that he is a woman as ‘she'(Just consider the poor rape victim in court who was forced to refer to her attacker as ‘she’).
However it goes far further than that. Creating terms (eg ‘TERF’) and demonising ‘misgendering’ and so on causes the general public to fear to open their mouths at all. Acceptable terms vary with the passage of time (‘Queer’ as an example)
The final parody is ‘preferred pronouns’; I have some preferred pronouns of my own for these types but I will refrain- however if I am talking TO someone then I say ‘you’: if I am talking ABOUT them in the third person then I will use whatever language I choose concerning their sex and it is F-all to do with them .
Mass refusal to be cowed is the only way forward
Before anyone points out that I support the Union-which I do-I think that in the short term at least the necessity to free Scotland of this cult is more pressing.


Ruby @ 5.01pm

Here’s the link. Hope it works. Haven’t had time to check it. Cheers!

link to

Brian Doonthetoon
Brian Doonthetoon

Hi JGedd.

Your comment with the link was delayed. hence my comment.


It’s all so utterly disgusting and depressing.

Makes me want to cry for what Scotland is having done to it, by it’s own parliament!

How the fuck has this happened?

James Che

Bob Mack.

But it seems trump is not as close to epstein as some of our elite or monarchs, whom visited him and stayed in his home after epstein was charged with sex abuses.
Britain home of perversion, deprivation, corruption and warmongering..

What a repugnant reputation hiding behind the facade of Great Britain elite.


Its clear to me he has done a Saville. He has the photos and he’ll use use them if he has to.

James Che

There is something seldom mention herein 99.9% of trans dysphoria. There often is nothing disfunctional about the bodies they are born in, their bodies do the normal functions of toiletry requirements,

Its the minds and brains that do not agree with how they were born,

These people used to be helped mentally, they should still be helped mentally and psychologically.
And if violent in secure hospitals under guard to prevent harming all society.

We look no further than law makers and legislation coming from the top down infiltrating childrens and womens safety.

the mass people population below the perverted law makers know where to point and whom to blame,

And it is wise to remember that pervert bills like the one being introduced in Scotland require Royal Assent to pass.


JGedd says:
3 February, 2023 at 5:41 pm

Ruby @ 5.01pm

Here’s the link. Hope it works. Haven’t had time to check it. Cheers!

link to

Cheers J that worked.

I’ve watched half of it.

I’ll watch the other half later and then go back and read your post.

George Ferguson

O/T I am one of the biggest critics of STV but congratulations to them for alerting us to ‘The Promise Scotland’ and the lack of progress this evening. Remember by 2030 we made a Promise to systematically cater for all the needs of young people in Care. Or more accurately Nicola Sturgeon made the Promise on our behalf. She can fail again if she wants to but the Promise was made. Can we get in place some organisation or people that can deliver the Promise. Anybody with any competence out there?

John C

Extraordinary article. I think we have to assume by now that at the very, very best we have a set of politicians & other public figures have poor judgement and have fallen for someone who has spun a lie to them, or that they’re perfectly aware of his violent history, his threats to women and even possibly his alleged rapes & don’t care or have been pressured into silence. Either are not great but the latter should result in sackings, resignations & government being brought down, even parties being torn apart & rebuilt.

I’m reminded of the situation some years back in Belgium with the Marc Dutroux case. For clarity, I’m not suggesting Douglas is on the scale that Dutroux was but the situation regarding the collapse in safeguarding certainly has a lot of parallels with the ‘Queer’ movement today.

Also I suspect Douglas does not want to be questioned in a court of law, especially if this article is the tip and there’s more which Stu isn’t going to share. I would imagine that’s why he didn’t take action on the previous post as if it was a lie then Douglas would be looking forward to a large payment. We shall see what happens in the next weeks.

I would hope any politician aiming to turn up to protest at George Square on Sunday rethink their plans as being seen now with Douglas is going to be poison for any elected official. Though part of me thinks that one of the reasons these allegations of rape have not been progressed to the police (apart from the awful record of prosecution rate of rape in this country) as Douglas is protected at some level. I don’t want to dive too hard into conspiracy theory but seeing all these things exposed by Stu I do have part of me wondering how someone like this has escaped the law. There are people who’ve been sent to prison for less than what he’s posted online.

tricia young

This is horrific reading. Does Douglas have a Holyrood client list with accompanying incriminating photos etc? He appears to be teflon man. As to the rest of those vipers, all political parties in Scotland need clearing out. I have never felt so disgusted and helpless at the same time – these f*&*ks are everywhere.

James Che


The post are not just on occasion disappearing, they are also being blocked access to Wings by Gateway 503,
Earlier post today were fine except for disappearing in the ether, and now there its worse, having to repeat the whole posting and find away around the barrier,

I Have not changed anything at my end for posting,
Willie may have a legitimate point.


Ottomanboi 2:23pm

I think it’d be in relation to the *deep & dark web*
Networks of hidden sickos sharing porn, mutilation, pedophilia, torture, cannibalism, live murder, baby rape, beastiality..far too graphic for Google search.

This is an unbelievable multi billion $ empire with networks in thier billions of subscribers worldwide willing to pay to *tune in* to live shit or pay thousands for 3 minute clips. There’s $millions spent catching these sickos with international cooperation but then they meet the judge who gives ridiculous lenient sentences. Every time a network is cracked & shut down – they just start a new one. For FBI etc to catch them they have to upload shit of thier own. That’s the requirement of subscription – they’re perma banned if they don’t contribute something to the site.

The stuff us normal ppl can see is an easy stepping stone..every kid has a phone in thier hand now so porn is easy. Even Google play games & Sims can be a bit risque now.

I watch true crime & the amount of weirdos who met their victims on Craigslist.

James Che

John C.

Aiding and abetting criminal behaviour is the legal terminology

John C

” tricia young says:
3 February, 2023 at 6:46 pm

This is horrific reading. Does Douglas have a Holyrood client list with accompanying incriminating photos etc? He appears to be teflon man.”

I suspect someone, or a number of people, at some level of power in Scotland are ensuring the police don’t chap on his door for the same sort of violent online threats that if you or I did them then we’d be spending a night in the cells at the very least.

Alan C

Isn’t it about time the Scottish people exercised their Claim of Right and sacked this government? It’s talked about a lot but nobody acts on it.


George Ferguson says:
3 February, 2023 at 6:36 pm
O/T I am one of the biggest critics of STV but congratulations to them for alerting us to ‘The Promise Scotland’ and the lack of progress this evening. Remember by 2030 we made a Promise to systematically cater for all the needs of young people in Care. Or more accurately Nicola Sturgeon made the Promise on our behalf. She can fail again if she wants to but the Promise was made. Can we get in place some organisation or people that can deliver the Promise. Anybody with any competence out there?

George I think it’s the nature of our mainstream media to only go in for the attack when Sturgeon is down. They obviously need to cover the ferry fiasco and drug deaths but their consistency in holding our government to account. They make regular promises but their ficus in fringe bollocks means even if they had a civil service which could execute those promises they would still be off beam. The whole bureaucracy from police to prisons, universities to unions is rotten and thoroughly compromised.

George Ferguson

@Jontoscots21 7:13pm
Hence my question about competence. I can’t believe the Scot Gov and Holyrood are intending the disintegration of our Public Services. So I have to say it’s incompetence because I don’t want to believe malevolence. I was trying to encourage the Scottish Broadcasters to open up and relay the facts. As any alert reader on Wings would do.


Wilson McBride says:
3 February, 2023 at 4:15 pm
Scotsrenewable,,, You were one of Sturgeon’s biggest cheerleaders in the run up to the last Holyrood election.

Take a bow.

It’s because of clowns like you that we still have Sturgeon as leader of the SNP.

You just wouldn’t listen to anything that portrayed your dear leader as the failure we all knew she was.

Own it.

I had already left the SNP and joined ALBA. I voted SNP1 ALBA2 – as per Alex’s and ALBA’s recommendation.

So it is you who are wrong. Own it.


link to

No. I know who you are and your aliases over the years on here and elsewhere (dead dug site).

You are a self-serving piece of shit.

Own it.


Stuart must be commended for his willingness to expose this nonsense.

Hard as it is to hear, the sordid details are very important here. These people like to be described as progressive, anti-fascist, supportive and woke. However, they’re not so keen on being called what they really are: perverts. Wearing nappies, dressing up in animal costumes and burly men pretending to be women for sexual gratification is not normal sexual behaviour. Keep it behind closed doors and stop foisting it on our schools, political establishments, women and children.

Tinto Chiel

@JGedd 4.32: I saw your post but I refrained from comment since it got dead-ended.

I can hardly say I am completely surprised by what you said because there seems to have been a tradition of highly questionable behaviour in the Edinburgh establishment from the secretive Speculative Society onwards.

For example, post-Dunblane, rumours surfaced about dubious sexual practices behind that dreadful event and the involvement of senior politicians in at least two major political parties with Thomas Hamilton, so much so that the complete findings of the inquiry were sealed for an almost-unprecedented seventy years (remember that, despite the persistent opposition of the police, he had been unaccountably granted a gun licence).

I believe a teacher at a local boarding-school had stated that he came across a man he later recognised as Hamilton prowling the premises one evening and he had seen schoolchildren getting into expensive cars in the middle of the night. IIRC, he thought there was an Edinburgh connection. When he brought his concerns to senior staff members, he was dismissed.

The powerful have probably always attempted to exploit the powerless but there is no reason that a truly free press should not expose their behaviour (apart from corruption and threats, of course).

Of course here in Scotland, sadly, such a press does not exist.


While deserved and long fought for freedoms are being taken back at an alarming rate, unbelievable, unlimited and undeserved freedoms are being granted to trans activities and children are being brainwashed into considering themselves to be trans and believing that it is child’s play to turn from boys to girls and from girls to boys.

IMHO, the purpose of this agenda is to normalise paedophilia through the backdoor.

fruitella the hun

Mark Boyle

“…and the current Scottish Greens were hijacked by elements of the failed Democratic Left Scotland. “

Looks like they have been pretty successful, getting Maggie elected to the Scottish Executive, finally. And Adam leads on the Dark Money and such stories on Open Democracy – anyone interested can check the funding. Not clear what Peter does, or who provides the means for it.


Keep exposing this cess pit, Stu.

Stay safe. I am in awe of your courage.

Shame on all the others who have looked the other way.


There is saying that you can judge a man by the company he keeps.

The dark parallel of that I suppose is that you can also judge a man by the company that hates him.

You keep excellent company Mr Campbell.

David Hannah

Maybe Joanna Cherry can represent this poor victim for free.

Bring the beast Beth to justice.



You are a very brave man sir,

The Beth PicklePrick Amadan with her Amazonian forrest of brown hair under its oxters ain’t the problem. He IS a major problem and especially to the victim of what you narrate. But not an existential problem compared to the lethal blow you just struck against some very nasty people. The ones who have done serious jail-time.

The danger is psychos and the powers that be… the “snuff movie” types. They really do exist as anyone who has spent time at HM Court studying the detritus that transits in front of the duty sheriff can attest to.

Stuart, the seriously deviant criminals will go to extraordinary, manipulative and sophisticated lengths to acquire whatever meat that it is that “gets them off.”

They will also damage anyone that tries to stop their deviant appetites.

Without wanting to be OTT, Mr Campbell, PLEASE watch your back. I’d estimate it at being mindful of your personal security. An Alsation would be on my list, but given the menagerie of wee furry friends and the appetite of a German Shepherd Dug for these tasty four-legged “snacks” in your hoos, that’s no gonnae work.

But maybe vary the times you come and go. Nae dark streets. Avoid St Pauls to Eastville and other red-light areas.

In other words chief, please look after yourself.

David Hannah

Innocent until proven guilty of course. However, this man claiming to be Beth is an animal. He in an axe and knife wielding fiend. It’s always the ones you most suspect.

Hopefully someone in Scottish legal can get in touch with poor victim, and help restore her faith in the justice system. Help her get closure. My heart goes out to her.


Another remarkable article rev and extremely disturbing. People like Harvie and Cole – Hamilton need a frenzy of MSM reporters hammering on their doors demanding answers as to why they associate with these people. That also goes for the SNP.


Tinto Chiel @ 8.41pm

Yes, you reminded me of Dunblane, yet another depressing episode which confronted the ordinary public with our helplessness to see justice done to the powerful. Rumours abound as to how Hamilton was able to have protection. It’s typical that it’s the innocents who suffered. (I hadn’t heard that story about the teacher at the boarding school.)

We think we have any power in a democracy but it’s illusory. A scrutinising media would help but that’s the stuff of fiction too.

It’s to do with money of course. A lot of our present problems with democratic accountancy and not having control of our own politics or our own destiny, is to do with the insuperable fact that we have people with stratospheric wealth to do what ever they want, to weaponize any mad project like oh, let’s change society with a little social engineering. Transhumanism, trans anything. Such fun. We can even make lots more money doing it too.

It’s like living in a Marvel comic where mad billionaires can make their most bizarre teenage dreams come true. Too much money and not enough empathy. We’re like ants to them.


Thomas Hamilton the Dunblane killer was acquainted with George Robertson who vouched for his fire arm license and Klunker Brown the batchelor.

It seems that a yacht arrested under the proceeds of crime did not go to public auction as the system demands but was sold to Hamilton who had no significant savings for £5,000 a fraction of its worth.

It seems boats are ideal to lure children on to and if they become distressed No one can hear them shout and a fear of drowning could silence the lambs.

I got this from Guido Fawkes.

Why would the truth behind the Dunblane massacre be made top secret if nothing rotten to be seen?


Ruby says…..”I believe I may be a Trumpian”

Well said Ruby, I’ve been a Trumpian since he first ran for president and could never understand the animosity towards him on this forum. His mother was Mary MacLeod from Lewis which makes him half Scottish and the highland traits and cadences are there if you know what to look for. He’s brave and inspirational, took on the stinking media right away and does what it says on the tin.
He’s the nearest thing I’ve seen in the good old US to a Nationalist and I wish to Christ some of our politicians had his self belief.
The video you posted would mean political death to anyone who tried it here yet Donal-John shouted it right into the ears of media and deviants with NO Fear. Go DJ in 24!

Viscount Ennui

Crown Office has NOT contacted John Halley about Operation Planet paedophile ring claims despite new investigation

EXCLUSIVE: Ruth Charteris KC revealed that an investigation was underway into the ‘serious allegations’ contained in Mr Halley’s bombshell Note to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry – but nobody has spoken to him directly.

Hmm. Wonder what has been going on in the Scottish establishment?
link to

George Ferguson

I am not worried about Stu’s wellbeing. Surely Police Scotland Intelligence are liaising with Bath on a Regional Police basis. And let’s not forget the Security Services. A gross error of policing if anything happens to Stu.

David Hannah

The only gross error of policing is if a convicted rapist ends up in a female prison. Again.


James Che says: 3 February, 2023 at 6:51 pm


The post are not just on occasion disappearing, they are also being blocked access to Wings by Gateway 503,
Earlier post today were fine except for disappearing in the ether, and now there its worse, having to repeat the whole posting and find away around the barrier,

I Have not changed anything at my end for posting,
Willie may have a legitimate point.

Doing an internet search of Gateway 503 error, the only thing I can think of is that there is an issue with the company that you have internet access with.

Tinto Chiel

@JGedd 10.11: “We’re like ants to them.”

Oh, yes: I believe the latest WEF term is “worthless eaters.” Och well, soon we’ll have nothing by 2030 but we’ll be happy…….

@Effijy: “Why would the truth behind the Dunblane massacre be made top secret if nothing rotten to be seen?”

People will still be asking that question fifty years from now, such is the corruption of the British state.

The confiscated yacht/barge thing was a real red flag, innit? I wonder how many pissed-off polis would just love to spill the beans (lower ranks only, obvs)?

Wilson McBride

Effijy. 10.16pm

Ted Heath and Lord Louis Mountbatten were partial to a bit of Yachting,,, among other things.

In those days if they wanted young boys, all they done was grab a few from the nearest boys home and that was then set up to do as they pleased with them,,, even made them disappear,,,no questions asked.

We seem to be slipping back into the dark days when the establishment turned a blind eye to the mise depraved crimes you could imagine.

And let’s not forget Cyril Smith, the Liberal MP.


estas says:
3 February, 2023 at 7:53 pm
link to

No. I know who you are and your aliases over the years on here and elsewhere (dead dug site).

You are a self-serving piece of shit.

Own it.

I think you are confusing me with someone else.

George Ferguson

@David Hannah 10:07pm
You are confusing the SPS with Police Scotland. My brother is still a serving Police officer armed, a double gallantry award. (I told Craig Murray that many months ago). My Sister is Intel. I am saying Stu is safe. We are allowed to speak politics in a free speech environment.

Tinto Chiel

@akenaton/Ruby: I think we have to rid ourselves of the notion that there is black and white in politics. Trump has always seemed to me to be an overgrown man-child, a narcissistic, falsely-entitled bully with little natural talent for anything who looked on women as fair game and treated them abominably in consequence. That said, I’m sure many women told him to take a flying fruit-bat to himself. I’ve never come across a weak Scottish woman and I can’t imagine any American one would react differently to such a chancer (unless she wanted to for some reason).

On the other hand, he seems to be completely opposed to the whole Woke psychosis and will stand against medical interventions to change “gender” which harm vulnerable young people. In addition, he opposes the CIA, the war-mongering Pentagon and globalists and regards the country east of Poland as the most corrupt state in the western world and wants a clear audit trail to identify where the billions of dollars are going to support that very entity.

Meanwhile Sleepy Joe and The Crazies in his NeoCon basement usher us closer to the Stone Age.

It’s a funny old game, Saint, but it ain’t a chiaroscuro world.



We are a laughing stock because unfortunately a lot of us decided that voting for someone as manifestly corrupt, dishonest and psychopathically dangerous as Nicola Sturgeon was a good idea. Nicola Sturgeon and the depraved perverts in her party and the greens did not get into power by themselves.

And this was all done while Rev Stu and others sweated blood to tell us what a bad idea electing her would be.

In Nicola Sturgeon we got the leader we deserve and unfortunately there are a lot of people who comment on here who voted for her. A lot of people need to own what they have done.

At least my conscience is clear.

Wilson McBride

I cringe when I see certain posters telling Rev Stu,,,

“to be careful”
“to watch yourself”
“to stay safe”
Blah, fuckin blah.

I am more than 100% sure that Stu takes every precaution possible to keep him and anyone around him safe.

He has been around the block and will know how far to push certain buttons.

He doesn’t need reminded on on here by people who seem as if they are themselves afraid of their OWN shadow.

What Rot

@George Ferguson, 10.33pm

I dunno what planet you’re on, but all I see of the polis these days is incompetence, tattoos, laziness, and clueless youth who don’t know how to deal with people and who haven’t a shred left of the brains they were born with.

Watch your back Stu.

(I also had cause to sput out my tea on my internet travels today….someone was blaming Stu for the current dire state of things in Holyrood, because ‘if it hadn’t been for Stu’s work leading up to 2014, the deviant SNP would never have got as big as it now is’!)


Surely a lot of bad actors have three functions:

Procure legislation that takes away rights of women and children and undermines society by turning truth into fiction and fiction into truth.
In our case capture the politicians and legislators with flattery,youth vote,and to be seen as modern and woke.
Destroying the home voters who will turn away from voting for independence.
Destroy the good name of Scotland and deprive us of the long lasting good will towards us on the international stage so that there is no longer support to accede.
Whilst arrogance headed this feat of self sabotage, I think there have been dark arts at work too.


Fuck it, I’ve had enough. I want a years maternity leave, 6 months off on full pay with the change of life and whilst I’ at it have a quick pish in the ladies changing rooms at the local baths and whilst I’m at it,consider raping someone innocent woman , cause I’m a lady now. What the fuck is going on? This country I love is being held to ransom. Denying of truth is encouraged?, nae enforced. I am Winston Smith. Deniers call me Wilma


As for the Dunblane case:

We have a right to know it is nothing about protecting the poor victims. Insulting.
As well as him getting a firearms license when there were complaints about him for years as to his conduct with children at camps and clubs.

George Robertson has always given me the absolute creeps and he was a useless politician yet he got the NATO heidship.
Chief Jack Russel to the Hounds of War.

John H.

Morgatron. You could almost believe that someone had organised all of this to completely screw up Scotland and prevent us from having the confidence or the trust in our leaders to be able to go for independence.

Stand Up For Women

I wonder, when there is no functioning psychological services in Scotland as the queue is years long and the free services are piss poor unless you are a serious jailed criminal.
How come then they have money for expensive therapies and senior consultants to carry out damaging surgeries that will make youngsters damaged and patients for life.

Had Tory (and BlairWar) austerity not squeezed all local authorities there might have still been youth services and community culture all of which we shut one by one.
Though there were never exclusive services for girls and there is always boys sports but girls have always been in my lifetime under catered too, often justified that “you have to entertain boys the most otherwise they would be getting into violence and criminal behaviour”.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
Girls and women get very little in life and it lowers their expectations and compound messaging to receive even less than they deserve from partners and society.
Many don’t even get affirmation at home to then go into the sexist misogynistic structure that we live in.
Made a 1000x worse by the transgenderagenda.


To those who are flirting with or actually have some kind of affinity for Trump, I really have to question your understanding of politics. Have you learned nothing about his past, nothing about his corrupt style of govt, nothing about his racism…I am kind of shocked that this is the level of some people commenting here.
You know that thing…what is called now…oh yes…the f***ing INTERNET…you can actually read about Trump’s ties to organised crime (Reagan as well if you want a comparison), his barely veiled history of racism, his predatory attitude towards women (God, the irony of excusing this in the comments section to the subject of the article above), the litany of fraud throughout his ‘business career’, and his co-option of extreme right-wing racist ideology as one of his political bases. Oh and he’s apparently a God-fearing Christian too. Right…
If this is for you, you are almost literally out of your minds. If you never understood why Trump was vilified by intelligent people, then you are the thickest of short planks imaginable. The evidence is out there in easy-to-read English. There is no connection between Trump’s level of corruption and fraud and the kind of politics and basic administrative competence needed to set up a newly independent country.
Scottish independence was practically the last political cause I fervently believed in but if I had the slightest thought that this kind of thinking, this level of political idiocy, was gaining any serious ground in the Indy movement that would make me think NOT that independence is absolutely crucial to the flourishing of this land but that NOW is not the time. Thankfully, a few idiots commenting BTL on WoS is not representative of a movement but when you see the level of thinking apparent in the blind hero-worship of Sturgeotti, then a normal person would have to acknowledge some worries about the basic level of understanding of what appear to be politically-engaged adults.
All in all un-f***ing-believable…

Louise Hogg

Sadly nothing surprising there.

Does sound as though ‘Beth’ has used his threats/blackmail info to demand that Ms Victim order you to desist. In light of the fact that you haven’t, I hope that Ms Victim does not meet with a sticky end.

Bearing in mind her understandable unwillingness to go near ‘the authorities’, it might be in her interests to write (on paper not magic disappearing digi-land) a thorough testimony of her experience with ‘Beth’. To include evidence, link addresses, witness details etc. And, in addition as much as she knows of his other criminal or incriminating behaviour. And to lodge several sealed copies of this with trusted friends. Then to make sure ‘Beth’ knows these copies WILL be made public should any harm to her be reported.

Unfortunately, just as spies discover they can never really retire, so, many victims of abuse discover that they can never fully escape either.

With the proportions of rapists and paedophiles ever convicted, we can assume society at all levels is full of them.

Logically power, money, connections and an ability to be articulate with words in persuading people to agree with your story will all add to the opportunities and decrease the likelihood of being apprehended.

Add to that thefact that homosexuals are likely to have more sexual partners, at least in their youth, while homosexual people are over-represented in both politics and media compared to the general population. Giving more opportunity for blackmail.

The small incestuous circles of Scottish middle class life – universities, charities, clubs – have always lent themselves to cliques and corruption.

Several of the women who spoke out against GRR are sexual assault survivors.

It is not far fetched to assume that almost ALL of the women who spoke out in favour of GRR, are also sexual assault survivors. Most likely in situations not dissimilar from Ms Victim mentioned above. Where either ongoing intimidation or psychological damage caused by severe abuse has allowed others to control them.

I think we all underestimate the scale of these abuses, because our experiences continue to be divided between the bubble of the fortunate (who experienced nothing) and the unfortunate (for whom abuse is so chronic it’s normalised).

As to what we do about any of it? What historical examples are there of societies which have rooted out more than a few rings or scandals?


Thank you for saving me a load of typing, I couldn’t agree more. It’s bloody depressing, isn’t it?


Wilson McBride,

You say you “cringe” at wellwishers giving the supportive rejoinders to Stu., to watch his back. You then go on to call people “cowards”.

Have you been paying attention this past decade or are you just an idiot, abusive troll? I think the word troll is fair considering you ignorantly libel decorated service personnel cowards.

My own version of darkish humour was simply to commend Stuart on this article and to wish him well. To make double sure he is watching out for himself.

McBride, did you see what happened to Alex Salmond by the pscho Sturgeon’s cabal?

Alex Salmond did NOT look like he enjoyed being arrested or charged and his political legacy trashed.

Recently Alex gave a speech that may come to be known in the future as the DAMNED speech due to the number of times he used that word. It’s the angriest I have ever seen Alex Salmond. A lot of Sturgeon’s dissembling monkey-dung she through at her loyal mentor stuck to his reputation and robbed him of an overwhelming amount of political credibility.

McBride, would you have “cringed” if someone had the wit and guile to see Sturgeon turning on Alex Salmond in the foul betrayal she commited, and warned Alex?

There are 100s of fit-ups and it is wise to pick your battles.

McBride, did you not smell the aroma of rodent about Craig Murray being jailed when Kirsty Wark did the same and she got away with it?

I am not even going anywhere near the Willie McRae case.

But I will wish Stuart Campbell well. I know beyond doubt he is watching out. But remember how his computers got seized? If someone as smart as Stuart Campbell did not see that coming, then what harm in gently wishing him wells at the BTL of this legal missile of an article and supporting him in keeping an eye out for safety and security? That is the sort of thing a good lateral mind needs to think about.

McBride, you are either pi55ed at the keyboard or deliberately trolling. I could not really give a fu6k either way. But it’s important to make sure the others wishing Stuart well know about you. Tvvat.

Jeezo, the Indy movement is so screwed if the best it has are McBrides and that utter stalker of a Buffon Kelly over at Scot Goes Pop.i refuse to vote Alba whilst Stuart Campbell’s stalker, Kelly is an official at Alba.

I will never vote SNP again.

What’s left?

As the song goes….

McBrides to the left of me, McBrides to the Right.

Scotland really is frucked.


Interesting to see online a “gay trans man” complaining that “gay cis men” knock her back. At least gay men aren’t likely to be threatened by the trans identifying woman. Lesbians on the other hand face real risks if they knock back a TIM. What a fkd up world we live in


Tinto Chile 8:41pm

I remember a blogger document all the connections to Dunblane. It was an epic read. You’re right regards the headmaster being asked to leave. He was asking too many questions & noticed a marked difference in the students behaviour. Was the blogger Kelly? Apologies if I’ve the wrong author. It went down numerous rabbit holes connecting it all up.

A lone shooter, worked with kids & who suffered mental health problems doesn’t need his crime locked for 70 yrs! The public & the family should demand that is unsealed.


He was going to clear the swamp & make America great again. Easy for the Americans to buy into because they’re pissed off with poverty while the warmongering machine pours thier tax dollars into funding wars overseas.
He was right about NATO too. Countries would run off with thier gobs thinking NATO would be at thier beck & call while they were short at paying into the NATO protection kitty & hadn’t spent money on thier own defense either – expecting everything on a plate. (That came to pass later when you know who pleaded to send all yer top of the range weapons to help, armed with a shopping list!) But all that was lost when he opened his gob to rant about stupid ppl. The press were easy to noise him up & he was easy to trigger.

Sturgeon, forever seeking a bandwagon to jump on, jumped on the ‘trump’s a knt’ campaign & removed his tin foil awards on behalf of Scotland & issued a ban into the country. Yeah! I’m sure he’d lose sleep. Not! But really fking bright of Sturgeon to do that when Scotland was seeking to hold an Independence referendum. You don’t go pissing off a potential ally. Sturgeon is a branch office administrator thinking she’s a world leader on the international stage. Grandiose heading for the fall because now it’s her that’s the knt everybody is laughing at her mental breakdown & despise for her for screwing over her own support.


John H @12.14 . My thoughts exactly. Looks like a brilliant rouse to take the wheels off the independence bus. Otherwise , why so much for so little?


PhilM says:
4 February, 2023 at 12:36 am

To those who are flirting with or actually have some kind of affinity for Trump, I really have to question your understanding of politics

This is the most sense I’ve heard from a politician vis a vis gender recognition in quite a long time.

link to

The question I have for those with a great understanding of politics is this a vote winner?

How would this go down in Scotland. Would this be a vote winner in Scotland.


Geri and Ruby…. two great posts.
In answer to your question Ruby, I don’t think the ex President’s pronouncement would go down well in Scotland as our electorate are too influenced by the media swamp and I’m sorry to say a little on the thick side regarding politics.
The finer feelings which prevailed in the early post war generation have been superseded by those of the “me me” brigade who are ruled by what is promoted in social and mainstream media.
My political views have always come straight from the heart and have often been unpopular, but I have believed them to be true and of benefit to society.
Observe how DJ could inspire people who were often jobless and victims of a rotten system in the US, where jobs had been outsourced wholesale and illegal immigration a lucrative business for the black economy.
Trump gave these people hope against all odds, even his own party who hated him more than the stinking Democrats.
He was anti war and wanted to see America regain its pride and purpose, he involved all of the people. Was he divisive? Of course he was. Just as we must be divisive if we wish to install a sane social system in Scotland. The degenerates must be isolated and our children taught the real important values in life….and to accomplish that we need a leader who is believable and inspirational not some media endorsed villain.

John Main

@Etticus 11:35

A lot of people need to own what they have done


Like you, my conscience is also clear.

Loving the “discovery” of Trump’s good points by some other posters though. I pointed out on here a few months back why getting onside with Trump during the POTUS years would have been just realpolitik, and generated a pile-on from some of the now converted pro-Trump posters!

I guess I should be flattered, but even so, the spectacle of Scots carpet baggers trying to board a train that left 2 years ago sums up the Indy movement perfectly.


On Trump’s “Pussy grabbing” remark which I think lies behind the hatred many women feel for him.
This remark was made in private between two men discussing “celebrity” women and how they were quite prepared to use their “sacred” sexuality to further careers or improve their bank balances. This is an obvious truth as to these people sex is not sacred but rather a means to an end.
The furore also illustrates the illiteracy of the modern public over sexuality between men and women the girls of my youth loved to be “Wolf whistled” at or complimented on their appearance. In fact an old female friend told me that “It made her day to be reminded that she had sex appeal”
Hetero men are naturally programmed to want sex, they always boasted of their “prowess” often apocryphal! Of course society limits that desire, but women are also programmed to find a mate in the cause of reproduction….That folks is life in a nutshell…. and any attempt to circumvent nature does not end well as far as society is concerned as can be seen from the parade of deviants presented by our commander ..Mr Campbell.

I would just add that as a young apprentice, I was sent to fix the roof of our local Steam Laundry which was populated by about fifty young lasses and was extremely unlucky to emerge “virgo intacto”


All these years on the questions about Dunblane remain.

And the requirement to keep secret the records for 100 years. What is that about.

The signing off of a firearms licence application my Labour politicians,Brown and Robertson. George Robertson’ s elevation to Nato secretary general. The issue of the boat.

It all smells of some kind of ring, kompromat, blackmail and bribery.

Just like today’s SNP where next now for Nicola Sturgeon. The UN?


Mr Main, “Carpetbagger”…..How dare you sir!
I supported Trump before I even knew he was half Scottish, :O)

stuart mctavish

Lose sleep?

Could be I’m the only one lying awake at night with unlawful thoughts about whether the Kez twins might see Beth and the Clydebank Mike Tyson as 2 pinters or three – and how it could all go down should they chance upon each other at happy hour.

Could also be I’m not the only one agreeing with the observation that grown men who stand outside abortion clinics to label young women murderers are probably there to cause more harm than help.

Either way the article led me to discover that Holyrood introduced defamation legislation during the vaccine roll out in order to encourage the publication of steaming piles of shite in the public interest – and limit liability to editors, authors and website moderators (no kidding).

Accordingly, whilst it probably retains similar powers in the hands of judges not able or willing to tell the difference between a woman and a rapist to those held previously, the parliamentary decision* to quietly invert the fundamental nature of the law implies such judges could be persuaded to side with satan with even less leverage than may hitherto have been suspected.

On the bright side, jigsaw discovery of the inherent absurdity in the legislation, via this article, means any defamation herein must also be, defacto, in the public interest in so far as it exposes opposition party collusion (else they’d surely have raised the matter long before now)

*According to this site it may even have been under instruction to harmonise legislation with whatever passes for contemporary english law in the matter!
link to


stuart mctavish

link to

Can you explain in simple language for the non-legally-qualified laypeople here, what is your objection to the new ‘malicious publication’ legislation?

What do you mean when you day “invert the fundamental nature of the law”?

What are you reffering to when you say “the inherent absurdity in the legislation ?

stuart mctavish


Cheers! how about:

Traditional defamation is lies or smears to tarnish the public image of someone.

At fundamental level, this infers the law considers (considered) the interest of the public to be better served by the truth than the lie.

A legislated defence that defamatory lies can be in the public interest is an (attempted) inversion of that

John Main

@akenaton says:4 February, 2023 at 11:59 am

Mr Main, “Carpetbagger”…..How dare you sir!
I supported Trump before I even knew he was half Scottish, :O)

The “carpet bagger” description was never aimed at you!

Trump had a few good points, also a few bad, but probably he should never have been POTUS.

That’s the nature of democracy – it throws up a few outliers from time to time – but its great saving grace is that these outliers can be replaced a few years later. Scotland perhaps providing the exception that proves the rule, at least for another couple of years.

I never suffered from TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome, preferring to weigh up each policy on its merits. It is still amusing to see outbreaks of online Long TDS from time to time.

Even more amusing to see quiet implementation of some of his more “controversial” policies by the current incumbent, but that’s a different and off topic subject.

As I like to write, the Wings BTL caravan has moved on and is already over the horizon. Its pack of running dogs must make haste to catch up by nightfall.


Rab C. Rapist is now currently posting videos of the Troon counter-demo under the caption ‘Love Will Win’ or some such balls.
Why do fat, windy, weeds like that man become such thugs towards women ?


Just think, if the SNP was still truly democratic none of this shit would be happening.

Makes you wonder why they stopped being democratic…


One has to conclude that a lot of people in and around politics have been and are into some very dodgy behaviour. I have a real feeling they’ve all compromised each other.
It must be hoped that eventually these people will be made to suffer as much as the people they are currently bullying mercilessly

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