The Silence Of The Sacrificial Lambs
Should disabled children be used as props to make men with sexual fetishes feel better? It doesn’t seem like a difficult question, does it?
The above quote is part of the heartfelt plea of a mother of a disabled daughter. We know that women and girls are vulnerable to male sexual violence, we know that men commit 98% of sex offences and we know that disabled children are three to four times more likely to experience abuse.
We just don’t seem to care.
The United Nations Population Fund has highlighted how “in a study by the African Child Policy Forum of violence against children with disabilities, nearly every young person interviewed had been sexually abused at least once – and most more than once”.
Once they reach adulthood, the statistics according to research by DAME Magazine are terrifying:
The magazine’s Victoria Brownworth argued that (in the US) “77% of rapes and sexual assaults were not reported to police. The enormity of that number suggests that within the context of disability, where so many victims may not even have access to language, or where the person they would report to is the same person perpetuating the assaults (and on whom they depend for their most basic care), the number may be perilously close to 100 percent.”
Alongside the significant risk of sexual violence, we know that girls and women experience an indignity and a trauma when they are forced to allow a male to undress them and touch their vulva, breasts or anus when they do not consent and do not want this touch. Sex is important.
Having become disabled as a teenager myself, it can feel like society has sentenced you to suffer at the hands of men. The figures and the possibilities of your future are stark. People look away at the obvious risks, they deny that you too need dignity, they claim “not all men”.
And while it isn’t all men, it’s also not just seven bad ones – they wouldn’t have the time to abuse all of these children and women.
Although it’s difficult to obtain data on disabled children as previously it hasn’t been seen as important enough to collect, the data which is emerging is showing a similar pattern across nations. Very vulnerable children and adults, particularly those who struggle to communicate, are seen as targets by predators. These predatory males will use careers where they can have access to these vulnerable children in order to abuse.
For example, evidence was given to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry that a potential sex offender was being employed and moved around children’s homes, including a home for disabled children.
Frequently men will move into positions where they can have access to their targets. In May 2021 Dorrion Etienne was imprisoned for targeting and sexually abusing two learning-disabled girls at their school.
In November 2021 Robin James Elms was convicted and sentenced after he “targeted a child with special needs during a campaign of abuse in private homes where he worked as a freelance nanny and babysitter. He picked on children he thought were too young to speak up or who had learning difficulties and autism, grooming entire families in order to commit his abuse”.
Also in November 2021 it was reported that George Holden, “a former Derbyshire teacher and professional clown expects to die behind bars after being jailed for abusing young children. The court heard his previous convictions included sexually abusing blind and disabled children while working as a teacher at a special school”.
In December 2021 Brian Rudgley, an 83-year-old retired head teacher with years of experience working with children with special educational needs was imprisoned for sexually abusing a learning-disabled girl.
We have seen this pattern in institutions like sports clubs, charities and the Church to name just a few. Predators will move to where they can get to their prey. Yet still, politicians are behaving like such behaviour is beyond the realms of possibility. I am sick of them playing dumb and putting the wellbeing of the disabled at risk.
Indeed, it is once again being proposed by politicians that male feelings and male egos need to be prioritised and protected by law above the needs of the vulnerable, and those who too frequently experience sexual abuse at the hands of males. We are not even allowed to name the pattern – male sexual violence – in case it offends men.
Language had been changed to obscure reality. Parent P, who wished to remain anonymous, pointed out that “lots of people won’t think twice about a form only asking about gender, not sex too and also think these terms are interchangeable. The erosion and hijacking of our rights is so insidious”.
When it’s a form deciding what adult will be touching your child’s genitals, the difference between sex and gender identity is put in much sharper relief. Same-sex care is the most basic of safeguards and provides dignity, we should be able to choose it for ourselves and our relatives.
However, it commonly appears that NHS policies have been written according to Stonewall’s version of the law rather than the Equality Act 2010. NHS Lanarkshire’s “Supporting Trans Staff in the Workplace” dictates that employees:
Translated, a cross-dressing man who gets aroused in women’s clothes is to be treated as a woman, and this includes allowing him access to disabled girls’ naked bodies.
The Equality Act 2010 makes it acceptable to discriminate on the basis of sex if there is a legitimate aim – this is known as a General Occupational Qualification (GOQ). If women and girls are to be naked it was widely accepted, before Stonewall poisoned the well, that a GOQ would automatically apply.
NHS Lanarkshire has pre-empted challenge on this point and commanded staff that male feelings come above the law in this regard. It declares that:
“the Equality Act 2010 provides limited exemptions for GOQ positions to restrict access to members of a particular gender [wrong, read “sex”]. These exemptions can only be applied in order to achieve a legitimate operational need.
This secret-keeping about (mostly) males’ true sex, identity, and past means the scenario could arise that parents place their severely disabled non-verbal teenage daughter in a short respite care, thinking she will receive intimate care and be attended to at night by a woman, when in reality a man who gets aroused by cross-dressing has put on women’s clothes and is repeatedly washing the girl’s vulva.
Is that sexual abuse? The young girl will feel violated, will feel abused, will be traumatised. The parents will feel lied to, and wonder if they can ever trust the care of their daughter to Lanarkshire NHS again.
Allan Petrie, the chairperson of Glenlaw Parent/Carer Support Group, has written to Shona Robison, the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government to raise parental concerns around the care of their disabled children, noting that “trans” is now an umbrella term encompassing all manner of groups including drag queens, crossdressers and “midlings”, whatever those might be.
(Googling produces nothing useful.)
It’s also argued within the LGB/T/Q/+ community that a range of extreme (and even illegal) sexual practices grouped under the term “kink” belong under the trans/LGBTQ+ “umbrella”.
The Q in LGBTQ+ (the official preferred term of people like the Scottish Greens) already stands for Queer, a term which organisations like Stonewall are very shy about defining in any meaningful way but appears to implicitly embrace “kink”, as being outwith “perceived norms” and “specific labels”.
Or put another way, it means whatever you want it to mean. Christina Richards – a transwoman who is Lead Psychologist and Head of Psychology at the UK’s foremost “gender identity clinic”, the Tavistock in London – has called for many extreme and violent sexual practices to be normalised and no longer classified as paraphilias – conditions “characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities”.
(One such practice is “ageplay”, which Richards describes as “an adult identifying as a baby or young child, and is also known as adult baby/diaper lover (ABDL) or infantilism. There may be a sexual aspect… associated with humiliation”, while denying it has any link to paedophilia.)
Mr Petrie explained that to the minister:
Research by NSPCC Learning together with Coventry University and the Ann Craft Trust presented the universalism of these parental anxieties around the care of their disabled children. One parent respondent described how
The research highlighted how “parents whose children had complex needs raised particular concerns regarding how incredibly difficult it was to teach their children about issues such as safe touch in their intimate care, puberty and changes in their bodies and about sexual abuse. Their greatest fears were that their child would not be able to communicate if they felt unsafe. One parent explained that her son used Makaton to communicate, yet there were no staff in his school that could use Makaton. As a result the child had no means of communicating with anyone”.
The sexual abuse of disabled children and young adults is so widespread that the NSPCC alongside the charity Triangle has developed a communication system for children to express abuse. Triangle highlighted that before their intervention, children who used symbol vocabulary to communicate could “communicate about the national curriculum but cannot say ‘leave me alone’.”
Due to the fact that disabled children did not have access to specific symbols which could communicate sexual abuse, safeguarding experts and investigators would sometimes have to hand draw images and thus accusations of coaching the child could be made. This added to non-verbal children being perceived as weak witnesses and subsequently cases not being prosecuted.
Consequently it increased the targeting of such children by perpetrators. Triangle has enabled disabled children and young people to get legal redress for crimes committed against them, by enabling disabled children to tell someone what’s being done to them. As part of developing the images, Triangle
Yes, in our society we’ve had to develop a way for severely disabled children who may have mental ages of 6 to 8 to say “willy”, “hard” and “squirt”.
Once communication has been enabled the struggle to participate in the justice system doesn’t stop there. As well as access to communication, physical access to the courts is still a barrier as just 2% of UK courts are currently accessible to disabled people. This, frankly, is a denial of fundamental rights and what exclusion really looks like.
Alongside the obvious safeguarding issues and the need to maintain dignity for the disabled is the fact that a male carer would retraumatise disabled girls who have already been sexually abused by men. Ann West commented that “our disabled daughter was seriously sexually assaulted. We were assured she would always have women support staff especially as she needs assistance with all her personal care. Well I’m not remotely reassured, in fact I’m terrified for her future. This is so wrong on every level’.”
It is generally understood that women and girls who have been sexually assaulted and or raped by men find the presence of and touch of men re-traumatising, and this is no different if the women or girl has a disability. In fact it may be exaggerated because that man might be touching your vulva, breasts and other parts of your body. The statistics on abuse are stark – UNICEF estimates that children with disabilities are three to four times more likely to experience physical and sexual violence.
Why would a man want to do this? If he doesn’t care about the potential serious impact he will have on the disabled girl or woman, should he be in a caring position at all? Since when has it been acceptable to use disabled children as props to arouse men?
To most people it is astonishing that questioning a man touching your non-verbal disabled female child’s genitals could be a criminal offence, yet in Scotland it is about to become a hate crime.Why are politicians willing to re-traumatise potential abuse victims to fulfil men’s fantasies?
Dr EM is a disabled, feminist writer and historian. She writes under a pen name due to threats to her safety and tweets as @PankhurstEM.
This article should be sent to the FM and EVERY MP/MSP/Councillor/Council CEO.
There is no excuse whatsoever for exposing anybody to abuse of any kind, let alone opening the door, literally, for wicked men to have access to disabled children and all females.
The Scottish Government have their heads in the sand when it comes to paraphilias, it’s as if they don’t believe they even exist.
It’s a well-established fact that there are men in our society who prey on disabled children. And disabled adults. And the elderly. And rape victims. Name any vulnerable group (people or animals) and there will be a study somewhere documenting men preying on them. There are even names for all these paraphilias in medical dictionaries. Professionals have been studying them for years.
And these men will go to great lengths to access their prey (you only have to remember the paedophiles who trained for years to become priests in order to access children to know that this is true).
But when devising their reforms to the Gender Recognition Act the Scottish Government are denying that predators could take advantage of the legislation to get near the objects of their perverted desires. “That will never happen” is what they say.
At present it’s very difficult for perverts with fetishes for disabled children to access their prey, so why wouldn’t they pose as women to take jobs where they’ll care for them? Of course they will. The same goes for the pervs who want to molest your granny.
Can you imaging it, big Dave with the old lady paraphilia coming into your granny’s nursing home going “Hello Mary, it’s me, Cindy, your carer, I’ve come to deliver your intimate car.”
And they’ll have a gender recognition certificate, a passport and a birth certificate proving they’re a woman – you’ll have no way to ever prove they weren’t born that way. If you complain you’ll probably be charged with a hate crime – because, remember, the Scottish Government have already protected transvestities in their hate crime bill.
And if this all seems far fetched, remember that the Scottish Government publicly approves of a male-born manager running a rape crisis centre. I’m sure Mrdiul is very nice but how do we know whether or not councillors or volunteers at rape crisis centre aren’t perverts with rape fetishes (these people exist) getting their sexual kicks out of being around rape victims? We don’t, of course we don’t. That’s why we need to keep ALL males out these places, regardless of how they identify.
Horrific but MUST be read by all sane men and women.
“it’s as if they don’t believe they even exist”
It’s not AS IF they think that. They LITERALLY think EXACTLY that. Remember when Mhairi Black said autogynaephilia simply didn’t exist?
link to
As the father of a disabled child, this sort of shit leaves me absolutely fuckin raging. When are our elected officials going to stop putting the feelings of degenerates before the safety and wellbeing of the most vulnerable in society?
This is utterly sickening – and enraging . That the fuckn * Identity *- obsessed morons in the SNP are – consciously or otherwise – are facilitating these obscenities is beyond belief .
That the tone may be set by the Sturgeon Cabal ( we expect nothing less from that totally screwed-up quarter ) is neither here nor there : any member of that Party , the ones in office MSP, MPs or ordinary members are ALL equally complicit and their pathetic cowardice in remaining silent will be neither forgiven nor forgotten
This made me cry. The thought of those vulnerable children being put under even more chance of being abused is despicable. Sturgeon, and the Green dwarf Harvie have a lot to answer for. I would love to take this article and ram it down their throats. If this legislation goes ahead then every child in the country could potentially be at risk. Taxpayers money should immediately cease to be given to Stonewall.
I was a supporter worker for adults who have learning disabilities. It opened my eyes to the fact that disabled people are at the mercy of their carers and all they can do is pray that they’ll be kind and good. It’s disgusting that our government is taking away what little protection disabled people have.
ClanDonald, Wadhwa is demonstrably NOT a nice person. He says rape victims who want same sex care are bigots who need to reframe their views and has a history of vexatious complaints against women.
I am not given to swearing – but those utter cowards who are the SNP MPs, MSPs and councillors must respond to this.
Where ARE the fucking mainstream media ? Why isn’t this front page news ? And headlining the TV news ? Cowards one and all.
I had to stop reading – I am heart sorry for the parents of disabled children who will be very worried about this.
They downfall of this McCarthyite lunacy cannot come soon enough.
What is the problem with recognizing that men are not women?
“What is the problem with recognizing that men are not women?”
The great question of our time.
“susanXX says:
ClanDonald, Wadhwa is demonstrably NOT a nice person. He says rape victims who want same sex care are bigots who need to reframe their views and has a history of vexatious complaints against women.”
Yes, that’s very true. What I was trying to say was that I wasn’t implying that he is a rape fetishist, because I have no idea if that is the case.
Stu, this story in of its self is abomination.
The larger picture is even more serious, for any female in charge, such as a guardian or parent.
It extends to women’s rights being subdued in general.
With this comes the mine field of legislation that Scotland is passing which prevents females from protecting their children. Female or Male.
A large majority of parenting nowadays are single parents which by default are female .
The links of abuse to all females starts with government perception,
Or what the message the government wish to imbue into the public atmosphere
It appears that the governments of Britain being devolved or not are degrading to women, and children.
But in relation to your previous post regards pensions, this ties in the overall governments attitude in Britain towards females.
It started with the abuse of stealing granny’s pensions without writing to them personally to inform them of the changes before it was to late.
And most women tried fighting the corrupt system with very little finances or help from the male population,
This was not just about pensions,
This was placing a hiarchy of men pension rights above female rights with pensions, as most women had been lead to belief all their life’s by government if the contributed they would retire at 60,
in a subtle diverting mindset from government regardless of women of middle age unable to find new employment at that age or have much savings due to raising families on a budgeted lower wage than men in the earlier years.
The government stole those financial pension years for the treasury.
This mindset of women being inferior in law rights has now filtered through to the next generations.
Where women cannot afford lawyers when abused or raped, where men overseer rape crises. And women seldom report abuse to authorities due to the police and courts processes.
The next generation of females are contending with the loss of safe spaces through government policies and new abusive legislation.
Now our next generation of female children of all abilities and disabilities are being targeted with abusive legislation and laws.
Sadly the public often stand by, it does not immediately affect them or their loved one at the time.
Then when it is to late and it comes to their family door,
There is no-one left to stand up for them.
Britain is changing back to primitive state,
To become a country where women and children are commodities for trade without a voice.
I wonder if the liability of a government which introduced gender based equality, without the consent of the electorate, has ever been tested in court?
Also, should any institution which provided a service which was understood to be sex-based but in reality was gender-based be required to state this clearly, possibly with written consent from people before they used the service?
If there’s nothing to hide then why hide it?
The next target will be young men, young and old.
What was the famous quote.
First they came for…………
And I did nothing……….
For I was not……..
Then they came for……..
And I did nothing………
For I was not…….
“What is the problem with recognizing that men are not women?”
I believe it will hurt the Feelz of the FM’s pals…
…you’d think there was more to it, wouldn’t you?
Mibbie there is, but I don’t see it.
This must go against The European human rights which is part of the Scottish governance laws. Is it not?
Shauny Boy says:
7 February, 2022 at 12:33 pm
As the father of a disabled child, this sort of shit leaves me absolutely fuckin raging. When are our elected officials going to stop putting the feelings of degenerates before the safety and wellbeing of the most vulnerable in society?
In my humble opinion.Probably, when we stop electing degenerate people into office. How else can it be do we know or hear of anyone in public office, any map,s of any party, objecting to the SNP,s policies.
All MSPs need to explain how they plan to protect women & girls/children, especially those who are disabled, from predators who will exploit any procedural changes put in place with no oversight or monitoring for bad actors.
Who will be responsible for ensuring our public, private & third sector services are correctly implementing the provisions in the Equality Act to protect the rights of their service users.
Can we expect the Scottish Government to take responsibility for any unintended consequences of making it easier for predatory men to access vulnerable adults and children? Or will we have to wait for another inquiry many years down the line after countless causalities have suffered because of a bad law.
Every MSP and Minister needs to confirm to parliament how much is considered too much collateral damage when it comes to the safety of women and children in Scotland? 1? 10? 100s? 1,000s? How many are they willing to sacrifice to make it easier for predators to fly under the radar of safeguarding because they want to make it easier for a relatively small number of people to change their birth certificate?
The disabled population is around 20% of the population. The trans community is estimated at 1%. Why are politicians willing to put the rights of a larger group, with complicated needs, aside for the needs of a much smaller group. Despite size both groups should be treated equally but the demand of one should not impact the needs of another. Rights need to be balanced and protected.
As the EHRC said last week when they wrote to the Scottish Government about their planned reforms, more work needs to done to ensure fairness for all. Sadly the First Minister and her minions are not listening, they think they know better than a statutory body whose sole purpose is to ensure the Equality and Human Rights legislation of the UK is upheld and implemented correctly.
If they aren’t careful their hubris will be their undoing and the cause of suffering that could so easily have been avoided.
When you have an issue that is so blatantly wicked, shockingly so, that even born and bred, died in the wool, true blue, No Voting Tories are going…. ‘now hold on a minute, that’s not right.’
Then my god have you got it all the way wrong and then some.
It is difficult to find words to make comment on such a disturbing article. We know of many, many cover-ups that have gone before, more so since the 1960’s and 70’s, but this is a whole new level of concern.
There is something else that I find alarming though not covered in this article, and that is the incredible depths of clandestine organisation that must have taken place to reach this level of back-door power and influence.
For these people, whose link is covered by neither wealth nor social status, to infiltrate so many institutions, and to display such adherence to a Code of Omertà is a breathtakingly shocking achievement. So, who are the key players? Who provides the funding? What is the goal?
Clearly, many of our elected representatives support GRA and HCB and are pushing for further expansions of same.
Yet no-one, not a single councillor, nor MSP, nor anyone elected to any office, has ever been elected on such a programme of ‘reform’.
So, let them stand for re-election on that issue and see where it gets them. They won’t of course.
This SNP government are about to open a door to a world of hurt for many vulnerable people, they won’t listen to the Scottish public on it, so we must hit them where it hurts in the pocket and at the polls, it seems to me that’s only things that will make them take notice.
Lets start the ball rolling at May’s elections by voting Alba instead of SNP or Green.
Demos outside Holyrood might help, but then again we could find ourselves in court thanks to the SPCB.
Kat @1.56pm.
Here Kat Paton of Sturgeon’s fanzine has a rant at the EHRC today, Paton says that there will be NO issues once the GRA is fully implemented, aye right.
A link would be nice.
link to
I feel absolutely sick, my granddaughter who is aged 23yrs, but has the mind of child, she can’t talk or wash herself, she can’t do anything for herself, & she is in adult nappies and will be the rest of her life. She has the body of woman, periods and all, yet needs 24hour care. This has been a fear of ours that what could happen to her when her parents are no longer around.
There a case where the the driver of the bus that took them to school, did do something to one of the children, but my son & his wife were told it did not involve their child..
But to think that it is a WOMAN that is doing this, & a party full of woman & men that are OK! With it.
I want the whole bloody lot of them OUT of power..
I have hated Sturgeon for how she has done nothing with all the mandates she has been given to get us out of this UNION.. But reading this just makes her INHUMAN in my eyes, how could she be so nasty and how were we so blind to see what she really was.. This should be sent to every councillor, every MSP & every MP.
This article has made me so angry. I’m glad you’ve published it because we need your outreach to expose just how awful this whole GRA Reform is going to impact vulnerable people, from women who’ve been sexually abused to disabled children/adults being placed in harm’s way. Aren’t their lives difficult enough without this further worry for their carers.
We really miss your political input and I realise you’re scunnered about our government’s complete inertia re independence but when you publish articles like this I realise that, with the exception of a few other bloggers, you’re one person who can get the truth out there. That’s why they hate you so much.
In answer to the question about politicians taking responsibilty when it all goes tits up.
The answer is, they are already distancing themselves by putting the onus on providers to ensure safety of customers, clients, patients.
They’re just forcing everyone to comply but , take responsibility, not a chance.
Just when you think they’ve reached rock bottom, it appears there is no bottom.
Sadly the care sector is often not caring, and when staff raise concerns no one who is meant to be regulating things is interested. So called grievances and whistleblowing gets you (caring staff) nothing but extra stress. Mainly it is neglect rather than abuse, but still disabled people are not living their best life.
As the mother of a non verbal autistic young man, my worst nightmare has always been the thought of him being abused, physically or sexually. We should be doing everything to keep vulnerable children and adults safe,not allowing potential abusers free access to them
And this is why we fight. Safeguarding of women and children, especially of those who cannot fight for themselves is NON NEGOTIABLE.
Thank you Dr Em for writing about this in such a clear, level headed and fully referenced way. And thanks Stu for publishing.
Thanks for the link RoS @ 2.37
Absolutely furious at the zoomers in Holyrood and people like Paton. No problem? They need to wake the fk up.
Complicit-Courtesy of Glinner.
link to
I come here as a Unionist to learn what real Scottish nationalists think. Thank you for this article which has absolutely horrified me. I’m almost glad to be old and know I only have a limited time to endure this woke madness. I cannot believe that Scottish working class people tolerate this crazed situation. The Doctor quoted has to conceal her identity due to threats. God help Scotland. And the rest of the UK if the SNP ever forms a Westminster government in coalition with woke Labour.
Like others my anger at this abomination is incandescent, this ARTICLE should be the subject of a documentary and broadcast nationally across the uk to EXPOSE and HIGHLIGHT what ALL politicians of ALL political parties are accepting and proposing , I detest and abhor what sturgeon and her cohort of creatures are doing to Scotland and Scots but make NO MISTAKE EVERY CURRENT PARTY in HR and WM are in agreement with this debauchery and deviance , Even the tories dabbled in it and it would have become policy if their membership (the blue rinse) brigade hadn’t rebelled against it
The tories have always been drawn towards sexual deviancy
I look forward to the people taking to the streets it is long past overdue ,
Coincidentally I recd an email this morning from Ross Greer of the sgp in response to a group email I sent to my political representatives of all parties outlining my objections to the GRA and HCB , the responses I recd from 2 reps were soft pedalling and non committal (liars) the response from Greer IS aggressive and challenging , he STATES what will be taking place, no ifs or buts , it is condescending and accusatory because THEY know what’s best for us imbeciles, so go on with your miserable existence and let us intellectual superiors get on with running (sorry ruining) the country
Stuart MacKay says:
7 February, 2022 at 1:10 pm
“I wonder if the liability of a government which introduced gender based equality, without the consent of the electorate, has ever been tested in court?”
That’s a good point.
I’m also wondering similar about the legality of a government imposing a pseudoscientific ideology on the electorate without its consent when both the UK Equalities Act and Human Rights Act protects ‘lack of belief’.
People are free to believe whatever they like but I don’t subscribe to gender identity ideology, many people don’t, and yet the expectation is that we comply with this incoherent belief system even when it’s detrimental to the safeguarding of children and other vulnerable demographics, or be labelled a bigot. This isn’t normal.
Great work as ever Dr. EM and thanks to Stu for hosting.
@ Stuart MacKay at 1:10pm
Re. Liability
Aye, that’s pretty much what was going through my mind whilst reading the article.
Reducing or removing safeguarding measures that should be in place to protect the most vulnerable in our society is surely negligent.
@ Liz at 3.03pm
Re. Politicians attempting to distance themselves from this issue and putting the onus on providers.
I don’t think that gives them a free pass, as they are the ones who ultimately created the legislation which blurs the lines between sex and gender, thus making it more difficult for said providers to offer adequately protected services.
Thank goodness this site exists to publish articles such as this to let people know what is really going on. Please keep going Stu.
O/T. Rumours are circulating about the missing £600,000. Plod is said to have obtained documents via a warrant. Anyone know more on this?
ROS I used your link for the fanzine and started reading the article is this paton guy for real, he states (EHCR have sidestepped any widespread scrutiny, in part I believe because they fit too readily with our own right-wing press’s hostility towards the transgender community ) WTAF surely this numty isn’t serious, ALL the press including HIS newspaper have REFUSED to publish the TRUTH about the GRA and HCB , deliberately obscuring the FACT that sturgeon and her taliban troops have been abusing , denigrating and threatening anyone who objectively wants to discuss the issue , so much so that they refuse to meet representatives of organisations who oppose the legislation ? they use the excuse of NOT meeting them ha ha ha because it is a political party , yet they meet political parties EVERY DAY
Did they learn nothing from the Saville catalogue of horrors against disabled children, adolescents & even OAPs who couldn’t communicate what had just happened to them?
The SNP are finished & with it our plight for independence. Who’d want this lot of space cadets in charge of Scotland?
B#&%#%&’s! I’ll never forgive Sturgeon & her harpies from hell for derailing us.
This seems to be their aim.
Thank you Rev Stu and Dr EM.
I’m ashamed. This is happening in Scotland. Would independence make matters worse?
I won’t comment on the article. It speaks for itself. As in so many aspects of Scottish life action is needed. If the last seven years tell us anything, we won’t get any.
As @Sarah said at the start of the comments a copy of the article should be sent to the First Minister. That’s a start. She might even put her book down long enough to read the article.
Individually we can’t do much. Collectively we need a focus point. That’s been missing for a long time. I’m sure most independence party members, voters, marchers, bloggers and commenters would like to rally round their leaders and support action aimed at stopping the cruelty and brutality described in ‘The Silence Of The Sacrificial Lambs’.
Where are our leaders?
‘I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.’ Alexander the Great
I’m still ashamed. I don’t want to live in a Scotland where such behaviour is tolerated.
Geri @ 6.21
That was exactly what came to my mind reading the article .
As we know , Saville’s unspeakable depravity was allowed to continue for as long as it did precisely because those who were aware of his behaviour chose to turn a blind eye or were themselves of similar predilections ( his proximity and access to certain members of the Windsor weirdos – and by proxy their imprimatur – was always suspicious ) : those that did raise questions were ignored .
The same tacit collusion , refusing to speak out,to ask questions and demand answers – moral inertia/self-interest, is the flip-side of the loud-mouthed debatephobes forever declaring their assumed victimhood and their enablers in Government and elsewhere and will facilitate the continuing erosion of ( what were once ) universally accepted standards of decency
All this is going to blow-up in the face of the Sturgeon regime : when it does, the damage to the cause of Independence may be irreparable
If it doesn’t ,if they * succeed * in their demented mission, the damage to the country will definitely be irreparable.
Once again , we’re left asking the question … it all deliberate ? Can the across-the-board wrongness of this mob be explained by incompetence/skewed thinking , alone ?
It’s getting extremely difficult to believe this is anything other than deliberate sabotage
North Lanarkshire Council??? That group of dinosaurs! Did I not read somewhere that the boyfriend of the CEO of Rape Crisis Edinburgh sits on their Council? He certainly influenced them to drop the funding to 2 long established women’s aid groups because they did not support men.
thank you Stu for publishing this and to Dr EM for having the courage and commitment to write it. There are self-identifying carers currently employed in Scotland. The Enhanced Disclosure application now seeks the applicant’s gender, not sex. We have to defeat self-ID. It is a predator’s charter exposing women and girls to untold danger.
Thanks for publishing this important piece by Dr Em, she’s been warning everyone about this abuse of the vulnerable in society for years.
Robert Hughes says:
7 February, 2022 at 7:58 pm
Geri @ 6.21
It’s getting extremely difficult to believe this is anything other than deliberate sabotage
I’ve believed this for a good while. Everything they do now turns to shit
Great work yet again Rev.
90% of the population would agree with you
but the SNP don’t give a damn
Does anyone know what Sturgeon’s plan is anymore? What does she get out of this?
She will no doubt be rewarded with whatever post she wants simply for keeping the union together.
Why risk it all continuing to push the increasing GRA binfire?
SNP – Nowt so queer as woke!
Now they can move on to only selecting a sprinkling of candidates that are men who say they are women, women who say they are men, kiddie fiddlers, drag queens, rent persons the lot.
Paving the road to hell just sums up SNP right now.
These people will be unemployable after the next elections.
Would you employ anyone responsible for working on this?
Why only sex, can I not self ID as being Nicolas son / daughter ( depending on how I felt that morning ) and insist that I can live in her home?
Enraging. All of the good lovely liberals supporting gender identity garbage should have to wear this article around their necks as a signboard for a year.
Horrifying evil shit.
Brimstone and Treacle!
F***ing world’s gone mad.
Simple question
Do you want to live in an Independent Scotland with Sturgeon, Swinney, Humza, Forbes and all the rest of the troughers in total charge of EVERYTHING?
Or do you prefer to be a part of the UK with Bunter and his sleazy, corrupt, untrustworthy incompetents ruling the roost?
How did we ever get to this position?
What can I say but yet another blistering piece from Dr Em saying everything that needs to be said. I’m at the other end of the scale, at 54 I’m scared witless about my future as a disabled woman with no family and increasing care needs.
In terms of disability it feels like we just don’t matter, from accessible public transport to widespread abuse. Inclusion doesn’t ever seem to include us.
The problem in Scotland is not that WE voted for these woke abusive dangerous policies.
It was not in any of their manifestos or promises prior to the Scottish elections.
This in of itself is illegal.
There is a whole raft of devolved government party,s that are subduing Scotland and lying to the people.
When you send for FOI on who voted which way, and who sat on their hands we find no opposition to any of these Scottish political parties,
From Trudeau, to Boris Johnson to Scotland our governments,
The language and policies demean the citizens first and foremost as a world wide policy.
Any political party in Scotland that does not stop this is abuse will not be a party after elections.
Chas says:
8 February, 2022 at 9:50 am
Simple question
Do you want to live in an Independent Scotland with Sturgeon, Swinney, Humza, Forbes and all the rest of the troughers in total charge of EVERYTHING?
Or do you prefer to be a part of the UK with Bunter and his sleazy, corrupt, untrustworthy incompetents ruling the roost?
How did we ever get to this position.
Because a tartan tory colonial administrator is preferable to the UK’s interests, and little folk are just in their imagination.
Swinney was the same, handed the baton to Sturrells, as if AS never happened.
16 July will be the 12th anniversary of one of the most successful public private partnerships in political history.
Let’s hope the lovers do not get carried away by the scent of lavender, we don’t want another baby box in the budget , whatwith everything else going on.
If people think this is only happening with the sex characteristic but it isn’t. Remember we had SNP prospective candidates self-identifying as disabled in the last election. How long before this starts to affect disability benefits? Also how does it affect the new disability payments being made by the Scottish Government? Will those who self-identify as disabled be entitled to receive them? Of course i’m sure this self-id will be without a doctors note as well.
To Quote someone on the Internet.
“If protests are restricted, withhold you’re taxes”
If your governments start referring to its ( protesting citizens) as Mobs, insurrectionists, enemies.
Or Russian agents, or try prevent protests by legislation,
When any government set the police or army to beat up, or charge its citizens with crimes in peaceful protests .
When political parties invent new bizarre draconian measures to citizens freedoms of speech and thoughts.
When The government sees it citizens as its enemy within their beloved country
We are in a fascist totalitarian government that uses new laws to suppress its people.
We the people did not vote for wokeism, hate crime bills. Or laws to make our women and children unsafe.
These policies were not in their manifestos.
After the suppression of people for free movement under the plague restrictions,
Do not think the climate change laws will not progress in the same manner to restrict freedom of movement or speech.
Why are we relying on the corruption of elections to bring us politics we did not vote for.
Would this be a good place to highlight the poetic irony in the man whose department found insufficient evidence to prove guilt (presumably) or bring prosecution in respect of historic allegations against a popular DJ and charity organiser from the 1980s, despite the low bar to such prosecutions evident in the Assange saga, now complaining of slurs against him when (ahem) ’credited’ with not seeking prosecution of an innocent man..?
Given some ot the criticism of Boris for getting the ‘slur’ into Hansard, it might be worth observing that the phrase ’you can’t slander the dead’ is intended to mean something not dissimilar to ’you can’t honk you horn (not even in protest)*’ and NOT that you cannot be prosecuted for it – so fill your boots (even if doing so means whatever said can be used in evidence against yourself)!
*I’d also be inclined to understand that the quid pro quo to enable respect for any such official order in the context of a protest MUST be that those complaining they cannot hear, agree to listen and interact in presence of a credible mediator
RoS thanks for the link to
Stephen Paton’s article in ‘The National’.
He reckons there is no evidence from the countries who have adopted Self ID that there has been no issue whatsoever.
Stephen Paton is clearly deaf, dumb and blind.
Courtesy of Glinner…
link to
See face book threatening to pull the plug on Europe/ uk, if if doe not share customers data bases to America.
I wonder how successful he will be with something akin to blackmail to Europe and uk.
`82,000 men have sued the Boy Scouts of America for sexual abuse by scoutmasters`
These same predators will have access to girl guides under Self Id.
Several commenters have expressed surprise that this is not being featured in the media. Watching STV news tonight I was astonished that it led on the complaints of a female pupil at Crieff high on the failure of the school to deal with discrimination. Thus she alleged was homophobic and racist, etc. The complainant was a white woke transatlantic accented snowflake. Her allegations were not supported by any evidence it was all about what she felt. The danger of the most vulnerable children being felt up by some pervert hiding in plain tights, didn’t interest them in the slightest. STV featured this histrionic school parish pump pish uncritically. The school denied it but the local Stoneybridge toon council (Perhaps and Kinross) are going to investigate. No doubt Sturgeon, Swinney and Harvie will be endorsing her on Social Media ass the most vulnerable, will be told to stand in the corner and be quiet.
This guy makes a lot of sense, are you listening Sturgeon!!!
Of course she f*ckin isn’t, the treacherous b*stard.
link to
This is madness yet so so many remain silent.
As far as i have seen, this dangerous sinister legislation has not been raised or discussed on tv. Why not? Is it because if it was given some serious publicity the uninformed public would react with outrage.
I seem to remember a word which was used probably too frequently in the past , the word was ‘pervert’- I wonder if it still exists in the dictionary and what the definition is these days.
I have a good friend involved in child protection via her church , I must ask her how she feels at the way things are going, what extra protection is in place.
Republicofscotland says:
8 February, 2022 at 9:02 pm
This guy makes a lot of sense, are you listening Sturgeon!!!
Of course she f*ckin isn’t, the treacherous b*stard.
From where Scottish Independence and the SNP stood in 2015, and then given the open goal of Brexit, ask yourself the question, from that starting point, how could any insurrectionist who had infiltrated the Scottish Government make the SNP as toxic and unelectable as possible and reduce the prospect of Scottish Independence?
Sexual deviancy targeting Scotland’s children must come pretty high up the list, and thus you wonder why on Earth any leader of Scotland seeking Independence would touch it with a barge pole. I mean WTF? Independence and the end on the UK isn’t adequately controversial?
Time and time again, no matter what the UK crisis, behind closed doors in London, Sturgeon must surely be the toast of Westminster, as the unlooked for saviour of the Union.
And if you think that sound’s implausible, you might have a point, but the direction of travel towards a more plausible explanation just makes Sturgeon look even more corrupt and treacherous, because everything else she does is just as shady and dubious, and time and time again she gets away with it because Sturgeon’s downfall exposed as a fraud is the very last thing their corrupt media want to see.
From the Salmond stitch up to the routine redaction of incriminating evidence, nobody can be so oblivious to just how crooked that looks, yet clearly, looking crooked as sin remains the preferred option to their crookedness being actually proved.
So all the gullible fools in Scotland who are still not asking themselves the right questions about Sturgeon’s rotten SNP and the betrayal of the Independence cause, it is YOU and your dumb gullibility which is wrecking Scotland’s chance of liberty.
A comment on this site about a year ago –
‘I don’t want to be conned again because of a blind belief in the integrity of those claiming to be independence seekers. Political parties should have written constitutions containing the principles and philosophies which govern their operation and which reflect current Scottish circumstances. As a minimum these should cover; Scotland’s written constitution, sovereignty, independence, currency, EU, WMDs, leaders and their removal, justice, anti-corruption, membership rights, use of funds, etc. No-one in the egalitarian new Scotland will be above the law. Some evidence of what is being done to fill the gap between aspiration and achievement might help establish good faith. ’Not the SNP’ isn’t enough.
Less than three months before an election, and after successive polls showing a majority for independence, it doesn’t look as if there are people of probity in Scotland who are capable of leading the nation to statehood and beyond.
Too often Scottish independence seems to be a scam designed to provide an easy life for the deceitful, the mediocre and the incompetent. Pale, corrupt imitators will never compete with their experienced, colonising counterparts who have maintained the Union for over three hundred years.
They work for you?’
The SNP’s dithering over who will and who won’t pay pensions in an independent Scotland has further damaged our cause, and given old Better Together die-hards a platform via unionist media outlets to have a go again at the cause.
In 2014 the SNP under Salmond stated that the Scottish government would pay pension post indy taking the wind right out of the no camps sails. The current farrago surrounding pensions in an independent Scotland is a clear sign that the current FM is badly prepared, and if she’s badly prepared on this one then we’re in for an extremely tough time on other matters. Then again if you have no real intentions of holding an indyref what does it matter if you are badly prepared-either way its all very damaging to the indy cause.
We need to separate ourselves from the snp, whom are following globalist policies rather than a good old fashioned sensible political position for people first.
Everything we did not vote for.
All of these policies followed by the snp are bought and paid for by funds by those wishing to direct Scottish policies to the detriment of people.
Theres an old saying of Follow the Money,
We need to go further and separate ourselves from the devolved government, which we all know that has it foundation as a Westminster brain child.
It is interesting that the the Westminster secretary for Scotland has responsibility for Scottish financial borrowing.
But it comes out of Scottish funds when it is due to be payed back as a Scottish debt,
Basically Westminster decides what money we borrow and how much,
But Scotland’s people pay it back.
This is equivalent to a loan shark getting its teeth into you.
Should we leave the union, apparently this is considered Scottish debt, even although the secretary of state for Scotland is chosen for Scotland outwith Scotland
Talk about preparing to Tie Scotland’s hands in advance.
And the snp and Scottish government keep on borrowing , and spending on bringing in new globalist policies to Scotland that are abhorrent to the Scottish people.
We have a Scottish constitution.
We have our own laws.
Why are we letting the snp, the greens and globalist interests run our Scottish country into ruin?
Why do we not set up a sovereign Scottish People’s assembly, and chose a new government.
“The current farrago surrounding pensions in an independent Scotland is a clear sign that the current FM is badly prepared, and if she’s badly prepared on this one then we’re in for an extremely tough time on other matters. Then again if you have no real intentions of holding an indyref what does it matter if you are badly prepared-either way its all very damaging to the indy cause.”
Badly prepared..!!??
How can something be badly prepared when there is no preparation whatsoever.
BTW, I’m the living proof that the pensions system actually works.
I get a Danish pension, a German one and a UK one, incl. the yearly increases.
Provided the Rest-UK doesn’t play stupid tw*t then it shouldn’t be a large problem to organise and regulate the pensions for existing and future pensioners.
But then again, what did I write above – badly prepared.. 🙁
Graf Midgehunter.
Aye it’s a shame that all pensioners do not sit in the happy position as you’re self.
We share one uk measly pension between the two of us.
The cost of electric has risen,
The cost of gas has risen.
Fuel for the car has risen
Taxes are risen
And food has risen.
Any and every pensioner solely on the uk pension is struggling to keep up with the cost of living to the end of their days without enduring poverty.
NS never even attempted to fight the uk government for the 50s generation of women, their pension money sits in the uk treasury amounting to millions.
Leaving many pensioners in Britain on one pension for two people per household.
Most of These women were not informed by the UK DWP and had no time to make alternative pension arrangement.
Due to this maladministration, according to the Parliamentary and Health service ombudsman( (PHSO) men are struggling to provide for two people on one pension.
And many women whom live alone have nothing.
This investigation is still ongoing.
NS is so busy with trans rights, she ignores women’s rights.
Some may think that it is a crazy position that I have taken recently in calling for a Sovereigns people’s assembly.
But when we experience injustices and corruption, that effects men, women and children through our governments behavioural policies.
And for those yet to experience it, but see it coming for themselves and their families,
We look for legal alternatives.
We are in breach of uk law if we try get rid of the devolved government,
We can not Pursue ending the treaty of the union under the snp or Scottish/ English sub branch of the British parliament as they are one and the same.
We do however have the legal right to choose a new government, under the claim of right, and affirmed in Hansard recently. and a legal right to self determination.
With out deleting the Scottish devolved government by Law,
We simply set up our own parallel choice of government of the people assembly.
What Westminster does with the devolved Scottish Parliament afterwards is their decision.
And for those panicking about a government going for UDI.
It is not NS’s Scottish devolved government that would be doing it , As that would be illegal.
There is not a law that states a sovereign people cannot do this.
Just the opposite, under the people’s right to self determination in UN and international law.. and the claim of right sitting in Hansard.
James Che:
“We share one uk measly pension between the two of us.
The cost of electric has risen,
The cost of gas has risen.
Fuel for the car has risen
Taxes are risen
And food has risen.
Any and every pensioner solely on the uk pension is struggling to keep up with the cost of living to the end of their days without enduring poverty.”
That is a very strong argument for Independence and should be hammered out on every ALBA stall, husting, leaflet between now and the May elections.
Of my pensions, the UK one is by far the worst of them all. To get anywhere near the average in Europe they would have to double the amount.
If an energy rich, indy Scotland would do that, you’d have every pensioner in the land in the front-line waving Saltires and screaming hallelujah.. 🙂
“How can something be badly prepared when there is no preparation whatsoever.”
Graf Midgehunter @11.58am.
I agree with the above, however the opponents of Sturgeon and independence in most cases believe she will hold an indyref next year, so they are playing out the game, and the game surrounding pensions in an independent Scotland is in their crosshairs, and Sturgeon by squabbling that the UK government will pay for them and the UK government saying they won’t reflects badly not just on Sturgeon but on the entire indy movement causing doubt and uncertainty.
Our big problem is that no one is going to totally believe that Sturgeon isn’t going to hold an indyref until the latter part of 2023 has come and gone without an indyref, even though many folk in Scotland know that she hasn’t laid down important preparations and answers to questions such as currency have not been forthcoming.
This uncertainty translates into the real world, in such as if someone who wanted to vote yes in an indyref but wanted to know who would pay their pension in an independent Scotland, or what currency will we be using, with what certainty could we tell them knowing that Sturgeon hasn’t laid any of this out yet.
The problem long term for all genuine Indy party that may be elected is the Scottish devolved government itself.
it is actually subject to Westminster’s rule which imposes on Scots law, with the Uk Supreme Court deciding what laws can or cannot be passed in Scotland in Scots law, for anything to pass it has to be given royal assent.
Thus bending the articles of the treaty of the union,
Any Scottish Independence Party goes into Holyrude on limited manovrebilty.
The actual devolved government is the problem, not the solution. Even the voting system is set up to ensure we have limited access with an Independence Party,
The root of the problem is using the word GENDER to refer to people. Grammar is the proper locus of the word GENDER. Nouns and pronouns have a GENDER- masculine, or feminine, or neuter. People and animals have a sex – male or female.
People with an X chromosome and a Y chromosome cannot become a person with two X chromosomes. So, transwomen are not women and transmen are not men. If we drop the use of the word GENDER to refer to people we will see clearly that what is trans about them is their personality.
Children are being taught that there are over a hundred genders. How many more than a hundred? Perhaps there are 7.8 billion PERSONALITIES, some men having degrees of feminine personality and some women having degrees of masculine personality.
Steelwires: I like your agenda.
I attended a public meeting at Arran High School in 2014 before the the first and last Indy Referendum, whose only guest speaker was Patrick Harvie. When asked how strongly he felt about independence it is indelibly chiselled onto my memory, ‘I am not that bothered about it, one way or another’. What he is undeniably ‘bothered about,’ is male sex rights trampling all over female sex rights to safe spaces. When you first started to warn us about Sturgeon and her cronies, (she has 13 spads)! I confess I could not believe it. I do now. I will never vote SNP again, until Sturgeon and her ilk are gone. I fully realise I may never be able to vote SNP again. I did not leave the SNP. Sturgeon took it away from me. I will never forget the seat warmers who saw as clearly as you what their party was turning into, and did nothing. Back in the day it was, for me. never a question of ‘Could Mi5 have infiltrated the SNP?’ It was ‘How many are working for Mi5 in the SNP’. It seems after the scare we gave them in 2014, the double agents went from a trickle to a tsunami. It is the only logical explanation for the transformation.
James Che. says at 1:06 pm
“Aye it’s a shame that all pensioners do not sit in the happy position as you’re self.
We share one uk measly pension between the two of us.
The cost of electric has risen,
The cost of gas has risen.
Fuel for the car has risen
Taxes are risen
And food has risen.
Any and every pensioner solely on the uk pension is struggling to keep up with the cost of living to the end of their days without enduring poverty.”
But James, we have to focus on the positives of living in NuScotland… We can now choose whatever pronouns we want, and because we can’t afford much these days we’re well on the way to net zero with oor carbon footprints…
Treaty of the union.
Articles 8- 14. 1707.
Tax rules.
Scotland will pay
A new new land Tax,
New taxes on salt, and malt, but not until 1710.
Duties on windows and lights,
And on coal, coal dust, and cinders, but not until 1710.
Scotland will not pay duties on stamped paper, vellum or parchment.
Three questions arise.
Why in Scotland does the Council tax and services tax, personal taxes, poll tax, previous roof taxes, national insurance tax apply?
As it would be contraire to the specific taxes expected of the people of Scotland in the international Treaty of the Union 1706-1707. No matter what domestic legislation has been introduced since by Westminster Parliament.
What happened to the specific mentioned Scotland Land Tax?
Mentioned in the articles of the international treaty of the union 1707
No matter what domestic legislation was introduced by Great Britain’s Westminster Parliament, these are stated as specific in the 1707 treaty.
Duties on windows,
Was later abolished by Great Britain’s Westminster Parliament. Contraire to the treaty of the union 1707 articles.
Duties on,
On coal, coal dust, and cinders.
How does this fit in with NS new net zero policy on climate change.
For the coal and coal dust are mentioned as in the treaty of the union as being available to the Scottish people in the treaty of the union even though there is a dutie to pay, as always has been the case since 1707.
And the International Treaty of the Union 1707 does not mention Gas or Wind turbine energy taxes to be levied on the Scottish people.
Scotland will not pay on stamp paper, vellum or parchment.
I don’t think that quite fits in with modern post office rules.
What is most troubling is that this fake betrayer is ONLY in power because of indy and ONLY remains in power because the unionist MSM REFUSE to fully expose her ongoing clusterfuck of a government , EVERYTHING she or her disciples touch turns to shit , humza useless , shirley anne shit for brains ,John the redactor and liar , and the rest of her moronic incompetents
The snp membership was estimated to be less than 100,000 the population of Scotland is approx 5.2 million although not all have voting rights so HTF are we still having to SUFFER this deviant pervert ruining Scotland, ANSWER = WM know she is working for them and have instructed broadcasters and the MSM NOT to expose just how inept and incompetent she and her cabal are
What is needed is Alex Salmond , Kenny MacAskill and patriotic Scots from the justiciary to EXPOSE the dangers and threats our womenfolk will face in light of this unneeded and unwanted legislation against the determined opposition and wishes of the majority of the electorate who Nicola Sturgeon is treating with open contempt in an attempt to curry favour with 0.1% of the population whilst IGNORING and dismissing at least 52% of the population
As a important point not mentioned in the treaty of the union but should be mentioned here.
No water tax to big Companies, to governments or Councils to be levied against the Scottish people. By the parliament of Great Britain in the agreed international Treaty of the Union.
No tax levied,
So I presume the agreement thought Scottish water free as the air we breath to the Scottish people in 1707.
I think according to the policies we see she is pushing into Scotland, these are more global politics.
Bj seems to have them being thrust upon him in Westminster too, wether by the Mrs or by whom gives big donations to them.
All our British politicians are paid bought and paid for by lobbyists with an interest or agenda,
Follow the money and the donations.
All this will Scottish independence issue will eventually have to boil down to wether the 1707 INTERNATIONAL TREATY of the UNION has been ALTERED or ABUSED by the Great British Parliament representing the two joined kingdoms of England and Scotland according to the Atricles.
We leave because in history it can be seen and proven the Great Britain Parliament has imposed domestic laws and legislation upon the 1707 international Treaty of the Union.
Or because.
We decide to choose a new parliament altogether, under the right to self determination and the Scottish Claim of Right,
I prefer the first option as it is a total reset, that may bring compensations internationally.
But I am happy with either as long as it moves us forward to an independent Scotland before this country is ruined by wokeism and totalitarianism.
On Topic There are no words to add to this excellent article. On a very basic level I have nieces in their thirties who say to me (Biological clock running). “They are no decent guys”. Equally I have nephews who say women “Are up their own arses”. And never the twain shall meet. There has to be a middle ground. We need to connect the 2 sexes.
Off Topic I have finished my pandemic clock. The additional deaths as a result of lockdown and restrictions is a range between 25000 and 40000. Secondary research skimmed off of Public Service Organisations and not Primary research. No peer review but compared to Covid deaths we have made a horrendous error. Covid
Deaths just over 10000. A beazer of a project for a young enterprising PhD student. Male or female.
“UK to send patriotic Queen book to EVERY primary school child in Scotland”
Its bad enough that our kids need to see this old parasite on tv regularly, along with her creepy perverted brood who also live a life of luxury at the taxpayers expense, now they want to flood our schools with literature exalting this old sponger, in which we should praise her for living off us for almost one-hundred years.
I can only hope that Prince Andrew’s civil trial is active and in the news when the chief ponce, his mother, is on tv constantly for a whole month to celebrate a landmark in how much and how long she’s lived in luxury for nigh on a century at the expense of others.
There’s enough theft going on in Scotland, without an independent Scotland retaining The Addams Family from South of the border.
link to
Kurt Zoom’s cat incident has seen him hire Boris’ Downing Street advisors.
Turns out he thought he was at a training session and they were using a new fury ball.
He didn’t have his contact lenses in and he didn’t have car keys to check his eyes at Barnard Castle so he thought the kids were team mates.
Leave him alone and he’ll get catshit done!
Kurt Zuma’s cat incident has seen him hire Boris’ Downing Street advisors.
Turns out he thought he was at a training session and they were using a new fury ball.
He didn’t have his contact lenses in and he didn’t have car keys to check his eyes at Barnard Castle so he thought the kids were team mates.
Leave him alone and he’ll get catshit done!
RoS, thanks for that , you have made the start to a gloomy day absolutely dreadful.
P.S Love the Adams family – please don’t compare them to that bunch.
“UK to send patriotic Queen book to EVERY primary school child in Scotland”
Relax, it’s just another tedious scam. They’ll charge us for 2 million copies, deliver about 60 in total, and have their friends (co-conspirators) in the media tell us how fascinating and useful it all was.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with this sort of stuff, the above is what academics and experts are referring to when they talk about “the UK economy”. That’s basically how everything works.
Revolution is in the air and I don’t think scams like this will help. Maybe the Queen book will include a chapter that explains how a majority of the population are to go cold and hungry in an resource-rich country like Scotland.
Forget the poor and downtrodden, nobody ever gave a fuck about them, I’m talking about hard working people who are somehow expected to hand an additional £1500 per year to energy companies (yes, it’s the “UK economy” again)…
The dynamics of all this are going to get interesting. I’ve always assumed that real support for independence in Scotland was sitting around 65% (with media propaganda and lies giving the impression it was nearer 50%). I think it’s safe to assume we can expect a surge.
Here’s an idea… we take back control of our country, tell Boris and the Royals to go screw someone else, raise taxes on the oil companies and use the money to nationalise all those wind turbines — free electricity for all Scots at the stroke of a pen.
You wouldn’t even need to raise tax on the oil companies by more than a very small percentage (if you extrapolate over the next 30 years).
The pandemic is defo over!
I’ve just received a red letter which I’d optimistically hoped might be an early Valentine’s Day card… until I read it’s addressed to “The Legal Occupier”, so it’s just normal service resuming across the State as the TV license chasing department starts up their usual shite again.
“Relax, it’s just another tedious scam. They’ll charge us for 2 million copies,”
Try £12 million quid, at a time when families up and down the UK are struggling to heat and eat, pity coal fires are out or we could’ve at least burned it to keep warm.
What a waste of £12 million pounds of taxpayers cash.
link to
You could be charged and found guilty of * Wrong Think * for expressing such coherent and seditious ideas . Watch your back mate .
Sealed with a laughing kick
Meanwhile Sturgeon has said UK government ministers should ask themselves if they have the moral authority to lead during the remaining stages of this pandemic.
Sturgeon quoting moral authority after what she’s done really takes the biscuit.
Supposedly top level SNP figures are to gather to discuss preparations for an indyref, Tommy Sheppard said we have a specific role to play in arguing the merits of the case (independence).
Arguing the merits of independence, WTF, the merits are already well know, of course one demerit for the likes of Sheppard and the other SNP troughers at Westminster is that they’ll lose their cushy, well paid, do nothing jobs at Westminster.
Dorothy Devine.
Sorry about that, this won’t help either.
There are no discernable benefits of Brexit, said James Withers the Chief Executive of Scotland’s Food and Drink, Withers further rubbished the UK governments Global Britain tag that claimed leaving the EU would boost trade.
We, well most of us (including Sturgeon) knew Brexit would be disastrous for Scottish businesses, however Sturgeon decided to try and save England instead of saving Scots from this fetid union, and now we in Scotland are paying a heavy price for her betrayal.
Dan says:
10 February, 2022 at 10:04 am
I’ve been getting them as regular as clockwork. Apparently I have until 18th or I’ll be sent to the ‘ stalag’
So the Scottish government wants cancel publishing the GERS figures, however the English staging post in Scotland the Scottish Office will just publish them possibly an even more convoluted version.
Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp is urging the Scottish government to publish a counter version of GERS, showing Scotland’s real wealth as well as showing how England syphons off cash from Scotland to pay for projects not in Scotland and not related to Scotland in any way.
This is of course old rope, many renowned indy voices asked why Sturgeon didn’t do this years ago, we of course now have our answer, she isn’t interested in Scottish independence, and likewise MacIntyre-Kemp’s plea will also fall on deaf ears.
link to
Two big demos are taking place in Edinburgh and Glasgow on Saturday at 1pm over the rising cost of living and heating, one will be held outside Queen Elizabeth House in Edinburgh, the other in George Square Glasgow, they’ve been organised by the People’s Assembly.
Multiple speakers have been lined up for the Glasgow demo, but no speakers have been confirmed yet for the Edinburgh demo.
Six more North Sea oil and gas fields are to get go-ahead
Isaan Khan For The Daily Mail 2 days ago
In the daily Ranger.
Six North Sea oil and gas fields are expected to be given the go-ahead this year, despite the Government’s drive to cut fossil-fuel emissions.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has pressed Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng to fast-track the licences for their construction.
Scotland government sits on it’s arse observing more of our resources going south.
You’re gonnae be stamp’d and tracked noo tae.
Millions of first and second class stamps to be axed in Scotland from next year
Emma Munbodh & Daniel Morrow 23 hrs ago
Scots have been urged to use up their remaining batches of first and second class stamps ahead of a rule change coming into force from next year.
From January 31, 2023, the current stamps with the Queen’s head on them will be replaced with ones that contain a barcode alongside it.
The rule change will also mean that seasonal ones, such as the ones in circulation over Christmas, will also no longer be valid from this point, the Mirror reports.
According to the words of the treaty of the union, articles 8- 14, I quoted above
Scotland will Not pay for stamp paper, vellum or parchment,
I am sure a a postage ( stamp) on you’re letter is stamp paper.
Gas and oil wind and tide energy and water should be free in Scotland.
According to the treaty of the union articles 8-14.
The only taxable energy sources are Coal, Coal dust and Cinders.
I would have thought the two first demo by by the assembly would have been gender issues related to our children safety. And the safety of women.
And independence.
The energy crises in Scotland and price charging is not in keeping with the treaty of the union articles.
We either follow the articles in the treaty of the union which is an international treaty, or we do not.
@ robbo at 11.34am
Re. The Queen’s napper on stuff.
A good few years ago when the big 50 pence pieces got discontinued, SWIM (someone who isn’t me : As I would never deface a coin with oor lovely monarch’s coupon on it 😉 ) started using them to fix troublesome Exhaust Gas Re-circulation systems on car engines by welding them onto blanking plates.
The heat from the welding process turned the coin dark and made it look like she had a belter of an Afro barnet!
If we are unable to separate ourselves here in Scotland from the treaty of the union, let us follow it word for word.
Every article of the international treaty of the union. That cannot be changed by domestic legislation or domestic statues over an international recognised treaty.
Let’s us start with the article on land tax,
That will catch and encompass, the rich, the elite land owners, the second holiday homes, etc.
Glasgow City Councillors set to ask the Scottish government to allow electric scooters users onto our roads.
Currently they are not allowed on our roads, I’ve witnessed the speeds that these electric scooters can go to, most are used by young folk with no protection whatsoever, and they can go from pavement to road in a second or two, I predict if the GCC councillors are successful in their bid, they’ll be many accidents involving these scooters, and some deaths as well.
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Bloody state of this
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The vid is full of geriatrics and young fighting transgenders and the like – wtf lmao fucking freak show comedy.
1707 Treaty of the union article 25:
Article 25 Revokes all previous Acts that might operate against the union and confirms the Full Authority of Law in passing the Act of Union.
Interpreted as what is now set up as law are the treaty of union Acts.
The incompatibility of the independence movement is astonishing,
In one breath we claim we cannot leave the treaty of the union, and our hands are tied,
And in the next breath we ignore the articles in that treaty that supposedly bind us.
The historical fact is that all these articles are supposed to be law as of the signing in 1707.
Why are the Scottish independence grassroots and the British parliament not following these ( acts ).
They can be as much to our advantage as against.
Seriously you guys need tae watch that vid. Fecking tears are streaming doon ma face.
Absolute comedy gold. Watch from 11mins ish onwards for the fight of the century. pure class.
@robbo –
It’s like a cross between The Benny Hill Show and Mad Max.
I believe that they know exactly what they are doing. I also believe that we should, as an electorate, let them know that they will be held personally responsible for any, and every, sexual abuse by a trans identified person. This can be done by approaching Holyrood and placing a written address to it, to be read out by a MSP of any party. Let it be done in public so that the cameras pick it up and it hits the newspapers, as well, with links to sites where the crimes and photos of trans identified sex criminals are available to the public, and let it be known that constituents whose child or who, herself, has been attacked by a trans identified person masquerading as a female will be crowdfunded to sue said politician if they voted for self-ID after the GRA reform has been introduced in Holyrood. Give them advance warning that, like the perpetrators of Nazism at Nuremberg, or like the Serbian warmongers, they will be called to account. It is perfectly feasible to respect the humanity of trans identified people to live their own lives without allowing them to steal women’s and girls’ identity to do so.
Cuilean: “… It is the only logical explanation for the transformation… ”
Yes, that and the infiltration, in 2015, by thousands of far left ‘former’ Labourites who now occupy most of the seats. They have little to no interest in independence, but their tongues loll at the prospect of getting access to female rights and spaces. Patrick Harvie is their patron saint and Nicola Sturgeon their Joan of Ark. It was a massive takeover of government by a devious cabal allied to Stonewall.
James Che: yes, indeed, the WASPI women pensions thing was yet another con trick played on women. How difficult would it have been to phase in the changes? Instead, women were left destitute. They were lying through their sparkling, subsidised pearlies when they tried to maintain that all women received notice. F*****g lie. In any case, how can you save for a pension on low pay or if you are not in work and were not even informed of when you would receive some kind of pension? They did this, those evil Whitehall bureaucrats and politicians, because we are female. They would never have dared to do it to men. The SNP did nothing. The loathing I now feel towards them started then, but the GRA self-ID has increased it ten-fold. I want them out. All of them. Gone. Useless, spineless numbskulls and at least some of them are sexually questionable in their own right if they support this anti female nonsense.
Shauny Boy: at first, I must admit that I felt sympathy for trans people, and empathy for them – and I suppose I still do for the burden they bear – but, slowly, I began to see through the smoke and mirrors, and I must say that thinking about disabled children and adults did make me see things ever more clearly some years back now. I have been horrified by the on-line examples of deviant men raping their animals (or other people’s pets) which I had not even thought of as a fetish (we’d always heard about sheep shaggers, but not looked at it in this way, sniggered about it, really, which is awful) and I hope that the SSPCA and RSPCA are taking these people to court. It seems to me that consent for their public displays of fetishism is being eroded and enabled by legislation. What is going on here? Where have all these fetishistic people come from? They must be emerging from their sp**k-soaked bedrooms like troglodytes from underground bunkers, expecting us all to validate their particular fetish. It is one thing for society to lighten up and accept change, but quite another for it to be overwhelmed by degrading and utterly alien (to females, at any rate) sexual fetishes that threaten to destroy it completely.
ClanDonald: like so many during the Jimmy Savile years, who knew, who covered up and who condoned, you have to suspect that, among them – certainly not all because many wer scared to speak out – are mirror images of that creature. It would explain a great deal.
Sarah: yes, that is a brilliant idea. Those that still have the vestiges of a conscience might just be stirred to do something to halt this paedophiles’/abusers’/rapists’ charter called GRA Reform. The 2004 GRA has actually been superseded by same sex marriage legislation, equal pensions (for which women also had to pay a high price) and other pieces of legislation have nullified this Act. All that is left is self-ID. The Scottish government is lying through its teeth about there being no harm to females. It knows there is going to be harm to all vulnerable groups. Mridul should have taught them that, the man who wears big, baggy frocks when interviewing women about their sexual abuse.
I feel your pain Stu, as it reminds me of the time the uni-educated suited and tied project management team of a company I worked for tried to hire a remote control submarine system for a contract when the as configured submarine system in question didn’t have enough main lift umbilical cable length to reach the fuckin the job on the sea bed!
As if we low life engineers were just to go to B&Q and buy an extension cord for the extra few hundred meters of load tested multi conductor umbilical cable complete with fibre optics, so we could actually operate the sub and reach the job, coz you know that shit is just sitting there on the shelves ready to plug and play.
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MSM reporting that Cressida Dick the head of the Met in England will stand down as police chief as of tonight.
@RoS: she was bought and sold from the time she was in charge on the disastrous day of De Menezes’ murder.
Our MSM suppressed the truth without a second thought while a pal pf mine on holiday in Austria saw its national TV show UK witnessses on the underground report a brutal, unprovoked attack on a defenceless man simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
@Dan 6:59pm
My first concern is for the islanders. They need a reliable ferry service. I cannot account for the short cabling. It’s incomprehensible to me. It is so basic that it doesn’t even qualify as a fundamental design error. Very damaging to Scottish Engineering. What is going on with these ferries?. Whilst I am not a conspiracy theorist I am beginning to think there other forces at work. We are a laughing stock. I have taught Engineering apprentices and undergraduate Engineering courses. It’s two routes to get to the same destination. There are great engineering apprentices and great graduate engineers. What has happened here?. Audit Scotland are to produce a report on the Ferries in March 2022. I await their deliberations. A strip out and rewire will cost millions.
I don’t take any pleasure in quoting Tories, but …
“Too often, ministers have been evasive, and the truth has been optional.
“When ministers respond to legitimate questions with pre-prepared soundbites, or half-truths, or misdirection, or wild exaggeration, then respect for government and politics dies a little more.
“Misleading replies to questions invite disillusion. Outright lies breed contempt.”
@ Tannadice Boy
Posting for future generations…
Measure twice, cut once… Oh, and metaphorically boot any twat in the fanny / baws so hard they are launched oot the picture if they retrospectively deviate from the previously agreed, planned, and costed design.
@Dan 9:50pm
I know I am at a lost here. I just don’t understand what’s happen. Audit Scotland will produce their report. It better not be delayed beyond the May elections. We will see in March 2022. Follow the money as they say. I don’t believe any of this nonsense. Scotland built some iconic ships. And now we can’t build 2 ferries?.
@ Tannadice Boy
I have a hazy recollection of reading somewhere that there may have been a significant specification alteration to what was originally designed, but that may be in relation to other ferries rather than these ones.
But if that was the case, any reconfiguring of key elements of the initial design may well require corresponding changes to the support and control systems which should have been factored in prior to any changes being agreed.
Maybe Alf Baird could add some further insight into this latest matter if he happens to notice this discussion.
Here was a previous article Alf posted over on Yours For Scotland which is worth another read.
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@Dan 11:00pm
It’s not a hazy recollection for me. They wanted to make these Ferries more Green than any on the planet. And changed the specification. A nightmare at the best of times. I will read Alfs take but it doesn’t excuse the Engineering failure of short cabling. Follow the money. Somebody is having a laugh. Roll on March 2022 and the Audit report. Somebody is making a lot of money at our expense. I wouldn’t board the Arran Ferry when it is finally commissioned. A sad thought for the Islanders.
Dan @ 11:00 pm
Postcolonial theory is probably on the money as far as explaining the ferries fiasco and more or less everything else the UK’s Scottish Gov ‘Department’ touches – which is that Scotland will always have a mediocre meritocracy so long as we remain a colony, run by people who don’t have a clue, and don’t even care.
As you noted, this article explains what should be done:
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Can I say , Lorna Campbell is on fire with her comments here and elsewhere , but what else I will say is I have always viewed Lorna’s and other females comments as fair , respectful and empathetic to the trans issue , she and others have separated the real dysphoria sufferers from the deviants and perverts and showed , like others a willingness and compassion in an effort to reach a fair conclusion to this dilemma
BUT the woke and sturgeon have proven that they are not out to accept compromise they have NO INTENTION of even discussing compromise , it is ALL or nothing, complete control of the kingdom with any dissenters or opposition thrown to the dogs, or their preferred method of punishment , imprisonment courtesy of her tame police force her tame COPFS and her bought and paid for judges
BUT what I will say to Lorna and any other females who feel bad about opposing trans rights , REMEMBER what we are fighting for and what will happen if we lose , sturgeon and her RABID DOGS have given NO QUARTER there is NO RESPECT , NO COMPASSION , NO EMPATHY towards REAL females, they will do whatever it takes to subvert female rights without a backward glance and the disgust I wrote about earlier on Yours For Scotland re the cowards in the snp is magnified the more I think about them
Twathater @ 3.19
100% agree with everything you say here .
The ACTUAL tolerance , ACTUAL compassion and empathy of people like Lorna stands in diametric contrast to the ersatz , extremely circumscribed versions lip-serviced by the Stonewall gender stormtroopers
Network Rail to get the union jackery treatment, it will be rebranded as Great British Railways, and the logo will be red, white and blue in a kind of nod to the Butchers Apron.
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On top of the new ferries being years late and millions over budget, not to mention wiring cables being too short in the Glen Sannox that will all need to be replaced, the island around Scotland that our ferries service, are now down to four ferries, as another three are in dry dock and the fourth MV Hebrides is out of action due to engine trouble.
Its very apparent that Sturgeon couldn’t run a menage never mind our very important ferries services to the islands, of course there has been rumblings that the SNP government will privatise our island ferries, maybe that’s why she doesn’t give a monkey’s about them or the Scots that rely on them as a lifeline.
I wonder how many of the Island people affected are aware of this?
It might be worth circulating it and mobilising public opinion – the MSM would surely then have to report on the situation?
@ Tannadice Boy
You mentioning the “green” element reminded me there was the dual fuel aspect of powering the ferries that was contentious and is touched on in the following article by Kenny MacAskill hosted on Grousebeater’s site.
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“…The second issue was fuelling. Leaving aside why environmentally you even consider LNG, there remain basic engineering concerns. It’s a relatively new technology. Normally used on larger vessels than on smaller ones like ships 801 and 802, where other options such as batteries or hydrogen are preferred. It’s also not surprising that Cal Mac didn’t want LNG ships as there’s no LNG infrastructure in Scottish ports. I asked CMAL what consideration was given to onshore supply systems, what was in situ at the time of requisition and what the situation’s now for LNG? This is the answer: “At the time the only load out facility in the UK was the Isle of Grain. There were 3 projects looking at the bulk storage in Scotland 2 on the East Coast and one on the West Coast – so far none of these have been built out.” Cal Mac operates in the Hebrides and on the Clyde which lie on Scotland’s west coast. The Isle of Bute’s in the latter and the Isle of Lewis the former. But the Isle of Grain is in Kent on England’s East Coast. No wonder Cal Mac didn’t want it.”
Alf’s article linked to last night also mentions the significant “green” fuel efficiency improvements and resultant emission reductions that could be achieved with a better hull design rather than going for dual fuel.
Interesting reading in the Grousebeater article about LNG fuel being used on larger vessels.
I wonder if it has to do with engine displacement as larger engines will be turning at slower rpm compared to smaller engines.
My mate used to look after the internal combustion engine powered leccy generators that were fueled from the gas generated in various landfill sites.
Those engines were originally diesel compression ignition but were converted to spark ignition to run on gas. Exhaust valve seat erosion was an issue, and obviously with a smaller engine revving harder the valves would be exposed to far more cycles than a slower turning engine, and thus need more maintenance and / or a shorter service life before requiring to be changed out.
So this morning we have The Herald awash with anti independence scare stories while the National goes with pieces on the Met commisioner’s resignation.
Why do people buy this pretendy pro independence rag.
@Dan 10:26pm
Thanks for the links Dan. I will have a think about the engine displacement. I have had a quick look at the rewiring costs. I can’t understand why the Yard can’t give out an estimate for this work. They have the cable schedule. Assuming the worst case scenario of 900 or so cable runs. Cost of stripping out, purchasing new cable, installation and labour costs. Hopefully existing cable trays and ducting can be reused. No change out of 750k to re cable. Certainly shouldn’t breach one million.
Lorna Campbell.
Nice to hear and see some commenters of old on here that still remember what we are supposed to be about.
Mrs Che has stilll not been informed about the pension changes,
She found out when she reached 60.
Then did some research in desperation and found Waspi women.
@ Tannadice Boy
Aye, or at the ends of the current too short wiring, just install extra junction boxes with new terminal blocks, then add new tails of the various lengths required to reach wherever they need to go. doing that would save ripping everything out and make up for the short lengths, plus it would provide a good access point for test and fault finding, or even future retro fitting…
We were forever amending cable runs of allsorts in the offshore industry, from seriously heavy steel wired armored main lift umbilicals, to power conductors, or even making up new fibre optic flyleads which have a centre glass strand the thickness of a human hair.
Alf Baird.
Robert Hughes.
Lorna Campbell.
And many more.
Ones heart sinks nowadays on here.
Once upon a time When we spoke of Scottish independence, of the situation we are in,
what position we hold on the slide scale in the union, or methods to remedy the situation, it was a delight to hear so many commentators with so much vigour on the subjects
It used to warm my heart, and warm the day up in a bleary winter to see how many were on track,
Nowadays if one is focused on the original purpose of independence, laws, union, Scottish government.or a solution to independence for Scotland.
The responding comments are usually have you heard this bit or that bit of gossip in a volcablebrary makeover of the topic, distracting the conversation and deliberate failure to stay on point,
The gossip or moaning conversations get us no where….
Information facts, and real questions to solutions used to be the normal response.
I am disappointed to how the deliberate trolling has taken down so many commentators, thus the next generation become illiterate to Scotland’s real history. Scotland’s possible future,
The issue today is not about holding the snp feet to the fire over engineering or Brexit, these are gone.
What solution is ever mentioned here for changing corrupted Scottish politics besides another wait and see moment.
It feels like labour and the snp run this site.
Rant over.
“It feels like labour and the snp run this site.”
Don’t blame the symptom for the disease.
Anyone know the circulation figures for the ‘Scottish’ press?
I would love to know how many papers are sold by the Herald/National/Scotsman/Record /Press and Journal/Courier.
I used to buy the Herald but have not bought it for the last five years. We have no papers in this house as I consider them free from truth ,accuracy and information and I can honestly say I have not missed the dead tree press.
“Anyone know the circulation figures for the ‘Scottish’ press?
I would love to know how many papers are sold by the Herald/National/Scotsman/Record /Press and Journal/Courier.”
Most of Scottish media has withdrawn from Audit Bureau of Circulation figures. The only public stats for dailies are:
Daily Record 76,000
Scottish Daily Mail 51,000
Press & Journal 30,000
Courier 24,000
Scottish Daily Express 23,000
Daily Star 17,000
Evening Express 13,000
Scotsman 10,000
Evening Telegraph 8,000
Financial Times 8,000
Daily Mirror 5,000
Less than 1.5% of the population now buys the Record.
Additional context to the end piece of comment above.
Perhaps not to be so biased.
It should read the four stooge parties comment mostly on here.
Now my rant is over.
@Dan 12:30pm
The Yard themselves are saying a recabling is the best technical option. That could be driven by the contractual obligations of the original contractor and the eventual recovery of costs. In a new cable installation you wouldn’t generally introduce junction boxes. For a new Ferry I would want clean cable runs. The Regs call for accessible junction boxes. Problematic in passenger areas. Plus introduces a future source of failure. High resistance joints are a potential fire hazard. There are consequences to these Ferry delays. I have just read a report that says the supermarket shelves are empty on the Isle of Lewis.
Dorothy Devine.
I have no idea.
But this site used to fill the gap for a future alternative media for Scotland.
Now we gossip about the same trivial nonsense as the old MSM do, taking our que from them.
We have joined their mentality. Of small talk.
James Che , I suppose there is truth in your comment – depressing though it is!
Tannadice boy,
It would be nice to talk about cables, fuel and ferries or school foundations after we have total control of them through gaining independence for Scotland first.
Sort who runs Scotland before what runs on rail tracks and how the sea is crossed to the islands.
For none of these are controllable or solvable by a devolved government under the control and linked financial status of funding to Westminster.
And yes it would become British rail network if we do not do independence first.
Rev Stu,
You will note my correction before your response comment.
I am not going to creep or apologise for maintaining my view that this site was the only Scottish alternative media
Karen says:
7 February, 2022 at 3:11 pm
Quote:- Sadly the care sector is often not caring, and when staff raise concerns no one who is meant to be regulating things is interested. So called grievances and whistleblowing gets you (caring staff) nothing but extra stress. ”
Actually it gets you blacklisted [around local agencies] and falsely accused/reported by management to SSSC. ERA 18 months later No case to answer and no further action.
Now try finding employment.
@James Che.
You obviously don’t live on the islands. We can’t waste more time dreaming of independence while ‘lifeline’ services are provided by ageing ferries managed by incompetent landlubbers.
The ferry services exemplify Scotland. Everything of importance being ignored while fools and charlatans avoid scrutiny by focussing attention on mindless, damaging trivia.
Inaction has spread through Scotland like the corruption it encourages. There’s no use pointing the finger at individuals. There’s a collective failure to recognise the destruction of our country and an inability to find a way to put things right.
“THE Liberal Democrats have been slammed for spreading “misinformation” by claiming their party leader is the “most popular” in Scotland.”
This is comedy gold Cole-Hamilton is as popular as a turd in a swimming pool.
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James Che 1.38pm.
I agree to a point there James, but Sturgeon could do a helluva lot better than she’s doing especially when it comes to ferry services in Scotland.
A few weeks ago over on Iain Lawsons blog, a guy who is Scottish and builds ferries for countries all over the world offered to help the Scottish government get its ferry services fitting fit, he never heard back from them, its typical of the Scottish government/SNP under Sturgeons tenure.
For Sturgeon its my way or the highway as they say, the sooner we get her out of Bute House the better.
“land tax is ideal for that. It can raise a great deal of revenue without raising it from people’s incomes or expenditure, but directly from the wealthy landowners who have gained from increasing land values without paying any tax on it.”
This is a good idea and it has been touted before, however there’s not a snowballs chance in hell of Sturgeon implementing it, she would be upsetting the establishment in Scotland if she did.
The likes of Bennie Higgins, who worked for the Duke of Buccleuch, and who now works for Sturgeon on an Advisory Group on Economic Recovery, Higgins is the groups chair, makes no mention in their finding on land tax.
Like independence, land tax is great idea but neither will ever see the light of day under Sturgeons tenure as FM.
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I’m glad to see this. My aunt does not agree with this either.
If you want a glimpse of Scotland in the not-to-distant future under Sturgeon and her acolytes, just watch Brigadoon
Ron Maclean,
I used to live over there, our doctor could only visit in the summer, as he used to travel by canoe to his patients.
Ron Maclean.
I remenber when my brother split his scalp while playing,
My mother tying his hair on each side of his split together in place of stitches,
And when my other brother broke his arm my mother sewn his sleeve to his jacket for a sling.
By the time his hair grew the scalp had healed, she simply cut his hair.
I am not saying this is appropriate in 2022.
we had no food delivery vans, we grew our own, or went fishing, or shell fish hunting. had our own hens and sheep or goats.
When someone had a baby every woman with experience helped. Or any one with a resemblance or medical history.
But seriously we seem to have become a soft pampered nation.
I could not agree more with you, NS has to go,
But all the snp whom sit on their hands have to go if they no longer represent us.
The problem in Scotland is the same as it is in England, there is no opposition.
All the parties are both sides of the border are equal in their inequality.
The devolved government itself in its creation goes against the treaty of the union articles.
Our Scots law has become embedded in the British Supreme Court as overseer to what we can do in Scots Law through the crown and the devolved government in Scotland,
Our finances are encumbered by the Barnett formula, and the devolved government is
by passed in levelling up by money going direct to favoured Scottish councils of Westminster.
I agree with you again on land tax,
And of corse this is stipulated as part of the treaty of the union articles
James I have respect for your posts and comments but as a lot of us don’t read the newspapers some people’s links have the benefit of bringing items to folks attention , we ALL know what has to be done to gain independence but at this point in time we are ALL powerless , we have discussed colonialism , the TOU , GRA , WASPI women , history of the clans and many other things which you have also contributed widely to, they may not get us independence but they may educate others to support a change of mind .
The ferry fiasco exposes and greatly illuminates the gross incompetence and ineptitude we have at the heart of our govt and it is imperative that people are made aware of that AND the impact it will not only have on islanders but also to taxpayers who are having to fork out more hard earned money to bail sturgeon and her parasites out of another mess
People have been coming and going from WOS for years and we have had more than our share of disrupters, trolls and fake indy supporters but we have always remained , my personal opinion is that the reason many former posters don’t comment is due to Stuart only occasionally posting a new topic it doesn’t mean people are not visiting it just means they are not commenting , so Stu how are the visiting numbers
Rev Stu , thank you for the information – it made me smile!
@ Tannadice Boy
Aye, in a perfect world… well, everything would be perfect.
You make valid points with regard to contractual obligations and potential electrical issues that may arise.
That said, if the initial design is good then it’s unlikely any of the big high current cabling would be run through passenger areas, instead it will be in service areas or running in trays and ducts where only the maintenance crews have access to.
It’s a good workout python wrestling long 2 inch armoured cables when installing this sort of kit into position.
The systems I worked on had multiple junction boxes.
440v 3 phase feed to control van, then numerous transformers to convert incoming supply to what was required in our system.
These transformers often had internal bridge pieces on winding tappings that could be put in various configurations to optimise end of line supply for what was required, and account for voltage drop / current increase over whatever the length of the outgoing cable was.
When you are putting several kilometers of 3 phase 3000v into the sea this matters.
From the control van there was a deck lead that ran to a winch which had static and rotating junction boxes, these boxes could be pressure purged and explosion proof rated due to the areas they were sited.
From the winch the umbilical wire would be connected either direct to an ROV, or a launchable garage structure for the ROV, the latter setup meant another two junction boxes in the garage system with a static and rotating boxes as per the winch, then a further end termination junction box on the ROV itself.
These subsea boxes were oil filled and pressure compensated to around 10psi above whatever the pressure was at a given depth, this was to ensure that they wouldn’t implode or leak seawater into the boxes.
The larger power wires in the system had Line Insulation Monitors which did as their name suggests and would trip should an issue arise.
I’m a fussy critter when it comes to wiring, and pipework for that matter, but proper cable splicing and or a couple of extra suitably located junction boxes of the correct specification really shouldn’t cause too many extra problems if that would on balance save a lot of further time and money when compared to a complete refit.
Sorry if folk think this chatter is not at all relevant. But for me it is as it highlights longstanding and understood basic principles and careful planning on how to plan and achieve a viable and decent end product.
So for me, there are parallels of process we could emulate in the Indy movement.
And the drumbeat starts again
War War War
How many times have ordinary people been fooled into believing we have a enemy and we must react and react now.
Ok here’s the deal , the one’s that want to fight go right ahead boys let us know how you get on but don’t fkn involve ordinary people who are fed up to the back teeth of crazy psychos and bent fkn politicians who have been bought and paid for.
MSPs being allowed £ 1500.00 for security ?
What’s the saying “ When the government fear the people that’s democracy “
Seems like a good idea let’s have some democracy then.
Dan 7:38pm
The ferries situation is feeding into the narrative of we are too poor, too stupid etc. So I also think it is relevant to the Independence debate. We have to find out and learn, why and what led to an overspend of 100 million. However being a sensitive soul I am checking out the debate for a couple of days. A great sporting weekend awaits. How about that for a change of topic.
@Republicofscotland says 11 February, 2022 at 4:08 pm
“land tax is ideal for that. It can raise a great deal of revenue without raising it from people’s incomes or expenditure, but directly from the wealthy landowners who have gained from increasing land values without paying any tax on it.”
Sounds great Republic, eh? As long as it’s just the “wealthy” landowners who pay.
No doubt it will all be finagled so that nobody who ever scrimped and scraped to buy themselves a 1-bed semi will find themselves paying tax on the increase in the value of their house.
Aye, right.
Looks like you strayed from your natural habitat, Republic. If I want to read BTL comments on the lines “I think the problem should be solved by taxing other people but not me” I prefer the Guardian. They do it so much better there.
Canadian judge ordered police to return confiscated fuel drums to truckers
Yes good judgment
But some fkr in the fascist administration made sure every single drum was contaminated with water.
Don’t you just love them
The Canadian state that seems to be trying to go a bit further than the Australian looney government ,are now sending cops to warn Facebook users who post support for the truckers that they could be guilty of incitement “ Thought Crime “ aye 1984 looks like a instruction manual for would be psychopath’s who are following it diligently and to the letter.
The turd Trudoooo will be gone soon he stormed out of the Canadian parliament today after throwing a hissy fit
Ain’t democracy a great idea when politicians are shittn themselves because people realise these arsewipes work for them and not the other way about and it scares the shit out of them
“And the walls fell down…”
The fightback against self-ID:-
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We don’t need to take this crap- let’s hope the people rise against this abomination.
Lets hope the walls come tumbling down
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John Main: “If I want to read BTL comments on the lines “I think the problem should be solved by taxing other people but not me” I prefer the Guardian.”
Doesn’t ‘Rangers News’ have a comments section?
I can’t imagine you’d be at home amongst The Guardian readership.
ames Che. @ 1:02 pm
We need to keep going on, and on, and on.
The ferries fiasco, like every other UK-SG fiasco, is due to an imposed Anglophone cultural hegemony.
Scots will figure it out. They have to. Else they will perish.
Here’s your crazy fur today folks!
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I’d put 50 quid on that’s a bloke!
Be afraid, be very afraid…
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This specimen could end up in the White House…..nuke the LGBT…XYZ phobes!
Makes Scotland look a haven of reason.
Looks like the group `Woman` for Independence has been captured by the transcult (prob for a long time)
according to them `woman` includes men and if you disagree you are a transphobe and must be disciplined.
So the vile creature Michael Gove keeps dodging appearing at the Holyrood Finance Committee to discuss how his promise of levelling up, meeting EU funding that Scotland once received whilst in the EU that it receives no more.
Gove promised to match the EU funding after Scotland was forced out of the EU in 2016,(and Sturgeon did nothing to save Scots) but like many Tory promises prior to the 2016 vote which most of where nothing more than hot air, the levelling up fund has not materlised and Gove continues to play hide and seek with the Holyrood committee.
Why The SNP government believed a slimy snakes belly with a weasel face such as Gove I’ll never know, Tories cannot be trusted period.
Meanwhile MSPs will be given £2,500 pounds for security upgrades and access to software to identify threatening comments online, and Police Scotland will review security at their homes.
I certainly don’t want to see violence perpetrated against our MSPs, things are beginning to move in the direction that our MSPs will become inaccessible, and less unaccountable who knows where this will lead in a Scotland that’s fast becoming an authoritarian state.
Stonewall and LGBT organisations write to the UN asking it to strip the EHCR of its independent status.
“It came as leaked papers reported by Vice News suggest the EHRC was planning to publish guidance which would recommend blocking the estimated 99% of trans people without a gender recognition certificate (GRC) from accessing single-sex spaces.
The Trans Legal Project said such a stance was “legally ludicrous”, calling the reported position “prejudiced, vindictive, and unworkable”.”
It would appear the trans community who already have rights, are desperate to destroy the EHRC because they can’t get their way, at the expense of others.
“The EHRC is adopting legal positions to allow for blanket discrimination against trans people on ideological grounds,” it added. However, the commission denied the report’s veracity.”
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” Brinton, who is a proud drag queen and “pup handler” – in other words, someone who leads gay men dressed in fetish gear around as they pretend to be dogs, before having sex with them – has been appointed to a high-ranking position in the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy.”
The Queerocracy is leading Rationality around in * bondage * kit as politicians pretend nothing is amiss .
It’s all perfectly acceptable that predilections that should properly be confined to private lives and spaces- and laughed at in public ones- are now badges of honour offering great career-boosting opportunities for their adherents .
Look at * Daddy Bear * for example , what explains his meteoric rise to prominence in NSNP position ?
His impressive intellect , his judicious grasp of complex socio/political issues , his advocacy and defence of the generational poor
His prioritising the struggle for Independence above all else ?
Feel free to laugh at the latter .
No , it appears the overriding prerequisite for advancement in NSNP is sexual orientation .
The queerer the better
All these issues matter in Scotland, I by misfortune have not lead an easy life,
Life was also made unnecessarily harder by corruption within certain political parties sitting in power that assisted the corrupt councils.
I have never done drugs and I never drank alcohol.
Poverty and not having access to lawyers was my misfortune,
No one has had a better insight than myself as to corruption and how it works to my detriment.
But it is the fastest track to being a eye real opener for a focusing point on what needs to be done first and what priorities should hold first place.
I started study the laws in a amateur fashion and have found many good pieces of advice here over the years with a lot of help from commentators.
I do not mind people having a go at me, if it wakes them up to the fact the only two positions we can be in.
I get rid of the squirrels, And I focus on the only two legal issues that are of primary importance.
1) Are We in the international treaty of the union 1707 as a legality. Are we beholden to it?
2) IF We are beholden to stay in the international treaty of the union 1707 then all its article apply.
For what are all you and I here for if not to become independent as a country’s?
What we do not no legally we learn,
If we still do want to be independent,
Then we must learn how to cater or look after ourselves on a more basic level, for some things may become difficult for a while, with
Etc etc.
I do not see the other half of the treaty making the separation a breeze for us, and it will scare many people.
The more self sufficient we become the less of an impact it will have on us.
I do not agree with all Dans posts politically, ( sorry Dan) but he has the right idea on learning how to live without being attached to a functioning government for a while.
So we can be there for each other if independence comes.
I do apologise if difference between reality and dreaming is difficult to comprehend.
But the opposition will purposely make it difficult.
I do not take lightly that BJ thinks it fun to exterminate Scots, he was not the first,
And the Gove and browns before him.
The duke of Sutherland before him.
And the Hammer of the Scots before him.
Like I said we have become a soft nation in modern times.
And I am with you all that we do not wish to physically fight.
So let us apply law And legalities.
Excuse jumble of words
I find being dyslexic with writing difficult, however it does not affect my ability to read legal documents and study law, when I take my time.
And I have spent over ten years doing so.
Treaty of the union:
Articles 8– 14:
Scotland has to abide by the articles and so does England.
We have to have the Taxes Mentioned in the Treaty.
Scotland will have Land Tax.
Domestic legislation or statues cannot be imposed on the articles of the 1707 international treaty.
In law,
Domestic legislation or statues cannot be imposed on the articles of the 1707 international treaty afterwards
International Treaty of the union 1707………: climate change?
Articles 8— 14.
Scotland will be TAXED on coal, coal dust and cinders.
It does not state we will be TAXED ON OIL! GAS, WIND, WATER OR WOOD.
Link for live coverage of Paris march/demo:
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@RoS 5.31 pm
“….my personal opinion is that the reason many former posters don’t comment is due to Stuart only occasionally posting a new topic it doesn’t mean people are not visiting it just means they are not commenting…”
I’m sure the winding down of WoS and paucity of new content is probably the biggest factor. Few of us really blamed Stu for deciding he had better things to do, and his prediction that for the next few years the game probably isn’t worth the candle has proven to be right. Scots electors had their chance to accelerate things at the last Holyrood election and when it mattered, they bottled it…again.
If you look at the other remaining pro-indy sites – non of whom I imagine attract even a fraction of WoS’s numbers even in its current fairly moribund state – few if any have much going on. Most are lucky if they get a handful of replies to posts, still less the kind of discussions we were used to BTL here back in the day. Wee Ginger Dug’s site can muster a hundred to two comments, but it’s a Sturgeonite echo chamber, dominated by a claque of ultra loyalists who haven’t noticed the Empress has no clothes.
I’m sure folk, including many who used to be regulars, still visit to see if there’s anything new happening but mostly folk have wandered off to do other things until there’s something happening that actually matters. Diverting as some appear to find stream of consciousness comments about “the Treaties of Union can be dissolved and other cunning plans” or how “Covid is a hoax” or that “we’re doomed because Scotland really is a colony don’t you know”, its not content that has universal appeal.
Perhaps things really do have to get worse before they get better? I’d always been instinctively suspicious of that line of argument before: I honestly believed we could win the argument, gain a majority and achieve independence. Yet here we are, still more or less in the same place we were on 19/09/2014.
Maybe folk aren’t commenting because there’s nothing more to say? Some are probably still using Twatter, a minority are dipping their toe in to GETTR despite misgivings about its “alt-rightyness”.
Sadly the various sections of the indy movement appear for the most part to be talking past one another. The pre-2014 Big Tent hasn’t just collapsed, it’s been burnt to the ground. The question remains whether a new “joint enterprise” amongst different pro-indy groups can actually deliver, whether via another referendum (unlikely IMHO), plebiscitary elections, or some other route.
I read a lot from certain commenters on here assuring us there is such an “other route”, but so far nary a one has adequately explained how it is organised, how it demonstrates majority support, and most importantly how it secures international recognition. I have a suspicion that’s because they haven’t a scooby what they’re talking about, but will happily eat humble pie when they deliver.I won’t be holding my breath tho’.
International Treaty of the union 1707:
Rules of Trade.
Article 15:
The new British Parliament to invest in promoting the Fishing industry. The manufacture of coarse wool,
And OTHER INDUSTRIES ( in ) Scotland.
Ian brotherhood,.
Thanks for the link.
I have been following all the citizens, people and public protests around the globe. There is deep unrest with politicians everywhere.
There is talk of pulling the plug on certain media outlets so people cannot commicate with each other,
This would further instil the belief with people around the world that our governments are no longer acting with democracy.
And are subduing free speech.
Not a good move if governments want the people to follow and believe in them.
Andy Ellis @2.08pm.
I think you are getting me confused with someone else, I didn’t write anything along the lines of what you’ve copied and pasted, nor have I penned a 5.31pm comment.
If Nicola Sturgeon managed to achieve indyref2, would you forgive and forget all the other stuff (like the Salmond stitch-up) and throw your heart into it?
People are rebelling in England as well.
Scotland seems to be one of the last.
Although quite a few Scots do comment or donate to these protests around the world I notice.
So perhaps some have woken up.
I also see louder and louder calls for investigations and inquiries to be held something akin to the Nuremberg trials on the covid issues.
Some countries have already begun these inquires and investigations and are quite well on.
@RoS 2.45 pm
Apologies, the original quote from twathater….I got the right time, but wrong author.
Who I wonder would ever think that Article 15) in the treaty of the union was followed by Maggie Thatcher,
or is being adhered to by the present British Parliament before, during and after the EU.
I wonder how many Scottish households are happy with a carbon tax applied to them when it is not in the treaty of the union as a mentioned Tax.
“Speaking this week, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pledged to do “everything in her power” to give Scots the chance to vote on the country’s future in 2023.”
More heat than light from Sturgeon as we get closer to the council elections.
The everything in her power quote opens the door for Sturgeon blame Westminster if there’s no indyref, you can read Sturgeon’s woeful tactics like a book.
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How many businesses and industries had investment ploughed into them from the British parliament during covid in Scotland compared to investment in big companies out with Scotland. Or are the Scottish business only getting loans.
@Hatuey 2.51pm
Into the campaign? In a heartbeat.
Into the Sturgeonite vision of what the early days of a Better Nation should look like? Hell no.
Sturgeon seems to be a regular at these marches, unlike indy marches, which she avoids like the plague, even though she’s the leader of a party set up to obtain Scottish independence.
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How many businesses and industries had investment ploughed into them from the British parliament during covid in Scotland compared to investment in big companies out with Scotland. Or are the Scottish business only getting loans rather than investment according to article 15, international treaty of the union?
Perhaps the funding and investment for industries like railways and ferries should be paid for by the British parliament according to Article 15: international treaty of the union 1707.
Perhaps the farmers with sheep should have money promised from the British government according to Article 15:
This is interesting and I can see his point of view, afterall Sturgeon is a f*ck-up, maybe that’s her plan to f*ck it up.
“NICOLA Sturgeon is hopelessly “ill-prepared” for an independence referendum and shouldn’t even try to have one next year, a former deputy leader of the SNP has said.”
“Jim Sillars said “delusion” dominated the SNP-Green administration, and its shortcomings had left the Yes movement lacking the material it needed for victory.”
“He said the “mediocrity” and “crass incompetence” of the Scottish Government meant it was simply incapable of producing a winning prospectus for leaving the UK.”
“There will be an Indyref2, but in 2023? I hope not,” he said.”
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Perhaps the of Scottish fishing industry having to scrap their boats few years ago, was illegal according to Article 15.: international treaty of the union 1707.
I will leave now to walk the dogs,
But hope those here with the thoughts of how industries in Scotland are being scrapped, while according to the treaty of the union they should be invested in.
How carbon, and green Taxes do not apply to Scotland specifically according to the Treaty of the Union articles.
For those wondering why lots of commenters have given up on this place, the posting of endless brain farts relating to the 1707 Treaty of Union would be a good place to start.
Mercifully I see we’ve started with Article 15 not Article 1.
A interesting and informative article by Kenny MacAskill.
“As Scotland awaits Nicola Sturgeon’s mythical “gold-plated” second referendum bill, it’s relevant when she’s reduced to saying she’ll do everything she can, within her power, to try and achieve it. Meanwhile Westminster remains intransigent.”
“It’s of interest to Scotland as there was no Canadian sector 30 order equivalent giving approval for the referendum by federal authorities. Instead, after several years of constitutional impasse – sounds familiar, doesn’t it – Quebec’s premier and Parti Quebecois leader Jacques Parizeau used his election mandate and majority government in 1994 to call a referendum on sovereignty.”
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I’m with Jim Sillars, Andy Ellis… I hope it doesn’t happen whilst Sturgeon is at the helm of the SNP. As I’ve said many times, nobody likes her. She’d lose it for sure. It truly would be the end.
And I really don’t know who would go out on the streets canvassing for independence if she somehow wangled indyref2 — trans activists? A significant number of Yes grassroots people have thrown in the towel and are sitting in the background raging at her.
I’m not sure if they’re saying it for dramatic effect, but a lot of indy people I know say they’d vote against independence if she was still SNP leader. They seem to mean it. When asked to explain, the same thing comes up over and over — the thought of Sturgeon with more power scares the life out of them.
If Boris had more sense, he’d give her a section 30.
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I thought this was an interesting article about ‘footballers as role models’
I agree footballers as role models is a daft idea.
I will admit that I don’t know much about football especially not about ‘Raith Rovers’ so I may have missed the fact that this club is one of those religious organisation where all the supporters & players are ‘holier than thou’. Their idea that players are role models sounds like a pathetic excuse for their highly judgemental behaviour.
There seem to be more & more of these ‘vigilante groups’ popping up here in Scotland all gaining the approval of Nicola Sturgeon.
@Hatuey 3.59 pam
I think you can relax. Barring some political earthquake (possible but hardly likely) there is zero prospect of Sturgeon or the current SNP delivering a referendum anytime, still less by the end of 2023. I disagree that another loss – however heartsick it would leave many of us – would truly be the end. That’s a huge hostage to fortune: only the Scots people decide when and how often we get to exercise our self determination, or how that is done. Any self respecting people which can’t assert and enforce that simple truth isn’t ready for independence and probably doesn’t deserve it either.
Pace the Kenny MacAskill article referred to by RoS at 3.41 pm, I’m afraid the SNP isn’t the Parti Quebecois, nor is Imelda McSelfie of the same stuff as Jacques Parizeau. Our problem is that unless and until the puss filled boil of Sturgeonism is lanced, the independence movement is still wedded to the Gold Standard S30 sanctioned indyref route. the only way to change that is for rank and file SNP members to politically defenestrate the FM and her hingers-on, or for Alba to hold the balance of power in a future Holyrood parliament and force the devolutionist SNP to get real. Ah hae ma doots on that!
I agree WRT to your summation about who is going to canvass and campaign. I’d find it impossible to work shoulder to shoulder with folk in the SNP and Greens who are fully paid up Sturgeon loyalists, “TWAW and no debate” types, but I don’t think that’d be necessary because I don’t see any future indyref being a re-run of #indyref1. The spirit of the 2012-14 Yes campaign has been diminishing for a while, but the SNP have conspired to drive a stake through its heart.
Nonetheless, there isn’t going to be a referendum as Rev Stu keeps reminding us, so we can cease to worry about it and plan for something else. I’m for the plebiscitary election route personally: I’m unconvinced the quasi Quebecois consultative referendum route is feasible, but even if it was Imelda is as likely to deliver that as she is to turn up to her next news conference with an SNP tote bag containing £600K in cash for #indyref2.
Do not look at the international 1707 treaty of the union, Scots people.
Do not read the articles of the International 1707 treaty of the union Scots people.
Do not hold it in any kind of esteem Scots people
Do not read them out of order or in order Scots people.
Do not read article15) first as 1) first as this is binding, Scots people.
Do not read the International treaty of the union at all Scots people
To mention It is a brain fart.
Or is it?
What worries those that says this International 1707 treaty of the union should not be looked at or followed?
What worries those that deflect us away from the historical International 1707 treaty of the union?
Why do they ( wish for us not ) to go over the binding small details as if they were crooked solicitors?
Why do they want the Scots to ignore the very thing that binds the Scotland to England.?
What are we missing that the same section of people discourage closer inspection of the small print?
This has roused curiosity further.
“ Andy Ellis says 0421 pm “ plebiscitary election is the route” entirely agree . How straightforward could this be? Sturgeon sets a deadline for Bojo to “ agree” to a referendum by a certain date , failing which she would resign her government and go down this route .However, she has previously cleared demonstrated that she has not got “ the guts” to CONFRONT this vile WESTMINSTER government .
@North chiel 5.16pm
Well indeed….devolutionists gonna devolutionise I reckon?
The fly in the ointment is Imelda McSelfie and her coterie. The SNP is (for better or worse) totally in hock to the FM’s cabal which appears to be composed of an unholy alliance of grey suited, managerial neo-lib devolusionists still punting the centre-right Andrew Wilson Growth Commission damp squib, and candy floss haired misogynistic cadres of the mens rights movement waving their TWAW banners and calling for Joanna cherry to be burned at the stake.
The SNP are happy in their devolutionary cul-de-sac, frantically pretending there IS an exit. It a trivial choice in their view between semi-permanent access to the fruits of Holyrood and Westminster sinecures or betting the farm on plebiscitary elections and confrontation with the British nationalist establishment.
Link to live coverage of Ambassador Bridge blockade:
James Che. @ 4:54 pm
“Why do they want the Scots to ignore the very thing that binds the Scotland to England.?”
Indeed, and that would also be the very same Treaty of Union which is the only thing that has protected the status and privileges of the Scottish Justiciary over the past 300+ years. If the Treaty has no status then neither do they.