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Wings Over Scotland

They work for you

Posted on September 11, 2014 by

Who’s this? A bunch of lairy, pissed-up neds on a stag weekend?

Nope. Labour members of the Scottish and UK Parliaments, out “campaigning” in Glasgow today. This is their job. You’re paying them to do this. Be proud, Scotland.

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David Cameron

Disgraceful ! Everything that makes you ashamed when you go abroad and these kind of scum turn up and spoil everything about the place ! I was misguided enough to think that it had been out-grown in Scotland !


They’re getting paid by the word.


Milibands control is amazing!

Nana Smith

Waste for a landfill site.

David Fletcher

That Bobby Ball on the left???

Findlay Farquaharson

a welter of proudscottery.


You have to see this: link to

Colin Cameron

Seeing as Labour boasted of bussing up 100 MPs, and there are what, 40?, Scottish Labour MPs, I imagine quite a number of those shouting “Scotland says No” are actually English MPs representing English constituencies.

Perhaps a more accurate chant would be “Scotland paid my expenses to up here so I can hold a poster for 10 minutes and then bugger off back to London, so please vote No”. Although I suppose that might not have the same ring to it.


Like Pavlov’s dogs. Ed rings a bell and they start slavering.


These people are an embarrassment to the people they are meant to represent.

Doug Daniel

There’s Jackie Baillie chanting away there. Let’s remind her about this when she tries to convince us that she was always in favour of independence in a few years time, shall we?


The wretched Jackie Baillie was joining in I see. This is what a No vote means. A vindication of serial lying, careerist charlatans.


Is their presence in Glasgow TODAY anything at all connected to the fact that a FULL COUNCIL MEETING of GCC was abandoned (By the controlling Labour group)after just 15 minutes?

Most of those councillors would have to take expenses leave from dayjobs / childcare etc.


Stephen Armstrong

Scotland says No to: BRITISH NATIONALISTS!

These are the last days of Britain, and the last days of PANIC TOGETHER!

People Power will triumph!



Is that Professor Winston beside Ed? Well, at least he will know a fanny when he is looking at one I suppose.


At least the cheerleader kept out of shot, unlike at the Davidson/ Lamont love-in!

The Man in the Jar

“Scotland says No” in an English accent says it all. Just like that video of the English footie fans chanting “F**k off Scotland. Were voting No” and not a vote between them!


It’s always the same crowd faces, in these “no” clips.


@Doug Daniel

Fucking A

Mike Robertson

Will this panto be on a Christmas time too?

Nana Smith


Imperial masters…cattle being hered to market hahahahaha

Roddy Macdonald

Dale from Pontypridd has Miliband summed up.

link to


All this so depressing – it does appear in my area that the Unionist barrage is working – several folk I spoke to this afternoon are changed from Yes to NO. “My savings!!” “My income! Price rises!” “Cameron really seems to care…” some of the comment


2 points:

1. Jackie Baillie is another of these “boil on a scrotum” types whose unemployment benefits I’ll be happy to contribute towards.

2. (and long overdue) how do I change my picture on these comment things on wings?


This is GREAT! Every day Labour are doing so much for the Yes cause.


How many coaches do they use to get these people around – or do they use a cattle truck?

scaredy cat

4 legs good, 2 legs bad

r baxter

A parcel of effluent


Are they allowed to use tax payers money for this No campaign?

The Man in the Jar

My post above at 4:09 should read.
“Scotland says no” in an English accent says it all. Just like that video of English footie fans chanting “F**k off Scotland were voting Yes” and not a vote between them.

Sorry a wee brain wobble. 🙁


Scoland says nou. They all sound estuary English Landan mate. What a surprise. Or much like these countrymen of ours, until next Friday.

link to

bookie from hell

what happened to NO THANKS?


What’s the collective salary of that lot? So how much per minute did they charge us for their wisdom, plus of course the expenses of getting here, no doubt with their ‘staff’ too.

Black Douglas


Sounds like they were No’s all along.

“me me me”


@ goulashman, you’re a liar old chap.


Thet vid had me pishin ma sel empire strikes back ha ha ha


Why have they brought Bobby Ball?


Prof Winston. (I’m sure that’s who that was next to Eddy boy) looked decidedly uncomfortable. Maybe he’ll change his mind after that shambolic display of arseholery.


What was that Doug, the fat lady singing did you say?

David Cameron

I didn’t use ANY bad language or make ANY insults to persons known or unknown.
Am I being discriminated against for some reason?
Do I need to take some kind of action here?


They just wanted to shout down Milliband.


This is what the ‘Better Together’ campaign has been reduced to. Alistair Darling looks decidedly uncomfortable, and rightly so.


Who was that accompanying the imperial march in Glasgow?

It was so brilliant, how to destroy propoganda with a bike and a megaphone.

Just fantastic, 10 mins. and the goons just had to keep walking (no plan B) and be made a laughing stock.

Pure genius!


Two ‘decidedly uncomfortables’ posted simultaneously! Great minds think alike!

Bugger (the Panda)

all 65 of them?


Blusters last stand

Calgacus MacAndrews

The natives are revolting:-

link to


Goulash man: 1 week to go, the pish storm has peaked too early. Facts, facts, facts, our greatest weapon. “….and then they come to fight you, and then….”. You know the rest.


heedtracker – sorry you think so – these are older people who are not used to questioning their sources of information and who are immediate in their response. They are part of the demographic most likely to vote NO – but they had, through good work by local YES folk, decided Yes. Simply because I relate an experience which doesn’t immediately fit our hopes does not make me a liar. I deeply resent your assertion.


The 97% registration does, however, bode well for YES – and may account the almost hysterical onslaughts by NO – real panic as their boat sinks.

Training Day

O/T just tried to phone Asda to ask them to confirm if the remarks attributed to them about price rises with a Yes vote are accurate, and customer services actually hung up mid sentence.

Scottish customers second class at Asda.

Free Scotland

Westminster MPs in Buchanan Street, Glasgow.

link to

Dr Ew

Really, Stu – it’s just a good spirited, totally unstaged and quite spontaneous expression of passion for the glorious union.

Were it evil blood and soil nationalists chanting, of course, that would be Kristallnacht.

iain taylor (not that one)

In the still frame at the start it looks like Ed is squeezing one off. That would explain Darling & Ball/Winston looking uncomfortable.

Jamie Arriere

I think a huge chorus of “Cheerio Cheerio” was well in order there. In fact I’ll join in…



Oh how they said they loved us. Vote NO and be the laughing stock of the world, says Quebec.

link to

Marie clark

Oh dear. Are we supposed to be impressed or feart? do you think that their mammy kens that they’re oot.

Bye the way, who paid for the train fares, hope it wisnae us.



Did you run out of WBB to show them everything would be okay?

What do you mean you dont know what the WBB is?

That would imply you were a right chancer trying to drum up trouble, as if eh?, i mean heaven forbid anyone had to resort to those sad desperate tactics beacuse theyre argument had no real commitment behind it.

Bill Dale

Compare that with the video in the previous post of the First Minister dealing with heckling from the BBC’s Imperial Correspondent (or should that be Co-Respondent) Nick Robinson. 🙂


Total scum bags. Can we list who was shouting?

Robert Louis

Surreal. Truly gobsmacked. Oh my.


If this organised “spontaneity” was in North Korea the BBC would be talking of “mass brainwashing” “hysteria” “state broadcasting” and other similar phrases.

donald anderson

“Ulster Say No” slogan. Recognise it?

The man from Del Monte Says Yes.

Worse the London EBC is going to do a “Commonwealth” stint takeover on the lackeys at Pacific Quay and be parachuted in to cover the Referendum. Too important for the Toytown News to cover.


This is nothing compared to what they are going to throw at us over the next few days. I am surprised anyone is surprised.

I said months ago there will be no rules in the closing days, all problems can be sorted later as long as they get a No vote. They have the MSM, captains of industry, BBC, ITV and a big bag of goodies to hand out for those who promote the NO cause. We have grassroots and the internet.

Batten the hatches and prepare; very stormy weather ahead. GET CANVASSING. YES we can do it!


Rev Stu, I have emailed you a request – I know you’re busy but it concerns Paul Mason looking for info on pension lies.

fred blogger

what a horrible extremely rude intrusion, they’ve totally lost the plot.
indyref for the people of scotland my arse.


ha ha – thanks Malcolm

Malcolm says:

11 September, 2014 at 4:07 pm

Is that Professor Winston beside Ed? Well, at least he will know a fanny when he is looking at one I suppose.

A bunch of fannies indeedy!


desimond – of course I will try to show them their fears are groundless; all I meant by my first post was to show how easily the tactics of NO which are being used now can alter minds. We do need to be aware of that. And yes, WBB is a great resource.

Andrew Macdonald

The days of Labour having guaranteed seats in Scotland are a thing of the past your campaigning on behalf of the Tory’s in denigning Scotland independence has made you as toxic as the Tory’s your now in bed with.


It’s actually quite aggressive. If I saw a bunch of guys walking down a street at night shouting that I’d cross the road to avoid them!


George Galloway now an official part of better together and will now replace whoever their representative was at the Kids Big Debate at The Hydro tonight. Says it all for Jola and her crew doesnt it?

All question are pre scripted and children not allowed off topic. Thats as sad as it gets really.


Alan says:
11 September, 2014 at 4:01 pm
You have to see this: link to

Oh man. That is just effing hilarious.



Its Reservoir Duds



You can see how some may doubt your sudden claims given we have had 2 years of scare stories which havent managed to sway many voters once they reach YES so strange your friends should suddenly turn heel.


disimond – of course I will try to assure them -and WBB is a great resource. But, look, we need to be open-eyed about the tactics of NO and their effect on the timid or ‘soft’ YES –
I really can’t understand why this has antagonised some on this thread.


Just got polled by YouGov. Seemed a reasonably fair list of questions based on both yes and no outcomes. Big difference form the last one I did a few months ago which did have some leading anti-yes questions

[…] They work for you […]



A soft YES?
Apologies but Im not familiar with that variety. I thought a YES was a firm YES as once you had walked through the fog you wished to always stay in the clear.

How could anyone be a soft YES and then leap straight over to NO. Sounds very fickle, almost unbelievable really.

“Cameron really seems to care” may be the most worrying claim mind.


It Asda to be even more market share lost to Lidl/Aldi/Farmfoods etc


RBS Chief Executive, puts the record straight No job losses. It is only the brass plate that is going south in the event of a, “Yes” vote. Hold steady in the face of a major hate bomb last ditch campaign.

link to


I am afraid that is a mentality that is not as uncommon as one would wish. There are a variety of reasons for YES – some more entrenched or convinced than others – we cannot be certain until Sept 19 – but I really hope you are right – that every YES is a firm YES, impervious to the NO tactic to scare

call me dave

Poor wee Alastair you can see he is a fish out of water. It’s all going horribly wrong, you can see it in his face.

Hijacked by two men, a tricycle and a bit of music congratulations wizard wheeze! 🙂


Gee whiz. Is that the UK Parliamentary Knuckledragger Party I see?

Vote Yes to Scottish independence on September 18.


Wow, Norman Smith giving a reasonable assessment of today’s events. Something is afoot.

He did look a bit on edge.


Greetings from Raleigh, North Carolina. Apologies for going O/T, but just had to share.

So I was in my tax class last night, preparing for professional exams, and everyone in the room was asking about the referendum. This is in rural eastern North Carolina, which is not as Scottish as the western part of the state. We didn’t have a debate about the arguments, but the view was that independence is perfectly normal. The next week will be really tough, I’m sure. Just know that people 3,500 miles away with, at most, a tenuous connection to Scotland wish you well for the next week and for the right result.


Scotland says no, to London Labour and their plasticine leader.



Usually older folk with only MSM for any news. Know a few myself, Ok one day then panicking the next. There are soft YESSERS as well as soft No’rs . They are usually the ones not up to talking about it cause it scares them. Usually poor so not interweb.

They will say aye at the door and forget you when the door shut’s.

Desperate times now. Think theres more to come folks. FOOTSOLDIER has already mentioned the tactic. They will do ANYTHING to win.

Arguing amongst will not make things better. This is what they want, it’s divisive and damages moral. Keep the faith folks. It’s all down to the day.

I have a car and 17 YES voters being shuttled back and forth. Wee margo says we only need to get one more YES voter with us and we will win. 17 Should help anyone who can’t find another on the day.

Wee footnote tho.

The dirty bastards stirring up fear will be remembered. We win we get shot of the whole lot.



All those years that Asda spent trying to get a store in Inverness and now they go and blow it. Hahaha!

Incidentally, Tesco set up a seperate computer base for their scottish stores well over a year ago. I can’t be bothered to look for the story but it was a faux outrage piece in the mail about some goods being cheaper in scottish stores. The Tesco response was that they were errors (one item was about 10% of the english price!) that occurred when they switched scottish stores to a seperate sytem.


Just about every Westminster politician is in Scotland today, along with many of the BBC’s commentators, couple this with the media and press bias,then throw in the staged Bank and finance sectors timely outcry, it all adds up to a Blitzkrieg assault on Scottish voters.

According to the BBC news, another 100 Labour MP’s will be heading to Scotland on Monday, those who don’t or won’t come to Scotland, have been told they must have a very good reason for not doing so.

ronnie russell

I seem to remember Mr. Cameron saying it was for the people of Scotland to decide the referendum. Since then we have had the US president members of the EU and so called celebrities now English MPs telling us how to vote. Watch out people there is a very important family who have a wee house in Balmoral might be on their way.

Dan Huil

@ Skip_NC. Thanks for that, Skip. We appreciate your interest.

David Stevenson

Proud to say my daughter features in one of those videos holding a Yes poster aloft amidst the Labour parliamentary leeches. Out for her lunch while on work experience. Glad she put the time to good use. Wonder if she came across our Muppet MP and MSP, as I noticed the less than wonderful James Kelly in another video linked above.

Concert Hall steps are becoming a second home for her: She was there on Saturday with the Caledonia flash mob.


PM met supermarket bosses at No.10 this afternoon & urged them to go public on how prices would rise in indie Scotland.



@Andy B

According to the BBC news, another 100 Labour MP’s will be heading to Scotland on Monday, those who don’t or won’t come to Scotland, have been told they must have a very good reason for not doing so.

Good, the lads in the bike thingy playing the Star Wars tune today will have time to come up with another idea! 😀


Bupa backs no campaign, says it all really

link to





“Going to have the empire strikes back tune in my head all bloody night now !

Pure unadulterated Scottish genius !


@grahamlive says:
11 September, 2014 at 4:27 pm

The Prof is a LORD now. He still doesn’t get a vote. Remember our “new powers” have to get through the Lords and Commons.He DOES get a vote then.

At least try to do a better job of being a Troll. A higher standard is expected here.

Some coaching
a)go along with the general theme of other posters for several weeks.

b)introduce the occasional question on the topic seeking clarification.

c)retreat to a)if directly challenged.Go low key

d)look for division no matter how minor between posters and pick a side (kick it off and drop out)

e)when “accepted” ramp on your agenda gradually in the final weeks

This takes several months so you have left it a bit late. Jumping in making idiotic comments does tend to give it away. I assume you are an apprentice Troll and not a change of logo.

Harry McAye

Woman on twitter says her daughter attending the Big, Big Debate, to be screened on BBC tonight, was asked to say she was a No or an Undecided as they had far too many Yessers in the audience.

Caroline Corfield

I think there may be a few people who are undecided because they were not informed even by papers and tv, if someone comes round and chaps on their door, explains what’s going on, and explains the papers and tv are bias, they are going to take what a person says face to face onboard, they’re going to say Yes at the time, but then they might well fall back, take notice of the press and tv, and start to have doubts. They were never No to begin with, and they don’t need to be Nos because they’ve started listening to the debate. The WBB is a good resource, but these people need other people to help them not feel alone and isolated.

Is there a way to get them more involved? Get them to meetings? Show them they’re not alone, and thinking and voting Yes, is not putting themselves up against the big boys, but is being part of the people against a scared and small elite.

It’s going to be hard with an older demographic as many will not be able to get out and about so easily, maybe even visits from a similar age group canvasser would help.

They are not natural Nos, those people are people who think of themselves as British and Scotland as a region, they should account for between 11 and 15% of the population based on various polls and censuses (censii ?).

Colin Church

Have I entered a parallel universe. Is the BBC big big debate (let’s not patronise the youngster eh? BBC) really Galloway and Davidson for BT. You couldn’t make it up. I hope to be assured that all the shite that comes out of Goerge’s mouth is officially BT position. Or is he just there to get personal on Salmond. Two legs good…


Thanks YESGUY -BTW to be called by clouti(?) a troll because I happened to identify a few uncertain elderly, of whom we need to be aware, is worrying – can’t we discuss our hopes and disappointments without invective. I will however stop posting – I’ve had enough – but am a firm YES.


I’d like to somehow gauge the feeling of the Scottish public, regarding the amount of Westminster MP’s currently campaigning in Scotland.

I’m pretty sure a large majority would feel affronted by this, onslaught, on the bright side though, the no camp must feel they need to flood the field or so to speak, in order to win, but in my opinion its quality not quantity that counts.

David S Briggs

There is a very faint chance your posting attempts are soaked in irony like John Kings recent attempt, but you aren’t fooling me fella.

David S Briggs

Oops! that was for ‘goulashman’.



Humble, grovelling apologies for putting a youtube link in with out removing the first bit.


Today will be known as “BLACKMAILING THURSDAY”, and would ask everyone not to use any of these blackmailing company’s like ASDA, John Lewis etc over the rest of the week and the wk-end.

Pass this on and lets show these blackmailers how Scotland can respond to their pathetic threats, lets hit the swine hard in the pocket and let the world known Scotland will not be denied their rightful place in the world.


Oh Dear. How embarrassing for those we chose to elect and govern us.

Shouty, shouty, just like Jim Murphy does not a case make. Could you ever imagine a stunt like this being led by Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon.

Sorry another 0/10, go to the back of the class until you learn to behave.


Hydro event now over. 8000 teenagers with James Cook in charge.

Nicola & Patrick Harvie for Yes and Ruth Davidson & George Galloway for No.

Galloway said he was representing the Labour Party – can you believe it, but then there was a Labour rally at the Concert Hall so draw your own conclusion.

The bottom line is Labour withdrew, again, from an Indy meeting. Clearly, Labour are not targeting 16&17 yr olds.

David S Briggs

I lowered my crap guard to actually look at the video. Any normal person would cringe at taking part in that shambles. Labour bods however, have no self respect.



Reading the tweets from those at the Hydro debate the youngsters seem to be more impressed with the Yes side rather than the No side.


They are bit scary. Drowned out their man a few times. Is that the done thing?

Off topic i posted earlier on The Guardian cif where they asked us to comment on the mood here in Scotland…

link to

along the lines that it was fun and they should come visit ra4her than canvassing via cif.. would post my comment, but along with others comments they seem to have vanished. Then posted on Lesley Riddoch’s article in a genuine want to know if others had a similar experience and was modded out.

Confused and upset… took me ages to go from a lurker to engaging. What did I do wrong? Can I come play here please?

Dan Huil

A quote today from BBC’s Robert Peston:

“I have learned that PM met supermarket bosses at No.10 this afternoon & urged them to go public on how prices would rise in indie Scotland”


I reckon Soft Yessers exist, I’ve an older relative who can’t stick with a Yes vote although says she’d like to. Luckily she’s not living in Scotland so won’t be voting, but is an intelligent person, very engaged with the indyref and pretty internet savvy, keeps herself informed by reading WOS etc. She recently emailed to say if she could vote she’d choose No but “wouldn’t be happy about it”, although she’d previously said she’d have been a Yes – and she still says she’d be glad if Yes won. Figure that one out?! I think there must be others like her: don’t really want to feel responsible for taking what they perceive to be a risky action (a Yes vote) but pleased if others do it for them?


So, what we all doing? Who is speaking to their No and DK friends to convince them, who is calming the fears of soft Yess, who is helping in their local hub, who is canvassing, who is puting our positive argument forward on the web, who is explaining the truth to workmates, who is explaining reality to the pensioners in their family…..all of us! It wasn’t going to be easy but full blast from now on in. Convince one new person each and we walk it.

Why not take a day or two off work to concentrate solely on Indy stuff, just a suggestion.

call me dave


Galloway representing the labour party oh dear, but no surprise, the labour party have no more credible folk left to put up.

In essence you are correct the labour in Scotland are huddled together unsure of what to do. They had, along with Henry McL, an opportunity to support YES or go for a NO which they did but climbed into bed with the tories to achieve that, it was a grave error and voila LFI.

No wonder their supporters are revolting and many moving across to YES.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

The little tory twat Nick Robinson has been reduced to flat out lying on the 6 o clock news.

Someone higher up needs to take him aside and remind him of election laws before he makes the BBC utterly toxic to the so many of the 97% of scots who have registered for the Independence Referendum.


Labour MPs, allegedly men and women of the people, looked completely out of their depth.


This is a site that carrying bang up to date information debunking nasty lies put about by the, nae” people. Well worht a read

link to



Theres no need to give up posting. It’s just frustraion and a wee bit anger. We’re all prone after all , it’s what make us human.

keep your keyboard handy G. Like many it’s a been long road and we’re all tired.

The British state conquered half the world by using bribes and the like. They are in full panic mode , I am actually enjoying it as i never saw the cracks before. Smug shits.

They treat this referendum as an attack on SNP. Wee Ecky can handle that lot easy , it’s keeping the fearties safe from the abysmal amount of Scares and doom. As Caroline pointed out they only have the MSM and they are being bombarded.24/7.

Still yet to meet a YES voter who changed their minds but that means bugger all in real life. They won’t tell us if they have changed. We can be a pretty scary lot ourselves mind. They might be your mates and don’t want to fall out with you.

The old especially feel terrified by the thought of independence. I have a wee women next door who’s shit scared there going to be a civil war. ” That’s how it started in Ireland” she says. Two sons served in the army. She’s too old for change. just wants left in piece. Aye and when your 84 years old and see all the bull on telly can you blame her.

I’ll take her to the pollin booth and she say’s she will vote YES, but if she didn’t i would hard pressed to blame her.

It’s easy when you know the truth. But there are MANY who fear it regardless.

Come back Goulashman. We’re all a wee bit stressed.

Me. I am loving them acting like clowns , Shouting pish about the union and NoTh/BT. propaganda. It’s sheer desperation, they are shitting themselves .

Scotland is awake.

tick tock



Spot on buddy. I actually enjoy seeing this . It’s like one of those “cheap political dramas” Chuckle vision TV. But i would give them 1/10 for effort except Jackie ” where’s the nearest Gregs” Bailly she doesn’t even register a 0.

The big debate with the young ones tonight, Who is representing us. Anyone know ??

Don’t buy papers or watch the box. This is my entertainment and news.


YesGuy – thanks for that:)! I will stay! Yes, its a worrying time – and I think I panicked a bit after my chat with my neighbours – but its also a hopeful time. In nearly 8 decades of life, I’ve never been so hopeful for Scotland – what a moment. You’re right – we have got to keep our chins up. YES for Scotland.


Oops Manandboy.

didny see your post bud. Thanks.

David Stevenson

Basically Cameron has called in a favour from the big retailers to screw the movement for Scottish independence. Wonder what the deal is? No minimum pricing on alcohol might be a start…..

Mad Jock McMad

What’s Ed singing into the microphone?

“I only have ayes for you …”


@bookie from hell
what happened to NO THANKS?

It was a bad idea from the start. Presumably they thought, “We can’t be the side of negativity, so we’ll have to tack ‘thanks’ onto the end to show that we’re polite.” But the actual result was that you can’t help but imagine it said with a sneer.

Just plain ‘no’ is, as much as I never thought I’d attribute this quality to the Better Together campaign, just more honest.


Fuck asda if it’s true what they are saying. Tesco say they will not be putting up prices so bang goes asda’s share of the market in Scotland, again, fuck them.

Nana Smith

And the Herald says George Galloway pulled out

Loudmouth man , canny stand him.

I will boycott Asda Now. And with Tesco acting like astate shop it will have to be Farmfoods.

Please tell me they arny No thankers. It’s where i get my frozen stuff. I hate Iceland.

and am running oot oh things to boycott . Hurry up 18th.

Chic McGregor

TMITJ was just going to make the same point.

When has anyone heard a Scottish crowd of any type pronounce the T in Scotland.

Couldn’t have been less authentic if John Barrowman entered stage left dressed as Carmen Miranda.

Kevin Evans

Just watched the “hero” on the bike following the ENGLISH Labour Party around Glasgow crying with laughter “until” the end where you see the mass gathering of the no signs and the leviathan (hope that’s spelt correctly) statute of Donald dewer looking over his subjects. Then that humour did turn to fear inside of me. Like the mass statues you seen of leaders in countries where there is no democracy but rule by leaders that take power by force and fear.


I had to today talk to my 14 year old daughter and give her the advice to really follow her dream to live in Spain. I have some savings and I will give them all to her to get her out of hours country if it’s no on the 19th.

Chic McGregor

@Jim we switched to Aldi over a year and get a good laugh at Aldi snobs everytime we checkout.

And they do discriminate between Scotland and England.

They do not allow the use of credit cards in England as is the case in many other countries, but in a few cases, Scotland being one, they do trust the country enough to allow their use.

Elaine Colliar

O/T I know – but I had to drive up to Perth today.

Thank you to the Yesser and Wosser who has decorated their gable end opposite Tesco’s on the way in… By Nursery Row I think?

I actually laughed out loud when I saw the Wings Advert. I will be back one day soon with a bottle and a box of shortbread to shake your hand for making my day .. well making my day till I came home and watched our FM cream the Beeb that is!

Fair lifted my spirits

Robert Peffers

@Dan Huil says: 11 September, 2014 at 5:53 pm:

“I have learned that PM met supermarket bosses at No.10 this afternoon & urged them to go public on how prices would rise in indie Scotland”

Well I know a certain supermarket chain that is going to be somewhere between £100 and £200 less per week down on their turnover, (not to mention another £100 worth of Diesel per week), and a couple of smaller outfits who will be that same sum up on theirs. I also know a bank that is in grave danger of the loss of a good, troublefree, customer of 50 years standing.

Seems there is only one totally independent bank in Britain – The Airdrie Savings Bank and it just might be in line for lots of new customers. Why does the name, “Ratner”, keep running through my mind?

Kevin Evans

In my opinion if that video of the guy on the bike goes viral it’s a game changer for the 16-35 year old age group

Black Douglas

@Kevin Evans

What video?

ah you mean this one 😀

link to

😀 😀


@ Iain Gray,

The BBC IS Toxic. Simple as that.

Their behaviour over the past two years has been shocking, but since they have recently thrown all pretence of balance out the window, their actions should never be forgotten.

How can they expect a return to normal after this.


So, the brothers and sisters come up in support of the Scottish branch members threat of redundancy.

Pity they didn’t show the same solidarity with the workers in Ineos and Fergusons.


I loved the video Empire Strikes Back of the Labour MPS walking/marching through Glasgow
The early part shows the shower of journalists in tow, pads at the ready to jot down any bit of Labour shit

call me dave


Don’t worry we are all up one moment and down and angry the next.

Your entitled to post how you see it. I’m sure after today’s shenanigans you and your pals will see that we have all been subjected to the power and pressire of the state and the MSM.

Only a few days to go. 🙂


Just heard a little rumour that there are literally thousands of referendum postal votes lying in Royal Mail sorting rooms that will be undelivered due to no postage having been paid.

Anyone else heard anything similar elsewhere or is this just another one of the many scare BS stories doing the rounds from the BT/U-KOK/Nae Tinkers shower of useless ………… (delete/insert your own description of choice here) ?

I would have thought that postal votes would have been free-post … surely this is indeed the case I would have thought.

Can anyone perhaps give me a definitive answer to this query please.

Thanks in advance.


I echo what call me dave has said. Don’t quit Wings goulashman, you are entitled to your opinion as anybody else here.


Neeko @ 5.54 pm

Sounds like she might have early stage Alzheimers or something.


My wife has just come in from shopping at Aldi and her main reason for going there “its dead easy parking” for the first time in nearly 3 years she had a struggle finding a space that was compatible with her reverse parking skills, are shoppers already showing two fingers to Asda and the rest for comments on “higher prices” with a no vote.

James Caithness
Blair paterson

So they still can’t. Find enough no voters in Scotland ? Their stil having to bring them up from England do they really think we don’t notice this , and have you noticed how it is nearly all bbc London reporters who are covering this ,bbc Scotland reporters are once again being side lined just like the commonwealth games all over again bbc London is treating bbc Scotland with the same contempt that bbc Scotland is treating the people of Scotland are bbc Scotland so thick that they do not realize they are being insulted and their ability is being questioned , I have no time for the bbc so hell mend them I am just pointing out the facts


Story is crap
All postal ballots are prepaid 1st class


Wingers, I listened to the Asda man, who said “Prices may rise” then proceeded to give some reasons why prices would “diverge”.
It was the spin that the “journalist” put on it that said “prices would rise”.
I have asked them to retract the comments, given that when corporation tax is cut, the divergence could be down in Scotland.
They will reply within two weeks apparently.

The Rough Bounds

Och! Your heart’s in the right place Blair.

Tom Foyle

Reckon they were actually YES voters just trying to shut the little weasel up. I suppose sticking fingers in ears whilst shouting “lalalala!” would be just as effective, but then they’d look like REAL labourites…

Eric D

I was amused to hear BBC News24 say that Miliband was sometimes hard to hear because of chanting, and we were then shown a video of him being forced into silence by …… Labour MP’s and MSP’s chanting ‘Scotland says NO’ over and over again.

That was the only time he stopped speaking (two or three times, with Curran appearing to be Chanter-in-Chief), but is that how tomorrow’s papers will report it ??

I also spotted that they travelled north in a First Class sleeper(and no doubt returned the same way)
I wonder how many will claim expenses for that ?

Indeed WHO paid for it ? They must have paid full price, and 100+ MP’s plus staff and other hangers on ….it must have been a Helluva price.


Is that Professor Winston wet nursing the genetically modified drones of imperialism?

David Cameron

For every English Labour MP coming to Scotland to BEG for a no vote, I predict each of them will convert don’t know’s and no’s to about 1,000 YESes … so the more the merrier !! Bring it on you Westminster losers.

Robert Peffers

Oh! Good Grief! BBC News 24 has the numptie Nick Robinson back on and attempting to still have some credibility on TV. For heaven’s sake anyone with the original clip of the filleting he got from the FM get it on Youtube and everyone on twitter get that clip viral. We cannot let them get away with this.

Are the BBC so sure of themselves that they think they can protect that numptie Robinson? Let’s prove them wrong.

David Cameron

Blair Paterson is so right ! After the 19th BBC Scotland might as well close…. What will be needed is the Scottish Broadcasting Corporation, so sod the British one ! 🙂


The humiliation continues.

They cannot help themselves and the world watches.

David Cameron

George Galloway attempts a scary one by telling Scots that 60% of them are on benefits, so the bill is going to be enormous. Hey George, 60% of England is also on benefits .. if we use your demented definition of benefits !!

donald anderson

Gorgeous George is oan the telly the noo and looking like a paraffin lamp wi’ a stupid hat ooan. He is also ranting and raving like loonie. He’s no looking will after that doin’ in London.

gerry parker

I see Tom Clarke in the Background.
Must be getting worried to get him to do anything.

Cair Dhomhnaill Broon

Words fail me … this is not in their job description.

blackhack (cabbies for independence)

Strange that their accents all appear to be English….I wonder where they parked the buses ??

David Cameron

blackhack, bet your life mate, they didn’t come by bus! They all came FIRST CLASS with all the hangers on, at YOUR expense!


@KayBee and Edward

re : languishing postal votes – the votes themselves should be all right, but yesterday I had to try to find a solution for a woman who had posted her application for a postal vote very close to the deadline last week.

Unfortunately, the envelope she used was slightly larger than the maximum size admissible for an ordinary stamp, resulting in a surcharge at the Electoral Registration Office. They therefore did not receive her application in time. If people have been applying for postal votes without stamps, the forms will not have been delivered.

Given that there is still plenty of time for postal votes to be sent out and returned, that may be what is being referred to, although I wouldn’t expect there to be thousands of them.


Further to my comment above – I did read somewhere that 18% of votes are postal, when up to 30% had been expected – so I suppose the discrepancy could be accounted for by vast numbers of undelivered applications. I still think that is unlikely, though.


Bussed up paid politicians tell us what Scotland says? Fuck off.


The guy in the creepy suit is Lord Winston. I remember him from days gone by when he was a crap fallopian tube surgeon, but arrogant and didn’t reply to colleagues’ letters.

He then got into IVF and toadied up to Labour, hence the Lordy bit.


Re: crazycat says:

11 September, 2014 at 11:24 pm

“Further to my comment above – I did read somewhere that 18% of votes are postal, when up to 30% had been expected”

I know some people are refusing to entrust their postal votes to Royal Mail and are getting friends to deliver them in person to the polling station on the day. We are doing that for our daughter.


Funny how international socialism can so easily take on the airs and graces of British imperialism.

donald anderson

Funny how international socialism can so easily take on the airs and graces of British imperialism.

That has always been the way with British “International” socialists. Hyndman, the aristocratic leader of the Socials Democratic Federation wanted a larger Royal Navy in his support for the First World War. John MacLean, who opposed the War and was appointed Soviet Consul in Scotland, was jailed for his efforts. He also supported a Scottish Workers Republic. James Connolly who left Edinburgh for Ireland was shot, strapped to a chair, after being wounded in the 1916 Dublin Post office Rising. Labour members, who are hardly worth mentioning in the same breath as socialists, stood and cheered in the House at the news of his death.

The Socialist Workers Party has come round for Independence. The Communist Party of Britain, has dropped the “Great” from its title, but still supports the so called “Union”. There is a smaller Maoist CPGB who are vitriolic against Scottish Independence. The Revolutionary Communist Party, who were also very anti Scottish, are now defunct and reduced to few spooks and “Brussel Sprouts” (touts). Jim Murphy was a member before he (ha allegedly) joined the CIA) in Revolutionary nine year student days.

There is a Revolutionary Communist Group, who support Scottish Independence and a Communist Party of Scotland who support Independence. There is also a Socialist Party, formerly Socialist Party of Great Britain, who oppose Scottish Independence as an “irrelevance”. There is a Militant group who broke away from the SSP called the Socialists and whose “ambivalent” attitude to Independence has me lost. They were part of the Millie’s International Socialist Movement, who split to form the “Socialist International Committee”. As the SSP’s many factions proved there is nothing more divisive than Socialist Unity. They say that the first thing in the agenda of the very British left is a split. Mention Tommy Sheridan’s name the residual SSP will go into a fit of apoplexy. Tommy is the Solidarity Group and his “Hope Not Fear” packs them in. He has done over hundred speaking tours of Scotland.

There even more Great Brit left groups then Stalin and Trotsky could have ever imagined. I could name a few more latter day Great British “Inter”nationalist Left groups but … ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

David Cameron

P.R.D. I do so agree with your sentiment, but isn’t that ENGLISH imperialism? Scotland was kind of dragged along so that our guys could be sent in first to cause the enemy to use up ammunition. I can’t find reference to Scottish imperialism. ‘British’ is used to allow the English to share out the blame!

If Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland all vote together and England votes the other way, England wins. THAT is ‘British’ democracy! I would like to see that die a death during my lifetime.


I doubt if the people of Glasgow have ever seen a circus like this before.


@ donald anderson

“…the peoples front of judea, the popular peoples front, the judean peoples front…”

donald anderson


MI5/6 Brussel/Midnight Mass/front.

Hope it didnae make you sleep in.

Just think of how many MPs, MSPs, MEPs, Cooncillors and Tame Union officials all came through that recruiting
We might be able to kick them out of office but they will still be well heeled and pensioned for life – and I am not over egging the Puddins’.


@donald Anderson,

Thanks for the reply, another Scots political puzzle where is the liberty loving right of centre that could be labelled conservative or libertarian?

This grouping that is conspicuous by their absence in the indyref debate should by definition be pro-indy.

David Cameron

Long ago I remember people from ALL shades of political opinion joined the SNP because they had a single common cause; independence. I had the impression that once that cause was realised, the SNP would probably disband and people would revert to their natural political stance within a new and free Scotland.

In my view life is richer for all shades of opinion and would be so boring if we all thought and felt the same. Social justice isn’t ‘left wing’. it is simple humanity. Conservation of resources isn’t ‘right wing’, it is simple good housekeeping. To run a really great country, all of those things become attributes and enhance the quality of the lives of the people. ALL of the people, not just an elitist few.

Tom Foyle

David Cameron:

If your namesake felt the same way, there’d be no need for this referendum in the first place.

David Cameron

Tom Foyle

I have precedence over that little shit. My father had the name before me and my son carries it forward. Sadly, I have almost become ashamed to hear my name and I am the target of many sniggers. In the doctor’s waiting room .. David Cameron to room 4 please … you get the idea! Mind you, I am so please not to be named Garry Glitter!

I agree completely with what you say.

I might add, had England been given a parliament, based in York, Leeds, Doncaster, Nottingham, Birmingham, or anywhere other than London, Westminster may have changed into a kind of federal administration serving the common good of the member countries of the United Kingdom. That may also have put this whole debate aside, at least of a while as we saw how it might work.

As things stand, we are almost the last outpost of the ‘British’ (English) empire and that isn’t good enough for me, my children or my grandchildren, hence my passion for a YES vote. I want us to leave a legacy of freedom down into the future so that Scots and those who choose to join Scotland and become Scots. will have a life which is more than worth living. I want them free of exploitation. Free of poverty, Free of fear. Free of prejudice. Free of the kind of government that currently rules the UK. They SHOULD be run by the government that they alone elect!



Its got to be Entry of The Gladiators, more commonly knows as the tune that plays when clowns enter a circus ring

[…] and celebrity Bobby Ball lookalike Lord/Baron Robert Winston standing at the front of the party’s boorish stag-party gathering of MPs and MSPs in Glasgow yesterday, as Ed Miliband railed against the dastardly SNP and insisted that the NHS […]


cheers Edward, very much appreciated.

Thought as much but it is nice to have a second opinion. I am still anoyed about the extra 800,000 ballot papers that were ordered – are the unused ones going to be counted as well to ensure that there has been no faffing about with these, as I would not put it past these beggars to even try and use these extra ballot papers illegally.

Anyway thanks again for the reply bud.

If anyone is going to Pacific Quay this coming Sunday, I will be there with my two youngest (both of whom are voting Yes of course)so I hopefully will see some of you there folks.

Keep the faith & stay strong and roll on next Thursday so that this yes win can be officially rubber stamped.

Not even sweating the result a little if I’m being honest, the single malt (12 yr at least) is at the ready – as am I.

bu chòir


cheers Crazycat top job mate.

I am now feeling even more ‘mellow’ than previous 🙂

Okay admitedly, a wee dram was also involved in the making of this post 🙂

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