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Wings Over Scotland

The End Is The Beginning Is The End

Posted on April 18, 2024 by

The pause button has been released. The day is finally here.

And it’s one that EVERY supporter of independence should rejoice in.

Obviously we’re very restricted in what we can say about what is now a live court case, due to Scotland’s draconian – if extremely selectively applied – contempt laws. Nothing in this article should be taken to imply an assertion on anyone’s guilt or innocence.

But that the charges against Peter Murrell are of embezzlement isn’t the least bit surprising. It was difficult to see, were he to be charged at all, any way he could have NOT been charged with that particular crime.

And everyone who cares about the future of the Scottish independence movement, whichever faction of it they might be in, should be happy today because these charges mean that we finally ought to get answers – whatever those answers turn out to be – to questions that NEED to be answered for the good of Scotland’s entire body politic. The uncertainty and innuendo of the last 12 months in particular have been toxic and the boil needs to be lanced one way or the other.

Because it simply cannot be acceptable for almost £700,000 to be donated to any organisation by members of the public for a clear, specific and supposedly ring-fenced purpose and then seemingly vanish from sight with nothing to show for it, while senior representatives of the organisation blithely insist that it hasn’t vanished at all.

The people who donated that money deserve answers.

It also cannot be acceptable for SNP members to have their membership fees and donations spent on things which a political party has no credible use for, and which are then simply parked at the CEO’s mother’s house for years on end to deteriorate in value without ever being either deployed for a purpose or sold to reduce the losses.

That’s doubly so when the party is so broke that that same CEO is having to lend it six-figure sums out of his own pocket, ostensibly for short-term cash flow but which still haven’t been paid back three years later when the CEO has left under a cloud.

(Wings readers of course won’t need reminding that that story, too, was exclusively broken on this site, almost 18 months ago.)

However gullible and credulous they might be, SNP members deserve answers.

And it cannot be acceptable for a party of government to exist under so little scrutiny that even its own treasurer and finance committee can be refused access to the books (a story exclusively broken guess where), potentially leaving the country in the hands of an unaccountable mafia.

As toothless and supine as they may be, however easily they were cowed into meek compliance by Nicola Sturgeon angrily demanding that they refrain from asking any awkward questions, the SNP’s NEC deserve answers too, because they remain liable for the party’s debts.

Questions that probably WON’T be answered at the trials include why the Scottish media were so slow to pick up on the biggest story in Scottish politics since the indyref. Wings first broke the news more than FOUR YEARS ago, and it took no particularly great or difficult feat of journalism on our part to do so – all it required was to read the SNP’s published accounts.

But it was another 16 months until the country’s media eventually registered something was going on, and even then many of them sneeringly dismissed the whole thing.

(As we’ve noted previously, Tom Gordon subsequently at least had the grace to attribute proper credit to Wings, but beyond hilariously, poor mad old David Leask still doggedly insists to this day that he was right and that it’s “not news”. Logically, he must be saying that today’s events did NOT, in fact, result from a police investigation.)

But in any event the rest is, or will be, history. Three years after that investigation began – or didn’t, according to David Leask – it has reached the conclusion that it believes serious crimes have been committed. (Crimes carrying very significant likely prison time should the accused be found guilty – Natalie McGarry got 20 months for misappropriating just £25,000.)

That belief remains to be confirmed or rejected by a judge and jury, at a time yet to be determined, but which will almost certainly stretch beyond the next UK general election. (A police source tells us a trial of this nature and complexity would take 3-6 months, and it’s unlikely to start in the next month or two.)

The SNP will be under the darkest of clouds until that point, on top of the other serious concerns that already exist about its finances, its accounts and its general integrity.

(As an interesting aside, once someone has been formally charged with a crime, they are not allowed to have ANY contact AT ALL with witnesses until the trial, on pain of instant arrest and imprisonment. Even if one of the witnesses is, say, their spouse.)

The wheels of justice, it is said, grind slowly, but grind exceedingly fine. At the end of the process that began today, the Scottish National Party, founded in 1934 and unchallenged in power in Scotland since 2007, may be ground to dust so finely that it will simply blow away in the wind.

0 to “The End Is The Beginning Is The End”

  1. BroughtyBoy says:

    But for Wings, this day would have never come.

    That is a damning indication of the pathetic state of Scottish journalism.

    Chinese State journalists are more inquisitive of the Chinese Government.

  2. Angela Fitzgibbon says:

    Well done Stu, your investigative journalism is the best.

  3. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    While we ALL must watch what we say on here I admit to having a quiet smile and have just poured myself a snifter.

    All I will say is I wonder if there will be a second or third accused.

    Also I trust action will be taken to recover the allegedly missing funds.

    Proceeds of Crime Act perhaps?

  4. Dorothy Devine says:

    Broughty Boy, spot on!

  5. I. Despair says:

    Movement at last, and of a pleasing sort. Hallelujah. Right, who’s next?

  6. Rogueslr says:

    Squirrel, the timing is very convenient making tomorrow’s headlines not about Humza’s current woes of Sandyford, net zero and hate law, but all this is forgotten in a haze of problems laid at the previous occupants of Bute House.

  7. John C says:

    The people who donated that money deserve answers.

    I’m one of them. Wasn’t an SNP member, but foolishly thought at the time that the SNP would be the only way we’d progress towards at least another referendum. I know of people who gave a large chunk of what little they have to the SNP.

    Still, I’m betting that Tory MP caught in the chemsex/kidnap scandal is glad this story has broken as it’s going to take some headlines away from him.

  8. thothScot says:

    Well, it’s taken one heck of a long time. We can only hope this is the start of the truth of all these events be revealed. Sad that it’s often hope for such things,rather than expectation.

  9. David Hannah says:

    I’ve cracked open the Whisky! I’m a Glenmorangie double. Two bits of ice.

    Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon. This message is for you.

    It’s time for you to “firefight on all fronts.”

    God bless the honest officers of Police Scotland.

    But most of all. God bless Alex Salmond. Our hero. Our leader. The leader of the independence cause. Thank you. And the dream. Shall never die!!!

  10. fran says:

    I do hope Alex is having a wee dram tonight

  11. robertkknight says:

    “Scottish National Party, founded in 1934 and unchallenged in power in Scotland since 2007, may be ground to dust so finely that it will simply blow away in the wind”

    Oh please…please…please…please…please… please…

    But then…

    The COPFS is involved and apparently Crime Only Pays For Some.

    So I won’t be holding my breath where these bastards are concerned.

  12. David Hannah says:

    A toast. To Peter Murrell and Nicola SturgeoN!

    Enjoy PRISON.


  13. John C says:

    As a slight aside I passed George Square earlier on my way to Queen Street Station & passed the protest against the ‘pause’ in Scotland to giving children puberty blockers. I’m sure ‘Beth’ was there as one of the crowd angrily shouting for the right to carry on abusing children.

    It’s just another reminder how far we’ve fallen in a decade since the referendum. The Greens selling out environmental policies for minister salaries, children being fed into a meat grinder and the SNP under criminal investigation for this while our current First Minister argues that men can be the subject of misogyny. How the hell did we come to this?

  14. ross says:

    Hang on a second, I’m no having this alleged theif taking down a party 90 years standing. These people are not the SNP.

  15. Shug says:

    Election looming, somone charged, a coincidence, aye right.

    Next a certain perjury case and election sorted.

    SNP toast independence delayed another 10 years, time to get the oil out and dismantle jockland once and for all

  16. ross says:

    The Murrells are not the SNP. The SNP need not disappear, one would hope it can be reborn with better leaders.

    No need to kill of a party 90years standing for this alleged thief anymore than any one else.

  17. David Hannah says:

    Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell.

    The Indy Swindlers.

    Send them back to hell boys! Send them down! Lock them up! Throw away the key!

  18. ALANM says:

    I voted SNP at three general elections between 1974 and 1976 in Glasgow Cathcart. Teddy Taylor was the immovable Tory MP at that time and from memory the SNP came fourth on each occasion. Looks like we’ve now travelled back in time to 1974 but, assuming this ends with a new party and a new constitution, the only way is up.

  19. thothScot says:

    All credit to the Rev for the investigative work, and perseverance.

    The willful blindness, if not worse, from the media, politicians and others has been staggering. They are shown, not for the first or sadly the last time, to be an utter disgrace to our country and our values, whatever your political views.

  20. Gav says:

    That indy supporters like myself, people whom independence has been their number 1 political objective for decades, are so happy about this shows just how far the party has fallen. A pox on the house of Murrell.

  21. KITTYBEE says:

    (As an interesting aside, once someone has been formally charged with a crime, they are not allowed to have ANY contact AT ALL with witnesses until the trial, on pain of instant arrest and imprisonment. Even if one of the witnesses is, say, their spouse.)

    But didn’t Mr Murrell buy a bolt-hole in Portugal as joint owner with someone other than his spouse. Oh wait!- they have probably confiscated his passport.

  22. Andrew scott says:

    Is murrell still a member of the snp or will useless have to expel him/they now
    Asking for a friend

  23. Andrew Morton says:

    John C at 8:01
    ‘How the hell did we come to this?’

    Two words:

    ‘Nicola Sturgeon’

  24. Carol Neill says:

    Not before time , hopefully the whole house of cards will fall
    Will sturgeon moan that she was a trans widow and knew not of what was going on ?

  25. Allan says:

    Does this mean I might no see ma Hunner pound again

  26. David Hannah says:

    After rolling over on the bed of embezzlement. Wee Nicky will be issuing divorce papers tomorrow. Opengrupenfhurer Sturgeon will have sold out the love of her life.

    It wisney me! As she rolls over in bed. Switching off the indy nightlamp! It was hubby! He wis was the one that did it!

    ahahaha. We know what you’ve done Nicola. We know what you’ve done!

  27. Tammie Norrie says:

    That it should come to this. Acht well. The TROO believers simply wont believe it.

  28. Bill Cowan says:

    Wwll done Stu!
    But for your tenacity this would never have happened.
    YOU are a true champion of Scotland.

  29. Cuphook says:

    Well done. I’m sure Leask will be applauding as you collect your journalism award.

  30. Zander Tait says:

    Was it not David Leask who got Craig Murray ejected from the NUJ?

    Still very happy days, and your final paragraph is a joy to read. Many times.

  31. Bill Cowan says:

    @ALANM – Teddy Taylor – He was one of the nicest men I have ever met in my life. I despised his politics, but in the Hamilton by-election in 1978, I was working for big Margo, and I ended up on polling day at a school in Larkall – Just me and Teddy. We had a lovely afternoon, sharing flasks and sandwiches. A true gentleman.

  32. barelybare says:

    Well done Stu.

    You should probably be up for a journalism award. Although, keeping in mind the calibre of some of the journalists who do get awards, you might want to decline if one were to be offered.

  33. Andy in Seaford says:

    He sounds like an ideal candidate for one of those juryless trials the SNP want to try out – not that I’m cynical of course.

  34. thothScot says:

    No doubt the police will be visiting the Murrell’s residence once more tonight.

    The brass necked Nicky will have called them out to deal with an intruder in the house.

    “I’ve no recollection of ever meeting this man before. I can’t recall ever being at any event with him from rally to marriage ceremony. While it’s my policy to retain all communicatiions, I have deleted all personal information, and shredded all documents. By accident. Not that they connected me to this stranger.”

  35. Doug says:

    Mr Continuity politically shackled in perpetuity?

    The stables will be cleaned and not a second too soon for the independence movement.

    Flynn better get ready and he better be radical.

  36. Tommo says:

    ‘not allowed to have ANY contact AT ALL with witnesses until the trial, on pain of instant arrest and imprisonment. Even if one of the witnesses is, say, their spouse.’ ; I suspect that may not be a major problem.
    Regardless of the merits or otherwise of the offence alleged it is my firm belief that were it not for this website most posters on here would be off to the polls to put a cross against the SNP at the first opportunity- some sort of journalistic award is surely merited.

  37. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “the timing is very convenient making tomorrow’s headlines not about Humza’s current woes of Sandyford”

    Don’t worry, that story won’t be forgotten here.

  38. Agent x says:

    It’s all Westminster’s fault – the English bastards – nothing to do with the SNP.

  39. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “The COPFS is involved and apparently Crime Only Pays For Some.”

    It’s out of their hands now. Up to the jury.

  40. Antoine Roquentin says:

    When any objects usefulness is beyond its original purpose, its fate is normally to be unceremoniously dumped by its owner.

  41. John C says:

    Those hoping for a new SNP rising from the ashes from whatever happens now should pause any celebration as it’s going to take a lot to turn the SNP round. The fact is that even if this goes to trial and results in prosecutions, the SNP are still riddled with TRAs, grifters, idiots and people who care nothing about independence.

    It’s going to take a complete flushing out of these people, a return to competency as well as a return to sanity before the SNP can be considered a prospect again. That sadly, is going to take years, if at all. Entryism has been rife in the SNP and it’ll take a leader with the courage to stand up to these people and frankly, nobody in the SNP has the spine for it.

  42. James says:

    Stu your to be congratulated.

  43. Annemariedoc says:

    It cannot be overstated enough to say that if it were not for the Rev this would simply never have come to light.
    As excellent as Stu’s journalism is, that is still terrifying. So called professionals, career hacks, broadcast political journalists – None of them worth a single penny.
    Holding government to account is simply non-existent and that is deplorable.
    My respect for the Rev is immense and we would never have had a chance without him

  44. Glenn Boyd says:

    AS that old monster Margaret Hilda Thatcher was wont to say: “Rejoice! Rejoice!”
    Reading the comments from Leask and Gordon are utterly useless morons! These two cunts make me want to puke!
    I have said it before and shall say it again: Stu is the finest “real” Investigative Journalist of his generation,while a terrible inditement on what laughable passes for mainstream media. It’s fucking beyond parody.
    All we need now is for the cops to pick up the rest of these turds and for the great Alex Salmond to stick the boot and and finish the job!

  45. JB says:

    So does this news mean that Branchform is now concluded, or is it still ongoing?

  46. ScottieDog says:

    Images of Gerry Lundergaard’s arrest in Fargo (1996).

  47. Doug says:

    On the other hand a voice from the bottom of the rabbit hole is shouting, “It will now do more damage to the independence movement if we let him off!”

    Whar’s ma copy o The Prince?

  48. Agent x says:

    “Sturgeon:“Alex Salmond is innocent of criminality but that doesn’t mean the behaviour they claimed of didn’t happen. I think it is important that we don’t lose sight of that.””
    A reminder whatever happens to her husband, she will always believe he is guilty.

  49. Steve A says:

    There will need to be very significant crowd control measures when they try to select a jury… that’s 3 to 6 months of 12 folks lives… forget police costs on the investigation….

  50. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Rev. Stuart Campbell says: 18 April, 2024 at 8:35 pm

    Up to the jury

    Pardon my ignorance, but if/when this ever goes to trial, how can we be confident there will be a jury?

    If there is one, finding the people to put on it might be as much fun as they are currently having with the Trump trial.

  51. Cynicus says:

    Do not despair, Mr. Murrell.

    Given the quality of due diligence in candidate selection you could have a great future south of the border as a Tory MP.

  52. David Hannah says:

    Those French fancies that you loved. Now just a memory. All that’s left is an iron. That doesn’t steam!

    Oh Nicola, you thought the UN was keeping you a seat. But that’s all gone caus of lavender Pete. He cooked the books. Squandered cash. And left you all alone with a nasty rash!

    Hahaha. Well done to Luke Warm Dave. Can’t wait to hear the next installment!

  53. Steve A says:

    Wings (and you stu) get honourable mentions in the BBC timeline of events!!! That’s gotta hurt!

  54. Penvelope says:

    I’ll be very surprised if this goes to trial.
    I think a plea will be negotiated & guilty to some amended charge will be entered.
    An agreed narrative will be read out in court & that will be your lot.
    Will you get the clarity you seek or is he going to be the mastermind who did it all on his own and nobody had a clue what was going on otherwise known as the fall guy.

  55. Alexander Wallace says:

    There is no question in my mind why the unionist press didn’t investigate, the Murrells where in the same camp.

  56. Eileen Carson says:

    Let justice be done! … at last

  57. David Hannah says:

    Have you ever seen Sturgeon kiss Murrell? She always turns away in the election snapshots. Even the wedding photo looks forced. I’m googling it now.

    They’ve been rolling about together in a bed of lies. For their entire lives.

    Sturgeon’s even finding it challenging to write her book “I can’t recall” – because it’s a fiction novel. Like her desire for Scottish independence.

    She will go throw him under the bus. She’s finished isn’t she?

    Sturgeon is finished!

  58. Charles (not the R one) says:

    Well well, a charge has been laid.
    It certainly took some time.

    But don’t anyone think for one moment that this means the truth will ever come out.

    It has already been forecast that “eventually” there could be a plea of “Guilty” to a reduced figure, and the whole thing could be spun as a “technical offence”, painting any accused party as much a victim as a wrong-doer. By then there may be more persons charged in connection with these matters. At this time, only the police know that.

    If that was to happen (i.e. a ‘Guilty plea’), there would be no ‘trial’ as such, and it would prevent public disclosure in open court, of the true internal activities of a small group.

    There’s plenty of scope yet.

  59. willie says:

    ” I can tell by your eyes that you’ve probably been cryin’ forever
    And the stars in the sky don’t mean nothin’ to you, they’re a mirror. I don’t want to talk about it, how you broke my heart ”

    Most likely Nicola Sturgeon’s sentiment this evening after the charge of embezzlement against her husband Peter.

    No doubt like the comedy character Sargant Schultz in Hogan’s Heroes, our Nicola will aver ” I know nothing!!

    Cue the Eagle’s song about lying eyes.

  60. Mark Beggan says:

    Yes Sturgeon. You are reaping what you have sown.

    If it wasn’t for that nosey interfering Rev you would have probably got away with it but you haven’t. So boo hoo, what a shame, nevermind.

  61. GM says:

    18 April, 2024 at 8:07 pm

    The Murrells are not the SNP. The SNP need not disappear, one would hope it can be reborn with better leaders.

    No need to kill of a party 90years standing for this alleged thief anymore than any one else.

    True. In theory but a near total clearout required of elected reps. Most knew and remained silent or were involved in the corruption. Remember how many pt the boot in to Alex Salmond?

  62. Carole Hamilton says:

    Timed for trial to conclude around election time to maximise damage to SNP prospects . This particular shower of self serving troughers have set the cause of Indie back by at least a decade. Sadly, any notion of integrity within the party is gone, we must face facts and start anew.

  63. George Ferguson says:

    Well done Stu. You have persevered with this obvious to everybody else but belatedly leading to charges. But your greatest achievement was your front line resistance to the damage to our children via Gender Woo Woo. Many victories to your campaigns this week. Help yourself to a few packets of sweeties. A good week for WoS is a good week for Scottish Independence.

  64. Geoff Anderson says:


    link to

  65. qwertyfiable says:

    Idea for new product: ‘Murrel’s Porrige Oats’

  66. Ian Smith says:

    Sturgeon signed off the books where the whole cash pile disappeared and lived in a house where luxurious things just appeared?

    She has to be more than a witness.

  67. The friendly sassenach says:

    A tour de force of patient, persistent, investigative journalism

  68. John H. says:

    Well done Stuart. Give yourself a pat on the back. The finest journalist I know of.

  69. robertkknight says:

    “No need to kill off a party 90 years standing for this alleged thief anymore than any one else”

    That party no longer exists, except in name only, and the name is now toxic. Good riddance!

  70. V Hartley says:

    Well done for exposing the corruption in politics that demeans democratic principles. Must be done, whatever the political party. Have read your blog for several years now and know how incisive and determined you are, as well as a bloody good journalist.

  71. Mark Beggan says:

    Hopefully Murrell will get to share a cell with a ‘woman’ called Bubba.

  72. Shug says:

    Her handlers might bring Sturgeon back for one last hurrah before the polis pull the perjury team in.

    Nothing like getting the leader out in front of the cameras denying everything before hitting them again losing any credibility remaining and all running up to the election.

    This UK committee are certainly playing a blinder.

  73. Kenny says:

    Well done, Stuart.

    Pretty clear to me why the Scottish Press have been so woefully remiss in doing the job they’re paid to do – they’re unionists, and working for unionist employers.

    As someone’s already stated, the only way’s up now.

  74. Big Jock says:

    The question is. Who is next?

  75. Hatey McHateface says:

    I’ve just spent a happy hour over on Planet WGD. Highly recommended if the weather in Scotland has been getting you down.

    If I understand the BTL slant correctly, the charging of Murrell draws a line under the suspicions hanging over the entirety of the SNP.

    “If just one man (or maybe 2 people?) is charged, 99.999% of the party is exonerated. They took donations in good faith. They used these for the purpose intended etc. They can be trusted.

    They are the victims of the crime the police say has happened.

    Just like that, the SNP turn from the alleged perpetrator (according to the media), to the victim (according to Police Scotland).”

    I didn’t think it possible the story could be spun 180 degrees like that. But it has.

    “The SNP are cleared ahead of the election.”

    According to that logic, the SNP are now primed to go on to greater things.

  76. Shug says:

    I gave the passing thought that everyone significant in getting indy ref 1 has faced jail.

  77. Cynicus says:

    STV news is currently reporting a “. rat emergency “.

    No – it is not about the SNP

  78. David Hannah says:

    They say bad news comes in threes.

    I’m hoping for David Davis to read out the Benjamin Harrop redacted Hamilton report. Which proves that Sturgeon is a the ringleader of the Salmond conspiracy.

    I hope the alphabett women are tossing and turning tonight. We know who you are! I do!

  79. Col Blimp.IV says:

    If it wisnae for the Weavers, what would they do

    The Polis and Accountants, windnae hae a clue

    The Judges and the Lawyers, they’d hae nowt tae do

    If it wisnae for the work o’ the Weavers

  80. Ian McCubbin says:

    Stu well done for investigative journalism on this since the £700k went missing.
    Now we will begin to see answers as this case progresses.

  81. Old John says:

    I’ve had money on, for ages, on Murrel and Beattie taking one for the team.
    I’m half way to a result.

  82. Iain M says:

    Phew! The 10kg bag of popcorn I ordered last year was about to go out of date!

  83. Mark M says:

    He has been charged by the police – that is no guarantee that he will be indicted.

  84. Hatuey says:

    “ground to dust so finely that it will simply blow away in the wind.”

    I can’t imagine finer dust than that.

    My heart is singing.

  85. Ian Smith says:

    The vile Liz Lloyd was back on the tranny this evening schilling for net zero.

  86. tommy box says:

    Hey Pete can you see the magpies now ? ?

  87. tommy box says:

    Hey Pete can you see the magpies now ? ?

  88. Anton Decadent says:

    Sterling work, Rev, kudos.

  89. John H. says:

    Over at WGD none of this is happening.

  90. dearieme says:

    “once someone has been formally charged with a crime, they are not allowed to have ANY contact AT ALL with witnesses until the trial, on pain of instant arrest and imprisonment. Even if one of the witnesses is, say, their spouse.”

    Does that mean that when you are charged you are also told the names of all the witnesses? Did you ever?

    Oh well, he can always take the family motorhome and go off to tour the Highlands.

  91. Fireproofjim says:

    But why did it take over two years and a reported million quid in police costs when Stu gave them the bones of the case for nothing.
    It has come to this outcome at the time when it will do the maximum harm to any independence hopes.
    I am grieving , not for the Muriel’s but for Scotland and for the fact that at 80 I will never see an independent Scotland despite having spent more than 50 years supporting the cause.

  92. Iain More says:

    Being a cynic I bet this doesn’t go to any Criminal Court. If it does then I hope I am selected for Jury Service.

  93. Gleeclub Mulvaney says:

    Take that Murrell!! Is it too early to get in about your smokin wife?

  94. Jacqueline says:

    Tell a man to hold his pish in for 2 hours.
    Cannot be done.
    NS will walk away. We know she’s covered in shite.

  95. robertkknight says:

    “Over at WGD none of this is happening”

    They’re all in the Day Room sipping Ovaltines and dipping their Farley’s rusks whilst watching Countdown on repeat.

  96. Glenn Boyd says:

    I suspect that the fishy Ms Sturgeon will play the Manuel defence: ” I know nothing Mr Faulty – Nothing!”

  97. twathater says:

    The 2 presstitutes at the head of this item are indicative of the scourge of unionism, they are eager and willing participants in betraying not only their profession but also their country and their fellow countrymen and women,these despicable grifters whose aversion to honesty and truth is only surpassed by their open and uncontrollable resentment and envy of a proper INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST Stuart Campbell

    If Scotland and Scots had truthful journalism , broadcasting and media we would have been independent in 2014, and if we had a proper justiciary, police service and procurator service the betrayers and tra ytors of Scotland would be held to account
    I went on to the other sturgeon and snp sycophantic apologist site Munguins new republic to check out what they were saying about the magpies charges, colour me surprised their post concentrated on WM and the tories corruption, I commented on their evasion and hypocrisy on ignoring the corruption in the snp, obviously I struck a nerve as my comment was deleted

  98. bumsrush says:

    “Not me m’lud. It were ‘Orizon wot did it”

  99. twathater says:

    I wonder if the same timeline will be applied to the others arrested previously when the joint charges are levied against them, surely there must be a lot of trembling sphincters within the Scum Nonce Party,is it true that the NEC can be held personally liable for debts incurred by the party,would that be a previous NEC or the recent one, I would hate to see Graham Campbell and his bidey in suffering

  100. Kcor says:

    Sturgeon doesn’t recall ever marrying the guy.

  101. Breeks says:

    Aye, a hearty well done Rev Stu.

    But keep at it.

    It’s great news, but against the backdrop of damage to our Nation, this alleged embezzlement is to Scotland what tax avoidance was to Al Capone. It was a technicality they got to stick, and it put him away and out of commission yes, but all manner of heinous and hideous crimes and brutality were never prosecuted, and who knows how many shallow graves were never uncovered. The only victim who got justice was the Tax man; the dead and the maimed, not so much.

    Make the bastards squirm until we know in exhaustive detail the full extent of their t(reachery) against Scotland’s constitutional interests.

    Make them answerable to us, the sovereign people of Scotland, not the Establishment’s COPFS, nor the Establishment’s puppet media, nor the Establishment’s Vichy Assembly in Holyrood, but US! The people, and the Nation they sold out.

    Give them nothing, but take from them EVERYTHING.

  102. Mark Beggan says:


    “until we know the exhaustive detail the full extent of their treachery….”

    That question will be on Scotland’s collective mind today.

  103. David W Ferguson says:

    Will be fascinating to see what happens next. It’s simply not tenable that they have enough evidence to charge Murrell with embezzlement, but not Beattie and Sturgeon, and perhaps others. Wonder if Mrs Tractor turned King’s evidence?

  104. Willie says:

    My bet is on another two being charged with one of them a woman.

    Ah the old England mantra…. ” it’s coming home”

  105. David W Ferguson says:

    It’s more than strange that the police didn’t charge all three (PM, NS, and CB) at the same time. One possible scenario is that PM is charged with embezzlement of actual SNP cash, and no charges are laid with regard to the ring-fenced fund. That would get everybody else off the hook. And it’s borne out by the Police Scotland wording: “embezzlement of funds from the Scottish National Party…”

    So Mrs Greasy slips off the hook yet again. Hey ho. Who woulda thunk it…

  106. Stoker says:

    Stuart wrote: And it’s one that EVERY supporter of independence should rejoice in.”

    Think i’ll keep my powder dry for the outcome. Rejoicing now is a bit premature given our experience with the legal system. I would, however, ask the powers that be if they could try and wrap all this up for Christmas 2024? LOL!

  107. Robert Louis says:

    This is overall, good news. But, in some ways quite sad. Many, many good people, too many to mention, gave their heart and soul to build the SNP. Ditto the independence movement.

    Since Mr, Salmond left, the party has seriously lost its way. Dithering over silly, and frankly pointless ‘green’ policies – such as banning woodburning stoves (which aside from pissing people off, will achieve the exact square root of diddley squat in ending climate change) – and then other stupidity.

    Recently the SNP introduced the anti-women, ‘hate crime’ law gender ideology enforcement law. A law so badly drafted, and with such confusing meanings, it has required a NEW dedicated police unit to deal with all the loony complaints of ‘hate’ aka ‘hurty feelings’.

    I donated to that ring-fenced independence referendum fund. I foolishly still at that time thought the SNP were serious about independence. They weren’t. Careerists, every last one of them, indulging their own personal pet projects, instead of doing what is best for Scotland, Doing everything they could to avoid doing anything to achieve independence.

    Not one of the current leadership has any fire in their belly for independence. Happy to just carry on playing pretendy government, bending the knee to England’s whims. Carpetbaggers, careerists and weirdos. That is the measure of them.

    As I said at the beginning, however, good people, good, good people, gave their all, over many decades to build the SNP and indy movement. Alex Salmond built a strong party, committed to independence, and managed to take Scotland to the cusp of freedom from English colonial rule. Now his, and their efforts are wasted by a bunch of careerist, ideology driven, woke cry babies, riding along on the Holyrood gravy train.

    I still remember the night the Tories were booted out of power by Blair. Paxman, with Portillo in the studio, upon seeing the results asked him, “are you ready to drink hemlock yet?”.

    Much as I want independence, and was until a few years ago a member of the SNP, I look forward to a similar election night in Scotland, where it will be the careerist SNP gimps, who may be asked the very same thing. They cannot be gone soon enough. Only then can we start to fight for independence.

  108. Robert Louis says:

    Breeks at 0310am,

    Exactly. The question does need asked, however, just why did the media in Scotland seemingly turn a blind eye to all of it? Rev Stu, more of a journalist than all of them combined.

  109. David W Ferguson says:

    The media in Scotland turned a blind eye to it because Sturgeon was devotedly doing their Unionist work for them and they were under strict instructions not to screw things up.

  110. stuart mctavish says:



    Stranger yet that the company he’s alleged to have embezzled from STILL owes him £100k, and is now run by the author of the vow.

    Accordingly, my guess is that the true enabling complainant in this action must be one of the anonymous women (assuming they’re SNP shareholders) because
    a) heaven forfend Joke McPublic discovers companies house has a regulatory role
    b) heaven forfend Joke McPublic discovers the electoral comission has a regulatory role
    C) heaven forfend Joke McPublic discovers the chain of commend responsible for arbitrary policing of same..

  111. Oneliner says:

    I have always been of the opinion that there was a press D-Notice attached to Ms. Sturgeon.

    Unlike McLetchie’s taxi; McLeish’s rental income and Alexander’s donations, Van Murrell’s filing cabinet wasn’t sufficiently newsworthy.

  112. David Hannah says:

    Let’s hope the Judge in the trial is not the corrupt Lady Dorian. We know she’s bent as fuck. She’s the worst judge in Scotland isn’t she?

    We can’t be having that. She should be going down with Lavender Pete shouldn’t she?

  113. BLMac says:

    We need a new Robbert Burns.

    There’s a follow-up poem about a Parcel of Rogues waiting to be written…

  114. Old John says:

    Has anyone else spotted an acknowledgement, and rather fetching picture of a prominent Bath based clergyman on, of all places, the BBC Scotland account of the latest episode of the SNP shitshow.
    Who’d have thunk it??

  115. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Robert Louis says: 19 April, 2024 at 6:15 am

    They cannot be gone soon enough. Only then can we start to fight for independence

    I think that’s a flawed strategy.

    The carpet baggers will string it out to the bitter end, which is May 2026 in HR.

    WM is and always has been a pointless distraction. Decimation of the SNP at WM this year might make big headlines, but won’t count for anything in reality.

    So there are two years to plan and prepare for the HR vacuum that will open up in 2026. Other parties and movements are preparing now.

    It’s a bad idea for Indy to sit on its hands until then.

  116. Garavelli Princip says:

    David W Ferguson says:
    at 4:59 am

    “It’s more than strange that the police didn’t charge all three (PM, NS, and CB) at the same time. One possible scenario is that PM is charged with embezzlement of actual SNP cash, and no charges are laid with regard to the ring-fenced fund”.

    I fear you may well be correct Mr Ferguson. I too thought this a strange formula, given that the ‘ring fenced’ funds were not, strictly speaking, ‘SNP’ funds. (Although ‘woven through’ their accounts).

    I came to the conclusion some time ago that NS is a Brit state asset, and such a formulation, as you say, would get the other two off the hook.

    They’ve got their fall-guy.

  117. Mac says:

    So when this story was first broken on here I thought it would be a charge of fraud. I.e. Raising money under false pretenses (fighting fund and ring fenced) and then using it for other purposes (paying the SNP’s day to day bills, not ring fenced, interwoven, i.e. spent).

    But this is different. This might or might not be connected with the missing 666k. As it was interwoven it is probably hard to separate it out anyway from funds raised in a non-fraudulently fashion.

    This looks like the motorhome at first glance. There were also expensive pens IIRC. Murrell may have gradually over time become confident he could use SNP money for himself. I said this before, you don’t go from zero to (a 100 grand) motorhome (paid for in cash) overnight. There would have been a pattern… an escalating one.

    So the cops may have found a long chain of micro embezzlements that gradually got more and more bold until the day Pete the Heat found himself down in England handing over a hundred grand in cash for his, oops sorry, the ‘SNP’s” new motorhome. That loan he made as well… he was trying to mitigate it.

    It is also strange as the SNP were not exactly flush at the time. Makes me wonder if this was money he did not want to put through the books for some other reason. Bung money maybe… so someone might be selected as an MSP or awarded contracts… who knows. Oh yes the police, they know. hahaha.

    Either way Murrell is thick and hilariously overconfident of his cunning genius, and I am absolutely sure he will have left a trail of amateur hour evidence absolutely everywhere he went.

    It must be bad if Police Scotland and COPFS are charging him. If they can pretend they don’t know Leaky Liz was the leaker then this must be almost impossible to ignore / look the other way.

    Even if it is not tied back to the missing 666k it was pulling on that thread that gradually unraveled Peter Murrell’s pants.

    I can’t wait to see him in the dock, the cunt.

  118. Luigi says:


    I do wonder if it has been decided that Hubby will take the hit.

    In other words, will the rest of them get away with it?

    “Squirrel alert!”

  119. Andy Ellis says:

    @Hatey McHateface 7.33am

    As Big Eck himself I think once observed life comes at you fast in politics and change, when it happens, can be faster than expected. It is perhaps too much to hope that the SNP will go the same way and as rapidly as the IPP in Ireland after 1918. Doubtless there will be a rump of “bitter-einders”, Nicophants and Candy Floss haired Twitler youth who will swear to carry the flame.

    The true test will come after the Westminster General Election. Even if the SNP hasn’t simply “blown away in the sand” by 2026 as the Rev so poetically put it, the movement as a whole has no real excuse not to have it’s ducks in a row by the next Holyrood GE.

    If the SNP is thoroughly cleansed of the Sturgeonite infection and signs up to a place as only one part of a general movement pushing for plebiscitary elections that’s all well and good. If it doesn’t the rump of loyalists should be isolated.

    The problem Scottish unionists and British nationalists have is that the SNP’s current travails aren’t denting headline support for independence. I can’t abide Gordon Brown, but his comments to the FT recently show that “thinking unionists” know there’s a problem:

    In the long run, the forces pulling Britain apart are greater than the forces holding it together, unless something is done about it.

    I think it’s pretty unlikely English voters are in any mood to do something about it, so it’s up to the independence movement to capitalise on that over the next 2 years.

    It’s not a case of sitting on our hands, but as you say Westminster elections are a pointless distraction and a lot voters will treat them as such. I don’t know if I can even be bothered to register a protest vote, which will be the first time I’ve failed to cast a ballot.

    Let’s just enjoy the death rattle of the SNP for a while: we can sort out what to do next after it’s safely buried.

  120. sydthesnake says:

    Queen Nic will probably say she knew nothing about this as they’ve been living apart for years, this has all been a sham, better to be seen as a liar than an embezzler.

  121. Mac says:

    During the darkest hours of the Salmond Stitch-Up I often wondered if Alex recognized what was happening and saw the monster that had rear up in front of him, determined to destroy him.

    Even when you know you are innocent that must have been terrifying for anyone to experience. I dare say he woke up in the wee hours more than once and felt the fear. I felt it for him and I can’t imagine what it must have been like for Alex, truly horrific.

    So I really, really sincerely hope Peter Murrell gets to experience that same fear in the wee hours that he conspired to inflict upon an innocent man, just to stop him re-entering politics and threatening him and his equally grubby wife’s cushy number. Pair of shitbags.

    But know this Peter, there is a big difference, you are not innocent IMHO, and no jury is going to save you, they are not even going to like you.

  122. AndyH says:

    It all started to get a bit weird when the MSM in Scotland stopped attacking the SNP. Must have been about then they started doing deals with the British state.

    I find that easier to believe than they are all just incompetent numpties. This is like scorched earth tactics to scare people off Indy for good.

  123. robertkknight says:

    Q: Why did the Yoon press in Scotland, which let’s face it is ALL of it, not pick up on this and pursue it?

    A: “Never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake” – Bonaparte. A “mistake” brought about, allegedly, by one half of the power-couple at the highest echelons of the party, and nobody else knew? Aye, right! If you believe that, I’ve got a mate who owns a bridge in London and he’s looking to sell, if you’re interested.

    Someone tried to discredit and bury this affair where the MSM were concerned, and that certainly would be well beyond the influence and capabilities of anyone in the SNP.

    So who does that leave as the likely candidate to be having a quiet word with newspaper owners and editors so that they wheel out their most ‘useful idiots’ in order to discredit Wings and keep a lid on this? “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth” – Conan Doyle.

    I wonder if the SNP equivalent of “Steaknife” has the code name “Spurtle”. (A Spurtle is shaped the way it is to avoid ‘porridge’ sticking to it – how appropriate).

  124. stuart mctavish says:

    Dave Hannah @7:20


    Given rumours of an embezzlement charge, I’m guessing the lord advocate will realise that any fair trial will need a judge that didn’t receive salary or benefit during the seasonal flu fiasco, and quietly drop the case.

    Failing that, I’d be happy to do it if no one else proves sufficiently qualified, but will need at least 6 month navy seal training to make sherrif.

  125. TURABDIN says:

    Is this really a moment for general rejoicing or a moment for deep reflection on the possibility that the SNP being ground to dust and blown away in a wind of Unionist hubris takes with it any chance of Scottish independence in the foreseeable future their being no effective alternative worthy of consideration?
    A «Scottish victory», tragicomedic event where the actors fire the weapons everywhere but at the true enemy. See «Celtic twilight».

  126. stuart mctavish says:

    .. and no little remedial English!

  127. Garavelli Princip says:

    Robertkknight (8:32)

    “I wonder if the SNP equivalent of “Steaknife” has the code name “Spurtle”? ”

    It depends on whether you like marmalade in your porridge!

  128. Patsy Millar says:

    Thanks and well done. You’re the man!

  129. sam says:

    @Andy Ellis

    “..I think it’s pretty unlikely English voters are in any mood to do something about it,..”

    Yes, but…”the British are emotionally detached from the union with Northern Ireland – “The British government wants rid of Northern Ireland. Their biggest problem is how to convince the Irish Government”.”

    link to

    The Union may be heavily based on economics. The UK gov wants to hold on to Scotland.

  130. Mac says:

    The Murrells have been getting help from quarters that should have been their avowed enemies for a long time.

    It became especially evident during the Salmond stitch-up but by no means was it limited to that. Compared to Salmond she got softballs thrown at her. This was one of the earliest clues that something was very wrong with her.

    She was lauded as this sure footed skillful politician blah blah blah… pfft I never saw it. The first time they really started to go for her was during the GRR debacle.

    And under pressure for the first time she buckled. I just don’t rate her and never have. Yet the MSM media gave her a free ride for years and years…

    Meanwhile she ruined the reputation of the ONE man capable of leading us to independence post BREXIT and she ruined the ONE party that was the political vehicle for achieving our independence. All the while wasting one massive independence mandate after another…

    You shall know the tree by the fruit it bears. Look around… what does the fruit of Nicola and Peter tell you about their tree.

    How all those WGD idiots could never see it I will never know. How can you be this willfully blind. She was totally unfit for office and a wrong’un. That was obvious by 2017 (at least).

    The MSM have played almost no part in first her downfall and then Murrell’s. Instead they have tried their best (like PS & COPFS) to ignore it.

    It is has all been pretty much driven from Wings’s dogged reporting… again that tells us everything about the Murrells. Why are they all helping them.

  131. shug says:

    Do you think Murrell will get a jury on his trial or will the apply the SNP principle of:

    No Jury
    Judge only
    No defense evidence allowed
    Presumption of guilt
    The crown office never lie or pursue malicious prosecutions
    Press to be briefed on the accusations and muffled on the defense.

    All done on Sturgeons watch!!

    The SNP is not truly toxic and beyone being laughed at

  132. Lee Floyd says:

    Once again the quality of truth seeking here on WoS is laid out for all to see, although I seriously doubt the mainstream news will bother to query the deeper and more urgent issues around their core function, which the have failed to meet.

    Well done WoS. However, Sturgeon successfully corrupted the entire Scottish Civil Service, its police force, its judiciary, and of course, its press. To imagine that this will lead to the prosecution of Sturgeon is naive. It may happen, of course. But I’ll bet it won’t.

    On another matter, and one which, as a Englishman who is interested in Scotland and wants it to stay in the Union – stop, please, posters, with the MI5/ BritNat nonsense. Truly, it really is the quality of your politicians. Not a plot. Not grassy knoll territory. The SNP elected Humza, for God’s sake, and rejected Forbes.

  133. Stuart MacKay says:

    So Robin McAlpine is tearing his hair and gnashing his teeth at the Scottish Government giving up on climate change targets, link to

    Robin, it’s time to wake up, The system, alas, which you are very much a part of, is not working because it can’t, not because it’s not trying hard enough.

    At least some things still do what it says on the label, and someone at Police Scotland was able to put a sufficient number of pieces in the jigsaw puzzle together to be able to build a case against Murrell. Perhaps this was a shot across the bows of the ruling class. Perhaps, they’ll also realise that it’s very much in the long term interest, both of their members and the respect the institution still commands to take a long hard look in the mirror and realise that they need to align themselves with the population, not the privileged, who aren’t capable of doing much other than preening in front of a camera. I’m sure, among all the electronic devices seized as part of the investigation, there is much much more to be found, if they cared to look.

  134. robertkknight says:

    Garavelli Princip…


    …plus about another three ‘possibles’ appear on my list, but no names, no pack-drill, for today at least…

    Anyone remember that pro-Indy political party we used to have in Scotland? The “Scottish” something or other? Run for a while by a fat bloke and his diminutive wife. Ended up being stuffed full of wasters, crooks and perverts. Whatever happened to it?

  135. Mac says:

    If I had only one word to describe Sturgeon it would be ‘divisive’.

    Everything she did, every policy she pursued, divided the independence movement.

    None more so than the stitch-up but it is in everything she did.

    Half the fuckers that used to post BTL are no longer here.

    All this ridiculous trans/GRR/hatecrime/juryless-trials garbage, all of it is massively divisive and predictably so.

    Ten years ago we were all one, we were buzzing, and full of optimism.

    What did Sturgeon do with that? Look at what she has converted it into.

    All just a big happy coincidence for the US/UK alliance?

  136. shug says:

    Will Murrell receive the level of justice that the SNP want for everyone else?

    No Jury.
    Judge only.
    Assumption of guilt.
    Crown office would not pursue malicious prosecutions.
    Press briefed on charged not defense.
    Gov bodies briefing against him.

    The BBC will certainly hit him with spades.

    The SNP has gone beyond being laughed at, they are now toxic.

  137. Andy Ellis says:

    @sam 8.59am

    There’s definitely a strand of British nationalism that cleaves to the union with Scotland much more than it does to the union with NI (or with Ireland as a whole pre 1920). Part of that reason is economic self interest, part of it just a slightly bleary eyed affection, and part of it a realisation that rump-UK would no longer be in quite the same league as it was before.

    I don’t think you can necessarily center the economic argument as you do though: the economic idiocy of brexit didn’t stop (mainly) little Englanders and a coterie of high Tory spivs making it happen. Some of them had the excuse of ignorance, but many of them actually believed that it was better to be worse off and free of “Brussels rule”. Of course many of those directing the project weren’t going to be impacted and probably made money from brexit.

    Of course if Scot’s in Westminster were in a position to be disruptive or hold the balance of power, it’s possible that rump-UK would think the game wasn’t worth the candle and encourage the Scots to dissolve the union, or even do it themselves. It would need a more switched on and committed independence party than the SNP to do it though, as their clueless role during the brexit fiasco amply demonstrates.

    I suspect NI will take care of itself over coming years. Loyalists will become a minority, and even some protestants in NI are now seeing they would be better off long term as part of the Republic than staying in the UK. It’d be ironic if they leave the union before Scotland does. Not sure many people would have thought that possible in 2014.

  138. christine says:

    Bravo Stuart, heartfelt thanks and gratitude and respect for your outstanding journalism.
    Lots of schadenfreude round my gaff last night. Yes, it may be self-righteous joy at Murrell being charged, at last, with cooking the books but I was buzzing at the news. The Japanese have a saying: “ The misfortune of others tastes like honey. “

    I look forward to seeing him raise his right hand again, in court, as he and the equally despicable Sturgeon, who has a proven verdict of professional misconduct as a lawyer, sink the stinking ship of the SNP, alongside the deviant and creepy Greens. All those complicit in the SNP shitshow ( you know who you are ) will never be trusted again. Every single fucking one of you need to be removed from power.

  139. Molesworth says:

    ‘The money is woven into the accounts.’
    Oh what a tangle we do weave …

  140. Captain Caveman says:

    A quiet observation from a Yoon…. does anyone here get the feeling “thank heavens we didn’t win in 2014, as we’d have had this shower in charge?” (Not to mention a whole bunch of other stuff; COVID, oil price collapse, unravelling of SNP White Paper almost before the ink was dry & not to mention massive omission of critical detail esp. regarding currency etc.)

    Similarly, would anyone here seriously want to see independence tomorrow – or indeed even remotely in the short term? I’m genuinely curious.

  141. shug says:

    It will be interesting if the Greens bring down the Bute House agreement and crash the Scottish Parliament at the same time as the UK general election and at the same time as the Murrell case rumbles on.

    Nice friends Nicola and entirely as Westminster would want. The SNP at its lowest get them down to under 20 MPs and control of Holyrood passes to Labour, possibly supported by Greens. All at the same time.

    I wonder if Nicola would consider opening a firm providing ironing services??

  142. pipinghot says:

    Big difference caveman, Salmond would have been in charge not this shower of cunts. Now fuck off back to your union.

  143. David Hannah says:

    Sturgeon’s not off the hook. She wont admit she’s lesbian. Because if she does she’ll look like a liar. And if she sticks with lavender Pete. People will think she knew all about it.

    Either way. Sturgeon’s finished. HAHAHAHA!

  144. David Hannah says:

    I spy for 100 points. Nicola Sturgeon’s next sighting. She’ll not be at parliament. She’ll be in hiding.

    Her book deal should be in tatters. Why should any company want to be associated with her? It’s damaging to their brand.

    She only has to roll over on the bed of embezzlement. She is his partner in crime.


  145. Captain Caveman says:

    “Big difference caveman, Salmond would have been in charge not this shower of cunts. Now fuck off back to your union.”

    Charmed I’m sure, is there really any need to be so rude? Notwithstanding, in my opinion Mr Salmond’s judgement is hardly infallible; AFAIK he put a lot of the current SNP hierarchy in place including the Murrells. You’re welcome to your view that in that alternative universe timeline it would’ve all worked out swimmingly… as you Scots would say though, “I hae me doots”!

  146. SteepBrae says:

    Caveman 9.49am – A quiet observation from a Yoon…. does anyone here get the feeling “thank heavens we didn’t win in 2014, as we’d have had this shower in charge?”

    Nice try, but way off the mark.

    Salmond and the real grown-ups would have remained in charge and the country would have continued to prosper.

    But after independence, there’s a choice of parties and no longer any need for an independence party. The clue is in the name.

  147. David Hannah says:

    It’s time for David Davis to use Parliamentary privilege. And reveal more about the conspiracy to get Alex Salmond.

    Because the Scottish Government isn’t releasing the Redacted Hamilton report to Benjamin Harrop.

    The FOI that Wings Over Scotland seeks to see, as instructed by the Court of Session is yet to appear.

    It is a disgraceful shameless cover up. And vigilante justice is needed by those in the know to bring the Uddingston House of Cards with police tent crashing down!

    As for the ex Chief of Police Ian Livingstone – he is a disgrace to Scotland. This happened under his watch. Shame on him!

  148. sam says:

    One reason (possibly the main reason) that NI is likely to be re-unified with the RoI before Scotland is independent is that it is easier to do.

    NI does not contribute much to the UK.There is no economic reason to keep NI.

    The same might be said of Scotland but the defence of England was a powerful reason for the Union and remains so.The nuclear subs may be with us for a long time.

    Scotland’s economic trajectory in the Union is likely to remain downwards. See…

    “As the Commonweal paper explains, the glaring flaw in the narrow, Treasury, interpretation of the Smith Commission principles is that it neglects the substantial detriment which Scotland will incur through damage done to the operation of the UK monetary union. By accident, and imperfectly, the old Barnett Formula meant that the UK monetary union did in effect have some of the characteristics which would be expected in a properly functioning monetary union. By contrast, under the fiscal settlement as we now have it, this feature of Barnett is greatly weakened. Scotland therefore moves from being part of a fairly inefficient, but somewhat functioning monetary union, to being a member of a very inefficient and malfunctioning monetary union. The greater risks inherent in this latter position represent a clear detriment to Scotland: and there should have been proper consideration of this aspect in the review.”

    link to

    Jim Cuthbert believes that the way the Barnett Formula operates in Scotland (secrecy and opacity) reflects a colonial mindset.

  149. Between block and follow says:

    Two vindications in a week!

    Thank you.

  150. Chas says:

    At last some good news for Scotland. More power to your keyboard Stu but……………watch your back! I know you will.

    For the first time in a long while I have read every comment on this thread. Not one post about Colonialism, 300 year old guff, Sovereignty etc which is refreshing. Early days maybe?

    The overwhelming majority, if not all, are happy with the news. There is still a long way to go and nothing is certain and clear cut in a Court of Law. Assuming that this case gets that far!

    I also popped over to the WGD site for their take on events. As usual the same 10 posters sticking their heads in the sand. How will it ever be possible for supposed Independence supporters on Wings and WGD to be reconciled to present a united front?

    I will never see Independence for Scotland. Whilst I am not yet of an age where the purchase of green bananas may be viewed as a possible financial folly, I doubt if I have 20 years left in me. However, I do appreciate that things can change very, very quickly in Politics. Especially as the majority of the voting electorate are thick and all too easily led.

    What do we want-INDEPENDENCE
    When do we want it-NOW
    Who will form a Government-ERM, ERR, HMMM.

    We dodged a bullet in 2014. Imagine if the SNP had full powers for the past 10 years-stuff of nightmares.

  151. Northcode says:

    “does anyone here get the feeling “thank heavens we didn’t win in 2014, as we’d have had this shower in charge?”

    This is an example of employing The Fallacy of Pre-determined Outcome, or Outcome Bias, in one’s thinking.

    In other words an error in logical argument the outcome of which is a logical fallacy.

    This from Wikipedia neatly summarises :

    “This mistake occurs when currently available information is incorporated when evaluating a past decision.

    To avoid the influence of outcome bias, one would evaluate a decision by ignoring information collected after the fact and focusing on what the right answer is, or was at the time the decision was made.”

    The Fallacy of Pre-determined Outcome is closely related to the philosophical concept of moral luck.

  152. Captain Caveman says:

    “Nice try, but way off the mark.

    Salmond and the real grown-ups would have remained in charge and the country would have continued to prosper.

    But after independence, there’s a choice of parties and no longer any need for an independence party. The clue is in the name.”

    Most of the so-called “grown-ups” you mention are – or were until very recently – still very much in place, even 10 years after the 2014 referendum. To suggest that there would’ve been a huge divergence in key SNP personnel/apparatchik had Salmond scored a victory is, in my opinion, self-evidently ridiculous, but that’s your view and you are entitled to it.

    I note you’ve not answered the more substantive parts of my original question regarding both the unfolding of actual world events (COVID, oil price collapse, paucity of key detail in White Paper etc.) – or whether anyone could actually want independence, say, tomorrow, given the facts.

    Ho hum. Seems nigh on impossible to have a civil discussion without either being told “nice try” (i.e. a trolling accusation) or simply being told to fuck off outright. Fair enough!

  153. John H. says:

    Expect a tearful Nicola Sturgeon to appear before the cameras eventually, explaining how she feels betrayed by Peter, her victimhood on full display.The man she loved and trusted has let her down badly. But how could she have known? It wasn’t her fault.

  154. KT Lorimer says:

    On Tuesday evening the following people will meet up to discuss how the forthcoming UKGE can be used to further the ending of the union, it will be live-streamed.

    Neale Hanvey MP (ALBA)
    Cllr Kenny Braes (SNP)

    Sally Hughes (Independent candidate)
    Leanne Tervit (Independent candidate)

    Allan Petrie
    Peter A Bell

    The discussion will be chaired by Eva Comrie.

  155. 100%Yes says:

    I feel sure Sturgeon will now start divorce proceedings against him, she won’t want to lose her cozy seat and the lifestyle Scotland provided her.

  156. Liz says:

    Good news.
    Well done Stu.
    Hopefully this is just the beginning.

    The cultists will say its all a conspiracy.
    Wee Nic was duped by that bad man.
    Love is blind…etc

    Even if she’s not charged, we should forever throw her own words back at her
    Like she did with the continuing blackening of Alex S.

  157. Graf Midgehunter says:

    A nation avidly awaits a speech from Queen Bee..

    “My husband and I……..”

  158. Grendel says:

    Someone mentioned Wee Ginger Dug, a character I’d forgotten all about to be honest. Popped on there for a quick look at what he’s saying (nothing), although his visitors are commenting.
    Apparently this puts the SNP in the clear, and there are still chumps on there willing to put their hands in their pockets for defence funds.
    Then there’s the utter tinfoil-hattery which see the cold, dark hand of MI5 behind every corner.
    These people depress me, they really do.

  159. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    The charging of Murrell with embezzlement should Green-light an investigation by Westminster authorities into how the £1.3m p.a. in Short money the SNP receive is spent. Short money, named after the Labour Minister who introduced it in 1974 is specifically allocated for “research and policy development”.
    When did we last see a policy paper emanating from the SNP? The risible “case for independence” papers were produced by the Civil Service (or an intern on summer holiday work experience, it’s hard to tell which).
    Rumours have circulated for years that the feckless relatives of MPs, MSPs and Cooncilors have been “employed” on no-show jobs as “researchers” with the resources being split between the individuals and Party Headquarters. This is a favourite ploy of the Mafia.
    And how would these funds be introduced into the accounts? Why, as membership subs of course. This has a number of advantages. Initially, it avoids the embarrassment of admitting that a Party that once boasted a membership of 120k has been reduced to a vestigial rump of around 50k (or less). Crucially, it maintains a voter role of ghost members that is mobilised to push through the will of the Executive against that of the actual, corporeal membership.
    One would think that the British state would be champing-at-the-bit to launch an investigation into the misuse of Short money. An opportunity to damage those pesky nationalists. I’m being facetious of course, the SNP are the Irish Parliamentary Party of the 21st Century, a safe pair of hands into which the fate of the United Kingdom has been entrusted.

  160. Ruby says:

    OK newspapers in Scotland are being kept alive by money from the SG hence their silence but how about the opposition would it not be in their interest and ours to find out what the SNP are up to.

    I know of one Tory MP who was formerly a journalist there may be more. Is the job of a MSP not similar to that of a journalist in that they require to do investigative research, ask questions & come to conclusions?

    Are the opposition politicians also letting us down very badly?

    What is going on at Holyrood?

  161. Confused says:

    I think this would be a good moment for a trial of juryless trials for financial crimes; it’s often too complicated for the jurors anyway.

    Anyone notice the antics of the MSM

    – there is no story as there is no police investigation
    – we cannot comment on an active police investigation
    – now with charges filed, we can’t say anything because of “contempt of court”

    what are you people for, again?

  162. Gordon says:

    @ Captain Caveman

    Your analysis is flawed Scotland only had 6 MPs in 2014, and the MSPs were in the main competent, and Scotland was being very well run especially given the restrictions on Barnett etc.

    The careerists of the 2015 MP intake, selected and led by Sturgeon, prevented us kicking on. Alex Salmond was trying to get back into politics to get the party back on the right course and his reward was an attempt to jail him for the rest of his life

  163. Shug says:

    Where is the snp head quarters now

  164. Cynicus says:

    Mac says:

    19 April, 2024 at 9:05 am

    “How all those WGD idiots could never see it I will never know. How can you be this willfully blind.”
    Don’t be unkind, Mac.

    Would you say that about the old dears in the Cliff Richard Fan Club? Of course not.

    Paul K, Dr Jim and other old dears over at the WGD Wee Nikki fanbase can no more help blind devotion their idol.

  165. Ian Stewart says:

    “And it’s one that EVERY supporter of independence should rejoice in.”

    It’s also celebrated by many of us who support the Union. The cancer of the SNP needs to be cured for the benefit of Scotland, probably best done by cutting it out forever, and then the Independence movement can start afresh with a new party probably. Hopefully with a new approach too that is honest with the electorate – explaining how independence could be made to work, without using smoke and mirrors; and explaining the risks and downsides too.

    As a Brexit supporter I voted for U.K. independence knowing it would have some negative economic consequences because I viewed political independence as being far more important than mere economics. The establishment tried to scare voters from supporting Brexit by saying it would be an economic catastrophe, and they are still trying to say that now, even though the economic impacts so far have been negligible. Independence supporters have had to suffer similar predictions of economic catastrophe from ‘forecasters’. I think these forecasters exaggerate, just as they did on Brexit – Scotland would probably suffer some negative economic consequences for a few years but would, in the longer term, be fine. You would cut your cloth to suit, as everyone does.

    So there may be a majority of Scots who think the same way as I did about Scotland, and they too should have someone to properly represent their views and concerns, and in due course get an opportunity to vote again on them.

  166. Ruby says:

    This makes me wonder what else has been going on at Holyrood.

    Do you remember Rory Bremner back in 2014 asking about the ‘gates’ at Holyrood and being told ‘Well we have Piegate!’

    link to

    Maybe if he comes back he’ll find a few more ‘gates’ to joke about.

  167. 100%Yes says:

    I feel sure the SNPBAD will use Peter Murrel as an excuse to once again deny us democracy on the constitutional question.

  168. Ruby Tuesday says:

    19 April, 2024 at 11:45 am

    Where is the snp head quarters now

    Still at Jackson’s Entry well their name is still on the notice board in the foyer of Gordon Lamb House.

    Click Here

  169. Robert Knight says:

    “they are not allowed to have ANY contact AT ALL with witnesses until the trial… Even if one of the witnesses is, say, their spouse.”

    Thus making the “no contact” rule official.

  170. Garavelli Princip says:

    Captain Caveman
    19 April, 2024 at 9:49 am
    A quiet observation from a Yoon…. does anyone here get the feeling “thank heavens we didn’t win in 2014, as we’d have had this shower in charge?”

    Wrong! Alex Salmond would have been first minister of an independent Scotland; we would have no useless, opportunist MPs at Westminster (most of them were selected and elected in the ‘buyers’ regret rebound from the stolen (yes stolen) referendum, and Salmond would have got rid of Murrell on the grounds that he was married to his deputy – a bad arrangement and even worse when she became First Minister – as Salmond told him – before the Murrells stitched him up.

    If you want to do counterfactuals, you have to start with the facts status quo ante.

  171. Lorna Campbell says:

    You did bring this to light first. No question.

  172. James Che says:


    Congratulations Stu on you excellent Journalism, your research and journalistic talents do indeed soar with wings over Scotland compared and above above all other media sources relating to Scotland,

    The infiltrated NuSnp since 2014, its aim was alway to be take down the threat of the old well functioning wheels of the old SNP that was a threat to the union and establishment.

    The NuSnp was acting in a entirely different manner and context to the original Snp that worked under the Well known names of previous leaders of the party for Scotlands benefit.

    They achieved what they were supposed to do, infiltrate the Snp and remove the threat to the union,.

  173. Sven says:

    Just a passing thought, with all the assetts the Murrell household allegedly possess, one does wonder if Mr Murrell will be eligible for Legal Aid for his defence.
    After all, public funds and a political party have provided an enviable lifestyle for the couple for many years now, and it’s always challenging to break a longstanding habit. Especially one which ensures you never need to put your hand in your own pocket, but always other peoples’.

  174. desimond says:

    “Would you say that about the old dears in the Cliff Richard Fan Club? Of course not.”

    What’s Harry Webb ever done to earn that remark and insinuation above?

  175. 100%Yes says:

    The Rag’s headline “‘A shock’: SNP and Tories issue statements after Peter Murrell charged by police”. A shock, F*cking hell where has this rag been for the last 3yrs, can’t wait for the headline if the spouse is charge fingers crossed.That made me laugh.

    The Rag is saying subscribe for a full year for £20, I cancelled my membership after two months and I got it free.

  176. James Che says:

    I have no doubt that actors have already been put in place to infiltrate Alba in readiness to divert any new uprising,
    Especially as Alex was unable to recognise the shroud of a infiltrator credentials the first time around,

    They will lead Alba up the false path of green policies and inequality rights, invading Scots Law from all angles, just as The Hate crime Bill steam rolled over the right to “private laws” in Scotland and the Data protection Act, did in police retaining records of people in Scotland even if they were never charged with a crime,
    Through the back door of the Westminster devolved government setting double sets laws and legislation to suppress Scotland compared to one legistion laws down south,

    The oppression of Scottish people does not end with court cases for Murrells or with Humsaf,
    The colonial canopy of two sets of laws for Scottish people is much broader than the few agents that have been caught.

  177. Captain Caveman says:

    “If you want to do counterfactuals, you have to start with the facts status quo ante.”

    Sorry, I’m not buying it personally. To my mind at least, any notion that somehow the SNP’s key appointments – not just their WM MP’s in 2014 but their senior figures period – would’ve been vastly different surely is for the birds. Swinney served in Salmond’s cabinet from c.2007, Mr Murrell was the SNP’s “most senior official” from c.1999 for heaven’s sake, as as for Ms Sturgeon herself, she and Salmond were the closest imaginable allies.

    Still, I get the feeling I’m intruding on private grief here, and besides, I’ve got a date with Anglesey and some incredible coastal walks, which should be quite agreeable. 🙂

  178. Mia says:

    “As a Brexit supporter I voted for U.K. independence knowing it would have some negative economic consequences because I viewed political independence as being far more important than mere economics”

    And yet, despite stating that you view political independence as far more important than mere economics, you support a political union that is denying Scotland its own political independence and, consequently, keeps suffocating Scotland economically, environmentally, socially, demographically, culturally and politically.

    Since the UK left the EU, we seem to be more politically dependent on USA and Israel’s interests than ever. So your claim that brexit has given the UK political independence does not appear to have a solid base.

    You may be happy that your brexit inflicted economic pain to so many. But I don’t. Words cannot describe how much I regret it and how much I despise those negligent decision-makers who forced this shite on us, and that includes the useless, unprincipled, two-faced leaders of successive called pro-independence Scottish governments, anti-union MP and MSP majorities who instead of using those majorities to end this union, abused our pro-indy votes to enable England mandarins to force brexit on Scotland against its expressed democratic will.

    Scotland never voted to suffer that economic pain. And yet, my family, friends and neighbours have had to endure the economic pain, and the ridiculous decrease in quality standards of the products we now can buy that your ill-advised and self-serving brexit has brought upon Scotland, despite Scotland not voting or having ever asked for it.

    Your brexit has caused the UK to abandon EU standards, so now we have shite food in the supermarkets and sometimes, we actually do not even know where the food comes from. Your brexit left a gap in the produce market, but, once the EU produce left our shelves, this UK union, instead of allowing Scotland’s produce to take over that space as you would expect to happen, it flooded us with English produce. So not only Scotland has to endure the economic pain of England’s brexit. We are not even getting any of the benefits that it should have brought.

    Since your brexit, Scotland’s produce are plastered with stupidly oversized union jacks all over them, just because some idiot in a position of power thinks that force-feeding us UJs down our throats will make us forget that Scotland is a country in its own right and that it has every right to end this union at any time of its choosing.

    Since your brexit happened, our rights are contracting and we are being over legislated to curtail our freedom of expression and opinion. So it is not only “economic pain” that your brexit is bringing us. It is also bringing a continuous assault on our rights and freedom of thought.

    Since your brexit happened, our food bills and the bills for everything else have skyrocketed. All while those who ensured brexit happened, keep filling up their pockets and getting richer by the minute, at our expense.

    But I am lucky compared with others. I still can put food on the table, keep the lights on and heat my house. Others are not so lucky and cannot, thanks to your ill-advised brexit and to your selective thought that political independence is fine for everybody else, but not for Scotland. For Scotland, it seems, you are only happy when both pains are inflicted simultaneously: the excruciating pain of not having political independence, and the crippling economic punishment that results from being denied that political independence you consider so important.

    Forgive me, but your position does not come across as a principled and ethical one when you are so quick to apply it so selectively.

  179. AndyH says:

    @Captain Caveman

    Enjoy your walk! Watch out for sheep shaggers though!

  180. Captain Caveman says:

    “Enjoy your walk! Watch out for sheep shaggers though!”

    Heh! 😀

  181. Confused says:

    humza intends to “deal with the rats”

    link to

    – expect bodies to turn up, goodfellas style, frozen stiff in the freezer rooms of cash and carries across the land

  182. Luigi says:

    John H.
    Ignored says:
    19 April, 2024 at 10:33 am
    Expect a tearful Nicola Sturgeon to appear before the cameras eventually, explaining how she feels betrayed by Peter, her victimhood on full display. The man she loved and trusted has let her down badly. But how could she have known? It wasn’t her fault.

    Aye Right.

    The question is why now? Why this time? Has a dirty deal been struck with the establishment? Has someone finally panicked and ratted on Mr Murrell, in order to save himself (or herself). Is Mr Murrell the fall guy? Someone has to be blamed for the missing 600K.

    Things could now get very interesting. Will a circular firing squad let loose, now that someone has actually pulled the first trigger? Either the establishment has it all tied up and Mr Murrell takes the hit and goes quietly, or he fights back and takes the Samson Option “If I go down, I take everybody with me!”. If he goes quietly, it could be that they have other dirt on him. Interesting.

  183. Hatuey says:

    Where’s Robert Hughes on this beautiful day?

    I’ve usually got lots to say, great insights, predictions, etc., as most of you know, but today I’m just overwhelmed with joy.

    I watched the leaked skank video about 10 times. I never expected that I’d one day love that video… the wee angry hate monster revealed for all to see. Do we know who leaked it?

    It’s funny to think she is out there somewhere with that little angry face.


  184. John H. says:

    Just mentioning this in passing. Humza Yousaf held a reception in Edinburgh Castle last night to mark the end of Ramadan.

  185. John H. says:

    Luigi 1.55pm.

    If he’s found guilty then the length of the sentence will tell us everything. If he gets a stiff sentence then he was thrown under the bus. If it’s a soft sentence…well, you can work it out for yourself.

  186. Cameron Robson says:

    Revive; refresh; reform; rebuild; reset; resolve; restart.

  187. James Che says:

    The Smoke and mirrors of politics.

    The political actors patiently waiting silently in the wings in readiness for the moment they play the leading role,

    This is the politics of the unelected leaders across Britain, internal party selection votes, nothing to do with the people voting for them,
    From Cameron to Humsaf. Even Sturgeon, and many other un named leaders,
    This kind of Democracy in Britain by- passes the peoples right of representation, and gives us leaders we never voted in.

    Britain in general with its unelected leaders is not dissimilar to the un-elected politicians at the head of the EU, or in the Who, or WEF, or Davos, stonewall, Gates foundations

    We the people are vassals to politics and policies of ideology from these elite groups whom long ago stopped have any connection with the people around the world,
    These are the un-elected governing bodies of Gender ideology, climate change to tax the air and water necessary for life,
    they same governing bodies that cannot handle housing Shortages, cannot protect Borders of their Countries, and allow drugs trafficking and people trafficking to go un-hindered.

    In Scotland we have a prime example of politicians we never got to vote in, but were passed into position or offices as leaders of our Country by internal mechanisms of party politics, and Coalitions between parties that we did not vote for,
    Patrick Harvie and the Greens is a excellent example when the Snp created a coalition with them,
    Along with the present leader of the Snp.

    The pretense and deception at democracy in Britain for the “peoples vote” at elections is often surpassed and by-passed later on by changing the leader of the party With internal party votes to the person they would have preferred you voted for in the first place,

    Our votes are steam-rolled,
    Scotland needs to change this corrupted system regards internal party selection over ruling the peoples vote,
    We can not begin this process until we stop using the Statues of GB election system in the devolved government.

  188. John H. says:

    Don’t forget Humza Yousaf said only a few days ago that he wanted this wrapped up before the election. Now this. Sheer coincidence I’m sure.

  189. James Che says:


    Their purpose for existing has collapsed, the NuSNP is no longer needed and has passed their sell by-date,

  190. James Che says:

    Cameron Robson,

    That echo’s with the globalist mantra, of “Build back Better”,

    But you can only do that if you destroy all in its path of what went before,

    the people lives and their livelyhoods, the family units, and sexual preferences, the infrastructure, the old parliaments, parties and governments, the destruction of Councils, to destroy the monetary system of old, the peoples energy supplies and sources, private medical help unavailable to the people, destroy the NHS, Causing division and divide between peoples of Race, Colour or religious beliefs, to weaken resistance of the people to the forth coming imposed change.
    So the new build back better laws for the un- elected elites will favour them in land ownership and Capitalisation, of medical and food and most resource control,

  191. Geri says:

    Ian Stewart

    The UK isn’t independent.

    & The UK is Trillions in debt.

    You didn’t win anything by voting Brexshit.

  192. Geri says:

    As for the article – about time. Jeez! No prizes for speed eh?

    That vid…

    “Just to be clear Alison”

    I still crease up at Kevin McKenna’s

    “I know it was you, Fredo”

    LOL classic…

  193. Oneliner says:

    OK – which of you guys locked Mark Menzies in a room?

  194. Owen Mullions says:

    link to

  195. James Che says:

    The Smoke and Mirrors of politics.

    When Scotland agreed to the Act of Settlement in 1701 and the further limitation Act,

    What did it agree to?

    It handed its Crown and monarch to the Crown and the three kingdoms of England. France and Ireland,
    The Crown in Scotland did not have Sovereignty of the Country unlike the Crown in England.

    Read it carefully.

    The agreement did not hand over the Country or territory of Scotland to England, France and Ireland,

    Scotland became a Monarch-less Country, no longer a kingdom, A republic of Scotland in 1701.

    We simply agreed to Englands succession to the Crown and throne of England, France and Ireland’s Britain
    We simply agreed they could have the Scottish crown and monarchy. Which they do not appear to have accepted,
    Which Never wear, never include and still require a separate ceremony from England, France and Ireland,

    That Scotland retained its territorial Country after 1701 and become a Republic can be found under the Act of Settlement 1701 being extended by the Regall government of Crown of England by the parliament of England Extending the “Act if Settlement 1701 to the Country and territory of Scotland in 1707,
    Illegally as the Monarch and Crown of Scotland no longer existed in Scotland after 1701,

  196. sam says:

    A number of yoons seeking to exploit this legal matter as support for the Union.

    You can find out who are Jim and Margaret Cuthbert here. They know a lot about the difficulties facing any Scottish gov in the Union.

    link to

    This is most of the opening para of a piece by Jim in 2022.

    “This chapter is about fiscal policy in Scotland, under the contrasting scenarios of devolution and independence. It will be argued that the unfortunate fiscal policy makers in today’s devolved Scotland are in an impossible position. They are being forced to operate a fiscal settlement which is subject to rigid constraints on what can be done with the levers of tax, and there are inherent design flaws which mean that the system will operate inefficiently. But even worse: implicit in the design of the system is a particular set of neo-liberal beliefs which is inconsistent with those held by a majority of those living in Scotland. In contrast, the challenges under independence, while huge, are do-able. The main problem as regards fiscal policy would be to set about the fundamental redesigning of the tax system which would be inherit from the UK: a tax system which has been designed primarily to benefit a rentier class, and which, in effect, presently treats Scotland as a colony.”

  197. Rob says:

    Grind fine, but slow enough to overshadow the next Holyrood elections. From BBc news;

    “One of Scotland’s top advocates said a potential embezzlement trial involving Mr Murrell would be unlikely to happen until 2026 at the earliest.

    Thomas Ross KC told BBC Scotland News he did not know whether the case, if it did go to court, would be held at the sheriff or the high court.

    But he added: “Clearly if the case was at the high court they already have trials there in August 2025.

    “It is not unusual for a case to take a year to get to the high court for its first appearance and then to take another year for the trial”

    Still hoping for others to join Mr Murrel in the dock.

  198. laukat says:

    Might just be me but did anyone else notice yesterday morning 2 controversial announcements were made (Sandyford pausing puberty blockers and SG ditched its Climate targets)?

    Seems to me like someone knew yesterday would be a good day to bury other news. So how far in advance was it known that Murrell would be arrested? Did Police Scotland give SG the inside track? Is Nicola on camera today because she knows she won’t be arrested?

  199. James Che says:


    The Smoke and Mirrors of old politics,
    The UK does not Exist.

    Scotland became a republic, not a kingdom in 1701,

    The Old parliament of England continued after 1707 through the House of Lords under the New brand name parliament of Great- Britain,

    The Scottish parliament was dismissed from the treaty of Union by the parliament of England when the Queen of England, ( no longer a monarch of Scotland since 1701) put the Scottish parliament under dissolution in England,

    No Scottish members have sat in the parliament of England since 1707 anyway,

    No members, means no Scottish representation of the people of Scotland for over 300 years in Westminster.

    The Scottish peers entered the “parliament of England” under a simple rebrand name.

    The ” Extending” of the “Act of Settlement” illegally by Westminster parliament in 1707 confirms that the territory of Scotland was not included in the Act of Settlement over the Crowns and the succession to the throne of England,

    This also confirms that Queen Anne Was not Queen of Scots, Scotland or its territory and could not act or use the Great Seal of Scotland as a Scottish Queen or momarch.

    Scotland simply agreed that they ( England) could have the Scottish Crown and monarch, making Scotland and its territory a new republic of Scotland.from 1701;onwards.

  200. Alan Logan says:

    Surely by now, without prejudice as to who was responsible, Humza Yousaf should be able to advise members whether or not SNP funds have gone missing, rather than completely distancing himself from the fact that this appears to be a loss of funds from the party which he now leads.

  201. James Che says:


    That Westminster parliament acts under the Crown of England and is the Regall government can be found in many Instances.

    In 1730 British Nationality Act,
    In the Anglo- Ireland treaty 1800,
    In the Anglo- American trade deal.
    And in the Bill of Rights and in the “Act of Settlement, “Extended” into Scotlands territory in 1707.

  202. Republicofscotland says:

    Here’s hoping this SNP can of worms opens further from the inside, there’s far more going on than just this.

    I’m hoping Murrell spills the beans on the rest of it, or is he to be the main sacrifice, without a shadow of a doubt the English security services will have a ton of dirt on most MSPs/MPs in Scotland. You can be sure they have ALL the deleted WhatsApp messages.

    Lets see how this unfolds.

  203. Mark Beggan says:

    Sturgeon is shocked.

    Shocked because you are caught?

    Shocked because you never knew?

    How the fuck can you be shocked.

    Sturgeon once said she doesn’t like confrontation. Good because that’s all you are going to get from now on.

  204. James Che says:

    The crown and sovereignty rest in Westminster parliament of England due the the bill of rights and the Act of settlement, which is crucial to England Constitutional law.
    You can read this on UK parliament site or in the Commons library publications.

    The Westminster parliament is therefore the parliament of England – Great Britain,
    the treasury for both named constructed entities and their Chancellor of Exchequer “finances” deal with the Bank of England,
    The Bank of England was never a Bank of Great- Britain or of the public bank of great Britain,
    Which rise questions betwixt the national debt of England and Scotland,

  205. Anton Decadent says:

    @laukat, oh look, a Murrell.

  206. Stoker says:

    Haw Sturgeon, you failed to mention anything about your “hubby” refusing to hand over “the books” to folk whose job it was to monitor and balance those books. Just a very small but important matter, don’t yah think?

  207. 100%Yes says:

    I wonder if the SNP has enough money in the piggy bank to send Sturgeon some more flowers.

    Please someone correct me if I’m wrong, but any short fall in the SNP fiances isn’t it the responsibility of the NEC members.

    Lets not blame Humza for the mess the SNP in today its all down to the Murrell family.

    I’m just wondering will the electoral commission have to get involved?

  208. James Che says:


    The Smoke and Mirrors of old politics.

    Is certainly a learning curve for everyone.

    With reference to the Anglo-Irish treaty, you will find UK parliament disguising this as a treaty of union with Ireland and the new brand name tag of Great-Britain, However if you research the Irish side of the 1800 treaty you will discover that their version is more honest,

    It states the treaty as Anglo- Irish treaty, it also mentions letters to the “privy Council of England” in its text,

    The Smoke and Mirrors comes from the old Westminster parliament of England additionally adding on the terminology and rebranded name Great- Britain.

    The Westminster parliament of England and Englands parliament of Great Britain being one and the same source in members of the hereditary House of lords and under the “Bill of Rights” and the “Act of Settlement” being the same Constitutional law of England, and the same Constitutional law of Great Britain for Sovereignty of Westminster parliament under the Crown.

  209. Stoker says:

    Rev, please replace that picture of Murrell, and his glaikit grin, it’s giving me high blood pressure. This seems more appropriate, LOL:

    link to

  210. James Che says:


    The Smoke and Mirrors of old politics.

    The deceit of these old Smoke an Mirror politics inevitable leads Scotland to modern politics and what is Scotlands real political position in The British Isles.

    It is no longer a good enough excuse for those that favour a unionist point of view over Scotland To suggest in a sinister fashion for Scotland and Scots to shut up and refrain from discussion on these political manouvres hidden in the past and totally unimportant in their eyes in encouraging Scotland not to dig any further into history records,

    For they have a a alternative strong self interest in it never being revealed in its full truth and to protect the so called union at all cost,
    to leave Scotland blind, ignorant and captured by those unspoken political Smoke and mirrors.
    It is time for Scotland to awake from its slumber,

  211. Mark Beggan says:

    Alan Logan

    Question is would you take advice from Useless?

  212. Chas says:

    I knew it would not last. Lots of posts on the actual subject matter then along comes Che with it’s usual shite. About 10 comments basically all the same. Maybe it has dementia and forgets what it has posted 10 minutes ago.

    A true story about dementia. A friends mother had a relatively mild dose. A number of years ago she bought a lottery ticket using her usual numbers. On checking, after the draw, she was delighted to see that she had 5 numbers. A further search in her purse revealed that she had bought 3 tickets all exactly the same. She won thousands.

  213. Republicofscotland says:

    Y’know watching the colonial 6pm news tonight and the story on Murrell, it just highlighted that negative news like this has seriously damaged the indy cause even further, yes the SNP/Greens are the main stumbling block to ditching this rancid shithole of a union, and god only know they are well over due their comeuppance, but in the eyes of the swaying voter on whether to vote for an indy Scotland in the future or not, this negative news only hurts the cause.

    Even in their demise the SNP are sticking the boot into the indy cause, the sooner the SNP fades into the background and then away for good the better, it credibility is now gone, its up there with Gerald Ratner’s comment on his company’s jewellery.

    We now need the ISP and Alba to take its place at Holyrood.

  214. Xaracen says:

    James Che said;


    It needs to be recognised what covers the heading as the legal entity known as Britain in 1701 under the Act of Settlement,

    The Act of Settlement names three Countries of the Realm and Crown of England, in 1701,
    These consist of England, France and Ireland.

    The kingdom of Scotland is not mentioned as one of those kingdoms until a later article in passing reference to war which I will cover Shortly”

    James, that 1701 Act of Settlement doesn’t even mention Britain, so where did you get the idea that Britain was a legal entity in 1701? The ‘Union of the Crowns’ was only a personal union, with no legal or constitutional significance beyond an obvious conflict of interest of the two kingdoms’ monarchies both held by the same person.

    The Act does mention Scotland but not in relation to the settlement, and that is right and proper because no English Act can pre-empt Scotland’s choice of succession. Though, as I pointed out earlier, Scotland didn’t really have any alternatives to choose from anyway.

    So, what exactly is it that ‘needs to be recognised’?

    “When Scotland offered the “Scottish Crown” to England, (which according to records it did do), England mistakenly presumed it had attached a offer of Scotland and its territory to England because under English Monarchy this was their believe in divine right.”

    When did Scotland offer the “Scottish Crown” to England, James? Which records, exactly?

    “1) None of the monarchs after 1701 were monarchs of Scotland, but were Monarchs of England,” No, Queen Anne was the legitimate monarch of Scotland from 1702 to 1714. She met all of the formal prerequisites, as I explained some time ago.

    The rest of your comment is based on your assertion that Queen Anne was not the official reigning monarch of Scotland, but since she really was, those conclusions you have drawn are simply wrong.

    “When Scotland agreed to the Act of Settlement in 1701 and the further limitation Act,

    What did it agree to?

    It handed its Crown and monarch to the Crown and the three kingdoms of England. France and Ireland,
    The Crown in Scotland did not have Sovereignty of the Country unlike the Crown in England.

    Read it carefully.”

    Read precisely what, carefully, James? What is ‘it’?

  215. George Ferguson says:

    @Republicofscotland 6:25pm
    Have faith brother. The Scottish Independence movement decoupled from the SNP a long time ago. We have to go through the dysfunctional amateur dramatics of people that thought they were above the law. The Independence movement vote has held up. You can’t cash oot your principles. Nicola Sturgeon has stated it’s an incredibly difficult situation. Living in Scotland has been incredibly difficult since 2014. And the shambles continues with the continuity candidate. Up to 5 years in prison for proven embezzlement charges. And more charges to come. A necessary correction.

  216. GM says:

    19 April, 2024 at 6:28 pm

    Why not skim past Xaracen,Chas rather than try and humiliate the boy? Just in your natures I suspect.

  217. James Jones says:

    Republicofscotland at 6:25 pm
    “this rancid shithole of a union,”

    With all the self-inflicted shit that’s going on in Scotland as the rUK looks on aghast, you come up with that old nonsense.

  218. alf baird says:


    “a tax system which has been designed primarily to benefit a rentier class, and which, in effect, presently treats Scotland as a colony.”

    Much like most systems and institutions of governance in a colonial society, which are primarily there to protect the interests of elites, including what passes for ‘justice’, and to maintain the economic plunder and status quo. According to postcolonial theory an oppressed people should not expect much from such institutions.

  219. Charles (not the R one) says:

    100% Yes said

    “Lets not blame Humza for the mess the SNP in today. It’s all down to the Murrell family.”

    I say in reply,
    Now then 100%yes, how do YOU KNOW that?

    Are we supposed to believe that HY and a whole lot of others in the SNP clique weren’t aware (or at least didn’t suspect) there was jiggery-pokery going on? Don’t forget the resignations, and WHY those people resigned; and especially don’t forget who it was who told them to stop asking awkward questions.

  220. Charles (Not the R one) says:

    alf baird
    19 April, 2024 at 7:09 pm


    “a tax system which has been designed primarily to benefit a rentier class, and which, in effect, presently treats Scotland as a colony.”

    Alf, how about this – “a tax system which devolved certain tax powers to the Scottish Government, which promptly raised the income tax level in Scotland”?

  221. Tommo says:

    Captain Caveman says;
    ‘Still, I get the feeling I’m intruding on private grief here, and besides, I’ve got a date with Anglesey and some incredible coastal walks, which should be quite agreeable. ?’

    Entirely agree- once beyond the Editor’s razor-like offerings it’s easy to get bogged down in conspiracies, ancient Acts of Parliament, MI5 (or is it 6?), transgender issues, nasty words legislation – and, of course, ‘post-colonial theory’.
    As a supporter of the Union, if I didn’t care for Scotland I wouldn’t bother with any of this stuff.
    Take deep breaths of ozone-laden air on your walk and can I mention the White Eagle at Rhoscolyn if you’re in need of refreshment ?

  222. Republicofscotland says:

    “With all the self-inflicted shit that’s going on in Scotland as the rUK looks on aghast, you come up with that old nonsense.”

    James Jones apologies, I meant bucket of dog shit union, or was it this stinking thieving cesspit of a union, or maybe it was this fetid rats piss stained union, all fit the description, so f*ck- off and when you get there f*ck-off some more.

    Down with this bag of pigs shit union.

  223. Mac says:

    There is zero chance this is all down to the Murrells. They are nowhere near smart enough to have done all this. This is the work of the services. Everything they have done has been to poison the independence well. It is very obvious now with the relentless selection of deliberately divisive and repulsive policies. Even a child can see it.

  224. Republicofscotland says:

    “Have faith brother. The Scottish Independence movement decoupled from the SNP a long time ago.”

    Fair enough George, but in just over two-years time when we go to the polls again to vote in the Holyrood elections I wouldn’t bet against the SNP getting back into office in some sort of coalition between Yousaf and Sarwar if both are still leaders of their parties, the Greens would crawl over their grannies to get to their daughters, so I expect them to figure somewhere in the SNP’s plans in 2026.

  225. James Jones says:


    Ha ha! Your eyes wide shut.

  226. Frank Gillougley says:

    So Peter Murrell is ‘a proven winner’ is he Humza? Just like everything else that comes out of your condescending mouth, pure shite.

  227. alf baird says:

    Mac @ 7.38

    Yes, postcolonial theory confirms that a colonial society is usually controlled by the security services and functionaries/agents of the ‘mother country’ (Fanon; Memmi; Cesaire et al), so long as the plunder is worth it and the native population remain passive.

  228. Keviano says:

    I’m loathed to mention it, but being charged by the Polis is not a finding of guilt or sometimes even an indication of any wrong doing whatsoever – as many pointed out in the case of another high profile member of the SNP’s leadership.

    I suppose we shall all have to wait and see what personal gain is alleged, though it must surely be significant after a three year investigation and the pantomime scenes outside Murrell’s and the former FM’s home.

    Surely something must now justify that elaborate but totally impartial caper performed by Police Scotland.

  229. Hatey McHateface says:

    “a tax system which has been designed primarily to benefit a rentier class”


    As a long suffering Scottish tax payer, I see two major beneficiaries from the taxes extorted from me:

    1) A bloated political elite, who deliver little to nothing of value, but draw vast salaries and expenses, and strip the public coffers bare in pursuit of unworkable policies, botched deliveries, and criminal enterprises.

    2) An idle benefits class, long since conditioned to sit on their arses and complain about how not enough money is being gifted to them, while countless jobs go undone, or are filled by immigrants.

    Categories 1) and 2) are locked in a symbiotic relationship. Category 2) will continue to vote for 1) as long as category 1) continues to keep the taps of government largesse turned on, to the benefit of 2).

    Two cheeks of the same arse in other words.

    We have record levels of UK taxation, compounded by record levels of Scottish taxation too.

    Mostly being splurged on repaying historical hand outs to the unproductive (Covid subsidies) and ongoing hand outs to the unproductive.

    The lessons of history are unequivocal; no country ever taxed its way to prosperity and success. Yet, here in Scotland, Yousaf intends to run the same experiment for the millionth time, hoping the results will differ this time.

    They won’t. WM and HR will run out of other people’s money soon enough. Probably, given enough immigration, the immigrants will vote to keep their earnings to themselves, and the benefits class will be left to sink or swim by their own efforts.

  230. Tommo says:

    I need to get out more..
    Just seen a brief interview with a Mr McEleny of the Alba party.
    He seemed quite sane and made sense-at least to my old addled Unionist brain. I shan’t agree with his politics but I think he treated the (somewhat unfocused) questions raised with care, respect and commendable (if understandable) restraint on the ‘sub judice’ issue.
    At least at that level of discourse we can maybe get away from the ‘we hate you more than you hate us’ mentality.
    I’ll get me coat.

  231. John says:

    This I’m sure is only the tip of the ice berg.
    I posted a few years ago my own report from personal experience how Oil Companies / Big Corporations would happily pay to delay independence …..
    When you consider that he had the entire Scottish Court System and Scottish Police in his pocket ….. something must be happening that can no longer be hidden.

  232. Michael Laing says:

    @Republicofscotland at 7.36pm: That was the most amusing response I’ve seen in quite a while. Cheers for the much-needed laugh!

  233. sam says:

    @ Charles You don’t really understand all of it. The SNP (Swinney) was taken for a mug.

    “Charles (Not the R one)
    Ignored says:
    19 April, 2024 at 7:26 pm
    alf baird
    19 April, 2024 at 7:09 pm


    “a tax system which has been designed primarily to benefit a rentier class, and which, in effect, presently treats Scotland as a colony.”

    Alf, how about this – “a tax system which devolved certain tax powers to the Scottish Government, which promptly raised the income tax level in Scotland”?”

    “The Scottish Government has exercised this power [to set tax rates and bands] in successive budgets: and has set a lower rate of tax for the lowest earners than applies in the rest of the UK, and a higher rate of tax for higher earners. The Scottish Government has also increased taxes by not uprating the threshold above which the higher rate of income tax is paid. So in Scotland, in 2019/20, taxpayers will pay 41% income tax on earnings between £43,430 and £150,000. The position in the rest of the UK is that taxpayers will pay 20% on earnings between £12,500 and £50,000, and 40% on earnings between £50,000 and £150,000.

    Now let’s look at national insurance, as it applies to employees. National insurance is an entirely reserved function – it is decided by Westminster, and applies uniformly across the whole of the UK. Employed individuals pay a national insurance contribution of 12% on those earnings falling between a lower threshold, (which will be £8,632 in 2019/20), and an upper threshold: on earnings above the upper threshold, a national insurance contribution of 2% is paid. The important point for present purposes is the upper threshold. This is set by the Westminster government to align with the higher rate threshold for UK income tax: so for 2019/20 it will be £50,000.

    So for an unfortunate Scottish employee earning between £43,430 and £50,000, they will be paying a marginal rate of Scottish income tax of 41%, and a marginal rate of national insurance, set by Westminster, of 12%: giving an overall marginal rate of 53% for income tax plus national insurance. By comparison, an employee in the rest of the UK, with earnings falling in the same band, will pay a marginal rate of income tax of 20%, and national insurance of 12%, giving an overall marginal rate of 32%.

    This matters. It matters for the individual, who is unlikely to have appreciated that what appear at first sight to be fairly modest proposals by the Scottish Government to exercise their control over income tax were going to interact with Westminster’s reserved powers on national insurance, to end up with such draconian consequences. But it also matters in a broader sense as well, because of the potential wider implications for the Scottish economy.

    This is because of another aspect of the fiscal settlement, an aspect which has long been recognised as having potentially very problematic effects – namely, the Block Grant Adjustment, (BGA). Under the old, pre-referendum, funding system, most of the Scottish Government’s funding came via a block grant from Westminster: and the size of this block grant was determined by the Barnett Formula. But since the Scottish Government now receives directly the revenues raised from income tax in Scotland, a corresponding reduction was made to the block grant; (and similar reductions are made for other devolved taxes.) The initial size of the adjustment was designed to be neutral. But thereafter, the size of the BGA increases each year in line with the growth in per capita income tax receipts in the rest of the UK: (formally, the BGA relating to income tax increases in line with the growth rate in the Scottish population, multiplied by the growth rate of rest of UK per capita income tax receipts.) This system has, however, the inevitable consequence that it pitches Scotland into an economic race with the rest of the UK. If we grow our per capita income tax receipts faster than the rest of the UK – well and good. But if we grow more slowly, the BGA penalises Scotland, and public expenditure in Scotland is squeezed.”

    link to

  234. Michael Laing says:

    @ Mac at 7.38pm: I think you are absolutely right. No government could be as useless and incompetent and show such total disregard for the will of the people by accident. I am deeply anti-racist, but even the installation of a non-white leader seems pretty suspicious to me. I don’t think any of it is accidental. They’ve been working for the opposition all along.

  235. Geri says:

    James Jones

    “With all the self-inflicted shit that’s going on in Scotland as the rUK looks on aghast”


    They’re looking on with glee. Sturgeon did well & will be rewarded. Her hubs will be too once this wee kerfuffle is over.

    You obviously don’t have a scooby do you?

    I hope the missing money is finally put to bed by Wings & he moves onto more important theft by the Murrells = Scot Wind.

    As for all the yoons in here with fake concern. You need reminding the SNP is a political party. It is NOT the YES movement. D’oh..

    Nope, hate to disappoint you again, had Scotland gained indy the SNP would NOT have been in power. A new parliament calls for a new government which would also call for *brand spanking new* political parties AND ones actually *registered* in Scotland – d’oh! U
    Elections would be called after a month’s celebrations. Possibly two. Political parties will realign. Slabber may become Tory & Lie Dumbs may become Greens..who knows.


    Do you EVER post anything that doesn’t involve bullying another poster on here? You could always fuck off & stop boring the rest of us with her endless list of who you find boring. Are you deranged?

    Genocide John

    Suck it up buttercup. The tax system is the UKs. You know, the one you voted to keep! Ya dunce.

    Richard Murphy is yer guy. Go watch him explain to you, in easy steps, Scotlands tax is a Westminster trap. A poisoned chalice. Shit dressed up as a “power” the Tories can bleat & demand the SNP to use. One that they know (but fail to tell you) is deducted from our pocket money when it’s used.

    BTW remember all the wheat you banged on about flooding the EU? Oh deary. LOL

  236. Geri says:

    Republicofscotland 7:45

    *Spits coffee*


  237. George Ferguson says:

    @Republicofscotland 7:45pm
    I am willing to bet the SNP won’t be Government in 2026. I have an outstanding bet that Labour will get over 30 MPs in the General Election this year. £10 for every Labour MP over 30. Bet struck last year. They say a week is a long time in politics. 2026 is eons away. Labour and Anas Sarwar are not the answer. A political void to be filled by someone?.

  238. Northcode says:

    I’ve just come across a PDF booklet about Scotland’s Claim of Right on the Salvo website written by Sara Salyers.

    It’s short and concise and clearly explains every Scot’s birthright – their Claim of Right.

    This from the booklet:

    The people of Scotland are sovereign. Even Westminster acknowledges that, though it does not acknowledge the Act which made this a part of Scots law, (Claim of Right 1689). And because the power is, as it always was, ours and not a government’s or a monarch’s, once united in
    our demand for what is already ours, we cannot be stopped.

    You can get Sara’s booklet here: This is Our Claim of Right

  239. Geri says:

    North code

    I was informed by Scott on here a long time ago about the two claim of rights.

    The legit one dating 1689

    & The one the convention redesigned for 1998 omitting the word Sovereign.

    The 1998 one needs dropped. It causes confusion. Surely also a breach of something regards the Act of Union? Remembering an English political party(Labour & Tory) styled Holyrood. Not actual Scots. Salmond hadn’t even risen to power at that point tho he backed a parliament. Sillers told him not to for exactly the reasons we see unfolding today. Ie, an obstacle.

  240. James Che says:


    Let me begin with what Countries that come under the realm and under the imperial Crown and royal dignities held by the one regal government of William and mary of Orange, under the Bill of rights,

    Part of UK Constitutional law still in force today,

    It is very detailed in which kingdoms come under the realm of imperial Crown of England,

  241. James Che says:


    The Act of Settlement 1701 also states which Three Countries are under the realm and imperial crown of England,

    This is what I had mentioned in previous posts to you a while back, this is Englands version of its Britain.

  242. James Che says:


    Act of Further limitation of the Crown 12 & 13 Will 3, c, 2.

    It was under this act that the Crown of England was EXTENDED into the Territory of Scotland,

  243. dearieme says:

    Murrell is
    Sure to read
    Something scurrilous
    ’bout his baldy heid.

  244. Northcode says:


    “The 1998 one needs dropped. It causes confusion. Surely also a breach of something regards the Act of Union?”

    Indeed. Sara’s booklet was written in 2022 and in it she refers to Westminster’s attempts at re-writing Scots law and with it Scots history.

    This extract also from the booklet:

    …at this moment Westminster is moving to end our Claim of Right once and for all. A new Act of Union, replacing the Treaty of Union, (without reference to the Scottish people or the agreement of the Scottish MP’s), is in its second stage in the Houses of Parliament.

    At the same time, Clause 38 of the EU Withdrawal Bill makes the English principle of parliamentary sovereignty the law across the UK, in direct contravention of the Scottish constitution, the condition of the Treaty and the Union!

    The Scots as always are ignored while Westminster in its arrogance shamelessly breaches the conditions of the ‘treaty’.

    So, yes. Westminster is constantly attempting to set down obstacles to hinder the Scots in ther quest for liberation (I prefer using the word liberation to independence. I feel it describes a more accurate aspirational objective for the Scots).

  245. James Jones says:

    Geri at 9:30 pm.
    “had Scotland gained indy the SNP would NOT have been in power. A new parliament calls for a new government which would also call for *brand spanking new* political parties.”

    You’re completely delusional. Where are they, and why can’t you vote for them now. They’re nowhere, they don’t exist.

  246. Hatey McHateface says:

    “Are you deranged?”

    Don’t all answer at once.

    Lots of money unaccounted for. Bloke charged with various misdemeanours. Maybe innocent, maybe not, time will tell.

    That’s the facts. All the rest is attention seekers making stuff up.

    Nighty night. Make sure to unplug everything and switch it all off. Don’t let MI6 get at you while you sleep.

  247. robertkknight says:

    It’s MI5 dumbass…

  248. Derek says:

    Might be time to re-start the Ecology Party…

    link to

  249. Mark Beggan says:

    Scottish Politics is ‘Magical Reality’.

  250. Cynicus says:

    desimond says

    ‘@cynicus?“Would you say that about the old dears in the Cliff Richard Fan Club? Of course not.”
    What’s Harry Webb ever done to earn that remark and insinuation above?’
    Was the point of that post to boast that you know Cliff’s name assigned at birth (to coin phrase)?

    I confess that they have read the post several times and admit defeat : there is less to it than meets the eye.

  251. Robin says:

    Hi Stewart,

    The Future is not so bright Astrologer says:

    link to

    The planets have aligned…

  252. Oneliner says:

    Scottish Politics is Magical Puppetry

  253. Alf Baird says:

    James Jones @ 11:16 pm

    “You’re completely delusional.”

    English political parties no longer stand for election in independent Ireland, nor would they ever be permitted to govern that country again as that would be unconstitutional.

    Similarly, an independent Scotland would never again allow another country’s political parties to run (or rather ruin) its affairs. Which is the whole point of being ‘independent’.

  254. Alf Baird says:

    Tommo @ 8:57 pm

    “Just seen a brief interview with a Mr McEleny of the Alba party.He seemed quite sane and made sense-at least to my old addled Unionist brain.”

    On the subject of the “old addled Unionist brain”:

    link to

  255. Geri says:

    North code

    “At the same time, Clause 38 of the EU Withdrawal Bill makes the English principle of parliamentary sovereignty the law across the UK, in direct contravention of the Scottish constitution, the condition of the Treaty and the Union!”

    Begs the question what exactly was the point of electing 56, 35, 45 *supposed* independence MPs for. Oh, that’s right, they were all too busy trying to “Stop Brexit” & nullify their own mandate to act on something far more important.

    As well as the countless duds sitting in Holyrood. FFS. That should have been cause to remove themselves from Westminster & ending the treaty immediately. Scotland seems cursed with eejits. Proving, yet again, Westminster isn’t the answer to indy & is a complete waste of everyone’s time.

    It’s constitutional experts we need.


    Exactly. The parliament would realign with many MPs probably changing parties altogether or remaining but in a newly registered Lab/Tory/Lie Dumb party that is answerable to Scotland, not it’s London overlords. There would be new parties too once the dross is cleared out.

    Yes movement was given bad advice to stick to only one party so as not to split the vote. That not only created this mess of SNP ruling the roost & doing what they wanted with no one nipping at their heels to use the mandates but was also bad considering the legal advice Alba sought on the route to indy. Its recommended to have multiple parties show a majority.

    Having multiple indy parties was a no brainer. A real shame the supermajority was scuppered. Too little too late. If others had been allowed to flourish over time we’d have had choices & SNP may have actually been kept in check.

  256. Andy Anderson says:

    Well done Stu for sticking with this one.
    It’s taken me two cups of coffee to read all the varied comments before mine. An interesting range of views.
    My view is that survival as the main Scottish Indy party (or is the ex) is near impossible although it will continue to exist. This years GL will see it lose income as it will have less MP’s. For 2026 I fear that continued poor policies and the Murrels court case near that time will cause it to lose lots of MSP’s. Like many above I see a Labour FM is likely.
    I suppose that they can turn things around if they sack the complete NEC and do not allow any current incumbents to put themselves forward. A dynamic FM and a return to pre 2016 party structures.
    Do I think they will do this? No, I do not.

  257. Xaracen says:

    James Che said;

    “Act of Further limitation of the Crown 12 & 13 Will 3, c, 2.

    It was under this act that the Crown of England was EXTENDED into the Territory of Scotland.”

    I’ve just read that entire Act, and Scotland is mentioned exactly twice, and neither have anything to do with the ‘Crown of England being EXTENDED into the Territory of Scotland’, and nothing else in that Act even hints at such an interpretation.

    I think you’ve just confused Scotland’s 1689 Claim of Right’s offer of the Scottish throne to William of Orange. He did not receive it in the name of England, he received it in the name of Scotland in precisely the same vein as all previous monarchs of Scotland and England since 1603; that of the same person simultaneously holding two separate and distinct jobs of monarch.

    Neither kingdom came under the authority of the other kingdom; both came under the authority of the same individual acting in two separate capacities with two separate sets of responsibilities and privileges specific to one or other kingdom, but in Scotland’s case at least that authority was and still is formally limited by Scotland’s constitution.

  258. Jim McIntosh says:

    “For a distinguished example of meritorious public service by a newspaper or news site through the use of its journalistic resources, including the use of stories, editorials, cartoons, photographs, graphics, videos, databases, multimedia or interactive presentations or other visual material.”

    Above is one of the criterion for the award of a Pulitzer prize for journalism, unfortunately another is it must be published in a US newspaper/news site. So unless they use the loony SNP rule that anything read in the country is automatically published in that country our Stu is sadly not eligible for said award.

    Still, I’d like to put his name forward for the inaugural award of the MacPulitzer.

    Leasky eat your heart out, we know you read this.

  259. Andy Anderson says:

    Xaracen 9.22
    Spot on.

  260. Captain Caveman says:

    Tommo says:
    “Entirely agree- once beyond the Editor’s razor-like offerings it’s easy to get bogged down in conspiracies, ancient Acts of Parliament, MI5 (or is it 6?), transgender issues, nasty words legislation – and, of course, ‘post-colonial theory’.”

    To be absolutely frank, I used to (frequently) lurk here for the incredulity: imagine Sturgeon – at the height of our (inexplicable) popularity and powers – taking *such* a fall? As predicted by Stu (who I literally disagree with on *everything* apart from the GC stuff obv. – from his spare bedroom, whilst the entire mainstream media were caught napping! The sheer scale of this coup is just incredible. I thought it was laughable krank nonsense and now I’ve egg all over my face, kudos to him and cap duly doffed. He even routinely runs shoulders with Alex Salmond, which again, whichever political persuasion one might be, is still a bit mind blowing. It’s all a far cry from his “The World of Stuart” forums c.2005, where we all pontificated daily about politics daily.

    As for the btl comments, well, they’re a good laugh at least (if in an ironic sense) and some genuinely interesting contributors in the mix, still (IMO of course).

    “ Take deep breaths of ozone-laden air on your walk and can I mention the White Eagle at Rhoscolyn if you’re in need of refreshment ?”

    Sage advice indeed 🙂 , sadly the White Eagle is on the other side of the island for us (my wife is joining me later this avo, but for now it’s just me and my Rottweiler, about to embark on another colbolt-blue skied “bear hunt” around Benllech). Got plans to try Dylan’s later on; I’m a massive shellfish fan, Moules and frites are calling my name, doubtless washed down with a chilled Chablis or similar. 🙂

  261. James Jones says:

    Alf Baird at 7:03 am
    “an independent Scotland would never again allow another country’s political parties to run (or rather ruin) its affairs. Which is the whole point of being ‘independent.”

    So you think the SNP is an English party (full of Scots, inconveniently). Scottish Labour and Conservatives will have to go too, leaving a void which will be filled by some mysterious ‘good guys’, though nobody knows where they’ll come from, or why they’ve not already stepped up to rescue Scotland. In truth, vote independence, get the current crop of MSPs even if they have to rename the parties.

  262. Hatey McHateface says:

    Robert Knight says


    Careful, Mr Knight. Remember, this is the world’s most-read Scottish Independence website.

    This week’s historic news has greatly increased footprint here. We don’t want the new readers to come away with the impression Indy supporters are an adolescent, knee-jerk name calling bunch.

    Besides, since April 1st, it’s against the law.

    The original poster, who introduced MI5 and MI6 on this thread, could have been making a subtle point about whether Scotland is internal or external to the London-centric POV of both services. If so, it must have passed you by.

    I’m confident that you see Scotland as an independent, external country and nation. That being the case, you haven’t thought things through.

  263. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    So then, how likely is it that the Green gimps will vote to withdraw from the Bute House Agreement? I think that they’re more likely to just unceremoniously forget any “red lines” rather than lose their places at the trough but hey, I could be completely wrong. Still, I’m hoping that they do bail out if only because this might interfere to a limited extent with the SNP’s ability to ram through any further insane, unpopular and ill-conceived legislation. Fingers crossed…

  264. Xaracen says:

    @James Che;

    Further to my comment above, such an offer of Scotland’s Crown to England would require the formal authorisation of an Act of the Scottish Parliament, so that would be available on the Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707 website, if it existed.

    So, does it?

  265. James says:

    Remember folks; don’t feed the Trolls inc. Gas Main.

  266. James Che says:


    Legislation. Gov. UK

    Acts of the English parliament 1700 c 2 (regnal, 12 and 13 Will 3 > whole Act.
    Act of Settlement (1700)
    1700 Chapter 2 12 and 13 Will 3.
    An Act for further Limitation of the Crown and better securing the rights and liberties of the subject,

    Article 111.

    Includes the kingdom of Scotland ( the extended to Scotland part) under the Great Seal of of England and by the Common in parliament, ( English parliament)
    The legislation is Acts of the English parliament.

  267. James Che says:


    When did/does Scotland offer the of crown of Scotland to England ?

    After every occasion a new king or Queen is coronated in England under the Crown of England those monarchs later come to Scotland and are presented / offered the Scottish Crown.

  268. Xaracen says:

    @James Che;

    From Section III of the Act you cited;

    “That no Person who shall hereafter come to the Possession of this Crown shall go out of the Dominions of England Scotland or Ireland without Consent of Parliament.”

    “That after the said Limitation shall take Effect as aforesaid no Person born out of the Kingdoms of England Scotland or Ireland or the Dominions thereunto belonging (although he be naturalized or made a Denizen (except such as [are (fn. 3) ] born of English Parents) shall be capable to be of the Privy Councill or a Member of either House of Parliament or to enjoy any Office or Place of Trust either Civill or Military or to have any Grant of Lands Tenements or Hereditaments from the Crown to himself or to any other or others in Trust for him”

    Those are the two sole mentions of Scotland in that Act; the first one simply says that no monarch of England may go abroad without the English parliament’s permission. Travelling to Scotland is permitted; it couldn’t be blocked as the same person is also the monarch of Scotland!

    The second reference simply asserts that no person born outside those territories can be a member of the Privy Council nor become an MP, along with other restrictions.

    Neither of these statements asserts nor implies that the Crown of England was EXTENDED into the Territory of Scotland.

    As for your “When did/does Scotland offer the of crown of Scotland to England?

    – After every occasion a new king or Queen is coronated in England under the Crown of England those monarchs later come to Scotland and are presented / offered the Scottish Crown.”

    That does NOT constitute Scotland offering the Crown of Scotland to England!! It is presenting Scotland’s crown to the new Scottish monarch!!

  269. James Che says:

    The Act of settlement was An Act of the parliament of England that was not in a parliamentary union with Scotland in 1700. Nor in 1701,
    And cannot or Should not have placed stipulations on the kingdom of Scotland.

    Article 111 of the ” English parliament” Act does over- reach and Extend The Law of England and its parliament act law into the kingdom of Scotland,
    Otherwise it would specifically not refer to the kingdom of Scotland (territory).

    We have acknowledge that Scotland and England did not share the Same parliaments in 1700 and 1701 respectively.
    That was the law of England.

    Checking mutable dictionaries for the meaning of the word Present = Offer, offered, hand over, give, Bestow, gift, donate,

    That is what happens each time, when the Scottish Crown and the Honor’s of Scotland are Presented to the Monarch that was coronated under the Crown of England,

    Royal College. London,
    Not quite a Coronation, Not quite a investure,

    The Crown of Scotland has never sat in union as head of state with the Crown of England to thus lend its Sovereignty to the parliament in England.

    Immediately after the 1707 Union the Scottish Honers and Crown had no ceremonial role,

    Scotland should stop presenting= Offering the Crown of Scotland to the Crown of England and the parliament of England which is where England claims it Sovereignty of parliament under the Bill of Right’s Act and the Act of settlement,

  270. James Che says:

    Three things,

    The Crowns represent people, represent kingdoms. Represent the land and sometimes territoty.. the Give crown authority to laws by given royal assent.

    1) What would happen if Scotland insisted that as a union of two kingdoms? Scotlands Crown should be present at state opening of the parliament of Westminster since 1707.
    Represent and give authority and royal assent to all laws of Britain,
    in the parliament in Westminster government and governace of Great- Britain,

    2) what if Scotland stopped offering and presenting the monarch in Britain with the Scottish Crown.

    3) Does the monarch of England never take up the offer of the Scottish Crown because it Would alter the sovereignty of Westminster parliament under the Bill of Rights act and the Act of Settlement within that parliament?

  271. Roger Gough says:

    David Ferguson (5am) wonders if others might be charged.The Police press release states that someone has been charged ‘in connection with embezzlement’ which is slightly different to ‘with embezzlement’ Letter of the law?


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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
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