The invisible weaving
Word reaches us from this afternoon’s meeting of the SNP NEC that three members of the Finance & Audit Committee (ie about half of it, we believe) have resigned on the basis that they’re responsible for the party’s finances but are unable to carry out their duties as chief executive Peter Murrell refuses to give them access to the books.
We don’t yet know if it’s specifically in relation to the missing £600,000 in “ringfenced” fundraiser money that was supposed to have been earmarked for use in a second independence referendum campaign but which cannot be identified in the records of a party whose last published accounts showed only £97,000 in the bank.
(The SNP infamously claimed it was “woven through” the figures. Wings has received no reply to the letter we sent on behalf of some concerned members to party treasurer Douglas Chapman on the subject more than two months ago.)
We gather that the three are Frank Ross (a qualified chartered accountant and current Lord Provost of Edinburgh Council), Livingston company director Cynthia Guthrie and the Mid Scotland & Fife NEC member Allison Graham.
We’ll bring you more on this breaking story as we get it.
[EDIT 5.24pm: We’re told that some of the unease over the party’s finances is due to what are apparently “massive” bank charges, which suggest that it may be running an overdraft, although we can’t verify that part for certain yet.
We’re also told that a number of members have threatened the party with legal action over the recent regional-list candidate selections, which the party’s lawyers told them were probably illegal and would be (expensively) defeated if challenged in court. So far, we understand that those complaining have only sent lawyer’s letters and no actual court action has yet been initiated.]
[EDIT 5.50pm: The party has now published the “minutes” of the meeting to members, which contain no mention of the resignations. Wings has seen evidence confirming the resignations definitely happened.]
They appear to be in deep doo-doo.
it gets more interesting by the day – not trustworthy or honest but definitely interesting.
If, for no apparent reason, you do not give people access to documents, notes, papers, accounts it can, but doesn’t always, mean that there might be a good reason why – perhaps an attempt to cover up or hide something?
What is it this time?
Thank you! What would we do without you?
How on earth can a CEO refuse elected members to the Finance & Audit Committee access to the account books?. That has to be illegal surely?
The Murrell’s know what best for everyone, SNP have gained 12,500 new members since March as reported in The National, I think a case of wishful thinking or hoping.
How many are on the committee?
As it was in that famous American scandal it appears that the best course is to follow the money
Resigning is good if true but they themselves also need to give up ALL the details to a trustworthy media source and explain what was said (or left unsaid).
If there is a justified concern about the accounts then they need to raise a concern through the proper channels.
Well done those people – at last some signs of genuine integrity.
We could really do with an opinion poll about now – asking just how much damage Nicla’s corruption has done to SNP electorial chances.
Time for the real SNP to wake up, shake up and walk the hell out of this corruption or be complicit in it.
There’s more chance of Italy taking the lead than the Murrells being in post this time next week.
@craig @3.44
You may be correct. And stop calling me Shirley!
Is that even legal?
Aye but that’s another 100,000 new members tomorrow.
He won’t do it, because it will show they are culpable in defrauding people who donated towards the “ring fenced” independence fund.
Since the NewSNP clearly have no intentions of fighting on a platform of Scottish independence, they are too busy guzzling at the troughs of the Parliament(s), maybe a magpie or the dastardly squirrel told Murrel that nobody would notice the funds going missing.
Don’t worry folks it’s woven through our accounts
Read: It’s been woven through the SNPs account straight into our own accounts, nothing to see here, move along now.
On the Paris Commune…toujours la même chose.
[t]oday’s impatience with politicians, technocratic bureaucracies and establishment “experts” certainly invites some comparisons. Certainly, too many progressives today seem to prefer the elite: they have abandoned the idea that people who are poor, or even those who do ordinary jobs or who have not been to university, have ideas and experience of their own, and an equal right to a political voice.
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I think it’s time the fraud squad were called in. And the Electoral Commission.
“Word reaches us from today’s meeting of the SNP NEC that three members of the Finance & Audit Committee have resigned on the basis that they’re responsible for the party’s finances but are unable to do their jobs as CEO Peter Murrell refuses to give them access to the books.”
Remember Al Capone was convicted of “financial irregularities”
Do the Mirrells think the SNP is their own private property?
They cannot cover this up.
I accept they have lord woolfe in their cabal. So will he be charged as well ?
Police Scotland – WTF are you doing about this ? Plod are looking more and more inept with every passing day.
I think the missing money will be the last straw for any waverers. Possibly the “Istandwithnicola” brigade could replace the £600,000 ? I’m guessing a grand each should do it.
If she had gone earlier and stopped the HCB then I might have allowed this to be swept under the carpet. As she has never put Scotland first then I hope she is charged and sent to jail.
I guess it’s a question of to whom P. Murrell is answerable.
Who is ultimately his line manager?
Who can order him to show the readies to the finance committee?
Can the NEC force anything in the way of a VONC in respect of the boss – or underboss?
This is getting stinkier and stinkier.
I just wrote my weekly email to a relation in England giving all my home news and mainly saying, “Not much at all happening up here, except Scottish politics gets more “interesting” by the day – as in the old saying, “May you live in interesting times”.
This news of financial officers resigning should be a bombshell item in all MSM outlets once it breaks.
I won’t hold my breath waiting to see the reports.
Have the current and past Treasurers nothing to say?
Without a note from their Mamies they could be in soapy bubble too.
Hi AwakeNotWoke at 3:51 pm.
You typed,
“@craig @3.44
You may be correct. And stop calling me Shirley!”
Prosecutor: “Can you give us your impression of the SNP management?”
Psychologist: “I’m a psychologist – I don’t do impressions.”
Perhaps Craig Murray will now understand why people want to challenge accounts. Why openness and transparency is important. Small matters like WHO is in charge of funds.
Once is enough.
Send in the fraud squad
Presumably they might want to see where the £600k ring-fenced money has been “hidden”. As the most recent accounts do not have anything like that kind of surplus then there are only two plausible explanations.
1) That there is a corresponding £600k contingent liability (for a future spend commitment on the liability side of balance sheet. That being the case that would be legitimate and would tie-in with Murrell’s explanation of these funds being woven into Accounts.
2) The money has been spent or syphoned off for non referendum purposes.
Becoming clear that Murrel is the root of all problems within the New SNP
Qu’ils mangent de la brioche.
At length I remembered the last resort of a great princess who, when told that the peasants had no bread, replied: “Then let them eat brioches.”
—?Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Confessions
Are there any SNP MSPs with a spine?
Even this old timer is asking question.
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Do we know how many members are on (were on!) the Committee? 3 is bad enough but if there were e.g. only 5 members to begin with that would be catastrophic.
What a really crazy state of affairs.
Please do what you can to update us, wings, this is top quality entertainment.
Layer upon layer of lies and corruption.
There ain’t no crime if there ain’t no law.
Neat Neat Neat, by The Damned.
If you recall Al Capone was finally convicted of tax fraud.
You know they would not have given up and walked without doing everything they could to force the issue. Will we see the new Treasurer go as well? These were good people we elected for exactly the purpose they were trying to do – clean up the accounts, find the money, and clean up the NEC as well. Yet Murrell can shut them down. The NEC is lost to members. And that money is lost to us.
If a registered political organisation is found to have substantial financial irregularities, will that result in any sort of action by the Electoral Commission?
@TheSNPLeftMe: you have been given the facts three times. Go and challenge someone else’s accounts now, please.
As Craig says, there is no need to attack other indy parties – there’s enough to criticise in the SNP and the Unionist parties. The aim is independence so we need positive action, not picking on other indy parties.
IMHO electoral pacts are the way to go. It was done in Wales at the Dec 2019 General election – we indy parties should do it too. The Electoral Commission is perfectly happy with electoral pacts.
Perhaps Peter “Knock knock – Don’t answer it!” Murrell is having difficulty unpicking the tapestry?
Curiouser and curiouser. How deep is the Rabbit Hole?
Someone is going to break ranks soon
Too many people know stuff we don’t and it they see any kind of future in the party they must break cover shortly unless they get tarred with the same brush , the brush being, Lying ,cheating, misleading , misappropriation of party funds , the list is endless and getting dirtier by the day.
The Umbrellas will go up soon for self preservation and protection , pretty soon the First Minister will be declared persona non grata or in simple terms Toxic , she had her chance most people would have given her the benefit of the doubt and even possibly understood she was doing things for the benefit of the party and the country in her pursuit of independence, but she failed in the independence bit we know she has and she still doesn’t get it that’s all people wanted they might have been willing to forgive the other stuff but that’s the killer, that can’t be forgotten ever .
This from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
‘Weave(verb): to direct (something, such as the body) in a winding or zigzag course especially to avoid obstacles’.
Obstacles such as the long arm of the law, perhaps?
Most of that ring fenced money was donated by independence supporters who aren’t SNP members.
Theft and fraud springs to mind. Can anyone who has donated to that fund complain to the police?
I’ve got to assume that those three people were there on a Saturday to investigate some aspect of the accounts. This smells like a meltdown.
The Sevco National Party.
Maybe they could do a switcheroo and bully everybody into saying it’s the same party.
Are there any invoices for tangled webs?
These are people with responsible day jobs. Who are likely to volunteer in their places?
The saga Franz Kafka couldn’t have dreamed up, but which is the current SNP continues. The government of the land hanging by a thread based on a never ending unintelligible back and forth of anonymous denunciations and leaks and rebuttals of leaks about un-nameable “complainants.” Laws passed against believing things that are in dictionaries and textbooks. Secret resignations for mysterious reasons on opaque internal committees managing cash donated in good faith yet, managed by fatcats who call their critics among other things, “grifters.” It just goes on and on.
“Complain to the police? We are the fucking police…”
People aren’t getting this totalitarian thing, are they…
Surely the accounts of any reputable organisation would normally be held and maintained by the Treasurer rather than by the Chief Executive?
An important question here is: why have the unionist press not been reporting on this non-stop? It has been known for months.
Remember Michelle Thomson’s non-crime?
Stop messing about and phone the police. It’s not as if they hid the fact they bailed out daddy bear when he libelled someone and lost.
This sounds like it may need a squirrel of null-and-voided-football-season hugeness just to buy a few more days.
It’s straight to the clink for misappropriation if true. To think they threw Natalie McGarry under a bus over a tiny amount.
£600k is an awful lot of fraud if true.
£600,000 would have covered a lot of lawyers fees, throw in a couple of super-injunctions and the pot will have emptied quite rapidly.
But the Murrels have nothing to hide, nope nothing, as honest as the day is long, nothing to see here, move along..
Sometimes I wish I was a yoon (not really) so I could fully enjoy this clusterfuck.
I take it the SNP is a registered company and, as such, should be drawing the attention of Companies House? (Or are they doing a sevco)
I am voting Labour 1 (ISP 2) for the first time in my life (I’m 58). At least I know the candidate will be an honest socialist/trade unionist, not a careerist (no-one would be in “Scottish” Labour just now if they were a careerist).
Wee Willie. That’s right. They couldn’t get Capone on all the murders.
So the IRS got him in the end.
The trouble with competent “good guys” leaving the Committee is that they are likely to be replaced by incompetent wokerati.
Legal professionals embarrassed and their standing compromised by Civil Servants and SNP officials hiding evidence from the court.
Financial professionals giving their service to the Party forced to resign to protect their reputations because Peter Murrell blocked access to accounts.
We are to believe Nicola had no knowledge of these things.
What will it take for her to resign? The buck reached her some time ago she should have noticed it had stopped by now.
OT Japan is to prevent foreign visitors to this years Olympics due to Covid concerns.
Oh dearie me, that will mean the Climate Change meet in Glasgow this year – will be on a shoogley peg – and since it was to be an international launch pad for Mother Nicla. That’s not good.
Wee scone.
Also, currently there are thousands protesting the Covid lockdowns in London. And they don’t look like football hooligans, they look like Joe Bloggs average. They’ve had enough.
It’s not playing well with decent, law abiding people anymore.
I think the SNP is now finished. They will have to emerge as a new registered national party. Many need put behind bars.
Any decent ones will need to join a new party, with a new constitution, so that this can never happen again.
“We gather that the three are Frank Ross (a qualified chartered accountant and current Lord Provost of Edinburgh Council), Livingston company director Cynthia Guthrie and the Mid Scotland & Fife NEC member Allison Graham.”
That must have taken them some courage considering what the Sturgeon Stasi tried to do to Salmond and are still trying to do.
Meanwhile back in the jungles of Vietnam, there’s a lot of people on Twitter suggesting that they deliberately leaked the inquiry stuff in order to undermine it and distract from its findings.
Another investigation looming. Investigate everything. Then when you’ve done that, investigate the investigations.
If Scotland was in the Middle East, the international community would be queuing up to nuke us right now… even the french would be up for it.
Hatuey says @ 4:37 pm
“Complain to the police? We are the fucking police…”
People aren’t getting this totalitarian thing, are they…
It’s taking a long time to percolate.
Auditors: Eh, Mr. Murrell, if you want us to sign off the accounts, we’ll need to see the books.
Peter Sturgeon: I’m not letting you see them, just sign them off.
Auditors: But, Mr. Sturrell, that’s against the law.
Nicola Murrell: Shut it youse, I am the law.
SNP left me. What will it take for her to resign. Maybe Mr Murrell being taken to the clink!
Remember the mantra. Be kind and wheesht for Indy!
I thought not!
Maybe Sturgeon and Murrell will go down together,,, just like Bonnie and Clyde.
@Colin Cadden 20 March, 2021 at 3:47 pm
“How many are on the committee?”
What on earth has that to do with anything at all ?
If anyone is on the “Finance & Audit Committee then they need access to the records to be able to do their jobs, perhaps you think they should not think for themselves based on real numbers and just get along on whatever the First Munsters Husband tells them to think instead ? Accountability starts with establishing the truth as a starting point.
@Big Jock 20 March, 2021 at 4:52 pm
“What will it take for her to resign. Maybe Mr Murrell being taken to the clink!”
Perhaps it’s what she hopes for , the freedom perhaps would allow more time to spend with newer friends and aquaintancies
This is an easy fix.
The Murrells must be millionaires by now with each earning £150K.
They could put the money they wasted back in.
Other than that all those lawyer bills paid by the party on behalf of those
idiots who generated by sheer stupidity.
Could the Murrells do any more to help the Unionist parties in the run up to the election?
Surely this is time for a new indy party to take over? One good rule might be for this party to ban all current SNP MSPs, MPs and councillors (with the honourable exceptions we all know about) from ever standing for office on behalf of the good people of Scotland ever again.
Karen – I too have been considering voting Labour 1 (AFI 2) for the first time in my life, in my case because their candidate stands the best chance of turfing out my (1) useless (2) spineless (3) ultra-Sturgeonite trougher MSP who has features in several Wings articles. The Labour candidate is, well, Labour material, so it is a hard decision to make. I cannae stand Labour, but I will say this: they are not engaging in criminal matters left, right and centre. However, I will probably just spoil my ballot paper.
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Remember those who resigned today were ELECTED by the members just a few months ago.
Peter Murrell didn’t just ignore the finance committee, he just stuck two fingers up at the members.
Too many felt collars and not enough collars felt at the SNP.
It is clearly time for some law enforcement action someone should be getting the jail very soon.
Father Ted: ” Now Dougal, you know the money was just resting in my account!”
The corrupt lying criminal Murrell is not in jail because he is being protected by the corrupt lying criminal Lord Advocate of Scotland.
Craig Murray wrote something to that effect and I trust him 100% on that.
Scotland is being run by the SNP Mafia.
@A Jambo 20 March, 2021 at 3:52 pm
“Aye but that’s another 100,000 new members tomorrow.”
Could be part of the reason, they would see very quickly there wasn’t 7000 new mwmbers at all and presumably Mr Murrells cunning plan might be considered fraud.
Something badly stinks about all those new memberships as seen here ” Someone I know cancelled their SNP membership last month & received an acknowledgement of their exit, then this month received an acknowledgement welcoming then on board as a new member.” link to
How did P.Murrell ever get the joab?
I haven’t read the comments yet but my first response was, what the feck!
The Sturgeonistas (more specifically, those with the capacity for logical thought, as opposed to the zoomers in perpetual denial) are going to be mightily disgruntled when they realise just how far they’ve been taken on a ride
It just gets worse, when I thought it couldn’t. Time both Murrells were gone. Surely now the fan club can begin to see the cracks in New SNP.
The police will be dreading the call to investigate the party. Will they act? I doubt it very much.
@ Craig Macinnes at 3:44 pm
“How on earth can a CEO refuse elected members to the Finance & Audit Committee access to the account books?. That has to be illegal surely?”
He can’t, but illegal? I’m not sure I don’t think so,
It would be unlawfully.
The 3 have actually caught on,that they are liable for the missing money ,If that is indeed the case
£200K each get it right up them(so far),
By bailing out they think they’ll walk away,I think not
Come the next tax reporting date, I’ll be advising Her Majesty’s Revenues and Customs that my income is woven through my expenditure, and decline their kind invitation to me to report it.
The SNP are reported to have gained 12,500 new members since March. Does that mean 12,500 new Unionist members? You know, pro-devolution, anti-independence type supporters.
How many of them are actually Scots? Or domiciled in Scotland? Who are they?
Whats needed is a new party that walks out of WM and Holyrood and stands at GE in Indy Plebiscite. As long as there is Holyrood the undecided have an easy get-out.
wull says:
20 March, 2021 at 5:20 pm
The SNP are reported to have gained 12,500 new members since March.
All lies.
The Financial Conduct Authority doesn’t regulate crowdfunding.
With apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan
To the tune of When I was a Lad- HMS Pinafore:
‘ When I was a lass I served a term as apprentice girl in an attorney’s firm
All: When she was a lass she served a term as apprentice girl in an attorney’s firm
I bollocksed up my cases so totally that now I am the Ruler of the SNP
All: She bollocksed up her cases so totally that now she is the Ruler of the SNP
I ditched the law and chose Indy and now I am the Ruler of the SNP
All: She ditched the law and chose Indy and now she is the Ruler of the SNP
etc etc
If anybody here out of understandable anger and frustration decides to vote Labour or tory, I think they would soon regret it. Both of those parties have shown over many years how much contempt they have for the Scottish people. It’s because the Murrells are showing themselves to be so corrupt and twisted that they are making the other parties look decent by comparison. They are not. Neither one gives a damn about Scotland or her people.
Personally, I feel now that I will have to abstain on the constituency vote. I cannot morally vote for these people any more.
I see someone suggesting vote Labour?
Name something they have done for Scotland in the last 50 years?
Labour’s Welsh NHS is a disaster worse than England’s NHS.
They have cancelled free travel for their Senior citizens
They are unable to hold the worst Tory Party in 100 years to account.
How many times in the last 10 years have they said their latest North
Accounting Unit has autonomy only to prove soon after they do what London says.
Sarwar came second to that Dick Leonard at a previous leadership contest.
That says it all if Labour Party members think his a lesser politician than Leonard..
Vote Labour and kill independence.
Cut your nose off to spite your face
I had convinced myself that I’d vote for the Holyrood doo-doo party rather than any of the London doo-doo parties. My reasoning was that the smell from the former was less rancid.
Now it’s almost eeksy-peeksy.
You read it here first – eeksy-peeksy doo-doo.
Article updated.
“How many are on the committee?”
Six or seven, I believe.
With regard to the accounting, the SNP must be in real trouble if a qualified chartered accountant (Frank Ross) decides he has to resign from the Finance and Audit Committee. He can’t afford to have his professional reputation mired in their mud.
If this has occurred from having been refused access to things that he ought to have been shown, this is the same old story as the way the Murrells and Co treated their lawyers. There too they withheld vital information from them in a way that made their case ‘unstateable’, thereby forcing Roddy Dunlop to withdraw.
The contempt with which they treat professionals only goes to show how very unprofessional those running the SNP, and exercising the levers of power, really are. Even more worrying is the fact that they seem to think they can get away with such behaviour with impunity, and even indefinitely. This only shows how divorced they are from reality.
Do they think we are all fools? If so, more fool them.
“The police will be dreading the call to investigate the party. Will they act? I doubt it very much.”
They got the call to invetigate the Directors of Duff and Phellps, the Rangers Administrators. These folk spent 6 days and nights in a concrete basement cell at Govan Police Office. In the end, it was found that no financial impropriety had taken place.
That’s your precedent. If your party has been stiffed for £600,000, then you have a ready made solution. I understand it is the Crown Office on behalf of the Lord Advocate that orders the investigation. Someone just has to make the complaint.
The Tree of Liberty says:
20 March, 2021 at 5:11 pm
How did P.Murrell ever get the joab?
He slept with the boss
Why is this not being reported in the MSM? All of Scotland needs to know this.
The rev now mentions “massive bank charges” as a result of running an overdraft. Remember now the banks are charging for overdrafts at a horrendous 40% !
‘We also gather than a number of members have threatened the party with legal action over the recent regional-list candidate selections’
Called ‘contingent liabilities’
Which significantly and adversely effect a businesses financial position.
Due Diligence means – any CA or Accountant will walk away without ‘tangiable, evidenced based current assets’ to cover the position.
If the Labour Party looks attractive to some now, it’s partly because they haven’t been in power for some years. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that they have changed. They haven’t, and given the chance they’ll soon prove it.
That cannot be lawful
It was never the drug dealing or illicit alcohol that brought down the gangsters the USA. It was the inappropriate managing of money.
Will this be the same for Nicola and Mr Murrell?
This stinks.
Not often that the rats on a sinking ship won’t jump but hang on for dear life..
Cudneycareless says:
20 March, 2021 at 5:33 pm
You can be certain he didn’t
This has bugger all to do with “bank charges.” An audit committee does not exist to opine on the wisdom of any transaction or set thereof. An overdraft or credit line being incurred unnecessarily is not, in and of itself, a resigning matter for a member of that committee. The committee may, however, argue that those responsible for the financial decisions be relieved of their post.
Nope, this is a whole lot deeper than “bank charges.” One might resign from an audit committee of they felt that the “bank charges” had been misclassified. There is a whole lot more to this story than we know at present.
The tree of liberty 5.11 – Murrell was working for Alex Salmond when he and Nicola met. Maybe for MI5 too at the time.
‘We’re told that some of the unease over the party’s finances is due to what are apparently “massive” bank charges, which suggest that it may be running an overdraft, although we can’t verify that part for certain yet.’
Holy shit. Wow, so, if true, it looks as if the suspicioun that they used the £600,000 to pay off the overdraft, is incorrect – they never even did that (which would at least have been fiscally sensible – if not exactly morally correct from an accountancy point of view). Wow.
But then again, if you’re going to line your pockets and burn the house down – why do it in dribs and drabs, better to just get stuck in and fill your boots.
Well done the candidates who are taking legal action over the gerrymandering. Pigeons coming home to roost right enough.
I really, really hope this week brings about the full scouring. No more dribs and drabs. Lets get the boil lance, and the leg fully amputated, and get on with indy.
Enough now.
There really, really needs to be a public – Covid safe – protest about this.
What would people’s feelings be about a vehicle convoy on Holyrood? And when would be the best time to hold it.
I am a bit of a masochist. I can’t wait for the Amazon movie to come out , when this is all revealed.
It’s some story. Quite incredible and hard to believe. One couple have managed to swindle a whole country. Even brainwash some to the point of insanity.
Anyone still a member of the SNP – you folks need to call your local branches together for an emergency meeting.
Questions you need answers to:
Can members be held financially accountable for debts (including legal fines) accrued.
Where’s Chapman, and more importantly, where’s the £600,000 Ring Fenced money?
By what process can members change leadership of the SNP.
Perturbed not even a reply from Chapman in two months. They were reasonable enquires.
Article updated again.
Sturgeon is a sociopath.
So she will never , ever admit anything until she loses everything. It took Lance Armstrong years to admit his crimes.
Even today, he still blames others for his cheating. They are manipulated of the gullible.
Tommo says:
20 March, 2021 at 5:26 pm
Some amateur operatic company or panto will be using that when lockdown is over.
Perhaps they do not have sufficient funds to pay for legal costs if any of these potential list vote legal challenges become active. If they lose which is highly likely given their own legal advice at the time they could be paying very large amounts of costs to the complainants as well as their own.
Perhaps the list vote fix will have to be overturned to prevent bankruptcy?
An Audit Committee not allowed to see its own accounts.
Wow,says it all.
Too many commissions about structural changes if you ask me. The meetings for meetings party.
Too many people needing to feel important.
Remember when it was almost like a family? Just too many egos now.
THe question in Court these days is not, “did you know what was happening?” It is “if you didnt know what was happening why didn’t you? That’s your job as a trustee”. And custodial sentences can be used if you are convicted. The moment they do realise something is wrong, as an Accountant, they have to report it or their professional body wil be down on them like a ton of bricks.
All that is missing is Nicola and Peter on the karaoke murdering Farnk Sinatra by singing ” My Way “.
Could money be the answer to all questions re SNP
ditching independence
trying to stitch up Alex Salmond
the Derek MacKay case
Jon Boy. Exactly. It’s their jobs on the line if the auditors knowingly subdue accounts.
They won’t want to be near the stench.
This might have been done purposely. Murrell denied the three of them access to the accounts knowing full well that they’d resign and he could fill their positions with people that he preferred to be in charge of the accounts.
I’m suggesting skullduggery.
Isn’t it the case that they could (individually or collectively) be held financially liable as office bearers for any irregularities? That would certainly help them come maketo such a decision.
*come to/*make such a decision. You choose. 🙂
“focused discussion on independence planning at each NEC meeting”.
Now they really are taking the piss . I personally would welcome a statement why this hasn’t happened in the last six years. It also reveals they understand why folks have left in droves.
I remain furious – they deserve all that’s coming.
Maybe they just wanted to see the subscription money from the 10,000 new members….
First off will say I am English and live in England but am an interested observer in matters politics Scotland
I can’t for one second pretend to fully understand the arguments either for or against independence but the mess that your FM and her followers are creating and indeed the arrogance and indeed contempt they appear to be treating you the Scottish people is beyond belief.
When I read comments on pro independence newspapers I struggle to understand how so many will never hear a bad word said against the SNP hierarchy and they have become so indoctrinated as to blame others for everything.
I wish you well but can’t help but feel sympathy for the way in which your political institutions are being dragged through the gutter. If it was North Korea you wouldn’t be surprised.
Donny says,
“The police will be dreading the call to investigate the party. Will they act? I doubt it very much.”
The police boss and the Lord Advocate of Scotland are both in Sturgeon’s pocket.
Why else would there not already have been a criminal investigation into the £600,000 of donations embezzled by the SNP?
Many of the donors were not even members of the SNP.
Surely there must have been numerous complaints?
Bless my poor old mother , should I still vote snp in may ? I’m afraid I may have swore at her , bless her she still believes the bbc , I have more work to do
Anyone have any idea what’s happened to Craig Murray’s video about the Salmond case? Seems to have gone down or been removed. Has he been threatened again?
“We’re told that some of the unease over the party’s finances is due to what are apparently “massive” bank charges, which suggest that it may be running an overdraft”
So they didn’t use the £600,000 to pay of their overdraft?
In which case they really really have embezzled the £600,000.
To fill Murrell and Ruddick’s trousers and to pay lawyers to defend the crimes of Sturgeon and her corrupt lying criminal cabal.
Seems the new treasurer Chapman has also been bought by Sturgeon and Murrell.
Eerily reminiscent of the Dorian scheme, another time when our independence was sold out because of the financial strategies of our “rulers” and it was the people who suffered…
A Plaid C member from has also joined the SNP, stating that is allowed within both parties’ rules. Is that genuinely allowed?
Koor @ 5:09
“Scotland is being run by the SNP Mafia”
If you removed the SNP from your comment – I would agree you 100%
Changed days.
Recon the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China is more open and accountabile than Sturgeon’s Nasty Party.
So, of the three who resigned, is anyone taking bets as to their future prospects?
Face wiped with a neuro-toxin soaked rag?
Death by anti-aircraft gun?
Fed to a pack of starving dogs?
Anyone give me 10/1 on the dogs?
Edit: Darien
Whats Liz Lloyd, I mean, Nicola Sturgeon, sorry, I mean Rape Crisis Scotland got to say about it? I cant believe this stuff until its officially denied.
Things must be profoundly grim inside the SNP that this truly appalling evasion of scrutiny, which makes them look as guilty as sin, is still preferable to Sturgeon’s mafia rather than people knowing the truth.
Just how dumb are they? Just how rotten has the SNP become?
Fight for Independence??? Ha! These SNP crooks and comedians would probably want to redact the McCrone Report.
@Colin Cadden 6:14pm
12,000 try and keep up!
Beaker, as Plaid Cymru and the SNP do not contest the same seats, there is no prohibition on a PC member joining the SNP. What you cannot do as a member of any party is join another one that competes with your original party.
Cath @6.20
I tried to post a YouTube link but it didn’t appear, I don’t know why.
If you search for Craig Murray directly on YouTube it is there.
Beaker – yes you can be a member of plaid or the party of kernow and also a SNP member.
I thought I’d save you asking kirsten ‘don’t worry about the rules as no one will sue us’ oswald. As she probably wouldn’t know any of the rules.
P.S. How much in legal fees are the SNP liable for because of oswald’s idiotic decision ?
wull says: at 5:20 pm
“The SNP are reported to have gained 12,500 new members since March. Does that mean 12,500 new Unionist members? You know, pro-devolution, anti-independence type supporters.
How many of them are actually Scots? Or domiciled in Scotland? Who are they?”
Who are they indeed. Is Bottish the new Scottish…
link to
Woman A = £100,000
Woman B = £100,000
Woman C = £100,000
Woman D = £100,000
Woman E = £100,000
Woman F = £100,000
It turns out Nicola doesn’t remember the resignation letter being read out today so it didn’t happen.
When a substantial ‘rise’ (cough!) in member numbers was extensively trailed on social media, why would NEC members be ‘delighted’?
Why are we being told of their ‘delight’?
Or were they asked to express their ‘delight’ one by one like Trump’s cabinet members?
“We also gather than a number of members have threatened the party with legal action over the recent regional-list candidate selections”
Those I believe would be Sturgeon’s cronies because Sturgeon has realised that she will lose her constituency seat.
She forced the BAME/Disabled lists against legal advice, but will now use others to do her dirty work to get them cancelled so she can be at the top of the Glasgow list.
Anyone who can’t stand the witch should support a tactical vote for Sarwar to at least unseat her in her constituency.
I would love to see her face as the results are announced on TV.
Let her cheat her way in through the list, but she will still have been humiliated in the constituency.
She doesn’t like to lose remember? Make her lose at the ballot box.
Talking about Trump, I would really recommend reading “The Cult of Trump”. It explains political cults very well, and how even intelligent people can be sucked into them and kept in them.
So many questions to answer, so little memory of events.
Ruby, if H didn’t get £100k she must have got the booby prize again
What a mess.
How far down the party does this go?
Can we vote with confidence for ANY SNP member now?
Sylvia says,
“Koor @ 5:09
“Scotland is being run by the SNP Mafia”
If you removed the SNP from your comment – I would agree you 100%”
Feel free to add any non-SNP Mafia names running Scotland.
I would start the list with:
1. Sturgeon
2. Liz Lloyd
3. Murrell
4. Ruddick
5. Swinney
6. The Lord Advocate
7. Yosaf
Pity its the wrong ones resigning, Sturgeon going by her track record will just push ahead regardless of legal advice on the candidate selection, she and her vile clique have already cost the Scottish taxpayer millions in payouts. I think she’d rather burn the SNP house down that let it move onto capable hands.
The there’s the Crown Office its corruption knows no bounds and it too has cost the taxpayer ten of if not hundreds of millions of pounds in payouts, yet no resignations, not even a reprimand.
In fact the previous dolt of a Lord Advocate is now a senior judge.
‘Oh what a tangled web we WEAVE …When first we practice to deceive’.
Note how the “minutes” say there have been 12000 membership applications…..12000 exactly.
Not nearly 12000……not over 12000…….just 12000
This isn’t a number that needs an estimate. There will be an exact number and they will know the exact number. The chances of the actual number ending in 000 are 1 in a thousand….unless the number is just made up of course (cough)
Craig has a message on his page “A Very Tough Video to Make 192
March 19, 2021
UPDATE I accidentally transpose in the video which of the two complainants from the original civil service process was met by John Sommers, Nicola’s Principal Private Secretary, on 20 and 21 November 2017, before Nicola wrote to Leslie Evans on 22 November 2017 telling her to include former ministers (but not civil servants) in the sexual harassment process. This was three and a half months before Nicola claims she first heard of the allegations against Alex Salmond.
The question of which of the two Sommers met makes no difference to the argument or series of events. END
I presume he is editing the video
“…there will be a focused discussion on Independence…”
WTF have they been doing since 2014?
I’ve been a minute secretary on many an occasion. This is not a minute company or organisation would accept.
JSC says:
20 March, 2021 at 6:40 pm
Ruby, if H didn’t get £100k she must have got the booby prize again
Who is H. Is she the woman who got raped in her dreams?
H is having to wait until all the new member donate to ‘The Ring Fenced Independence Fighting Fund Number 2’
It shouldn’t be long until she gets her dosh.
Cheers mddidi – that sounds reasonable. Hope he’s not being further harassed or silenced. The video seemed to be opening a fair few eyes.
Captain Yossarian says,
“I understand it is the Crown Office on behalf of the Lord Advocate that orders the investigation. Someone just has to make the complaint.”
That settles it then.
There will be no investigation because James Wolffe, the Lord Advocate of Scotland, is a corrupt lying criminal, in Sturgeon’s pocket.
Out of this mess…a new Scottish politics…..go for it guys.
Remember despair is a mortal sin.
Have a good evening!
‘There have been 12000 membership applications over the past couple of weeks’
Has more than one interpretation .
Any chance of. press conference from these three, or are they tied by some NDA? I’m sure SNP members would love to hear from them
@Astonished says:
20 March, 2021 at 6:30 pm
I thought I would ask here because I wanted an answer that hadn’t been redacted…
Thanks Skip as well.
The unionist media is still going very strong on “the poor women”, Nicola having to put up with Salmond’s conspiracy nonsense. Even the BBC seems to be defending her.
I would guess much of the money has gone in legal fees defending their key officers from their own stupidity.
The key questions are …
is this an accident or have they been played,
are the security services this clever, or are they just really stupid
have the security services compromised the Murrells and they are being protected while they wreak havoc
I have to say Nicola has played a blinder over Covid with half the deaths and infections of England and this is down to the communication skills of the team
I just don’t see Alex having a programme on RT justifying the conspiracy response.
Are there any suggestions out there for who the key benefactors are within the SNP from the removal of Alex.
“I won’t believe it till Rape Crisis Scotland denies it”.
That’s a good one, thx Frazerio.
I’m delighted to hear Murrell refused access to the accounts as, far from being one step ahead of the £600k question, it merely confirms the SNP still aren’t able to concoct an explanation for it.
Well-done those 3 honest and upright citizens – I wouldn’t want to be party to a criminal act either.
Captain Yossarian says,
“I understand it is the Crown Office on behalf of the Lord Advocate that orders the investigation. Someone just has to make the complaint.”
That is settled then.
There will be no investigation because James Wolffe, the Lord Advocate of Scotland, is a corrupt lying criminal in the pocket of Sturgeon.
If he isn’t, he should sue Lord Falconer for saying that he is.
Suggestion on Twitter that ‘Bonnie Prince Bob’ could be under investigation!
As a very happily retired PT in education, whilst teaching social sight language to “special children” No Admittance signs an what they meant, 1 bright spark said & I quote, ” You admit nothing to the polis.” I rest my case. M’lud.
Head,, Desk,,, Headache!!
For all those bringing in Trump, Sturgeon is a very big fan of Hilary Clinton.
Why would a fan of Hilary Clinton behave like Trump?
D’you know what, everything’s going to be OK.
If its not in the official minutes it never happened.
After all, no-one in the party is allowed to read Wings Over Scotland – so there’s no way they’ll ever find out. Ever.
Whew. Aw that fae a chicken – now that’s clever.
Murrell should be made toupee.
jeezo the mighty Anglo Saxon England getting trashed by the Celtic nations Scotland,Wales and Ireland,
on top of the England cricket being steamrolled by India 3 tests to 1,
what a sad start to the Great Brutish Empire II.
As said earlier pro independence folk who are sick of the outrageous SNP please don’t vote Labour or Tory.
Many on here remember the mess made by the corrupt “socialist” Labour Party. Many of course now in the very non socialist House of Lords.
The Tories are at least more honest they more or less admit to being evil scum but unless you have a few million pounds in the bank they are not the party for you.
Spoil or vote independent or if the crowd at the top of the SNP are rightly arrested vote SNP.
Right just now they are having to forcibly restrain Kirsty Oswald from releasing a snippy tweet about how inappropriate it is for members of the NEC to leak confidential resignations to vile cybernat Wings Over Scotland, and that they should be hounded out of the party for their disloyalty.
She really is that fundamentally stupid.
Still on the bright side, at least they have someone on the NEC well able to provide some party powder so they can forget their worries and their woes.
I think you will find on Monday from Boris and Handcock the
Scotland, Ireland and Wales only beat England at rugby thanks
to the Oxford vaccine.
Someone will be round next week to inject the antidote.
Hilarious. Thanks for the updates, Stu.
This is a meltdown. If only they had some sort of sociopathic consummate liar that could stand in front of the cameras and pretend everything was going swimmingly…
I know most of you want her to go ASAP. Once you reach the sort of higher evolutionary state I reached about 6 months ago, trust me, you’ll want her to stay.
This is better than Breaking Bad.
Kcor 6.37pm
Excellent Post.
The reason Glasgow Southside Constituency is highlighted so much on this site is because it is the seat of the First Minister of Scotland.
So if the only way to unseat her is to vote for someone who leaves a bad taste in the mouth, then that will be a hardship you will just have to go through.
And of course this is all assumptions, because next week the First Minister might resign.
But one way or another, I don’t think Nicola Sturgeon will be the First Minister of Scotland on 7th May 2021.
At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if the Carpetbagger Campbell of the unpaid rent and phone bills was appointed to the audit committee!
I can confirm having talked directly with several NEC members that Wings story is 100% accurate, as you would expect.
Not surprised it never was mentioned in the minutes. There is a reason for that which I will reveal on my own blog tomorrow.
Trump was a actually a fan of Hillary Clinton once upon a time!
Never mind that, where is the logic in saying you can’t compare a person to another person when that first person is a fan of yet another person?
So to help out a bit…Sturgeon may be a fan of Hillary but Hillary only rose to the heights of being a senator. She was never in the position of lording it over a submissive cabinet…that is where one point of comparison lies. The other is the ability of die-hard Sturgeon and Trump followers either to look past every bad act or find any explanation to excuse what should not be excused. That is why some see cult-like behaviour in those who support our dear leader 100% despite everything that’s coming out day after day.
After everything that’s been happening, this should not need explaining.
Kcor, Nicola is a fan of Hillary Clinton. Really? I think from much of what we read on this website we can conclude Nicola is not always entirely truthful…
Ross Kilbride says,
“So if the only way to unseat her is to vote for someone who leaves a bad taste in the mouth, then that will be a hardship you will just have to go through.
And of course this is all assumptions, because next week the First Minister might resign.”
Even if she resigns, it will be defiantly, calling for the voters to give their verdict. Hamilton has deliberately delayed his report to allow her to do this.
Let us put our names on the record:
Those in favour of advocating a tactical vote for Sarwar in the Glasgow Southside constituency to unseat Sturgeon:
1. Ross Kilbride
2. Kcor
Please fill free to add your names, or to start a list to support a vote for Sturgeon in the Glasgow Southside constituency.
Important point to note:
Unseating Sturgeon in Glasgow has no effect on the number of SNP and Unionist MSPs in the Scottish parliament:
Instead of Sarwar getting in on the list, he will get in in the constituency.
Instead of Sturgeon getting in in the constituency, an SNP BAME candidate will get in on the list.
No harm done, except to Sturgeon.
Let Sturgeon be left in a humiliating position if Sarwar unseats her in her constituency and then she cheats her way into parliament by forcing a BAME SNP list MSP to resign in her favour.
Daisy @ : 7:06
Ha ha thanks been trying to remember that ad for ages
I can’t remember the Actors name but I think it was Sam something he used to appear quiet regularly on STV I think
That gives away my age ha ha Christ STV soaps
Mike Robson says,
“Kcor, Nicola is a fan of Hillary Clinton. Really? I think from much of what we read on this website we can conclude Nicola is not always entirely truthful…”
She publically endorsed her and warned Trump he was not welcome to Scotland.
And I don’t think her woke policies come from Trump.
Piss off Kcor. Take her pal Ross wae yi. Pare o roasters.
Saturday night. Sweet f-a on T.V…
Suggest you spend 56 mins on the following…
Could it be that Murrell’s Line Manager is someone in MI5 ? Will I be arrested for even THINKING that ?
You don’t need to be voter in Glasgow Southside.
Just express your support for a tactical vote against Sturgeon if you are happy to go on the record.
Leaving other differences aside, I am only talking about the Glasgow Southside constituency.
Kcor @6:44
Those names are too obvious – they’re only foot soldiers…
Craig Murray MUST WATCH video
WIN 20210319 10 24 50 Pro title
I have numerous links on my twitter pages to it under Holymacmoses
Kcor, we are walking and being led down a hallway of mirrors and rabbit-holes, what appears solid is imaginary and what is dreamt is real.Think of Alice in Wonderland.
It’s embarrassing to think that for a good long time, I thought the snp were the way forward for indy. What a fuck-up they turned out to be. Show us the money Murrell…
PhilM says,
“So to help out a bit…Sturgeon may be a fan of Hillary but Hillary only rose to the heights of being a senator. She was never in the position of lording it over a submissive cabinet”
Poor woman, she never tried to be President of the USA so she could lord it OVER THE WHOLE WORLD.
Aye well don’t vote for them Get a Unionist and all that entails
Or vote for them then slowly Torture them by bombarding them with are we there yet,are we close,when is the referendum, go on go on go tell us .
Oh well passes the time I suppose
No point in annoying the Unionists they have never listened
Maybe even a Idea of joining the party again just to get voting rights , because there will be a conference at some point , then they can be heckled mercilessly
Sylvia says,
“Kcor @6:44
Those names are too obvious – they’re only foot soldiers…”
As I said, feel free to add any names to the top of the list.
The SNP has reversed the old excuse: They’ve robbed People (Paul) to pay Peter!
Alex Salmond hasn’t done a thing wrong and yet he’s still in the dock for Sturgeon’s crimes. As far as I’m concerned the blame for this situation lies fairly and squarely with the state prosecutor and the state police. Who wants to live in a country where the accused gets to decide whether or not the police investigate and whether or not the prosecutor prosecutes?
Iain Lawson says,
“I can confirm having talked directly with several NEC members that Wings story is 100% accurate, as you would expect.
Not surprised it never was mentioned in the minutes. There is a reason for that which I will reveal on my own blog tomorrow.”
There was also a reason minutes were not kept of the meetings planning and discussing the criminal conspiracy against Alex Salmond!
SNP Mafia run Scotland puts every banana republic in the world to shame.
Kcor if I knew the identity/names I would…I just know they’ve been penetrated by “something” very dark & sinister. The foot soldiers are like puppets on a string……..
Yes, Craig Murray’s yesterday’s YouTube upload has gone.
‘A Very Tough Video to Make.’
I’ve tried going in via the Wings link, and also into YouTube Search anonymously, without success.
Perhaps he is re-editing it.
I’ll bet you that the reason the minutes don’t mention the resignations is because they have refilled the positions with Woke Sturgeon Loyalists…
Vacancies? What vacancies?
Douglas Chapman’s reputation is not standing up to scrutiny the longer this goes on, is it?
The revised 2018 SNP constitution turned the party into an autocracy. Sturgeon and Murrell cannot be held to account by members and neither can anyone else in their protection.
Robert Graham says:
20 March, 2021 at 7:46 pm
“Aye well don’t vote for them Get a Unionist and all that entails
Or vote for them then slowly Torture them by bombarding them with are we there yet,are we close,when is the referendum, go on go on go tell us .
Oh well passes the time I suppose”
And whilst the time passes, do you not think that they will be quite happy suffering a bombardment of messages about whatever you might wish to ask them?
They will not answer you in a truthful fashion.
If re-elected, they will treat *you* and your bombardment of questions for the next five years in the same way as they have ignored supporters’ concerns over the past 5 years.
“The more things change, the more they stay the same … ” especially in the present SNP setup.
Kiwilassie says,
“I haven’t read the comments yet but my first response was, what the feck!”
For someone who left Scotland for New Zealand 50 years ago, your knowledge of the current political scene in Scotland is amazing!
The vast majority of people living in Scotland don’t know even a small fraction of what you know!
@Jack Murphy,
this might work,
link to
Short of Murrell gambling the £600k away- very unlikely- the obvious explanation is that it never existed in the first place.
Likely it was a “ financial projection” of future membership fees/ donations etc -presumably to be ringfenced-which never came to pass- as is obvious by the collapse in membership & I suspect donations.
Sylvia says,
“Kcor if I knew the identity/names I would…I just know they’ve been penetrated by “something” very dark & sinister. The foot soldiers are like puppets on a string……..”
Oh yes, the British state.
Well I guess Sturgeon and Murrell are only following orders so we shouldn’t really blame them.
After tax, I reckon Sturgeon & Murrell are *clearing* £90k each a year, which is good money but not millionaire level.
However, they seem to be doing really well on the property front between them:
– Detached new-build house south-east of Glasgow – £300k easy
– Big house at Bridge of Allan – was offers over £825k (4 years ago) so pushing a million now
– Apparent holiday villa in Portugal – £150k at an absolute minimum.
So… totalling £1.5 million
Depending how much of this is mortgaged, you can see why they are desperate at hanging on until she is booted out of Bute House
Went to Craig Murray’s website to view his recent vlog – no longer available.
Looks like Big Mama’s Secret Police have been at it again.
Censorship, Propoganda, Direct Threat to Freedom of Speach, Perverting the Course of Justice, Corruption.
It stinks. SNP MP’s, MSP’s, Councillors – you MUST stand up and be counted. This is appalling, utterly despicable behaviour.
This is a direct threat to our democratic rights (such as they are). If Westminster was implementing the half of it you would be manning the barricades – it’s not OK just because Mama Nicla’s in charge.
If you do not stand up now – then you are complicit. The enemy within.
As a none SNP member YES supporter, I will go back through bank accounts to check how much I have donated to the SNP to promote Independence over the last few years.
At the time, I did it willingly in the belief that it would go to help the cause. One of many reasons why I now feel completely betrayed.
Couple of points
Consider AS is very well up on finance, does his expertise in finance a part of the created his troubles,in that he needed to be kept away from the books and to stop him from speaking out about the finances
Ross is a CA, still so is James Kelly MSP..He knows what is needed
The “new members” are they real in do exist,or are they numbers to secure credit
Is the treasurer Beatty? He’s is useless
and still It’ll not be anything St.Nic has done
And the members still won’t report this to the Police
Am I right in thinking murrell is now “fighting fires on a number of fronts” ?
Karma or thank you God.
I have tried to post two messages in reply to posts saying that Craig Murray’s latest video is not available.
It *IS* available. Are links to Murray’s video not allowed?
Kcor …I will take the 5th Amendment (for now)
Thanks Scot Finlayson @ 8:06pm.
Willie – have you tried taking the http bit out? I think that doesn’t work for links, for some reason.
Cath says:
20 March, 2021 at 8:28 pm
“Willie – have you tried taking the http bit out? I think that doesn’t work for links, for some reason.”
Thank you! I wonder if this works?
link to
And they talk about the tories being corrupt, they in my opinion (snp) are worse by a massive margin.
You are correct, it’s coming at him from all fronts.
Amongst other things, haven’t the inquiry committee reported him to Police Scotland for lying under oath? Exciting times.
Daisy Walker says:
20 March, 2021 at 8:13 pm
“Went to Craig Murray’s website to view his recent vlog – no longer available.
Looks like Big Mama’s Secret Police have been at it again.”
Try here Daisy Walker, *well* worth watching:
link to
As I write this, the URL included in robertnight’s comment at 7:39 still works. Copy and paste in your browser.
Dave Llewellyn says:
20 March, 2021 at 3:54 pm
I think it’s time the fraud squad were called in. And the Electoral Commission.
Funny you should say that, I contacted the EC earlier this evening
Not showing accounts because someone with a brain will work out the amount of people that have left the party.
Massive bank charges would indicate they’re running on overdrafts or payments bouncing, which would equate to not having enough money. Which us surprising for a party which is sooo popular, you would think they would have subs and donations rolling in?
Emperor’s new clothes and all that.
Just daydreaming for a bit….do we suppose that, given how much is already in the public domain despite the best efforts to hide it, when the deluge of overwhelming and damning evidence comes to light NS will plead not guilty and try to brazen it out or just admit it’s a fair cop guv, you got me bang to rights and no mistake? Surely even she must be starting to worry a bit?
After watching Craig Murray’s video yesterday, I’m pretty certain he did identify one of the ‘Alphabet Sisters’ I put that down to him not been well at the moment.
An explanation about the Craig Murray video:
I was under the mistaken view that links to that video were being blocked but as another poster kindly corrected me, the format of link I was posting was not allowed and I now see that an adjusted link format has now been accepted.
To explain – I am of an age where I do not care for podcasts/videos/YouTube etc., as I much prefer the written word. Last night I received a link to Mr Murray’s video and as soon as I opened the link I though I would not bother watching because of the length of the video – almost 1 hour.
However, I started watching the video and in a matter of minutes I was *totally* drawn in. It is for people like me, people who have tried to follow the case with interest but mainly only being aware of details posted by the MSM, details which are no help whatsoever.
Without breaking any legal rules (I believe) – Craig Murray goes right to the heart *and* to the very start of the whole farrago laid against Alex Salmond. For the first time ever in many years of trying to follow the case using available published sources, I now have an understanding of what happened – *AND* – what did *NOT* happen, explained in layman’s terms in great detail and very well worth some 56 minutes time of viewing by anyone who is interested in the truth.
I can honestly say that in just under 1 hour last night, I had a much clearer picture than I have ever had in the past couple of years. I suggest any seeker after truth spend just under an hour watching this. I doubt if you will ever spend a more useful and productive hour in your lifetime.
The link:
link to
I notice that most of the twitters etc.
are calling this anger as a witch hunt.
not so hard, the witch is right in front of them!
haven’t the inquiry committee reported him to Police Scotland for lying under oath?
Have they? Hadn’t heard that. I hope he’s having to firelight on so many fronts he doesn’t know what way he’s facing.
Willie, the Craig Murray video is great and does tell a lot of the story. But still not the bit that really floored me when I found out. There is a lot more that needs to come out for justice to be done. I have no idea if, or how, that can ever happen. But I hope it does.
Daisy Walker says,
“It stinks. SNP MP’s, MSP’s, Councillors – you MUST stand up and be counted. This is appalling, utterly despicable behaviour.”
Don’t worry, SNP MSPs will stand up and be counted after they have been elected or re-elected – according to those advocating constituency votes for the SNP.
When they say it’s “woven through the accounts”, are they referring to their verbal accounts?
Do we have any names of any of the three that resigned from the NEC, or statements from them?
Hatuey says:
20 March, 2021 at 9:14 pm
Names are in the article
[i]We gather that the three are Frank Ross (a qualified chartered accountant and current Lord Provost of Edinburgh Council), Livingston company director Cynthia Guthrie and the Mid Scotland & Fife NEC member Allison Graham.[/i]
Hatuey @9:14
At beginning of article –
“We gather that the three are Frank Ross (a qualified chartered accountant and current Lord Provost of Edinburgh Council), Livingston company director Cynthia Guthrie and the Mid Scotland & Fife NEC member Allison Graham”
Hatuey says:
20 March, 2021 at 9:14 pm
Do we have any names of any of the three that resigned from the NEC, or statements from them
Stu gave the names in the article. Be more alert!
“We gather that the three are Frank Ross (a qualified chartered accountant and current Lord Provost of Edinburgh Council), Livingston company director Cynthia Guthrie and the Mid Scotland & Fife NEC member Allison Graham.”
No statements as yet
Oh right… ta
Cath says:
20 March, 2021 at 9:00 pm
“Willie, the Craig Murray video is great and does tell a lot of the story. But still not the bit that really floored me when I found out. There is a lot more that needs to come out for justice to be done. I have no idea if, or how, that can ever happen. But I hope it does.”
Thank you, Cath, for that.
“The bit that really floored me … ” – I was going to say, “I can only imagine,” though I doubt if my imagination could ever envisage things to still be disclosed, *because* what is now allowed in the public domain although serious, could never “floor” anyone, so we wait. Again.
When you say, “There is a lot more that needs to come out for justice to be done.” – I live in hope that I shall live long enough to see it. One thing in life which is almost a certainty – *People talk*!
Especially people who are in on a “plan”; does anyone at all believe that *IF* there was a “plan”, as alleged, say for the sake of argument a plan involving say six people, that each and every one of those six persons never ever mentioned a single word to their “best friend” / spouse / partner / etc., whatever?
People talk. And I am sure that one day, one person *will* talk, maybe for money; maybe to keep themselves outside of “the plan”; maybe one day just to relieve their conscience.
“F?at j?stitia ruat cælum” – “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.”
@ msdidi: just wanted to say in response to your comment on the previous thread, well done for spreading your donations around the indy fundraisers so everyone gets some help. The Yes movement is bigger than one or two parties and is doing good work.
I too am wondering about whether to stop my National sub.
The constant and repetitive “Tory scum” comments are very tiresome…..classic ad-hom attacks which characterise socialist and nationalist thinking….
Every member of the party has a right to see the accounts.
JSC @8.13
I just looked at the house in Bridge of Allan. It was on sale for £825,000 but actually exchanged for £793,000 – not quite a million!
Looking at the update, i just seems to me that there is a deliberate attempt to destroy the party..
@Wille Jay (8.52) –
re Craig Murray’s podcast.
Hear hear.
It’s excellent.
What impressed me most was that he didn’t appear to use any notes at all. He paused once, just to catch his breath/gather his thoughts, but then got straight back into it.
Someone on Twitter remarked that it was such a contrast with the FM at the inquiry. Okay, so she did eight hours. Big deal. How much of that was humming, hawing, deflection, displays of faux emotion etc? Alex Salmond didn’t refer to any notes.
If you’re telling the truth, you don’t need to consult stacks of files and folders to double-check what you said previously.