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Wings Over Scotland

In the name of clarity

Posted on April 18, 2024 by

We unreservedly applaud the swiftness with which the office of the Official Report of the Scottish Parliament have delivered this answer, something which other bodies in Scotland could learn from.

(Click pic to enlarge.)

The content of it, however, is more disturbing.

Because what Humza Yousaf said was this:

Why are we so surprised when the most senior positions in Scotland are filled almost exclusively by those who are white? Take my portfolio, for example.

The Lord President: white!

The Lord Justice Clerk: white!

Every High Court judge: white!

The Lord Advocate: white!

The Solicitor General: white!

The Chief Constable: white!

Every Deputy Chief Constable: white!

Every Assistant Chief Constable: white!

The head of the Law Society: white!

The head of the Faculty of Advocates: white!

Every. Prison. Governor: white.”

And that does not lack “clarity” in any way whatsoever. A five-year-old child could tell you what he was saying: that all the people he was naming were white. He did not misspeak. He did not accidentally use the wrong word anywhere. He made no errors of either fact or grammar. The speech is in very simple English and did not need altering or clarifying.

(Ironically, the Report claims to remove “repetitions and redundancies”, in which case they could have deleted almost the entire passage. Once he’s said “the most senior positions in Scotland are filled almost exclusively by those who are white”, there’s no need to read out a list of them. It’s both repetitious and redundant. He’s not conveying any information he hasn’t already told us.)

We’ve uploaded the style guide helpfully supplied by the OR here. It’s full of nerdy stuff about hyphens and colons and the correct spelling of “stushie” (not “stooshie”), and it gets very huffy about saying “sgian dubh” rather than using the Anglicised version “skean dhu”, even though the normal language of the Parliament is English.

But there’s nothing in it that says you should compress multiple individual sentences into a single one, add words to them or change their intonation or emphasis.

We do not share Mr Littlejohn’s confidence that the Report on this occasion “accurately reflects the meaning of the speaker”. It is our view that it in fact does both readers and Humza Yousaf a real disservice by altering the tone of a speech which was clearly delivered with a specific intent of rhetorical impact, which the Report’s version defangs.

But in any event, we have the response that we sought: namely that it is the view of the Scottish Parliament that the people of Scotland are too dim-witted to understand the sentence “The Chief Constable: white!” and need it clarified for them.

We don’t seem to have come very far in 40 years.

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Well, you didn’t really expect the UK staff in Holyrood to agree, did you, Rev?

We need everyone and everything at Holyrood cleared out. A gathering of tens of thousands, and a group sent into the building to tell the MSPS “resign or swear to defer to the Sovereign People”.

“And resign from your party and sit as an independent.”

Every last one is incompetent, weak, unprincipled, and have betrayed Scotland. Billy Connolly was right – it is a “pretendy wee parliament” and can’t even manage their few tasks properly. They are a disgrace and we need to get rid of them today.

How will Scotland survive when the freeports and Special Economic Zones have overridden our individual rights, and the Scottish constitution? When all our wealth is in the hands of freebooters?

The smug complacent faces of the First Minister, Kate Forbes, Maree Todd all telling lies about every single piece of disastrous policy and legislation that wrecks Scotland as a place to think, speak, debate, live and work. They must go NOW.

Anton Decadent

Last year I posted a link to an article in the Guardian on how 1984 was being rewritten…


This is part of a much wider societal problem of officials taking it upon themselves to “make a difference,” ie, using their office to advance their ideology. Judges have been doing it to an outrageous level for some decades now, but it goes on in every office of government. It hasn’t been picked up on by the public because almost invariably, those who do it are on the political left, and it’s different when you’re on the political left. People need to wise up that systems only work where people actually do their job as the job is supposed to be done, even when the outcome of doing it isn’t to your ideological liking.


Part of the disinformation agenda? wE are being surrounded by it.

John McGill

A whitewash!
Or maybe
It is a whitewash.


A comma inserted after each position would have done the same job without adding words to his speech.

Ronnie McNeill

Surely, that is why punctuation is so important?


Thankyou for your commitment and dedication.


A monstrous distortion of truth and these lickspittles are proud of it.
A true nadir in the road to nowhere for the wee pretendy parliament.


Reminds me of something…

“No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?”

No one believes more firmly than the Scottish Government that the Scottish public should have access to accurate parliamentary records. We would be only too happy to let you read those verbatim and draw your own conclusions as to what elected members said. But sometimes you might draw the wrong conclusions, comrades, and then where should we be?


What they did substantially altered and I would say removed the forced and emotion imbued in his speech which, taken together, convey anger.

If Humza was more conscientious, he would complain about them making an alteration like that and admit that his speech was intended to be forceful and emotive on the subject, instead of hiding.

I am left wondering what other words and speeches on the official record they have altered.

Their changes in this case did not enhance clarity; instead, they distorted reality and everyone who has watched the video now knows that.

“But some are more equal than others” springs to mind.


Where does it go from here? Or is that the end of it?

It was definitely a racist rant from Yousaf he appeared visibly annoyed that white people filled those positions, and the tone of his voice backed that up.

If I were to enter an Indian restaurant and start saying the Chef is brown, the waiters are brown, the bar staff are brown, the owner is brown etc, in the same tone and annoyed manner as Yousaf did with white people in mind, I’m pretty confident I’d be arrested and charged with a hate crime, and so should Humza Yousaf.

Yousaf must’ve been confident that he would face no comeback with his white people rant in a country predominately populated by white people that he produced the rant on live tv in our countries parliament in front of the nation, now that is arrogance, and says to me, hey I can say this because I’m untouchable.


As ever great work. Highlights their meddling with every tiny thing. If only their abject insecurity could be exploited to excise their rot sooner!

Got to say, I’m with Sarah and Athanasius. Quite interesting comments here before the usual suspects get up to speed…

frank gillougley

Now that’s just fucking incredible! That is a rewrite of the actual speech. Words used in speech are completely different to the written word. And that is just political whitewash policy on what should be reportage. It is to say the least, akin to the translation of text from a foreign language, which is a rewrite for very good reasons. But from spoken English to written English it really ought to be straightforward, warts and all and let the reader decide. Fuck the fuck right off and when you get there fuck off again…Mr. Rob Littlejohn who really ought to write, as translated by Rob Littlejohn on the cover of the transcript.

Mark Beggan

Everything the Clown says is a reflection of the inner workings of Sturgeons mind.


It’s good to know that the OR staff don’t think white people are evil, but I’d rather Yousaf’s opinion was on the record.

On the other hand, with the danger of a malicious hate crime prosecution, I’m employing a stenographer to follow me 24/7 to ‘clarify’ my utterances. I’ll just hand the thought police a transcript, and go on my merry way.

Mark Beggan

Follow the Hatred.
It all leads to Sturgeon.


in fairness, who the f write skean dhu, never seen that in my puff

deary me.


Ignored says:
18 April, 2024 at 1:38 pm
in fairness,..

Ha ha! You are right enough.

Anton Decadent

Something I have seen written a number of times online, usually by people who support the type of speeches which Humza Yousaf and Anas Sarwar made, are that “words have meanings” and that there are “consequences”. Is this a one way street of compelled speech and behaviour used to police only certain demographics and if this is the case why, what is coming down the line?


“…[the style guide] gets very huffy about saying (SIC)“sgian dubh” rather than using the Anglicised version “skean dhu”, even though the NORMAL(my emphasis) language of the Parliament is English.”
My apologies if I misunderstand you but Kate Forbes, you may recall, once addressed the Scottish Parliament in her native Gàidhlg. Is it your contention that her future use of “sgian dubh” should he rendered “skean dhu”, in the Official report?


Following my viewing of the Connolly clip, my computer screen was defaced by an image of alleged ‘entertainer’ Michael Macintyre.

To whom do I send a complaint for the mental trauma caused by the unsolicited visage of his soft, wet, coupon?

Slightly off-topic, but wouldn’t a documentary by Billy Connolly about James Connolly be great?

John Thomson

Don’t think you’ll get as swift a response this time.
Well done and keep going


Anton Decadent says:

18 April, 2024 at 12:35 pm

Last year I posted a link to an article in the Guardian on how 1984 was being rewritten…
Re -written?

It was used as a template by Sturgeon and now by her continuity puppet, Hapless Humza.


ross says:

18 April, 2024 at 1:38 pm

in fairness, who the f write skean dhu, never seen that in my puff
You need to get out s bit more.

The Rev. Is correct.

Skean Dhu is a common Anglicisation/ bastardisation of Sgian Dubh. it is a common pub name across Scotland and beyond (e.g. Fulham and even Texas).

Lulu Bells

I am appalled at the interference and distortion of what HY said. It is not up to Rob Littlejohn, or any other civil servant in the SG to decide what the meaning HY is getting across is. That is not their job, they are civil servants and do not have an opinion. They have no right to take what anyone has said and distort it to a meaning they want it to have. There are plenty of people working for the SG that will do that for the party in power, but it is not the role of civil servants. But to then gaily admit that this has been done is disgraceful and rather naive. I suspect Rob Littlejohn is not senior enough to understand what he just told Wings.

Geoff Anderson

Coming up on 15,000
link to

David Hannah

I wonder if Linda Fabiani penned you that email response. We know she’s an expert in the field of whitewashing.

Get them to fuck Mr. Campbell. Fuck them. Ram it down their throats. Humza is racist bigot.

David Hannah

Sturgeon picked this guy. Because she knew he’d destroy Scotland. Now he’s moved his family into Bute House. They’ll be wanting squatters rights won’t they?

El Nakla will be punting the Bute House Chandelier for smack won’t he?

They sicken me. Scotland’s worst family!

I. Despair

Anyone working in politics or media related to politics knows that when the text of a speech by some politician is released to the press, it is typically prefaced by the phrase “Check against delivery.” This is a reminder that it’s common for a person making a speech to vary the wording (sometimes a little, sometimes a lot) at the point where they actually come to deliver the speech using that written text. The idea is that what is said is the key thing, even when the written text may be different. The policy of the OR brings far too much editorialising and fudging into what should be the neutral record of what is said.


I thought they were supposed to be civil servants, not entrants for the Scottish fiction award.

David Hannah

Repeal the Hate Crime Act. Arrest Humza and his disgusting family. Kick the doors of Bute House in boys. Drag the bastards out! Drag them out now!

David Hannah

2/3rds of Scots want to repeal the Hate Crime Act.

Humza says 66 per cent of Scotland are wrong. And he is right.

Cops ashamed to be police officers protecting this cunt. Kick the fucking doors of Jackson’s entry in and jail the fucking lot of them!



“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”

That extract, courtesy of Saint Paul, is probably familiar to many. And I’ve used it before a while back when I was spouting the advantages of understanding rhetorical figures and how they can be used to manipulate the minds of listeners and readers.

Yousaf’s speech uses an overabundance of a figure called epistrophe. So much so it rendered his speech, mostly, ineffective.

But that is beside the point. The point being that even Yousaf’s attempt to sway the minds of others by deploying such a rhetorical figure in such a manner was really quite sinister and potentially very dangerous.

I might break it down in a later post if anyone is interested.

For now I’ll just say this; epistrophe is the trope of obsession. It’s the trope of emphasising one point over and over and over.

And it’s a figure often used to deliver very unhealthy ideas into the minds of others.


I wonder if the very similar speech by Sarwar was recorded in the same way?


Is it now dawning on people what a malignant presence there is within the Civil Service Scottish branch office?

O/T but Calmac are on record as saying that they did not want hybrid ferries. Whoever was responsible for that imposition should be sacked. (That is if they have not been promoted for their ‘skulduggery’)


Let’s face it both Yousless and Sturgeon were/are both your classic ‘token’ hires.

Nicola was there to make Salmond more appealing to woman voters and Yousless went from one high profile job to another doing a consistently poor job until he was inflicted upon as FM. He likes to think he is this perpetual victim but the truth is he has only got these jobs BECAUSE he is not WHITE! It is certainly wasn’t based on his talent and skill set. That is blindingly obvious to all.

I think this tells us a lot about the dangers of promoting people into positions not because of their talents but instead as token hires or diversity hires. They are really dangerous people as they know they are frauds to begin with.

Humza especially is a Hutchy version of Al Sharpton. And Sturgeon betrayed everybody and everything… And now the SNP is jam packed full of them.

I. Despair

Just having a glance over the Style Guide. Here’s one clarification it offers:-
“Commonwealth (echo of empire); commonwealth (16th century political theory)”
While many folk on here might agree with this take on “Commonwealth” with a capital C, it’s revealing that a definition associating the Commonwealth with empire has made it into what should be a neutral document.
And for FFS, do they not understand that “brownies (children’s organisation)” requires a capital B for Brownies as it’s the name of an organisation?


Who said that Sarwar or Yousaf wrote their race-baiting epic speeches? Probably written for them… 😉


I would get a second opinion, maybe from a Court stenographer or an official Translater maybe, as to whether they would consider the embellishment, and undisputable change of emphasis, fell within “accepted” parameters of diligent interpretation.

And Spouse

“I am content in this case that……………”
Sounds like the start of every reply I get from the BBC, whenever I raise an issue of Basie.

Mark Beggan

Sarwar is the continuity candidate for Scotland. The public wants what the public gets.

Andrew F

As George Orwell so brilliantly expressed it in his novel “Nineteen Eighty Four”:

“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past”.

That is the essence of totalitarianism.

Just produce the exact words they said. There is no justification at all for replacing or inserting words. It’s supposed to be a transcript for the public record of what was said.

If they make a mistake then they can issue a correction at the appropriate time and that will also appear in the historic record. But nobody has the right – in a non-totalitarian society – to just “memory hole” something that was actually said.


Hapless Humza’s address was essentially performative.

He KNEW it would be broadcast and posted on YouTube.

His miscalculation was a failure to foresee the text, as performed, would be eviscerated by an accomplished textual critic.

Agent x

Milady says:
18 April, 2024 at 2:57 pm

I wonder if the very similar speech by Sarwar was recorded in the same way?
The full debate is reported here:
link to


Here’s another example of epistrophe. It’s a rhetorical figure probably at its most natural in the film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

If you hold back anything, I’ll kill you.
If you bend the truth, or I think you’re bending the truth, I’ll kill you.
If you forget anything, I’ll kill you.
In fact, you’re going to have to work very hard to stay alive, Nick. Now,
do you understand everything I’ve said?
Because if you don’t, I’ll kill you.

In fact, epistrophe is particularly suited for death.

And as Stuart Campbell mentions in his follow up letter, posted for our benefit in a comment above, epistrophe is often delivered with much finger jabbing, fist pumping, and table bashing; the theatrical gestures typically used by orators when emphasising a repetitive obsessive point.

alf baird

Andrew F @ 4:02 pm

“Just produce the exact words they said. There is no justification at all for replacing or inserting words. It’s supposed to be a transcript for the public record of what was said.”

Indeed, and internationally parliaments and their committees are often considered to be much like courts, with everything publicly stated within chambers and committees usually recorded as evidence of state proceedings and investigations. And on the matter of ‘evidence’:

“Tampering with evidence, or evidence tampering, is an act in which a person alters, conceals, falsifies, or destroys evidence …. It is a criminal offense in many jurisdictions.”

Agent x

Peter Murrell arrested again!

Mark Beggan

The games afoot Watson!!

George Ferguson

The context of the speeches by Humza Yousaf and Anas Sarwar was the Black Lives Matter campaign peaked around then. At the time it was an opportunity for a free hit for them. Backfired now though. It’s the least of Humzas worries. All the SNP/ Green Government flagship policies have fallen apart. Those that are familiar with the song four wheels on my wagon. “No wheels on my wagon and I’m not rolling along”. Huge electoral defeat coming up for the SNP at the GE. Meanwhile I had a GE SNP campaign poster delivered to me today. Including an application for a postal vote. Front and centre was this claim. A vote for the SNP is a for vote Independence.

Agent x

what a great couple of weeks for the SNP.

I am happy.

Andrew scott

At Agent
Makes our day
Humza’s just got wirse


“The matter remains active for the purposes of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 and the public are therefore advised to exercise caution if discussing it on social media.”

Though I must say the grammar could be better that’s a reference to the husband of the wee busybody, scold, and nag who used to boss the Scotnaz government.


This reply IS farcical.
Thank you for bringing this written wrongspeak to our attention.


Off Topic;

Peter Murrell just been rearrested by the national state Polis. Is it fanciful to suppose that a fall guy has been nominated to carry the can in the event of criminal activities being disclosed around SNP finances, I wonder.

Teeny Tiny Tim

Why aren’t either Alba or the Tories objecting to this?
Obviously Labour wouldn’t.

Simon H.

Wouldn’t it also be appropriate to take this up with the Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament?

Agent x

“the public are therefore advised to exercise caution if discussing it on social media.”

Nothing about expressing pleasure.

Ruby Tuesday

It’s difficult to understand the emotion behind a speech by just reading the words.

A description would make things a lot clearer.

The Lord President: white!

The Lord Justice Clerk: white!

Every High Court judge: white!

He said angrily banging his fist on the desk each time he spat out the word white!

If you were going to replace just one word to make the meaning clearer a swear word would be better than ‘is’

The Lord President: fuckin’ white!


Every High Court judge: bloody white!

PS. Who would actually just be reading the transcript?

What do the subtitles say?

Hatey McHateface

I’ve just listened to 16 minutes of polite evisceration of first Patrick Harvie and then Liz Lloyd on BBC Radio 4, with a passing mention of Peter Murrell too.

It made me realise that whoever said there is no such thing as bad publicity got it wrong.

There was a half-hearted attempt by the interviewees to blame the climb-down over green policies on Westminster, the Tories, Labour and the Lib Dems, but even the interviewer could see they were simply lost and didn’t press them on it.

But as Lloyd said, they can all now clear the decks and get on with something else. The mind boggles to think what.

Agent x

Of course it happened today to detract from the climate change target climbdown.

And the opposition of the hate bill.

And the fact that the SNP are pathetic.

But – it is all Westminsters/England fault and nothing to do with the Scottish Government.

James Che

I know you will not Be surprised with the answer
As the Big Yin explains in another video, “The Wee pretendy Scottish parliament in Scotland”.
Therein lies the problem at the governmental problem “head in Scotland” that hosts of Snp, the Greens and every other wee pretendy party of democracy of Scotland.

Said with much affection and respect to yourself, but Metaphorically speaking I think you’re aim is way off when targeting the problem of Scotland.


I wonder if a certain Mrs Murrell will be spouting her pish on the re arrest of her husband , so far so good but don’t let Sturgeon of the hook .


TBQH these people, Mr Littlejohn and the CLOWNS Useless and Sarwar only get away with their open anti WHITE hatred because people are so afraid of being called RACIST if they challenge it openly, Mr Littlejohn has decided to WHITEwash Useless and Sarwars racist rants because to do otherwise would highlight the underlying venality and disgust they hold for the white citizens of Scotland
I had a friend who claimed he had many Asian friends who he socialised with regularly and he always insisted that there was no colour bar or enmity between any of them , I asked him if when he was in their company if they ever spoke to each other in their mother tongue, he said that they did quite often but there was nothing wrong with that, I disagreed with him and said that I felt that speaking to each other in their mother tongue whilst he was present was extremely disrespectful and rude, WHY would they talk to each other in their mother tongue when they knew he couldn’t understand what they were saying

Agent x

It will make an interesting chapter in her book.


The magpies are coming home to roost!

One For Sorrow, Two For Joy!

Glenn Boyd

My goodness! Could this be the beginning of the end for Scotland’s perfect “married”couple? My spy’s inform that Patrick Harvie is beside himself with worry. Ms Harvie and Mr Murrel after all are “close friends”. lol I have the popcorn at the ready. Alex Salmond, I understand, is on standby to fly the the side of the troubled Mr Murrel, who is of course the real victim here.


Murrell re-arrested the election must be soon right enough.


Agent x

Sturgeon:“Alex Salmond is innocent of criminality but that doesn’t mean the behaviour they claimed of didn’t happen. I think it is important that we don’t lose sight of that.”
what does she say about her husband?


Agent x @ 17.49

Gosh thankies, Agent, great to be reminded that I can happily express pleasure, nay, unconfined joy with no fear of appearing in any way hateful.

Ruby Ruby

link to

Should be anyone not actually

PS. Who would anyone just be reading the transcript?

Mark Beggan


They’ve all got it in for me.

James Barr Gardner

I guess Wee Peem ain’t gonnae be at Freedom Square oan Seturday……….


When I saw Murrell lying through his smirk at the inquiry I took a strong dislike to the man. I hope he is experiencing real fear now, waking up in the small hours with his heart pounding. He should, he is guilty as sin.

I have long said he will be the weakest link. He is dumb, lazy and incompetent and he leaves a trail of evidence everywhere he goes.

It must be a nightmare for Police Jokeland to find a way to plausibly look the other way given what a mess he will have made.

But if any rotten shitty corrupt police force can do it police Scotland will be the one.


Some ground-level-experience Scottish musings on American race relations, because that’s where we are unfortunately importing our own divide-and-conquer race relations from.

link to


How can you be arrested, released pending further enquiries, then arrested again? Surely once per enquiry is enough.

James Che


I posted a comment to you both under Stu’ old post heading “Mutability of History” which actual seems rather appropriate considering how changable our history is depending on what you know and where you can find it.

Besides my being inconsistent with my replies at this moment time due to the chaos at home with issues of health, it is not nice for myself to gum up Stu’s new posts so early on,

Agent x

“He was taken into custody at 09:13 on Thursday and is being questioned by Police Scotland detectives.
Legally, Mr Murrell can be held by police for 12 hours of questioning.”

Hopefully there will be an announcement tonight that he has been charged.


Cant someone do a spoof of Useless with a dictating Hitler finger poking the air and repeating: Chancellor of the exchequer, white! etc etc. ad nauseum


Murrell charged with embezzlement per STV.

Agent x

Murrell charged.

Andy Ellis

@Agent x 6.53pm

He can be held for a further 12 hours if the Police apply for it.


Murrell charged with embezzlement!

David Hannah

Write about that Nicola.

Ya fucking cow. Write about the embezzlement from darling hubby. Ya fucking bitch, Get it fucking up ye!

Ken Lowson

Murrell charged with embezzlement

David Hannah

YESS! YESS! I’m going to have a whisky tonight. A toast. To the honest officers of Police Scotland.

Fucking get it up Peter Murrell. Ya f***king baldy *****! Get it up him! Corrupt to the core!

YESSSSSS!!!! We’ve waited years for this moment. And I’m going to enjoy it!

David Hannah

It’s time for Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon



Agent x

“A 59 year old man has today, Thursday, 18 April, 2024, been charged in connection with the embezzlement of funds from the Scottish National Party.

“The man, who was arrested at 9.13am today and had previously been arrested as a suspect on 5 April, 2023, was charged at 6.35pm after further questioning by Police Scotland detectives investigating the funding and finances of the party.

“A report will be sent to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service in due course.

“The man is no longer in police custody.

“The matter is active for the purposes of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 and the public are therefore advised to exercise caution if discussing it on social media”

Henry Wood

Agent x
18 April, 2024 at 6:53 pm

Hopefully there will be an announcement tonight that he has been charged.

Charged with embezzlement at 6:35 pm today.

David Hannah

Continuity candiate – Humza Yousaf – pack your bags and go.

It’s time to crack open a top shelf malt to Alex Salmond god bless Alex Salmond. God bless big Eck. Justice is coming for Alex Salmond. That I am certain.

The murrells are going to prison for a looooong time! Peter Murrell better not drop the soap! Some of the violent male inmates – such as isla Bryson – may be lurking in the showers! ahahaha.

Fucking get it right them. I hate them. I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE THEM!

David Hannah

God bless Alex Salmond. The leader of the Independence cause. I hope you’re smiling as much as I am Big Eck. My heart is with you.

A toast to Alex Salmond. The leader. The hero. I wish you well. Never stop. Never change.

Scotland will be free. When this rotten fucking cabal are sent down for a looong time!

And that Includes Woman H and all of the alphabetty perjurers!
And leslie Evans.

Scotland’s shame are going to jail. Send them away!

Iain More

According to the last Census Scotland is 95% WHITE. I take it the Brit Census is Racist. Meanwhile the same Census says that Engerland is less than 75% WHITE. Oh dear!


Iain More
Ignored says:
19 April, 2024 at 12:01 am
According to the last Census Scotland is 95% WHITE. I take it the Brit Census is Racist. Meanwhile the same Census says that Engerland is less than 75% .

It isn’t immigration it is called an open borders policy. The punters who pay their money, pay through the nose for NHs treatment, work in good jobs, pay to keep extending their visas and never seem to be able to get residency. They are treated like shite because that’s the bits that governments have some control over.. The much much bigger number who aren’t vetted at all that is another story.

It is a feature of of the western ‘globalist’ politics. Sturgeon replaced Scottish nationalism with wannable globalism. If you think that level of societal disturbance it isn’t coming here then you haven’t been paying attention

Neil Singleton

The word, in brackets, that was missing from the civil servant’s attempted whitewash, or “softening” of what HY said was, after each comment should have been – (sneer!).

Old Jim

A “substantially verbatim report” edited to “convey the meaning of the spoken word in written text while maintaining as much as possible of the flavour of the speech.” That’s what the letter says. I have an idea it’s pretty much the same rule followed by Hansard. It’s a good rule, no doubt about it, and the editors of the Official Report seem to have applied it correctly in the case of Humza Yousaf’s “White! White! White!” rant.

It’s a very good thing, of course, that Wings Over Scotland published the precise word-for-word transcript of Yousaf’s embarrassing outburst. It goes to show, once again, that weak men like Yousaf give themselves away when they fail to control their childish tantrums or — worse still — when they fake a childish tantrum in the hope that it will trick their listeners into believing they’re rightly outraged on an important subject.

At the same time, I think the Official Report did the right thing when it polished up Yousaf’s sloppy grammar and put his silly nonsense into decent written English.

Ian Ferguson

This smacks of 1984 when the past is altered and history rewritten to become the new real history and the police even believe it despite video evidence to the contrary. In the not to distant future the videos will be altered using AI to produce the required historical record.

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    • willie on Trump’s Card: “Swinney has long term been an American asset involved in keeping Scotland not just a British colony but also a…Dec 14, 11:02
    • Doug on Trump’s Card: “# I’ve been alone with you inside my mind And in my dreams, I’ve kissed your lips a thousand times…Dec 14, 10:37
    • Robert Hughes on Trump’s Card: “ahahahaha ! brilliant work , C.C . Swinney may reply that that post is already filled …… 14, 10:12
    • Robert Hughes on Keeping the fire burning: “Yip , G , Angloville is ( has ) sowing ( sewn ) the seeds of it’s own – if…Dec 14, 10:06
    • Aunty Flo on Trump’s Card: “YES, indeed it would, roguesir! And I can think of at least 600,000 reasons why ….Dec 14, 09:29
    • Marie Clark on Trump’s Card: “Aye that’s about the size of it Chris. Coulnae be ony worse than it is now could it> Well doneDec 14, 09:26
    • rogueslr on Trump’s Card: “Would that then make Swinney the Hamburglar? Rather apt.Dec 14, 09:16
    • Newburghgowfer on Trump’s Card: “Billy Smart could do a better job than Swinney Clowns tbhDec 14, 09:12
    • duncanio on Trump’s Card: “Rhonda MacDonald should fit right in with the “inclusion” and “diversity” policy.Dec 14, 08:56
    • Geri on Keeping the fire burning: “The franchise will sort that problem out. Decolonisation has strict rules where the colonisers isn’t considered at all. Little England…Dec 14, 08:53
    • Robert Hughes on Keeping the fire burning: “Cheers , StuDec 14, 08:43
    • Stuart MacKay on Trump’s Card: “The expressions capture the personalities of both characters. What an outstanding piece of work.Dec 14, 08:42
    • Muscleguy on Trump’s Card: “Let us NOT supersize that.Dec 14, 08:28
    • Effijy on Trump’s Card: “Make Colonialism Great again and could we have fries with that.Dec 14, 08:19
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on Keeping the fire burning: “Much appreciated. Never leave yourself short on my account, we’re doing okay.Dec 14, 08:07
    • Robert Hughes on Keeping the fire burning: “Brilliant idea , Ian ; why don’t we buy the local pub too n have a jukebox that only has…Dec 14, 07:53
    • Ruby on Keeping the fire burning: “I wouldn’t donate but I might buy the book especially if the local chippy in Bibury was forced to sell…Dec 14, 07:21
    • Ruby on Keeping the fire burning: “That would make a good story!Dec 14, 07:14
    • Ruby on Keeping the fire burning: “ “Parliament may pass laws, but they cannot abolish Dawson’s Y chromosome.”The GRC is a con to make people believe that…Dec 14, 07:09
    • twathater on Keeping the fire burning: “I’d donate tae that Ian and we could advertise it on air b&b with only mad Jock parties acceptableDec 14, 03:55
    • twathater on Keeping the fire burning: “Who the fuck do you think you are trying to demean someone because of their financial situation, the Rev has…Dec 14, 03:46
    • sarah on Keeping the fire burning: “Gove, of all people, doing the right thing. Isn’t it hate speech to say a GRC holder is still what…Dec 13, 22:08
    • Ian Brotherhood on Keeping the fire burning: “Here’s another worthy fundraiser… Why don’t we Scots raise enough to buy a big house in one of England’s ‘loveliest…Dec 13, 21:57
    • Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh on Keeping the fire burning: “A ‘CHILLING ATTACK ON FREE SPEECH BY MEDIA REGULATOR IPSO    « The Spectator has defended the freedom of speech of…Dec 13, 21:37
    • Geri on The Wage Thief: “Besides not being indy yer not even Scottish. An interloper from over the border no doubt. It’s very simple to…Dec 13, 21:18
    • Southernbystander on Keeping the fire burning: “I like the Co-op tortilla chips. If slumming it I go for the cheese puffs or onion rings.Dec 13, 21:04
    • Southernbystander on Keeping the fire burning: “For the fact this site has provided me with many interesting insights, a few quid donated.Dec 13, 20:23
  • A tall tale

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