The Sacrifice
Posted on
March 22, 2025 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
SOOOOOOPERB but boak inducing
Not so fast She & Beattie are bang to rights under Electoral Law IFF Murrell is found guilty of shenanigans on the accounts.
The Electoral Commission is responsible for prosecuting political account signatories who have failed to carry out their duties. They signed off on seriously dodgy accounts.
IFF Murrell is found guilty we MUST all write POLITE emails to the Commission urging them to enforce the law without fear or favour.
The chances of her ending up in court are about the same as UN tanks rolling into Edinburgh to liberate Scotland due to a few loonies signing an online petition
It will be English tanks, YS, liberating the majority-English “oblasts”, which include Edinburgh, Perth, and the environs of Saint Andrew’s. Perhaps one or two more.
Perhaps they’ll hold votes afterwards to ratify the fait accompli.
Maybe the WM government will cite “legitimate security concerns” as they seize key energy supply and distribution infrastructure situated on Scottish soil and Scottish waters.
By far the most intriguing aspect of this scenario is that many of the Wings BTL regulars have already posted their enthusiastic support for this sort of thing. Obviously not in Scotland, because we’re special, but still, it’s a risky business to surrender a principle just because you assume it could never happen to you.
Sauce for the goose, and that.
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This is a good point. Saint Nicola of Dreghorn and Colin Beattie admitted to being incompetent, lazy, incurious or uncaring- perhaps a mixture of all of them. What neither of them did is carry out the fiscal duties with which they were entrusted.
Crying not laughing.
If auld Pete goes down, he won’t be downhearted, he’ll be having a ball of a time inside if you catch my drift.
PacMan , I sure do get your drift regarding Soapy Pete. Regarding his ex Mrs or Mr or whatever, something will catch her – him out, can’t have her tip toeing through the tulips whistling off into the sunset.
PM is part of the Whitehall cohort. He’ll have a very nice life.
Mr Cairns – we are not worthy.
Thank you!
Aff tae the promised land she goes.
Is it my screen, or is there a wee hint of rainbow in those sunlit uplands?
I don’t see sunlit uplands. I see a well-hidden cliff. Note Muscleguy’s point above.
I don’t now read The Rag its not a Indy paper and never was. I was on grumpyscottishman blog and he had commented on what Swinney had said in the Rag about Independence, so I thought I would go and have a read. So Independence is off the table again for all of 2026-2031 even though we have all been promised it since 2015 and the SNP has mandates to deliver it.
In the article it also stated “Money raised from our members and supporters will always be used to pursue electoral success for the Party and to help us win Scotland’s independence. You have my personal assurance that is the case.
“The Party has worked tirelessly to introduce additional measures within our internal processes to ensure that we are getting the most out of every penny that is donated to us.”.
With this statement in mind, if you donate to the SNP for any reason lets say a Independence referendum fund the money might not be used for that. He didn’t make that statement for no reason, so if your STUPID enough to donate lets say a house worth 500K towards the goal of Independence the SNP can use it for parties, computers or even office equipment. Even if the SNP over night became the party we all remember and loved, I wouldn’t donate to the SNP under any circumstance.
With what Swinney said, I’m now believe the £600K has never been the issue involved and this is the reason these other two have been released.
The Scot are STUPID beyond believe, he stated on the Scottish News that the SNP is the victim, we are all being plaid as fools.
So what have we learnt from Swinney,
1 Independence is OFF and will not be perused until after 2031 and beyond
2 The SNP is the Victim
3 Money donated to the SNP will be used for what ever reason they see fit
4 The SNP is going to work endlessly with the Unionist party’s to form a government in 2026
5 There not bothered about an Indy majority
The SNP have been given an opportunity to put a part of the human rights act into Scottish law and it would allow for a second Indy referendum. I’ve posted it below for anyone who might be interested in it, but instead the SNP is ignoring it.
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We donated to the Independence referendum fund and we got my money back from the SNP.
I really do wonder what it’ll take before people waken up to the fact that SNP doesn’t support Independence and never has since Sturgeon took over and even if you donate your house in a will to the SNP, the money will never be used to secure Independence.
I think you’ll find that the lamb to the slaughter isn’t the SNP its Scotland and the sacrifice the SNP membership has given hasn’t been for Scotland or our people but to secure the Union.
It’ll all be a whitewash and he’ll be back in his old job.
If you think for a minute that Mrs Frobes will secure Independence for Scotland your more deluded than a fool believing the guns empty without checking the barrel for themselves.
If you think the SNP wouldn’t grasp any chance for indy then you’re a loony
If you think you would be more free after the SNP grabbed indy then I’ve some bad news
Beauty! Just a pity that the inevitable guilty plea means the whole truth won’t be revealed to the public in court.
I suspect that’s the whole idea.
Grok says…
‘Yes, Nicola Sturgeon is indeed appearing at the Glasgow International Comedy Festival this weekend. She will be headlining a show titled “Books & Banter” alongside crime author Val McDermid.
The event is scheduled for Saturday, March 22, 2025 – today – at the King’s Theatre in Glasgow. The show starts at 7:30 PM and features Sturgeon and McDermid in conversation with special guests, comedian Ashley Storrie and author Chris Brookmyre, discussing books they’ve loved, loathed, and laughed at.
The focus is on their shared passion for literature, with a lighthearted twist, promising “lively chat and lots of laughs.”
Tickets are available through the festival’s official website,, with prices starting around £27.50, though availability may be limited as the event has drawn significant attention.
The festival itself runs from March 12 to March 30, 2025, and this particular gig is one of its highlighted performances.’
Anyone going?
“Anyone going?”
Sure, countless Sturgeon haters will be packing the hall to express their disapproval and dis-satisfaction with the lack of progress towards Indy under her tenure.
And this will just be the start. Sturgeon will never be able to show her face publically, anywhere in Scotland, ever again, without the development of an entirely spontaneous, vocal, but peaceful demonstration by angry, Sovereign Scots.
Haha, Mr Cairns remains the cartoon king, but I can certainly do humour. Or is it irony? Or sarcasm?
Whatever, as an accurate depiction of our apathetic reality, it’s defo sad.
Oh dear. Exactly as I predicted earlier, Sturgeon’s comedy circuit debut appears to have gone well.
Disapproving, heckling, unhappy Sovereign Scots in the audience seem to have totalled precisely zero.
Or if there were any, they were all to feart to utter as much as a squeak of protest.
Of such material, national liberation movements are very definitely not made.
Anyone going? Good question. I’d rather be garotted than have to listen to those wankers.
‘And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited.’ Lev. 16.22
The scapegoat and the escapegoat.
According to postcolonial theory it is the entire colonized people and nation who are sacrificed in the interest of the colonizer, usually by native elites and collaborators, much as we see.
Alf your wasting your time on here, people don’t seem to be bothered unless its about gender ID or some other issue other than securing Indyref2.
Big thanks to you and the rest of the people in Liberation/Salvo I’m waiting for the West Lothian Hub to open, so I can join.
Can I ask is liberation is contact with Wales in order about supporting Scotland’s cause or Wales putting in a petition to the UN C-24 for themselves.
Yes, there is some evidence the Welsh indy movement are conscious of the Liberation Scotland UN C-24 Decolonization Committee initiative. Less certain is the extent of any split in the indy movement there from a woke national party prone to become party to colonial administration, to any shift towards a national liberation movement. Though former leader Adam Price seems in no doubt as to the colonial condition of Wales, which suggests he may be aware of the only remedy for such a condition – i.e. decolonization:
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@Alf – it’s been two weeks since the submission was sent to the UN committee on decolonisation. What response have you had and will you be posting it in full?
100%: independence was scuppered by gender ID during the most fertile time of opportunity ever in the party’s history. It is no coincidence. Unless we understand that gender ID was not a distraction, but independence was the distraction for these people, and that the SNP was never again going to risk confrontation with Westminster, we will get nowhere.
Why does the destruction of the rights of half the Scottish population not matter to you? If they are destroyed before we enter into our independence – assuming we will be allowed to do so – we will be bringing it all into the independent Scotland and we will not be able to eradicate it. Desperation for independence – any independence – is blinding us to the 1984 situation we are setting up for ourselves. It needs to be sorted out first so that we can enter a decent new Scotland and try to live up to our aspirations.
Well conceived idea for the cartoon , and then beautifully and tellingly illustrated.
We are lucky to have Chris on this site.
There are so many cultists on X still worshipping at her feet
They’re delighted she’s “innocent” and accuse everyone who thinks a otherwise of being Yoons etc.
Either they’re SPADS, plants or just generally as thick as mince
There’s nothing yo be done with these people.
Those of us I consider to be realists are stuck between them and the BritNats
I continue to support Scotlands right yo be an independent nation but it seems further away than ever.
The UK is imploding though, so who knows.
Chris, brilliant as ever
I believe Murrell will not see the inside of a prison
I strongly believe that many in Scotland treat voting for a party the same as they treat supporting a football team
Nae shit, Sherlock!
From Wikipedia:
« THE SCAPEGOAT (1854–1856) is a painting by William Holman Hunt which depicts the “scapegoat” described in the Book of Leviticus. On the Day of Atonement, a goat would have its horns wrapped with a red cloth – representing the sins of the community – and be driven off.
« The work exists in two versions, a small version in brighter colours with a dark-haired goat and a rainbow, and a larger version in more muted tones with a light-haired goat.
« In the Royal Academy exhibition catalogue Hunt wrote that “the scene was painted at Sodom, on the margin of the salt-encrusted shallows of the Dead Sea.” »
Another brilliant one Chris.
In a nutshell, Mr Cairns/Rev. Does she actually believe that people will believe it was just him – if that is proved in a court of law? Her grip on the party was so complete that she knew nothing – like Manuel?
Lorn @ 12.00.
I greatly doubt that Ms Sturgeon will care muchly about public perception of her. As long as her own ‘special interest’ fan group and the liberal elite continue to welcome her to their soirees and Arty events I’m sure that she will enjoy her ongoing glittering and enviable lifestyle.
Funded by an index linked Holyrood pension and whatever private Funds she may have accumulated through the years of public “service” dedicated to the cause of Independence. Plus book sales and fees from political commentating and articles with the MSM.
You are very probably right, Sven. All so predictable and so depressing.
Let me get this straight.
Wife is Party Leader. Hubby is Chief Exec. Money appears to go missing. Someone says ‘wheres the money?’. Supporters say stop asking questions. Treasurer says funds are “ring fenced” but “woven through” the accounts, hence why they seem invisible. Treasurer voted out by party members. New Treasurer denied access to party accounts by Chief Exec. New Treasurer resigns. Chief Exec reinstates old Treasurer. Party Leader then releases a video saying there is no foul play, questioners are shit-stirrers and anyone even asking questions is tantamount to treachery. Nothing to see here, move along. Funds still missing. Chief Exec forced to resign (for lying about something else). Party Leader resigns out of the blue. Former Chief Exec arrested. Home (he shares with Party Leader) searched. Treasurer arrested. Camper van seized (from driveway of former Chief Exec’s 90 year old Mum’s driveway). Former Party Leader arrested. Two years pass. Former Chief Exec charged with embezzlement. Former Treasurer and former Party Leader won’t face charges.
Is that about right?
So we are to believe the Party Leader & Chief Exec, wife & husband living in the same house, one was (allegedly) embezzling, the other knew nothing about it but also knew there was no embezzling and released a video angrily/aggressively denying categorically any such thing was happening and signing off accounts to guarantee it beyond all doubt.
I’m trying my best to understand, but…
Frazerio @ 12.46.
Perfectly boiled down and concisely stated.
Brain Hurts !
My understanding is that the Crown Office are protecting the actors who best serve establishment (UK) elites – Sturgeon and the SNP.
You forgot the part about her suddenly leaving said shared home just before plod appeared
Excellent, Chris. Thank you.
Neil McKays piece of boilerplate pulp in the Herald berates all and sundry for being critical of and not showing empathy for SHE whose name shall not be uttered!
What planet is he on?
What empathy has SHE shown to any of the politicians threw (or shoved) under the bus?
What empathy did SHE shown to those who donated money only for it to be spaffed away under her watch?
What empathy did SHE shown to any to those committed supporters of Scotlands inalienable right to independence and self determination like my late faither who never saw it having passed away during the wasted “kicked the can doon the road” years of her tenure?
She a narcissist and doesn’t merit any empathy from me..
Apols for the typos above..
“berates all and sundry for being critical of and not showing empathy for SHE”
Well, as far as I am concerned, Mr McKay can go and take a hike. That 2-faced fakeminist and fake pro-independence leader demonstrated her profound anti-democratic skills, her contempt for Scotland’s constitution and her disregard for international law through each and every single moment during her tenure when she point blank refused to deliver ANY of the MANY mandates for indyref we delivered.
There must be a specially hot place in hell waiting for that useless charlatan. She will be remembered in the history books as the political fraud who stabbed her mentor in the back and who betrayed the people of Scotland for the sake of a foreign crown and preserving a union that is strangling Scotland. All whilst she dangled carrots.
Because being able to dangle carrots whilst simultaneously destroying women’s rights, stifling the progress towards independence and disembowelling the democratic structures of the SNP appears to be her only obvious multitasking ability.
Hear! Hear!
Best. Cartoon. Ever!
How long will wee peem be alive ?
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Read and boke!
A standing ovation, no less!
I’m starting to worry afresh about a resurgence in Jacobite support.
Let these people have their way, and they’ll be wanting to make her a saint.
Do you think that Andrew Learmonth will get kept on after his work experience or is the school going to recommend another occupation?
It’s cost £2.1m and Sturgeon is joking about it!
I feel your pain. She is laughing at all of us. A civil law suit should do the trick, but we’d have to get rid of the Westminster plants in the “Scottish” law system first and dismiss any interference from the “English” legal system eg the “uk supreme Court” quango.
Police scotland also needs total restructuring with emphasis on serving the public!
” and I looked into brainwashing house and they were all running around playing with each other then my Father leaned over and said to me that’s where you’ll end up if you don’t stop playing with yourself.”
The sad story of the little Nasty and the Gravy Kiddettes.
Should Chris not have used artistic licence to give the scapegoat a beard?
When published Peter Murrell’s memoirs will be far more interesting than Nicola Sturgeon’s
@ Lorn 6:17
I think you’ll find gender ID is a dead duck and the SNP has kicked it into the long grass. Independence isn’t about any other issue other than Independence. If your focus is ID fair enough that’s your priority, its not mine. Like the economy and everything else that’s wrong in Scotland can be fixed when we have Independence lets remember once we are Independent there isn’t any reason to vote SNP.
Yes your right 50% of the population are women and I’d hope at the next Holyrood election they’ll do the right thing and vote the SNP out of office, but the opinion polls don’t back that up.
So, should we just simply give up on Independence until the wind changes or people change there mind about the SNP and their stupid policy’s.
There isn’t a country in the world who isn’t turning there back on gender ID, the subject become a toxic in the world of politics, but Independence is very much still on the table but Scotland is being asset stripped and our identity eroded, this is my priority i’m sorry its not yours.
Trust me ID is no longer a problem, the wind has changed.
I am old enough to remember TW3 (That Was The Week That Was) on Saturday nights on television. We used to rush home from the Saturday night dancing to watch it.
At the height of the Profumo Scandal, they had an American on, praising the now disgraced Cabinet Minister John Profumo, for actually having had sex with a woman.
As the American said: “With some of the actors you’ve been sending over here lately, we thought all you Brits were turning Queer.”
Fast forward to today and it appears, in the 21st century SNP, you cannot have sex unless it is of the Gay variety. Such is progress.
socratesmacsporran @ 08.48.
I well recall in the 1980s hearing an elderly speaker, probably in his late seventies, commenting that conduct in private which was condemned in his youth was now being condoned in public and that many of us now listening would live to see it being openly commended.
Oh, how we laughed at the ignorant old coot . In the (almost) the famous words of the late Bob Monkhouse, “we’re not laughing now”. “This is for you, Beth,” in our national Parliament building.
At first glance I wasn’t quite sure of the tethered goat was Murrel or Swinney.
Maybe it can be both.
But to change the comment I worried about where
the luxury motor home gone.
Good cartoon though. Like the allegory of a scapegoat as the wolf bounds free.
Willie, what you perceive as a ‘wolf’ has all the characteristics of a JACKAL and that is to flatter what must be the most evil and obnoxious character ever to have held office in Scottish politics!!
Great cartoon……..nae bus….?
There’s no way she could jump that high.
Course she could.
She’s holding up half the sky.
I suppose it’s all in what SHE actually HAS said;
“There’s not a shred of evidence against me”..
Obviously was tipped the wink sufficiently in advance to delete, shred and burn any evidence.
Kind of explains Quality Polis Toshan turning up with spades for the back garden.
The stink of COFPS and Breathy Bain permeates through all this expensive burach..
Not in the publics interest my bahookie!
Yet again I’m stumped.
The Guardian Online is reporting that nearly a quarter of the SNP’s female MSPs are to pack in politics after the next HR election.
Given that many, if not most, SNP MSPs don’t know what a woman is, even including at least one of them who has conceived and carried children to full term, how can the Guardian make such a claim?
How can any of us assess if it is true?
There’s another mystifying claim within the article. Somebody virtually nobody has ever heard of is quoted as saying “we are losing far too many talented women”!
Talented? Seriously??
Women??? Isn’t it an offence in Scotland to make that assumption?
Bravo maestro!