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Wings Over Scotland

An Embarrassment Of Riches

Posted on April 27, 2024 by
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It appears that he has a new nickname.
“Broken Arrow”

Because he can’t be fired.

James Alexander

Fricken hilarious cartoon, thanks!

Just as well he doesn’t have to worry about organising a piss-up in a brewery for them all.


Headless chicken, WHITE!

socrates macsporran

What we really need is for Bugs Bunny to appear on an SNP PPB to say: “That’s all folks.”

Frank Gillougley

It’s funny – it has taken me this length of time to suss who Humza Yousaf is, prompted by this cartoon. In my previous life, i came across quite a few guys like him – prvately educated, had that looking down their nose air about them. His type are referred to as a ‘dick swinger’! That’s it! All cojones and fuck all else. 100% accurate description to a T. – Dick swinger.


Ha,ha! Chocolate teapot, lame duck, dodo. I’m not getting the futret in a car tho?


An absolute belter Chris and very clever which gave me a good Saturday chortle. On the bird theme ,perhaps the goose who is cooked is behind the door having his audition.?


Too many individuals events to choose from to satirise so settling on the general theme.


I did not even know a Reverse Ferret was a thing!


Spoilt for choice this week, Chris. It really is embarrassing.

Maybe the ferret’s spotted the puppet master lurking in the shadows.


So was any reason given for the second emergency cabinet meeting. Nothing seems to have happened so what was the meeting about.

I don’t see Yousless being in Ash Regan’s pocket. I don’t think his ego would allow it.

I found Yousless very condescending and patronizing in those debates with her. Spoke down to her IMHO.

Is Yousless just going to ditch all the woke poison over night and ditch Sturgeon’s ‘legacy’. If he had a brain he would.

I just can’t see this working. I guess we will find out in due course.

Craig P

Took me a while to realise the ferret was reversing 🙂


*Ferret reversing*
*Ferret reversing*

Linda McFarlane

Absolutely Fabulous Chris.


The only reason for propping up Yousless would be if you wanted to feed him more rope to better hang himself.

Then after the UK GE is over he will likely be so hated it will be a more effective massacre.

But what if Ash Regan & ALBA do succeed in moderating this mental SNPG?

That is just going to make them less unpopular and more likely to cling on to power especially given the appalling alternative choices on offer in Scotland. You are helping them by curbing their lunacy.

And for what purpose, you are never going to ‘cure’ them. And again they utterly hate ALBA and AS with a purple passion.

I don’t consider this SNPG a nationalist government. They are simply not and have not been since 2014. Taking them down is like taking down any other unionist government, who gives a f**k.

If the boot was on the other foot they would crush ALBA like an insect. FFS they conspired to send AS to jail…


Very clever.

Especially the unseen jaiket on a shoogly mail on the other side of the door.


Sigh. I don’t like to kick a man when he’s down. And boy is he down. He should never have gone for FM in the first place. His ego pushed him on I suppose. I don’t blame him entirely for the current mess. Much of the blame should go to those who set him up for the fall. Those who convinced him that he had what it takes when it was painfully apparent that he wasn’t up to the job. And those despicable characters are still in place, my friends. Hiding in the shadows.

F Difano

Yousless Chocolate Teapot – brilliant!

Tinto Chiel

socrates macsporran: “What we really need is for Bugs Bunny to appear on an SNP PPB to say: “That’s all folks.””

Yea, verily, preceded by his famous, “What a maroon!”


Craig Murray was on the previous comments imploring us to ‘Think!”

Well I am certainly not a mega-brainbox like Craig that is true. I just can’t see the ‘path’ here and where they intend going. If he can explain it I am all ears. If everything went according to plan what does he and Alex envisage happening? Short, medium and long term.

All I know is that we have to cull the current crop of SNP MPs & MSPs. And it is going to be ugly.

Fixing the SNP from within would IMHO take at least one year for every year that Sturgeon wrecked it. So ten years at least. And even then there is no guarantee you could save it, just look at Labour now, Starmer…

I am a simple man, I just think we should burn this abomination of a Sturgeon SNP to the ground at the ballot box and start again. It does not matter if it is not ALBA. Something will manifest and take its place.

We really should not be sentimental about nor attached to the political vehicle we use. They are going to be infiltrated. So shedding our political skin every now and then is a good practice.

I can understand if it is the optics that is the problem. ALBA certainly don’t want to present themselves as the reason the SNPG collapses. Because for sure they will blame ALBA and Ash Regan in particular if that is what happens in the VONC. Hopefully others make it so she is not ‘the one’ who brings them down (if it happens).


Luigi, they’re called ‘the American government.’


This proven LIAR is pretending he and Britnats at Westminster are not slightly worried about the current melee at Holyrood, but I say they are worried it leads to something.

However, a concession on holding an indyref, to see if we can hold an indyref? WTF.

“A FORMER Scottish secretary has warned Humza Yousaf against backing Ash Regan’s indyref2 bill – saying it risks a repeat of Westminster-vetoed transgender law reforms.

LibDem MP Alistair Carmichael (below), who served as Scottish secretary during the independence referendum, said the Alba MSP’s Referendum Bill – one of her key demands to the First Minister in exchange for her support in a confidence vote – was a dead-end.

But Alba have hit back, saying the bill had the legal backing of a top KC and said it would “move the independence movement forward”.

Regan has offered her support for the First Minister if he backs her Referendum Bill, which has stalled despite the pro-independence majority of MSPs in the Scottish Parliament.

It would legislate to allow the Scottish Government to hold a referendum on whether Scots believed Holyrood should have the power to hold indyref2; in effect, a referendum on a referendum.”


Scotland, the idea, the historic entity does merit better than this exercise in arithmetic by a collection of self serving, anal retentives, but who elected these types?
Crisis of democracy? Scotland, welcome to the global club of «what the fuck».
Davos Man, sorry Davos Nonbinaryborg to the rescue?


My view is keep it simple and destroy the Sturgeon SNP. (There is no escaping this.)

This will create a political void.

Either ALBA will fill it or SNP 2.0 or some other new independence party will. Nature abhors a vacuum.

But without creating the void first, where the Sturgeon SNP once was, nothing will fundamentally change.

We have to stop relying on individual parties and individual politicians. We have to throw ourselves into the abyss, the chaos. And learn to thrive in it.


Hahaha, I enjoyed that!


Is the marriage of convenience now over for the Judas? Or is it just a ruse to lessen the pressure, and we shall know you by the company you keep.

link to


“Humza Yousaf’s former leadership rival Kate Forbes has urged colleagues to back him in the upcoming votes of no confidence, as the First Minister fights for his political future.”

Forbes a (BAP ) member couldn’t contain her glee when Yousaf won the SNP leadership “contest” both Yousaf and Forbes are committed to the S30 route of begging a foreign country for permission to dissolve a treaty crafted in corruption hundreds of years ago where no ordinary citizen had a vote.

Yousaf himself has also been groomed by the US as a US State Department International Visitor Programme attendee to keep US interests high on the agenda in Scotland or at the very least relevant, both Yousaf and Forbes are not alone in this other Scottish MSPs and MPs have been indoctrinated.

There are several levels of we shall call it, loyalty, at Holyrood before any loyalty to the Scottish people is reached, which is the lowest level of loyalty, we have levels for the US, Westminster, and party/self-interest etc.


I used to be a fan of Salmond but how could anyone be a leader for so long and believe that Sturgeon or Humza was minister material or should have even been considered as an MSP?
The cancer in the SNP has always been there because it’s the same people who were ministers in Salmond’s government then Sturgeon and now Humza, these people have no plan or even a vision of what to do from yesterday today its that bad and its only going to get worse.
Even when you look at journalist interviewing these people, they ask immature question and then just except the reply as correct.
When I here barheadboy say Scotland has a great talent, show me because what I’ve seen the bar is pretty low.
How many Pro-Indy parties do we have and we’re not one step closer to a solution from any of these parties to the route to Independence.
After 2014 I had such hope for Scotland now I’m think what a F*cking mess we’d be in if we allowed the SNP or the Greens to run our country, Yesterday some channel was interviewing the general public who the ordinary man and woman on the street has no idea about politics and what it means to their ever day life or even what’s happening in our politics and that’s all down to how our media educates the general public. Well done for your work Wings and others.

I. Despair

Good selection of cartoon metaphors. I assume it was felt imdelicate to draw a giant arse, a massive tit, a big knob, a total fanny and a wee bawbag, all of which would be eligible for the audition too.


Ostrich with head in sand, erse in air..?


““A FORMER Scottish secretary has warned Humza Yousaf against backing Ash Regan’s indyref2 bill – saying it risks a repeat of Westminster-vetoed transgender law reforms”

M Carmichael should stop taking us all for fools. The situation is completely different and we should never allow an entity like Westminster to block this legislation.

Westminster was allowed to veto the transgender law reforms because those were to coexist while Scotland remains in this union and were incompatible with general UK legislation.

The Bill Ms Regan is proposing is to legislate for Scotland’s independence and to negotiate independence terms with the Kingdom of England. In other words, this is for a stage in the process where Scotland already has decided to end the union and is therefore no longer having to abide by its legislation, which will therefore become, as union legislation, obsolete.

What Mr Carmichael appears to be forgetting is that Westminster is not an entity superior to Scotland. Westminster is a byproduct of the Treaty of union and therefore subordinated to Scotland. This means it can only operate on behalf of Scotland for as long as Scotland allows it to. Scotland dictates to Westminster, not the other way round.

It most certainly it is not for a subordinate entity like Westminster to determine the conditions of Scotland’s independence or how Scotland legislates for its independence or how Scotland negotiates the division of common assets or who Scotland chooses to negotiate on its behalf.

Scotland is not the property of the Kingdom of England or the property of “Westminster”. Those are matters for the people of Scotland, and them only, to decide. It is also a matter for the people of Scotland to decide who or what revokes the treaty of union and negotiates the terms of independence on Scotland’s behalf.

Once Scotland has decided to become independent and is in a position to negotiate the separation terms and division of assets with its partner, which is the kingdom of England, by the way, not “Westminster”, then Westminster as the parliament of Great Britain, ceases to exsist and ceases to have legitimacy to continue acting or speaking on behalf of Scotland. It is of course up to England if it selects it as its representative during the negotiations.

It will not be “Westminster” as it exists now what Scotland has to negotiate with either. Scotland will have to negotiate with the representatives chosen by its partner in this union to negotiate on its behalf. Westminster is not Scotland’s partner in this union and, as parliament of Great Britain, it is as much Scotland’s as it is England’s. It is therefore the pinnacle of the absurd to even dare to claim that Scotland depends on its own subordinate to tell it when and how to sack the said subordinate which still demands to negotiate on behalf of Scotland despite having been sacked.

Once Scotland has chosen to become independent, Westminster, as the union parliament, becomes completely irrelevant.

Westminster or the crown for that matter, have no place and no legitimacy to block a piece of legislation that transcends the treaty of union. And we should never allow any crown mouthpiece like this one to usurp Scotland’s popular sovereignty and pretend they are in any position of legitimacy whatsoever to dictate on us what to do.

It is about time Scotland reasserted its sovereignty. If Mr Carmichael is so devout to WEstminster, he can stand for an English constituency when the time comes for Scotland to negotiate its independence and continue welded to the cesspit of Westminster for the rest of his career if he so wishes.

It has been in the hands of Scotland’s MPs to give Holyrood the power to call an independence referendum and negotiate the terms of Scotland’s independence since 1999. The only thing they had to do was to transfer the powers they hold to Holyrood. But instead of coming out and saying to the people of Scotland’s face that, despite working on Scotland’s behalf, they refuse to do so because they are far too keen on their salaries and their nice life in London, they hide like cowards behind “Westminster” blaming it all on “Westminster” when the accountability for it lands right on their own laps.

We know that Scotland’s sovereingty is not represented by England Mps, Mr Carmichael, so please stop making a fool of yourself. A lawyer like you should at the very least, and after all the years you have claimed to represent Scotland in “Westminster” have realised of that.

After MPs have failed for the last 9 years, and by their own choice to release Scotland from this toxic union despite Scotland sending 3 absolute majorities of anti-union MPs, what Ms Regan’s bill represents, at all practical effects, is a mechanism to overrule the resistance of Scotland’s MPs to implement the democratic mandate that the people of Scotland has given to end this union since 2015 and that our MPs have persistenly and continuously for the last 9 years, refused to deliver.

Scotland’s MPs, and their defiance to Scotland’s democratic will, represent a clear obstacle that needs to be bypassed. In my view, by forcing Scotland to remain in this union despite the clear majorities of anti-union MPs, also represents a violation of the claim of right. This bill may be just the very thing that finally bypasses the wankers.

Mr Carmichael stop taking us for fools. We all know the old Scottish Parliament lives on Scotland’s MPs. So stop hiding behind Westminster like a coward and speak for yourself and for the vested interest you have in preserving this union and, with it, your nice salary, concessions and generous pension.

Agent x

“Nicola Sturgeon pulls of out MP committee showdown following husband’s charge
The former First Minister has withdrawn from appearing before a parliamentary committee next week.
By Christian Calgie, Senior Political Correspondent
22:00, Mon, Apr 22, 2024 | UPDATED: 22:20, Mon, Apr 22, 2024
Yousaf says Sturgeon will campaign for SNP at general election

Nicola Sturgeon has pulled out of a forthcoming Commons committee appearance, just days after her husband was arrested and charged in connection to the embezzlement of SNP party funds.

The former First Minister was set to answer questions from the Scottish Affairs Committee a week today, however today it was announced the appearance has been pulled.

A statement by the MP committee said: “Nicola Sturgeon’s appearance in front of the Scottish Affairs Committee, originally planned for Monday, April 29, has been postponed due to a change in witness availability”.”

“Nicola Sturgeon was pictured at a glitzy awards ceremony on Friday night without her wedding ring – just days after her husband was arrested over SNP finances.

Despite the potential prosecution of her spouse, and the SNP falling apart in recent days, she seemed in good spirits as she arrived at the red carpet event. She was spotted partying with pals Val McDermid, Joanne Sharp, and Hannah Bardell at last night’s bash, which is part of Lesbian Visibility Week. ”


Nothing wrong with her then!
(copied from previous topic)


No tractor?


Loony Tunes auditions maybe but can whites apply.

You know what he’s like.


Outstanding Chris!

Note Taker

Great work. Would a broken clock on the wall be appropriate? Or would he actually have to have been right more than once ?? ?


Well said Mia, but there is a giant BUT, when talking about Ash Regans proposed new bill.

We don’t know what is in it.
The details have never been released.

We might like to imagine that it _could_ provide the magic key to unlock our sovereignty and freedom, but we must be realistic.

There is also a terrible danger in that path.

Scotlands very future hangs on this bill not only doing the right thing BUT ALSO not facilitating the possibility of a range of disastrous outcomes.

Now some might have implicit faith in Alec Salmonds ability to pull of the stunt.

BUT the danger remains.

Peter Bell has been trying to bring attention to the bear-trap-that-must-be-avoided:

“The game-changer” 4th Jan 2024

link to

please all read and understand:

“They must be stopped!” 27th Apr 2024

link to


27 April, 2024 at 9:37 am

Craig Murray was on the previous comments imploring us to ‘Think!”

Well I am certainly not a mega-brainbox like Craig that is true. I just can’t see the ‘path’ here and where they intend going…

I have one scenario, but even Eck the Gamblin’ Man would have to admit it’s a hail Mary long shot.

If, and it’s a monumentally huge if, the SNP could be trusted to withdraw all SNP Candidates for the next Election, and stand with all other Independentists behind the single issue Independence or Bust – Scotland United ticket, then the lines which divide us could be shelved for the greater good, 2013-14 style, and with the acrimony parked in a lay-by, the Claim of Right behind us, and SALVO at the top table, then we might have our plebiscite Election, where victory in whatever form it takes, augers in the end of the Union.

Give the people of Scotland a binary issue to vote on, Scottish independence, and both villify and ostracise any Me! Me! Me! Prima Dona Narcissists who deviate from the plan.

One last hurrah? Are you tempted? Craig Murray is correct. Think of the alternative. We could secure Independence much earlier than many suppose. Aye, then the white knuckle fun would really begin, because there’s a hell of a lot left undone.

Sadly, I fear it’s all academic. The SNP couldn’t / wouldn’t honour the bargain. Their saboteurs are still at large and running free. Who would take them down?

Mark Beggan

Sturgeon just can’t hide her contempt. Little hate bag.

Lorna Campbell

Brilliant Chris and also so apposite. Brightened up my day in a masochistic sort of way.

100%: saw Salmond in action. He was a leader and kept these people from overstepping the mark, but there were always devolutionists in the party who supported Swinney’s leadership, and their knives were always out for Salmond who stepped into his shoes. He made a huge error in allowing Sturgeon to take the FM’s role, though, or else she covered her tracks so well that he never suspected her duplicity until it was too late.

I think now, though, that ALBA is just following the SNP lead – which I can understand to a point because, on the face of it, without the SNP, the chances of independence become even slimmer even though they have done Sweet Fanny Adams in that direction for years now. I’m not convinced. I think the SNP has had its day and has to step back or be removed if in dependence is ever to be realized. They are a brake on independence and have been for nearly a decade. Their one and only hope is to change and clean their Augean Stables of the parasites and devolutionists. They have made a start with the Greens. Still lots more to do, though.


Scotland may need a frisky young bull to wreck the staid political chinashop.
Would anybody really miss the old crockery?

Alf Baird

aLurker @ 11:53 am

“we must be realistic”

Any vote in favour of independence in a national referendum organised by the Scottish Government would be precisely that – i.e. a vote in favour of independence.

Scots wad ken it, oor doun-hauder wad ken it, an the hale international community wad ken it tae.

Whither or no oor doun-hauder respected the decision o Scots tae end the UK Union is entirely anither maiter.


I think it would be more humiliating and more damaging if the SNP was in power when more news from the various investigations came through. When the SNP fall, I want them never to get back up, and I worry that if they get booted out now they will go into recovery mode.

That’s all guesswork, of course. What the SNP faces and is going through is uniquely bamboozling and it’s impossible to guess with confidence what will happen.

She torched everything, left us all with nothing. Today I hear she is partying in London… (that part figures)

Mark Beggan

Scottish politics is the place where loosers, malcontents,deviants and sociopaths act out their fantasies. It’s the place where the nations hopes and dreams are the currency for the playground bully.


“We might like to imagine that it _could_ provide the magic key to unlock our sovereignty and freedom, but we must be realistic”

I have my eyes wide open. It is crystal clear to me that, currently, Holyrood has two unacceptable constraints:

1. An pernicious lack of powers which is very much deliberate
2. a colonial straight jacket in the form of the Scotland Act.

For Holyrood to act as Scotland’s parliament rather than the charade it is now, we need to remove those two constraints.

a) Why does Holyrood have a pernicious lack of powers?

Holyrood has a pernicious lack of powers because our MP representatives in Westminster insist in hoarding those powers instead of handing them back.

b) where are those powers?
Let’s be clear. Scotland’s powers were not entrusted to England MPs or the crown. They were entrusted to Scotland’s own MPs. However, these, instead of doing what they were voted in to do which is to transfer those powers back to Scotland, insist, against Scotland’s will, in handing those powers over to England MPs and the crown.

It is not Westminster who is failing us. It is our own MPs.

Over the course of the last 9 years, the people of Scotland sent three very clear mandates to terminate the union by means of 3 absolute majorities of anti-union MPs.

In a parliamentary democracy as the UK claims to be, each and every one of those three absolute majorities should have been enough for our MPs to commence the transfer of Scotland’s powers from Scotland to Holyrood. It is fair to say then that the only reason why Scotland is still propping this union against its will is because those 59 MPs have refused to abide by Scotland’s democratic will and have instead insisted in using our anti-union votes to preserve the union and continue to hoard those powers.

From the 8th May 2015 until today, it has been in the power of Scotland’s 59 Mps to transfer to Holyrood Scotland’s powers in full, including the power to call a referendum, and which they currently hold. They chose not to, among other reasons, because that would mean for them to have to give up their nice salaries, the perks, the subsidised bars and of course the generous pension they are accruing.

c) Who hands those powers to the MPs?
We do, every time we cast a vote for one of them in a GE.

d) If those MPs refuse to abide by our democratic mandate to transfer Scotland’s powers back to Holyrood, what should we do?

We should:

1. bypass them, or
2. denying them the opportunity to exercise our powers.

e) How do we do this?

To bypass them:

1. We can do that by means of a Holyrood election where candidates stand on an ticket to transfer back all powers from Westminster to Holyrood. This is effectively voting for independence because it makes MPs redundant.

2. With a bill brought to Holyrood that empowers Holyrood to end the union and negotiate on Scotland’s behalf. But there is a caveat to this. For this bill to be effective, Holyrood has to ditch first the straight jacket that is the Scotland Act. In other words, such bill would be worthless for as long as MSPs insist in abiding by the Scotland Act which restricts the transfer of Scotland’s powers.

Denying MPs the option of exercising those powers

Effectively, we are transferring Scotland’s powers to our MPs with every GE. Those MPs take the powers to Westminster. So to stop the transfer of powers, we have to:

a. vote for a party which stands on an abstentionist ticket so the powers never reach Westminster

b. refuse to cast a vote for any of the MP candidates available and instead repurposing the vote to deny consent for the transfer of powers to Westminster. “End the union”, “not my parliament”, “none of the above”, “Revoke the Treaty of Union 1707” or the more explicit “I refuse consent for the transfer of Scotland’s powers to Westminster”, would do the job.

But if we refuse the transfer of powers to Westmintser, how do we transfer those powers to Holyrood?

In my opinion, this has to be through an election. We need candidates in the 2026 election and ever since until Scotland restores its statehood standing on a triple ticket. First ticket is so if such candidate is elected, the constituency gives consent to transfer ALL powers of that constituency back to Holyrood. This should make the counterpart seat in Westminster for that constituency redundant.

The second ticket is that election of such candidate means the constituency empowers them to revoke the Scotland Act.

The third ticket is that election of this candidate means the constituency empowers them to revoke the Treaty of Union.

Once the majority of the Holyrood seats are taken by candidates elected on such triple ticket and the Scotland Act is ditched, then the treaty of Union can be revoked by Holyrood and the union will be over. Holyrood can then start negotiations with whoever/whatever the Kingdom of England chooses to be represented with.

I am hoping Ms REgan’s bill could be a mechanism to move powers from the hands of MPs to Holyrood and I fully expect that bill to be paired with the unilateral revoking of the Scotland Act by Holyrood.

It is for the Scottish people and them only to decide who or what holds Scotland’s powers, who or what speaks on their behalf, who or what revokes the Treaty of Union on their behalf and who or what calls an referendum to determine if Scotland recovers its independent status, and who or what negotiates the conditions and division of assets with its partner, which is the kingdom of Scotland, not Westminster, nor the crown and most certainly nor the UK government.

I will be watching very carefully the wording of that bill and what it purports to bring to Scotland. I will not be fooled ever again by another useless political game or political posturing which seeks to continue frustrating independence by insisting in subordinating Scotland to England, its parliament, its government and its crown for the sake of preserving a political union and thanks to that political union the privileges England’s crown continue to help itself to over Scotland.


Chris, the perfect title for the perfect cartoon. Many thanks for the laugh, much needed at the moment [still].


@ Effijy: “Broken Arrow. He can’t be fired.”



Chris a masterpiece, Bravo

stuart mctavish

Karen, yesterday @8:04

The (shy?) rooster, stretching it’s legs on the left, made me think of Boris, no idea why

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    • Scot Finlayson on A short treatise on stalking: “The 2022 census found that of the 514,543 people residing in Edinburgh, 47.9% identified with a Scottish identity.Jan 21, 22:32
    • Insider on A short treatise on stalking: ““Salvo, as the campaigning group for, have formed a Scottish People’s Liberation Movement”. ? Is this a Monty Python…Jan 21, 22:31
  • A tall tale

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