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Wings Over Scotland

Here You Go Again

Posted on April 26, 2024 by

We’ll make this short, because we’ve had a long day. Wings is told by a very reliable source that there’s ANOTHER emergency Cabinet meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning, which at least means we get to use this image now.

So here’s the “exclusive” you’ll be getting from Paul Hutcheon seven hours from now.

For a variety of reasons, most of them obvious, the SNP’s MSPs cannot all be trusted to support Humza Yousaf in the vote of no confidence called by Douglas Ross today. So it won’t be happening, because Humza Yousaf is going to resign instead.

(Because Ross stupidly lodged a motion against Yousaf, rather than against the whole government, Yousaf’s resignation will cancel it.)

He MAY quit tomorrow, but in any event will definitely do so in the next few days before the vote can be held (we don’t think it can happen sooner than Tuesday under the Parliament’s rules).

John Swinney will stand in while the party elects a new leader, all but certain to be Neil Gray backed by Mairi McAllan, a slick Nicola Sturgeon protegé who’s been carefully and quietly groomed for power over the last decade.

Gray’s regarded as a safe and non-threatening pair of hands by the current ruling clique of the party, not bright enough to be dangerous. Yousaf’s replacement by him will be enough to placate the Greens’ thirst for revenge, because while they’re furious with him for kicking them out they REALLY don’t want to be in a situation where Ash Regan of Alba might hold any leverage over the SNP and force them to dump the “woke” policies, mostly around gender, that the Greens see as their legacy.

So the Greens will be satisfied with getting Yousaf’s head in a box, and will support Gray’s election as FM. The two parties’ relationship will be at least partly patched up and the current legislative programme will continue.

Kate Forbes will not fight for the leadership, for reasons we’re not going to disclose here. There will most likely be no contest at all, Gray will win unopposed. (Because nobody sensible actually really wants to inherit this binfire at this point in time.)

So there’ll be no change of direction for the SNP and no release from Sturgeon’s icy deathgrip, the threat of a confidence vote will largely disappear because the Greens will again protect the government, and an unscheduled election that the party simply cannot afford will be avoided. The SNP’s membership will be content because they’ll no longer be so obviously the plaything of the Greens. The administration will limp on for two more years and nobody, government or opposition, will lose their seat.

All of this COULD be wrong, of course. But we trust our sources, and we’ll all find out together in the morning, we guess. See you then.

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Fk sake man, you need to stop doing this, I need some non-excitable sleep! 😉


Sturgeonism to continue.


The men in Gray kilts

Andrew F

Never underestimate the conniving cynicism of ALL politicians and political parties.

They’d rather keep “business as usual” with the charade of being opposed to each other than risk any actual change.


Is he taking a couple of days to find some renewables he can sell off for a ‘consultancy position’?

Mark Beggan

Replaced by a cub scout.


So that’s what Liz Lloyd has been up to.


‘Jordan Linden, former member of the SNP and leader of North Lanarkshire Council until July 2022, appeared in private at Dundee Sheriff Court on Thursday to face a total of 17 charges’
Wel, well, well, is justice to be served?


Oh FFS! If there was any hope for change for the SNP, it has just evaporated with the news that Neil Gray will likely be installed as FM. A product of the most toxic branch in Scotland, Airdrie & Shotts, he gained his Westminster nomination through a clearly manipulated candidacy, where Craig Murray failed vetting, an opponent was thrown out on the evening of the first hustings for “paperwork” issues, and Gray was then endorsed by everyone involved in running the branch, From Alex Neil to the Convenor -against the electoral rules of the SNP. Not to mention the breaches of the Data Protection Act where members were emailed from a gmail addresss to bypass the three email candidate limit!
This was my first introduction to the dark world of Scott Martin and Iain McCann, and the reason why I left the SNP in the first place. It was the selection of Neil Gray which led to the term McMafia being coined, and he has slithered up the greasy pole with the assistance of some of the most unsavoury characters the SNP has ever seen. The only thing which will keep him in a job come the election is the fact he will be top of the list, as he is highly likely to lose Airdrie & Shotts, as is his replacement at Westminster, Anum Invisible. The rot continues.


Whoever takes over is going to be a Sturgeonite… it’s a party of Stugreonites.

All of them sit somewhere between two disgraceful poles; at one extreme, those who sat quietly and said nothing as Wetiko destroyed everything she touched; at the other those who actively helped her…

The timing of all this is highly suspicious.

Craig Murray

Just to confirm the details of Neil Gray’s stinkingly corrupt installation in Airdrie and Shotts given by Grendel above, which I followed very closely at the time.


Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.


Sic a parcel o’ rogues in a Nation. Time and time again.

Why plough the field at all, when we only turn over the same filth we bury?

Impeach Holyrood. Shut it all down, and reconvene a Scottish Convention of the Estates to lawfully represent the Community of the Realm.

In times of war, Martial law is imposed as the replacement of civilian government by military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes give way to military powers.

Is our predicament any less serious? Scotland doesn’t face a military threat, (though Westminster seems hellbent on creating one), but it is suffering a Constitutional Crisis which sees Scotland’s sovereign integrity repeatedly abused.

Impeach the Vichy Assembly which abuses it, and undermines our nation’s integrity by its very existence. Holyrood is Westminster’s device and control mechanism, and through it, Westminster orchestrates Scotland’s unlawful subjugation. Reject it. Expel the suppressant from our system.

Hand power to an Interim Convention of the Estates to steer Scotland through this existential constitutional emergency, and call for a democratic Scottish election which reflects and respects the constitutional sovereignty of the people. Man the defences.

Take what belongs to us from the thieving grasp of those trying to steal it.

Do you want Independence and sovereignty for Scotland, or is the woolly cardigan of institutionalised complacency too comfortable to give up?

If any of these rats in office wanted Scotland to be independent, we’d be standing as Scotland United with the next UK Election a plebiscite election on Independence. But no. These duplicitous bastards flee that prospect like cockroaches run away from the light.


Not sure about Mairi McAllan as I suspect she’s been playing “them”. Seems to have a brain.

James Che


With no one holding the Scottish crown, with it not being in the parliament of England, and the monarch never accepting it when they are offered it / presented .
And no parliamentary union with Englands parliament,

I am pretty sure Scotland has been a republic since 1707.

So do we play by our own rules or not concerning removing the devolved government,

Hatey McHateface

“The administration will limp on for two more years and nobody, government or opposition, will lose their seat”

I was swithering until I read that line. Yup, makes perfect sense.

Besides, it’s almost May, and most of them will have long since booked and paid for their summer break in the sun. Nobody is going to want to disrupt that.

They’ll have bought their own mobiles to take on holiday with them. Probably!


James Che

Our thristles flourish’d fresh and fair,
And bonie bloom’d our roses;
But Whigs cam like a frost in June,
An’ wither’d a’ our posies.

Our ancient crown’s fa’n in the dust –
Deil blin’ them wi’ the stoure o’t,
An’ write their names in his black beuk,
Wha gae the Whigs the power o’t!

from Awa’, Whigs, Awa’ by Robert Burns

He wis quite guid wi the wirds wis thon Rabbie


Seems to me there could never be a more important time for team sturgeon to keep their hands on the levers of power and influence. Anyone complicit in that ought to hang their heads in shame.

Ian McCubbin

Ah wouldnt have thought it would be Gray, Glynn or Forbes.
Guess the last two not woke enough !


James Che
Ignored says:
26 April, 2024 at 6:25 am

So do we play by our own rules or not concerning removing the devolved government…

A few years ago now, I wrote an article on Barrheadboy about Holyrood, and whether it was “fuelled” by Scottish Red Sovereignty, Westminster White Sovereignty, a mixed Pink Sovereignty, or a Raspberry Ripple type amalgamation.

Holyrood could have been any of them, because the truth was deliberately ambiguous, although it is my personal belief that only Scotland’s Red sovereignty is “sovereign”, and any shades of white or pink should be non-sovereign concessions similar to those which Nations agree, such as in treaties or EU style unions.

While that hasn’t technically changed, beginning under Sturgeons regime, at every possible occasion, Sturgeon’s SNP went out of it’s way to enshrine Holyrood’s subordination to the white sovereignty of Westminster, and through these unforced concessions and abdications, dangerous precedents have been set, which I believe have sealed the fate of Holyrood.

Holyrood answers to London, so Holyrood is a product of the Union, and should not survive Independence but be removed as part of the process.

I believe Alex Salmond understood the Red Sovereignty principle of Holyrood; that the covenant between sovereign voters and political delegates was the ultimate trump card, but until that trump card was played, he could manipulate the pink and white tapestry of Holyrood.

Sturgeon was a dunce by comparison, and undoubtedly the toast of Westminster on multiple occasions. Holyrood is whiter than ever. – A poetic irony given Humza’s diatribe.


I don’t think the Greens or Alba would have voted in a way that would force an election. They’d have abstained. Too many people with nice salaries to lose. So Humza’s scalp and some self defeating political theatre.

Unless they think they can swap Humza out earlier than the next election and block a likely Forbes bid. Bit risky. Humza is the gift that keeps on giving.


Yet again Burns captures a sentiment most likely shared by many who travel here:

Lord, send a rough-shod troop o’ Hell O’er a’ wad Scotland buy or sell, To grind them in the mire!

from ‘Election Ballad’ by Robert Burns

If he were alive today this might well be a comment Burns would make here in response to the Reverend’s. post.


Two more years of the Child Abuse Party to inflict their horrors on Scottish children.

If you are a member of the SNP at this point you are complicit in child abuse. It is as simple as that.

I am not calling them nationalists anymore as they have no interest in it and it besmirches the name. They are not nationalists they are nonces.

Flooding primary schools with perverts and deviant sexual content…

Ignoring the Cass Review…

It is not hyperbole. You are full bore child abusers. Shame on you.


I see this latest arsehole, who I had never heard of before reading this, is first class honours graduate of the politics department of the University of Stirling.

Well fair to say he is going to be another ultra woke tool, another ‘continuity candidate’.

The Child Abuse Party rolls on… gotta get them kids abused somehow.


Grendel and Craig Murray’s comments… FFS it never ends.

If we are not allowed an authentic political party without it being overrun by these Keir Starmer ‘characters’ then we are not living in a democracy.

Salmond, Corbyn… it is pretty obvious we are not allowed any leader that is not a complete sell-out.

That is is not democracy, not by a long way.


Saw a photo of McAllan a few days ago at the launch of that overdue, over-budget ferry. She was standing with five apprentices in the background. All female, of course. She’s just another tired, misandristic Sturgeonista. The ex-FM had a lot of young, vapid attractive females under her. She certainly…made her manhating mark.

Gray just sounds like the usual vapid no-real-life-experience middle class shite that comprises the rest of Holyrood. Spectral, anonymous…easily manipulated. He’s got four kids. Makes a change for Holyrood these days.


I would like to say i’m sitting here strumming my fingers on the table in anticipation of some great news but i’m past caring. Sick to the back teeth of this self-serving clown-fest that is Sturgeon’s Nonce Party. Sturgeon & Murrell should never be forgiven for what they’ve done to a movement on the brink of taking back Scotland’s right of self-determination.

James Che

Realm = A political unit, A Country, A Territory.

Kingdom = Ruled by a Monarch, A Monarch can hold tenure of land, A vassal of Country or Territory under a Monarch as head of State

What is Scotland if it has no Crown or monarch in use?

Secure in the knowledge that the Crown and Monarchs of Scotland have been “continuously redundant” for well over 300 years,
And that the above aforementioned does not sit in the Country of England nor their parliament of Westminster either, (see) English parliament acts, the “Bill of Rights, and the “Act of Settlement”.

So…….the Crown of England is imposing and over- reaching its laws of England ( including it devolved government) into the “independent territory “The Republic of Scotland” since 1707 and stealing its resources, land or sea that actually has belonged to the territory and Republic of Scotland since 1707.

To remove Englands devolved governance from Scotland may not be so difficult. If staying with the argument that the both of those acts of the old English parliament that have been continuous in Force since 1707 to present day.
Releasing Scotland of the hoax bondage of the treaty of Union from Scotland,

[Uk parliament state those “two Acts” 1689 & 1701 are part of Englands Constitution within the Westminster parliament of Great-Britain]

And then Scotland can re-instates a Scottish people parliament under its the “Claim of Right”, there would be no shared national debt


What happens when three anarchic middle-aged Australian punks visit East Ayrshire? Less chaos than is happening in Holyrood at the moment.

link to

stuart mctavish

Didn’t think he’d break the Hutchie old school ties before they’d had the chance to prosper tbh but if that’s the way he’s keen to play it..

Why not rip up the treaty then give the leadership back to Nicola Sturgeon – so she can sack English lady that charged her husband, and no longer bottle what would then become the defacto confirmation ref


Ruby Tuesday

26 April, 2024 at 7:27 am

The Child Abuse Party rolls on… gotta get them kids abused somehow.

link to

Voyeurs videoed 5,000 teenagers in swimming pool changing rooms

These guys used concealed cameras but if they had identified as a woman they could have filmed women & children quite freely in a women’s changing room on their mobile phone.

link to

Edinburgh pensioner who spied on a woman in a McDonald’s toilet placed on Sex Offenders Register

This one climbed up and peered over the top of the cubicle.

Keep men out of women’s spaces.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Another Ex BritNat Brainwashing Corporation employee!

Assuming he’s as compromised as the other 2?

The Airdrie Shotts selection shenanigans may be a mill stone round his neck like public perception of Humza anointment as continuity candidate / Sturgeon puppet if it was more common knowledge.


Meet the new boss…
Same as the old boss…
We don’t get fooled again, no no!

Indy for Scotland!
SNP Out!


Oh Lord, please have the Unionists abolish Holyrood!
The overdue Great Reset of Scottish nationalism might then be made.
Enough of the adults in diapers cosplay.

Ian McCubbin

Oops my last comment should read wouldn’t have thought Gray, but Flynn or Forbes.
At least have been correct in that Useless won’t last the year.
Well investigated Stu.
We do need a reset at Holyrood now and true Independistas to take over.


Can you explain Sturgeons grip on power. She has no position gas lost credibility and headed to court shortly. Where is ger power.

I see Liz Lloyd starting to reappear where does a hired helper get their power.


Can we substitute the word sturgeon for Whitehall.


Where was Airwolf when we needed it.


Love the photo of Humza’s Junta.

Sadly will only be replaced by another of the current corrupt continuity cabinet cabal.

Andy Anderson

Neil who?
I bet a huge percentage of the population has never heard the name before.
A sad day if this turns out to keep the status quo in the SNP. We need rid of the perverse elements there that are from my view point committing abuse of children and denying science.

Steven Lannigan

From a Tory point of view they want to have a capable SNP leader in power, because this will stop the SNP losing votes to Labour – who are the Tories main threat at Westminster.

So getting rid of the FM and not the Government is not a fluff by Douglas Ross, but a calculated tactic at the bigger picture.

The more seats the SNP have in Scotland the less seats Labour will have and the more chance the Tories will have of retaining power.

The SNP and the Tories have always held Labour as their true enemy – regardless of what they may say in public.


Commented re Màiri MacAllan on here last week.
Pretty, malleable, meteoric rise, Sturgeon groomed, little life experience outside politics. Always looks well-behaved and will do what she’s told. Think she’s pregnant so maternity leave calling.

Ian Smith

Ignored says:
26 April, 2024 at 8:37 am
Can you explain Sturgeons grip on power. She has no position gas lost credibility and headed to court shortly. Where is ger power.

It must finally be running out. Nobody seemed to go to her for any comment about her agreement being ditched, unless it is just her black burning shame that has kept her incomunicado.

The recent remergence of Liz Lloyd is a bit strange, even sinister, thought he obviously always held good media contacts.

James Che


Many people have yet to realise what the Bill of Rights and the Act of Settlement passed by the parliament of England (back then) , actually does legally to the parliament of England, and therefore the Parliament of Great- Britain plus the parliament of the United kingdom,

The English parliament “bill of Rights” 1689, make the Westminster parliament Sovereign in England, as the Crown Sovereignty now reside in Westminster. The monarch in England is a figure head,

The Act of Settlement 1701, agrees on the line of succession to that crown and thus the monarch to be that of Englands.

Making all monarchs thereafter not monarchs of two kingdoms that had previously been Shared, but now just the monarch of England, By the line of succession and religion,

Westminster parliament of England – Great- Britain – UK claims it gains its Sovereignty from the Crown of England,

These two respective Acts did not unite with the Crown of Scotland to the line of succession to England the throne England.
In fact the opposite, it eliminated Scotland , its monarchs and its Crowns of Scotland having any Claim to the throne of England,

These two Acts 1689 and 1701 of the parliament England , that are still in force today as part of the Constitution of England are were Westminster parliament by the bill of Rights, is the source of Westminster parliament claim to gain its Sovereignty from,

Due to these two acts and the source that Westminster gains it sovereignty from, being the Crown of England,
Westminster is the parliament of England. Regardless of the 1707 hoax,
Because Queen Anne had become the Queen of England.

If any of the Monarchs of England thereafter had sat under or were to have been Coronated with the Crown of Scotland, Englands Sovereignty would not be Sovereign, but shared with the Crown and monarchs of Scotland once again,

To this day the monarchs are always coronated in England under their Crown,
Later on they run up to Scotland and take a peek at the crown of Scotland but never ever put themselves under the Crown of Scotland.

The Crown of England and the parliament of England run Great- Britain Westminster parliament at present.

The 1707 hoax is that the two parliaments were not united and the two crown kingdoms are not united.


Ignored says:
26 April, 2024 at 8:42 am
Can we substitute the word sturgeon for Whitehall…

Well, technically Sooty was really Harry Corbett all the time… but Sooty went down better with the impressionable youngsters.

Besides, I have far better words for what Sturgeon was, but I’m too scared of Rev’s Stu’s profanity filter to share them.


“John Swinney will stand in while the party elects a new leader”

It sounds like groundhog day, doesn’t it?

Is it known who is actually making these decisions, in other words, who is actually controlling the party? Is the actual control of the party happening from Scotland, from London or from Washington?

Swinney is neither the deputy leader of the SNP nor the deputy FM nor he is in the cabinet. He is now a backbencher. What could possibly be the excuse this time to catapult Mr Black Pen back to power again, other than to ensure the “redacted” remains redacted and the lid remains firmly on?

As for Gray and McAllan, again, who made the decision of parachuting these two nobodies to the post?

I am beginning to wonder if this plan has been cooking for a while and the catapulting of Gray to the post of Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care in which he has not even been for 3 months yet, was calculated and part of a strategy. Was this appointment just a stepping stone to the big job.

Since when it has been known that Yousaf was going to resign?

Was the exposure of Matheson deliberate to make an opening for Gray from where he could easily be catapulted to the post of FM?

Was the exposure of Derek MacKay also part of a strategy to make an opening for Forbes from where she could be catapulted to the post of FM if needed? Forbes supports devolutionism, freeports and also belongs to the S30 school of “thought”, so it is a “safe pair of hands” from the perspective of the BE. Vivian Oblivion has exposed here her links to USA as well.

On what merits was Gilruth, other than being selected by the USA state department as a potential leader, catapulted to the cabinet?

We also know that Yousaf was identified as another potential leader by the Americans.

So this brings us to the question: How many back-up plants have the British/American deep states hoovering around Scotland’s ministerial posts right now, each of them ready to take over from the previous to keep the party permanently in anti-independence mode?

Are we already at the stage where there is either a plant or a brain-vacuum in each and every single ministerial position in Scotland right now?

Isn’t that the clearest sign yet of what constitutes enforced regime change?

Captain Caveman

BBC: “Yousaf ‘absolutely not’ considering his position”

Tuttle-bye then. The SNP car crash continues, top class entertainment even by their standards. Would love to be a fly on the wall …


James Che
Ignored says:
26 April, 2024 at 9:08 am

The Act of Settlement 1701, agrees on the line of succession to that crown and thus the monarch to be that of Englands.

A Convention of the Estates, or Auld Scottish Parliament for the want of better description, brought in the 1704 Act of Security aiming to preserve Scotland’s sovereign capacity to choose its monarch. The very same power, the Claim of Right used to depose James VII in 1689 must surely have been in the front of everybody’s mind.

The 1704 Act was explicitly deemed extinguished after the Treaty of Union, but as ever, repealing Scottish Constitutional law was ultra vires for Westminster’s Parliament, which was itself subordinate to the King, who was in turn, subordinate to the people in Scotland.

Graf Midgehunter

Let’s be honest about it, the SNP is a stinking bog of corruption.

The HE in two years time is too far away but the GE later this year is a golden opportunity to stop them in their tracks.
That what keeps the SNP going, is MONEY. Short money from Westminster.

No votes for any SNP candidate, incl. the supposed “Goodies” like J. Cherry.

No MPs, no money. No members, no subs. No money, no SNP.

Peter Benson

You keep saying that Ross is stupid, but on the contrary he seems to have played his hand well. He does not want an immediate election but he does want to make the SNP unelectable. This is entirely the right move.

Vivian O’Blivion

Good ol’ fashioned North Lanarkshire backroom bribery, corruption and patronage. Makes a change from Leadership selection by MI5 and Foggy Bottom I suppose.

Spartan 117

Will gladly see this bungling racist binned, however by the looks of it he will be replaced by yet another groomed lame-duck Sturgeonite. They’ve made themselves unelectable, just like the bungling WM Tories.

DRoss has played a blinder.


John Swinney…The Man from the Ministry.

Funny how he’s stayed the course and been loitering in the background for so long, seemingly unsullied by all that goes on around him.

Ever heard of Keyser Söze?


I am guessing Kate Forbes is up the duff. But what about that guy Stephen Flynn. How did it suddenly jump to this never heard of guy… very suspicious. I suspect they decided Yousaf was too stupid. So chances are this transplant will not be as incompetent as Yousless.

I also think Douglas Ross knew exactly what he was doing wording it against Yousless and not the SNPG.

It is like they are working together…


It’s back on again. Labour are going to table a vote of no confidence against the government.


I was really hoping for Forbes to step in and bring some sanity back. I wonder if she’s holding off on a leadership bid until after an election.


“Yousaf ‘absolutely not’ considering his position”

And he is probably being honest. He is not considering his position because he does not have to. Somebody else (his handlers either in London or Washington) will do that job for him and will tell him exactly when to stand down and what vacuous whitewash to regurgitate then. I think it has been established that Yousaf is just a puppet.

“DRoss has played a blinder”

DRoss is another puppet doing as he is told. A VoNC on the FM changes nothing because we can already see a queue of puppets in ministerial positions waiting for the signal to take over.

What DRoss did was just political posturing. DRoss handlers are clearly happy with the caliber of SNP puppets.

However, on doing this, DRoss has exposed another little bit of what is going behind the scenes. And it ain’t pretty.

If Yousaf is told to resign, it will be because they do not want Ms Regan anywhere near the levers of power nor fulfilment of any of her demands. That is as clear as day.

It is also my opinion that this is why they had Forbes running for the leadership, so she could divide the fundamentalist pro-independence vote and help the powers that stop Ms REagan getting the top job. In my opinion, Forbes is another puppet. What pro-independence, seemingly intelligent, minister keeps doubling down on the debunked S30 route after being proved for 10 years now that it is a dead end? What nationalist would ever support the sale of chunks of Scotland in the form of freeports?

These moves are, overall, another hint at how utterly compromised the SNP is, how much the establishment still fears Mr Salmond, how much of a pro-union entity the SNP has become, and how much Scotland is being run as a one-party colony by a collusion of external entities.

If Yousaf resigns before the VoNC is held, I think Ms Regan should vote against the next puppet they install as FM and bring the whole charade down. Let’s see then which would be the designated puppet in Labour, Greens, Cole-Hamilton’s Beth fanbase party, or Tories to replace her no vote with either a yes vote or a couple of “abstentions”. She can then keep raising one VoNC on the Scottish Government after another until an election is called.

Re Liz Lloyd
this rather strange character keeps popping up to the surface every time there is a risk Alba may be getting a bit too close to power and there is a risk the suppressed information on Mr Salmond’s fake criminal case may become un-suppressed. Odd, isn’t it? I wonder how long her strings are and if they stretch only to London or they go all the way to Washington.

Mark Beggan

Humza has to speak with the Muslim council before he speaks to the nation.

Agent x

“The Scottish Labour leader has confirmed his party will table a vote of no confidence vote against the Scottish government.

Speaking to LBC, Anas Sarwar said: “I think it would be completely untenable for the SNP to presume they can impose another unelected first minister on Scotland and that is why Scottish Labour has said already we don’t have confidence in Humza Yousaf.

“But, today we will also be laying a motion before parliament saying the Scottish parliament does not have confidence in this Scottish government.”

He added it should be up to the “people of Scotland” to decide who leads the country, rather than a “small group of SNP members.””


Interesting. Is Labour trying to save both the FM and the SNP, by calling a vote of no confidence against the government, before the one against the FM takes place?


At this rate Prism’s going to need to be 4 hours long with drinks and popcorn breaks.


According to Herald, Labour in Scotland are triggering a VONC in Scotgov so a lot more drama to come ans likely a SE too!


I am liking the way this is going now…

Alf Baird

Mia @ 9:09 am

“who is actually controlling the party? Is the actual control of the party happening from Scotland, from London or from Washington?”

Yes, I think we have to recognise that Scotland has aye been a ‘strategic’ colony run by and for the Anglo global corporate elites. Our oppressors need to be able to do as they please with our territory – militarily, economically, politically and culturally.

Whenever ‘colonialism is imperiled’ due to the rise of an independence movement we will witness the descent into what looks increasingly like a corrupt Central American dictatorship, the money supplied by and puppet strings pulled in imperial capitals elsewhere, ‘confidential agents’ put into position. The media taking a key role in the ongoing political hoax, with divide and rule and manipulation of the people the tried and tested colonial procedures.

The biggest obstacle to liberation remains the peoples degree of understanding of their colonial reality, which remains ‘rudimentary’:

link to


Ash Regan has written to Humza this morning saying that “The opportunity to write a new chapter for Scotland is in our hands.” Independence for Scotland, protecting women’s and children’s dignity, safety and rights, and providing competent government are her priorities. “My door is open to discussing progress of my Scottish Parliament Powers Referendum Bill.”

Will he listen and act accordingly?


Frankly the SNP is an utter independence party charade.

Who will replace Humza will not be the people or the members choice. The new leader will be chosen by the British establishment who deep operatives run the SNP.

It’s all part and parcel of the management of the colony. Democracy is an utter illusion. Corporate plundering and mass subjugation the reality.

And for a large part the donkeys bray, accepting of their lot.



Anas Sarwar says on that great Scottish (sarcasm) station:

“It should be up to the people of Scotland to decide who leads the country..”

That’s what we “ScotNats” have been saying for decades, nice of you to catch up, Sarwar. For decades you and all the other BritNats have been saying it’s better to have England’s population Lording it over Scotland. Hypocrite! And a wealthy one at that.


““The Scottish Labour leader has confirmed his party will table a vote of no confidence vote against the Scottish government”

Right. Popcorn time. Let’s see what the SNP puppets are really made of.

1. Will Yousaf find somewhere a backbone for hire to discuss, on his own accord, Ms Regan demands, or has he already been instructed to collapse the government to avoid it?

2. If Yousaf negotiates an agreement with Ms Regan, how long will it be until shite about him plasters the front pages forcing him to resign?

3. If Yousaf negotiates an agreement with Ms Regan, which puppets within the SNP MSP ranks will suddenly become ill the day of the vote so they will have to abstain or will throw a tantrum so they can collapse the government rather than getting Ms Regan anywhere near the levers of power?


“Leader of the SNP. White!”


Folks, are we being bamboozled yet again?

Be wary of unknowns or little knowns that suddenly appear from nowhere and land top positions of power. It’s a sure sign that they are puppets, placemen and women of no competence and generally incapable of independent thought. They do what they are told. Their handlers will think they still have everything under control. However, worth remembering:

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft a-gley”

There are still a few painful twists and turns ahead for the powers that be. An establishment can of worms, methinks.

Spartan 117

Occams razor time. Let’s cut through the keech here shall we.

The Snips are not secret Crown agents masquerading as Nats in some sort of Yoon Conthpirathy to derail the independence movement.

For starters, the British state is far too bungling incompetent, far too stupid, and far too wrapped up in its own shite (like CS and senior Mil protecting their own perks, Alphabet bollocks, Green shite, Tories arguing with each other whilst everything around them burns, a la SNP) to organise such an exercise.

Secondly, and more fundamentally, the SNP have, like any other party that wins power, have shifted their focus from their ideals to merely surviving in power; they don’t want independence, don’t want a better standard of living for you or I, don’t want anything other than to keep themselves in jobs and keep receiving their perks. Just another sponging leftist political party interested in its own and keeping its “representatives” well-paid and well-fed off the public teat. Just like Labour, the Tories, the Greens, the Libs, etc etc etc.

Flush ’em away.

Vivian O’Blivion

Mia @ 10:42
You will not need reminding that Liz Lloyd attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This institution has some kind of Anglophonic, cultural diaspora faculty.
In 2019, Kate Forbes delivered a series of paid lectures to this department.
To be fair, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is apparently not the CIA’s favourite North Carolinian recruiting University.


I’m out of my depth here but I venture to say that I think Mia might be right about Washington’s influence in the UK.

Although I suspect the Americans aren’t much interested in anything that goes on here beyond maintaining their strategic military presence on the edge of Europe.

If that is the case wouldn’t it be savvy of us Scots to let the Americans know that if they lend support to the cause of Scottish independence we would drop all objections to them having their submarine base at Faslane?

Because it really doesn’t matter where on our small island their submarine base is (I’m sure I read somewhere that it would take just four Satan missiles to obliterate the eastern seaboard of the States).

Whether the American base – because it is America’s, the UK government just pretends it’s Great Britain’s – is in Plymouth or Faslane would make little difference to the Scots in the event of a nuclear attack – the whole of the British Isles would be finished within weeks and it might even be better to get it over with quickly.

And there might even be some benefit to Scotland in terms of American dollars bolstering her economy. There might even be jobs for the Scots helping them maintain their base. Who knows?

I should add that I’m totally against the idea of maintaining America’s nuclear submarine base in Scotland – but I’m afraid Scotland might not have much in the way of choices when it comes to supping with the Devil. Though we might be able to choose which spoon we get to use if that’s any consolation.

Anyway, like I said, I’m completely out of my depth here and I’m just sharing a thought I had after reading Mia’s comments above. I’m not a political or military strategist and there are probably a whole bunch of variables I haven’t factored in to my simplistic view.

But I’m sure some smart folk on here who know about such things will put me right.

Robert of that Ilk

BBC just up:

Humza Yousaf is expected to set out the action he can take as leader of a minority government after ditching the SNP’s partnership with the Greens.

The BBC understands he will not be announcing his resignation.


“For starters, the British state is far too bungling incompetent, far too stupid, and far too wrapped up in its own shite (like CS and senior Mil protecting their own perks, Alphabet bollocks, Green shite, Tories arguing with each other whilst everything around them burns, a la SNP) to organise such an exercise”

And that might be why it is delegating that job on the US state department, which appears to be selecting candidates to become “potential leaders” among Scottish young politicians, then gives them the jolly of an all expenses paid training package in USA and, after that, they pop up in all sort of positions of power and influence despite being known by no-one and having no significant experience. In other words, it appears to be USA rather than the Scottish people what is deciding who governs Scotland and how. What kind of democracy is that?

For instance, how many of those working for or controlling the Smith Centre have been in some sort of jolly at the other side of the Atlantic?

How many of those in positions of power in Scotland and the UK are in fact working for American interests and, if they are, why aren’t they being prosecuted for tr son?

Has only Scotland been a victim of regime change since 2014 or has the entire UK been subjected to enforced regime change?

Who/What is governing us?

In what parallel universe is it acceptable in a democracy for the leader of a political party in one country to travel to join the electoral campaign for a candidate in another country like Dugdale did while leader of the labour branch in Scotland?

How it can possibly be acceptable to have Scottish politicians, including the FM openly interfering in another country’s electoral business by openly supporting a particular candidate in another country?

How much control over Scotland have the American democrats?

Talking of the Smith Centre, is it known who was the individual who got the position the rev was not even given feedback as to why he was not offered an interview despite fulfilling all requirements?

The website still has Dugdale as the Centre Director.


Same old, same old…look up the etymology for ‘realm’ FFS…


“the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is apparently not the CIA’s favourite North Carolinian recruiting University”

Sure. But Lloyd also went on a jolly to USA as part of “the International Visitor Leadership Program”, which was described by the Rev in his article “All the jolly boys and girls” as “an ongoing policy initiative of the US Department Of State in which “Scottish Opinion Leaders” – figures of influence (or potential influence, to very generously describe Dugdale’s case) are invited to spend some time over in the States “exchanging information” with the US government.”

This was in 2016. I do not think Lloyd’s profile at that time was high enough to be considered as “a Scottish opinion leader” or a “figure of influence”. The same applies to Gilruth, Clegg or Thomson. At least Dugdale was a Branch manager.

All this was before the Salmond case started. How many of those in that jolly trip played a direct or indirect part on it? Which immediately leads to the question: where was the attack on Mr Salmond orchestrated and who/what was the brains behind it?
Was it part of a strategy to force regime change?

Stuart MacKay


The State Department is a huge many-headed hydra. You can see that now with different factions on different sides of the “convtroversial actions of the Isreally government.

It’s the same situation with soft-power. They’re simply making sure that everyone has a favourable image of the USA. Americans really are nice people, well most of them. I lived there for a decade – QED.

The sinister part is the control by the Democrats. However, here it’s much worse. The politicians in Westminster and Holyrood want to emulate the Democrats. You see it with the adoption of woke policies by all parties. Starmer’s Labour Party is the greatest fan – it’s now a party of the middle class, lawyers and the City of London – it’s practically a carbon copy.

So it’s fanboy-ism that’s destroying politics and the country. The chihuahua really want to be just like the rottweiler.

Spartan 117

Mia – can’t say I disagree with any of what you have said there. Although I suspect its a “jobs for the boys (and girls)” scheme, however one can never rule out the influence of nefarious foreign influence. WEF for example, which has a similar affect on politics.

Everything in politics and the state is about Who You Know. It’s the reason why councils are stuffed with clueless non achievers, the Civil Service and MoD are rammed fu’ of Arnold Rimmer-esque nuckfuggets you wouldn’t trust with running a tuck shop, and professional politicians bereft of any world knowledge or experience – people like Patrick Harvie, Humza Yousaf and Rushi Sunak – end up in positions of power where all they cause is misery and wreckage via their bungling grifting.

Without Word Of Mouth and Mates Rates they’d be literally unemployable.

James Che


That is exactly the point that I am attempting to make, apparently not very well,

Everything the parliament of England has deemed Repealed, made obsolete, extinguished or spent of Scotland by the parliament of Westminster has no merit to it legally due to the following,

1) because the Crown of England is not United with the Crown of Scotland.

2) because the Crown of England resides in Westminster parliament,

3) because the it was the Monarch of England that put Scotlands parliament under Dissolution,

4) The Monarch that was once shared became the Monarch of England prior to 1707 treaty and could not authorise any part of the treaty of union on or for behalf of Scotland,

5) due to the line succession of the throne being to the kingdom of England only, the said monarch was no longer monarch of the kingdom of Scotland too.

6) Scotlands Crown and monarch have sat redundant and vacant for over three hundred years,
Thus, making the territory and Realm of Scotland a “Republic of Scotland”.

7) any Scot that enters or entered Westminster parliament in England instantly became or becomes a member of the parliament of England,

8 The Crown laws of of England and its parliament do not have any legal Standing or autonomy in the Republic of Scotland as a independent Country,

9) the two parliament did not unite,

10) The “Bill of rights” and the “Act of Settlement” by the parliament of England, severed the shared kingdoms, severed the English Monarch line of succession to its throne and kingdom from that Scottish monarch line of succession and its now Ex- kingdom,
and severed and failed to unite or join the two parliaments of Scotland and England, and continues to do so today because “both respective Acts of the parliament of England are still in force today as a crucial part of the Constitution of England, according to the UK parliament.

The entire 1707 treaty of union, especially the first Acts, rest on the fallacy that Scotland and Englands parliaments in future would be and have and have one united parliament of Great-Britain, and that the two separate Kingdoms of Scotland and England would be united as one kingdom, to be known as the united kingdoms.of Great Britain.

Neither came about, neither are united, the united kingdoms of Great- Britain is not true, it is fallacy.
Scotland is not a crown monarchy or territory.
And England does not except the present / offer or want be seen dead “under” the Scottish crown for fear of ceding all England Sovereignty of the parliament of England, and its Country to Scotland,

Once Scotland understands why the past and present monarchs are never crowned in Scotland or coronated in Scotland wearing the crown of Scotland for Scotland to visually see,

Then we are on the road to recognising Scotland is independent and has been since those, two Acts were passed in the parliament of England and retained as in force today,


Who leads Scotland?
Time now for the people to do the leading. The surrogates aka politicians do an exceedingly bad job. In that Scotland is, alas, far from unique.
Scotland might be the petrie dish for a new strain of accountable, representative democracy, a light, an enlightened beacon to a world in dire need of an existential reboot.
Fresh leaves on the trees, fresh thinking in the air?
Wake up and smell the freedom.

Alf Baird

Mia @ 11:54 am

“How many of those in positions of power in Scotland and the UK are in fact working for American interests and, if they are, why aren’t they being prosecuted for tr son?”

Certainly there is a prevailing pattern in so many young woke/progressive/S-30 and communication-coached ideologues with no real world experience and zero track record in the independence movement wheeled into positions of power, pushing through very contentious ideological legislation the majority of the population object to, and meanwhile dropping independence like a hot potato.

Yousaf’s (resignation) speech in 3 mins – lets see which GB-US political mouthpiece continuity clone is slotted into position next.

The Dissident

I really think folk need to calm down.

Why does anyone think the Labour motion will succeed? If the Tories wanted to vote for that motion they would have tabled it themselves.

The Tories don’t want a Holyrood election. Alba don’t want it. And, to be honest, I doubt Labour want one this side of a General Election either and are theatrically tabling a motion they know won’t succeed.

I reckon they are all playing games, trying to get Humza to jump because none of them have got the guts to push him.

Vivian O’Blivion

Mia @ 11:54
The John Smith Centre is indeed wan tae watch.
This week they announced Michael Gove as the Tory replacement for departing Col. Davidson.
Gove has for decades inhabited the shadowy, right-wing, trans-Atlantic network of think-tanks and policy groups such as the Henry Jackson Society. Gove’s recruitment reinforces already strong connections between the JSC and Foggy Bottom.
A numerated breakdown of the JSC’s sources of funding remains purposefully obscured.


The true power of a people rests in the hands of that people.

That mass of humanity which graciously lends its power to those raised up in their name and who are charged to serve them.

I’m going Scots here because…well, because I find the Scots leid has an emotive power far greater than thon dog’s breakfast o’ a language cawd English, useful as it might be.

An whin the servants o’ the people ryse in ther ain heids ower ther maister thae shuid hiv ther ain putrid self- glorification rubbed tae ther noses an the pouer thit wis temporarie gied thaim taiken back aff thaim.

An if thaim mente tae serve the people abusit egregiously the gift o’ pouer gied thaim in guid faith bi ther maister thae shuid hiv severe puinishment browch doun upo thaim sae thae wha wid glorify thaimsels agin ower the people wid forthink twice afore tryin’.

stuart mctavish

Northcode @11:47

Not an expert either but this might be of interest:

link to

Appears the blast radius increases on logarithmic scale so light damage would be expected up to 6 miles from impact of a 100KT bomb and 12 miles from a 1MT explosion.

Apparently the biggest is the B83 with a yield of 1.2 Megatonnes so, at about 2000 miles in length, there ought to be about 1950 miles of undamaged coastline after 4 such explosions.

Not sure what effect the radiation fall out or a potential tidal wave might have but, if correct, it kinda puts oil spills, bridge busting container vessel accidents, forrest fires and 1 in 100 year hurricane damage into a whole different perspective.


stuart mctavish

Thanks for the info, Stuart, sobering stuff. As I said, I don’t know much about this kind of thing so my thoughts on Faslane might be complete nonsense.

The breadth and depth of knowledge folk btl have on all manner of subjects is impressive. Much appreciated.


Can an election be brought about by a 2/3 majority vote in Parliament (without going through all the voting for a new First Minister nonsense)?

If so, Useless has the prefect opportunity to call the Labour branch office’s bluff; Sarwar says that “it is for the people of Scotland to decide who is First Minister…” – indeed, so let’s go straight for an election.

Of course, that would mean Useless not being a fearty, incompetent, Sturgeon puppet, with zero interest in the restoration of our country’s Independence…

Charles (not the R one)

26 April, 2024 at 12:28 pm

Scotland might be the petri dish for a new strain of accountable, representative democracy, a light, an enlightened beacon to a world in dire need of an existential reboot.

Fresh leaves on the trees, fresh thinking in the air?
Wake up and smell the freedom.


Brilliant satire!

Whatever happy-pills Turabdin is taking, I want some too!

Charles (not the R one)

Brilliant satire!

Whatever happy-pills Turabdin is taking, I want some too!

And there could be more!!

Just imagine if every MSP and (so-called) ‘civil servant had to swallow a couple of Turabdin’s happy-Pills before being allowed inside!!

Let’s face it – it could hardly make things worse than they are now. But, look on the bright side – the rest of the world is getting a good laugh out of it, so it’s not all bad.

David Hannah

Humza’s Saturday girl for next first minister. And she’s preggers. Of course she is. With the SNP messiah!

I wonder if Humza will be at the birth?

Couldn’t think of anything worse than Mhairi McCallan.

David Hannah

Sturgeon the serpent. I despise that woman. I will celebrate with joy the day she dies and is on her way to hell to meet her friends. Adolf Hitler, vladamir Putin and Maggie Thatcher! That day. Will be a glorious day for Nothern Britain.

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